


1.【2014届陕西西安铁一中国际合作学校高三上学期11月模拟】Nowadays, few people develop the habit of keeping a supply of oil-lamps in the house in case of power ________.

A. lack

B. absence

C. failure

D. drop

2.【2014届浙江省湖州中学高三上学期期中考试】—At the school sports meeting, many students are full of

________, but I’m always exhausted.

—You’d better take more exercise.

A. strength

B. force

C. energy

D. power

3.【2014届黑龙江省齐齐哈尔实验中学高三上学期期中考试】Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional ________.

4.【2014届浙江省五校高三第一次联考】When you talk about a person’s ________, you are referring to the country, race, or social class of their parents or ancestors.

A. or igin

B. nationality

C. generation

D. relation

A. division

B. area

C. range

D. circle

6.【2014届湖北省八校高三第一次联考】The lead singer was ill and couldn’t sing that night, and her _______

didn’t perform well, which made the audience disappointed.

A. attitude

B. substitute

C. institute

D. altitude

7.【2014届湖北省黄梅一中高三上学期适应性训练】When he picked up a large sum of money by accident, he battled with his ________ whether he should keep it or return it to the owner.

8.【2014届辽宁省抚顺二中高三上学期期中考试】The police are trying to find out the ________ of the woman murdered in the bathroom.

A. evidence

B. characteristic

C. status

D. identity

9.【2014届安徽省宿松县程集中学高三上学期期中考试】One of the advantages of living on the top of a high building is that you can get a good ________.

A. sight

B. scenery

C. appearance

D. vie

10.【2014届天津市六校高三上期第一次联考】Clare has offered a _______ of $ 100 to anyone who can find her lost cell phone.

A. benefit

B. cost

C. reward

D. price

11.【2014届安徽六校教育研究会新高三素质测试】I accepted a _____ teach ing students ages 6 to 12 with

severe learning and behavioral ________ who’d moved from school to school.

A. position; difficulties

B. post; hard

C. job; troubles

D. occupation; difficulty

12.【2014届福建省厦门一中高三上学期期中】The discovery of the new drug is of great ____ to people who suffer from heart problems.

A. appreciation

B. significance

C. satisfaction

D. guidance

13.【2014 届浙江象山普通高中高三第二次模拟】The teacher wants his students to know more about modern science and tries hard to develop a (n) _________ about nature among his students.

A. curiosity

B. habit

C. ability

D. independence

14.【2014届安徽省“江淮十校”协作体高三上学期第一次联考】According to a UN report,one third of the world population have no to clean drinking water and health care.

A. means

B. approach

C. channel

D. access

15.【2014届河北省唐山一中高三第二次调研】The ________ is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.

A. bicycle’s shop

B. bicycle shop

C. bicycles shop

D. bicycles’ shopx#k#b#1

16.【2014届湖北省荆州市高中毕业班质量检查】Sometimes the ________ between the reality and the dream is so great that it produces disappointment.

A. privilege

B. potential

C. toast

D. ambition

19.【2014届安徽省马鞍山二中高三上学期期中】He had a headache and went to the chemist's to get something for his pain________.

20.【2014届海南省琼海市嘉积中学高三上学期段考】He is suc h a man who is always finding ________ with other people.

A. error

B. weakness

C. mistake

D. fault

21.【2014届江苏省镇江市高三上学期期中调研】The pries t made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church.

A. mark

B. signal

C. sign

D. gesture

22【2014届浙江省绍兴市第一中学高三上学期期中】Film is not only a universal entertainment mode in modern times, but also an important ________ for cultural c ommunication.

A. transportation

B. appearance

C. controversy

D. vehicle

23.【2013-2014学年甘肃省张掖中学第一学期高三第二次模拟】 The doctor told me to take the medicine


A. every fourth hours

B. each fourth hour

C. each four hours

D. every four hours

24.【2014届浙江省嘉兴市第一中学高三上学期期中】As for diet, Michael Jackson chooses vegetables and fruit in ________ to any kind of meat.

25.【2014届黑龙江省泰来县第一中学高三上学期基础知识调研】Judging by the ________ he keeps, Mark must be an extremely wealthy man.



2. 【解析】C 考查名词辨析.句意:许多学生精力充沛,而我总是精疲力竭.strength力气,主要指“肌肉力量以及物体的承重力或抗拉力”.fo rce: 指“能量的应用”即释放的能量及其冲击力.energy指“活

力”.power指可供使用的能量,如意志力、影响力、控制力.full of energy(充满活力)与后文exhausted(精疲力竭的)相对.故选C项.

4.【解析】A考查名词辨析.句意:当你们在谈论一个人的出身的时候,你们是在谈论他的父母亲或者祖先的国家,种族或者社会地位.origin起源,根源;出身;nationality国籍;generation一代人;relation关系,联系;教育.根据第二句中的the country, race, or social class of their parents or ancestors可知是对名词origin的内容的解释.故选A项.

5.【解析】C考查名词辨析.句意:这家餐馆越来越出名是由于它做的各种各样的食物适应各种类型人群.division分隔、隔离;area地区;range同一种类之中的一系列;circle圈.a ra nge of 强调一个系列,而a wide range of意为“各种各样的”.正好符合题意.从句子结构来讲,这个句子属于典型的“从句套从句”.for引导原因状语从句,that引导定语从句.故选C项.


失望. substitute替换者;替补;attitude态度;institute学会,协会;学院;altitude高度;海拔.根据句意选B项.

8.【解析】A考查名词辨析.句意:警察正在努力找到那个妇女在浴室被杀的证据.evidence 证


9.【解析】D考查名词辨析.句意:住在高楼顶部的一个好处是你可以一览众景.sight光景,既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜;view景色,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换;scenery 景致、外景,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.故选D项.

10.【解析】C考查名词辨析.句意:Clare提供100美元赏金给找到她手机的人.benefit利益,好处;救济金,津贴;cost钱,代价;花费,费用;reward报酬;报答;赏金;酬金;price价格,价钱.从信息句who can find her lost cell phone可判断是赏金,故选C项

11.【解析】A考查名词辨析.句意: 我接受了一个教从这个学校到那个学校且具有严重学习困难及行为六到十二岁的学生们的职位.position职位;difficulties困难;post职位;job工作;trouble困难;occupation可以泛指各种专业.position与post都表示职位的区别: post更倾向于job 它更强调一份工作,而且使用环境并不十分正式;而position更强调“职位”这不仅仅代表了一个位置,一份工作,同时也带有“负责任的”“职称”等比较正式的隐藏含义,所以第一空填position;difficulty表示具体的困难时是可数名词,表示抽象概念“困难”时是不可数名词,题干指学习和行为困难,故用复数“difficulties”;故选A项.


激;significance重要性;satisfaction满意;guidance指导.这里考查be of +抽象名词,相当于be + adj.故选B项.

13.【解析】A考查名词辨析.句意:老师希望他的学生更多地了解有关的现代科学,并力图在学生们中开发他们对自然的一种好奇心.curiosity 好奇心;habit习惯;ability 能力;independence 独立.根据句意可知选A项.

14.【解析】D考查名词辨析.句意:根据联合国的报告,三分之一的世界人口没有获得干净的饮用水和健康护理的机会.means方法,手段;approach方法,途径;channel频道;access获得……的机会,have (no) access to有(无)获得…的机会,根据句意选D项.



20.【解析】D考查名词辨析.句意:他是总是找别人茬的人.error 错误;weakness弱点; mistake错误;fault过失,错误.find fault with sb找某人的茬,根据句意选D项.

21.【解析】C考查名词辨析.句意:牧师进入教堂的时候,划了个十字(的标志).mark记号;signal信号;sign 标志;gesture手势.根据题意可知选C项.


23.【解析】D考查固定用法.句意:医生告诉我要每四小时服一次药.在英语中表达“每……”要用every +

