英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 8




职场实用英语交际中级unit8(原创实用版)目录1.职场英语交际的重要性2.中级 Unit8 的内容概述3.Unit8 的主要话题和实用句型4.如何有效学习和应用 Unit8 的内容正文在职场中,英语交际能力显得越来越重要,无论在国内还是国际环境中,都需要用到英语进行沟通。


本篇文章将介绍职场实用英语交际中级Unit8 的内容。

Unit8 是职场实用英语交际中级课程中的一个单元,主要涉及在职场中与人沟通的实用技巧。




例如,介绍自己和他人时可以使用以下句型:- I"m John Smith, the manager of the marketing department.- This is Mary, our new sales assistant.在询问和提供工作信息时,可以使用以下句型:- What do you do in the company?- I"m responsible for the company"s financial reports.在安排会议和商务活动时,可以使用以下句型:- Can we schedule a meeting next week?- We are planning a business trip to New York next month.在处理工作问题时,可以使用以下句型:- I"m having trouble with the new software.- Do you have any suggestions for solving this problem?如何有效学习和应用 Unit8 的内容呢?首先,学习者需要认真阅读课文,理解每个话题的含义和相关句型。



Summary: Nick and Vanessa talk about the history of skateboarding. In this radio broadcast, Vanessa and Nick are in the middle of a live show in a radio studio.Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Dialogue:Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new sport, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa: Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa: Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick: Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Vanessa: Right, it became something of a craze. In fact it was so popular that manufacturers started building skateboards and they even put together teams to promote their early skateboards.Nick: Wow! Sounds like skateboarding was becoming a big thing!Vanessa: Actually it became so big that in 1965 the international championships were broadcast on national TV.Nick: Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s, when commercial skateboards hit the market?Vanessa: Probably because its popularity dropped in 1966 and remained low until the early 70’s?Nick: You might be right!Vanessa: Or you might have probably associated its popularity with the development of equipment specially designed for skateboarding.Nick: Technological advances did their trick too!Vanessa: They certainly did! Otherwise skateboarding would just be history.Now answer the following question…What are Vanessa and Nick talking about? They’re talking about the history of skateboarding.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new sport, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa: Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa: Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick: Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Now answer some questions…1. What does Nick mean when he says: “That long?” “That long” shows our surprise at how long something has been going on.2. What does Nick mean when he says: “where there’s a will there’s a way!”? We use ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way”when we want to say that when we really want to accomplish something, we’ll find a way to do it. 3. Nick says: “But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…”. What does take off mean? Take off means to become popular and successful. Now listen to the second part of the dialogue.Part 2Vanessa: Right, it became something of a craze. In fact it was so popular that manufacturers started building skateboards and they even put together teams to promote their early skateboards.Nick: Wow! Sounds like skateboarding was becoming a big thing!Vanessa: Actually it became so big that in 1965 the international championships were broadcast on national TV.Nick: Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s, when commercial skateboards hit the market?Vanessa: Probably because its popularity dropped in 1966 and remained low until the early 70’s?Nick: You might be right!Vanessa: Or you might have probably associated its popularity with the development of equipment specially designed for skateboarding.Nick: Technological advances did their trick too!Vanessa: They certainly did! Otherwise skateboarding would just be history.Now answer some questions…1. Vanessa says: “it became something of a craze.” What does “craze” mean? “Craze” is an activity that is unusually popular for a short time only.2. Nick says: “Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s?”. What does “under the impression” mean? When someone is under the impression it means that he’s wrong to believe something.3. Nick says: “Technological advances did their trick too!” What does “did the trick” mean? When something does the trick, it helps you accomplish what you want or need.GLOSSARY1. Associate (verb): to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else e.g. Most people associate this brand with good quality.2. Craze (noun): usually singular an activity, object or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time e.g. Cycling shorts were the latest craze/(all) the craze that year.3. Imitate (verb): to behave in a similar way to someone or something else, or to copy the speech or behavior, etc. of someone or something e.g. Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.4. Inventive (adjective): able to think of new and interesting ideas e.g. He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.5. Originate (verb): come from a particular place, time, situation, etc e.g. Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US.6.Plank (noun): a long narrow flat piece of wood or similar material, of the type used for making floors e.g. oak/concrete planks7. Promote (verb): to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of something e.g. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.8. Relatively (adverb): in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect e.g. He's a relatively good squash player.9. Sidewalk (noun): a path with a hard surface beside one or both sides of a road, that people walk on. e.g. Cars parked on the sidewalk will e removed by the police. 10. Take off (phrasal verb): to suddenly start to be successful or popular e.g. Her singing career has just begun to take off.Practice using the words in the glossary. Choose the most appropriate word from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. Children should be taught to wait on the before crossing the __road.2. Greenpeace works to__ awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.3. There was__ little protest after the referees unfair decision.4. I always __the smell of baking with my childhood5. It didn’t take long for the iPod to __.6. The __for health foods has become big business.7. The game of Lacrosse is thought to have__ among the native peoples of Alaska.8. She has a highly __mind.9. They produce artificial chemicals which exactly__ natural ones.10. We used a to cross the ditch.1. sidewalk2. promote3. relatively4. associate5. take off6. craze7. originated8. inventive9. imitate 10. plank。

英语口语对话(中低级)Lesson 8 Soul Mates

英语口语对话(中低级)Lesson 8 Soul Mates

英语口语对话(中低级)Lesson 8: Soul MatesSummary: Vanessa and Denise talk about people’s need to socialize.Vanessa: Hello to all our listeners. Denise is here with us today to tell us about how people are becoming more socially isolated. Welcome Denise. Are people today more socially isolated than they were in the past?Denise: Hello everyone, yes, statistics show that Americans today find it more difficult to find a true soul mate.Vanessa: Yes, but why’s that?Denise: Our listeners need to understand that this is an ongoing study; the results so far have showed that the vast majority hold more than one job to make ends meet.Vanessa: And they just can’t be bothered going out or giving dinner partiesDenise: Exactly, this leaves them with little free time to social ize…Vanessa: Has this study revealed anything else worthwhile mentioning?Denise: Well, yes, something rather unexpected has come up. It seems that people are likely to be more social when living in greener areas.Vanessa: Hmm, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel!Denise: Yeah, things might be not as gloomy as we think they are…but I would like to remind our listeners that this is an on going study so…Vanessa: Yes, of course the final results might be totally different! Thank you for being here today. Denise: Thank you for inviting me.。



LESSON 01: Bob’s day at workBob works as a manager in a furniture store. Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob's new advertising campaign(广告活动)hasn't helped. Peter decides to fire him.Peter: Bob, I hate to break the news(宣布消息), but our sales were down again last month.Bob: Down again, Peter?Peter: Yeah. Thesedays,everybody's shopping at our competition(每个人都在我们竞争对手那购物), Honest Abe's Furniture Store. Bob: But everything in there costs an arm and a leg(非常昂贵)! Peter: That's true. They do charge(费用收费充电)top dollar(高价格).Bob: And their salespeople(推销员)are very strange. They really give me the creeps(毛骨悚然的感觉)!Peter: Well, they must be doing something right over there. (好啦,他们应该做对了什么啦。

)Meanwhile, we're about to go belly-up(破产的).Bob: I'm sorry to hear that. I thought my new advertising campaign would save the day(反败为胜).Peter: Let's face it: your advertising campaign was a real flop(真正的失败).Bob: Well then I'll go back to the drawing board(重新开始重来一次).Peter: It's too late for that. You're fired!Bob: What? You're giving me the ax(解雇削减用斧调整)? Peter: Yes. I've already found a new manager. She's as sharp as a tack(聪明的漂亮的时髦的).Bob: Can't we even talk this over(我们甚至不能谈一下吗)? After all, I've been working here for 10 years!Peter: There's no point in arguing(争论是没有意义的), Bob. I've already made up my mind.Bob: Oh well, at least I won't have to put up with(容忍)your nonsense(胡说废话)anymore! Good-bye to you and good-bye to this dead-end job(无前途的工作).Peter: Please leave before I lose my temper!Lesson 02: Bob returns home with bad newsBob tells his wife Susan that he lost his job. Susan suggests that he start his own business.Susan: What's the matter, dear?Bob: Susan, I got canned(被解雇)today at work.Susan: But Bob, you were Peter's right-hand man(得力助手)! Bob: Yes, and he stabbed me in the back(他在我背后放我暗箭). Susan: Keep your chin up(不要气馁). Maybe he'll change his mind and take you back.Bob: When pigs fly(绝不可能)! Once he makes up his mind, he never changes it. Besides, I told him off(告诉教训数落). Susan: Look on the bright side: you won't have to set eyes on (看到望见)Peter ever again.Bob: Thank goodness for that!Susan: Hang in there(坚持下去). I'm sure you won't be out of (没有离开不再处于)work for longBob: In the meantime, we'll have to live from hand to mouth(勉强糊口).Susan: Don't get too stressed out(紧张的有压力的), Bob. We'll make ends meet(收支相抵量入为出).Bob: I can always get a job at McDonald's as a last resort(万不得已作为最后手段).Susan: I don't think they're hiring right now.Bob: If worse comes to worst, we can sell our home and move into a tent.Susan: Let's think big(野心勃勃好高骛远大胆想)! Maybe you can start your own business.Bob: Easier said than done(说起来容易做起来难)!Lesson 03: Ted's day at schoolTed tells his parents he did poorly on his chemistry test. They tell him he needs to get serious and study more.Susan: How was your day at school today, Ted?Ted: Bad. I had a chemistry test, and I blew it(搞砸了)! Susan: Maybe if you didn't cut class(逃课旷课)so often, you'd do better.Bob: That's right, son. Stop slacking off(放松释放)and start hitting the books(用功学习)!Ted: But I can't stand chemistry class. Besides, it's a lost cause(注定要失败的努力). That class is way over my head(无法承担不懂). Susan: You need to buckle down(倾全力开始认真从事). Ted: When I'm a famous musician, people won't give a hoot(计较)about my knowledge of atoms and molecules.Bob: That's beside the point(离题无关紧要).Susan: We know you have your heart set on(唆使开始攻击)going to New York University.Bob: And you don't stand a chance of(很有可能)getting in (进入)there with such poor grades(低分)!Lesson 04: Nicole's day at schoolNicole tells her mother Susan about her successful presentation(表现描述介绍赠送)at school. Her brother Ted overhears(无意中听见)and interrupts the conversation.Susan: How was your day at school today, Nicole?Nicole: It was great, Mom. I gave a presentation on Hillary Clinton(希拉里克林顿)in government class. Afterwards(后来), my teacher paid me a compliment.Susan: What did she say?Nicole: She said my presentation was head and shoulders above(远远超出)the others.Susan: Way to go(就这么多冤家路窄)!Nicole: She also said I should go into politics(加入政界), just like Hillary.Ted: You're so gung ho(合作同心协力)about school. It drives me crazy.Nicole: Ted, don't butt in(插嘴)! You're just jealous.Ted: Right. You hit the nail on the head(说的中肯一针见血). I'm green with envy(非常嫉妒的).Nicole: Would you just shut up? You're on thin ice(如履薄冰处于危险状态)with me right now.Ted: Oh no! Look at me. I'm shaking in my shoes(吓死我了)!Lesson 05: Ted goes out for the eveningTed leaves to go visit his girlfriend Amber. Ted's mother Susan says she doesn't really like Amber She wishes him a good time(一段好时光)anyway.Ted: See you later, Mom!Susan: Where are you going, Ted?Ted: I told Amber I'd drop by(顺便拜访).Susan: What are you two going to do?Ted: Maybe go to the movies or to a party. Our plans are still up in the air(悬而未决).Susan: Why don't you invite her over here(这里在这边)? Ted: I don't want to hang around(闲荡徘徊)here. Dad is really down in the dumps(垂头丧气的).Susan: Is Amber the girl with the nose ring and the purple(紫色)hair?Ted: Yeah. I'm crazy about her!Susan: Don't take this the wrong way, but she's not exactly my cup of tea(大概不是我喜欢的那种类型).Ted: Take it easy, Mom. We're not about to get married. We just enjoy hanging out together.Susan: I guess there's no accounting(没用没意义)for taste. Have a good time.Ted: Don't worry. We'll have a blast(玩得很开心)!Susan: (under her breath(在心里说)) That's what I'm afraid of!Lesson 06: Susan stays home and bakes cookies Susan decides to cheer up(使高兴)her husband. Bob loves her homemade(自制的国产的)cookies. Nicole suggests she start a cookie business.Susan: Bob, I baked cookies for you.Bob: That was so nice of you, dear. You've got a heart of gold!(道德高尚的人呢菩萨心肠)Susan: Go ahead and pig out(狼吞虎咽的大吃)!Bob: These are delicious!Susan: I thought they might cheer you up. You've been in a bad mood lately(最近近来不久前).Bob: I guess I have been a little on edge(紧张). But these cookies are just what the doctor ordered(正合我意)!Nicole: Do I smell cookies(我闻到饼干了)?Susan: Yes, Nicole. Help yourself.Nicole: Yum-yum(表达吃完美味后的感叹词).These are out of this world. You could go into business(从事商业经商)selling these! Bob: You could call them Susan's Scrumptious(美味的绝妙的)Cookies. You'd make a bundle(赚大钱大赚一笔).Susan: Good thinking(好主意)!Nicole: Don't forget to give me credit for the idea after you're rich and famous!Susan: You know I always give credit where credit is due!* Yum-yum: this is said when something is delicious. You can also say "mmm, mmm" or "mmm-mmm, good."Lesson 07: Susan hires Bob to run her businessSusan stays up(不睡觉熬夜)all night thinking about her cookie business. In the morning, she discusses it with Bob. Bob agrees to work for her.Bob: You're up bright and early(一大早)this morning, Susan. Susan: I didn't sleep a wink(睡一会打个盹). I was awake(醒着的)all night thinking about the new business.Bob: Running your own business is lots of work. Are you prepared to work like a dog(拼命工作)?Susan: No. But I am prepared to hire you to run the business. Bob: You want me to run a cookie business? Fat chance(希望渺茫)! Susan: Why not?Bob: I don't have a clue (一无所知)about making cookies. I don't even know how to turn the oven(烤炉烤箱)on!Susan: I'll give you a crash course(速成班短训班).Bob: Do I have to do the baking?Susan: No. You'll just manage the business side.Bob: Needless to say(不用说), I have mixed feelings (悲喜交集)about working for you.Susan: I'll be nice(友善待人). I promise you'll be a happy camper (快乐派).Bob: Okay. Let's give it a shot(试试), boss!Lesson 08: Ted forms a rock bandTed plans to become a successful musician. First, he needs Susan to loan him money for a new guitar Susan suggests that Ted bake cookies to earn the money.Susan: You're in good spirits (精神抖擞)today, Ted.Ted: I've got great news, Mom.Susan: What is it?Ted: Amber and I are going to start a rock band(摇滚乐团)! Susan: Good for you(对你有好处)!Ted: Mom, I'm not going to beat around the bush(绕圈子拐弯抹角). I need to borrow $1,000 for a new guitar.Susan: Ted, your father and I can't shell out(付款支付)that much. We aren't made of money.Ted: You're not? I thought you were millionaires, like Donald and Ivana Trump!*Susan: Ha ha. This is no time to be a wise guy(自作聪明的人)! Ted: I promise I'll pay you back.Susan: How?Ted: We're going to take the music world by storm and make lots of money.Susan: That sounds like a pipe dream(白日梦). Aren't high school rock bands a dime a dozen(不稀罕多得很)?Ted: Yeah, but we're different. With my guitar playing and Amber'sbeautiful voice, we're sure to make a splash(引起轰动)! Susan: Well, we're going through(熬过)hard times. You're going to have to work for that $1,000.Ted: How?Susan: You can bake cookies.Ted: I bet Mrs. Clapton never made Eric** bake cookies, but I guess those are the breaks(我想这不是最重要的).* Donald Trump is a famous American millionaire who made his money in real estate(房地产不动产). Ivana is his ex-wife.** Eric Clapton is a very popular guitarist.Lesson 09: Nicole For PresidentNicole and Ted discusses her plans to run for student body president(学生会主席). Nicole wants Ted to ask his friends to vote for her. Ted agrees, in exchange(作为。



Unit 8: Effective Communication in the Workplace1. Introduction1.1 The importance of effectivemunication in the workplace Effectivemunication is crucial in the workplace as it fosters a positive and productive work environment. It allows for clear and efficient transfer of information, helps in building strong relationships among colleagues, and contributes to the overall success of the organization.2. Techniques for Effective Communication2.1 Active ListeningActive listening is a keyponent of effectivemunication. It involves focusing on the speaker, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback to ensure that the message is understood accurately.2.2 Speaking Clearly and ConfidentlySpeaking clearly and confidently is essential for getting your message across. It helps to convey your thoughts and ideas effectively, and it alsomands attention from your audience.2.3 Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbalmunication, such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures, plays a significant role in conveying messages. Being aware of and using positive nonverbal cues can enhance the impact of yourmunication.2.4 EmpathyEmpathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is a vital skill in effectivemunication, as it allows you to connect with your colleagues on an emotional level and build trust and rapport.3. Oveing Communication Barriers3.1 Language BarriersLanguage barriers can hinder effectivemunication, especially in a diverse workplace. It is important to be sensitive to the language proficiency of others and to use simple and clear language whenmunicating with colleagues who are not fluent in the primary language of the organization.3.2 Cultural DifferencesCultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations inmunication. It is crucial to be aware of and respectful of cultural differences, and to adaptmunication stylesaccordingly.3.3 Emotional BarriersEmotions such as anger, frustration, or anxiety can impede effectivemunication. It is important to manage one's emotions and to address them before engaging inmunication to ensure a calm and rational interaction.4. Developing Effective Communication Skills4.1 Practice Active ListeningActive listening can be honed through practice. Engage in conversations with colleagues, practice paraphrasing and summarizing, and seek feedback to improve your listening skills.4.2 Seek FeedbackSeeking feedback from colleagues can provide valuable insights into yourmunication style and areas for improvement. Constructive criticism can help in refining yourmunication skills.4.3 Develop Emotional IntelligenceEmotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others. Developing emotional intelligence can enhance your ability tomunicate effectively andempathize with colleagues.5. ConclusionEffectivemunication is vital for success in the workplace. By employing active listening, clear and confident speaking, understanding nonverbal cues, and beingempathetic,munication barriers can be ovee, and strong working relationships can be built. Developing and honing effectivemunication skills is a continuous process that requires self-awareness and practice, but the benefits of improvedmunication are invaluable for both individuals and the organization as a whole.。


Lesson 8 - Choosing a time to meet.
Charles: Jennifer, would you like to have dinner with me? Jennifer: Yes. That would be nice. When do you want to go? 查理斯: 詹尼弗,你想和我共进晚餐吗? 詹尼弗: 好哇,不错。你想什么时候去呢?
Susan : A small glass, or a big one? David : Small please. 苏珊: 小杯还是大杯? 大卫: 请来一小杯。
Susan : Here you go. David : Thanks. Susan : You're welcome. 苏珊: 给你。 大卫: 谢谢。 苏珊: 不客气。
口语侠 APP | 找外教一对一学英语 | 公众号:口语侠
实用英语情景对话 100 篇
Lesson 1 - Where are you from?
James: Hello. Lisa: Hi. 詹姆士: 你好! 丽莎: 你好!
James: How are you? Lisa: I'm good. How are you? 詹姆士: 你好吗? 丽莎: 我很好,你呢?
Lesson 3 - What's your name?
John: Excuse me, what's your name? Jessica: My name is Jessica. What's yours? 约翰: 打扰啦,你叫什么名字? 杰西卡: 我叫杰西卡,你呢?
John: John. Jessica: You speak English very well. 约翰: 约翰。 杰西卡: 你的英语说得很好。

新概念英语第二册口语练习Lesson 8

新概念英语第二册口语练习Lesson 8

Lesson 8 The best and the worstAsk questions: Ask me if…Example: T: Ask me if Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in the town.S: Has Joe Sanders the most beautiful garden in the town?T: Who…?S: Who has the most beautiful garden in the town?1. There is a garden competition every year. (How often)(Where) (What kind)2. Joe wins every time. (Who)(How often)3. Bill Frith’s garden is larger than Joe’s. (Whose)(How big)4. He works harder than Joe. (How hard)5. Joe’s garden is more interesting.(Whose)6. He has made neat paths. (What)Tell the story1. Joe Sanders – most beautiful – town2. Nearly everyone – competition – each year – Joe – every time3. Bill Frith’s – larger – Joe’s4. Bill – harder – more – flowers – vegetables – Joe’s -- interesting5. neat paths – wooden bridge – pool6. I – gardens – but not – work7. Every year – enter – competition too – always – prize – worst garden – town Topics for discussion1. Describe the most beautiful garden or park you’ve seen, and say why you liked it.2. Are there a lot of parks and gardens in the towns in your country? Why/Why not?3. Do you think competitions are a good idea? Why/Why not? Pattern drill1. Example:T: Joe and Bill have large gardens.S1: But Joe’s garden is larger than Bill’s.S2: No, BILL’s is larger than JOE’s.Joe and Bill have fast/powerful cars. Jane and Mary have long/dark hair. Tom and Jane have small/comfortable flats.Joe and Bill have good/expensive watches.2. Example:T: ripe orangeS1: Which orange do you prefer?S2: I prefer the riper one .small glass soft carpet old house pale colourthick coat wide bed large garden hard mattress3. Example:T: interesting presentsS1: I’ve got more presents than you have.S2: Well, mine are more interesting than yours.long letters good-looking friends pretty dresses rich relations useful books valuable jewels talented children ripe apples 4. Example:T: a hard worker.S1: Mary’s a very hard worker.S2: Yes, she’s the hardest worker I’ve evry met.a quick writer an intelligent person a careful driver a patient listener a pretty girl an early riser a fast reader a good cookLesson 8 The best and the worstAsk questions: Ask me if…Example: T: Ask me if Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in the town.S: Has Joe Sanders the most beautiful garden in the town?T: Who…?S: Who has the most beautiful garden in the town?1. There is a garden competition every year. (How often)(Where) (What kind)2. Joe wins every time. (Who)(How often)3. Bill Frith’s garden is larger than Joe’s. (Whose)(How big)4. He works harder than Joe. (How hard)5. Joe’s garden is more interesting.(Whose)6. He has made neat paths. (What)Tell the story1. Joe Sanders – most beautiful – town2. Nearly everyone – competition – each year – Joe – every time3. Bill Frith’s – larger – Joe’s4. Bill – harder – more – flowers – vegetables – Joe’s -- interesting5. neat paths – wooden bridge – pool6. I – gardens – but not – work7. Every year – enter – competition too – always – prize – worst garden – town Topics for discussion1. Describe the most beautiful garden or park you’ve seen, and say why you liked it.2. Are there a lot of parks and gardens in the towns in your country? Why/Why not?3. Do you think competitions are a good idea? Why/Why not? Comprehension questions1. Does the writer live in the same town as Joe Sanders?2. Has Joe got a garden?3. Is his the most beautiful one in the town?4. What does nearly everyone enter for?5. Who wins every time?6. How big is Bill Frith’s garden?7. Does Joe work harder than Bill?8. Whose garden has more flowers and vegetables?9. Whose garden is more interesting?10. What has he made?11. Is there a pool in the garden?12. What has he built over it?13. Does the writer like gardens? 14. What doesn’t he like?Pattern drill1. Example:T: Joe and Bill have large gardens.S1: But Joe’s garden is larger than Bill’s.S2: No, BILL’s is larger than JOE’s.Joe and Bill have fast/powerful cars. Jane and Mary have long/dark hair. Tom and Jane have small/comfortable flats.Joe and Bill have good/expensive watches.2. Example:T: ripe orangeS1: Which orange do you prefer?S2: I prefer the riper one .small glass soft carpet old house pale colourthick coat wide bed large garden hard mattress3. Example:T: interesting presentsS1: I’ve got more presents than you have.S2: Well, mine are more interesting than yours.long letters good-looking friends pretty dresses rich relations useful books valuable jewels talented children ripe apples4. Example:T: a hard worker.S1: Mary’s a very hard worker.S2: Yes, she’s the hardest worker I’ve evry met.a quick writer an intelligent person a careful driver a patient listener a pretty girl an early riser a fast reader a good cook。



职场实用英语交际教程中级u8Unit 8: Making a Presentation1. Introduction to the Presentation- Hello everyone. Thank you for joining me today. My name is [your name] and I will be presenting on [topic].- Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is [your name] and today I'm here to talk to you about [topic].2. Outlining the Presentation- Firstly, I will provide an overview of the topic.- Next, I will discuss the main points or key findings.- Then, I will analyze the data or present relevant statistics.- Finally, I will conclude with some recommendations or suggestions.3. Transitioning between Topics- Moving on to the next point/topic...- Now, let's turn our attention to...- Let's move forward and discuss...4. Introducing Visual Aids- As you can see on the screen, I have prepared some charts/graphs to illustrate the data.- I will now show you a short video that demonstrates our product in action.- Here is a visual representation of the concept we have been discussing.5. Asking for Feedback- If you have any questions, feel free to ask.- I would be happy to address any concerns or doubts you may have.- I value your feedback, so please feel free to share your thoughts or opinions.6. Handling Questions- That's a great question. Let me explain...- I'm glad you brought that up. Let me clarify...- I don't have that information right now, but I can follow up with you later.7. Concluding the Presentation- To sum up, we have discussed...- In conclusion, I would like to highlight...- Thank you all for your attention and participation.8. Closing Remarks- If you have any further questions, I will be available after the presentation.- Thank you once again for your time. Have a great day!- I hope you found this presentation informative and useful.。





Let’s make it together!让我们在快乐中享受英语口语的无穷魅力吧!跟老师一起喊掉你的羞愧,喊掉你的懒惰。



Lesson 1 Ability 能力1.Can you ride a bike?2. Will you be able to finish your work by noon.3. Are you capable of painting beautiful pictures?4. I can do it.5. I know how to operate a computer.6. It's not too difficult to climb up the tree.7. I'm not too bad at telling stories.8. I feel able to swim across the river.9. I'm able to recite all Shakespeare's sonnets.10. I'm afraid I can't cope with those troubles.Dialogue 1M: How many laguages can you speak?W: I can speak French and German.M: How well can you speak them?W: I can speak German quite well, but I can't speak French very well.M: Can you help me to translate these sentences into German now?W: No, but I'll be able to tomorrow.Dialogue 2W: Can you speak English?M: Yes I can. I speak it very well.W: Where did you learn it?M: I lived in England when I was a child.W: What else can you speak?Dialogue 3M: Most of our customers are foreigners. How many foreign languages can you speak, Elizabeth?W: Two. French and Spanish.M: And how well can you speak them?W: Well, French was my best subject at school. I can read and write it pretty well.M: And how about your Spanish?W: Well, it's not as good as my French. I can speak it reasonably well, but my written Spanish isn't very good.M: I see. Well, we have a lot of Spanish customers, but you wouldn't need to write any Spanish here.W: In that case, I'm fit for the position I think.M: Jane and Sally are friends. They are both married and they are very proud of their husbands. One day, they met each other and they started talking about their husbands. According to Jane, her husband is big and strong and handsome. He is also very much of a sportsman. He can swim and ski, and he can play several ball games such as football, rugby and cricket. Sally's husband, however, seems to be just the opposite. He is physically neither big nor strong, but he excels in intelligence. He is good at languages and can speak six languages, including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese. Besides, he is much of a family man. He can cook, sew, and iron. Indeed, as Sally puts it, he is a good husbandLesson 2 Advice 建议1. Could you give me some advice on how to make up for the time I've lost?2. I like your advice about my research.3. What would you advice?4. What would you do if you were in my shoes?5. I would appreciate your advice.6. I think you should go on a diet.7. It might be a good idea if you got a part-time job.8. I advise you to see a doctor.9. I advise you not to look down upon him.10. I don't think you should keep silent.M: I don't know how to adjust my life. Would you give me a piece of advice?W: You look a bit pale, don't you?M: Yes, I can't sleep well every night.W: You should get plenty of sleep.M: I drink a lot of wine.W: If I were you, I wouldn't drink too much.M: I often feel so tired.W: You better do some exercise every morning.M: I sometimes find the shadow of death in front of me.W: Why do you worry about your future? You're very young, and you'll make great contribution to the world. I hope you take my advice.Dialogue 2M: Hi, Joe, how are you?W: Terrible.M: What's wrong?W: Someone robbed my apartment last week. The robber took $550.M: Oh, no! Did you call the police?W: No.M: Why not?W: My English isn't very good. I didn't know what to say to them.M: I'm going to give you some advice, Jone. If this happens again, you should call the police immediately. You should try to remember everything. You should explain everything to the police.Dialogue 3W: I'm afraid I've had a terrible row with my boss. What shall I do?M: I think you'd better apologize.W: Oh, but I can't. It wasn't my fault.M: Maybe not, but I advice you to say it was your fault.M1: You're going to get into a lot of trouble if you do that.W: What makes you say that?M2: I don't see anything wrong with what we're doing!M1:That's just the problem. In these kind of things, the trouble doesn't always appear at first. W: But everything has been so easy.M2: Everything has gone as smooth as clockwork. Just like we planned!M1:That may be true, but if you were to do it, you would have trouble on the horizon.M2:You always say that.W: Yeah, you never look at the positive side of things.M1: Okay. Have it your way, but don't say I didn't warn you.Dialogue 5W: Are you feeling better today, Bill?M: Well, it's hard to say. I cough a lot in the evening.W: You'd better give up smoking. It's bad for your health.M: You're right, but you know, it's hard to give up an old habit.W: But you should make up your mind first.M: You know, I often have to work till late at night. I need something to keep me awake. W: Why don't you go to bed and get up early? You'll have the same time for work.M: Thank you for your advice! I'll try it.Dialogue 6W: I can't decide whether to go to university or to get a job.M: Well, if I were you, I'd go on studying.W: But I don't even know what to study.M: If I had chance again, I'd major in English. You're good at language.W: That's what my parents want me to do.M: You should take their advice. They know what's best for you.W: But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun, while I spend all my time doing reading and writing.M: But if you go to university, you'll still have time for fun.W: Hum, what you say make sense. But you know, I still have to ask my parents for pocket money, and I hate to do so at this age.M: And if you try to find a part-time job, you'll have some money too.W: You're right. Thank you for the advice.W: Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their families. When they need advice, they don't usually ask people they know. Instead, many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines, which give advice on many different subjects, including family problems, sex, the use of language, health, cooking, children care, cloth, and how to buy a house or a car. Two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for this kind of work. Experience is their preparation for giving advice. There's one writer who has not lived long enough to have much experience. She is a girl who started writing advice for newspaper readers at the age of ten. Her advice to young readers now appears regularly in the column called "Dear Angel”.Lesson 3 Agreement and disagreement. 同意和分歧1.Don't you agree?2.Can I ask if you agree with his argument?3. I wonder if you would agree money doesn't mean happiness.4. You don't disagree, do you?5. I absolutely agree.6. I suppose so.7. Oh, I agree entirely.8. I agree in principle, but our emotions exist anyway.9. I don't think so.10. I think you're absolutely wrong.Dialogue 1W: What do you think of the new television channel? Aren't the programs awful?M: I quite agree with you. They are terrible. They are complete waste of time, but my wife disagrees with me.W: Actually, what bothers me is the violence. There are far too many detective and police shows.M: I couldn't agree with you more. There aren't enough educational programs, and even the news shows are not well done.W: You are absolutely right. They are too brief. They don't tell you anything.Dialogue 2M: What a great weekend that was!W: My feeling's exactly.M: I really enjoy the beach in the summer.W: I couldn't agree with you more.M: We should come here more often.W: You are absolutely right.M: I'd like to come back next weekend.W: That's exactly the way I feel.Dialogue 3M: China will finally become a superpower in my opinion. What do you think?W: I'm afraid I can't agree with you. Chinese leaders have already said China will never be a superpower.M: But things will change, you know.W: Other countries may, but I don't believe China will.M: My colleague thinks the government should give all the students a weekly wage. I'm not sure I agree with him. Some students would want to be students for the whole of their life; however, my colleague doesn't think so. He said that he doesn't mean a high wage, just an allowance. I don't think it would be a good idea. I think it would be better for the government to give students an interest free loan. That's what they do in Sweden. Then my colleague agrees with me. He thinks it sounds like quite a good idea. The students can pay it back in ten years.Lesson 4 annoyance 惹人发怒1.Don't talk to me about that fellow.2.His indifferent irritates me.3.I really hate being kept waiting.4.Impossible !That is too much.5.Isn't that annoying?6.It makes me sick the way they laugh.7.That's a bore.8.Yack, my luck.9.Oh,damn.10.What a fool!Dialogue1.Flight BE-407 to Paris is delayed. Will passengers please wait in the lounge? Oh, how annoying!The time of departure will be announced as soon as possible.What a nuisance!I'm always annoyed at the delay.It really makes me mad.2.I'm very annoyed at your disobedience.But mum ,I didn't mess it up.You should have asked for my opinion before you did it.Sorry, mum. I won't do it again.3.Mr. smith is really a thorough drag.What is it?He's endless talking about stocks almost bores me to death.Don't you like to know anything about stocks?I'm not at all keen on this subject.4.Bob, put on your shoes, your feet are really smelly.No foot gives out scent.But don't forget you are in a cafe.Never mind, the odour of my feet will quicken their eating speed.I simply can't bear your barbaric behavior.Don’t pretend your are a good God.You should feel shameful for your behavior.I've never experienced such a kind of feeling.I'm really sick of you.5.Did you hear about Henry?No. What happened?He's really upset. He didn't get accepted to any of the colleges he really wanted to go to. Why not? His grades were so good.I think his applications were received too late for the fall semester.6.What do your think you are doing?I'm just getting myself some milk.How dare you! You've no right to help yourself. I’ll have none left for the morning.7.You don't seem to like Beijing opera very much.To tell you the truth, it really turns me off.Same feeling here.To me, it's just like listening to a language completely unkown.A doctor who worked in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and ask for his advice. In this way ,he was never paid for his services, and he never managed to earn much money. He made up his mind to put an end to this .One day, he was stopped by a young man who said to him , “Oh, doctor, I am so glad to see you. I’ve got a severe pain in my left side.” The doctor pretended to be interested and said, “Shut your eyes and stick your tongue out of your mouth.” Then he went away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out…and a large crowd of people laughing at him.Lesson 5 Apology 道歉1.Excuse me for my smoking here.2.I just don't know what to say.3.I'am sorry for what I have said to you.4.I really feel bad about that.5.I do apologize about that.6.I do beg your pardon for the mess I've made.7.I quite understand.8.It doesn't matter at all.9.Never mind about that.10.Please don't worry.Dialogue 1W: You didn't ring me last night. You said you would.M: I'm sorry to have made you disappointed.W: That's all right. But why were you so rude to me at lunch.M: Was I? Sorry, I didn't mean to be. I do apologize.W: And why are you yarning now? Are you bored?M: Forgive me darling. I'm very tired.Dialogue 2N: Hi, Jeny. Are still working?J: Hi, Nacy. Come in please. I'm just putting away on my books.N: So, you are leaving, aren't you?J: yes, I'm going to take a holiday tomorrow.N: How nice! I can see you are busying packing. I'm sorry to interrupt you.J: That's all right. I'm almost finished. Do you need my help?N: Yes , could you please go over this for me? and see if there is any mistake in it? J: Oh . all right I'll read it soon.N: Excuse me for taking your time.J: It's nothing Nacy.Dialogue 3M: what? How could you forget to reserve the concert tickets?W: I'm sorry. I forget all about it.M: How could you? I reminded you just this morning.W: It's leap my mind. I really feel terrible about it.M:I have been looking forward to this performance all month.M: Dear Mr, Mury Bark. I'm Ranlods and I'm writing to you ragarding my behaviour the other day. I know that my actions are unprofessional, and I'm really sorry about that incident. I really accept my mistake, and I want to tell all of you that my actions are like an uneducated person. A lot of you are mad of me ,because of the way I react against one of the member's suggestion to me. But I like to ask an apology to him also and everyone else. If you can still pass this it will be a big help for asking a apology to everyone. Thank you very much. I'm really sorry about it.Lesson 6 Believe and disbelieve 你相信吗?1.I can easily believe it.2.I don't doubt your words.3.I think what you said is true.4.I'am convinced of his honesty.5.I'll take your word for it.6.I have complete faith in what he said.7.Did you really?8.I know better than that.9.It can't be true.10.You can't be serious.Dialogue 1M: Have you heard about Alice and David?M: No, have they had another fight?M: No , they've got engaged.W: You must be joking. Those two?M: Well, my dear, I didn't believe it either. But I got it straight form the horse's mouth. David called me this morning.W: So when did this all happen?M: Last weekend ,while they were on their sik trip.W: Well, I believe it now, and when are they are getting married?M: Next June.W:I can hardly believe it.Dialogue 2W: We scored six goals.M:I don't believe it.W: And I scored three of them.M: You are not serious.W: We had extra time of course.M:I can believe that.Dialogue 3M: Have you heard about Paul?W: No, what?M: He's got a promotion.W: You're kidding.M: No, they made him vice-president in charge of sales.W: Oh, I don't believe it. He's only been with the company for two years.M: Well, it's true. The board met last Friday and they chose Paul.W: Well, good for him.When I was told that Frank was getting married, I could hardly believe my ears. Because Frank was so satisfied with his free single life that he didn't want to be committed to anyone. So my first response to the news was 'is he really? 'But later I was convinced by their romance. Frank met his fiancee on a holiday in Spain. They fell in love almost at the first sight. But the girl was relaxed and independent as he was, therefore, it took quite a while for their relationship to reach that place. If it hadn't been for their story ,I wouldn't have believe love at first sight.Lesson 7 Cause 理由借口1. They failed to go outing because of the weather.2. He was late t hat’s a result of the snow.3. The damage resulted from the fire.4. I was in the bus with a result that I didn’t hear the telephone.5. The new computer has more memory and is therefore faster than the old one.6. We stayed at home because it rained.7. Why didn’t you stop him?8. Everybody likes him as he’s kind and honest.9. Since you insist, I must go.10. I can not see anything for the fog.Dialogue 1Why didn’t you call me last night?Because I went out.Why didn’t you call me from a CallB ox?I didn’t have any change.Tell me why you didn’t come to see me tonight then.I don’t like all your questions. That’s why.Dialogue 2It’s over.What is over?Our relationship. I mean my friend and I…Any reasons?The cause is another boy.Dialogue 3John, I ’m sorry, the air tickets for the International Day are sold out.Really? I didn’t expect that.It’s possible because everyone wants to travel during the holiday weekend.I should have booked the tickets in advance.Take it easy. I’ll like you know if anyone decides to cancel his reservation.That’s all right. Maybe I’ll change my plan. Thank you all the same.Well, I think that these problems of teenagers getting into troubles with a law is mainly caused by unemployment. You see, because of the high level of the unemployment, so many teenagers nowadays leave school and find that they have no choice of getting a job. And this obviously makes them feel bored and frustrated. And other result of this, they’re much likely to get drunk and so on. Another thing of cause is that you get groups of unemployed teenagers wondering around streets with nothing to do which can easily lead to trouble of one sort or another.Lesson 8 Certainty and uncertainty 确定性1.Are you certain about that?2.Were you quite sure about your success?3.Really?4.I suppose you have no doubt about that.5.I've no doubt of your ability.6.I bet they've got lost.7.I'm quite convinced things will improve.8.It's hard to tell.9.That's my conviction.10.I can't decide when to start.Dialogue 1M: Where were you last night, at exactly 9:20PM?w:9:20pm,I couldn't say. I can't remember.M: Are you sure you can't remember?W: I'm absolutely certain.M: Were you in or out? Can you remember that?W: I'm not quite positive. I think I went out at about half pass nine. M: Did you see anyone come into the block flats?W: No, I didn't.M: Sure?W: Quite sure.Dialogue 2W: Are you sure this is the right restaurant?M: Positive.W: You don't think you could be wrong?M: I'm absolutely sure I'm right.W:I don't know. It looks a little wrong down.M: This is right. There is no doubt to my mind.W: You're hundred percent sure you want to eat here?M: Check and double check.Dialogue 3M: Do you think they two will get married?W: Yeah, you can count on it.M:I think so. Yes, they get along so well.W:I like him. He's good for her.I f your are a teacher, are your sure that the student with good greads will be a successful person in the future? And are you sure that slow student will be also slow in his whole life? I'm not sure about it. Absolutely not. I had a student in all the teacher's agreed that he was absolutely the slowest student we have ever had. He sopkes slowly, moves slowly and row slowly. We suspected that he thought slowly, but he could proud add the type of daughter to his name in six years. So I believe one sentence forever-If at first you don't succeed it try, try again.Yes, I'm sure about this. You may also remember it.Lesson 9 Comparison比较和对比1. A car journey is as fast as a train journey.2. His achievements are comparable with the best.3. I generally find flying more interesting than going by sea.4. If you compare wood and plastics, the latter is lighter.5. It’s a bit slower.6. It’s much more convenient.7. On the whole, Jack is the cleverest.8. By in large, its quality is the best.9. Rupee is less valuable than diamond.10. Your voice is incomparably more attractive than hers.Dialogue 1W: Um, which of them is the better typist?M: Well, Mary types faster than Jones. But I think Jones types more carefully.W: Is there any difference in their short hand?M: Jones can certainly take down letter more quickly, but M ary’s short hand is the best in her class.W: How about languages?M: Both of them speak excellent French. But I think Mary speaks German more fluently than Jones does.W: Um. That doesn’t really matter. Because we have more French visitors than German.Dialogue 2M: 15 hours overtime? That can’t be right.W: It is. You see, I work harder than you do, George.M: Rubbish! You don’t work harder than me. I work faster than you.W: Well, perhaps I’m a bit slower, but I think I do my job better.M: Ah, y ou don’t know anything about my work.Dialogue 3M: All right. But these are black and I don’t like black shoes. They’re dull.W: Well, black is a better color than pink. Pink’s for girls.M: Then why are you wearing black shoes?W: Because…oh, all right. You win. Let’s pay for them and go.M: Hey, thanks, mum.My father is one of the greatest men in the world. He is as strong as an ox. He can climb the highest mountains; he can swim the widest rivers. He is as brave as a bull, too. He can ride the wildest horses and catch the most dangerous criminals. He is the best story teller in town. He knows everything. My father is as busy as a bee at work. His boss says nobody works harder than my father. At home, my father is as quiet as a mouse. My mother sa ys my father is as stubborn as a mill. Sometimes she says he is as sloppy as a pig, too. I don’t understand what she means by that. He takes out the trash every time she tells him to.Lesson 10 Complaint抱怨埋怨1. Could you hurry up the bus?2. Do you think you could turn your TV down a bit?3. I’m afraid I have a complaint to make.4. I’m afraid, sir, it just isn’t good enough.5. He just won’t do.7. Would you please not make so much noise?8. It’s always the case.9. You’ve got to do something about it.10. I really do object to your wasting our precious time here.Dialogue 1W: Could I see the manager please? I have a complaint to make.M: Yes, I’m the manager here. What can I do for you, Madam?W: Did you have the room checked before we move in?M: Which room are you in?W: 1808. The toilet doesn’t work properly; the water doesn’t run in the shower.M: I’m awfully sorry to hear that. I’ll turn to it right away.(After checking)M: I do apologize. We’ll change your room to 2002.W: That’s not bad. Thanks for your help.M: It’s my pleasure, Madam.Dialogue 2M: Excuse me.W: Yes, sir. Can I help you?M: Um, this steak, I asked for to be medium rare.W: Medium rare, that’s right, sir. I remember y our order.M: Well, I’m afraid it isn’t. It’s a bit too well done and rather tough. Would you mind changing?W: If it is not to your satisfaction, I’ll certainly bring you another. But I’m afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes.M: Yes, that’s al l right. Thank you very much.Dialogue 3W: Look! I bought these shoes only three weeks ago and there is a hole in them already.M: If that happen to me, I’ll take them back to the shop.W: I did. But they said they won’t change them.M: That’s terrible. But if they wouldn’t change them, I know what I would do.I have no complaint at all. But the world is a little bit tough to me. I was born in a poor family with 6 elder sisters and 2 little brothers. I didn’t receive any good education, and you could imagine what my husband’s education is like. He usually calls rude names to me and I choose to pretend to be deaf. Our daughter, she is really a little lovely thing. But she is always crying and looks as if to say, ‘go away, I don’t like you.’ I am a woma n, a small woman. It is universally acknowledged that I have no complaint at all.Lesson 11 Congratulation 贺喜祝贺1. Congratulations!2. Many many congratulations on your marriage.3. It was great to hear you’ve got a good job.4. Well done, Collin.5. Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.6. I must congratulate you.7. I’d like to be the first to congratulate you.8. Let me congratulate you.9. May I congratulate you?10. Please accept my heartiest congratulation.M: How are you, Sue?W: Pretty good. I’ve just had my new poems published.M: Congratulations on your success.W: Thank you.M: And how’s your brother?W: He is fine.M: He’s going to be sent to Britain to study, really?W: Yes. He’s already got the passport and visa.M: Fantastic! Please send him my congratulations.W: Thank you. He’s very lucky indeed.Dialogue 2W: David, I’m going to China.M: Really? How do you get the chance?W: You know. I took part in the Chinese contest. I was the best and they gave me this reward. I don’t have to pay for my trip.M: Congratulations. How lucky you are!W: Thank you. I’m leaving tomorrow morning.M: I’m sure you’ll enjoy the trip. China is such a beautiful country.W: I’m sure I will.M: Have a nice journey, Lily.W: Thank you, David.M: I passed history test.W: Really? That’s marvelous!M: And then you’re old man won’t be beaten this time.W: I’ve made up my mind not to be beaten again.Good evening. It gives me great pleasure to introduce our nurse of the year, Miss Helen Taylor. Miss Taylor, hearty congratulations on your success. I’m very happy for you. You’ve been awarded this prize as a result of recommendations from your seeing your officers, your colleagues, and parents of the children. Here are some of their recommendations, efficient but patient, helpful and happy, strict but caring, humor and interested. These are the greatest recommendations any nurse could receive. Let me congratulate you again.Lesson 12 Decision 决定决心1. I am quite decided.2. I’m decided against selling a house.3. I’ve made up my mind not to change my plan.4. I’ve set my mind on the plan.5. Nothing can stop me from carrying out my plan.6. They’re settled where to camp.7. We’ve fixed on starting tomorrow.8. I’m determined to pay him $100.9. I’ve made a decision to resign.10. We’ve arrived at a decision now.W: Is there anything wrong?M: I’m worried about my daughter. She can’t decide about college.W: Don’t worry. That’s just a part of being a teenager.M: I don’t mind that. But she disagrees with me about everything.W: You should encourage her to make up her mind by herself. You shouldn’t affect her decision.M: But I just want to give her some tips.W: Oh, she can make her own decisions.M: I guess you are right.W: Believe me. Everything will be ok.M: I hope so.Dialogue 2W: I’m sorry, dad. But you can’t do that. It’s for me to decide.M: Oh, I see. You’ve already decided, have you? Now, you listen to me, you’re only 19.W: I didn’t say I’d already decided, dad. I said it was for me to decide. There is a difference.M: Oh. So you think you can just do whatever you want, do you?W: I didn’t say that either. I was hoping we could discuss the matter together. I want your advice but I don’t want you to tell me what to do. I’ve got to make decisions for myself, dad.Dialogue 3M: I’ve decided to go to the cinema alone this evening.W: What has caused you to make such a decision? Didn’t you use d to go with Helen?M: Helen is nice but she talks a lot.W: Oh. That’s really annoying when seeing a film.M: It sure is.。



1. Discuss the question with your partner
2. Write down your ideas ·think about the age range of target customers and arrange the content according to their preference... ·start by a question, give detailed description, and end by calling for action
Unit 8 Advertise a Product
Unit Outline
Motivating Inputting Outputting Extending
职场实用英语交际教程(中级)——Unit 8
Bella & Flora Limited is a British high street clothes store. Recently, it has launched its new seasonal wear. Natalie Gao, who works in the Publicity Department, has been asked to write an advertisement for the Family magazine, to promote the new seasonal wear.
Yes. I believe they are willing to pay more for comfortable, quality products.
And most of them are married. Therefore, our advertising should create a strong message emphasising the importance of family. When they wear our clothes, they will feel a sense of identity and community.



英语中级听力lesson8参考答案英语中级听力 Lesson 8 参考答案Part 1: Dialogue Comprehension1. Question 1: What is the man's reason for not being able to go to the party tonight?Answer: He has to finish his report for tomorrow.2. Question 2: Why does the woman suggest they go to the new restaurant instead of the cinema?Answer: The restaurant has a special offer on meals, and she has heard good reviews about it.3. Question 3: What does the woman mean when she says, "I'm all for it"?Answer: She means she completely agrees with the suggestion.4. Question 4: What is the man's opinion about the new policy at work?Answer: He thinks it is too strict and not practical.5. Question 5: Why is the woman upset?Answer: She is upset because she lost her wallet.Part 2: Short Conversations1. Question 6: What is the weather like today?Answer: It is sunny and warm.2. Question 7: What does the man plan to do after work?Answer: He plans to go to the gym.3. Question 8: What is the woman's advice regarding the man's cold?Answer: She advises him to take some medicine and get plenty of rest.4. Question 9: What is the man's opinion on the new movie?Answer: He thinks it is the best movie he has seen in a long time.5. Question 10: What is the woman's reaction to the man's compliment?Answer: She thanks him and seems pleased.Part 3: Long ConversationQuestion 11: What is the main topic of the conversation?Answer: The main topic is about planning a trip to a historical site.Question 12: What does the man suggest for the first day of the trip?Answer: He suggests visiting the ancient castle and the museum.Question 13: Why does the woman prefer to stay at a local inninstead of a hotel?Answer: She believes it will give them a more authentic experience.Question 14: What is the man's concern about the trip?Answer: He is concerned about the cost of the trip.Question 15: What is the woman's suggestion to save money?Answer: She suggests they could save money by booking a package deal.Part 4: Passage ListeningQuestion 16: What is the main idea of the passage?Answer: The main idea is the importance of effective communication in the workplace.Question 17: According to the passage, what is the first step in effective communication?Answer: The first step is to clearly define the purpose of the message.Question 18: What does the passage suggest about non-verbal communication?Answer: The passage suggests that non-verbal communication plays a crucial role in conveying a message.Question 19: Why is it important to consider the audience when communicating?Answer: It is important because the audience's background and knowledge can affect how the message is understood.Question 20: What is the final point made in the passage about communication?Answer: The final point is that feedback is essential to ensure the message has been understood correctly.Part 5: News ReportQuestion 21: What is the main topic of the news report?Answer: The main topic is a new policy regarding environmental protection.Question 22: What action is the government taking to reduce pollution?Answer: The government is introducing stricter emission standards for vehicles.Question 23: What is the expected outcome of the new policy? Answer: The expected outcome is a significant reduction in air pollution.Question 24: How will the policy affect businesses?Answer: Businesses will need to invest in cleaner technologies to comply with the new standards.Question 25: What is the public's reaction to the new policy? Answer: The public generally supports the policy, although some express concerns about the cost.Part 6: Fill in the Blanks1. Question 26: The company has announced a profit increase of 15% this quarter.2. Question 27: She overcame all the challenges and won the competition.3. Question 28: The negotiations are expected to conclude successfully by the end of the week.4.。

新编外贸英语口语教程lesson 08 Dining Hall Service

新编外贸英语口语教程lesson 08 Dining Hall Service
Ⅳ. Translate the Expressions in the Brackets into English, Then Use Them to Replace the Italicized Parts in the Sentences:
The teacher assigns (Student)A to read the English sentence, and (Student)B to do substitution drills according to the given Chinese. e.g. • Is it possible to have a dinner now • ① 订一张靠窗户的桌子 • to have a table by the window • ② 订一张双人房 • to reserve a double room • ③ 订一张星期六上午9:30美国航空公司144号班机的机票 • to book on American Airlines Flight 144 at 9∶30 on Saturday morning • ④ 订一张明天开往西安的卧铺票 • to book a berth on the train for Xi’an tomorrow • ⑤ 订两张明天去香港的东风号轮的经济船票 • to book two economy class seats on SS Dongfeng to Hong Kong tomorrow
• A: Yes, this table is free. Sit down, please. What would you like to order?
• 是的,这张桌子空着。请坐吧。你要点什么菜? • B: I don’t know what kind of special dishes you have. • 我不知道你们有什么特色菜。 • A: How about Dragon Fights Tiger (Snake and Cat Meat)? • 龙虎斗怎么样? • B: It sounds very nice. I’ll order that. • 听起来不错,我点了。

中级英语口语Lesson 8

中级英语口语Lesson 8

中级英语口语Lesson 8Summary: Nick and Vanessa talk about the history of skateboarding. In this radio broadcast, Vanessa and Nick are in the middle of a live show in a radio studio.Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Dialogue:Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new spo rt, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa:Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa:Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick:Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Vanessa: Right, it became something of a craze. In fact it was so popular that manufacturers started building skateboards and they even put together teams to promote their early skateboards.Nick: Wow! Sounds like skateboarding was becoming a big thing!Vanessa: Actually it became so big that in 1965 the international championships were broadcast on national TV.Nick: Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s, when commercial skateboards hit the market?Vanessa: Probably because its popularity dropped in 1966 and remained low until the early 70’s?Nick: You might be right!Vanessa: Or you might have probably associated its popularity with the development of equipment specially designed for skateboarding.Nick: Technological advances did their trick too!Vanessa: They certainly did! Otherwise skateboarding would just be history.Now answer the following question…What are Vanessa and Nick talking about? They’re talking about the history of skateboarding.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new sport, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa:Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa:Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick:Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Now answer some questions…1. What does Nick mean when he says:“That long?” “That long” shows our surprise at how long something has been going on.2. What does Nick mean when he says:“where there’s a wil l there’s a way!”? We use ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way” when we want to say that when we really want to accomplish something, we’ll find a way to do it. 3. Nick says:“But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…”. What does take off mean? Take off means to become popular and successful. Now listen to the second part of the dialogue.Part 2Vanessa: Right, it became something of a craze. In fact it was so popular that manufacturers started building skateboards and they even put together teams to promote their early skateboards.Nick: Wow! Sounds like skateboarding was becoming a big thing!Vanessa: Actually it became so big that in 1965 the international championships were broadcast on national TV.Nick: Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s, when commercial skateboards hit the market?Vanessa: Probably because its popularity dropped in 1966 and remained low until the early 70’s?Nick: You might be right!Vanessa: Or you might have probably associated its popularity with the development of equipment specially designed for skateboarding.Nick: Technological advances did their trick too!Vanessa: They certainly did! Otherwise skateboarding would just be history.Now answer some questions…1. Vanessa says:“it became something of a craze.” What does “craze” mean? “Craze” is an activity that is unusually popular for a short time only.2. Nick says:“Why are most people under the impression that skat eboarding took off in the 70’s?”. What does “under the impression” mean? When someone is under the impression it means that he’s wrong to believe something.3. Nick says:“Technological advances did their trick too!” What does “did the trick” mean? When something does the trick, it helps you accomplish what you want or need.GLOSSARY1. Associate (verb): to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else e.g. Most people associate this brand with good quality.2. Craze (noun): usually singular an activity, object or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time e.g. Cycling shorts were the latest craze/(all) the craze that year.3. Imitate (verb): to behave in a similar way to someone or something else, or to copy the speech or behavior, etc. of someone or something e.g. Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.4. Inventive (adjective): able to think of new and interesting ideas e.g. He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.5. Originate (verb): come from a particular place, time, situation, etc e.g. Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US.6.Plank (noun): a long narrow flat piece of wood or similar material, of the type used for making floors e.g.oak/concrete planks7. Promote (verb): to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of something e.g. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.8. Relatively (adverb): in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect e.g. He's a relatively good squash player.9. Sidewalk (noun): a path with a hard surface beside one or both sides of a road, that people walk on. e.g. Cars parked on the sidewalk will e removed by the police. 10. Take off (phrasal verb): to suddenly start to be successful or popular e.g. Her singing career has just begun to take off.Practice using the words in the glossary. Choose the most appropriate word from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. Children should be taught to wait on the before crossing the __road.2. Greenpeace works to__ awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.3. There was__ little protest after the referees unfair decision.4. I always __the smell of baking with my childhood5. It didn’t take long for the iPod to __.6. The __for health foods has become big business.7. The game of Lacrosse is thought to have__ among the native peoples of Alaska.8. She has a highly __mind.9. They produce artificial chemicals which exactly__ natural ones.10. We used a to cross the ditch.1. sidewalk2. promote3. relatively4. associate5. take off6. craze7. originated8. inventive9. imitate 10. plank。


Tanks for watching! We always believe something wonderful is about to happen!
档口英语入门 极简教程 第 8 课
nine hundred
档口英语入门 极简教程 第 8 课
档口英语入门 极简教程 第 8 课
• We have many new styles. 我们有许多新款。 • Let me show you. 让我给您看一下。 • Let me show you our new styles. 给您看下
Only we have this style. 只有我们有这个款。
only 只有
档口英语入门 极简教程 第 8 课
All styles are here. 所有的款式都在这里了。
all 全部的
档口英语入门 极简教程 第 8 课
How about this style? 这个款式的怎么样?
里最大的。 • This is the smallest size. 这是最小的尺码。 • Let me measure it. 让我量一量。
你要拿什么尺码的? 档口英语入门 极简教程 第 8 课 很抱歉,我们没有您要的尺寸。 我们这个图案的尺码很全。
这是最大的尺码。 我们这个款式的尺码很全。
We have many new styles. 我们有许多新款。
many 许多 new 新的 style 款式,风格




对话一:旅游A: Good morning. How can I assist you today?B: Good morning. I'm interested in planning a trip to New York City.A: Great! When are you planning on going?B: I'm thinking about going in the fall, maybe in October or November.A: Is there anything specific you want to do while you're there?B: Yes, I want to see a Broadway show and visit some museums.A: Okay, I can definitely help you with that. Do you already have a hotel in mind?A: Yes, I can suggest a few options based on your preferences and budget.对话二:求职面试B: Thank you.A: So, can you tell me a little bit about your background and experience?B: Yes, of course. I have a degree in marketing and have worked for the past 3 years in a marketing agency.A: Great. What skills or qualities do you feel would make you a good fit for this role?B: Well, I have experience in market research, social media management, and creating marketing campaigns. I'm also a team player and love collaborating with others.A: Those are excellent qualities. Can you also tell me about a challenging situation you faced in your previous job and how you handled it?以上是两个英语对话练习,通过这些对话可以提高中级学习者的口语表达能力。

英语口语对话(中级Lesson 8

英语口语对话(中级Lesson 8

英语口语对话(中级Lesson 8Summary: Nick and Vanessa talk about the history of skateboarding. In this radio broadcast, Vanessa and Nick are in the middle of a live show in a radio studio.Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Dialogue:Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new spo rt, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa:Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa:Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick:Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Vanessa: Right, it became something of a craze. In fact it was so popular that manufacturers started building skateboards and they even put together teams to promote their early skateboards.Nick: Wow! Sounds like skateboarding was becoming a big thing!Vanessa: Actually it became so big that in 1965 the international championships were broadcast on national TV.Nick: Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s, when commercial skateboards hit the market?Vanessa: Probably because its popularity dropped in 1966 and remained low until the early 70’s?Nick: You might be right!Vanessa: Or you might have probably associated its popularity with the development of equipment specially designed for skateboarding.Nick: Technological advances did their trick too!Vanessa: They certainly did! Otherwise skateboarding would just be history.Now answer the following question…What are Vanessa and Nick talking about? They’re talking about the history of skateboarding.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new sport, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa:Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa:Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick:Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Now answer some questions…1. What does Nick mean when he says:“That long?” “That long” shows our surprise at how long something has been going on.2. What does Nick mean when he says:“where there’s a wil l there’s a way!”? We use ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way” when we want to say that when we really want to accomplish something, we’ll find a way to do it. 3。



职场实用英语交际中级unit8(最新版)目录1.职场英语交际的重要性2.Unit8 的主题和内容概述3.单元中的重点词汇和短语4.单元中的实用句型和语法知识5.如何有效学习和应用 Unit8 的内容正文在职场中,英语交际能力显得尤为重要,尤其在一些国际性的公司或者与海外有业务往来的公司。















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英语口语对话(中级)Lesson 8Summary: Nick and Vanessa talk about the history of skateboarding. In this radio broadcast, Vanessa and Nick are in the middle of a live show in a radio studio.Listen to their conversation and answer the question that follows about the main idea.Dialogue:Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new spo rt, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa:Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa:Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick:Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Vanessa: Right, it became something of a craze. In fact it was so popular that manufacturers started building skateboards and they even put together teams to promote their early skateboards.Nick: Wow! Sounds like skateboarding was becoming a big thing!Vanessa: Actually it became so big that in 1965 the international championships were broadcast on national TV.Nick: Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s, when commercial skateboards hit the market?Vanessa: Probably because its popularity dropped in 1966 and remained low until the early 70’s?Nick: You might be right!Vanessa: Or you might have probably associated its popularity with the development of equipment specially designed for skateboarding.Nick: Technological advances did their trick too!Vanessa: They certainly did! Otherwise skateboarding would just be history.Now answer the following question…What are Vanessa and Nick talking about? They’re talking about the history of skateboarding.Now listen again to the dialogue in parts. After each part there will be 3 to 4 questions on the details...Part 1Vanessa: Hello, and welcome to the Health Freaks show. Today we’re talking about skateboarding… I’m sure that many of you think it’s a relatively new sport, but Nick, did you know that skateboarding has been around since the 50’s?Nick: Really? That long?Vanessa:Yep… it actually originated in California and became known as sidewalk surfing.Nick: I guess it must have been similar to windsurfingVanessa:Yeah, a lot… early skaters imitated surfing styles and moves to a large extent.Nick: And what did they use back then as skateboards?Vanessa: The first skaters were pretty inventive! They used wooden boxes or planks with roller skate wheels attached on them.Nick:Where there’s a will there’s a way! But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…Now answer some questions…1. What does Nick mean when he says:“That long?” “That long” shows our surprise at how long something has been going on.2. What does Nick mean when he says:“where there’s a wil l there’s a way!”? We use ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way” when we want to say that when we really want to accomplish something, we’ll find a way to do it. 3. Nick says:“But how did things change in the 60’s? I know that it really took off…”. What does take off mean? Take off means to become popular and successful. Now listen to the second part of the dialogue.Part 2Vanessa: Right, it became something of a craze. In fact it was so popular that manufacturers started building skateboards and they even put together teams to promote their early skateboards.Nick: Wow! Sounds like skateboarding was becoming a big thing!Vanessa: Actually it became so big that in 1965 the international championships were broadcast on national TV.Nick: Why are most people under the impression that skateboarding took off in the 70’s, when commercial skateboards hit the market?Vanessa: Probably because its popularity dropped in 1966 and remained low until the early 70’s?Nick: You might be right!Vanessa: Or you might have probably associated its popularity with the development of equipment specially designed for skateboarding.Nick: Technological advances did their trick too!Vanessa: They certainly did! Otherwise skateboarding would just be history.Now answer some questions…1. Vanessa says:“it became something of a craze.” What does “craze” mean? “Craze” is an activity that is unusually popular for a short time only.2. Nick says:“Why are most people under the impression that skat eboarding took off in the 70’s?”. What does “under the impression” mean? When someone is under the impression it means that he’s wrong to believe something.3. Nick says:“Technological advances did their trick too!” What does “did the trick” mean? When something does the trick, it helps you accomplish what you want or need.GLOSSARY1. Associate (verb): to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else e.g. Most people associate this brand with good quality.2. Craze (noun): usually singular an activity, object or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time e.g. Cycling shorts were the latest craze/(all) the craze that year.3. Imitate (verb): to behave in a similar way to someone or something else, or to copy the speech or behavior, etc. of someone or something e.g. Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.4. Inventive (adjective): able to think of new and interesting ideas e.g. He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.5. Originate (verb): come from a particular place, time, situation, etc e.g. Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US.6.Plank (noun): a long narrow flat piece of wood or similar material, of the type used for making floors e.g.oak/concrete planks7. Promote (verb): to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of something e.g. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.8. Relatively (adverb): in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect e.g. He's a relatively good squash player.9. Sidewalk (noun): a path with a hard surface beside one or both sides of a road, that people walk on. e.g. Cars parked on the sidewalk will e removed by the police. 10. Take off (phrasal verb): to suddenly start to be successful or popular e.g. Her singing career has just begun to take off.Practice using the words in the glossary. Choose the most appropriate word from the glossary to complete the following sentences.1. Children should be taught to wait on the before crossing the __road.2. Greenpeace works to__ awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.3. There was__ little protest after the referees unfair decision.4. I always __the smell of baking with my childhood5. It didn’t take long for the iPod to __.6. The __for health foods has become big business.7. The game of Lacrosse is thought to have__ among the native peoples of Alaska.8. She has a highly __mind.9. They produce artificial chemicals which exactly__ natural ones.10. We used a to cross the ditch.1. sidewalk2. promote3. relatively4. associate5. take off6. craze7. originated8. inventive9. imitate 10. plank。
