
正文内容:1. 护理职位缩写1.1 RN:注册护士(Registered Nurse),是指通过国家注册考试并获得注册资格的护士。
1.2 LPN:执业护士(Licensed Practical Nurse),是指在医生的监督下提供基本护理的护士。
1.3 CNA:护理助理(Certified Nursing Assistant),是指受过培训并通过认证的协助护士进行基本护理工作的人员。
1.4 NP:护理师(Nurse Practitioner),是指具备高级护理知识和技能,能够进行初步诊断和治疗的护士。
2. 护理专业术语缩写2.1 ADL:日常生活活动(Activities of Daily Living),是指个体在日常生活中进行的基本活动,如进食、洗漱、穿衣等。
2.2 IV:静脉内注射(Intravenous),是指将药物或者液体直接注射到静脉中。
2.3 CPR:心肺复苏(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation),是指通过心脏按压和人工呼吸等措施来恢复心肺功能的急救方法。
2.4 DNR:不要急救(Do Not Resuscitate),是指患者明确表示不希翼进行心肺复苏或者其他紧急救治措施。
2.5 EKG:心电图(Electrocardiogram),是指通过记录心脏电活动来评估心脏健康状况的检查方法。
3. 药物和治疗缩写3.1 PO:口服(Per os),是指通过口腔进食或者服用药物的途径。
3.2 IM:肌肉注射(Intramuscular),是指将药物注射到肌肉中。
3.3 IVF:静脉输液(Intravenous Fluid),是指通过静脉注射液体来维持体液平衡和治疗疾病。

BP -血压(Blood Pressure)
HR -心率(Heart Rate)
RR -呼吸频率(Respiratory Rate)
SpO2 -血氧饱和度(Oxygen Saturation)
T -体温(Temperature)
NPO -禁食禁水(Nil Per Os)
PO -经口给药(Per Oral)
IV -静脉给药(Intravenous)
IM -肌肉注射(Intramuscular)
SC -皮下注射(Subcutaneous)
PRN -必要时(Pro Re Nata)
QID -每日四次(Four times a day)
BID -每日两次(Twice a day)
TID -每日三次(Three times a day)
QD -每日一次(Once a day)
I&O -入出量(Intake and Output)
ADL -日常生活活动(Activities of Daily Living)
C&S -细菌培养和药敏试验(Culture and Sensitivity)
PPE -个人防护装备(Personal Protective Equipment)
RBC -红细胞(Red Blood Cell)

1.TNA 全营养混合液
2.DIC 弥散性血管内凝血
3.ARDS 急性呼吸窘迫综合征
4.SIRS 全身炎症反应综合征
5.MODS 多器官功能障碍综合征
6.PEEP 呼气终末正压通气
7.MODF 多脏器功能不全综合征
8.MAP 平衡动脉压
9.CVP 中心静脉压
10.PAWP 肺动脉
11.SB 标准碳酸氢盐
12.AB 实际碳酸氢盐
13.BB 缓冲碱
14.BE 剩余碱
15.AG 阴离子间隙
r 内生肌酐清除率
17.TAT 破伤风抗毒素
20.AFP 甲胎蛋白
21.ALP 碱性磷酸酶
22.PTC 经皮肝穿刺胆道造影
23.ERCP 经内镜逆行胰胆管造影
24.PTCD 经皮肝穿刺置管引流
25.SCA 选择性腹腔动脉造影
28.BTA 膀胱肿瘤抗原
29.PSA 前列腺特异性抗原
30.KUB 尿路平片
31.IVP 排泄性尿路造影
32. ESW 体外冲击波碎石术

IV intravenous injectionIM intramuscular injectionPO per oral/by mouthNG nasogastricIT intrathecalPR per rectumPV per vaginaSUBCUT subcutaneousGutt eye dropTop topicalMA metered aerosalNeb nebulizerNED nebulizerSubling sublingualMDI/metered dose inhaler/inhaler metered dose inhalermL millilitermg milligramg grammicrogram write ‘microgram’in fullac before foodbd twice dailytds three times daily Qid four times dailyc withgtt dropsmane morningmist mixturenocte nightpc after mealsPRN as requiredqh every hourq2h every 2 hoursq4h every 4 hoursq6h every 6 hoursq8h every 8 hoursstat immediatelyung ointmentunit(s) international unit(s)AE air entryAF atrial fibrillationAI aortic incompetenceAP angina pectorisAS aortic stenosisAS aortic stenosisADL activities of daily livingABG arterial blood gasAFB acid fast bacilliASD atrial septal defectAMI acute myocardial infarctionAVD aortic valve diseaseAVR aortic valve replacementARF acute heart failureAIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome APTT activated partial thromboplastin Adm admissionAlb albumenA flutter atrial flutterAngios coronary angiogramsAV Block atrio ventricular blockAs tol As toleratedBE base excessBiPAP bilevel positive airway pressure Bronch bronchoscopyBCC basal cell carcinomaBUSE blood urea & serum electrolytes blood level Baso basophilsBili bilirubinBld Cult. Blood cultureBBB bundle branch blockBO bowels openBNO bowels not openBIBA brought in by ambulanceBM bowel movementBSL/BGL blood sugar/glucose levelBP blood pressureBUN blood urea nitrogenBx biopsyCAL chronic airflow limitationCOAD chronic obstructive airway diseaseCPAP continuous positive airway pressureCa cancerCTD carpel tunnel decompression CWMS colour, warmth, movement, sensationCa++ calciumCard. EnZ. Cardiac enzymesCK creatine kinaseCI chlorideC/S culture and sensitivityCABG coronary artery bypass graftCAD coronary artery diseaseCCF congestive cardiac failureCHD congenital heart diseaseCPR cardio pulmonary resuscitationCVA cerebral vascular accidentCVL central venous lineCVP central venous pressureCSF cerebrospinal fluidCCU cardiac or critical care unitCAT computed axial tomographyCXR chest X-RayCVP central venous pressureCO cardiac outputCOPD chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseDNA did not attendDD dangerous drugD/C dischargeDNCB domiciliary nursing care benefitDOB date of birthDXT deep X-Ray therapyDVT deep vein thrombosisd dayD doseD& C dilatation and curettageD5W 5% dextrose in waterEPS electrophysiological studies EUA examination under anaesthetic ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate Echo echocardiographyER emergency roomECG electrocardiogramFBC full blood countFUO fever of unknown origin FHx family historyFx# fractureFNAB fine needle aspiration biopsy FEV forced expiratory volume FVC forced vital capacityFWB full weight bearingGTT glucose tolerance testG gramGIT gastro intestinal tractGCS Glasgow coma scaleGA general anaestheticHACC home and community care HNPU has not passed urineHR heart rateHx historyHb haemoglobinHCO3 bicarbonateHRT hormone replacement therapy HSV herpes simplex virusIDC indwelling catheter(urinary) IVT intravenous therapyIV intravenousIM intramuscularICU intensive care unitIABA intra aortic balloon pumpIHD ischaemic heart diseaseIVC intravenous catheterICC intercostals catheterIPPV intermittent positive pressure ventilation JVP jugular venous pressureK+ potassiumLVF left ventricular failureLGL lowne ganong Levine syndromeLFT’s liver function testsLCA left coronary arteryLHC left heart catheterLV left ventricleLFT lung function testLUL left upper lobeLLL left lower lobeLFT liver function testMUA manipulation under anaestheticMAP mean arterial pressureMI myocardial infarctionM/C/S microscopic/culture/sensitivityM/S/U mid stream urineMVA motor vehicle accidentMRSA methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureusMI mitral incompetenceMS mitral stenosisMVR mitral valve replacementMVD mitral valve diseaseMSA mental state assessmentMm HG millimeters of mercuryNGT nasogastric tubeNS normal salineNO nil orallyNAD nil abnormalities detectedNBM/NPO nil by mouthNGT naso gastric tubeNIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(better to use Type 2 DM) NKA no known allergiesNOF neck of femurN/G tube naso-gastric tubeNWB non weight bearingNa+ sodiumNaCl sodium chlorideO2 oxygenObs observationOE on examinationOR operating roomORIF open reduction and internal fixationOT occupational therapy/ operating theatreO/A on admissionPAC pressure area carePre-med pre-medicationPD provisional diagnosis/patient diagnosis/peritoneal dialysis PICC peripherally inserted cardiac catheterPU passed urinePO2 partial pressure of oxygenPTE pulmonary thrombotic embolusPOP plaster of parisPath pathologyPT prothrombin timePDA patent ductus arteriosusPVD perioheral vascular diseasePS pulmonary stenosisPE pulmonary embolus/physical examinationPCA patient controlled analgesiaPEEP positive end-expiratory pressurePR pulse ratePTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplastyPEG percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy tubePND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea/postnatal depressionRO removal ofRLL right lower lobeRUL right upper lobeROM range of movementRR respiratory rateRFT respiratory function testRMZ right mid zoneRA right atrialRCA right coronary arteryRV right ventricleRTW return to wardRIB rest in bedRBC’s red blood cellsRVF right ventricular failureRTI respiratory tract infectionROS removal of suturesSA sinoatrialSBE subacute bacterial endocarditisSR sinus rhythmSB sinus brachycardiaST sinus tachycardiaSVT supra ventricular tachycardiaSOB/SOBE shortness of breath/shortness of breath on exertionSOOB sit out of bedSaO2 oxygen saturationsSCC squamous cell carcinomaSV stroke volumeSNS sympathetic nervous systemT temperatureTB tuberculosisTKR total knee replacementTHR total hip replacementTURP transuretheral resection of the prostate Tx treatmentTAH total abdominal hysterectomyTPR temperature, pulse & respirationTAT transaxillary thoracotomyTLC total lung capacityTV tidal volumeTIA transient ischaemic attackTPN total parental nutritionTGA transposition of great arteriesTOF tetralogy of fallotUA urinalysisURTI upper respiratory tract infectionUTI urinary tract infectionUWSD under water sealed drainageVF ventricular fibrillationVT ventricular tachycardiaVC vital capacityVSD ventricular septal defectWCC white cell countWBC’s white blood cellsWHO world health organizationWt weightyo years old 四年级数学上册书中计算姓名:第一组1、竖式计算135×45= 54×312= 408×25= 47×210= 11×1180÷40= 94÷20= 246÷60= 360÷30= 127÷21=54×138= 312×25= 460×23= 102×15= 99×99263÷27= 602÷31= 487÷18= 961÷19= 108÷18=2、脱式计算360÷(12+6)×5 360÷[(12+6)×5] 459×(76-50)3、简便计算35×2×5 ( 60×25 ) ×4 ( 125×5 ) ×8 ( 3×4 ) ×5×6 第二组1、竖式计算164÷20= 210÷70= 780÷60= 460÷80= 302÷48=208×24= 437×28= 26×137= 82×403= 624×78846÷18= 728÷13= 900÷60= 900÷12= 218÷42=253×56= 503×32= 45×240= 336÷21= 858÷39=2、脱式计算120÷[(8+4)×2] 400÷(51-46)×8 (227+26)÷113、简便计算36×3 58+39+42+61 39×101 35×68+68+68×6485×82+82×15 (125×25)×4 167+289+33 25×41第三组1、竖式计算552÷69= 536÷8= 315÷9= 216÷3= 312÷4=48×23= 603×34= 72×124= 25×112= 46×589 150×40= 77×209= 26×137= 82×403= 503×3254×138= 312×25= 460×23= 102×15= 44×252、脱式计算400÷[(51-46)×8] (105×12-635)÷25 120÷(8+4)×23、简便计算25×37×4 (125×12)×8 27×45+27×55 13×102 378+527+73 (10+7)×6 (20+4)×25 5×289×2。

IV intravenous injection IM intramuscular injection PO per oral/by mouthNG nasogastricIT intrathecalPR per rectumPV per vaginaSUBCUT subcutaneousGutt eye dropTop MA topical metered aerosalNeb nebulizerNED nebulizerSubling sublingualMDI/metered dose inhaler/inhaler metered dose inhaler mL millilitermgg microgram milligramgramwrite microgram 'in fullac bd tds Qid before food twice daily three times daily four times dailyc gttmane mist nocte with drops morning mixture nightpc PRNqhq2hq4hq6hq8h stat after meals as required every hour every 2 hours every 4 hours every 6 hours every 8 hours immediatelyung ointmentunit(s) international unit(s)AEAFAIAPASASADLABGAFBASDAMIAVDAVRARFAIDS ARDS APTTAdmAlbA flutter Angios AV Block As tolair entryatrial fibrillationaortic incompetenceangina pectorisaortic stenosisaortic stenosisactivities of daily livingarterial blood gasacid fast bacilliatrial septal defectacute myocardial infarctionaortic valve diseaseaortic valve replacementacute heart failureacquired immune deficiency syndrome acute respiratory distress syndrome activated partial thromboplastinadmissionalbumenatrial fluttercoronary angiogramsatrio ventricular blockAs toleratedBE BiPAP Bronch BCC BUSE BasoBiliBld Cult. BBBBOBNO BIBA BMBSL/BGL BPBUN base excessbilevel positive airway pressure bronchoscopy basal cell carcinomablood urea & serum electrolytes blood level basophilsbilirubinBlood culturebundle branch blockbowels openbowels not openbrought in by ambulancebowel movementblood sugar/glucose levelblood pressureblood urea nitrogenbiopsyCAL COAD CPAPCaCTD CWMSCa++ Card. EnZ. CKCICreatC/S CABG CADCCFCHDCPRCVACVLCVPCSFCCUCATCXRCVPCO COPDchronic airflow limitationchronic obstructive airway disease continuous positive airway pressure cancercarpel tunnel decompression colour, warmth, movement, sensation calcium Cardiac enzymes creatine kinase chloridecreatinineculture and sensitivitycoronary artery bypass graftcoronary artery disease congestive cardiac failure congenital heart disease cardio pulmonary resuscitation cerebral vascular accidentcentral venous linecentral venous pressure cerebrospinal fluidcardiac or critical care unit computed axial tomography chest X-Raycentral venous pressure cardiac output chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseDNA DD D/C DNCBDOBDXTDiffDVT d DD& CD5Wdid not attenddangerous drug discharge domiciliary nursing care benefit date of birthdeep X-Ray therapy differentialdeep vein thrombosisday dosedilatation and curettage 5% dextrose in waterBxEPS EUA ESR Echo ER ECG electrophysiological studies examination under anaesthetic erythrocyte sedimentation rateechocardiographyemergency room electrocardiogramFBCFUO FHx Fx# FNAB FEV FVC FWBfull blood countfever of unknown origin family historyfracturefine needle aspiration biopsy forced expiratory volume forced vital capacity full weight bearingGTTG GIT GCS GA glucose tolerance test gramgastro intestinal tract Glasgow coma scale general anaestheticHACCHNPU HR Hx Hb HCO3 HRT HSV home and community care has not passed urine heart rate historyhaemoglobinbicarbonatehormone replacement therapy herpes simplex virusIDC IVT IV IM ICU IABA IHD IVC ICC IPPV indwelling catheter(urinary) intravenous therapyintravenousintramuscularintensive care unitintra aortic balloon pumpischaemic heart diseaseintravenous catheterintercostals catheterintermittent positive pressure ventilationJVP jugular venous pressure K+ potassiumLVF LGL LFT S LCA LHC LV LFT LUL LLL LFTleft ventricular failurelowne ganong Levine syndrome liver function tests left coronary arteryleft heart catheterleft ventriclelung function testleft upper lobeleft lower lobeliver function testMUA MAP MIM/C/S M/S/U MVA MRSA MIMS MVR MVD MSA Mm HGmanipulation under anaestheticmean arterial pressuremyocardial infarctionmicroscopic/culture/sensitivitymid stream urinemotor vehicle accidentmethicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mitral incompetence mitral stenosismitral valve replacementmitral valve diseasemental state assessmentmillimeters of mercuryNGTNSNONAD NBM/NPO NGT NIDDM NKA NOFN/G tube NWBNa+NaClnasogastric tubenormal salinenil orallynil abnormalities detectednil by mouthnaso gastric tubenon-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(better to use Type 2 DM) no known allergiesneck of femurnaso-gastric tubenon weight bearingsodiumsodium chlorideO2 Obs OE OR ORIF OT O/A oxygenobservationon examinationoperating roomopen reduction and internal fixation occupational therapy/ operating theatre on admissionPAC Pre-med PD PICC PUPO2 PTE POP PathPTPDA PVDPSPE PCA PEEP PR PTCA PEG PNDpressure area carepre-medicationprovisional diagnosis/patient diagnosis/peritoneal dialysis peripherally inserted cardiac catheterpassed urinepartial pressure of oxygenpulmonary thrombotic embolusplaster of parispathologyprothrombin timepatent ductus arteriosusperioheral vascular diseasepulmonary stenosispulmonary embolus/physical examinationpatient controlled analgesiapositive end-expiratory pressurepulse ratepercutaneous transluminal coronary angioplastypercutaneous endoscopic gastronomy tubeparoxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea/postnatal depressionRO RLL RUL ROM RR RFTRMZ RA RCA RV RTW RIB RBC's removal ofright lower lobe right upper lobe range of movement respiratory rate respiratory function test right mid zone right atrialright coronary artery right ventriclereturn to ward rest in bedred blood cellsRVFRTIROSright ventricular failure respiratory tract infection removal of suturesSA SBE SR SB ST SVT sinoatrialsubacute bacterial endocarditis sinus rhythmsinus brachycardiasinus tachycardiasupra ventricular tachycardiaSOB/SOBE shortness of breath/shortness of breath on exertionSOOB SaO2 SCC SV SNS sit out of bedoxygen saturations squamous cell carcinoma stroke volume sympathetic nervous systemTTB TKR THR TURP Tx TAH TPR TAT TLC TV TIA TPN TGA TOFtemperaturetuberculosistotal knee replacementtotal hip replacementtransuretheral resection of the prostate treatmenttotal abdominal hysterectomy temperature, pulse & respiration transaxillary thoracotomytotal lung capacitytidal volumetransient ischaemic attacktotal parental nutritiontransposition of great arteriestetralogy of fallotUA URTI UTI UWSD urinalysisupper respiratory tract infection urinary tract infection under water sealed drainageVF VT VC VSD ventricular fibrillation ventricular tachycardia vital capacity ventricular septal defectWCC white cell countWBCS white blood cellsWHO world health organization Wt weightyo years old。
护士经常遇到的缩写 精品

护士经常遇到的缩写一药物拉丁缩写:GS(葡萄糖注射液)NS(生理盐水)NG(硝酸甘油)NE(去甲肾上腺素)PG(青霉素G)SMZ(磺胺甲恶唑)SG(磺胺脒)SB(碳酸氢钠)ABOB(吗啉胍)DXM(地塞米松)PAMBA(止血芳酸)TAT(破伤风)FU(氟脲嘧啶) RFP(利福平)EM(红霉素)ISO(异丙肾上腺素)Vit(维生素)二处方缩写:tid(一日三次)bid(一日两次)qid(每天四次)qd/sid(每天一次)qn(每晚)hs(睡前)ac(饭前)Pc(饭后)aj(空腹时)am(上午)pm(下午)tid每天3次qh每小时一次q2h每小时两次q4h每小时三次q6h每小时六次st立即执行 prn需要时(长期) sos需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效)ID皮内注射 H皮下注射IM肌内注射IV 静脉注射1.胃管肛门排气,肠蠕动恢复,每种手术时间不一样,胃部手术大约3-7天.2.尿管术后能下床自行排尿,先要进行膀胱括约肌的训练,扎住尿管后有需要小便的感觉。

一、病情描述1.1 ROS(Review of Systems):系统回顾,用于描述病人的身体系统状况,包括呼吸、循环、消化等系统。
1.2 HPI(History of Present Illness):现病史,用于描述病人当前的症状和疾病发展情况。
1.3 PMH(Past Medical History):既往病史,用于描述病人过去的疾病史、手术史和药物过敏等信息。
二、医疗程序2.1 IV(Intravenous):静脉注射,用于描述通过静脉输液赋予药物或者营养支持。
2.2 CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation):心肺复苏,用于描述应对心跳住手或者呼吸住手的紧急抢救措施。
2.3 NGT(Nasogastric Tube):鼻胃管,用于描述通过鼻腔插入胃部的管道,用于喂食或者排空胃液。
三、药物管理3.1 PO(Per Os):口服,用于描述通过口腔赋予药物。
3.2 IM(Intramuscular):肌肉注射,用于描述将药物注射到肌肉组织中。
3.3 IVF(Intravenous Fluids):静脉输液,用于描述赋予病人的静脉液体补充。
四、常见疾病4.1 COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease):慢性阻塞性肺疾病,用于描述一组慢性呼吸系统疾病。
4.2 MI(Myocardial Infarction):心肌梗死,用于描述心肌血供中断导致的心肌组织坏死。
4.3 UTI(Urinary Tract Infection):尿路感染,用于描述泌尿系统感染引起的症状。

各护理缩写一药物拉丁缩写:GS(葡萄糖注射液)NS(生理盐水)NG(硝酸甘油)NE(去甲肾上腺素)PG(青霉素G)SMZ(磺胺甲恶唑)SG(磺胺脒)SB(碳酸氢钠)ABOB(吗啉胍)DXM(地塞米松)PAMBA(止血芳酸)TAT(破伤风)FU(氟脲嘧啶)RFP(利福平)EM(红霉素)ISO(异丙肾上腺素)Vit(维生素)二处方缩写:tid(一日三次)bid(一日两次)qid(每天四次)qd/sid(每天一次)qn(每晚)hs(睡前)ac(饭前)Pc(饭后)aj(空腹时)am(上午)pm(下午)tid每天3次qh每小时一次q2h每小时两次q4h每小时三次q6h每小时六次st立即执行prn需要时(长期)sos需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效)ID皮内注射H皮下注射 IM肌内注射 IV静脉注射1.胃管:肛门排气,肠蠕动恢复,每种手术时间不一样,胃部手术大约3-7天.2.尿管:术后能下床自行排尿,先要进行膀胱括约肌的训练,扎住尿管后有需要小便的感觉。

常见护理英文术语缩写护理专业有着丰富的英文术语缩写,下面是一些常见的护理英文术语缩写:1. BID - Twice daily (两次每日)5. NPO - Nothing by mouth (禁食)6. PRN - As needed (需要时)7. Rx - Prescription (处方)8. ICU - Intensive care unit (重症监护室)9. ER - Emergency room (急诊室)10. OR - Operating room (手术室)11. PACU - Post-anesthesia care unit (麻醉后恢复室)12. CVA - Cerebrovascular accident (脑血管意外)13. MI - Myocardial infarction (心肌梗塞)14. CHF - Congestive heart failure (充血性心力衰竭)15. COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (慢性阻塞性肺疾病)16. CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (心肺复苏)17. NSTEMI - Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (非ST段抬高型心肌梗塞)18. STEMI - ST elevation myocardial infarction (ST段抬高型心肌梗塞)19. DVT - Deep vein thrombosis (深静脉血栓)20. PE - Pulmonary embolism (肺栓塞)21. HTN - Hypertension (高血压)22. DM - Diabetes mellitus (糖尿病)23. TB - Tuberculosis (结核病)24. HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus (人类免疫缺陷病毒)25. HCV - Hepatitis C virus (丙型肝炎病毒)26. CA - Cancer (癌症)27. AKI - Acute kidney injury (急性肾损伤)28. ESRD - End-stage renal disease (晚期肾衰竭)29. GBS - Guillain-Barré syndrome (格林-巴利综合症)30. ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (渐冻人综合症)31. AF - Atrial fibrillation (房颤)32. A fib - Atrial fibrillation (房颤)33. CHD - Coronary heart disease (冠心病)34. CABG - Coronary artery bypass graft (冠状动脉搭桥术)35. PTCA - Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)36. PVD - Peripheral vascular disease (外周血管疾病)37. ECG - Electrocardiogram (心电图)38. EKG - Electrocardiogram (心电图)39. EEG - Electroencephalogram (脑电图)41. MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging (磁共振成像)42. PET - Positron emission tomography (正电子发射断层扫描)43. ICU - Intensive care unit (重症监护室)44. NICU - Neonatal intensive care unit (新生儿重症监护室)45. PICU - Pediatric intensive care unit (儿科重症监护室)46. RN - Registered nurse (注册护士)47. LPN - Licensed practical nurse (执业护士)48. CNA - Certified nursing assistant (护理助理)49. FHR - Fetal heart rate (胎心率)50. LMP - Last menstrual period (末次月经)这些是只是护理专业中常见的一些英文术语缩写,还有很多其他的术语缩写。

1. ADLs: 日常生活活动(Activities of Daily Living)ADLs是指人们日常生活中必须进行的基本活动,包括洗漱、进食、穿衣、行走等。
2. BID: 双倍(Twice a day)BID是医学缩写,意味着一个药物需要每天两次使用。
3. C/O: 抱怨(Complains Of)C/O是用于记录患者所抱怨的症状或不适的缩写。
4. DNR: 不进行复苏(Do Not Resuscitate)DNR用于标示病人不希望在心脏骤停等紧急情况下接受复苏措施。
5. EHR: 电子病历(Electronic Health Record)EHR是指电子化的病人健康记录系统。
6. IV: 静脉内(Intravenous)在医疗环境中常见的IV缩写表示将药物或液体通过插管注入静脉。
7. NPO: 禁食(Nil Per Os)NPO用于指示病人在一定时间内禁止饮食。

护理常用英文缩写一. 常见医嘱英文缩写1. qd 每日一次2. bid 每日两次3 tid 每日三次4. qid 每日四次5. qh 每小时一次6. q2h 每两小时一次7. q4h 每四小时一次8. q6h 每六小时一次9. qn 每晚一次10. qod 隔日一次11. biw 每周两次12. hs 临睡前13. am 上午14. pm 下午15. St 立即16. DC 停止、取消17. prn 需要时(长期)18. sos 需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效)19. ac 饭前20. pc 饭后21. 12n 中午12点22. 12mn 午夜12点23. gtt 滴24. ID 皮内注射25. H 皮下注射26. IM 肌肉注射27. IV 静脉注射28.T 体温P 脉搏频率R呼吸频率Hp 血压29.心电图:EKG、ECG 超声心动图:UCG 动态心电图:DCG 脑彩知超:TCD二. 处方常见缩略语1、po,口服2、im,肌肉注射;3、iv,静脉注射;4、ivgtt,静脉滴注;5、qd,一天一次;6、bid,一天两次;7、tid,一天三次;8、qid,一天四次;9、q8h,每8小时一次;10、qn,睡前;11、Rp,取药;12、sig,用法;13、prn,必要时处方上左上角的RP代表“请取”的意思,如果某种药后面是qd、bid、tid,分别代表每日一次、每日两次、每日三次。
aa--各et--及、和Rp.--取、请取sig./S.--用法、指示St./Stat.--立即、急速Cit.--急速s.o.s.--需要时p.r.n--必要时a.c.--饭前p.c.--饭后a.m.--上午p.m.--下午q.n.--每晚h.s.--睡前q.h.--每小时q.d.--每日1次B.i.d.--每日2次T.i.d.--每日3次Q.i.d.--每日4次q.4h.--每4小时1次p.o.--口服ad us.int.--内服ad us.ext.--外用H.--皮下注射im./M.--肌肉注射iv./V.--静脉注射iv gtt.--静脉滴注Inhal.--吸入O.D.--右眼O.L.--左眼O.S.--单眼O.U.--双No./N.--数目、个s.s--一半ug.--微克mg.--毫克g.--克kg.--千克(公斤)ml.--毫升L.--升q.s--适量Ad.--加至Aq.--水Aq.dest.--蒸馏水Ft.--配成Dil--稀释M.D.S.--混合后给予Co./Comp.--复方的Mist--合剂Pulv.--散剂Amp.--安瓿剂Emul.--乳剂Syr.--糖浆剂Tr.--酊剂Neb.--喷雾剂Garg.--含漱剂rtt./gutt.--滴、滴眼剂collyr.--洗眼剂Ocul.--眼膏Liq.--溶液剂Sol.--溶液Lot.--洗剂Linim.--擦剂Crem.--乳膏剂(冷霜) Ung.--软膏剂Past.--糊剂Ol.--油剂Enem.--灌肠剂Supp.--栓剂Tab.--片剂Pil.--丸剂Caps.--胶囊剂Inj.--注射剂如果是处方常用不多一般qd,qid,bid,tid,iv,ivgtt。

护理常用英文缩写(原创实用版)目录1.引言:介绍护理常用英文缩写的重要性2.常见护理英文缩写分类2.1 医疗机构和专业术语2.2 疾病和症状2.3 药物和治疗2.4 医疗设备和器械2.5 护理操作和程序3.缩写的使用和规范4.结论:总结护理常用英文缩写的应用价值正文一、引言在现代护理工作中,英文缩写被广泛应用于医疗记录、护理文件以及医护人员之间的沟通,极大地提高了工作效率。
二、常见护理英文缩写分类1.医疗机构和专业术语(1)ICU:Intensive Care Unit,重症监护室(2)CCU:Coronary Care Unit,冠心病监护室(3)NICU:Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,新生儿重症监护室2.疾病和症状(1)COPD:Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,慢性阻塞性肺疾病(2)MI:Myocardial Infarction,心肌梗死(3)CP:Cerebral Palsy,脑瘫3.药物和治疗(1)NSAID:Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug,非甾体抗炎药(2)DNA:Deoxyribonucleic Acid,脱氧核糖核酸(3)PCI:Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,经皮冠状动脉介入治疗4.医疗设备和器械(1)ECG:Electrocardiogram,心电图(2)BP:Blood Pressure,血压(3)SPO2:Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen,外周血氧饱和度5.护理操作和程序(1)PIV:Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter,外周插入中心静脉导管(2)Foley Catheter:福莱氏导尿管(3)CPAP:Continuous Positive Airway Pressure,持续正压通气三、缩写的使用和规范在实际应用中,护理英文缩写应遵循以下规范:1.确保准确性:使用正确的缩写,避免歧义。

12mn 午夜12点。

临床护理常见英文缩写一、常见药物缩写葡萄糖:GS葡萄糖氯化钠: GNS氯化钠: NaCl氯化钾: KCl生理盐水: 0.9% NaCl 或NS支链氨基酸(肝脑清): AA-BC 、复方氨基酸3AA 复方氨基酸: AA-CO 、复方氨基酸18AA青霉素:PG维生素:Vit地塞米松:DXM胰岛素:RI亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌:Vit K3复方氯化钠:林格氏液乳酸钠林格液:平衡液盐酸布桂嗪:强痛定盐酸哌替啶:杜冷丁间羟胺:阿拉明酚妥拉明:利其丁呋塞米:速尿盐酸异丙嗪:非那根马来酸氯苯那敏:扑尔敏地西泮:安定盐酸甲氧氯普氨:胃复安二羟丙茶碱:喘定盐酸消旋山莨菪碱:654-2二、常见医嘱英文缩写qd 每日一次bid 每日两次tid 每日三次qid 每日四次qh 每小时一次q2h 每两小时一次q4h 每四小时一次q6h 每六小时一次qn 每晚一次qod 隔日一次biw 每周两次hs 临睡前am 上午pm 下午St 立即DC 停止、取消prn 需要时(长期)sos 需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效)ac 饭前pc 饭后12n 中午12点12mn午夜12点gtt 滴ID 皮内注射H 皮下注射IM 肌肉注射IV 静脉注射处方上左上角的RP代表“请取”的意思,如果某种药后面是qd、bid、tid,分别代表每日一次、每日两次、每日三次。
aa——各 et——及、和Rp.——取、请取 sig./S.——用法、指示St./Stat.——立即、急速 Cit.——急速s.o.s.——需要时 p.r.n——必要时a.c.——饭前 p.c.——饭后a.m.——上午 p.m.——下午q.n.——每晚 h.s.——睡前q.h.——每小时 q.d.——每日1次B.i.d.——每日2次 T.i.d.——每日3次Q.i.d.——每日4次 q.4h.——每4小时1次p.o.——口服 ad us.int.——内服ad us.ext.——外用 H.——皮下注射im./M.——肌肉注射 iv./V.——静脉注射iv gtt.——静脉滴注 Inhal.——吸入O.D.——右眼 O.L.——左眼O.S.——单眼 O.U.——双No./N.——数目、个 s.s——一半ug.——微克 mg.——毫克g.——克 kg.——千克(公斤)ml.——毫升 L.——升q.s——适量 Ad.——加至Aq.——水 Aq.dest.——蒸馏水Ft.——配成 Dil——稀释M.D.S.——混合后给予 Co./Comp.——复方的Mist——合剂 Pulv.——散剂Amp.——安瓿剂 Emul.——乳剂Syr.——糖浆剂 Tr.——酊剂Neb.——喷雾剂 Garg.——含漱剂rtt./gutt.——滴、滴眼剂 collyr.——洗眼剂Ocul.——眼膏 Liq.——溶液剂Sol.——溶液 Lot.——洗剂Linim.——擦剂 Crem.——乳膏剂(冷霜)Ung.——软膏剂 Past.——糊剂Ol.——油剂 Enem.——灌肠剂Supp.——栓剂 Tab.——片剂Pil.——丸剂 Caps.——胶囊剂Inj.——注射剂如果是处方常用不多一般qd,qid,bid,tid,iv,ivgtt。

临床护理常见英文缩写一、常见药物缩写葡萄糖:GS葡萄糖氯化钠: GNS氯化钠: NaCl氯化钾: KCl生理盐水: 0.9% NaCl 或NS支链氨基酸(肝脑清): AA-BC 、复方氨基酸3AA 复方氨基酸: AA-CO 、复方氨基酸18AA青霉素:PG维生素:Vit地塞米松:DXM胰岛素:RI亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌:Vit K3复方氯化钠:林格氏液乳酸钠林格液:平衡液盐酸布桂嗪:强痛定盐酸哌替啶:杜冷丁间羟胺:阿拉明酚妥拉明:利其丁呋塞米:速尿盐酸异丙嗪:非那根马来酸氯苯那敏:扑尔敏地西泮:安定盐酸甲氧氯普氨:胃复安二羟丙茶碱:喘定盐酸消旋山莨菪碱:654-2二、常见医嘱英文缩写qd 每日一次bid 每日两次tid 每日三次qid 每日四次qh 每小时一次q2h 每两小时一次q4h 每四小时一次q6h 每六小时一次qn 每晚一次qod 隔日一次biw 每周两次hs 临睡前am 上午pm 下午St 立即DC 停止、取消prn 需要时(长期)sos 需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效)ac 饭前pc 饭后12n 中午12点12mn午夜12点gtt 滴ID 皮内注射H 皮下注射IM 肌肉注射IV 静脉注射处方上左上角的RP代表“请取”的意思,如果某种药后面是qd、bid、tid,分别代表每日一次、每日两次、每日三次。
aa——各 et——及、和Rp.——取、请取 sig./S.——用法、指示St./Stat.——立即、急速 Cit.——急速s.o.s.——需要时 p.r.n——必要时a.c.——饭前 p.c.——饭后a.m.——上午 p.m.——下午q.n.——每晚 h.s.——睡前q.h.——每小时 q.d.——每日1次B.i.d.——每日2次 T.i.d.——每日3次Q.i.d.——每日4次 q.4h.——每4小时1次p.o.——口服 ad us.int.——内服ad us.ext.——外用 H.——皮下注射im./M.——肌肉注射 iv./V.——静脉注射iv gtt.——静脉滴注 Inhal.——吸入O.D.——右眼 O.L.——左眼O.S.——单眼 O.U.——双No./N.——数目、个 s.s——一半ug.——微克 mg.——毫克g.——克 kg.——千克(公斤)ml.——毫升 L.——升q.s——适量 Ad.——加至Aq.——水 Aq.dest.——蒸馏水Ft.——配成 Dil——稀释M.D.S.——混合后给予 Co./Comp.——复方的Mist——合剂 Pulv.——散剂Amp.——安瓿剂 Emul.——乳剂Syr.——糖浆剂 Tr.——酊剂Neb.——喷雾剂 Garg.——含漱剂rtt./gutt.——滴、滴眼剂 collyr.——洗眼剂Ocul.——眼膏 Liq.——溶液剂Sol.——溶液 Lot.——洗剂Linim.——擦剂 Crem.——乳膏剂(冷霜)Ung.——软膏剂 Past.——糊剂Ol.——油剂 Enem.——灌肠剂Supp.——栓剂 Tab.——片剂Pil.——丸剂 Caps.——胶囊剂Inj.——注射剂如果是处方常用不多一般qd,qid,bid,tid,iv,ivgtt。

临床护理常见英文缩写一、常见药物缩写葡萄糖:GS葡萄糖氯化钠: GNS氯化钠: NaCl氯化钾: KCl生理盐水: 0.9% NaCl 或NS支链氨基酸(肝脑清): AA-BC 、复方氨基酸3AA 复方氨基酸: AA-CO 、复方氨基酸18AA青霉素:PG维生素:Vit地塞米松:DXM胰岛素:RI亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌:Vit K3复方氯化钠:林格氏液乳酸钠林格液:平衡液盐酸布桂嗪:强痛定盐酸哌替啶:杜冷丁间羟胺:阿拉明酚妥拉明:利其丁呋塞米:速尿盐酸异丙嗪:非那根马来酸氯苯那敏:扑尔敏地西泮:安定盐酸甲氧氯普氨:胃复安二羟丙茶碱:喘定盐酸消旋山莨菪碱:654-2二、常见医嘱英文缩写qd 每日一次bid 每日两次tid 每日三次qid 每日四次qh 每小时一次q2h 每两小时一次q4h 每四小时一次q6h 每六小时一次qn 每晚一次qod 隔日一次biw 每周两次hs 临睡前am 上午pm 下午St 立即DC 停止、取消prn 需要时(长期)sos 需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效)ac 饭前pc 饭后12n 中午12点12mn午夜12点gtt 滴ID 皮内注射H 皮下注射IM 肌肉注射IV 静脉注射处方上左上角的RP代表“请取”的意思,如果某种药后面是qd、bid、tid,分别代表每日一次、每日两次、每日三次。
aa——各 et——及、和Rp.——取、请取 sig./S.——用法、指示St./Stat.——立即、急速 Cit.——急速s.o.s.——需要时 p.r.n——必要时a.c.——饭前 p.c.——饭后a.m.——上午 p.m.——下午q.n.——每晚 h.s.——睡前q.h.——每小时 q.d.——每日1次B.i.d.——每日2次 T.i.d.——每日3次Q.i.d.——每日4次 q.4h.——每4小时1次p.o.——口服 ad us.int.——内服ad us.ext.——外用 H.——皮下注射im./M.——肌肉注射 iv./V.——静脉注射iv gtt.——静脉滴注 Inhal.——吸入O.D.——右眼 O.L.——左眼O.S.——单眼 O.U.——双No./N.——数目、个 s.s——一半ug.——微克 mg.——毫克g.——克 kg.——千克(公斤)ml.——毫升 L.——升q.s——适量 Ad.——加至Aq.——水 Aq.dest.——蒸馏水Ft.——配成 Dil——稀释M.D.S.——混合后给予 Co./Comp.——复方的Mist——合剂 Pulv.——散剂Amp.——安瓿剂 Emul.——乳剂Syr.——糖浆剂 Tr.——酊剂Neb.——喷雾剂 Garg.——含漱剂rtt./gutt.——滴、滴眼剂 collyr.——洗眼剂Ocul.——眼膏 Liq.——溶液剂Sol.——溶液 Lot.——洗剂Linim.——擦剂 Crem.——乳膏剂(冷霜)Ung.——软膏剂 Past.——糊剂Ol.——油剂 Enem.——灌肠剂Supp.——栓剂 Tab.——片剂Pil.——丸剂 Caps.——胶囊剂Inj.——注射剂如果是处方常用不多一般qd,qid,bid,tid,iv,ivgtt。

一、临床护理相关缩写1.1 ADL(Activities of Daily Living):日常生活活动,指患者在日常生活中的基本活动能力,如进食、洗澡、穿衣等。
1.2 BID(Twice a Day):每天两次,常用于药物给药频率的表示,指每天需要服用两次药物。
1.3 IV(Intravenous):静脉内,用于表示药物或者液体的给药途径,通过静脉注射赋予患者治疗。
二、医学检查与诊断缩写2.1 CBC(Complete Blood Count):全血细胞计数,用于评估患者的血液状况,包括血红蛋白、白细胞计数等指标。
2.2 ECG(Electrocardiogram):心电图,通过记录心脏电活动来评估患者的心脏功能和心电异常情况。
2.3 MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging):磁共振成像,一种无创的医学影像技术,用于观察和诊断患者的内部器官结构。
三、药物治疗相关缩写3.1 NSAIDs(Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs):非甾体类抗炎药,用于缓解疼痛和减轻炎症反应。
3.2 PRN(Pro Re Nata):需要时赋予,常用于药物给药频率的表示,表示根据患者的需要进行给药。
3.3 OTC(Over-the-Counter):非处方药,指可以在药店等地方直接购买的药物,无需医生处方。
四、病情和护理状态相关缩写4.1 NPO(Nil Per Os):禁食,用于表示患者需要禁止口服摄入食物和液体。
4.2 SOB(Shortness of Breath):呼吸难点,用于描述患者的呼吸状况,常见于心脏和肺部疾病。
4.3 LOC(Level of Consciousness):意识水平,用于评估患者的神经系统功能,包括清醒程度和反应能力。
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IV intravenous injectionIM intramuscular injectionPO per oral/by mouthNG nasogastricIT intrathecalPR per rectumPV per vaginaSUBCUT subcutaneousGutt eye dropTop topicalMA metered aerosalNeb nebulizerNED nebulizerSubling sublingualMDI/metered dose inhaler/inhaler metered dose inhaler mL millilitermg milligramg grammicrogram write ‘microgram’in fullac before foodbd twice dailytds three times dailyQid four times dailyc withgtt dropsmane morningmist mixturenocte nightpc after mealsPRN as requiredqh every hourq2h every 2 hoursq4h every 4 hoursq6h every 6 hoursq8h every 8 hoursstat immediatelyung ointmentunit(s) international unit(s)AE air entryAF atrial fibrillationAI aortic incompetenceAP angina pectorisAS aortic stenosisAS aortic stenosisADL activities of daily livingABG arterial blood gasAFB acid fast bacilliASD atrial septal defectAMI acute myocardial infarctionAVD aortic valve diseaseAVR aortic valve replacementARF acute heart failureAIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome APTT activated partial thromboplastinAdm admissionAlb albumenA flutter atrial flutterAngios coronary angiogramsAV Block atrio ventricular blockAs tol As toleratedBE base excessBiPAP bilevel positive airway pressureBronch bronchoscopyBCC basal cell carcinomaBUSE blood urea & serum electrolytes blood level Baso basophilsBili bilirubinBld Cult. Blood cultureBBB bundle branch blockBO bowels openBNO bowels not openBIBA brought in by ambulanceBM bowel movementBSL/BGL blood sugar/glucose levelBP blood pressureBUN blood urea nitrogenBx biopsyCAL chronic airflow limitationCOAD chronic obstructive airway disease CPAP continuous positive airway pressure Ca cancerCTD carpel tunnel decompression CWMS colour, warmth, movement, sensation Ca++ calciumCard. EnZ. Cardiac enzymesCK creatine kinaseCI chlorideCreat creatinineC/S culture and sensitivityCABG coronary artery bypass graftCAD coronary artery diseaseCCF congestive cardiac failureCHD congenital heart diseaseCPR cardio pulmonary resuscitationCVA cerebral vascular accidentCVL central venous lineCVP central venous pressureCSF cerebrospinal fluidCCU cardiac or critical care unitCAT computed axial tomographyCXR chest X-RayCVP central venous pressureCO cardiac outputCOPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease DNA did not attendDD dangerous drugD/C dischargeDNCB domiciliary nursing care benefitDOB date of birthDXT deep X-Ray therapyDiff differentialDVT deep vein thrombosisd dayD doseD& C dilatation and curettageD5W 5% dextrose in waterEPS electrophysiological studiesEUA examination under anaestheticESR erythrocyte sedimentation rateEcho echocardiographyER emergency roomECG electrocardiogramFBC full blood countFUO fever of unknown originFHx family historyFx# fractureFNAB fine needle aspiration biopsyFEV forced expiratory volumeFVC forced vital capacityFWB full weight bearingGTT glucose tolerance testG gramGIT gastro intestinal tractGCS Glasgow coma scaleGA general anaestheticHACC home and community careHNPU has not passed urineHR heart rateHx historyHb haemoglobinHCO3 bicarbonateHRT hormone replacement therapyHSV herpes simplex virusIDC indwelling catheter(urinary)IVT intravenous therapyIV intravenousIM intramuscularICU intensive care unitIABA intra aortic balloon pumpIHD ischaemic heart diseaseIVC intravenous catheterICC intercostals catheterIPPV intermittent positive pressure ventilationJVP jugular venous pressureK+ potassiumLVF left ventricular failureLGL lowne ganong Levine syndromeLFT’s liver function testsLCA left coronary arteryLHC left heart catheterLV left ventricleLFT lung function testLUL left upper lobeLLL left lower lobeLFT liver function testMUA manipulation under anaestheticMAP mean arterial pressureMI myocardial infarctionM/C/S microscopic/culture/sensitivityM/S/U mid stream urineMVA motor vehicle accidentMRSA methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureusMI mitral incompetenceMS mitral stenosisMVR mitral valve replacementMVD mitral valve diseaseMSA mental state assessmentMm HG millimeters of mercuryNGT nasogastric tubeNS normal salineNO nil orallyNAD nil abnormalities detectedNBM/NPO nil by mouthNGT naso gastric tubeNIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(better to use Type 2 DM) NKA no known allergiesNOF neck of femurN/G tube naso-gastric tubeNWB non weight bearingNa+ sodiumNaCl sodium chlorideO2 oxygenObs observationOE on examinationOR operating roomORIF open reduction and internal fixationOT occupational therapy/ operating theatreO/A on admissionPAC pressure area carePre-med pre-medicationPD provisional diagnosis/patient diagnosis/peritoneal dialysis PICC peripherally inserted cardiac catheterPU passed urinePO2 partial pressure of oxygenPTE pulmonary thrombotic embolusPOP plaster of parisPath pathologyPT prothrombin timePDA patent ductus arteriosusPVD perioheral vascular diseasePS pulmonary stenosisPE pulmonary embolus/physical examinationPCA patient controlled analgesiaPEEP positive end-expiratory pressurePR pulse ratePTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplastyPEG percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy tubePND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea/postnatal depression RO removal ofRLL right lower lobeRUL right upper lobeROM range of movementRR respiratory rateRFT respiratory function testRMZ right mid zoneRA right atrialRCA right coronary arteryRV right ventricleRTW return to wardRIB rest in bedRBC’s red blood cellsRVF right ventricular failureRTI respiratory tract infectionROS removal of suturesSA sinoatrialSBE subacute bacterial endocarditisSR sinus rhythmSB sinus brachycardiaST sinus tachycardiaSVT supra ventricular tachycardiaSOB/SOBE shortness of breath/shortness of breath on exertion SOOB sit out of bedSaO2 oxygen saturationsSCC squamous cell carcinomaSV stroke volumeSNS sympathetic nervous systemT temperatureTB tuberculosisTKR total knee replacementTHR total hip replacementTURP transuretheral resection of the prostateTx treatmentTAH total abdominal hysterectomyTPR temperature, pulse & respirationTAT transaxillary thoracotomyTLC total lung capacityTV tidal volumeTIA transient ischaemic attackTPN total parental nutritionTGA transposition of great arteriesTOF tetralogy of fallotUA urinalysisURTI upper respiratory tract infectionUTI urinary tract infectionUWSD under water sealed drainageVF ventricular fibrillationVT ventricular tachycardiaVC vital capacityVSD ventricular septal defectWCC white cell countWBC’s white blood cells WHO world health organization Wt weightyo years oldWelcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。