2015高考新课标卷II 短文改错 解析
短文改错考点6 谓语动词的错误

句中(that) I had是定语从句,主句主语是 clothes,为复数,故was改用were才主谓 一致。
14. (2014新课标卷II) My dream school look like a big garden. looks 一般现在时,主语My dream是第三人称 单数,谓语动词要加s。
5. 查情态动词是否用错。若有情态动词, 首先根据语境体会句子所表达的语气与情 态,判断是否用错了情态动词。如[真题 再练]16,“我明白了,有了耐心,我就 一定让我的玩具用得更久”,玩具是否用 得久,还受本身的质量或其他因素的影响, 用“一定(must)”语气太强了,改用“可能 (could)”更好。另外,我们知道,情态动 词有三大特征:
更有耐心, 才“可以”让玩具持续更 久。
思路点拨 从[真题再练]来看,5年8套题 有16道是谓语动词的错,平均每套2 道题,可见谓语动词在短文改错中是 错得最多的,是最重要的考点。短文 一般含8到10句话,对每句话的谓语 一定都要仔细研究。可按以下线索去 思考:
1. 查时态是否一致。遇到某个谓语 动词的时态与上下文的时态不一致 时,十有八九是出错了,需仔细审 查。如[真题再练]1,前面两个动 词was, hoped和后面的would都是过 去式,而think却用一般现在时,不 一致,就很可能错了,需重点核实。
3. 被动语态中或者完成时态中,过去分词 拼写错。如: A little girl was hurted and her mother hurt needed help. (2009大纲卷II) 解析:“小女孩被弄伤”,用被动语态是 对的,但hurt的过去式、过去分词与原形 是相同的,即hurt—hurt—hurt,故 hurted错了,应改为hurt。

2015年全国卷I第一节短文改错(10分)When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there. Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains are green. Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. Much rare animals are dying out. We must found ways to protect your environment. If we fail to do so, we’ll live to regret it.短文改错:第一行:think改为thought 第二行:in与countryside中间加the第二行:or改为and 第三行:on改为with 第四行去掉been第五行:seriously改为serious airs改为air Much改为Many第六行:found改为find your改为our/the2015年全国卷II四、改错One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. Five minutes later. Tony saw parents. Mom said,” How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried.”Tony promised her that this would never happen again.71. parent改为parents72. on改为in73. very去掉74. looks改为looking75. where改为that76. begun改为began77. telling改为told78. a改为the79. saw后加his80. terrible改为terribly2014年全国卷I第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假段定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

【答案】71.had改为have 解析:考查动词的时态。
72. student 改为students。
句意:虽然他们还是中学生,根据they 来判断用复数形式。
73.do 改为does 解析:考查动词的时态。
Do harm to 对。
74. realized 后的that去掉解析:考查宾语从句。
75.boring 改为bored 解析:考查形容词辨析。
Be bored with 厌烦。
76. other 改为others 解析:考查代词。
与上文提到some people 相呼应。
77.himself 改为themselves 解析:考查反身代词。
78. causing 改为caused 解析:考查动词的。
79. the waste of money 中the 改为a 解析:考查冠词。
A waste of sth浪费某物。

2015年高考全国卷2英语试题第Ⅰ卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)Asignedoff forthenight.Fortunately,Ididn’tgetanychannelsshowingall-nightmoviesorIwou ldneverhavegottentobed.ThenIstarteddevelopingaproblemwiththesetthatinvolvedstatic(静电)noise.Forsomereason,whencertainshowsswitchedintoacommercial,aloudnois ewouldsoundforafewseconds.Gradually,thisnoisebegantoappearduringashow,an dtogetridofit,Ihadtochangetoanotherchannelandthenchangeitback.Sometimest histechniquewouldnotwork,andIhadtopickupthesetandshakeittoremovethesound .Iactuallybegantobuildupmyarmmuscles(肌肉)shakingmyset.Whenneitherofthesemethodsremovedthestaticnoise,Iwouldsithelplesslyan dwaitforthenoisetogoaway.AtlastIendeduphittingthesetwithmyfirst,anditsto ppedworkingaltogether.Mytriptotherepairshopcostme$62,andthesitisworkingw ellnow,butIkeepexpectingmoretrouble.21.WhydidtheauthorsayhewasfooledintobuyingtheTVsetA.Hegotanoldermodelthanhehadexpected.B Hecouldn’treturnitwhenitwasbroken. BHecouldhaveboughtitatalowerprice.DHefailedtofindanymovieshowsonit.22.Whichofthefollowinganbestreplacethephrase“signedoff”inparagraph1A.endedalltheirprogramsBprovidedfewerchannelsCchangedtocommercialsDshowedall-nightmovies23.HowdidtheauthorfinallygetthisTVsetworkingagainA.ByshakingandhittingitBByturningitonandoffCByswitchingchannelsDByhavingitrepaired24.HowdoestheauthorsoundwhentellingthestoryA.CuriousBAnxiousCCautiousDHumorousBHerearesomewaystoturnyourhomeintopartofyourdietplan.Openthecurtainsandturnupthelights.darkenvironmentsaremorelikelytoenc ourageovereating,forpeopleareoftenlessself-conscious(难为情)whenthey’reinpoorlylitplaces–andsomorelikelytoeatlotsoffood.Ifyourh omedoesn’thaveenoughwindowlight,getmorelampsandfloodtheplacewithbrightn ess.lessthanthoseinayelloworredroom.Warmcolorslikeyellowmakefoodappearmo reap petizing,whilecoldcolorsmakeuslesshungry.Sowhenit’stimetorepaint,go blue.Don’tforgettheclock–ortheradio.Peoplewhoeatslowlytendtoconsumeabou t70fewercalories(卡路里)permealthanthosewhorushthroughtheirmeals.Beginkeepingtrackofthetime,a ndtrytomakedinnerlastat30mi nutes.Andwhileyou’reatit,actuallysitdowntoea t.Ifyouneedsomehelpslowingdown,turningonrelaxingmusic.Itmakesyoulesslike lytorushthroughameal.25.Thetextisespeciallyhelpfulforthosewhocareabout____.A.theirhomecomfortsBtheirbodyshapeChousebuyingDhealthydiets26.Ahomeenvironmentinbluecanhelppeople____.A.digestfoodbetterBreducefoodintakeCburnmorecaloriesDregaintheirappetites27.WhatarepeopleadvisedtodoatmealtimesA.Eatquickly.BPlayfastmusicCUsesmallerspoonsDTurndownthelights28.WhatcanbeasuitabletitleforthetextA.IsYourHouseMakingYouFatBWaysofServingDinnerCEffectsofSelf-ConsciousnessDIsYourHomeEnvironmentRelaxingCMorestudentsthaneverbeforearetakingagapyear(间隔年)beforegoingtouniversity.Itusedtobethe“yearoff”betweenschoolandunive rsity.Thegap-yearphenomenonoriginated(起源)withthemonthsleftovertoOxbridgeapplicantsbetweenentranceexamsinNovemb erandthestartofthenextacademicyear.Thisyear,25,310studentswhohaveacceptedplacesinhighereducationinstitu tionshaveputofftheirentryuntilnextyear,accordingtostatisticsonuniversity entranceprovidedbytheUniversityandCollegeAdmissionsService(UCAS).Thatisarecord14.7%increaseinthenumberofstudentstakingagapyear.TonyHi gginsfromUCASsaidthatthestatisticsaregoodnewsforeveryoneinhighereducatio n.“Studentswhotakeawell-plannedyearoutaremorelikelytobesatisfiedwith,an dcomplete,theirchosencourse.Studentswhotakeagapyearareoftenmorematureand responsible,”hesaid.29.WhatdowelearnaboutthegapyearfromthetextA.Itisflexibleinlength.BItisatimeforrelaxationCItisincreasinglypopularDItisrequiredbyuniversitiesA.arebetterpreparedforcollegestudiesBknowalotmoreabouttheirfuturejob CaremorelikelytoleaveuniversityindebtDhaveabetterchancetoentertopuniversities31.HowdoesOwainJamesfeelaboutthegap-yearphenomenonA.He’spuzzled B He’sworriedC He’ssurprisedD He’sannoyed32.WhatwouldmoststudentsdoontheirvacationaccordingtoNUSstatisticsA.Attendadditionalcourses.BMakeplansforthenewterm CEarnmoneyfortheireducationDPreparefortheirgraduatestudiesDChooseYourOne-Day-Tours!TourA-Bath&Stonehenge:includingentrancefeestotheancientRomanbathroomsand Stonehenge-£37until26Marchand£39thereafter.Visitthecitywithover2,000yearsofhistoryandBathAbbey,theRoyalCrescentandt heCostumeMuseum,Stonehengeisoneoftheworld'smostfamousprehistoricmonument sdatingbackover5,000years.TourB-Oxford&StartfordincludingentrancefeestotheUniversityStMary'sChurch TowerandAnneHathaway's-£32until12Marchand£36thereafterOxford:IncludesaguidedtourofEngland'soldestuniversitycityandcolleges.Loo koverthe"cityofdreamingspires(尖顶)"fromStMary’sChurchTower.Stratford:Includesaguide dtourexploringmuchofth eShakespearewonder.TourC-WindsorCastle&HamptonCourtincludingentrancefeestoHamptonCourtPalac e-£34until11Marchand£37thereafter.TourD-CambridgeincludingentrancefeestotheTowerofSaintMarytheGreat-£33until18Marchand£37thereafter.IncludesaguidedtourofCambridge,thefamousuniversitytown,andthegardensofth e18thcentury.33.WhichtourwillyouchooseifyouwanttoseeEngland’soldestuniversitycityA.TourBTourCTourDTour34.Whichofthefollowingtourschargesthelowestfeeon17MarchA.WindsorCastle&HamptonCourtBOxford&StratfordCBath&StonehengeDCambridge35.WhyisHamptonCourtamajortouristattractionA.ItusedtobethehomeofroyalfamiliesB.Itusedtobeawell-knownmazeC.ItistheoldestpalaceinBritainD.Itisaworld-famouscastle第二节((共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

2015年高考全国卷2英语试题第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)AMy color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautiful when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static(静电) noise. For some reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking my set.When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my first, and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the sit is working well now, but I keep expecting more trouble.21. Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?A.He got an older model than he had expected.B.He couldn’t return it when it was broken.C.He could have bought it at a lower price.D.He failed to find any movie shows on it.【参考答案】C【考查内容】细节理解题【解析思路】根据第一段第四行“when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid.”当我看到报纸上75美元比我买的价格低的时候,我感觉我上当了。

2015年全国高考试题独家解析(新课标卷Ⅱ)英语答案第一部分听力1-5 ACABC 6-10 BABCB 11-15 ABCAB 16-20 CBAAC第二部分阅读理解第一节阅读理解21.C 【解析】依据第一段中的“I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. Idealized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid”。
22.A 【解析】结合画线部分所在的句子“The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night”可知,此处指作者一开始把它带回家时,一切如此顺利以至于作者一直看到电视台“停止播放节目”。
23.D 【解析】依据最后一段的“My trip to the repair shop cost me $62,and the set is working well now”可知,最终作者到维修店才使电视机恢复正常。
24.D 【解析】由文章第一段的“My color television has given me nothing but a headache”,第二段中的“I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉)shaking my set”,以及最后一段中的“but I keep expecting more trouble”可知,作者用幽默的语气描述了这台电视机给自己带来的烦恼。
B25.B 【解析】依据第一段中的“Your house may have an effect on your figure... whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off”,再结合该段最后一句“Here are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan”可知,B项正确。

II. 行文逻辑错误
2. 肯定否定误用
3. 非谓语中逻辑误用
1.The boy cried and that made his father scold her her. him
Burying in the cave for so long, she 2.Burying Buried died unluckily. 3.Do you have any hobby now? If so so, you are asked to develop one. not Disappointing at what he told her, 4.Disappointing she went to see it for herself. Disappointed
III. 句子结构上的错误
1. 在句子结构对称上的误用
1.Students are supposed to lely all the work given by teachers. to 2.He doesn’t like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean clean the floors. cleaning
3) 词义上的误用
1.Mary wanted to buy him something real special. really
2.Surprising, Surprising he didn’t pass the examination. Surprisingly 3.He could play football as good as, if not better than Jack. well 4.They are strong against me going there. strongly 5.He always makes his room tidily. tidily tidy

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Maria was afraid that she was going to have to deliver a bad ne ws to her friend Freddy. She was upsetting about the news hers elf. In the spring, Maria’s mother had said Maria might be allowed bring a frie nd along on the family two-week vacation at the beach. Since then, Maria and Freddy had been doing nothingand planning all the thing they would do together. By the time A ugust had arrived, Maria’s mother had total forgotten her promise. When Maria reminded her, she said that she was sorry but th at it wo uldn’t be enough room for Freddy because Maria’s cousi n, Theresa, would be going to the shore with them. Now Freddy was in his way to Maria’s house.【参考答案】3.Maria was afraid that she was going to have to deliver a bad ne ws to her friendtheFreddy. She was upsetting about the news herself. In the spring , Maria’s mother hadupsetsaid Maria might be allowed∧bring a friend along on the family t wo-week vacation atto family’sthe beach. Since then, Maria and Freddy had been doing nothin g and planning all thebutthing they would do together. By the time August had arrived, M aria’s mother hadthingstotal forgotten her promise. When Maria reminded her, she said that she was sorry buttotallythat it wouldn’t be enough room for Freddy because Maria’s cou sin, Theresa, wouldtherebe going to the shore with them. Now Freddy was in his way to Maria’s house.on4.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。

AMy color television has given me nothing but a headache.I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn’t fit.I leta salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model,I realized this a day late,when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid,The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night,Fortunately, I didn’t got any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static (静电) noise. For some reason,when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually,this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it,I had to change to another channel and then change it back.Sometimes this technique would not work,and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking my set.When neither of these methods removed the static noise ,I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away.At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist,and it stopped working altogether .My trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the set is working well now,but I keep expecting more trouble.21.Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?A.He got an older model than he had expected.B.He couldn’t return it when it was broken.C.He could have bought it at a lower price.D.He failed to find any movie shows on it.22.Which of the following can best replace the phrase”signed off”in Paragraph 1?A.ended all their programsB.provided fewer channelsC.changed to commercialsD.showed all-night movies23.How did the author finally get his TV set working again?A.By shaking and hitting it. B .By turning it on and off. C.By switching channels.D.By having it repaired.24. How does the anthor sound when telling the story ?A. CuriousB. AnxiousC. CautiousD. HumorousBYour house may have an effect on your figure . Experts say the way you design your home could play arole in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off . You can make your environment work for you instead of against you . Here are some ways to turn your home into part of diet plan.Open the curtains and turn up the lights . Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating , for people are often less self-conscious(难为情)when they’re in poorly lit places-and so more likely to eat lots of food . If your home doesn’t have enough window light , get more lamps and flood the place with brightness.Mind the colors . Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites . In one study , people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room . Warm colors like yellow make tood appear more appetizing , while cold colors make us feel less hungry . So when it’s time to repaint , go blue.Don’t forget the clock-or the radio. People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories(卡路里)per meal than those who rush through their meals. Begin keeping track of the time, and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes, And while you’re at it, actually sit down to eat. If you need some help slowing down , turn on relaxing music. It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.Downsize the dishs, Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat. We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate. When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one ,total intake(摄入)jumps by 14 percent. And we’ll pour about 30 percent more liquid into a short, wide glass than a tall, skinny glass.25.The text is especially helpful for those who care about_______.A. their home comfortsB. their body shapeC. house buyingD. healthy diets26.A home environment in blue can help people_________.A.digest food betterB.reduce food intakeC.burn more caloriesD.regain their appetites27.What are people advised to do at mealtimes?A.Eat quickly.B.Play fast music.e smaller spoons.D.Turn down the lights.28.What can be a suitable title for the test?A.Is Your Hourse Making You Fat?B.Ways of Serving DinnerC.Effects of Self-ConsciousnessD.Is Your Home Environment Relaxing?CMore students than ever cefore are taking a gap-year (间隔年)before going to university.It used to be called the “year off” between school and university.The gap-year phenomenon originated(起源) with the months left over to Oxbridge applicants between entrance exams in November and the start of the next academic year.This year, 25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year, according to statistics on university entrance provided by University and College Admissions Serbice(UCAS).That is a record 14.7% increase in the number of students taking a gap year. Tony Higgins from UCAS said that the statistics are good news for everyone in higher education. “Students who take a well-planned year out are more likely to be stisfied with, and complete, their chosen course. Students who take a gap year are often more mature and responsible,” he said.But not everyone is happy. Owain James, the president of the National Union of Students(NUS), argued that the increase is evidence of student had ship – young people are being forced into earning money before finishing their education. “New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to£15,000 in debt. It is not surprising that more and More students are taking a gap year to earn money to support their study for the degree.NUS statistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% d uring vacation periods,”he said.29. What do we learn about the gap year from the text?A. It is flexible in length.B. It is a time for relaxation.C. It is increasingly popular.D. It is required by universities.30. According to Tony Higgins,students taking a gap year______.A.are better prepared for college studiesB.know a lot more about their future jobsC.are more likely to leave university in debtD.have a better chance to enter top universities31. How does Owain James feel about the gap-year phenomenon?A. He's puzzled.B. He's worried.C. He's surprised.D. He's annoyed.32. What would most students do on their vacation according to NUS statistics?A.Attend additional courses.B. Make plans for the new term.C.Earn money for their education.D.Prepaer for their graduate studies.DChoose Your One-Day ToursTour A-Bath & Stonchenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge-£37 until 26 March and £39 thereafter.Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey,the Royal Crescent and the Costute Mtsan.Stonehenge is one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years. Tour B-Oxford & Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Mary’s Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's house一£32 until 12 March and £36 thereafter.Oxford: Includes a guided of England’s oldest university city and colleges. Look over the “city of dreaming spires(尖顶)”form St Mary’s Church Tower. Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.Tour C—Windsor Castle & Hampton Court including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace--£34 until March and £37 thereafter.Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court, Henry Mill’s favourite palace. Free time to visit Windsor Castle(entrace fees not included). With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen. Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. Visit the palace and its various historic gardens, which include the famous maze(迷宫)where it is easy to get lost!Tour D-Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great-£33 .until 18 March and £37 thereafter.Includes a guided tour of Cambridge, the famous university town, and the gardens of the 18th century.33.Which tour will you choose if you want to see England’s oldest university city?A.Tour AB.Tour BC.Tour CD.Tour D34.Which of the following tours charges the lowest fee on 17 March?A.Windsor Castle & Hampton Court.B.Oxford & StratfordC.Bath &Stonehenge.D.Cambridge.35.Why is Hampton Court a major tourist attraction?A.It used to be the home of royal families.B.It used to be a well-known mazeC.It is the oldest palace in BritainD.It is a world-famous castle.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

2. 题目设置难度增加,主要体现在完形填空文章的理解和设题。
3. 考查的知识点范围扩大。
即使相对偏难的词,比如commercial, appetites, consume, applicant s, responsible, academic 也通过阅读的语境提示而猜测出来,文章整体的行文逻辑也是一目了然的,考生在处理选择题的时候也是很容易定位原文的。
2015高考新课标卷II 短文改错 解析

2015高考新课标卷II 短文改错解析山东郯城第一中学高级教师徐保国假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。
One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. Five minutes later. Tony saw parents. Mom said, ”How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried.” Tony promised her that this would never happen again.第一处:parent改为parents 考查名词。
根据下文,Five minutes later. Tony saw parents.可知此句中parent应该用复数形式。

完形填空(2015年全国卷2)Where do you go when you want to learn something? School? A friend? A tutor? These are all 41 places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want 42 somewhere else instead. I had the 43 of seeing this first hand on a 44 .My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did well this season and so 45 a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some 46 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 47 trained. Through the first two games, her 48 did not get one serious shot on goal. As a parent, I 49 seeing my daughter playing her best, 50 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 51 between Saturday and Sunday. When they 52 for their Sunday game, they were 53 different. They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had 54 the day before into their 55 . They played aggressively and 56 scored a goal.It 57 me that playing against the other team was a great 58 moment for all the girls on the team. I think it is a general principle. 59 is the best teacher. The lessons they learned may not be 60 what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.41. A. public B. traditional C. official D. special42. A. passes B. works C. lies D. ends43. A. dream B. idea C. habit D. chance44. A. trip B. holiday C. weekend D. square45. A. won B. entered C. organized D. watched46. A. painful B. strange C. common D. practical47. A. less B. poorly C. newly D. better48. A. fans B. tutors C. class D. team49. A. imagined B. hated C. avoided D. missed50. A. if B. or C. but D. as51. A. girls B. parents C. coaches D. viewers52. A. dressed B. showed up C. made up D. planned53. A. slightly B. hardly C. basically D. completely54. A. seen B. known C. heard D. read55. A. styles B. training C. game D. rules56. A. even B. still C. seldom D. again57. A. confused B. struck C. reminded D. warned58. A. touching B. thinking C. encouraging D. learning59. A. Experience B. Independence C. Curiosity D. Interest60. A. harmful to B. mixed with C. different from D. applied to语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

2015普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语短文改错试题及答案解析When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there. Now I amthoughtliving in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains arethe andgreen. Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted.withLots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriouslyserious problem. The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. Much rare animals are dying out. We air Manymust found some ways to protect your environment. If we fail to do so, we ’ll live to regret it.find our1.think 该文thought,过去认为居住城市好,现在不这么认为了2.in the countryside在乡下3.or 改为and,在那里空气清新并且(不是或者)群山翠绿4.on改为with, with the development of……随着…的发展(固定搭配)5.been去掉,大量研究已经显示了(并非被显示)6.seriously改为serious,形容词修饰名词problem严重的问题7.airs改为air,空气是不可数名词8.Much改为Many,Many修饰可数名词animal9.found 改为find,must情态动词后边跟动词原形find找到10.your改为our,代词与前边的人称We保持一致。

2014高考全国卷2英语答案 2014年高考全国二卷英语试卷及答案第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
第一节(共5个小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
每段对话仅读一遍.例:How much is the shirt?A. £19. 15B. £9。
18C. £9. 15答案是C1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a placeB. Buy a map C。
Get an address2。
What will the man do for the woman?A。
Repair her car B。
Give her a ride C. Pick up her aunt3。
Who might Mr。
Peterson be?A. A new professor. B。
A department head。
A company director4。
What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficultB. Very interestingC. Too simple5。
What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather B。
Clothes C。

2015年高考英语各省市短文改错真题解析妙法Passage 1(2015·新课标全国Ⅰ)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.There the air is clean or the mountains are green.Unfortunately,on the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much rare animals are dying out.We must found ways to protect your environment.If we fail to do so,we'll live to regret it.答案When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I {C}{C}{C}{C}I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in {C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}countryside.There the air is clean {C}{C}{C}{C}the mountains are green.Unfortunately,{C}{C}{C}{C}the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have {C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}shown that global warming has already become a very {C}{C}problem.The {C}{C}{C}{C}we breathe in is getting dirtier anddirtier.{C}{C}{C}{C}rare animals are dying out.We must {C}{C}{C}{C}ways to protect {C}{C}{C}{C}environment.If we fail to do so,we'll live to regret it.1.解析考查动词的时态。

2015年全国高考英语新课标卷I I答案及详解 2015年全国高考英语新课标卷II答案及详解听力部分(略)第二部分阅读理解第一节A【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。
21. C。
根据“…newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid.”可知,作者是在一天后看到自己所购买的电视机降了75美元才感觉自己上当受骗上当了。
22. A。
23. D。
由短文最后“My trip to the repair shop cost me $62.”一句可知,作者把电视机送到维修店里请人修理。
24. D.推理判断题。
纵览全文,尤其是第二段末句“I actually began to build up my arm muscles, shaking myset.”(通过摇晃电视机,我手臂的肌肉增强了不少。
25. B。
26. B。
根据第三段“…people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room.”可知,蓝色的用餐环境有助于减少食物摄入量。
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2015高考新课标卷II 短文改错解析
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。
One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. Five minutes later. Tony saw parents. Mom said, ”How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried.” Tony promised her that this would never happen again.
第一处:parent改为parents 考查名词。
根据下文,Five minutes later. Tony saw parents.可知此句中parent应该用复数形式。
begin是不及物的,没有被动语态,此处直接用过去式形式和前面的was scared一起做并列谓语。
and后tell和saw一起做并列谓语,而并非和crying 并列做宾补。