《新编汽车专业英语(第3版)》Unit 5-Passage C


新编大学实用英语教程第三册Unit 5课文讲解

新编大学实用英语教程第三册Unit 5课文讲解
3. realize the importance of team work.
Key and Difficult Points
Key Points:
1. master some language points and sentence patterns; 2. realize the importance of team work.
Objectives After this class, you are expected to be able to:
1. master some language points and sentence patterns. 2. practice the skimming and scanning skills.
UNIT 5 Team Work
Main Content
Ⅰ Review Ⅱ Text A Ⅲ Grammar Ⅳ Summary V Assignments
Text A 1.What’s the difference between the two sisters’ favorites in sport?
2.What’s the distinction between Yao and others?(Pa.5-6)

汽车专业英语3-Unit 5

汽车专业英语3-Unit 5

1. How the Cruise Control System Works decisions” The Cruise Module makes “decisions” based upon speed, tachometer, and brake signal information. The control circuit interprets digital speed car’ information from the car’s engine control module (VSS) and ignition coil output. Brake information comes from the red and purple wires connected to vehicle’ nothe vehicle’s brake switch. Disengagement and noengagement decisions are based on the monitored information. rev.” An integral part of the cruise is the “over rev.” protection circuit. Its function is to monitor engine RPM and disengage the cruise control when the clutch is applied or the transmission shift lever is moved in to neutral. When a sudden rise in RPM is detected, the decision to disengage is rev.’ made for ‘over rev.’ protection, the blue wire must be attached to the negative side of the series” ignition coil. A noise suppressor “in series” with the blue wire keeps excessive electrical noise fooling” from “fooling” the cruise into disengaging.



一.1.the internal combustion engine 内燃机2. a reciprocating engine 往复发动机3.exhaust emissions 废气排放4.fuel consumption燃料燃烧5.fuel economy 燃油经济性bustion chamber燃烧室7.hybrid-electric vehicle 混动汽车8.mass production大规模生产9.dual-fuel vehicle 双燃料汽车10.air-cooled engine 风冷式发动机二.1. A diesel engine compresses its cylinder air on its compresstion stroke before anyfuel enters the cylinder2.The internal combustion engine is the one most commonly used in theautomotive field.3.According to the fuel energy used,the internal combustion engines are alsodivided into gasoline engines,and diesel engine.4.The piston converts the potential energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy.5.The power production cycle consists of four strokes of the position in areciprocating engine.6.The engine is generally considered the “heart” of an automobile7.This four strokes cycle of piston within the cylinder is repeated time and again topush the vehicle foreard.8.There are actually various types of engines such an electric engines,steamengines,and internal combustion engines.1. compression ratio : the total volume divided bv the compression volume2. internal combustion engine : burning their fuel inside their cylinders3. engine : a heart of an automobile4. stroke : the movement of the piston within the cylinder and the distance of piston travel5. reciprocating : the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder6. gasoline : a mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum.四.1.If you know something about ordinary gasoline engines, you will have notice thatdiesel engines, in many respects, work in the same way as gasoline engines.(柴油机的工作方式在很多方面和汽油机是一样的)2.The engine is the source of power that makes the car and the truck move.(使得汽车行驶)3.As it would not be reasonable to have to stop the engine every time it wasrequired to stop the car.(每次都到停车)4.Some of parts make the car move comfortable or better looking, but most ofthem are to make it run.(有些部件使得汽车更舒适或更美观)5.Not all of this heat can be used, and if allowed to remain in the engine, it wouldsoon destroy it.(如果让其热量保留在发动机中)一、1.gasoline engine 汽油机2.in low-speed driving condition在低速行车条件下3.achieve a variety of different objectives 达到各种不同的目的4.higher energy density高能量密度5.electric motor 电动机6.air conditioning空调装置7.regenerative braking 反馈制动8.power source动力源9.resource consumption 资源消耗10.dashboard display汽车仪表板显示二、1.The engine converts the expanding force of combustion into rotary force used topropel the vehicle.2.The gasoline engine and electric motor shut off automatically so that energy isnot wasted in idling.3.Clean cities uses hybrid electric vehicles as a way for coalitions to reducepetroleum consumption.4.Any vehicle without a transmission could be made to move but not smoothly.5.The electric motor applies resistance to the drive-train causing the wheels toslow down.6.The engine turns a high-speed generator, producing electricity.7.An intelligent power-control system determines the most efficient operation ofthe engine and energy storage system.8.If 10000 hybrid-electric vehicles were on the road rather than current standardvehicles, substantial reductions in emissions and fuel use would occur annually.1. transmission: an automotive assembly of gears by which power is transmitted from the engine to a driving axle.2. parking : to put or leave (a vehicle) for a time in a certain location.3. start : to set into motion , operation, or activity.4. battery : a single cell, such as a dry cell, that prouduces an electric current.5. braking : to reduce the speed of with or as if with a brake.四、1.We want hybrid-electric vehicle that reflect the spirit of the time and vehicleconcepts that express their individuality.(要能反映出时代精神)2.There are various types of engines such as electric motors, steam engines andinternal combustion engines.(电动机、蒸汽机和内燃机)3.The transmission is a speed and power changing device.(一个使速比变化的装置)4.Scientists have still been making efforts to concentrate the future developmentof engines on the three targets: reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhausted emissions, and reducing engine noise.(减少耗油量、降低废气排量以及降低发动机噪声)5.Hybrid system are increasingly becoming more prevalent in light-duty vehicles,but also in transit buses and other heavy-duty vehicles.(正日益变得更加流畅)6.We want hybrid-electric vehicle that reflect the spirit of the time and vehicleconcepts that express their individuality.(要能反映出时代精神)7.There are various types of engines such as electric motors, steam engines andinternal combustion engines.(电动机、蒸汽机和内燃机)8.The transmission is a speed and power changing device.(一个使速比变化的装置)9.Scientists have still been making efforts to concentrate the future developmentof engines on the three targets: reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhaustedemissions, and reducing engine noise.(减少耗油量、降低废气排量以及降低发动机噪声)10.Hybrid system are increasingly becoming more prevalent in light-duty vehicles,but also in transit buses and other heavy-duty vehicles.(正日益变得更加流畅)U5E11. The power train has two maan functions :it conveys powerfrom the engine to the wheels , and it changes the amount of torque2. The power train consists of an engine , a transmission ,a clutch , a drive shaft and differential3. The feature of a manual transmission is to deliver enginepower to the front wheels and rear wheels4. manual transmissions usually have five speeds , which means that the output shaft can rotate faster than the input5. There are several basic components in the clutch , suchas the flywheel , clutch disk , pressure plate , release bearing and linkage.6 Automatic transmissions are used not only in many rear-wheel-dnve and four-whe el-dnve ve- lcles, but In most front-wheel-dnve ones1.T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. FE21. manual transmission 手动变速器2. automatic transmission自动变速器3.planetary gear set 行星齿轮组4. Transaxle assembly驱动桥总成5. differential gear 差速器6. clutch pedal离合器踏板7.gearshift lever 变速杆8. release bearing分离轴承9. engine braking 发动机制动10.torque converter液力变矩器E31.If you’ve read about manual transmissions you know hat an engine is connectedto a transmission by way of a clutch.2.Cars with an automatic transmission have no clutch that disconnects thetransmission from the engine. Instead, they use an amazing device called a torque converter.3.One important function of the power train is to transmit the power of the engineto the wheels.4.The type of transmission ( manual or automatic) determines how the slip joint isconnected to the drive shaft.5.The clutch is located between the back of the engine and the front of thetransmission6.The face of the flywheel that touches the clutch disc is made of iron Even if theflywheel were aluminum , the face is iron.7.When the operator presses the clutch pedal ,the clutch release lever or fork .8.The clutch release bearing in most cases, is a ball bearing assembly with amachined face on one side.E41.clutch : any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working engagingand disengaging two working parts of a shaft2.shaft: a long, generally cylindrical bar, especially one that rotates and transmits power3.transmission : a speed and power changing device4.gearshift : a mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a5.transaxle : an automotive part that combines the transmission and the differential and is used on vehicles with front-wheel drive6.flywheel: a heavy-rimmed rotating wheel used to minimize variations in angular velocityE51.The power is then carried from the engine through the power train to the car (通过传动系扒发动机传递到车轮) so that the wheels turn and the car moves.2.( 如果汽车变速器需要修理和更换)If your car transmission needs repairs orreplacement,you’ve come to the right phone.3.If you wanted a top speed of 80 km/h,then the gear ratio would be similar tothird gear ( 速比相近于3 挡) ,in most manual transmission cars .4.The torque converter does not require any regular maintenance or adjustments( 不要求定期维护或调整) ,but it may be possible to change the transmission fluid .5.The drive shaft can be. either open or enclosed , depending on the type of driveused (取决于所使用的驱动类型)U6E11 If your brakes can work properly , good brakes are essential for safety during dn、ruvtg.2. The disk brake is the best brake which is generally due to its simpler design , lighteri .elju Ind better braking performance.3 Brake linings used to be made maxnly of metals., because of ats heat absorbing propertlcb4Caliper is an important part, and it must be replaced if it indicates a sign of leak!ng lbfa_e Eutd. .lc5 The reason why we still have cars wlth drum brakes ls cheap.6.Drum brakes consist of some parts , such as a backing plate, brake shoes , brake dm. .1, wheel cylnder, return springs and an automatic or self-adjusting system.. brake shoes a brake1.T2. T3. F4. T5. T6. FE21.brake system制动系统2. the parking brake驻车制动器3.the service brake system行车制动系统4. the disk brake盘式制动器5.the hand brake 手制动6.the brake shoe制动蹄片7.drum brake 鼓式制动器8. brake pads制动块9brake performance 制动性能10. brake fluid制动液E31.The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is thebreaking system.2.Brake fluid is a special liquid for use in a hydraulic brake system.3.The small forces applied to the brake pedal usually produce relatively largeforces.4.The rate of slowing down or retardation is governed by the speed of conversionof energy.5.Brake is a friction device for converting the power into heat by means of friction6.To decelerate and stop the moving automobile, the service brake are usuallyused.7.The brake lining of a friction maternal are secured to the shoes by brass8.The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub.E41 brake : the means of bringing to rest a moving vehicle in a shortest possible distance.2 service brake : stop or slow a car by depressing and releasing the brake pedal.3 hand brake : keep the car from rolling on unleveled ground.4 drum brake : a backing plate , brake shoes , wheel cylinder , return springs etc.5 parking brake : hold the automobile at rest.E51.An automobile brake system is actually a friction device to change power intoheat(实际上就是一种把动力转变成热量的摩擦装置).2.Basically , automobile brakes are of two types: the mechanical brakes and thehydraulic brakes (机械制动器和液压制动)3.The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is theautomobile brake system (汽车制动系统).4.There are two brake shoes at each wheel. The bottoms of the shoes are heldapart by an adjuster. The tops of shoes are held apart by a wheel cylinder(蹄片顶部由轮缸分别固定)5.Brake lines are steel tubing with copper and lead coating to prevent rust andcorrosion ( 以防锈蚀)U7EXERCISE 11. T2. F3. F4. F5. T6. F1 . The most important function of the suspension system ls to supply comfortable , safe nde cot- trol2. According to the article , we know that there are five basic types of spnngs used ln sus,eT"-sions :coil spring , leaf spring , torsion bar spring , traction,barand air spnngn3. The disadvantage of a coil spring ls its compactness , lack of moving parts , and excellentweight supporting characteristics.4. According to e passage , leaf springs are often used on the front suspension of front drive vehtcles5. When the coil springs , leaf springs , torsion bar spring ,L air springs ls defected , thls couldd cause the car to bounce up and down without any control6. Shock absorber movement ls limited by forcing fluid , d which causes the shock absorber to causes the shock absorbercompress or extend at a slow rate.EXERCISE 21.suspension system 悬架系统2.front suspension system前悬架系3.air compressor 空气压缩机4.torque tube传递转矩管5.axle housing alignment 桥壳定位6.coil spring 螺旋弹簧7.lower control arm 下控制臂8.rebound clip缓冲夹9.traction bar 牵引杆10.control arm控制臂EXERCISE 31.The leaf springs or leaves. most commonly used tn automobiles is' made up ofseveral long plates ,2.Suspension refers to the use of the front and rear springs to suspend a vehicle ' srear springs to suspend a vehicle sprung weight3.Shock absorber are hydraulic restricting devices used to hmt the speed of springaction.4.The car frame is connected to the axles by springs which absorb road shock5.The coil springs is made from a length of steel rod wound Into a coil.6.The front-suspension system must allow the wheels to move up and down.7.In operations, the lower control arms pivot up and down , twisting the torsionbars spring.8.Rebound clips are place along the spnng to prevent separahon of the leaveswhen the spring rebounds.EXERCISE 41.coil spring : a round bar of spring steel wound into the shape of a coil2.leaf spring : several layers of spring steel stacked one upon the other3.torsion ba r : spring a long solid steel shaft held at one end to the suspension s control arm4.air spring : a rubber bag or bladder full of air5.shock absorber : a hydraulic device by forcing fluid through passages or orifices6 suspension : use of the front and rear spring to suspend a vehicleEXERCISE 51.We all Know that springs are the major component(弹簧是主要部件) .nautomobile suspension.2.The automobile suspension is one of the major automobile system (汽车的主要系统之一。

汽车专业英语Unit 5 PPT

汽车专业英语Unit 5 PPT

summarize[ˈsʌməraɪz] vt. 总结,概述;
categorize [ˈkætəgəraɪz]把…归类Phrase learning (短语学习)
2.Proper Names(专有名词)
5)Electronic control system: it mainly refers to the computer-controlled apparatus, comprising of an electronic ignition control device, electronically controlled fuel injection device, the electronic control anti-lock brakes, electronically controlled automatic transmission, etc, which are respectively used to improve vehicle’s dynamic quality, economical efficiency, security, handle the exhaust purification, automation and so on.
1.New Words to learn(单词学习)
Battery [ˈbætəri] n.电池
generator [ˈdʒenə ˌ reitə] n. 发电机
[hɔ:n] n.喇叭



Connecting Rods and Crankshaft(UNIT FIVE)The connecting rods link the pistons with the crankshaft and transmit to it the loads arising from the combustion gas pressure taken by the pistons. In operation, the connecting rod is subjected to both gas pressure and inertia loads, and therefore, it must be adequately strong and rigid and light in weight as well. Connecting rods are generally fabricated from a high quality steel in the form of a bar with ring-shaped heads at its ends, the heads being known as the connecting rod big end and small end and serving to attach the rod to the crankpin and the gudgeon pin ofthe piston, respectively.曲轴连杆和连杆连接曲轴与活塞和传递给它的负载所产生的燃烧气体的压力由活塞。



Shank, or blade, 3 of the connecting rod is provided with an I-cross section to give the rod maximum rigidity with the minimum of weight. The small end of the connecting rod is made in the form of a continuous eye into which bronze bush 2 is pressed so as to provide an interference fit, whereas the big end of the rod is split into two halves with the upper half integral with the rod shank and the lower half in the form of detachable cap 6 (Fig.6).柄,或刀片,3的连杆上设有i-cross款给杆刚度最大与最小的重量。

汽车专业英语Unit 5

汽车专业英语Unit 5

sun visor 遮阳板 visor [‘vaizə ] 面颊, 盔甲
instrument panel 仪表板,仪表盘 wind shield wiper Turn on the wind shield wiper. 开雨刷 Please wipe the windshield. 请擦一下挡风玻璃
compartment间隔, (列车车厢的)隔间
vent [vent] (气体、液体等进出的)孔、口 通风口 cigarette lighter 点烟器,打火机[ֽsiɡə'ret]
戴姆勒-克莱斯勒 克莱斯勒汽车公司是美国 第三大汽车工业公司,创 立于1925年创始人名叫沃 尔特· 克莱斯勒。该公司在 全世界许多国家设有子公 司,是一个跨国汽车公司。 公司总部设在美国底特律。 主要品牌道奇、顺风、克 莱斯勒。
日产 日产汽车公司创立于1933年, 是日本三大汽车制造商之一, 也是第一家开始制造小型 Datsun轿车和汽车零件的制造 商。自从1972年第一辆公爵王 出现在北京街头以来,日产汽 车公司和与其产品一直是中国 汽车工业发展历史的一部分。 日产汽车公司通过在郑州设立 合资公司生产皮卡车,又与风 神汽车合作,完成了风神蓝鸟II 型的市场导入。主要品牌 NISSAN 风神蓝鸟 风度 阳 光。
fuel tank油箱
master cylinder制动主缸,剎车总泵
a brake pedal moves a piston in the master cylinder; brake fluid then applies great force to the brake pads or shoes. 刹车踏板移动剎车总泵内的活塞;制动液能对制 动块产生强大压力。 Wheel Cylinder剎车分泵


Unit 5 On Not Answering the Telephone
Lead-In Listening In and Speaking Out Text Oral Work Guided Writing Comprehensive Exercises
Read the following quotes and tell your classmates which one is your favorite. State your reasons.
The telephone is the greatest single enemy of scholarship, for what our intellectual forebears used to inscribe in ink now goes once over a wire into permanent oblivion. — Stephen Jay Gould
Unit 5 On Not Answering the Telephone
Lead-In Listening In and Speaking Out Text Oral Work Guided Writing Comprehensive Exercises
- Sharpay and Ryan, cell phones, I will see you in detention. - Ahh! - We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class, so we will get to know each other in detention. Cell phone. And welcome to East High, Miss Montez. Mr. Bolton, I see your phone is involved, So we will see you in detention as well. - That’s not a possibility, Miss Darbus, Your Honor, see, because we have basketball practice, and Troy ... - Ah, that will be 15 minutes for you too, Mr., Danforth, Count them.



5.5 Electronic control system (电子控制系统)

ABS & EBD System (防抱死制动系统和电子制动力分配系统)

ECT System (电子控制变速系统)
a) ECM and Switch (电子控制模块及开关)
b) Sensor and valve (传感器及电磁阀)
Figure 5-4 Instrument Panel (汽车仪表)
5.2 Instrument panel (汽车仪表)
11. Passenger’s supplemental air bag 乘客安全气囊 12. Control panel display 控制面板 13. Side ventilator 侧向出风口 14. Engine oil pressure gauge 机油油压表 15. g(gravity)force gauge 加速度 计 16. Hazard warning flasher switch 危险警告灯开关
Part 1 Automotive Basics 第1部分 汽车基础
Unit 5 Electrical Equipment and Electronic control system Equipment for Engine (发动机电器系统)
5.2 Instrument panel (汽车仪表)
1. Headlight/fog light /turn signal switch; Manual shift paddles 前大灯/雾灯/ 转向灯开关 2. Steering wheel switch for audio control and Bluetooth Hands-Free Phone System 方向盘音频控 制开关 3. Driver’s supplemental air bag/Horn 驾驶员安全 气囊/喇叭

34640课件 汽车专业英语(第3版)-PPT精选文档452页

34640课件 汽车专业英语(第3版)-PPT精选文档452页
The best style for you depends on the use to which you’ll put the car, where you live, the amount of driving you do, your financial resources, and your personal tastes. The most common family automobiles are divided into many styles and are available in four basic sizes: subcompact, compact, intermediate, and full-size.
These models are a little larger than subcompacts. They give additional room in the front and rear seats as well as added crash-protection for passengers. Original cost is somewhat higher than that for the subcompacts. Fuel economy is comparable and maintenance access is easier. Their somewhat roomier nature and better ride often make compacts the choice of the economy-minded driver. Compacts are around 4200 mm long in case of hatchbacks and 4600 mm in the case of 4-door cars. Compacts have room for five adults and usually have 4-cylinder engine. These are the most popular vehicles in our country.

Unit 05 Car Suspension 汽车专业英语教学课件

Unit 05 Car Suspension 汽车专业英语教学课件

Unit 5 Car Suspension
Dampers: Struts and Anti-sway Bars
Another common dampening structure is the strut— basically a shock absorber mounted inside a coil spring. Struts perform two jobs: they provide a dampening function like shock absorbers, and they provide structural support for the vehicle suspension.
Unit 5 Car Suspension
The other end is attached to a wishbone, which acts like a lever that moves perpendicular to the torsion bar. When the wheel hits a bump, vertical motion is transferred to the wishbone and then, through the levering action, to the torsion bar. The torsion bar then twists along its axis to provide the spring force.
Unit 5 Car Suspension
Springs: Sprung and Unsprung Mass
The sprung mass is the mass of the vehicle supported on the springs, while the unsprung mass is loosely defined as the mass between the road and the suspension springs[2]. The stiffness of the springs affects how the sprung mass responds while the car is being driven.



Ⅱ. Translate the following passage into Chinese
1 . The injection pump in the jerk pump system is used to time, meter and pressurize the fuel. This is the most common and utilized system. The plungers are driven by a camshaft that is designed to control the injection characteristics of the engine.
Ⅰ. Answer following questions
1 . Which sensors are used for fuel injection system?
2 . What determine the amount of fuel injected to each cylinder? 3 . How a fuel injection system works?
3 . The injection system that delivers fuel to a diesel engine operates at much higher pressure than a gasБайду номын сангаасline: as much as 17, 400 psi for traditional pump, line and injector systems( 喷油泵-高 压油管-喷油器系统) and up to 23, 500 psi for common rail systems, compared to 35 to 90 psi for most gasoline EFI systems. The fuel is also sprayed directly into the combustion chamber rather than into the intake port.

34640课件 汽车专业英语(第3版)

34640课件 汽车专业英语(第3版)
高等职业技术教育研究会 审 定
黄 星 黄汽驰 主 编
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars Unit 2 Introduction to Automobile Engine Unit 3 Lubrication and Cooling Se Train Unit 5 Automotive Ignition System
Automobile English
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars
Passage A Kinds of Cars
Figure 1-5 Ford: Focus
Figure 1-6 Toyota: Corolla
Figure 1-7 Volkswagen: Sagitar
Automobile English
Figure1-8 Volkswagen: Golf7
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars
Passage A Kinds of Cars
Also called mid-sized cars, intermediates provide what many consider to be the best trade-off between economy and comfort. Parking maneuverability and fuel economy are superior to the full-size models, while maintenance access, roominess and long-trip comfort are better than those of the compacts and subcompacts. Intermediates have room for five adults and a large trunk (boot). Engines are more powerful than compact cars and 6-cylinder engines are more common than in smaller cars. Car sizes vary from region to region; in Europe, large family cars are rarely over 4700 mm long, while in North America they may be well over 4800 mm.



Unit 1 Development History of AutomobileExercises1. Questions to the Text.1) How many stages have the birth of the car experienced?The birth of the car have experienced three stages.2) Who invented the internal combustion engine?In 1866, Count Nicholas Otto put forward the famous working cycle theory of internal combustion engine, namely "Otto cycle".3) Which country is the birthplace of modern cars?Germany is the birthplace of modern cars.4) What is the new direction for the development of automotive applications?New energy, especially electric energy, has become the most likely application development direction of automotive industry in recent years.2. Translate the Following Words into Chinese.1) ve hicle 汽车2) environment 环境3) standardized 标准化4) enterprise 公司5) monopoly垄断6) electric energy电能3. Translate the Following Sentences into Chinese.1) In 21 Century, human beings are facing more serious problems such as resource shortage, energy shortage, and environmental pollution and so on. Energy conservation, environmental protection and safety have become the eternal theme of the development of the automobile industry.进入21世纪,人类面临着资源短缺、能源短缺、环境污染等更为严重的问题。



Unit 5TEXT IThe Light at the End of the ChunnelTextIn a hotel lobby in Sandgate, England, not two miles from the soon-to-be-opened English Channel Tunnel, stiff upper lips trembled. For the first time since the last ice age, England was about to be linked to France."I'd rather England become the 51st state of the U. S. A. than get tied up to there," said a retired civil servant with a complexion the color of ruby port. He nodded toward the steel gray Channel out the window, his pale blue eyes filled with foreboding."A wful place," added his wife, lifting a teacup to her lips. "They drink all the time, and the food is terrible. When I go to the Continent, I take my own bottle of English sauce.""We don't care much for the French," her husband concluded. "But the French. ..." Here a pause, a shudder, as the gull-wing eyebrows shot upward. "The French don't care for anybody."On the other side of the Channel, the entente was scarcely more cordiale. In Vieux Coquelles, a village a beet field away from the French terminal near Calais, Clotaire Fournier walked into his farmhouse."I went to England once," he said, sinking into a chair in the dining room. "Never again! All they eat is ketchup. " A tiny explosion of air from pursed lips, then the coup de grac e. "Y ou can't even get a decent glass of red wine!"Well, by grace of one of the engineering feats of the century, for richer or poorer, better or worse, England and France are getting hitched. On May 6, 1994, Queen Elizabeth of Britain and President Francois Mitterrand of France are scheduled to inaugurate the English Channel Tunnel ("Chunnel" for short), sweeping aside 200 years of failed cross-Channel-link schemes, 1,000 years of historical rift, and 8,000 years of geographic divide.The 31-mile-long Chunnel is really three parallel tunnels: two for trains and a service tunnel. It snakes from Folkestone, England, to Coquelles, France, an average of 150 feet below the seabed. Drive onto a train at one end; stay in your car and drive off Le Shuttle at the other 35 minutes later. Later this year [i. e. , 1994] Eurostar passenger trains will provide through service: London to Paris in three hours; London to Brussels in three hours, ten minutes.The Chunnel rewrites geography, at least in the English psyche. The moat has been breached. Britain no longer is an island.It's June 28, 1991, and I'm packed into a construction workers' train along with several dozen other journalists. We're headed out from the English side to the breakthrough ceremony for the south running tunnel — the last to be completed.The Chunnel is a work in progress. The concrete walls await final installation of the power, water, and communication lines that will turn it into a transport system. White dust fills the air. The train screeches painfully. "Makes you appreciate British Rail," someone jokes.Finally we reach the breakthrough site. The two machines that dug this tunnel started from opposite sides of the Channel and worked toward the middle. Now we're staring at the30-foot-diameter face of the French tunnel boring machine (TBM), "Catherine."In one of those vive la difference quirks that color the project, the French gave women's names to their machines. On the British side, it's by the numbers — like TBM No. 6. Another difference: French workers wear chic, well-cut, taupe jumpsuits with red and blue racing stripes down the sleeves. The British uniform is pure grunge: baggy, bright orange.Looking up, I imagine 180 feet of Channel above my head —ferries, tankers, a Dover sole or two. ...The grating of the TBM interrupts my reverie. Its cutterhead — a huge wheel with tungsten-tipped teeth — chews into the last trace of rock separating England from France.Music blares, and lights glare. Several Frenchmen scramble through. Thunderous applause erupts as dozens more follow. Strangely moving, this connecting of countries. Champagne corks pop, and French workers hug British counterparts."I might have opposed it 30 years ago, but now it's my tunnel," an Englishman says.French tunnelers are still climbing through. "So many," I say, turning to a French official."And there are 56 million more behind them," he replies.Apres le tunnel, le deluge? Eurotunnel hopes so. It predicts eight million passengers a year by 1996. The flow will be lopsided. Only 30 percent of the traffic will be headed to Britain. "The French don't take holidays in England," explains Jeanne Labrousse, a Eurotunnel executive. Hmmmm. Why do the French visit Britain? For the food? The weather? Fashion?Mme. Labrousse seemed thoughtful."Of course," she brightened, "we will work on selling the idea."From National Geographic, May 1994, by Cathy Newman.。

车专业英语Unit 1-Passage C

车专业英语Unit 1-Passage C
• China FAW—a state enterprise—was founded in 1953.
• It was headqy in the northeast of China.
• The founder Rao Bin, the first general manager of FAW, was called “the father of China’s auto” .
• With the reform and opening up at the end of the 20th century, China FAW has got rapid development.
• It has developed a strong cooperation with foreign counterparts and set up two major joint ventures, FAW-Volkswagen and FAW-Toyota.
Unit One Classification of Engines and Their Operating Principles
Passage C Automobile Culture
China FAW History
• FAW, short for First Automobile Works, is the largest automaker in China.
people could not make vehicles. • In 1958, FAW started producing passenger cars—
luxury sedans Hongqi (that means Red Flag), which were the first domestic production of Chinese cars. • So FAW is called the cradle of China’s automobile industry.

《新编汽车专业英语(第3版)》Unit 3-Passage C

《新编汽车专业英语(第3版)》Unit 3-Passage C
• The new Ford logo also contains the blue color, just as the previous ones did, but the color is mixed with white to give it a smooth shady effect.
• The combination gives the logo a pretty sight.
• In addition to Ford and Lincoln brands, Ford Motor Company owns other brands such as Mercury, Aston Martin and Jaguar and so on.
• At the beginning of the 21th century, Ford had cooperation with China Changan Automobile Group (CCAG) and founded a joint venture in Chongqing, China, called Changan Ford Automobile Co.Ltd.
Unit Three Engine Systems
Passage C Automobile Culture
• Ford History • Ford Motor Company is one of the largestauto
manufacturers in the world. • Henry Ford was the founder who established the Ford
• In 2003, Ford Fiesta was produced to celebrate Ford’s 100tgo is known as Centennial Blue Oval.
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• In addition to economic cars, Citroën is also actively developing concept cars.
• In 1980s, Citroën began to enter Chinese market.
• In 1992, Citroën and Dongfeng Motor Corporation founded Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co.Lte.
• At the time of the company’s foundation, Citroën became the leading European mployed mass production technique borrowed from Ford in the USA.
• The parties will hold 50% shares to the new company.
• The first Citroën car was produced with a 4-cylinder engine.
• It was capable of a top speed of 65km/ h.
• From June to December 1919, Citroën produced 2, 500 cars.
• It has four series models of brands—Fukang, Elysee, Picasso and Seine.
• In 2010, Citroën set up another joint venture with China Chang an Automobile Group.
• In 1920, they had already produced 20, 200.
• In 1934, Citroën presented their first front-wheel drive cars and started a revolution in auto production.
Unit Five Automobile Braking System
Passage C Automobile Culture
• Citroën History • No one can think of Citroën car without thinking
of its founder, an outstanding engineer Andre Citroën. • He started a “V gear works” in 1912 and produced double helical gears. • In 1919, he established his own auto factory named after his name “Citroën” in honor of his gear works. • He had a dream that every family should have a economic and comfortable car.
• By 1975, Citroën production capacity reached nearly 700, 000per year, of which 55% were sold abroad.
• At this time the dream of Andre Citroën came into reality.