
There is a famous mountain named Qianlianshan in Anshan city.In some very ancient time ,a fairy goddess decided to bring the spring to earth by embroidering clouds on lotus leaves.During a fight with the gods who were trying to stop her,the beautiful clouds embroidered leaves fell to earth at Anshan city and became green hills that the people named Qianlianshan(thousand Lotuses Mountain).This mountain now is known as Qianshan.People love to come here to walk along the splendid trails to the lofty peaks and ancient temple.A walk around Qianshan can give u the memory of a perfect day.

辽宁英语导游词辽宁英语导游词一Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yellow sea, 50 kilometers from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and west peninsula and the hinterland of the open between the two peninsula and bathing beach. In 1986 was identified as national scenic area, in 1992 the state council approved the national tourist resort, in 2001 was named the first national 4 a level scenic spots, in 2005 was named national geological parks in China.Golden pebble beach, warm in winter and cool in summer, a pleasant climate, surrounded by sea on three sides over more than 30 kilometers of coastline, condensed the geological wonders of 9-300 million, was born six hundred million years ago in sinian period rocks form the magnificent stone landscape, known as "solidification of the animal world", "natural geological museum", "divine power sculpture park" of reputation. Jin shi tan scenic area is composed of twopeninsula and the hinterland, there are world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, Jin Shiyuan, rock, and then went the, models, film and television art center, dalian binhai national geological park, dalian international automobile campsite, stone hunting club, equestrian base metal and stone, stone international conference center, golf club, jinwan golf course, stone inscriptions Discovery kingdom theme park and other projects and buildings of different styles and beautiful seaside tourist road, the gold coast, integration of the natural geographical environment fusion, here is full of exotic atmosphere, and the temptation of sending out the mysterious nature, is the ideal tourist vacation leisure resort.Jin shi tan scenic area in the middle of the two peninsula and the hinterland of area, there are world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, known as the "stone forest" north Jin Shiyuan, gold coast, the northeast's largest stone golf courses, and then went the first tourist in jinwan golf course and the, film and television art center, rock, dalian binhai national geological park, stone, hunting club, dalianinternational automobile campsite, theme park - stone Discovery kingdom theme park, djembe plaza has been open to the public.辽宁英语导游词二The terminal to the tunnel, thousands of square meters of the surface of the water, like a quiet chic "harbor", lighting, water full scene reflecting, cruise ships, hole in the fairyland. From downstairs and the revetment steps of, through the corridor from the port into the boat, swim in water tunnel. Tunnel length 5800 meters, has developed 2800 meters, covers an area of 36000 square meters, the space more than 40 cubic meters, the most open place, 38 meters high, 70 meters wide. Front hall has more than 1000 square meters of the surface of the water, with 40 terminal can stay at the same time the cruise boat, white water rafting can use tunnel of large tunnel, the tunnel of the beauty of the long, deep tunnel, feibao, then, you have to wonder: "stalactite mountain scene, canoe and blue water, between Zhong Xiu should only celestial beings, human only this cave".Hole to air flow, water flow at the age of endless, 14000 tonnes per day and night flow, average water depth of 1.5 meters, 7 meters, the deepest cave in constant temperatureof 12 ℃. A winding river twists and turns, the river bottom, cave in "three gorges", "seven palace", "nine bending", so named "jiuqu Milky Way". Waters along the body piercing, depth of 2.3 km, and broadly in the throat, twists and turns, cave stalactites, stalagmites, and columns from the crack more saving on, not fake vulture act the role ofing the formation of various sorts of object. These object, highly ornamental.From yacht pier line into, can appreciate the cliffside spring in order to welcome guests, BaoPingKou, tides, lotus lantern, a group of monkeys, longevity, corn tower, stone of baoding, elixir, dragon hornfels, sword, kirin group of rocks, waterfalls, one-horned rhino, bamboo shoots, hang curtain, three tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, jade elephant, handheld device maker e-ten swords, peacock rock, snow, etc. They are complete, image is clear. Especially corn tower, three scene, jade elephants and snow mountain names conform to actuality, but, a few can be spurious. Galaxy stalactite standing on both sides of the Taiwan straits, stalagmites picturesque, various, quirky, ceiling empty stalactite hung it, glittering and translucent colors, god creature, more than 100 spots along the river, and each has its owncharacteristics, white water rafting, such as in wonderland, it is water and mysterious caves, stone like nature itself is so far has been found that the longest in the world can take a boat tour of the underground river.辽宁英语导游词三In the temple is located inside the righteous county, liaoning province, was built in the liao kaitai nine years (1020 AD) because there are seven Buddha inside plastic, commonly known as jinzhou.would again.Served by the gate of the temple, memorial arch, the temple, the clock pavalion, pavilion, male temple, west temple palaces and other ancient buildings, covers an area of 30000 square meters, is a grand, relatively intact ancient temples. Big male temple is located in the northern tip of central axis, and face width between 9 and 55 meters long, deep 5, 33 meters wide, total 24 meters, building area of 1800 square meters. It is not only the domestic liao dynasty remains one of the biggest wooden building, because of its big male temple area is the largest scale, and a Chinese temple first Ursa major.In the temple for male portraits of Buddha temple altar model has a set of color, "over the past seven Buddha ',tied together, the Buddhism is unique. The Buddha tall, stately, and handsome, since one thousand, is still well preserved, the Buddhism has a special influence and popularity at home and abroad. Inside the hall singer; thousandrous hooves across 14 honour threat shi bodhisattva lifelike; liao dynasty painting on the frame, flying; murals in the gable; stone Buddha altar for machine, as same as the Buddha of ancient art treasures. Archaeological experts, artists as are the ultimate in art treasures, is breathtaking. Due to the big male buildings of the temple and the temple remains are extremely precious historical, scientific and artistic value, in the temple of the national treasures as early as 1961, was first published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units. After five years of restoration began in 1984 and expansion, in the temple has become a beautiful environment, tourism service project is complete, the famous Chinese and foreign buddhist resort. Has been rated as" national famous scenic spot three hundred ", "liaoning province five top ten scene", "top ten scene" of jinzhou.。

2023辽宁英文导游词Welcome to Liaoning - A Journey of History and NatureHello and welcome to Liaoning, a province in northeastern China known for its rich history, diverse culture and beautiful natural landscapes. Over the next few days, we will explore some of the most fascinating sights this region has to offer.We'll start our journey in the capital city of Shenyang, where you'll be transported back to the Qing Dynasty as we visit the Royal Palace, also known as Shenyang Imperial Palace, which used to be the residence of emperors and served as political and cultural center of the Qing dynasty. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site.We'll continue our trip to Dalian, a beautiful coastal city famous for its scenic beaches, gardens and seafood. We'll take a stroll along the charming Lushun South Road where you can explore the exotic architecture of this historical and cultural street that dates back to the colonial era.Next, we'll head to the ancient city of Anshan, which has a history of over 2,400 years. It is also home to the world's largest jade statue of Buddha at the Jade Buddha Temple.Another highlight of our trip will be a visit to the impressive Shuiyuan Cave, a natural wonder formed by erosion over millions of years. It is one of the largest caves in China and is filled with stunning rock formations of stalactites and stalagmites.Finally, we'll end our journey in the picturesque city of Dandong, which sits on the North Korean border and is home to the famous Yalu River Broken Bridge, a witness of the history between China and Korea during the Korean War.Thank you for choosing Liaoning as your travel destination. We hope you enjoyed your trip and invite you to return and explore further in the future. Safe travels!探访辽宁——历史与自然之旅欢迎来到辽宁省,这个位于中国东北的省份因其深厚的历史底蕴、多元化的文化和美丽的自然景观而闻名。

辽宁省内的英文导游词ShenyangShenyang,capitalofLiaoningProvince,andamajorindustrialcity.In16 25,Nurhaci,founderoftheJin,movedhiscapitaltoShenyang,whichlaterbecam ethecapitaloftheManchusbeforetheytookcontrolofcentralChina.MuchofSh enyang'srichhistoricalheritageisattributedtotheQing'sformativeyears.Form erImperialPalaceFirstbuiltin1625forNurhachi,andinheritedbyhissonAbahai HuangTaiji),theFormerImperialPalaceofShenyangisoneoftworoyalcomplexe sextantinChinatoday.Thesplendidanddistinctlyethnicarchitecturalstyleofthe palace,whichincludesDazheng(GrandPolitics)Hall,theTenPrinces'Pavilion,Ch ongzhen(GoldenChimes),PhoenixChamber,andQingning(PureTranquility)Pa vilion,arestillinperfectshape.OnSaturdayafternoonsduringtheMayOctoberp eriod,theFormerImperialPalaceisthevenuefortheshowoftheparadeofagrand royalprocession.Zhaoling&FulingMausoleumsTheZhaoling,alsoknownasNo rthernMausoleumasitisinthenorthernsuburbsofShenyang,wasthetombofth esecondQingemperor,HuangTaji,andhisconsorts.BuriedundertheFulingofEa sternMausoleumweretheremainsofNurhachiandhiswife,EmpressXiaoci.Sep t.18IncidentMuseumThemuseum,housedinsidetheMonumenttotheSepte mber18IncidentattheMarcoPoloBridge,recapturestheincidentlaunchedbyJa panesemilitaristsandexposesJapaneseatrocitiesinthewarthatensued.Weird SlopeofShenyangThe100-metre-longWeirdSlopeisfoundnearQingshuitaiTowninthenorthernsuburbsofSheny angandtheShenyang-ChangchunExpressway,and35kmfromdowntownShenyang.Theweirdnessab outitisthatautodriversandbicyclistscaneffortlesslyslideuptheslopebuthavet ogodownthedistancebysteppingontheacceleratororpedalingrealhard.Thesl opeispartofasceniczonethatalsoincludestheXiangshanMountain,theChainB ridgeandthePeng'enTemple.北京长城英文导游词·岳阳楼英文导游辞·重庆英文导游词·西藏英文导游词SummerPalace-on-the-WaterThisisChina'slargestindoorrecreationalcenter-on-the-water,andthelargestamusementpark-on-the-waterinAsia.DalianThebeautifulseasidecityofDalianonthesoutherntipofLiao dongPeninsulaisanicesightseeing,recuperatingandholidaymakingdestinatio n.Itisparticularlysuitableforconventionorawardedtours.Dalianisskirtedonthr eesidesbythesea,anditslongcoastopensontoamyriadofislands.Thelandscape isfabulous,theweatherpleasant,andtheurbanenvironmentneatandtidy.Whe nnightfallsthecitytakesonanenchantinglook.Dalianisthevenueofaseriesofan nuallarge-scaleevents,includingDalianInternationalFashionFestival,thefestivaltogreet NewYearwithfireworkdisplays,InternationalMarathoncompetition,andInter nationalLocustWatchingFestival.DalianBeachThebeach,lyinginsouthernDali an,isacelebratedsummeringplaceinnorthChinaandanationalscenicresort.Majorscenicspots:Wooden-ClubIsle,Hutan(Tiger'sBeach)AmusementPark,Beida(GrandNorth)Bridge,Ya nwo(SwallowNestle)Peak,FojiazhuangPark,ForestZoo,Xinghai(StarSea)Bay,X inghaiPark,ShenyaMarineWorld,andHeishi(BlackRock)Reefs.Aseasidehighw ayrunsbyalltheseattractions.XinghaiParkXinghaiisthelargestseasideparkofD alianwhichconsistsofaseashoreparkandabathingground.LushunkouScenicR esortLushunkouisanationalscenicresortandafamedmilitaryharbourwhichint hewesternmostpartofDalianandthesouthernmosttipofLiaodongPeninsula.T helargestofitskindinDalian,theLushukouScenicResortcomprises8sceniczone s,includingreefs,islands,mountains,SnakeIsleandBirdIsle.RussianandJapane seoccupation,andtheJapanese-RussianWarof1894-1895,hasbequeathedLushunwithquiteafewlandmarks,includingWanzhongC emetery,BaiyushanPagoda,LushunPrison,andRussianpillboxesatEasternJigu anMountain.JinshitanBeachNationalTourist&HolidayResortIthasaflat7.5km -longbathinggroundcoveredwithfinesand,amoderngolfclub,andahuntingclu b.。

辽宁概况导游词(英文)第一篇:辽宁概况导游词(英文)Liaoning Travel GuideLiaoning Province, often called 'the Golden Triangle' because of its superior geographical location.It includes boundaries on the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Gulf, and the Yalu River, which makes it the closest gateway to the Korean Peninsula.Its close to the sea has given it commercial and strategic advantages throughout its history.The east and west of LiaoNing are mountainous.In contrast, the middle part of it is a large flat fertile plain.LiaoNing consists of 14 cities, among them ShenYang is its capital.It covers an area of about 148 000 square kilo-meters.Its permanent resident population is about 40 millions.LiaoNing has a long and cold winters, warm and rainy summers and relatively short and windy spring and autumn.January is the coldest month with an average temperature of-17C to-5C, and July is the hottest with an average temperature of 21C-25C.The best time to visit is from May to October, but winter is also a pleasant time to enjoy the ice and snow scenery and winter festivals.Liao Cuisine from Liaoning is one of the famous regional cuisines of China.This cooking style is typically strong in flavour and heavily spiced but not hot.Chinese dumplings(jiaozi)and noodles form the staple foods of the ioning has a large and growing Korean population and so Korean style food is readily available.Korean BBQ is popular here.The coastal areas of Liaoning are famous for their sea food such as sea cucumbers.Liaoning has an ancient history.The area has become famous for its fossils.In 1984, the scull and other bones of Jinniushan Man were found.These date back 280,000(28万)years.It’s the oldest site of Old Stone Age innortheast China.Historically Liaoning was populated by the Manchu ethnic group.It’s the cradle of the Qing sting from 1644 to the 1911 revolution, Qing dynasty was set up by Manchus.At the end of 19th Century,Han ethnic group became dominant because of a large amount of immigration from other areas of China.During the first half of the 20th Century, Liaoning came under Russian and then Japanese influence.It was in Liaoning that the Mukden Incident occurred that is considered to mark the start of the Japan-China war.Under Japanese control, the region became part of the puppet state of Manchukuo.Post world war II, Liáoníng played a significant part in the domestic war between the PLA and the Kuomintang.The famous LiaoShen battle happened here.After this battle, the whole northeast of China finally achieved victory and liberation.Today, Liáoníng became famous for it's heavy industry.Liaoning is one of China's most important industrial bases, covering a wide range of industries.These industries are very important to the region, for example the iron and steel production in Anshan and Benxi as well as ship building in Dalian and aircraft and car manufacturing in Shenyang.Because of its natural beauty, archeology treasures and legacy of architecture and artifacts, LiaoNing is an area you will want to visit many times.I would like to introduce a few attractions to you.In Shenyang, Liaoning's capital city, there is a Manchu version of the Forbidden City known as the Shenyang Imperial Palace.It was built on the same principles as the Forbidden City in Beijing, although much smaller in scope.Second only to the Forbidden City, it is the most intact imperial building in existence in China.The Imperial Palace is a museum that features extensive exhibits of jade(玉,翡翠), ivory 象牙, artworks of Ming and Qing dynasties, musical instruments,and a large display of 17th and 18th Centuries military equipment.The emperors that built the Imperial Palace also built their burial sites in Shenyang.Emperor Nurhachi and his mistress are buried in Fuling Tomb.Nurhachi's son, Huang Taiji and his empress女皇are buried in Zhaoling.The large and beautiful Zhaoling tomb has been compared to the Ming Tombs in Beijing.A third tomb, Yongling Tomb, completes the famous tomb group known as the 'three tombs outside of the Great Wall'.Southeast of Shenyang is Benxi, which has the largest water cave in Asia.It’s about 5800 meter long.The Water Cave has an underground river with water so clear that the riverbed is always visible.Take a ride on the sightseeing boat and enter into the magic and mystery of the stalactite钟乳石 formations that have formed over millions of years.Surrounded on three sides by Sea, Dalian is a charming coastal city.Here you can experience the garden-like downtown streets that are bordered by Japanese and Russian style buildings.It’s a perfect place for a leisurely stroll.With mountains on one side, and fabulous beaches all around the city, Dalian is a great place to escape the summer heat and have a refreshing vacation.Liaoning Province is opulent富裕的 in natural beauty as well as interesting attractions.Aside from the ones noted above, there are also many other places I will introduce to you in the coming days.第二篇:辽宁笔架山英文导游词Bijia Mountain: Hello, everyone!Welcome to Jinzhou Bijia Mountain.I’m your tou r guide, Vickey.I wish you guys can have a wonderful time with my describing and make a lot friends during this trip.T oday ,I'll show you around the most matchless landscape of China, the Bijia Mountain.We will see the Sea Gate Square and Sanqing Pavilion.Look from the distant place,thereare 3 peaks and the middle one is the highest, It looks like the ink brush rack.So the name.Ahead of us, you can see that the sea holds the Bijia Moun-tain like a pen insert into the sea.This is called“Pen Peak Inserts Sea” which is one of the fascinating scenes in Jinzhou.A small isl-and is 2.5km away from the east of Bijia Mountain called mini Bijia Mountain.Now we are arriving at the main entrance of the landscape called “Sea Gate” which includes two parts: the northern and southern.The southern one is a 20-meter-high rainbow archway,the northern part is a pair of symmetrically golden keys.Look at the white marble semicircular relief on the bevel wall.There is a dragon riding the clouds and mounting the mist, the en-graving is realistic and delicate.The two fairy's statues are made of 108 granite.Do you know why they are built here? That is to ob-serve the two fairies who build the two bridges here.The well near the statue is a fresh water well and the water is sweaty and tasty.It was said that it was dug in 1912 and only 50 metres away from the seaside.Now,we're in the highest peak of Bijia Mountain.In front of us is SanqingPavilion.Here the architecture combines the Chinese tradi-tional style and western style.That’s the trip of today, thanks for your corporation.I wish you guys have a good time in here.第三篇:北京概况英文导游词北京位于华北大平原的北部,该平原由亿万年前西部山脉水土冲击填充海洋而成,地势西北高东南低,平均海拔几十米。

辽宁英语导游词范文辽宁英语导游词范文一Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yellow sea, 50 kilometers from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and west peninsula and the hinterland of the open between the two peninsula and bathing beach. In 1986 was identified as national scenic area, in 1992 the state council approved the national tourist resort, in 2001 was named the first national 4 a level scenic spots, in 2005 was named national geological parks in China.Golden pebble beach, warm in winter and cool in summer, a pleasant climate, surrounded by sea on three sides over more than 30 kilometers of coastline, condensed the geological wonders of 9-300 million, was born six hundred million years ago in sinian period rocks form the magnificent stone landscape, known as "solidification of the animal world", "natural geological museum", "divine power sculpture park" of reputation. Jin shi tan scenic area is composed of two peninsulaand the hinterland, there are world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, Jin Shiyuan, rock, and then went the, models, film and television art center, dalian binhai national geological park, dalian international automobile campsite, stone hunting club, equestrian base metal and stone, stone international conference center, golf club, jinwan golf course, stone inscriptions? Discovery kingdom theme park and other projects and buildings of different styles and beautiful seaside tourist road, the gold coast, integration of the natural geographical environment fusion, here is full of exotic atmosphere, and the temptation of sending out the mysterious nature, is the ideal tourist vacation leisure resort.Jin shi tan scenic area in the middle of the two peninsula and the hinterland of area, there are world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, known as the "stone forest" north Jin Shiyuan, gold coast, the northeast's largest stone golf courses, and then went the first tourist in jinwan golf course and the, film and television art center, rock, dalian binhai national geological park, stone, hunting club, dalian international automobile campsite, theme park - stone? Discovery kingdomtheme park, djembe plaza has been open to the public.辽宁英语导游词范文二The terminal to the tunnel, thousands of square meters of the surface of the water, like a quiet chic "harbor", lighting, water full scene reflecting, cruise ships, hole in the fairyland. From downstairs and the revetment steps of, through the corridor from the port into the boat, swim in water tunnel. Tunnel length 5800 meters, has developed 2800 meters, covers an area of 36000 square meters, the space more than 40 cubic meters, the most open place, 38 meters high, 70 meters wide. Front hall has more than 1000 square meters of the surface of the water, with 40 terminal can stay at the same time the cruise boat, white water rafting can use tunnel of large tunnel, the tunnel of the beauty of the long, deep tunnel, feibao, then, you have to wonder: "stalactite mountain scene, canoe and blue water, between Zhong Xiu should only celestial beings, human only this cave".Hole to air flow, water flow at the age of endless, 14000 tonnes per day and night flow, average water depth of 1.5 meters,7 meters, the deepest cave in constant temperature of 12 ℃.A winding river twists and turns, the river bottom, cave in "three gorges", "seven palace", "nine bending", so named "jiuqu Milky Way". Waters along the body piercing, depth of 2.3 km,and broadly in the throat, twists and turns, cave stalactites, stalagmites, and columns from the crack more saving on, not fake vulture act the role ofing the formation of various sorts of object. These object, highly ornamental.From yacht pier line into, can appreciate the cliffside spring in order to welcome guests, BaoPingKou, tides, lotus lantern, a group of monkeys, longevity, corn tower, stone of baoding, elixir, dragon hornfels, sword, kirin group of rocks, waterfalls, one-horned rhino, bamboo shoots, hang curtain, three tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, jade elephant, handheld device maker e-ten swords, peacock rock, snow, etc. They are complete, image is clear. Especially corn tower, three scene, jade elephants and snow mountain names conform to actuality, but, a few can be spurious. Galaxy stalactite standing on both sides of the Taiwan straits, stalagmites picturesque, various, quirky, ceiling empty stalactite hung it, glittering and translucent colors, god creature, more than 100 spots along the river, and each has its own characteristics, white water rafting, such as in wonderland, it is water and mysterious caves, stone like nature itself is so far has been found that the longest in the world can take a boat tour of the underground river.辽宁英语导游词范文三In the temple is located inside the righteous county, liaoning province, was built in the liao kaitai nine years (1020 AD) because there are seven Buddha inside plastic, commonly known as jinzhou.would again.Served by the gate of the temple, memorial arch, the temple, the clock pavalion, pavilion, male temple, west temple palaces and other ancient buildings, covers an area of 30000 square meters, is a grand, relatively intact ancient temples. Big male temple is located in the northern tip of central axis, and face width between 9 and 55 meters long, deep 5, 33 meters wide, total 24 meters, building area of 1800 square meters. It is not only the domestic liao dynasty remains one of the biggest wooden building, because of its big male temple area is the largest scale, and a Chinese temple first Ursa major.In the temple for male portraits of Buddha temple altar model has a set of color, "over the past seven Buddha ', tied together, the Buddhism is unique. The Buddha tall, stately, and handsome, since one thousand, is still well preserved, the Buddhism has a special influence and popularity at home and abroad. Inside the hall singer; thousandrous hooves across 14 honour threat shi bodhisattva lifelike; liao dynasty painting on the frame, flying; murals in the gable; stone Buddha altarfor machine, as same as the Buddha of ancient art treasures. Archaeological experts, artists as are the ultimate in art treasures, is breathtaking. Due to the big male buildings of the temple and the temple remains are extremely precious historical, scientific and artistic value, in the temple of the national treasures as early as 1961, was first published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units. After five years of restoration began in 1984 and expansion, in the temple has become a beautiful environment, tourism service project is complete, the famous Chinese and foreign buddhist resort. Has been rated as" national famous scenic spot three hundred ", "liaoning province five top ten scene", "top ten scene" of jinzhou.。

辽宁英语导游词范文(通用5篇)辽宁英语范文篇1Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yelloeters from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and eters of coastline, condensed the geological posed of tobile campsite, stone hunting club, equestrian base metal and stone, stone international conference center, golf club, jin theme park and other projects and buildings of different styles and beautiful seaside tourist road, the gold coast, integration of the natural geographical environment fusion, here is full of exotic atmosphere, and the temptation of sending out the mysterious nature, is the ideal tourist vacation leisure resort.Jin shi tan scenic area in the middle of the tobile campsite, theme park - stone? Discovery kingdom theme park, djembe plaza has been open to the public.辽宁英语导游词范文篇2The terminal to the tunnel, thousands of square meters of the surface of the do the port into the boat, s, cave in "three gorges", "seven palace", "nine bending", so named "jiuqu Milky Way". Waters along the body piercing, depth of 2.3 km, and broadly in the throat, t the crack more saving on, not fake vulture act the role ofing the formation of various sorts of object. These object, highly ornamental.From yacht pier line into, can appreciate the cliffside spring in order to e guests, BaoPingKou, tides, lotus lantern, a group of monkeys, longevity, corn toplete, image is clear. Especially corn tomonly knoestic liao dynasty remains one of the biggest e, sinceone thousand, is still e and abroad. Inside the hall singer; thousandrous hooves across 14 honour threat shi bodhisattva lifelike; liao dynasty painting on the frame, flying; murals in the gable; stone Buddha altar for machine, as same as the Buddha of ancient art treasures. Archaeological experts, artists as are the ultimate in art treasures, is breathtaking. Due to the big male buildings of the temple and the temple remains are extremely precious historical, scientific and artistic value, in the temple of the national treasures as early as 1961, e a beautiful environment, tourism service project is complete, the famous Chinese and foreign buddhist resort. Has been rated as" national famous scenic spot three hundred ", "liaoning province five top ten scene", "top ten scene" of jinzhou.辽宁英语导游词范文篇3The terminal to the tunnel, thousands of square meters of the surface of the water, like a quiet chic "harbor", lighting, water full scene reflecting, cruise ships, hole in the fairyland. From downstairs and the revetment steps of, through the corridor from the port into the boat, swim in water tunnel. Tunnel length 5800 meters, has developed 2800 meters, covers an area of 36000 square meters, the space more than 40 cubic meters, the most open place, 38 meters high, 70 meters wide. Front hall has more than 1000 square meters of the surface of the water, with 40 terminal can stay at the same time the cruise boat, white water rafting can use tunnel of large tunnel, the tunnel of the beauty of the long, deep tunnel, feibao, then, you have to wonder: "stalactite mountain scene, canoe and blue water, between Zhong Xiu should only celestial beings, human only this cave".Hole to air flow, water flow at the age of endless, 14000 tonnes per day and night flow, average water depth of 1.5 meters,7 meters, the deepest cave in constant temperature of 12 ℃. A winding river twists and turns, the river bottom, cave in "three gorges", "seven palace", "nine bending", so named "jiuqu Milky Way". Waters along the body piercing, depth of 2.3 km, and broadly in the throat, twists and turns, cave stalactites, stalagmites, and columns from the crack more saving on, not fake vulture act the role ofing the formation of various sorts of object. These object, highly ornamental.From yacht pier line into, can appreciate the cliffside spring in order to welcome guests, BaoPingKou, tides, lotus lantern, a group of monkeys, longevity, corn tower, stone of baoding, elixir, dragon hornfels, sword, kirin group of rocks, waterfalls, one-horned rhino, bamboo shoots, hang curtain, three tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, jade elephant, handheld device maker e-ten swords, peacock rock, snow, etc. They are complete, image is clear. Especially corn tower, three scene, jade elephants and snow mountain names conform to actuality, but, a few can be spurious. Galaxy stalactite standing on both sides of the Chinese Taiwan straits, stalagmites picturesque, various, quirky, ceiling empty stalactite hung it, glittering and translucent colors, god creature, more than 100 spots along the river, and each has its own characteristics, white water rafting, such as in wonderland, it is water and mysterious caves, stone like nature itself is so far has been found that the longest in the world can take a boat tour of the underground river.辽宁英语导游词范文篇4Longtan grand canyon is located in liaoning province, hebei border, now named longtan grand canyon, huludao city, liaoning province is one of the oldest integrated face township, near qinhuangdao, huludao and chaoyang city, 330 kilometers awayfrom Beijing, tianjin, 324 kilometers, shenyang 440 kilometers, the transportation is convenient. Longtan the grand canyon is unique in the entire northeast valley, longtan natural grand canyon scenic area called "little Tibet" in the north, he together with nature is a place where people dreams, to see his face, do you want to by plane you step down, the beautiful scenery in the valley. Canyon with 52 kilometers, depth of 648 meters, 210 meters at its widest point, there are thousands more branches of the canyon. There set mountain, water, hole, stone, waterfalls, canyon landscape as a whole.Longtan valley is covered by a variety of plants, the main tree species are pine, poplar, willow, hawthorn trees, walnut trees, acacia tree, pear tree and the tree of armeniaca sibirica, mountain elm, nearly 30 kinds. The jungle home to a variety of birds, pigeons, pheasants, sparrowhawks, cuckoo, long tail even birds, pine crane, etc. Beasts are Wolf, fox, roe deer, badger, dressed santo, etc.). Old deep pools in the canyon to live, have two dragon each seam droughts, bow down and all the people came to the pond water, and the dragon is very considerate of the people, each seam rain there will be a boon for people, very efficacious, so this canyon named "longtan grand canyon".Canyon is available for viewing spots a lot, have a bottomless longtan, deafening longtan waterfall (22 meters, fall is most the breadth to amount to 4 meters), golden gourd waterfall (divide 36 meters, 5 meters) wide, magical keel bat cave, hole, toad peak day, god turtle stone, stone, maitreya Buddha, WoHuShan, couples peak, lotus peak, etc. Longtan valley characteristic is more unique winter ice climbing. Longtan valley of winter was covered with a silvery white world, many frozen waterfalls everywhere, various, ice fall at its widest point for more than 30meters, the top up to 36 meters, the nature wonderful artical excelling nature, forming a great landscape makes visitors full of praise, linger. In its branch valley, the stone forest canyon, winding sweeping and majestic stone forest into the sky; In one thousand to a natural cave, closely linked one by one very strange; Image lifelike phoenix stone as if to show its beautiful body. Wild animals will make you really experience the endless charm of nature. Into the longtan, grand canyon is strange, special, people's first impression of risks. Here flows with beauty everywhere, everywhere permeated with beauty. Granite and volcanic rocks, after the nature of the uncanny workmanship carved to form the natural landscape in different poses.Longtan valley natural environment, make up the typical western liaoning landscape. Early spring, rhododendrons around the canyon, full, flowers bloom, smell fragrant. In the summer, bee flying butterfly dance, schools of thought contend birds, waterfalls, springs gurgling. Late autumn, overflow hill red leaves, in photograph reflect, scenery myriad, fascinating. Winter, snow, frozen waterfalls hang, glittering and translucent get rid of. Longtan valley great momentums, rolling hills, mountains, clear water, fresh air ever-flowing. In recent years, integrated by investment promotion and capital introduction to longtan grand canyon implemented depth development, make it has become a famous natural scenic area in northern China.辽宁英语导游词范文篇5In the templeIn the temple is located inside the righteous county, liaoning province, was built in the liao kaitai nine years (1020 AD) because there are seven Buddha inside plastic, commonly known as jinzhou.would again.Served by the gate of the temple, memorial arch, the temple, the clock pavalion, pavilion, male temple, west temple palaces and other ancient buildings, covers an area of 30000 square meters, is a grand, relatively intact ancient temples. Big male temple is located in the northern tip of central axis, and face width between 9 and 55 meters long, deep 5, 33 meters wide, total 24 meters, building area of 1800 square meters. It is not only the domestic liao dynasty remains one of the biggest wooden building, because of its big male temple area is the largest scale, and a Chinese temple first Ursa major.In the temple for male portraits of Buddha temple altar model has a set of color, "over the past seven Buddha ', tied together, the Buddhism is unique. The Buddha tall, stately, and handsome, since one thousand, is still well preserved, the Buddhism has a special influence and popularity at home and abroad. Inside the hall singer; thousandrous hooves across 14 honour threat shi bodhisattva lifelike; liao dynasty painting on the frame, flying; murals in the gable; stone Buddha altar for machine, as same as the Buddha of ancient art treasures. Archaeological experts, artists as are the ultimate in art treasures, is breathtaking. Due to the big male buildings of the temple and the temple remains are extremely precious historical, scientific and artistic value, in the temple of the national treasures as early as 1961, was first published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units. After five years of restoration began in 1984 and expansion, in the temple has become a beautiful environment, tourism service project is complete, the famous Chinese and foreign buddhist resort. Has been rated as" national famous scenic spot three hundred ", "liaoning province five top ten scene", "top ten scene" of jinzhou.。

辽宁省概况The briefing of Liaoning provinceLiaoning Province is located in northeastern China bordered by Jilin Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hebei Province. The province overlooks the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea as well as bordering the nation of North Korea on the Yalu River. Liaoning serves a key link between China’s northeast economic region and the Bohai Sea economic zone. The province is a vital communication line from the northeast region to the north and the Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great Wall to the south. Liaoning also provides a gateway from Manchuria to the Eurasian Continental Bridge to the west.Liaoning Province covers a total land area of 145,900 square kilometers,The population of Liaoning Province is 42,000,000 ,Liaoning is composed of fourteenprefecture-level cities: These prefecture-level cities are in turn divided into 100 county-level divisions Liaoning is a multi-ethnic province with 44 different minority groups represented. Besides the predominant Han ethnic group, there are 43 minority groups, including the Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Korean and Xibo. The minority population is 6,550,000, comprising 16% of the total provincial population.It is possible to think of Liaoning as three approximate geographical regions: the highlands in the west, plains in the middle, and hills in the east. Liaoning has a continental monsoon climate, and rainfall averages to about 440 to 1130 mm annually. Summer is rainy while the other seasons are dry,long winters, warm summers and short springs and autumns. the seasons are Cleary divided Liaoning province has a long-standing history and time-honored culture tracing back to antiquity. There have been a number of significant archaeological discoveries in the region including human fossils near Dashiqiao and stone tools near Chaoyang. Approximately 6,000 years ago Liaoning entered the New Stone Age and there have been a large quantity of utensils found in Xinle, Shenyang dating from that period. The ruins at Niuhe ridge reveal an early civilized society and places Liaoning as one of the origins of Chinese civilization.,In the 16th century BC, Liaoning was a neighboring State of the Shang Dynasty and was under the Yan State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the WarringStates Period. Various dynasties have established their adminstrative institutions in Liaoning and Liaoning was the birthplace of China’s la st dynasty, the QingDynasty(1644-1911 A.D.). The Imperial Palace and Three Imperial Burial Tombs in Shenyang are from the early Qing Dynasty and reflect the political and cultural, history of the period. In 1929 changed the name of Fengtian Province to Liaoning Province, Liaoning meaning the peaceful valley of the Liaohe River. Liaoning Province is also the site where the Japanese imperial invaders launched their war of aggression against China on September 18, 1931. The Chinese Civil War that took place following Japanese defeat in 1945 had its first major battles (the Liaoshen Campaign) in and around Liaoning.Liaoning is rich in mineral resources and with a complete range, Liaoning has the most iron, magnetite, diamond, and boron deposits among all province-level subdivisions of China. Liaoning is also an important source of petroleum and natural gas. Salt is produced along the coast. Liaoning has a Strong industrial base, with nearly a hundred years of industrial history. he province has developed into an important industrial base As China's major base of heavy industry, Liaoning holds an important place in iron and steel production, machinery, chemicals, electric power, oil extraction and processing and sea-salt production, along with coal, cotton textiles, tussah silk, and paper mills, etc. State-owned textile mills in Liaoning province, one of the oldest industrial bases in northeast China, It is also a national food and agricultural and sideline the important grain production bases, The sea off Dalian abounds with quality seafood, such as abalones, sea cucumbers, scallops, prawns, crabs, and sea urchins.Liaoning province has Beautiful natural scenery, and the historical sites spread all over, there estimated more than 11300 existing heritage for example the three imperial tombs dating from the Qing Dynasty are located in Liaoning. These tomb sites have been grouped with other Ming and Qing Dynasties tombs (such as the Ming Dynasty Tombs in Beijing, and the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing) as a combined UNESCO World Heritage Site. Benxi offers a boat ride though a large stalactite filled cave and underground river Liaoyang, one of the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in northeast China, has a number of historical sites, including the White Pagoda (Baita), that dates to the Yuan Dynasty. Dandong, on the border with North Korea, is a medium-sized city that offers a cross-river view of the North Korean city of Sinŭiju.Liaoning has a simple folk customs of the people .there areRich and colorful local art, Two-person show, Yangko A wide range of Arts Festival are holded every year sucn as dalian International Fashion Festival, Shenyang International Tourism Festival ice and snow tourism festivalthe beautiful east of Liaoning peninsula ,colorful liaoxi corridor people of LN invite the tourists home and aboard to LN warmly to enjoy the scenry of manzu nation and sightseeing in LN.。

辽宁省内的英文导游词ShenyangShenyang,capitalofLiaoningProvince,andamajorindustrialcity.In16 25,Nurhaci,founderoftheJin,movedhiscapitaltoShenyang,whichlaterbecam ethecapitaloftheManchusbeforetheytookcontrolofcentralChina.MuchofSh enyang'srichhistoricalheritageisattributedtotheQing'sformativeyears.Form erImperialPalaceFirstbuiltin1625forNurhachi,andinheritedbyhissonAbahai HuangTaiji),theFormerImperialPalaceofShenyangisoneoftworoyalcomplexe sextantinChinatoday.Thesplendidanddistinctlyethnicarchitecturalstyleofthe palace,whichincludesDazheng(GrandPolitics)Hall,theTenPrinces'Pavilion,Ch ongzhen(GoldenChimes),PhoenixChamber,andQingning(PureTranquility)Pa vilion,arestillinperfectshape.OnSaturdayafternoonsduringtheMayOctoberp eriod,theFormerImperialPalaceisthevenuefortheshowoftheparadeofagran droyalprocession.Zhaoling&FulingMausoleumsTheZhaoling,alsoknownasN orthernMausoleumasitisinthenorthernsuburbsofShenyang,wasthetomboft hesecondQingemperor,HuangTaji,andhisconsorts.BuriedundertheFulingofE asternMausoleumweretheremainsofNurhachiandhiswife,EmpressXiaoci.Se pt.18IncidentMuseumThemuseum,housedinsidetheMonumenttotheSepte mber18IncidentattheMarcoPoloBridge,recapturestheincidentlaunchedbyJa panesemilitaristsandexposesJapaneseatrocitiesinthewarthatensued.Weird SlopeofShenyangThe100-metre-longWeirdSlopeisfoundnearQingshuitaiTowninthenorthernsuburbsofShenyangandtheShenyang-ChangchunExpressw ay,and35kmfromdowntownShenyang.Theweirdnessaboutitisthatautodriver sandbicyclistscaneffortlesslyslideuptheslopebuthavetogodownthedistance bysteppingontheacceleratororpedalingrealhard.Theslopeispartofasceniczo nethatalsoincludestheXiangshanMountain,theChainBridgeandthePeng'enT emple.SummerPalace-on-the-WaterThisisChina'slargestindoorrecreational center-on-the-water,andthelargestamusementpark-on-the-waterinAsia.Dal ianThebeautifulseasidecityofDalianonthesoutherntipofLiaodongPeninsulai sanicesightseeing,recuperatingandholidaymakingdestination.Itisparticularl ysuitableforconventionorawardedtours.Dalianisskirtedonthreesidesbythes ea,anditslongcoastopensontoamyriadofislands.Thelandscapeisfabulous,the weatherpleasant,andtheurbanenvironmentneatandtidy.Whennightfallsthe citytakesonanenchantinglook.Dalianisthevenueofaseriesofannuallarge-scal eevents,includingDalianInternationalFashionFestival,thefestivaltogreetNew Yearwithfireworkdisplays,InternationalMarathoncompetition,andInternati onalLocustWatchingFestival.DalianBeachThebeach,lyinginsouthernDalian,i sacelebratedsummeringplaceinnorthChinaandanationalscenicresort.Major scenicspots:Wooden-ClubIsle,Hutan(Tiger'sBeach)AmusementPark,Beida( GrandNorth)Bridge,Yanwo(SwallowNestle)Peak,FojiazhuangPark,ForestZoo ,Xinghai(StarSea)Bay,XinghaiPark,ShenyaMarineWorld,andHeishi(BlackRoc k)Reefs.Aseasidehighwayrunsbyalltheseattractions.XinghaiParkXinghaiisthelargestseasideparkofDalianwhichconsistsofaseashoreparkandabathinggro und.LushunkouScenicResortLushunkouisanationalscenicresortandafamed militaryharbourwhichinthewesternmostpartofDalianandthesouthernmostt ipofLiaodongPeninsula.ThelargestofitskindinDalian,theLushukouScenicReso rtcomprises8sceniczones,includingreefs,islands,mountains,SnakeIsleandBir dIsle.RussianandJapaneseoccupation,andtheJapanese-RussianWarof1894-1895,hasbequeathedLushunwithquiteafewlandmarks,includingWanzhongC emetery,BaiyushanPagoda,LushunPrison,andRussianpillboxesatEasternJigu anMountain.JinshitanBeachNationalTourist&HolidayResortIthasaflat7.5km -longbathinggroundcoveredwithfinesand,amoderngolfclub,andahuntingclu b.ShenyaMarineworldAnaquariumofworldcaliberclosebytheXinghaiPark,theS henyaMarineWorld's118-metre-longunderseatunnelenablesvisitorstoobser vethisworldof10,000fishandseacreaturesin200speciesatcloseproximity.Bin gyuHolidayResortHolidaymakingandsightseeingareperfectlycombinedinthe ProvincialBingyuHolidayResortinnorthZhuangheCity,whichissuggestiveofth equaintpeculiaritiesoftheStoneforestofYunnanandthegracefulallureofthela ndscapeofGuilin.Inwinter,thesportsfacilitiesofBingyuattractaconstantstrea mofwintersportsbuffs.DalianFashionFestivalDalianInternationalFashionFest ival,whichtakesplaceinSeptembereveryyear,setsthestageforakeenlycontestedcompetitionamongfashiondesignersfromallovertheworldandword-famo usfashionmodels.Amongtheotheractivitiesheldduringthefestivalarefull-leng thvarietyshowsinCitySquare,aworldfashionexhibition,garmentexportnegoti ations,andparadesoffashionmodels.AnshanNicknamed"CapitalofChineseSt eelIndustry",AnshanincentralLiaoningisamajorironandsteelindustrialbase.I nrecentyears,ithasalsobeenrisingasanewtouristdestination.QianshanMoun tainAfamousmountain18kmtothesoutheastofAnshaninnortheastChina,the 708.3-metre-highQianshanMountainisdenselywooded,andaboundsinfloraa ndfauna.Amongitsscenicspotsisanewdiscovery-anatureoughtstatueoftheB uddha,whichstandsmeterstall.TheplacehassincebecomethevenueofQiansh anGreatuddhaestival,whichtakesplaceinJuneeveryyear.RiverinCaveAriver3, 000meterslong,2metersdeepandwideenoughfor20to30boats,isfoundflowi ngthroughagiant5million-yearcave35kmfromdowntownBenxi.Thecaveisals ofilledwithcountlessstalagmitesandstoneflowers,pillarsandcurtains.Accesst othecaveisbyregulartouristbusesrunningbetweenShenyangandBenxiduring weekendsandholidays.FengguoTempleTheFengguoTemplepossessesthelar gestsingle-floorancientwoodenhallinChina.Whenitwascompletedin1020,it wasknownastheTempleoftheGreatBuddha,orTempleofSevenBuddhas.Ensh rinedintheMahaviraHallare7Liao-dynastystatuesofBuddhassittingcross-legg edonlotusthrones.Eachstatueismorethan9metersinheight.AncientCityofXin gchengOneofthefourwell-preservedMingdynastycities,XinchengwasamajordefensefortressinthelateMing.ItscitywallandmanybuildingsareinMingandQi ngarchitecturalstyles.YaluRiverAstheboundarybetweenChinaandKorea,theY aluRiverflowsacrossthecityofDandongforapproximately300km.Fromthecity' sYaluBridgeandYaluParkonecanfeasthiseyesonthefascinatinglandscapeonb othsidesoftheriver.Ice-and-SnowTourWintersightseeingisahottouristprogra minnortheastChina.FromDecembertoFebruary,thelandofLiaoningProvincet eemswithwintersportslovers.ThisisparticularlythecasewithQipanMountain ofShenyang,andBingyuofDalian,wherevisitorscangoskating,skiing,wintersw imming,andsleighing,anddiscoverlocalfolklorebyattendingicelanternshows, folksinginganddancing(includingwalkingonstilts,modelboatdance,andyangg edance).。

辽宁英语导游词1Longtan grand canyon is located in liaoning province, hebei border, now named longtan grand canyon, huludao city, liaoning province is one of the oldest integrated face township, near qinhuangdao, huludao and chaoyang city, 330 kilometers away from Beijing, tianjin, 324 kilometers, shenyang 440 kilometers, the transportation is convenient. Longtan the grand canyon is unique in the entire northeast valley, longtan natural grand canyon scenic area called "little Tibet" in the north, he together with nature is a place where people dreams, to see his face, do you want to by plane you step down, the beautiful scenery in the valley. Canyon with 52 kilometers, depth of 648 meters, 210 meters at its widest point, there are thousands more branches of the canyon. There set mountain, water, hole, stone, waterfalls, canyon landscape as a whole.Longtan valley is covered by a variety of plants, the main tree species are pine, poplar, willow, hawthorn trees, walnut trees, acacia tree, pear tree and the tree of armeniaca sibirica, mountain elm, nearly 30 kinds. The jungle home to a variety of birds, pigeons, pheasants, sparrowhawks, cuckoo, long tail even birds, pine crane, etc. Beasts are Wolf, fox, roe deer, badger, dressed santo, etc.). Old deep pools in the canyon to live, have two dragon each seam droughts, bow down and all the people came to the pond water, and the dragon is very considerate of the people, each seam rain there will be a boon for people, very efficacious, so this canyon named "longtan grand canyon".Canyon is available for viewing spots a lot, have a bottomless longtan, deafening longtan waterfall (22 meters, fall is most the breadth to amount to 4 meters), golden gourd waterfall (divide 36 meters, 5 meters) wide, magical keel bat cave, hole, toad peak day, god turtle stone, stone, maitreya Buddha, WoHuShan, couples peak, lotus peak, etc. Longtan valley characteristic is more unique winter ice climbing. Longtan valley of winter was covered with a silvery white world, many frozen waterfalls everywhere, various, ice fall at its widest point for more than 30 meters, the top up to 36 meters, the nature wonderful artical excelling nature, forming a great landscape makes visitors full of praise, linger. In its branch valley,the stone forest canyon, winding sweeping and majestic stone forest into the sky; In one thousand to a natural cave, closely linked one by one very strange; Image lifelike phoenix stone as if to show its beautiful body. Wild animals will make you really experience the endless charm of nature. Into the longtan, grand canyon is strange, special, peoples first impression of risks. Here flows with beauty everywhere, everywhere permeated with beauty. Granite and volcanic rocks, after the nature of the uncanny workmanship carved to form the natural landscape in different poses.Longtan valley natural environment, make up the typical western liaoning landscape. Early spring, rhododendrons around the canyon, full, flowers bloom, smell fragrant. In the summer, bee flying butterfly dance, schools of thought contend birds, waterfalls, springs gurgling. Late autumn, overflow hill red leaves, in photograph reflect, scenery myriad, fascinating. Winter, snow, frozen waterfalls hang, glittering and translucent get rid of. Longtan valley great momentums, rolling hills, mountains, clear water, fresh air ever-flowing. In recent years, integrated by investment promotion and capital introduction to longtan grand canyon implemented depth development, make it has become a famous natural scenic area in northern China.辽宁英语导游词2The terminal to the tunnel, thousands of square meters of the surface of the water, like a quiet chic "harbor", lighting, water full scene reflecting, cruise ships, hole in the fairyland. From downstairs and the revetment steps of, through the corridor from the port into the boat, swim in water tunnel. Tunnel length 5800 meters, has developed 2800 meters, covers an area of 36000 square meters, the space more than 40 cubic meters, the most open place, 38 meters high, 70 meters wide. Front hall has more than 1000 square meters of the surface of the water, with 40 terminal can stay at the same time the cruise boat, white water rafting can use tunnel of large tunnel, the tunnel of the beauty of the long, deep tunnel, feibao, then, you have to wonder: "stalactite mountain scene, canoe and blue water, between Zhong Xiu should only celestial beings, human only this cave".Hole to air flow, water flow at the age of endless, 14000 tonnes per day and night flow, average water depth of 1.5 meters, 7 meters, the deepest cave in constant temperature of 12 ℃. A winding river twists and turns, the river bottom, cave in "three gorges", "seven palace", "nine bending", so named "jiuqu Milky Way". Waters along the body piercing, depth of 2.3 km, and broadlyin the throat, twists and turns, cave stalactites, stalagmites, and columns from the crack more saving on, not fake vulture act the role ofing the formation of various sorts of object. These object, highly ornamental.From yacht pier line into, can appreciate the cliffside spring in order to welcome guests, BaoPingKou, tides, lotus lantern, a group of monkeys, longevity, corn tower, stone of baoding, elixir, dragon hornfels, sword, kirin group of rocks, waterfalls, one-horned rhino, bamboo shoots, hang curtain, three tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, jade elephant, handheld device maker e-ten swords, peacock rock, snow, etc. They are complete, image is clear. Especially corn tower, three scene, jade elephants and snow mountain names conform to actuality, but, a few can be spurious. Galaxy stalactite standing on both sides of the Taiwan straits, stalagmites picturesque, various, quirky, ceiling empty stalactite hung it, glittering and translucent colors, god creature, more than 100 spots along the river, and each has its own characteristics, white water rafting, such as in wonderland, it is water and mysterious caves, stone like nature itself is so far has been found that the longest in the world can take a boat tour of the underground river.辽宁英语导游词3Bijia mountain is located in the south of the city, 35 km bridge town fishing, even lu is one of the offshore island. The island, north and south 1.5 kilometers long, 0.8 kilometers wide, with a total area of about 1 square kilometers, 78 meters above sea level. Three peak on the island, such as pen rack, and because of the east sea have a shape such as small pen rack bijia mountain correspond to away, so called big bijia mountain. 1.8 kilometers from the north to the bijia mountain, sea, during which there is a tidal waves and the connection of the island with the passage of the natural pebble land, commonly known as the "bridge". The bridge, with the rhythm of tides is a charming spectacle. Whenever the ebb tide, water slowly to recede, both sides channel is like a winding dragon emerges in the sea; The tide fall, "bridge" is fully revealed, through largewell-known bijia mountain.Visitors can along this section ShaShi Road island up the hill. Every tide, seawater and from both sides to "bridge" attack, "the bridge location, layout and decoration, design practice, combination of pure, changes in the symmetry, the dispersed phase connection, a castle in the construction of excellent. Especially the stone door, knife" in the waves gradually narrowed, until completely.。

辽宁省内的英文导游词 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】辽宁省内的英文导游词ShenyangShenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, and a major industrial city. In 1625, Nurhaci, founder of the Jin, moved his capital to Shenyang, which later became the capital of the Manchus before they took control of central China. Much of Shenyang's rich historical heritage is attributed to the Qing's formative years.Former Imperial PalaceFirst built in 1625 for Nurhachi, and inherited by his son Abahai Huang Taiji), the Former Imperial Palace of Shenyang is one of two royal complexes extant in China today. The splendid and distinctly ethnic architectural style of the palace, which includes Dazheng (Grand Politics) Hall, the Ten Princes' Pavilion, Chongzhen (Golden Chimes), Phoenix Chamber, and Qingning (Pure Tranquility) Pavilion, are still in perfect shape. On Saturday afternoons during the May October period, the Former Imperial Palace is the venue for the show of the parade of a grand royal procession.Zhaoling & Fuling MausoleumsThe Zhaoling, also known as Northern Mausoleum as it is in the northern suburbs of Shenyang, was the tomb of the second Qing emperor, Huang Taji, and his consorts. Buried under the Fuling of Eastern Mausoleum were the remains of Nurhachi and his wife, Empress Xiaoci.Sept. 18 Incident MuseumThe museum, housed inside the Monument to the September 18 Incident at the Marco Polo Bridge, recaptures the incident launched by Japanese militarists and exposes Japanese atrocities in the war that ensued.Weird Slope of ShenyangThe 100-metre-long Weird Slope is found near Qingshuitai Town in the northern suburbs of Shenyang and the Shenyang-Changchun Expressway, and 35km from downtown Shenyang. The weirdness about it is that auto drivers and bicyclists can effortlessly slide up the slope but have to go down the distance by stepping on the accelerator or pedaling real hard. The slope is part of a scenic zone that also includes the Xiangshan Mountain, the Chain Bridge and the Peng'en Temple.· · ·Summer Palace-on-the-WaterThis is China's largest indoor recreational center-on-the-water, and thelargest amusement park-on-the-water in Asia.DalianThe beautiful seaside city of Dalian on the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula is a nice sightseeing, recuperating and holidaymaking destination. It is particularly suitable for convention or awarded tours. Dalian is skirted on three sides by the sea, and its long coast opens onto a myriad of islands. The landscape is fabulous, the weather pleasant, and the urban environment neat and tidy. When night falls the city takes on an enchanting look. Dalian is the venue of a series of annual large-scale events, including Dalian International Fashion Festival, the festival to greet New Year with firework displays, International Marathon competition, and International Locust Watching Festival.Dalian BeachThe beach, lying in southern Dalian, is a celebrated summering place in north China and a national scenic resort. Major scenic spots: Wooden-Club Isle, Hutan(Tiger's Beach) Amusement Park, Beida (Grand North) Bridge, Yanwo (Swallow Nestle) Peak, Fojiazhuang Park, Forest Zoo, Xinghai (Star Sea) Bay, Xinghai Park, Shenya Marine World, and Heishi (Black Rock) Reefs. A seaside highway runs by all these attractions.Xinghai ParkXinghai is the largest seaside park of Dalian which consists of a seashore park and a bathing ground.Lushunkou Scenic ResortLushunkou is a national scenic resort and a famed military harbour which in the westernmost part of Dalian and the southernmost tip of Liaodong Peninsula. The largest of its kind in Dalian, the Lushukou Scenic Resort comprises 8 scenic zones, including reefs, islands, mountains, Snake Isle and Bird Isle. Russian and Japanese occupation, and the Japanese-Russian War of 1894-1895, has bequeathed Lushun with quite a few landmarks, including Wanzhong Cemetery, Baiyushan Pagoda, Lushun Prison, and Russian pillboxes at Eastern Jiguan Mountain.Jinshitan Beach National Tourist & Holiday ResortIt has a flat bathing ground covered with fine sand, a modern golf club, and a hunting club.Shenya Marine worldAn aquarium of world caliber close by the Xinghai Park, the Shenya Marine World's 118-metre-long undersea tunnel enables visitors to observe this world of 10,000 fish and sea creatures in 200 species at close proximity.Bingyu Holiday ResortHolidaymaking and sightseeing are perfectly combined in the Provincial Bingyu Holiday Resort in north Zhuanghe City, which is suggestive of the quaint peculiarities of the Stone forest of Yunnan and the graceful allure of the landscape of Guilin. In winter, the sports facilities of Bingyu attract a constant stream of winter sports buffs.Dalian Fashion FestivalDalian International Fashion Festival, which takes place in September every year, sets the stage for a keenly contested competition among fashion designers from all over the world and word-famous fashion models. Among the other activities held during the festival are full-length variety shows in City Square, a world fashion exhibition, garment export negotiations, and parades of fashion models.AnshanNicknamed "Capital of Chinese Steel Industry", Anshan in central Liaoning is a major iron and steel industrial base. In recent years, it has also been rising as a new tourist destination.Qianshan MountainA famous mountain 18km to the southeast of Anshan in northeast China, the 708. 3-metre-high Qianshan Mountain is densely wooded, and abounds in flora and fauna. Among its scenic spots is a new discovery-a nature ought statue of the Buddha, which stands meters tall. The place has since become the venue of Qianshan Great uddha estival, which takes place in June every year.River in CaveA river 3,000 meters long, 2 meters deep and wide enough for 20 to 30 boats, is found flowing through a giant 5 million-year cave 35km from downtown Benxi. Thecave is also filled with countless stalagmites and stone flowers, pillars and curtains. Access to the cave is by regular tourist buses running between Shenyang and Benxi during weekends and holidays.Fengguo TempleThe Fengguo Temple possesses the largest single-floor ancient wooden hall in China. When it was completed in 1020, it was known as the Temple of the Great Buddha, or Temple of Seven Buddhas. Enshrined in the Mahavira Hall are 7 Liao-dynasty statues of Buddhas sitting cross-legged on lotus thrones. Each statue is more than 9 meters in height.Ancient City of XingchengOne of the four well-preserved Ming dynasty cities, Xincheng was a major defense fortress in the late Ming. Its city wall and many buildings are in Ming and Qing architectural styles.Yalu RiverAs the boundary between China and Korea, the Yalu River flows across the city of Dandong for approximately 300km. From the city's Yalu Bridge and Yalu Park one can feast his eyes on the fascinating landscape on both sides of the river.Ice-and-Snow TourWinter sightseeing is a hot tourist program in northeast China. From December to February, the land of Liaoning Province teems with winter sports lovers. This is particularly the case with Qipan Mountain of Shenyang, and Bingyu of Dalian, where visitors can go skating, skiing, winter swimming, and sleighing, and discover local folklore by attending ice lantern shows, folk singing and dancing (including walking on stilts, model boat dance, and yangge dance).。
Briefings of liaoning 辽宁省简介 英文导游词

Briefings of liaoningHello everyone! You are welcome to pay a visit to liaoning. First of all, on behalf of the travel agency and myself as well, please allow me to extend our warm welcome for your being here. I am your tourist guide. My English name is Cheryl and I am very happy to be your tourist guide. If our service is not satisfactory in our tour, your suggestions and comments will be highly appreciated and I hope this tour to liaoning will leave you a deep impression. Maybe it is the firsts time for you to come to here and you are not familiar with this province, therefore I’d like to give you a brief introduction of liaoning first.Liaoning is the coastal province in the southern part of northeast of China, it is situated in the combination of northeast and Bohai Rim economic zone. Face the People’s Republic of Korea across the Yalu River in the southeast, Bohai and Yellow Sea in the south, surrounded by Jilin, Inner Mongolia and Hebei provinces from east north and west. She is not only the economic, transport and communication center of the northeast of China, but also an important tourist destination in the northeast Asia.There are 14 prefecture-level cities here, with the capital city of shenyang, it covering an area of 145,900 square kilometers, more than 42,000,000 people lived here, among them 6,550,000 are minorities, constitute roughly 16percent of the total population, apart from Han nationality, there are Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Korean and Xibe.As to the topography here, it is the hilly area in both east and west, liaohe plain in the middle. The long and narrow plain in the east of the west hilly area is known as the liaoxi corridor, it is an important place to combine the north and the northeast of China. The coastline running from the mouth of the Yalu River to the Shanhaiguan, it extends about 2,178 km in length, constitute 12% of the continent coastline in China. There are 506 islands here, and the islands’ coastline is about 700km, consist about 5% of islands’ coastline and 8% of the islands in China.The climate here is the temperate continental monsoon climate. the winter here is cold and long and the summer is hot, both spring and autumn are short. The average temperature is 6 to 11 degree, January is the coldest time and July is the hottest. In summer, you’d better take umbrella with you as if rains a lot, in winter you should wear warm cloth to protect you from the cold. The best travel season is from May to October and the best time to experience the festivals are January and February.The ancient cultures runs along course from a remote source. Liaohe valley is one of the birthplace of China’s splendid culture. In the Paleolithic Age, people have lived here. The relics found in the jinniu mountain has a history about 280,000 years of history, it is now the remotest relics found in this province. It entered the Neolithisc Age about 8,000 years ago and about 5,000 years ago a primitive communes come into being here. After Xia dynasty, liaoning is subjected to China. According to the earliest history book Yugong, liaoning belongs to jihzou and qingzhou, in Xia, it belongs to youzhou and yingzhou, in the spring and autumn time it belongs to yandi. In Qin, the emperor set up county here, after that, all the following dynasty have set county here, in Qing it was called shengjing and fengtian. In 1929, fengian was renamed liaoning, means that liaohe valley would be peaceful forever in Chinese. After the September 18 Incident of 1931, liaoning was occupied by Japan. Till the People's Republic of China was founded, liaoning district was set by liaodong, liaoxi, and rehe provinces. In 1954, here was named liaoning.Liaoning is richly endowed with mineral resources, with more than 100 profitable mineral reserves discovered, including iron, boron, magnetite, diamond and jade. Liaohe oil field is the third oil field in China, the petrol and gas take part about 15% and 10% of the reserves of China, the industry here has a history about more than 100 years, it is the important heavy industry base and raw material base. The main industries here are dandification, metallurgy, electron communication and mechanical. the transport here is convenient, the port, railway, highway, aviation and pipage transport make a great contribute to its development.The farm products are also rich here, it is abounds with rice, corn, wheat, soybean, tobacco and fruits. The sea products and local specialties here are famous, it is famous for its ginseng, antler, marten, seashell, jellyfish and so on.Liaoning is richly endowed with scenic spots and famous for its places of historical interests. It has about11,300 historical interests. Among them, there are 6 world culture relics, 53 national preserve organization and 241 provincial culture relics. It has 22 national nonmaterial relics and 53 provincial ones. Here has the 2000years old’s palace, 1500years old’s grotto architectural complex and 1000years old’s tower. Here also has the famous jiumenkou great wall, one of the best preserved ancient cities in China, and the elegant fengguo temple which was founded in liao dynasty. As it is the birthplace of Qing dynasty, the imperial palace and imperial mausoleum and many other resorts are also well-known. What’s more, here has a lot of war site, such as the zhang residence, the sep 18th incident museum and the memorial hall of the liaoshen campaign. As to the scenic spots here, the dalian golden pebble beach, the snake island, the benxi karst cave, yalu river, qianshan mountain bingyu valley is also celebrated.The custom here is nice and varied. It has a lot of festivals, the liaoning travel festival, dalian international fashion festival, anshanqianshan international travel festival, fushun Manchu custom international travel festival, benxi maple leaves festival are all warmly received by the tourist. The shenyang and dalian acrobatic troupe are famous not only in our country but also in the world. The couple dance opera, yangke, sketch and storytelling show it colorful culture. The famous handicrafts are youyan jade carving, dalian shell carving, fuxin agat carving and fushun coal carving.Liaoning now has become one of the important travel proveniences in China. It has established 5 colored travel products. In 2007, the travel economical index has realized 4 breakthrough. The general income break 100billon, reached about 130billion. The enter income break 2million people, the foreign exchange break 1billion dollar, the quantity of the employment break 1millon people. Till to 2007, there are 12,000 accommodation, include 507 start-rated hotel. The number of the travel agency has reached 1,108. the national A class interests has about reached 157, include 50 4A class ones. About 460 organization dealing with travel souvenirs, and 86 travel academic school. All the cities has be titled as the excellent travel cities, dalian has been titled as the best travel city in China.And this is the brief introduction of liaoning, hope you all enjoy be here and thank you for your cooperation.。

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辽宁省概况英文的导游词辽宁省概况英文导游词The briefing of Liaoning provinceLiaoning Province is located in northeastern China bordered by Jilin Province,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hebei Province. The province overlooks the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea as well as bordering the nation of North Korea on the Yalu River. Liaoning serves a key link between China’s northeast economic region and the Bohai Sea economic zone. The province is a vital communication line from the northeast region to the north and the Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great Wall to the south. Liaoning also provides a gateway from Manchuria to the Eurasian Continental Bridge to the west.Liaoning Province covers a total land area of 145,900 square kilometers,The population of Liaoning Province is 42,000,000 ,Liaoning is composed of fourteen prefecture-level cities: These prefecture-level cities are in turn divided into 100 county-level divisions Liaoning is a multi-ethnic province with 44 different minority groups represented. Besides the predominant Han ethnic group, there are 43 minority groups, including the Manchu,Mongolian,Hui,Korean and Xibo. The minority population is 6,550,000,comprising 16% of the total provincial population.It is possible to think of Liaoning as three approximate geographical regions: the highlands in the west, plains in the middle,and hills in the east. Liaoning has a continental monsoon climate, and rainfall averages to about 440 to 1130 mm annually. Summer is rainy while the other seasons are dry,long winters, warm summers and short springs and autumns.the seasons are Cleary dividedLiaoning province has a long-standing history and time-honored culture tracing back to antiquity. There have been a number of significant archaeological discoveries in the region including human fossils near Dashiqiao and stone tools near Chaoyang. Approximately 6,000 years ago Liaoning entered the New Stone Age and there have been a large quantity of utensils found in Xinle, Shenyang dating from that period. The ruins at Niuhe ridge reveal an early civilized society and places Liaoning as one of the origins of Chinese civilization.,In the 16th century BC, Liaoning was a neighboring State of the Shang Dynasty and was under the Yan State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Various dynasties have established their adminstrative institutions in Liaoning and Liaoning was the birthplace of China’s last dynasty, the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911 A.D.)。

辽宁的英语导游词Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeastin the yellow sea, 50 kilometers from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surroundedby sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and west peninsula and the hinterland of the open between the two peninsula and bathing beach. In 1986 was identified as national scenic area, in 1992 the state council approvedthe national tourist resort, in xx was named the first national 4 a level scenic spots, in xx was named national geological parks in China.Golden pebble beach, warm in winter and cool in summer, a pleasant climate, surrounded by sea on three sides over more than 30 kilometers of coastline, condensed the geological wonders of 9-300 million, was born six hundred million years ago in sinian period rocks form the magnificent stone landscape, known as "solidification ofthe animal world", "natural geological museum", "divine power sculpture park" of reputation. Jin shi tan scenicarea is posed of two peninsula and the hinterland, thereare world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, Jin Shiyuan, rock, and then went the, models, film and television art center,dalian binhai national geological park, dalianinternational automobile campsite, stone hunting club, equestrian base metal and stone, stone international conference center, golf club, jinwan golf course, stone inscriptions? Discovery kingdom theme park and other projects and buildings of different styles and beautiful seaside tourist road, the gold coast, integration of the natural geographical environment fusion, here is full of exotic atmosphere, and the temptation of sending out the mysterious nature, is the ideal tourist vacation leisure resort.Jin shi tan scenic area in the middle of the two peninsula and the hinterland of area, there are world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, known as the "stone forest" north Jin Shiyuan, gold coast, the northeast's largest stone golf courses, and then went the first tourist in jinwan golf course and the, film and television art center, rock, dalian binhai national geological park, stone, hunting club, dalian international automobile campsite, theme park - stone? Discovery kingdom theme park, djembe plaza has been open to the public.The terminal to the tunnel, thousands of square meters of the surface of the water, like a quiet chic "harbor", lighting, water full scene reflecting, cruise ships, hole in the fairyland. From downstairs and the revetment stepsof, through the corridor from the port into the boat, swim in water tunnel. Tunnel length 5800 meters, has developed 2800 meters, covers an area of 36000 square meters, the space more than 40 cubic meters, the most open place, 38 meters high, 70 meters wide. Front hall has more than 1000 square meters of the surface of the water, with 40 terminal can stay at the same time the cruise boat, white water rafting can use tunnel of large tunnel, the tunnel of the beauty of the long, deep tunnel, feibao, then, you have to wonder: "stalactite mountain scene, canoe and blue water, between Zhong Xiu should only celestial beings, human only this cave".Hole to air flow, water flow at the age of endless, 14000 tonnes per day and night flow, average water depth of 1.5 meters, 7 meters, the deepest cave in constant temperature of 12 ℃. A winding river twists and turns, the river bottom, cave in "three gorges", "seven palace", "nine bending", so named "jiuqu Milky Way". Waters along the body piercing, depth of 2.3 km, and broadly in the throat,twists and turns, cave stalactites, stalagmites, and columns from the crack more saving on, not fake vulture act the role ofing the formation of various sorts of object. These object, highly ornamental.From yacht pier line into, can appreciate the cliffside spring in order to wele guests, BaoPingKou, tides, lotuslantern, a group of monkeys, longevity, corn tower, stone of baoding, elixir, dragon hornfels, sword, kirin group of rocks, waterfalls, one-horned rhino, bamboo shoots, hang curtain, three tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, jade elephant, handheld device maker e-ten swords, peacock rock, snow, etc. They are plete, image is clear. Especially corn tower, three scene, jade elephants and snow mountain names conform to actuality, but, a few can be spurious. Galaxy stalactite standing on both sides of the Taiwan straits, stalagmites picturesque, various, quirky, ceiling empty stalactite hung it, glittering and translucent colors, god creature, more than 100 spots along the river, and each has its own characteristics, white water rafting, such as in wonderland, it is water and mysterious caves, stone like nature itself is so far has been found that the longest in the world can take a boat tour of the underground river.In the temple is located inside the righteous county, liaoning province, was built in the liao kaitai nine years (1020 AD) because there are seven Buddha inside plastic, monly known as jinzhou.would again.Served by the gate of the temple, memorial arch, the temple, the clock pavalion, pavilion, male temple, west temple palaces and other ancient buildings, covers an area of 30000 square meters, is a grand, relatively intact ancient temples. Big male temple is located in the northerntip of central axis, and face width between 9 and 55 meters long, deep 5, 33 meters wide, total 24 meters, building area of 1800 square meters. It is not only the domesticliao dynasty remains one of the biggest wooden building, because of its big male temple area is the largest scale, and a Chinese temple first Ursa major.In the temple for male portraits of Buddha temple altar model has a set of color, "over the past seven Buddha ', tied together, the Buddhism is unique. The Buddha tall, stately, and handsome, since one thousand, is still well preserved, the Buddhism has a special influence and popularity at home and abroad. Inside the hall singer; thousandrous hooves across 14 honour threat shi bodhisattva lifelike; liao dynasty painting on the frame, flying; murals in the gable; stone Buddha altar for machine, as same as the Buddha of ancient art treasures. Archaeological experts, artists as are the ultimate in art treasures, is breathtaking. Due to the big male buildings of the temple and the temple remains are extremely precious historical, scientific and artistic value, in the temple of thenational treasures as early as 1961, was first published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units. After five years of restoration began in 1984 and expansion, in the temple has bee a beautiful environment, tourism service project is plete, the famousChinese and foreign buddhist resort. Has been rated as" national famous scenic spot three hundred ", "liaoning province five top ten scene", "top ten scene" of jinzhou.。

辽宁省英文导游词范文1:Longtan grand canyonLongtan grand canyon is located in liaoning province, hebei border, now named longtan grand canyon, huludao city, liaoning province is one of the oldest integrated face township, near qinhuangdao, huludao and chaoyang city, 330 kilometers away from Beijing, tianjin, 324 kilometers, shenyang 440 kilometers, the transportation is convenient. Longtan the grand canyon is unique in the entire northeast valley, longtan natural grand canyon scenic area called "little Tibet" in the north, he together with nature is a place where people dreams, to see his face, do you want to by plane you step down, the beautiful scenery in the valley. Canyon with 52 kilometers, depth of 648 meters, 210 meters at its widest point, there are thousands more branches of the canyon. There set mountain, water, hole, stone, waterfalls, canyon landscape as a whole.Longtan valley is covered by a variety of plants, the main tree species are pine, poplar, willow, hawthorn trees, walnut trees, acacia tree, pear tree and the tree of armeniaca sibirica, mountain elm, nearly 30 kinds. The jungle home to a variety of birds, pigeons, pheasants, sparrowhawks, cuckoo, long tail even birds, pine crane, etc. Beasts are Wolf, fox, roe deer, badger, dressed santo, etc.). Old deep pools in the canyon to live, have two dragon each seam droughts, bow down and all the people came to the pond water, and the dragon is very considerate of the people, each seam rain there will be a boon for people, veryefficacious, so this canyon named "longtan grand canyon".Canyon is available for viewing spots a lot, have a bottomless longtan, deafening longtan waterfall (22 meters, fall is most the breadth to amount to 4 meters), golden gourd waterfall (divide 36 meters, 5 meters) wide, magical keel bat cave, hole, toad peak day, god turtle stone, stone, maitreya Buddha, WoHuShan, couples peak, lotus peak, etc. Longtan valley characteristic is more unique winter ice climbing. Longtan valley of winter was covered with a silvery white world, many frozen waterfalls everywhere, various, ice fall at its widest point for more than 30 meters, the top up to 36 meters, the nature wonderful artical excelling nature, forming a great landscape makes visitors full of praise, linger. In its branch valley, the stone forest canyon, winding sweeping and majestic stone forest into the sky; In one thousand to a natural cave, closely linked one by one very strange; Image lifelike phoenix stone as if to show its beautiful body. Wild animals will make you really experience the endless charm of nature. Into the longtan, grand canyon is strange, special, people's first impression of risks. Here flows with beauty everywhere, everywhere permeated with beauty. Granite and volcanic rocks, after the nature of the uncanny workmanship carved to form the natural landscape in different poses.Longtan valley natural environment, make up the typical western liaoning landscape. Early spring, rhododendrons around the canyon, full, flowers bloom, smell fragrant. In the summer, bee flying butterfly dance, schools of thought contend birds, waterfalls, springs gurgling. Late autumn, overflow hill red leaves, in photograph reflect, scenery myriad, fascinating. Winter, snow, frozen waterfalls hang, glittering and translucent get rid of. Longtan valley great momentums, rolling hills, mountains, clearwater, fresh air ever-flowing. In recent years, integrated by investment promotion and capital introduction to longtan grand canyon implemented depth development, make it has become a famous natural scenic area in northern China.辽宁省英文导游词范文2:Bijia mountainBijia mountain is located in the south of the city, 35 km bridge town fishing, even lu is one of the offshore island. The island, north and south 1.5 kilometers long, 0.8 kilometers wide, with a total area of about 1 square kilometers, 78 meters above sea level. Three peak on the island, such as pen rack, and because of the east sea have a shape such as small pen rack bijia mountain correspond to away, so called big bijia mountain. 1.8 kilometers from the north to the bijia mountain, sea, during which there is a tidal waves and the connection of the island with the passage of the natural pebble land, commonly known as the "bridge". The bridge, with the rhythm of tides is a charming spectacle. Whenever the ebb tide, water slowly to recede, both sides channel is like a winding dragon emerges in the sea; The tide fall, "bridge" is fully revealed, through large well-known bijia mountain.Visitors can along this section ShaShi Road island up the hill. Every tide, seawater and from both sides to "bridge" attack, "the bridge location, layout and decoration, design practice, combination of pure, changes in the symmetry, the dispersed phase connection, a castle in the construction of excellent. Especially the stone door, knife" in the waves gradually narrowed, until completely.Big well-known bijia mountain Lv Zuting, five female palace, sanqing pavilion ancient buildings, etc. The main building is sanqing pavilion, 26 meters high, stone floor 6 layer made of purecolor stone, stone gallery, shek mun, stone Windows, stone of niche and stone ladder, even the cornices pick Angle, goalkeeper murals, also is all into stone. The house, the attic is exquisite, grain quality is clear, open and close freely. The whole building is both the traditional artistic style, and absorbed the characteristics of ancient buildings in the west. Existing in size 43, white marble stone buddhas to Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, for Buddhism temples.辽宁省英文导游词范文3:Lingshan scenic spotLingshan scenic spot is located in huludao city, liaoning province lianshan based ZiXiang cold water Wells village southwest, 48 kilometers from huludao city, the core scenic area covers an area of 12 square kilometers. Scenic mountains, lush trees, jagged, deep caves, pavilions, temple bridge gallery strewn at random have send. Unique architectural style, historical and cultural thick, is the rare ancient temple complex in north China. Liaoning province top ten forest park, the huludao city lianshan district of patriotism education bases.Lingshan was founded in 1738, emperor qianlong three years), after 1806 (the eleventh year of jiaqing) reconstruction and expansion, the beginning of the republic to form the next three courtyards, which group. Pavilions ingenious layout, exquisite construction, in the study of the qing dynasty middle-late religious architecture layout, the form of great historical and cultural value. Lingshan scenic spot of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism culture and natural landscape into an organic whole, a total of LouTing DianGe 29, statue of Buddha, two taught more than 180. Scenic area from the five Buddha, the worse, spittor armor of god, or lock, couples stone, stone, chick, Chinese zodiac dragon to teng, camel peak, tiger cave, andtraining platform, tian qi temple, ship building, the infinite Wan Xian hole, hole, mother earth buildings, the god of wealth, cool water at the tomb of the ancient, Zhong Qing etc. More than 100 spots.。

辽宁概况导游词(英文)Liaoning Travel GuideLiaoning Province, often called 'the Golden Triangle' because of its superior geographical location.It includes boundaries on the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Gulf, and the Yalu River, which makes it the closest gateway to the Korean Peninsula. Its close to the sea has given it commercial and strategic advantages throughout its history.The east and west of LiaoNing are mountainous. In contrast, the middle part of it is a large flat fertile plain. LiaoNing consists of 14 cities, among them ShenYang is its capital. It covers an area of about 148 000 square kilo-meters. Its permanent resident population is about 40 millions.LiaoNing has a long and cold winters, warm and rainy summers and relatively short and windy spring and autumn. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of -17C to -5C, and July is the hottest with an average temperature of 21C-25C. The best time to visit is from May to October, but winter is also a pleasant time to enjoy the ice and snow scenery and winter festivals.Liao Cuisine from Liaoning is one of the famous regional cuisines of China. This cooking style is typically strong in flavour and heavily spiced but not hot. Chinese dumplings (jiaozi) and noodles form the staple foods of the area. Laioning has a large and growing Korean population and so Korean style food is readily available. Korean BBQ is popular here. The coastal areas of Liaoning are famous for their sea food such as sea cucumbers.Liaoning has an ancient history. The area has become famous for its fossils. In 1984, the scull and other bones of JinniushanMan were found. These date back 280,000 (28万)years. It’s the oldest site of Old Stone Age in northeast China.Historically Liaoning was populated by the Manchu ethnic group. It’s the cradle of the Qing Dynasty. Lasting from 1644 to the 1911 revolution, Qing dynasty was set up by Manchus. At the end of 19th Century,Han ethnic group became dominant because of a large amount of immigration from other areas of China. During the first half of the 20th Century, Liaoning came under Russian and then Japanese influence. It was in Liaoning that the Mukden Incident occurred that is considered to mark the start of the Japan-China war. Under Japanese control, the region became part of the puppet state of Manchukuo. Post world war II, Liáoníng played a significant part in the domestic war between the PLA and the Kuomintang.The famous LiaoShen battle happened here. After this battle, the whole northeast of China finally achieved victory and liberation.Today, Liáoníng became famous for it's heavy industry. Liaoning is one of China's most important industrial bases, covering a wide range of industries. These industries are very important to the region, for example the iron and steel production in Anshan and Benxi as well as ship building in Dalian and aircraft and car manufacturing in Shenyang.Because of its natural beauty, archeology treasures and legacy of architecture and artifacts, LiaoNing is an area you will want to visit many times. I would like to introduce a few attractions to you.In Shenyang, Liaoning's capital city, there is a Manchu version of the Forbidden City known as the Shenyang Imperial Palace. It was built on the same principles as the Forbidden City in Beijing, although much smaller in scope. Second only to theForbidden City, it is the most intact imperial building in existence in China. The Imperial Palace is a museum that features extensive exhibits of jade(玉,翡翠), ivory 象牙, artworks of Ming and Qing dynasties, musical instruments, and a large display of 17th and 18th Centuries military equipment.The emperors that built the Imperial Palace also built their burial sites in Shenyang. Emperor Nurhachi and his mistress are buried in Fuling Tomb. Nurhachi's son, Huang Taiji and his empress女皇are buried in Zhaoling. The large and beautiful Zhaoling tomb has been compared to the Ming T ombs in Beijing.A third tomb, Yongling Tomb, completes the famous tomb group known as the 'three tombs outside of the Great Wall'.Southeast of Shenyang is Benxi, which has the largest water cave in Asia. It’s about 5800 meter long. The Water Cave has an underground river with water so clear that the riverbed is always visible. Take a ride on the sightseeing boat and enter into the magic and mystery of the stalactite钟乳石formations that have formed over millions of years.Surrounded on three sides by Sea, Dalian is a charming coastal city. Here you can experience the garden-like downtown streets that are bordered by Japanese and Russian style buildings.It’s a perfect place for a leisurely stroll. With mountains on one side, and fabulous beaches all around the city, Dalian is a great place to escape the summer heat and have a refreshing vacation.Liaoning Province is opulent富裕的in natural beauty as well as interesting attractions. Aside from the ones noted above, there are also many other places I will introduce to you in the coming days.。
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