
Ashe is athey has ZhuoDe continent's minority get frost striker title, but fervent heart. And her outstanding archery as is admirable, it is even in the most terrible environment she is still resourceful. She is good at will on the glacier tundra cold injection arrow, wrist gently move can slow the speed of the enemy. She can be in the hundreds of feet a bash, freezing the most powerful enemy. Her innate beauty, Ashe has in justice square won all the respect of otds" was made by the Riot Games development 3 d large arena multiplayer game, the team is the creator by strength strong Dota - Allstars core characters, and blizzard famous game company art, procedures, planning personnel composition, will play against Dota from platform extension to the network game world. In addition to DotA game rhythm, real-time strategy, the team combat outside, "hero alliance" has the characteristics of hero, automatic matching through platform, including tree, call division system, rune and other elements, for players to experience a new hero against.

瓦罗兰大陆最古老的战场,继承了DotA地图的主 要特征,整体为魔幻森林风格,色调以绿色为主。 地图左下角和右上角各1个基地(各含1个复活平 台、1个商店、1个水晶枢纽、5个防御塔和3个召 唤水晶)之间有3条线路(各包含4座防御塔,每 边2座)相连,兵线之间以野区相隔,又有一条河 道从左上连至右下,最终野区被分区为4个部分, 野区内生活着各种中立生物。整个地图大致呈中 心对称。可容纳每边最多5名英雄。
• • • • • • • • • •
• • • •
APC(AbilityPowerCarry) 法术输出核心,团队位置之一。 定位:提供法术伤害以及控制。 特点:多为远程,技能伤害远高于普通攻击,比较脆弱但具有控制、逃生、单体或群 体高额杀伤等技能。 出装:以AP伤害、穿刺为主,部分耗蓝巨大的AP英雄还可能需要额外的撑蓝装。 代表英雄:流浪、火人、安妮等。 T(Tank) 坦克,也称肉盾,团队位置之一。 定位:团战先手冲锋切入控制敌人、承受伤害,保护队友特别是辅助及ADC,必要时 牺牲自我牵制敌人以协助队友逃生或推进。 特点:多为近战,较高的防御及生命,具有减伤、群体控制、突进等技能,相同的攻 击若作用于T身上将获得更少的收益。 出装:以工资、防御、光环为主。 代表英雄:石头人、阿木木等。 法坦 指具有较高法术输出同时又比较耐打的AP英雄,又或者反过来说能扛同时具有较高AP 输出的T,比如石像鬼、策士等。
仅通过匹配系统为玩家寻找实力相当的队友,而敌人 由电脑操控。分为经典对战模式和统治战场,其余规 则与玩家对战无差别。电脑分为入门、简单和一般难 度,其中入门难度只在经典对战模式的召唤师峡谷可 用。电脑会模拟人类来操作英雄进行游戏,以使玩家 感觉是在和其他玩家对战,尽管有时还是会做出不自 然的行为。随着难度的提高,电脑的游戏水平也会提 升,另外,在入门难度中,电脑在游戏开始一段时间 内会呆在家里,通过这种方式放水以使玩家能够占有 更多优势。

What is LOL?
League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a free-toplay multiplayer online battle arena, real-time strategy video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windowsand OS X. The game is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients.
number of LOL
ability power carry play an important in middle term
Not only a pioneer of the team ,but also a defender to protect teammates from attack
How can win the games?
The competition system
Ascended Diamond Challenger
The meaning of LOL
League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena, real-time strategy video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windowsand OS X. The game is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of they James
League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a free-toplay multiplayer online battle arena, real-time strategy video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windowsand OS X. The game is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients.
number of LOL
ability power carry play an important in middle term
Not only a pioneer of the team ,but also a defender to protect teammates from attack
How can win the games?
The competition system
Ascended Diamond Challenger
The meaning of LOL
League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena, real-time strategy video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windowsand OS X. The game is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of they James

kind of character who can kill the nautral monster at the beginning and when in the suitable time he can help other teanmstes kill the enemy.
It’s a competition game developed by American company RoittGames It’s designed by the designers of dotA-Allstars.
In each of the game, there will be two teams to fight, and every team is composed of five people. Every person will choose a hero to control.
What would you do when you stay at dormitory?
Watch movies??
But for most of us boys~
It maybe play computer games!!
League Of Legends
What is LOL?
Personal skill
They are very uesful in our life.
A good state of mind
When you win the game you will feel successful!!
Thank you!
打野英雄: 帮助己方英雄击杀对面 英雄,使己方英雄能很 好的发展。

League of Legends is the most popular games around the world in recent years. Riot Games claims that League of Legends averages over 12 million players worldwide per day, with peak concurrent global players over 5 miuble kill triple kill quatary kill penta kill ace
Thanks for watching!
• Every hero has their own Skill
• Remember:There is not a best hero,but a best player!
• Next,when the game begins,you can kill the heroes or soldiers to get money.
1.Judgement 判断能力 2.Response ability 反应能力 3.Analysis on situation 分析能力
The LOL Pro League(LPL): A competition for the player in China The champin will get 500 thousand yuan
League of Legends (LOL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games,inspired by the popular Defense of the Ancients (DOTA)map for Warcraft III.
Thanks for watching!
• Every hero has their own Skill
• Remember:There is not a best hero,but a best player!
• Next,when the game begins,you can kill the heroes or soldiers to get money.
1.Judgement 判断能力 2.Response ability 反应能力 3.Analysis on situation 分析能力
The LOL Pro League(LPL): A competition for the player in China The champin will get 500 thousand yuan
League of Legends (LOL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games,inspired by the popular Defense of the Ancients (DOTA)map for Warcraft III.

• Summoner:召唤师( Summoner )是游戏赋
英雄(Champion)操纵,所有玩家的英雄在一开 始都是从等级1开始每场比赛,除了英雄本身固有 的能力值,另一个强化其初始能力的则是天赋和 符文。
• Champion:每个玩家进入竞赛前都要选择一个
Sona of legends
• Sona no parents memories. Infancy, she was in an orphanage outside Aiouniya was found on the ladder, and found her, she was a beautiful and mysterious ancient box, holding a quiet ancient musical instruments. She is a rare children behave well, always quiet and easy to meet. Her caregivers believe we can quickly find a Her foster family, but soon after, they found that the so-called "friendly" is actually she could not speak or pronounce. Sona has lived in an orphanage until she was a teenager.
This article is about the video game. For the Darts Tournament, see BetFred League of Legends. League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for 《英雄联盟》(英语:League of Legends, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients for 简称LoL),是由Riot Games开发及发行的 一款Windows电脑游戏,以网络游戏免费模 the video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, Warcraft 式及虚拟物品收费营运。该游戏受到魔兽争 霸III:冰封王座的自定义地图DOTA的启发 III: The Frozen Throne.

How to win?!
1.Cooperation 2.Strategy 3.Personal skill
4.A good state of mind
When you win the game you will feel successful!!
It’s only an entertain ment when we are free
This is the map of LOL
It’s just like a war of two countries and you will control a hero to fight for your country
In each of the game, there will be two teams to fight, and every team is composed of five People. Every person will choose a hero to Control.
APC: ability power carry,
who plays an important part in middle term.
ADC: application date center, the soul of a term.
Support: kind of character who can give a supply to the rest of teammates, he can use a poor equipment to make a not poor dps, his main task is protecting adc.
What would you do when you stay at home?

It’s designed by the designers of dotA-Allstars.
There are hundreds of heroes in LOL.. Each hero has 5 skill including 1 passive skill. Also, the invoker can own 2 skills, each hero has 6 lattices to own equipments and the whole game is surrounded by these numbers
The only aim is to win!
How to win?!
Cooperation Strategy Personal skill
A good sthe game you will feel successful!!
There are many funny sentencies about LOL: Melee can lose,but Teemo must die. 团战可以输提莫必须死 WTF? My blade is yours --Master Yi 我的剑就是你的剑。 --无极剑圣
I shall return stronger next time
A funny video:
This is LOL, a game attracts a lot of players
Thank You
The End
Who is the hero in your mind?
What would you do when you stay at dormitory?
Watch movies?

This is a 3D(Three Dimensions) tournament game which was made by a famous American game company, RoitGame. The main members were composed of the designers of DotaAllstarss,including many artists, planners and programmers from Blizzard (one of the word‟s well-know computer games and video game software company)!
Lead me to battle! 迎接审判吧! Are you sure you're not in the wrong league? 咦?谁把我的炉石给拿走了? An eye for an eye! 以眼还眼,以牙还牙!
Come here! I'll teach you all about the afterlife. 快过来吧!我会告诉你们有关来世的一切
To the arena! 长枪依然在!/铁甲依然在! Justice is at hand! 正义在我手中。 Here‟s a tip…and a spear behind it. 一点寒芒先到...随后枪出如龙! I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against me. 即使敌众我寡,末将亦能万军 丛中取敌将首级!
League of Legends(LOL),the Chinese called “英雄联盟”。The game has a mass of different styles hero for players freedom of choice,have a more rich, convenient Item Synthes is System, more maps play, the game‟s built-in matching, ranking and competitive system,the original. “Summoner skilla、runes、 talent combination of the new system,which spawned numerous game features.Heroes Union is bound to take you into a new and colorful game world.In this league is only one rule: winning is everything!”
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I think the game is also a way we communicate with the world
It’s just an entertain ment when we are free
But for us student
Game is sure to be The most important interesting thing is still study
Cooperation [kəʊˈ ɒpəˈre ɪʃn]n.合作; 协作; 协助; 配合; DPS: damage per second 秒伤 在游戏里面就是伤害输出的多少注意 是每秒的伤害输出 Carry ['kæ rɪ]vt.支撑; 携带; 输送; 运载; vt.& vi.运送; 搬运; 具有; vi. (文学、戏剧等)对读者; 扔(或踢)到…距离; (马等)具有某种姿 势; 传得很远; n.(枪炮、火箭等的)射程; 运输,运送; Rupture ['rʌptʃə(r)]n.断裂,破裂; 友好关系的决裂; vt.& vi.使破裂; Strategy ['strætədʒɪ]n.策略,战略; 战略学;
League of legends:
There are hundreds of heroes in LOL.. Each hero has 5 skill including 1 passive skill.
Also, the invoker can own 2 skills,
each hero has 6 lattices to own equipments and the whole game is surrounded by these numbers
Thank you
What would you do when you stay at dormitory?
Watch movies?
Play cards?
But for most of us boys~
Today I will talk about the network athletics culture
In each of the game, there will be two teams to fight, and every team is composed of five People. Every person will choose a hero to Control.
The only goal is to win!
打野英雄: 帮助己方英雄击杀对面 英雄,使己方英雄能很 好的发展。
APC: ability power carry,
who plays an important part in middle term.
魔法能量支持英 雄,游戏中期引 导者
ADC: application date center, the soul of a term.
How to win?!
Cooperation Strategy Personal skill
A good state of mind
This game has so many heroes that you will never be tired
When yousuccessful!!
It maybe play computer games!!
What is LOL?
It’s a competition game developed by American company RoittGames It’s designed by the designers of dotA-Allstars.
辅助英雄: 辅助英雄就是 指在缺少装备 的情况下也能 为团队提供支 援或提高战斗 力的英雄。辅 助的作用在于 提供视野,保 护ADC
It’s just like a war of two countries and you will control a hero to fight for your country
The network athletics culture!
League [li:ɡ]n.联盟; 社团; (运动)联合会、联赛; 里格(长度单位, 约等于 3 英里); vt.&vi.使…结盟,使…结合 Legend ['ledʒənd]n.传说; 传奇人物; 铭文; 图例; Lattice ['læ tɪs]n.格子框架; 类似格子框架的设计; vt.把…制成格子 状; 用格子覆盖或装饰; Enemy [ˈenəmi]n. 仇敌; 敌军; 危害物; adj.敌人的; 敌方的; 与敌对力 量相关的; Be composed of…. 组成….
6个物品存放格子,整个游戏就是在这几个数字中进行 每个英雄有5个技能包括一个被动技能 英雄一共有 2个召唤师技能 100多个
kind of character who can kill the neutral monster at the beginning and when in the suitable time he can help others members killing the enemy.
物理远程输出英雄,一 个团队的核心
Support: kind of character who can give a supply to the rest of teammates, he can use a poor equipment to make a not poor dps, his main task is protecting adc.