英语专业四级写作讲解 (共5讲)第二讲 问题解决型作文专项训练





下面就由小编为大家介绍大学英语四级作文模板:解决问题型,大家一起去学习吧!英语四级写作三步法:开始段:说明现阶段存在的问题中间段:分析问题产生的原因,和可能导致的后果结尾段:提出解决方法问题解决型作文模板一:With the ____of____,So it is of great importance for us to____ . On the one hand____, On the other hand____,However, we have figured out many ways to _____.Firstly, ____So long as____ . Secondly____, Thirdly____.In fact____, That is because ____.In a word,________ .问题解决型作文模板二Nowadays one of the serious problems China is faced with is ___存在的问题___ .According to a survey, ___调查结果___ .Therefore,it is clear that ___存在的问题___ has been getting more and more serious.Take ___举例对象___ for example .To account for the phenomenon,people have come up with various causes as listed below.On the one hand, ___原因一___ .On the other hand, ___原因二___ .There is no doubt the issue has exerted harmful effects on 问题的影响以及后果 .Therefore,some measures should be taken to put an end to this problem.T o begin with, 措施一 .In addition, 措施二 .Only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.。



1. 专四写作题型简介2.四级作文考试要求 测试要求:能根据所给的作文题目、图表或阅读材料等,写一篇200个单词左右的作文。





测试目的 :测试学生的基本书面表达能力。

3.如何安排45分钟的考试时间:4.评分标准写作Lesson 1:如何缩写1.如何对所给材料提出SUMMARY?第一,字数要求。

缩写的字数不超过原文的三分之一缩写评分要求第二,缩写必须准确表述文摘的主题和中心内容第三,缩写必须全面抓住材料的所有要点2.如何抓住材料要点语篇分析训练1. 材料的主题/话题(topic)是什么:2. 材料的要点是什么?3.专四材料常见类型和常见文章发展模式:观点型问题解决型因果分析型4.summary 的写作框架Step 1: 引出topic (一句话)Step 2: 介绍材料观点(一句话)Step 3: 概括要点(2-5句话)常见要点类型:原因、解决办法、积极/消极影响、5.SUMMARY范例分析Read carefully the following excerpt on term-time holiday arguments in the UK, and then write your response In NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:1)summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then2)comment on whether parents should take children out of school for holiday during term time in order to save moneyYou should support yourself with information from the excerptMarks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marksTerm-time holidays will be banned (2016年真题)Parents are to be banned by Michael Gove, UK’s Education Secretary, from takingtheir children out of school to save money on holidays.He is to abolish the right of head teachers to "authorise absence" from the classroom, which has been used to let families take term-time breaks, and will warn them they face fines for their children not being at school“Any time out of school has the potential to damage a child’s education, " a senior source at the Department for Education said this weekend. "That is why the government will end the distinction between authorised and unauthorised absence.”“This is part of the government’s wider commitment to bring down truancy levels in our schools. There will also be stricter penalties for parents and schools.”The tough measures on truancy are part of a wider attempt by Mr. Gove to make education more academically rigorous and to tackle a culture in the educational establishment which he believes has accepted "excuses for failure.”Russell Hobby, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said the measure would discourage parents from trying to put pressure on heads to sanction term time holidays. "The high cost of holidays outside of term time is still an issue but ultimately a child's education is more important than a holiday, "he said.卷一:Term-time Holidays Should Be BannedWhether the term-time holidays should be banned has aroused an heaten discussion for a longtime. Some in favor of hold that the more popular term-time holidays they are, the more bad influence children will have. However, some against it because they think take their children out of school for holiday during term time can save much money.From my point of view, I am inclined to ban the term-time holidays,….评价:____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________卷二Term-time Holidays Should Be BannedAs is known to all, it pays too much if we go on holidays outside of term time. As a result, some parents are inclined to take their children out of school to save money on holidays.Recently, a hot discussion about whether term-time holidays should be banned attracts our attention. In terms of this topic, Michael Gove, UK’S Education Secretary, is in favor of it. As experts said, any time out of school was likely to damage a child's education. The authoratatives contend that parents should be fined for their mistakes. On the other hand, some people think the punishment is excessive but a child’s education is more important than a holiday.From my perspective, I hold the view that term-time holidays should be banned for following reasons:…评价:____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________卷三My Opinion on the Term-time HolidaysThe latest news on the term-time holidays reveals that parents are to be banned from taking their children away from school during term-time. Those who break this new rule will face fines as a result.The regulation was established, according to a senior source at the Department for Education, mainly because the time out of school would do harm to children’s educational development. He also mentioned that the regulation was an integral part of government's practice to lower the truancy levels in schools. This rigorous measure is believed to resolve the cultural problems in the education eventually. Additionally, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers considered the measure useful as it would prevent parents from too much pressure.To the best of my belief, it is unwise to ban parents from taking their children out of school for holiday in purpose of saving money. Firstly,….评价:____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________卷四As can be seen from the excerpt, in UK, there is a frequent occurrence among parents to take their children out of school to enjoy holidays during normal term time. This is partly due to the cost of journey since this behavior will save them money. However, it can be summarized that parents are banned by UKS Education Department from taking their children out of academic study to go on holidays. What's more, those who violate the regulations would be fined and punished.评价:____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________卷五New research has shown that nearly four out of ten parents in the UK have taken their children out of school to go on holidays. Cost is the main reason given by parents for sacrificing their children'seducation. Parents are to be banned, however, by UKS Education Authority from taking their children out of school to go on holidays during term time.评价:____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________6.真题研析2017年专四作文题目Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should1) summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then2) comment on whether our brains will get lazy in a world run by intelligent machines. You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marksWith intelligent machines to do the thinking, will our brains get lazy?Changing technology stimulates the brain and increases intelligence. But that may only be true if the technology challenges us. In a world run by intelligent machines, our lives could get a lot simpler. Would that make us less intelligent?Artificial intelligence is taking over many human jobs. For instance, planes are being flown much of the time by automatic pilots. And the complex problem of controlling air traffic around large modern airports is also achieved by artificial intelligence that operates well beyond the capability of mere human air traffic controllers.Artificial intelligence is embedded in many features of modern life for the simple reason that intelligent machines can already outperform humans, including some aptitudes where there was once thought to be a human advantage, such as playing chess, and writing poetry, or even novels.As machines get smarter, they will do more of our thinking for us and make life easier. In the future, the electronic assistant will develop to the point that it serves similar functions as a real living butler, fulfilling requests such as: "Organize a dinner party for six on Thursday and invite the usual guests.”At that point, our long struggle with challenging technologies is at an end. Like Bertie Wooster, we can take it easy knowing that the hard work of planning and organizing is being done by a better brain -----the electronic assistant. Starved of mental effort, our brains will regress.SUMMARY:______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ____________2018年专四作文题目Read carefully the following report, and then write your response inNO LESS THAN 200words, In which you should:1) summarize the main message of the report, and then2)comment on the two points made by Stephen Corry, Survivals DirectorYou can support yourself with information from the reportMarks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality, Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREE.Report exposes the dark side of conservationA report launched by Survival International---the global movement for tribal people right’s------ reveals how conservation has led to the eviction of millions of tribal people from protected areas, "since protected areas "like national parks should generally be no go " for miming, agriculture, dams, roads and pipelines.Survival's report shows that nearly all protected areas are, or have been, the ancestral homelands of tribal peoples, who have been dependent on, and managed them for thousands of years. But in the name of "conservation", tribal peoples are being "illegally driven out" from these lands and accuse “poaching"; meanwhile, tourists and fee-paying big game hunters are welcomed in.Bushman Daugoo Xukuri from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana said, " I sit and look around the country. Wherever there are bushmen, there is game. Why? Because we know how to take care of animals.”Survival's report concludes that the current model of conservation needs a radical shakeup. Conservation must stick to international law, protect tribal peoples' rights to their lands, listen to them. and then be prepared to back them up as much as they can.Survivals Director Stephen Corry said, “Millio ns are being spent by conservationists every year, and yet the environment's in deepening crisis. It's time to wake up and realize that there is another way and it's much, much better. Firstly, tribal peoples' rights have to be acknowledged and respected. Secondly, they have to be treated as the best experts at defending their own lands. Conservationists must realize it's they, themselves, who are junior partners.”SUMMARY:______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________2019年专四作文题目Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN200 WORDS, in which you should1) summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then2)comment on Brewer's view that parents should join in with their kids rather than limit their media consumption,You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREEHow much screen time is too much for kids?Parents have been advised to limit media consumption of their children, but research suggests it's the nature of it that matters.For many parents in the digital age, battles with their kids over screen time and devices have become a depressing part of family life. Many parents will now be relieved to hear that recent research suggests that it’s not so much the length, but the nature of the screen time that matters.Jocelyn Brewer, a psychologist who specializes in the concept of "digital nutrition" likens media diets to what's on our plates: rather than counting calories (or screen time) think about what you’ re eating."It's not Just about whether you consume any potential digital Junk foods, but also your relationship to technology and the role it plays in your family life, "says Brewer.For young children, the most important thing is whether parents and kids are playing, watching or browsing together.A study of 20,000 parents published late last year by the Oxford Internet Institute and Cardiff University determined that there was no correlation between limiting device use and children's well-being. The study's lead author Dr. Andrew Pryzbylski said: "Our findings suggest the broader family context, how parents set rules about digital screen time, and if they are actively engaged in exploring the digital world together, are more importantthan the raw screen time.”“The consensus is that screen t ime, in and of itself, is not harmful ---and reasonable restrictions vary greatly, depending on a child's behavior and personality. There is little point in worrying about how many minutes a day your kids are spending with screens, says Brewer. "Instead, parents should be doing what they can to ensure that what they are watching, playing and reading is high quality, age-appropriate and safe-----and joining in wherever possible.”SUMMARY:______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________7.模拟训练模拟题一Read carefully the following excerpt on Historical Debate on Animal Experimentation, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should1.summarize the main message of the excerpt, and thenment on whether we should use animals for experimentation purpose or notYou should support yourself with information from the excerpt。



• 主题句1:Generally speaking, several reasons can account for this phenomenon. (中性话题) • 主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/purposes responsible for ____, but the following may be the most critical.(中性话题) • 主题句3:Difficult/different as it is, it is evident that the causes of ____ are diverse.
• 二句1:(事实描述)An increasing number of individuals/people find it difficult/hard/troublesome to _______ and to ______. • 二句2:(举例描述1)A case in point of this is /A typical example of this is/This phenomenon can be best illustrated by the fact that . (举例描述2) 2 Turning a look around, we can find a great many/plenty of/a good deal of examples like this: 两个 例子. (举例描述3):Our daily life has been filled with a variety of examples:两个例子 • 二句3:(列举描述)Numerous examples can be listed to demonstrate/show/reveal/illustrate this modern-day scourge/problem/conundrum, but the following will suffice: _______.








作业范文解析Is Failure a Bad Thing Different people hold different attitudes toward failure. Someone regards failure as a heavy strike, afterwhich he or she may lose heart and give up all efforts. Others could never take failure seriously. They just ignore it as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, both attitudes are wrong. First of all, people who regard failure as a heavy blow can hardly become successful.Those people are more likely to give up all efforts once encountering difficulties. In other words, they will give up all hopes and endeavors to pursue success and will in turn be abandoned by it. Success means a continuous effort and a growing confidence in one’s belief. Just as the old saying goes, “God will help those who help themselves”. So if a person treats failure in a positive attitude, he will conquer these difficulties. Secondly, those who are light-hearted with failure can hardly become successful either, because they don’t know how to accumulate experiences from their failure. If theychoose to ignore a failure instead of thinking about it carefully, they would not be able to find out what is really wrong. Under such circumstances, failure will ultimately result in another failure. A right attitude to failure is to face it positively, draw a lesson from it and then find out reasonable solutions to solve the problem in order to avoid the same mistake again. In this way, one could always be energetic and be nearer to success. From the above analysis, we can conclude that failure is a test to human. It’s a stumbling block for the timid, but a steppingstone for the brave. We should, therefore, take a right attitude towards failure.第二章问题解决型作文专项训练第一节写作要领问题解决型要求考生就某种社会现象或某种问题提出自己的解决方案,立意在“方法” 、“途径” 、“怎么办”等,主要遵循提出问题分析原因提出解决办法的模式这类的作文用于专四考题中,往往以How to?的形式出现,或者One Way to?或者The Best Way to?的形式出现。



2024英语专业四级作文模拟题及答案2024 English Majors CET-4 Writing Mock Question and AnswerQuestion:Some people believe that students should focus on studying subjects that will lead to a successful career, such as business or engineering. On the other hand, others argue that students should pursue their passions and study subjects that they are truly interested in. What is your opinion on this issue? Please support your views with examples and reasons.Answer:In my opinion, students should pursue their passions and study subjects that they are truly interested in, rather than focusing solely on subjects that will lead to a successful career. While it is important to consider practicality and job prospects, I believe that true success and fulfillment come from pursuing what one loves and is passionate about.First and foremost, studying subjects that one is interested in can lead to a more rewarding and fulfilling educational experience. When a student is genuinely passionate about a subject, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged intheir studies. This enthusiasm can lead to deeper learning and a better understanding of the topic, ultimately leading to a more successful academic experience.Additionally, pursuing one's passions can lead to greater long-term success and happiness. While studying a subject with good job prospects may lead to a lucrative career, it does not guarantee personal fulfillment. On the other hand, pursuing a passion can lead to a career that is not only financially rewarding but also personally fulfilling. For example, someone who loves art may not have as many job opportunities as someone in a more traditionally "successful" field like business, but they may find more fulfillment and happiness in their work.Furthermore, studying subjects that one is passionate about can lead to unique and innovative contributions to society. When individuals are encouraged to follow their interests and pursue their passions, they are more likely to think creatively and come up with new ideas and solutions. This can lead to advancements in various fields and benefit society as a whole.In conclusion, while it is important to consider practicality and job prospects when choosing a field of study, I believe that students should prioritize their passions and interests. Pursuing what one loves can lead to a more fulfilling educationalexperience, greater long-term success and happiness, and innovative contributions to society.This is my opinion on the issue, and I believe that each individual should have the freedom to choose a field of study that aligns with their passions and interests. By following one's passions, students can lead a more rewarding and successful educational experience, and ultimately, a more fulfilling life.。



一、问题解决型曾经考过的真题:考试时间题目简述所属类型1997年6月Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus.1、大学生了解社会的必要性。


(我的打算)问题解决型2000年1月How I Finance My College Education.1. 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决(解决某一问题的途径)2. 哪种途径适合于我(说明理由)(我的打算,解释原因)问题解决型2001年1月How to Succeed in a Job Interview?1. 面试在求职过程中的作用(解释某一问题的重要性)2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是......(解决方法)问题解决型2008年12月Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags 1.一次性塑料袋曾广为使用(提出一个现象)2.由此带来的问题(这一现象的危害性)3. 限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义(总结)问题解决型的基本格式:入题提出问题:某一问题的必要性或者重要性(97.6&01.1);或者描述某一现象(00.1)展开解决问题:解决某一问题的途径(97.6 & 00.1 & 01.1)归纳我的观点:为什么要通过该途径解决(97.6 & 00.1)。

Do-it-together:Getting to Know the World outside the CampusOutline:1、大学生了解社会的必要性。

(解释某一问题的重要性)2、了解社会的途径(大众媒介mass media、社会服务social work等) (解决某一问题的途径)3、我打算怎么做。

(我的打算)Paragraph 1: 大学生了解社会的必要性。



四级作文真题:就问题解决展开讨论,考查解决问题的能力英文回答:Title: Problem-Solving in College EducationIntroduction:In today's society, college education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and preparing them for future careers. However, it is not uncommon for students to encounter various challenges during their college years. This essay aims to discuss some common problems faced by college students and propose effective solutions.Body:One common problem faced by college students is academic stress. The pressure to excel in exams and assignments can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety and burnout. To address this issue, colleges should provide comprehensive support systems, such as counseling services and time management workshops. Additionally, teachers can adopt a more flexible approach to assessments, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding through alternative means.Another problem is financial hardship. Many students struggle to afford tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses. To alleviate this burden, colleges should offer more scholarships and grants to deserving students. Moreover, they can collaborate with local businesses to provide part-time job opportunities on campus, allowing students to earn money while studying.Furthermore, mental health issues have become prevalent among college students. The transition to college life, away from family and friends, can be emotionally challenging. To address this, colleges should establish mental health centers with professional counselors. They should also promote awareness campaigns to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage students to seek support when needed.Conclusion:In conclusion, college students face various problems that can hinder their academic and personal growth. However, by implementing effective solutions such as providing academic support, addressing financial hardships, and prioritizing mental health, colleges can create a conducive environment for students to thrive. It is crucial for colleges to recognize and address these issues to ensure theoverall well-being and success of their students.中文回答:题目:大学教育中的问题解决引言:在当今社会,大学教育在塑造个人和为未来职业做准备方面起着至关重要的作用。





英语四级考试作文题分析及解题技巧 1来看一下这一年的Writing,是给出提纲让你来写作文这样的一个形式。




Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write ashort essay entitled Creating aGreen Campus.You should write at least one hundred and twenty words following the outline given below.有同学说,哎呀这个题目其实我不怎么看得懂,但是我也知道这个作文题是Creating aGreen Campus。

因为大家都知道,那个部分是黑体着重标出的:Creating aGreen Campus。







有同学说,老师,你给我讲的是2009年12月份的试题,这个对于我今年的作文考试会有什么样的启示呢?确实,可能不太会考你Creating aGreen Campus这个话题了。




一般在首段现象描述,之后进行问题分析(原因或危害),最后提出建议措施, 例如:2010年6月Topic :Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling .1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写2. 出现这种情况的原因出现这种情况的原因3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为…按照功能段落的概念对作文进行备考,该类作文需要背诵四种功能段落:现象描述、问题(危害)分析、原因分析、建议措施。











1)引出现象:)引出现象:* ☆首句1. Nobody/ No one could have failed to notice the fact thatkids’ lack of independence has become a grave problem in many families.* 负面:a grave problem* à 正面:a common/popular phenomenon/practice§首句2. In the contemporary society, there is no denying the fact that +客观事实(提纲1).首句 3. On many campuses/ In the contemporary society/ In thepresent-day society/ In recent decades, the shortage of housing is one ofthe most serious problems with which people are confronted.* ☆首句4(正反均可): Nowadays/In the present-day society/In recentdecades, it can be noticed that children depend more on their parents thanever before. (比较级引出问题)§首句5(正反均可): In the present-day society/ In recent years, it hasbecome a prevalent/ popular tendency/ trend/ practice for ___ to ___.§首句6: (正面)In recent decades, ____ has/have gained greatpopularity among _____.§popularity à public attention (负面)§首句7:The past years /decades have seen /witnessed the huge/speedyadvancement/ development of _____.推荐背诵:4、5、6句。



英语四级问题解决作文How to Solve Problems in English CET-4 Writing。

In today's society, problem-solving ability is an essential skill that everyone should possess. As a college student, we are often faced with various problems, and itis important for us to learn how to effectively solve them. In this essay, I will discuss the ways to solve problems in English CET-4 writing.First and foremost, it is crucial to identify the problem accurately. When encountering a problem in English CET-4 writing, we should carefully analyze the question and understand what is being asked. It is important to pay attention to the key points and requirements of the question, and make sure we fully understand the topic before we start writing.Secondly, it is essential to brainstorm for ideas.After understanding the question, we should brainstorm forrelevant ideas and information that can be used to support our argument. We can make use of mind maps, outlines, orlists to organize our thoughts and come up with a clear and logical structure for our writing.Moreover, it is important to do thorough research. In order to write a high-quality English CET-4 essay, we needto gather relevant information and evidence to support our arguments. We can make use of various sources such as books, journals, and the internet to find reliable and credible information that can be used to strengthen our writing.Furthermore, it is crucial to plan our writing carefully. Before we start writing, it is important to plan our essay carefully by organizing our ideas and creating a clear and logical structure. We should also pay attentionto the introduction, body, and conclusion of our essay, and make sure that they are well-organized and coherent.In addition, it is important to seek feedback from others. After writing the first draft of our essay, it is important to seek feedback from others such as ourclassmates, teachers, or friends. Their feedback can help us identify any weaknesses in our writing and make necessary improvements.Lastly, it is important to revise and edit our writing. After receiving feedback, we should revise and edit our essay accordingly. We should pay attention to the clarity, coherence, and correctness of our writing, and make sure that it is well-structured and free of grammatical and spelling errors.In conclusion, problem-solving in English CET-4 writing requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective communication. By following the steps mentioned above, we can improve our problem-solving ability and become more proficient in English CET-4 writing.。



四级作文问题解决型真题题目英文回答:In recent years, the issue of pollution has become a major concern worldwide. It poses serious threats to our environment and human health. Therefore, it is crucial to find effective solutions to address this problem.Firstly, government regulations and policies play a vital role in solving pollution issues. Governments should enforce strict laws and regulations to control and reduce pollution. They should also provide incentives for industries to adopt cleaner technologies and practices. For example, imposing hefty fines on companies that violate environmental regulations can serve as a strong deterrent.Secondly, individuals can make a significant impact by adopting eco-friendly habits in their daily lives. This includes reducing energy consumption, recycling waste, and using public transportation instead of private cars. Bymaking small changes, such as using energy-efficient appliances and switching to renewable energy sources, individuals can contribute to reducing pollution.Furthermore, technological advancements can also contribute to solving pollution problems. Scientists and engineers should focus on developing innovative solutions to reduce pollution, such as improved waste management systems and cleaner energy sources. For instance, investing in research and development of electric vehicles and renewable energy technologies can significantly reduce air pollution.In addition, international cooperation is essential in addressing pollution issues. Countries should work together to share knowledge, resources, and best practices. They should collaborate on research and development to find sustainable solutions that can be implemented globally. By working together, we can achieve greater success in combating pollution.中文回答:近年来,污染问题已经成为全球关注的重要问题。



(use figures or examples to illustrate the urgency)
Parag II:solution 1: :
when asked about/when it comes to … Many/a vast majority of/a sizable percentage of/a portion of people believe that/respond with/answer that…
In conclusion, we human beings are highly adaptable and creative, and since we are able to harness such resources as oil and metals, why can’t we make full use of solar energy and exploit other unknown energy resources?
Writing structure: 解决问题型议论文 作文结构模板
-----论题中提出某一问题,下面介绍不同人有不同观点, 论题中提出某一问题,下面介绍不同人有不同观点, 论题中提出某一问题 并最后点明我赞成的观点
Opening: : Parag I: General talk of the topic
As far as I am concerned, in the long run we must develop new sources of energy instead of merely conserving the known, limited supplies. As far as I know, abundant certain natural resources cannot reproduce themselves and are bound to be used up ultimately.



专四作文问题解决型The Best Way to Stay HealthyIt is true that nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. However, different people have different ways to keep healthy. For example, some exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet. I think the best way to stay healthy is the combination of proper physical exercise and a balanced diet. The reasons can be listed as follows.For one thing, physical exerc ise not only builds a person’s body, but also helps to reduce his or her unnecessary fat. Indeed, this is very important since the redundancy of fat has been medically proved to be a cause of various diseases, some of which are even fatal. For another, a balanced diet can provide a person with the right kind and amount of nutrition required for the operation of our organs. As we know, a multitude of elements are effective in keeping our body running properly and a deficiency in any of them will result in some unpredictable diseases, but a balanced diet may prevent this from happening.It goes without saying that the best way to keep fit is taking proper physical exercise plus living on a balanced diet. In a word, both physical exercise and proper diet are essential to health.模板观点提出:It is true that普遍的观点、现象。

新整理英语专业四级写作讲解 (共5讲)第二讲 问题解决型作文专项训练

新整理英语专业四级写作讲解 (共5讲)第二讲 问题解决型作文专项训练

英语专业四级写作讲解 (共5讲)第二讲问题解决型作文专项训练英语专业四级写作讲解 (共5讲)第二讲问题解决型作文专项训练.txt时尚,就是让年薪八千的人看上去像年薪十万。



本文由shadoeone regards failure as a heavy strike, after ay lose heart and give up all efforts. Others could never take failure seriously. They just ignore it as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, both attitudes are e successful.(提出第一分论点,指出那些视失败为大敌的人很难成功)Those people are more likely to give up all efforts once encountering difficulties. In other eans a continuous effort and a groselves”. So if a person treats failure in a positive attitude, he e successful either, because they don’t knoulate experiences from their failure. (提出第二分论点,指出那些忽视失败的人也很难成功,因为他们不懂得从失败中吸取经验教训)If they choose to ignore a failure instead of thinking about it carefully, they stances, failure ately result in anotherfailure. A right attitude to failure is to face it positively, dra it and then find out reasonable solutions to solve the problem in order to avoid the same mistake again. (提出第三分论点,指出对待失败的正确态度是积极面对失败,并从中吸取教训,以避免重蹈覆辙) In this the above analysis, an. It’s a stumbling block for the timid, but a steppingstone for the brave. 这类命题的统一提纲模式是:第一段:引言。




下面cnfla小编为您收集整理了英语四级问题解决型的`写作模板,希望对您有帮助! 问题解决型模板一:①During recent years, the topic of_______(事实/现象)has aroused public attention and become more and more popular. Undoubtedly, _______ (总述该现象的重要性).First, _______(作用一). Second, _______(作用二).②However, it should be mentioned that_______ (分析问题的意义). Therefore, it is of great significance for us to _______ (采取措施解决问题).③In the first place, _______(解决方法一). Furthermore, _______(解决方法二). Only in this way_______ (解决问题).问题解决型模板二:①There has been a discussion recently about_______(现象/问题). It is obvious that_______ (原因一). Additionally/Besides, _______(原因二). Therefore, it is high time that_______ (解决问题).②First of all, _______(解决方法一). Secondly,_______ (解决方法二). Finally,_______ (解决方法三).③Personally,_______(个人观点). For one thing, _______(原因一). For another,_______ (原因二). All in all, _______(总结全文).问题解决型模板三:①As is well known, _______(提出问题). It is obvious that _______(导致这一问题的原因之一). Additionally, _______(导致这一问题的原因之二). So how to _______(解决问题)is worth paying attention to.②First of all, _______(解决方法一). In addition,_______(解决方法二). What's more,_______ (解决方法三).③In fact, ways to _______(解决问题)are countless. It is necessary that_______(采取措施解决问题).。





State the problem clearly.Briefly summarize the causes and effects of the problem.Thesis statement: Clearly outline the solution to the problem.Body Paragraph 1。

Describe the first aspect of the solution in detail.Provide specific examples and evidence to support yourargument.Explain how this aspect will contribute to solving the problem.Body Paragraph 2。

Describe the second aspect of the solution in detail.Provide specific examples and evidence to support your argument.Explain how this aspect will contribute to solving the problem.Body Paragraph 3 (Optional)。

Describe any additional aspects of the solution as necessary.Provide specific examples and evidence to support your argument.Explain how this aspect will contribute to solving the problem.Conclusion。



• Internet is a Better Way to Get Information(1) • (2) • (3) • (4) • .
• (1)It is said that the 21st century is “the century of information”. (2)And the ways for people to get information are varied. (3)Among the numerous sources, the Internet and printed books are two main kinds. (4)However, with the technological development, Internet has become obviously superior to printed books
• 句(3)可作如下的改写和扩写 • a. Making friends online is a controversial issue. • b. As to such a new thing," how many p3)在表明观点时可有多种方法: • a. In my opinion, … is a wise choice. • b. As far as I am concerned, it has more benefits negative effects) than negative effects benefits).
• Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? • (1)A recent survey shows that more than 85% of the college students choose telephone rather than letter to communicate with their relatives or friends. (2)They think that telephone is more convenient than letter in information conveyance. (3)Some people even think that telephone will kill letter writing. (4)But I hold that letter writing cannot be replaced by telephone for the following reasons.



专四作文及讲解模板英文回答:1. What are the challenges facing the development of China's higher education?China's higher education system has made great stridesin recent decades, but it also faces a number of challenges. These challenges include:Increasing demand for higher education. The number of students seeking higher education in China has increased dramatically in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue. This has put a strain on the country's higher education system, which is already struggling to meet the needs of its current students.Rising costs of higher education. The cost of higher education in China has also been rising in recent years, making it increasingly difficult for students from low-income families to afford a college education.Lack of qualified faculty. China's higher education system is also facing a shortage of qualified faculty. This is due in part to the fact that many of the country's best and brightest students are leaving China to study and work abroad.Limited access to research funding. China's higher education system also has limited access to research funding. This makes it difficult for universities to conduct the research that is necessary to drive innovation and economic growth.2. What are the opportunities for China's higher education?Despite the challenges it faces, China's higher education system also has a number of opportunities for growth. These opportunities include:Growing demand for higher education. The increasingdemand for higher education in China represents a significant opportunity for the country's universities. By expanding their capacity and improving the quality of their programs, universities can meet the needs of a growing number of students and contribute to the country's economic development.Government support for higher education. The Chinese government has made a commitment to supporting higher education. This support includes increased funding for universities, as well as policies that encourage students to pursue higher education.Strong ties to industry. China's universities have strong ties to industry, which provides them with access to resources and expertise. This collaboration can help universities to develop programs that are relevant to the needs of the workplace and to prepare students for successful careers.Internationalization of higher education. China's higher education system is becoming increasinglyinternationalized. This trend is providing Chinese students with the opportunity to study and work abroad, and it is also helping to attract foreign students to China.中文回答:1. 中国高等教育发展面临哪些挑战?中国高等教育近年来取得了长足发展,但同时也面临着诸多挑战。














时间要求:30分钟1)审题(3分钟):2)写作(25分钟):3)检查(2分钟):语法(时态、冠词、主谓一致)、拼写、标点字数要求:120-150词具体要求:1)语言第一位:表达通顺、无重大语言错误(1)基础一般:简单原则、安全第一(2)基础较好:句子结构词多变2)结构第二位:(1)逻辑性:A. 并列:and/or/butB. 因果:because/in that, since/as, forC. 转折:but/however(2)关联词:3)内容第三位:II.四级作文常见命题类型1、书信式:注意格式2、命题式(提纲式):给出2-3个汉语(或英语)提示作为写作框架要根据文章标题和提示句展开思路,然后紧紧围绕所确定的中心思想将其扩展,即把标题和提纲联系起来思考,确定文章的中心思想;构思文章的层次结构,并依次写出各段的主题句,缀段成章,完成作文。





1. 背景介绍(Background information)。

2. 问题引入(Problem introduction)。

3. 本文结构概述(Outline of the essay)。

二、问题分析(Problem analysis)。

1. 问题的复杂性(Complexity of the problem)。

2. 问题的影响(Impact of the problem)。

3. 问题的原因(Causes of the problem)。


1. 方案一介绍(Introduction of solution 1)。

2. 方案一优点(Advantages of solution 1)。

3. 方案一缺点(Disadvantages of solution 1)。

4. 方案二介绍(Introduction of solution 2)。

5. 方案二优点(Advantages of solution 2)。

6. 方案二缺点(Disadvantages of solution 2)。

7. 方案三介绍(Introduction of solution 3)。

8. 方案三优点(Advantages of solution 3)。

9. 方案三缺点(Disadvantages of solution 3)。

四、解决方案比较(Comparison of solutions)。

1. 各方案优劣比较(Comparison of the pros and cons of each solution)。

2. 最佳方案选择(Selection of the best solution)。


1. 总结全文观点(Summary of the essay)。

2. 再次强调解决问题的重要性(Reiteration of the importance of solving the problem)。

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英语专业四级写作讲解 (共5讲)第二讲问题解决型作文专项训练英语专业四级写作讲解第二讲问题解决型作文专项训练.txt时尚,就是让年薪八千的人看上去像年薪十万。





作业范文解析 Is Failure a Bad Thing Different people hold different attitudes toward failure. Someone regards failure as a heavy strike, after which he or she may lose heart and give up all efforts. Others could never take failure seriously. They just ignore it as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, both attitudes are wrong. First of all, people who regard failure as a heavy blow can hardly bee successful.Those people are more likely to give up all efforts once encountering difficulties. In other words, they will give up all hopes and endeavors to pursue success and will in turn be abandoned by it. Success means a continuous effort and a growing confidence in one’s belief. Just as the old saying goes, “God will hel p those who help themselves”. So if a person treats failure in a positive attitude, he will conquer these difficulties. Secondly, those who are light-hearted with failure can hardly bee successful either, because they don’t know how to accumulate experiences from their failure. (提出第二分论点,指出那些忽视失败的人也很难成功,因为他们不懂得从失败中吸取经验教训)If they choose to ignore a failure instead of thinking about it carefully, they would not be able to find out what is really wrong. Under such circumstances, failure will ultimately result in another failure. A right attitude to failure is to face it positively, draw a lesson from it and then find out reasonable solutions to solve the problem in order to avoid the same mistake again. In this way, one could always be energetic and be nearer to success. From the above analysis, we can conclude that failure is a test to human. It’s a stumbling block for the timid, but a steppingstone for the brave. We should, therefore, take a right attitude towards failure.第二章问题解决型作文专项训练第一节写作要领问题解决型要求考生就某种社会现象或某种问题提出自己的解决方案,立意在“方法” 、“途径” 、“怎么办”等,主要遵循提出问题分析原因提出解决办法的模式这类的作文用于专四考题中,往往以 How to?的形式出现,或者 One Way to?或者 The Best Way to?的形式出现。

有些却隐含在标题中,如 My Idea of a Successful Interview 隐含“怎样使面试获得成功”这一命题,2005 年的真题 My Idea of a University Arts Festival 实际上可理解为 How to Organize a University Arts Festival If I’m in Charge. 历年真题有 2005My Idea of a University Arts Festival 2002The Best Way to Stay Healthy 1998One Way to Solve the Problem 这类命题的统一提纲模式是:第一段:引言。






模版分析范文一Directions: Beijing has enacted a new citywide public smoking ban since May 1,2008. The new regulation extends the smoking ban to more public venues and indoor areas in medical facilities, elementary, secondary and primary schools, museums, business halls, publictransportation, cultural heritage sites, and sports venues andfitness centers. What do you think is the best way to fight with smoking? Nowadays, public smoking has bee a matter of concern. Many passersby are reluctant to inhale the smoke from the smokers around them. The governments have tried many ways to ban smoking in public, but theresult is not satisfying. A new citywide smoking ban has been released recently in Beijing. It is said that people could not smoke at public places like sports venues,medical facilities, schools, cultural heritages sites and etc. Ifully agree with this regulation because I think it is the mosteffective way to fight against smoking now in China. The benefits for my idea can be generalized to two major ones. First of all, banning smoking in public protects the health of nonsmokers. As everyone knows, smokingis harmful to one’s health. It causes many diseases such as lu ng cancer. Smokers, of course, should take the full responsibility for their voluntary choice. However, it is not fair for nonsmokers when they have to bear the smell of smoke and later the diseases caused by others’ smoking. Another benefit is that it deters kids from being smokers. These regulations are basically sending a message that smoking in public places is no longer socially acceptable, and it decreases the appeal ofsmoking to adolescents. Kids’ perceptions of how many people are smoking are a maj or factor for them to decide whether they’ll smoke. In my view, the smoking ban will be the best method to reduce smoking.常用句式一、列出现象句型 1. Recently the problem of? has been concerned by plenty of people./ Nowadays, people are beginning torealize that?/ When asked about?, most people would?/ According to a recent survey?/Many experts point out that?/ An investigation shows that?2. There is no denying the fact that?/ With the rapid developmentof?more and more people?/One of the burning problems confronting our society today is?/ ? is one of the most important issue in the world at present./ If we are blind to the problem? 3. It is true that?/ People think of ?. as?/ It is horrifying to think?/ It is quite safe to say?/ Much is said about?/It seems quite likely.. 二、概述方法句型 1. Thebest way to ? is?/ One of the most effective way to solve this problem is?/ In order to solve this problem, we should?/ The phenomenon has aroused public attention to?/ ? effective measures should betaken? 2. Several factors affect heavily?/ The task demands immediate attention?/But the cause for the problem go far deeper./ There is no easy method to the problem./ Proper measures must be taken?. 三、详细策略句型 1. First of all, we should?. Secondly?.Last but notleast?/In the first place?.Secondly?. 2. Most importantly, we should?./ According to?.we should?./ General attitude toward?is that?/ The issue should be approached in a new way?/ As is evidenced?/ Moreover, if ?/ Another method is?/ Furthermore? 四、总结概括句型 1. In sum, in orderto solve the problem, we should?/ From what has been discussed above, we may e to the conclusion that?/ Taking into account all these factors, we may draw the conclusion that../ We may have a long way to go before?.便条写作写作要领便条是一种简便的非正式的信函,主要作用是传递消息、发布通知、提出邀请、表达感谢、征询意见等。
