17 拓荒女孩劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事-文档资料
典范英语6-17拓荒女孩分章节梗概 -
Pioneer Girl: the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder 拓荒女孩劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事第一章我们在大森林里的小屋1867年,我出生在美国威斯康辛州。
Chapter 1 we in a cottage in the woodsIn 1867, I was born in the American state of Wisconsin.Our family and dog jack lived in the trees in a cabin.The forest is very dangerous, we have to contend with dangerous animals such as bears, leopards, but we had a good life.第二章西进爸是一个真正的拓荒者。
Chapter 2 to the westDad is a real frontier.We left the safe house in the trees, to west of the new land.We sat and carriages, after all the hardships, arrived at Kansas state.第三章我们在草原上的小屋我们在草原上建了一间房子,做了一扇木门、床、凳子和一张桌子。
chapter 3 we house on the prairieWe built a house on the prairie, made a wooden door, bed, stools and a table.Indians don't like the rest of us.Dad roasted corn bread just off the two devils indians.We went to Minnesota, 1874 "walnut forest".第四章我们在“李子溪”的房子我们在河岸上挖了土房子。
7_17 拓荒女孩劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事
《典范英语》(7_17)教学参考Pioneer Girl: the Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。
四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考提出与故事相关的问题请学生回答,如:Have you had any adventures in a wild place?/Have you ever been camping in a wild place like in the woods?Who can describe your camping/adventure experience?Have you heard of Laura Ingalls Wilder?教师出示Laura Ingalls Wilder的照片,对其作简要介绍,然后回归故事内容。
Laura Ingalls Wilder lived in America 130 years ago. She wrote many popular children’sstories. Laura’s family were pioneers and she had many adventures as they travelled through woods, over prairies and across rivers in their covered wagon. She wrote the stories based on her adventure experience.2. 朗读(Reading aloud):朗读与思考相结合(1)检查学生朗读。
这套书的插图由享誉全球的插画大师贾士·威廉 斯绘制。贾士·威廉斯曾为《精灵鼠小弟》、《夏 洛的网》、《桥下一家人》等名著配图。在《小 木屋》这套书中,贾士·威廉斯的插图精确地再现 了拓荒年代人们的生活,富有美感,充满诗意。
“每一次静下心来,走进‘小木屋’,走进 罗兰的世界,我都会被深深地感动;在那样艰辛 的拓荒过程中,罗兰的世界里总是充满着爸的小 提琴声和妈温柔的笑容。那琴声、那笑容,是多 么让孩子安心,让家充满爱和希望。每一次,我 都会有一种强烈的冲动;我好希望有一个小女儿, 我会常常给她讲罗兰故事;等她长大一定能像罗 兰一样健康快乐的成长,而我,也一定会像罗兰 的爸妈一样,哪怕是身边最艰难困苦的境地,也 要将最美的琴声,最美的微笑送给我的女儿,让 她在每一个夜晚,穿着洁净的睡衣,心满意足地 安然入睡。”
• 1 离开大森林 • 2 渡溪 • 3 在草原上过夜 • 4 草原上的一天
5 盖房子 • 6 不再赶路了
7 被狼群包围 • 8 坚固的门 • 9 新壁炉 • 10 小木屋大功告成 • 11 来了两个印第安人 • 12 挖井 • 13 母牛和小牛
14 印第安人的营区 15 热病 16 烟囱着火了 17 爸到镇上去 18 友善的奥萨格人 19 圣诞老公公的礼物 20 深夜里的尖叫声 21 印第安人聚会 22 草原大火 23 日夜不停的呐喊 24 印第安人走了 25 爸的决定 26 挥别大草原
• 一连好几天,爸爸都在河边砍木头,再把木头搬 回来。已经堆好两堆了,一堆用来建房子,一堆 用来盖马厩。爸爸总是驾着车来来去去的,从河 边到帐篷之间渐渐走出一条路来。
• 天还微微亮的时候,妈妈就轻轻地摇醒了 玛丽和劳拉。在炉火和烛光的照映下,她 给她们洗好脸,梳好头发,穿上暖和的衣 服。在红色的长法兰绒内衣外面,妈妈给 她们又穿上了羊毛衬裙、羊毛连衣裙,还 穿上了羊毛长袜,左后再套上大衣,带上 兔毛帽子和红色的毛线手套。
典范英语7_17 拓荒女孩劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事
• Little House in the Big Woods —— Ma slapped a bear
• Little House on the Prairie —— Pa hunting, Indians, cornbread
• Our House on Plum Greek — my greatest enemy, a sad time
• Tips:
• Try to imitate the recording. • Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. • Use your voice and expression to tell what is
• Town on the Prairie — the worst winter
• Would you have enjoyed being a pioneer like the writer? Why or why not?
• What do you think home is?
• Home was where Pa’s fiddle was hung on the wall. It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for Ma’s china shepherdess. It never got broken. (opinion)
• We were poor, but we made the best of what we had. (fact)
• It didn’t matter where we were. If we were together, we were happy. (opinion)
Laura Ingalls Wilder:the story of a Pioneer Girl 劳
Laura Ingalls Wilder:the story of a Pioneer Girl劳拉·英格尔斯·怀德:一个拓荒女孩的故事作者:来源:《疯狂英语·初中版》2019年第06期在世界各地,有數不清的孩子因为看了她写的这套书,从中得到爱的滋润与面对未来的勇气。
这套书,就是“小木屋”系列小说;这位可爱的老妇人,就是这套书的作者——劳拉. 英格尔斯·怀德。
Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born February7, 1867, in a little log house in the Big Woods ofWisconsin. Laura's childhood was spent travelingwest with her family through Kansas, then toMinnesota, lowa, and South Dakota.She became a school teacher at about sixteen.She was married to Almanzo Wilder in 1 885. After that, Laura gave birth to a baby girl, Rose. Life for the Wilder family was not easy. They wereoften cold and hungry. They experienced a series ofbad luck. For many years, they moved from place to place and worked at many different jobs.Laura's daughter Rose grew up listening to her mother's stories of those 1)pioneer days. She 2)urged her mother to write them down so that she could make a living by writing and other children could enjoy them, as well. So in the 1930sand 40s, Laura 3)recorded her memories of those days of long ago in a children’sseries known as the Little House books.Her first book, The Little House in the Big Woodswas published in 1932when she was 65. It told the story of five-year-old Laura and her pioneer family inWisconsin. It was followed by Little House on the Prairie in 1935, On the Banks ofPlum Creek in 1937 and By the Shores of Silver Lake in 1939.The Little House books are all fiction. But they are closely based upon thememories of Laura Ingalls Wilder. When she was asked which parts of her storieswere true, she often said,“I lived everything I wrote."Although Laura died on February 10, 1957, at her home in the Ozarks ofMissouri, she and her family will live forever in the hearts of her readers.The Little House books continue to sell very well. They have been translated into forty-five languages. The books are written in a simple style that is easy for young people to understand.The Wilder's Rocky Ridge Farm is now a 4)museum. Thousands of people from around the world come to visit each year. The can see many ofLaura's hand written pages for the Little House books.They can also see 5)photographs of the family, andsome of the clothes that Laura sewed while living onthe prairie. Visitors can see tools and other things that Almanzo used to build theirhouses and farm the land.1) pioneer [paia'nie(r)] n.先鋒,拓荒者 2) urge [3:d3] vt.力劝3) record [r'ko:d] vt.记录4) museum [mju'zi:am] n.博物馆5) photograph ['feutegra:f]n.照片词组加油站give birth to生下,生了a series of make a living一系列的谋生based upon基于thousands of成千上万的参考翻译:劳拉·伊丽莎白·英格尔斯1867年2月7日出生在威斯康星州大树林里的一个小木屋里。
Pioneer Girl
• Laura Ingalls Wilder lived in America 130 years ago. The family of Laura had many adventures as they travelled through woods , over prairies and across rivers in their covered wagon.
Her works
• 1932:《 • 1933:《 • 1935:《 • 1937:《 • 1939:《 • 1940:《 • 1941:《 • 1943:《 • 1968:《 Little House in the Big Woods 》(大森林的小屋) Farmer Boy 》(农场少年) Little House on the Prairie 》(草原小屋) On the Banks of Plum Creek 》(梅溪河岸) By the Shores of Silver Lake 》(在银湖岸) The Long Winter 》(漫长冬季) Little Town on the Prairie 》(草原小镇) These Happy Golden Years 》(快乐的金色年代) The First Four Years 》(新婚四年)
Pioneer Girl
A Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
拓荒女孩 劳拉·因格lder
She is an American writer. Most of her
novels is talk about the story of she
典范英语 第七册 6_17 拓荒女孩劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事
• It didn’t matter where we were. If we were together, we were happy. (opinion)
• Imagine yourself being a pioneer in a wild place. Write about the hardships you have gone through and how you survived in around 100 words.
• Write a summary of this story in no less than 100 words.
• Little House in the Big Woods —— Ma slapped a bear
• Little House on the Prairie —— Pa hunting, Indians, cornbread
• Our House on Plum Greek —— my greatest enemy, a sad time
• Tips:
• Try to imitate the recording. • Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. • Use your voice and expression to tell what is
(Feb. 7, 1867 – Feb. 10, 1957)
• Little House in the Big Woods (1932) • Farmer Boy (1933) • Little House on the Prairie (1935) • On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937) • By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939)
6-17 拓荒女孩—劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事引言这是一则讲述劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德如何在120年前的美国长大的故事。
典范英语6-17拓荒女孩分章节梗概 -
Pioneer Girl: thestory ofLauraIngallsWilder拓荒女孩劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事第一章我们在大森林里的小屋1867年,我出生在美国威斯康辛州。
Chapter 1we in a cottage in the woodsIn 1867, I was born in the American state of Wisconsin.Ourfamily and dog jack lived in the trees in a cabin.The forest isverydangerous,wehavetocontendwithdangerousanimalssuchasbears, leopards, but we had a good life.第二章西进爸是一个真正的拓荒者。
Chapter 2to the westDad is a real frontier.We left the safe house in the trees, towest of the new land.We sat and carriages, after all the hardships,arrived at Kansas state.第三章我们在草原上的小屋我们在草原上建了一间房子,做了一扇木门、床、凳子和一张桌子。
chapter 3we house on the prairieWe built a house on the prairie, made a wooden door, bed,stools and a table.Indians don't like the rest of us.Dad roasted cornbread just off the two devils indians.We went to Minnesota, 1874"walnut forest".第四章我们在“李子溪”的房子我们在河岸上挖了土房子。
• It didn’t matter where we were. If we were together, we were happy. (opinion)
• Imagine yourself being a pioneer in a wild place. Write about the hardships you have gone through and how you survived in around 100 words.
• Little House in the Big Woods —— Ma slapped a bear
• Little House on the Prairie —— Pa hunting, Indians, cornbread
• Our House on Plum Greek —— my greatest enemy, a sad time
• The Long Winter (1940)
• Little Town on the Prairie (1941) • These Happy Golden Years (1943) • On the Way Home (1962) • The First Four Years (1971) • The Road Back (2006)
• Town on the Prairie —— the worst winter)
• Would you have enjoyed being a pioneer like the writer? Why or why not?
6_17 拓荒女孩劳拉·因格尔斯·怀尔德的故事
The Long Winter (1940) Little Town on the Prairie (1941) These Happy Golden Years (1943) On the Way Home (1962) The First Four Years (1971) The Road Back (2006)
What impresses (使…印象深刻)you in other chapters? Tell us what that part is, read it aloud and then let us know why you love that part.
• Reading Tips:
• Try to imitate the recording. • Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. • Use your voice and expression to tell what is happening.
cow now how crab grab
see free tree camp lamp
shop stop crop wild child
deep keep sweep boat float
head fiddle bread middle instead huddle deer follow pioneer w in the Big Woods (1932) • • Farmer Boy (1933) • • Little House on the Prairie (1935) • • On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937) • • By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939) •
这套书的插图由享誉全球的插画大师贾士· 威廉 斯绘制。贾士· 威廉斯曾为《精灵鼠小弟》、《夏 洛的网》、《桥下一家人》等名著配图。在《小 木屋》这套书中,贾士· 威廉斯的插图精确地再现 了拓荒年代人们的生活,富有美感,充满诗意。
“每一次静下心来,走进‘小木屋’,走进 罗兰的世界,我都会被深深地感动;在那样艰辛 的拓荒过程中,罗兰的世界里总是充满着爸的小 提琴声和妈温柔的笑容。那琴声、那笑容,是多 么让孩子安心,让家充满爱和希望。每一次,我 都会有一种强烈的冲动;我好希望有一个小女儿, 我会常常给她讲罗兰故事;等她长大一定能像罗 兰一样健康快乐的成长,而我,也一定会像罗兰 的爸妈一样,哪怕是身边最艰难困苦的境地,也 要将最美的琴声,最美的微笑送给我的女儿,让 她在每一个夜晚,穿着洁净的睡衣,心满意足地 安然入睡。”
罗兰在家中排行老二,上有姐姐玛莉,下 有妹妹琳琳、葛丽丝和弟弟菲德烈克。玛 莉十四岁时因感染猩红热而失明,菲德烈 克在九个月大时就夭折了。姐姐、弟弟的 不幸与开拓家园的艰辛,使罗兰从一个天 真的小女孩长成坚强勇敢的少女。在《小 木屋》这套书中,罗兰以她细腻、诚恳的 笔法,将一个女孩的成长写得生动感人, 更将父母手足间的亲情,她和阿曼乐含蓄 隽永的夫妻之情,以及拓荒时代人们的勤 奋,勇敢,对大自然的虔敬等,表现得淋 漓尽致。《小木屋》系列的可贵之处就在 于——它不但记录了美国拓荒时代的历史, 更记录了个人的成长。
• 天还微微亮的时候,妈妈就轻轻地摇醒了 玛丽和劳拉。在炉火和烛光的照映下,她 给她们洗好脸,梳好头发,穿上暖和的衣 服。在红色的长法兰绒内衣外面,妈妈给 她们又穿上了羊毛衬裙、羊毛连衣裙,还 穿上了羊毛长袜,左后再套上大衣,带上 兔毛帽子和红色的毛线手套。 • 妈妈拧干了洗碗布,然后走到黑暗处,把 洗碗布晾在高大的野草上面。
Discussion rules:
1.Each one has a chance to speak.
2.You can’t interrupt(打断) others when they are speaking.
3.Support and add others’
4. If you don’t want to speak, you can keep silent.
What impresses (使…印象深刻)you in other chapters? Tell us what that part is, read it aloud and then let us know why you love that part.
• Reading Tips:
• Try to imitate the recording.
• Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
• Use your voice and expression to tell what is happening.
• Little House in the Big Woods —— • Ma slapped a bear
• Little House in the Big Woods (1932)•
• Farmer Boy (1933)
• Little House on the Prairie (1935) •
• On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937) •
• By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939) •
Laura Ingalls Wilder lived in America 130 years ago. She wrote many popular children’s stories. Laura’s family were pioneers and she had many adventures as they travelled through woods, over prairies and across rivers in their covered wagon. She wrote the stories based on(根据) her adventure experience(经历).
拓荒女孩劳拉读后感英文回答:The novel "The Pioneer Girl" is a captivating storythat follows the journey of Laura Ingalls, a young girl who sets out to explore the untamed wilderness of the American frontier. Through her experiences, Laura learns about resilience, determination, and the importance of family.One of the themes that stood out to me in the novel is the idea of self-reliance. Laura's family faces numerous challenges as they try to establish a new life in the wilderness. They have to build their own shelter, growtheir own food, and protect themselves from wild animals. Despite the hardships, Laura and her family never give up. They rely on their own skills and resourcefulness to overcome obstacles and create a better life for themselves.Another theme that struck me is the power of nature. The descriptions of the vast prairies, towering mountains,and raging rivers in the novel are incredibly vivid. Laura is in awe of the beauty and grandeur of the natural world, but she also learns to respect its power. She witnesses devastating storms, harsh winters, and dangerous encounters with wild animals. These experiences teach her humility and a deep appreciation for the forces of nature.Furthermore, the novel explores the importance of family bonds. Laura's family sticks together through thick and thin, supporting and relying on each other. They share both the joys and the hardships of pioneer life. Their love and unity provide them with strength and comfort in the face of adversity. This theme resonated with me, as it reminded me of the importance of cherishing and nurturing the relationships with my own family members.In addition to these themes, the novel also delves into the realities of pioneer life, such as the daily struggles for survival, the lack of modern conveniences, and the constant threat of danger. It offers a glimpse into a bygone era and allows readers to appreciate the comforts and opportunities we have today.Overall, "The Pioneer Girl" is a thought-provoking and inspiring novel that offers valuable lessons about resilience, the power of nature, and the importance of family. It reminds us of the strength and determination of those who came before us and encourages us to appreciatethe blessings in our own lives.中文回答:小说《拓荒女孩劳拉》是一个引人入胜的故事,讲述了劳拉·英格尔斯的旅程,她是一个年轻的女孩,踏上了探索美国边疆未开垦荒野的旅程。
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(Feb. 7, 1867 – Feb. 10, 1957)
• Little House in the Big Woods (1932) • Farmer Boy (1933) • Little House on the Prairie (1935) • On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937) • By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939)
Language Appreciation
• Home was where Pa’s fiddle was hung on the wall. It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for Ma’s china shepherdess. It never got broken. (opinion)
• The Long Winter (1940)
• Little Town on the Prairie (1941) • These Happy Golden Years (1943) • On the Way Home (1962) • The First Four Years (1971) • The Road Back (2006)
Reading Aloud
• Tips:
• Try to imitate the recording. • Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. • Use your voice and expression to tell what is
• We were poor, but we made the best of what we had. (fact)
• It didn’t matter where we were. If we were together, we were happy. (opinion)
• Imagine yourself being a pioneer in a wild place. Write about the hardships you have gone through and how you survived in around 100 wor
• Little House in the Big Woods —— Ma slapped a bear
• Little House on the Prairie —— Pa hunting, Indians, cornbread
• Our House on Plum Greek —— my greatest enemy, a sad time
• Town on the Prairie —— the worst winter)
• Would you have enjoyed being a pioneer like the writer? Why or why not?
• What do you think home is?