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Module 1

1. 热心的, 热情的adj. →热心;热情n. →热衷于…的人

2. 令人惊异的adj. ____ _→使吃惊v. ________→ 感到吃惊的adj. →惊愕,惊异n.

3. 信息n. __________→通知,告知vt. →告知某人某事

4. 指示,用法说明n.__________→教导,命令,指示v.

5. 令人厌烦的adj.____ __→ (对某人/事物)感到厌倦的,烦闷的adj. _______→使厌烦vt. ______

6. 尴尬的,难堪的adj. ___________ →使困窘,使局促不安v.__________→令人为难的adj. _____________ → 窘迫;为难n.

7. 行为,举止n. __________ →举动,举止v.

8. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记vt. _______ →印象,感想n. __________→ 令人印象深刻的adj.

9. 鼓励,激励v. __________→ 鼓舞人心的adj. __________→受到鼓舞的, 有信心的adj.___________


10. 享受,喜欢v. ____ ___→享受,乐趣n.→ ________令人愉快的,有乐趣的adj.

11.流利,流畅n. _____ __→流利的,流畅的adj.

12. 失望的adj._____________→使人失望的,令人失望的adj. ______________→ 使失望vt.→ _____________失望n.

13.助手,助理n. _________→帮助v.


be similar to far from nothing like at first

one’s attitude to/towards(doing) sth. in other words


1. You don’t sound enthusiastic about the idea.

2. She never lost her (热情)for teaching.

3. He is an of jazz. (热衷…的人)

4. I’m at her achievement in science.(amaze)

5. To my (amaze), he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.

6. The speech me a lot . I felt so with it.(bore)

7. It was to sing in public. I felt _________________at being the center of attention.(embarrass)

8. She was deeply impressed with the painting .

9. Read through your work and correct your mistakes.

10. Take the mecicine according to the instrctions printed on the bottle.

11. I cant’t do this work because it is far from easy.

12. The two of them are similar in chararcter.

13. You need to be fluent in English.

14. His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.

15.Man has made great progress in physical study in recent two centuries.


1.有趣的;可笑的adj. ________→感到有趣的adj ________.→ 使愉快vt.________→乐趣,娱乐n.

2.精力充沛的adj. →精力n.________

3.紧张的;焦虑的adj. → 神经紧张;焦虑n. ___________

4.有组织的;有系统的adj.________→组织者n.→组织v ________→ 组织n.___________

5. 耐心的ad j ________.→ 耐心n.________

6. 感激,欣赏v ________.→感激,欣赏n.

7.科学的adj. →科学n. ________→ 科学家n.________

8. 总结;摘要n.________ ;提要→总结;概述vt.

9. 复习n.________→复习;修订,修改vt.

10.正式的adj. ________→非正式的adj. ________

11.轻松的;宽松的adj. → .令人轻松的adj ________→使轻松vt.________→


12.同样地;类似地adv. ________→同样的;类似的adj_____ __.→相似n.

1. 距离n ______ __.→远处的,不友好的adj.


3射杀vt. → 过去式/过去分词.

4.沙漠n._ _______→v.

5. 专家n.________→老练的;专门的adj. ;

6.产品,产物n. →生产,制造v.________→生产,产量n.________→产品(尤指农产品) n.


8.使吃惊,惊吓v. ________→令人恐惧的adj. ________→感到恐惧的,感到害怕的adj. ________→


9.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者n.→ 面试v.&n. _____ ___

10. 疲惫不堪的adj.________→ 令人疲惫不堪的adj. ________→ 使疲惫不堪vt. ________→

