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Pr in ciples of Man ageme nt

Man ageme nt is the process that man agers use the man ageme nt fun cti on to coord in ate in order to effectively achieve organizational goals, personal development and social responsibility. Robert Katz thought that man ager must have tech ni cal skills, in terpers onal skills and con ceptual skills.


We learned management mainly from its five functions-decision, organization, leader, control and inno vati on.


The purpose of the Hawthor ne experime nt is to find out the impact of work ing con diti ons on work. (霍桑实验)很桑实監的目的是找出工作条件对工作的影响。

Maslow Level dema nd theory: Maslow divided the huma n n eeds into five levels, physiology, security, feeli ngs, respect and self-realizati on n eeds con sidered that only the unmet n eed was able to in flue nee the behavior.



hygiene-motivational factors (双因素理论):The theory that people cause motivation to work there are two main factors: First, incentives, and second, hygiene factors. Only the incentive factors can give people a sense of satisfacti on, and hygie ne factors can only elim in ate people's dissatisfacti on, but will not bring satisfacti on .It is similar to satisfied quality in 6Sigma.


X-Y theory: X theory thinks people are lazy. They need to be put into press by manager. Y-theory thinks people in the work of physical and men tal in put just like in the en terta inment and leisure in vestme nt, the work is very n atural thi ng.


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