



电压范围:8V-18V;Vcc max=20V。




原因如下图二所示:当VCC未建立,且STB电压建立时,若电压太大,会导致STB 与VCC间二极管导通,此时STB 电压会串到VCC电压上,导致芯片误动作。









罗莫(ROHM) EDZ6.8B零件说明书

罗莫(ROHM) EDZ6.8B零件说明书

Zener DiodeEDZ6.8B●Applications●Dimensions (Unit : mm)●Land size figure (Unit : mm)Constant voltage control●Features1)2-pin ultra mini-mold type for high-density mounting (EMD2)2) High reliability3)Can be mounted automatically,using chip mounter.●Construction●Silicon epitaxial planer●Electical voltage (Ta=25︒C)(2)The operating resistances(Zz,Zzk) are measured by superimposing a minute alternating curren on the regulated current(Iz)y0.0010.010.11105101520253035400.111010010000.0010.010.11101001000P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N :P d (W )TIME : t(ms)PRSM-TIME CHARACTERISTICST E M P .C O E F F I C I E N C E :γz (%/℃)ZENER VOLTAGE : Vz(V)γz-Vz CHARACTERISTICS TIME : t(s)Rth-t CHARACTERISTICST R A N S I E N T T H A E R M A L I M P E D A N C E :R t h (℃/W )R E V E RS E S U R G E M A X I M U M P O W E R :P R S M (W )2040608010012014016002550751001251500.11101001000100000.0010.010.1110100Z E N E R C U R R E N T :I z (m A )ZENER VOLTAGE:Vz(V)Vz-Iz CHARACTERISTICS-0.08-0.06-0.04-0.0200. TEMPERATURE : Ta(℃)Pd-Ta CHARACTERISTICS T E M P .C O E F F I C I E N C E :γz (m V /℃)LEDZ6.8BL a st Ti me Bu yNoticePrecaution on using ROHM Products1. Our Products are designed and manufactured for application in ordinary electronic equipments (such as AV equipment,OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electronic appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If youintend to use our Products in devices requiring extremely high reliability (such as medical equipment(Note 1), transport equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or serious damage to property (“Specific Applications”), please consult with the ROHM sales representative in advance. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products for Specific Applications.(Note1) Medical Equipment Classification of the Specific ApplicationsJAPAN USA EU CHINA CLASS Ⅲ CLASS Ⅲ CLASS ⅡbCLASS ⅢCLASS Ⅳ CLASS Ⅲ2. ROHM designs and manufactures its Products subject to strict quality control system. However, semiconductorproducts can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against the physical injury, damage to any property, which a failure or malfunction of our Products may cause. The following are examples of safety measures:[a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety [b] Installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure3. Our Products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special orextraordinary environments or conditions, as exemplified below. Accordingly, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions. If you intend to use our Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary:[a] Use of our Products in any types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents [b] Use of our Products outdoors or in places where the Products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust[c] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including Cl 2, H 2S, NH 3, SO 2, and NO 2[d] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves [e] Use of our Products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items [f] Sealing or coating our Products with resin or other coating materials[g] Use of our Products without cleaning residue of flux (even if you use no-clean type fluxes, cleaning residue of flux is recommended); or Washing our Products by using water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning residue after soldering[h] Use of the Products in places subject to dew condensation4. The Products are not subject to radiation-proof design.5. Please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the Products.6. In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse. is applied,confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading condition may negatively affect product performance and reliability.7. De-rate Power Dissipation (Pd) depending on Ambient temperature (Ta). When used in sealed area, confirm the actualambient temperature.8. Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in the product specification.9. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure induced under deviant condition from what is defined inthis document.Precaution for Mounting / Circuit board design1. When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the residue of flux may negatively affect productperformance and reliability.2. In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used on a surface-mount products, the flow soldering method mustbe used on a through hole mount products. If the flow soldering method is preferred on a surface-mount products, please consult with the ROHM representative in advance. For details, please refer to ROHM Mounting specificationL a st Ti me Bu yPrecautions Regarding Application Examples and External Circuits1. If change is made to the constant of an external circuit, please allow a sufficient margin considering variations of thecharacteristics of the Products and external components, including transient characteristics, as well as static characteristics.2. You agree that application notes, reference designs, and associated data and information contained in this documentare presented only as guidance for Products use. Therefore, in case you use such information, you are solely responsible for it and you must exercise your own independent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information.Precaution for ElectrostaticThis Product is electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to electrostatic discharge. Please take propercaution in your manufacturing process and storage so that voltage exceeding the Products maximum rating will not be applied to Products. Please take special care under dry condition (e.g. Grounding of human body / equipment / solder iron, isolation from charged objects, setting of Ionizer, friction prevention and temperature / humidity control).Precaution for Storage / Transportation1. Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the Products are stored in the places where:[a] the Products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [b] the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by ROHM [c] the Products are exposed to direct sunshine or condensation [d] the Products are exposed to high Electrostatic2. Even under ROHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products out of recommended storage time periodmay be degraded. It is strongly recommended to confirm solderability before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period.3. Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton with a symbol. Otherwise bent leadsmay occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton.4. Use Products within the specified time after opening a humidity barrier bag. Baking is required before using Products ofwhich storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period.Precaution for Product Label QR code printed on ROHM Products label is for ROHM’s internal use only.Precaution for DispositionWhen disposing Products please dispose them properly using an authorized industry waste company.Precaution for Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade actSince concerned goods might be fallen under listed items of export control prescribed by Foreign exchange and Foreign trade act, please consult with ROHM in case of export.Precaution Regarding Intellectual Property Rights1. All information and data including but not limited to application example contained in this document is for referenceonly. ROHM does not warrant that foregoing information or data will not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party regarding such information or data. 2. ROHM shall not have any obligations where the claims, actions or demands arising from the combination of theProducts with other articles such as components, circuits, systems or external equipment (including software).3. No license, expressly or implied, is granted hereby under any intellectual property rights or other rights of ROHM or anythird parties with respect to the Products or the information contained in this document. Provided, however, that ROHM will not assert its intellectual property rights or other rights against you or your customers to the extent necessary to manufacture or sell products containing the Products, subject to the terms and conditions herein. Other Precaution1. This document may not be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of ROHM.2. The Products may not be disassembled, converted, modified, reproduced or otherwise changed without prior writtenconsent of ROHM. 3. In no event shall you use in any way whatsoever the Products and the related technical information contained in theProducts or this document for any military purposes, including but not limited to, the development of mass-destruction weapons. 4. The proper names of companies or products described in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks ofROHM, its affiliated companies or third parties.L a st Ti me Bu yGeneral Precaution1. Before you use our Pro ducts, you are requested to care fully read this document and fully understand its contents.ROHM shall n ot be in an y way responsible or liabl e for fa ilure, malfunction or acci dent arising from the use of a ny ROHM’s Products against warning, caution or note contained in this document.2. All information contained in this docume nt is current as of the issuing date and subj ect to change without any priornotice. Before purchasing or using ROHM’s Products, please confirm the la test information with a ROHM sale s representative.3. The information contained in this doc ument is provi ded on an “as is” basis and ROHM does not warrant that allinformation contained in this document is accurate an d/or error-free. ROHM shall not be in an y way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties resulting from inaccuracy or errors of or concerning such information.L a st Ti me Bu y。

ROHM BD9G102G-LB 1通道拓展电源模块用户指南说明书

ROHM BD9G102G-LB 1通道拓展电源模块用户指南说明书
Murata -
Murata Murata
4.7µF -
0.1µF 22µF
68kΩ 12kΩ
Industrial Equipment Battery Powered Equipment OA Instrument
Operating Limits
Parameter Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Current Range Operating Frequency Maximum Efficiency UVLO Detect Voltage UVLO Release Voltage
© 2020 ROHM Co., Ltd.
No. 63UG043E Rev.001
User’s Guide
Operation State Settings
Below is a table of BD9G102G-LB condition selectable using EN terminal
IC 1 Capacitor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Resistor 1 1 1 1 1 1 Diode 1 Inductor

ROHM 自动汽车电源电压转换器模拟器用户指南说明书

ROHM 自动汽车电源电压转换器模拟器用户指南说明书

User’s GuideROHM Solution Simulator3.5V to 40V Input, 1A Single 2.2MHz Buck DC/DC Converter for AutomotiveBD9P105MUF-C / Load ResponseThis circuit simulate the load response of BD9P105MUF-C. You can observe the fluctuation of the output voltage when the load current is abruptly changed. You can customize the parameters of the components shown in blue, such as VIN, IOUT, or peripheral components, and simulate the load response with desired operating condition.General CautionsCaution 1: The values from the simulation results are not guaranteed. Please use these results as a guide for your design. Caution 2: These model characteristics are specifically at Ta=25°C. Thus, the simulation result with temperature variancesmay significantly differ from the result with the one done at actual application board (actual measurement).Caution 3: Please refer to the datasheet for details of the technical information.Caution 4: The characteristics may change depending on the actual board design and ROHM strongly recommend to doublecheck those characteristics with actual board where the chips will be mounted on.1. Simulation SchematicFigure 1. Simulation Schematic2. How to simulateThe simulation settings, such as simulation time or convergence options, are configurable from the ‘Simulation Settings’ shown in Figure 2, and Table 1 shows the default setup of the simulation.In case of simulation convergence issue, you can change advanced options to solve.The default statement “.tran 0 2.4m 0.4m” in ‘Manual Options’ sets the simulation execution options. By default, run for t=2.4ms and save the waveforms after t=0.4ms. You can modify or delete it.Refer to Section 3 about the sentence “.param V_VBAT=12”.Figure 2. Simulation Settings and executionSimulation Settings Simulate3. Simulation Conditions3.1 How to define VIN voltage (VBAT and VEN setting)The VBAT and VEN voltages are set in the ‘Manual Options’ text box for parameter setting consistency. The voltage level of VBAT and VEN, and the initial voltage of CBLK refer to the variable V_VBAT. To define the voltage level, set the V_VBAT value in ‘.param’ sentence in the text box from ‘Simulation Settings’ > ‘Advanced Options’ as shown in Figure 3.‘Simulation Settings’Figure 3. Definition of VIN voltage.In order to secure the simulation stability those three parameters should be the same. So do not change those parameters respectively.3.2 IOUT parameter setupFigure 4 shows how the IOUT parameters correspond to the IOUT stimulus waveform.(b) Magnified viewFigure 4. IOUT parameters and its waveforms IOUT VOUT IOUT VOUT VIN4. BD9P105MUF-C_Tran modelTable 3 and Table 4 shows the model terminal function implemented. Note that BD9P105MUF-C_Tran is the behavior model for its load/line response operation, and no protection circuits or the functions not related to the purpose are not implemented.(Note 3) This model is not compatible with the external synchronization function.(Note 4) Use the simulation results only as a design guide and the data reported herein is not a guaranteed value.4.1 Parameter TSSBD9P105MUF-C_Tran model has the property ‘TSS’, which is the soft start time describ ed in page 7 of the datasheet.The product has 3ms (typical) of the startup time of the output voltage. You can short cut the soft start by changing TSS value. The default TSS value is set to 0.2ms in this simulation and you can modify the value in the property editor.Figure 5. TSS property of BD9P105MUF-C_Tran5. Peripheral Components5.1 Bill of MaterialTable 5 shows the list of components used in the simulation schematic. Each of the capacitor and inductor has the parameters of equivalent circuit shown below. The default value of equivalent components are set to zero except for the parallel resistance of L1. You can modify the values of each component.5.2 Capacitor Equivalent Circuits(a) Property editor (b) Equivalent circuitFigure 6. Capacitor property editor and equivalent circuit5.3 Inductor Equivalent Circuits(a) Property editor (b) Equivalent circuitFigure 7. Inductor property editor and equivalent circuitThe default value of PAR_RES is 6.6kohm.(Note 5) These parameters can take any positive value or zero in simulation but it does not guarantee the operation of the IC in any condition. Refer to the datasheet to determine adequate value of parameters.6 Link to the product information and tools6.1 Product webpage link: https:///products/power-management/switching-regulators/integrated-fet/buck-converters-synchronous/bd9p105muf-c-product6.2 Related documentsThe application notes are available from ‘Documentation’ tab of the product page.6.3 Design assist tools ar e available from ‘Tools’ tab of the product page.The Circuit constant calculation sheet is useful for deciding the application circuit constants.NoticeROHM Customer Support Systemhttps:///contact/Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.N o t e sThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative and verify the latest specifica-tions :Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semicon-ductors can break down and malfunction due to various factors.Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure, please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising out of the use of our Poducts beyond the rating specified by ROHM.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein areprovided only to illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplifiedbelow), please contact and consult with a ROHM representative : transportation equipment (i.e. cars, ships, trains), primary communication equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power transmission systems.Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospaceequipment, nuclear power control systems, and submarine repeaters.ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance withthe recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein.ROHM has used reasonable care to ensur e the accuracy of the information contained in thisdocument. However, ROHM does not warrants that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information.Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations,such as the RoHS Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.W hen providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries,you must abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act.This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent ofROHM.1) 2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13)。



ROHM开发出80V级高耐压DC/DC转换器“BD9G341AEFJ”【ROHM半导体(上海)有限公司10月27日上海讯】全球知名半导体制造商ROHM面向需要大功率(高电压×大电流)的通信基站和工业设备领域,开发出耐压高达80V的MOSFET 内置型DC/DC转换器“BD9G341AEFJ”。

“BD9G341AEFJ”采用功率系统工艺0.6µm的高耐压BiCDMOS,作为非绝缘型DC/DC 转换器,实现了80V的业界最高耐压水平,在ROHM的DC/DC转换器产品阵容中,也是耐压最高的产品。




本产品于2015年10月开始以月产6万个的规模投入量产(样品价格 600日元/个:不含税)。

前期工序的生产基地为ROHM滨松株式会社(滨松市),后期工序的生产基地为ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc.(菲律宾)。









物料长代码物料名称品牌总量2SAR552PGZET100Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆417000 FMY6T148Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆150000 UMH10NTN Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆537000 UMD3NGTR Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆354000 DTC023JEBTL Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆798000 2SA1727 TLQ Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆40000 2SCR523EBTL Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆330000 2SA1774 TLR Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆225000 EMD22T2R Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆96000 LTC143ZMFS8T2L Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆152000 2SK3065 T100Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆16000 2SC5824T100R Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆17000 RJU002N06 T106Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆66000 2SD2537T100V Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆10000 DTC044EEBTL Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆99000 UMZ1N TR Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆36000 DTC014YEBTL Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆75000 EMD6T2R Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆24000 DTC143ZMT2L Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆48000 2SA2030T2L Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆16000 2SD1782K T146R Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆15000 RTR025N03TL Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆9000 EMD3T2R Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆16000 EMF5T2R Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆8000 DTC115EUAT106Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆15000 2SB1236ATV2P Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆2500 MMSTA06T146Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆9000 DTC043ZMT2L Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆24000 RTR025P02TL Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆3000 DTC114TETL Transistor/晶体管Rohm/罗姆18000。

ROHM TO-247封装绝缘垫片热阻注意事项说明书

ROHM TO-247封装绝缘垫片热阻注意事项说明书

Application Note热设计关于绝缘垫片的热阻的注意点对于TO (Transistor Outlines)封装等,在背面有用于散热的裸漏金属焊盘(散热焊盘)的封装形式,当将这种非绝缘型的封装安装在散热片上时,会经由封装的金属焊盘对散热片施加高压,因此需要使用绝缘垫片进行隔离。



















Quantity / Reel
15,000 40,000 15,000 10,000
01005 RZP
(*For further information on datasheet, please refer to AUTOMOTIVE datasheet.)
0.2±0.02 0.3±0.03 0.5±0.05 0.8±0.1 1.25±0.1 1.55±0.15 2.5±0.15 2.5±0.15 3.2±0.15
0.13±0.02 0.23±0.03 0.35±0.05 0.45±0.1 0.5±0.1 0.55±0.1 0.55±0.15 0.55±0.15 0.55±0.15
Size Part No. (mm) (inch)
AUTOMOTIVE ∗Corresponds to AEC−Q200
Packing Specification Paper tape (2mm pitch) Embossed tape (1mm pitch) Paper tape (2mm pitch)
0.1±0.03 0.15±0.05 0.2±0.1 0.3±0.2 0.35±0.2 0.45±0.25 0.5±0.25 0.6±0.25 0.6±0.25
0.1±0.03 0.15±0.05 0.25 +0.05 −0.1 0.3±0.2 0.35±0.2 0.35±0.25 0.5±0.25 0.6±0.25 0.6±0.25




电压范围:8V-18V;Vcc max=20V。




原因如下图二所示:当VCC未建立,且STB电压建立时,若电压太大,会导致STB 与VCC间二极管导通,此时STB 电压会串到VCC电压上,导致芯片误动作。










Turning, grinding, cutting, toothcutting, balancing, etc.
Turning, grinding, measuring, toothcutting
Turning, grinding, cutting, toothcutting, balancing, etc.
Segment clamping mandrel
Power-operated segment mandrel with flanged seat, for internal clamping
Adapter for power assisted operation
Basic mandrel
Cartridge Mandrel KFS MFS Accessories KFS/MFS
Cartridge Mandrel with workstop ring MZS
Segment clamping mandrel KFR / MFR Accessories KFR / MFR
Cartridge Mandrel KFR - without axial tightening KFR - with axial tightening MFR Accessories KFR / MFR
rigid clamping, for long workpieces, resp. great span length

between centers or cylindrical mount, can be catched at the shaft



021-6143 5919
ST-Power Draw Bar Manual HSK-clamping sets Automatic HSK-clamping sets Automatic HSK-clamping units SUPER-LOCK-clamping unit Stationary release unit Turning Performance Tool mountings with HSK-C / HSK-A Hydraulic clamping head Spring operated clamping head
ST-Power Draw Bar Bolt-on Type ASPK Power Draw Bar ASP Integrated Type ESP Clamping sets Accessories
HSK-Built-in Clamping System HSK-C HSK-D
Stationary release unit Stationary release unit Stationary release unit with buffer stroke
Turning Performance Turning Performance
Tool mountings with HSK-C / HSK-A HSK-Tool blankes HSK-clamping chucks HSK-Drill chuck HSK-Slip-on cutter arbor HSK-Quick change tapping chuck HSK-Test Bar HSK-Adapter sleeves HSK-Adapter ABS-mounting with HSK-A shaft HSK-Plug Accessories









罗姆代理(ROHM代理)利用的网络销售平台为中国专业元器件在线订购网站--Right IC。

在此平台上,除了能购买到罗姆代理株式会社的产品外,还购买到罗姆代理集团旗下OKI SEMICONDUCTOR的产品。

Right IC平台除支持现金支付和中国银联之外,也可支持支付宝、快钱等第三方支付在内的多种支付方式,并可提供发票。


















在天津进行晶体管、二极管、LED、激光二极管、LED 显示器、光学传感器的生产,在大连进行电源模块、热敏打印头、接触式图像传感头、图片链接模块、LED照明模块、光学传感器、LED显示器的生产,作为罗姆半导体集团的主力生产基地,源源不断地向中国国内外提供高品质产品。




配备可使用各种传感器设备和外 围设备Interface的I2C总线,配备可作 为电源控制和中断信号使用的4通道 GPIO。
7. 传感器节点评估板 “ML7105”的评估板提供集 成LAPIS Semiconductor的微控制器、 罗姆的传感器群于一个基板上的传 感器节点。这个传感器节点基板与 “ML7105”无线模块相结合,可让使 用者切身体验实现传感器网络之简便。 评估板中还包含应用程序的示例代码、 各传感器元件的驱动程序软件。
■ 引脚图 ● 见上页图 ■ 应用 ● 防丢器,血压计, 照明等。
基于LAPIS Semiconductor超低功耗MCU的手持仪表的设计
主要芯片介绍: 1. 概述 采用高效率的RISC型的
ROHM(罗姆)旗下LAPIS Semiconductor 微控制器,具有超低功耗、低电压、 内置24bit RC型ADC震荡型,12bit 逐 次比较型A/D 转换器、内置LCD驱 动、语音输出功能等特性,是工业控 制、ZigBee®、射频、医疗和公共事 业计量、通信网关、传感器控制、大 型家用电器和便携式电池供电产品等 在内的理想之选,主要应用产品有电 子架牌、无线设备、手表、自行车仪 表、数据记录仪、气表、DSC、火灾 报警器、恒温器、气象站等。
应用方案介绍: ZTM7105C Bluetooth® Low Energy
Module Spec. ■ 特征 ① 符合Bluetooth® SIG Core Spec
v4.0 ② 内置低功耗 RF模块
技 术 分 销 Technical Distribution
2. 低功耗设计 通过LAPIS Semiconductor独自开 发的RF电路,实现了业界顶级的低耗 电量(发送时9.8mA,接收时8.9mA, 休眠时0.7μA)。不仅RF电路,为降 低系统整体的耗电量,还优化了部分 电源关断电路、通过自主判断控制系 统时钟的停止的时钟控制电路等。 3. 内置协议栈 内置Bluetooth® v4.0 Low Energy 的HOST堆栈,仅将符合设备用途的 Profile安装于客户整机中现有的应用 处理器中即可支持Bluetooth® Smart设 备。可以(有偿)提供示例应用程 序、参考板。 4. 内置微控制器+存储器 搭载ARM公司生产的CortexM0,采用Program专用内置SRAM 12k byte,可安装客户的应用程序。用户 应用程序可经由I2C总线通过外置存 储器下载。 5. 配备标准的串行接口 配有通用串行接口,作为与 HOST微控制器等通信的控制接口。 可使用SPI Slave、UART、 I2C接口。 6. 搭载控制传感器设备、外围设 备的I2C总线、GPIO

ROHM BD9G101G步进降压器评估板用户指南说明书

ROHM BD9G101G步进降压器评估板用户指南说明书

ENH: IC OFF L: IC ONROHM Switching Regulator SolutionsEvaluation Board for ROHM’s BD9G101G Buck SwitchingRegulator with Built-In Power MOSFETBD9G101G-EVK-101 (5V | 0.5A Output)●IntroductionThis user’s guide will explain the steps necessary to operate and evaluate ROHM’s BD9G101G step-down switching regulator using the BD9G101G evaluation board. Board layout recommendations, operating procedures, application data, and bill of materials are included.●DescriptionThis evaluation board has been specifically developed to evaluate the BD9G101G non-synchronous buck DC/DC converter with integrated 45V/800mΩ power MOSFET. Features include wide input (7.32V to 42V) and output of 5V and a switching frequency of 1.5MHz. Multiple protection functions are also built in, including a soft start circuit that prevents inrush current during startup, UVLO (Under Voltage Lock Out), TSD (Thermal Shutdown), and OCP (Overcurrent Protection). An EN pin allows for simple ON/OFF control to reduce standby current consumption. Also, output voltage can be set in the range of 1V to VCC x 0.7 by changing external resistors.●ApplicationsIndustrial distributed power systems Consumer electronics equipment●Evaluation Board Operating Limits and Absolute Maximum RatingsParameterSymbolTypeLimitUnitConditionsMINTYP MAX Supply Voltage VCCMaximum Rating6-42VRecommended Range7.32-42.0 VOutput Voltage VOUT Recommended Range -5.05 - V * Set by R1 and R2.Output CurrentIOUTRecommended Range--0.5A●Evaluation BoardBelow are images of the BD9G101G evaluation board. Component selection and board layout guidelines are provided in the BD9G101G datasheet.AEY59-D1-0001BD9G101G Eval Board (Back)BD9G101G Eval Board (Front)VOUT VCCGND2/8© 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 66UG040E Rev.00410.Oct.2023●Board Schematic●Operating Procedures1. Connect voltage source GND to the GND pin on the evaluation board.2. Connect voltage source output (+) to the VCC pin on evaluation board.3. The output voltage can be measured from the VOUT pin on the evaluation board. Output current can bemeasured with a proper load at VOUT.Note: The IC could be damaged if hot plugged. Therefore, make sure to power down the system before removing or connecting the BD9G101G-EVK-101.BSTGND FB LX VCC EN CBST 22000 p FU 11 2 3 6 7 8BD 9 G 101 GR 2680R 1 3 . 9 k132 SW 1H LCIN 14 . 7 u FCIN 2DNPCO 2 22 u FD 1L 1 6 . 8 u HVOUT(+ 5 V / 0 . 5 A ) + V CC ENGNDCO 1DNPGNDRFRA0 Ω JEN 0 ΩRSP Short CSP 0 . 1 u FRFB0 Ω●Reference Application DataThe below graphs show the efficiency, frequency response, and load characteristics of the BD9G101G eval board.EN 10V/div LX 10V/div VOUT 2V/divIIN 0.2A/div EN 10V/div LX 10V/div VOUT 2V/divIIN 0.2A/divEN 10V/div LX 10V/div VOUT 2V/divIIN 0.2A/div EN 10V/div LX 10V/div VOUT 2V/divIIN 0.2A/divEN 50V/div LX 20V/div VOUT 2V/divIIN 0.2A/divEN 50V/divLX 20V/divVOUT 2V/divIIN 0.2A/div Start-up CharacteristicsVCC=8V, VOUT-GND=Open, VOUT=5VStart-up CharacteristicsVCC=8V, VOUT-GND=10Ω, VOUT=5VStart-up CharacteristicsVCC=12V, VOUT-GND=Open, VOUT=5VStart-up CharacteristicsVCC=12V, VOUT-GND=10Ω, VOUT=5VStart-up CharacteristicsVCC=42V, VOUT-GND=Open, VOUT=5VStart-up CharacteristicsVCC=42V, VOUT-GND=10Ω, VOUT=5VOutput RippleVCC=24V, VOUT=5V, IOUT=20mAOutput RippleVCC=24V, VOUT=5V, IOUT=200mAFrequency ResponseVCC=24V, IOUT=150mA, VOUT=5VFrequency ResponseVCC=24V, IOUT=500mA, VOUT=5VLoad ResponseVCC=24V, VOUT=5V, IOUT=50mA ⇔200mAElectric Power Conversion Rate IOUT=1mA-500mA, VOUT=5VVOUT: offset 5V 10mV/divVOUT: offset 5V 10mV/divOvershoot Voltage: 26mV VOUT: offset 5V 100mV/divUndershoot Voltage: 19mVIOUT 100mA/div●Application Components Selection Method(1) InductorA shield type with low DCR (DC resistance component) that satisfies the current rating (current value Ipeak below) is recommended.The inductance value has a significant effect on the inductor ripple current, which becomes the source of output ripple.As shown in the formula below, this ripple current can be made smaller by increasing the L value of the coil and/or the switching frequency .Ipeak =IOUT + ∆IL2[A]∆IL =VCC −VOUT L ×VOUT VIN ×1f[A](∆IL : Output Ripple Current, f: Switching Frequency)Please carry out inductor ripple design with a target of 20 to 50% of the maximum input current. For the BD9G101G, the below inductors are recommended within the 4.7μH to 15μH range. Recommended Inductor Murata DEM4518C Series TAIYO YUDEN LSXND6060WKL Series(2) Input CapacitorTo reduce input ripple voltage, please connect a low ESR ceramic capacitor near the VCC pin. For the BD9G101G, we recommend a capacitance less than 4.7μF. And in the event an electrolytic capacitor is used, mount a 1μF ceramic capacitor in parallel to prevent oscillation.(3) Output CapacitorTo reduce output ripple, a low ESR ceramic capacitor is recommended. And in addition to taking into account DC bias characteristics, please provide sufficient margin with respect to the absolute maximum rated output voltage.Vpp =∆IL ×12π×f ×Co+∆IL ×R ESR [V]Please design in a way that it is held within Capacity Ripple Voltage. In the BD9G101G, it is recommended a ceramic capacitor over 10μF.(4) Output voltage settingThe internal reference voltage of the ERROR AMP is 0.75V. The output voltage is determined from the following formula.VOUT =R1+R2R2×0.75 [V]light loads, please ensure that the sum R1+R2 for the output resistance satisfies the following formula.R1+R2≤VOUT ×103Example output resistance settings: 5V output voltage → R1=3.9kΩ, R2=0.68kΩ 12V output voltage → R1=7.5kΩ, R2=0.51kΩOutput Voltage Setting ΔI LInductor Current(5) Feed-forward capacitor CSPPlease mount feed-forward capacitor in parallel to output resistance R1.In order that a feed-forward capacitor may adjust the loop characteristic by adding the pair of a pole and zero to the loop characteristic. A phase margin is improved and transient response speed improves.The feed-forward capacitor CSP should use the value near the following formulasCSP=4.7kR1×0.15 [μF]Example CSP settings: 5V output voltage → R1=3.9kΩ, R2=0.68kΩ, C SP=0.1μF or 0.22μF12V output voltage → R1=7.5kΩ, R2=0.51kΩ, C SP=0.1μFTo prevent BSTUVLO operation during reduced power and light loads, we recommend connecting a feed-forward capacitor CSP in parallel with the output resister R1. The feed-forward capacitor improves phase margin and transient response by adding a zero-pole pair to the loop characteristics. This works to limit output fluctuation. For the feed-forward capacitor CSP, use an output resistance value near to the following formula.Through the above measures, BSTUVLO will not activate under light loads and VIN-VOUT<3V.(6)Bootstrap CapacitorTo prevent malfunction of the boot pin’s internal circuit, connect a CBS T=15000pF ceramic capacitor between the BST and LX pins.(7)Catch DiodeSelect a Schottky barrier diode that meets withstand voltage and rated current requirements.●Evaluation Board Layout GuidelinesPCB layout is a critical portion of good power supply design. Some paths that conduct fast current / voltage change may cause noises and degrade the power supplying performance due to leakage flux or interaction with parasitic capacitance.To help reducing these problems, the VCC pin should be bypassed to ground with a low ESR ceramic capacitor. Also, the large current is generated especially on the following 2 loops; Bypass input capacitor -> Inductor -> Output capacitor or Catch diode -> Inductor -> Output capacitor. Therefore, the distance between the output capacitor and the catch diode, or the distance between the output capacitor and the bypass input capacitor on the GND pattern should be as short as possible.The input bypass capacitor, the catch diode and the inductor should be located as close to the IC as possible. Please keep GND line on the top layer to avoid GND level fluctuation caused by external connection.●Evaluation Board BOMBelow is a table showing the bill of materials. Part numbers and supplier references are also provided.1 1 CIN1 4.7μF 50V 10% X7R 3216 Murata GRM31CR71H475KA122 1 CIN2 No mount - -3 1 CO1 No mount - -4 1 CO2 22μF 25V 10% X6S 3216 Murata GRM31CC81E226KE115 1 CBST 22000pF 50V 10% X7R 1005 Murata GRM155R71H223KA126 1 CSP 0.1μF 50V 10% X7R 1005 Murata GRM155R71H104KE147 1 D1 DIODE SCHOTTKY 60V 2A ROHM RBR2MM60B8 1 SW1 SWITCH SLIDE SPDT 30V 2A E-Switch EG12189 1 R1 3.9kΩ 1% 1608 ROHM MCR03EZPFX390110 1 R2 680Ω 1% 1608 ROHM MCR03EZPFX680011 1 RFRA 0Ω JUMPER 1608 ROHM MCR03EZPJ00012 1 LX INDUCT 6.8uH SOD-106 TAIYO YUDEN LSXND6060WKL6R8NMG13 1 JEN 0Ω JUMPER 1608 ROHM MCR03EZPJ00014 1 U1 5V, 0.5A Step-down SW Reg ROHM BD9G101G Recommended parts are selected from those products and information available at the time this user’s guide (Rev.004) was released. If supply conditions change and parts are not available, use similar parts please.●Revision HistoryNoticeROHM Customer Support SystemThe information contained in this document is intended to introduce ROHM Group (hereafterreferred to asROHM) products. When using ROHM products, please verify the latest specifications or datasheets before use.ROHM products are designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment andapplications (such as Audio Visual equipment, Office Automation equipment, telecommunication equipment, home appliances, amusement devices, etc.) or specified in the datasheets. Therefore, please contact the ROHM sales representative before using ROHM products in equipment or devices requiring extremely high reliability and whose failure or malfunction may cause danger or injury to human life or body or other serious damage (such as medical equipment, transportation, traffic, aircraft, spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel control, automotive equipment including car accessories, etc. hereafter referred to as Specific Applications). Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses, or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of ROHM Products for Specific Applications. Electronic components, including semiconductors, can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Pleasebe sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against physical injury, and damage to any property, which a failure or malfunction of products may cause. The information contained in this document, including application circuit examples and theirconstants, is intended to explain the standard operation and usage of ROHM products, and is not intended to guarantee, either explicitly or implicitly, the operation of the product in the actual equipment it will be used. As a result, you are solely responsible for it, and you must exercise your own independent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses, or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information. When exporting ROHM products or technologies described in this document to other countries, youmust abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, such as the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and the US Export Administration Regulations, and follow the necessary procedures in accordance with these provisions.The technical information and data described in this document, including typical application circuits,are examples only and are not intended to guarantee to be free from infringement of third parties intellectual property or other rights. ROHM does not grant any license, express or implied, to implement, use, or exploit any intellectual property or other rights owned or controlled by ROHM or any third parties with respect to the information contained herein.No part of this document may be reprinted or reproduced in any form by any means without theprior written consent of ROHM.All information contained in this document is current as of the date of publication and subject tochange without notice. Before purchasing or using ROHM products, please confirm the latest information with the ROHM sales representative. ROHM does not warrant that the information contained herein is error-free. ROHM shall not be inany way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses, or losses incurred by you or third parties resulting from errors contained in this document.Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.N o t i c ehttps:///contactus1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)。

基本半导体 罗姆

基本半导体 罗姆















尤特奇L 30D-55是乳液聚合的产物,尤特奇L100-55是前者的低温喷雾干燥产物。

尤特奇L 100和尤特奇S 100都是乳液聚合再经喷雾干燥后的产物。

尤特奇RL 100和尤特奇RS 100均是本体聚合产物,尤特奇RL PO和尤特奇RS PO分别是前两者的粉碎产物,尤特奇RL 30D和尤特奇RS 30D分别是它们在热水中直接乳化的产物。

尤特奇NE 30D是乳液聚合产物。



ROHM 电阻器数据手册说明书

ROHM 电阻器数据手册说明书

measurement of semiconductors. Table 1 summarizes the specifications of these two types of thermocouples. Although Type T has a small tolerance, its positive electrode has a high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the thermocouple may serve as a heat sink, decreasing the measured temperature below the actual temperature. Thus, it is considered that thermocouples of Class 1 Type K are ideal for the thermal measurement.
The third point is regarding tip treatment of thermocouples. The simplest method is to twist the tip several times to make it a twisted wire as shown in Figure 2. Nevertheless, since the temperature is measured at the first contact point in this method, the remaining section is unnecessary and may cause undesirable heat radiation. However, since cutting off the remaining section compromises the contact, the temperature becomes unstable.



∙共 12 篇日志∙上一篇下一篇∙ROHM电阻品名表示法(命名规则)∙2008-03-20 09:03:34 分类: 电阻浏览(245)评论(0)∙买家们经常问起我关于电阻、电容、电感的品名表示法,也就是规格号的命名规则了。







详细的说明如下:紧凑型矩形贴片式电阻器Part N o. Size(Inch)PackageCircuitRatedpower(70ºC)Limitingelement voltage(V)ResistancetoleranceResistancerange(Ω)Operatingtemperaturerange(ºC)RoHSMCR006 0603(0201)1/20W(0.05W)25J(±5%)1.0 to10M -55 to +125YesF(±1%)10 to 10MYesMCR01 1005(0402)1/16W(0.063W)50J(±5%)1.0 to10M-55 to +155YesF(±1%)10 to2.2MYesMCR03 1608(0603)1/10W(0.1W)J(±5%)1.0 to10MYesFX(±1%)10 to 10MYesMCR10 2012(0801/8W(0.125150 J(±5%)1.0 to10MYes5) W)F(±1%)10 to2.2MYes封装型号代码Part N o. CodeResistance tolerance Packaging specificationsReelBasic ordering unit(pcs) J(±5%)F(±1%)MCR006 YZP Paper tape(2mm Pitch)φ180mm (7inch)15,000MCR01 MZP Paper tape(2mm Pitch)φ180mm (7inch)10,000MCR01 PZPIBulkcase - 50,000MCR03 EZP Paper tape(4mm Pitch)φ180mm (7inch)5,000MCR03 PZPIBulkcase - 25,000MCR03 MZP Paper tape(2mm Pitch)φ180mm (7inch)10,000MCR10 EZP Paper tape(4mm Pitch)φ180mm (7inch)5,000Reel(φ180mm) : Compatible with JEITA standard "EIAJ ET-7200B" : Standard product。

ROHM 产品 SiC MOSFET SCT4036KW7 HB2637L-EVK-301 快速启动

ROHM 产品 SiC MOSFET SCT4036KW7 HB2637L-EVK-301 快速启动

QUICK START GUIDEEvaluation board for SiC MOSFET SCT4036KW7HB2637L-EVK-301This quick start guide will help you understand the connection, operating Instructions and important notices and warnings that need to be carefully reviewed prior to use of the board (Figure 1). For further information please refer to the user guide (No. 65UG002E Rev .001).The evaluation board is configured in a half bridge set up and thus allows evaluations in different operations modes such as buck, boost, synchronous buck/boost and inverter operations. The board is equipped with two SiC MOSFET s (SCT4036KW7), isolated gate driver BM61S41RFV-C, isolated power supply required for the gate driver, LDO for 5V supply and easy to interface connectors for PWM signals.Figure 1: Evaluation board without heatsink (left) and with heatsink (right)Important NoticeThis evaluation board is intended for product evaluation in a research and development context only and is not intended for resale to end consumers and it is not authorized for end customer or household use. This board may not comply with CE or similar standards (including, but not limited to the EMC directive 2004/EC/108) and may not fulfil other requirements of the country it will be operated in by the user. The user shall ensure that the evaluation board will be handled in a way that is compliant with all the standards and regulations in the country it will be operated in.The evaluation board provided here has only been subjected to functional testing under typical load conditions. The design of this evaluation board is tested by ROHM only as described in the user guide for this board. The design is not qualified in terms of safety requirements, manufacturing and operation over the entire operating temperature range or lifetime.This evaluation board may only be used by authorized personnel that is properly trained in recognizing and dealing with the dangers of testing high voltage equipment and generally experimenting with high voltage circuits. Ensure you review this user guide as it contains important safety warnings. At all times, follow the applicable safety rules for dealing with high voltages. Do not connect or disconnect any wires or probes to the evaluation board, while it is connected to a power supply . T ake care that capacitors on the board have discharged fully before touching any part of the board. Always place the evaluation board under appropriate covers, such as in a Perspex box, to protect against accidental touching of high voltage parts BEFORE applying a voltage supply to the board.<High Voltage Safety Precautions>◇ Read all safety precautions before usePlease note that this document covers only the SCT4036KW7 evaluation board and its functions. For additional information, please refer to the datasheet.To ensure safe operation, please carefully read all precautions before handling the evaluation boardDepending on the configuration of the board and voltages used,Potentially lethal voltages may be generated.Therefore, please make sure to read and observe all safety precautions described inthe red box below.Before Use[1] Verify that the parts/components are not damaged or missing (i.e. due to the drops).[2] Check that there are no conductive foreign objects on the board.[3] Be careful when performing soldering on the module and/or evaluation board toensure that solder splash does not occur.[4] Check that there is no condensation or water droplets on the circuit board.During Use[5] Be careful to not allow conductive objects to come into contact with the board.[6] Brief accidental contact or even bringing your hand close to the board mayresult in discharge and lead to severe injury or death.Therefore, DO NOT touch the board with your bare hands or bring them too close to the board.In addition, as mentioned above please exercise extreme caution when using conductive tools such as tweezers and screwdrivers.[7] If used under conditions beyond its rated voltage, it may cause defects such as short-circuit or, depending on the circumstances, explosion or other permanent damages. [8] Be sure to wear insulated gloves when handling is required during operation.After Use[9] The ROHM Evaluation Board contains the circuits which store the high voltage. Since itstores the charges even after the connected power circuits are cut, please discharge the electricity after using it, and please deal with it after confirming such electricdischarge.[10] Protect against electric shocks by wearing insulated gloves when handling.This evaluation board is intended for use only in research and development facilities and should by handled only by qualified personnel familiar with all safety and operating procedures.We recommend carrying out operation in a safe environment that includes the use of high voltage signage at all entrances, safety interlocks, and protective glasses.Safety PrecautionsCaution: This evaluation board may only be used by authorized personnel that is properly trained inrecognizing and dealing with the dangers of testing high voltage equipment and generallyexperimenting with high voltage circuits. This board should only be used in a lab facility properlyequipped for the safe testing of power electronic systems at the relevant voltage levels. Failure tocomply may result in damage to equipment, personal injury or death.Warning: The DC link and input voltage of this board may reach up to 900 V. Ensure that onlysuitable high voltage differential probes are used to measure at this voltage. Failure to do so mayresult in damage to equipment, personal injury or death.Warning:This evaluation board contains DC bus capacitors which take time to discharge afterremoval of the power supplies. Before working on the evaluation board wait at least six minutes afterdeactivating all connected power supplies to ensure that the capacitors have discharged to a safelevel.Warning:Ensure that you use only appropriate measurement equipment for the voltage levelspresent on the board. Ensure not to ground live parts through unsuitable measurement probes or tiedifferent grounds together using passive probes. Suitable high voltage differential probes should beused. Failure to do so may result in damage to equipment, personal injury or death.Warning: Before disconnecting, connecting or reconnecting wires or measurement probes to theboard or before touching the board or performing any manipulations on the board ensure that allexternal power is removed or disconnected from the board and at least six minutes have passed toensure the capacitors have discharged to a safe level and then ensure that the capacitor voltageshave dropped to a safe level.Failure to do so may result in damage to equipment, personal injury or death.Caution: The heatsink and some component surfaces on the evaluation board may become hotduring testing and remain hot for a certain time after turn-off. Take appropriate measures whilehandling the board after use. Failure to do so may cause personal injury.Caution: Incorrect connection of power supplies or loads can damage the board. Carefully reviewthe information in this document.Board detailsThe main specifications for the evaluation board are summarized in Table 1 below.Parameter Description Value V HVDC Input voltage≤ 900 V (DC)V OUT Output voltage≤ 900 V (DC)LV_VCC Board SupplyVoltage15V to 18Vf SW Switchingfrequency≤ 100 kHzI OUTOutput current(Note: continuous inbuck/boost/inverter operation)≤ 10A(Note: derate if necessary, addheatsink, keep an eye on thecase temperature of MOSFET)V GS-ON Turn on gatevoltage16V to 20VV GS-OFF Turn off gatevoltage0V to -4VHS_PWM High side PWMInput voltage0V to 5.5VLS_PWM Low side PWMInput voltage0V to 5.5VT OPROperatingtemperature-25°C to 85°C Table 1: Specification of evaluation boardEvaluation board overviewLocations of connectors and Jumpers in the evaluation boardFigure 2: Top view of the evaluation board highlighting connectors, Jumpers and input interfaces Operating InstructionsThe below procedures must be followed before beginning with the tests.1. Mounting spacers and screws have been provided ina separate packet along with the board. Beforestarting any kind of tests, these spacers must bemounted.2. Solder pin headers on all the necessary test points ofthe signals that are to be measured.3. If the device current is to be measured with aRogowski coil, ensure that jumper J1 is shorted andif co-axial shunt is used then it must be soldered onto J1.4. Decide if a 0V turn off or negative gate turn off isnecessary and then place the jumpers J2, J3, J4 andJ5 accordingly. Do not leave the jumpers J2 and J4open.5. Decide if a simple double pulse measurement is tobe performed or if a measurement in continuouspower operation has to be performed. For doublepulse tests heatsink need not be mounted, but forcontinuous operation heatsink might be needed.6. Supply 15-18V at the connector CO1 and check forcorrect polarity.7. Three LEDs: 5V Supply, HS Supply and LS Supplymust be lit.8. Digital pulse signal interfaces for high side or low sideshould be connected to CO2 (pin 1-2 and 5-6) or theBNC adaptors.9. Connect DC+ of high voltage supply to CO3 and DC-to CO4. It has to be noted that a 5uF capacitor isavailable on board, but in most cases an externalbulk capacitor has to connected for voltagestabilization. The applied voltage on this connector must not exceed 900V10. Depending on type of the test and load, connect theload appropriately.11. The board can now be tested.NoticeROHM Customer Support System/contact/Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.N o t e sThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative and verify the latest specifica-tions :Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semicon-ductors can break down and malfunction due to various factors.Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure, please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising out of the use of our Poducts beyond the rating specified by ROHM.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein areprovided only to illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplifiedbelow), please contact and consult with a ROHM representative : transportation equipment (i.e. cars, ships, trains), primary communication equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power transmission systems.Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospaceequipment, nuclear power control systems, and submarine repeaters.ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance withthe recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein.ROHM has used reasonable care to ensur e the accuracy of the information contained in thisdocument. However, ROHM does not warrants that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information.Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations,such as the RoHS Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.W hen providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries,you must abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act.This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent ofROHM.1) 2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13)。

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≤ 425μm
1200 H
1200 Na
1500 H
1600 H
2000 H
4200 Cl
4400 Cl
4400 OH
4600 Cl
CG50 Type 1
FPA98 Cl
维生素B12(Vit. B12)专用阳离子交换树脂
AmberliteTM Cobalamion
FPA40 Cl
FPA42 Cl