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1.(1分)﹣Did you enjoy ________ party last night?

﹣Yes.We had ________great time.()

A.a;a B.the;a C./;the D.the;/

2.(1分)Miss Lin teaches ______ English this term and English is ____ favorite subject.()

A.us;my B.our;mine

C.ourselves;me D.we;our

3.(1分)We saw some ________ on the farm yesterday.()

A.cow B.horse C.sheep D.chicken

4.(1分)More than two ________ years ago,people knew little about the space.()

A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of

5.(1分)My mom didn't go to bed ________ I finished my homework.()A.if B.as soon as C.while D.until

6.(1分)Our city ________ a lot in the past few years.()

A.will change B.has changed C.changed D.changes

7.(1分)After walking for hours,they arrived ____ the top of the mountain ___ a cold winter afternoon.()

A.at;on B.on;of C.at;in D.at;at

8.(1分)Computers are much ________ than before.Why don't you buy a new one?()

A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest

9.(1分)There ________ a book and two red pens on the desk.They are Miss Lin's.()

A.has B.have C.is D.are

10.(1分)John ________his coat and went out.It was cold outside.()A.put out B.put off C.put up D.put on

11.(1分)When she ________ her bike,she fell off.()

A.rode B.was riding C.would ride D.is riding

12.(1分)﹣Whose book is this?

﹣It ________ be Mary's.Look! There is her name on it.()

A.may B.can C.might D.must

13.(1分)________ interesting news it is!()

A.How B.What C.How an D.What an

14.(1分)﹣Do you mind ________ here?

﹣Sorry,I won't.()

A.not smoking B.not to smoke

C.don't smoke D.not to smoking

15.(1分)The apples ________ out because they ________ good.()A.sold;tasted B.were sold;were tasted

C.were sold;tasted D.sold;were tasted

16.(1分)﹣Have you told John about the meeting?

﹣Not yet.I will tell him if I________ him this afternoon.()

A.will see B.see C.am seeing D.saw

17.(1分)﹣How long may I ________ the book?

﹣For a week.()

A.keep B.borrow C.take D.want

18.(1分)﹣Could you tell me________ in the room?

﹣We are playing computer games,Mum.()

A.what are you doing B.what were you doing

C.what you are doing D.what you were doing

19.(1分)This is the most beautiful present ________ I got on Christmas.()A.that B.which C.when D.who

20.(1分)﹣We won the football match yesterday.


A.Good luck B.Have a good time

C.I'm sorry to hear that D.Congratulations

