典范英语8_03 顶级跑鞋


典范英语8-3Bertha 的秘密招数的中文翻译

典范英语8-3Bertha 的秘密招数的中文翻译






























































































典范英语地秘密招数地中文翻译. 孪生姐妹和是孪生姐妹.她们看上去一模一样,只有一种办法把她们区分开.把头发染成了红色,把头发染成了金黄色,这对孪生姐妹共同生活在一个小别墅.周五晚上,她们就去市政厅工作.市政厅外面一张告示写着:“摔跤大比赛”.裁判员从最上面那根围绳下迈进了拳击场.“女士们、先生们,请为今晚地明星大战保持安静.”更衣室地大门猛地打开了.“她在这儿!”裁判员呼喊着,“拳击场地宠儿,公平比赛!”人群爆发出一阵欢呼,身穿粉色衣服,走进大厅,她金黄色地头发在身后飘动,她一跃而起,跳过最上面那根围绳落在拳击场上.她向人群挥手并向他们飞吻.人群起身鼓掌.他们要获胜.裁判员又开始发言,“她今晚地对手是…”更衣室地门猛地被撞开,一扇门地合页掉了下来.“她地麻烦孪生姐妹,强大地碎骨者—!”身穿黑色衣服来到大厅,她红色地头发在身后飘动.她飞身跃进拳击场,她挥动着拳头,人群发出嘘声,他们要输.裁判员转身看了看他地表.抓住把她扔到围绳上.人群冲着裁判员叫嚷起来.裁判员转过身来时,已飞跑回她地角落.“我没有做任何坏事!”喊道.大战开始了.飞身腾空一脚踢过去,接着又弹了回来.人群都起身鼓起掌来.抓起,把她举过头顶,抡了起来.人群开始喝倒彩.就这样打了五个回合.“获胜者是—公平比赛!”人群为喝彩叫好,冲着发出嘘声.那天晚上和坐在家中喝可可.“我认为比赛进行得很不错.”说.“哼”说.“你不要对‘飞身尾旋’而难过”说“不”说“第二回合腾空一踢?”说“不”说“那为什么你地心情这么不好?”说开始哭了起来.“到底怎么了?”问.“嗯”哽咽着说,“人们总是支持你而反对我!”“那是因为我是公平比赛,你是强大地碎骨者—.”说.“我们为何不能换一下?”说,“你可以成‘可怕地’,我可以成为‘大度地’”.“别愚蠢了,”说,“再说,你善于演坏人.”“你可以教我怎样扮好人,”说,“我可以教你怎样扮坏人.”“不!”说,“我地粉丝会怎么想呢?”反击接下来地星期五早上,吃完早饭,孪生姐妹走进了前厅,她们把桌椅摞到厅尾,又把电视、鱼缸和书搬进厨房.当屋子完全腾空时,说,“准备好了吗?”“准备好了.”说.然后,孪生姐妹开始摔跤.将扔进屋里,一个完美地侧身翻,双脚轻轻着地.孪生姐妹总是为星期五晚上地大战做练习.她们在摔跤上地技术都很娴熟.她们努力练习,以确保她们地动作不致彼此受伤.当完成练习后,她们还要收拾小别墅、吃午饭.姐妹俩都喜欢做饭不喜欢家务活.她们就通过掷硬币决定谁去收拾.“正面”说.“反面”说,“我赢了.”于是不得不将所有地东西从厨房搬回前厅,然后她不得不将桌子椅子摆放回房间中间位置.与此同时,做午餐.午餐后,悄悄溜进浴室并锁上门.用她姐姐地染发剂洗了下头发,她在镜子里看了下,笑了,她地头发现在是金黄色,像地一样.她把剩余地金色头发染剂倒进下水道,然后把瓶子里灌满了她地红色头发染剂.敲了敲门.“里面快点.”她叫道.“快完了”回答.“我必须在跑步前给我地头发染色.”说.从浴室出来,她头上包了条毛巾.“我弄好了.”说,“我留下来收拾浴室.”“看着时间,”说,“我要迟到了.”冲进浴室,她把染发剂泼到头上.她太着急了,没有看出什么问题.“祝你跑步愉快.”说.沿着路边慢跑.她跑过公园,看见一只小猫咪坐在墙上.“喂,小猫咪.”她伸手去摸那只小猫,小猫立即爬到树上去了.一个警察路过那里.“我看见你吓唬那只小猫,多么不友善地行为.”“我只是试着去摸它.”咕哝着说.她跑向操场,一些孩子正在荡秋千.“要我推你一把吗?”她喊着.孩子们看了一眼,立刻从秋千上跳下来跑掉了.公园管理员赶紧跑了过来.“你认为你在做什么?你在赶走那些孩子,去赶那些和你个子一样大地人.”跑开了.在超市外面停下来休息,一位老妇人正推着购物车朝门口走去.跑过去帮忙,让门敞开着.“您请先.”她说.“是个诡计吧,你准备让门弹到我脸上.”老妇人说.经理来了.“不准惊吓我地顾客,一边去,不然我就报警了.”不明白怎么回事,沮丧地跑回小别墅.在花园里.“你对你地头发做了什么?”喊道.“你喜欢吗?”问.“金黄色,那是我地颜色.”说.“是真地吗?”说,她从口袋里拿出一面镜子,举到面前.“我地头发!”尖叫着,“是红色,那是你地颜色.”“我知道.”说.“所有人都认为我是你.”说.“正确”咯咯地笑了.“我要去把头发都染回来.”说.“但你做不到.”说.“为什么?”问道.“因为我把你地染发剂都倒进下水道了.”说.“但我们在分钟内应该到市政厅.”嚷嚷着,“我们该怎么办?”张冠李戴市政厅挤满了人正等着观看大战.裁判员迈到前台.“女士们,先生们,红色角落是公平比赛!”穿着粉色衣服,披着金黄色地头发,飞奔向前跃进赛场,她向人群挥手,所有人都欢呼起来.“蓝色角落是拳击场怪物,强大地碎骨者—!”穿着黑色衣服,飘动着红头发,横冲直撞地走进拳击场,她向挥了挥拳头.人们认为她在向他们挥动拳头,人群发出了嘘声.第一回合开始了,和紧紧抓住对方地肩膀.“扮演坏角色地感觉怎么样?”压低嗓门说.“真可怕.”说,“每个人都要我输.”“你现大知道我地感受了吧,”低声说,“好了,我要用肩膀摔你了.”说着,她把摔了下去,人群欢呼起来,向人群微笑着挥动手.“胜利者是公平比赛!”,披着金黄色地头发,着粉色衣服挥着手,人群欢呼起来.两姐妹坐在更衣室,人们都回家了.“真不明白你为什么那么得意.”说.“因为我赢了.”说.“但是你没赢.”说,“裁判员说获胜者是,那是我.”“欧”说.有人敲了一下门.“请进”,说.一个少年捧着一大束鲜花害羞地走进了更衣室.“我带了鲜花给.”他说.“真不好意思.”微笑着.那人走过把鲜花递给了.“我只想说,”他说,“你是我最喜爱地摔跤选手.”他地脸涨得通红,跑出了房间.“嗨”,说,“他说那些花是给我地.”“欧不”说,“他把它给了我.”“确实是”,没好气地说,“这简直太荒唐了.”“我一直在想,”说,“我有一个主意让大家都快乐.”“那么让我听听.”说“每周五”,说,“我们掷硬币决定我们中哪个染红发哪个染金发.”“不”,说,“我不同意.”“既然如此”,说,“我就保留我地金发,那么我们都是公平比赛,将没有人来看两个开战,我们将不能得到报酬,那么我们将不得不卖掉小别墅,那么…”“好吧,好吧.”叹息道,“我同意”因此,每个周五两姐妹收拾前厅,练习摔跤,通过掷硬币决定谁做家务,午餐后,再掷硬币决定她们头发地颜色.有时是披着金发,披着红发,有时是披着金发,披着红发.开看她们比赛地人群从未有人注意到这一点.。



典范英语在高考读后续写题型中的应用节选《顶级跑鞋》中的The Big Race章节文本主要内容:Jake有天在垃圾桶盖上发现了一双跑鞋, 这双跑鞋是顶级跑鞋. 顶级跑鞋帮助Jake在训练中获得“跑得既快又轻松”的超能力,后面Jake的死党Anna发现了真相, 正是得益于顶级跑鞋, Jake才能在跑步训练中有超常的发挥.于是Anna劝说Jake诚实参加比赛. 在跑步比赛前夕, 他们正要去鞋柜里拿回跑鞋,并归还, 但发现Jake的顶级跑鞋竟然被偷走了…... 到底是谁偷走了这双拥有魔力的跑鞋呢? 到真正比赛的时候, 他们才发现小偷是跑步能力最好的Kevin, 他竟然穿着顶级跑鞋参加比赛! 那比赛中Jake, Kevin 还有其他跑步选手会有怎样的不同表现呢? 后续顶级跑鞋的拥有者会出现吗?本节课的设计思路:通过给学生搭建句型“脚手架”,让学生能通过句型操练, 掌握高级句型创作。

让学生掌握构建高级写作句型的底层思维能力,更好地运用背诵积累的好词块进行写作高级句型创作,而非是填鸭式教育, 不断地让学生背诵大量的语料块, 但实际写作中用不出来或者用得很突兀。

主题语境: 人与自我,人与社会话题: 体育运动教学步骤:请参考设计(大约用时两节课)学生收获 :学会创造高级句型学会情节协同描写学会通过动作描写, 神态描写, 语言描写等进行人物刻画教学设计如下:教学背景After multiple exams for continuous writing, I realize most of students have little accumulation of verbs that can be applied into the corresponding continues writing part. The question of how to facilitate students making advanced sentences in continuous writing has been haunting me for a long time. With the aim of addressing the problem, I’d like to refer to the series of GoodEnglish9.For example, the big Race from The Ultimate Trainer could contribute to promoting continuation writing related with topic of races. While reading, students will gain the knowledge about how to describe actions and emotions for various roles, ranging from petitors, audiences to judges. It is very easy for students to find the phrases telling timelines, such as “It was almost time for the big race”, “The whistle blew and the race began”, “at the first lap” and so on. Then by the means of guiding students to sort out descriptive languages according to timelines, I hope students can handle the writing of crosscountry race in 2022 National College Entrance Examination as well as Hurdle Race in simulation test of Gaokao in 2023.(宁波十校联考)教学目标After the class, students are expected toØ master how to describe actions of running and learn descriptive words to show feelings, instead of tellingØ have a good mand of different writing sentence patternsØ get the hang of writing advanced sentence patterns with scaffoldingØ able to show runners’ actions and depict changes of characters’ feelingsØ cultivate the spirit of sportsmanship, perseverance and honesty教学重难点1. master how to describe actions of running and learn descriptive words to show feelings,instead of telling2. have a good mand of various writing sentence patterns3. get the hang of writing advanced sentence patterns with scaffolding教学过程Step 1: Warming upl Show students a video clip about a running petitionl Invite students to accumulate descriptions about runningPurpose: to introduce the topic of The Big Race.Step 2: Leadinl Ask students to read for the structure of the passagel Identify the genre of the passagel Read for the settingPurpose: to get the basic idea of the passageStep 3: Careful Readingl Put forward a series of questions based on the six elements of a narrationl Ask students to answer questions or plete sentences based on the textl Share tips for reading prehension and writingl Identify changing feelings of different charactersl Accumulate synonymsPurpose: to let students know the development of the whole storyto accumulate accurate verbs or phrases into describing scenes of race petitionto facilitate students making advanced sentence patterns(无灵主语,动作链,三大从句, 独立主格结构, with的复合结构, 非谓语, 比喻修辞手法, 倒装句训练等)to expand students’ vocabularyto enhance students reading abilityStep 4: Summaryl Illustrate the plot map and present the emotion line of the main charactersPurpose: to let students retell the whole story and how to describe the changes of character’s feelingsStep 5: Deliberate PracticePractice 1 : Cross country race in 2022 Gaokao Micro WritingPractice 2:l Present a similar situation where someone got involved in a race petitionl Understand the setting of different storiesl Guide students to employ useful expressions from The Big RacePurpose: to know how to apply accurate verbs or phrases into describing performances towards runningStep 6: Present paradigmsl Ask students to revise their first draft and invite several students to share their final version according to the checklistl Provide a possible version for students’ reference. (提供我的下水作文2篇) Purpose: to polish their writing and let students be more skilled in continuous writingStep 7: Introduce movies with related themesl Forrest Gump ; Without Limits; Chariots of fire ;Mcfarland USAPurpose: to cultivate students interests in learning English passionately。

典范英语8-03 顶级跑鞋

典范英语8-03 顶级跑鞋

《典范英语》(8_03)教学参考The Ultimate Trainers教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。



2.非语言目标:引导学生用平常心看待输赢和得失;启发学生思考比赛的真正意义(如重在参与,全力以赴),勇于挑战自我,展现体育精神(Swifter, Higher, Stronger)。






四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考教师提出几个关于跑步比赛的问题请学生回答,如:Have you ever taken part in a running race? Does it matter what kind of trainers you wear?If you found a pair of magic trainers, what would you do?教师简要总结后,引导学生进入故事情景:In this story, who would take part in a running race? What did he find before the race? Did he win at last? Why? Let's find the answers from the story.2. 情节分析及复述(Plot Analysis and Retelling ):启发学生思考;关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力教师在黑板上板书每章的标题,然后请学生将各章纳入“introduction — build-up — climax — resolution ”的结构中去,可参考以下: Chapter 1 The perfect trainers (P3) IntroductionChapter 2 Kevin Beadle (P9)Build-upChapter 3 Jake tries them out (P12)Chapter 4 Anna works it out (P17)Chapter 5 ‘It won’t prove anything’ (P24)Chapter 6 Jake makes up his mind (P27)Climax Chapter 7 Where are the trainers? (P33)Chapter 8 The big race (P37)Chapter 9 The trainers get their own back (P46)Resolution Chapter 10 Back to whenever (P52) 然后教师针对每个部分进行提问,请学生回答:Introduction:Where did Jake find the trainers?What was Anna’s suggestion?What was Jake’s decision?Build-up:What did Beadle do to Jake when he was waiting for Anna?When Jake tried the trainers out, what happened?What was Anna’s explanation for the magic trainers? Why did she think so?What was Anna’s advice? Did Jake follow it?Which part of Chapter 5 foreshadows the bad thing that was going to happen to Jake? Can you guess what would happen then?Climax:Why did Jake change his mind?Who took the trainers away?Whom did Jake and Anna meet in the school?Who won the race at last? How about Jake?Resolution:Why did the trainers get angry? What did they do to Beadle?How did Beadle make things right in the end? Why did he give the trainers back?How did everyone end according to the story? What about the trainers?教师根据学生的回答,将各个部分的要点板书在黑板上。

典范英语 顶级跑鞋

典范英语 顶级跑鞋

《典范英语》(8_03)教学参考The Ultimate Trainers教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。



2.非语言目标:引导学生用平常心看待输赢和得失;启发学生思考比赛的真正意义(如重在参与,全力以赴),勇于挑战自我,展现体育精神(Swifter, Higher, Stronger)。






四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考教师提出几个关于跑步比赛的问题请学生回答,如:Have you ever taken part in a running race? Does it matter what kind of trainers you wear?If you found a pair of magic trainers, what would you do?教师简要总结后,引导学生进入故事情景:In this story, who would take part in a running race? What did he find before the race? Did he win at last? Why? Let's find the answers from the story.2. 情节分析及复述(Plot Analysis and Retelling ):启发学生思考;关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力教师在黑板上板书每章的标题,然后请学生将各章纳入“introduction — build-up — climax — resolution ”的结构中去,可参考以下: Chapter 1 The perfect trainers (P3) IntroductionChapter 2 Kevin Beadle (P9)Build-upChapter 3 Jake tries them out (P12)Chapter 4 Anna works it out (P17)Chapter 5 ‘It won’t prove anything’ (P24)Chapter 6 Jake makes up his mind (P27)Climax Chapter 7 Where are the trainers? (P33)Chapter 8 The big race (P37)Chapter 9 The trainers get their own back (P46)Resolution Chapter 10 Back to whenever (P52) 然后教师针对每个部分进行提问,请学生回答:Introduction:Where did Jake find the trainers?What was Anna’s suggestion?What was Jake’s decision?Build-up:What did Beadle do to Jake when he was waiting for Anna?When Jake tried the trainers out, what happened?What was Anna’s explanation for the magic trainers? Why did she think so?What was Anna’s advice? Did Jake follow it?Which part of Chapter 5 foreshadows the bad thing that was going to happen to Jake? Can you guess what would happen then?Climax:Why did Jake change his mind?Who took the trainers away?Whom did Jake and Anna meet in the school?Who won the race at last? How about Jake?Resolution:Why did the trainers get angry? What did they do to Beadle?How did Beadle make things right in the end? Why did he give the trainers back?How did everyone end according to the story? What about the trainers?教师根据学生的回答,将各个部分的要点板书在黑板上。



典范英语8危险的运动鞋读后感After reading the classic English novel "Dangerous Shoes," I was deeply moved by the powerful themes and impactful storytelling. The characters in the book struggled with issues of identity, acceptance, and belonging, making it a relatable and thought-provoking read. The author beautifully portrayed the complexities of human emotions and relationships, drawing me in from the very first page.阅读经典英语小说《危险的运动鞋》后,我深受其中强大的主题和感人的叙事所感动。



The struggles and triumphs of the characters in "Dangerous Shoes" served as a mirror to reflect on my own life experiences and relationships. It made me reflect on the importance of self-discovery and authenticity in a world that often demands conformity and sacrifices individuality for societal norms. The novel reminded me tostay true to myself, even when faced with challenges and pressures to conform.《危险的运动鞋》中人物的挣扎与胜利成为了一面镜子,让我反思自己的生活经历和人际关系。



典范英语8第三章博纱的秘密招数读后感全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Bao Sha's Secret Codes: A Totally Awesome Adventure!Wow, you guys have got to read "Bao Sha's Secret Codes" from our Typical English 8 textbook! It's the third chapter and it's seriously one of the coolest stories I've ever read. It's all about this super smart girl named Bao Sha who figures out how to make up her own secret code language. How crazy is that?The story starts off with Bao Sha just being a regular kid who loves reading mystery books. She's always doodling in her notebooks and writing little notes to herself in code. Her parents think it's just a weird hobby, but little do they know that Bao Sha is actually a total genius!One day, Bao Sha is hanging out with her best friend Ling and they get to talking about all the awesome detective stories they've read lately. That's when Bao Sha gets the brilliant idea to make up a brand new code that nobody else in the world knows about. She spends weeks working on it, switching around letters and adding in numbers and symbols. Finally, she cracks the codeand shows it to Ling. They're both like "this is the coolest thing ever!"So Bao Sha and Ling start using the code to send each other super secret messages back and forth. They'll write things in code on little scraps of paper and then swap them without anyone being able to read what they're saying. It's their own private language! They use it to chat about everything - boys they think are cute, embarrassing things that happened at school, funny jokes. You name it, they coded it.But then things get really interesting when one day Bao Sha overhears her parents talking in hushed voices about some "important documents" that have gone missing from her dad's office. Bao Sha gets this feeling that something fishy is going on. Using her incredible coded skills, she starts leaving herself little reminder notes in code. She's like a real-life detective!Soon Bao Sha realizes that someone has been breaking into her dad's office and taking the documents. But who could it be? And why are they doing it? With the help of her trusty code, Bao Sha starts collecting clues and piecing together the mystery like a total pro. It's so suspenseful!I don't want to give away too much and spoil the ending. But let's just say that Bao Sha ends up cracking the case in a reallygenius way that involves her secret code. There's even a crazy stakeout and high-speed chase scene that will seriously have you on the edge of your seat! By the end, the bad guys get caught and the day is saved, all thanks to Bao Sha's brilliant mind and her made-up code language.Honestly, this story was just so much fun to read. I loved how clever and resourceful Bao Sha was, creating her own code from scratch like that. And it was really exciting to follow along as she used it to solve the mystery of the missing documents. The chapter did a great job of explaining what coding is all about in a way that was easy for me to understand as a kid.More than anything though, I think this story sends an awesome message about using your brains and pursuing your interests, no matter how weird or niche they might seem. If Bao Sha had never started playing around with codes and ciphers, who knows if she would have been able to put the clues together and save the day? Her random hobby ended up being an incredible talent.I know for me personally, reading about Bao Sha's adventures seriously inspired me to start working on developing my own skills and hobbies more. Maybe I'll take a coding class or join the math club. Or who knows, maybe I'll try creating my ownsecret code like Bao Sha did! The possibilities are endless when you use your mind.All I know is that "Bao Sha's Secret Codes" is definitely a chapter I won't be forgetting anytime soon. It's exciting, it's suspenseful, it's got amazing role models, and it teaches you the value of coding and using your smarts. A+ story in my book! Ican't wait to read more awesome adventures like this in Typical English 8.篇2Boggi's Secret TricksWow, Chapter 3 of our Typical English book was so much fun! It was all about this girl named Boggi who is really good at basketball. At first, I didn't think I would like reading about a basketball player, because I'm not that into sports. But Boggi is actually a really cool character.The chapter starts out by describing how Boggi is the star of her school's basketball team. Everyone looks up to her because she is such an amazing player. She can dribble and shoot better than anyone else. But then we learn that Boggi has a secret - she uses some special tricks to help her be so good!That's when things got really interesting. Boggi's first secret trick is that she wears these special socks that have grips on the bottom. That's why she never slips or slides on the court. Her feet stay stuck to the floor, almost like they are glued down! I thought that was a pretty clever idea. Maybe I should get socks like that to wear when I play basketball at recess.Her next secret is that she uses a small trampoline to help her jump super high for shots and rebounds. She hides the trampoline under her shirt and pulls it out right before she needs to jump! Can you imagine having a secret trampoline like that? I'm not sure how I would ever sneak something that big into a game. But it does explain why Boggi can leap so high off the ground.The best secret trick was saved for last though. Boggi has these special glasses that she wears during games. The glasses use special technology to highlight the ball and the hoop on the court. So she can always easily see exactly where she needs to aim! With glasses like those, how could you possibly miss? No wonder Boggi never misses her shots.At first when I read about all these crazy secret tricks, I thought it wasn't fair that Boggi was cheating to help her basketball skills. But then I realized that the book was just beingsilly and funny. Of course nobody would really use trampolines and special glasses during a basketball game! It's all just a joke.I liked that the chapter didn't take itself too seriously. The writing was light and humorous. The descriptions of Boggi's "secrets" were extremely exaggerated and unbelievable in a funny way. Like when it said the grips on her socks were so sticky that she left footprints on the floor! Or that her glasses made the hoop look as big as an elephant! Obviously those details were just for comedic effect.My favorite part was toward the end when Boggi's teammates finally discovered her secret tricks. Their reactions were hilarious! They couldn't believe Boggi had been cheating this whole time. Some of them were really angry. Others just laughed at how outrageous and clever her cheating methods were. The chapter did a great job of building up the drama and suspense around whether Boggi's secrets would be exposed.Overall, I really enjoyed reading this chapter a lot. Even though I don't love basketball, I loved the crazy story and funny humor. The chapter kept me hooked with all the twists and turns as Boggi's new secrets were revealed one by one. I can't wait to read more adventures about her!I also appreciated how the chapter taught me some good vocabulary words without feeling like a boring lesson. Words like "exaggerate," "outrageous," and "suspense" were used in context. So now I have a better understanding of what those mean. But the definitions weren't just straight-up given to me. I had to infer the meanings from the funny story, which was an engaging way to learn.The chapter seemed meant to spark creativity in readers too. Now I want to come up with my own silly, imaginary "secret tricks" that could help me get better at things like art, music, video games, you name it! As long as they are just as goofy and unbelievable as Boggi's tricks, of course. Maybe I'll write my own short story about a kid with a wild secret talent. This chapter definitely inspired me.I can't wait until we read the next chapter of Typical English 8. If it's anything like "Boggi's Secret Tricks," I know it will be a blast! Hopefully it has just as much humor and entertainment value. The first few chapters we read weren't quite as funny or engaging, in my opinion. But this one about Boggi was an absolute home run! I give it a huge thumbs up.篇3Bosa's Secret Moves - A Mind-Blowing Chapter!Wow, Chapter 3 of our Exemplar English book was an absolute blast! The part about Bosa and her amazing martial arts skills had me glued to the pages. I could hardly believe what I was reading!For those who haven't read it yet, let me give you a quick recap. Bosa is this super cool girl who is a total expert at kung fu and all sorts of awesome fighting moves. She's definitely someone you don't want to mess with! In this chapter, Bosa was helping her friend Trang who was being bullied by a mean kid named Brock.Brock was this big jerk who thought he was so tough. He would make fun of Trang and push him around during recess. What a horrible bully! I got really mad reading about how Brock treated poor Trang. Nobody should ever have to go through that.But then Bosa stepped in with her martial arts powers! First, she used what the book called the "Crouching Crane Kick" on Brock when he wasn't looking. He got kicked right in the back and went flying across the playground! It was hilarious imagining his shocked face as he landed flat on his belly.Brock wasn't giving up that easily though. When he got back up, he charged at Bosa like an angry rhino. But she was too fast for him. Bosa did this spinning kick move called the "Whirling Scorpion Strike" and knocked Brock down again! I could picture her springing into the air and whipping her leg around in a blazing arc. So awesome!After that, Brock had finally learned his lesson. He slinked away with his tail between his legs, whimpering like a sad little puppy. I cheered inside when the teacher who saw the whole thing gave Bosa a high-five instead of getting mad at her. It was clear Brock deserved everything he got.But the best part was still to come! When Bosa agreed to teach Trang and her other friends some martial arts, I was crazy excited. I really wish I could have been there to learn too. Just imagining all the incredible kicks, punches, and blocks they got to practice makes me giddy.The chapter described all the different moves in such vivid detail that I could picture each one clearly in my mind. Like the "Dragon Sweeps Fire" where you crouch down and extend your leg in a circular swinging motion to topple an opponent. Or the "Praying Mantis Pincer" which uses your fingers in a gripping strike. So much awesome stuff!My absolute favorite had to be the "Soaring Hawk Blast" though. That's where you launch yourself into the air and come smashing down with a hammer fist strike. Just thinking about using that on a punching bag gets me pumped up! I'll definitely be trying some of these out when I start martial arts lessons.What I loved most about this chapter was how it showed that martial arts is about way more than just fighting. Yes, the moves were super cool and fun to read about. But at its core, it taught the importance of confidence, discipline, and protecting those who can't protect themselves.Bosa stepped up to defend her friend Trang against a mean bully. She used her kung fu skills to stand up for what was right instead of just watching someone get mistreated. That's an amazing quality and one I really admire. It made me realize how essential it is to have the courage to do and say the right thing, even when it's difficult.I also loved the message about how martial arts builds perseverance, focus, and inner strength. All the different stances and techniques require intense concentration and commitment to master. It's not something you can just pick up overnight. Pushing past struggles and failures is key.That's such an important mindset to have in all areas of life, not just martial arts. If you simply quit or get discouraged at the first roadblock, you'll never be able to reach your full potential. Having resilience and being willing to keep trying is so crucial for growth.So in the end, Chapter 3 did a phenomenal job of making martial arts seem unbelievably thrilling and aspirational, while also sneaking in meaningful lessons about character. I gobbled up every word of Bosa's high-flying adventures with glee. Her "secret moves" were like entering a world of magic and power.But just as importantly, her courage, principles, and dedication were the real superpowers on display. She embodied what it truly means to study martial arts - sharpening your mind and spirit as much as your physical abilities. What an inspiring role model for kids like me!I'm already counting down the days until we get to read the next chapter featuring Bosa. I have a feeling her martial arts journey is only just beginning. With any luck, she'll teach us readers a few more of her secret moves along the way!篇4Bonnie's Secret TricksWow, Chapter 3 of our English book was really exciting! It was all about Bonnie, who is this super cool and smart girl. She has all these awesome secret tricks that help her out with different things. I wish I could learn some of her tricks too!The chapter starts with Bonnie struggling on her math homework. I totally get that because math can be so hard sometimes. But then Bonnie does this crazy thing where she visualizes all the numbers as pictures in her mind. Like if the problem is 5 x 3, she imagines 5 apples and 3 baskets. Then she puts the apples into the baskets to get 15! It's like a mind movie for math.I tried doing that visualization trick for my own math homework and it actually worked! The pictures in my brain made the numbers make way more sense. I didn't get every problem right, but I did better than before. Thank you Bonnie!Later in the chapter, Bonnie is studying for her spelling test. She keeps getting tripped up on words like "receive" and "conscience." Those are really hard ones. But then Bonnie uses her secret "silly sentences" trick. She makes up a funny sentence for each word to help her remember how to spell it.For "receive" her sentence was "Rabbits easily crack eggs instead of vegetables everyday." I cracked up at that one! Andfor "conscience" it was "Cows onsistently nibble scrumptious cupcakes in enchanted night clubs everyday." So random and silly, but it works!I tried making up my own silly sentences for words I struggle with like "friend" and "science." For friend I came up with "Freaky raccoons instantly munched every noodle dish." And for science was "Slimy cats instantly munched every crunchy eclair." Remembering those silly sentences made spelling the words a billion times easier on my test!But Bonnie's best secret trick was for her big class presentation on the rainforest. Public speaking can be super scary, but Bonnie had a way to stay confident and calm. She imagined the audience was a bunch of friendly bunnies, meerkats, and puppies! Instead of judging her, they were all just excited to learn about the rainforest.Such a smart idea! The people in the audience seemed way less intimidating as cute critters. I'm definitely going to use that animal visualization trick the next time I have to talk in front of my class. I'll picture them all as baby ducks or piglets. Adorable!At the end of the chapter, Bonnie's friends Emily and Marcus discover her secret tricks. At first they think it's weird, but then they get how powerful those little mind hacks can be. Bonniepromises to teach them all her tricks, and they make a pinky swear to share any new ones they discover.That's exactly what I want - to learn all of Bonnie's genius brain tricks! They seem kind of silly at first, but then you see how well they work. I really look up to Bonnie for being so clever and resourceful. If a tough subject like math or spelling gets me down, I can try silly sentences or mind pictures to make it easier.Bonnie shows that you don't have to be super smart or talented if you have some creative strategies. Anyone can use little mental tricks to boost their memory, focus, and confidence. We all have amazing brains, but unlocking their full powers takes practice. With the right mindset hacks, you can trick your brain into being its best self!I can't wait to read more about Bonnie's adventures and pick up her latest learning strategies. Hopefully by following her lead, I can become a stellar student like her. Math, spelling, public speaking - bring it on! My brain is ready to use those sneaky thinking tricks to conquer any challenge.Thanks Bonnie for being such an inspirational icon for kids like me! You've shown that the mind is a powerful tool, as long as you know the right ways to train it. I'm going to work hard to build up my own collection of brain boosting methods. Withsome ingenuity and imaginative mindset shifts, there's no limit to what I can achieve!篇5Bossa's Secret Tactics - A Book ReviewWow, the third chapter of Typical English 8 was really exciting! It's called "Bossa's Secret Tactics" and it's all about this girl named Bossa who has some amazing tricks up her sleeve. At first, I didn't think Bossa seemed like anything special. She's just a regular kid who goes to school and hangs out with her friends. But boy was I wrong about that!The chapter starts off with Bossa and her best friend Kiki walking home from school one day. They're just chatting about their math test and how hard it was. Bossa says she actually found it pretty easy, which seems kind of weird. Then this mean girl named Brenda comes along and starts bullying them! She calls Kiki "four-eyes" because she wears glasses and says Bossa is stupid. I felt so bad for them.But then Bossa stays super calm and uses her first "secret tactic." She looks Brenda right in the eye and says in a cool voice, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Brenda gets all flustered and doesn't know what to say! Eventually she juststomps off. Kiki is amazed and asks Bossa to teach her that calm confidence. Right away you can tell Bossa is really special.The next few pages describe more of Bossa's secret tactics that help her deal with different situations. Like when she has to give a presentation in class, she uses deep breathing exercises to stay relaxed. Or when she's feeling stressed about a big test, she makes sure to get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast. I never knew doing simple things like that could make such a big difference!My favorite part was when Bossa's little brother Niko was having a meltdown at the grocery store. He wanted a candy bar really badly but their mom said no. Niko started screaming and throwing a huge tantrum right there in the aisle. Bossa pulled her mom aside and calmly told Niko, "I understand you're feeling upset, but this behavior is not okay. Why don't you take some deep breaths with me?" Shockingly, Niko actually listened to her and calmed right down! Their mom was amazed. I would never be able to stay that chill if my little brother freaked out like that.Throughout the chapter, we learn that Bossa has all these secret tactics because she takes a special class after school. It's called "The Mindful Student" and it teaches kids how to stay calm, confident, and in control no matter what situation they'rein. At the end, Kiki decides she wants to take the class too so she can learn Bossa's secrets. The chapter ends with them looking up information about the next session.I have to say, reading about Bossa's secret tactics was so cool! I didn't realize simple things like deep breathing or talking in a calm voice could be so powerful. Bossa was able to stay cool and avoid so many conflicts just by using her mind. Part of me wishes I was more like her. Whenever I get stressed or anxious, I definitely don't handle it as well as Bossa does. I usually just get more worked up instead of staying calm.But the best part is that Bossa's tactics seem pretty easy to learn. It's not like she has a magic wand or any special powers. She's just an average kid who took a class to train her mind. That makes me think that maybe I could learn to be more like her too! Wouldn't it be amazing to stay relaxed during tests or presentations instead of getting nervous? Or to settle conflicts in a calm way instead of losing my temper? Reading this chapter has inspired me to work on being more mindful and keeping my cool.Overall, I really enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited to read more about Bossa's adventures. She is such an awesome character. I have a feeling the skills she's learning in "The MindfulStudent" class are going to help her out of lots of jams at school and at home. I'll be rooting for her to use her secret tactics to handle any situation that comes her way! Who knows, maybe I'll even look into taking a mindfulness class myself. Bossa has shown me how powerful it can be to stay calm and in control. If I worked on that, just imagine how much more successful and happy I could be. Thanks, Bossa, for inspiring me with your cool secret tactics!篇6Model English 8 Chapter 3 - Bossa's Secret Tricks: A ReflectionBossa is such a cool character! She's this funny-looking dog who is always getting into silly situations. In Chapter 3, she learns some awesome magic tricks from her friend Momo the monkey. I loved reading about all her hilarious hijinks as she practiced the tricks.The first trick Bossa learns is how to make a coin disappear. Momo shows her you have to pretty much just pretend to put the coin in one hand while actually keeping it in the other hand. It seems so simple, but Bossa has a really hard time with it at first. She keeps dropping the coin or accidentally letting it fall out ofher hands. I laughed so hard at the picture of her with coins all over the floor! I can imagine how frustrated she must have felt.I think most kids have probably tried doing a magic trick before and messed it up like Bossa did. Last year, my friend Johnny showed me how to pretend to pull a quarter out of someone's ear. But when I tried it on my little sister, I fumbled it and the quarter rolled away under the couch. My。

典范英语8_03 顶级跑鞋

典范英语8_03 顶级跑鞋

Chapter 2-5 Build-up
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 What happened?
Chapter 4&5
It won’t prove anything!
Chapter 6-8 Climax
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 The first:
• whizz by • zoom around, • flash by
Running race
• do warm-up stretches
• do four laps
• set out at a light jog • picked up speed
• set off at an amazing • pushed on
you will get the equipment, how you will find out what it does, what decision you will have to make and what will happen when someone steals and uses the special equipment.
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Reading aloud
Chapter 4:
• Anna • Jake • Narrator
• What would happen if anyone could easily win a game?
• Write a summary of this story in no less than 150 words.

典范英语8-03 顶级跑鞋

典范英语8-03 顶级跑鞋

《典范英语》(8_03)教学参考The Ultimate Trainers教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。



2.非语言目标:引导学生用平常心看待输赢和得失;启发学生思考比赛的真正意义(如重在参与,全力以赴),勇于挑战自我,展现体育精神(Swifter, Higher, Stronger)。






四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考教师提出几个关于跑步比赛的问题请学生回答,如:Have you ever taken part in a running race? Does it matter what kind of trainers you wear?If you found a pair of magic trainers, what would you do?教师简要总结后,引导学生进入故事情景:In this story, who would take part in a running race? What did he find before the race? Did he win at last? Why? Let's find the answers from the story.2. 情节分析及复述(Plot Analysis and Retelling ):启发学生思考;关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力教师在黑板上板书每章的标题,然后请学生将各章纳入“introduction — build-up — climax — resolution ”的结构中去,可参考以下: Chapter 1 The perfect trainers (P3) IntroductionChapter 2 Kevin Beadle (P9)Build-upChapter 3 Jake tries them out (P12)Chapter 4 Anna works it out (P17)Chapter 5 ‘It won’t prove anything’ (P24)Chapter 6 Jake makes up his mind (P27)Climax Chapter 7 Where are the trainers? (P33)Chapter 8 The big race (P37)Chapter 9 The trainers get their own back (P46)Resolution Chapter 10 Back to whenever (P52) 然后教师针对每个部分进行提问,请学生回答:Introduction:Where did Jake find the trainers?What was Anna’s suggestion?What was Jake’s decision?Build-up:What did Beadle do to Jake when he was waiting for Anna?When Jake tried the trainers out, what happened?What was Anna’s explanation for the magic trainers? Why did she think so?What was Anna’s advice? Did Jake follow it?Which part of Chapter 5 foreshadows the bad thing that was going to happen to Jake? Can you guess what would happen then?Climax:Why did Jake change his mind?Who took the trainers away?Whom did Jake and Anna meet in the school?Who won the race at last? How about Jake?Resolution:Why did the trainers get angry? What did they do to Beadle?How did Beadle make things right in the end? Why did he give the trainers back?How did everyone end according to the story? What about the trainers?教师根据学生的回答,将各个部分的要点板书在黑板上。



页码名称英文中文003The perfect trainers完美的跑鞋Jake couldn't believe it when he saw them.当杰克看到它们的时候,他简直无法相信。

The trainers were on top of a cardboard box, next to a pile of rubbish bins.那双跑鞋放在一堆垃圾桶旁边的纸板箱上。

Anna was busy telling him the plot of some science fiction book she was reading, but Jake wasn't listening.安娜正滔滔不绝地对他讲着她正在看的一些科幻小说里的情节,但是杰克根本没有在听。

He just gazed at the trainers.他只是盯着那双球鞋。

They looked really good, and they looked brand new.它们看起来真的很棒,而且看起来还很新。

At last he managed to speak, but only a single word.最后他总算说话了,但只说了一个字。


005Anna followed his pointing finger.安娜顺着他手指的方向看去。

A pair of trainers… so?一双跑鞋……然后呢?Not just any pair.这可不是普通的跑鞋。

They're perfect.它们很完美。

He edged closer.他小心地走上前去。

Maybe it's a … you know, when people are dying of thirst in the desert and they think they can see water?也许它是……你知道吗?当人们在沙漠中快渴死的时候,他们觉得他们能看到水。



Dangerous trainersThud thud thud (脚步声)噔My big brother’s got some new trainers. He wears them all the time. 一天到晚Thud, thud, thud! When he runs upstairs in them(穿着它们) the whole house shakes震动. Mum shouts, ‚ stop that noise!‛别在那制造噪音. My brother’s new trainers are big and puffy 圆鼓鼓的and purple. They’ve got soles as thick as鞋底厚的像 tractor tyres. 拖拉机外带Clump, clump.嗑啷 He’s clumpingto his bedroom. 嗑啷嗑啷地走向卧室‘gangway!让开’ he shouts. I have to squash myself against the wall把自己紧贴着墙上, so my feet don’t get crushed以免脚被踩扁. ‚i hate your horrible可怕的,恐怖的trainers!‛i tell him. ‚they’re dangerous.’But he just clumps downstairs again. Thud, thud, thud. The front door slams碰地关上了. Thank goodness谢天谢地- he’s gone out. It’s nice and peaceful now. I can lie here on the floor and read my book.Stomp, stomp, stomp咚咚. The floor begins to tremble颤抖. Is a herd of elephants一群大象 heading this way正朝这边走来? No, it’s the new trainers. Here they come again-like great, purple, crushing machines碾压机.‚mind my book小心我的书. You’re trampling on it!踩上了‛My big brother throws hisself into a chair.屁股坐在椅子上 He props his big purple feet up 翘起了他的大紫脚on one another.两脚交叉‚i can’t see the telly电视机 now! It’s my favourite programme.最喜欢的节目 Your trainers are in the way!挡道了‛. Mum says: ‚those new trainers are a menace祸害! Take them off脱掉 in the house. ‛But my brother says, ‚i love my new trainers. They are great, i am never going to take them off ! Not ever!永远不‛‚then do up those dangly laces把耷拉的鞋带系好!‛sighs mum. ‚you’ll break your neck 摔死!‛ . But my brother just clumps outside. His long laces dangle 耷拉behind him. And his monster trainers squash 碾碎all the little daisies雏菊on thegrass.I hate those new trainers. They should be banned受到禁止. My brother even wants to go to bed in his new trainers. But mum says: ‚i’ve never heard of anything so silly. Take them off. ‛ . So he climbs up to his top bunk bed上铺. He throws down 扔下his new trainers. Whump, whump哐, so they land near my bottom bunk bed下铺. Mum switches off 关掉了our light.I lie in the dark and watch the dangerous trainers. They seem to be even bigger at night. They’vegot two big purple tongues that stick out at冲...伸出来 me and go , ‚ya boo.‛. They ‘ve got little eyes, like a spider. The eyes are watching me back!反过来望着我 The trainers are alive是活的. ‚don’t be silly, ‛i tell myself. Trainers can’t be alive.不可能是活的。



翻译---中青版典范英语第9级第3册《顶级跑鞋》页码名称英文中文003The perfect trainers完美的跑鞋Jake couldn't believe it when he saw them.当杰克看到它们的时候,他简直无法相信。

The trainers were on top of a cardboard box, next to a pile of rubbish bins.那双跑鞋放在一堆垃圾桶旁边的纸板箱上。

Anna was busy telling him the plot of some science fiction book she was reading, but Jake wasn't listening.安娜正滔滔不绝地对他讲着她正在看的一些科幻小说里的情节,但是杰克根本没有在听。

He just gazed at the trainers.他只是盯着那双球鞋。

They looked really good, and they looked brand new.它们看起来真的很棒,而且看起来还很新。

At last he managed to speak, but only a single word.最后他总算说话了,但只说了一个字。


005Anna followed his pointing finger.安娜顺着他手指的方向看去。

A pair of trainers… so?一双跑鞋……然后呢?Not just any pair.这可不是普通的跑鞋。

They're perfect.它们很完美。

He edged closer.他小心地走上前去。

Maybe it's a … you know, when people are dying of thirst in the desert and they think they can see water?也许它是……你知道吗?当人们在沙漠中快渴死的时候,他们觉得他们能看到水。

the ultimate trainers读书笔记

the ultimate trainers读书笔记


昨天像往常一样,早上4点多醒来开始阅读《顶级破鞋》(典范英语9-3:the Ultimate Trainers)。



这次与大家分享一下新的阅读感受:一、故事简介Jake喜欢跑步,Anna喜欢读书,尤其喜欢阅读科幻书(science fiction book),但这并没有妨碍他们成为好朋友。

Anna经常在Jake跑步的时候为他计时(time him)。

Jake运动成绩并不是最好的,这次,只因为同学Rob Curtis去医院做扁桃体切除(have his tonsil out)不能参加比赛,作为替补队员的他才获得了这次参加全国比赛的机会。

他渴望自己脚上有崭新的(brand new),而不是这双已经磨损的很旧的跑鞋(battered old)。


一天,Jake在垃圾箱旁边的纸箱顶上(on top of a cardboard box next to a pile of some rubbish bins)发现了一双崭新的跑鞋。


他走上前(edge closer),仔细看了看(peer inside),不仅是真的,而且还正好是他的尺寸(his size)。

最后,他打开书包(unzip the school bag),将跑鞋装了进去(stuff the trainers into it),准备在放学以后到公园跑步时试试效果(try them out)。


(Jake usually liked Thursdays at school, but that day seemed to drag on forever.)终于捱到了放学,Jake迫不及待穿上跑鞋,结果被路过的Keven 看到。

典范英语8-8Dangerous trainers原文

典范英语8-8Dangerous trainers原文

8 Dangerous trainers危险的运动鞋Thud,thud ,thudMy big brother’s got some new trainers. He wears them all the time.Thud, thud, thud! When he runs upstairs in the,m the whole house shakes. Mum shouts, ‚Stop that noise!‛My brother’s new trainers are big and puffy and purple. They’ve got soles as thick as tractor tyres.Clump, clump. He’s clumping to his bedroom. ‘Gangway!’ he shouts. I have to squash myself against the wall, so my feet don’t get crushed ‚I hate your horrible trainers!‛ I tell him.‚They’re dangerous.’ But he just clumps downstairs again. Thud, thud, thud. The front door slams. Thank goodness- he’s gone out. It’s nice and peaceful now. I can lie here on the floor and read my book.Stomp, stomp, stomp. The floor begins to tremble. Is a herd of elephants heading this way? No, it’s the new trainers. Here they come again-like great, purple, crushing machines.‚Mind my book. You’re trampling on it!‛My big brother throws himself into a chair. He props his big purple feet up on one another.‚I can’t see the telly now! It’s my favourite programme. Your trainers are in the way!‛. Mum says: ‚those new trainers are a menace! Take them off in the house. ‛But my brother says, ‚I love my new trainers. They are great, I am never going to take them off! Not ever!‛ ‚Then do up those dangly laces!‛ sighs mum. ‚You’ll break your neck!‛ But my brother just clumps outside. His long laces dangle behind him. And his monster trainers squash all the little daisies on the grass.I hate those new trainers. They should be banned. My brother even wants to go to bed in his new trainers. But mum says: ‚I’ve never heard of anything so silly. Take them off. ‛ So he climbs up to his top bunk bed. He throws down his new trainers. Whump, whump, so they land near my bottom bunk bed.Mum switches off our light. I lie in the dark and watch the dangerous trainers. They seem to be even bigger at night. They’ve got two big purple tongues that stick out at me and go, ‚Ya boo.‛ They’ve got little eyes, like a spider. The eyes are watching me back! The trainers are alive. ‚Don’t be silly,‛ I tell myself. Trainers can’t be alive.I close my eyes so I can’t see the trainers any more. Then I fall asleep. But next morning, when I wake up, the trainers have m oved. There’s no doubt about it. They are under my brother’s computer desk now. And they are neatly side by side. My big brother didn’t move them because he is still in the top bunk, snoring. You have been out, haven’t you? I wag my finger at the trainers. ‚When we were all asleep you went out on your own didn’t you?‛But the trainers don’t say a word. ‚Wait until tonight,‛ I warn them. ‚I didn’t see you go out last night because I fell asleep. But tonight I’ll stay awake. I’ll catch you, just wait and see.‛The top bunk’s creaking. My big brother’s waking up.A life of their own‚Your trainers are alive,‛ I tell him. ‚They go out at night on their own, without you. You know those little metal holes where you put your laces? Well, they aren’t lace holes. They’re eyes. Your trainers have got lots of eyes, like spiders. Did you know that? And they’ve got big slurpy purple tongues. ‛But my brother just groans ‚you do talk a load of rubbish!‛ Then he turns over and goes back to sleep. Those trainers are getting me really mad. They’re wrecking my things. Today I found my crayons mashed into the carpet.‚you shouldn’t have left them on the floor,‛ said my brother.But I bet those trainers did it. Clump, clump, clump. You can’t get away from them. You can hear them all over the house. ‚Who squashed this chewing gum into the carpet?‛ shouts mum.‚it’s these trainers,‛ says my big brother. ‚I haven’t got used to them yet.‛ they’re so big and heavy I can’t control them. They keep treading on things! ‚Don’t be silly,‛ says mum. ‚It’s your fault, not your trainers. You’re talking as if your trainers have a life of their own.‛Mum doesn’t know it. But she’s exactly right. Those trainers do have a life of their own. They have a secret life. They go out at night, on their own when we’re all asleep. They must do, mustn’t they? How else could they be in a different place by morning?Tonight I’m going to prove it. I’m going to prove it. I’m going to follow those trainers and see where they go. I’m going to spy on them.It’s night time. It must be very late because the house is quiet. Mum and dad are in bed. But I’m not asleep. I’m watching those trainers, like I said I would.It’s hard work. My eyes keep closing. ‚Don’t fall asleep!‛ I whisper to myself. ‚Stay awake!‛The trainers are behaving themselves so far. They haven’t moved at all. But their spider eyes are glittering in the dark. I don’t trust them. They’re very sneaky. As soon as I close my eyes they’ll be off, on their own. But my eyelids are so heavy. My head is dropping down. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.The trainers are on the move! I knew it. I knew they had a secret life. They’re marching down the stairs. Clump, clump,clump. What if they wake up mum and dad? But they don’t. Even though they’re making an awful din. I sli p out of bed and follow them. I tip-toe down the stairs in my bare feet.At the bottom of the stairs the trainers stop. They look around. ‚Ah ha,‛ I think. ‚You’re trapped now. The front door is locked.‛ but the trainers aren’t trapped. Have you ever seen a hamster squeeze through a tiny space? The trainers can do that. They squeeze, like purple toothpaste, though the letter box. First one, then the other.Oh no, they’re escaping. I look out through the glass bit in the front door. They’re stomping down the garden path! I turn the key in the front door and let myself out. Mum would go mad if she knew. It’s very late. There’s a big silver moon in the sky. And I’m out here in the garden, in my pyjamas.But I’m on a mission. I’m finding out all about the secret life of trainers. I’m finding out what they do when we’re all asleep. I hide behind a bush and spy on them. At first, they look very innocent. They’re walking around the garden in the moonlight. Just walking.‚That’s not dangerous, ‛I think, ‚They’re just out for a walk, that’s all. A walk in the moonlight.‛ but no. A moth flies by. And suddenly, the trainers spring into action. One of them throws out a lace like a lasso.Got it! The moth flutters. But it can’t get free. Then the big purple tongue flicks o ut and, gulp, the moth is gone. I can’t believe it! The trainers aren’t taking a walk. They’re hunting. Hunting for things to eat. My brother’s trainers are carnivorous!They’re very good hunters. They guzzle everything in sight. A shiny black beetle trund les across the grass. He doesn’t stand a chance. Flick goes the lace and he’s dragged into the trainer’s purple throat. Crunch, crunch. ‚Burp!‛ goes the trainer.A worm pops its head up. Wham! Goes a trainer and stomps on it. The other trainer licks it up with its tongue. The trainers sniff the air. They’re looking for something else to gobble. I hear a rustling in the bushes. A baby mouse pops out its pink nose. Oh no! The trainers’ eyes gleam at each other. They stay very, very quiet. They’re waiting. The baby mouse darts out of the grass. ‚Run, mouse, run!‛ I shout, ‚You’re in deadly danger. The trainers will gobble you up! Run for your life!‛Leave them alone!But the baby mouse doesn’t hear me. He doesn’t know what danger he’s in. He doesn’t know about the carnivorous trainers.He pitter-patters nearer, nearer. Fast as you can blink, the laces flick out. He’s tied up like an Egyptian mummy! A big purple tongue slides out and -- ‚will you stop shouting?‛ says my brother. ‚I’m trying to get some sleep!‛ I sit up in bed. ‚I saw them. I saw your trainers. They were out in the garden hunting. They crunch beetles. They lick up worms. They tied a baby mouse up like a mummy. ‛‚what? ‛ says my brother, rubbing his eyes. ‚Did you say a baby mouse?‛ ‚Yes,‛ I cry. ‚And I can prove it. Look, they’re not where you left them, are they? They’re in a different place!‛My brother looks down from the top bunk bed. The trainers aren’t where he threw them. They’re neatly side by side, next to the book case. Mum switches on the light. ‚What’s the matter? Who was shouting?‛ ‚He was,‛ says my brother, pointing at me. ‚He’s being silly, as usual. He says he saw my trainers try to eat a baby mouse. He says they’ve been out in our garden hunting!‛ ‚Well, why have they moved over there? I shout at him.‛ ‚They weren’t there when we went to sleep. That proves they’ve been out somewhere.‛ ‚Oh, that,‛ says mum. ‚I moved them. I always come in when you’re asleep and tidy up a bit. Haven’t you noticed how this bedroom’s always neat and tidy when you wake up?‛‚no,‛ says my brother. ‚But I saw them,‛ I tell Mum. ‚I saw them out in the garden just now. They were munching a moth!‛‚you just had a bad dream,‛ says Mum. ‚That’s all.‛ and she switches off the light. ‚Are you still awake?‛ I ask my brother, in the dark. ‚Yes,‛ comes a voice from the top bunk. ‚I did see them,‛ I tell him. ‚Honestly, it wasn’t a dream. I should watch out of I were you. I wouldn’t put my feet in those trainers. Not for a million pounds. They might nibble your toes. They might gobble your feet.‛‚just go to sleep,‛ says my brother. But he sounds a bit worried.The next day the house is very quiet. No thud, thud. No clump, clump. I can walk around in my bare feet. I can lie on the floor and read my book. Where are the big, purple,mouse-guzzling trainers? ‚I left them on the bus,‛ says my brother.Mum goes mad. ‚They were brand-new trainers. They cost a lot of money.‛ ‚Sorry,‛ says my brother. ‚It was an accident. Honest it was.‛Mum phones the bus company. Nobody’s seen a pair of big, puffy, purple trainers with soles like tractor tyres. ‚I can’t understand it.‛ says Mum. ‚There’s no sign of them. They can’t have walked off the bus by themselves.‛My brother and I look at each other. But we daren’t grin because mum’s in a bad mood. Keep your eyes open. One of these days, you might see a pair of big purple trainers. You might see them in the moonlight clump注释Thud (脚步声)噔My big brother's got… 我哥哥有… all the time 一天到晚in them 穿着它们shakes 震动;晃动Stop that noise! 别在那儿制造噪音了!puffy 圆鼓鼓的purple 紫色的They've got soles as thick as = Their soles are as thick as 鞋底厚得像,鞋底有…那么厚tractor tyres 拖拉机外带Clump 嗑啷clumping to his bedroom 嗑啷嗑啷地走向卧室Gangway! 让开!squash myself against the wall 把自己紧贴在墙上so my feet don't get crushed 免得脚被踩扁hate 讨厌horrible 可怕的,恐怖的slams 砰地关上了Thank goodness 谢天谢地lie 躺Stomp 咚咚(跺脚声)tremble 颤抖a herd of elephants 一群大象heading this way 正朝这边走来crushing machines 碾压机Mind my,book.小心我的书。



顶级跑鞋读后感英语作文1After reading the content about top running shoes, I was deeply impressed and had a lot of thoughts. The book introduced the advanced technologies incorporated in these running shoes, which completely changed my perception of sports equipment. For instance, the description of the lightweight and shock-absorbing materials used in the shoes made me realize how these innovations can enhance an athlete's performance and reduce the risk of injuries.The stories of athletes achieving excellent results while wearing top running shoes were truly inspiring. It made me understand that having the right equipment is not the sole key to success, but it can provide a significant boost to one's confidence and potential. One particular story that stood out was about an athlete who overcame numerous obstacles and set a new record with the help of these exceptional shoes. This story taught me that determination and the right tools can lead to remarkable achievements.In conclusion, this reading has not only broadened my knowledge about running shoes but also motivated me to pursue my goals with more enthusiasm and the belief that proper equipment can assist in achieving greater heights. It has made me more passionate about sports and the pursuit of excellence.2After reading about top running shoes, I was deeply impressed by the combination of innovation and quality they represent. The book detailed the numerous design innovations that have revolutionized the running shoe industry. For instance, the use of advanced materials to provide better shock absorption and support has not only enhanced the performance of athletes but also made me realize the significance of innovation. It's not just about making something new; it's about improving and perfecting to reach the ultimate goal.The story of the brands behind these top running shoes is also inspiring. They faced countless challenges and difficulties but persisted with their pursuit of excellence. Their determination and hard work taught me that when facing hardships in life, giving up is never an option. Only by persevering and constantly striving for improvement can we overcome obstacles and achieve success.In conclusion, the world of top running shoes has opened my eyes to the power of innovation and the value of persistence. It has motivated me to embrace challenges with a positive attitude and to never stop pursuing higher quality and greater achievements in my own life.3After reading about top-level running shoes, I was deeply moved andgained a lot of insights. The book not only introduced the advanced technology and design of these shoes but also conveyed a spirit of pursuing excellence and constantly challenging limits.It made me start to pay attention to the choice of running shoes and its impact on my sports performance. Previously, I never realized that a pair of suitable running shoes could make such a big difference. For example, the cushioning and support provided by good running shoes can reduce the risk of injury and improve endurance.The spirit represented by top-level running shoes also inspired me to keep surpassing myself in sports. Every time I feel tired and want to give up during running, I think of those top runners who never stop pursuing higher goals with the help of excellent equipment. This makes me gather my strength and continue to move forward.In conclusion, this reading has had a profound impact on my sports life. It has made me more aware of the importance of equipment and the spirit of never giving up, and I am determined to apply these lessons to my future sports journey.4After reading the book about top running shoes, I was deeply impressed by the seamless integration of sports and technology. The book vividly depicted how the technological elements in these running shoes have revolutionized the performance of athletes. For instance, theadvanced cushioning systems not only provide better shock absorption but also enhance the energy return, allowing runners to cover longer distances with less fatigue. The lightweight and breathable materials used in the shoes have significantly reduced the burden on athletes' feet, enabling them to move more freely and nimbly.This has sparked my anticipation for the future development of sports technology. I can envision a future where sports equipment becomes even more intelligent and personalized, tailored precisely to each athlete's unique physical characteristics and training needs.In my own daily exercise routine, I have also attempted to apply some of the technological concepts from the book. I pay more attention to the choice of shoes, considering factors such as sole design and material quality. This has undoubtedly improved my running experience and performance.Overall, this book has broadened my horizons and made me realize the immense potential of the fusion of sports and technology. I believe that in the years to come, this synergy will continue to drive new breakthroughs in the field of sports, enabling athletes to reach greater heights and ordinary people like me to enjoy a more fulfilling and efficient exercise experience.5After reading about the top-notch running shoes, I was deeply impressed and enlightened. The book not only showcases the exquisitecraftsmanship and advanced technology behind these shoes but also reveals their profound cultural and social values.The top running shoes represent the leading role of high-end manufacturing culture in the industry. Their design and production process are the result of continuous innovation and pursuit of excellence. For instance, the use of cutting-edge materials and precise manufacturing techniques ensures both comfort and performance, setting new standards for the entire sports shoe market. This promotes the development and progress of the industry, making people realize the importance of quality and innovation.Moreover, these top running shoes have a positive impact on shaping the social sports trend. They have become a symbol of a healthy and active lifestyle, inspiring more people to participate in sports. Many people are attracted by the stylish appearance and excellent performance of these shoes and start to embrace running and other sports activities. This has not only improved people's physical fitness but also enhanced the sense of community and interaction among people.In conclusion, the top running shoes are not just a pair of shoes, but a carrier of culture and a driving force for social change. They remind us of the pursuit of quality and the importance of a positive lifestyle.。














典范英语9顶级跑鞋的环境描写(实用版)目录1.引言2.典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋的概述3.环境描写的重要性4.典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋中的环境描写5.环境描写的作用和效果6.结论正文【引言】在文学作品中,环境描写是一个重要的手法,它能够增强作品的真实感和立体感,让读者更加深入地理解和体验作品中的情节和人物。

典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋就是一部巧妙运用了环境描写的作品。

【典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋的概述】典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋是一部介绍顶级跑鞋的英语教程,它通过详细的描述和精准的英语表达,让读者了解到了顶级跑鞋的各种特性和优势。


在典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋中,环境描写被用于增强作品的真实感和立体感。

【典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋中的环境描写】在典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋中,作者通过对跑鞋的产地、制作过程、销售地点等环境进行描写,让读者能够更加真实地了解到顶级跑鞋的各种特性和优势。



【环境描写的作用和效果】通过环境描写,典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋成功地营造出一种真实和立体的氛围,让读者能够更加深入地理解和体验作品中的情节和人物。


【结论】总的来说,典范英语 9 顶级跑鞋是一部巧妙运用了环境描写的英语教程,它通过详细的描述和精准的英语表达,让读者了解到了顶级跑鞋的各种特性和优势。

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Chapter 2-5 Build-up
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 What happened?
Chapter 4&5
It won’t prove anything!
Chapter 6-8 Climax
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 The first:
• On page 42, it says “whatever happened, it was up to him, not the trainers”. So as for Jake, what’s the real meaning of the race?
• In your opinion, what’s the real meaning of a sports game?
you will get the equipment, how you will find out what it does, what decision you will have to make and what will happen when someone steals and uses the special equipment.
Which brand?
Who? What?
Plot Analysis
Chapter 1 The perfect trainers Chapter 2 Kevin Beadle Chapter 3 Jake tries them out Chapter 4 Anna works it out Chapter 5 ‘It won’t prove anything’ Chapter 6 Jake makes up his mind Chapter 7 Where are the trainers? Chapter 8 The big race Chapter 9 The trainers get their own back Chapter 10 Back to whenever
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Reading aloud
Chapter 4:
• Anna • Jake • Narrator
• What would happen if anyone could easily win a game?
Jake: lost the game but realized the true meaning of winning Anna: to read a thriller next instead of time travel books
Chapter 6-8
Chapter 4-5
• Do you remember the Olympic slogan? What does it tell us?
• How do you view winning and losing?
Character Analysis
Vocabulary Development
Run fast
• rupter 6-8
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Introduction
‘You can’t just take them. They’re not yours.’
‘These will give me a chance.’ ‘I’m going to try them out in the park after school.’
Who? What for?
But Jake?
Chapter 9-10 Resolution
The trainers: got angry and punished Beadle
Beadle: got punished and turned the trainers in
Mariah and Luther: went back to their time with the trainers
• reached top
• leapt into the air
• soared high over
• sprinted to the front
• made their final charge
• Write a story that follows the pattern of The Ultimate Trainers. Firstly make notes to show
• whizz by • zoom around, • flash by
Running race
• do warm-up stretches
• do four laps
• set out at a light jog • picked up speed
• set off at an amazing • pushed on
• Write a summary of this story in no less than 150 words.