
Acamar 波江座θ天园六Achernar 波江座α水委一Acrux 南十字座α十字架二Acubens 巨蟹座α柳宿增三Adhafera 狮子座ζ轩辕十一Adhara 大犬座ε弧矢七Albali 宝瓶座ε女宿一Albireo 天鹅座β辇道增七Alchiba 乌鸦座α右辖Alcor 大熊座ζ2(80) 辅,开阳增一Aldebaran 金牛座α毕宿五Alderamin 仙王座β上卫增一Algedi 摩羯座α牛宿增二Algenib 飞马座γ壁宿一Algieba 狮子座γ轩辕十二Algol 英仙座β大陵五Algorab 乌鸦座δ轸宿三Alhena 双子座γ井宿三Alioth 大熊座ε玉衡,北斗五Alkaid 大熊座η摇光,北斗七Alkalurops 牧夫座μ七公六Alkes 巨爵座α翼宿一Alamak 仙女座γ天大将军一Alnair 天鹤座α鹤一Alnasl 人马座γ箕宿一Alnath 金牛座β五车五Alnilam 猎户座ε参宿二Alnaiak 猎户座ζ参宿一Alphard 长蛇座α星宿一Alpheratz 仙女座α壁宿二Alrakis 天龙座μ天培二Alrescha 双鱼座α外屏七Alshain 天鹰座β河鼓一Altair 天鹰座α河鼓二(牛郎星)Altais 天龙座δ天厨一Alterf 狮子座λ轩辕八Aludra 大犬座η弧矢二Alula Australis 大熊座ξ下台二,三台六Alula Borealis 大熊座ν下台一,三台五Alya 巨蛇座θ徐Ancha 宝瓶座θ泣三Ankaa 凤凰座α火鸟六Antares 天蝎座α心宿二(大火)Arcturus 牧夫座α大角Arkab 人马座β1天渊二Arneb 天兔座α厕一Ascella 人马座ζ斗宿六Asellus Australis 巨蟹座δ鬼宿四Asellus Borealis 巨蟹座γ鬼宿三Aspidiske 船尾座ζ弧矢增十七Atik 英仙座ο卷舌五Atria 南三角座α三角形三Avior 摩羯座ε海石一Azha 波江座η天苑六Baten Kaitos 鲸鱼座ζ天仓四Beid 波江座ο1 九州殊口二Bellatrix 猎户座γ参宿五Betelgeuse 猎户座α参宿四Biham 飞马座θ危宿二Canopus 船底座α老人星Capella 御夫座α五车二Caph 仙后座β王良一Castor 双子座α北河二Cebalrai 蛇夫座β宗正一Chara 猎犬座β常陈四Chertan 狮子座θ西次相Cor Caroli 猎犬座α常陈一Cursa 波江座β玉井三Dadih 摩羯座β1牛宿一Deneb 天鹅座α天津四Deneb Algedi 摩羯座δ壁垒阵四Deneb Kaitos 鲸鱼座β土司空Denebola 狮子座β五帝座一Dubhe 大熊座α天枢,北斗一Edasich 天龙座ι左枢Enif 飞马座ε危宿三Errai 仙王座γ少卫增八Etamin 天龙座γ天四Fomalhaut 南鱼座α北落师门Furud 大犬座ζ孙增一Gacrux 南十字座γ十字架一Giausar 天龙座λ上辅Gienah 乌鸦座γ轸宿一Gomeisa 小犬座β南河二Graffias 天蝎座β房宿四Grumium 天龙座ξ天一Hadar 半人马座β马腹一Hamal 白羊座α娄宿三Homam 飞马座ζ雷电一Izar 牧夫座ε梗河一Kaus Australis 人马座ε箕宿三Kaus Borealis 人马座δ斗宿二Kaus Media 人马座δ箕宿二Keid 波江座ο2九州殊口增七Kitalpha 小马座α虚宿二Kochab 小熊座β帝,北极二Kornephoros 武仙座β河中Kurhah 仙王座ξ天钩六Lesath 天蝎座ν尾宿九Marfik 蛇夫座λ列肆二Markab 飞马座α室宿一Matar 飞马座η离宫四Mebsuta 双子座ε井宿五Megrez 大熊座δ天权,北斗四Meissa 猎户座λ觜宿一Mekbuda 双子座ζ井宿七Menkalinan 御夫座β五车三Menkar 鲸鱼座α天囷一Menkent 半人马座θ库楼三Menkib 英仙座ξ卷舌三Merak 大熊座β天璇,北斗二Mesartim 白羊座γ娄宿二Miaplacidus 船底座β南船二Mimosa 南十字座β十字架三Mintaka 猎户座δ参宿三Mira 鲸鱼座ο蒭藁增二Mirach 仙女座β奎宿九Mirphak 英仙座α天船三Mirzam 大熊座ζ开阳,北斗六Muphrid 牧夫座η右摄提一Muscida 大熊座ο内阶一Nashira 摩羯座γ壁垒阵三Nekkar 牧夫座β七公增五Nihal 天兔座β厕二Nunki 人马座σ斗宿四Nusakan 北冕座β贯索三Peacock 孔雀座α孔雀十一Phact 天鸽座α丈人一Phad 大熊座γ天玑,北斗三Pherkad 小熊座γ太子,北极一Polaris 小熊座α勾陈一(北极星)Pollux 双子座β北河三Porrima 室女座γ东上相Procyon 小犬座α南河三Propus 双子座η钺Rasalas 狮子座μ轩辕十Rasalgethi 武仙座α帝座Rasalhague 蛇夫座α侯Rastaban 天龙座γ天培四Regulus 狮子座α轩辕十四Rigel 猎户座β参宿七Rigil Kent 半人马座α南门二Ruchbah 仙后座δ阁道三Rukbat 人马座α天渊三Sabik 蛇夫座η策Sadachbia 宝瓶座γ坟墓二Sadalbari 飞马座μ离宫二Sadalmelik 宝瓶座α危宿一Sadalsuud 宝瓶座β虚宿一Sadr 天鹅座γ天津一Saiph 猎户座κ参宿六Scheat 飞马座β室宿二Seginus 牧夫座γ招摇Zubeneschamali 天秤座β氐宿四阿Shaula 天蝎座λ尾宿八Shedir 仙后座α王良四Sheliak 天琴座β渐台二Sheratan 白羊座β娄宿一Sirius 大犬座α天狼Skat 摩羯座δ羽林军二十六Spica 室女座α角宿一Sulafat 天琴座γ渐台三Syrma 室女座ι亢宿二Talitha 大熊座ι上台一Tania Australis 大熊座μ中台二Tania Borealis 大熊座λ中台一Tarazed 天鹰座γ河鼓三Thuban 天龙座α右枢Unukalhai 巨蛇座α蜀Vega 天琴座α织女一(织女星)Vindemiatrix 室女座ε东次将Wasat 双子座δ天樽二Wazn 天鸽座β子二Wezen 大犬座δ弧矢一Yed Posterior 蛇夫座ε楚Yed Prior 蛇夫座δ梁Zanizh 室女座η左执法二Zaurak 波江座γ1 天苑一Zavijava 室女座β右执法一Zosma 狮子座δ西上相Zubenelgenubi 天秤座α氐宿一。

Acamar 波江座θ天园六Achernar 波江座α水委一Acrux 南十字座α十字架二Acubens 巨蟹座α柳宿增三Adhafera 狮子座ζ轩辕十一Adhara 大犬座ε弧矢七Albali 宝瓶座ε女宿一Albireo 天鹅座β辇道增七Alchiba 乌鸦座α右辖Alcor 大熊座ζ2(80) 辅,开阳增一Aldebaran 金牛座α毕宿五Alderamin 仙王座β上卫增一Algedi 摩羯座α牛宿增二Algenib 飞马座γ壁宿一Algieba 狮子座γ轩辕十二Algol 英仙座β大陵五Algorab 乌鸦座δ轸宿三Alhena 双子座γ井宿三Alioth 大熊座ε玉衡,北斗五Alkaid 大熊座η摇光,北斗七Alkalurops 牧夫座μ七公六Alkes 巨爵座α翼宿一Alamak 仙女座γ天大将军一Alnair 天鹤座α鹤一Alnasl 人马座γ箕宿一Alnath 金牛座β五车五Alnilam 猎户座ε参宿二Alnaiak 猎户座ζ参宿一Alphard 长蛇座α星宿一Alpheratz 仙女座α壁宿二Alrakis 天龙座μ天培二Alrescha 双鱼座α外屏七Alshain 天鹰座β河鼓一Altair 天鹰座α河鼓二(牛郎星)Altais 天龙座δ天厨一Alterf 狮子座λ轩辕八Aludra 大犬座η弧矢二Alula Australis 大熊座ξ下台二,三台六Alula Borealis 大熊座ν下台一,三台五Alya 巨蛇座θ徐Ancha 宝瓶座θ泣三Ankaa 凤凰座α火鸟六Antares 天蝎座α心宿二(大火)Arcturus 牧夫座α大角Arkab 人马座β1天渊二Arneb 天兔座α厕一Ascella 人马座ζ斗宿六Asellus Australis 巨蟹座δ鬼宿四Asellus Borealis 巨蟹座γ鬼宿三Aspidiske 船尾座ζ弧矢增十七Atik 英仙座ο卷舌五Atria 南三角座α三角形三Avior 摩羯座ε海石一Azha 波江座η天苑六Baten Kaitos 鲸鱼座ζ天仓四Beid 波江座ο1 九州殊口二Bellatrix 猎户座γ参宿五Betelgeuse 猎户座α参宿四Biham 飞马座θ危宿二Canopus 船底座α老人星Capella 御夫座α五车二Caph 仙后座β王良一Castor 双子座α北河二Cebalrai 蛇夫座β宗正一Chara 猎犬座β常陈四Chertan 狮子座θ西次相Cor Caroli 猎犬座α常陈一Cursa 波江座β玉井三Dadih 摩羯座β1牛宿一Deneb 天鹅座α天津四Deneb Algedi 摩羯座δ壁垒阵四Deneb Kaitos 鲸鱼座β土司空Denebola 狮子座β五帝座一Dubhe 大熊座α天枢,北斗一Edasich 天龙座ι左枢Enif 飞马座ε危宿三Errai 仙王座γ少卫增八Etamin 天龙座γ天四Fomalhaut 南鱼座α北落师门Furud 大犬座ζ孙增一Gacrux 南十字座γ十字架一Giausar 天龙座λ上辅Gienah 乌鸦座γ轸宿一Gomeisa 小犬座β南河二Graffias 天蝎座β房宿四Grumium 天龙座ξ天一Hadar 半人马座β马腹一Hamal 白羊座α娄宿三Homam 飞马座ζ雷电一Izar 牧夫座ε梗河一Kaus Australis 人马座ε箕宿三Kaus Borealis 人马座δ斗宿二Kaus Media 人马座δ箕宿二Keid 波江座ο2九州殊口增七Kitalpha 小马座α虚宿二Kochab 小熊座β帝,北极二Kornephoros 武仙座β河中Kurhah 仙王座ξ天钩六Lesath 天蝎座ν尾宿九Marfik 蛇夫座λ列肆二Markab 飞马座α室宿一Matar 飞马座η离宫四Mebsuta 双子座ε井宿五Megrez 大熊座δ天权,北斗四Meissa 猎户座λ觜宿一Mekbuda 双子座ζ井宿七Menkalinan 御夫座β五车三Menkar 鲸鱼座α天囷一Menkent 半人马座θ库楼三Menkib 英仙座ξ卷舌三Merak 大熊座β天璇,北斗二Mesartim 白羊座γ娄宿二Miaplacidus 船底座β南船二Mimosa 南十字座β十字架三Mintaka 猎户座δ参宿三Mira 鲸鱼座ο蒭藁增二Mirach 仙女座β奎宿九Mirphak 英仙座α天船三Mirzam 大熊座ζ开阳,北斗六Muphrid 牧夫座η右摄提一Muscida 大熊座ο内阶一Nashira 摩羯座γ壁垒阵三Nekkar 牧夫座β七公增五Nihal 天兔座β厕二Nunki 人马座σ斗宿四Nusakan 北冕座β贯索三Peacock 孔雀座α孔雀十一Phact 天鸽座α丈人一Phad 大熊座γ天玑,北斗三Pherkad 小熊座γ太子,北极一Polaris 小熊座α勾陈一(北极星)Pollux 双子座β北河三Porrima 室女座γ东上相Procyon 小犬座α南河三Propus 双子座η钺Rasalas 狮子座μ轩辕十Rasalgethi 武仙座α帝座Rasalhague 蛇夫座α侯Rastaban 天龙座γ天培四Regulus 狮子座α轩辕十四Rigel 猎户座β参宿七Rigil Kent 半人马座α南门二Ruchbah 仙后座δ阁道三Rukbat 人马座α天渊三Sabik 蛇夫座η策Sadachbia 宝瓶座γ坟墓二Sadalbari 飞马座μ离宫二Sadalmelik 宝瓶座α危宿一Sadalsuud 宝瓶座β虚宿一Sadr 天鹅座γ天津一Saiph 猎户座κ参宿六Scheat 飞马座β室宿二Seginus 牧夫座γ招摇Zubeneschamali 天秤座β氐宿四阿Shaula 天蝎座λ尾宿八Shedir 仙后座α王良四Sheliak 天琴座β渐台二Sheratan 白羊座β娄宿一Sirius 大犬座α天狼Skat 摩羯座δ羽林军二十六Spica 室女座α角宿一Sulafat 天琴座γ渐台三Syrma 室女座ι亢宿二Talitha 大熊座ι上台一Tania Australis 大熊座μ中台二Tania Borealis 大熊座λ中台一Tarazed 天鹰座γ河鼓三Thuban 天龙座α右枢Unukalhai 巨蛇座α蜀Vega 天琴座α织女一(织女星)Vindemiatrix 室女座ε东次将Wasat 双子座δ天樽二Wazn 天鸽座β子二Wezen 大犬座δ弧矢一Yed Posterior 蛇夫座ε楚Yed Prior 蛇夫座δ梁Zanizh 室女座η左执法二Zaurak 波江座γ1 天苑一Zavijava 室女座β右执法一Zosma 狮子座δ西上相Zubenelgenubi 天秤座α氐宿一。

Solar System and Planets
整理by WHP
太阳系,Solar System
记:木星是太阳系所有行星中体积最大的,Boss → Jupiter。
冥神 冥王星。

天文词汇中英文对照(推荐文档)天文词汇中英文对照(源自网络,仅供参考)天文词汇检索(按英文字母序)(A)absolute bolometric magnitude绝对热星等:量测恒星的绝对星等时,如果我们能同时侦测到所有的波长,所量测到就是绝对热星等。
absolute visual magnitude (Mv)绝对视星等:恒星的真正亮度。
定义为恒星在距离我们 10 秒差距 (32.6光年) 时的视星等。
absolute zero绝对零度,绝对零点:温度的最低点。
absorption line吸收谱线:光谱里的暗线。
absorption spectrum (dark line spectrum)吸收光谱:含有吸收谱线的光谱。
acceleration 加速度:速度对时间的变率。
参考速度(velocity) 。
acceleration of gravity重力加速度:量测天体附近重力强度的物理量。
accretion disk吸积盘:指白矮星、中子星或黑洞等致密天体周围,由气体所形成的盘状天体。
achondrites无球粒陨石:不含球粒(chondrules) 或挥发性物质的石陨石。
achromatic lens消色差透镜:由两种不同材质的透镜组合而成,消色差透镜的用途是把两种不同颜色的光聚焦到同一点,或称为修正色像差(chromatic aberration)。
active galactic nucleus (AGN)活跃星系核:活跃星系中央的能量源。
active galaxy活跃星系:一种会发生极大量无线电波、X射线、珈玛射线辐射的星系。

the Andromeda
the Orion
the Cassiopea
天体名词中英文对照常用太阳 the sun水星 Mercury金星 Venus地球 the earth火星 Mars木星 Jupiter土星 Saturn天王星 Uranus海王星 Neptune冥王星 Pluto星 star行星 planet彗星 comet卫星 satellite流星 shooting star陨石 meteorite银河 Galaxy天河 Milky way1.摩羯座 Capricorn2.宝瓶座 Aquarius3.双鱼座 Pisces4.白羊座 Aries5.金牛座 Taurus6.双子座 Gemini7.巨蟹座 Cancer8.狮子座 Leo9.室女座 Virgo10天秤座 Libra11天蠍座 Scorpio12人马座 Sagittarius仙女座 the Andromeda猎戸座 the Orion仙后座 the Cassiopea飞马座 the Pegasus北极星 Polaris/the polestar 北斗星 Plough/Great Dipper 南十字座 Crux/Southern Cross 天狼星 Sirius牛郎星 Altair织女星 Vega日斑 macula日冕 corona黒洞 black hole日食 solar eclipse月食 lunar eclipse月亮 the moon满月 full moon新月 new moon娥眉月 crescent恒星 star星云 nebula彗星 comet天体 celestial body行星 planet卫星 satellite流星体 meteoroid太阳系 the solar system银河系 the Galaxy河外星系 extragalactic system 总星系 metagalaxy光年 light-year太阳辐射 solar radiation 太阳 Sun太阳活动 solar activity 太阳黑子 macula耀斑 solar flare月相 phases of the moon 恒星年 sidereal year回归年 tropical year恒星日 sidereal day太阳日 solar day地轴 earth's axis赤道 equator南极 South Pole北极 North Pole极圈 polar circle回归线 tropic经线 meridian纬线 parallel经度 longitude纬度 latitude本初子午线 the prime meridian 地球自转 earth rotation极昼 polar day极夜 polar night区时 zonetime时区 time zone地球公转 earth revolution 太阳高度 solar altitude春分 the Spring Equinox秋分 the Autumnal Equinox夏至 the Summer Solstice冬至 the Winter Solstice热带 tropic zone温带 temperate zone寒带 frigid zone哥白尼 Copernicus日心说 the heliocentric theory恒星中国命名其他名称西方专名国际通用名星座北斗七星:北斗一天枢 Dubhe αUma 北斗二天璇 Merak βUma北斗三天玑 Phecda γUma北斗四天权 Megrez δUma北斗五玉衡 Alioth εUma北斗六开阳 Mizar δUma辅 Alcor 80Uma 北斗七摇光 Alkaid εUma 勾陈一北极星 Polaris αUMi太子 herkad γUMi 帝 Kochab βUMi仙后座:王良一 Caph βCas王良四 Schedar αCas策 Cih γCas阁道三 Ruchbah δCas春季大三角:五帝座一 Denebola βLeo角宿一 Spica αVir 大角 Arcturus αBoo轩辕十四 Regulus αLeo南门二 Rigil Kent αCen夏季大三角:织女一织女 Vega αLyr河鼓二牛郎 Altair αAql天津四 Deneb αCyg心宿二大火,商 Antares αSco秋季正方形:室宿一 Markab αPeg 室宿二 Scheat βPeg 壁宿一 Algenib γPeg壁宿二 Alpheratz αAnd北落师门 Fomalhautα PsA土司空 Deneb Kaitos βCet冬季大椭圆:天狼 Sirius αCMa参宿七 Rigel βOri 毕宿五 Aldebran αTau五车二 Capella αAur北河三 ollux βGem 南河三 rocyon αCMi北河二 Castor αGem参宿四 Betelgeuse αOri老人 Canopus αCar卫星及小行星火衛一 Phobos (moon)火衛二 Deimos (moon)木衛一 Io (moon)木衛二 Europa (moon)木衛四 Callisto (moon)木衛五 Amalthea (moon) Jupiter's 5th discovered and the largest inner moon木衛六 Himalia (moon)木衛七 Elara (moon)木衛八 Pasiphae (moon)木衛九 Sinope (moon)木衛十 Lysithea (moon)木衛十一 Carme (moon)木衛十二 Ananke (moon) 木衛十三 Leda (moon)木衛十四 Thebe (moon)木衛十五 Adrastea (moon) 木衛十六 Metis (moon)土衛一 Mimas (moon)土衛二 Enceladus (moon) 土衛三 Tethys (moon)土衛四 Dione (moon)土衛五 Rhea (moon)土衛六 Titan (moon)土衛七 Hyperion (moon) 土衛八 Iapetus (moon)土衛九 Phoebe (moon)土衛十 Janus (moon)土衛十一 Epimetheus (moon)土衛十二 Helene (moon)土衛十三 Telesto (moon)土衛十四 Calypso (moon)土衛十五 Atlas (moon)土衛十六 Prometheus (moon)土衛十七 Pandora (moon)土衛十八 Pan (moon)天衛一 Ariel: Uranus' first discovered moon 天衛二 Umbriel (moon)天衛三 Titania (moon)天衛四 Oberon (moon)天衛五 Miranda (moon)天衛六 Cordelia (moon)天衛七 Ophelia (moon)天衛八 Bianca (moon)天衛九 Cressida (moon)天衛十 Desdemona (moon)天衛十一 Juliet (moon)天衛十二 Portia (moon)天衛十三 Rosalind (moon)天衛十四 Belinda (moon)天衛十五 Puck (moon)]天衛十六 Caliban (moon)天衛十七 Sycorax (moon)天衛十八 Uranus XVIII天衛十九 Setebos (moon)天衛二十 Stephano (moon)天衛二十一 Trinculo (moon) 天衛二十二 Francisco (moon)天衛二十三 Margaret (moon)天衛二十四 Ferdinand (moon)天衛二十五 Perdita (moon)天衛二十六 Mab (moon)天衛二十七 Cupid (moon)海衛一 Triton (moon)海衛二 Nereid (moon)海衛三 Naiad (moon)海衛四 Thalassa (moon)海衛五 Despina (moon)海衛六 Galatea (moon)海衛七 Larissa (moon)海衛八 Proteus (moon)冥衛一 Charon (moon)小行星,Japanese-小惑星 Asteroid 半人马星体 Centaurs谷神星,穀星 (三王四星) 1 Ceres 智神星,智星 (三王四星) 2 Pallas 婚神星,婚星 (三王四星) 3 Juno 灶神星,灶星 (三王四星) 4 Vesta 凯龙星,凱龍 Chiron喀戎 Charon阿莫尔 1221 Amor阿波罗 1862 Apollo伊卡鲁斯 1566 Icarus希达尔戈 944 Hidalgo爱神星 433 Eros大力神星 522 Herculina赫尔默斯 Hermes中华星 1125 China內魔煞 51 Nemausa阋神星 Eris。

..分学科词汇 天文类1 ASTRONOMY 天文 astronomy 天文学 astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台 astronomer 天文学家 astrophysics 天文物理学 astrology 占星学 pseudoscience 伪科学 cosmos(universe) 宇宙 cosmology 宇宙学 infinite 无限的 cosmic 宇宙的cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射 cosmic rays 宇宙射线 celestial 天的celestial body (heavenly body) 天体 celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图 celestial sphere 天球 dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星 quasar 类星体,类星射电源 constellation 星座 galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系 cluster 星团 solar system 太阳系 solar corona 日冕 solar eclipse 日食 solar radiation 太阳辐射 planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星 revolve 旋转,绕转 twinkle 闪烁 naked eye 肉眼 Mercury 水星 Venus 金星 Earth 地球 Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星 Saturn 土星 Uranus 天王星 Neptune 海王星 Pluto 冥王星 orbit 轨道 spin 旋转satellite 卫星 lunar 月球的 meteor 流星meteor shower 流星雨 meteoroid 流星体 meteorite 陨石 comet 彗星space (outer space) 太空,外层空间 spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船 spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员 space suit 宇航服,航天服 space shuttle 航天飞机 space telescope 空间望远镜 astronaut 宇航员 star 恒星 stellar 恒星的 intergalactic 星系间的 interstellar 恒星间的 interplanetary 行星间的 asteroid 小行星 nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾 ammonia 氨 corona 日冕 chromosphere 色球 photosphere 色球层 convection zone 对流层 vacuum 真空 infrared ray 红外线 chondrite 球粒absolute magnitude 绝对量级 radiation 辐射 emission 发射,散发 high-resolution 高清晰度 interferometer 干扰仪。

天文词汇中英文对照(源自网络,仅供参考)天文词汇检索(按英文字母序)(A)absolute bolometric magnitude绝对热星等:量测恒星的绝对星等时,如果我们能同时侦测到所有的波长,所量测到就是绝对热星等。
absolute visual magnitude (Mv)绝对视星等:恒星的真正亮度。
定义为恒星在距离我们 10 秒差距 (32.6光年) 时的视星等。
absolute zero绝对零度,绝对零点:温度的最低点。
absorption line吸收谱线:光谱里的暗线。
absorption spectrum (dark line spectrum)吸收光谱:含有吸收谱线的光谱。
acceleration 加速度:速度对时间的变率。
参考速度(velocity) 。
acceleration of gravity重力加速度:量测天体附近重力强度的物理量。
accretion disk吸积盘:指白矮星、中子星或黑洞等致密天体周围,由气体所形成的盘状天体。
achondrites无球粒陨石:不含球粒(chondrules) 或挥发性物质的石陨石。
achromatic lens消色差透镜:由两种不同材质的透镜组合而成,消色差透镜的用途是把两种不同颜色的光聚焦到同一点,或称为修正色像差(chromatic aberration)。
active galactic nucleus (AGN)活跃星系核:活跃星系中央的能量源。
active galaxy活跃星系:一种会发生极大量无线电波、X射线、珈玛射线辐射的星系。
active optics活动光学:由计算机控制,来改变光学组件的位置和形状,以补偿大气扰动所产生的散焦效应之光学系统。

一、基础词汇1. Astronomy(天文学):研究宇宙中一切天体的学科。
2. Astrology(占星术):根据天体运行规律预测人间事务的学说。
3. Celestial(天体的):与天空或天体有关的。
4. Galaxy(银河系):由大量恒星、星云、行星等组成的大型天体系统。
5. Star(恒星):宇宙中的一种天体,能自行发光发热。
二、天体词汇1. Planet(行星):围绕恒星运行,具有足够质量使其成为近似圆形的天体。
2. Satellite(卫星):围绕行星或其他天体运行的自然或人造天体。
3. Comet(彗星):由冰、尘埃和岩石组成,围绕太阳运行的小型天体。
4. Meteor(流星):太空中的岩石或尘埃进入地球大气层燃烧产生的光迹。
5. Meteorite(陨石):流星体坠落到地球表面的残骸。
三、观测与测量词汇1. Telescope(望远镜):用于观测远处天体的光学仪器。
2. Observatory(天文台):用于天文观测的场所,通常配备有各种望远镜。
3. Magnitude(星等):衡量天体亮度的一种单位。
4. Parsec(秒差距):用于测量天体距离的单位,相当于3.26光年。
5. Lightyear(光年):光在一年内行进的距离,用于描述天体间的距离。
四、天体物理词汇1. Black hole(黑洞):引力强大到连光都无法逃逸的天体。
2. Supernova(超新星):恒星在生命终结时发生的一种爆炸现象。
3. Nebula(星云):由气体和尘埃组成的星际物质云。
4. Quasar(类星体):一种极为遥远、亮度极高的天体,被认为是活动星系的核心。
5. Redshift(红移):天体光谱向红色端偏移的现象,通常用于测量天体的距离。
五、宇宙结构与演化词汇1. Universe(宇宙):包含一切物质、能量、空间和时间的整体。
2. Cosmic microwave background(宇宙微波背景辐射):大爆炸后残留下来的热辐射,是宇宙早期的证据。

符号是上面一个圆形下面一个交叉的短垂线和一个半圆形(U nic ode: ?). 是墨丘利所拿魔杖的形状。
维纳斯,V enus是罗马的“爱与美之神”,希腊神话中称之为阿弗洛狄德,就是我们常说的“性感女神”。

absolute energy distribution 绝对能量分布abundance effect 丰度效应angular diameter—redshift relation 角径—红移关系asteroid astrometry 小行星天体测量bursting pulsar (GRO J1744-28 )暴态脉冲星Caliban 天卫十七canonical Big Bang 典型大爆炸Cepheid binary 造父双星CH anomaly CH 反常chromospheric plage 色球谱斑circumnuclear star-forming ring 核周产星环circumstellar astrophysics 星周天体物理CN anomaly CN 反常colliding-wind binary 星风互撞双星collisional de-excitation 碰撞去激发collisional ionization 碰撞电离collision line broadening 碰撞谱线致宽Compton loss 康普顿耗损continuous opacity 连续不透明度coronagraphic camera 日冕照相机coronal active region 日冕活动区cosmic-ray exposure age 宇宙线曝射法年龄count—magnitude relation 计数—星等关系Cousins color system 卡曾斯颜色系统dating method 纪年法DDO color system DDO 颜色系统deep sky object 深空天体deep sky phenomena 深空天象dense star cluster 稠密星团diagnostics 诊断法dissociative recombination 离解复合Doppler line broadening 多普勒谱线致宽epicyclic orbit 本轮轨道extragalactic background 河外背景extragalactic background radiation 河外背景辐射flare particle emission 耀斑粒子发射flare physics 耀斑物理Fm star Fm 星focal plane spectrometer 焦面分光计focusing X-ray telescope 聚焦X 射线望远镜Friedmann time 弗里德曼时间galactic chimney 星系通道Galactic chimney 银河系通道gas relention age 气体变异法年龄Gauss line profile 高斯谱线轮廓GCR (Galactic cosmic rays )银河系宇宙线Geneva color system 日内瓦颜色系统global oscilletion 全球振荡GW-Vir instability strip 室女GW 不稳定带Highly Advanced Laboratory for 〈HALCA〉通讯和天文高新空间Communications and Astronomy 实验室(HALCA )Hipparcos catalogue 依巴谷星表Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET )〈HET〉大型拼镶镜面望远镜Hoyle—Narlikar cosmology 霍伊尔—纳里卡宇宙学Hubble Deep Field (HDF )哈勃深空区human space flight 载人空间飞行、人上天imaging spectrograph 成象摄谱仪infrared camera 红外照相机infrared luminosity 红外光度infrared polarimetry 红外偏振测量in-situ acceleration 原位加速intercept age 截距法年龄inverse Compton limit 逆康普顿极限isochron age 等龄线法年龄Johnson color system 约翰逊颜色系统K giant variable (KGV )K 型巨变星kinetic equilibrium 运动学平衡large-scale beam 大尺度射束large-scale jet 大尺度喷流limb polarization 临边偏振line-profile variable 谱线轮廓变星long term fluctuation 长期起伏Lorentz line profile 洛伦兹谱线轮廓magnetic arm 磁臂Mars globe 火星仪massive black hole 大质量黑洞mean extinction coefficient 平均消光系数mean luminosity density 平均光度密度microwave storm 微波噪暴Milli-Meter Array (MMA )〈MMA〉毫米波射电望远镜阵molecular maser 分子微波激射、分子脉泽moving atmosphere 动态大气neutrino loss rate 中微子耗损率non-linear astronomy 非线性天文non-standard model 非标准模型passband width 带宽P Cygni type star 天鹅P 型星Perseus chimney 英仙通道planetary companion 似行星伴天体plateau phase 平台阶段primordial abundance 原始丰度protobinary system 原双星proto-brown dwarf 原褐矮星quiescent galaxy 宁静星系radiation transport 辐射转移radio-intermediate quasar 中介射电类星体random peculiar motion 随机本动relative energy distribution 相对能量分布RGU color system RGU 颜色系统ringed barred galaxy 有环棒旋星系ringed barred spiral galaxy 有环棒旋星系rise phase 上升阶段Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE )〈RXTE〉X 射线时变探测器RQPNMLK color system RQPNMLK 颜色系统Scheuer—Readhead hypothesis 朔伊尔—里德黑德假说Serpens molecular cloud 巨蛇分子云soft X-ray transient (SXT )软X 射线暂现源solar dynamo 太阳发电机solar global parameter 太阳整体参数solar neighbourhood 太阳附近空间spectral catalogue 光谱表spectral duplicity 光谱成双性star-formation process 产星过程star-forming phase 产星阶段Stroemgren color system 颜色系统Sub-Millimeter Array (SMA )〈SMA〉亚毫米波射电望远镜阵superassociation 超级星协supermassive black hole 特大质量黑洞supersoft X-ray source 超软X 射线源super-star cluster 超级星团Sycorax 天卫十七symbiotic recurrent nova 共生再发新星synchrotron loss 同步加速耗损time dilation 时间扩展tired-light model 光线老化宇宙模型tremendous outburst amplitude 巨爆幅tremendous outburst amplitude dwarf 巨爆幅矮新星nova (TOAD )Tycho catalogue 第谷星表UBV color system UBV 颜色系统UBVRI color system UBVRI 颜色系统ultraviolet luminosity 紫外光度unrestricted orbit 无限制性轨道uvby color system uvby 颜色系统VBLUW color system VBLUW 颜色系统V enus globe 金星仪Vilnius color system 维尔纽斯颜色系统Virgo galaxy cluster 室女星系团VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array )〈VLBA〉甚长基线射电望远镜阵V oigt line profile 佛克特谱线轮廓VRI color system VRI 颜色系统Walraven color system 沃尔拉文颜色系统waning crescent 残月waning gibbous 亏凸月waxing crescent 娥眉月waxing gibbous 盈凸月WBVR color system WBVR 颜色系统Wood color system 伍德颜色系统zodiacal light photometry 黄道光测光11-year solar cycle 11 年太阳周αCygni variable 天津四型变星δDoradus variable 剑鱼δ型变星Vainu Bappu Observatory 巴普天文台variable-velocity star 视向速度变星vectorial astrometry 矢量天体测量vector-point diagram 矢点图V ega 〈维佳〉行星际探测器V ega phenomenon 织女星现象velocity variable 视向速度变星V enera 〈金星〉号行星际探测器very strong-lined giant, VSL giant 甚强线巨星very strong-lined star, VSL star 甚强线星video astronomy 录象天文viewfinder 寻星镜Viking 〈海盗〉号火星探测器virial coefficient 位力系数virial equilibrium 位力平衡virial radius 位力半径virial temperature 位力温度virtual phase CCD 虚相CCDvisible arm 可见臂visible component 可见子星visual star 光学星VLT, Very Large Telescope 甚大望远镜void 巨洞V ondrak method 冯德拉克方法V oyager 〈旅行者〉号行星际探测器VSOP, VLBI Space Observatory 空间甚长基线干涉测量Programme 天文台计划wave-front sensor 波前传感器weak-line T Tauri star 弱线金牛T 型星Wesselink mass 韦塞林克质量WET, Whole Earth Telescope 全球望远镜WHT, William Herschel Telescope 〈赫歇尔〉望远镜wide-angle eyepiece 广角目镜wide binary galaxy 远距双重星系wide visual binary 远距目视双星Wild Duck cluster (M 11 )野鸭星团Wind 〈风〉太阳风和地球外空磁层探测器WIRE, Wide-field Infrared Explorer 〈WIRE〉广角红外探测器WIYN Telescope, Wisconsin-Indiana- 〈WIYN〉望远镜Yale-NOAO TelescopeWR nebula, Wolf-Rayet nebula WR 星云Wyoming Infrared Telescope 怀俄明红外望远镜xenobiology 外空生物学XMM, X-ray Mirror Mission X 射线成象望远镜X-ray corona X 射线冕X-ray eclipse X 射线食X-ray halo X 射线晕XTE, X-ray Timing Explorer X 射线计时探测器yellow straggler 黄离散星Yohkoh 〈阳光〉太阳探测器young stellar object (YSO )年轻恒星体ZAHB, zero-age horizontal branch 零龄水平支Zanstra temperature 赞斯特拉温度ZZ Ceti star 鲸鱼ZZ 型星γ-ray burster (GRB )γ射线暴源γ-ray line γ谱线γ-ray line astronomy γ谱线天文γ-ray line emission γ谱线发射ζAurigae binary 御夫ζ型双星ζAurigae variable 御夫ζ型变星TAMS, terminal-age main sequence 终龄主序Taurus molecular cloud (TMC )金牛分子云TDT, terrestrial dynamical time 地球力学时television guider 电视导星器television-type detector 电视型探测器Tenma 〈天马〉X 射线天文卫星terrestrial reference system 地球参考系tetrad 四元基thermal background 热背景辐射thermal background radiation 热背景辐射thermal pulse 热脉冲thermonuclear runaway 热核暴涨thick-disk population 厚盘族thinned CCD 薄型CCDthird light 第三光源time-signal station 时号台timing age 计时年龄tomograph 三维结构图toner 调色剂torquetum 赤基黄道仪TRACE, Transition Region and Coronal 〈TRACE〉太阳过渡区和日冕Explorer 探测器tracker 跟踪器transfer efficiency 转移效率transition region line 过渡区谱线trans-Nepturnian object 海外天体Trapezium cluster 猎户四边形星团triad 三元基tri-dimensional spectroscopy 三维分光triquetum 三角仪tuning-fork diagram 音叉图turnoff age 拐点年龄turnoff mass 拐点质量two-dimensional photometry 二维测光two-dimensional spectroscopy 二维分光UKIRT, UK Infrared Telescope Facility 联合王国红外望远镜UKST, UK Schmidt Telescope 联合王国施密特望远镜ultracompact H Ⅱregion 超致密电离氢区ultradeep-field observation 特深天区观测ultraluminous galaxy 超高光度星系ultrametal-poor star 特贫金属星Ulysses 〈尤利西斯〉太阳探测器unseen component 未见子星upper tangent arc 上正切晕弧unnumbered asteroid 未编号小行星Uranian ring 天王星环Ursa Major group 大熊星群Ursa Minorids 小熊流星群Sagittarius dwarf 人马矮星系Sagittarius dwarf galaxy 人马矮星系Sagittarius galaxy 人马星系Saha equation 沙哈方程Sakigake 〈先驱〉空间探测器Saturn-crossing asteroid 越土小行星Saturnian ringlet 土星细环Saturnshine 土星反照scroll 卷滚Sculptor group 玉夫星系群Sculptor Supercluster 玉夫超星系团Sculptor void 玉夫巨洞secondary crater 次级陨击坑secondary resonance 次共振secular evolution 长期演化secular resonance 长期共振seeing management 视宁度控管segregation 层化selenogony 月球起源学separatrice 分界sequential estimation 序贯估计sequential processing 序贯处理serendipitous X-ray source 偶遇X 射线源serendipitous γ-ray source 偶遇γ射线源Serrurier truss 赛路里桁架shell galaxy 壳星系shepherd satellite 牧羊犬卫星shock temperature 激波温度silicon target vidicon 硅靶光导摄象管single-arc method 单弧法SIRTF, Space Infrared Telescope 空间红外望远镜Facilityslitless spectroscopy 无缝分光slit spectroscopy 有缝分光slow pulsar 慢转脉冲星SMM, Solar Maximum MIssion 太阳极大使者SMT, Submillimeter Telescope 亚毫米波望远镜SOFIA, Stratospheric Observatory for 〈索菲雅〉机载红外望远镜Infrared Astronomysoft γ-ray burst repeater 软γ暴复现源soft γrepeater (SGR )软γ射线复现源SOHO, Solar and Heliospheric 〈索贺〉太阳和太阳风层探测器Observatorysolar circle 太阳圈solar oscillation 太阳振荡solar pulsation 太阳脉动solar-radiation pressure 太阳辐射压solar-terrestrial environment 日地环境solitary 孤子性soliton star 孤子星South Galactic Cap 南银冠South Galactic Pole 南银极space density profile 空间密度轮廓space geodesy 空间大地测量space geodynamics 空间地球动力学Spacelab 空间实验室spatial mass segregation 空间质量分层speckle masking 斑点掩模speckle photometry 斑点测光speckle spectroscopy 斑点分光spectral comparator 比长仪spectrophotometric distance 分光光度距离spectrophotometric standard 分光光度标准星spectroscopic period 分光周期specular density 定向密度spherical dwarf 椭球矮星系spin evolution 自旋演化spin period 自旋周期spin phase 自旋相位spiral 旋涡星系spiral arm tracer 示臂天体Spoerer minimum 斯珀勒极小spotted star 富黑子恒星SST, Spectroscopic Survey Telescope 分光巡天望远镜standard radial-velocity star 视向速度标准星standard rotational-velocity star 自转速度标准星standard velocity star 视向速度标准星starburst 星暴starburst galaxy 星暴星系starburst nucleus 星暴star complex 恒星复合体star-formation activity 产星活动star-formation burst 产星暴star-formation efficiency (SFE )产星效率star-formation rate 产星率star-formation region 产星区star-forming region 产星区starpatch 星斑static property 静态特性statistical orbit-determination 统计定轨理论theorysteep-spectrum radio quasar 陡谱射电类星体stellar environment 恒星环境stellar halo 恒星晕stellar jet 恒星喷流stellar speedometer 恒星视向速度仪stellar seismology 星震学Stokes polarimetry 斯托克斯偏振测量strange attractor 奇异吸引体strange star 奇异星sub-arcsec radio astronomy 亚角秒射电天文学Subaru Telescope 昴星望远镜subcluster 次团subclustering 次成团subdwarf B star B 型亚矮星subdwarf O star O 型亚矮星subgiant branch 亚巨星支submilliarcsecond optical astrometry 亚毫角秒光波天体测量submillimeter astronomy 亚毫米波天文submillimeter observatory 亚毫米波天文台submillimeter photometry 亚毫米波测光submillimeter space astronomy 亚毫米波空间天文submillimeter telescope 亚毫米波望远镜submillisecond optical pulsar 亚毫秒光学脉冲星submillisecond pulsar 亚毫秒脉冲星submillisecond radio pulsar 亚毫秒射电脉冲星substellar object 亚恒星天体subsynchronism 亚同步subsynchronous rotation 亚同步自转Sunflower galaxy (M 63 )葵花星系sungrazer comet 掠日彗星supercluster 超星团; 超星系团supergalactic streamer 超星系流状结构supergiant molecular cloud (SGMC )超巨分子云superhump 长驼峰superhumper 长驼峰星supermaximum 长极大supernova rate 超新星频数、超新星出现率supernova shock 超新星激波superoutburst 长爆发superwind galaxy 超级风星系supporting system 支承系统surface activity 表面活动surface-brightness profile 面亮度轮廓surface-channel CCD 表面型CCDSU Ursae Majoris star 大熊SU 型星SW AS, Submillimeter Wave Astronomy 亚毫米波天文卫星Satallitesymbiotic binary 共生双星symbiotic Mira 共生刍藁symbiotic nova 共生新星synthetic-aperture radar 综合孔径雷达systemic velocity 质心速度radial pulsator 径向脉动星radial-velocity orbit 分光解radial-velocity reference star 视向速度参考星radial-velocity standard star 视向速度标准星radial-velocity survey 视向速度巡天radio arm 射电臂radio counterpart 射电对应体radio loud quasar 强射电类星体radio observation 射电观测radio picture 射电图radio pollution 射电污染radio supernova 射电超新星rapid burster 快暴源rapidly oscillating Ap star 快速振荡Ap 星readout 读出readout noise 读出噪声recycled pulsar 再生脉冲星reddened galaxy 红化星系reddened object 红化天体reddened quasar 红化类星体red horizontal branch (RHB )红水平分支red nebulous object (RNO )红色云状体Red Rectangle nebula 红矩形星云redshift survey 红移巡天red straggler 红离散星reflex motion 反映运动regression period 退行周期regular cluster 规则星团; 规则星系团relaxation effect 弛豫效应reset 清零resonance overlap theory 共振重叠理论return-beam tube 回束摄象管richness parameter 富度参数Ring nebula (M 57、NGC 6720 )环状星云ring-plane crossing 环面穿越Rosalind 天卫十三ROSAT, Roentgensatellit 〈ROSAT〉天文卫星Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC )玫瑰分子云Rossby number 罗斯贝数rotating variable 自转变星rotational evolution 自转演化rotational inclination 自转轴倾角rotational modulation 自转调制rotational period 自转周期rotational phase 自转相位rotational pole 自转极rotational velocity 自转速度rotation frequency 自转频率rotation phase 自转相位rotation rate 自转速率rubber second 负闰秒rubidium-strontium dating 铷锶计年pan 摇镜头parry arc 彩晕弧partial-eclipse solution 偏食解particle astrophysics 粒子天体物理path of annularity 环食带path of totality 全食带PDS, photo-digitizing system、PDS、数字图象仪、photometric data system 测光数据仪penetrative convection 贯穿对流pentaprism test 五棱镜检验percolation 渗流periapse 近质心点periapse distance 近质心距periapsis distance 近拱距perigalactic distance 近银心距perigalacticon 近银心点perimartian 近火点period gap 周期空隙period-luminosity-colour relation 周光色关系PG 1159 star PG 1159 恒星photoflo 去渍剂photographic spectroscopy 照相分光photometric accuracy 测光精度photometric error 测光误差photometric night 测光夜photometric standard star 测光标准星photospheric abundance 光球丰度photospheric activity 光球活动photospheric line 光球谱线planetary biology 行星生物学planetary geology 行星地质学Pleiad 昴团星plerion 类蟹遗迹plerionic remnant 类蟹遗迹plerionic supernova remnant 类蟹超新星遗迹plumbicon 氧化铅光导摄象管pluton 类冥行星p-mode p 模、压力模pointimg accuracy 指向精度point spread function 点扩散函数polarimetric standard star 偏振标准星polarization standard star 偏振标准星polar-ring galaxy 极环星系Portia 天卫十二post AGB star AGB 后恒星post-core-collapse cluster 核心坍缩后星团post-coronal region 冕外区post-main-sequence star 主序后星post red-supergiant 红超巨后星post starburst galaxy 星暴后星系post T Tauri star 金牛T 后星potassium-argon dating 钾氩计年precataclysmic binary 激变前双星precataclysmic variable 激变前变星preceding limb 西边缘、前导边缘precessing-disk model 进动盘模型precession globe 岁差仪precession period 进动周期preflash 预照光pre-main-sequence spectroscopic 主序前分光双星binarypre-planetary disk 前行星盘pre-white dwarf 白矮前身星primary crater 初级陨击坑primordial binary 原始双星principle of mediocrity 折衷原则progenitor 前身星; 前身天体progenitor star 前身星projected density profile 投影密度轮廓proper-motion membership 自行成员星proper reference frame 固有参考架proper reference system 固有参考系proplyd 原行星盘proto-binary 原双星proto-cluster 原星团proto-cluster of galaxies 原星系团proto-earth 原地球proto-galactic cloud 原星系云proto-galactic object 原星系天体proto-Galaxy 原银河系proto-globular cluster 原球状星团proto-Jupiter 原木星proto-planet 原行星proto-planetary disk 原行星盘proto-planetary system 原行星系proto-shell star 原气壳星proto-sun 原太阳pseudo body-fixed system 准地固坐标系Puck 天卫十五pulsar time scale 脉冲星时标pulsation axis 脉动对称轴pulsation equation 脉动方程pulsation frequency 脉动频率pulsation phase 脉动阶段pulsation pole 脉动极pulse light curve 脉冲光变曲线pyrometry 高温测量QPO, quasi-periodic oscillation 似周期振荡quantum cosmology 量子宇宙学quantum universe 量子宇宙quasar astronomy 类星体天文quiescence 宁静态naked-eye variable star 肉眼变星naked T Tauri star 显露金牛T 型星narrow-line radio galaxy (NLRG )窄线射电星系Nasmyth spectrograph 内氏焦点摄谱仪natural reference frame 自然参考架natural refenence system 自然参考系natural seeing 自然视宁度near-contact binary 接近相接双星near-earth asteroid 近地小行星near-earth asteroid belt 近地小行星带near-earth comet 近地彗星NEO, near-earth object 近地天体neon nova 氖新星Nepturian ring 海王星环neutrino astrophysics 中微子天文NNTT, National New Technology Telescope国立新技术望远镜NOAO, National Optical Astronomical 国立光学天文台Observatoriesnocturnal 夜间定时仪nodal precession 交点进动nodal regression 交点退行non-destroy readout (NDRO )无破坏读出nonlinear infall mode 非线性下落模型nonlinear stability 非线性稳定性nonnucleated dwarf elliptical 无核矮椭圆星系nonnucleated dwarf galaxy 无核矮星系nonpotentiality 非势场性nonredundant masking 非过剩遮幅成象nonthermal radio halo 非热射电晕normal tail 正常彗尾North Galactic Cap 北银冠NOT, Nordic Optical Telescope 北欧光学望远镜nova rate 新星频数、新星出现率NTT, New Technology Telescope 新技术望远镜nucleated dwarf elliptical 有核矮椭圆星系nucleated dwarf galaxy 有核矮星系number density profile 数密度轮廓numbered asteroid 编号小行星oblique pulsator 斜脉动星observational cosmology 观测宇宙学observational dispersion 观测弥散度observational material 观测资料observing season 观测季occultation band 掩带O-Ne-Mg white dwarf 氧氖镁白矮星one-parameter method 单参数法on-line data handling 联机数据处理on-line filtering 联机滤波open cluster of galaxies 疏散星系团Ophelia 天卫七optical aperture-synthesis imaging 光波综合孔径成象optical arm 光学臂optical disk 光学盘optical light 可见光optical luminosity function 光学光度函数optically visible object 光学可见天体optical picture 光学图optical spectroscopy 光波分光orbital circularization 轨道圆化orbital eccentricity 轨道偏心率orbital evolution 轨道演化orbital frequency 轨道频率orbital inclination 轨道倾角orbit plane 轨道面order region 有序区organon parallacticon 星位尺Orion association 猎户星协orrery 太阳系仪orthogonal transformation 正交变换oscillation phase 振动相位outer asteroid belt 外小行星带outer-belt asteroid 外带小行星outer halo cluster 外晕族星团outside-eclipse variation 食外变光overshoot 超射OVV quasar, optically violently OVV 类星体variable quasar、optically violent variablevquasaroxygen sequence 氧序Kalman filter 卡尔曼滤波器KAO, Kuiper Air-borne Observatory 〈柯伊伯〉机载望远镜Keck ⅠTelescope 凯克Ⅰ望远镜Keck ⅡTelescope 凯克Ⅱ望远镜Kuiper belt 柯伊伯带Kuiper-belt object 柯伊伯带天体Kuiper disk 柯伊伯盘LAMOST, Large Multi-Object Fibre 大型多天体分光望远镜Spectroscopic TelescopeLaplacian plane 拉普拉斯平面late cluster 晚型星系团LBT, Large Binocular Telescope 〈LBT〉大型双筒望远镜lead oxide vidicon 氧化铅光导摄象管Leo Triplet 狮子三重星系LEST, Large Earth-based Solar 〈LEST〉大型地基太阳望远镜Telescopelevel-Ⅰcivilization Ⅰ级文明level-Ⅱcivilization Ⅱ级文明level-Ⅲcivilization Ⅲ级文明Leverrier ring 勒威耶环Liapunov characteristic number 李雅普诺夫特征数(LCN )light crown 轻冕玻璃light echo 回光light-gathering aperture 聚光孔径light pollution 光污染light sensation 光感line image sensor 线成象敏感器line locking 线锁line-ratio method 谱线比法Liner, low ionization nuclear 低电离核区emission-line regionline spread function 线扩散函数LMT, Large Millimeter Telescope 〈LMT〉大型毫米波望远镜local galaxy 局域星系local inertial frame 局域惯性架local inertial system 局域惯性系local object 局域天体local star 局域恒星look-up table (LUT )对照表low-mass X-ray binary 小质量X 射线双星low-metallicity cluster 低金属度星团;低金属度星系团low-resolution spectrograph 低分辨摄谱仪low-resolution spectroscopy 低分辨分光low - z 小红移luminosity mass 光度质量luminosity segregation 光度层化luminous blue variable 高光度蓝变星lunar atmosphere 月球大气lunar chiaroscuro 月相图Lunar Prospector 〈月球勘探者〉Ly-αforest 莱曼-α森林MACHO (massive compact halo 晕族大质量致密天体object )Magellan 〈麦哲伦〉金星探测器Magellan Telescope 〈麦哲伦〉望远镜magnetic canopy 磁蓬magnetic cataclysmic variable 磁激变变星magnetic curve 磁变曲线magnetic obliquity 磁夹角magnetic period 磁变周期magnetic phase 磁变相位magnitude range 星等范围main asteroid belt 主小行星带main-belt asteroid 主带小行星main resonance 主共振main-sequence band 主序带Mars-crossing asteroid 越火小行星Mars Pathfinder 火星探路者mass loss rate 质量损失率mass segregation 质量层化Mayall Telescope 梅奥尔望远镜Mclntosh classification 麦金托什分类McMullan camera 麦克马伦电子照相机mean motion resonance 平均运动共振membership of cluster of galaxies 星系团成员membership of star cluster 星团成员merge 并合merger 并合星系; 并合恒星merging galaxy 并合星系merging star 并合恒星mesogranulation 中米粒组织mesogranule 中米粒metallicity 金属度metallicity gradient 金属度梯度metal-poor cluster 贫金属星团metal-rich cluster 富金属星团MGS, Mars Global Surveyor 火星环球勘测者micro-arcsec astrometry 微角秒天体测量microchannel electron multiplier 微通道电子倍增管microflare 微耀斑microgravitational lens 微引力透镜microgravitational lensing 微引力透镜效应microturbulent velocity 微湍速度millimeter-wave astronomy 毫米波天文millisecond pulsar 毫秒脉冲星minimum mass 质量下限minimum variance 最小方差mixed-polarity magnetic field 极性混合磁场MMT, Multiple-Mirror Telescope 多镜面望远镜moderate-resolution spectrograph 中分辨摄谱仪moderate-resolution spectroscopy 中分辨分光modified isochrone method 改进等龄线法molecular outflow 外向分子流molecular shock 分子激波monolithic-mirror telescope 单镜面望远镜moom 行星环卫星moon-crossing asteroid 越月小行星morphological astronomy 形态天文morphology segregation 形态层化MSSSO, Mount Stromlo and Siding 斯特朗洛山和赛丁泉天文台Spring Observatorymultichannel astrometric photometer 多通道天测光度计(MAP )multi-object spectroscopy 多天体分光multiple-arc method 复弧法multiple redshift 多重红移multiple system 多重星系multi-wavelength astronomy 多波段天文multi-wavelength astrophysics 多波段天体物理Ida 艾达(小行星243号)IEH, International Extreme Ultraviolet 〈IEH〉国际极紫外飞行器HitchhikerIERS, International Earth Rotation 国际地球自转服务Serviceimage deconvolution 图象消旋image degradation 星象劣化image dissector 析象管image distoration 星象复原image photon counting system 成象光子计数系统image sharpening 星象增锐image spread 星象扩散度imaging polarimetry 成象偏振测量imaging spectrophotometry 成象分光光度测量immersed echelle 浸渍阶梯光栅impulsive solar flare 脉冲太阳耀斑infralateral arc 外侧晕弧infrared CCD 红外CCDinfrared corona 红外冕infrared helioseismology 红外日震学infrared index 红外infrared observatory 红外天文台infrared spectroscopy 红外分光initial earth 初始地球initial mass distribution 初始质量分布initial planet 初始行星initial star 初始恒星initial sun 初始太阳inner coma 内彗发inner halo cluster 内晕族星团integrability 可积性Integral Sign galaxy (UGC 3697 )积分号星系integrated diode array (IDA )集成二极管阵intensified CCD 增强CCDIntercosmos 〈国际宇宙〉天文卫星interline transfer 行间转移intermediate parent body 中间母体intermediate polar 中介偏振星international atomic time 国际原子时International Celestial Reference 国际天球参考系Frame (ICRF )intraday variation 快速变化intranetwork element 网内元intrinsic dispersion 内廪弥散度ion spot 离子斑IPCS, Image Photon Counting System 图象光子计数器IRIS, Infrared Imager / Spectrograph 红外成象器/摄谱仪IRPS, Infrared Photometer / Spectro- 红外光度计/分光计meterirregular cluster 不规则星团; 不规则星系团IRTF, NASA Infrared Telescope 〈IRTF〉美国宇航局红外Facility 望远镜IRTS, Infrared Telescope in Space 〈IRTS〉空间红外望远镜ISO, Infrared Space Observatory 〈ISO〉红外空间天文台isochrone method 等龄线法IUE, International Ultraviolet 〈IUE〉国际紫外探测器ExplorerJewel Box (NGC 4755 )宝盒星团Jovian magnetosphere 木星磁层Jovian ring 木星环Jovian ringlet 木星细环Jovian seismology 木震学jovicentric orbit 木心轨道J-type star J 型星Juliet 天卫十一Jupiter-crossing asteroid 越木小行星Galactic aggregate 银河星集Galactic astronomy 银河系天文Galactic bar 银河系棒galactic bar 星系棒galactic cannibalism 星系吞食galactic content 星系成分galactic merge 星系并合galactic pericentre 近银心点Galactocentric distance 银心距galaxy cluster 星系团Galle ring 伽勒环Galilean transformation 伽利略变换Galileo 〈伽利略〉木星探测器gas-dust complex 气尘复合体Genesis rock 创世岩Gemini Telescope 大型双子望远镜Geoalert, Geophysical Alert Broadcast 地球物理警报广播giant granulation 巨米粒组织giant granule 巨米粒giant radio pulse 巨射电脉冲Ginga 〈星系〉X 射线天文卫星Giotto 〈乔托〉空间探测器glassceramic 微晶玻璃glitch activity 自转突变活动global change 全球变化global sensitivity 全局灵敏度GMC, giant molecular cloud 巨分子云g-mode g 模、重力模gold spot 金斑病GONG, Global Oscillation Network 太阳全球振荡监测网GroupGPS, global positioning system 全球定位系统Granat 〈石榴〉号天文卫星grand design spiral 宏象旋涡星系gravitational astronomy 引力天文gravitational lensing 引力透镜效应gravitational micro-lensing 微引力透镜效应great attractor 巨引源Great Dark Spot 大暗斑Great White Spot 大白斑grism 棱栅GRO, Gamma-Ray Observatory γ射线天文台guidscope 导星镜GW Virginis star 室女GW 型星habitable planet 可居住行星Hakucho 〈天鹅〉X 射线天文卫星Hale Telescope 海尔望远镜halo dwarf 晕族矮星halo globular cluster 晕族球状星团Hanle effect 汉勒效应hard X-ray source 硬X 射线源Hay spot 哈伊斑HEAO, High-Energy Astronomical 〈HEAO〉高能天文台Observatoryheavy-element star 重元素星heiligenschein 灵光Helene 土卫十二helicity 螺度heliocentric radial velocity 日心视向速度heliomagnetosphere 日球磁层helioseismology 日震学helium abundance 氦丰度helium main-sequence 氦主序helium-strong star 强氦线星helium white dwarf 氦白矮星Helix galaxy (NGC 2685 )螺旋星系Herbig Ae star 赫比格Ae 型星Herbig Be star 赫比格Be 型星Herbig-Haro flow 赫比格-阿罗流Herbig-Haro shock wave 赫比格-阿罗激波hidden magnetic flux 隐磁流high-field pulsar 强磁场脉冲星highly polarized quasar (HPQ )高偏振类星体high-mass X-ray binary 大质量X 射线双星high-metallicity cluster 高金属度星团;高金属度星系团high-resolution spectrograph 高分辨摄谱仪high-resolution spectroscopy 高分辨分光high - z 大红移Hinotori 〈火鸟〉太阳探测器Hipparcos, High Precision Parallax 〈依巴谷〉卫星Collecting SatelliteHipparcos and Tycho Catalogues 〈依巴谷〉和〈第谷〉星表holographic grating 全息光栅Hooker Telescope 胡克望远镜host galaxy 寄主星系hot R Coronae Borealis star 高温北冕R 型星HST, Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃空间望远镜Hubble age 哈勃年龄Hubble distance 哈勃距离Hubble parameter 哈勃参数Hubble velocity 哈勃速度hump cepheid 驼峰造父变星Hyad 毕团星hybrid-chromosphere star 混合色球星hybrid star 混合大气星hydrogen-deficient star 缺氢星hydrogenous atmosphere 氢型大气hypergiant 特超巨星Eagle nebula (M 16 )鹰状星云earty cluster 早型星系团early earth 早期地球early planet 早期行星early-stage star 演化早期星early stellar evolution 恒星早期演化early sun 早期太阳earth-approaching asteroid 近地小行星earth-approaching comet 近地彗星earth-approaching object 近地天体earth-crossing asteroid 越地小行星earth-crossing comet 越地彗星earth-crossing object 越地天体earth orientation parameter 地球定向参数earth rotation parameter 地球自转参数eccentric-disk model 偏心盘模型effect of relaxation 弛豫效应Egg nebula (AFGL 2688 )蛋状星云electronographic photometry 电子照相测光elemental abundance 元素丰度elliptical 椭圆星系elliptical dwarf 椭圆矮星系emulated data 仿真数据emulation 仿真encounter-type orbit 交会型轨道enhanced network 增强网络equatorial rotational velocity 赤道自转速度equatorium 行星定位仪equipartition of kinetic energy 动能均分eruptive period 爆发周期Eskimo nebula (NGC 2392 )爱斯基摩星云estimated accuracy 估计精度estimation theory 估计理论EUVE, Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer 〈EUVE〉极紫外探测器Exclamation Mark galaxy 惊叹号星系Exosat 〈Exosat〉欧洲X 射线天文卫星extended Kalman filter 扩充卡尔曼滤波器extragalactic jet 河外喷流extragalactic radio astronomy 河外射电天文extrasolar planet 太阳系外行星extrasolar planetary system 太阳系外行星系extraterrestrial intelligence 地外智慧生物extreme helium star 极端氦星Fabry-Perot imaging spectrograph 法布里-珀罗成象摄谱仪Fabry-Perot interferometry 法布里-珀罗干涉测量Fabry-Perot spectrograph 法布里-珀罗摄谱仪face-on galaxy 正向星系face-on spiral 正向旋涡星系facility seeing 人为视宁度fall 见落陨星fast pulsar 快转脉冲星fat zero 胖零Fermi normal coordinate system 费米标准坐标系Fermi-Walker transportation 费米-沃克移动fibre spectroscopy 光纤分光field centre 场中心field galaxy 场星系field pulsar 场脉冲星filter photography 滤光片照相观测filter wheel 滤光片转盘find 发见陨星finder chart 证认图finderscope 寻星镜first-ascent giant branch 初升巨星支first giant branch 初升巨星支flare puff 耀斑喷焰flat field 平场flat field correction 平场改正flat fielding 平场处理flat-spectrum radio quasar 平谱射电类星体flux standard 流量标准星flux-tube dynamics 磁流管动力学f-mode f 模、基本模following limb 东边缘、后随边缘foreground galaxy 前景星系foreground galaxy cluster 前景星系团formal accuracy 形式精度Foucaultgram 傅科检验图样Foucault knife-edge test 傅科刀口检验fourth cosmic velocity 第四宇宙速度frame transfer 帧转移Fresnel lens 菲涅尔透镜fuzz 展云CAMC, Carlsberg Automatic Meridian 卡尔斯伯格自动子午环Circlecannibalism 吞食cannibalized galaxy 被吞星系cannibalizing galaxy 吞食星系。


天体名称中英对照甲板部物料水手长物料丙纶缆 polypro pylene尼龙缆 nylon hawser纤维尼龙缆 polyeth ylenehawser麻绳 manilarope塑料绳吊货钢丝 cargo runner千斤索 topping lift稳索 prevent er stay卸扣 shackle花兰螺丝 turnbuc kle三角圈 wire rope thimble钢丝轧头 wire rope clip吊杆顶索滑车t opping lift block大滑车 head block根滑车 heel block开口滑车 snatchblock牵索滑车 gay block单柄滑车 singlesheaveblock双柄滑车 doublesheaveblock嵌环 thimble棍梯液压钢丝铡刀船壳灰漆 grey topside船壳白漆 white gloss exterio r奶黄漆 buff cream paint甲板红漆 deck red绿水线漆 green boot toping货舱银漆 hold alumini um抗热油漆 heat resista nt alumini um 标志红/兰/绿/黄/黑 red lead凡立水 varnish稀释剂 thinner牛油 grease煤油 kerosen e钢丝绳油 wire dressin g oil/ tar oil 去漆水撇缆绳 heaving line测水绳 soundin g rope榔头 hammer长柄铲刀 long hand flat scraper刮锈刀 goosene ck scraper电榔头 electri c chippin g machine轴 spare shaft片 spare blade头 spare head set气榔头 pneumat ic chippin g machine钢丝钳 wire cutter尖嘴钳 long nose pliers梅花扳手 hexag. r. spanner套筒扳手 socketwrench管子扳手 pipe wrench活动扳手 shiftin g spanner螺栓 bolt螺母 nut扁螺丝刀 screw driver十字螺丝刀 cross head driver铁皮剪刀 tin's snips剪刀 scissor s水手刀 jack knife手拉葫芦 chain block液压千斤顶 hydraul ic jack钢卷尺 steel tape ruler皮卷尺 measuri ng tape扁漆刷 flat paint brush弯漆刷 goosene ck paint brush滚筒漆刷 rollerpaint brush喷漆枪 paint sprayer牛油枪 greasegun游标卡尺 vernier caliper闹钟 alarm clock皮大衣 fur overcoa t雨衣 rain coat安全帽 safetyhelmet/ hard cap 舷梯安全网 gangway net安全带 safetybelt太阳镜 sun glasses护眼镜 goggles帆布手套 canvasgloves线手套 cottongloves皮手套 leather gloves肥皂粉 soap powder/ deterge nt 棉纱 cottonwaste破布 cottonrag毛巾布 towel cloth竹扫巴 bamboobroom棕扫巴 palm broom, coir broom 铁水桶 galvani c iron bucket塑料水桶 plastic bucket老鼠挡 rat guard电筒 torch, flash light钳子 pincers铜锁 padlock大副物料海水比重计配载仪木匠物料麻花钻头 auger bits钢丝钳 combina tion pliers斜口钳 side cutting pliers扁嘴钳 flat nose pliers什锦锉 assorte d files手电钻 electri c drill machine双头开口扳手s panner活动扳手 adjusta ble spanner手电锯 electri c saw machine不锈钢尺 stainle ss steel ruler 量水尺 woodensoundin g ruler 量水绳 soundin g rope门锁 lock三合板 three-lay board五合板 five-lay board地板胶万能胶水 general purpose glue 手摇钻 hand drill量油尺 oil gauging tape封舱胶布 seal adhesiv e tape油布 tarpaul in二副物料尼龙旗绳 halyard nylon国旗 nationa l flag海图橡皮 eraser, rubber秒表 stop watch透明胶纸海图三角板 triangu lar海图两脚规 chart devider放大镜 chart magnifi er望远镜 binocul ars, telesco pe 理发剪子 hair clipper s信号旗字母旗数字旗代旗回答旗六分仪 sextant三副物料救生圈 life buoy救生衣 life jacket救生浮灯 man-over-board signallight救生饼干 lifeboa t biscuit烟幕信号 smoke signal降落伞信号 parachu te distres s signal红火号 red hand flare鱼钩 fishing tackle抛绳器 line throwin g applian ce消防斧 fire axe消防撬棍 fire fightin g crowbar消防火钩 fire fightin g hook消防衣 asbesto s fire suit氧气呼吸器 breathi ng apparat us, respira tion 防毒面具 smoke helmet直流水枪 jet squirt两用水枪 multi jet squirt国际通用接头i nterna tional shore connect or 消防皮龙 fire hose水带接扣 fire hose couplerCO2灭火器C O2 extingu isher泡沫灭火器 foam extingu isher干粉灭火器 dry powderfire extingu isher救生服 exposur e suit保温袋反光带 reflect ive tape救生衣灯防火救生绳呼吸器氧气瓶c ompres sed oxygenbottle电台物料硫酸 sulphur ic aid蒸馏水 distill ed water单胶线 singlecord wire老虎钳 hand plier奶子榔头 ball peen hammer钢丝钳 wire cutterplier剥线钳 wire cover c. plier电工刀 electri cian knife电烙铁 electr i c smolde r iron 手风器 moulde r 's bellow 液体比重计 hydrom e ter 万用表 A.V.O. meter , multim e ter 测电笔 test pencil 救生用语救生艇属具brakewinch davit motor fender draina ge plug fall helm boat motorembark ation ladder puoy lifeja cket lifebu oy 保温袋 防寒服 blanke tpyrotechnic signalparachutehand flaresmoketwo-way radiotelephoneEPIRBline-throwing appliance放艇步骤Lifeboat Launching Procedure1. CHECK drainage plug is in;2. CHECK harbour pins are out;3. LOWER / LAY OUT embarkation ladder;4. RELEASE all gripes;5. LOWER to embarkation deck;6. RIG toggle painter;7. MAKE FAST bowsing-in tackles;8. LET GO tricing-in pendants;9. BOARD when ordered to;10. SIT DOWN and keep hands inside boat;11.EASE OFF and LET GO bowing-in tackles;12.LOWER boat until falls are released;13.UNHOOK falls14.RIG tiller15.EMBARK lauching crew16.LET GO toggle painter;17.FEND OFF with boathook.USEFUL PHRASES:harbour pin 在港固定销gripe 固定栓夹(制动器)squeeze lever 压杆knock off slip ringembarkation deckboat decktoggle painter 艇索bowsing-in tackletricing-in pendantunhook falltiller舵柄boathookcold kill 防寒衣life jacketmuster listmuster station救生筏属具 sea anchorbalanced water pocketrain guttertentwater accumulating bagpainterlife linesea water cell bagsea water cellrighting strapexhaust valvehand bellows (and a horse)rescue quoit and 30m linefloating knifebailerspongeoarsea anchorrepair outfittin openerfirst aid kitgraduated drinking vesselwaterproof signalling torchspare bulb & batterywhistledaylight signalling mirrorsea cellparachute distress signalshand flaresfishing tackleillustrated table of life-saving signalsillustrated on how to survive in the liferaft sea sickness tabletsconcentrated emergency foods rationwater in polyethylene bottle (liter)accessory valise放筏步骤INFLATABLE LIFERAFTS OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS1. To operate the liferaft, release the slipping hook on the hydrostatic releaser. Care should be taken that the painte r of the liferaft must be secured at the original position.2. Let go the liferaft to slide down into the water or raise up liferaft by hands and throw it into the water. At this moment ,the attached heaving line of the inflating line will be pulled out and kept open the cylinder valve, thus completed the raft inflating.3. If the height of the liferaft stowed deck was less than 11 meters above the water surface, care must be taken to pay out more inflating line so as to make the inflating cylinder valve kept open and then the raft will be inflating automatically.4. If the liferaft was inverted upside down in the water, it should be restored upright by person wearing lifejacket standing at the cylinder side and pull the restoring strap, which was fitted under the bottom of the liferaft, with two hands and squatting down with face upward against wind. Thus the lifera f t will be restored upright.5. After the liferaft was fully inflated, then the personwearing life jackets can be embarked into the liferaft by steppi n g down from gangway or suspension ladder and also by leaping from the ship board or jumping into water, and climbing up the soft ladder which was fixed under the entryway of the leferaft, then turn over the body and get into the liferaft.6. If there are some persons overboard ,the embarked person should throw out a rescue ring, then pull back the heavin g line and help them to embark.Cut off the painter by the safety knife which was stowed on the upper buoyancy tyre or in the tool's bag and row the liferaft quickly, to leave the sinking ship, otherwise will be capsized.After the liferaft has got leave the sinking ship, then let go the sea anchor into water so as to keep nearby at the site of the accident.7. When the liferaft was drifting, we can send signals to make the passing vessels to pay attention to our liferaft. The electric torch, whistle, red hand flares or red parachute signal s can be used at night, and the daylight signalling mirror, whistle, red parachute signals, self-activating smoke signalcan be used at the daytime.急救药箱LIST OF FIRST-AID OUTFITbandage dressing and bleeding stanchinggauze dressing or external application 纱布triangular bandage dressing any wounded part of body adhesive plaster for fixing医用膏带cotton wool for disinfection药棉tourniquet (rubber tube) for venous or arterial bleeding 止血带pincette 镊子scissorssafety pins for fixing别针ammonia solution used as a restorative in shock, or for insect bitesalcohol for disinfectionwoundplast for small bleeding wound 创可帖antiseptic burn or wound cream for burns and scalds烫伤膏coulentum tetracyclini for keratitis and allergic conjunctivit i s 四环素眼膏allaying fever relieving pain(APC) for headache, toothache, and fever 解热止痛片sulfamethoxazolum composita(SMZ Co.) for inflammation of upper respiratory track, urinar y infection, intestines infection and septicaemia消防用语消防演习FIRE DRILLfire-fighting squadfirst-aid squadtechnical squadfiremancut off concerned circuits, turn off ventilating blowersclose fire doors, windows, hatches, accesses, ventilators control hydrant, fire hose, nozzlecarry portable extinguisherseparate inflammable from fire spotadminister international shore connectioncarry first-aid box, perform first-aidcarry stretcheradminister the fixed CO2/foam fire-extinguishing systemautomatic sprinkle systemthe fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systemcontrol the emergency fire pumpclose fire door, skylight,shut off valves and cocks of oil suction pipes呼吸器BREATHING APPARATUScomposed of:**** calculate the quantity of free air:eg. one 3-litre cylinder charged to 30MPa (300 barf) contains 3*300=900 litres of free air.average comsuption is 40 litre per minute.**** don apparatus:消防设备fireman's outfitoxygen apparatusportable foam applicater天气名称中英对照锚用语1. ANCHORING ORDERSheave away anchorheave up anchorweigh anchorlet gopay awayslack awaypay outstand by port anchorget the port anchor ready stand by both anchorstand by kedge anchortwo shackles in waterthree shackle on deckstand by heavingput windlass into gearhold oncheck the cableavast heaving 停止绞锚up and downtake in the slack on the chain is the chain tight?chain is tighthow is the chain leadingleading forwardleading aft / asternleading to port / starboard anchor leading abeamchain across ship's headchain on the port bowanchor is clearanchor is aweighanchor is upanchor is foulanchor is acrossanchor is elbow 锚链绞缠anchor is draggingslack off the brakewalk back 锚链倒出walk out port anchor to water surface shorten your cable to 2 shackles dredge anchor2. USEFUL PHRASESchain / cablewindlassanchor lockeranchor piperiding anchorlee anchorhawse pipe 锚链孔bower 大锚spare bower 备用锚货运用语中英文对照货运用语中英文对照运输 transpo rtatio n | | transit | | conveya nce运送 to transpo rt | | to carry | | to convey运输业 transpo rtatio n busines s | | forward ing busines s | | carryin g trade 运输代理人 a forward ing agent承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人 a shippin g agent陆上运输 transpo rtatio n by land海上运输 transpo rtatio n by sea货物运输 goods traffic| | freight traffic| | carriag e of freight s | | carria g e of goods货轮 cargo boat | | freight er | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车 goods-train | | freight-train卡车 goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室 goods-office| | freight-departm ent运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费 carriag e charges | | shippin g expense s | | express charges车费 cartage | | portage运费预付 carriag e prepaid | | carriag e paid运费到付 carriag e forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费 carriag e free协定运费 confere nce freight | | freight rate运费清单 freight account托运单 way-bill | | invoice运送契约 contrac t for carriag e装运 shipmen t | | loading装上货轮 to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship 装运费 shippin g charges | | shippin g commiss ion装运单||载货单 shippin g invoice装运单据 shippin g documen ts大副收据 mate's receipt装船单 shippin g order提货单 deliver y order装船通知 shippin g advice包裹收据 parcelreceipt准装货单 shippin g permit租船契约 charter party租船人 charter er程租船||航次租赁 voyagecharter期租船 time charter允许装卸时间l ay days | | layingdays工作日 working days连续天数 running days | | consecu tive days滞期费 demurra ge滞期日数 demurra ge days速遣费 despatc h money空舱费 dead freight退关 short shipmen t | | goods short shipped| | goods shut out | | shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letterof indemni ty | | trust receipt装载 loading卸货 unloadi ng | | dischar ging | | landing装运重量 shippin g weight| | in-take-weight卸货重量 landing weight压舱 ballast ing压舱货 in ballast舱单 manifes t船泊登记证书s hip's certifi cate of registr y航海日记 ship's log船员名册 muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health光票 clean bill不清洁提单 foul bill有疑问提单 suspect ed bill航运术语。

中英文天气预报对照表Five day forecast 未来五天预报monsoon zone 季风带precipitation 降雨量clear to overcast 晴转多云fine/fair/sunny 晴朗cloudy 多云foggy 有雾misty 薄雾drizzle 小雨pour/downpour 大雨sleet 雨夹雪hail/hailstone 冰雹windy 有风gale wind 大风stormy wind 暴风light air 1级风light breeze 2级风gentle breeze 3级风moderate breeze 4级风fresh breeze 5级风strong breeze 6级风moderate gale 7级风fresh gale 8级风strong gale 9级风whole gale 10级风storm 11级风hurricane 12级风/飓风typhoon 台风drought 干旱Today's Graphic 今日气象图oceanic climate 海洋性气候Centigrade 摄氏cloudy to overcast 阴转多云mild 温暖overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天frosty 霜冻damp 潮湿shower 阵雨storm 暴风雨light snow 小雪monsoon rain 季风雨breezy 微风阵阵heavy/high wind 大风gust 阵风dust storm 沙暴ice sheet 冰川Weather Forecast 天气预报continental climate 大陆性气候Fahrenheit 华氏turning out cloudy 转阴cool 凉爽snowy 有雪chilly 微冷wet 雨天thundery shower 雷阵雨thundery storm 雷雨blizzard 暴风雪seasonal rain 季雨gentle wind 和风windy and dusty 风沙piercing wind 寒风flood 洪水ice burg 冰山01Sandstorm, Duststorm, Sand, Dust 浮尘,扬沙,沙尘暴等沙尘天气02Thunderstorms, Thundershowers, Storm, Lightning 雷暴,雷阵雨,风暴,闪电03Hail 冰雹04Blowing Snow, Blizzard, Snowdrift, Snowstorm 吹雪,大风雪,堆雪,暴风雪05Snow Showers, Flurries 阵雪,小雪06Snow, Heavy Snow, Snowfall 雪,大雪,降雪07Light Snow 小雪08Sleet雨夹雪09Showers, Heavy Showers, Rain shower 阵雨,强阵雨(从降雨强度及降雨量上)10Occasional Showers, Scattered Showers零星阵雨(时间、空间上不连续的阵雨)11Isolated Showers局地阵雨(空间分布上比Scattered Showers范围更小的阵雨)12Light Showers小阵雨13Freezing Rain冻雨14Rain雨15Drizzle, Light Rain毛毛雨,小雨16Fog雾17Mist轻雾18Smoke烟雾19Haze霾20Overcast阴21Sunny Interval, No Rain, Clearing多云间晴22Sunny Period, Partly Cloudy, Partly Bright, Mild晴间多云23Cloudy, Mostly Cloudy多云24Bright, Sunny, Fair晴(尤指白天)25Fine, Clear晴26Windy, Squall, Stormy, Chill, Gale风,狂风,暴风,寒风,大风27Wet, Humid潮湿28Dry干燥29Freezing冰冻30Frost霜冻31Hot炎热32Cold寒冷33Warm暖和(升温)34Cool凉爽(降温)35Dew Point(露点)36Humidity(湿度)37Wind(风力)38Visibility(能见度)39Barometer(气压)Weather ForecastLet's take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four hours.另附一些十分常用的气象用语:天气预报weather forecast虹rainbow雨点raindrops雨季rainy season甘霖welcome rain小雨light rain阵雨shower毛毛雨drizzle, fine rain大雨heavy rain地形雨local rains反常天气freakish weather气旋cyclone低气压low-pressure高气压high-pressure气压barometric pressure冰ice阴天cloudy day冰点freezing point雪花snow flake晴clear锋面frontal edge冷峰cold front海啸tidal wave山崩landslide火山地震volcanic earthquake风级wind scale龙卷风tornado恒风constant wind微风breeze、gentle breeze逆风headwind无风calm轻风light breeze信风trade wind和风moderate breeze清风fresh breeze大风gale强风strong breeze西北风northwester疾风near gale、gusty wind狂风squall 、storm烈风strong gale暴风violent storm东北信风northeast trades飓风hurricane东南风southeaster东北风northeaster北风north wind东风east wind顺风favorable wind西南风southwester台风typhoon闷热天气muggy weather雨量rainfall间歇雨intermittent rain雹hail雷thunder滂沱大雨downpour炎热scorching heat风眼eye of a storm零度zero零度以下subzero气团air mass闪电lightning雾fog凉cool霜frost雪堆snowdrift露dew寒冷chilly冰柱icicle平静calm微波rippled微浪smooth wavelets细浪light seas热浪heat wave小浪moderate seas中浪rough seas大浪very rough seas强浪high seas狂浪monster waves巨浪very high seas碎波breaker, surf崩碎波spilling breaker激碎波surging breaker卷碎波plunging breaker碎波带surf zone风浪wind wave白浪whitecap波群wave group未充分成长风浪not fully developed sea充分成长风浪fully developed sea无浪calm sea微浪smooth sea轻浪slight sea中浪moderate sea大浪rough sea巨浪very rough sea狂浪high sea狂涛very high sea怒涛precipitous sea暴涛confused sea海啸tsunami斜向浪diagonal wave波剖面wave profile有限风时谱duration-limited spectrum有限风区谱fetch-limited spectrum海浪谱ocean wave spectrum风浪谱wind-wave spectrum波级wave scale波锋线wave crest line方向波谱directional wave spectrum波能谱wave energy spectrum波浪反射wave reflection波浪折射wave refraction波浪散射wave scatter波浪衍射wave diffraction涌浪swell先行涌forerunner无涌no swell短轻涌short low swell, average low swell 长轻涌long low swell短中涌short moderate swell中中涌average moderate swell长中涌long moderate swell短狂涌short heavy swell中狂涌average heavy swell长狂涌long heavy swell暴涌confused swell潮汐tide潮位tide level高潮high water, HW低潮low water, LW涨潮flood, flood tide落潮ebb, ebb tide大潮spring tide小潮neap tide双高潮double flood双低潮double ebb平潮still tide停潮water stand潮差tide range潮升tidal rise引潮力tide-generating force, tide-producing force 引潮势tidal potential引力潮gravitational tide天文潮astronomical tide假想天体fictitious body平衡潮equilibrium tide分潮tidal component, tidal constituent半日潮semi-diurnal tide全日潮diurnal tide太阴潮lunar tide太阳潮solar tide朔望潮syzygial tide回归潮tropic tide分点潮equinoctial tide潮龄tidal age分潮日constituent day分潮时constituent hour太阴潮间隙lunar tide interval倍潮overtide复合潮compound tide辐射潮radiation tide混合潮mixed tide日不等[现象] diurnal inequality 潮流tidal current。

1. 水星mercury无卫星2. 金星venus无卫星3. 地球earth卫星 moon4. 火星mars火卫1 Phobos火卫2 Deimos5. 木星jupiter6. 土星saturn7. 天王星uranus8. 海王星neptune冥王星pluto妊神星Haumea谷神星Ceres阋神星Eris木卫1Io木卫2Europa木卫3Ganymede木卫4 Callisto (这四个最大,也叫伽利略卫星) 木卫5Amalthea木卫6Himalia木卫7Elara木卫8Pasiphae木卫9Sinope(最外层)木卫10Lysithea木卫11Carme木卫12Ananke木卫13Leda木卫14Adrastea木卫15Adrastea木卫16Metis木卫17Callirrhoe木卫18Themisto木卫19Megaclite木卫20Taygete21Chaldene22Harpalyke23Kalyke24Iocaste25Erinome26Isonoe27Praxidike28Autonoe29Thyone30Hermippe31Aitne32 Eurydome33 Euanthe34 Euporie35 Orthosie36 Sponde37 Kale38 Pasithee39 Hegemone40 Mneme41 Aoede42 Thelxinoe43 Arche44 Kallichore45 Helike46 Carpo47 Eukelade48 Cyllene49 Anthe50 Herse土卫1Mimas土卫2Enceladus 3Tethys4Dione5Rhea6Titan7Hyperion8Iapetus或Japetus 9Phoebe10Janus11Epimetheus12Helene13Telesto14Calypso15Atlas16Prometheus17Pandora18Pan19Ymir20Paaliaq21Tarvos22Ijiraq23Suttungr24Kiviuq25Mundilfari26Albiorix27Skathi28Erriapo29Siarnaq30Thrym31Narvi32Methone33Pallene34Polydeuces35Daphnis36Aegir37Bebhionn38Bergelmir39Bestla40Farbauti41Fenrir42Fornjot43Hati44Hyrrokkin45Kari46Loge47Skoll48Surtur49Anthe50Jarnsaxa51Greip52Tarqeq53Aegaeon天卫1 Ariel或Cordelia 天卫2 Umbriel3Titania4Oberon5Miranda6Cordelia7Ophelia8Bianca9Cressida10Desdemona11Juliet12Portia13Rosalind14Belinda15Puck16Caliban17Sycorax18Prospero19Setebos20Stephano21Trinculo22Francisco23Margaret24Ferdinand25Perdita26Mab27Cupid海卫一 Triton海卫二 Nereid海卫三 Naiad海卫四 Thalassa海卫五 Despina海卫六 Galatea海卫七 Larissa海卫八 Proteus小行星,Japanese小惑星 Asteroid半人马星体 Centaurs谷神星,穀星 (三王四星) 1 Ceres 智神星,智星 (三王四星) 2 Pallas 婚神星,婚星 (三王四星) 3 Juno 灶神星,灶星 (三王四星) 4 Vesta 凯龙星Chiron喀戎 Charon阿莫尔 1221 Amor阿波罗 1862 Apollo伊卡鲁斯 1566 Icarus希达尔戈 944 Hidalgo爱神星 433 Eros大力神星 522 Herculina赫尔默斯 Hermes中华星 1125 China 內魔煞 51 Nemausa 阋神星 Eris。
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天体名称中英对照甲板部物料水手长物料丙纶缆 polypropylene 尼龙缆 nylon hawser纤维尼龙缆 polyethylene hawser 麻绳 manila rope塑料绳吊货钢丝 cargo runner千斤索 topping lift稳索 preventer stay卸扣 shackle花兰螺丝 turnbuckle三角圈 wire rope thimble钢丝轧头 wire rope clip吊杆顶索滑车 topping lift block大滑车 head block根滑车 heel block开口滑车 snatch block牵索滑车 gay block单柄滑车 single sheave block双柄滑车 double sheave block嵌环 thimble棍梯液压钢丝铡刀船壳灰漆 grey topside船壳白漆 white gloss exterior奶黄漆 buff cream paint甲板红漆 deck red绿水线漆 green boot toping货舱银漆 hold aluminium抗热油漆 heat resistant aluminium 标志红/兰/绿/黄/黑 red lead凡立水 varnish稀释剂 thinner牛油 grease煤油 kerosene钢丝绳油 wire dressing oil/ tar oil 去漆水撇缆绳 heaving line测水绳 sounding rope榔头 hammer长柄铲刀 long hand flat scraper刮锈刀 gooseneck scraper电榔头 electric chipping machine轴 spare shaft片 spare blade头 spare head set气榔头 pneumatic chipping machine钢丝钳 wire cutter尖嘴钳 long nose pliers梅花扳手 hexag. r. spanner套筒扳手 socket wrench管子扳手 pipe wrench活动扳手 shifting spanner螺栓 bolt螺母 nut扁螺丝刀 screw driver十字螺丝刀 cross head driver铁皮剪刀 tin's snips剪刀 scissors水手刀 jack knife手拉葫芦 chain block液压千斤顶 hydraulic jack钢卷尺 steel tape ruler皮卷尺 measuring tape扁漆刷 flat paint brush弯漆刷 gooseneck paint brush滚筒漆刷 roller paint brush喷漆枪 paint sprayer牛油枪 grease gun游标卡尺 vernier caliper闹钟 alarm clock皮大衣 fur overcoat雨衣 rain coat安全帽 safety helmet / hard cap 舷梯安全网 gangway net安全带 safety belt太阳镜 sun glasses护眼镜 goggles帆布手套 canvas gloves线手套 cotton gloves皮手套 leather gloves肥皂粉 soap powder / detergent 棉纱 cotton waste破布 cotton rag毛巾布 towel cloth竹扫巴 bamboo broom棕扫巴 palm broom, coir broom 铁水桶 galvanic iron bucket塑料水桶 plastic bucket老鼠挡 rat guard电筒 torch, flash light钳子 pincers铜锁 padlock大副物料海水比重计配载仪木匠物料麻花钻头 auger bits钢丝钳 combination pliers斜口钳 side cutting pliers扁嘴钳 flat nose pliers什锦锉 assorted files手电钻 electric drill machine 双头开口扳手 spanner活动扳手 adjustable spanner手电锯 electric saw machine不锈钢尺 stainless steel ruler 量水尺 wooden sounding ruler 量水绳 sounding rope门锁 lock三合板 three-lay board五合板 five-lay board地板胶万能胶水 general purpose glue 手摇钻 hand drill量油尺 oil gauging tape封舱胶布 seal adhesive tape油布 tarpaulin二副物料尼龙旗绳 halyard nylon国旗 national flag海图橡皮 eraser , rubber秒表 stop watch透明胶纸海图三角板 triangular海图两脚规 chart devider放大镜 chart magnifier望远镜 binoculars, telescope理发剪子 hair clippers信号旗字母旗数字旗代旗回答旗六分仪 sextant三副物料救生圈 life buoy救生衣 life jacket救生浮灯 man-over-board signal light救生饼干 lifeboat biscuit烟幕信号 smoke signal降落伞信号 parachute distress signal红火号 red hand flare鱼钩 fishing tackle抛绳器 line throwing appliance消防斧 fire axe消防撬棍 fire fighting crowbar消防火钩 fire fighting hook消防衣 asbestos fire suit氧气呼吸器 breathing apparatus, respiration 防毒面具 smoke helmet直流水枪 jet squirt两用水枪 multi jet squirt国际通用接头 international shore connector 消防皮龙 fire hose水带接扣 fire hose couplerCO2灭火器 CO2 extinguisher泡沫灭火器 foam extinguisher干粉灭火器 dry powder fire extinguisher救生服 exposure suit保温袋反光带 reflective tape救生衣灯防火救生绳呼吸器氧气瓶 compressed oxygen bottle电台物料硫酸 sulphuric aid蒸馏水 distilled water单胶线 single cord wire老虎钳 hand plier奶子榔头 ball peen hammer钢丝钳 wire cutter plier剥线钳 wire cover c. plier电工刀 electrician knife电烙铁 electric smolder iron手风器 moulder's bellow液体比重计 hydrometer万用表 A.V.O. meter , multimeter测电笔 test pencil救生用语brakewinchdavit motorfenderdrainage plugfallhelmboat motorembarkation ladderpuoylifejacketlifebuoy保温袋防寒服blanketpyrotechnic signalparachutehand flaresmoketwo-way radiotelephoneEPIRBline-throwing appliance放艇步骤Lifeboat Launching Procedure1. CHECK drainage plug is in;2. CHECK harbour pins are out;3. LOWER / LAY OUT embarkation ladder;4. RELEASE all gripes;5. LOWER to embarkation deck;6. RIG toggle painter;7. MAKE FAST bowsing-in tackles;8. LET GO tricing-in pendants;9. BOARD when ordered to;10. SIT DOWN and keep hands inside boat;11.EASE OFF and LET GO bowing-in tackles;12.LOWER boat until falls are released;13.UNHOOK falls14.RIG tiller15.EMBARK lauching crew16.LET GO toggle painter;17.FEND OFF with boathook.USEFUL PHRASES:harbour pin 在港固定销gripe 固定栓夹(制动器)squeeze lever 压杆knock off slip ringembarkation deckboat decktoggle painter 艇索bowsing-in tackletricing-in pendantunhook falltiller 舵柄boathookcold kill 防寒衣life jacketmuster listmuster station救生筏属具sea anchorbalanced water pocketrain guttertentwater accumulating bagpainterlife linesea water cell bagsea water cellrighting strapexhaust valvehand bellows (and a horse)rescue quoit and 30m linefloating knifebailerspongeoarsea anchorrepair outfittin openerfirst aid kitgraduated drinking vesselwaterproof signalling torchspare bulb & batterywhistledaylight signalling mirrorsea cellparachute distress signalshand flaresfishing tackleillustrated table of life-saving signals illustrated on how to survive in the liferaft sea sickness tabletsconcentrated emergency foods rationwater in polyethylene bottle (liter)accessory valise放筏步骤INFLATABLE LIFERAFTS OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS1. To operate the liferaft, release the slipping hook on the hydrostatic releaser. Care should be taken that the painter of the liferaft must be secured at the original position.2. Let go the liferaft to slide down into the water or raise up liferaft by hands and throw it into the water. At this moment, the attached heaving line of the inflating line will be pulled out and kept open the cylinder valve, thus completed the raft inflating.3. If the height of the liferaft stowed deck was less than 11 meters above the water surface, care must be taken to pay out more inflating line so as to make the inflating cylinder valve kept open and then the raft will be inflating automatically.4. If the liferaft was inverted upside down in the water, it should be restored upright by person wearing lifejacket standing at the cylinder side and pull the restoring strap, which was fitted under the bottom of the liferaft, with two hands and squatting down with face upward against wind. Thus the liferaft will be restored upright.5. After the liferaft was fully inflated, then the person wearing life jackets can be embarked into the liferaft by stepping down from gangway or suspension ladder and also by leaping from the ship board or jumping into water, and climbing up the soft ladder which was fixed under the entryway of the leferaft, then turn over the body and get into the liferaft.6. If there are some persons overboard ,the embarked person should throw out a rescue ring, then pull back the heaving line and help them to embark.Cut off the painter by the safety knife which was stowed on the upper buoyancy tyre or in the tool's bag and row the liferaft quickly, to leave the sinking ship, otherwise will be capsized.After the liferaft has got leave the sinking ship, then let go the sea anchor into water so as to keep nearby at the siteof the accident.7. When the liferaft was drifting, we can send signals to make the passing vessels to pay attention to our liferaft. The electric torch, whistle, red hand flares or red parachute signals can be used at night, and the daylight signalling mirror, whistle, red parachute signals, self-activating smoke signal can be used at the daytime.急救药箱LIST OF FIRST-AID OUTFITbandage dressing and bleeding stanchinggauze dressing or external application 纱布triangular bandage dressing any wounded part of body adhesive plaster for fixing 医用膏带cotton wool for disinfection 药棉tourniquet (rubber tube) for venous or arterial bleeding 止血带pincette 镊子scissorssafety pins for fixing 别针ammonia solution used as a restorative in shock, or for insectbitesalcohol for disinfectionwoundplast for small bleeding wound 创可帖antiseptic burn or wound cream for burns and scalds 烫伤膏coulentum tetracyclini for keratitis and allergicconjunctivitis 四环素眼膏allaying fever relieving pain(APC) for headache, toothache, and fever 解热止痛片sulfamethoxazolum composita(SMZ Co.) for inflammation of upper respiratory track, urinary infection, intestines infection and septicaemia消防用语消防演习FIRE DRILLfire-fighting squadfirst-aid squadtechnical squadfiremancut off concerned circuits, turn off ventilating blowers close fire doors, windows, hatches, accesses, ventilators control hydrant, fire hose, nozzlecarry portable extinguisherseparate inflammable from fire spotadminister international shore connectioncarry first-aid box, perform first-aidcarry stretcheradminister the fixed CO2/foam fire-extinguishing system automatic sprinkle systemthe fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing system control the emergency fire pumpclose fire door, skylight,shut off valves and cocks of oil suction pipes呼吸器BREATHING APPARATUScomposed of:**** calculate the quantity of free air:eg. one 3-litre cylinder charged to 30MPa (300 barf)contains 3*300=900 litres of free air.average comsuption is 40 litre per minute.**** don apparatus:消防设备fireman's outfitoxygen apparatusportable foam applicater天气名称中英对照锚用语1. ANCHORING ORDERSheave away anchorheave up anchorweigh anchorlet gopay awayslack awaypay outstand by port anchorget the port anchor readystand by both anchorstand by kedge anchortwo shackles in waterthree shackle on deckstand by heavingput windlass into gearhold oncheck the cableavast heaving 停止绞锚up and downtake in the slack on the chainis the chain tight?chain is tighthow is the chain leadingleading forwardleading aft / asternleading to port / starboardanchor leading abeamchain across ship's headchain on the port bowanchor is clearanchor is aweighanchor is upanchor is foulanchor is acrossanchor is elbow 锚链绞缠anchor is draggingslack off the brakewalk back 锚链倒出walk out port anchor to water surface shorten your cable to 2 shackles dredge anchor2. USEFUL PHRASES chain / cable windlass anchor locker anchor pipe riding anchor lee anchorhawse pipe 锚链孔 bower 大锚 spare bower 备用锚货运用语中英文对照货运用语中英文对照运输 transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送 to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业 transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人 a forwarding agent承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人 a shipping agent陆上运输 transportation by land海上运输transportation by sea货物运输 goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods货轮 cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车 goods-train | | freight-train卡车 goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室 goods-office | | freight-department运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费 carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费 cartage | | portage运费预付 carriage prepaid | | carriage paid运费到付 carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费 carriage free协定运费 conference freight | | freight rate运费清单 freight account托运单 way-bill | | invoice运送契约 contract for carriage装运 shipment | | loading装上货轮 to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship装运费 shipping charges | | shipping commission装运单||载货单 shipping invoice装运单据 shipping documents大副收据 mate's receipt装船单 shipping order提货单 delivery order装船通知 shipping advice包裹收据 parcel receipt准装货单 shipping permit租船契约 charter party租船人 charterer程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter期租船 time charter允许装卸时间 lay days | | laying days工作日 working days连续天数 running days | | consecutive days滞期费 demurrage滞期日数 demurrage days速遣费 despatch money空舱费 dead freight退关 short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | | trust receipt装载 loading卸货 unloading | | discharging | | landing装运重量 shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量 landing weight压舱 ballasting压舱货 in ballast舱单 manifest船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry 航海日记 ship's log船员名册 muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health光票 clean bill不清洁提单 foul bill有疑问提单 suspected bill航运术语。