succulents 多肉植物图片介绍英文
Succulents, also known as "fat plants," are a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardens. These plants have thick, fleshy leaves and stems that store water, allowing them to survive in dry environments. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them a favorite among plant enthusiasts. Succulents are low-maintenance and easy to care for, making them perfect for busy people or those with a black thumb. They thrive in bright, indirect light and only need to be watered sparingly, making them a great choice for forgetful gardeners.
多肉植物介绍特点描写作文英文回答:Succulent plants, also known as "fat plants," are a fascinating group of plants that have adapted to survive in arid and dry environments. These plants are characterized by their thick, fleshy leaves and stems, which store water and allow them to withstand long periods of drought.One of the most striking features of succulents istheir wide variety of shapes and forms. From rosettes to columns, and from trailing vines to compact bushes, there is a succulent plant to suit every taste and style. Some popular varieties include the Echeveria, Aloe Vera, and Crassula.Another notable characteristic of succulents is their vibrant and eye-catching colors. Many succulents have leaves that are green, but others can be shades of blue, purple, red, or even black. This diversity of colors addsto their appeal and makes them a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardens.In addition to their unique appearance, succulents are also known for their ability to thrive in a wide range of environments. They can be grown both indoors and outdoors, and they are ideal for those who have limited time or space for gardening. Succulents are low-maintenance plants that require minimal watering and can tolerate neglect to some extent.Furthermore, succulents have become increasinglypopular as houseplants due to their air-purifying properties. They can remove toxins from the air and improve indoor air quality, making them a great choice for thosewho want to create a healthier living environment.In conclusion, succulent plants are a diverse and fascinating group of plants that have adapted to survive in dry and arid conditions. Their unique shapes, vibrant colors, and ability to thrive in various environments make them a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor gardening.Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner, succulents are a great addition to any plant collection.中文回答:多肉植物,也被称为“肥肉植物”,是一类适应干旱和干燥环境的植物。
succulents 多肉植物图片介绍英文 (课堂PPT)
![succulents 多肉植物图片介绍英文 (课堂PPT)](
Acanthoc alycium
拉丁学名 (name):
科目属性:Crassulaceae景天科拟石莲花属 拉丁学名:Echeveria cv. Huthspinke21
Thank You
The Amazing Succulents
• 多肉植物是指植物营养器官的某一部分, 如茎或叶或根具有发达的薄壁组织用以贮
• Succulent plants refers to a portion of the plant nutrition organs, such as the stem or leaf or root that has developed parenchyma to store water, and it appears thick and juicy on the shape of
It belongs to
拉丁学名(name) :
Sedum corynephyllu m
学名(name): Sedum adolphii
科目属性: Crassulaceae景天科4科目ຫໍສະໝຸດ 性:Cactaceae松露玉属
拉丁学名 (name):
Crassula americana
拉丁学名 (name):
Aeonium decorum
多肉的种类介绍的作文Succulents are a diverse group of plants that come in a wide varietyof shapes, sizes, and colors. 多肉植物是一组形态各异、大小和颜色各异的植物。
One of the most popular types of succulents is the Echeveria, known for its rosette-shaped leaves and vibrant colors. 其中一种最受欢迎的多肉植物是石莲花,以其象征著的叶子和鲜艳的颜色而闻名。
Another popular succulent is the Aloe Vera, known for its medicinal properties and soothing gel. 另一种受欢迎的多肉植物是芦荟,以其药用特性和舒缓的凝胶而闻名。
Succulents like the Haworthia and the Sempervivum are also popular among collectors for their unique shapes and patterns. 多肉植物,如虎刺玫和多苞多肉植物,也因其独特的形状和图案而受到收藏家的青睐。
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, succulents are also easy to care for, making them ideal for beginners or busy individuals. 除了它们的美学吸引力之外,多肉植物还很容易照顾,因此非常适合初学者或忙碌的人。
Furthermore, succulents have become a popular choice for wedding decorations and favors due to their versatility and long-lasting nature. 此外,由于多肉植物的多样性和持久性,它们已成为婚礼装饰和小礼物的热门选择。
介绍多肉的特点二年级作文Hello, I'm going to introduce the characteristics of succulents in this essay.大家好,我要在这篇作文中介绍一下多肉的特点。
Succulents are a type of plant that can store water in their leaves, stems, or roots.多肉植物是一种能在叶子、茎或根部储存水分的植物。
This allows them to survive in dry environments where water is scarce.这使得它们能在缺水的干燥环境中生存。
One of the most distinctive features of succulents is their thick, fleshy leaves.多肉植物最显著的特点之一是它们厚实、肉质的叶子。
These leaves help them retain water and protect them from drying out.这些叶子有助于它们保留水分,防止干燥。
Succulents also come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them very appealing to plant lovers.多肉植物还具有各种各样的形状、大小和颜色,这使得它们对植物爱好者非常有吸引力。
Another interesting characteristic of succulents is their slow growth rate.多肉植物的另一个有趣特点是它们的生长速度缓慢。
This means they don't require frequent pruning or maintenance, making them easy to care for.这意味着它们不需要经常修剪或维护,易于照料。
1 五十铃玉Fenestraria aurantiaca 棒叶花属Aizoaceae2 碧光环属A Monilaria A 碧光环属Aizoaceae3 碧光环属B Monilaria B 碧光环属Aizoaceae4 碧光环属C Monilaria C 碧光环属Aizoaceae5 碧光环属D Monilaria D 碧光环属Aizoaceae6 碧光环属E Monilaria E 碧光环属Aizoaceae7 碧光环属F Monilaria F 碧光环属Aizoaceae8 碧光环属G Monilaria G 碧光环属Aizoaceae9 贵光玉Monilaria pisiformis 碧光环属Aizoaceae10 凌耀玉Dinteranthus vanzylii 春桃玉属Aizoaceae11 枝干番杏Dicrocaulon ramulosum 蒂克伦属Aizoaceae12 ‘沃文思’绘岛Cephalophyllum 'Wolwenes' 绘岛属Aizoaceae13 银鱼Cephalophyllum loreum 绘岛属Aizoaceae别名:大花快刀14 快刀乱麻Rhombophyllum nelii 快刀乱麻属Aizoaceae15 青崖Rhombophyllum rhomboideum 快刀乱麻属Aizoaceae别名:青岩16 刺叶露子花Delosperma echinatum 露子花属Aizoaceae别名:雷童,Mesembryanthemum echinatum Lam17 芳香波Stomatium niveum 楠舟属Aizoaceae18 奇鸟菊属A Mitrophyllum A 奇鸟菊属Aizoaceae19 奇鸟菊属B Mitrophyllum B 奇鸟菊属Aizoaceae20 奇鸟菊属Mitrophyllum sp. 奇鸟菊属Aizoaceae21 荒波Faucaria tuberculosa 肉黄菊属Aizoaceae22 银边片男波Faucaria bosscheana var. haagei 肉黄菊属Aizoaceae别名:银边四海波(误用),白边四海波(误用),鲸波(原种)23 口笛Conophytum bilobum subsp. altum 'Luisae' 肉锥花属Aizoaceae24 群碧玉Conophytum minutum var. pearsonii 肉锥花属Aizoaceae别名:Conophytum pearsonii25 翠光玉Conophytum pillansii 肉锥花属Aizoaceae别名:静明玉,不死鸟26 安珍Conophytum obcordellum 肉锥花属Aizoaceae别名:玉彦,白眉玉,安寿姬27 大叉叶草Glottiphyllum regium 舌叶花属Aizoaceae别名:凤翼28 ‘红窗’公爵玉Lithops kuinjasensis 'Top Red' 生石花属Aizoaceae29 C158 招福玉Lithops schwantesii C158 生石花属Aizoaceae30 天女Titanopsis calcarea 天女属Aizoaceae别名:Mesembryanthemum calcareum31 慈晃锦Cheiridopsis candidissima 虾钳花属Aizoaceae 别名:翡翠音叉,虾钳花,虾的花32 姬红小松Trichodiadema bulbosum 仙宝属Aizoaceae33 人宝Trichodiadema mirabile 仙宝属Aizoaceae34 德氏金铃Argyroderma roseum f. delaetii 银叶花属Aizoaceae 别名:德式银石,Argyroderma delaetii35 银叶花属Argyroderma sp. 银叶花属Aizoaceae36 青珠子玉Gibbaeum geminum 藻铃玉属Aizoaceae37 银琥Gibbaeum shandii 藻铃玉属Aizoaceae 别名:苔藓玉,桃色花38 照波Bergeranthus multiceps 照波属Aizoaceae 别名:仙女花39 碧鱼莲Echinus maximiliani 刺番杏属Aizoaceae 别名:飞鸟花,Echinus maximilianus40 白罗汉Anacampseros namaquensis 回欢草属Anacampserotaceae 别名:白玉罗汉,Anacampseros baeseckei41 茶笠Anacampseros crinita 回欢草属Anacampserotaceae42 吹雪之松锦Anacampseros rufescens 'Sunrise' 回欢草属Anacampserotaceae43 妖精之舞Avonia albissima 银蚕属Anacampserotaceae别名:群蚕,Anacampseros albissima,Anacampseros avasmontana,Anacampseros avasmontana var. caespitosa,Anacampseros quinaria44 韧锦Avonia quinaria 银蚕属Anacampserotaceae45 大花犀角Stapelia grandiflora 豹皮花属Apocynaceae别名:红花犀角,Gonostemon grandiflorus,Stisseria grandiflora46 悬垂龙角Huernia pendula 剑龙角属Apocynaceae47 龙角Huernia schneideriana 剑龙角属Apocynaceae 别名:螺旋犀牛角48 紫龙角Orbea decaisneana 龙角属Apocynaceae别名:史巴角,Caralluma decaisneana,Boucerosia decaisneana,Angolluma decaisneana,Desmidorchis decaisneana,Pachycymbium decaisneanum,Stapelia decaisneana49 百万心Dischidia ruscifolia 眼树莲属Apocynaceae50 雾冰玉Eriospermum brevipes 雾冰玉属Asparagaceae51 鬼脚掌Agave victoriae-reginae 龙舌兰属Asparagaceae别名:Agave consideranti,Agave ferdinandi-regis,Agave nickelsii,Agave victoriae-reginae f. nickelsii52 姬鬼脚掌Agave victoriae-reginae cv. 龙舌兰属Asparagaceae53 龙舌兰Agave americana 龙舌兰属Asparagaceae别名:万年兰,龙舌掌,番麻,世纪树,Agave complicata,Agave felina,Agave gracilispina,Agave melliflua,Agave rasconensis,Agave subzonata,Agave zonata54 黃花新月Othonna capensis 厚敦菊属Asteraceae别名:玉翠楼,紫玄月,紫月,紫葡萄55 帝王龙Ortegocactus macdougallii 矮疣球属Cactaceae56 小型芜城丸Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele subsp. minimus 娇丽属Cactaceae别名:小型罗城丸,迷你牧师,小型长城丸,Turbinicarpus krainzianus var. minimus,Turbinicarpus krainzianus f. minimus,Turbinicarpus krainzianus subsp. minimus,Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele f. minimus57 翠牡丹玉Gymnocalycium anisitsii subsp. damsii 裸萼球属Cactaceae别名:丽蛇丸,韩国牡丹,Gymnocalycium centrispinum var. rotundulum,Echinocactus damsii,Gymnocalycium anisitsii subsp. multiproliferum,Gymnocalycium damsii,Gymnocalycium damsii var. boosii,Gymnocalycium damsii var. centrispinum,Gymnocalycium damsii subsp. evae,Gymnocalycium damsii var. multiproliferum,Gymnocalycium damsii var. rotundulum,Gymnocalycium damsii var. torulosum,Gymnocalycium damsii var. tucavocense58 士童Frailea castanea 士童属Cactaceae别名:Astrophytum castaneum59 松露玉Blossfeldia liliputana 松露玉属Cactaceae60 碧琉璃鸾凤玉Astrophytum myriostigma var. nudum 星球属Cactaceae别名:琉璃鸾凤玉61 鸾凤玉锦Astrophytum myriostigma 'Variegata' 星球属Cactaceae62 星球Astrophytum asterias 星球属Cactaceae 别名:兜63 四角鸾凤玉Astrophytum myriostigma var. 星球属Cactaceae 别名:四方玉64 岩牡丹Ariocarpus retusus 岩牡丹属Cactaceae 别名:Anhalonium retusum65 象足姬牡丹Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus subsp. elephantidens 岩牡丹属Cactaceae66 姬牡丹Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. macdowellii 岩牡丹属Cactaceae别名:Roseocactus kotschoubeyanus subsp. macdowellii67 月世界Epithelantha micromeris 月世界属Cactaceae别名:小人帽,小人之帽,Mammillaria micromeris,Cactus micromeris,Cephalomamillaria micromeris68 大和莲×Graptoveria 'Amethorum' 风车石莲属Crassulaceae别名:紫葡萄,红葡萄69 ‘银星’×Graptoveria 'Silver Star' 风车石莲属Crassulaceae70 趣蝶莲Kalanchoe synsepala 伽蓝菜属Crassulaceae71 扇雀Kalanchoe rhombopilosa 伽蓝菜属Crassulaceae别名:姬宮,Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. argentea,Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. viridifolia72 黑扇雀Kalanchoe sp. 伽蓝菜属Crassulaceae73 唐印Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 伽蓝菜属Crassulaceae别名:桨厂,沙漠圆白菜,白夫人,Kalanchoe thyrsifolia(错误)74 星美人Pachyphytum oviferum 厚叶草属Crassulaceae 别名:鸡蛋玉莲75 千代田松Pachyphytum compactum 厚叶草属Crassulaceae 别名:千代田之松76 青星美人Pachyphytum 'Dr. Cornelius' 厚叶草属Crassulaceae77 王玉珠帘×Sedeveria 'Harry Butterfield' 景天石莲属Crassulaceae 别名:千佛手78 矶小松Sedum hispanicum 景天属Crassulaceae别名:薄雪万年草,松叶景天,墨西哥佛甲草,薄雪万年青,Sedum glaucum,Sedum pallidum,Sedum pentapetalum,Sedum sexfidum79 小松绿Sedum multiceps 景天属Crassulaceae 别名:球松80 宝寿冠Sedum dendroideum subsp. praealtum 'Cristata' 景天属Crassulaceae别名:Sedum dendroideum 'Cristata'81 凹叶景天Sedum emarginatum 景天属Crassulaceae别名:Sedum makinoi var. emarginatum82 金叶景天Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' 景天属Crassulaceae别名:岩影,丸叶万年草(原种),圆叶景天(原种),Sedum alfredii var. makinoi(原种)83 乙女心Sedum pachyphyllum 景天属Crassulaceae 别名:八千代84 反曲景天Sedum reflexum 景天属Crassulaceae别名:逆叶景天,Petrosedum reflexum,Sedum rupestre subsp. reflexum85 虹之玉锦Sedum rubrotinctum 'Variegata' 景天属Crassulaceae 别名:玉葡萄(原种),耳坠草(原种)86 松塔景天Sedum sediforme 景天属Crassulaceae别名:千佛手(误用)87 六棱景天Sedum sexangulare 景天属Crassulaceae 别名:六条万年草,Sedum acre subsp. sexangulare88 白花小松Sedum 'Spiral Staircase' 景天属Crassulaceae89 ‘胭脂红’高加索景天Sedum spurium 'Coccineum' 景天属Crassulaceae90 大唐米Sedum oryzifolium 景天属Crassulaceae 别名:姫玉叶,玉米石91 岩景天Sedum rupestre 景天属Crassulaceae92 小人祭Aeonium sedifolium 莲花掌属Crassulaceae别名:日本小松,妹背镜,Aeonium sedifolius,Aichryson sedifolium,Aeonium sedifolium,Greenovia sedifolia93 蕾丝姑娘Bryophyllum 'Crenatodaigremontianum' 落地生根属Crassulaceae别名:子宝草,森之蝶舞,蕾丝公主,Kalanchoe crenatum ×Kalanchoe daigremontianum 94 魔南景天Monanthes brachycaulos 魔南景天属Crassulaceae别名:摩南景天,球魔景天,球摩景天,达摩景天,Petrophyes brachycaulos,Monanthes brachycaulon(错误),Monanthes brachycaulos,Sempervivum brachycaulon,Monanthes niphophila,Monanthes praegeri,Sempervivum bulbosum95 阿房宫Tylecodon paniculatus 奇峰锦属Crassulaceae96 条纹奇峰锦Tylecodon striatus 奇峰锦属Crassulaceae97 小夜衣Crassula 'Coralita' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae98 ‘西莉亚’Crassula 'Celia' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:Crassula susanne ×Crassula mesembrianthemopsi99 玉椿Crassula barklyi 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:Crassula teres100 稚儿姿Crassula deceptor 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:Crassula deceptrix,Crassula arta,Crassula cornuta,Crassula deltoidea101 天狗之舞Crassula dejecta 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:Crassula albiflor,Crassula undulata102 方鳞若绿Crassula ericoides 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:方鳞绿塔,Creusa ericoides103 ‘龙宫城’Crassula 'Ivory Pagoda' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:象牙塔104 纪之川Crassula 'Moonglow' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae105 筒叶菊Crassula tetragona 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:桃源乡,龙阳,银针,Creusa tetragona106 五色华锦Crassula cv. 青锁龙属Crassulaceae107 ‘火祭’Crassula erosula 'Campfire' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae108 茜之塔Crassula corymbulosa 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:Crassula tabularis(误用)109 ‘达摩’神刀Crassula 'Darumajintou' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae110 圆刀Crassula dubia 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:Crassula cotyledonis(误用)111 花椿Crassula 'Emerald' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:玉梓,Crassula teres ×Crassula susannae112 ‘火祭之光’Crassula erosula 'Campfire Variegata' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae113 ‘方刀’Crassula 'Fallwood' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae114 六角巴Crassula hemisphaerica cv. 青锁龙属Crassulaceae115 绒针Crassula mesembryanthemoides subsp. 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:银箭116 吕千绘Crassula 'Morgan's Beauty' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae117 小天狗Crassula nudicaulis var. herrei 青锁龙属Crassulacea118 落日之雁Crassula obliqua 'Tricolor Jade' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae119 铲叶花月Crassula ovata cv. 青锁龙属Crassulaceae120 筒叶花月Crassula ovata 'Gollum' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:吸财树,Crassula argentea,Crassula portulacea,'Hobbit','Monstrose','Finger Jad 121 黄金花月Crassula ovata 'Ohgonkagetsu' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae122 ‘岩塔’Crassula 'Pagoda Rupestris' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae123 神刀Crassula perfoliata var. minor 青锁龙属Crassulaceae别名:大刀兰,神刀草,Crassula falcata,Crassula perfoliata var. falcata124 红稚儿Crassula pubescens subsp. radicans 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:Crassula radicans125 若歌诗Crassula rogersii 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:红稚子,Globulea rogersii126 大型若绿Crassula sp. 青锁龙属Crassulaceae127 神童Crassula 'Spring Time' 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:Crassula 'Shindou'128 苏珊乃Crassula susannae 青锁龙属Crassulaceae 别名:漂流岛,风留岛,Crassula suzannae(错误)129 ‘特玉莲’Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' 石莲花属Crassulaceae 别名:反叶石莲130 静夜Echeveria derenbergii 石莲花属Crassulaceae131 ‘红宝石’锦晃星Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby Blush' 石莲花属Crassulaceae 别名:红晃星132 天章Adromischus cristatus 天锦章属Crassulaceae别名:永乐,Cotyledon cristata,Adromischus cristata133 玛丽安水泡Adromischus marianae 天锦章属Crassulaceae别名:水泡玉掌,银之卵,太平乐134 松虫Adromischus hemisphaericus 天锦章属Crassulaceae别名:天锦星135 卵叶瓦莲Rosularia platyphylla 瓦莲属Crassulaceae别名:新疆瓦莲,Umbilicus platyphyllus,Cotyledon platyphylla,Sedum platyphyllum,Cotyledon dubia,Cotyledon pulvinata,Cotyledon turkestanica,Rosularia borissovae,Rosularia turkestanica,Sedum platyphyllum,Umbilicus pulvinatus,Umbilicus turkestanicus136 银波锦Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga 银波锦属Crassulaceae别名:银冠,波狀瓦松,Cotyledon coruscans,Cotyledon decussata,Cotyledon leucophylla,Cotyledon oblonga,Cotyledon undulata,Cotyledon virescens,Cotyledon oblonga137 旭波之光Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga ' Variegata' 银波锦属Crassulaceae138 ‘小玉’×Cremnosedum 'Little Gem' 泽米景天属Crassulaceae别名:特利尔宝石139 卷绢Sempervivum arachnoideum 长生草属Crassulaceae别名:蛛丝卷绢,蛛网卷绢140 紫牡丹Sempervivum ciliosum 长生草属Crassulaceae141 南非龟甲龙Dioscorea elephantipes 薯蓣属Dioscoreaceae142 龙骨葵Sarcocaulon patersonii 龙骨葵属Geraniaceae 别名:鱼骨城,龙骨城143 洋葵Pelargonium appendiculatum 天竺葵属Geraniaceae别名:Geranium appendiculatum,Geraniospermum appendiculatum144 断崖女王Sinningia leucotricha 大岩桐属Gesneriaceae别名:月宴,Rechsteineria leucotricha145 琉桑Dorstenia foetida 琉桑属Moraceae 别名:臭桑,Dorstenia crispa(误用)146 金钱木Portulaca molokiniensis 马齿苋属Portulacaceae 别名:圆贝古树147 小松叶牡丹Portulaca grandiflora 马齿苋属Portulacaceae别名:紫米粒,Portulaca caryophylloides,Portulaca gilliesii,Portulaca gilliesii,Portulaca 148 加花土人参Talinum caffrum 土人参属Talinaceae149 花叶滇中堇菜Viola yunnanfuensis 'Variegata' 堇菜属Violaceae150 葡萄瓮Cyphostemma juttae 葡萄瓮属Vitaceae151 百岁兰Welwitschia mirabilis 百岁兰属Welwitschiaceae152 帝王锦Aloe humilis 芦荟属Xanthorrhoeaceae153 卧牛Gasteria armstrongii 沙鱼掌属Xanthorrhoeaceae154 ‘富士’子宝Gasteria 'Fuji-Kodakara' 沙鱼掌属Xanthorrhoeaceae 别名:Gasteria 'Fuji-Kodakara'155 绿玉扇Haworthia truncata 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae 别名:截形十二卷,玉扇156 银雷Haworthia pygmaea 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae157 小人座Haworthia chloracantha var. denticulifera 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:Haworthia angustifolia var. denticulifera,Haworthia denticulifera158 龙爪瓦苇Haworthia coarctata 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:Haworthia chalwinii,Haworthia fulva,Haworthia musculina,Haworthia reinwardtii var. chalwinii,Aloe coarctata,Catevala coarctata,Haworthia reinwardtii subsp. coarctata,Haworthia reinwardtii var. coarctata159 龙爪Haworthia coarctata f. greenii 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:松果掌,Haworthia greenii,Catevala greenii,Haworthia coarctata var. greenii,Haworthia reinwardtii var. greenii160 大型尖头玉露Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera cv. 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae161 大型玉露品种Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera cv. 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae162 大型玉露品种Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera cv. 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae163 姬玉露Haworthia cooperi var. truncata 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:Haworthia obtusa f. truncata164 青玉帘Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:Haworthia cymbiformis var. umbraticola,Haworthia umbraticola165 克里克特Haworthia emelyae 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:Haworthia bayeri,Haworthia correcta166 点纹瓦苇Haworthia glabrata 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:点纹鹰爪草167 草水晶Haworthia gracilis var. picturata 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae别名:御所樱,缨水晶,Haworthia cooperi var. picturata,Haworthia picturata168 鹰爪Haworthia reinwardtii 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae169 白羊宫Haworthia 'Manda's Hybrid' 十二卷属Xanthorrhoeaceae。
1. 多肉植物succulent plant——呆萌的肉肉是神马?多肉植物是指植物营养器官的某一部分,如茎或叶或根(少数种类兼有两个或两个以上部分)具有发达的薄壁组织用以贮藏水分,在外形上显得肥厚多汁或带粉的一类植物。
Succulent plants refer to a portion of the plant’s nutrition organs, such as the stem or leaf or root that has developed parenchyma to store water, and it appears thick and juicy on the shape of plants.● succulent['s?kj?l?nt]:adj.①多汁鲜美的E.g.A succulent steak, pear, etc鲜美的牛排、梨等.②丰富多彩的,饶有趣味的③富有合意特性的④(植物)肉质性的n.多汁植物,肉质植物(如仙人掌、仙人球等)● parenchyma[p?'r??k?m?]:n. ①【解剖学】实质;主质②【动物学】器官的柔软组织③【植物学】薄组织● 拓展词——呆萌:adorkable[?'d?rk?b?l]Collins English Dictionary held a Twitter contest to determine a new word being added to its dictionary, and the 'New Girl' Season 1 poster tagline was the one to make the cut. 'Adorkable' is officially a new word -- at least, according to Collins English Dictionary.柯林斯英语词典举行了一场推特竞赛并决定将一个新单词正式纳入其中,而这个“脱颖而出”的新词就是美国轻喜剧《杰西驾到》(New Girl)第一季的海报宣传词“Adorkable”。
多肉的形状特征英语作文Succulents: Intriguing Forms and Adaptations.Succulents, an enchanting group of plants, captivate with their remarkable adaptations and diverse forms. Their fleshy, water-storing tissues enable them to thrive in arid environments, where moisture is scarce. This physiological adaptation is reflected in their varied and captivating shapes.Rosettes and Clusters.One of the most common succulent forms is the rosette, a compact cluster of thick, fleshy leaves arranged in a circular pattern. The leaves radiate outwards from acentral point, resembling a miniature flower. Rosettes are found in a wide range of succulents, including Echeveria, Sempervivum, and Haworthia. Their compact shape helps them conserve water and protect their delicate leaves from harsh sunlight.Another clustering habit is known as clumping, where numerous individual plants form a dense, bushy mass. Each plant within the clump retains its own root system and growth habit, but the overall effect is that of a unified, mounding form. Crassula ovata, commonly known as the jade plant, is an example of a clumping succulent.Stem Succulents.In contrast to rosette-forming succulents, stem succulents possess thickened, fleshy stems that serve as their primary water storage organs. The leaves are often reduced or absent, and the stems themselves exhibit a wide range of shapes. Some stem succulents, like the candle plant (Senecio articulatus), have slender, cylindrical stems that resemble stacked candles. Others, such as the living stones (Lithops), have flattened, pebble-like stems that blend seamlessly with their rocky surroundings.Columnar Succulents.Columnar succulents, as their name suggests, are characterized by tall, vertical stems that can reach impressive heights. The stems of columnar succulents are often segmented, with each segment representing a season's growth. Cacti are a prime example of columnar succulents, with iconic species such as the saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) towering over the desert landscape.Trailing Succulents.Trailing succulents, also known as pendulous succulents, have long, flexible stems that cascade over the edges of pots or planters. Their graceful, flowing habit makes thema popular choice for hanging baskets or window boxes. Sedum burrito and Oscularia deltoides are examples of trailing succulents that add both beauty and a touch of whimsy to indoor and outdoor spaces.Contorted and Unusual Forms.Beyond the more common shapes, succulents also exhibita fascinating array of contorted and unusual forms. Spiralsucculents, such as Haworthia retusa, feature tightly coiled leaves that form a spiral pattern. Other succulents, such as the dolphin plant (Senecio peregrinus), have leaves shaped like dolphin fins, giving them a unique and whimsical appearance.Adaptive Significance of Succulent Shapes.The diverse shapes of succulents are not merely aesthetic; they serve important adaptive functions. Rosettes, for example, protect the plant's tender inner leaves from dehydration and sunburn. Clumping succulents can create a dense canopy that shades the soil and reduces water evaporation. Stem succulents with a large surface area can absorb more sunlight for photosynthesis, while columnar succulents can reach higher elevations to access available light.Cultivation and Selection.The wide range of succulent shapes makes them a versatile and captivating addition to any garden or indoorspace. When selecting succulents for cultivation, consider their preferred growing conditions, such as sunlight requirements and water needs. By providing appropriate care, succulent enthusiasts can enjoy the beauty and resilienceof these remarkable plants for years to come.。
多肉植物英文作文英文:As a lover of succulent plants, I find myself constantly fascinated by the beauty and uniqueness of each individual plant. Succulents, also known as "fat plants," are known for their ability to store water in their leaves, stems, and roots, allowing them to thrive in arid environments.One of my favorite succulents is the Echeveria, whichis known for its rosette-shaped leaves that come in a variety of colors, including green, blue, pink, and purple. These plants are easy to care for and can be propagated by leaf cuttings, making them a great choice for beginners.Another succulent that I love is the String of Pearls, which is a trailing plant with small, bead-like leaves that resemble pearls. This plant is perfect for hanging baskets and can add a unique touch to any room.Succulents are not only beautiful, but they also have many health benefits. They can purify the air by removing toxins and pollutants, and they can also improve our mood and reduce stress.Overall, succulent plants are a great addition to any home or office. They are low-maintenance, unique, and have many health benefits. Plus, they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making it easy to find theperfect one for your space.中文:作为多肉植物的爱好者,我不断被每个独特的植物的美丽和独特性所吸引。
多肉英文作文素材I love succulents because they are so easy to take care of. They don't need to be watered often, which is great for someone like me who always forgets to water their plants. Plus, they come in so many different shapes and colors, which makes them really fun to collect.My favorite thing about succulents is how they can thrive in almost any environment. Whether you live in a dry desert or a humid city, there is a succulent that will do well in your home. They are also great for people who don't have a lot of outdoor space, as they can be grown in small pots indoors.Succulents are also great for adding a pop of green to any room. I love using them as part of my home decor, as they can add a touch of nature to any space. Plus, they are really low maintenance, so they are perfect for people who don't have a green thumb.One of the best things about succulents is how easy they are to propagate. You can take a cutting from a succulent and grow a whole new plant from it. It's really fun to watch the new plant grow and develop its own unique shape.Succulents are also great for people who are on a budget. You can often find them at a low cost, and because they are so easy to care for, you won't have to spend a lot of money on supplies. Plus, they make great gifts for friends and family.。
多肉植物的英语作文30字Succulents: The Enduring Allure of Desert Gems.In the arid realms of the world, where water scarcity reigns supreme, a captivating botanical marvel thrives –the succulent. These remarkable plants have evolved an ingenious strategy to withstand the unforgiving environmental conditions of deserts, semi-deserts, and other water-stressed habitats. Through specialized adaptations, succulents have mastered the art of water conservation, allowing them to flourish in even the most parched landscapes.Unique Anatomical Adaptations.Succulents possess a distinctive anatomical structure that sets them apart from other plant species. They have thick, fleshy stems, leaves, or roots that serve as storage reservoirs for water. These succulent organs are composed of large, vacuolated cells with thin cell walls, enablingthem to absorb and retain vast amounts of moisture. The water stored in these tissues provides the plant with a crucial lifeline during periods of drought or water scarcity.Reduced Leaf Surface Area.One of the key adaptations of succulents is their reduced leaf surface area. By minimizing the surface area exposed to the air, succulents reduce water loss through transpiration, the process by which plants release moisture into the atmosphere through their leaves. Some species have evolved to have very small or needle-like leaves, while others have lost their leaves altogether, opting insteadfor modified stems that perform the functions of photosynthesis.Thick Epidermis and Cuticle.Succulents possess a thick epidermis, the outermost layer of their stems and leaves. This protective barrier is coated with a waxy substance called a cuticle, whichfurther reduces water loss by creating a waterproof seal. The thick epidermis and cuticle act as a shield against excessive evaporation, allowing succulents to conservetheir precious moisture.CAM and C4 Photosynthesis.In addition to their structural adaptations, succulents have evolved unique photosynthetic pathways that maximize water use efficiency. Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and C4 photosynthesis are two specialized pathways that enable succulents to reduce water loss during the day. These pathways involve the temporary storage of carbon dioxide at night, which is then used for photosynthesis during the day when stomata, the pores on the plant's surface, are closed to prevent water loss.Diversity and Distribution.The succulent world encompasses an astonishing array of plant families and species. They are found in a wide range of habitats, including deserts, rocky outcrops, salineflats, and coastal dunes. The most well-known succulent family is Crassulaceae, which includes popular genera such as Sedum, Echeveria, and Crassula. Other succulent families include Aizoaceae, Cactaceae, and Asphodelaceae. Succulents are distributed across all continents, excluding Antarctica, with a particularly rich diversity in arid and semi-arid regions of the Americas, Africa, and Madagascar.Cultivation and Uses.Succulents have gained immense popularity as ornamental plants, beloved for their diverse形態, vibrant colors, and low-maintenance nature. They are widely cultivated in gardens, containers, and even indoors as houseplants. Some succulents, such as Aloe vera, have long been valued for their medicinal properties, while others are used as food sources, such as the prickly pear cactus.Conservation Significance.Succulents play a vital ecological role in their native habitats. They provide food and shelter for a variety ofanimals, including insects, birds, and reptiles. Their ability to thrive in harsh conditions also makes them valuable for erosion control and revegetation projects. However, many succulent species are threatened by habitat loss, climate change, and over-collection. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these unique andecologically important plants.Conclusion.Succulents are a testament to the remarkable diversity and resilience of the plant kingdom. Their ingenious adaptations to water scarcity have allowed them to colonize some of the most challenging environments on Earth. From their thick, succulent stems to their specialized photosynthetic pathways, succulents embody the epitome of botanical ingenuity. As ornamental plants, they bring beauty and tranquility to our homes and gardens, whiletheir ecological importance underscores their indispensable role in the world's ecosystems.。
三年级作文观察一种植物多肉英文版Observing a Succulent in Grade ThreeIn the wonderful world of plants, succulents stand out as unique and fascinating creatures. They are not just plants; they are mini-ecosystems in themselves, filled with life and beauty. Recently, I had the opportunity to observe a succulent closely, and the experience was truly enlightening.The succulent I chose to observe was a small, round plant with thick, fleshy leaves. It reminded me of a little green ball, cute and charming. Its leaves were covered with a fine layer of white powder, which gave it a velvety texture. The plant seemed to glow in the sun, almost as if it was smiling at me.As I observed it, I noticed that the succulent was very resilient. Despite being left in a pot for days without water, it still looked healthy and vibrant. This was because succulents store water in their leaves, allowing them to survive in dryenvironments. This ability to adapt and thrive in harsh conditions fascinated me.Moreover, the succulent was home to many tiny creatures. I could see ants scurrying around its base, and even a few tiny insects hiding within its leaves. This ecosystem, although small, was teeming with life. It made me realize that even the smallest of plants has its own unique role in nature.Observing this succulent made me appreciate nature even more. It taught me about resilience, adaptability, and the interconnectedness of all living things. I learned that even the smallest and simplest of plants has a remarkable story to tell.中文版三年级作文:观察一种植物——多肉在植物的奇妙世界里,多肉植物以其独特和迷人的特性脱颖而出。
多肉的品种及描写作文英文回答:Succulents are a diverse group of plants that come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. One of myfavorite succulent varieties is the Echeveria. Echeverias are known for their rosette-shaped leaves that come in a wide range of colors from pale green to vibrant purples and pinks. They are easy to care for and make a beautiful addition to any indoor or outdoor garden.Another interesting succulent variety is the Haworthia. Haworthias have thick, fleshy leaves that are often covered in white stripes or spots, giving them a unique appearance. They are small and compact plants that are perfect for adding a pop of color to a windowsill or desk.In addition to Echeverias and Haworthias, there are many other succulent varieties to explore, such as Sedums, Aloe Vera, and Crassulas. Each variety has its own uniquecharacteristics and care requirements, making them a fun and rewarding plant to collect and care for.中文回答:多肉植物是一组形态各异的植物,它们有着许多不同的形状、大小和颜色。
多肉有很多形状作文英文回答:There are many different shapes of succulents. Succulents are known for their unique and diverse forms, which make them popular among plant enthusiasts. Let's explore some of the various shapes that succulents can take.1. Rosette shape: One of the most common shapes of succulents is the rosette shape. These succulents havetightly packed leaves that form a circular or rosette-like shape. Examples of succulents with rosette shapes include Echeveria, Sempervivum, and Graptopetalum.中文回答:多肉植物有很多不同的形状。
1. 玫瑰花状,多肉植物最常见的形状之一是玫瑰花状。
英文回答:2. Columnar shape: Another shape that succulents can take is the columnar shape. These succulents have tall, upright stems that resemble columns. Examples of succulents with columnar shapes include Cereus, Euphorbia trigona, and Pachycereus.中文回答:2. 柱状形状,多肉植物可能具有的另一种形状是柱状形状。
我的植物朋友写多肉的英语作文,结尾Succulent Plants: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Enchanting World.In the vast botanical realm, succulent plants captivate with their unparalleled ability to thrive in arid and unforgiving environments. Embracing a wide diversity of forms, colors, and textures, they embody a living testament to nature's resilience and adaptability.Definition and Characteristics.Succulent plants, also known as succulentus (meaning "juicy" or "full of sap" in Latin), possess specialized tissues that store water. Unlike ordinary plants, whichrely solely on their roots for hydration, succulentsutilize specialized cells called water-storing parenchyma to accumulate moisture. This unique adaptation allows them to survive in regions with limited rainfall or where prolonged droughts are a common occurrence.Succulents exhibit a remarkable versatility in their morphology. They can be small or large, with some species reaching impressive heights. Their leaves, stems, or even roots may assume a succulent nature, each adaption playing a crucial role in their survival.Classification of Succulents.Within the vast array of succulent plants, taxonomists have established two primary groups:Cactaceae (Cacti): Comprising approximately 1500 species, cacti stand out with their distinctive absence of leaves. Instead, they possess spines, which serve as a defense mechanism against herbivores while reducing water loss through transpiration. Cacti are often associated with desert environments and are particularly well-adapted to arid climates.Crassulaceae (Crassulas): The Crassulaceae family boasts over 1400 species and includes a diverse range ofsucculents. Unlike cacti, crassulas possess true leaves, often thick and fleshy to maximize water storage. They are commonly found in semi-arid regions and can tolerate short periods of drought.Ecological Roles and Adaptations.Succulent plants play a vital role in their native ecosystems. They provide food and shelter for a variety of animals, from insects to birds and even small mammals. Their ability to survive in harsh conditions makes them a valuable resource for revegetation and erosion control efforts.In response to the challenges of their environment, succulents have evolved a suite of adaptations that allow them to thrive:Water Storage: As previously mentioned, succulent tissues possess the remarkable capability to store copious amounts of water. This adaptation enables them to endure periods of water scarcity and survive in regions withunpredictable rainfall patterns.Reduced Transpiration: Succulents have evolved mechanisms to minimize water loss through transpiration. Specialized epidermal layers, such as a waxy cuticle or trichomes (small hairs), help to reduce evaporation and retain precious moisture.CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism): Certain succulent species, including Crassulaceae and some Cactaceae, have developed a unique photosynthetic pathway called CAM. This allows them to photosynthesize at night, when temperatures are cooler and transpiration rates are lower. By reducing water loss during the day, CAM succulents can conserve moisture more effectively.Cultivation and Care.With their captivating appearance and relatively low maintenance requirements, succulent plants have become popular additions to gardens and homes around the world. To ensure their well-being, it is important to understandtheir specific cultivation needs:Sunlight: Most succulents thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. However, some species, such as desert cacti, can tolerate full sun while others may require partial shade.Water: Succulents do not require frequent watering. Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, a deadly condition for succulents.Soil: A well-draining soil mix is essential for succulents. A combination of cactus or succulent soil, perlite, and coarse sand provides adequate drainage and prevents waterlogging.Fertilizer: Succulents generally require minimal fertilization. A balanced, diluted fertilizer can be applied sparingly during the growing season.Temperature: Succulents prefer warm, dry climates. Most species cannot tolerate freezing temperatures andshould be brought indoors or provided with protection during cold months.Conclusion.Succulent plants are a captivating and diverse group of botanical wonders. Their ability to thrive in challenging environments, coupled with their captivating forms and colors, makes them a captivating subject of study and a welcome addition to any garden or home. By embracing their unique adaptations and providing appropriate care, we can ensure that these extraordinary plants continue to enchant and inspire for generations to come.。
一篇多肉植物的英语作文200字Succulents: The Resilient Beauties.In the realm of horticulture, succulents stand out as captivating specimens, embodying both aesthetic charm and remarkable resilience. Originating from arid and semi-arid environments, these plants have evolved exceptional adaptations that allow them to thrive in harsh conditions. Their fleshy stems, leaves, and roots serve as water reservoirs, enabling them to endure periods of drought.Succulents exhibit a diverse array of forms and colors, adding a touch of natural beauty to any room or garden. From the towering columnar cacti to the diminutive Echeveria rosettes, each species possesses a unique character that contributes to their allure. The vibrant hues of green, purple, red, and yellow add a splash of color to any space, evoking a sense of serenity and tranquility.Beyond their aesthetic appeal, succulents offerpractical benefits as well. They require minimal care, making them ideal for busy individuals or those who prefer low-maintenance plants. Their ability to tolerate neglect and thrive in various lighting conditions makes themsuitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. Moreover, succulents have air-purifying properties, removing harmful toxins from the air and creating a healthier indoor climate.Growing succulents is a rewarding experience that canbe enjoyed by individuals of all skill levels. With proper care, these resilient plants can flourish for years to come, adding a touch of nature's artistry to daily life. Whether you are an experienced gardener or a novice just startingto explore the world of plants, succulents offer an endless source of fascination and beauty.。
各种品种多肉的姿态英语作文Succulents come in a wide variety of forms, and their postures and shapes can vary greatly. Some succulents, such as the Echeveria genus, form rosettes of leaves that growin a spiral pattern. Others, such as the Haworthia genus, have leaves that grow in a more upright, columnar form.Still others, such as the Sedum genus, have trailing stems that can spread over the ground or hang from pots or baskets.The different postures and shapes of succulents are often dictated by their natural environment. Echeveria, for example, are native to Mexico and other arid regions of North America. Their rosette form helps to protect them from the sun and wind. Haworthia, on the other hand, are native to South Africa and other parts of Africa. Their upright, columnar form helps to conserve water in the dry, desert-like conditions in which they grow. Sedum, finally, are native to Eurasia and North America. Their trailing stems help them to spread quickly and colonize new areas.In addition to their natural environment, the postures and shapes of succulents can also be influenced by cultivation. For example, succulents that are grown in pots or containers may have a more upright posture than those that are grown in the ground. This is because the roots of succulents that are grown in pots or containers are restricted, which can limit their growth. Succulents that are grown in the ground, on the other hand, have more freedom to spread their roots, which can result in a more sprawling or trailing posture.No matter what their posture or shape, succulents are all beautiful and unique plants. They are a great addition to any home or garden, and they can bring a touch of nature indoors.中文回答:多肉植物种类繁多,它们的姿势和形态各异。
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• 多肉植物是指植物营养器官的某一部分, 如茎或叶或根具有发达的薄壁组织用以贮 藏水分,在外形上显得肥厚多汁的一类植 物。
• Succulent plants refers to a portion of the plan nutrition organs, such as the stem or leaf or root that has developed parenchyma to store water, and it appears thick and juicy on the shape of plants.
拉丁学名 (name):
Aeonium decorum
拉丁学名(name) :
Fenestraria aurantiaca
Graptopetalum mendozae
科目属性:Crassulaceae景天科拟石莲花属 拉丁学名:Echeveria cv. Huthspinke
Thank You
学名(name): Crassula perfoliata var. minor
别名 通叶神刀
Crassulacea e景天科拟石莲属
Echeveria 'Black Prince'
拉丁学名 (name):
Echinus maximilian us
Hoya kerrii
科目属性:Aizoaceae藻铃玉属 拉丁学名(name):Gibbaeum geminum
拉丁学名 (name):
Crassula americana
It belongs to
拉丁学名(name)Sedum adolphii 科目属性: Crassulaceae景天科
Blossfeldia liliputana
拉丁学名 (Name):
Senecio rowleyanus
拉丁学名 (name):
Echeveria elegans
Acanthoca lycium 仙人
拉丁学名 (name): Frailea
Rechsteineria leucotricha
别名 断崖女王
番杏科生石花 属
Lithops pseudotru ncatell
别名 石头玉
Crassulac eae 景天属
拉丁学名 (name):
Sedum pachyphyl lum