雅思词汇 tend词根


monarch 君主
anarchism 无政府主义
archaeology 考古学
archaic 古旧的,过时的
astrology 占星术
disaster 灾难
audience 听众
audible 听得见的
automation 自动化
autonomous 自主的
biology 生物学
biosphere 生物圈
nomin- = name
nominate 提名
nounce- = proclaim
announce 宣布
nov- =new
innovation 革新
onom, onym- = name
anonymous 匿名的
ortho- = straight; correct orthodox 正统的
pater-/part- = father
grat-/grati- = thanks grav- = heavy; serious gress- = go; walk herb- = grass her- hes-= stick hibit- = hold hydra- = water; liquid ject- = throw journ-jour- =day juct- jug- = to join jur- = just juven- = young later- = side; party
psych- = mind punct- = point rect-= right rupt- = break sci- =know
psychoanalysis 心理分析 psychology 心理学
punctual 准点的
acupuncture 针灸

• 解析:根据TEND词根的含义,可以推断出“tender”表示“犹豫不决的、不坚定的”,与“tentative”意思相近,因此 答案为D。
翻译题答案及解析:这个计划是暂定 的。
解析:根据TEND词根的含义,可以 推断出“暂定的”可以翻译为 “tentative”,因此答案为The plan is tentative。
• 探索TEND词根在其他语言中的应用,扩展国际视 野。
增加阅读量,通过阅读英文原著、新闻、博客等途径,提高对TEND 词根的实际运用能力。
对例句进行深入分析,了解TEND词 根在句子中的具体用法和含义,结合 例句记忆和理解词根的含义。
自己编写例句,创造具体的语境,将 TEND词根放入其中,有助于加深记 忆和理解。
TEND表示“伸展、延伸、趋向”的意思,常用于表示某种动作或 状态的延伸和发展。
在听力材料中,考生可以利用TEND 词根来捕捉关键信息和重要细节,从 而更好地理解听力材料的主旨和意图 。
在听力问题中,考生可以通过分析问 题和听力材料的词根和语境来预测答 案,提高答题的准确性和速度。
雅思词汇 词根词缀

ex- 出
expense n.花费(pense称重,称银子weight) export experience (peri尝试,ence表名词) exhibit v.(hibit拿)
名词后缀 -ment 动词+ment 变名次
agreement, payment, development, movement, management, treatment, argument, statement, equipment, entertainment, punishment
-mate 伴侣,配偶
• classmate, deskmate • workmate (colleague) • roommate / bunkmate bunk:铺位(bedmate X) • inmate
-ess 女性
•actor, actress •waiter, waitress •prince, princess •host, hostess •god, goddess •poet, poetess
repeat v. (peat同pet,追求.词源同compete) react v.重做 resort vt.再分类 recover vt.恢复,重新盖上(cover覆盖,保护)
in,im,ir,il 2.进入
ingenious a.聪明的,天才的=genious inform v. (form 形成shape。 原意使成型,后演化为教导,通知) impose v.征收(pose摆,将他人财务摆到自己口袋,征收) import export inbox收件箱( notifications信息) outbox发件箱(draft草稿箱draftman 起草人) sent 已发送信

二、雅思常见词根词缀ab- 离去abstraction (n.抽象)acu 尖,酸acumen (n. 敏锐,精明)apt 适应adapt (vt.. 使适应)cess 行,走access (n.通道)her 黏附adhere (vi. 黏附)vent 来advent (n. 到来,来临)-ition (名词后缀)行为,结果addition (n. 加)a- 加强abate (v. 减轻)aer(o) 空气aeration (n. 通风)celer 速度accelerate (v. 加快,促进)fect 做,作effect (vt 影响)quire 追求acquire (vt.取得,获得)vers 转adverse (a. 不利的)a-的alight (a. 点着的)agri- 田地,农业agriculture (n. 农业,农学)alt- 高altitude (n. 海拔)amat 爱amateur (n. 业余爱好)-gra 重aggravation (n. 加重,恶化)luv- 洗alluvial (a. 冲积的,淤积的)plaud 鼓掌applaud (v. 称赞)aer, aero 空气aerial (a. 空气的)alter- 其他的alternate (a. 轮流的)ann- 年annual (a. 每年的)gress- 行走aggressive (a. 有进取心的)-nounc 说announce (vt. 宣布,声称)aqua 水aquarium (n. 水族馆)astro 星astrology (n. 占星学)aud 大胆audacious (a. 大胆的)rog 要求arrogance (n. 傲慢,自大)spir 呼吸aspiration (n. 强烈的愿望,志向)arbor 树arboreal ( a. 树木的,栖于树木的)ath 比赛athlete (n. 运动员)audi 听audio (a. 听觉的)simil 相同assimilate (vt. 吸收,使同化)sum 拿,取assume (vt. 假定,设想)bi- 二,双bilateral (a. 双边的)bas 基础basis (n. 基础)biblio 书bibliography (n. 参考书目)-hav 有behave (vi. 表现,举止)-ful (形容词后缀)…的awful (a. 糟糕的)bar 栅栏barrier (n. 栅栏,故障)bene 善,好benefit (n. 利益)bio 生命biography (n. 传记)ware 注视aware (a. 知道的)-ial (形容词后缀)…的bacterial (a. 细菌的)brilli 发光brilliant (a. 光辉灿烂的,卓越的)-ar (名词后缀)表人burglar (n 窃贼)-ing (形容词后缀)…的booming (a. 发展迅速的) let (名词后缀) 小booklet (n. 小册子)calc 石块calcium (n. 钙)-ary (名词后缀) 场所boundary (n. 分界)-ly (副词后缀)… 地briefly (ad. 暂时地)cand 白色candidate (n. 候选人)cau 小心caution (n. 谨慎)centi 百centigrade (a. 百分度的)char 可爱的charity (n. 慈善)chemi 化学chemical (a. 化学的)circ 圆circle (n. 圆)cap 拿,抓capable (a. 有能力的,能够的)cens 审查censor (v. 审查)cert 搞清certificate (n. 证书,执照)char 烧焦charcoal ( n. 碳,木炭)chron 时间chronic (a. 疾病慢性的)enn 年centennial (a. 一百年的)circum- 周围circumstance(n. 环境)cit 引用cite (vt. 引用,引证)claim 叫喊claim (n. 声明)class 分类classify (vt. 把…归类)lapse 滑倒collapse (v/n. 崩溃,虚脱)lect 选择collection (n. 收集)wise (附词后缀)方向clockwise (ad. 顺时针方向地) co- 共同cohesion (n. 结合,凝聚力)civ 公民civil (a. 公民的)clar 清楚clarify (v. 澄清)labor I作collaboration (n. 合作)lat 放collate (v. 对照,核对)mere 商业commercial (a. 商业的)ced 走concede (v. 让步)cern 搞清concern (n. 关心)dense 变浓厚condense (v. 使压缩)fid 相信confidence (n. 信任)plex 重叠complex (a. 复杂的)press 压compress (vt 压紧)puls 驱动,推compulsory (a. 义务的)centr 中心concentrate (v. 聚集)clud 关闭conclude (vt. 作结论)duct 引导conduct (n. 举止,指导)fin 范围confine (v. 限制)pos 放compose (vt. 组成)pris 抓comprise (vt. 包含)corp 躯体corpus (n. 全集)cre 产生create (vt. 创造,产生)crim 罪crime (n. 罪行)oper 作cooperate (vi. 合作)rod 咬corrode (v. 腐蚀)tribute 给予contribute (v. 起作用)vinc 征服convince (v. 使确信)cover 盖子coverage (n. 覆盖范围)cred 相信credible ( a, 可信的)dict 说话contradict (vt. 反驳)ordin 顺序coordinate (vt. 协调)tract 拉contract (v. 缩小,签约)vert 转convert (vt. 改变)deca- 十decade (n. 十年)capit 头decapitate (v. 斩首)cult 培养,种植cultivate (vt. 种植)cur(r) 跑curious (a. 好奇的)current (a. 当前的) dec 可接受的decent (a. 合适的)grad 级degrade (v. 商人,经销商)bat 打debate (n/vi 争论,辩论)cruc 十字形,交叉crucial (a. 决定性的)demo 人民democratic (a. 民主的)liber 自由的deliberate (a. 故意的)monstr 显示demonstrate (vt. 说明)part 分开depart (v. 离开)plet 满deplete (v. 倒空)struct 建立destruction (n. 破坏)tail 切,割detail (n. 细节)tour 转detour (v. 绕道)not 知道denote (v. 指示)pict 描写depict (vt. 描绘)ploy 用deploy (v. 使用)tach 钉detach (v. 分开)tect 盖子detect (vt. 察觉)-able (形容词后缀) desirable (a. 值得拥有的)dis- 不disharmony (n. 不一致)dom 家domestic(a. 家庭的)dorm 睡dormant (a. 休眠的)miss 送dismiss (v. 解雇)put 思考dispute (n/v. 争论)solv 松开dissolve (v. 溶解)tort 扭曲distort (vt. 扭曲)vid 分开divide (v. 分开)div 神divine (a. 神的)don 给予donation (n. 捐款)dur 持久durable (a. 耐久的)place 位置displace (vt. 取代)rupt 断disrupt (vt. 使中断)stinct 刺distinct (a. 清楚的)turb 搅乱disturb (v. 扰乱)e- 出eject (v. 逐出,喷射)ed 吃edible (a. 可食用的)en- 进入,使… encase (vt. 装入),enlarge (vt. 扩大) equ 相等equal (a. 相等的)lig 选择eligible (a. 合适的)min 突出eminent (a. 杰出的)eco- 生态ecosystem(n. 生态系统)em- 使… embark (v. 使上船或飞机,使从事)lev 升elevate(vt. 提升)merg 浸没emerge (v. 现出)mot 动emotion (n. 感情)cav 洞excavate (vi. 挖掘)hale 呼吸exhale (v. 呼出气)pel 驱动,推expel (vt. 驱逐)ros 咬erosion (n. 腐蚀)val 价值evaluate (vt. 评价)vid 看evidence (n. 证据)ex 出except (prep. 除…以外)hibit 拿exhibit (vt. 展览)ploit 利用exploit (vt. 利用)vac 空evacuate (v. 疏散)vapor 水汽evaporate (v. 使蒸发)vok 叫喊evoke (vt. 唤起)-ment (名词后缀)行为,结果excitement (n. 激动) extra- 以外的extraordinary (a. 非常的)fascin 迷住fascinate (vi. 入迷)feas 做feasible (a. 可行的,可能的)fibr 纤维fibre(n. 纤维)firm 坚定firm (a. 坚实的)-en (动词后缀) 使… fasten (vt. 扎牢)-ism (名词后缀)…主义feminism (n. 男女平等主义)fac 脸facade (n. 正面)fatig 疲倦fatigue (n. 疲劳)fer 带来fertile (a. 肥沃的,多产的)fin 结束finale (n. 结局,终曲)flex 弯曲flexible (a. 易弯曲的)flor 花flora (n. 花神)fore 预先foresee(vt. 预见)tract 打破fracture (v. 使断裂)fus 流fusion (n. 熔合)oss 石头fossil(n. 化石)fluctu 波浪fluctuate (vi. 波动)form 形式formal (a. 正式的)fum 烟fume (n. 烟)galax 乳galaxy (n. the Galaxy 银河)-ile (形容词后缀)易…的fragile (a. 脆弱的) geo- 地geology (n. 地质学)gener 产生generate (vt. 发生)gloss 语言glossary (n. 词汇表)habit 居住habitat (n. 栖息地)-y (形容词后缀)….de grassy(a. 草绿色的) gen 出生gender (n. 性,性别)glaci 冰glacial (a. 冰川的)graph 写graphic (a. 图解的)-etic (形容词后缀)…的genetic (a. 遗传的) homo- 相同homogeneous (a. 同种类的)hect- 百hectare (n. 公顷)herit- 遗传heritage (n. 遗产)hum- 地humble (a. 卑微的)idea 理想ideal (a. 理想的)-ian (名词后缀)… 人historian (n. 历史学家) hap- 运气haphazard (a. 偶然的)hemi- 半hemisphere (n. 半球)hes- 黏附hesitate (vi. 犹豫)hypo- 下面hypothesis (n. 假设)vor- 吃herbivore (n. 食草动物)in- 不independence (n. 独立,自主)cend- 发光incendiary (a. 燃烧的)flamm- 火inflammable(a. 易燃的)lumin- 光illuminate (vt. 照亮)migr- 迁移immigrant (n. 移民)ped- 脚impede (v. 阻碍)in- 进入inject (vt. 注入)cid- 落下incident(n. 发生的事)imit- 相像imitate(vt. 模仿)mens- 测量immense (a. 巨大的)mun- 公共immune(a. 免疫的)inter- 在…之间interact (vi. 相互作用)insul- 岛insulate (vt. 隔离)noc- 伤害innocent (a. 天真的)sert- 插入insert (v. 插入)- tact 接触intact (a. 完整无缺的)-ify (动词后缀)使… intensify (vt. 使增强)ir- 不irrelevant (a. 不相关的,离题的)integr- 完整integrate (v. 使成整体)nov- 新innovation (n. 创新)sol- 孤独isolate (vt. 使孤立)stitut- 建立institute(vt. 建立)tend 伸展intend (vt. 打算)journ- 日journal (n. 日报)junct- 连接junction (n. 连接)lat- 宽latitude (n. 纬度)lav- 洗lavatory (n. 盥洗室)lect- 讲lecture (n. 演讲)-scape (名词后缀)外部景观landscape (n. 风景)-ship (名词后缀)身份leadership (n. 领导)-ward (形容词后缀)向…得landward (a. 向陆的)judg- 判断judgment (n. 判断)juven- 年轻juvenile (a. 少年的)later- 侧面lateral (a. 侧面的)leas- 松开lease (vt. 出租)leth- 死lethal (a. 致命的)lingu- 语言linguistic (a. 语言的)loc- 地方location ( n. 位置)machin- 机械machinery (n. 总称机械)maj- 大major (a. 主要的)mari- 海maritime (a. 海的)-hood (名词后缀)性质,状态livelihood(n. 生活) liqu- 液体liquor (n. 酒)lun- 月亮lunar (a. 月的,月亮的)magn- 大magnify (v. 放大)mani- 手manipulate (vt. 操作)max- 大,高maximum (n. 最大量)cosm- 宇宙,世界microcosm (n. 微观世界,缩影) ev- 时代medieval (a. 中世纪的)medi- 中间medium (n. 媒介)ment- 思考mental (a. 心理的)micro- 微小的microbiology (n. 微生物学)mini- 小minimize (v. 最小化)mod- 方式modify (vt. 更改)-scope 观察,镜microscope (n. 显微镜)memor- 记忆memorable (a. 难忘的)meta- 变化metaphor ( n. 隐喻)milit- 军事,打斗militant (a. 好战的)mir- 惊奇miracle (n. 奇迹)mono- 单个monopoly(n. 垄断)lig- 捆绑obligation (n. 义务)mut- 变mutual (a. 相互的)nav- 船navigable ( a. 可通航的)neutr- 中间neutral (a. 中立的)nour- 滋养nourish (vt. 滋养)ob- 相反object (vi. 反对)opt- 选择option(n. 选择)multi- 多multiple (a. 多重的)nat- 出生native (n. 本地人)neg- 否定negative(a. 否定的)norm- 规则normal (a. 正常的)numer- 数numerous (a. 众多的)od- 气味odour(n. 气味)ori- 开始origin (n. 起源)over- 在…上overlap (v. 重叠)ox- 氧oxide (n. 氧化物)path- 病pathology (n. 病理学)pet- 追求perpetual (a. 永久的)philo- 爱philosophy (n. 哲学)popul- 人populate (v. 大批地居住于)sist- 站立persist (vi. 坚持,持续)per- 贯穿perceive (v. 感知)para- 类似parallel(a. 平行的)pen- 惩罚penalty (n. 惩罚)physic- 自然physical (a. 物理学的)port- 拿portable (a. 便于携带的)-ous (形容词后缀)…的poisonous (a. 有毒的) post- 后postgraduate (a. 毕业后的)cis- 切precise (a. 精确的)pregn- 拿住pregnant (a. 怀孕的)prim- 第一prime (a. 首要的)pro- 向前project (v. 使伸出)scrib- 写prescribe (v. 开药)pre- 前preface (n.序言)pot- 能力potential (年。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理雅思单词词根记忆词汇大全,希望能给大家带来帮助!第一部分通过词缀认识单词(常用前缀一)1、a-① 加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非"acentric 无中心的(a+centric 中心的)asocial 不好社交的(a+social 好社交的)amoral 非道德性的(a+moral 道德的;注意:immoral 不道德的) apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political 政治的)anemia 反常的(a+nomal 正常的+ous)② 加在单词前,表示"在…,…的"asleep 睡着的(a+sleep 睡觉)aside 在边上(a+side 旁边)ahead 在前地(a+head 头)alive 活的(a+live 活)awash .泛滥的(a+wash 冲洗)2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等abnormal 反常的(ab+normal 正常的)abuse 滥用(ab+use 用→用坏→滥用)absorb 吸收(ab+sorb 吸收→吸收掉)absent 缺席的(ab+sent 出现→没有出现→缺席的)abduct 诱拐(ab+duct 引导→引走→诱拐)abject 可怜的(ab+ject 抛→抛掉→可怜的)abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract 拉→被拉开→心不在焉) abstain 戒绝(abs+tain 拿住→不再拿住→戒绝)abscond 潜逃(abs+cond 藏→藏起来→潜逃)abscind 废除(abs+cind 剪切→切掉→废除)abscise 切除(abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除)abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin 拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲)3、ab-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等加在同辅音字母的词根前,表示"一再"等加强意accelerate 陪伴(ac+company 伙伴→陪伴)accentuate 加速(ac+celer 速度→一再增加速度)accomplish 强制(ac+cent 唱歌→一再唱出→强调)accumulate 积累(ac+cumul 堆积+ate→堆积起来→积累)accustom 使习惯(ac+custom 习俗→习惯习俗)addict 上瘾,入迷(ad+dict 说→一再说起→对……入迷)additive 上瘾的(addict 的形容词)adduce 引证,举例(ad+duce 引导→一再引导→举例说明)affable 亲切的(af+fable 说话→不断可以说话→亲切)afford 买得起(af+ford 拿出→一再拿出{钱}→买得起)affirm 肯定(af+firm 坚定→肯定)aggression 侵略,进攻(ag+gress 走+ion→一再往前走→进攻) aggrandize 扩大(ag+grand 大→一再大→扩大[权力]等)aggravate 恶化(ag+grav 重+ate 病加重)announce 通告(an+nounce 通知→通告)appal 使震惊(ap+pal 白色→[脸]变白→受惊)applause 鼓掌(ap+pease 赞扬→一再赞扬→鼓掌)appreciate 欣赏(ap+reci 价值+ate→一再给价→欣赏)appoint 指定,任命(ap+point 指→指定)arrange 安排(ar+range 排列→安排arrest 逮捕,阻止(ar+rest 休息→不让动→逮捕)arrive 到达(ar+rive 河→到达河边→达到目标)assault 进攻(as+saul 跳→跳起来→进攻)assiduous 勤奋的(as+sid 坐+uous→一再坐着[学习] →勤奋)assist 帮助(as+sist 站→站过来→帮助)associate 联合,结合(as+soci 社团+ate→结成团队→联合)assimilate 吸收;同化(as+simil 相同+ate→成为相同→同化)assure 肯定;确信(as+sure 确定→一不再确定→肯定)attach 附上;依恋(at+tach 接角→接触上→附上)attain 达到;获得(at+tain 拿住→获得)attend(at+tend 关心→关心到了→出度)attract 吸引(拉→拉过来→吸引)attest 证实(at+test 试验→一再试验→证实)4、ad-加在在单词或词根前,表示"做…,加强…"adapt 适应(ad+apt 能力→有适应能力)adept 熟练的(ad+ept 能力→有做事能力→熟练的)adopt 收养;采纳(ad+opt 选择→选出来→采纳)adhere 坚持(ad+here 粘→粘在一起→坚持)adjacent 邻近的(ad+jacent 躺→躺在一起→邻近的)adjoin 贴近;毗连(ad+join 参加→参加在一起→贴近)administrate 管理;执行(ad+ministr 部长+ate→做部长→管理) admire 羡慕(ad+mire 惊奇→惊喜;羡慕)adumbrate 预示(ad+umbr 影子+ate→[将来的]影子出现→预示) adjust 调整(ad+just+正确→弄正确→调整)adventure 冒险(ad+venture 冒险)admonish 告诫,警告(ad+mon 警告+ish→一再警告)advent 来临,来到(ad+vent 来→来到)5、amphi-表示"两个,两种"amphibian 两栖动物(amphi+bi 生命+an→两个生命→两栖动物) amphicar 水陆两用车(amphi+car 车→两用车)6、an-在词根前,表示"不,无"anarchism 无政府主义(an+arch 统治+ism→无统治→无政府主义)anharmonic 不和谐的(an+hamonic 和谐的→不和谐的)anechoic 无回声的(an+echo 回声+ic→无回声的)anonymous 匿名的(an+onym 名字+ous→匿名的`)7、ana-表示"错误,在旁边,分开"analogy 类比;类似(ana+logy 讲话→再旁边讲→讲一样的东西→类似)analogous 类似的(analogy 的形容词)analysis 分析(ana+lysis 分开→分开来→分析)8、ante-表示"前面,先"antedate 提前写日期;先于,早于(ante+date 日期→提前写日期) anterior 前面的(ante+erior[…的] →前面的)antecedent(aute+ced 走+ent→走在前面的[事] →前事)9、anti-表示"反对,相反"antiwar 反战的(anti+war 战争)antipathy 反感(anti+pathy 感情)antithesis 对立;反论(anti+thesis 论文;观点)antibacterial 抗菌的(anti+bacterial 细菌的)antibody 抗体(anti+body 身体)10、人,人类-anthrop(o)anthropology[anthropo 人类,-logy…学者]人类学anthropologist[anthropo 人类,-logist…学者]人类学者anthropogeography[anthropo 人类,gegoraphy 地理学]人类地理学anthropomorphous[anthropo 人,morph 形,-ous…的]有人形的,似人的anthroposociology [anthropo 人类,sociology 社会学]人类社会学【雅思单词词根记忆词汇大全】。

• tend词根的含义 • tend词根的常见词汇 • tend词根的词汇扩展 • tend词根的同义词和反义词 • tend词根在句子中的应用
总结词Βιβλιοθήκη 表示长度或范围的增加详细描述
tend词根的含义之一是“延伸”,表示长度或范围的增加。在雅思词汇中,带有tend词根的单 词通常与“延伸”有关,例如“extend”(延长、扩展)、“tendency”(倾向、趋势)等。
The attendance at the concert was disappointing.(音乐会的出席情况令人 失望。)
extent 程度
extent是一个常见的英语单词,通常用于描 述事物的大小、范围或程度。它可以用于描 述物理空间的大小,如"the extent of the damage"(损坏的程度);也可以用于描 述抽象概念的范围,如"to a certain extent"(在某种程度上)。
04 deflect
tend表示“倾向”、“趋势”或“努力”的意思 ,常用于表示某种行为或状态的自然发展或个人 意愿。
tend可以作为动词或名词使用,作为动词时表示 “倾向于”、“努力”等含义,作为名词时表示 “趋势”、“倾向”等含义。

• contention n.竞争
Thank You!
to some extent/ to a certain extent/ to a great extent 从······程度上来说
词根词缀记忆法 tend, tent, tens=stretch伸展
intend v. (把心思放到某件事里) →打算做··· intend to do … I intend to skip my lunch today.
• extensive [ik'stensiv] a.广泛的,广阔的 • extensive field/ground • extensive reading • extension [ik'stenʃən] n.伸展,扩大
extent [ik‘stent] n. (某事物延长、伸展的)程度,范围
意义相反的前缀: im-, in- 往里,向内 ex- 向外,往外
名词后缀:-tion, -sion
形容词后缀:-tive, -sive
contend attend tendency
contend attend tendency
俞敏洪雅思词汇词根 联想正序版文本

其实,我真就没想自己做,实在是太郁闷了,有能力有心愿,领导却不重用,工作太无聊,藉此以消极自己,没想到,做完这份单词本之后对生活骤感欣慰,寻找新的工作,探索新的出路,对将来又现曙光,话不敢多言,只望大家共勉之,大家都能从这份单词表里找到自信和希望!!list35vessel n 船只(总称);容器;血管vested a 法律规定的;既定的vet n 兽医;v 诊疗,作兽医;审查veterinary a 兽医的viable a 可行的,可实施的;/viability n 可行性;生存能力;/vibrate vt 使颤动;/vibrant a 充满活力的;/vibration n 颤动,振动;/vice versa 反之亦然victim n 牺牲者viewpoint n 观点,看法vigorous a 朝气蓬勃的;有力的violence n 暴力行为;激烈,猛烈violent a 暴力引起的;带有强烈感情的virtually ad 实际上,事实上virtue n 美德;优点virus n 病毒viscous a 黏滞的,黏性的visible a 可见的;有形的;/invisible a 看不见的,无形的;/vision n 想象力;视力;/visual a 看得见的;/vital a 生死攸关的;极其重要的;有生命力的vivid a 鲜艳的;生动的volcano n 火山volt n 伏特voltage n 电压volume n 卷,册;体积;音量volunteer n 志愿兵;志愿者;v 自愿;志愿;/voluntary a 自愿的,志愿的;/ voyage v&n 旅行,航行,飞行wage n 工资;报酬wagon n 四轮马车;大篷车waist n 腰,腰部wander vi 闲逛,走神warrant n 授权;许可证;vt 保证;证明。

tend(tens,tent)=stretch 意思是“伸”
attention /əˈtenʃn/ n.注意,注意力(at表示“向”,ion名词后缀)
例句:This matter requires our close attention. 这件事我们必须密切注意。
intend /ɪnˈtend/ vt.想要, 打算(in表示“入”)
例句:“Understand Sky” intends to study abroad next year. 悟空打算明年到国外留学。
extend /ɪkˈstend/ vi.伸出,扩大(ex表示“外,出”)
extension /ɪkˈstenʃn/ n.伸展,扩大(tens=tend,ion名词后缀)attend /əˈtend/ vi.关注(at表示“向”)
attentive /əˈtentɪv/ adj.注意的(ive表示“…的”)
intention /ɪnˈtenʃn/ n.意图,目的(ion名词后缀)
portentous /pɔ:ˈtentəs/ adj.预兆的(ous表示“…的”)
contend /kənˈtend/ vi.争夺; 竞争(con表示“共同,一起”)
contention /kənˈtenʃn/ n.竞争(ion名词后缀)
tension /ˈtenʃn/ n.紧张(ion名词后缀)
intense /ɪnˈtens/ adj.紧张的(in表示加强意义)。
搞定雅思词汇记忆--词根词缀--3人类社会——国家层面 词根

1、政治feder 联盟federal、ederalismmand 命令command、commander emper=imper 命令pare削emperor、imperialdyn=dynam=power 权力dyne达因(力的单位)dynast、dynamism、adynamia、dynamicciv 公民civil、civic、civilian、civility popul=people 人民population、populace、populouspubl 人民public、publicationsdem 人民低民democracy、democrat、demagogue、demagogism、epidemicvulg=the common people 大众五哥vulgar、vulgaris、vulgate domin 做主,统治dominate、predominant arch=archy 统治者,统治arc弧ang角anarchism、monarch、anarchy cracy=crat 统治democracy、democrat、autocracy、bureaucratreg 统治reign、rule统治regionreg 规则regularrac 种族race、racial、racismsert=to join 加入insert、assert、exsert2、财政fisc 国库fiscalplut(o)财plutus普路托斯财神plutarchy,plutocracy、plutonomy3、军事camp 营地campaign、camper、campusmilit=soldier 兵militia、military、militantarm 武器armour、armed nucle 核nuclear、nuclei bel=bell 战争鸣钟收兵或Bellona贝娄娜司战女神rebel、rebellion brig 战斗,打双桅船引申战船brigade、brigand pac=peace 和平,平静pacific、pacify、repacifyturb 骚乱,骚扰disturb、perturb、pred=to plunder 掠夺predation、predatory、predator、predaciousviol=force 暴力violence、violate、violablemen=min 威胁menace、minacity punct=pung=point、prick、sting 刺,点punch punctual、puncture、compunctious、pungentstinct=sting=stim=prick 刺instinct、stimulate serv=serve 做奴仆slave奴隶Slav斯拉夫人disserve、disservice、subservientcontra=counter 对立contradict、counterfactualvict=vinc 胜victor、victims、vincible4、法律liber 自由liberate、libertyjust 正义justify、Justicenorm=nor 规范,正规,正常normal、normality、abnormal、enormousleg=law 法legal、legalism、illegal、privilegejur 法律juror、jury、jurisdiction、jural、juranttest 证据,证明检验的东西证据testify、testimony、protest、contest、attest、testament、intestateculp 罪culpablecrim 罪criminal、crimecrim 分开discriminance、discriminablelic 准许license licit、illicitserv 保护,保存conserve、reserve、preserveher 继承eritagetect= to cover 掩盖detect、protectjud 判断judge judgement、judicial crit 判断critic criticalcern=to perceive、sift 辨别discern、discernable、concern、concernful、concerningquit=to free 释放quiet quit、quitclaim、requitalnoc=to harm 伤害innocent、nocent vuln=wound 伤害vulnerability、vulnerabledamn=demn 惩罚,伤害谐音大骂damn、damnation、condemn、indemnityveng=vind=to claim、punish 惩罚avenge、revenge、vindicationpun=pen 惩罚punish、penalty。
《十天搞定考研词汇》list1 -05-(tend)

《十天搞定考研词汇》list1 -05-(tend)●contend(vi)竞争、争夺,(vt)坚决主张、声称con - 共同、一起tend - 词根,伸展、延伸——(赛场上)所有人都“伸向”同一个目标,都渴望获得“冠军”,即“竞争、争夺”引申为,“坚决主张、声称”,因为坚决主张、声称某项东西,就是“伸出”手臂高喊高呼与“词根-tend-伸展”有关●tend - 词根,伸展、延伸tend = to end (向末端去)●tend(v)走向、趋势;倾向、照料、看护●考:tend to 倾向于、趋向于●派:tendency (n)趋势、趋向、倾向●扩:trend (n)倾向、趋向;趋势(vi)伸向、倾向●考:a much large trend 一种更大的趋势●attend(vt)参加;照料、看护;注意、留心at- 加强语气1、强调“伸展进去”,成为其中一员,即“参加” 2、伸展、延伸到一个人生活的方方面面,即“照料、看护” 3、伸出头,伸长脖子看——即“注意、留心”●attend to注意、照料;致力于●派●attendance (n) 到场,出席(人数);护理,侍候●break attendance records 打破入座率记录●attendant (a)出席的、侍候的;(n) 出席者,随从●派●attention (n)注意、留心●pay much closer attention to 更关注●be given due attention获得应有的关注●pay attention 关注、注意●attentive (adj)注意的、留心的●be attentive to 对...留心、在意●ance/ence(名词后缀)——(对应) ant/ent 形容词后缀●ion(名词后缀)——(对应) ive 形容词后缀●extend (v)延长、延伸;扩大、扩展●派●extensive(adj)广泛的、广阔的●extension(n)延长、扩大●扩-extent(n)宽度;程度由extend而来,只有“延伸、扩展”,才会有“广度、宽度”——引申为“程度、限度”●考:to some extent在某种程度上;多少有点●intend(vt)想要、打算、意欲●派●intended(adj)有意的、故意的●intent(adj)坚决的;专心的(n)意图、目的(法律上的犯罪意图)●考-clear intent明确的意图或目的●Merely helping a gift-giver gain access to other officials , is not corruption,the justices found.(法官认为,仅仅为贿赂者和其他官员牵线搭桥,没有明确(的意图)强迫这些官员的行为,并不构成贪污罪)●intention(n)意图、目的、打算(普通意图)●(反)-unintentionally(adv)非故意的●pretend(v)假装、装作pre-提前, tend-词根,伸展——往往假装做出的,都是提前准备做出(伸展)的●派-pretentious(adj)虚伪的、做作的;自大的●反-unpretentious(adj)谦虚的、朴实的、不炫耀的●近-modest●tense(adj)拉紧的、紧绷的;(心理或神经)紧张的;(v)(使)拉紧、(使)紧绷、(使)紧张●扩●intense(adj)强烈的,热烈的in-里面,tense,紧张的——心里面紧张,肯定是“强烈的、剧烈的” ——(引申)“热烈的”●intense opposition强烈的反对●派●intensely(adv)激烈地、热烈地●intensify(v)(使)增强,(使)加剧●intensive(adj) 密集的、集中的、加强的intense+ive ——由“强烈的”引申为“加强的;密集的”●labor-intensive(adj)劳动密集型的●前缀in——表示“否定”一般后接;表示“里面”一般后接●patent(n)(v)(adj)专利pat=private——私人的 tent=tend——倾向倾向于保护私人技术的方式 = 专利●patent court 专利法院●patent filing 专利申请●patent holder专利持有者●anti-patent trend反专利趋势●potential(adj)潜在的、可能的;(n)潜力、可能po = power (力量)tent=tend i=无实意al=-的延伸力量的——潜在的,引申为“潜力、潜能”●考realize ones potential 实现某人的潜能●have a potential influence on 对........有潜在的影响●派-potentially(adv)潜在地、可能地●tight(adj)紧的;严厉的t=tend ight=straight——直的、笔直的——笔直的伸展出去,即”紧的、紧绷的“,引申为”严厉的“。
词根;tend tent, tens =stretch,

常用英语词根;tend tent,tens =stretch,tend tent,tens =stretch,表示伸展attend v 出席;看护(at加强动作+tend伸展出去出席)attendant a 出席的n.随从(attend+ant人)attention n 注意力(at+tent+ion伸展出去[听别人讲]注意力)attenttend tent,tens =stretch,表示“伸展”attend v 出席;看护(at加强动作+tend→伸展出去→出席)attendant a 出席的n.随从(attend+ant人)attention n 注意力(at+tent+ion→伸展出去[听别人讲]→注意力)attentive a 关心周到的(attend看护+tive→看护到了→关心周到的)tend v 照看;倾向做tendence n 趋势,趋向(tend+cnce)tendency n 倾向(tend+ency→伸出去的状态→偏向一边→倾向)contend v 竞争,争论(con一起+tend→一起你拉我夺→争论)extend v 延展,扩张(ex出+tend→伸出去→扩张)extension n 延展,扩张;延期(ex+tens+ion)extensive a 广泛的,广阔的(ex出+tens+ive→伸出去的→广泛的)extent n 范围;程度(ex出+tent→伸出去的[范围])intend v 打算(in内+tend→内心伸出→打算)intended a 故意的;打算中的intent n 意图(intend的名词)intention n 故意(intent意图+ion→有意图,故意)intense a 强烈的,热烈的(in 不+tense→拉到了不能在拉的地方→紧张的,强烈的)intensify v 变猛烈;加强(in+tens+ify)pretend v 假装,借口(pre提前+tend→提前伸出[想好借口])pretension n 自负;要求(pre提前+tens+ion→提前摆出→种姿态→自负)pretentious a 自负的;虚伪的distend v 扩张,膨胀(dis分开+tend→向四周延伸→膨胀)tension n 紧张;张力(tens+ion→延展出的状态→紧张)tensible a 可延展的(tens+ible→能延展出的)。

考雅思常备的英语高频词汇无论是雅思托福还是我们平时学习的英语,词汇都是最重要的,大家看看英语单词,大家赶紧行动起来吧雅思高频的英语单词141. approvaln.赞成,同意,批准词汇助记:1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:prov-证明3)后缀:-al名词后缀142. approvevt.批准,证明词汇助记:1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:prove-证明143. appro_imateadj.近似的;v.近似词汇助记:1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:pro_im-接近,靠近(3)后缀:-ate动词或形容词后缀4)词根助记:我想要住进你心里,却发现是个小区,还有很多邻居(本来我应该唱给大家听的,怕大家听了影响心情,哈哈) 144. aptadj.易于的;145. aptituden.适宜,才能词汇助记:1)词根:apt-能力2)后缀:-itude 抽象名词后缀3)扩展: altitude 高度;attitude 态度4)句子:Your attitude, not your aptitude, decides your altitude. 你的态度,而不是你的能力,决定了你的高度。
146. aquariumn. 养鱼池,玻璃缸,水族馆词汇助记:1)词根:aqu-水(a + qu 一条水渠)2)后缀:-arium复合名词后缀3)扩展:stadium 体育场(sta(n)d + ium)147. arableadj.可耕作的;n.耕地词汇助记:1)词根:ar-地(借助earth 来记)2)后缀:-able形容词后缀148. arborealadj.树木的;栖于树木的;词汇助记:1)词根:arb-, arbor-树(herb 草)2)后缀:-al形容词后缀149. architectn.建筑师词汇助记:1)词根:arch-拱形2)词根:tect-盖子3)扩展:protect保护;detective 侦探150. architecturen.建筑(学);建筑式样(风格) 词汇助记:1)词汇:architect2)后缀:-ure名词后缀3)扩展:cook厨师;cooker厨具151. archiven.档案文件,档案室;v.存档;词汇助记:1)词根:arch-拱形2)后缀:-ive名词后缀(detective)3)扩展:hive蜂房;152. arguev.争论,认为153. argumentn.争论,观点;词汇助记:1)词汇:argue2)后缀:-ment名词后缀154. aridityn.干旱,乏味;1)词根:ar-表示干,燃烧(可以联系前面arable)2)后缀:-id形容词后缀;-ity名词后缀3)扩展:arid 干旱的;155. arithmeticn.算术;1)助记:arith- 理解为arid 干的(th-s-d音变)2)助记:met-表示测量(meter)3)后缀:-ic 名词后缀156. arrangev.安排;1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:range排列157. arrangementn.安排;准备工作1)词汇:arrange2)后缀:-ment名词后缀158. arrayv.部署;n.陈列1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词素:ray-其实是ready159. arrogancen.傲慢;1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:rog-等同于log-说话3)后缀:-ancel名词后缀4)扩展:arrogant adj. 傲慢的160. artefactn. 人工制品;1)词根:art-表示技巧,关节(article)2)词根:fact-做(factory)161. arteryn.动脉;要道1)词素:ar-, art-表示air2)后缀:-er名词后缀;-y名词后缀雅思需要记忆的英语单词162. arthritisn.关节炎词汇助记:1)词根:arthr-关节2)词根:itis-炎症163. artificialadj. 人工的,人造的词汇助记:1)词根:art-技巧,关节2)词根:fic-做3)后缀:-ial 形容词后缀164. as for/to至于,关于165. as if/though 好像,仿佛166. ashn. 灰烬词汇助记:1)词根:as-表示燃烧,等同于ar-,复习上一次的arid 干旱的,荒芜的;名词是aridity2)扩展:ashtray烟灰缸167. aspectn. 方面,外观,样子词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:spect-看3)扩展:respect尊敬;e_pect 期待168. aspirationn. 抱负,志向,渴望达成的目标词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:spir-呼吸(spirit)3)后缀:-ation 名词后缀169. assemblev. 集合,聚集词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sembl-相同,类似170. assessv. 评价,评估词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sess-表示坐,sit3)补充:元音字母互换不影响单词核心意思;辅音字母t-d-s 可以互换171. assetn. 资产词汇助记:1)前缀:前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:set-放置172. assignv. 指派,分配,分派词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sign签名173. assignmentn. 任务词汇助记:1)词汇:assign2)后缀:-ment 名词后缀174. assimilatev. 同化,吸收词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:simil-相同,类似(similar)3)后缀:-ate 动词后缀175. assistancen. 帮助,协助词汇助记:1)前缀:sa-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sist-站3)后缀:-ance 名词后缀176. assistantn. 助理词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sist-站3)后缀:-ant 名词后缀(account 会计)177. associatev. 联系;n. 同事,伙伴;adj. 副的,非正式的词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:soc-联系(society, social)3)后缀:-ate 名词动词形容词后缀178. associationn. 协会,社团,联盟词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:soc-联系(society, social)3)后缀:-ation 名词后缀179. assume v. 假定,假设词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sum-抓,拿(summer)180. assumptionn. 假定,假设词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sumpt-抓,拿3)后缀:-ion 名词后缀181. assurancen. 保证,确保词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sur-确定3)后缀:-ance 名词后缀182. asthman. 哮喘词汇助记:1)词素:asth理解为breath 后面a-th中间加了一个s2)联想:ma理解为汉语拼音麻烦的麻183. astonishv. 使震惊词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:ston-理解为stone石头3)后缀:-ish 动词后缀184. astoundv. 使震惊,使惊骇词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:st-表示stop, stand, still停下来3)联想:ound理解为sound 的后半部分185. astrayadv. 偏离正轨, 脱离正轨,误入歧途词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ab- 否定,远离2)词根:str-表示street 街道3)词素:-ay say/day/ray/lay186. astrologyn. 占星术,占星学词汇助记:1)词根:astr(o)- 星星,天空2)后缀:-ology学科名词后缀187. astronautn. 宇航员,飞行员词汇助记:1)词根:astr(o)- 星星,天空2)词根:naut-等同于nau, 等同于nav-航行188. asymmetryadj. 非对称的1)前缀:a-表示ab-,否定,远离2)前缀:sym-表示same,相同,相等;3)词根:metr-测量189. at least 至少190. at random 随机学习雅思英语单词的记忆方法191. athleten. 运动员词汇助记:联想法爱使力的192. atmospheren. 大气,气氛,环境词汇助记:1)词根:atmo-,atm- 气(借助ATM 自动取款机记忆,atm 取了钱,像空气一样很快就没有了)2)词根:sphere- 球体193. atomicadj. 原子的词汇助记:1)前缀:a- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tom- 切,割3)后缀:-ic 形容词后缀(fanatic 狂热的)194. attachvt. 贴上,使喜爱,使附属词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tach- 接触, 等同于tact-,比如contact 联系195. attack v. 攻击词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tack- 联想为tank 坦克196. attainvt. 达到,获得词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tain- 表示拿(take in 拿)3)扩展:contain 包含;detain 扣留197. attemptv. 尝试;n. 尝试词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tempt- 优惠(t-empt 挑逗很空虚的人)3)扩展:temptation 诱惑198. attendv. 专心于,致力于, 出席词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tend- 倾向于3)扩展:contend 竞争 (con- 全部+tend 倾向于,大家都倾向于同一个,有争抢的感觉)199. attraction n. 吸引力词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tract- 拉(tractor 拖拉机,attractive 有吸引力的)3)后缀:-ion 名词后缀200. attributen. 属性,品质;vt. 把归于词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:trib-, tribut- 给予(tribe 部落)3)后缀:-ute 名词后缀(minute)201. audaciousadj. 大胆的,有冒险精神的,鲁莽的词汇助记:1)词根:aud- 表示大胆2)后缀:-acious 形容词后缀202. audioadj. 声音的;n. 声音词汇助记:1)词根:aud- 听2)词素:-o 结尾,经常表示声音203. audition n. 试演词汇助记:1)词根:aud- 听2)后缀:-ition 名词后缀3)扩展:open audition 海选204. authorityn. 权利,权威词汇助记:1)词根:auth- 权威2)后缀:-or 名词后缀;-ity 名词后缀205. authorizev. 批准,认可词汇助记:1)词根:auth- 权威2)后缀:-orize 动词后缀206. automatically adv. 自动地,无意识地词汇助记:1)前缀:auto- 自动2)词根:mat- 动3)后缀:-ic, -al, ly207. availn. 利用;利益;v. 利用词汇助记:1)前缀:a- 表示to-, 使,让;2)词根:vail- 价值208. availableadj. 可获得的,可利用的词汇助记:1)前缀:a-2)词根:vail- 价值3)后缀:-ible 形容词后缀209. avalanche n./v. 雪崩词汇助记:联想法1)联想:ava 哎喂2)联想:lan-che 拦车210. avenue n. 林荫道,大街词汇助记:1)前缀:a-2)词根:ven-, vent- 走3)后缀:-ue 名词后缀。

考雅思常备的英语高频词汇导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《考雅思常备的英语高频词汇》的内容,具体内容:无论是雅思托福还是我们平时学习的英语,词汇都是最重要的,大家看看英语单词,大家赶紧行动起来吧雅思高频的英语单词141. approvaln.赞成,同意,...无论是雅思托福还是我们平时学习的英语,词汇都是最重要的,大家看看英语单词,大家赶紧行动起来吧雅思高频的英语单词141. approvaln.赞成,同意,批准词汇助记:1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:prov-证明3)后缀:-al名词后缀142. approvevt.批准,证明词汇助记:1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:prove-证明143. approximateadj.近似的;v.近似词汇助记:1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:proxim-接近,靠近(3)后缀:-ate动词或形容词后缀4)词根助记:我想要住进你心里,却发现是个小区,还有很多邻居(本来我应该唱给大家听的,怕大家听了影响心情,哈哈)144. aptadj.易于...的;145. aptituden.适宜,才能词汇助记:1)词根:apt-能力2)后缀:-itude 抽象名词后缀3)扩展: altitude 高度;attitude 态度4)句子:Your attitude, not your aptitude, decides your altitude. 你的态度,而不是你的能力,决定了你的高度。
146. aquariumn. 养鱼池,玻璃缸,水族馆词汇助记:1)词根:aqu-水(a + qu 一条水渠)2)后缀:-arium复合名词后缀3)扩展:stadium 体育场(sta(n)d + ium)147. arableadj.可耕作的;n.耕地词汇助记:1)词根:ar-地(借助earth 来记)2)后缀:-able形容词后缀148. arborealadj.树木的;栖于树木的;词汇助记:1)词根:arb-, arbor-树(herb 草)2)后缀:-al形容词后缀149. architectn.建筑师词汇助记:1)词根:arch-拱形2)词根:tect-盖子3)扩展:protect保护;detective 侦探150. architecturen.建筑(学);建筑式样(风格)词汇助记:1)词汇:architect2)后缀:-ure名词后缀3)扩展:cook厨师;cooker厨具151. archiven.档案文件,档案室;v.存档;词汇助记:1)词根:arch-拱形2)后缀:-ive名词后缀(detective)3)扩展:hive蜂房;152. arguev.争论,认为153. argumentn.争论,观点;词汇助记:1)词汇:argue2)后缀:-ment名词后缀154. aridityn.干旱,乏味;1)词根:ar-表示干,燃烧(可以联系前面arable)2)后缀:-id形容词后缀;-ity名词后缀3)扩展:arid 干旱的;155. arithmeticn.算术;1)助记:arith- 理解为arid 干的(th-s-d音变)2)助记:met-表示测量(meter)3)后缀:-ic 名词后缀156. arrangev.安排;1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:range排列157. arrangementn.安排;准备工作1)词汇:arrange2)后缀:-ment名词后缀158. arrayv.部署;n.陈列1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词素:ray-其实是ready159. arrogancen.傲慢;1)前缀:a+辅音+相同辅音,表示ad,使,让2)词根:rog-等同于log-说话3)后缀:-ancel名词后缀4)扩展:arrogant adj. 傲慢的160. artefactn. 人工制品;1)词根:art-表示技巧,关节(article)2)词根:fact-做(factory)161. arteryn.动脉;要道1)词素:ar-, art-表示air2)后缀:-er名词后缀;-y名词后缀雅思需要记忆的英语单词162. arthritisn.关节炎词汇助记:1)词根:arthr-关节2)词根:itis-炎症163. artificialadj. 人工的,人造的词汇助记:1)词根:art-技巧,关节2)词根:fic-做3)后缀:-ial 形容词后缀164. as for/to至于,关于165. as if/though 好像,仿佛166. ashn. 灰烬词汇助记:1)词根:as-表示燃烧,等同于ar-,复习上一次的arid 干旱的,荒芜的;名词是aridity2)扩展:ashtray烟灰缸167. aspectn. 方面,外观,样子词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:spect-看3)扩展:respect尊敬;expect 期待168. aspirationn. 抱负,志向,渴望达成的目标词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:spir-呼吸(spirit)3)后缀:-ation 名词后缀169. assemblev. 集合,聚集词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sembl-相同,类似170. assessv. 评价,评估词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sess-表示坐,sit3)补充:元音字母互换不影响单词核心意思;辅音字母t-d-s可以互换 171. assetn. 资产词汇助记:1)前缀:前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:set-放置172. assignv. 指派,分配,分派词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sign签名173. assignmentn. 任务词汇助记:1)词汇:assign2)后缀:-ment 名词后缀174. assimilatev. 同化,吸收词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:simil-相同,类似(similar)3)后缀:-ate 动词后缀175. assistancen. 帮助,协助词汇助记:1)前缀:sa-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sist-站3)后缀:-ance 名词后缀176. assistantn. 助理词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sist-站3)后缀:-ant 名词后缀(account 会计)177. associatev. 联系;n. 同事,伙伴;adj. 副的,非正式的词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:soc-联系(society, social)3)后缀:-ate 名词动词形容词后缀178. associationn. 协会,社团,联盟词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:soc-联系(society, social)3)后缀:-ation 名词后缀179. assume v. 假定,假设词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sum-抓,拿(summer)180. assumptionn. 假定,假设词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sumpt-抓,拿3)后缀:-ion 名词后缀181. assurancen. 保证,确保词汇助记:1)前缀:as-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:sur-确定3)后缀:-ance 名词后缀182. asthman. 哮喘词汇助记:1)词素:asth—理解为breath 后面a-th中间加了一个s2)联想:ma—理解为汉语拼音麻烦的麻183. astonishv. 使震惊词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:ston-理解为stone石头3)后缀:-ish 动词后缀184. astoundv. 使震惊,使惊骇词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ad- 使,让2)词根:st-表示stop, stand, still停下来3)联想:ound理解为sound 的后半部分185. astrayadv. 偏离正轨, 脱离正轨,误入歧途词汇助记:1)前缀:a-表示ab- 否定,远离2)词根:str-表示street 街道3)词素:-ay say/day/ray/lay186. astrologyn. 占星术,占星学词汇助记:1)词根:astr(o)- 星星,天空2)后缀:-ology学科名词后缀187. astronautn. 宇航员,飞行员词汇助记:1)词根:astr(o)- 星星,天空2)词根:naut-等同于nau, 等同于nav-航行 188. asymmetryadj. 非对称的1)前缀:a-表示ab-,否定,远离2)前缀:sym-表示same,相同,相等;3)词根:metr-测量189. at least 至少190. at random 随机学习雅思英语单词的记忆方法191. athleten. 运动员词汇助记:联想法爱使力的192. atmospheren. 大气,气氛,环境词汇助记:1)词根:atmo-,atm- 气(借助ATM 自动取款机记忆,atm 取了钱,像空气一样很快就没有了)2)词根:sphere- 球体193. atomicadj. 原子的词汇助记:1)前缀:a- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tom- 切,割3)后缀:-ic 形容词后缀(fanatic 狂热的)194. attachvt. 贴上,使喜爱,使附属词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tach- 接触, 等同于tact-,比如contact 联系195. attack v. 攻击词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tack- 联想为tank 坦克196. attainvt. 达到,获得词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tain- 表示拿(take in 拿)3)扩展:contain 包含;detain 扣留197. attemptv. 尝试;n. 尝试词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tempt- 优惠(t-empt 挑逗很空虚的人)3)扩展:temptation 诱惑198. attendv. 专心于,致力于, 出席词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tend- 倾向于3)扩展:contend 竞争 (con- 全部+tend 倾向于,大家都倾向于同一个,有争抢的感觉)199. attraction n. 吸引力词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:tract- 拉(tractor 拖拉机,attractive 有吸引力的)3)后缀:-ion 名词后缀200. attributen. 属性,品质;vt. 把...归于词汇助记:1)前缀:at- 表示ad- 使,让2)词根:trib-, tribut- 给予(tribe 部落)3)后缀:-ute 名词后缀(minute)201. audaciousadj. 大胆的,有冒险精神的,鲁莽的词汇助记:1)词根:aud- 表示大胆2)后缀:-acious 形容词后缀202. audioadj. 声音的;n. 声音词汇助记:1)词根:aud- 听2)词素:-o 结尾,经常表示声音203. audition n. 试演词汇助记:1)词根:aud- 听2)后缀:-ition 名词后缀3)扩展:open audition 海选204. authorityn. 权利,权威词汇助记:1)词根:auth- 权威2)后缀:-or 名词后缀;-ity 名词后缀205. authorizev. 批准,认可词汇助记:1)词根:auth- 权威2)后缀:-orize 动词后缀206. automatically adv. 自动地,无意识地词汇助记:1)前缀:auto- 自动2)词根:mat- 动3)后缀:-ic, -al, ly207. availn. 利用;利益;v. 利用词汇助记:1)前缀:a- 表示to-, 使,让;2)词根:vail- 价值208. availableadj. 可获得的,可利用的词汇助记:1)前缀:a-2)词根:vail- 价值3)后缀:-ible 形容词后缀209. avalanche n./v. 雪崩词汇助记:联想法1)联想:ava—哎喂2)联想:lan-che 拦车210. avenue n. 林荫道,大街词汇助记:1)前缀:a-2)词根:ven-, vent- 走3)后缀:-ue 名词后缀。

词根词缀法巧记考研英语词汇tend全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Howdy y'all! Today I wanna chat with ya 'bout a cool trick to remember some fancy words in English. Yep, I'm talkin' 'bout the "tend" words, like "attend," "extend," and "pretend."So, lemme spill the beans on this cool hack called the "Root-Suffix Method." Basically, it's all 'bout breakin' down a word into its root (the main part) and its suffix (the tagalong bit). By crackin' the code, you can remember a bunch of similar words at once!First off, let's tackle "attend." The root here is "tend," which means to stretch or reach towards something. Ain't that cool? So, when you "attend" a meeting or event, you're basically stretchin' towards it with your presence. Makes sense, right?Next up, we got "extend." Can ya guess the root on this one? Yep, it's "tend" again! When you "extend" somethin', you're stretchin' it out or makin' it longer. See how easy this is?Lastly, we got "pretend." This one's a bit trickier, but if ya think 'bout it, when ya "pretend," you're sorta stretchin' the truth or makin' believe somethin' that ain't real. That's why the root "tend" works here too!Cool, right? By crackin' the "tend" code, you can remember a whole buncha words just like that. So, next time ya see a fancy word with "tend" in it, just remember to think 'bout stretchin' and reachin'. Easy peasy!Alrighty, that's it for today, folks! Hope ya enjoyed learnin' 'bout the "Root-Suffix Method" and how it helps ya remember them tricky "tend" words. Keep on rockin' those English vocab skills, y'all! Bye-bye now!篇2Root-Suffix Method for Remembering GRE Vocabulary WordsHey everyone! So, today I want to talk about a super cool and fun way to remember GRE vocabulary words using theroot-suffix method. Trust me, it's going to make learning new words a piece of cake!First things first - what exactly is the root-suffix method? Well, it's basically a way of breaking down a word into its root (the main part that carries the word's meaning) and its suffix (the ending that changes the word's form). By understanding the root and suffix of a word, you can figure out the meaning of a word even if you've never seen it before.Let's take the word "tend" for example. The root of this word is "tend" which means to stretch or to lean towards. The suffix "ance" or "ence" is often used to form nouns indicating a state or quality. So when you put them together, you get the word "tendency", which means the inclination or likelihood of something happening.See how easy that was? By understanding the root and suffix of a word, you can quickly figure out its meaning. Plus, you'll also be able to remember and use these words in your GRE exam (and impress all your friends with your awesome vocabulary skills)!So next time you come across a new word, don't panic. Just break it down using the root-suffix method, and you'll be a GRE vocabulary master in no time. Good luck!篇3Title: Fun Ways to Remember Tend in the Root-Suffix Method for GRE EnglishHey guys! Have you ever struggled to remember all those tricky words for the GRE English exam? Well, worry no more because today I'm going to teach you a fun and easy way to remember words with the root "tend" in them.First things first, what does "tend" mean? Well, "tend" means to stretch or to move in a certain direction. So, when we see words with "tend" in them, we know that they have something to do with stretching or moving in a particular way.Now, let's look at some common words that have "tend" in them:1. Contend - This word means to struggle or to compete. Just think of two people stretching to reach a prize. They are contending for it!2. Extend - This word means to stretch out or to make longer. Imagine you are extending your arms to reach something on a high shelf.3. Pretend - This word means to act as if something is true when it is not. It's like stretching the truth to make it sound better.4. Attend - This word means to be present at an event or to go to a place. You are stretching yourself to be there.5. Portend - This word means to be a sign or warning of something bad. It's like stretching out your hand to warn someone to stop.See how easy it is to remember these words when you know the meaning of the root "tend"? Now, go out there and ace that GRE English exam! Good luck, everyone!篇4Once upon a time, there was a magical method called "Root-Suffix Method" that helped students remember difficult words in the English language. And today, I will tell you all about it!Firstly, let's talk about what a "root" and a "suffix" are. A root is the basic part of a word that gives it its meaning, while a suffix is a group of letters added at the end of a word to change its meaning. For example, in the word "happiness," "happy" is the root and "-ness" is the suffix.Now, let's use this method to remember the word "tend." The root of "tend" is "tend," which means to care for or look after.The suffix in "tend" is "-er," which means one who does something. So, if we combine the root and suffix, we can understand that a "tender" is someone who cares for or looks after something. Easy, right?Next, let's try another word like "extend." The root of "extend" is "extend," which means to make something longer or larger. The suffix in "extend" is "-ion," which is used to show an action or process. So, if we put them together, we can remember that "extension" means the act of making something longer or larger.By using the root-suffix method, we can break down complex words into smaller parts and understand their meanings better. It's like solving a puzzle! So, next time you come across a difficult word in English, remember to use the root-suffix method to help you remember and understand it. Happy learning!篇5Today let's talk about a fun and easy way to remember some key English words for the Graduate Entrance Exam, which is called the "" or Root-Suffix method. This method can help us improve our vocabulary and make it easier to understand difficult English words.Firstly, let's start with the word "tend". Do you know what "tend" means? In English, "tend" usually means to have a tendency or inclination towards something. For example, if someone says "I tend to be shy in social situations", it means that person is usually shy when meeting new people.Now let's break down the word "tend" using the Root-Suffix method. The root of "tend" is "tend", which means to stretch or to lean. The suffix of "tend" is "-tion", which means the act or state of something. So when we combine the root and suffix together, we get the meaning of "tend" as leaning or stretching towards something.To help us remember the word "tend" better, we can create a fun story or picture in our minds. For example, imagine a plant leaning towards the sunlight to grow. This can help us remember that "tend" means to lean or stretch towards something.By using the Root-Suffix method, we can easily remember the meanings of difficult English words like "tend". This method can be a great tool to help us improve our vocabulary and ace the Graduate Entrance Exam. So let's keep practicing and learning new words every day!篇6Title: How to Use Root-Suffix Method to Remember GRE English VocabularyHey guys! Today I'm gonna teach you a super cool way to remember English words for the GRE exam. It's called theroot-suffix method, and it's gonna help you ace that vocab section like a pro!First off, what is a root? A root is the basic part of the word that gives it its meaning. For example, the root "port" means "to carry" or "to bring." Suffixes, on the other hand, are little parts that we add to the end of a root to change its meaning. For example, the suffix "-able" means "capable of."Now, let's put the root-suffix method into action using the word "tend" as our example. The root "tend" means "to stretch" or "to move." So, when we add different suffixes to "tend," we can create new words with related meanings.For instance, when we add the suffix "-ance" to "tend," we get "tendance," which means "the act of stretching or moving towards something." If we add "-ency" instead, we get "tendency," which means "a natural inclination to move in a certain direction." Cool, right?Now, let's try another suffix. If we add "-er" to "tend," we get "tender," which means "easy to stretch or move." And if we add "-ing" instead, we get "tending," which means "in the process of stretching or moving."By breaking down words using the root-suffix method, you can easily remember their meanings and even guess the meanings of unfamiliar words on the GRE exam.So, next time you come across a tricky word, just think about its root and suffix. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can figure out what it means!That's all for today, folks. Keep practicing and you'll be a GRE vocab master in no time. Good luck!篇7Title: The Magic of Root-Suffix Method in Remembering GRE VocabularyHey guys, do you know that there is a super cool way to remember all those difficult GRE words? It’s called theRoot-Suffix method! Today, I’m going to tell you all about it.First of all, let me explain what a root and a suffix are. A root is the basic form of a word, and it carries the main meaning. Forexample, the root "port" means carry, and words like import, export, and transport all have this root. A suffix, on the other hand, is a group of letters added at the end of a word to change its meaning. For example, the suffix "ful" means full of, so words like beautiful, successful, and wonderful all have this suffix.Now, let’s talk about how you can use the Root-Suffix method to remember GRE words. When you come across a new word, try to break it down into its root and suffix. For example, let’s take the word "tendency." The root here is "tend," which means to stretch or lean towards something. And the suffix "ency" means the quality or state of being. So, if you combine them, you can remember that "tendency" means the quality of leaning towards something.By using this method, you can easily remember the meanings of many GRE words. And the best part is, once you understand the roots and suffixes, you can apply them to other words as well. It’s like having a magic key that unlocks the meaning of any difficult word!So next time you’re studying for the GRE, don’t forget to use the Root-Suffix method. Trust me, it will make learning all those fancy words a piece of cake. Good luck, my fellow future GRE champions!篇8Once upon a time, there was a little kid named Timmy, who was struggling to remember the word "tend" for his English exam. Timmy was feeling really stressed out because he just couldn't seem to remember the meaning of the word no matter how hard he tried. But then, Timmy's teacher told him about a special trick called the "root and affix method" that could help him remember difficult words like "tend".The root of the word "tend" is "ten", which means to stretch or to reach towards something. The affix in this word is "d", which means to do or to perform an action. So when you put them together, you get the word "tend" which means to take care of or look after something.Timmy was so excited to learn this new trick that he decided to practice using the word "tend" in different sentences. For example, he said, "I tend to my plants every day by watering them and giving them sunlight." Timmy also learned that "tend" can be used to talk about taking care of not just plants, but also people or animals.Thanks to the root and affix method, Timmy was able to remember the word "tend" for his English exam and even scoreda perfect grade! From that day on, Timmy never had to worry about forgetting difficult words again because he had the secret weapon of the root and affix method to help him. And they all lived happily ever after, The End.篇9Hey guys! Today I'm gonna teach you a cool way to remember a bunch of important words in English. It's called the "root word method". And today, we're gonna focus on the root word "tend".So first things first, what does "tend" mean? It basically means to stretch towards a particular direction, like when you bend a tree branch towards the sun. Cool, right?Now let's break down some words that have "tend" in them:1. Attend - This word means to be present at an event or a place. So when you attend a party, you're stretching yourself towards being there.2. Extend - This word means to make something longer or larger. So when you extend your hand for a high-five, you're stretching it out towards the other person.3. Pretend - This word means to act as if something is true when it's not. So when you pretend to be a superhero, you're stretching your imagination.4. Contend - This word means to compete or struggle with someone or something. So when you contend in a race, you're stretching yourself to beat others.5. Portend - This word means to be a sign or warning that something is going to happen. So when dark clouds portend a storm, they're stretching towards bad weather.See how easy it is to remember these words when you know the root word "tend"? Pretty cool, right? So go ahead and use this method to remember more English words. You'll be a vocabulary master in no time!篇10Tend is a very important word in English. It means to have a tendency or inclination towards something. Let's break down the word tend using the root method and remember it easily.First, we have the root "tend" which means to stretch or lean towards something. When we add the prefix "at" to tend, it becomes “attend”. Attend means to be present at an event orgathering. And when we add the prefix "ex" to tend, it becomes “extend”. Extend means to make something longer or wider.Next, let's look at some words that contain the root tend. For example, "tender" means showing gentleness, kindness, or affection. "Tendency" means an inclination towards a particular characteristic or behavior. "Content" means the subjects or topics in a written work. And "extent" means the degree or magnitude of something.In conclusion, by understanding the root tend and its various combinations, we can easily remember and understand the meaning of words like attend, extend, tender, tendency, content, and extent. So, keep practicing and soon you will be a master at using words with the root tend.。
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②v.照料,照顾 tend the baby / the dog / your health
词根词缀记忆法 tend, tent, tens=stretch伸展
意义相反的前缀: im-, in- 往里,向内 ex- 向外,往外
决定词性的后缀: 名词后缀:-tion, -sion 形容词后缀:-tive, -sive
tend contend intention tense attend tendency attention
extensive intend extension
tend contend intention tense attend tendency attention
extend tent attentive
extensive intend extension
• • • •
a.广泛的,广阔的 extensive [ik'stensiv] extensive field/ground extensive reading extension [ik'stenʃən] n.伸展,扩大
extent [ik‘stent] n. (某事物延长、伸展的)程度,范围 to some extent/ to a certain extent/ to a great extent 从······程度上来说
词根词缀记忆法 tend, tent, tens=stretch伸展
• contend v.竞争,斗 争 • contend with 对付 • contention n.竞争
You! Thank You!
词根词缀记忆法 tend, tent, tens=stretch伸展
attention [ə'tenʃən] n.注意 pay attention to … The government pay great attention to the issue. attentive [ə'tentiv] a.专注的 attend [ə'tend] v. ①照顾,照料 attend the patient ②出席,参加 attend the class
extend tent attentive
extensive intend extension
tend contend intention tense attend tendency attention
extend tent attentive
• tendency ['tendənsi] n.趋势,趋向性
He has a tendency of getting fat.
Байду номын сангаас
It shows a downward tendency from March to July.
词根词缀记忆法 tend, tent, tens=stretch伸展
• • • • extend [ik'stend] v.扩大,扩张, 延伸 extend one’s arms extend one’s body in the bed extend a visit
tend contend intention tense attend tendency attention
extend tent attentive
extensive intend extension
It is a
词根词缀记忆法 tend, tent, tens =stretch伸展
词根词缀记忆法 tend, tent, tens=stretch伸展
intend v. (把心思放到某件事里) →打算做··· intend to do … I intend to skip my lunch today. intention n.意图,目的 My intention is to skip my lunch today.