
F R F R -U I R S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur .Qu’il s’agisse d’un envoi lourd ou léger, urgent ou moins urgent, FedEx vous apporte la solution. Bénéficiez de prix compétitifs pour un service d’une grande fiabilité. Et avec FedEx, vos colis sont livrés dans les délais annoncés.Comment calculer les frais relatifs à votre envoi• Trouvez la zone de destination/d’origine.• Choisissez le service que vous souhaitez utiliser.• Déterminez le poids total de votre envoi pour trouver le tarif dans la colonne appropriée.• D éterminez la surcharge carburant et autres surcharges éventuelles liées à votre envoi.Information sur nos tarifsLes tarifs sont applicables à partir du 2 janvier 2023. Les frais de transport et les services proposés par FedEx Express sont susceptibles d’être changés, modifiés ou suspendus par FedEx Express à tout moment et sans préavis. Les frais de transport peuvent varier en fonction du lieu ou de l’heure d’enlèvement et de livraison, de la taille, du poids ou de la nature des marchandises transportées.Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx ExpressToutes les expéditions sont soumises aux Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx Express (“Conditions de Transport”) publiées et mises à jour sur le site correspondant. Pour les expéditions au départ et entre des pays/territoires d’Europe, les conditions de transport applicables sont disponibles sur /fr/services/terms . Pour les expéditions provenant d’un pays/territoire hors d’Europe, d’autres conditions de transport s’appliquent. Les informations utiles sur vos tarifs et envois indiquées dans ce document sont en partie extraites des Conditions de Transport et sont uniquement fournies à titre de référence. En cas de divergence entre les présentes Conditions et les conditions imprimées sur tout bordereau d’expédition, manifeste, étiquette de transport ou tout autre document de transport FedEx, les Conditions de Transport disponibles en ligne prévaudront.Pour les conditions spécifiques de service FedEx® International Connect Plus (1), veuillez consulter /fr-fr/shipping/rates/ficp-rates.html .Droits de douane, taxes et frais supplémentairesLe paiement de Droits et Taxes peut être exigé lors de certains envois, notamment les importations. Ces Droits et Taxes seront facturés au destinataire, sauf si l’expéditeur demande qu’il en soit autrement. Il est possible que FedEx avance les frais de dédouanement, tels qu’estimés par l’Administration des Douanes françaises, au nom du compte payeur, afin de dédouaner les marchandises. Cette avance fera l’objet de la facturation d’un supplément calculé sur la base du montant avancé. Plus d’informations sur /fr/ancillaryservices .En plus des frais de transport, les montants supplémentaires suivants pourront s’appliquer : (i) des droits de douane ; (ii) des taxes ; (iii) une surcharge carburant ; (iv) une surcharge accessoire ; et/ou (v) des frais supplémentaires pour les services à valeur ajoutée (le cas échéant), (vi) des frais d’import ou d’export. Pour de plus amples informations sur les surcharges et frais supplémentaires (points iii à vi), rendez-vous sur /fr/ratesinformation . Tous les tarifs, surcharges et autres frais applicables indiqués sont hors taxe (TVA). La TVA peut être appliquée selon le taux alors en vigueur.Frais de changeDes frais de change supplémentaires peuvent être facturés pour la conversion des prix en toute monnaie autre que la monnaie de paiement du compte payeur.Informations utiles sur vos tarifs et envoisF R F R -U I R S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur .Poids et dimensionsLe poids volumétrique est la quantité d’espace qu’occupe un colis par rapport à son poids réel. Pour chaque envoi, FedEx facture par rapport au poids volumétrique ou au poids réel, selon le plus élevé. FedEx utilise la formule de calcul suivante pour déterminer le poids volumétrique en kg par colis : longueur x hauteur x largeur du colis (le tout en cm) / 5 000.(2) Cette formule s’applique aux envois à destination ou en provenance de l’Europe. Le poids volumétrique ne s’applique pas aux emballages FedEx, à l’exception du FedEx® Pak en Europe s’il dépasse 0,0154 m 3. L’emballage FedEx® Box est soumis à un poids minimum facturé.Les dimensions maximales des emballages sont établies selon le service utilisé. Veuillez vous reporter au Guide des Services disponible sur (/fr/downloadcenter ) pour connaître les dimensions maximales autorisées.Tout emballage dépassant ces dimensions standards est automatiquement considéré comme relevant des servicesFedEx International Priority® Freight, FedEx International Economy® Freight ou FedEx® Regional Economy Freight, et sera facturé en conséquence.Un poids minimum facturé de 68 kg s’applique aux envois expédiés avec les services FedEx International Priority Freight, FedEx International Economy Freight ou FedEx Regional Economy Freight.Un poids minimum facturé s’applique à tous les envois emballés dans des FedEx Express Box et des FedEx Express Tube à l’exception des FedEx® 10kg Box et FedEx® 25kg Box. Les valeurs sont ainsi définies :FedEx Box (toutes tailles) 1 kg FedEx® Tube4 kgUn prix forfaitaire s’applique jusqu’à 10 kg et 25 kg pour les FedEx 10kg Box et FedEx 25kg Box respectivement. En plus du prix correspondant à ce poids, une augmentation pour chaque kilo supplémentaire est appliquée.Limites de responsabilité FedEx ExpressLa responsabilité de FedEx Express pour la perte, les dommages, le retard ou toute autre réclamation liée à un envoi sera, dans la plupart des cas, limitée au montant prévu par les conventions internationales ou les lois de transport au niveau national. Dans certains cas, la responsabilité est parfois totalement exclue et soumise au respect des délais, conformément aux Conditions de Transport applicables.Pour des informations détaillées sur la responsabilité de FedEx Express, veuillez lire attentivement les Conditions Générales de Transport. Si la responsabilité de FedEx Express est reconnue, sous réserve de toutes les limites établies, celle-ci variera selon le service utilisé.Responsabilité maximale : valeur déclarée pour le transportFedEx Express ne propose pas de responsabilité cargo et n’offre pas d’assurance tout risque pour les envois expédiés sur le réseau de FedEx Express.Cependant, l’expéditeur peut payer un supplément pour étendre la garantie de FedEx Express pour les envois dont les limites sont supérieures aux limites fixées ci-dessus (sous réserve des limitations prévues par les Conditions Générales de Transport).Pour chaque tranche supplémentaire de 100 US$ de responsabilité (ou partie), pour un envoi international ou domestique pris en charge par FedEx Express au-delà des limites fixées ci-dessus, un supplément sera appliqué. Un devis plus détaillé peut vous être fourni lors de la programmation de l’envoi. Vous pouvez également contacter le Service Clients pour plus d’informations.La valeur déclarée pour le transport est limitée à un montant maximal et peut varier selon la destination. Le cas échéant, la Valeur Déclarée pour le Transport ne peut en aucun cas excéder :– l a valeur réelle du contenu de l’envoi ou la valeur déclarée pour la douane (le prix de vente ou les frais de remplacement des marchandises transportées tels que demandés pour le dédouanement) ; – 100 US$ par envoi pour une FedEx® Envelope ou un FedEx Pak ; – 1 000 US$ par envoi pour les Objets de Grande Valeur (cf. les Conditions Générales de Transport pour plus de détails. Ce qui inclut, mais sans limitation, les objets tels que les œuvres d’art, les films, les antiquités, les verreries, les pièces de joaillerie, les fourrures et les montres) ;– 50 000 US$ par envoi pour tous les autres services sauf les services de transport de fret. Dans ce cas, la valeur ne peut excéder 100 000 US$ par envoi (pour la plupart des destinations).Pour plus d’informations, notamment les montants à jour en devise locale, veuillez consulter le document Services à valeur ajoutée et Surcharges.Pour FedEx International Connect Plus, certains détails dans la section Responsabilité Maximale ne s’appliquent pas à ce service, y compris la valeur déclarée pour le transport pour la FedEx Envelope ou le FedEx Pak.(1) F edEx International Connect Plus est notre service international dédié au e-commerce. Certains éléments de ce document peuvent ne pas s’appliquer à ce service. Pourplus d’informations, veuillez contacter votre interlocuteur commercial. (2) P our FedEx® Regional Economy et FedEx Regional Economy Freight, le diviseur DIM est de 4 000. FedEx Regional Economy et FedEx Regional Economy Freight sont nos services économiques intra-européens, uniquement disponibles pour une sélection de clients. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter votre interlocuteur commercial.F R F R -F P O © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur .Les envois doivent être correctement emballés. Découvrez nos conseilsd’emballage sur . Tout envoi, dont le poids se situe entre deux tranches de poids comme indiquées ci-dessus, sera facturé selon le tarif de la tranche de poids la plus élevée.* L a disponibilité des services et les délais peuvent varier selon le code postal d’origine et de destination. Veuillez contacter le Service Clients sur pour plus de détails concernant les horaires d’enlèvement dans votre ville.Information sur nos tarifsLes tarifs pour ce service national entrent en vigueur à partir du 2 janvier 2023. Les frais de transport et les services proposés par FedEx Express sont susceptibles d’être changés, modifiés ou suspendus par FedEx Express à tout moment et sans préavis.Les frais de transport peuvent varier en fonction du lieu ou de l’heure d’enlèvement et de livraison, de la taille, du poids ou de la nature des marchandises transportées. Les frais de transport pour ce service couvrent la prestation d’acheminement de l’envoi depuis l’enlèvement jusqu’à la livraison et cela partout en France métropolitaine.Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx ExpressToutes les expéditions sont soumises aux Conditions Générales de Transport de FedEx Express (“Conditions de Transport”) publiées et mises à jour sur le site correspondant. Pour les expéditions au départ et entre des pays/territoires d’Europe, les conditions de transport applicables sont disponibles sur /fr/services/terms . Pour les expéditions provenant d’un pays/territoire hors d’Europe, d’autres conditions de transport s’appliquent.Les informations utiles sur vos tarifs et envois indiquées dans ce document sont en partie extraites des Conditions de Transport et sont uniquement fournies à titre de référence.En cas de divergence entre les présentes Conditions et les conditions imprimées sur tout bordereau d’expédition, manifeste, étiquette de transport ou tout autre document de transport FedEx, les Conditions de Transport disponibles en ligne prévaudront.Frais supplémentairesEn plus des frais de transport, les montants supplémentairessuivants pourront s’appliquer : (i) une surcharge carburant ou une autre surcharge ; (ii) une surcharge accessoire ; et/ou (iii) des frais supplémentaires pour les services à valeur ajoutée (le cas échéant). Pour de plus amples informations sur les surcharges et fraissupplémentaires, rendez-vous sur /fr/ratesinformation . Tous les tarifs, surcharges et autres frais applicables indiqués sont hors taxe (TVA). La TVA peut être appliquée selon le taux alors en vigueur.Pour vos expéditions nationales les plusurgentes, bénéficiez du service FedEx avec un enlèvement le jour même*FedEx Priority Overnight® (PO)。
FedEx 运输指南说明书

December 28, 2022Dear FedEx® customer:We would like to inform you that, in accordance with the latest update to the Miscellaneous Tax Regulations announced by SAT in their website, sanctions applicable for non-compliance with the requirements of the CFDI – Waybill Supplement, will be deferred, entering into force on August 1, 2023. For more information visit here.Customers and FedEx, need to continue working jointly to ensure that on that date, there will be no situations resulting from incorrect or incomplete information, which may interrupt the transportation of your shipments in accordance with competent authority decisions. Nevertheless, we still need you to provide us the complete and correct information through the following options:If you have an existing FedEx system integration:•API – this service is available to transmit the information you provide to us in a transactional and automatic way to prepare the CFDI – Waybill Supplement.If you already have FedEx Ship Manager® Software:•You will be able to enter the information for the CFDI – Waybill Supplement through the shipping window of this software.If you want to send your information in a single file:•ShipFast - WeCARE plugin – our new version is available for our account customers and to those who ship through any of our FedEx® Ship Centers or authorized access points. Itwill not be necessary to register a FedEx account in order to use this app. Attached to this email, you will find the user manual for this application.If you make your shipments from any of our FedEx Ship Centers® or authorized access points: •Please use our online form to send the required information.Whether you are a FedEx account customer, or only use our FedEx Ship Centers® or authorized access points to ship your packages, we reiterate the importance of providing complete and corrects information, without which your shipment would not be processed or delivered on time.For questions related to:• Digital tools troubleshooting or installation, please contact our FedEx customer service55.5228.9904 options 1, 2, and indicate “Soporte Técnico.”• Waybill Supplement, please contact your FedEx account executive or visit our site here.Thank you for choosing FedEx.Sincerely,FedEx Express Mexico.。
FedEx 货运发货指南说明书

FedEx is dedicated to taking care of you and your customers by providing fast, reliable, intact shipments.Customer Service 1.866.393.4585- 1 -SHIPMENT CLASSIFICATIONFour freight characteristics are used to determine shipment classification:lDensity - how heavy the shipment is for the space it occupies–expressed in pounds per cubic feet (PCF).l Stowability – how well the shipment uses trailer space considering: l Excess size or weight.lIf the shipment can be stacked on with other freight.l Loading restrictions due to government regulations.l Ease of handling - special care may berequired due to size, weight or configuration. l Liability - measured by such things as: l Value per pound.l Susceptibility to theft or damage. l Liability to damage. l Perishability.lTendency to damage other freight, spontaneously combust or explode.For additional assistance, contact your salesexecutive. Additional information is available from the NMFTA at 1.866.411.NMFC (6632) or go to . H”W”- 4 -PACKAGING CONSIDERATIONSLayers of shrinkwrap must overlap, especially with tall pallets. Wrap upward, overlapping film by 50 percent.Result: Stabilizes the freight and keeps it from tipping over.Twist shrinkwrap every other time around freight.Result: Increases strength of the wrap.Tie shrinkwrap to pallet before wrapping, and wrap all freight securely to the pallet.Result: Limits chances of freight sliding off pallet or falling off pallet.Only use pallets that are in good condition.Result: Avoids damage to freight during transit caused by boards caving in or wood and nails damaging freight. Treated hardwood pallets are required for international destinations .- 3 -BILL OF LADINGThe Bill of Lading (BOL) is a required legalcontract that verifies that the carrier has received the shipment as described and is obligated to deliver that shipment in good condition to the consignee (person receiving the freight).Key information to include on the BOL:lDescription of what is being shipped:* l Clearly describe all commodities.l List NMFC item number(s) and class(es). l State accurate shipment weight(s).l Provide a piece count and number of handling units.l Where is the shipment’s ultimate destination?l List any special handling requirements.l Who will pay the shipping charges: lShipper = prepaid [PPD]. l Consignee = collect [COL].lThird party.l For international shipments, include the name and phone number of the customs broker .* An accurate commodity description, including the correct NMFC item number, freight class and weight, is required to avoid billing issues and promotes invoicing accuracy.DO NOT place any freight on a pallet without securing the freight to the pallet.Result: Freight is always in constant motion/vibration during transit. Anything not secured to pallet will fall from pallet.DO NOT load bags directly on the pallet.Result: Bags are easily torn. Always place cardboard between the pallet and around the sides of the pallet whenever possible.- 6 -- 5 -Place cardboard or chipboard between freight and pallet.Result: Reduces freight damage from forks and wood or nails working into freight.Stack smaller, lighter items on heavier items.Result: Reduce possible crushing.DO NOT allow freight to overlap pallet.Result: Increases opportunity of damage to freight by other freight, trailer wall or pallet itself.- 8 -LABELING AND PIECE COUNTProper labeling helps ensure on-time delivery and complete orders.lIndividual packages and pallets should both be labeled.l Labels on the freight should match the bill of lading and clearly show the full name and address of the consignee.The use of brightly colored labels helps identify special requirements such as:lDo Not Break Down Pallet l Do Not Double Stack l Do Not Forkliftl Fragile: Handle with Care l Fragile: Top Freight Only l Keep UprightAccurate piece count and description are critical to preventing shortagesOn the Bill of Lading, specify the total number of pieces as well as the total number of handling units shipped. For example, if you tendered 25 boxes stretchwrapped to one pallet, describe this as 25 pieces and 1 handling unit.- 7 -PALLET PACKAGING TIPSlDo not overload a pallet with weight, height or volume as this can make the pallet top heavy and cause a collapse.l When stacking cartons on pallets, make sure they are packed tightly and tie stacked from layer to layer.l Protect your products with good outerpackaging (e.g. cardboard, bubble padding or plastic wrap) as this will help prevent rubbing and scratching in transit.l Banding or strapping is recommended for heavy items to secure them to the pallet.l Use interior packaging to eliminate empty space in cartons to avoid crushing.l When shipping inserts or flyers on a pallet, consider banding or tying individual bundles before wrapping with plastic wrap. If the wrap breaks, the bundles will help maintain the products’ stability.l When using shrinkwrap, start at the bottom of the pallet, wrapping upward around the load. This prevents the shipment from shifting or slipping off of the pallet and potentially damaging the cartons or other freight.- 9 -INTERNATIONAL AND OFFSHORE SHIPPINGWhen shipping to or from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, or Puerto Rico specific documentation must be completed. It is important to remember that depending on the type and value of thegoods being shipped, all or some of the following documentation is required.Canadal Bill of Lading (include broker name and phone number) l Commercial Invoice or Canada Customs Invoice l NAFTA Certificate of Origin Mexicol Bill of Lading (include broker name and phone number) l Commercial Invoicel Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED) l NAFTA Certificate of Origin Puerto Rico l Bill of Ladingl Commercial Invoicel Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED)For online forms or additional information, go to ; if you require further assistance, contact your sales executive, or call FedEx Freight International Customer Service at 1.866.393.4685.- 10 -ACCURATE WEIGHTIt’s important to know exactly what your shipment weighs. By providing accurate weights you can better manage your shipping costs.lShipping weight includes the commodity, the pallet and packaging material.l FedEx offers weight breaks when shipping larger amounts.l Weight breaks are based on class and zip codes. l Consolidating shipments may save you money. l Accurate weights avoid potential rebilling issues.CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONSFedEx Freight ® Customized Solutions offers:l Truckload and Freight Forwarding l Specialized Quotes 1.888.465.5646l Distribution and Consolidation lDated Release 1.877.845.0663FEDEX EXPEDITED FREIGHT SERVICES SMlFaster delivery than standard shipping services. 1.800.398.0625。
FedEx 运输费用说明书.pdf_1703669551.3306804

12Fuel SurchargeThe surcharge percentage is adjusted every Monday,based on the US Gulf Coast Jet Fuel Index,and this percentage is applied to the total transportation charge (go to https:///en-vn/home.html for the prevailing fuel surcharge rate and a sample calculation).Special Handling FeesAddress Correction:USD 13.60per shipment Third Party Billing Surcharge:2.5%of total shipment charges Third Party Consignee Surcharge:USD 11.90per shipment FedEx International Broker Select:USD 11.90per shipment or USD 1.30per kg,whichever is greater Saturday Pick Up:USD 18.10per shipment Saturday Delivery:USD 18.10per shipment Global Print Return Label Surcharge:Free of charge *Out of Pickup Area Surcharge (OPA):Applicable surcharges by tier:Tier A:not applicable Tier B:USD 23.86per shipment or USD 0.37per kg,whichever is greater Tier C:USD 31.02per shipment or USD 0.48per kg,whichever is greater *Out of Delivery Area Surcharge (ODA):Applicable surcharges by tier:Tier A:USD 3.55per shipment Tier B:USD 23.86per shipment or USD 0.37per kg,whichever is greater Tier C:USD 31.02per shipment or USD 0.48per kg,whichever is greater *FedEx imposes a surcharge for shipments to areas outside those in which its own couriers pick up and deliver cargo (OPA and ODA areas).OPA and ODA Surcharges are not applied to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box shipments.A list of ZIP and postal codes where these surcharges apply is available here.Indirect Signature Required (ISR):USD 3.90per non-freight shipment (applicable to U.S./Canada residential destinations with declared value for Carriage less than USD500/CAD500shipment)Direct Signature Required (DSR):USD 4.40per non-freight shipment (not applicable to U.S./Canada destinations with Declared value for Carriage greater than or equal to USD500/CAD500shipment)Adult Signature Required (ASR):USD 5.40per non-freight shipment.Please note that FedEx may not reroute shipments when Adult Signature Required has been selected as a delivery signature option.Residential Delivery Surcharge:USD 4.10per non-freight shipment or USD 128.80per freight shipment (applicable to US &Canada destinations only).If the ODA Surcharge is applied to a shipment,the Residential Delivery Surcharge will not apply.*Residential Delivery Surcharge does not apply to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box shipments.Inaccessible Dangerous Goods:USD 66.00per shipment or USD 0.92per kg,whichever is greater.A minimum billable weight may apply.Please contact our Customer Service team for details.Additional Handling Surcharge -Dimension:USD 30.00per shipment for IPE,IP &IE.This surcharge applies to any package that measures greater than 121centimeters along its longest side;measures greater than 76centimeters along its second-longest side;or measures greater than 266centimeters in length and girth.If the Oversize Charge is applied to a shipment,the Additional Handling Surcharge -Dimension will not apply.Additional Handling Surcharge -Weight:USD 30.00per shipment for IPE,IP &IE.This surcharge applies to any package that measures greater than 31kg in actual weight.Additional Handling Surcharge -Packaging:USD 30.00per shipment for IPE,IP &IE.This surcharge applies to any package that meets any of the following criteria:•is not fully encased in an outer shipping container •is encased in an outer shipping container not made of corrugated fiberboard (cardboard)materials,including but not limited to metal,wood,canvas,leather,hard plastic,soft plastic,or expanded polystyrene foam (e.g.,Styrofoam)•is encased in an outer shipping container covered in shrink wrap or stretch wrap •is round or cylindrical,including (without limitation)mailing tubes,cans,buckets,barrels,tires,drums,or pails •is bound with metal,plastic,or cloth banding,or has wheels,casters,handles,or straps (e.g.,a bicycle)(including packages where the outer surface area is loosely wrapped,or where the contents protrude outside the surface area)•could become entangled in or cause damage to other packages or the FedEx sortation system •We reserve the right to assess additional handling charges for packages that require special handling or that require FedEx to apply additional packaging during transit If a shipment meets criteria for 2or all 3Additional handling surcharges (Dimension,Weight and Packaging),only 1with the highest charge applies.Additional Handling Surcharge -Freight:USD 206.59per shipment for IPF &IEF.This surcharge applies to any freight handling unit that measures greater than 157centimeters along its longest side.Oversize Charge:USD 80.00per shipment.This surcharge applies to a shipment containing packages that exceed 243centimeters in length,or 330centimeters in length and girth.*Length is the longest side of a package.Non-Stackable Surcharge:USD 196.90per shipment for IPF &IEF.Dry Ice Surcharge:USD 5.90per shipment.If a shipment contains both dry-ice and dangerous goods (accessible or inaccessible),only dangerous goods surcharge applies,and dry-ice surcharge is not applied.Priority Alert-Package:USD 62.50per shipment or USD 2.50per kg,whichever is greater,for IPE &IP Priority Alert-Freight:USD 500.00per shipment or USD 1.25per kg,whichever is greater,for IPF Priority Alert Plus-Package:USD 75.00per shipment or USD 3.75per kg,whichever is greater,for IPE &IP Priority Alert Plus-Freight:USD 625.00per shipment or USD 1.25per kg,whichever is greater,for IPF22On-demand Care-Package:USD 125.00per shipment or USD 5.50per kg,whichever is greater,for IPE &IP On-demand Care-Freight:USD 625.00per shipment or USD 2.50per kg,whichever is greater,for IPF Duty and Tax:If duties and taxes are levied on a shipment and FedEx pays them on behalf of the party responsible for payment,then that party mustreimburse FedEx for the duties and taxes themselves,plus a FedEx surcharge that is based upon the type of shipment and its destination.Please contact our Customer Service team for details.Declared Value Charge for Carriage:Liability of FedEx for loss,damage or delay of your shipment is limited to the greater of about USD20.00per kilogram or USD100.00pershipment.The exact limitation may be expressed in Special Drawing Rights or local currency and the exact amount will vary dependingupon the country/territory of origin and currency.If you desire that FedEx assumes liability for a greater percentage of the actual cargo value,then you must declare the value for carriageon your air waybill and pay a “declared value surcharge”.The “declared value surcharge”for Export and ImportOne shipments in Vietnamis equal to USD 2.39per USD 100.00(or fraction thereof)by which the declared value for carriage exceeds the greater of:(i)USD 100.00or (ii)USD 9.07per pound.The following maximum declared value for carriage will apply.Please contact our Customer Service team fordetails.Maximum Declared Value for Carriage (may vary by destination)FedEx Envelope/Pak:International Priority Express/Priority/Economy (IPE/IP/IE):International Priority/Economy Freight (IPF/IEF):Shipments containing items of extraordinary value such as artwork,antiques,glassware,jewelry,precious metals,furs,etc.:USD 100.00(or equivalent value in local currency)USD 50,000.00(or equivalent value in local currency)USD 100,000.00(or equivalent value in local currency)USD 1,000.00or USD 20.00per kg,whichever is greaterWeight Information Total shipment weight is unlimited.The maximum weight per package may be adjusted.Please contact our Customer Service team orSales team for details.Rates are calculated on the total weight of all packages on one international air waybill.Any fraction of a kilogram is rounded up to thenext higher weight break.Such rounding may cause a variance in dimensional weight (volumetric weight)calculations.Please note thatthe rates stated on FedEx's invoice shall be the final and official rates.Additional charges may be assessed for shipments below a certain weight density.The dimensional weight (volumetric weight)(in kg)ofan International Priority Express/Priority/Economy shipment is calculated as follows.Please contact our Customer Service team fordetails.Length x Width x Height (centimeters or inches)5,000for centimeters or 305for inchesA minimum billable weight of 1kg applies to FedEx Small Box,FedEx Medium Box and FedEx Large Box;and a minimum billable weight of4kg applies to FedEx Tube.Shipments in FedEx packaging may be subjected to dimensional weight pricing.In the case of multiple-piece shipments,the invoice weight will be the sum of the higher actual weight or dimensional weight of eachindividual package.Miscellaneous Information•These rates,valid until further notice,are only available to customers who remain in good standing with their FedEx account and settle their invoice promptly.•Value-added taxes (VAT)are included in the export surcharge rates but not in the import surcharge rates.•FedEx reserves the right at any time to amend,modify,or discontinue discounts without prior notification.•As noted above,various surcharges and fees may be imposed on your shipment in addition to the prices noted on this ratesheet.By tendering your shipments to FedEx,you agree to pay the surcharges as determined by FedEx.•Please note that your shipment is governed by several documents:your discount-pricing letter agreement with FedEx (if applicable),the Conditions of Contract printed on the FedEx Air Waybill for your shipment,the FedEx Service Guide,the FedEx Standard Conditions of Carriage,and/or FedEx International Terms and Conditions in effect at the country/territory of origin.These documents provide for the above surcharges,fees,and other important terms that you should review.If you need assistance or desire additional information,please contact our Customer Service team.•For Address Correction,if the package is being rerouted to a different Country/Territory,City or Province,a new shipment fee may apply.•Total shipment charges includes transportation charges,surcharges and additional fees;but does not include duties,taxes and ancillary clearance service fees.The Third Party Billing Surcharge applies when an account unrelated to the shipper,as solely determined by FedEx,is billed as a third party for the shipment.FedEx Rate Sheet Terms and Conditions1.FedEx Envelope and Pak.-FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak rates apply if their respective packaging is used.-Please use one air waybill for each FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak shipment.-FedEx Envelope shipments exceeding 0.5kg will be charged at FedEx Pak rates.-FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak shipments exceeding 2.5kg will be charged at International Priority Express (IPE)or International Priority (IP)rates.-No FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak rates are available for International Economy (IE)Service.Please use IPE/IP Service if FedEx packaging is needed.Any IE shipment using FedEx Envelope &Pak packaging will be charged at IE rates based on the weight per shipment.2.FedEx 10kg and 25kg Box.-FedEx 10kg and 25kg Box rates apply if their respective packaging is used.-Please use one air waybill for each FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box shipment.-Recommended maximum actual weight is 25kg for FedEx 10kg Box and 44kg for FedEx 25kg Box.Higher rates will be charged on any FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box shipment with actualweight over 44kg.Please contact our Customer Service Team for more information.3.Dangerous Goods.Dangerous goods may not be shipped in the FedEx Envelope,FedEx Pak,FedEx 10kg Box,FedEx 25kg Box or via FedEx International Economy (IE)or FedEx International Economy Freight (IEF)service.4.Advanced Booking Requirement.Air cargo space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for the following shipments:-IPE multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg,or-IP multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg,or-IE multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg,or-IPF shipments (regardless of weight),or-IEF shipments (regardless of weight).5.IPF/IEF Minimum Charge.A 68kg minimum rate charge per package shall apply to IPF or IEF shipments weighing less than 68kg.Please contact our Customer Service team for details.6.IPE is available to selected zip codes only.Please contact our Customer Service Team for destination details.For InquiriesCustomer Support:https:///en-vn/customer-support/write-to-fedex.html。

联邦快递标准货运条款(本文件为英文原文之翻译,如中文翻译与英文原文有任何不一致,以英文原文为准)以下各页的标准货运条款适用于美国以外某些国家/地区至美国或至其他国家/地区的联邦快递国际优先快递服务(IP),联邦快递国际优先分送快递服务(IPD)、联邦快递国际优先快递重货服务(IPF)、联邦快递国际优先分送快递重货服务(IPDF)、联邦快递国际快递指定清关代理人服务 (IBSO)、联邦快递国际经济服务(IE),联邦快递国际经济大货服务(IEF)、联邦快递国际经济分送快递服务(IED)及联邦快递国际特早服务(IF),包括但不限于托付联邦快递及其承运商、并利用联邦快递自动化寄件工具、舱单及空运提单者。
托付联邦快递国际空运优先服务(IXF)或联邦快递国际机场对机场货运服务(ATA) 者,另见适用的服务条款及其收费标准。
FedEx 包裹规范和限制说明书

General Packaging GuidelinesShipment Size and Weight Restrictions •With FedEx Express® U.S. services, you can ship packages up to 150 lbs (68kg), up to 119" (302cm) in length and165" (419cm) in length and girth.••W ith FedEx Express international services, you can ship packages up to 150 lbs (68kg), up to 108" (274cm) in length and130" (330cm) in length and girth.With FedEx Express® Freight Services, you can ship individual skids of 150 lbs. (68kg) or more. Skids exceeding2,200 lbs. (998kg) in weight or exceeding 70" (178cm) in height, 119" (302cm) in length, or 80" (203cm) in width require prior approval.FedEx Freight® shipments may be palletized or non-palletized, weigh up to 20,000 lbs. (9072kg), and measure up to 21 feet in length.•With FedEx Ground® and FedEx Home Delivery®Services, you can ship packages up to 150 lbs (68kg), up to108" (274cm)in length, and 165" (419cm) in length plus girth.Place yellow and black safety heavyweight labels over the diagonal corners of the package if it weighs more than 75 lbs (34kg). To get the labels, contact your FedEx Express courier or FedEx account executive, or go to a FedEx Office® Print and Ship Center or FedEx Ship Center®.Measuring Length and GirthThe length and girth formula is simple. Here’s what you do:• Measure the length, height, and width of the package.•L ength and girth equals length plus twice the width and twice the height.Calculating Dimensional Weight Dimensional weight applies when the package is relatively light compared with its volume. If the dimensional weight exceeds the actual weight, charges based on the dimensional weight will be assessed. To calculate it:•M ultiply length by width by height in inches.•Divide by 139 for U.S., Puerto Rico, and international shipments.•Compare the dimensional weight and actual weight. Your chargeable weight is the greater of the actual weight or the dimensional weight.HeightWidthLengthLength is the longest side of the package or object.Length and Girth FormulaGirth is(2 x width) + (2 x height)General Packaging GuidelinesAt FedEx, we know proper packaging can help ensure that your shipments arrive safely. So we offer general packaging guidelines — from measuring and weighing your package, to packing methods, sealing and label-ing instructions, and guidelines for restricted shipments.General Packaging Guidelines•Use FedEx Express packaging for FedEx Expresspackage shipments only; any other use isprohibited.•You may use your own packaging if boxes aresturdy and undamaged with all flaps intact.•Chipboard boxes, such as gift or shoe boxes, mustbe packed into a corrugated fiberboard outerbox.•Use double-wall boxes for heavier items.•••••••General Packing MethodsFollow these general guidelines for the two most popular packing methods, plus recommendations for odd- or irregular-shaped shipments. Single-Box Packing Method•Ship nonfragile products like soft goods inside a sturdy outer box.• U se fillers like crumpled newspaper, loosefill peanuts,or air-cellular cushioning material such as Bubble Wrap® to fill void spaces and prevent movement of goods inside the box during shipping.• P lace goods that might be affected by dirt, water, or wet conditions inside a plastic bag.•Consolidate small parts or spillable granular products in a strong sealed container, such as a burlap or sift-proof plastic bag, then package in a sturdy outer box.• U se the H taping method for sealing your package.Nonfragile product with cushioningto prevent movement Single-Box Filled With Loosefill Peanuts Sturdy outer boxSingle-Box With Wrapped Item Product wrapped in a minimum 3" (8cm) thickness ofcushioning materialSturdy outer box••Ensure your package is fully encased in an outershipping container or packaging. The outer container should be made out of corrugated fiberboard materials. Other rigid containers such as plastic cases, wooden crates , and metal totes can be used, but are subject to additional handling surcharges.•For FedEx Express shipments , go t o /packaging to order complimentary packaging .Place small packages inside a larger outer corrugate d fiberboard box. For express shipments smaller than 7" x 4" x 2" (18cm x 10cm x 5cm), use a FedEx Expresspackaging option, or you can purchase other packaging at a FedEx Office location.D ouble-box fragile items with 3" (8cm) of cushioning in and around the smaller box.Wrap items individually with cushioning material and center them in boxes away from other items and away from the sides, corners, top, and bottom of the box.Position bottles that contain liquids upright. Use an inner seal and perforated breakaway cap. The inner packaging must be able to contain leaks. P lace items that might be damaged by normalhand-ling, such as soiling, marking, or application of adhesive labels, in a protective outer box.For odd- or irregular-shaped items, at a minimum you should wrap and tape all sharp edges or protrusions. Enclose an extra label, business card, or letterhead with the shipper’s address and phone number and the recipient’s address and phone number inside the package before sealing it.Remove all old address labels from reused boxes before shipping, and make sure there are no holes, tears, or corner dents in the outer box.Rolled goods should be placed inside a FedEx tube , t riangular tube , corrugated fiberboard box, or crating method. A n additional handling surcharge can apply if you use the crating method.•Box-in-Box Packing Method•Wrap product(s) individually with at least 2" (5cm) thick-ness of air-cellular cushioning or foam material to fit snugly inside a corrugated fiberboard box.••Restrict product movement inside the box using filler like crumpled newspaper, loosefill peanuts, or other cushioning material.Close and tape the inner box using the H taping method. This will help prevent accidental opening.•Use a second box that is at least 6" (15cm) longer,wider, and deeper than the inner box.•C hoose the wrap or fill method to cushion the inner box inside the larger sturdy outer corrugated fiberboard box.•Ship fragile products individually, wrapping them in a minimum 3" (8cm) thickness of air-cellular cushioning material.•Wrap the inner box with 3" (8cm) thickness of air-cellular cushioning material or use at least 3" (8cm) of loosefill peanuts or other cushioning material to fill the spaces between the inner box and outer box on the top,bottom, and all sides.•F ill any void spaces with more cushioning material.•Use the H taping method for sealing your package.Smaller inner boxwrapped in 3" (8cm)of air-cellularcushioning materialBox-in-Box With Air-Cellular CushioningSturdy outerbox measuring6" (15cm) larger onall sidesBox-in-Box With Loosefill Peanuts Packing material(e.g., loosefill peanuts) minimum of 2" (5cm) thicknesson each sideInner boxPacking material(e.g., loosefillpeanuts) minimumof 3"(8cm) thicknesson each sideSturdyouter box Multiple piece shipments Explore your options for shipping multiple packages in one shipment. These tips will help when y ou want all your packages to arrive at the same time and place.Use the overbox method. Place all your packages into one large corrugated fiberboard box.Make sure your large corrugated fiberboard box meets our size and weight restrictions. Ship it with FedEx Freight. If your packages combined weight total s over 150 lb (68kg)give Freight a try. For more information on FedEx Freight visit /en-us/shipping/ freight.html.•••Sealing Your Package• U se pressure-sensitive plastic tape, water-activated paper tape (minimum 60-lb. ( 27kg ) grade), or water-activated reinforced tape that is at least 2" (5cm) wide.• A pply tape evenly across flaps and seams to both the top and bottom of the outer box. Use the H taping method.• D o not use cellophane tape, duct tape, masking tape, string, or rope to seal packages. In addition, do not wrap the outer box in shrink wrap, stretch wrap, or B ubble Wrap.H taping methodShrink wrap is allowed for wrapping expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam coolers when approved by the FedEx Packaging Lab. To inquire about approval, emailpackaging ******************.Shrink wrap should not be used around corrugatedfiberboard boxes, c orrugated plastic boxes, or other transit cases made of plastic, metal, or wood. Stret c h wrap and B ubble W rap are both prohibited from use on the exterior of small parcel packages.T he package should not be bound with metal, plastic, or cloth banding. It should however be properly sealed using the H tapingmethod.Use applicable routing label, airbill, or address labelAddressing and Labeling Your Package•Place delivery information inside and outside the package. Include an address for your recipient and yourself. •Do not list a P.O. box address for U.S. recipients. FedEx Express can ship to a P.O. box in certain international locations, including Puerto Rico, but you must provide a valid telephone, fax, or telex number.• R emove or cross out any old address labels on the outer box.•Shipping labels and packing slips should be applied facing the same direction on the same side of the package.•Avoid wrapping labels around the corner or directly on the edge or seam of the package.• P lace shipping labels on the package’s largest surface. While we cannot ensure compliance with markings such as “Up” arrows or “This End Up,” properly placing the shipping label increases your chance for the preferred orientation.•To avoid scanning issues, do not apply tape , wrappin s, or other co erin s over the shipping label. The coverings make the barcode unreadable.• U se tie-on tags on transit cases (including tradeshow display cases), golf bags, skis, and luggage.Packaging Specialty ShipmentsSome shipments require detailed instructions for proper packaging to ensure intact delivery to your destination. For more information, check out our guides on how to pack specialty and unique items such as bikes,breakables, computers, and more. You can find these detailed guides at the bottom of our How to Pack page. Guidelines for packaging specialty items contain specific packing, sealing, labeling, and testing instructions. The follow ing page has r ecommendations for items that don’t require such specific guidelines .••General Guidelines for Unique Items•A rtwork. Apply masking tape in a criss-cross pattern on the glass surface to prevent glass from splintering. FedEx Office has a selection of framed-art boxes for purchase. Or let the pros do the packing for you.•P hotos and Posterboard. Tape flat items ontoa rigid material like plywood, plastic, or layers of corrugated fiberboard padding; as an alternative, place printed material between two corrugated pad s and tape both pads together at all seams.•U ndeveloped Film. Prominently mark packages containing undeveloped film. Special labels are available. Ask your FedEx courier or call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 (say “order shipping supplies”).•S tringed Musical Instruments. Loosen the tension on the strings to remove the stress on the neck of the instrument. Place the instrument in a strong box with cushioning materials to prevent damage. FedEx Office has a guitar box for purchase that fits most guitars in hard or soft cases with adequate cushioning.•P rinted Matter. Bundle printed material together to prevent shifting. Cushion sufficiently before packing into a double-walled corrugated outer box. FedEx Office has a heavy-materials box for purchase that is double-walled and suitable for printed matter.•R olled Goods. Tightly wrap rolled goods using several layers of heavy-duty plastic film and wrap with plastic packing tape. Once wrapped, place the rolled good into a FedEx tube or corrugated fiberboard box. FedEx office has a variety of telescoping boxes for purchase that can be used for shipping rugs, rolls of fabric, and other rolled goods. FedEx cannot assume liability for damage due to inadequate protection.Banker Box, Storage Box, Archive Box, Document Box, Copy Paper BoxThese boxes are designed for palletized transport and storage, not individual transport. However, such boxes can be shipped successfully with proper reinforcement and within certain parameters. FedEx will accept such shipments, but the following criteria are strongly recommended:•The total weight of the shipment should not exceed 30 lbs (14kg).•U se only new, undamaged boxes for shipping. Used boxes are more likely to result in loss of or damage to the contents.•S ecure the box with 2"- to 3"- (5cm to 8cm) wide plastic pressure-sensitive shipping tape around the length, width, and perimeter of the box in two places. Upon completion the tape should resemble a “tic-tac-toe” pattern on all sides of the box.•I f the box is not completely full of product, fill all void areas with packing material, e.g., Bubble Wrap, crumpled kraft paper (not newspaper), or loosefill peanuts.•F or identity purposes, apply a shipping label to both the lid and the side of the base for two-piecebox shipments.If the above recommendations are not satisfied and the shipment cannot be brought to compliance, place theDangerous Goods Shipments via FedEx Express Dangerous goods must be tendered to FedEx Express according to both current International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations for air transport and the FedEx Express Terms and Conditions.If you have other questions, call the FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials hotline at 1.800.GoFedEx1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods,” then press “4” for the next available dangerous goods agent.To find updated dangerous goods guidelines, information on packaging guidelines, and other information, go to /dangerousgoods .You can also register at /us/services/options/dangerousgoods/seminars.html for IATA and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) training that meets government-mandated training under 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49CFR) 172.700. To speak with a dangerous goods shipping professional, call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods,” then press “4” for the next available dangerous goods agent.Hazardous Materials Shipments via FedEx Ground If you haven’t shipped hazardous materials via FedExGround before, contact your FedEx account executive first. We need to confirm that you’ve met government training requirements and can generate the documentation your shipment needs.To find updated hazardous materials guidelines, information on packaging guidelines, and other information, go to /hazardousmaterials . To register for online training that meets Department of Transportation (DOT) certification requirements, go to www.shipsafeshipsmart. com or call 1.800.762.3744, ext. 6753. To speak with a hazardous materials shipping professional, call 1.800. GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods,” then press “4” for the next available dangerous goods agent.Bubble Wrap is a registered trademark of Sealed Air Corporation.NOTICE: This packaging brochure is provided to FedEx customers to help reduce loss or damage due to improper packaging. It is NOT intended to be a comprehensive guide for packaging items we accept for transit. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding this information. Proper packaging is the sole responsibility of the shipper. If items are not fully encased in an outside shipping container, anadditionalhandlingsurchargemayapply.Formoreinformationandadditionalguidelines,/packaging,********************************,orcontactFedEx Packaging Lab at 1.800.633.7019. Refer to the current FedEx Service Guide for terms, conditions, and limitations applicable to FedEx® delivery services.General Guidelines for PolybagsPolybags or soft mailers are non-rigid/flexible packaging that can be made from plastic, paper, fabric , etc. Common examples include polyethylene (PE) orpolypropylene (PP) bags, paper bags, cloth bags, plastic or paper bubble mailers, and single faced corrugated mailers. Polybags are commonly used to pack malleable items like paper, documents, clothes, and other non-fragile items. B elow are some best practices and things to avoid when it comes to using polybags for your shipments.Best practices• Use polybags with a minimum thickness of 3 mil• Sizes under 18" x 13" x 5" (48cm x 33cm x 13cm) are recommended and larger items should use a corrugated box• Use of additives to improve puncture or tear resistance is encouraged• Bubble mailers or paper padded mailers provide limited cushioning for non-fragile goods Things to avoid• 100% recycled or fully compostable polybags • Using a polybag to ship an item that weighs over 5lbs (2.3 kg)• Shipping glass, liquids, electronics, or other fragile items• Fragile items that require cushioningHave questions about your polybag? Submit a polybag sample with your product to our P ackaging L ab fo rcomplimentary testing.。

NOTICE: FedEx Express will refuse to accept packages that do not meet FedEx Express, government or IATA and ICAO requirements. This brochure is in no way intended to replace requirements mandated by 49CFR and IATA. This is for informational purposes only. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding this information. Proper packaging is the sole responsibility of the shipper. For more information and comprehensive guidelines, contact the FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods.” (Outside the U.S., request to speak to a dangerous goods representative.) Refer to the current FedEx Service Guide for terms, conditions and limitations applicable to FedEx delivery services.© 2021 FedEx. All rights reserved.0014274DI Dangerous goods are everywhere. Perfume, aerosol and laptop computers containing lithium batteries are all considered dangerous goods during transport. T hese everyday items can be harm ful to people, property and the environment. Protect your shipment by identifying and ensuring your dangerous goods are properly packag ed and prepar ed .Identify your shipment Refer to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the correct identification, classification (including UN or ID number), Proper Shipping Name, hazard class and, if applicable, subsidiary hazard and Packing Group.Protect yourself Shippers who do not prepare their packages according to IATA and ICAO regulations can be fined by federal and civil authorities and may even face criminal prosecution and imprisonment. The government requires people to be trained and certified to handle and prepare dangerous shipments. FedEx conducts training seminars throughout the year. To view schedules and register for a seminar, go to fedex/ Package your shipments correctly Some dangerous goods have specific packaging, labeling and marking requirements , and may require a completed Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods form. For information on the proper shipment preparation for IATA and ICAO shipments of non-radioactive items, go to /us/services/pdf/DG_Job_Aid.pdf Ask us for help The FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline is prepared to answer your questions on the proper preparation of dangerous goods for shipment in the FedEx Express ® network. Call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 and press 81 or say “dangerous goods” to speak to a dangerous goods shipping specialist. In non-US locations, contact FedEx Customer Service and ask to speak with a dangerous goods specialist.1. 2.3. 4.。

1. 对自动化托运工具处理的空运提单及托运
货物,本公司保留核查的权利,以核实选择 的服务项目及包裹或托运货物重量。如所选 择的服务项目或重量错误,本公司会随时适 当地修改有关账单。
2. 标准收费:寄件人应准确地填写空运提单上
确的托运货物数据。由于包裹数目及每件包 裹的重量对本公司开具账单的准确性十分 重要,如有遗漏或填写错误,本公司将自行 估计包裹数目及自行决定每一包裹标准重 量开具收费账单,该标准重量会定期调整。 收件人的邮政编码对正确收费亦十分重要, 如有遗漏或填写错误,本公司将按标准邮政 编码开具收费账单,请参阅「地址修改」。
Байду номын сангаас
A、运费应于发票日期起三十日内付清,关税及 税金应于接获账单时付清。 B、 「寄件人付款」指向寄件人收取指定的费用, 寄件人的联邦快递帐号必须写于空运提单中适 当位置,同时其帐户状态应为有效。 C、 「收件人的联邦快递帐号付款」指向收件人 收费(包括关税及税金)。若选择这种收费方式, 托付运送时, 收件人的联邦快递帐号必须写在空 运提单上, 同时付款的帐户必须为有效状态。 若 收件人在发出账单后拒绝付款, 致本公司须改向 他人收费, 但所增加的费用会由寄件人负担。 如 收件人拒绝付款,寄件人须负责所有费用。 D、 「第三方付款」指向寄件人或收件人以外的 其它人士收费。 选择这种收费方式时, 第三者的 联邦快递帐号必须写在空运提单上。 如第三方拒 绝付款, 则本公司自动向寄件人收取运费, 并向 收件人收取关税及税金。 如第三方无联邦快递帐
除以现金 ( 并非全球各地的联邦快递服务 地区都接受现金付帐)、支票、汇票于运送时付 款外, 所有运送均需有效的联邦快递帐号。 使用 有效的联邦快递帐号可确保:(a) 联邦快递的账 单寄至正确的付款地址,(b) 本公司系统可归纳
FedEx Express 运输条款与责任说明说明书

Useful Information for your ShipmentApplicable in India from 4th January, 2016Useful Information for your ShipmentFedEx Express Liability For Loss, Damage and GenerallyThe liability of FedEx Express is limited, sometimes excluded altogether and subject to compliance with time limits as set out in the applicable FedEx Express Conditions of Carriage (‘Conditions of Carriage’). For full details of the liability of FedEx Express please read the Conditions of Carriage carefully (1). If liability is accepted at all the limit of FedEx Express liability will vary depending upon the service used.Increased Liability for the Shipment (Declared Value for Carriage)FedEx Express does not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance for shipments that are sent through the FedEx Express network.The sender may however, pay an additional charge to increase FedEx Express liability for each shipment above the standard limits of liability set out above (subject to limitations set out in the Conditions of Carriage). To do this it is necessary to state the value to which you wish FedEx Express to be liable, this is known as the Declared Value for Carriage (and which is the section that would require completing during the shipping process).Generally for each additional ₹ 3,500 (or part thereof) of liability for a shipment that FedEx Express accepts above the limits of liability set out above an additional charge of ₹ 35 per additional ₹ 3,500 (or part thereof) will be payable, with a minimum of ₹ 180. A more detailed quote can be gained when booking a shipment or contact Customer Service for more details.The Declared Value for Carriage is limited to a maximum amount and may vary by location, in particular the Declared Value for Carriage may not exceed:– T he actual value of the contents of the shipment or the Declared Value for Customs (the selling price or replacement cost of the shipment contents as required for Customs clearance purposes);– $100 or $9.07 per pound (whichever is greater) for a FedEx ® Envelope or FedEx ® Pak;– $1,000 or $9.07 per pound (whichever is greater) for items of high value (see the Conditions of Carriage for full details. This includes although is not limited to items such as artwork, film, antiques, glassware, jewellery, furs, and watches);– $50,000 per shipment for all other services except for FedEx International Priority ® Freight and FedEx International Economy ® Freight in which case it may not exceed $100,000 per shipment (to most destinations).Weight and DimensionsFor FedEx International Priority ®, FedEx International First ® and FedEx International Economy ®transportation rates are based on the total weight of all packages in one shipment using one (Air) Waybill. Any fraction of a kilogram takes the next higher weight.The following volumetric calculation: Dimensional weight in kg per package = Length x Height x Width in cm / 5,000 is charged when the dimensional weight exceeds the actual weight. It applies to EMEA export and import shipments.The dimensions of the packages are defined by the features of service. Please refer to the Service Guide available on (/in/downloadcenter) for the maximum dimensions. Any package exceeding these standard measurements is automatically considered as FedEx International Priority ® Freight or FedEx International Economy ® Freight and billed accordingly.r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2016.A minimum billable weight of 68kg applies to FedEx International Priority Freight or FedEx International Economy Freight shipments.A minimum billable weight applies to shipments packaged in FedEx Express boxes and tubes, except for FedEx ® 10kg Box and FedEx ® 25kg Box. The values are defined as follows: FedEx ® Box (all sizes)1kg FedEx ® Tube4kgA flat rate applies up to 10kg and 25kg for FedEx 10kg Box and FedEx 25kg Box respectively. Above this weight an increment for each additional kilogram is added.Exchange FeeAn additional exchange fee may apply for the conversion of rates in currencies other than the currency in which the payer’s account is billed. Please refer to the FedEx Express Conditions of Carriage for more details (1).Duties and TaxesDuties and taxes might be due when importing a shipment. These will be billed to the recipient unless otherwise requested by the shipper.FedEx Express may advance these fees as assessed by Customs on behalf of the payer, subject to a fee based on the advanced amount (/in).FedEx Express Conditions of Carriage (1)All FedEx Express shipments originating within Europe, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and Africa (EMEA) are subject to the FedEx Express Conditions of Carriage for EMEA.For FedEx Express shipments originating outside of EMEA other conditions of carriage will apply, please contact Customer Service for details.r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2016.(1) For more details please go to /in/services/terms/.。
FedEx 运输费率说明书.pdf_1703663155.5833738

e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.How to calculate the charges that apply to your shipment• Find the zone that your destination/origin falls within in the relevant Zone Tables.• Choose which service you wish to use.• Determine the total weight of your shipment to find the transportation rate in the appropriate column.• Determine whether any fuel surcharge or ancillary surcharges apply to your shipment.Rate InformationThe transportation rates are effective from 4 January 2021. The transportation rates and services offered by FedEx Express may be amended, modified or discontinued by FedEx Express at any time with or without notice. They may also vary depending upon the point of or time of collection or delivery, shipment size or weight or commodity type.FedEx Express Conditions of CarriageAll shipments are subject to the FedEx Express Conditions of Carriage (“Conditions of Carriage”) published and maintained at the applicable site. For shipments originating in the United Kingdom, you can find the relevant Conditions of Carriage here: /gb/services/terms. The useful information on your rates and shipments set out in this document is in part extracted from the Conditions of Carriage and provided for reference purposes only. In the event of any conflict, the online Conditions of Carriage prevail.Applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021Whether your shipments are heavy or lightweight, urgent or less time sensitive, FedEx has the solution for you. Benefit from competitive prices for a highly reliable service and get your shipments to their destination on time.e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.Duties, Taxes and Additional ChargesDuties and taxes may apply to certain shipments. Such duties and taxes will be billed to the recipient where allowed, unless otherwise requested by the shipper. In the event FedEx disburses duties, taxes or other fees to a customs agency to complete clearance of certain items through customs, the payer will be assessed for an ancillary clearance service fee, which may vary depending on the destination country. For more information, see /en-gb/ancillary-clearance-service.html.Additional charges may also apply to certain shipments, including duties and taxes, fuel and other surcharges, ancillary charges, declared value for carriage charges, return charges, special handling fees, and import and export charges. All rates, surcharges and other applicable charges quoted exclude any value added tax (VAT) that may be applicable and which would be added to the charges at the rate in force at the time.Exchange FeeAn additional exchange fee may apply for the conversion of rates in currencies other than the currency in which the payer’s account is billed.Weight and DimensionsDimensional weight is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight. For each shipment, FedEx charges based on the dimensional weight or the actual weight, whichever is greater. FedEx uses thefollowing volumetric calculation to determine the dimensional weight in kg per package: length x height x width in cm/5,000. Dimensional weight does not apply to shipments in FedEx packaging, however, in case FedEx® Pak in Europe exceeds 0.0154m 3, dimensional weight may apply. FedEx® Box packaging is subject to a minimum weight charge.The maximum dimensions of packages are defined by the features of service. Please refer to the Service Guide available on (/gb/downloadcenter) for the maximum dimensions. Any package exceeding these standard measurements is automatically considered as FedEx International Priority® Freight or FedEx International Economy® Freight and billed accordingly.A minimum billable weight of 68kg applies to FedEx International Priority Freight or FedEx International Economy Freight shipments.A minimum billable weight applies to shipments packaged in FedEx Express boxes and tubes, except for FedEx® 10kg Box and FedEx® 25kg Box. The values are defined as follows:FedEx Box (all sizes)1kgFedEx® Tube4kg A flat rate applies up to 10kg and 25kg for FedEx 10kg Box and FedEx 25kg Box respectively. Above this weight an increment for each additional kilogram is added.FedEx Express Limited LiabilityThe liability of FedEx Express for loss, damage, delay or any other claim in connection with a shipment will be, in most cases, limited by the applicable international conventions or national transport laws. In some cases, liability may be excluded altogether, and subject to compliance with time limits and other requirements set out in the applicable Conditions of Carriage.For full details of the liability of FedEx Express please read the applicable Conditions of Carriage carefully. If liability is accepted, the limit may vary depending upon the service used.e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.Maximum Liability: Declared Value for CarriageFedEx Express does not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance for shipments.The sender may however, elect to pay an additional charge to specify a declared value for carriage on the air waybill, above the standard limits of liability (and subject to limitations set out in the Conditions of Carriage). A fee will be assessed for each additional US$100 (or part thereof) of liability that FedEx Express accepts above the standard limits of liability. A more detailed quote can be gained when booking a shipment or contact Customer Service for more details.The Declared Value for Carriage is limited to a maximum amount and may vary by location. The Declared Value for Carriage may not exceed:– T he actual value of the contents of the shipment or the Declared Value for Customs (the selling price or replacement cost of the shipment contents as required for Customs clearance purposes);– US$100 or US$9.07 per pound (whichever is greater) for a FedEx® Envelope or FedEx Pak;– U S$1,000 or US$9.07 per pound (whichever is greater) for certain unique items (see the Conditions of Carriage for full details. This includes although is not limited to items such as artwork, film, antiques, glassware, jewellery, furs, and watches);– U S$50,000 per shipment for all other services except for FedEx International Priority Freight andFedEx International Economy Freight in which case it may not exceed US$100,000 per shipment (to most destinations).Export zoning for your shipmentsApplicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021Shipping in Europe? FedEx offers a range of solutions to suit your timing andbudget. Choose one of our express services with different options of delivery time during the day. Or select an economy service and choose a suitable delivery date,while saving on your costs.EUROPEURGENTIPE FedEx International Priority® Express IP FedEx International Priority®IPFFedEx International Priority® FreightLESS URGENTIE FedEx International Economy®IEFFedEx International Economy® Freight© F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021FedEx International Priority® Express (IPE).EUROPE / EXPORT RATES Rates applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021WEIGHT (KG)ZONE R/W/X ZONE S ZONE T ZONE U ZONE V£££££Rates when using FedEx® Envelope/FedEx®Pak (0.5 - 2.5kg)FedEx International Priority® (IP).WEIGHT (KG)ZONE R/XZONE SZONE TZONE UZONE VZONE W££££££I E – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.EUROPE / EXPORT RATESRates applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021E – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.WEIGHT (KG)ZONE R/W/XZONE SZONE TZONE UZONE V£££££EUROPE / EXPORT RATESRates applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021Export zoning for your shipmentsApplicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021Shipping around the World? FedEx offers a range of solutions to suit your timing and budget. Choose one of our express services with different options of delivery time during the day. Or select an economy service and choose a suitable delivery date, while saving on your costs.WORLDURGENTIPE FedEx International Priority® Express IP FedEx International Priority®IPFFedEx International Priority® FreightLESS URGENTIE FedEx International Economy®IEFFedEx International Economy® Freight- © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021FedEx International Priority® Express (IPE).WORLD / EXPORT RATES Rates applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021WEIGHT (KG)ZONE A ZONE B/I ZONE C ZONE D ZONE E ZONE F ZONE G ZONE H££££££££Rates when using FedEx® Envelope/FedEx®Pak (0.5 - 2.5kg)FedEx International Priority® (IP).WEIGHT (KG)ZONE A/HZONE B/IZONE CZONE DZONE EZONE FZONE G£££££££I C – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.WORLD / EXPORT RATESRates applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021G B E N -I P E -R E R E F -F I F -E x p© F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.These rates are only available to customers under specific pricing agreement.For further information, please call Customer Service on***********.EXPORT RATES Rates applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021FedEx International First® (FIF).Shipments must be properly packed. See the packaging guidelines on .Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* Transit times and delivery commitments may vary depending on origin and destination.These rates are only available to customers under speci f ic p ricing agreement.For further information, please call Customer Service on ***********. All Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Please call: 0800 289 747.G B E N -I P E -R E R E F -I E -E x p -I C – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2021.WORLD / EXPORT RATES Rates applicable in the United Kingdom from 4 January 2021FedEx International Economy Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly packed.See the packaging guidelines on .Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.WEIGHT (KG)ZONE A/H ZONE B/I ZONE C ZONE D ZONE E ZONE F ZONE G £££££££。

NOTICE: FedEx Express will refuse to accept packages that do not meet FedEx Express, government or IATA and ICAO requirements. This brochure is in no way intended to replace requirements mandated by 49CFR and IATA. This is for informational purposes only. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding this information. Proper p ackaging is the sole responsibility of the shipper. For more information and comprehensive guidelines, contact the FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods.” (Outside the U.S., request to speak to a dangerous goods representative.) Refer to the current FedEx Service Guide for terms, conditions and limitations applicable to FedEx ® delivery services. © 2014 FedEx. All rights reserved.0014274DI Dangerous goods are everywhere. Perfume, oil paint art kits and laptop computers are all considered dangerous goods during transport. Under c ertain circumstances these everyday items can harm people, property and the environment. P rotect your shipment and yourself by identifying dangerous goods and properly packaging and preparing every shipment.1. Identify your shipment Refer to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the correct identification, classification (including UN or ID number), Proper Shipping Name, hazard class and, if applicable, subsidiary risk and Packing Group.3. Protect yourself Shippers who do not prepare their packages according to IATA and ICAO regulations can be fined by federal and civil authorities and may even face criminal prosecution and imprisonment. The government requires people trained and certified to handle and prepare dangerous shipments. FedEx conducts training seminars throughout the year. To view schedules and register for a seminar, go to /us/services/options .2. Package your shipments correctlySome dangerous goods have specific packaging, labeling and marking requirements. And, all require a completed Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods form. For information on the proper shipment preparation for IATA and ICAO shipments of non-radioactive items, go to /us/services/pdf/DG_Job_Aid.pdf4. Ask us for help The FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline is prepared to answer your questions on the proper preparation of dangerous goods for shipment in the FedEx Express ® network. Call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 and press 81 or say “dangerous goods” to speak to a dangerous goods shipping specialist. In non-US locations, contact your local FedEx Customer Service and ask to speak with a dangerous goods specialist.Common dangerous goods Aerosols Ammunition Batteries (lithium & wet) Camping stoves Chemicals Drain cleaners Fireworks Lighters Matches Oil-based paint Parts (containing gasoline, jet fuel or kerosene) Perfume Propane Radioactive materials SolventsDangerous goods updateThe following items were recently identified as causing catastrophic incidents during transport: Oxygen generators/oxidizing c ases Batteries of all types Flammable gas torches Gasoline powered devices of all typesFireworks。
FedEx 运输服务协议说明书

FedEx Transportation Services AgreementEffective Date: May 10, 2022Customer, including any of its divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates, a majority (defined as 51%) of whose voting stock is directly or indirectly owned by Customer ("Customer" herein), and FedEx agree to enter into this FedEx Transportation Services Agreement (the "Agreement") subject to the following terms and conditions.This Pricing Agreement/Amendment hereinafter collectively refers to a Country or Territory as "Country or Countries".1. ServicesThis Agreement specifies the terms and conditions under which FedEx agrees to provide certain FedEx transportation services (“Services”) to Customer. This Agreement shall be between Customer and the applicable FedEx operating entity (“FedEx Express International B.V., Dubai Branch) for the applicable Service identified on the rates and tariffs communicated separately. All FedEx Companies providing Services pursuant to this Agreement are hereinafter collectively referred to as "FedEx".2. PricingFedEx agrees to provide Services to Customer at the pricing and on the terms as set forth in the applicable rates and tariffs. Each applicable FedEx Company may provide a courtesy copy of Customer's pricing reflected as net rates (based on the applicable base rate in effect at such time) upon request. Net rate sheets are provided as a courtesy only and are not incorporated within the Agreement. The pricing and Services are provided by FedEx to Customer for Customer’s use and benefit only and may not be resold or otherwise extended (including via third party billing) to any other party without the prior written consent of FedEx. Customer agrees to ensure that the proper account number appears on the applicable air waybill or other form of shipping documentation and acknowledges that pricing will not be applied to packages that do not correctly reference the proper account number. FedEx reserves the right to amend the pricing, at its sole discretion by simple letter or e-mail notification at any time. The pricing is effective May 10, 2022.3. Service GuideEach shipment made with FedEx is subject to the terms and conditions of the FedEx Service Guide in effect at the time of shipment, which terms are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. “FedEx Service Guide” means, collectively, the shipment country of origin FedEx Service Guide, any applicable tariffs, local service conditions or condition of carriage, and the Airbill/ Air Waybill or Bill of Lading ineffect on the date of shipment of the applicable FedEx Company (including, but not limited to, the FedEx Freight 100 Series Rules Tariff, the FedEx SmartPost terms at /us/smartpostguide, and other service-specific terms as posted on ). FedEx reserves the right to modify the FedEx Service Guide, including a modification of the published transportation rates and/or special handling fees, surcharges, ancillary and other charges, at any time without notice. Customer is directed to the FedEx web site for changes in the FedEx Service Guide. In the event there is a conflict between this Agreement and the FedEx Service Guide, the provisions of this Agreement control.4. Payment TermsPayment is due at the time Services are rendered. FedEx may, however, extend credit privileges. The invoice date begins the credit term cycle, and payment is due within 30 days from the invoice date. However, invoices for duties and taxes are payable on receipt. Customer agrees that remaining current on all payables is a condition to the extension of credit and pricing. Failure to comply with payment terms may result in denial of credit or removal of applicable pricing, at FedEx’s sole discretion.5. AutomationCustomer agrees that all shipping locations will use a FedEx online or FedEx compatible shipping solution that is approved and authorized by FedEx, and an agreement for the placement or use of any such shipping solution shall be accepted prior to such use.6. ConfidentialityBoth FedEx and Customer agree that the terms of this Agreement, including the pricing, are confidential and shall be held in strict confidence by both parties and may not be disclosed unless required by law. Customer agrees not to post or publicly display the terms or the pricing. FedEx and Customer also agree that any discussions or negotiations regarding the pricing or any changes thereto (including but not limited to future pricing offerings) are also confidential and are subject to this provision of confidentiality. Notwithstanding the foregoing, disclosure by FedEx to any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, related entities, subcontractors, agents and/or representatives is permitted without notice or consent. Furthermore, disclosure by Customer of this Agreement or any terms to any third party without consent by FedEx and execution of a mutually agreeable non-disclosure agreement between FedEx and such third party shall be considered a breach by Customer.7. TermThis Agreement commences on the Effective Date and continues until expired or terminated by either party.8. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice due to the other party's non-compliance with its terms. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause and without penalty unless otherwise stated in the A greement or the pricing attachment, upon 30 days’ prior written notice to the other party.9. Prior AgreementsThis Agreement supersedes all pricing agreements and addenda, if any, between FedEx and Customer for the Services, package types, and Customer account numbers covered by this Agreement and identified on the respective pricing attachments.10. No ModificationsAny alterations to this document by either party will render it null and void. Any failure by FedEx or Customer to enforce or apply a provision of these Conditions does not constitute a waiver of that provision and does not otherwise impair FedEx’s right t o enforce such provision.11. Restricted CommoditiesThis Agreement does not provide for the shipment of alcohol or other items and conditions that may be prohibited or restricted by law or by the FedEx Service Guide. Such commodities may require a separate agreement.12. Electronic StorageEither party may copy this completed Agreement for electronic storage in a non-editable format, at which time the paper form of this Agreement may be destroyed. Customer and FedEx each agree that following the electronic storage of this Agreement, any hard copy printout of that electronically stored information will constitute an original of this Agreement.13. Representation of AuthorityEach of the parties represents and warrants to the other that this Agreement is valid and legally binding and has been executed by an authorized representative. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as creating any joint or joint and several liabilities among the FedEx Companies.14. SeverabilityIf any of the provisions of this Agreement are found by a court or any other competent authority to be void or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain and continue in full force and effect.15. AssignmentNeither the rights nor the duties of either party under this Agreement may be voluntarilyassigned or delegated without the prior written consent of the other party, except that FedEx may assign all or any part of its rights and delegate its duties under this Agreement to a directly or indirectly owned subsidiary or affiliate of FedEx Corporation. Without limiting the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their permitted successors and assigns.16. EMEA Conditions of CarriageThe complete version of our Conditions of Carriage for Europe, the Middle East, the Indian Subcontinent and Africa ("EMEA") can be found on . These terms and conditions apply to the new FedEx rates and tariffs communicated to you separately.17. Advance Notice in Case of Unexpected VolumeCustomer shall give FedEx at least 24 hours advance written notice of any known or anticipated package volume surges. For each FedEx account, a “package volume surge” occurs when Customer tenders packages which substantially exceed the number, type, size, and/or weight of packages tendered, on average, for such account by Customer throughout the prior year. In such event, FedEx may, at its sole option, either accept such packages subject to waiver of money-back guarantees (if any) and commitment times, or decline to accept such packages without further obligation of any kind to Customer.18. Limitation of LiabilityThe Conditions of Carriage limit and in certain events exclude FedEx's liability for loss, destruction, damage and delay and require claims to be made within strict time limits.19.Consent for FedEx Customer Login (FCL) & FedEx Billing Online (FBO) RegistrationThe Customer hereby further represents, warrants and agrees that any information provided to FedEx is and shall be true, accurate and complete. The Customer hereby further authorizes FedEx to use the information submitted, and to perform the following for and on behalf of the Customer: (a) Register for Login Registration (“FCL”) and FedEx Billing Online (“FBO”); and (b) Regis ter and link the FCL and FBO to their FedEx Account. The Customer hereby further agrees to the terms and conditions for FBO stated at https:///content/dam/fedex/international/downloads/FBO-Enrollment-TNC.pdfI undertake that all information given is true and correct and that I am an authorized signatory and representative of the Customer and I agree, accept and understand all terms and conditions set out in this Agreement。

Check out the ways FedEx returns solutions may benefit your business.Declared Value• F or shipments tendered in the FedEx® Envelope or FedEx® Pak, the declared value cannot exceed $500.• F or shipments in other packaging, the maximum declared value is limited to $50,000.• P lease refer to “Declared Value” and “Limits of Liability” in the current FedEx Service Guide for details.• O ur liability for declared value will not exceed the amount declared on this form.• I n any case, our liability is to the entity ordering this stamp and no one else.*Saturday Delivery• E xpanded delivery stamps are for Monday through Saturday delivery. Shipments tendered on Friday with FedEx Priority Overnight® or Thursday with FedEx 2Day® are delivered on Saturday, and an extra charge applies. Shipments tendered on a day other than Thursday or Friday (as stated above) follow normal service commitments.• Not available to all locations.• Not available with FedEx Standard Overnight®.Your FedEx Account Number––Date1 Account Information 2Service InformationPhone3 Sender InformationAppears in the “From” section of the Stamp.To HOLD at FedEx location, check this box and print the station address below.NameCompany Street Address CityState ZIPPhone4 Recipient Information REQUIREDAppears in the “To” section of the Stamp.NameCompany Street Address CityState ZIPPhone5 Ship Stamp Order To: S tamps will be shipped to the FedExaccount owner’s location.6 Email Stamp Order To: ******************FedEx Stamp Administration 3965 Airways Blvd. Module G, 4th Floor Memphis, TN 38116This Agreement will permit you (Customer) to participate in the Stamp Program (Program) offered by Federal Express Corporation (FedEx), upon the terms and conditions listed below and on the back of this form.Customer will pay FedEx for all Stamps used within fifteen (15) days of billing by FedEx, including any Stamps issued to Customer that are subsequently stolen or misappropriated. The rates for Billable Stamps are distance based and determined by the origin and destination ZIP codes. For Customers with non-distance-based pricing, Stamp prices are the normal FedEx rates. This obligation will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.Customer warrants that the value of items to be tendered to FedEx pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed the declared value specified above, and Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless FedEx from andagainst all claims, suits, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees arising out of the loss, damage, delay, misdelivery or nondelivery of any package tendered to FedEx pursuant to this Agreement.Either party may terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days’ written notice to the other party. Upon the termination of this Agreement, Customer shall immediately return to FedEx all unused Stamps previously issued to Customer.Customer’s payment and indemnification obligations with respect to all Stamps issued prior to termination of this Agreement shall survive such termination.This Agreement supplements the terms of the current FedEx Service Guide, which is incorporated herein by references and remains in full force and effect except as expressly modified by this Agreement.Customer agrees to use the Stamps only on the appropriate packaging, and Customer agrees to the terms and conditions in the current FedEx Service Guide. C.O.D., dangerous goods and other special services are not included under this Program. Customer agrees to be responsible for all use of the FedEx Billable Stamp, whether authorized or not. The rate that will apply will be the prevailing rate in effect at the time of use. For tracking information, go to our website at or call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339.Customer may indicate the weight at the time of pickup. However, FedEx may change weight or service in accordance with the current FedEx Service Guide and adjust your invoice accordingly.The minimum order number will be 50 FedEx Billable Stamps (per line item). The Stamps are nontransferable. Return of this Agreement with your signature will secure your eligibility to participate in the Program inaccordance with the foregoing, and the additional terms and conditions listed on the reverse side of this form.A federal excise tax when required by the Internal Revenue Code on the air transportation portion of this service, if any, is paid by FedEx.Customer Name Signature7 FedEx Billable Stamp Agreement Please sign and date below.R e v . 3/22TitlePhoneTerms and ConditionsDefinitionsOn this FedEx Billable Stamp and the FedEx Billable Stamp Agreement, “we,” “our,” “us,” and “FedEx” refer to Federal Express Corporation, its employees, and agents. “You” and “your” refer to the sender, its employees, and agents.Agreement To TermsBy giving us your package to deliver, you agree to all the terms on the FedEx Billable Stamp, in the FedEx Billable Stamp Agreement, and in the current FedEx Service Guide, which is available online at or upon request. If there is a conflict between the current FedEx Service Guide, the FedEx Billable Stamp, and the Order Form, the current FedEx Service Guide will control. No one is authorized to change the terms of our Agreement.Limitations On Our Liability And Liabilities Not Assumed• W e will not be responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per FedEx Billable Stamp shipment, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, nondelivery, misdelivery, or misinformation, unless you have declared a higher value on the FedEx Billable Stamp Agreement and Order Form and paid an additional charge. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, including intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, income interest, profit, attorneys’ fees, costs, and other forms of damage, whether direct, incidental, consequential, or special, is limited to the lesser of $100 or the actual documented loss, unless you pay for and declare a higher authorized value. If you declare a higher value and pay the additional charge, our liability will be the lesser of your declared value or the actual value of your package. Additional limitations can be found in the current FedEx Service Guide. We do not provide cargo liability insurance.• I n any event, we will not be liable for any damage, whether direct, incidental, special, or consequential, in excess of the declared value of a shipment, whether or not FedEx had knowledge that such damages might be incurred, including but not limited to loss of income or profits.• W e won’t be liable:– f or your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking, or addressing, or those of the recipient or anyone else with an interest in the package.– if you or the recipient violates any of the terms of our Agreement.– for loss of or damage to shipments of prohibited items.– f or loss, damage, or delay caused by events we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority.Filing A ClaimYOU MUST MAKE ALL CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim within strict time limits set out in the current FedEx Service Guide. You may call our Customer Service department at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 to report a claim; however, you must still file a timely written claim.Within nine months (from the ship date) after you notify us of your claim, you must send us all the information you have about it. We aren’t obligated to act on any claim until you have paid all transportation charges, and you may not deduct the amount of your claim from those charges.If the recipient accepts your package without noting any damage on the delivery record, we will assume the package was delivered in good condition. For us to process your claim, you must make the original shipping cartons and packing available for inspection.Right To InspectWe may, at our option, open and inspect your packages before or after you give them to us to deliver.Right Of RejectionWe reserve the right to reject a shipment when such shipment would be likely to cause delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel; or if the shipment is prohibited by law; or if the stamp has been changed or altered; or if the shipment would violate any terms of the FedEx Billable Stamp Agreement or the current FedEx Service Guide. Special ServicesOther services and service options not provided for on this FedEx Billable Stamp are not available for use with this stamp (e.g., C.O.D., Dangerous Goods). Saturday Delivery is available only on an Expanded Billable Stamp. If you require other services or service options, ship your package using FedEx Ship Manager® at or ask a FedEx representative for the appropriate form.Expanded delivery stamps are for Monday through Saturday delivery. Shipments tendered on Friday with FedEx Priority Overnight® or Thursday with FedEx 2Day® are delivered on Saturday to most locations and an extra charge applies. Shipments tendered on a day other than Thursday or Friday (as stated above) follow normal service commitments.Air Transportation Tax IncludedA federal excise tax when required by the Internal Revenue Code on the air transportation portion of this service, if any, is paid by us. We reserve the right to transport this shipment entirely by ground transportation.Money-Back GuaranteeIn the event of untimely delivery, FedEx will, at your request and with some limitations, refund or credit all transportation charges. See the current FedEx Service Guide for more information.The FedEx Billable Stamp has no cash value and is not transferable or redeemable. Do not ship cash.TerminationFedEx may immediately and without notice terminate your participation in this Program if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Program.Rev. 3/22。
FedEx Freight 100-N Rules Tariff:运输公司的标准和特殊服务费用规则以

FedEx Freight 100-N Rules T ariffFedEx Freight standard and special service charges and exceptions to governing classification rules.Applicable for interstate,intrastate and international shipments between the U.S., Canada and Mexicoreferencing this tariff.EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 5, 2015Unless otherwise provided, exceptions to rules of the National Motor Freight Classification herein take precedence over those published in the National Motor Freight Classification. Shipments moving between points in the U.S. and points in Canada in connections with FedEx Freight Canada (FXFC) will be subject to the rules, charges and provisions of Section 1 herein, unless a rule, charge or provision is published in Section 2A for the same service, the rule, charge or provision published in Section 2A will apply and take precedence over Section 1.Shipments moving between points in Canada (Intra Canada Shipments) in connection with FedEx Freight Canada (FXFC) will be subject to the rules, charges and provisions of Section 1 herein, unless a rule, charge or provision is published in Section 2B for the same service, the rule, charge or provision published in Section 2B will apply and take precedence over Section 1.Shipments moving between points in the US and/or points in Canada on the one hand and points in Mexico on the other, and shipments between points within Mexico (Intra Mexico shipments) will be subject to the rules, charges and provisions of Section 1 herein, unless a rule, charge or provision is published in Section 3 for the same service, the rule, charge or provision published in Section 3 will apply and take precedence over Section 1.。

NOTICE: FedEx Express will refuse to accept packages that do not meet FedEx Express, government or IATA and ICAO requirements.This brochure is in no way intended to replace requirements mandated by 49CFR and IATA. This is for informational purposes only. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding this information. Proper packaging is the sole responsibility of the shipper. For more information and comprehensive guidelines, contact the FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339; press “81” or say “dangerous goods.” (Outside the U.S., request to speak to a dangerous goods representative.) Refer to the current FedEx Service Guide for terms, conditions and limitations applicable to FedEx delivery services.© 2014 FedEx. All rights reserved.0014274DI Dangerous goods are everywhere.Perfume, oil paint art kits and laptop computers are all considered dangerous goods during transport. Under certain circumstances these everyday items can harm people, property and the environment. Protect your shipment and yourself by identifying dangerous goods and properly packaging and preparing every shipment.1.Identify your shipmentRefer to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the correct identification, classification (including UN or ID number), Proper Shipping Name, hazard class and, if applicable, subsidiary risk and Packing Group. 2.Package your shipments correctly Some dangerous goods have specific packaging, labeling and marking requirements. And, all require a completed Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods form. For information on the proper shipment preparation for IATA and ICAO shipments of non-radioactive items, go to/us/services/pdf/DG_Job_Aid.pdf 3.Protect yourselfShippers who do not prepare their packages according to IATA and ICAO regulations can be fined by federal and civil authorities and may even face criminal prosecution and imprisonment. The government requires people trained and certified to handle and prepare dangerous shipments. FedEx conducts training seminars throughout the year. To view schedules and register for a seminar, go to f /us/services/options . 4.Ask us for help The FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline is prepared to answer your questions on the proper preparation of dangerous goods for shipment in the FedEx Express ® network. Call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 and press 81 or say “dangerous goods” to speak to a dangerous goods shippingspecialist. In non-US locations, contact your localFedEx Customer Service and ask to speak with ad angerous g oods s pecialist.Common dangerous goodsAerosols AmmunitionBatteries (lithium & wet) Camping stovesChemicals Drain cleanersFireworks Lighters Matches Oil-based paint Parts (containing gasoline, jet fuel or kerosene) Perfume Propane Radioactive materials SolventsDangerous goods updateThe following items were recently identified as causing catastrophic incidents during transport: Oxygen generators/oxidizing cases Batteries of all types Flammable gas torches Gasoline powered devices of all typesFireworks。
FedEx 运输费用计算说明书

S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Whether your shipments are heavy or lightweight, urgent or less time sensitive, FedEx has the solution for you. Benefit from competitive prices for a highly reliable service and get your shipments to their destination on time.How to calculate the charges that apply to your shipment• Find the zone that your destination/origin falls within in the relevant Zone Tables.• Choose which service you wish to use.• Determine the total weight of your shipment to find the transportation rate in the appropriate column.• Determine whether any fuel surcharge or other surcharges apply to your shipment.Rate InformationThe transportation rates are effective from 2 January 2023. The transportation rates and services offered by FedEx Express may be amended, modified or discontinued by FedEx Express at any time with or without notice. They may also vary depending upon the point of or time of collection or delivery, shipment size or weight or commodity type.FedEx Express Terms and Conditions of CarriageAll shipments are subject to the FedEx Express Terms and Conditions of Carriage or to the General Conditions Regarding the Provision of Postal Services (collectively, the “Conditions”) published and maintained at the applicable site. For shipments originating in Romania, you can find the relevant Conditions here: /ro_english/services/terms and here: /ro_english/downloadcenter . The useful information on your rates and shipments set out in this document is in part extracted from the Conditions and provided for reference purposes only. In the event of any conflict, the online Conditions prevail.For FedEx® International Connect Plus* service-specific terms, please consult /en-ro/shipping/rates/ficp-rates/terms.html .Duties, Taxes and Additional ChargesDuties and taxes may apply to certain shipments. Such duties and taxes will be billed to the recipient where allowed, unless otherwise requested by the shipper. In the event FedEx disburses duties, taxes or other fees to a customs agency tocomplete clearance of certain items through customs, the payer will be assessed a clearance service fee, which may vary depending on the destination country. For more information, see /ro_english/ancillaryservices .Additional charges may also apply to certain shipments, including duties and taxes, fuel and other surcharges, ancillary charges, declared value for carriage charges, return charges, special handling fees, and import and export charges. For more information see /ro_english/ratesinformation . All rates, surcharges and other applicable charges quoted exclude any value added tax (VAT) that may be applicable and which would be added to the charges at the rate in force at the time.Exchange FeeAn additional exchange fee may apply for the conversion of rates in currencies other than the currency in which the payer’s account is billed.Useful Information on your Rates and ShipmentsS © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Weight and DimensionsDimensional weight is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight. For each shipment, FedEx charges based on the dimensional weight or the actual weight, whichever is greater. FedEx uses the following volumetric calculation to determine the dimensional weight in kg per package: length x height x width in cm/5,000. Dimensional weight does not apply to shipments in FedEx packaging, however, in case FedEx® Pak in Europe exceeds 0.0154m3, dimensional weight may apply. FedEx® Box packaging is subject to a minimum weight charge.The maximum dimensions of packages are defined by the features of service. Please refer to the Service Guide available on (/ro_english/downloadcenter ) for the maximum dimensions.Any package exceeding these standard measurements is automatically considered as FedEx International Priority® Freight or FedEx International Economy® Freight and billed accordingly.A minimum billable weight of 68kg applies to FedEx International Priority Freight or FedEx International Economy Freight shipments.A minimum billable weight applies to shipments packaged in FedEx Express boxes and tubes, except for FedEx® 10kg Box and FedEx® 25kg Box. The values are defined as follows: FedEx Box (all sizes)1kg FedEx® Tube4kgA flat rate applies up to 10kg and 25kg for FedEx 10kg Box and FedEx 25kg Box respectively. Above this weight an increment for each additional kilogram is added.FedEx Express Limited LiabilityThe liability of FedEx Express for loss, damage, delay or any other claim in connection with a shipment will be, in most cases, limited by the applicable international conventions or national transport or postal laws. In some cases, liability may be excluded altogether, and subject to compliance with time limits and other requirements set out in the applicable Conditions. For full details of the liability of FedEx Express please read the applicable Conditions carefully. If liability is accepted, the limit may vary depending upon the service used.Maximum Liability: Declared Value for CarriageFedEx Express does not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance for shipments.The sender may however, elect to pay an additional charge to specify a declared value for carriage on the air waybill, above the standard limits of liability (and subject to limitations set out in the Conditions).A fee will be assessed for each additional US$100 (or part thereof) of liability that FedEx Express accepts above the standard limits of liability. A more detailed quote can be gained when booking a shipment or contact Customer Service for more details.The Declared Value for Carriage is limited to a maximum amount and may vary by location. The Declared Value for Carriage may not exceed:– T he actual value of the contents of the shipment or the Declared Value for Customs (the selling price or replacement cost of the shipment contents as required for Customs clearance purposes); – US$100 per shipment for a FedEx® Envelope or FedEx Pak; – U S$1,000 per shipment for certain Unique Items (see the Conditions for full details. This includes although is not limited to items such as artwork, film, antiques, glassware, jewellery, furs, and watches); – U S$50,000 per shipment for all other services except for freight transportation services in which case it may not exceed US$100,000 per shipment (to most destinations).For more information including latest amounts in local currency, please see details in the Value Added Services and Surcharges document.For FedEx International Connect Plus, some details in the Maximum Liability section do not apply to this service including Declared Value for Carriage for FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak.* F edEx International Connect Plus is our international e-commerce service. Some content in this document may not apply to this service. For further information, please contact your local Sales Representative.EXPORT ZONING FOR YOUR SHIPMENTS2 January 2023Applicable in Romania from Shipping in Europe? FedEx offers a range of solutions to suit your timing and budget. Choose one of our express services with different options of delivery time during the day. Or select an economy service and choose a suitable delivery date, while saving on your costs.EUROPEURGENTIPE FedEx International Priority® Express IP FedEx International Priority®IPFFedEx International Priority® FreightLESS URGENTIE FedEx International Economy®IEFFedEx International Economy® Freight-E x p -I E - © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023-E x p -I E – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.Benefit from our express delivery by mid-day*E x p -I E – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Benefit from our express delivery by end of business day*E x p -I E – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.FedEx International Priority Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped.See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.-E x p -I E © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.When timing is everything, use our early morning delivery services* for your shipments in EuropeFedEx International First® (FIF)DESTINATIONZoneDESTINATIONZoneDESTINATIONZoneA ustria (EU)SB elgium (EU)TC zech Republic (EU)SD enmark (EU)T F rance (EU)T G ermany (EU)SH ungary (EU)R I reland (EU)S Italy (EU)S L uxembourg (EU)T N etherlands (EU)T P oland (EU)SS pain (EU)S Sweden (EU)T Switzerland W U nited KingdomY(EU) = Part of the European Union.-E x p -I E © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Rate InformationThe transportation rates for this express service for export are effective from 2 January 2023. The transportation rates and services offered by FedEx Express may be amended, modified or discontinued by FedEx Express at any time with or without notice. The transportation rates charged may vary depending upon the point of or time of collection or delivery, shipment size or weight or commodity type.FedEx Express Terms and Conditions of CarriageAll shipments are subject to the FedEx Express Terms and Conditions of Carriage or to the General Conditions Regarding the Provision of Postal Services (collectively, the “Conditions”) published and maintained at the applicable site. For shipments originating in Romania, you can find the relevant Conditions here: /ro_english/services/terms and here: /ro_english/downloadcenter . The useful information on your rates and shipments set out in thisdocument is in part extracted from the Conditions and provided for reference purposes only. In the event of any conflict, the online Conditions prevail.Duties, Taxes and Additional ChargesDuties and taxes may apply to certain shipments. Such duties and taxes will be billed to the recipient where allowed, unless otherwise requested by the shipper. In the event FedEx disburses duties, taxes or other fees to a customs agency to complete clearance of certain items through customs, the payer will be assessed a clearance service fee, which may vary depending on the destination country. For more information, see /ro_english/ancillaryservices .Additional charges may also apply to certain shipments, including duties and taxes, fuel and other surcharges, ancillary charges, declared value for carriage charges, return charges, special handling fees, and import and export charges. For more information see /ro_english/ratesinformation . All rates, surcharges and other applicable charges quoted exclude any value added tax (VAT) that may be applicable and which would be added to the charges at the rate in force at the time.Shipments must be properly packed. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.Note: As of January 2023, FedEx International First will replace FedEx Europe First® on majority of lanes for next-morning delivery within Europe. In case you are still using FedEx Europe First, please reach out to your Sales Representative for more information.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.E x p -I E – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.FedEx International Economy Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped.See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.Save on your less urgent shipments with our economy servicesEXPORT ZONING FOR YOUR SHIPMENTS2 January 2023Applicable in Romania from Shipping around the World? FedEx offers a range of solutions to suit your timing and budget. Choose one of our express services with different options of delivery time during the day. Or select an economy service and choose a suitable delivery date, while saving on your costs.WORLDURGENTIPE FedEx International Priority® Express IP FedEx International Priority®IPFFedEx International Priority® FreightLESS URGENTIE FedEx International Economy®IEFFedEx International Economy® Freight-E x p -I C - © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023-E x p -I C – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.Benefit from our express delivery by mid-day*E x p -I C – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Benefit from our express delivery by end of business day*E x p -I C – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.FedEx International Priority Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped.See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.-E x p -I C © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Shipments must be properly packed. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.When timing is everything, use our early morning delivery services* for your worldwide shipmentsE x p -I C – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.FedEx International Economy Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped.See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. The rates are in RON, do not include VAT or other taxes and are subject to change.Save on your less urgent shipments with our economy services。
FedEx 运输费用计算指南说明书

e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Whether your shipments are heavy or lightweight, urgent or less time sensitive, FedEx has the solution for you. Benefit from competitive prices for a highly reliable service and get your shipments to their destination on time. How to calculate the charges that apply to your shipment• Find the zone that your destination/origin falls within in the relevant Zone Tables.• Choose which service you wish to use.• Determine the total weight of your shipment to find the transportation rate in the appropriate column.• Determine whether any fuel surcharge or ancillary surcharges apply to your shipment.Rate InformationThe transportation rates are effective from 1 August 2022. The transportation rates and services offered by FedEx Express may be amended, modified or discontinued by FedEx Express at any time with orwithout notice. They may also vary depending upon the point of or time of collection or delivery, shipment size or weight or commodity type.FedEx Express Terms and Conditions of CarriageAll shipments are subject to the FedEx Express Terms and Conditions of Carriage (“Conditions of Carriage”) published and maintained at the applicable site. For shipments originating in Israel, you can find the relevant Conditions of Carriage here: /il/services/terms . The useful information on your rates and shipments set out in this document is in part extracted from the Conditions of Carriage and provided for reference purposes only. In the event of any conflict, the online Conditions of Carriage prevail.Useful Information on your Rates and Shipmentse r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Duties, Taxes and Additional ChargesDuties and taxes may apply to certain shipments. Such duties and taxes will be billed to the recipient where allowed, unless otherwise requested by the shipper. In the event FedEx disburses duties, taxes or other fees to a customs agency to complete clearance of certain items through customs, the payer will be assessed an ancillary clearance service fee, which may vary depending on the destination country. For more information, see /en-il/ancillary-clearance-service.html .Additional charges may also apply to certain shipments, including duties and taxes, fuel and othersurcharges, ancillary charges, declared value for carriage charges, return charges, special handling fees, and import and export charges.For more information see /il/ratesinformation . All rates, surcharges and other applicable charges quoted exclude any value added tax (VAT) that may be applicable and which would be added to the charges at the rate in force at the time.Exchange FeeAn additional exchange fee may apply for the conversion of rates in currencies other than the currency in which the payer’s account is billed.Weight and DimensionsDimensional weight is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight. For each shipment, FedEx charges based on the dimensional weight or the actual weight, whichever is greater. FedEx uses the following volumetric calculation to determine the dimensional weight in kg per package: length x height x width in cm/5,000. Dimensional weight does not apply to shipments in FedEx packaging, however, in case FedEx® Pak in Europe exceeds 0.0154m3, dimensional weight may apply. FedEx® Box packaging is subject to a minimum weight charge.The maximum dimensions of packages are defined by the features of service. Please refer to the Service Guide available on (/il/downloadcenter ) for the maximum dimensions.Any package exceeding these standard measurements is automatically considered as FedEx International Priority® Freight or FedEx International Economy® Freight and billed accordingly.A minimum billable weight of 68kg applies to FedEx International Priority Freight or FedEx International Economy Freight shipments.A minimum billable weight applies to shipments packaged in FedEx Express boxes and tubes, except for FedEx® 10kg Box and FedEx® 25kg Box. The values are defined as follows: FedEx Box (all sizes)1kgFedEx® Tube4kg A flat rate applies up to 10kg and 25kg for FedEx 10kg Box and FedEx 25kg Box respectively. Above this weight an increment for each additional kilogram is added.FedEx Express Limited LiabilityThe liability of FedEx Express for loss, damage, delay or any other claim in connection with a shipment will be, in most cases, limited by the applicable international conventions or national transport laws. In some cases, liability may be excluded altogether, and subject to compliance with time limits and other requirements set out in the applicable Conditions of Carriage.For full details of the liability of FedEx Express please read the applicable Conditions of Carriage carefully. If liability is accepted, the limit may vary depending upon the service used.e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Maximum Liability: Declared Value for CarriageFedEx Express does not provide cargo liability or all-risk insurance for shipments.The sender may however, elect to pay an additional charge to specify a declared value for carriage on the air waybill, above the standard limits of liability (and subject to limitations set out in the Conditions of Carriage).A fee will be assessed for each additional 100 USD (or part thereof) of liability that FedEx Express accepts above the standard limits of liability. A more detailed quote can be gained when booking a shipment or contact Customer Service for more details.The Declared Value for Carriage is limited to a maximum amount and may vary by location. The Declared Value for Carriage may not exceed:– T he actual value of the contents of the shipment or the Declared Value for Customs (the selling price or replacement cost of the shipment contents as required for Customs clearance purposes); – 100 USD per shipment for a FedEx® Envelope or FedEx Pak; – 1,000 USD per shipment for certain unique items (see the Conditions of Carriage for full details.This includes although is not limited to items such as artwork, film, antiques, glassware, jewellery, furs, and watches); – 50,000 USD per any other shipment for all other services except for FedEx International Priority Freight and FedEx International Economy Freight in which case it may not exceed 100,000 USD per shipment (to most destinations).EXPORT ZONING FOR YOUR SHIPMENTS1 August 2022Applicable in Israel from Applicable for business customers only. Consumers customers purchasing services for personal use - please contact us at /en-il/customer-support.htmlShipping around the World?FedEx offers a range of solutions to suit your timing and budget.Choose one of our express services with different options of delivery time during the day.Or select an economy service and choose a suitable delivery date,while saving on your costs.WORLDURGENTIPE FedEx International Priority® Express IP FedEx International Priority®IPF FedEx International Priority® FreightLESS URGENTIE FedEx International Economy®IEF FedEx International Economy® FreightC - © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022C - © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022E x p -I E – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Benefit from our express delivery by mid-day*Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* A vailability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.** Y ou can access FedEx International Priority Express, our new service will be available from August 2022, if you are on the latest versions of our automation tools. For more information, please visit /il/faq-new-services.E x p -I E – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.x p -I E – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Benefit from our express delivery by end of business day*x p -I E – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Priority Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.x p -I E – © F e– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Save on your less urgent shipments with our economy servicesFedEx International Economy® Freight (IEF)– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Economy Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weightbetween any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.E x p -I C – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Priority® Express (IPE)**All fees are exclusive of VAT. VAT will be added according to applicable law. Fees will be calculatedaccording to the chargeable weight. Any shipment with a weight between any of the below weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. Your transportation costs may be affected by additional charges. For more information please refer to the VASS.Benefit from our express delivery by mid-day*Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* A vailability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.** Y ou can access FedEx International Priority Express, our new service will be available from August 2022, if you are on the latest versions of our automation tools. For more information, please visit /il/faq-new-services .E x p -I C – ©F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.x p -I C – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Priority® (IP)All fees are exclusive of VAT. VAT will be added according to applicable law. Fees will be calculatedaccording to the chargeable weight. Any shipment with a weight between any of the below weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. Your transportation costs may be affected by additional charges. For more information please refer to the VASS.Benefit from our express delivery by end of business day*x p -I C – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.x p -I C – © F eFedEx International Priority Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.When timing is everything, use our early morning delivery services* for your worldwide shipmentsF e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Shipments must be properly packed. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Save on your less urgent shipments with our economy servicesFedEx International Economy® Freight (IEF)FedEx International Economy Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.IMPORT ZONING FOR YOUR SHIPMENTS1 August 2022Applicable in Israel from Applicable for business customers only. Consumers customers purchasing services for personal use - please contact us at /en-il/customer-support.htmlFedEx offers a range of solutions to suit your timing and budget.Choose one of our express services with different options of delivery time during the day for your import shipments.Or select an economy service and choose a suitable delivery date,while saving on your costs.WORLDURGENTIPE FedEx International Priority® Express IP FedEx International Priority®IPF FedEx International Priority® FreightLESS URGENTIE FedEx International Economy®IEF FedEx International Economy® FreightC - © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022C - © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022m p -I E – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Benefit from our express delivery by end of business day*m p -I E – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Priority Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.m p -I E – © F e– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.Save on your less urgent shipments with our economy services– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Economy Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weightbetween any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.m p -I C – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Priority® (IP)All fees are exclusive of VAT. VAT will be added according to applicable law. Fees will be calculatedaccording to the chargeable weight. Any shipment with a weight between any of the below weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. Your transportation costs may be affected by additional charges. For more information please refer to the VASS.Benefit from our express delivery by end of business day*m p -I C – © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Priority Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weight between any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.* Availability of services and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply – visit for full details of our services.m p -I C – © F e– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.FedEx International Economy® (IE)All fees are exclusive of VAT. VAT will be added according to applicable law. Fees will be calculatedaccording to the chargeable weight. Any shipment with a weight between any of the below weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate. Your transportation costs may be affected by additional charges. For more information please refer to the VASS.Save on your less urgent shipments with our economy servicesFedEx International Economy Freight shipments must be booked in advance. Shipments must be properly palletized and shrink-wrapped. See the packaging guidelines on . Any shipment with a weightbetween any of the above weight bands will be charged at the higher weight band rate.– © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2022.S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Value Added Services (2) (3)Fees will be calculated according to the chargeable weight (3). VAT will be added according to applicable law. You can customise your FedEx services to your needs (or the needs of your recipients) with value added services from FedEx Express. The following are descriptions of the fees applicable to value added services.FedEx ServicesIPE: FedEx International Priority® Express IP: FedEx International Priority®IPF: FedEx International Priority® FreightIE: FedEx International Economy®IEF: FedEx International Economy® Freight ICP: FedEx® International Connect Plus (1)FedEx Express offers a range of options for your shipments which may incur additional fees or surcharges. Below you can find more information on these extra services and other useful shipping information.Value Added Services and Surcharges (VASS)S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.Surcharges (2) (3)Fees will be calculated according to the chargeable weight (2). VAT will be added according to applicable law. Your transportation costs may be affected by additional charges. The following are descriptions of the surcharges.Applicable for business customers only. Consumers customers purchasing services for personal use - please contact us at /en-il/customer-support.htmlS © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.S © F e d e r a l E x p r e s s C o r p o r a t i o n , a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d – 2023.(1) F edEx International Connect Plus is our international e-commerce service. Some content in this document may not applyto this service. For further information, please contact your local Sales Representative.(2) S ervice availability and transit times may vary depending on origin and destination pair, and by postal code. Please callCustomer Service or your Sales Representative for FedEx International Connect Plus for service availability and precise (3) F ee(s) may be calculated based on dimensional weight. For more information, please refer to the FedEx Express Termsand Conditions of Carriage.(4) All fees are exclusive of VAT. VAT will be added according to applicable law.(5) The full rate per kilogram will be charged for any part kilogram.(6) These value-added services do not apply to FedEx International Connect Plus. (7) D elivery options are available from and to selected countries/territories. Service availability may vary according to placeof collection and destination. Please see for details. (8) T he billed surcharge does not represent a bookable service and does not contain any guarantee by FedEx to the extentthat the respective shipments may not possibly be stacked at one point during transport.(9) F。
FedEx 运输指南.pdf_1704455211.8102307说明书

We are here to help you get a head start.Frequently Asked QuestionsShipping:1.Where do I get information on how to ship a package?2.How do I request notifications for my package?3.How do I change the delivery address for my shipment?4.Where could I find a FedEx shipping location?5.How to ship using FSM / Prepare AWB online?Tracking:6.How do I check the status of a FedEx Express package with the tracking number?7.Why my package status hasn't been updated recently or the delivery is pending?8.Why the commitment showing on website doesn’t reflect the actual deliverycommitment including the delay?9.How can I get the most up-to-date information on my shipments?10.Why my package wasn't delivered?Schedule pick-up:11.How do I schedule a pick-up?Rates/ Surcharges/ Duties and Taxes / Billing issues:12.How much does it cost to ship a package?13.Where can I find information on surcharges?14.How do I calculate estimated Duties and Taxes?15.How do I get a copy of my invoice?16.Where can I find information on ancillary clearance fees?17.How do I raise a dispute against an invoice?Others:18.If my shipment is delayed, does the Money-Back Guarantee apply?19.Why did you accept my shipment when you have anticipated this delay?20.How do I get a copy of documents?1. Where do I get information on how to ship a package?⚫Find out everything you need to know before you ship any package through our comprehensive online Tools for Shipping.2. How do I request notifications for my package?⚫FedEx provides you convenient email notifications that you can notify up to 4 email recipients of the shipment status. You can also add a personal messageper your preference (not available for non-English characters). Notificationtypes include:◆Tendered Notification: Notify the email recipient when a shipment hasbeen taken into FedEx possession.◆Exception Notification: Notify the email recipient when a clearance delay ora delivery exception occurs, which could result in a change to theestimated delivery date. The message includes the tracking number, thereason and needed action associated with the exception, and otherrelevant information. If a clearance delay occurs and once the internationalshipment is released from clearance process, another automatic messagewill be sent to notify the email recipient.3. How do I change the delivery address for my shipment?⚫If you are the shipper, you may contact our Customer Service team at 2730.3333 or submit your request online at here to change the deliveryaddress. A service charge will be billed to the payer's account.⚫If you are the intended recipient of the package and you wish to change the delivery address, please submit your request online here, or contact FedExCustomer Service at 2730.3333.⚫Please note that, depending on the type of shipment, an authorization letter is required from the shipper or recipient to make the changes set out below:1) Customs value greater than USD$500;2) Jewelry commodity3) Electronics commodity; or4) Where the recipient is a bank or financial institution.4. Where could I find a FedEx shipping location?⚫You can find solutions to all your international shipping drop-off, pickup and packaging needs at one of our locations.5. How to ship using FSM / Prepare AWB online?⚫Open an account and create your User ID. Then you can login and automate your shipping process online! Click here for details.6. How do I check the status of a FedEx Express package with the tracking number?⚫Go to FedEx Tracking, enter your tracking number and click Track to proceed.⚫To learn more about the status of your package, please visit FedEx Tracking Quick Help.7. Why my package status hasn't been updated recently or the delivery is pending?⚫Shipments in the FedEx system receive updates at various points between pickup and delivery. It is not unusual for a shipment to go more than 24 hourswithout an update while in transit.⚫If there are no scans for the tracking number entered, contact your shipper to verify the tracking number is correct.⚫If you are the shipper, and it has been more than 24 hours since you dropped off the shipment or had the shipment picked up, please submit your requestonline here, or contact FedEx Customer Service at 2730.3333.8. W hy the commitment showing on website doesn’t reflect the actual delivery commitment including the delay?⚫Estimated delivery date information is available for our shipments, but the actual delivery commitment date may be affected by weather, spaceavailability, airline operations, customs declaration duration and any otherunexpected situation. You are encouraged to track your shipment with the airwaybill number or register for our notification to get updated by email.9. How can I get the most up-to-date information on my shipments?⚫Go to FedEx Tracking, enter your tracking number and click Track to proceed.(Also can refer to the QR code)10. Why my package wasn't delivered?⚫ A good first step is to track the status of your package using your FedEx tracking number - please click here and type your 12 digits FedEx trackingnumber for details. The tracking number enables us to provide you with yourpackage's most up-to-date tracking information⚫If you do not have your tracking number, contact the shipper to obtain it. Our customer service may be able to find your shipment information if you areunable to get your tracking number. Please contact us at Customer Service. 11. How do I schedule a pick-up?⚫Simply click here or scan the below QR code then you can schedule a pick-up after you logged in your FedEx Shipping Manager account. You can prepare up to 25 packages per shipment.12. How much does it cost to ship a package?⚫To get a quote for a specific shipment, use our Rate Tool.13. Where can I find information on surcharges?⚫Click here for International Fuel Surcharge.⚫Click here for Other Surcharges.FedEx reserves the right to assess fuel and other surcharges on shipmentswithout notice. The amount and duration of any such surcharges will bedetermined at our sole discretion. By tendering your shipments to FedEx, youagree to pay the surcharges, as determined by FedEx.14. How do I calculate estimated Duties and Taxes?⚫FedEx Global Trade Manager and the Document Preparation Center provide you with a one-stop resource for international shipping information.Click here for details.15. How do I get a copy of my invoice?⚫With FedEx® Billing Online (FBO), registered users can view invoices and shipment details online.⚫After you log in to FBO, you will see an Account Summary, which includes a list of your open invoices with corresponding balances, your total balance due, and total past due, if applicable.⚫To view invoice details, select an invoice number on the Account Summary screen. When you reach the Invoice Detail screen, select the air waybill numberto view the shipment details.⚫If you do not hold a FedEx account, please log an enquiry.16. Where can I find information on ancillary clearance fees?⚫Click here for more information on Clearance Services and Related Fee Assessed on international shipments.17. How do I raise a dispute against an invoice?⚫You can log on to FedEx Billing Online using your user ID and follow this quick guide on how to raise an invoice dispute. Alternatively, you may usethis online form to raise an invoice dispute.18. If my shipment is delayed, does the Money-Back Guarantee apply?⚫Effective March 23, 2020, FedEx Express suspended its money-back guarantee for all FedEx Express services until further notice. This is due to the impact ofCOVID-19 and government-issued work and travel restrictions around theworld.19. Why did you accept my shipment when you have anticipated this delay?⚫FedEx is open for business and continues to operate. Due to the ongoing changes to local, state and national work and travel restrictions around theworld, our service is being impacted. However, we continue to executecontingency plans in an effort to provide outstanding service to our customers.20. How do I get a copy of documents?⚫All you need to do is click here to fill in the online form with 5 simple steps (specific information to share: Required document type, document number,account number, contact email and number). Once we confirm your identity,required document(s) will be sent to you within 1 - 2 working days. Pleaseensure your input matches with document details.。

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C. 指定付款人将收到辅助服务费的账单并安排付款 ;尽管寄件人已向联邦快递指定付款人,若指定付款 人未付款或拒绝向联邦快递付款,寄件人则需承担最 终付款责任,寄件人同意支付所有的辅助服务费及其 他与辅助服务相关的费用。
D. 联邦快递对履行或未履行辅助服务不承担任何额外 的责任。因联邦快递履行或未履行辅助服务而导致任 何货件的延误,丢失或破损,联邦快递将依据本标准 货运条款承担相应的责任,包括但不限于赔偿责任的 限制。(见:“按照国际公约的运送”,“申报价值和责 任限度”和“免责条款”)。
本公司编印的联邦快递服务指南用以界定本公司于全球各 地提供的各种服务的服务地区及送件承诺。此联邦快递服 务指南仅可由本公司随时修订并纳入为本标准运送条款之 一部份。联邦快递服务指南可向本公司索取及于本公司办 事处内查阅。联邦快递服务指南之内容会随时变更,恕不 另行通知。请向客户服务部查询有关本公司服务地区和送
通过选择这种收费方式并在空运提单上填写第三方的 联邦快递帐号,寄件人授权联邦快递在第三方请求 披露时,为了收费、清欠、送达证明、服务履行或其 他满足第三方合理请求的目的,向第三方披露有关托 运的信息,这些信息包括但不限于空运提单信息、托 运状态、个人数据、个人信息,收费明细(包含关 税、税金、通关和清关费用等)。
在联邦快递帐号生效前,不发放预印的联邦快递空运提 单。
地址修改若收件人的地址不完整或不正确时,本公司将设 法找出正确地址来完成送件,但在此情况下,本公司不会 承担不能完成送件的任何责任。收件人的邮政编码错误、 遗漏门牌号码及收件人搬迁前的街道地址均为需要修正地 址的实例。本公司亦会对地址的修改征收附加费用。如无 法判断正确地址或无法联络收件人,本公司将设法联系寄 件人以查询正确地址或征询寄件人的退运指示。就地址不 全或错误的托运货物,本公司对未能达成送达承诺不负任 何责任(见「无法送达的托运货物」)。至于托运至邮政信 箱的货物,请参阅「邮政信箱地址」。
联邦快递国际优先快递服务是指对文件及包裹在限定时间 内,门到门及代理处理清关事宜的国际运送服务。
若本标准运送条款与联邦快递服务指南及空运提单或其它 递送文件所列的条款有所抵触时, 应以标准运送条款及 联邦快递服务指南为准, 但不可抵触华沙公约、或适用的 收费标准中与国际运送责任相关的规定。除相关空运提单 及服务指南的相关条款外,本标准运送条款取代过去的所 有标准运送条款及与联邦快递服务条款相关的各种说明。 联邦快递保留由其市场及企业传讯高级副总裁或其继任者 随时单方面以书面修正、修订或补充收费费率、运送条款 的权利,恕不另行通知。但联邦快递的其它代理人、员工 或其它任何人士或单位均无此项修正、修订或补充的权力 。
本公司员工和代理人将按照寄件人所提供的资料提出费率 及服务报价,但最后确定的费率及服务需要依本标准运送 条款对比实际托运物品而可能有所变更。任何与本标准运 送条款及与由美国境外所发行的有关联邦快递国际优先快 递服务费率、服务项目、产品及条款的书面或口头说明有 所抵触时,应以联邦快递最新修订的标准运送条款为准。
申请帐号时,须经本公司信贷部及/或客户服务账号确认 部门先行办理信用调查及查证。本公司不提供消费者信用 额度优惠。本公司部份服务地区提供个人托运帐号。对于 大部份无个人帐号的客户,托运物品时必须先付运费,或 设立向主要信用卡公司收费的联邦快递帐户。
有联邦快递帐号者应负责其帐户上的所有费用。帐户持有 人应负责其帐号的保管,该帐号应仅提供给被认可使用该 帐户的托运者使用。帐户持有人应自负其帐号被擅用的风 险。若寄件人未能准时付清联邦快递帐户的到期应付款或 信用状态不好时,该帐户会变为「限现金预付」的帐户而 无需事先通知。使用「限现金预付」帐户者于完成付款手 续前,其包裹可能遭受耽搁。联邦快递对由于帐号「限现 金预付」状态造成的货件延误而导致的经济损失概不负责 。
B. 对于上文定义的辅助服务,联邦快递可以收取相关 的辅助服务费。收费的类型和金额因不同国家/地区 而异,您可以在/ancillary/go/service 和/或联邦快递的销售代表处获取信息。此外,对于 海关和其他主机构向联邦快递收取的任何费用,联邦 快递可以要求寄件人、收件人或登记进口商支付。
E. 本公司认为收费对象的联邦快递帐号信贷状况不理 想时,本公司或会延迟运送或退回托运货物。
F. 国际托运货物或会依其内容及目的地评估其需缴纳 的关税及税金。关税及税金可向寄件人、收件人或第 三方收取。「向寄件人收取关税及税金」及「向第 三方收取关税及税金」只适用于派件至某些特定地 点的运送 (见联邦快递服务指南)。如托运人未能于 空运提单合适的栏上指明由寄件人、收件人或第三 方支付关税及税金,则本公司自动向收件人收取。 如收件人未能付款,则自动向寄件人收费。如托运 货物需缴纳关税及税金由本公司垫付时,本公司会 按统一收费率或垫付关税及税金总额之某一百分比 (以较高者为准)加收附加费。有关目前征收附加费 的金额,请与本公司客户服务部联络。
有关垫付关税及税金的条款详情,请参阅「关税及税 金」。
G. 不论付款指示如何规定,寄件人仍须承担支付与托 运货物有关的所有费用的首要责任,包括但不限于, 本公司垫付的关税及税金。
本标准运送条款所称的「收件人」或「收货人」指收受 托运物品的人、其名称在空运提单中显示为收件人。 「寄件人」或「托运人」指托付运送物品的人、其名称 在空运提单中显示为寄件人。「空运提单」一词指联邦 快递系统所使用的托运文件、舱单、标签、电子数据输 入或类似项目。「包裹」一词指本公司接受运送的任何 容器和信封,包括寄件人利用本公司的自动化系统、舱 单或空运提单交予本公司的物品。「托运货物」一词指 根据单一的空运提单交予本公司,而本公司接受托运的 所有包裹。「本公司」、「FedEx」及「联邦快递」均指 联邦快递公司、该公司之子公司和分公司及其各自之员 工、承包商、代理人及独立的承包商。「寄件人」指寄 件人、其员工、负责人及代理人。「条款」及「标准运 送条款」指本公司随时修正、修订或补充的本标准运送 条款。「运费」指托运货物所付的金额、但不包括依据 本条款内可能征收的任何其它服务费或费用,包括但不 限于申报价值附加费、关税及税金等。
为了以通过联邦快递发货之外的目的预订包装材料,擅自 将不同当事方的货物进行合并,或者违反本联邦快递标准 货运条款。如果您的帐户被破坏或偷盗,则该帐户可以被 关闭,您可能会被给予一个新的帐户。但是,对于已关闭 帐户的一切确实有据的收费将由您承担。您因为持有联邦 快递帐号而取得的任何用品、材料、权利或特权不得用于 除通过联邦快递发货之外的目的,若您不当、非法或以其 它方式滥用帐户,联邦快递可以要求您支付损害赔偿。如 果您的帐户被终止,我们保留自行决定拒绝您在未来任何 时候提交的新建或增加联邦快递帐号申请的权利。除加拿 大和波多黎各开立的帐户外,国际帐号不得被用于美国境 内点到点的货运。
A. “辅助服务”是指联邦快递为满足管理机构的要求或 联邦快递(或指定的代理或供应商)为应寄件人、收 件人或登记进口商的要求或联邦快递认为系海关清关和 货物处理所必需而同意提供的一项增值服务。辅助服务 包括但不仅限于协助货物托运文书的准备、审核和修改 (包括空运提单,商业发票和/或其他清关文件),协 助装箱、贴标签和包装和协助办理货物处理和海关清 关程序。辅助服务是联邦快递在国际快递服务的正常 运输或海关清关之外的额外服务项目。一旦寄件人、 收件人或登记进口商要求联邦快递提供辅助服务,该 等要求即应构成寄件人、收件人或登记进口商授权联 邦快递为其真正和合法的代理人,以寄件人、收件人 或登记进口商的名义代理执行必要的辅助服务。
A. 运费应于账单日起三十日内付清,关税及税金应于 接获账单时付清。
B. 「寄件人付款」指向寄件人收取指定的费用,寄件 人的联邦快递帐号必须写于空运提单中适当位置, 同时其帐户状态应为有效。
C. 「收件人的联邦快递帐号付款」指向收件人收费(包 括关税及税金) 。若选择这种收费方式,托付运送时, 收件人的联邦快递帐号必须写在空运提单上,同时 付款的帐户必须为有效状态。若收件人在发出账单 后拒绝付款,致本公司须改向他人收费,但所增加 的费用会由寄件人负担。如收件人拒绝付款,寄件 人须负责所有费用。
除以现金(并非全球各地的联邦快递服务地区都接受现金 付帐)、支票、汇票于运送时付款外,所有运送均需有效 的联邦快递帐号。使用有效的联邦快递帐号可确保: (a)联邦快递的账单寄至正确的付款地址,(b)本公司系 统可归纳及整理每一帐户的情况,以及(c)付款人可获得 适当的折扣。如未能提出有效的付款帐号,则或须缴交 附加费用。至于「收件人付款」的交易,收件人必须提 供有效的联邦快递帐号,并填在空运提单上。对于「第 三方付款」的交易,则必须在托付托运货物时提供第三 方的有效联邦快递帐号。如果收件人或第三方未能给付 运费及其它费用,包括但不限于关税及税金等,寄件人 最终需要负责支付所有费用。帐号是由运送地的联邦快 递开设,不得转让。因滥用帐号可能造成取消折扣及( 或)停止服务的后果。
对于使用本公司自动化系统之客户,不论「寄件人付款」 、「收件人付款」以及「第三方付款」,客户必须在托运 货物时提供联邦快递帐号。
联邦快递按照发货地开立帐号,帐号是不可转让的。联 邦快递自行决定帐号之发布和使用。联邦可以自行决定 因故随时全部或部分地停止使用帐户,及终止全部或某 些帐户和帐号。不当、非法或以其它方式滥用您的联邦 快递帐号可能会导致联邦快递自主决定取消折扣或终止 该帐户。不当、非法或以其它方式滥用包括但不限于,
(本文件为英文原文之翻译,如中文翻译与英文原文有任 何不一致,以英文原文为准)