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基础英语2第二单元答案The Virtues of Growing Older

Text comprehension

I. C

II. 1 F; 2 F; 3 F; 4 T; 5 T.


1. worshiping youth and fearing growing old. To delay the effects of aging with cosmetics and physical exercises.

2. three. Less concern for o ne’s appearance; less uncertainty about the unknowns in the future; surer self-identity.

3. feel uncertain about what will happen to them and what they should do.

4. use contrast structure “Being young means…/ It means…” and “I …now/ I no longer…”

5. The writer learns the significance that the newer (younger) is not necessarily better, and she can be happier than before as she grows older.


1. Women are less capable of resisting the temptation the temptation of fashion than men.

2. make friends with different people in order to find a new identity for yourself.

Structural analysis of the text

1. see III


2. Paragraph 3: the last sentence; Paragraph 4: the second sentence; Paragraph 5: the first sentence.

Section Four Consolidation Activities

Part one. Vocabulary Analysis

I. Phrase practice

1. are apt to= are likely to 易于……,有……的倾向

e.g. Infants are apt to put their hands into their mouths. 婴儿爱把手往嘴里塞。

2. fall apart= break up / disintegrate

3. in general= as a whole 通常,大体上;总的来说,从总体上看

e.g. In general, this company’s products are very reliable. 这家公司的产品通常是很可靠的。

In general, this paper is a bit difficult for these students to finish in an hour. 总的来说,让学生在一个小时完成这份试卷有些困难。

4. at the mercy of= powerless against; completely controlled by 对……无能为力;任……处置,任由……摆布

e.g. Some people are born with the belief that they are masters of their own lives. Others feel they are at the mercy of fate. 有些人天生相信自己是生命的主宰,另一些人则觉得他们受到命运的支配。

I don’t want to put myself at the mercy of others. 我不希望任由他人摆布。

5. no wonder= not surprising / only too natural 不足为奇,并不奇怪

e.g. It is no wonder that it is so wet in the south. 南方这么潮湿,并不奇怪。

No wonder you’re so tired, you’ve worked three hours without a break.难怪你这么累,你已经连续工作了三个小时。

It is no wonder that he failed his final exam. 他没能通过期末考试,这是不足为怪的。


1. delay;

2. Feverishly;

3. façade;

4. confronted;

5. premise;

6. dreaded;

7. automatically;

8. awaiting.

III. Word derivation

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. She has got this obsessive (obsess) fear of losing control, so she never shows her emotions.

2. People under a lot of stress at work will often experience moodiness (mood), irritability and a loss of confidence.

3. They wanted a tolerable (tolerate) existence — more food, better shelter, and peace.

4. In the end, the company and its investors came to a mutually beneficial (benefit) arrangement.

5. Working with the mentally handicapped can be a satisfying (satisfy) and rewarding experience.

6. Frogs can search for food underwater, hidden (hide) from birds of prey.

7. When I asked her about where she wanted the m eeting to be held, she didn’t express any particular preference (prefer).

8. The committee has made four specific criticisms (critical) of the government’s transportation policy.

1. obsess v. (使)牵挂,(使)惦念,(使)着迷

obsessed a. 着迷的

obsession n. 困扰,沉迷,着魔

obsessive a. 着迷的,强迫性的,分神的

e.g. 爱丽丝被一个她刚刚认识的男孩迷住了。

Alice was obsessed by a boy she has just met.


He’s always wanted to find his father but recently it’s become an obsess ion.

2. mood n. 心情,情绪

moody a. 易怒的,喜怒无常的,情绪化的

moodiness n. 忧郁

e.g. 我每个星期日情绪都很坏。
