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-简写 30th 40th 50th 60th 70 80 90 100 1000
基数词 seventy eighty ninety hundred
序数词 seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundred
-简写 70th 80th 90th 100th
o n e one hundred hundred 101st and first and one
运算练习: 1. 1+3=? 4. 12+3=? 2. 4+7=? 5. 4+13=? 3. 9+5=? 6. 11+21=?
减法运算 What's three minus one?
运算演示: 9-7=2 方式一:nine minus seven equals two.
运算练习: 1. 4-1=? 4. 12-3=? 2. 7-2=? 5. 13-4=? 3. 9-5=? 6. 21-17=?
1000以上数字的读法 读的时候从右到左,每3个数为一个单位,分别对应 thousand(千),million(百万),billion(十亿),trillion(兆);这些单位都没 有复数形式不能加s。 1,356,712,347
数字读法练习 +快速反应中文数字
▐ 1. 2. 3. 4.
练习模板 397 54,397 3,654,397 21,483,654,397
基数词 twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two
序数词 twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second
序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh
-简写 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
9.30 half past nine 9点半
(2)分钟大于30,用to,差分钟to小时+1,差几点到几分 9:56 four to ten 差4分到10点,9点56 注:上午a.m. 下午p.m. 小时hour 分钟minute 秒second 一刻钟quarter
因第1讲很多学生因为上课时间冲突没能参加,第2讲主要 是对第 1 讲的复习巩固和补充;大家直接参考老师整理的 第 2 讲 PPT 和录音补习即可,有任何不清楚的总结好,下 次课咨询Joana老师. 关于录音,10.24晚上会补传到各班级群里
规则:国家代号-地区代号-具体号码分开读 86-10-87654321
特定地区的电话一般只有7位或者8位,习惯前三后四 或者四个一组
3513552 读成351-3552 62501598 读成6250-1598
两个相同数字或者三个相同数字可以用double,triple 2246555 double two four,six triple five
-By Joana
数词是什么? 都在哪里出现呢?怎么读?怎么用?
年份日期 时间
..... 哈哈,还有我的工资....
数词:num.可对名词作修饰限定作业,用法跟adj.类似 基数词:个数 one,two,three
序数词:顺序 first,second,third
基数词&序数词 变化技巧 基数词规则:十几-teen结尾; 几十-ty结尾 序数词规则:first (1st) second( 2nd) third (3rd),其他基数词末尾加th
基数词 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 one two three four five six seven eight nine
① 87632 ② 3257764 ③ 72787993214 ④ 7842903 ⑤ 45439251 ⑥ 8735204500
1.three hundred and ninety-seven 三百九十七 2.fifty-four thousand / three hundred and ninety seven五万四千三百九十七 3.three million /six hundred and fifty-four thousand/ three hundred and ninety seven三百六十五万四千三百九十七 4.twenty one billion / four hundred and eighty-three million / six hundred and fifty four thousand / three hundred and ninety-seven二百一十四亿八千 三百六十五万四千三百九十七
末尾出现3个零可以按“千”发音 9796000 nine seven nine six thousand
年份:习惯以百位数和十位数为间隔,从左往右朗读 794年 seven (hundred and) ninety-four
1800年 eighteen hundred
1999年 nineteen ninety-nine 2004年 two thousand (and) four in the nineteen-twenties 19世纪20年代 1820s,1820's
-简写 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd
10 ten 11 eleven
基数词 30 40 50 60 101 thirty forty fifty sixty
序数词 thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth
另下周四晚上7:00-8:30 是《数词的用法》第3讲 会对第12 讲的内容进一步的复习巩固及练习,并进入到实际场景 演练还原生活,听说读写练一起攻克,学以致用!!请互 相转告不要错过!
小数点 读成 point
小数点以后的数字可一个个分开读,有2位数也习惯一起读; 0 读成zero或O 4.56 读成four point five six 0.45 读成 zero point four five
dollar美元,cent美分, 符号$, 1 dollar=100cents pound英镑,penny便士(复数pence),符号£,1 pound=100pence euro欧元,cent分,符号€,1 euro=100cents
表示几分之几:分数要先读分子,分子-基数词,再读分母-序数词,分 子为2及以上的时候分母序数词要用复数
1/5 one fifth
2/5 two fifths 3/4 three quarters 2 *3/7 two and three sevenths 特例:1/2 one half. 1/4 one quarter
yen日元(没复数),¥ (一杠)
$ 2.20 £5.30
RMB 人民币 ¥(二杠)
two dollars (and) twenty (cents) 或two point twenty dollars five pounds,thirty (pence) 或 five point thirty pounds
7点整 可以说 7或7 o'clock
方式一:(习惯)按顺序朗读 9:16 nine sixteen 方式二:借用past (after) 或者to(before)
9:56 nine fifty six
(1)分钟小于等于30,用past, 分钟past小时,几点过几分
9:16 sixteen past nine 9点过16分
six times four is/are/make(s) twenty-fours.
8/2=4 eight divided by two equal(s) four. two into eight is/are/go(es) four.
加法运算 What's one plus two?
运算演示: 3+5=8 方式一:three plus five equals eight.
▐ ▐
加plus 减minus 乘multiply 除divide 等于equal 运算演示:以下表达日常可能遇到,特做汇总,大家了解即可
3+5=8 three plus five equal(s) eight.
three and five is/are/makes eight. 9-7=2 nine minus seven equal(s) two. seven from nine is/are/leaves two. 6*4=24 six (multiplied) by four equal(s) twenty-four.
除法运算 What's two divided one?
运算演示: 8/2=4 方式一:eight divided by two equals four.
运算练习: 1. 4/1=? 4. 12/3=? 2. 7/2=? 5. 10/2=? 3. 5/5=? 6. 21/7=?
美式:4月30日 月+日 April 30 April thirtieth 或者 April thirty 英式:4月30日 日+月 30(th) April 或者 the thirtieth of April
半小时 half hour
整点 o'clock 几点几分
乘法运算 What's one times two?
运算演示: 6*4=24 方式一:six multiplied by four equals twenty-four.
运算练习: 1. 4*1=? 4. 12*3=? 2. 7*2=? 5. 13*4=? 3. 9*5=? 6. 11*11=?
o n e o n e 1百度文库00th thousand thousandth
▐ ▐
0-99数字,参考表格读法 100以上数字的读法:百和后面的数字之间要加 and 108 读作:one hundred (and) eight 132 读作:one hundred (and) thirty-two