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It must be stressed out that televation and internet is a double eadged sword. 4. It is/was + 被强调的部分+ that/who +原句剩余的部 分(表达强调时必备句型)

It is due to the frequent communications that people all over the world have witnessed an array of earthshaking changes. 练习:正是通过合作,人们在今天才能享受一种 更好的生活。
Made by Kevin

1. The reason why+ 句子------- is that + 句子 (表示原因时必备句型) The reason why the rate of youth crime is rising per year is that it is proportional to/in proportion to family violence, which is increasing year by year. 练习:1.广告之所以盛行就在于它们的信息量很大。 the reason why the ads become popular is that it has huge information. 2.青少年犯罪率上升的原因就是现代的年轻 人更加具有反叛意识、它与家庭暴力成正比。 The reason why that the rate of juvenile delinquency is increasing is that people have more rebellious

Made by Kevin

2.The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that…( 表示解释时必备句型)
Leabharlann Baidu

The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that over-industrialization seems to be an unavoidable trend. 练习:1.造成这一现象的主要原因在于知识正 在以一种惊人的速度增长 the most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that knowledge is developing through an amazing pace. 2.造成人们肥胖的主要原因是人们的生 活水平的提高

3.It must be stressed out that… (转述题目时必备句)

It must be stressed out that the environmental contamination is a severe problem in the contemporary society. 练习:必须着重指出,电视网络绝对是一把双刃剑。
6 Made by Kevin
3. Another consideration in this case is that … (表达原因时必备句型) Another consideration in this case is that an excellent education should place equal focus on both theories and practice. 练习: 对于该问题的另一层考虑在于科技可能会导致许多 社会问题。 Another consideration in this case is that technolody would leads more social issues. 4.There are probably many reasons contributing to this phenomenon. Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. This phenomenon can be attributed to many reasons. (表示原因时必备句型) There are probably many reasons contributing to juvenile 7 Made by Kevin 2014-11-28 delinquency.
3 Made by Kevin

5.It is not overstatement to say that…(提出观点必备 句型)

It is not overstatement to say that computers have shaped the way we live, work, study and play. 练习: 可以毫不夸张地说,学会如何合作在一个 人的职业中是至关重要的。 It is not overstatement to say that it is crucial that people learn how to cooperate with others through working. 更多例子: It is a highly controversial issue whether women should join the armed force or not. It is universally acknowledged that water and air are indispensable to human beings. It is high time that the government took effective

Made by Kevin

6. Violent movies can do harm to youngsters, because they contain much negative influence. 7. We should attribute medical advances to the animals which do substantial contributions to the experiment. 8. Because of over-population, water shortage has become one of the most serious problems. 9. Owing to the fierce competition in today’s world, a great many young people find themselves under great pressure. At this time next year, I will find myself hunting for a new job.

5.______ is a good case in point. (表达解释举例时必备句型)

Uni-sexual school is a good case in point. / An obvious example is that…/ a case in point is that… 练习: 手机的普遍使用就是一个很好的例子。 An obvious examle is the popular of mobile phone
Made by Kevin

The past few years witnessed a series of earth-shaking changes in China.
Made by Kevin

倒装句: 是语言生动有力
1. So + adj. + be + 主语+ 句子(表示因果时必备句型) So serious is the problem that we have no alternative but to take some effective measures to address it. 练习: 1.互联网是如此的盛行, 以至于没有人可以免受它的影响。 So popular is the internet that no one can avoid being influenced. 2.竞争是如此的激烈,以至于没有人能够长时间地从事一门工作。 So fierce is the competation that no one could focus on a single career for a long period of time. 2. Nothing has received more praise and abuse than something (写作 有争议话题是必备句型) Nothing has received more praise and abuse than the internet. 练习:没有什么东西能像电视广告这样毁誉参半。 Nothing has received more praise and abuse than the televation ads.
Made by Kevin
3. Never has _________failed to fascinate us in modern society.(转述题目时必备句型) Never has the environmental preservation failed to fascinate us in modern society 练习1.在当代社会,环境污染总是能引起我们的关注。 Never has the environmental pollution failed to fascinate us in modern society. 2.在当代社会,信息技术的发展总是能引起我们的关注。 其他例句: Never has the development of information technology failed to fascinate us in modern society. Only in this way can the problem be tackled/solved properly. Only when people make arduous efforts can they become successful. Not only does studying in school serve academic purpose, but students learn how to handle interpersonal relations. Under no circumstances should youngsters follow negative information on mass media blindly. So valuable is water/time that we12 cannot afford to waste it. Made by Kevin 2014-11-28 The reason why he likes to study in the library is that it can serve
Sentence patterns for writing and The make of sentences
Made by Kevin

一,It 作形式主语:使用频率最高的句式
1. It goes without saying that… (转述题目是必备句型) It goes without saying that the relationship between family members is not as close as it used to be. It goes without saying that the learing more knowledge can make school life more interesting. 练习: 毫无疑问,学习广博的知识可以使得学生的学习生活 更加有趣。 2. It is conceivable that… (表示解释时必备句型) It is conceivable that students taking part-time jobs can cultivate their independence and team work spirit. 练习: 1.可以想象经济的发展可以为一个国家打下坚实 的基础。 It is conceivable that development of economy can lay a solid fundation for a country. 2 Made by Kevin 2014-11-28