



Persuasive_OutlineSample Outline for Persuasive Speech - COM 181WALKING TO IMPROVE HEALTHSpecific Purpose: T o persuade my audience to start walking in order to improve their health.Central Idea: Regular walking can improve both your mental and physical health.Method of Organization: Monroe's motivated sequence.IntroductionLet's be honest, we lead an easy life: automatic dishwashers, riding lawnmowers, T.V. remote controls, automatic garage door openers, power screwdrivers, bread machines, electric pencil sharpeners, etc., etc. etc. We live in a time-saving, energy-saving, convenient society. It's a wonderful life. Or is it? While today's luxuries have been welcomed by the masses, they have also been accused of turning us into passive, lethargic couch potatoes. As a reformed couch potato myself, I know how easy it can be to slip into an inactive lifestyle. I also know how sluggish and apathetic such a lifestyle can make me feel. T oday I want to urge you to move off that couch and get your body moving. I want to persuade you to start walking.BodyNeedI. Americans lead a sedentary lifestyle at the expense of their health.A. Adults watch between 15 and 18 hours of TV a week. (statistic - Carey 82)1. This means we spend approximately 40% of our leisure time in front of the TV.(statistic - Carey 82)2. Ironically, it is also reported that we really don't like many of the shows we watch.(factual example - Carey 83)B. An article in the March, 1994 issue of Walking reports that there is evidence that oursedentary lifestyle is bad for our mental and emotional state of mind.1. Studies today indicate that people are experiencing higher bouts of depression thanin the 18th and 19th century when work and life was considered more difficult.(factual example - McAuliffe 43)2. The article reports that 12.6% of Americans suffer from anxiety and another 9.5%suffer from serious depression. (statistic - McAuliffe 42)C. Our eating habits, combined with our lack of exercise is purported to be the "second leadingnon-genetic contributor to death in the U.S." (factual example - Camenzind)1. Nutritionist Phyllis Hall stated that we tend to eat foods that are high in fat, whichproduce high levels of cholesterol in our blood, which in turns leads to plaque in ourarteries. (expert testimony - Hall)2. While modifying our diet can certainly help us decrease our risk for heart disease,studies have indicated that people who don't exercise are at an even greater risk forheart disease. (factual example - Camenzind)SatisfactionII. Fortunately, there is a simple, effective exercise that we can all do.A. This exercise is walking.1. Walking for 20 minutes at a moderate pace 3 - 4 times a week is good for ourphysical and mental health. (factual example - Ullman 9)2. Walking is an inexpensive form of exercise that requires no training.B. Regular walking can reduce our risk for heart disease.1. A 1994 article in Prevention reported that walking can curtail our risk for heartdisease. (factual example - Ullman 9)2. Walking enhances an enzyme that removes triglycerides (blood fats) from ourbloodstream. (factual example - Ullman 10)VisualizationIII. We can visualize the benefits of walking by contrasting the lifestyle choices we have.A. We can take shortcuts in life and cut our life short.1. Find the closest parking space in the parking lot.2. Drive to the convenient store that is just around the corner from your house.3. Catch the bus to take you to a building across campus.4. Telephone the friend in your neighborhood to chat.B. Or we can choose to lessen our risk for heart disease and improve our mental health bymaking an effort to walk.1. "Walking will enable you to stumble onto natural little wonders that otherwise gounnoticed." (factual example - Ullman 10)2. John P. Wiley comments on the benefits of walking by stating, "Being on your owntwo feet is restful. No one is climbing on your back, leaning on a horn, . . . and ifsomething catches your eye, you can stop without being rear ended." (peertestimony - Wiley 24)ConclusionIn closing, I urge you to start walking more. A simple, easy activity. Park at the back of parking lots and walk. Walk, don't drive, to your local convenient store. Walk past the bus stop and let your two feet carry you across campus. Take 20 minutes and enjoy a walk around your neighborhood. Hide the T.V. remote control, move off the couch, and walk -- for your heart's sake.Works CitedCamenzind, Paula. The Guide to Visual and Natural Healing. Pittsburgh, PA.: Rodale, 1993. Carey, Barbara. "Turn off the T.V." Health October, 1994: 82-84.Hall, Phyllis. Nutritional Specialist. Personal Interview. 22 May 1995.McAuliffe, Katherine. "Out of the Blues." Walking March/April, 1994: 42-47.Ullman, Steven A. "Feet First Prevention." Prevention January, 1994: 9-10.Wiley, John P. "Phenomena, comments and notes." Smithsonian July, 1989: 22-24.Sample Outline for Persuasive Speech - COM 181THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWNSpecific Purpose: T o persuade my audience to wear seatbeltsevery time they ride in anautomobile.Central Idea: There are no good reasons not to wear seatbelts and one vital reason towear them - they may well save you from serious injury or death in anautomobile accident.Method of Organization: Monroe's motivated sequenceIntroductionIt had just stopped raining when my friend Florence and I got into the car. I fastened my seat belt, but she didn't. I backed out of the driveway and we headed out for what we thought would be a fun evening. After driving for awhile I entered an intersection. The light was green and so I proceeded into the intersection just as another car turned left in front of me. Because the roads were wet, my brakes wouldn't hold and we slid into the side of the other car. I was shaken, but all right. Then I noticed that the windshield on thepassenger's side was shattered. I saw my friend slumped up against the seat with blood all over her face. She had shattered the windshield.Being in an accident, I know first hand the difference wearing seatbelts can make. Also class surveys show that many of you don't wear your seat belts. That's why today I want to persuade you to wear your seat belts every time you ride in an automobile.BodyNeedI. Automobile accidents take a frightful toll in lives and injuries every year.A. According to the Motor Vehicle Association, 3 millionAmericans are injured in autoaccidents annually. (statistic - Orme 27)B. In addition, 50,000 are killed each year. (statistic - Orme 29)1. This number is the equivalent to a 747 jumbo jet crashing every other day for ayear. (analogy - Orme 29)2. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for people of high-schooland college age. (factual example - Consumers' 10)SatisfactionII. You can save yourself from becoming part of these statistics by wearing your seatbelt.A. According to the Department of Transportation, 15,000 lives would be saved annually ifevery driver fastened his or her seatbelt every time he or she rode in a car. (statistic -Lumet 45)B. A study by the Motor Vehicle Association showed that the chances of individual deathand injury are reduced 50 percent by the use of seatbelts. (statistic - Dinkel 46)VisualizationIII. We can visualize the benefits of seatbelts by answering some of the reasons given in response tomy audience analysis questionnaires for not wearing seatbelts.A. Some of you think you can brace yourselves in case of a crash.1. But you may never see the other car in time.2. Impact at 30 mph is 100 times the force of gravity. (factualexample -Bedard 111)B. Some of you feel you don't need seatbelts for short trips.1. According to the Motor Vehicle Association, most accidents occur onlocal roads. (testimony - Dinkel 47)2. My accident took place only five minutes from home.C. Some of you fear being trapped in a burning or submerged vehicle.1. Burning or submersion occurs in only .5 percent of all auto accidents. (statisticLumet 46)2. In this kind of accident, seatbelts help keep you conscious and able to escape.D. Some of you don't use seatbelts because they are uncomfortable.1. Seatbelts can be adjusted for comfort.2. What's worse - a seatbelt or a wheelchair?ConclusionSo I urge you to fasten your seatbelts every time you ride in a car. If my friend had worn hers she wouldn't have received the terrible scars that remind us of that accident over a year ago. Some of you may say that you forget, but the one time you forget may be the time you are injured or killed. So please, buckle up. It only takes a few seconds. If you don't, you may regret it sitting in a wheel chair, or you may not even have the chance to regret it.Just ask Beth, a student at this university who says, "If I hadn't been wearing my seatbelt at the time of my accident, I truly believe I would not be here today."Works CitedBedard, Pat. "How Can You Tell Congress from a Shopping Bazaar?" Car and Driver November 1992:111-119.Dinkel, James. "Capitol Thoughts." Road and Truck March 1991: 46-47."How Federal Officials Ignored Auto Safety." Consumers' Research Magazine April 1992: 10-16.Lumet, Alyce. "Smart Ideas for Safer Driving." Seventeen August 1992: 44-49.Orme, Tom. "National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Ignored Automobile Safety." Motor Trend May 1992: 27-32.。

Persuasive Speech 提纲

Persuasive Speech 提纲

Part-time Jobs do More Harm Than Good to University S tudentsSpecific Purpose: To let the university students don't do part time job.Central Idea: Doing part time job does harm for university students to do their majors,they should focus on their major rather than to do part time job.IntroductionAttention: I. Do you have experiences of doing part time job as university students?II. What do you think of doing part time job as a university students?Does it do more harm than good to university students?III. Today i will show you that part time job do more harm than good touniversity students.BodyNeed: I. There are more harm for university students to do part time job.A. Most of them can't get the balance between their major and parttime job.B. The part time job will distract their main focus and they didn't havemind to study.C. It will make university students to have a bad view of life andmoney.D. Some university students will be take in.E. Not all the part time job can give university students a goodworking experiences.Satisfaction: II. Some other ways to solve the experiences and financial problems bynot doing part time job.A. Attend the student union, join the club... to gain more workingexperiences.B. Student loan, scholarship... to help to solve financial problem.Visualization: III. Part time job do more harm than good to university students.A. The multiple talented people whom has wide range of experiencesand qualified major knowledge is very needed in the modernsociety.B. Doing part time job let the students don't have enough time to studyto get well known of their major.ConclusionAction:I. So i encourage university students don't do part time job.II. Precious and focus on your major in the limited university life.。

Persuasive speech

Persuasive speech

Does a postgraduate have that kind of ability to get higher salary?(描述现象:对于研究生来说,前年找工作难,去年找工作简单)The year before last, lots of postgraduates are worried about their jobs after they have graduated from University. However, in the last year, many postgraduates are so lucky to find better jobs, to get higher salary, no matter what he or she learned in the three year of postgraduate life. Maybe this good phenomenon will last for about five years for postgraduates.There are several reasons to support my opinion.(解释原因)First, the policy Chinese government made in 1999 that Universities admitted many more students is wrong so that college graduates are much more difficult to find better jobs. On the contrary, postgraduates have some kind of abilities to meet the demands of corporations. So, it seems that postgraduates could have better salary. (第一方面的原因是:国家在1999年制定的大学扩招的错误政策导致大学生暴增,大学毕业生找工作困难,而研究生相对来说更符合企业的要求,找工作相对容易。



Persuasive Speech Assignment #1Purpose∙The purpose of your first persuasive speech is to give you an opportunity to speak persuasively to the class regarding a topic you feel strongly about and will have researched and know well.∙You are to apply the principles of speech organization, delivery, and persuasion (including argumentation). These areas are covered in your readings and/or class lectures to date.●This assignment requires that you focus on the organization and content of your speech aswell as delivery.⏹Your outline and your delivery should clearly show preparation, research, organization andpersuasive strategies.RequirementsYour task is to persuade your audience to accept an opinion or take a specific action regarding an issue of your choice. You are required to follow problem-solution organization pattern or Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. Remember that you are trying to organize a persuasive argument, so appropriate research is crucial. You will be given 5 minutes to complete your speech. Practice and preparation are mandatory to ensure it will meet the time limit.References∙Include a minimum of three credible, published sources in your speech (research must havea broad scope--e.g., periodicals, books, journals, pamphlets and interviews--You must use atleast two different types of sources)∙Only one source may be from an internet website. It is fine to access data base information or other reference material on-line as appropriate sources.∙Provide a bibliography in your preparation outline, APA format.∙Verbally announce your sources OUT LOUD in your speech. Points will be deducted if fewer than 3 citations are heard.Outline: You must submit a typed, full-sentence outline on the day you are speaking, including your references. This outline should follow the format discussed in class.Note Cards: You may use a maximum of four 3 x 5 note cards with key words (not phrases or complete sentences) written on one side only.Visual Aids (Optional): Using visual aids for this speech is recommended but not required. If you use a video, you need to make sure in advance that it will not cause delay due to technical reasons and it must last no longer than one minute (this is part of your 5 minutes).If you have questions or would like some suggestions please ask! I’m happy to help! ☺Persuasive Speech Evaluation CriteriaTotal Points: 100Topic (10 pts.)●Relevant and appropriate●Appealing and interesting . Introduction (20 pts.)●Gained attention●Showed relevance of topic to audience●Established credibility●Introduced topic/thesis statement clearly●Previewed body of speech Body (30 pts.)⏹Structure●Main points clear and Argument clearly developed●Demonstrated persuasive organization●Presented a responsible argument●Language precise, clear, powerful●Transitions effective⏹Supporting materials●Strong evidence presented●Sources fully cited●Reputable sources incorporated●Sufficient number of sources citedConclusion (15 pts.)●Audience prepared for conclusion●Purpose and main points reviewed●Closed speech by reference to intro./other devices Delivery (15 pts.)●Maintained eye contact●Used voice, diction, & rate for maximum effect●Used space, movement and gestures for emphasis Overall Impression (10 pts.)●Topic challenging●Adapted to audience●Maintained time limits●Evidence of preparation & practice●Quality and relevance of visual aids●Was persuasive。

persuasive speech

persuasive speech

Most Necessary Change to Education Policy in ChinaHello, everyone! Have you ever complained about the Chinese education system? Believe it or not, many of my friends even talked dirty on it. Under the education policy in China, which attaches too much importance to our scores, we have to do countless and useless homework every day. We are trapped in piles of exercise books and huge academic pressure, which consume all our spare time and energy.In my view, it is the College Entrance Examination that makes us in torture. We have been instilled the idea that one can become successful only by going to college, and those who fail the exam will be jobless and have a depressing future, so almost all of us will study desperately to be admitted into an elite university. As the policy requires us to develop in an all-around way, we have to take full command of various kinds of subject, and everything we learn, such as instruments, is to add marks. Since the only standard that these higher learning institution refer to measure their freshmen is the matriculation results, we can do nothing but indulge in our academic works.With this education policy, we seldom have choices. We can’t always learn what w e actually love but what we are good at only to make the tests easier to pass. We seldom have aims. We even don't know that we have been occupied by exercises. And we seldom have dreams. We have no idea about our future because our numb mind can't afford such a question.Although it is extraordinary hard to solve this problem and improve the system circumstance, some government officials have devoted all their effort to amend the policy to make Gaokao less important and ask these senior highs to take their interest as well as future into consideration. Besides, those business companies should change their employment standard, too. Whether one has been to university or not, he deserves a job with his own quality.Thank you!。

persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿尊敬的各位听众:大家好!今天,我站在这里,想要和大家探讨一个重要的话题。



















persuasive speech

persuasive speech

The Process of Persuasion
When you speak persuasively, you try to guide the audience to adopt a particular attitude, belief, or behavior that you favor*
A Plan for Organizing Persuasive Speeches:
Step 4: Visualization
The purpose of the visualization(使看得 见) step is to carry the audience beyond accepting the feasibility of your proposal to seeing how it will actually benefit them The visualization step invokes needs of self-esteem and self-actualization*
The Process of Persuasion
A predisposition(先入为主) to respond to people, ideas, objects, or events in evaluative ways
The ways people perceive(理解) reality to be; our conceptions about what is true and whnizing Persuasive Speeches:
Step 3: Satisfaction
The satisfaction step identifies(等同于) the solution This step offers the audience a proposal to reinforce(增强) or change their attitudes, beliefs, and values regarding the need at hand*

Oral English Persuasive Speech

Oral English Persuasive Speech

Persuasive SpeechYour final project for Oral English will be to write and deliver a persuasive speech on a potentially controversial topic of current significance to China. First, you should pick one of the following topics and pick a side of the topic (do you agree or disagree):∙The Chinese government should require that new housing developments in China include some affordable units for low-income citizens.∙China should prioritize economic development over environmental sustainability.∙China should prioritize economic development over cultural and historical preservation.∙The Chinese government should do whatever it takes to retain control of the Diaoyu Islands, even if it means armed conflict.∙The Chinese government should stop funding Confucius Institutes in other countries and instead use that money to fight poverty at home.∙The Chinese government should increase taxes on the wealthy to fight income inequality.∙The Chinese government should require civil servants to disclose their incomes.∙Students in China should be able to choose their majors.Then, you should research your topic and write a persuasive speech of about 3 minutes. Practice your speech and be prepared to deliver it in class. We will discuss the components of an effective speech in class. Please be sure to incorporate these into your speech.。



2024年五年级下册第三单元英语作文试题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Grade 5 Book 3 Unit 3 English Writing TestPart 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow:The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It is over 13,000 miles long and was built over 2,000 years ago to protect the Chinese Empire from invaders. The wall is made of brick, stone, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, and it stretches from the Bohai Sea in the east to the Gobi Desert in the west. The Great Wall attracts millions of tourists each year, who come to marvel at its incredible size and history.1. How long is the Great Wall of China?2. Why was the Great Wall built?3. What materials were used to build the wall?4. Where does the wall stretch from and to?5. Why do tourists visit the Great Wall?Part 2: WritingWrite a composition of at least 200 words on the following topic:Describe a famous landmark in your country. Explain its history, significance, and why tourists visit it. Share your personal thoughts and feelings about the landmark.Remember to use complete sentences, proper grammar and punctuation, and organize your ideas logically.Good luck!篇22024 Year 5 Term 3 Unit 3 English Composition QuestionsQuestion 1:Write a short story about a magical adventure. Include at least three magical creatures and describe how they helped the main character on their journey.Question 2:Imagine you are a time traveler. Write a diary entry detailing your experience visiting a different time period. Describe the people, customs, and technology you encountered.Question 3:Write a persuasive speech on why it is important to protect the environment. Provide examples of how individuals can make a difference in preserving our planet for future generations.Question 4:Create a poster promoting healthy living habits. Include tips on eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Use colorful illustrations and catchy slogans to attract attention.Question 5:Write a letter to your future self. Include your hopes, dreams, and goals for the next five years. Reflect on your achievements and challenges, and offer advice on how to stay motivated and positive.Question 6:Imagine you are a superhero with a unique superpower. Write a comic book strip depicting a day in the life of yoursuperhero persona. Include a villain, a sidekick, and a thrilling mission to save the day.Question 7:Research a famous landmark from around the world. Write a travel guide describing the history, architecture, and significance of the landmark. Include fun facts and interesting anecdotes to engage readers.Question 8:Design a board game based on a historical event or period. Include rules, objectives, and game pieces to create an interactive and educational experience for players.illustrate the importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving a goal.These questions are designed to test your creativity, critical thinking, and language skills. Have fun exploring different topics and expressing your ideas in written form. Good luck!篇32024年五年级下册第三单元英语作文试题Topic: My Favorite AnimalInstructions: Write a composition about your favorite animal. Describe the animal's appearance, habits, and why you like it. Use at least 5 complete sentences.Sample Answer:My favorite animal is the panda. Pandas are adorable creatures with black and white fur, round faces, and big, black eyes. They are native to China and are known for their playful and gentle nature.Pandas spend most of their time eating bamboo leaves, which is their favorite food. They are also great climbers and can often be seen lounging on tree branches. Despite their large size, pandas are quite agile and can move gracefully through the bamboo forests.I like pandas because they are so cute and cuddly. They always look like they are smiling, which brings joy to anyone who sees them. I also admire how peaceful and calm they are, even in the midst of chaos. Pandas remind me to take things slow and appreciate the beauty of nature around me.In conclusion, pandas are my favorite animals because of their charming appearance, gentle demeanor, and laid-back attitude. I hope to see one in person someday and maybe evenvolunteer at a panda conservation center to help protect these endangered creatures.。

英语辩论必看 persuasive speech

英语辩论必看 persuasive speech

What Is Persuasive Speech?
The Process of Persuasion
When you speak persuasively, you try to guide the audience to adopt a particular attitude, belief, or behavior that you favor*
Classical Per
As used by Aristotle in terms of persuasive appeals, based on the nature of the speaker’s moral character and personality*
A Plan for Organizing Persuasive Speeches:
Step 2: Need
The need step isolates and describes the issue to be addressed in the persuasive speech If you can show the audience that they have an important need that must be satisfied, they have a reason to listen to your propositions*
Contemporary Persuasive Appeals:
Motivating the Audience
Social needs refer to the desire for meaningful relationships with others Self-Esteem needs reflect our desire to feel good about ourselves Self-Actualization needs refer to reaching your highest potential*

persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿Persuasive SpeechLadies and gentlemen,Today, I stand before you to deliver a persuasive speech on a topic of great importance – the need for environmental conservation. Our planet is facing unprecedented challenges, and it is crucial that we take immediate action to protect and preserve our environment for future generations. It is time for us to recognize the severity of the situation and make sustainable choices that will lead us towards a more eco-friendly future.Firstly, let us consider the issue of climate change. The earth's temperature is rising at an alarming rate, leading to disastrous consequences such as extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and the loss of biodiversity. We cannot ignore the fact that our actions have contributed to this crisis, and it is our responsibility to reverse the damage. By embracing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change.Furthermore, the depletion of natural resources is another pressing concern. Our insatiable appetite for consumer goods and relentless exploitation of our natural environment have led to the depletion of finite resources such as oil, gas, and minerals. It is essential that we shift towards a more sustainable and circular economy, which emphasizes recycling, reusing, and reducing waste. Through conscious consumer choices and responsible production methods, we can conserve our resources and ensure their availability for future generations.Additionally, the issue of plastic pollution must be addressed urgently. Our oceans are drowning in plastic waste, causing irreparable harm to marine life and ecosystems. Single-use plastics, such as bottles, bags, and straws, are major contributors to this crisis. By promoting the use of reusable alternatives and implementing effective recycling programs, we can reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in our oceans and landfills. It is high time we take responsibility for our plastic consumption and make a concerted effort to eliminate this environmental menace.Moreover, the destruction of forests and deforestation pose a significant threat to our environment. Forests act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing vast amounts of CO2 and regulating the climate. However, rampant deforestation for agricultural expansion and illegal logging activities have led to the loss of vital forest cover. It is essential that we support sustainable land use practices and implement stricter regulations to protect our forests. By doing so, we can preserve biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and safeguard the livelihoods of indigenous communities.In conclusion, the urgency of environmental conservation cannot be overstated. We must act now to address the challenges of climate change, resource depletion, plastic pollution, and deforestation. Together, we can make a difference by adopting sustainable practices, promoting renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and advocating for stronger environmental policies. Let us remember that protecting our environment is not only a responsibility but also a moral imperative. By protecting our planet, we are securing a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.Thank you for your attention, and let's join hands in creating a greener and more sustainable world.。

persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿某某某敬爱的各位评委、亲爱的同学们:大家好!我今天在这里发表演讲,旨在劝说各位关注并积极参与环保事业。
























persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿

persuasive speech演讲稿尊敬的各位听众:大家好!今天,我站在这里,想要和大家探讨一个重要的话题——健康生活方式的选择。























PersuasiveSpeech说服性演讲(PPT 35页)

PersuasiveSpeech说服性演讲(PPT 35页)
• e.g. Are daily megadoses of vitamins beneficial to human health?(每天大量服用维生素有益健康?)
Wang Jufang
Organization by topics
Each main point will present a reason (why agree);
Strongly Moderately Slightly Neutral Slightly Moderately Strongly in
Opposed Opposed Opposed
in Favor in Favor Favor
Persuasion involves any movement by a listener from left to right.
Informative speeches come about in situations where the audience wants to learn about the facts.
Wang Jufang
Example (1)
Specific Purpose
To persuade my audience that an earthquake of 9.0 or above on the Richter scale will hit Xi’an in the next ten years.
Wang Jufang1. QuestioFra biblioteks of Fact
Questions of fact are questions about the truth or falsity of an assertion.

Persuasive Speech Sample

Persuasive Speech Sample

Preparation OutlineTopic: Texting While DrivingGeneral Purpose: To persuadeProposition: Texting while driving is not only dangerous, but life threatening. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to stop texting while driving and encourage others to do so as well.I. Attention:Caleb Sorohan went to Morgan County High School in Madison, Georgia. A bright student, he graduated with his class in 2009 and was headed to college. At the age of 18, just when his life as an independent young adult was getting started, Caleb tragically lost his life. On December 15th of 2009, Caleb died in a car crash while texting and driving. Caleb had his phone in his lap, and had sent out six text messages in the last few minutes of his life. None of you may know Caleb personally, but he was a loving son, brother and friend to many and was too young to have his life taken away. The state of Georgia passed “The Caleb Sorohan Act” as a result of this heartrending incident. But do enough Georgia residents take this act as seriously as they should? According to my audience analysis survey, 65 percent of the class said that they text message while driving.Signpost: Why is it so important to avoid text messaging while driving?II. Need:I. It is against the law in the state of Georgia, as well as many other states, totext message while driving. Georgia passed The Caleb Sorohan Act in 2009 to abolish texting while driving.A. “The law prohibits drivers from using a cell phone, text messagingdevice, personal digital assistant (PDA), computer, or similar wirelessdevice to write, send, or read text data while driving. The ban applies totext messages, instant messages (IM), email, and Internet data.”B. “Offenders are subject to a $150 fine and one point against their drivingrecord.”C. “Currently, laws in 30 states and the District of Columbia make itillegal to text or send e-mail while driving.”Signpost: Even though texting while driving is illegal, that is still not enough for people to discontinue doing it. In order to get the message across as to why texting while drivingwas banned, there are several statistics I would like to share to put things into perspective.II. Texting while driving is hazardous. People need to become more aware of the consequences that follow texting and driving in order to help save thoselife’s lost annually due to automobile accidents involving a cell phone.A. It is said to be among one of the most dangerous of activities“because it involves taking your eyes and attention off the roadway.” –Jackson.I. A driver who looks at a cell phone for 5 seconds while travelingat highway speed covers the length of a football field withoutseeing the road.II. According to my audience analysis survey, 50 percent of theclass said yes when asked, “have you ever swerved, stopped short,almost caused an accident or not even realized how far you’vealready driven because you were caught up in a text”. In those fiveseconds, 50 percent of you could have either taken your own life,or someone else’s. Was your text message work the risk?B. “Nearly 28 percent of all vehicle crashes, or about 1.6 million eachyear, can be linked to talking on a cell phone or texting while driving.Among those ages 16 and 17, some 26 percent have texted from behindthe wheel.” – Jackson. This means that more than a quarter of all vehiclecrashes during the year are due to the use of a cell phone, even though inmany states it’s use is illegal.C. According to a study, “drivers who were texting were 23.2 times morelikely to crash than those drivers who weren’t texting.” –JacksonSignpost: Many people live their lives ignorantly thinking, “Chances are it’s not going to be me.” One hundred percent of the class stated yes when asked, “do you see other people texting while driving when you’re on the road.” Well, it looks as if your chances just went up drastically.III. Even if you claim that you do not text and drive, which 5 of you did, think about those around you that may text and drive. People that text and driveput the lives of others on the road at risk of being in an accident and possibly even death.A.According to the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey,drivers “under 20 years old posed the greatest risk on the road, and 16percent of all fatal crashes involving those under twenty years oldinvolved distracted driving.”B.It is important for parents to teach their children the risks of textingand driving. It is equally as important for a parent to not text theirchild if they know that he or she is driving somewhere.Signpost: There are several measures that should be taken to prevent automobile accidents caused by the use of a cellular device.III. Satisfaction:I.The best way to put an end to texting to driving is to make a pledge.There are many different organizations that have taken steps toencourage others to make a pledge.A.Oprah has a pledge called the “No Phone Zone.” On herwebsite you can hear many devastating stories of those whohave lost someone to texting while driving.B.11Alive has a pledge called “The Great Hang Up.” They offera pledge that you can print, fill out, and keep in your car to stayreminded of your pledge.II. Inform others about the risks of texting and driving.A. Put a bumper sticker on your car, such as the one made forCaleb Sorohan.III. Wear a “Texting Kills” thumb band while you are driving. That way,when you pick up your phone and begin a text, your thumb band will bethere as a reminder to stop texting while driving.IV. Put your phone away while driving. According to my survey, 70percent of the class keeps their cell phone visible while driving. Theselocations included on laps, in cup holders, on the passenger seat, etc.A. That same 70 percent of the class also said that they feeltempted to check their phone when it goes off. Putting it away onsilent mode, or even off, would eliminate that temptation. Signpost: These are all easy solutions to reduce, and possibly eliminate, all cell phone use while driving. Think about how much better the world would be if we made this change. IV. Visualization:If there were an end to texting and driving, the 5,870 people who died in 2008 due to texting while driving would still be alive. Caleb Sorohan lost his life due to texting and driving, but his loss could help save many others lives by becoming an example to learn from. Imagine years down the road, or possibly even tomorrow, getting a phone call from the police to hear the dreadful news of a car accident. If you take the pledge, you can teach your children to take the pledge and avoid that phone call. Imagine not taking the pledge today, and wrecking your car tomorrow. In a world where people did not text and drive, there would be 1.6 million less car accidents each year. Thousands of lives could be saved if today’s society did not text and drive. There would be fewer parents burying their children because the 16 percent of fatal accidents that involve distracted driving would not occur. Children would be able to play outside and not have to worry about a distracted driver veering off the road and ending their lives. If you adopt the “No PhoneZone” policy, or pledge “The Great Hang Up” the world would become one step closer to road safety.Signpost: Endless benefits would occur if the world pledged to stop texting and driving, and we can start the change right here in this classroom.V. Action:Not only is texting while driving illegal, but it is also dangerous to every driver on the road, and even bystanders or pedestrians. You should take action immediately to reduce the use of cell phones while driving. Take a pledge to put your cell phone away while you are behind the wheel, and encourage family and friends to do the same. The solution is as simple and easy as turning your device off and putting it out of sight. Is there such thing as a text message that is worth your life?。

persuasive speech

persuasive speech

Making plans for our everyday lifeHello, everyone. Today I want to talk about something that used to bother me a lot. I got up early in the morning and carried a bag of books to library. Looking in others, I am a hard-working student, a good student. But when I came back to my dorm and lied in bed, I always could n’t remember what I did the whole day. I don’t know if you have such an experience. If you don’t have, try to do it tonight, try to find out what you finished this day. If you also feel confused, please recall my follow speech and think if there is a little truth.One day, when Isaw a famous said of Seneca, a Roman philosopher: If you do not know which port to sail, there is no wind for you.I knew the reason why I felt lost.I have no plan for my everyday life. And I realized that I have to make some change. So every nightI write down the tasks to be finished tomorrow and recollect what I did today, I suddenly find that we common people can do so many things in a day. I can finish reading an English article one afternoon time and I can also read an extracurricular bookin a week by dividing into 7 parts. In addition, I don’t need to carry a bag of books every morning, you know, it is very heavy.Maybe my own experience is hardly convincing, but I really think it is Very representative, and we everyone’s experience is very persuasive. First, a plan is your alarm clock to make you get up early and gives you a schedule of a new day.You will know what you need to do.Second, a plan will help you finish your task quickly and efficiently. With a plan, we can save the confused time to do what we would like to do, playing basketball, listening to some music. We will no longer worry about our tasks, because we already have done. Most importantly, an everyday plan can make you more and more close to success.So just write down what you need to finish after getting up in the morning, and recall it before you sleep in the night. I am sure you will get a lot of benefits from your own plan, and I sincerely hope that we all start to make our everyday plan and life plan. Think you. Think you for your attention.。

英语辩论必看 persuasive speech

英语辩论必看 persuasive speech

英语辩论必看 persuasive speech辩论英语Persuasive Speech辩论英语Table of Contents What is Persuasive Speech? Classical Persuasive Appeals Contemporary Persuasive Appeals A Plan for Organizing Persuasive Speeches*辩论英语What Is Persuasive Speech? Persuasion The process of influencing attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviorPersuasive speaking Speech that is intended to influence the beliefs, attitudes, values, and acts of others*辩论英语What Is Persuasive Speech?Persuasive vs. Informative The goal of the persuasive speech is toinfluence audience choices These choices may range from slight shifts in opinion to wholesale changes in behavior Persuasive speeches seek a response As with informative speeches, persuasive speeches respect audience choices*辩论英语What Is Persuasive Speech?Persuasive Purposes How can you determine whether your topic and goals are persuasive? you seek to influence an audience’s attitudes about an issue you seek to influence an audience’s beliefs or understanding about something you seek to influence an audience’s behavior you seek to reinforce an audience’s existing attitudes, beliefs or behaviors*辩论英语What Is Persuasive Speech?The Process of Persuasion When you speak persuasively, you try to guidethe audience to adopt a particular attitude, belief, or behavior that youfavor*辩论英语Several factors that increase the odds that your efforts at persuasionwill succeedA message should meet the psychological needs of the audience Seek only minor changes in the audience’s attitudes Establish a common ground between yourself and the audience Leave your audience feeling satisfied and competent For change to endure, people must be convinced they will be rewarded in some way*辩论英语Classical Persuasive Appeals According to Aristotle, persuasion could be brought about by the speakers use of three modes of rhetorical proof Rhetorical proof The speaker’s use of three modes of persuasi on: the natureof the message, the audience’s feelings, and the personality of the speaker*辩论英语辩论英语辩论英语Classical Persuasive Appeals:LogosMany persuasive speeches focus on serious issues requiring considerable thought Logos Refers to persuasive appeals directed at the audience’s reasoning on a topic*辩论英语Classical Persuasive Appeals:PathosPathos involves an appeal to audience emotion Pathos As used by Aristotle in terms of persuasive appeals, the audience’s feelings*辩论英语Classical Persuasive Appeals:Ethos EthosAs used by Aristotle in terms of persuasive appeals, based on the nature of the speaker’s moral character and personality*辩论英语Contemporary Persuasive Appeals These approaches include appealing to audience needs; audience attitudes, values, and behavior; the audience’s ways of processing messages; and the speakeraudience relationship*辩论英语Contemporary Persuasive Appeals:Appeals to Audience Needs Appealing to audience needs is one of the most commonly used strategies for motivating people辩论英语Maslow's Needs Hierarchy辩论英语Maslow’s hierarchy of needs A set of five basic needs ranging from the essential life-sustaining ones to the less critical self-improvement ones* Physiological needs include needs for water, food and air Safety needs relate to feelings of security辩论英语Contemporary Persuasive Appeals:Motivating the AudienceSocial needs refer to the desire for meaningful relationships with others Self-Esteem needs reflect our desire to feel good about ourselves Self-Actualization needs refer to reaching your highest potential*辩论英语Contemporary Persuasive Appeals:Establishing CredibilityThe relationship between speaker and audience is a crucial element in planning and delivering persuasive speeches Credibility Audience perceptions of and attitudes toward the speaker’s perceived expertise, trustworthin ess, similarity to audience members, and attractiveness*感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。








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A Persuasive Speech SampleA. INTRODUCTION"Tells your audience what you are going to tell them"and establishes the foundation for your speech.A good Introduction 'draws the map' for the journey.For a Persuasive Speech an Introduction consists of1. Attention-Getter: A statement, visual or sound(or combination)that startles, gains attentionand makes your audience sit up.... Who here communicates with others?Today, I want to describe to you what I call the 8th Wonder of the World. This wonder is right up there with the Pyramids, with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, with the Collossus of Rhodes. It is not though of the ancient world. It is though a marvel of engineering and cooperation amongst the nations of the world.Today as well as the telephone, I use the Internet, I use eMail.The Internet is a way of connecting computers together around the world using the telephone cables. eMail is electronic mail that is distributed across the Internet.Putting these together, I can almost communicate anywhere anytime. Did you know, that "the number of emails sent on an average day was approximately 10 billion in 2002 and by 2005, this amount is expect to triple to 35 billion emails sent each day" (Source: IDC news release, 'Email Deluge Continues With No End In Sight, IDC Says': October 10, 2000) Do you know that they are all asleep in Australia? Last year I rang to ask a business question to only get the night security guard. It was good of him to take my call.Now I email at any time and receive the needed information back as soon as the other office is open.2. Bond > Link-to Audience: Identify a personalconnection in the audiences' life, eg theiruse of the 'device' or system, or their emotional experience (grief and sorrow, happiness). How many here use the telephone to connect with another?Today we use a large amount of technology to live, communicate, and relate.To speak with another: devices like the telephone, mobile telephone or cell phone. To access information: television, cable TV, satellites, global computer networks To bank: we use ATMs To travel: vehicles, planes and trains To get to a destination: Global positioning systems (GPS) guide airplanes.We use technology every day to live.Think of your kitchen, car, office, cinema, your local shopping centre. Think of the technology you use, you rely on.What would it be like WITHOUT technology in our day?3. "Credentials" of Speaker (Credibility): Demonstratehow you are an 'expert' throughyour own use, experience or study.I use eMail every day in my work, my business and for personal communications. I discovered eMail when I was studying many years ago. It was used as THE communication medium between the lecturers and between colleagues in my study team. We relied on eMail.4. Destination / Objective Sentence: State clearlywhy you are speaking at this moment.State your Goal, Thesis or whatyou expect as an Outcome.State your Destination.An example may be .. "This evening/todayI am here to convince you that ....is the most effective way to do business today" Today, I want to share my insights into this amazing communication method, and convince you of its hidden potential, in YOUR life today.5. Explain my Map to my destination >Preview of Speech: Briefly outline what you will cover inyour persuasive speech. This is where you will ..."Tell what you are going to tell them"What will we look at in the next few minutes?Firstly, a quick look at how the internet and eMail has shrunk the world.Secondly, how business has been revolutionised, andThirdly, how personal relations are enhanced by these new technologies, that's right, personal relations! Who ever thought a computer would help relationships.Transition: A transition is how you movefrom one section or point to the next.It is a linking idea. You could say ..."Let's begin by ...", "Let's start with ..."or I prefer "Let's consider ..."The Internet runs on energy: on electricity.How fast does electricity flow? How fast does a light switch turn on when you switch it? How fast does sound come from a radio when it is switched on?Let's now switch on email.B. BODY of your SpeechThe Body of your speech is where the detail is found and is best contained in THREE points (you can have more, but don't confuse your audience).For a Persuasive Speech, this is where you will ..."Tell them"1. Main Point #1State Point 1The world is shrinking with the advent of the Internet and in particular, eMail.State a ReasonWhy is this occurring? Because, eMail is easy to use.eMail is very fast to both send and to receive.eMail overcomes time barriers.Give an ExampleRecently when planning a holiday in England, the Internet and eMail were used to book hotels and hire cars organised across multiple time zones. No more ringing and trying to get people who are in bed other than at a sales desk. How often have you thought "don't they ever wake up over there?" I did.Restate the PointThe world is in deed shrinking with the advent of email.Transition: Create a linking statement to Point 2. As the world shrinks through communication technologies,it must be easier to do business.2. Main Point #2 State Point 2eMail has revolutionised business.Business can now literally operate at the speed of light."eMail is growing at a rate of 66% annually, email is the most common way for business people to communicate "(Source: IAAAP / ePolicy Institute news release: April 18, 2002)State a ReasoneMail is simple easy to use and fast.eMail reduces the formalities of paper-based title pages and wording in say a Sales quote eMail makes retrieving an old eMail easy when comparing negotiations.The Internet gives "instant" access to information from anywhere in the world.Give an ExampleFrom my desktop I can negotiate the best price for a transaction regardless where the shop is in the world. In fact I have more suppliers to choose from.Telephone tag (when you ring and they are out) is eliminated. Publishing words or pictures is simple. Anyone can publish on the Internet.I can stay in touch with the office anytime when I am out of the office, using the Internet and eMail.Restate the PointThe Internet and eMail has revolutionised business and enables business to be forever open conducting business 24 x 7 (24hours by 7 days).Transition: Create a linking statement to Point 3 The Internet and eMail can evenbring friends closer together.3. Main Point #3 State Point 3The Internet and eMail enhances personal relationseMail can even explode personal relationships in a new dimension.State a ReasoneMail is a powerful complementer of the older technologies: telephone, letters ...No stamps, no paper, no envelopes, no trips to/from the postbox. Your message can be short, succinct and to the point.Stay in touch when do not wish to speak.- The Receiver of your message does not have to be home when you 'write'.- Unlimited interactions via a computer (written, voice, image, music, information) versus limited via telephone (voice)- Internet and eMail can bring together countless numbers of people sharing the same interests, eg chat rooms and instant messaging using ICQ, AOL and MSNGive an ExampleStay in touch regardless of location:I eMailed my son when he was in EnglandI eMail to a busy sister in another State - because she is rarely home, using eMail means the call is not missed if I was to telephone.Restate the PointWhen it comes personal relations, eMail enables cheap effective communications which are never missed, unlike the telephone. They are there when you connect to the Internet.Transition: Create a linking statement to theConclusion, eg "Let's summarise ..." or"Can we consider these main points ..."The Internet and eMail has shrunk the world, enabled more timely business to occur and can enhance personal relationships and friendships.C. CONCLUSION"Tell them what you have told them"1. Again state your destination >Restate outcome or thesis:Today we have explored a powerful vehicle called the Internet, and an effective tool for communication called eMail.Today you have heard of the amazing hidden potential that eMail can bring to YOUR life.2. Restate main points:State Point 1 The world is indeed shrinking with the advent of email.State Point 2 eMail has revolutionised business.Business can now literally operate at the speed of light.State Point 3 eMail enhances personal relationseMail can explode personal relationships in a new dimension.3. Call-to-Action: eg "I encourage you to ...","Let's all contribute ..." , "... sign now ...","make a decision now to be involved ..." Connecting up to the Internet is simple today. Decide to communicate TODAY. It is time to get eMail.4. Decision-Maker (Clincher - optional):"Coming around is the petition ...""Being passed from the rear is a bag foryour contribution to this noble cause, dig deep ..."I am so excited by this technology, that today I have a FREE Internet Starter Kit available for you. It is being handed out now. Take this free sample, there are no strings and no obligations. Read over the attached sheet accompanying the CD. My number is there, give me a call if you get stuck or have a question. There is no charge, as I simply know you can use this 8th Wonder of the World.The best way to find out if eMail is of any value to you, is to give it a go.It's time to get with the action. Get into eMail.Explore this modern 8th Wonder. Send an eMail message to a friend, a son or daughter, to a grand-child. Surprise them.You will be amazed.-------------- End of Persuasive Speech Sample ------------------。
