美国Krohn-Hite Corporation产品
康宝贝莱科技 523Da 精密直流电压和电流源说明书
Model 523直流电压和电流稳定性:±1ppm分辨率:7½位最大输出电流:110mA常规说明Krohn-Hite Model 523精密直流电源是一种高稳定和可重复的直流电压源和直流电流源,提供N.I.S.T.可跟踪的电压和电流,用于生产,校准实验室,质量保证和质量控制部门,设计实验室,或需要准确的电压和电流源的任何地方。
使用Krohn-Hite的最先进的参考,523能够提供90天的在±4ppm以内从±10nVdc到±110.99999Vdc的准确稳定的电压(±8ppm可持续1年),能够提供90天的在±8ppm以内从±10nA到±110.99999mA的精确的电流(±16ppm 可持续1年)。
使用KH523CAL测试和校准软件程序,和使用HP3458或Fluke 8508A数字电压表,可在大约15分钟内进行无干预的校准。
©KROHNE 03/20027.02425.21.00GRElectromagneticFlowmetersVariable area flowmetersVortex flowmetersFlow controllersElectromagnetic flowmetersUltrasonic flowmetersMass flowmetersLevel measuring instrumentsCommunications technologyEngineering systems & solutionsSwitches,counters,displays and recordersHeat meteringPressure and temperatureApplicationKROHNE electromagnetic flowmeters are to be found in many industrial sectors and applications.Just a small selection:G Chemical industry G Water and wastewaterGHydraulic transport,liquid products with up to 50% solids content G Paper and woodpulp production G Pharmaceutical G Food and beveragesG Filling and dispensing processes G Highly abrasive slurriesG High-pressure industrial processes GPartially filled pipelinesand many,many other applications in other industriesFIT and FORGET !All electromagnetic flowmeters are delivered ready for operation.Install the flowmeter in the pipeline,make the electrical connection,that's it.Always one step ahead with KROHNEThis highly accurate measurement technology is available with integrally or remote mounted converter,some with measuring errors of less than 0.2% of the measured value.The primary head is installed in the pipeline,while the signal converter for signal processing is remote mounted in a field housing or 19" plug-in unit.In the integral system,the signal converter is mounted in a housing with high protection category directly on the primary head.With meter sizes of DN2.5 - 3000 / 1/10" - 120",measurements can be carried out from 2l/h to 300 000m3/hand more.Most of the devices are approved for use in hazardous locations.Various materials are available for the measuring tube,liner and electrodes of the flowmeters for most applications. Electromagnetic flowmetersProduction and calibrationAll electromagnetic flowmeters from KROHNE meet the requirements of CE directives and EMC guidelines.Fabrication and production shops are certified to ISO 9001.At KROHNE,all electromagnetic flowmeters are calibrated by direct comparison of volumes,the most accurate calibration method of all.The KROHNE calibration rigs are the world's biggest and most accurate,and are accredited to EN17 025.Measurement uncertainty is less than 0.013% of themeasured value for meter sizes up to DN 3000 / 120" and above.7Electromagnetic flowmeters >0.05 µS /c m >5 µS /c m >20 µS /c m >50 µS /c mD N 2.5,4,6 1/10”,1/6”,1/4”D N 10 3/8”D N 32 11/2”Signal converterDatenblätterF l a n g e c o n n e c t i o n s F l a n g e l e s s ‘s a n d w i c h ’d e s i g n C h e m i c a l s W a t e r a n d s e w a g e P a r t i a l l y f i l l e d p i p e s P h a r m a c e u t i c a l s ,s a n i t a r y B a t c h i n g (1-10s )V e r y a b r a s i v e s l u r r i e s H i g h p r e s s u r e 2- o r 2 x 2-w i r e s y s t e mG e n e r a l p u r p o s e S a n i t a r y c o n n e c t i o n s H A R T ®/R S 485 (s t a n d a r d )P r o f i b u s P A H A R T ®/R S 485 (o p t i o n )H A R T ® (o p t i o n )O t h e r s o n r e q u e s t m Ao u t p u t ,2 w i r e c o n n e c t i o n ≤3 W ≤5 V A / ≤4.5 W ≤10 V A / ≤8 W ≤15 V A / ≤15 W ≤50 V A 2o r 2 x 2-w i r e s y s t e m 24,48,100 – 240 V A C ,48– 63 H z 24 V D C 24 V A C / D C 100 – 230 V A C ,48 –63 H z L i q u i d s ,p a s t e s S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤3%S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤5%S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤30%P u l s a t i n g f l o w ,< 200 p u l s e s /m i n B a t c h i n g p r o c e s s > 1.5 s P a p e r a n d p u l p H y d r a u l i c t r a n s p o r t (o r e d r e s s i n g )o n l y I F C 090 K -C A P C a p a c i t i v e s i g n a l p i c k u p F ou n d a t i o n F i e l d B u s F A D N 251”D N 40 11/2”D N 502”D N 803”D N 1004”D N 1255”D N 1506”D N 2008”D N 25010”D N 30012”≤D N 1800≤72”≤D N 3000≤120”I S O f i t t i n g l e n g t h o n l y I F C 110 P F a n d I F C 210 E -P F P a r t i a l l y f i l l e d p i p e s ,AQUAFLUXECOFLUX 1000ALTOFLUX 2000ALTOFLUX 4000PROFIFLUX 5000VARIFLUX 6000ALTOFLUX 2W 2 wireBATCHFLUXCAPAFLUXTIDALFLUX partially filledALTOFLUX IFS 2005 FALTOFLUX IFS 4005 FALTOFLUX M 900IFC 010 K,FIFC 020 K,F ,EIFC 040 K 2 wireIFC 090 K,F IFC 090 K-CAP IFC 110 F IFC 110 PFIFC 210 E IFC 210 E-PFSC 150 FBatchflux IFC 012 KElectrical conductivitySizesConnectionsApplications (examples)Flow measurements (examples)Power supply Power consuptionInterfacesIFM 1080 KG Flangeless versionG Rugged measuring tube withstainless steel reinforced 080 KG Flanged connectionsG Steel housingµP-signal converter in plasticsIFM 4080 KG Flanged connectionsG Steel housingTeflon® PFA liner,reinforced withIFM 5080 KG Flangeless versionG Stainless steel housing The only precision flowmeter IFM 6080 KG Various sanitary/flangedconnectionsStainless steel housingG Precision flowmeterG With capacitive signal pickup(electrodes not in contact withG Flangeless versionG Rugged measuring tube withstainless steel reinforced G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Liner of Polypropylene,NSF-G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Teflon® PFA liner,reinforced withG Flangeless (sandwich) designG Stainless steel housingG The only precision flowmeter with G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Measuring tube made of Al2O3G Various sanitary/flanged connec-tions,stainless steel housingG FDA approved Teflon® PFA liner,G Designed for partially filled pipelinesG Excellent measuring accuracy,for low levels,through the integratedG IFC 010 K/IFC 020 K of integral design G IFC 010 F/IFC 020 F in field housing G IFC 020 E 19”plug-in version.G IFC 090 K of integral designG IFC 090 F in field housingG Signal processing by microprocessor,G Signal converter in field housingG Signal processing by microprocessor,outstanding interference rejection,G Signal converter in field housing for wall mounting G Signal processing by microprocessor,outstanding interference rejection,T o w e r h e i g h t 43 m e q u i v a l e n t t o 141 f t / n e t v o l u m e 350000 l i t r e s e q u i v a l e n t t o 95000 U S G a lPrecisionLM28 precision level switches control the flow volume and various computer-aided volume totalizersQmInlet run ≥10 ×DN (DN = meter size)©G The world’s largest and most accurate calibration rigGCalibration of flowmeters up to DN 3000 / 120”GCalibration by direct comparison of volumes,altogether the most accurate method GComparison measurements with so-called master meters are much less accurate and cannot be verifiedGThe volume measurement standards ofKROHNE calibration rigs have been calibrated by NMI,the Netherlands Standards Institute.Measurement uncertainty is less than 0.013% of the measured value.GKROHNE Altometer calibration rigs are accredited in conformity with EN 17 025.GCalibration accuracy is better than 99.97% of the measured value.GThe error of measurement of the calibration rigs is better by a factor of 10 than theaccuracy data of the flowmeter being tested.GAll flowmeters are calibrated underreference conditions,similar to EN 29 104.GAll calibration data are genuine and verifiable; documented in writing in the calibration reports,which are supplied together with each KROHNE flowmeter.An example is shown on the right.E r r o r o f m e a s u r e m e n t [% o f m e a s u r e d v a l u e ]Flow rate [m 3/h]0,50,402000400060008000100000,30,20,10,0-0,1-0,2-0,3-0,4-0,5+ 0.03%Accuracy inspires confidenceAt this flowrate,a typical public swimming-pool can be filled in less than 1 minute.Inaccuracy is less than 0.013% in terms of volume and less than 0.26 mm in terms of filling level (equal to the thickness of a single hair),based on an average pool depth of 2 metres.Flowmeters up to DN 3000/120”creates theKROHNE standardOutlet run ≥2 ×DN (DN =meter size)Volume flow rate Q max = 40 000 m 3/h= 11 m 3/sMeasuring Principle 3.1The induced voltage signal is picked up either by two measuring elec-trodes in conductive contact with the medium or indirectly bycapacitive coupling.A signal converter amplifies the signal and convertsit into a standard analog signal (e.g.4 to 20 mA) and a frequencysignal (e.g.1 pulse for every US gallon or cubic metre of mediumflowing through the measuring tube).To ensure that the voltage is not short-circuited by the pipe wall,themeasuring tube is made of an electrically insulating material or fittedwith an insulating liner.Measurement is largely independent of the flow profile and other prop-erties of the medium,such as pressure,temperature,viscosity,density,consistency,electrical conductivity,and electrode contamination.Measuring systemsThe electromagnetic flowmeter consists of a primary head,that isinstalled in the pipeline,and a signal converter.The compact design has the signal converter mounted directly on theprimary head.For systems with pulsed d.c.field the primary head field coils whichgenerate the magnetic field are energized by a pulsed direct currentfrom the signal converter.The measuring signal is a squarewave voltage of the same frequency.These systems feature extremely small measuring errors. Electromagnetic flowmeters measure the volume flow of electricallyconductive liquids and slurries.Measuring principleAn electric conductor,in this case the electrically conductive medium,passes through a magnetic field.The voltage U induced in this mediumis directly proportional to the mean flow velocity v.Magnetic inductionB (magnetic field strength) and the distance between electrodes D(nominal pipe diameter) are constant.K instrument constantB magnetic field strengthv mean flow velocityD electrode spacingThe volumetric flow rate qv can be calculated according toTherefore:q v=U x D xπ(4)K x B4The reducing angle (α) should not exceed 8°(equivalent to α/2 = 4°),otherwise measuring accuracy may be affected.If the reducing angle is greater,a straight inlet section must be fitted between reducing socket and primary head.Expanding sectionPressure Loss CalculationFor the expanding section,the optimum angle of expansion is α= 8°.ζat α= 8°d1/d2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0ζ10.0180.0230.02550.0280.030.03080.03150.03230.0332Recommendations for installationSelection of meter sizeThe size of primary head should if possible be selected to provide a velocity of 2 to 3m/s or 6 to 9ft/sec.for the full-scale range. Minimum full-scale range is 0.5m/s or 1.5ft/sec.,maximum is 10 or 11m/s or 30 or 33ft/sec.,depending on flowmeter type.For fluids with a solids content,the velocity should be between 3 and 5m/s or 9 and 15ft/s to prevent deposits and minimize abrasion.Exact determination of flow velocityFor range setting purposes,the exact flow velocity can be determined using the flow table for each nominal pipe width.Example: v in m/sNominal pipe diameter DN150Desired measuring range200m3/hFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1m/sa flow rate of 63.617m3/h at DN150; for 200m3/hthe flow velocity v is:Example: v in ft/sNominal pipe diameter6”Desired measuring range1000 US GPMFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1ft/sa flow rate of 88.128 US GPM at 6”meter size;for 1000 US GPM the flow velocity v is:Flow tablesv = 1m/sMeter size Flow rate Meter size Flow rate DN mm m3/h DN mm m3/h2.50.017671250176.71 40.0452********.47 60.10179350346.36 100.28274400452.39 150.63617500706.86 20 1.131********.9 25 1.76717001385.4 32 2.89538001809.6 40 4.52399002209.2 507.068610002827.4 6511.94612004071.5 8018.09614005541.8 10028.27416007238.2 12544.17918009160.9 15063.617200011310 200113.10v = 1ft/sMeter size Flow rate Meter size Flow rate inch US GMP inch US GMP1/100.024********.801/80.03825012352.511/40.1530014479.813/80.3442516626.69 1/20.6120020979.21 3/4 1.3770241410.1 1 2.4480281919.211/4 3.8250322506.8 11/2 5.5080363172.6 29.7921403916.8 21/215.300485640.2 322.032567677.0 439.1686410027 561.2007212691 688.1288015667 8156.67Protection classes to IEC 529/EN 60529。
超一流的高科技工艺,可靠的零件和电池让HellFighters称为全球首屈一指的手电经销商!美国Hell Fire 煌“赫菲尔”电筒是加利福尼亚知名的装备公司出品。
现在影响力很大的美国SW A T国际精英赛的标准装备就是这个品牌。
发展历史赫菲尔电筒是由美国知名公司“dark operations fighting”[暗夜斗士]公司出品的手电筒。
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电筒问世后,经过一系列的使用测试和市场检验,美国的执法部门开始选配装,其中包括:部分SW AT成员,海豹部队部分小组(海豹特种部队的教练员“Paul Basal”保罗,巴塞尔就是它的忠实用户),以及各承包公司的保安员等(黑水公司的雇佣人员)。
赫菲尔手电X-4材质:筒身T6-6061 航空铝---攻击头1045碳素钢照明:有效照明60分钟---持续照明90分钟电池:123锂电池*2粒灯泡:氙气灯泡品牌所属:美国生产地:美国长度:约13厘米宽度:筒身2.54厘米重量:约150克功率:6.5 瓦电压:6 伏特亮度:70流明赫菲尔手电X-8照明:有效照明60分钟---持续照明90分钟电池:123锂电池*2粒灯泡:氙气灯泡长度:约15厘米宽度:约2.54厘米重量:约185克功率:6.5 瓦电压:6 伏特亮度:150流明赫菲尔手电X-15Hell Fighter X15峰这个型号是公司的杰作,采用航空级铝材制作筒身,重量轻强度大。
美国爱立信Eaton公司Arrow Hart系列产品说明书
Eaton’s Arrow Hart locking devices now offer enhanced safety withcolor coding to help you easily identify circuit voltage.Eaton’s Color Coded Locking Devices are anindustry-first solution that adds six voltage rating color codes to plugs, connectors, inlets, outlets and receptacles.Perfect for:Welding, generators, power distribution units, stage and entertainment equipment, trade shows, conventions, temporary power, industrial machinery and equipmentFeatures & benefits • Six color codes consistent with IEC 60309 standard to identify voltage ratings at a glance • Voltage ratings are printed on device in a location which is visible even when devices are mated • Ergonomic ultra grip design on plugs and connectors are easier to handle during use • Double dovetail cord grip provides superior cord alignment and clamp force for wire retention The superior safety of Eaton’s Arrow Hart locking devices has been enhanced withcolor coding to provide you a quick, clear and easy way to identify your circuit voltage . Designed to provide the long lasting, dependable service you’ve come to expect from Arrow Hart plugs and connectors, ourcolor coded locking devices are the perfect solution for your commercial and industrial applications.Connect with Color Find your voltage - find your NEMA - find your e the chart below tofind the color for your devices. See our NEMA selector guide for our full product offering./wiringdevices125/250 V/AC L10, L14, Non-NEMA250 V/AC L63Ø 250 V/AC L11, L153ØY 120/208 V/AC L18, L21, 480 V/ACL8 3Ø 480 V/ACL163ØY 277/480 V/ACL19, L223Ø 600 V/ACL173ØY 347/600 V/AC L20, L23Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton BoulevardCleveland, OH 44122United States© 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. BR630010ENNovember 2019Electrical Sector203 Cooper CirclePeachtree City, GA 30269United States/wiringdevicesElectrical SectorCanada Operations5925 McLaughlin RoadMississauga, Ontario, L5R 1B8CanadaEatonCanada.ca/wiringdevicesElectrical SectorMexico OperationsCarr. Tlalnepantla -Cuautitlan Km 17.8 s/nCol. Villa Jardin esq.Cerrada 8 de MayoCuautitlan, Mexico CP 54800MexicoEaton.mx/wiringdevicesAt Eaton, we believe that power is a fundamental part of just about everything people do. Technology, transportation, energy andinfrastructure-these are things the world relies on every day. That’s why Eaton is dedicated to helping our customers find newways to manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more efficiently, safely and sustainably. To improve people’s lives, thecommunities where we live and work, and the planet our future generations depend upon. Because that’s what really matters. Andwe’re here to make sure it works.See more at /whatmatters*We make what matters work.*。
KROHNE OPTIWAVE 5400 C 24 GHz FMCW雷达液位计操作手册说明书
适用于基本过程工艺的24GHz FMCW 雷达液位计OPTIWAVE 5400 C操作手册© KROHNE 05/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh保留所有权。
未经KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH 公司事先书面授权,不得复制此文件及其任何部分。
205/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh版权所有 2018KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH - Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5 - 47058 Duisburg (德国): 版本说明305/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh 1 安全须知61.1 软件历史.................................................................61.2 用途.....................................................................71.3 认证.....................................................................71.4 无线电批准证书.. (8)1.4.1 欧盟 (EU)...................................................................81.4.2 美国和加拿大 (10)1.5 来自制造厂家的安全须知 (13)1.5.1 版权及数据保护.............................................................131.5.2 免责条款...................................................................131.5.3 产品责任及质保.............................................................141.5.4 有关文档的信息.............................................................141.5.5 警告与符号使用.............................................................151.6 操作者的安全须知 (15)2 设备描述162.1 供货范围................................................................162.2 仪表说明................................................................172.3 外观检查................................................................182.4 铭牌.. (19)2.4.1 铭牌 (示例) (19)3 安装203.1 通用安装提示............................................................203.2 存储....................................................................203.3 运输....................................................................213.4 安装前要求..............................................................213.5 压力和温度范围..........................................................223.6 推荐的安装位置. (22)3.6.1 通用说明...................................................................233.6.2 具有盘状和锥形底部的储罐 (25)3.7 安装限制 (25)3.7.1 通用说明...................................................................253.7.2 过程连接...................................................................283.7.3 LPR 仪表:对于在井坑和非导电材质罐体的安装建议.............................323.7.4 立管(导波管和旁通管).....................................................333.8 如何连接天线延长管......................................................383.9 如何旋转或移除显示模块(选件)..........................................413.10 防护罩.. (42)3.10.1 如何将防护罩连接至仪表上..................................................423.10.2 如何打开防护罩 (44)4 电气连接454.1 安全须知................................................................454.2 常规注意事项............................................................454.3 电气安装:两线制,回路供电. (45)内容405/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh4.4 电流输出的电气连接 (49)4.4.1 非防爆仪表.................................................................494.4.2 用于危险区域的仪表 (49)4.5 防护等级................................................................494.6 网络.. (50)4.6.1 基本信息...................................................................504.6.2 点到点连接.................................................................504.6.3 多点网络. (51)5 启动525.1 启动检查列表............................................................525.2 如何启动仪表............................................................525.3 操作概念................................................................525.4 数显屏幕. (53)5.4.1 显示屏布局.................................................................535.4.2 键盘按钮. (54)5.5 通过PACTware ™远程通讯.................................................565.6 通过AMS ™设备管理器进行远程通讯. (57)6 操作586.1 用户模式................................................................586.2 常规模式................................................................596.3 程序模式. (62)6.3.1 常规注意事项...............................................................626.3.2 仪表设置保护(访问级别)...................................................626.3.3 如何访问快速设置菜单.......................................................646.3.4 键盘功能...................................................................656.3.5 如何保存程序模式中更改的设置...............................................686.3.6 菜单一览...................................................................696.3.7 功能说明...................................................................756.4 程序模式下仪表配置的更多信息 (91)6.4.1 标准设置...................................................................916.4.2 空频谱记录.................................................................946.4.3 HART ® 网络设置............................................................966.4.4 距离测量...................................................................976.4.5 物位测量...................................................................986.4.6 如何设置仪表测量体积或质量................................................1006.4.7 如何在弯曲或锥形底部的储罐中进行正确测量..................................1016.4.8 如何制作滤波器以去除雷达信号干扰 (102)6.5 状态消息和诊断数据 (103)7 服务1097.1 周期性维护 (109)7.1.1 常规注意事项..............................................................1097.1.2 维护外壳盖的O 形圈........................................................1097.1.3 如何清洁仪表的顶部表面....................................................1107.1.4 如何在过程条件下清洁喇叭天线..............................................1107.2 服务保修 (110)505/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh 7.3 备件可用性.............................................................1117.4 可提供的服务...........................................................1117.5 仪器送返生产厂家. (111)7.5.1 基本信息..................................................................1117.5.2 送返仪器时附带的表格(可复印).. (112)7.6 处理 (112)8 技术数据1138.1 测量原理...............................................................1138.2 技术数据...............................................................1158.3 测量精度...............................................................1218.4 最小供电电压...........................................................1228.5 最大操作压力指令.......................................................1238.6 尺寸和重量. (125)9 HART 接口1339.1 综述...................................................................1339.2 软件历史...............................................................1339.3 连接变量 (134)9.3.1 点到点连接 - 模拟/数字模式...............................................1349.3.2 多点连接 (2线制连接) (134)9.4 HART ® 仪表变量.........................................................1349.5 手操器 475 (FC 475)....................................................1359.5.1 安装......................................................................1359.5.2 操作. (135)9.6 资产管理系统 (AMS ®) (135)9.6.1 安装......................................................................1359.6.2 操作......................................................................1369.6.3 基本设置参数..............................................................1369.7 现场仪表工具 / 仪表类型管理器 (FDT / DTM) (136)9.7.1 安装......................................................................1369.7.2 操作. (136)9.8 过程设备管理(PDM)....................................................1369.8.1 安装......................................................................1369.8.2 操作. (136)9.9 AMD 的HART ®菜单结构 (137)9.9.1 AMS 菜单结构总览(菜单结构中的位置)......................................1379.9.2 AMS 菜单结构(具体设置)..................................................1379.10 PDM 的HART ® 树形菜单.. (140)9.10.1 PDM 菜单树总览(菜单树中的位置).........................................1409.10.2 PDM 菜单结构(具体设置). (141)10 附录14410.1 订货代码..............................................................14410.2 备件..................................................................15010.3 附件..................................................................15310.4 术语表. (153)1605/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh1.1 软件历史“固件版本符合”NAMUR NE 53。
KRONES colfix Mega S Hot 2 产品说明书
化学品安全技术说明书产品名称: KRONES colfix Mega S Hot 2修订日期: 2020年05月24日最初编制日期: 2020年05月24日依据GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制版本: 1.0第 1 部分化学品及企业标识化学名称 (中文名): KRONES colfix Mega S Hot 2化学名称 (英文名) : KRONES colfix Mega S Hot 2企业名称: KIC KRONES Internationale Cooperationsgesellschaft mbH 地址: Böhmerwaldstraße 5邮政编码: 93073 Neutraubling电话号码: +49-9401-70-3020传真: +49-9401-70-3696电子邮件地址: ******************进口商: KRONES Trading (Taicang) Co. Ltd.地址: No. 9 Ning Bo Dong Lu邮编: 215400 Taicang Jiangsu Suzhou电话号码: +86 512 5373 9300电子邮件地址: **************.com应急咨询电话: +86 400 120 6011 (NCEC, National Chemical EmergencyService)建议用途: 纸和包装胶。
使用限制: 无可用信息。
第 2 部分危险性概述紧急情况概述GHS 分类未被分类。
标签要素象形图 (GHS CN) : 无警示词 (GHS-CN) : 无危险性说明 (GHS-CN) : 不适用。
防范说明 (GHS-CN) :预防措施: 无可用信息。
事故响应: 无可用信息。
安全储存: 无可用信息。
废弃处置: 无可用信息。
ALWAYS REFER TO ANY NOTIFICATIONS AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING PRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SUPPORT.(By Others)Series 78USeries 786Series 78TSUPPLY1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONAvailable Sizes• ½ – 2”/DN15 – DN50Maximum Working Pressure • 400 psi/2758 kPa/27.6 bar Operating Temperature Range• –4°F to +230°F/–20°C to +110°CFunction• Provides simplified coil circuit installation that meets optimal hydronic system design requirements Application• Hot and cold water, including treated and untreated water systems • This KOIL-KIT ™ Coil Pack includes:• (1) Series 78T Ball Valve Union Combination – Sweat x Sweat • (1) Series 78U Union Port Fitting – Sweat x Male Union • (1) TA Series 786H Balancing Valve – Sweat x SweatNOTE• The Series 78T includes a PT port and a blow-down valve. The Series 78U includes a PT port and a manual air vent.2.0 CERTIFICATI N/LISTINGSProduct designed and manufactured under the Victaulic Quality Management System, as certified by LPCB in accordance with ISO-9001:2008.Series 78T/78U Manual Koil-Kit ™ Coil Pack with TA Series 786H Sweat Globe Style Valve08.63System No.Location Submitted ByDateSpec Section Paragraph ApprovedDateSeries 78T Ball Valve Union Combination Body: Dezincification resistant (DZR) brass alloy Union: DZR brass with EPDM O-ring Tailpiece: DZR brassStem: BrassStem O-Ring Seals: EPDMHandle: Steel with vinyl gripSeries 78U Union Port FittingBody: DZR brass alloyUnion: DZR brass with EPDM O-ringSeals: EPDM O-ringTailpiece: DZR brass alloyTA Series 786H Balancing ValveValve Body and Bonnet: AMETAL® DZR brass alloy Sealing (Body/Bonnet): EPDM O-ringValve Plug: AMETAL®Seat Seal: EPDM O-ringSpindle: AMETAL®Slip Washer: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Spindle Seal: EPDM O-ringSpring: Stainless steelHand Wheel: Polyamide and TPEMeasuring Points: AMETAL®Measuring Point Seals: EPDMMeasuring Point Caps: Polyamide and TPENOTE• AMETAL® is the dezincification-resistant brass alloy of IMI TA.Series 78T Ball Valve Union CombinationNOTE• Optional tailpieces may be ordered for reductions and for changing end configurations from sweat to threaded or threaded to sweat. If needed, specify optional tailpiece when ordering.Series 78U Union Port FittingNOTE• Optional tailpieces may be ordered for reductions and for changing end configurations from sweat to threaded or threaded to sweat. If needed, specify optional tailpiece when ordering.4.3 OPTIONAL PARTSSeries 78T/78U Union Tailpieces (Optional)Female Tailpiece Sweat Tailpiece Male TailpieceHose End Drain Valve (Optional)A hose end drain valve is factory-installed on the Series 78T.4.5 OPTIONAL PARTSProbe Port (Optional)For Series 78T and Series 78UHandle Extension (Optional)For Series 78T4.7 OPTIONAL PARTSAir VentA manual air vent is factory-installed on the Series 78U. This product can also be mounted on the Series 78T or provided loose for other piping needs.C V /K V values for flow of water at +60°F/+16°C are shown in the table.Formulas for C V and K V valuesΔP = Q 2/C V 2 ΔP = Q 2/K V 2Q = C V × √ΔPQ = K V × √ΔPSeries 78T Ball Valve Union CombinationSeries 78U Union Port FittingFlow CoefficientC v K v Q (Flow)GPM m3/hr ΔP (Pressure Drop)psibarWhere:TA Series 786H Balancing Valve Valve Selection GuideNOTES• Balancing valves should be sized in accordance with the GPM/LPM flows (and not in relation to pipeline size). Sizing balancing valves based on the minimumor maximum flow rates is not recommended. Valves should be sized using the nominal flow rate only. The Minimum Flow is calculated from the minimum open setting of the valve and a minimum pressure drop 1 Ft. WG (= 3 kPa). The Nominal Flow is calculated from the maximum open setting of the valve and the minimum recommended pressure drop, 2 Ft. WG (= 6 kPa). The Maximum Flow is calculated from the maximum open setting of the valve and the maximum pressure drop, 20 Ft. WG (= 60 kPa). A computer program, TA-Select, is available for calculation of valve handwheel pre-set position and other applications.• For information regarding Allen Wrench sizes see the Material Specifications section on page 3.• Measuring Accuracy: The hand wheel zero position is calibrated and must not be changed. Valves have an accuracy of flow measurement of 2% to 3% whenused within their recommended flow range and installed in accordance with the figure below.• For the most accurate results, a Series 734 TA SCOPE or Series 73M CMI should be used. However, any differential pressure meter may be used.The illustration relates to the accuracy of differential pressure measurement and is not an installation requirement.2 D 10 D2 D 5 D 5.2 PERF RMANCETA Series 786H Balancing Valve Cv Values for Various Handle SettingsThe values below may be used when calculating and sizing a piping system.1C V = GPM at a ΔP of 1 psi/7 kPa) through the valve at any given setting.1 psi = 2.31 ft. of H 2O 2Full open valve.For liquids other than water, the flow values from the balancing wheel can be adjusted as follows:Divide the flow rate by the square root of the specific gravity.This applies to liquids having, on the whole, the same viscosity as water, i.e. most water/glycol mixtures and water/brine solutions at room temperature. At low temperatures, the viscosity increases and laminar flow may occur in certain valves. The risk increases with small valves, low settings and low differential pressures.A computer program (Hy-Select) is available for calculation of pre-setting values and other applications. When the flow setting is verified or changed to the final setting, the memory stop should be set. Contact Victaulic for further information. When Δp and the design flow rate are known, use the formula shown to calculate the C V value.A computer program, Hy-Select, is available from Victaulic for calculation of pre-setting values and other applications.5.4 PART CODES08.63 11841 Rev B Updated 04/2020 © 2020 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved.User Responsibility for Product Selection and SuitabilityEach user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warninginstructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation,advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede, or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation guide, or this disclaimer.Intellectual Property RightsNo statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material, product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of suchmaterial, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right. The terms “Patented” or “Patent Pending” refer to design or utility patents or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or other countries.NoteThis product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. Victaulic recommends all products to be installed in accordance with current IMI TA installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic and IMI TA reserve the right to change productspecifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations.InstallationReference should always be made to the current IMI TA installation/assembly instructions for the product you are installing. For coupling and strainer installation, reference should always be made to the I-100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at WarrantyRefer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details.TrademarksVictaulic and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries.7.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS08.16: Victaulic Balancing Valves - TA Series 786H/787H/788/789 and Series 78KH I-KOIL-KIT: Victaulic KOIL-KIT™ Coil Pack Installation and Maintenance Instructions11。
T9-I.T9-L1.T9-2LFrom...American Hakko Products, Inc.28920 N. Avenue Williams.Valencia, CA 91355 Tel: (661) 294-0090 Fax: (661) 294-0096 AHP14 Rev 2000-01For pricing information, please contact your local American Hakko representative or our customer service department at (661) 294-0090.American Hakko Products, Inc.P R O D U C T B U L L E T I NBulletin No: PB260Issue Date: November 5, 2007 Product:FM-203 Dual Port Soldering StationPart No:FM203-01 FM203-DPComments:The Hakko FM-203 is a Dual Port high performance soldering station. Even when soldering lead-free solders the high performance allows loweroperating temperatures. The soldering station can operate any of the following hand pieces, FM-2027 Soldering Iron, FM-2022 Parallel Remover (SMD tweezer), FM-2023 Mini Parallel Remover (SMD mini tweezer), FM-2024 Desoldering Module, and/or FM-2026 Nitrogen Soldering Iron. The soldering iron and desolder tool can be used in either or both ports and the tweezers are limited to one port with a soldering or desoldering iron in the other port.The station features a programmable sleep mode of 0-29 minutes or auto-power shut off at 30 minutes. Sleep mode, auto power shut off and tip temperature can be programmed separately for each port. The sleep mode reduces the tip temperature to approximately 200ºC (400ºF) after the programmed time (0-29 minutes). The lower tip temperature will reduce oxidation of the tip and improve the tip performance. When in sleep mode the tip will quickly return to temperature after the iron is removed from the holder.When utilizing the FM-2027 Soldering Iron the station uses the T15 series composite tip. The composite tip is a soldering tip in which a heating element and sensor are integrated with ceramic. Despite its highly compact design, the tip offers superior thermal response and greatly improved thermal recovery. T15 series tips are available in a wide variety of tip shapes and can also be used with the Hakko FM-203, FP-102 and FM-202 soldering stations. Any tip can be operated at temperatures 200 - 450ºC (400 - 840ºF). The station includes a card lock system to lock the preset soldering temperature. With the card removed operators can not adjust the working temperature.The FM-2022 uses T16 tips, The FM-2023 uses T9 tips, The FM-2024 uses N3 nozzles and The FM-2026 uses T17 tips.Documentation Provided By HMC ElectronicsFrom...American Hakko Products, Inc.28920 N. Avenue Williams.Valencia, CA 91355 Tel: (661) 294-0090 Fax: (661) 294-0096 AHP14 Rev 2000-01Specifications:FM-203 Soldering Station Power Consumption 140W 120VTemperature Range 200 - 450ºC (400 - 840ºF) Temperature Stability ±5ºC (±9ºF) Temperature Accuracy±15ºC (±27ºF)Soldering Iron (No.FM-2027) Power Consumption 70W (24V) Tip to Ground Resistance < 2Ω Tip to Ground Potential < 2mV Cord Length1.2m (47 in.) Total Length (w/o Cord)with 2.4D soldering tip attached 188mm (7.4 in.) Weight (w/o Cord)with 2.4D soldering tip attached30g (1.0 oz.)StationOutput 24V Dimensions 120(W) x 120(H) x 190(D)mm (4.7 x 4.7 x 7.5 in.) Weight (w/o cord)2.7kg (5.9 lb.) Contents:Part No.NameFM203-01 FM203-DPN/AFM-203 soldering station1 1 FM2027-02 Connector 12B2387 Power cord 1 1 B2972 Control card 1 1 B3219 Sleeve assembly, Green, anti-bacterial 1 1 B3216 Sleeve assembly, Yellow, anti-bacterial 0 1 B2300 Heat-resistant pad 1 2 FH200-01Iron Holder, Sleep, w/ 599B12B3253 Connecting cable 1 2 B2756 Tip tray1 1 N/A Instruction manual1 1The FM2023-DP includes two FM-2027 connectors and sleep holders. Tips not included.Documentation Provided By HMC ElectronicsFrom...American Hakko Products, Inc.28920 N. Avenue Williams.Valencia, CA 91355 Tel: (661) 294-0090 Fax: (661) 294-0096 AHP14 Rev 2000-01Accessories/Replacement Parts:Part No. NameSpecificationFM2027-01 HAKKO FM-2027 w/ Yellow Sleeve Assembly Does not include tip or holder B3216 Sleeve Assembly Yellow (Lock-type, Antibacterial) B3217 Sleeve Assembly Orange (Lock-type, Antibacterial) B3218 Sleeve Assembly Blue (Lock-type, Antibacterial) B3219Sleeve Assembly Green (Lock-type, Antibacterial)A1536 Cleaning sponge GreenFM2022-05 Conversion kit FM-2022 Parallel Remover with sleep holder and cable. Tips not included. FM2023-05 Conversion kit FM-2023 Mini Parallel Remover with sleep holder and cable. Tips included. FM2024-21 Conversion kit/120 V FM-2024 Desoldering Module with sleep holder and cable. Nozzle not included. FM2026-06 Conversion kit FM-2026 Nitrogen Iron with sleep holder and cable. Tips not included.FM2027-03Conversion kitFM-2027 Soldering Iron with sleep holder and cable. Tips not included.Tips and Nozzles:See PB258 for T15 tip list for HAKKO FM-2027Tips for HAKKO FM-2022Part No. Part Name SpecificationsT16-1001 Tip / CHIP 0.5I T16-1002 Tip / CHIP 0.5C T16-1003 Tip / CHIP 1L T16-1004 Tip / CHIP 2L T16-1005 Tip / SOP 6L T16-1006 Tip / SOP 8L T16-1007 Tip / SOP 10L T16-1008 Tip / SOP 13L T16-1009 Tip / SOP 16L T16-1010 Tip / SOP 20L T16-1011 Tip / SOP 25L T16-1012 Tip / SOP 18L T16-1013Tip / CHIP 3LDocumentation Provided By HMC ElectronicsFrom...American Hakko Products, Inc.28920 N. Avenue Williams.Valencia, CA 91355 Tel: (661) 294-0090 Fax: (661) 294-0096 AHP14 Rev 2000-01Tips for HAKKO FM-2023Part No. Part Name SpecificationsT9-I Tip / CHIP I T9-L1 Tip / CHIP 1L T9-L2Tip / CHIP 2LNozzles for HAKKO FM-2024Part No. Part NameSpecificationsN3-06 Nozzle / 0.6mm (0.02 in.) N3-08 Nozzle / 0.8mm (0.03 in.) N3-10 Nozzle / 1.0mm (0.04 in.) N3-13 Nozzle / 1.3mm (0.05 in.) N3-16 Nozzle / 1.6mm (0.06 in.) N3-20 Nozzle / 2.0mm (0.08 in.) N3-23 Nozzle / 2.3mm (0.10 in.)N3-L10 Long Nozzle / 1.0mm (0.04 in.)Tips for HAKKO FM-2026Part No. Part NameSpecificationsT17-B2 SHAPE-0.5B Conical T17-BC1 SHAPE-1BC Bevel T17-BC2 SHAPE-2BC Bevel T17-BC3 SHAPE-3BC BevelT17-BCF1 SHAPE-1BC Bevel Tinned on the soldering surface onlyT17-BCF2 SHAPE-2BC Bevel Tinned on the soldering surface onlyT17-BCF3 SHAPE-3BC BevelTinned on the soldering surface only T17-BL SHAPE-B Long Shape Conical T17-D08 SHAPE-0.8D Chisel T17-D16 SHAPE-1.6D Chisel T17-D24 SHAPE-2.4D Chisel T17-J02 SHAPE-0.2J Bent T17-KF SHAPE-KF Knife T17-KR SHAPE-KR Knife T17-KUSHAPE-KU KnifeAvailable:November 6, 2007Documentation Provided By HMC ElectronicsT9-I.T9-L1.T9-2L。
充电时间<4小时 0℃~45℃
存储温度 环境参数
-20℃~45℃ 0%~95% RH
外形尺寸 其它
传感器 长度:19.8cm
可伸缩电缆 缩进长度:66.0cm
探头直径:1.3cm 延伸长度:182.9cm
手柄直径:3.0cm 直径:1.8cm
Model 500手持式氢气检漏仪
量程:15ppm~100%(体积) 氢气专一性,抗其它气体干扰 快速响应 嵌入式电池;系统可独立操作 LED指示灯,泄漏报警可视化 12毫米小型传感器探头 自动复位功能可避免反复校准 使用寿命:10年 CE认证 可选1500本质安全型(ATEX)
1、氢气专一性技术,抗其它气体干扰 2、钯镍(Pd-Ni)合金敏感薄膜保证传感器氢气专一性和高稳定性 3、独特的涂层确保传感器在恶劣的环境(湿Cl2和含S介质等)中连续测量 4、内部温度控制回路为外部气体介质温度波动做补偿 5、独特的氢气敏感原理,可以在N2,O2和其它惰性气体中工作
USE AND CARE INFORMATION•Use a 2A and 10A fuse for replacement of the fuses in this accessory. Do not use any other fuse for replacement.•If the accessory LED lights do not turn on, check the 2A in-line fuse on the accessory light harness and the 10A OP fuse in the fuse box.•Check the accessory mounts frequently and retighten if necessary.No.Description Qty(1)Front spoiler1(2)Lower spoiler stay1(3)Band1(4)Collar (thin)1(5)Washer (thick)6(6)Right spoiler stay1(7)Left spoiler stay1(8)Rubber cushion1(9) 6 mm flange nut3(10) 6 mm screw (long)3(11) 6 mm screw (short)1(12)Collar (thick)2(13)Collar (large)3(14)Grommet3(15)Washer (thin)1TOOLS AND SUPPLIES REQUIREDSocket (10 mm)RatchetBox-end wrench (10 mm)Hex wrench (5 mm)Phillips ® screwdriverSide cuttersIsopropyl alcoholShop towelTorque wrenchTORQUE CHARTTighten all screws, bolts, and nuts to their specified torque values. Refer to the Service Manual for the torque values of the removed parts.Item N·m kgf·m Ibf·ft4 mm screw10.10.76 mm screw90.9 6.66 mm flange nut12 1.29INSTALLATIONNOTE:•The Front Spoiler (P/N 08F72-MFR-100 or 08F72-MFW-100) is required for installation of this accessory.•Disconnect the negative battery cable before installing this accessory.•The memories of the trip meter and clock will be erased when you disconnect the battery. Reset the clock after reconnecting the battery.•T rim the excess ends of the wire ties after attaching them to the wire harnesses.•Allow the engine, cooling system, and exhaust system to cool before installing the accessory LED.1.Remove the right footpeg as shown.BOLTCOLLAR (Save)RIGHT FOOTPEG2.Remove the left footpeg as shown.<VT1300CX><VT1300CS><VT1300CX>•Be careful not to disconnect the horn.<VT1300CS>3.Remove the left side cover and crankcase cover asshown. Disconnect the negative (-) cable from theBOL T4.Remove the right side cover as shown.5.Remove the seat bolts as shown.•Applies to VT1300CS only.6.Remove the seat from the motorcycle as shown.•Applies to VT1300CS only.9.Install the grommet to the lower spoiler stay.<VT1300CX>•Install the three thin washers to the three grommets.<VT1300CS>•Install the thin washer to the grommet.7.Remove the rear fender as shown.•Applies to VT1300CS only.10.Install the grommet to the left spoiler stay.ST AY<VT1300CX><VT1300CS>LEFT SPOILER STAY11.Install the grommet to the right spoiler stay.<VT1300CX>WASHER 12.Install the right and left spoiler stays as shown.•Repeat on the left side.WASHER<VT1300CS><VT1300CX>14.Attach the double-sided adhesive tape to the LEDlight unit as shown.DOUBLE-SIDED ADHESIVE T APEUsing isopropyl alcohol, thoroughly clean the area where the double-sided adhesive tape will be attached and remove the13.Install the LED light to the front spoiler as shown.Repeat on the other side.15.Install the lower spoiler stay and LED light unit asshown.<VT1300CX><VT1300CS>16.Connect the accessory light harness as shown.17.Secure the connected accessory light harness witha wire tie as shown.LIGHT HARNESS18.Attach the rubber cushion in the position shown.BANDRUBBER CUSHION19.Install the band over the rubber cushion.20.Loosely install the lower spoiler stay of the assembledfront spoiler.21.Route the accessory light harness as shown.ACCESSORYLIGHT HARNESSBLUE T APEWIRE TIE22.Secure the accessory light harness with a wire tie.23.Reinstall the left footpeg, trapping the left spoiler stay,as shown.24.Reinstall the right footpeg, trapping the right spoilerstay, as shown.BOLT (Reuse)25.Tighten the loosely installed hardware to the torquevalues specified in the torque chart and ServiceManual.<VT1300CX><VT1300CS><VT1300CX><VT1300CS>© 2010 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.08F72-MFR-1010-9A11 of 1312 of 1308F72-MFR-1010-9A © 2010 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.29.Connect the accessory light harness.30.Connect the terminal of the accessory light harness© 2010 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.08F72-MFR-1010-9A13 of 13。
Krohn-Hite 526型精密直流电压 电流源 校准器商品说明书
Krohn-Hite 公司,地址:15Jonathan Drive,Unit 4,Brockton,MA 02301电话:508-580-1660;传真:508-583-8989; ;emai :********************Model 526直流电源/校准器•电压范围:±100nV 至±110V,4量程,全进位制,每十进位一借位•电流范围:±10nA 至±110mA,2量程,全进位制,每十进位一借位•分辨率:1ppm •准确度:1年,20ppm •稳定性(24小时):3ppm •校正时间:2ms •钳位电压:100V •电压及电流限值可设•零操作“撬棍”•零基准•本地及GPIB/可选LAN 远程控制•可取代Analogic 8200型号产品概述Krohn-Hite 526型精密直流电压/电流源/校准器是一种高度稳定的可重复直流电压、电流源,可为生产,校准实验室,质保与质控部门,设计实验室,以及其它需要精确电压的场合提供N.I.S.T.可追踪电压和电流。
526系列提供±100nVdc 至±111.1110Vdc 范围内(1年20ppm )的精准电压,和±10nA 至±111.1110mA 范围内(1年50ppm )的精准电流。
是一种噪声<12μVrms 的极安静电源,可测量带宽范围为10Hz 至100kHz 。
单调和线性的A/D 测量可在任意分辨率下,仅使用一个十进位控制来进行。
通过按键或GPIB/LAN 完成2线,4线输出。
1455KleppeLane|Sparks,NV89431|[p]775.359.4712|[f]775.359.7424|[e]***************||4March,2009 DISCLAIMER: Continued product improvements make specifications subject to change without notice. Check for the latest product information and updates.12/06Model 3380FR/3380GFR/3380.6519FR Page 1 of 6No. 2077370(11) 1455KleppeLaneSparks, NV 89431-6467 (775) 359-4712 Fax (775) 359-7424HAWS AG Bachweg 3 CH-3401 Burgdorf SwitzerlandHaws Mfg. Pte Lt. 2A Sungei Kadet Drive Singapore 729554Avlis-Avenido Senador, Testonio Vilela 505 Jardim Aeroporto Itu, S.P. 13304-550 BrasilE-mail: *************** website: Model 3380FR/3380GFR/3380.6519FRDrinking FountainLIMITED WARRANTYHAWS® warrants that all of its products are guaranteed against defective material or poor workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. HAWS liability under this warranty shall be discharged by furnishing without charge F.O.B. HAWS Factory any goods, or part thereof, which shall appear to the Company upon inspection to be of defective material or not of first class workmanship, provided that claim is made in writing to company within a reasonable period after receipt of the product. Where claims for defects are made, the defective part or parts shall be delivered to the Company, prepaid, for inspection. HAWS will not be liable for the cost of repairs, alterations or replacements, or for any expense connected therewith made by the owner or his agents, except upon written authority from HAWS, Sparks, Nevada. HAWS will not be liable for any damages caused by defective materials or poor workmanship, except for replacements, as provided above. Buyer agrees that Haws has made no other warranties either expressed or implied in addition to those above stated, except that of title with respect to any of the products or equipment sold hereunder and that HAWS shall not be liable for general, special, or consequential damages claimed to arise under the contract of sale. The drinking fountain manufactured by HAWS is warranted to function if installation and maintenance instructions provided are adhered to. The units also must be used for the purpose for which they were intended.NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ARE AUTHORIZED, PROVIDED OR GIVEN BY HAWS.NOTE TO INSTALLER: Please leave this information with the Maintenance Department.SHOULD YOU EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTY WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THIS MODEL, PLEASE CALL:1-800-766-5612FOR PARTS CALL:1-800-758-9378(U.S.A. AND CANADA ONLY) MONDAY-THURSDAY: 6:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. PSTFRIDAY: 6:00 A.M –1:00 P.M. PSTRECOMMENDED TOOLS: Hack saw, pipe joint sealant, screwdriver, level, 12" adjustable wrench, 10" pipe wrench, 5/64“ hex key wrench, 9/16”, 1/2", 7/16” socket wrench or open end wrench.LOCATION OF UNIT: The Model 3380FR/3380GFR Drinking Fountain is a wheelchair accessible drinking water facility. The height dimensions shown, meet current ADA requirements. When installing this unit, local, state or federal codes should be adhered to. If height other than shown is required, then dimensions must be adjusted accordingly.SUPPLY LINE: The minimum recommended line size is 1/2“IPS. Flowing pressure is 30-90 psi (2-6 ATM) for Models 3121FR and 3121.6280FR.Flowing pressure for Model 3121.6519FR is 45-90 psi (3-6 ATM). Where sediment or mineral content is a problem, an inlet filter is recommended.PLUMBING CONNECTIONS: Supply inlet is 1/2" IPS male. Waste outlet is 1-1/2”O.D. tailpiece.MAINTENANCE: Refer to 6518FR or 6519FR Operation and Maintenance Sheet for additional information.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR 6519FR(SEE INSTALLATION DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 2)1. Cut fountain waste line (1-1/2” Tiger Flex) as required and use PVC primer and cementto attach 6519FR waste and air gap assembly. (NOTE: Locate assembly at lowestpossible point inside fountain).2. Attach 2” long piece of 1-1/2” Tiger Flex Hose (supplied) to bottom of 6519FR waste andair gap assembly tee. Next attach adaptor with tailpiece (supplied with fountain), usePVC primer and cement on these connections.TROUBLESHOOTING 3380FR/3380GFR W/6518FRPROBLEM REPAIR CHECKLIST1. Insufficient bubbler flow. a. Check that inlet screwdriver stop valve iswide open (customer supplied).b. Verify minimum 30 psi flowing supplypressure.c. Adjust valve to increase flow. See 6518FRmanual.TROUBLESHOOTING 3380.6519FRPROBLEM REPAIR CHECKLIST1. Insufficient bubbler flow. a. Check that inlet screwdriver stop valve iswide open (customer supplied).b. Verify minimum 45 psi flowing supplypressure.c. Adjust valve to increase flow. See 6519FRmanual.© 2006 Haws® Corporation – All Rights ReservedHAWS® and other trademarks used in these materials are the exclusive property of Haws Corporation.12/06 Model 3380FR/3380GFR/3380.6519FR Page 2 of 6。
Krohn-Hite Model 526 Precision DC Voltage Current
直流电源/校准器电压范围:±100nV至±110V,4个范围,每个十进制数都具有完全进位和借位能力电流范围:±10nA至±110mA,2个范围,每个十进制数都具有完全进位和借位能力分辨率:1ppm精度:1年,20ppm稳定性(24小时):3ppm稳定时间:2ms顺从电压:100V可设置电压和电流限制过零操作“保护”零参考本地和GPIB /可选LAN远程控制替换模拟的Model 8200常规说明Krohn-Hite Model 526精密直流电压/电流源/校准器是一种高度稳定和可重复的直流电压源和直流电流源,提供N.I.S.T.可跟踪的电压和电流,用于生产,校准实验室,质量保证和质量控制部门,设计实验室,或需要准确的电压和电流源的任何地方。
图 2 带预压缩腔的斜盘泵
小孔与缸孑 连通 , L 由预压缩腔 内的油液 向该缸充液 , 实现预压缩 , 该预压缩过程大约持续到缸筒转到 1。 2
第 6 总期 4 期 ) 期( 9
2 1 年 1 月 01 1
赢体秸幼 哇 控磊
F u d P we r n miso n Co to li o r T a s sin a d nr l
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No . 2 I v, 01
个 , 中国有 1 个 , 在 5 上海和无锡分别有 4 。2 1 年 个 00 研发费31 亿美元。 . 6
2 特色产品技术性能
21低 噪 音 斜 盘 泵 .
派克一 汉尼芬公司的低噪音斜盘泵 ( 2 是基 于 图 ) 其 19 年 的专利开发 的 , 99 其基本原理在后泵盖上设
位置结束( )此 时缸孔与排油槽接通 向外输出高 图4 , 压油 , 同时 向预压缩腔补油供下一个 缸预压缩之用 ( 5, 图 )这一过程大约在缸筒转到 3 。 5位置结束 。
图 3进入高压排油前 1状态 。
2 1 年 1 月 01 1
第 6 页 1
量斜轴 马达 ( ) 图9 采用齿轮传动 , 驱动轴和缸筒 同步 用于行走机械 、 航空及海洋工程领域 。
中的I M 集成式蓄能器 , A 将活塞式蓄能器与铝合金
图l 0带气瓶的活塞式蓄能器
24 高压接 头 .
万能推接式高压接头 U T ( 1) P C 图 1是派克一 汉尼
KRAIS 产品介绍
Expanders & Rolling Motors 胀管器 & 辊压马达
F-600扩口式冷凝器用胀管器 胀接长度: 38.1mm (1-1/2”) - 57.1mm (2-1/4”) 管子外径: 15.8mm (5/8”) -25.4mm (1”)
Scope of Application 应用范围 冷凝器、热交换器 空冷器 强度胀接 – K50-400 贴胀- K50-600
1 2 3
坡口加工机 、管端平口机
万向胀管系统 - 智能机械臂
4 5
数字式电子胀管控制器 – 象鼻式
Expanders & Rolling Motors 胀管器 & 辊压马达
Expanders & Rolling Motors 胀管器 & 辊压马达
Tel: +48 71 312 05 96 Fax: +48 71 387 03 32 Web : www.krais.pl 中国客户请访问KRAIS产品操作视频地址: /KRAIStools
About VLS Consulting 威罗士公司简介
900系列冷凝器用胀管器 胀接长度: 6.3mm (1/4”) - 31.7mm (1-1/4”) 管子外径: 6.3mm (1/4”) -12.7mm (1/2”)
Expanders & Rolling Motors 胀管器 & 辊压马达
1300系列冷凝器用胀管器 胀接长度: 19mm (3/4”) – 88.9mm (3-1/2”) 管子外径: 6.3mm (1/4”) -12.7mm (1/2”)
美国Krohn-HiteCorporation产品Krohn-Hite Corporation, 美国Krohn-Hite,Krohn Hite Corporation, Krohn Hite Corporation,Krohn Hite3945/3361/3362/3381/3382/3384/3900/3988 可调有源滤波器深圳市湾边贸易有限公司美国原装Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,美国Krohn-Hite。
1, 2 and 4 Channel Benchtop Filters3361 Single Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)3362 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzOption BK-330: Battery KitRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3364 Four Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (8 cables recommended)3381 Single Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-EndedInput;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)3382 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzOption BK-330: Battery KitRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3384 Four Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,30A-1 Single Channel; Low-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic31A-1 Single Channel; High-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic34A Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to 200kHz35 Single Channel; Low-Pass; Amplifier Mode; 170Hz to 25.6MHz;24dB/octave; ButterworthOption 005: Bessel response replaces Butterworth response38 Single Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 0.03Hz to 1MHz; 48dB/octave; Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 002: Extends low-end cutoff frequency range to 0.003Hz3905C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to five plug-in cards Option ME39A: Card extenderRK-317: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (recommend 2-3 per card depending on the model installed)3916C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to sixteen plug-in cards Option ME39A: Card extenderRK-817: Rack Mount Kit with Rack SlidesCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (recommend 2-3 per card depending on the model installed)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,3900 Dual Channel; Low-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; EllipticRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter3901 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz,115dB/octave; Diff/Single-Ended; Gain; EllipticRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cables recommended)3940 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to 200kHzRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3944 Four Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to 200kHzRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (8 cables recommended)3945 Three Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; two channels;Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,RK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cables recommended)3955 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, 170Hz to 25.6MHz, 24dB/octave; Butterworth; Amplifier ModeOption 005: Bessel response replaces Butterworth response RK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3988 Dual Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 0.03Hz to 1MHz; 48dB/octave; Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extends low-end cutoff frequency range to 0.003HzRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cables recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,FMB3002AC-S AC Powered Dual Channel Single-Ended Filter/Amplifier ChassisFMB3002DC-S DC Powered Dual Channel Single-Ended Filter/Amplifier ChassisFMB3002AC-D AC Powered Dual Channel Differential Filter/Amplifier ChassisFMB3002DC-D DC Powered Dual Channel Differential Filter/Amplifier ChassisOption G1: 5 Position Input Gain Switch with Gains of 0dB, 10dB,20dB, 30dB and 40dBOption G2: 10 Position Output Gain Switch with Gains of 0dB to 16dB in 2dB Steps and 20dBHEBAT: High Energy Lithium Battery SetCAB-018: Three Foot BNC CableCON-045: Screw-T erminal Mating Plug, 3-Position Diff Input and Rear Panel DC Power ConnectionsFuse: Part No. 021033 0.125A, slow-blow.Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,FLX-3007 7-Slot Instrumentation ChassisRK-517: Rack Mount KitRK-518: Rack Mount Kit for Mounting 2 FLX-3007 Side-By-SideFLX-ICP4 Four Channel Plug-In ICP® Filter/Amplifier CardCON-055: Screw-T erminal Mating Plug, 8-Position, FLX-ICP4 Card CON-056: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 12-Position, FLXICP4 Card FLX-302 Dual Channel Differential BNC Filter/Amplifier CardCAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable (6 recommended)FLX-303 Three Channel Single-Ended BNC Filter/Amplifier CardCAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable (6 recommended)FLX-306 Six Channel High-Density Plug-In Filter/Amplifier CardCON-057: Screw-T erminal Mating Plug, 10-Position, FLX-306 Card Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation, 3FSX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FSX (x=number poles) 5 to 8-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FS16 16-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FDX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FDX (x=Number poles) 5 to 8-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FD16 16-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FAS Single-Ended Low Noise Amplifier3FAD Differential Low Noise AmplifierOption EG1: External Input Gain (needed for FLX-3007 and FMB3002 with G1 Option)Option EG2: External Output Gain (needed for FLX-3007 and FMB3002 with G2 Option)Lot Charge: Lot charge per orderNRE Charge: Non-recurring engineering charge for frequencies >200kHzKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,(for frequencies above 200kHz, a non-recurring engineering charge ofKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,1200A Function Generator; 0.2Hz to 3MHz; Linear Sweep; DCOffsetRK-39: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)4402B RC Oscillator; 1Hz to 110kHz; Ultra-Low Distortion of 0.0002%; Auxiliary OutputsRK-39: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,6620A 10Hz to 10MHz; 0.01º Resolution; 0.05º Accuracy; GPIB ProgrammableOption 002: Extends Low-End Operation to 1HzOption 003: Rear Panel BNC ConnectorsRK-316: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,6900B 5Hz to 1MHz; 0.1V to 130Vrms Input; Voltmeter; Totally AutomaticOption 001: BCD OutputOption 002: dB Display of DistortionRK-316: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,7000 DC to 1MHz, Low Noise Differential PreamplifierOption RMS: RMS-to-DC OutputRK-39: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)7500 75 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 140Vrms Output; 625mA, Gain of 100 Option 011: Remote Control of GainRK-519: Rack Mount KitCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cables recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)7600M 17 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 141Vrms Output, Gain of 100, Metered OutputOption 003: Rear Panel Input Output Connectors and Binding Posts Option 015: Remote Control of GainRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cables recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)7602M 34 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 282Vrms Output, Gain of 100, Metered OutputOption 003: Rear Panel Input Output Connectors and Binding Posts Option 015: Remote Control of GainRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cable recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)MT56R Impedance Matching TransformerCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cables recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,523 4ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIB Programmable Option KH523CAL Calibration Software Program RK-314: Rack Mount KitPCR100: 100 Ohm Precision ResistorOption Case 2720B: Protective Carrying CaseCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug526 20ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIB/LAN Programmable Option LAN: Remote ControlRK-314: Rack Mount KitOption Case 2720B: Protective Carrying CasePCR100: 100 Ohm Precision ResistorCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug511 DC Voltage, ±100nVdc to 11.1110Vdc, 2ppm Stability, 10ppm AccuracyOption 003: Rear Panel ConnectorsRK-314: Rack Mount KitOption Case 2720B: Protective Carrying CaseCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade LugPCS-2/B DC & AC Current Calibrator; GPIB ProgrammableCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug3210C 100mAac to 100Aac Transconductance AmplifierCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade LugPCR100 100 Ohm Precision ResistorKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,RK-02 Rack Mount Kit for Model MV106, CR103RK-37 Rack Mount Kit for Models 3900, 3901, 3940, 3944, 3945, 3955, 3988, 7600M, 7602, 7602MRK-317-2 Rack Mount Kit to mount two units side-by-side. Models include: 3900, 3901, 3940, 3944,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,RK-39 Rack Mount Kit for Model 1200A and 4402BRK-314 Rack Mount Kit for Models 3361, 3362, 3364, 3381, 3382, 3384, 511, 523, 526RK-316 Rack Mount Kits for Models 6620, 6900BRK-317 Rack Mount Kit for Model 3905BRK-319 Rack Mount Kit for Models 6900ARK-517 Rack Mount Kit for FLX-3007RK-518 Rack Mount Kit for mounting two FLX-3007 Side-by-SideRK-519 Rack Mount Kit for Models 7500RK-817 Rack Mount Kit for Model 3916B includes Rack Slides Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,CAB-005 Cable, Two Conductor Shielded Balanced LineCAB-10 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018 Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade LugCAB-025 Cable, 3ft., BNCCON-13/15 Output Connector, Mate, 6-PinCASE2027B Protective carrying case for models 511, 523, 526, 3361,3362, 3364, 3381, 3382, 3384PS488 Parallel to IEE-488 Bus Adapter (Model 522 only)RS-15 Rack Slides; 15 InchRS-20 Rack Slides; 20 InchBR-30 Band-Reject Kit for Models 3362, 3364, 3382, 3384, 3945, 3901, 3988, 3905B and 3916B002004 Replacement Battery for Battery Kits BK-330.Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Manuals - Non-Programmable InstrumentsManuals - Programmable InstrumentsManuals - Out of PrintCertificate to (MIL-STD-45662A) ANSI/NCSL-Z540-1 (Incoming)Certificate to (MIL-STD-45662A) ANSI/NCSL-Z540-1(Outgoing)Service & Labor. . . . . Minimum Charge深圳市湾边贸易有限公司电话:+86 755 8621 6601传真:+86 755 8621 6602电子邮件:info@/doc/2810390172.html进口代理价格优惠!服务周到!代理进口专业、高效!。
G1651 S-EB-S
E1818 S-EB-S
G1654 S-EB-S
Kraton G&E G1650
G1652 S-EB-S
G1657 S-EB-S
G1701 S-EP-S
G1641 S-EB-S
Kraton G1642 S-EB-S
具良好流动性的弹性共混 物,兼具高强度/高流动性 混合物
Kraton G1633 S-EB/S-S
MD6944 S-EB/S-S
会被 MD6944 取代
国 在 100-120℃具有极小的压缩
形变比,雾面亚光,极高的充油 汽车领域,B&C,高油性,在
30 极 n.m. 法 性
国 更软的橡胶
KX222 (S-B)x
18 高 41
法 比 D1102 有极高的反应性能, 可交联成分
国 更软
KX405 S-B-S
24 中 55
透明共混物,玩具,PVC 日
无双嵌段,低苯乙烯含量,柔韧性 替代品,提高流动性,抗 本
较 D1102 分子量相当/流动性略 法
好,味少颜色更稳定,更好的加工 国
较 D1102,不含无双嵌段,机械性
D1192 S-B-S
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Krohn-Hite Corporation, 美国Krohn-Hite,Krohn Hite Corporation, Krohn Hite Corporation,Krohn Hite3945/3361/3362/3381/3382/3384/3900/3988 可调有源滤波器深圳市湾边贸易有限公司美国原装Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,美国Krohn-Hite。
1, 2 and 4 Channel Benchtop Filters3361 Single Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)3362 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzOption BK-330: Battery KitRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3364 Four Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (8 cables recommended)3381 Single Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)3382 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzOption BK-330: Battery KitRK-314: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3384 Four Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005HzRK-314: Rack Mount KitKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,30A-1 Single Channel; Low-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic31A-1 Single Channel; High-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic34A Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to 200kHz35 Single Channel; Low-Pass; Amplifier Mode; 170Hz to 25.6MHz;24dB/octave; ButterworthOption 005: Bessel response replaces Butterworth response38 Single Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 0.03Hz to 1MHz; 48dB/octave; Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 002: Extends low-end cutoff frequency range to 0.003Hz3905C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to five plug-in cards Option ME39A: Card extenderRK-317: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (recommend 2-3 per card depending on the model installed)3916C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to sixteen plug-in cards Option ME39A: Card extenderRK-817: Rack Mount Kit with Rack SlidesCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (recommend 2-3 per card depending on the model installed)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,3900 Dual Channel; Low-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; EllipticRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter3901 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave; Diff/Single-Ended; Gain; EllipticRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cables recommended)3940 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to 200kHzRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3944 Four Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, GainOption 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to 200kHzRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (8 cables recommended)3945 Three Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; two channels;Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,RK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cables recommended)3955 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, 170Hz to 25.6MHz, 24dB/octave; Butterworth; Amplifier ModeOption 005: Bessel response replaces Butterworth responseRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cables recommended)3988 Dual Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 0.03Hz to 1MHz; 48dB/octave; Butterworth, Bessel; GainOption 002: Extends low-end cutoff frequency range to 0.003HzRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cables recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,FMB3002AC-S AC Powered Dual Channel Single-Ended Filter/Amplifier ChassisFMB3002DC-S DC Powered Dual Channel Single-Ended Filter/Amplifier ChassisFMB3002AC-D AC Powered Dual Channel Differential Filter/Amplifier ChassisFMB3002DC-D DC Powered Dual Channel Differential Filter/Amplifier ChassisOption G1: 5 Position Input Gain Switch with Gains of 0dB, 10dB,20dB, 30dB and 40dBOption G2: 10 Position Output Gain Switch with Gains of 0dB to 16dB in 2dB Steps and 20dBHEBAT: High Energy Lithium Battery SetCAB-018: Three Foot BNC CableCON-045: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 3-Position Diff Input and Rear Panel DC Power ConnectionsFuse: Part No. 021033 0.125A, slow-blow.Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,FLX-3007 7-Slot Instrumentation ChassisRK-517: Rack Mount KitRK-518: Rack Mount Kit for Mounting 2 FLX-3007 Side-By-SideFLX-ICP4 Four Channel Plug-In ICP® Filter/Amplifier CardCON-055: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 8-Position, FLX-ICP4 Card CON-056: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 12-Position, FLXICP4 Card FLX-302 Dual Channel Differential BNC Filter/Amplifier CardCAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable (6 recommended)FLX-303 Three Channel Single-Ended BNC Filter/Amplifier CardCAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable (6 recommended)FLX-306 Six Channel High-Density Plug-In Filter/Amplifier CardCON-057: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 10-Position, FLX-306 Card Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,3FSX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FSX (x=number poles) 5 to 8-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FS16 16-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FDX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FDX (x=Number poles) 5 to 8-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FD16 16-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards3FAS Single-Ended Low Noise Amplifier3FAD Differential Low Noise AmplifierOption EG1: External Input Gain (needed for FLX-3007 and FMB3002 with G1 Option)Option EG2: External Output Gain (needed for FLX-3007 and FMB3002 with G2 Option)Lot Charge: Lot charge per orderNRE Charge: Non-recurring engineering charge for frequencies >200kHzKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,(for frequencies above 200kHz, a non-recurring engineering charge ofKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,1200A Function Generator; 0.2Hz to 3MHz; Linear Sweep; DC OffsetRK-39: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)4402B RC Oscillator; 1Hz to 110kHz; Ultra-Low Distortion of 0.0002%; Auxiliary OutputsRK-39: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,6620A 10Hz to 10MHz; 0.01º Resolution; 0.05º Accuracy; GPIB ProgrammableOption 002: Extends Low-End Operation to 1HzOption 003: Rear Panel BNC ConnectorsRK-316: Rack Mount KitCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,6900B 5Hz to 1MHz; 0.1V to 130Vrms Input; Voltmeter; Totally AutomaticOption 001: BCD OutputOption 002: dB Display of DistortionRK-316: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,7000 DC to 1MHz, Low Noise Differential PreamplifierOption RMS: RMS-to-DC OutputRK-39: Rack Mount KitCAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cables recommended)7500 75 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 140Vrms Output; 625mA, Gain of 100 Option 011: Remote Control of GainRK-519: Rack Mount KitCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cables recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)7600M 17 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 141Vrms Output, Gain of 100, Metered OutputOption 003: Rear Panel Input Output Connectors and Binding Posts Option 015: Remote Control of GainRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cables recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)7602M 34 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 282Vrms Output, Gain of 100, Metered OutputOption 003: Rear Panel Input Output Connectors and Binding Posts Option 015: Remote Control of GainRK-37: Rack Mount KitCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cable recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)MT56R Impedance Matching TransformerCAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2 cables recommended)CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cable recommended)Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,523 4ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIB Programmable Option KH523CAL Calibration Software ProgramRK-314: Rack Mount KitPCR100: 100 Ohm Precision ResistorOption Case 2720B: Protective Carrying CaseCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug526 20ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIB/LAN Programmable Option LAN: Remote ControlRK-314: Rack Mount KitOption Case 2720B: Protective Carrying CasePCR100: 100 Ohm Precision ResistorCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug511 DC Voltage, ±100nVdc to 11.1110Vdc, 2ppm Stability, 10ppm AccuracyOption 003: Rear Panel ConnectorsRK-314: Rack Mount KitOption Case 2720B: Protective Carrying CaseCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade LugPCS-2/B DC & AC Current Calibrator; GPIB ProgrammableCAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug3210C 100mAac to 100Aac Transconductance AmplifierCAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade LugPCR100 100 Ohm Precision ResistorKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,RK-02 Rack Mount Kit for Model MV106, CR103RK-37 Rack Mount Kit for Models 3900, 3901, 3940, 3944, 3945, 3955, 3988, 7600M, 7602, 7602MRK-317-2 Rack Mount Kit to mount two units side-by-side. Models include: 3900, 3901, 3940, 3944,Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,RK-39 Rack Mount Kit for Model 1200A and 4402BRK-314 Rack Mount Kit for Models 3361, 3362, 3364, 3381, 3382, 3384, 511, 523, 526RK-316 Rack Mount Kits for Models 6620, 6900BRK-317 Rack Mount Kit for Model 3905BRK-319 Rack Mount Kit for Models 6900ARK-517 Rack Mount Kit for FLX-3007RK-518 Rack Mount Kit for mounting two FLX-3007 Side-by-SideRK-519 Rack Mount Kit for Models 7500RK-817 Rack Mount Kit for Model 3916B includes Rack SlidesKrohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,CAB-005 Cable, Two Conductor Shielded Balanced LineCAB-10 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-MetersCAB-11 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-MeterCAB-018 Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana PlugCAB-023 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana PlugCAB-024 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade LugCAB-025 Cable, 3ft., BNCCON-13/15 Output Connector, Mate, 6-PinCASE2027B Protective carrying case for models 511, 523, 526, 3361,3362, 3364, 3381, 3382, 3384PS488 Parallel to IEE-488 Bus Adapter (Model 522 only)RS-15 Rack Slides; 15 InchRS-20 Rack Slides; 20 InchBR-30 Band-Reject Kit for Models 3362, 3364, 3382, 3384, 3945, 3901, 3988, 3905B and 3916B002004 Replacement Battery for Battery Kits BK-330.Krohn-Hite, Krohn Hite, Krohn-Hite Corporation,Manuals - Non-Programmable InstrumentsManuals - Programmable InstrumentsManuals - Out of PrintCertificate to (MIL-STD-45662A) ANSI/NCSL-Z540-1 (Incoming)Certificate to (MIL-STD-45662A) ANSI/NCSL-Z540-1 (Outgoing)Service & Labor. . . . . Minimum Charge深圳市湾边贸易有限公司电话:+86 755 8621 6601传真:+86 755 8621 6602电子邮件:info@进口代理价格优惠!服务周到!代理进口专业、高效!。