Philips Sonicare 保洁电动牙刷说明书

Sonic electric toothbrush ProtectiveClean 4500Built-in pressure sensor 2 cleaning modesHX6820/60Healthier gums. Gently does it. Improve gum health up to 100% more than a manual. Feel the difference of a gentle clean with our Pressure Sensor while improving your gum health up to 100% more vs. a manual toothbrush.Proven to improve oral healthSafe & gentle on sensitive areas, orthodontics & dental workImproves gum health by up to 100%*Optimize your brushingClean and gum care modeInnovative technologyConnects smart brush handle and smart brush headsLets you know if you’re pressing too hardPhilips Sonicare's advanced sonic technologyDesigned around youAlways know when to replace your brush headsEncouragement to brush thoroughlyMakes traveling easier for youHighlightsImproves gum healthDensely-packed, high-quality bristles give you an extra gentle brushing to remove plaquealong the gumline to improve gum health up to 100% more than a manual toothbrush. And, the specially curved power tip makes reaching the teeth at the back of your mouth a breeze.Clean and gum care modeWhether you want to focus on removing plaque or on getting your gums healthy and keeping them that way, this brush has a mode for you:Clean mode delivers superior cleaning, while Gum Care mode adds an extra minute of reduced-power brushing, so you can gently massage your gums.Safe and gentleYou can be sure of a safe brushing experience:our sonic technology is suitable for use with braces, fillings, crowns, and veneers, and helps prevent cavities and improve gum health.The only true sonic technologyPhilips Sonicare's advanced sonic technology pulses water between teeth, and its brushstrokes break up plaque and sweep it away for an exceptional daily clean.Monitor your brushing pressure Brushing too hard can damage your teeth and gums. To prevent this, your Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean emits a gentle pulsing sound to remind you to ease off on the pressure.BrushSync technologyA microchip-enabled technology that detects and synchronizes the smart brush head with the smart handle. The smart handle and smart brush head pair is a powerful combination that enables Smart replacement reminders.BrushSync replacement reminderAll brush heads wear out over time. But our BrushSync technology tracks how long you've been using your brush head for, and how hard you've been brushing. When it's time toreplace it, a light on your handle and a short beep will let you know. That way, you can be sure your brush head is doing a good job.Helpful timersOur QuadPacer lets you know when you've spent just the right amount of time cleaning each part of your mouth, while our Smartimer tells you when you've brushed for therecommended two minutes.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.SpecificationsModesClean: For exceptional everyday clean Gum Care: Gently massages gumsItems includedHandle: 1 ProtectiveCleanBrush heads: 1 G2 Optimal Gum Care Travel case: 1Charger: 1Design and finishingColor: Black GrayCleaning performanceSpeed: Up to 62000 brush movement/min Health benefits: Helps improve gum health, Helps reduce cavities Pressure feedback: Vibrates handle to alertuserTimer: Quadpacer and SmarTimerSmart sensor technologyPressure sensor: Alerts when brushing toohardBrushSync Replacement Reminder: Alwaysknow when to, replace brush headsEase of useHandle compatibility: Easy click-on brushheadsReplacement reminder: To always ensure bestresults, reminder icon lights upBattery indicator: Light shows battery statusHandle: Slim ergonomic designBrushing time: Up to 2 weeksT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableBattery type: Lithium IONOperating time (full to empty): Up to 2 weeksPowerVoltage: 110-220 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* Removes up to 7x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑06‑10 Version: 8.1.1EAN: 00 07502 00761 20 。

1. 准备工作在开始操作电动牙刷充电器之前,请确保你已经购买了合适的充电器。
2. 插入插座将充电器的插头插入家用插座中。
3. 连接电动牙刷将充电器的另一端正确地连接到你的电动牙刷的充电口上。
4. 开始充电一旦插座和电动牙刷都连接好了,确认电源已接通后,就可以开始充电了。
5. 安全断电当你的电动牙刷充满电或者达到预设的充电时间后,应及时将充电器从插座上拔下来。
6. 妥善保存充电器在你完成电动牙刷充电后,记得将充电器妥善地存放在干燥、通风的地方,避免进水或受潮。
Philips 洁牙器 完全洁牙 5 种洁牙模式说明书

Philips Sonicare Limpieza completa5 modos de limpieza<br> Incluye 1 cabezal de cepillado(DC)Estuche viaje con USB y vaso cargador<br>HX8491/03Encías más sanas en 2 semanas, garantizado* Diseñado para usuarios que no utilizan el hilo dental con regularidadPara aquellas personas que no utilizan el hilo dental con regularidad, la boquilla AirFloss Ultra**** es la manera más sencilla de limpiar entre los dientes con eficacia. AirFloss Ultra puede usarse con agua o con un enjuague bucal y se ha demostrado clínicamente que es tan eficaz como el hilo dental para la salud de las encías.**Improves oral health•Se ha demostrado clínicamente que es tan eficaz como el hilo dental para el cuidado de lasencías**•Hasta un 99,9 % de eliminación de la placa***•Ayudan a evitar las caries entre los dientes•Blanquea los dientes más del doble que un cepillo dental manualProvides a superior clean•Cabezal de cepillado DiamondClean para disfrutar del mejor blanqueamiento de Sonicare•Diseñado para maximizar el movimiento sónicoSuperior technology•Boquilla de alto rendimiento•Tecnología de aire y microgotas•Ajuste personalizable de triple ráfagaDestacadosBlanquea los dientes hasta dos veces másEste cepillo dental Philips Sonicare blanquea los dientes más del doble que un cepillo dental manual en solo 1 semana. Elimina hasta un 100 % más de manchas para obtener unos dientes más blancos en solo una semana.Movimiento sónico maximizadoLos cabezales de cepillado Philips Sonicare son fundamentales para nuestra tecnología de alta frecuencia y gran amplitud de movimiento del cepillo con más de 31 000 movimientos. Nuestra incomparable tecnología sónicatransfiere toda la potencia del mango hasta la punta del cabezal de cepillado. Estemovimiento sónico crea una acción de fluido dinámico que dirige el fluido entre los dientes y a lo largo de la línea de las encías para una limpieza superior, a la vez que suave.Hasta un 99,9 % de eliminación de laplacaAirFloss Ultra elimina hasta el 99,9 % de la placa de zonas tratadas.***Tecnología de microgotas Nuestros resultados clínicamente probados se consiguen gracias a nuestra exclusivatecnología que combina aire y enjuague bucal o agua para limpiar de forma potente, a la vez que suave, entre los dientes y a lo largo de la línea de las encías.Comienza fácilmente un hábitosaludableLa limpieza interproximal es muy importante para la salud bucal general. AirFloss Ultra ofrece una forma sencilla de limpiar más en profundidad entre los dientes, lo que te ayuda a crear un hábito saludable.Encías más sanasSe ha demostrado clínicamente que Philips Sonicare AirFloss Ultra mejora la salud de las encías tanto como el hilo dental.** Ayuda a mejorar la salud de las encías en solo dos semanas.Limpia en solo 60 segundosCon AirFloss Ultra, solo tardarás 60 segundos al día en limpiarte toda la boca. Solo tienes que seleccionar la frecuencia de descarga (uno, dos o tres) y mantener pulsado el botón de activación para emitir ráfagas de formacontinua o pulsarlo y soltarlo para utilizar el modo de ráfaga manual.Ayudan a evitar las cariesPhilips Sonicare AirFloss Ultra ayuda a evitar las caries y elimina suavemente la placa que el cepillo no ha eliminado.Boquilla de alto rendimientoLa nueva boquilla de alto rendimiento AirFloss Ultra amplifica la potencia de nuestra tecnología de aire y microgotas para que resulte más eficaz y eficiente que nunca.Fecha de emisión 2023-05-19Versión: 5.0.2EAN: 87 10103 81884 7© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Las marcas registradas son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o de sus propietarios respectivos.EspecificacionesPotencia•Tensión: Cargador multivoltaje Especificaciones técnicas•Pila: Recargable•Tipo de batería: Iones de litio•Tiempo de carga: Carga completa en 24 horas Diseño y acabado•Color:NegroServicios•Garantía: Garantía limitada de dos añosFácil de usar•Sistema de cabezal de cepillado: Cabezales de cepillado fáciles de montar•Mango: Diseño compacto y ergonómico •Pantalla: Pantalla iluminada•Indicador de batería: Los indicadores LED del mango muestran el nivel de carga•Duración de la batería: 1-3 semanas*****•Accesorio de boquilla: Se pone y se quitafácilmentePiezas incluidas•Estuche de viaje: Cargador de viaje USB •Cargador: 1•Cabezales: 1 DiamondClean estándar •Mango: 1 DiamondClean •Vaso cargador: 1•Mango AirFloss Ultra: 1•Boquilla AirFloss Ultra: 1Rendimiento de limpieza•Rendimiento: Elimina la placa hasta el 99,9 %**•Beneficios para la salud: Limpia toda la boca en60 segundos, Mejora la salud de las encías en2 semanas*•Velocidad: Hasta 31 000 movimientos de cepillado/minuto•Resultados clínicamente probados: Tan eficazcomo el hilo dental, para mejorar la salud de lasencías, para reducir la placa, para reducir elsangrado de las encías•Ajustes personalizables: Ráfaga automática omanual, Una, dos o tres ráfagas***•Para obtener los mejores resultados: Sustituye laboquilla cada 6 meses•Temporizador: QuadPacer y SmarTimer•Beneficios del blanqueamiento: Dientes hasta dosveces más blancos*Modos•Limpieza: Para una limpieza diaria excepcional•Blanco: Elimina las manchas superficiales•Cuidado de las encías: Masajea suavemente lasencías•Polaco: Abrillanta y pule tus dientes•Sensibilidad: Limpieza suave de dientes y encías*o te devolvemos el dinero** cuando se utiliza junto con el cepillado manual y un enjuague bucalantimicrobios en pacientes con gingivitis leve o moderada; AirFlossse ha diseñado para ayudar a los usuarios que no utilizan el hilodental con regularidad a desarrollar una rutina de limpiezainterdental diaria saludable. Consulta las preguntas y respuestas de lapestaña Asistencia para obtener más información.*** En las zonas tratadas. Probado en un estudio de laboratorio; losresultados reales en la boca pueden variar**** Las versiones Ultra de AirFloss son el mismo producto, pero esposible que el nombre difiera según el país y el canal.***** En función del ajuste de ráfaga utilizado。
Philips 清洁刷和剃须刀附件说明书

- Always check the appliance before you use it. Do not use the appliance if it is damaged, as this may cause injury. Always replace a damaged part with one of the original type.
Important safety information
Read this important information carefully before you use the appliance and its accessories and save it for future reference. The accessories supplied may vary for different products.
Battery fully charged
Note: When the battery is full, the display switches off automatically after 30 minutes.
Note: This appliance can only be used without cord.
While the appliance continues to charge, first the bottom light of the battery charge indicator flashes and then lights up continuously. Then the second light flashes and then lights up continuously, and so on until the appliance is fully charged.

清洁型 电动牙刷刷头能轻柔有效的清洁帮助保护 牙齿与牙龈。刷头的曲线排列包裹每颗牙 齿在同一时间清洁齿间深层部位。
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
专业美白型 1. 用于物理美白,专业牙科抛光杯能帮助清 除牙齿表面的咖啡渍、茶渍、烟渍等,有 效亮白牙齿。 2. 12岁以下儿童及矫正患者不建议使用。 3. 所有刷头都具备蓝色显示型毛刷,帮助您 掌控刷头的替换时间,3个月蓝色刷毛会褪 为白色,提醒您及时替换牙刷头。
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
标准清洁模式 轻柔模式 亮白模式
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
将刷头安装在牙刷手柄上,可以使用任何 牙膏,每颗牙都需几秒钟,先外在内不要 太过用力。
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
本产品有压力感应系统有益于帮助牙齿和 牙龈免于过度洗刷,如压力过大,红色压 力显示灯会亮,提示您减少压力
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
齿间清洁刷头 深层清洁齿间难以触及部位
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
舌苔清洁器能帮助去除舌头上引起难闻气 味的细菌,从而清新口气。
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
齿间清洁器:有效清洁牙 缝,保持口轻健康。建议 在使用牙刷前使用。
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
谢 谢
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
追求牙科艺术 创建完美牙科
每隔30秒会听到一个短音 提醒您平均洗刷您口腔所 有的4个象限。 长音表示完成专家推荐的2 分钟刷牙时间。

1. 产品概述手持式电动洁牙器是一种专为口腔清洁而设计的便携式电动设备。
2. 产品组成手持式电动洁牙器主要由以下几部分组成:- 手柄:握持手柄舒适,易于操作;- 洁牙头:采用高品质材料,安全而耐用;- 按钮:通过按钮控制洁牙器的开关和模式切换;- 充电装置:使用内置电池,可以通过充电装置进行充电。
3. 使用步骤为确保正确使用手持式电动洁牙器,以下是正确的使用步骤:步骤一:充电- 首次使用前,请将充电装置连接手持式电动洁牙器的充电口,并将充电装置插入电源插座。
- 充电指示灯将开始闪烁,表示充电已开始。
- 充电完成后,指示灯将常亮。
步骤二:安装洁牙头- 将手持式电动洁牙器洁牙头与手柄对齐,并插入正确位置,直到听到“咔嗒”一声,表示安装成功。
步骤三:开启洁牙器- 握紧手柄,将手持式电动洁牙器开关按钮调至“开”状态,此时洁牙器将开始工作。
步骤四:洁牙操作- 洁牙时,请将洁牙头放置于牙齿表面和牙龈之间的缝隙处,以30°的角度轻轻按摩。
- 每个牙齿间隙停留3-5秒钟,然后将洁牙头移动至下一个间隙。
- 操作过程中,请避免用力过度,以免伤害牙齿和牙龈组织。
4. 清洁和维护为了保持手持式电动洁牙器的清洁状态并延长其使用寿命,请遵循以下清洁和维护指南:- 使用后,请将洁牙头取下并用清水冲洗干净。
- 如有需要,您可以用中性肥皂清洗洁牙头,并用清水冲洗干净。
- 请勿将整个手持式电动洁牙器浸入水中清洗,以防损坏电路。
- 保持手柄干燥,并避免长时间暴露在潮湿环境中。
- 定期检查电池电量,并根据需要进行充电操作。
Philips 牙刷机产品说明书

FlexCare Platinum ConnectedEnglish 6简体中文 17繁體中文 26IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at /welcome .Important safety informationRead this important information carefully before you use the appliance and save it for future reference.Danger-Keep the charger away from water. Do not place or store it over or near water contained in a bathtub, washbasin, sink etc. Do not immerse the charger in water or any other liquid. After cleaning,make sure the charger is completely dry before you connect it to the wall socket.Warning-The mains cord cannot be replaced. If the mains cord is damaged,discard the charger.-Always have the charger replaced with one of the original type in order to avoid a hazard.-Do not use the charger outdoors or near heated surfaces.-If the appliance is damaged in any way (brush head, toothbrush handle or charger), stop using it. This appliance contains no serviceable parts. If the appliance is damaged, contact theConsumer Care Center in your country (see chapter 'Warranty and support').Caution-Do not clean the brush head, the handle and/or the charger in the dishwasher.-If you have had oral or gum surgery in the previous 2 months,consult your dentist before you use the toothbrush.-Consult your dentist if excessive bleeding occurs after using this toothbrush or if bleeding continues to occur after 1 week ofuse.Also consult your dentist if you experience discomfort or pain when you use the Philips Sonicare.6English-The Philips Sonicare toothbrush complies with the safetystandards for electromagnetic devices. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted device, contact your physician or the device manufacturer of the implanted device prior to use.-If you have medical concerns, consult your doctor before you use the Philips Sonicare.-This product has only been designed for cleaning teeth, gums and tongue. Do not use it for any other purpose. Stop using theproduct and contact your doctor if you experience any discomfort or pain.-The Philips Sonicare toothbrush is a personal care device and is not intended for use on multiple patients in a dental practice or institution.-Stop using a brush head with crushed or bent bristles. Replace the brush head every 3 months or sooner if signs of wear appear.-Do not use other brush heads than the ones recommended by the manufacturer.-If your toothpaste contains peroxide, baking soda or bicarbonate (common in whitening toothpastes), thoroughly clean the brush head with soap and water after each use.This prevents possible cracking of the plastic.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.Your Philips Sonicare (Fig. 1)1Hygienic travel cap2Brush head with unique identifier3Handle4Sensors5Power on/off button6Bluetooth7Intensity level indicator8Intensity level button (+ and -)9Brushing modes7English10Mode button11Battery level indicator12Travel charger-Not shown: Travel caseNote: The content of the box may vary based on the model purchased.Preparing for useAttaching the brush head1Align the brush head so the bristles point in the same direction as the front of the handle (Fig. 2).2Firmly press the brush head down onto the metal shaft until it stops.Note: Philips Sonicare brush heads are imprinted with icons to easily identify your brush head (Fig. 4).Charging your Philips Sonicare1Put the plug of the charger in a wall socket.2Place the handle on the charger.The flashing light of the battery level indicator indicates that the toothbrush is charging (Fig. 5).Note: It takes at least 24 hours to fully charge the battery.Using the applianceBluetooth connectivityBefore you start the connectivity procedure, make sure your mobile device runs on Bluetooth 4.0 or higher.Note: For the latest information on device compatibility, please visit the App Store or Google Play.8EnglishConnecting your toothbrush1When used in connected mode, the Philips Sonicare app gives you the opportunity to receive real-time feedback on brushing, store and share brushing data with your dentist (if you so choose), and receive personalized coaching. If you wish to use the toothbrush in unconnected mode, the toothbrush will still function. To use the toothbrush in connected mode, please follow the instructions below.2Download the Philips Sonicare app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.3Confirm Bluetooth is switched on on your mobile device before you open the app. Check the settings on your mobile device to switch on Bluetooth.4To connect the toothbrush to the app, switch onthe toothbrush by pressing either the power on/off button or the brushing mode button. Make sure the toothbrush is not on the charger when you switch it on.5Open the Sonicare app.6Follow the Sonicare app instructions displayed on your mobile device. The app automatically connects with the toothbrush. If the toothbrush does not connect, follow the troubleshooting steps provided in the app.Note: For optimal data capture, keep your mobile device close during brushing.Brushing instructions1Wet the bristles and apply a small amount of toothpaste.2Place the toothbrush bristles against the teeth at a slight angle (45degrees), pressing firmly to make the bristles reach the gumline or slightly beneath the gumline (Fig. 6).Note: Keep the center of the brush in contact with the teeth at all times.3Press the power on/off button to turn on the Philips Sonicare.9English4Apply light pressure to maximize Philips Sonicare’s effectiveness and let the Philips Sonicare toothbrush do the brushing for you.Do not scrub.5Gently move the brush head slowly across the teeth in a small back and forth motion so the longer bristles reach between your teeth. Continue this motion throughout the brushing cycle.6To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush handle semi-upright and make several vertical overlapping brushing strokes on each tooth (Fig. 7).Note: To make sure you brush evenly throughout the mouth,divide your mouth into 6 sections using the BrushPacer feature (see chapter ‘Features’).7Follow the Sonicare app's brushing guidance combined with the BrushPacer and begin brushing in section 1 (upper right teeth) and brush for 20 seconds before you move to section 2 (upper front teeth). Continue doing this for section 3 till 6 to ensure even brushing in all 6 segments of the mouth (Fig. 8).Note: When using the White mode, two additional 20 second intervals can be used for polishing your front teeth.8The Philips Sonicare app helps to address any missed spots by guiding you to spend 20 seconds in the areas you missed during brushing.Your Philips Sonicare toothbrush is safe to use on:-Braces (brush heads wear out sooner when used on braces)-Dental restorations (fillings, crowns, veneers)Note: Ensure that braces or dental restorations are properly adhered and not compromised. If not, braces or dental restorations may be damaged when they come into contact with the brush head.Note: When the Philips Sonicare toothbrush is used in clinical studies,the handle should be fully charged and the Easy-start feature deactivated.Brushing modesNote: When the toothbrush is switched on, you cannot toggle between modes.10English1Prior to turning on the Sonicare, press the mode button to toggle between modes.-The selected brushing mode illuminates.-Once a brushing mode has been selected, it remains active until another brushing mode is selected.Clean modeStandard mode for superior teeth cleaning.White mode2 minutes of alternating between White and Massage, with an additional 40 seconds to polish your visible front teeth.Deep CleanProvides an invigorating of deep massage to deliver an exceptionally clean experience.Intensity levels per mode-Low: 1 LED indicator light.-Medium: 2 LED indicator lights.-High: 3 LED indicator lights.Note: to adjust the intensity level to the next higher or lower level, you can press the + button to increase intensity or the - button to decrease intensity at any time during the brushing cycle.Pressure SensorA change in vibration (and a slight change in sound) alerts you when you apply too much pressure while brushing. See chapter ‘Features’.Battery status (when handle is not on charger)- 1 yellow LED indicates a low charge.- 3 green LEDs indicate a full charge.Note: If you hear two sets of five beeps and the yellow LED of the battery level indicator flashes, your Sonicare will turn off until placed on the charger, where it will start to recharge.Note: Your Sonicare will not be able to run a brushing routine until it is fully recharged.Note:To keep the battery fully charged at all times, you may keep your Sonicare on the charger when not in use.11EnglishFeaturesPressure SensorThis Philips Sonicare model comes with the Pressure Sensor feature activated. The Pressure Sensor works in all 3 modes and at all 3intensity levels.Activating or deactivating the Pressure Sensor feature 1Attach the brush head to the handle.2Place the handle in the plugged-in charger.-To deactivate Pressure Sensor:Press and hold the power on/off and mode button for 2 seconds.You hear 1 beep to indicate that the Pressure Sensor feature has been deactivated.-To activate Pressure Sensor:Press and hold the power on/off and mode button for 2 seconds.You hear 2 beeps to indicate that the Pressure Sensor feature has been activated.BrushPacer-The BrushPacer is an interval timer that has a short beep and pause to remind you to brush the 6 sections of your mouth.Depending on the brushing mode or brushing routine you have selected, the BrushPacer beeps at different intervals during the brushing cycle. See the ‘Brushing instructions’ sections (Fig. 8).To deactivate or reactivate the BrushPacer feature:1Place the handle with a brush head attached in the plugged-in charger.2Press and hold the mode button until:a You hear 1 beep to indicate the BrushPacer has beendeactivated.b You hear 2 beeps to indicate the BrushPacer has beenactivated.12EnglishSmartimerThe Smartimer indicates that your brushing cycle is complete by automatically turning off the toothbrush at the end of the brushing cycle.Dental professionals recommend brushing no less than 2 minutes twice a day.Easy-startThis Philips Sonicare comes with the Easy-start deactivated.The Easy-start feature gently increases the power over the first 14brushings to help you get used to the brushing with the Philips Sonicare.Note: Each of the first 14 brushings must be at least 1 minute in length to properly advance through the Easy-start ramp-up cycle.Activating or deactivating the Easy-start feature1Attach the brush head to the handle.2Place the handle in the plugged-in charger.-To activate Easy-start:Press and hold the power on/off and mode button for 2 seconds.You hear 2 beeps to indicate that the Easy-start feature has been activated.-To deactivate Easy-start:Press and hold the power on/off and mode button for 2 seconds.You hear 1 beep to indicate that the Easy-start feature has been deactivated.Note: Using the Easy-start feature beyond the initial ramp-up period is not recommended and reduces Philips Sonicare effectiveness in removing plaque.Note: Each of the first 14 brushings must be at least 1 minute in length to properly move through the Easy-start ramp-up cycle.Cleaning13EnglishToothbrush handle1Remove the brush head and rinse the metal shaft area with warmBrush head1Rinse the brush head and bristles after each use (Fig. 10).2Remove the brush head from the handle and rinse the brush head connection with warm water at least once a week. Rinse the travel cap as often as needed.Charger1Unplug the charger before you clean it.2Wipe the surface of the charger with a damp cloth. Make sure you remove any toothpaste or other residue from the charger surfaces.StorageIf you are not going to use the product for a long time, unplug it, clean it (see chapter 'Cleaning') and store it in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.Replacement Brush head-Replace Philips Sonicare brush heads every 3 months to achieve optimal results.Note: The Sonicare App will tell you when it is time to replace your brush head. (See in-app Help section)-Use only Philips Sonicare replacement brush heads.Recycling-Do not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment.14English-This product contains a built-in rechargeable battery which shall not be disposed of with normal household waste. Please take your product to an official collection point or a Philips service center to have a professional remove the rechargeable battery.-Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products and rechargeable batteries. Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for theenvironment and human health.Removing the rechargeable battery(standard) screwdriver. Observe basic safety precautions when you follow the procedure outlined below. Be sure to protect your eyes,hands, fingers, and the surface on which you work.1To deplete the rechargeable battery of any charge, remove the handle from the charger, turn on the Philips Sonicare and let it run until it stops. Repeat this step until you can no longer switch on the Philips Sonicare.2Insert a screwdriver into the slot located at the bottom of thehandle and turn counterclockwise to release the bottom cap (Fig.11).3Hold the handle upside down and push down on the shaft to release the internal components of the handle (Fig. 12).4Insert the screwdriver under the circuit board, next to the battery connections, and twist to break the connections. Remove the circuit board and pry the battery from the plastic carrier (Fig. 13).The rechargeable battery can now be recycled and the rest of the product discarded appropriately.Warranty and supportIf you need information or support, please visit/support or read the international warranty leaflet.15EnglishWarranty restrictionsThe terms of the international warranty do not cover the following:-Brush heads.-Damage caused by use of unauthorized replacement parts.-Damage caused by misuse, abuse, neglect, alterations or unauthorized repair.-Normal wear and tear, including chips, scratches, abrasions,discoloration or fading.Hereby, Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV declares that the radio equipment type Bluetooth LE is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: /support16English简介感谢您的惠顾,欢迎光临飞利浦! 为了让您能充分享受飞利浦提供的支持,请在 /welcome 上注册您的产品。


冲牙器简介正如人们知道的用高压水枪能够容易地冲洗干净汽车等,适当压力的水流早已被证明能有效地清洁人们的牙齿和口腔. 冲牙器的清洁作用主要是利用在一定压力下喷射出来的高速水柱的冲击力来实现的. 在主要靠水流本身的冲击力的基础上,下面措施可能进一步提高清洁效果:1)使水流以适当的脉冲形式喷射冲击,或使水流中带入较多气泡也能有类似的振动冲击作用;2)给水流中添加一些不同功能的助剂,例如加入微细的硬重砂粒以形成无数颗高速“子弹”,或加入一些增加清洁功能的表面活性剂等. 水柱的冲击清洁能力还与水柱大小有关系;3) 通过改变水流脉冲的频率,达到与压力的最佳组合。
Philips M660 M665 充电器用户手册说明书

It flashes when receiving incoming call. It remains steadily on when you are in a call.
Register your product and get support at
/suppor t
M660 M665
Short user manual
Important safety instructions
• The Electrical network is classified as hazardous. The only way to power down the charger is to unplug the power supply from the electrical outlet. Ensure that the electrical outlet is always easily accessible.
• Refer to safety information before using the product. • This product complies with European R&TTE
directive 1999/5/EC. • Use only the power supply listed in the user
M665 only: Press to play new message from the answer machine. / Access to the answer machine menu.
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 电子牙刷说明书

Sonic electric toothbrush DiamondClean 5 modes2 brush heads9362/67, healthier teeth for life Philips Sonicare whitening sonic toothbrush 's best whitening in our most elegant Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush. to Sonicare.Proven to improve oral healthA whiter smile in 1 week with our DiamondClean brush head*Improves gum health in just 2 weeks*Up to 7x more plaque removal than a manual toothbrushSafe and gentle for your oral health needsChoose from 5 modes including Deep Clean and SensitiveDesigned around youTimers encourage thorough 2 minutes of brushingUSB charging travel case and charging glassProvides a superior cleanA ngled neck to help tackle cleaning in tough areasOur unique technology brings you a powerful yet gentle cleanHighlightsUp to 2x whiterteethClick on our DiamondClean brush head to gently yet e ffectively remove surface stains .Densely packed central stain removal bristles work hard to make your smile 2x whiter in just 7 days .*Say goodbye toplaqueDensely -packed , high -quality bristles remove up to 7x more plaque than a manual toothbrush .Look after thosegumsWith optimal cleaning from yourDiamondClean , gums will become healthier in 2 weeks *. Removing up to 7x more plaque along the gum line than a manualtoothbrush *, you ’ll get your healthiest smile .5 modes to clean yourwayWith DiamondClean , you get a trulyrefreshing clean every day . Our 5 modes cover all your brushing needs ; Clean mode –for exceptional daily cleaning , Gum Care – to gently massage gums , Deep Clean – for an invigorating deep clean , Sensitive – for gentle yet e ffective cleaning of sensitivegums , and White – the ideal mode to remove surface stains .QuadPacer andSmartimerIt takes just 2 minutes to thoroughly brush your teeth . Our QuadPacer lets you know when you 've spent the optimal amount of time on each section of your mouth while our SmarTimer signals when your total time is up .Together they help you reach yourrecommended brushing time , every time .Reach those trickyspotsThe unique shape of your DiamondClean toothbrush handle combined with our brush heads means that even tricky spots like back teeth get a thorough clean .Philips SonicaretechnologyPowerful sonic vibrations whip up yourtoothpaste into plaque fighting bubbles , and drive them deep between your teeth and along your gum line . A t the same time your teeth will experience 62,000 gentle but e ffective brush movements . Y ou 'll get a month 's worth of manual brushing in just 2minutes .Design with storage inmindY our deluxe USB travel case doubles as a charger so you stay topped up on the go .Place your toothbrush in the case and connect to your laptop or plug into a wall socket . A lso includes a brush head holder for extra hygiene when traveling . A s for charging at home , our sleek charger glass fits stylishly into your bathroom and doubles as a glass for rinsing after brushing . Simply place your brush into the glass . Enjoy two weeks of regular use from a single full charge .SpecificationsDesign and finishingColor: PinkPowerVoltage: 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz Technical specificationsBattery: RechargeableOperating time (full to empty): Up to 3 weeks**Battery type: Lithium IONServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty Ease of useDisplay: Illuminated displayHandle: Slim ergonomic designBrush head system: Easy click-on brushheadsBattery indicator: Illuminated icon indicatesbattery lifeBrushing time: Up to 3 weeks**Items includedBrush heads: 1 DiamondClean compact, 1DiamondClean standardHandle: 1 DiamondCleanTravel case: USB travel chargerGlass charger: 1Cleaning performancePerformance: Removes up to 7x more plaque*Speed: Up to 62000 brush movement/minHealth benefits: Improves gum health in onlytwo weeksWhitening benefits: Whitens teeth 2X better*Timer: Quadpacer and SmarTimerModesClean: For exceptional everyday cleanGum Care: Gently massages gumsWhite: Removes surface stainsPolish: Brighten and polish your teethSensitive: Gentle teeth and gum cleaning* *based on two periods of two-minute brushings perday, on clean mode© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A ll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2023‑01‑14 Version: 1.1.1E A N: 08 71010 37969 09 。

冲牙器 说明书-new (1)

4.牙周病或最近半年做过口腔手术的用户,请在牙医指导下使用; 6.建议使用低于40℃的温开水或者流动的自来水;
5.充电前需确保充电口与充电线是干燥状态,否则会导致短路; 请勿注入牙膏、盐或其它固体漱口片等化学制品,否则会堵塞。
充电口 开关按钮 模式按钮 模式指示灯 (电量指示灯)
竖直手持冲牙器,将喷嘴伸入口腔内,对准牙缝或牙龈,同时 稍微张开嘴巴,以便清洁口腔后的水能顺畅流出; 按顺序清洁牙齿,沿着牙齿慢慢移动; 喷嘴对齐牙龈线,并与牙龈垂直;
冲牙器共3个档位:轻柔模式、清洁模式、脉冲模式。 第一次使用本产品,在关闭的状态下,按下按钮进入轻柔模式, 用户即可正常使用;三秒内按下按钮可切换清洁模式, 再按下按钮切换脉冲模式; 若3秒后按下按钮,即关闭冲牙器,停止使用。
模式按钮 【脉冲模式】:变频脉冲水压,点对点喷射,尤其适用于正畸用户。 【清洁模式】:标准水压,高效清洁,适用于牙齿的日常清洁; 【轻柔模式】:温和水压,适用于敏感牙齿、初期使用者;
注意: 产品主体(水箱、吸水管等)内部可能残留了一些用于检测 性能的蒸馏水,这属于正常情况,请放心使用; 首次使用此产品,即使是健康的牙龈也可能会出现刺痒或者 出血的情况,这是因为牙龈还不习惯这种刺激造成的,这种 情况一般会在1-2周内消失; 首次使用者建议先用轻柔模式使用一周, 待适应后再使用其它模式; 如果不适感超过2周,应停止使用本产品并咨询牙医。

Dental products and services PleasesendproductnewsinformationandimagestoAdrianO’*****************************,Product news is provided as a service to readers using text and images from the manufacturer,supplier or distributor and does not imply endorsement by the BDJ.Normal and prudent research should be exercised before purchase or use of any product mentioned.Playbrush is an interactive smarttoothbrush that connects via Bluetoothto games on a smartphone or tablet, sochildren can play games with their ownbrushing movements. Brushing is nowentertaining and effective as childrencollect rewards and detailed feedbackwith every brush.Playbrush was initially developed asa manual toothbrush attachment calledPlaybrush Smart, that transforms any manual toothbrush into a smart interactive toothbrush.After perfecting the Playbrush Smart product, as of summer 2018, Playbrush has decided to offer their loyal customers an alternative – the Playbrush Smart Sonic.The smart sonic is an interactive electric toothbrush with extra soft bristles and 17,000 strokes per minute. Both the Playbrush Smart and Smart Sonics are designed and built in the EU.A cleverly designed algorithm measures brushing and ensures that the mouth is cleaned for long enough and thoroughly, and real-time feedback in the form of statistics and a reward system give children extra motivation.The Playbrush app holds six mini games, the toothbrushing coach and the detailed brushing statistics, and there are also five stand-alone game apps in the Utoothia series.This innovative and award-winning gadget was dreamt up in 2015 by two Austrian and one Nigerian postgraduates. Three years after being founded, the team is 20 employees strong, has sold 175,000 Playbrushes across 25 countries and raised a combined total investment of €3.5 million from venture capital firm Speedinvest and Austrian business angel investor Hansi Hansmann, with investor Harold Primat joining for the 2017 round.Dr Paul Ashley, Head of Paediatric Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital in London, said of Playbrush: ‘It is important that children learn the right brushing technique early. Playbrush is a great way to encourage teeth to be cleaned regularly, at the right speed and area of the mouth. The idea is very clever.’Playbrush has two offices – the Vienna headquarters and the London office – where the software is designed.More information is available at https:///en/.Smart toothbrush to make brushing fun for kids If you want to attend a show that will benefit every member of your team as well as provide hours of verifiable CPD and keep your staff up to date on all things dental implantology, go to the ADI Team Congress 2019.Taking place from 2–4 May 2019 at EICC Edinburgh, the ADI Team Congress provides an excellent opportunity for all members of the teamto discover new skills,hear the latest informa-tion in the field andgain valuable CPD.Presenting a blendof inspiring lecturesby renowned globalspeakers, the Congresswill also provide greatnetworking opportunities and allow you to meet other profes-sionals who have a passion for dental implantology.For information on the ADI and upcoming events, please visit ADI Team Congress 2019 details announcedThe professional team at Goodman Grant – specialists in dentallaw – understand that acquiring a dental practice is no easyventure. With many different considerations to take into account,you might be struggling to figure out how best to go aboutacquiring the dental practice of your dreams.With decades of experience in the dental industry, GoodmanGrant is well equipped with the knowledge and expertise toadvise you on various aspects of dento-legal law. The team aimsto provide trustworthy and reliable guidance through the entireprocess of acquiring your practice, helping you to make the mostof your investment. As one of the UK’s foremost specialists indental law, Goodman Grant can help you determine whetherto purchase a freehold property or simply lease the building,ensuring that you always get the best deal.The team can also carry out extensive due diligence checks andsubmit CQC applications to help make acquisition more hassle-free. Contact the team today to find out how they can support you.For more information visit orcontactyournearestofficeatLondon************;Leeds:0113 834 3705; or Liverpool: 0151 707 0090.Acquire the dento-legal support you need454 BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL | VOLUME 225 NO. 5 | SEPTEMBER 14 2018O f f i c i a l j o u r n a l o f t h e B r i t i s h D e n t a l A s s o c i a t i o n.。
PHILIPS Sensiflex power toothbrush 用法说明

ENGLISH 2 - 34 - 56 - 78 - 9 Sensiflex power toothbrush◗The cord of the charging unit cannot be replaced. If the cord is damaged, the charging unit must be discarded.◗Make sure the socket is live when you recharge the toothbrush. The electricity supply to sockets in mirror cabinets over washbasins or shaver sockets in bathrooms may be cut off when the light is turned off.General descriptionA BrushB HandleC Insert for spare brushD Storage containerE ChargerF Spare brush holderPreparing the appliance for use Mounting the appliance to the wall1Mount the charging unit to the wall, using 2 screws (3.0x30mm) and 2 wall plugs (S5) (notincluded) (fig. 1+2).◗To drill the holes in the right places, you can use the drilling stencil on the last page of these directions for use .Charging the appliance1Charge the appliance for at least 16 hours before using it for the first time.◗Make sure the appliance is switched off when you start charging it (fig. 3).◗You can put the toothbrush in the stand and let it charge continuously.However, when you first start using the appliance, it is recommended that you use it until the battery is empty. To do so, use the appliance in the normal way without recharging it between the brushing sessions. Recharge the appliance when the motor almost stops running. Repeat this procedure 3 times in a ro. To extend the lifetime of the battery, repeat this procedure every6 months.◗You can put the toothbrush in the stand and let it charge continuously.Using the appliance1Mount the brush attachment onto the toothbrush by inserting it into the bayonet catch and turningit clockwise a quarter of a turn (fig. 4).This will make it impossible for the brush attachment to become detached due to vibration.2Put toothpaste on the brush.3Place the brush head in your mouth (fig. 5).4Press the on button and start brushing your teeth (fig. 6).Brushing TipsBrushing1Place the brush head against the tooth in such a way that it covers the surface of the tooth as well as the gum line (fig. 5).2Hold the brush head in this position for a fewThe round brush head removes plaque from the teethand beneath the gum line. The individually movingActive Tip cleans between the teeth.3Guide the brush head carefully along the teethand molars (fig. 8).◗Make sure you clean all surfaces of the teeth (inside,outside and chewing surface) as well as the gum lineproperly. A fixed brushing pattern will prevent youfrom skipping certain areas.◗See also the brushing instructions on our Internetsite: .Gum Protection1The Gum Protection system guarantees that youwill not exert too much pressure on the teethand gums (fig. 9).2If you exert too much pressure on thetoothbrush, you will feel and hear a click whenthe brush head flexes backwards. As soon as youreduce the pressure, the brush head will returnto its normal position. This will protect yourgums (fig. 10).This will probably happen a few times when you firststart using the brush. After some time you will havediscovered the optimal brushing pressure and the brushhead will flex backwards less often.Tip: If plaque is removed properly, the gums will have apink colour and will firmly surround the teeth. Healthygums do not bleed when you eat or brush your teeth(see also the section 'Optimal dental hygiene'). If,nevertheless, your gums bleed slightly the first few timesyou use the brush, this bleeding will generally stop aftera few days. If it does not, consult your dentist or dentalhygienist.Minimum brushing time: 2 minutesIn general, 2 minutes will be enough to clean your teethproperly. Naturally, you can also brush longer than2 minutes.Optimal dental hygieneFor optimal dental hygiene, it is recommended to usedental floss and toothpicks in addition to the electrictoothbrush.You will find more information about Philips DentalCare and other Philips products on our Internet site:.Cleaning and storing the appliance1Switch the toothbrush on and rinse the brushattachment under the tap with lukewarm water(max. 60ºC) (fig. 11).2Switch the toothbrush off. Detach the brushattachment and rinse the inside (fig. 12).3Switch the toothbrush on again to rinsetoothpaste residues from the drive shaft (fig. 13).4Store the brush attachment on the pin on thecharging unit.5Clean the charging unit with a moist cloth (fig.14).Unplug the charging unit before you start cleaning it.Replacement1Replace the brush attachment every 3 months for Sensiflex power toothbrush4203 000 30223◗The brush attachment should also be replaced whenthe bristles start to bend outwards.You can obtain new brush attachments from the shop in which you purchased the toothbrush.All-round PHILIPS replacement brush attachments can be used.EnvironmentWhen you discard the appliance in due course, remove the battery and dispose of it in an environmentally safe way.◗NB: You can also hand the appliance in at a PhilipsService Centre, which will dispose of the battery for you .1The battery must be completely empty when you remove it. You should therefore let the appliance run until it stops before removing the battery.2Pick up the charging unit and place the toothbrush on the pin. Turn the toothbrush anti-clockwise to unscrew the bottom of the toothbrush (fig. 15).3Turn the toothbrush upside down and press it down on a hard surface to remove the battery holder (fig. 16).4Open the lid of the battery holder by hand or by means of a screwdriver (fig. 17).5Lift the battery out of the battery holder by means of a screwdriver (fig. 18).After the bottom has been unscrewed, the appliance may not be watertight anymore and the guarantee will become invalid.TroubleshootingIf you are unable to solve your problem by means of the troubleshooting guide below, please contact the nearest Philips service centre, the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country or contact us online at .SolutionMake sure that the plug of the charging unit is properly connected to the mains.Make sure the socket is live (see also the section 'Important').Make sure the toothbrush isswitched off and recharge it for at least 16 hours.Check if the brush attachment has been properly connected to appliance (see also the section 'Using the appliance').The toothbrush must be recharged.If you normally leave thetoothbrush in the charging unit continuously, you may have to revive the battery as described in the 'Charging' section.Remove the brush attachment and start using a new one.Problem The toothbrush does not work at all, although it has been in the charging unit overnight.The motor of the toothbrush works,but the brush head doesn't.The brushing power of the appliance has greatly decreased.The teeth-cleaning performance of the toothbrush is not optimal anymore.。
Philips Sonicare One 牙膝头说明书

Philips Philips One by Sonicare Brush head1 brush head for your OneThe One that cleans better The One in multiple colorsBH1021/08One up your brushingEasy-to-switch replaceable brush heads for your new electric One. To keep your brush fresh, change it every 90 days. Which color is your One?Better brushing •Good vibrations•One charge, one month of brushing Hassle-free•Hassle-free Subscription Multiple colors•A color for every styleSpecificationsBrush head1 brush head for your One The One that cleans better, The One in multiple colorsHighlightsOne charge, one month of brushCharging your One is easy. Just pop off the end cap, plug in your USB-C cable and wait until the lightindicator stops flashing. With a single charge, you can brush for 30 days. That's one month of whiter, brighter smiling.Good vibrationsThink of the One as a powered version of your manual toothbrush. Microvibrations and contoured bristles gently clean and polish your teeth at the touch of a button.A color for every styleFrom Shadow to Shimmer, Snow to Sage, choose the color to match your style. You can mix and match the brush head with the handle and create your own color combination.Hassle-free SubscriptionMaintaining your toothbrush should be easy. Subscribe to have replacement brush heads automatically delivered to your home every 90 days. No worries, just great teeth.Technical specifications •Operating time (full to empty): Up to 30 daysDesign and finishing•Color: SageCompatibility•Brush head compatibility: Only compatible with, Philips One handlesItems included•Brush heads: 1 Philips One brush headIssue date 2022-02-03Version: 4.4.4EAN: 00 07502 00923 66© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective 。
蔬禿牙膠薬電動牙刷FlexCare Platinum連環说明书

Sonic electric toothbrush with app FlexCare Platinum Connected Personalized coachingSmart brushing sensorsHX9192/01brushing. Superior results.to 10x more plaque removal and healthier gums*Platinum Connected takes the guesswork out of oral care. Sensors send brushing data to the Sonicare app via Bluetooth®wireless technology, providing you personalized coaching and feedback for the most complete clean possible.Track your brushing with real-time guidanceA lerts you when you're brushing too hardTeaches you to reduce your scrubbingTrack and improve your coverageSonicare app delivers personalized feedbackA second chance to clean the spots you miss with TouchUpA lways know the effectiveness of your brush headStart taking better care of any trouble areasThe coaching you need to refine your routinePhilips Sonicare’s deepest, most complete cleanA customized brushing experienceContours to teeth and gums for a deeper cleanDesigned to fit your lifestyleDynamic cleaning action for better oral healthTimer helps encourage thorough brushingHighlightsLocationsensorFlexCare Platinum Connected 's locationsensor shows where you 're brushing too little for better coverage . If there are spots you consistently miss when you 're brushing , the location sensor will bring them to your attention .PressuresensorY ou might not notice if you 're brushing too hard , but your FlexCare Platinum Connected will . If you apply too much pressure , the intuitive pressure sensor will make the toothbrush handle gently pulsate so you know exactly when to adopt a softer touch . In studies , 7 out of 10 aggressive brusherssuccessfully reduced their brushing pressure thanks to the pressure sensor .ScrubbingsensorWith an electric toothbrush you let thetoothbrush do the work , rather than using a scrubbing motion . FlexCare Platinum Connected has a scrubbing sensor that helps guide you to reduce scrubbing for optimized technique and a more gentle clean .TouchUpIf you happen to miss any spots during a brushing session , the Philips Sonicare app tracks your coverage and gives you the opportunity to go back for a second pass .TouchUp provides customized guidance based on your personal brushing data so you can immediately address any missed areas and achieve a more complete clean .PersonalizedcoachingFlexCare Platinum Connected lets you set daily goals and track your progress . The Sonicare app maintains a running history of your brushing data , so you can easily review your performance . With personalizedcoaching , tips and alerts from the app , your brushing technique will improve over time .Y ou can even share your progress report with your dental professional .FocusareasIf your dental professional identi fies speci fic spots in your mouth that need more attention due to plaque buildup , gum recession oranother issue , FlexCare Platinum Connected can help you tackle those trouble areas . Y oucan highlight these spots in your personalized mouthmap within the Sonicare app ,reminding you to give them the extra care they need each time you brush .Brush head performancemonitorOver months of normal use , brush headsgradually wear down and lose their sti ffness .The Sonicare app includes a smart brush head performance monitor to track your brush head e ffectiveness based on your actualbrushing time and pressure . It tells you when to replace your brush head so you continue to get the best results . Y ou even have the option to order replacement brush heads right from within the app .Three modes , threeintensitiesWith three intensity settings and three cleaning modes , FlexCare PlatinumConnected o ffers optimal comfort with a truly deep clean . Use Clean mode for a superb everyday clean , or White mode for stainremoval . If you need to pay extra attention to trouble spots , Deep Clean mode delivers exceptional results . Set the intensity to Low ,Medium or High according to your personal preference . Set the intensity level to high for best results .SpecificationsDesign and finishingColor: WhiteConnectivityBluetooth®wireless technology: Connected brushing appPowerVoltage: 110-220 VTechnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableOperating time (full to empty): Up to 2 weeks Battery type: Lithium IONServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty CompatibilityA ndroid compatibility: A ndroid phones,Bluetooth 4.0 enabled tabletsiOS compatibility: iPad 3rd Gen or higher,iPhone 4S or higher, with iOS7 operationalsystemEase of useBrush head system: Easy click-on brushheadsHandle: Slim ergonomic designBattery indicator: Light shows battery statusDisplay: Illuminated displayBrushing time: Up to 2 weeksItems includedBrush heads: 1 A daptiveClean, 1 InterCarestandardCharger: 1Travel case: 1Handles: 1 FlexCarePlatinum ConnectedCleaning performancePerformance: Removes up to 10x moreplaque*Health benefits: Improves gum health in onlytwo weeksSpeed: Up to 62000 brush movement/minPressure sensor: Vibrates handle to alert userWhitening benefits: Helps naturally removestainsTimer: BrushPacer and SmarTimerModes3 intensities: Low, Medium, HighClean: For exceptional everyday cleanDeep Clean: For an invigorating deep cleanWhite: Removes surface stains* Removes up to 7x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A ll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2023‑01‑26 Version: 1.1.1E A N: 00 07502 00635 33。
oral-b 交叉逐层刷牙清洁刀插和电动牙刷电源说明书

Interdental -RechargeableAirFlossw/ 1 nozzleHX8211/03Don’t floss? Then AirFloss.Removes plaque where brushing can’tFor those who don’t floss consistently, AirFloss is an easy way to start cleaningbetween teeth. AirFloss can be used with mouthwash or water and featuresunique air and micro-droplet technology to help remove plaque in hard to reachareas.Achieve a 30-second cleanCleans your entire mouth in just 30 secondsPoint. Press. Clean!Helps build a healthy habitAn easy way to improve cleaning between teethImproves oral healthRemoves more plaque between teethHelps improve gum health in just two weeksHelps prevent cavities between teethEasy to useAir and micro-droplet technologyComfortable ergonomic handleGuidance tip ensures correct placementHighlightsAn easy way to startInterproximal cleaning is very important to overall oral health. AirFloss is an easy way to clean deeper between teeth, helping to form a healthy habit. After three months of using AirFloss, 96% of inconsistent flosserscontinued to use AirFloss four or more days per week.Removes more plaque between teRemoves more plaque between teeth30 Second CleanWith the AirFloss, cleaning your entire mouth takes just 30 seconds. Simply press the button once for a single burst, then move and repeat.To use the new auto-burst feature, hold downthe button and move the guidance tip fromspace to space. It will automatically burst every second.Easy-fill reservoirFill the reservoir on the handle with either mouthwash or water for a refreshing clean,then point and shoot. The reservoir holds enough liquid for up to two uses.Better gum healthSonicare AirFloss is clinically proven to improve gum health in just two weeks.Helps prevent cavitiesBy gently bursting away plaque that brushing missed, Sonicare AirFloss helps prevent cavities from forming in the spaces between your teeth.Air and micro-droplet techAir and micro-droplet technologyErgonomic handleDesigned to be easy to maneuver in tightspaces, AirFloss has a comfortable ergonomic handle and a non-slip grip.Guidance tipThe slim angled nozzle and guidance tip make finding the correct placement easy. Just slide along the tooth’s surface near the gum line until the tip fits into the groove between the teeth.SpecificationsEase of useHandle: Slim ergonomic designBattery indicator: Flashing indicates low batteryBattery Life: Up to 3 wks when fully charged Nozzle attachment: Easily snaps on and offT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableOperating time: Replace nozzle every 6 monthsBattery type: Lithium IONCharge time: 24 hours to full charge PowerVoltage: Multi-voltage chargerServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warrantyItems includedAirFloss Handle: 1AirFloss Nozzle: 1Charger: 1Cleaning performancePerformance: Removes up to 5x more plaque*Health benefits: Improves gum health in onlytwo weeksAuto-burst feature: Cleans entire mouth in 30secNozzles: Best results change every 6mosDesign specificationsColor(s): White with green accents* than manual toothbrushing alone© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2020‑03‑12 Version: 2.1.1。