



三大索引收录期刊土建类三大索引收录期刊(中外文)(土木建筑与市政工程类)一、《SCI》收录的外国科技期刊(注:有“*”同时被《EI》收录)1、860B0001 ISSN 0885-7024 IF: 0、059Civil Engineering. 《土木工程杂志》, 1930. 12/yr. American Society of Civil Engineering., 1801 Alexander Graham Bell Dr., Reston, VA 20191, USA.Tel: 703 295 6000Fax: 703 295 6211/doc/795406191.html,/ceonline/newce.html2、 860B0002-03 ISSN 0733-9399 IF: 0、710 “*”Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE. 《工程力学杂志》,12/yr.Editor: Stein Sture, University of Colorado.E-mail: sture@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,/journals/edem. html/doc/795406191.html,3、 860B0002-04 ISSN 0733-9372 IF: 0、681 “*”Journal of Environmental Engineering.《环境工程杂志》,1965. 12yr.ASCE-AMER Soc Civil Engineering, 345, E 47th St, New York, NY,10017-2398.Tel: 703 295 6000Fax: 703 295 6211/doc/795406191.html,/newjour/j/msg 02722.html/doc/795406191.html,/eco/4、 860B0002-05 ISSN 1090-0241 IF: 0、517 “*”Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering.《土木技术与地质环境工程杂志》,1956. 12/yr. ASCE-AMER Soc Civil Engineering, 345, E 47th St, New York, NY, 10017-2398./doc/795406191.html,/gto/5、 860B0002-06 ISSN 0733-9429 IF: 0、690 “*”Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 《水力工程杂志》,1873. 12/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive,Reston, VA20190-4400, USA./doc/795406191.html,/hyo//doc/795406191.html,/newjour/j/msg 02724.html6、860B0002-07 ISSN 0733-9437 IF:0、349 “*”Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 《灌溉与排水工程杂志》,1956. 6/yr. ASCE-AMER Soc Civil Engineers, 345 E 47th St,New York, ny, 10017-2398./doc/795406191.html,/7、 860B0002-08 ISSN 0733-9402 IF: 0、235 “*”Journal of Energy Engineering. 《能源工程杂志》,1873. 3/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive,Reston, VA20190-4400, USA/doc/795406191.html,/eyo/8、 860B0002-09 ISSN 0733-9445 IF: 0、732“*”Journal of Structural Engineering.《结构工程杂志》,1873. 12/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive,Reston, VA20190-4400, USA.E-mail: daved@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,/journals/st.htm l/doc/795406191.html,/sto/9、 860B0002-13 ISSN 0733-950X IF: 0、519 “*”Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering.《航道、港口、海岸与海洋工程杂志》,1973. 6/yr. American Society of CivilEngineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA20190-4400, USA.ED: ASCE Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Division./doc/795406191.html,/wwo/10、 860B0002-14 ISSN 0733-9496 IF: 0 、619“*”Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 《水资源规划与管理杂志》,6/yr. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Graham Bell Dr., Reston, VA 20190, USA.Tel: 703 295 6000Fax: 703 295 6211ED: ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division./doc/795406191.html,/wro/11、 860B0002-17 ISSN 0887-381X IF: 0、310 “*”Journal of Cold Regions Engineering. 《寒冷地区工程杂志》,1987. 4/yr. American Society of Civil Engineers, JournalsProduction Services Dept.1801 Alexander Bell Dr. Reston, VA20190-4400, USA./doc/795406191.html,/cro/12、 860B0002-18 ISSN 0887-3801 IF: 0、627“*”Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.《土木工程计算杂志》,1987. Dr. William J. Rasdorf, North Carolins State University, Department of Civil Engineering, Campus Box 7908, Raleigh, NC 27695-7908.Tel: (919) 515 7637Fax: (919) 515 7908E-mail: rasdorf@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,/jcce/jcce.htm13、 860C0004 ISSN 0016-8505 IF:0、714“*”Geotechnique.《土工》, 1948. 6/yr. Thomas Telford Services Ltd, Thomas Telford House, 1 Heron Quay, London, England, E14 4jd.14、 860C0005-1 ISSN 0965-089X IF:0、036“*”Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering.《土木工程师学会会报:土木工程》,1992. 4/yr. Institution of Civil Engineering, 1-7 George Street, London SW1P 3AA, UK./doc/795406191.html,ask.ca/ejournal s/09/6/0965-089x.html15、 860C0005-2 ISSN 0965-0911 IF:0、179“*”Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering: Structures andBuildings.《土木工程师学会会报:结构与建筑》,1992. 4/yr.Institution of Civil Engineering, 1-7 George Street, London SW1P 3AA,UK /doc/795406191.html,ask.ca/16、 860C0005-3 ISSN 0965-092X IF:0、170“*”Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport.《土木工程师学会会报:运输》,1992. 4/yr. Thomas Telford Services Lid, ThomasTelford House, 1 Heron Quay, London, England, E14 4jd. UK.ED: Institute of Civil Engineering.E-mail:ttjournal@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,ask.ca/ejournal s/09/6/0965-092x.html17、 860C0005-4 ISSN 0965-0946 IF:0、405“*”Proceedings of the Instutiton of Civil Engineering: Water, Maritime and Energy.《土木工程师学会会报:水、海洋与能源》,1992. 4/yr.Institution of Civil Engineers, 1-7 George Street, London SW1P 3AA, UK./doc/795406191.html,ask.ca/ejournal s/09/6/0965-0946.htmlProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer.《土木工程师学会会报:市政工程师》,1985. 4/yr. Institution of CivilEngineering, 1-7 George Strcct, London SW1P 3AA, UK./doc/795406191.html,ask.ca/19、 860C0067 ISSN 0360-1323 IF:0、492Building & Environment.《建筑与环境》,1965. 6/yr. Centre forExperimental & Numerical Thermoflow, Department of MechanicalEngineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiteit van Pretoria,0001Pretoria, South Atrica.Fax: 00 27 12 362 5310E-mail:********************ED: E. MathewsE-mail:********************.ac.zahttp://www.elsevier.nl20、 860NA001 ISSN 0351-1468 IF:0、247“*”Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering/Revue Canadienne de GenieCivil.《加拿大土木工程杂志》,1974. 6/yr. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0R6, Canada.Tel: 613 952 7214http://www.elsevier.nl21、 860NA056 ISSN 0008-3647 IF:0、357“*”Canadian Geotechnical Journal.《加拿大土木杂志》,1963. 6/yr. Natl Research Council Canada, Research Journals, Montreal Rd, Ottawa, Canada, K1a 0r6.http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/rp/rp2_contact_e.html22、 860 ISSN 0733-947XTransportation Engineering Journal of ASCE.《美国土木工程协会交通工程学报》,6/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Kumares C. Sinha, Purdue Unive4rsity. The American Society of Civil Engineering, Journals Production SerivcesDept., Reston, VA 20190-4400/doc/795406191.html,23、 861B0005 ISSN 0889-3241 IF:0、435“*”ACI Structural Journal.《美国混凝土学会结构杂志》,1929. 6/yr.Engineering Department ACI International, 38800 CountryClub Drive,Farrnington Hills, MI 48331.Tel: (248) 848 3746Fax: (248) 848 3720E-mail:sbarshtz@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,/journals/journ als.htmGeotechnical Testing Journal.《土工试验杂志》,1978. 4/yr.Amer Soc Testing Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Dr, W Conshohocken,PA, 19428-2959./doc/795406191.html,/gtj/25、 861B0149 ISSN 0889-325X IF:0、503“*”ACI Materials Journal.《美国混凝土学会材料杂志》,1929. 6/yr.Engineering Department ACI International, 38800 Country Club Drive,Farnington Hills, MI 48331.Tel: (248) 848 3746Fax: (248) 848 3720E-mail:sbarshtz@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,/journals/journ als.htm26、 861C0004 ISSN 0024-9831 IF:0、512“*”Magazine of Concrete Research.《混凝土研究杂志》,1949. 4/yr.Thomas Telford Ltd., Thomas Telford House, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD, UK.Tel: 0171 987 6999Fax: 0171 538 4101/doc/795406191.html,/OTHER/mc/mc cont.h27、 861C0074 ISSN 0141-0296 IF:0、415“*”Engineering Structures.《工程结构》,1978. 12/yr. Elsevier Sci Ltd,The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidington, Oxford, England, Ox5 1gb.http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/engstruct28、 861LB057 ISSN 0167-4730 IF:0、606“*”Structural Satety.《结构安全性》,1982. 4/yr. B. Ellingwood, The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Civil Enfineering, Baltimore,MD 21218, USA.http://www.elsevier.nl29、 863LD056 ISSN 0378-7788 IF:0、357Energy and Buildings.《能源与建筑》,1978. 6/yr. Editor-in-Chief:Dr. A. Meier, The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Building 90, Room 2000, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.http://www.elsevier.nl/30、 866B0003 ISSN 0003-150X IF:0、789Journal American Water Works Association.《美国自来水厂协会志》, 12/yr. Journal AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Ave., Denver, CO 80235./doc/795406191.html,/journal/journal .htmWater-Engineering & Management.《水—工程与管理》,1882. 12/yr.Scranton Gillette Communications Inc., 380 E. Northwest Highway, DesPlaines, IL 60016-2282, USA.Tel: 847 391 1000Fax: 847 390 040832、 866B0011 ISSN 0734-9041 IF:0、200“*”Journal of Fire Sciences.《防火科学杂志》,1983. 6/yr. Technomic Publ Co Inc, 851 New Holland Ave, Box 3535, Lancaster, PA, 17604./doc/795406191.html,/33、 866C0006 ISSN 0951-7359 IF:0、140Journal of The Chartered Institution of Water And EnvironmentalManagement. 《水与环境管理特许协会杂志》,1987. 4/yr. Chartered Inst Water Environmental Management, 15 John St, London, England, Wcln 2eb.34、 866C0103 ISSN 0379-7112 IF:0、548“*”Fire Safety Journal.《火灾科学》, 8/yr. Editor: D. D. Drysdale, University Of Edinburgh, Unit of Fire Safety Engineering, Department of CivilEngineering and Buildi ng Science, The King’s Buildings, Edinburgh EH93JL, UK. Official Journal of the International Society for Fire SafetyScience.http://www.elsevier.nl/35、 866TF002 ISSN 0378-4738Water Sa.《南非水杂志》,1975. 4/yr. Water Hesearch Commission,Po Box 824, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001.二、EI收录的外国科技期刊1、 860B0002-01 ISSN 0733-9364Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 《建筑工程与管理杂志》,1873. 4/yr. American Society of Civil Engineering, Editor: James E. Rowings, Lowa State University.Fax: 703-295-6211/doc/795406191.html,/journals/co.ht mlJournal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice.《工程教育与实践专业问题杂志》,1873. 4/yr. American Society of Civil Engineering, Editor: Mark Evans, US Military Academy.Fax: 703-295-6211/doc/795406191.html,/journals/ei.htm l3、 860B0002-03 ISSN 0733-9399Journal of Engineering Mechanics.《工程力学杂志》,1873. 12/yr.American Society of Civil Engineers. Editor: Stein Sture, University ofColorado.E-mail: sture@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,/journals/em.ht ml4、 860B0002-10 ISSN 0733-9453Journal of Surveying Engineering .《测量工程杂志》,1873. 4/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering.Editor: Robert C. Burtch, Ferris State University./doc/795406191.html,/journals/edsu. html5、 860B0002-11 ISSN 0733-947XJournal Transportation Engineering.《运输工程杂志》,1873. 6/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering.Editor: Kumares C. Sinha, Purdue University./doc/795406191.html,/journals/edte.h tml6、 860B0002-16 ISSN 0742-597XJournal of Management in Engineering.《工程管理杂志》,1985. 4/yr. American Society of Civil Engineers.Editor: Jeffrey S. Russell, P. E., University of Wisconsin./doc/795406191.html,/journals/edme. html7、 860B0002-19 ISSN 0887-3828Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.《建成设施性能杂志》,1987. 4/yr. American Society of Civil Engineering.Editor: Kenneth L. Carper, Washington State University./doc/795406191.html,/journals/edcf.h tml8、 860B0002-20 ISSN 0893-1321Journal of Aerospace Engineering.《航空航天工程杂志》,1988. 4/yr. American Society of Civil Engineers.Editor: Manohar P. Kamat, Georgia Institute of Technology.Email:manohar.kamat@/doc/795406191.html, /doc/795406191.html,/journals/edas/html/doc/795406191.html,/organizations/ asce/Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.《土木工程材料杂志》,1989.4/yr. Editor Board: Co-Editors: Victor C. Li, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor: J. J. Beaudoin, National Research Council, Canada./doc/795406191.html,/jcce/jcce.htm /doc/795406191.html,/journals/edmt. html10、 860B0002-22 ISSN 1084-0702Journal of Bridge Engineering.《桥梁工程杂志》, 4/yr. Carol Reese,Manager, Intrenation Products, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4400.Fax: 703-295-6278E-mail:mailto:creesr@/doc/795406191.html, UTL: /doc/795406191.html,11、 860B0002-24 ISSN 1084-0699Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.《水文工程杂志》,1996. 4/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering, USA.12、 860B0002-25 ISSN 1076-0342Journal of Infrastructure-Systems.《基础设施系统杂志》,1995. 4/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering, USA./doc/795406191.html,/JIS/editstaff.ht ml13、860B0002-28Journal of Composites for Construction.《建筑复合材料杂志》,4/yr.American Society of Civil Engineering./doc/795406191.html,/JIS/editstaff.ht ml14、 860B0005 ISSN 0891-9526ENR, Engineering News-Record.《工程新闻与记录》,1874. 52/yr./doc/795406191.html,/15、 860B0006 ISSN 0886-9685Civil Engineering Practice.《土木工程实践》, 1986. 2/yr. Boston Society Of Civil Engineering, 1 Walnut St., Boston, MA 02108, USA.16、 860B0099 ISSN 1093-9687Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastrure Engineering.《计算机辅助土木和基础结构工程》,1986. 6/yr.17、 860C0003 ISSN 0010-5317Concrete. 《混凝土》,1967. 6/yr. Concrete Society Serivces Ltd.,Framewood Rd, Wexham, Slough, SL3 6PJ, UK.Fax: 0753-66212618、 860C0005 ISSN 0307-8361Procceedings of Institution of Civil Engineering.《土木工程师协会会报》,10/yr. Institution of Civil Engineers, 1-7 George Street, LondonSW1P 3AA, UK./doc/795406191.html,/jolnew/bytitle/ index.asp19、 860C0075 ISSN 0017-4653Ground Engineering.《地面工程》,1968。






SCI,即《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index),是自然科学领域基础理论学科方面的重要的期刊文摘索引数据库。

它创建于1961年,创始人为美国科学情报研究所所长Eugene Garfield(1925.9.15)。


ISTP,即《科学技术会议录索引》(Index to Scientific & TechnicalProceedings,简称ISTP),创刊于1978年,由美国科学情报研究所编制,主要收录国际上著名的科技会议文献。



EI,即《工程索引》,(The Engineering Index,简称EI)创刊于1884年,由Elsevier Engineering Information Inc.编辑出版。



文献 为重 点收 录 对象 。其 中 , 中国建 筑 学会
编辑 出版 的 《 筑 学 报 》 其 唯 一 收 录 的 中 建 是
国大陆期 刊。A I 收录 的文 献 内容主 要包 P所
括建筑 理论 、 建筑历史 、 建筑设 计 、 内装饰 、 室 园林设 计 、 市规划及 环境研究 等领域 。 城 A I 主题索 引” M i Idx 、 名称 P 由“ ( an n e ) “ 索引 ”( a e Idx 、 主 题 词 表 ” S bet N m n e ) “ ( u jc H a ig) “ edns 和 引用 期 刊 一 览 表 ” P r dcl ( ei ia o s Idx 四部 分 组 成 。其 年 度 累 积 本 另 附 有 ne) “ 名 和 建 筑 名 索 引 ”( oi ahclad 地 T pg p i n r a
字顺 排列 。款 目著 录有 : 词 、 主题 国别/ 区、 地 建筑 名称 、 索引 号 、 论文 原 文题 名 、 文英 文 论
题名 、 建筑师 名 、 文种 、 论文作 者名 、 要及 出 提
1 《 筑文献 索引》 建 《 筑文献 索引》 T eAcic rl u— 建 ( h rht t a Pb eu
l a osIdx 简称 A I , 名《 i t n e , ci n P )原 建筑 期 刊索
引》 ( h rht trl ei i l n e , T e Acic a e u P r dc s dx) o a I
19 9 5年 易为现名 。A I 刊于 17 P创 9 2年 8月 ,
处等 。读者可 以根据 文 献 的 主题 及其 作 者 、 建筑 的设计者 、 筑 名称 等 多个 途 径查 阅某 建


• 影响范围: • 众多教学和科研单位的科研实力 • 在教学和科研中参考 • 职称评定 • 基金申报 • 奖励 • 以四大检索工具为依据
• 国家科学基金 • 青年基金 • 年度百篇优秀博、硕士论文评选 • 申报等活动也以四大检索工具查询结果为依据 • 尤其SCI,目前已成为国内各大院校教学科研
ISTP 科学技术会议录索引
• 创刊于 1978 年,由美国科学情报研究所
编制,主要收录国际上著名的科技会议文 献。它所收录的数据包括农业、环境科 学、生物化学、分子生物学、生物技术、 医学、工程、计算机科学 、化学、物理 学等学科。从 1990-2003 年间, ISTP 和 ISSHP( 后文将要讲到 ISSHP) 共收录了 60 , 000 个会议的近 300 万篇论文的信 息。
四大检索工具 形成与发展、检索
• 科技部下属的“中国科学技术信息研究所”从 1987 年
• 为数据源进行学术排行。由于 ISR(《科学评论索引》)
收录的论文与 SCI 有较多重复,且收录我国的论文偏 少因此1993年起不再把 ISR 作为论文的统计源。
• A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation

• 艺术与人文科学引文索引
(Index to Social &
Humanities Proc
其它世界比较著名的数据库(检 索工具)



外文文摘型数据库简介1.Ei Compendex工程索引数据库EI(The Engineering Index:工程索引)是工程技术领域的综合性检索工具,由美国工程信息中心编辑出版。



2000年8月,Ei 推出Engineering Information Village-2(简称EI Village2 或EV2)新版本,对文摘录入格式进行了改进,首次将文后参考文献列入Compemdex 数据库。

用户在EI Village2网上可检索到1884年至今的文献。

EI Village2有“简易检索(Easy Search)”、“快速检索(Quick Search)”和“高级检索(Expert Search)”三种检索方法。

检索结果显示方式有:Citation(引文)、Abstracts(摘要)或Detailed record(详细记录)格式,可以通过文摘页左下角Full-Text Links链接Elsevier、Springer等全文数据库查阅全文。

EI Village2数据库及时报道全世界工程与技术文献,为科学研究者和工程技术人员提供专业化、实用化的最新文献信息服务。



2006年12月SCI Expanded扩展版收录期刊6613种、SCI核心版收录3766种期刊。


SCI数据库检索系统有General Search(普通检索)、Cited Ref Saerch(引文检索)、Structure Search(结构检索)和Advanced Search(高级检索)四种检索方法。



三大检索工具(SCI、EI、ISTP)一.三大检索工具及相关数据库介绍'1.三大检索工具简介科技部下属的“中国科学技术信息研究所”从1987 年起,每年以国外四大检索工具SCI 、ISTP 、Ei、ISR 为数据源进行学术排行。

由于ISR(《科学评论索引》) 收录的论文与SCI 有较多重复,且收录我国的论文偏少因此,1993年起不再把ISR 作为论文的统计源。

而其中的SCI 、ISTP 、Ei 数据库就是图书情报界常说的国外三大检索工具。

SCI ,即《科学引文索引》,是自然科学领域基础理论学科方面的重要期刊文摘索引数据库。

它创建于1961 年,创始人为美国科学情报研究所所长Eugene Garfield(1925.9.15).利用它,可以检索数学、物理学、化学、天文学、生物学、医学、农业科学以及计算机科学、材料科学等学科方面自1945 年以来重要的学术成果信息;SCI 还被国内外学术界当做制定学科发展规划和进行学术排名的重要依据。

ISTP ,即《科学技术会议录索引》,创刊于1978 年,由美国科学情报研究所编制,主要收录国际上著名的科技会议文献。


从1990-2003 年间,ISTP 和ISSHP( 后文将要讲到ISSHP) 共收录了60 ,000 个会议的近300 万篇论文的信息。

Ei,即《工程索引》,创刊于1884 年,由Elsevier Engineering Information Inc. 编辑出版。

主要收录工程技术领域的论文(主要为科技期刊和会议录论文) ,数据覆盖了核技术、生物工程、交通运输、化学和工艺工程、照明和光学技术、农业工程和食品技术、计算机和数据处理、应用物理、电子和通信、控制工程、土木工程、机械工程、材料工程、石油、宇航、汽车工程等学科领域。

2.与三大检索工具相关的其它数据库介绍SSCI,即《社会科学引文索引》,创刊于1969 年,收录数据从1956 年至今;是社会科学领域重要的期刊文摘索引数据库。


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EI (The Engineering Index,工程索引)创刊 于1884年,由美国工程信息公司(The Engineering Information Inc.)编辑出版, 是一部综合性报道世界工程技术领域文献的 著名文摘检索刊物。
《科技会议录索引》(Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings,ISTP),即《科学 技术会议录索引》,也是由ISI出版,创刊于 1978 年,由美国科学情报研究所编制, 主要 收录国际上著名的科技会议文献。它所收录 的数据包括农业、环境科学、生物化学、分 子生物学、生物技术、医学、工程、计算机 科学 、化学、物理学等学科。
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⑴Web of ScienceWeb of Science中的SCI(《科学引文索引》)是自然科学领域基础理论学科方面的重要的期刊文摘索引数据库,创建于1961年,由美国科学情报研究所(ISI)编制。

利用SCI可以检索数学、物理学、化学、天文学、生物学、医学、农业科学以及计算机科学、材料科学等学科方面重要的学术成果信息;SCI 还被国内外学术界作为制定学科发展规划和进行学术排名的重要依据。

Web of Science中的SSCI(《社会科学引文索引》是社会科学领域重要的期刊文摘索引数据库。


Web of Science中的A&HCI(《艺术与人文科学引文索引》)是艺术与人文科学领域重要的期刊文摘索引数据库。


⑵ISI ProceedingsISI Proceedings中的Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S)创刊于1978年,由美国科学情报研究所编制,主要收录国际上著名的科技会议文献。


ISI Proceedings中的Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH)创刊于1979年,数据涵盖了社会科学、艺术与人文科学领域的会议文献。






《SCI》(科学引文索引,Science Citation Index)创刊于1963年,是美国科学情报研究所(ISI,)出版的一部世界著名的期刊文献检索工具。







ISI每年还出版JCR(期刊引用报告,Journal Citation Reports)。

JCR对包括SCI收录的3500种期刊在内的4700种期刊之间的引用和被引用数据进行统计、运算,并针对每种期刊定义了影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以报道。






建筑学毕业设计的外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:《Advanced Encryption Standard》文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2004.10.25系(部):建筑工程系生:陆总LYY外文文献:Modern ArchitectureModern architecture, not to be confused with Contemporary architecture1, is a term given to a number of building styles with similar characteristics, primarily the simplification of form and the elimination of ornament. While the style was conceived early in the 20th century and heavily promoted by a few architects, architectural educators and exhibits, very few Modern buildings were built in the first half of the century. For three decades after the Second World War, however, it became the dominant architectural style for institutional and corporate building.1. OriginsSome historians see the evolution of Modern architecture as a social matter, closely tied to the project of Modernity and hence to the Enlightenment, a result of social and political revolutions.Others see Modern architecture as primarily driven by technological and engineering developments, and it is true that the availability of new building materials such as iron, steel, concrete and glass drove the invention of new building techniques as part of the Industrial Revolution. In 1796, Shrewsbury mill owner Charles Bage first used his "fireproof design, which relied on cast iron and brick with flag stone floors. Such construction greatly strengthened the structure of mills, which enabled them to accommodate much bigger machines. Due to poor knowledge of iron's properties as a construction material, a number of early mills collapsed. It was not until the early 1830s that Eaton Hodgkinson introduced the section beam, leading to widespread use of iron construction, this kind of austere industrial architecture utterly transformed the landscape of northern Britain, leading to the description, πDark satanic millsπof places like Manchester and parts of West Yorkshire. The Crystal Palace by Joseph Paxton at the Great Exhibition of 1851 was an early example of iron and glass construction; possibly the best example is the development of the tall steel skyscraper in Chicago around 1890 by William Le Baron Jenney and Louis Sullivan∙ Early structures to employ concrete as the chief means of architectural expression (rather than for purely utilitarian structure) include Frank Lloyd Wright,s Unity Temple, built in 1906 near Chicago, and Rudolf Steiner,s Second Goetheanum, built from1926 near Basel, Switzerland.Other historians regard Modernism as a matter of taste, a reaction against eclecticism and the lavish stylistic excesses of Victorian Era and Edwardian Art Nouveau.Whatever the cause, around 1900 a number of architects around the world began developing new architectural solutions to integrate traditional precedents (Gothic, for instance) with new technological possibilities- The work of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago, Victor Horta in Brussels, Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona, Otto Wagner in Vienna and Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow, among many others, can be seen as a common struggle between old and new.2. Modernism as Dominant StyleBy the 1920s the most important figures in Modern architecture had established their reputations. The big three are commonly recognized as Le Corbusier in France, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius in Germany. Mies van der Rohe and Gropius were both directors of the Bauhaus, one of a number of European schools and associations concerned with reconciling craft tradition and industrial technology.Frank Lloyd Wright r s career parallels and influences the work of the European modernists, particularly via the Wasmuth Portfolio, but he refused to be categorized with them. Wright was a major influence on both Gropius and van der Rohe, however, as well as on the whole of organic architecture.In 1932 came the important MOMA exhibition, the International Exhibition of Modem Architecture, curated by Philip Johnson. Johnson and collaborator Henry-Russell Hitchcock drew together many distinct threads and trends, identified them as stylistically similar and having a common purpose, and consolidated them into the International Style.This was an important turning point. With World War II the important figures of the Bauhaus fled to the United States, to Chicago, to the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and to Black Mountain College. While Modern architectural design never became a dominant style in single-dwelling residential buildings, in institutional and commercial architecture Modernism became the pre-eminent, and in the schools (for leaders of the profession) the only acceptable, design solution from about 1932 to about 1984.Architects who worked in the international style wanted to break with architectural tradition and design simple, unornamented buildings. The most commonly used materials are glass for the facade, steel for exterior support, and concrete for the floors and interior supports; floor plans were functional and logical. The style became most evident in the design of skyscrapers. Perhaps its most famous manifestations include the United Nations headquarters (Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, Sir Howard Robertson), the Seagram Building (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe), and Lever House (Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill), all in New York. A prominent residential example is the Lovell House (Richard Neutra) in Los Angeles.Detractors of the international style claim that its stark, uncompromisingly rectangular geometry is dehumanising. Le Corbusier once described buildings as πmachines for living,∖but people are not machines and it was suggested that they do not want to live in machines- Even Philip Johnson admitted he was πbored with the box∕,Since the early 1980s many architects have deliberately sought to move away from rectilinear designs, towards more eclectic styles. During the middle of the century, some architects began experimenting in organic forms that they felt were more human and accessible. Mid-century modernism, or organic modernism, was very popular, due to its democratic and playful nature. Alvar Aalto and Eero Saarinen were two of the most prolific architects and designers in this movement, which has influenced contemporary modernism.Although there is debate as to when and why the decline of the modern movement occurred, criticism of Modern architecture began in the 1960s on the grounds that it was universal, sterile, elitist and lacked meaning. Its approach had become ossified in a πstyleπthat threatened to degenerate into a set of mannerisms. Siegfried Giedion in the 1961 introduction to his evolving text, Space, Time and Architecture (first written in 1941), could begin ,,At the moment a certain confusion exists in contemporary architecture, as in painting; a kind of pause, even a kind of exhaustion/1At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a 1961 symposium discussed the question πModern Architecture: Death or Metamorphosis?11In New York, the coup d r etat appeared to materialize in controversy around the Pan Am Building that loomed over Grand Central Station, taking advantage of the modernist real estate concept of πair rights,∖[l] In criticism by Ada Louise Huxtable and Douglas Haskell it was seen to ,,severπthe Park Avenue streetscape and πtarnishπthe reputations of its consortium of architects: Walter Gropius, Pietro Belluschi and thebuilders Emery Roth & Sons. The rise of postmodernism was attributed to disenchantment with Modern architecture. By the 1980s, postmodern architecture appeared triumphant over modernism, including the temple of the Light of the World, a futuristic design for its time Guadalajara Jalisco La Luz del Mundo Sede International; however, postmodern aesthetics lacked traction and by the mid-1990s, a neo-modern (or hypermodern) architecture had once again established international pre-eminence. As part of this revival, much of the criticism of the modernists has been revisited, refuted, and re-evaluated; and a modernistic idiom once again dominates in institutional and commercial contemporary practice, but must now compete with the revival of traditional architectural design in commercial and institutional architecture; residential design continues to be dominated by a traditional aesthetic.中文译文:现代建筑现代建筑,不被混淆与‘当代建筑’,是一个词给了一些建筑风格有类似的特点,主要的简化形式,消除装饰等.虽然风格的设想早在20世纪,并大量造就了一些建筑师、建筑教育家和展品,很少有现代的建筑物,建于20世纪上半叶.第二次大战后的三十年,但最终却成为主导建筑风格的机构和公司建设.1起源一些历史学家认为进化的现代建筑作为一个社会问题,息息相关的工程中的现代性, 从而影响了启蒙运动,导致社会和政治革命.另一些人认为现代建筑主要是靠技术和工程学的发展,那就是获得新的建筑材料,如钢铁,混凝土和玻璃驱车发明新的建筑技术,它作为工业革命的一部分.1796年,Shrewsbury查尔斯bage首先用他的‘火’的设计,后者则依靠铸铁及砖与石材地板.这些建设大大加强了结构,使它们能够容纳更大的机器.由于作为建筑材料特性知识缺乏,一些早期建筑失败.直到1830年初,伊顿Hodgkinson预计推出了型钢梁,导致广泛使用钢架建设,工业结构完全改变了这种窘迫的面貌,英国北部领导的描述,〃黑暗魔鬼作坊〃的地方如曼彻斯特和西约克郡.水晶宫由约瑟夫paxton的重大展览,1851年,是一个早期的例子, 钢铁及玻璃施工;可能是一个最好的例子,就是1890年由William乐男爵延长和路易沙利文在芝加哥附近发展的高层钢结构摩天楼.早期结构采用混凝土作为行政手段的建筑表达(而非纯粹功利结构),包括建于1906年在芝加哥附近,劳埃德赖特的统一宫,建于1926 年瑞士巴塞尔附近的鲁道夫斯坦纳的第二哥特堂,.但无论原因为何,约有1900多位建筑师,在世界各地开始制定新的建筑方法,将传统的先例(比如哥特式)与新的技术相结合的可能性.路易沙利文和赖特在芝加哥工作,维克多奥尔塔在布鲁塞尔,安东尼高迪在巴塞罗那,奥托瓦格纳和查尔斯景mackintosh格拉斯哥在维也纳,其中之一可以看作是一个新与旧的共同斗争.2现代主义风格由1920年代的最重要人物,在现代建筑里确立了自己的名声.三个是公认的柯布西耶在法国,密斯范德尔德罗和瓦尔特格罗皮乌斯在德国.密斯范德尔德罗和格罗皮乌斯为董事的包豪斯,其中欧洲有不少学校和有关团体学习调和工艺和传统工业技术.赖特的建筑生涯中,也影响了欧洲建筑的现代艺术,特别是通过瓦斯穆特组合但他拒绝被归类与他们.赖特与格罗皮乌斯和Van der德罗对整个有机体系有重大的影响.在1932年来到的重要moma展览,是现代建筑艺术的国际展览,艺术家菲利普约翰逊. 约翰逊和合作者亨利-罗素阁纠集许多鲜明的线索和趋势,内容相似,有一个共同的目的, 巩固了他们融入国际化风格这是一个重要的转折点.在二战的时间包豪斯的代表人物逃到美国,芝加哥,到哈佛大学设计黑山书院.当现代建筑设计从未成为主导风格单一的住宅楼,在成为现代卓越的体制和商业建筑,是学校(专业领导)的唯一可接受的,设计解决方案,从约1932年至约1984 年.那些从事国际风格的建筑师想要打破传统建筑和简单的没有装饰的建筑物。



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EI (The Engineering Index,工程索引)创刊 于1884年,由美国工程信息公司(The Engineering Information Inc.)编辑出版, 是一部综合性报道世界工程技术领域文献的 著名文摘检索刊物。
《科技会议录索引》(Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings,ISTP),即《科学 技术会议录索引》,也是由ISI出版,创刊于 1978 年,由美国科学情报研究所编制, 主要 收录国际上著名的科技会议文献。它所收录 的数据包括农业、环境科学、生物化学、分 子生物学、生物技术、医学、工程、计算机 科学 、化学、物理学等学科。
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世界著名的四大检索工具(ISSHP,A&HCI,即《艺术与人文科学引文索引》等》)2009-09-22 16:25一、三大检索工具及相关数据库介绍SCI 、ISTP 、 Ei 数据库就是图书情报界常说的国外三大检索工具。

SCI ,即《科学引文索引》,是自然科学领域基础理论学科方面的重要期刊文摘索引数据库。

它创建于1961 年,创始人为美国科学情报研究所所长 Eugene Garfield(1925.9.15).利用它,可以检索数学、物理学、化学、天文学、生物学、医学、农业科学以及计算机科学、材料科学等学科方面自 1945 年以来重要的学术成果信息;SCI 还被国内外学术界当做制定学科发展规划和进行学术排名的重要依据。

ISTP ,即《科学技术会议录索引》,创刊于 1978 年,由美国科学情报研究所编制,主要收录国际上著名的科技会议文献。


从 1990-2003 年间, ISTP 和 ISSHP( 后文将要讲到 ISSHP) 共收录了 60 , 000 个会议的近 300 万篇论文的信息。

Ei,即《工程索引》,创刊于 1884 年,由 Elsevier Engineering Information Inc. 编辑出版。

主要收录工程技术领域的论文(主要为科技期刊和会议录论文 ) ,数据覆盖了核技术、生物工程、交通运输、化学和工艺工程、照明和光学技术、农业工程和食品技术、计算机和数据处理、应用物理、电子和通信、控制工程、土木工程、机械工程、材料工程、石油、宇航、汽车工程等学科领域。

与三大检索工具相关的其它数据库介绍SSCI,即《社会科学引文索引》,创刊于 1969 年,收录数据从 1956 年至今;是社会科学领域重要的期刊文摘索引数据库。







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工程索引 Ei
The Engineering Index
Ei是全世界“四大文献索引”之 一
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建筑工程外文文献(含翻译)外文文献:Construction of the competition and competition strategy Engineering and construction firms from the United States dominated the global market for many decades but recent world events have altered their position.To investigate the driving forces and trends that will affect engineering and construction competition in the next decade, a research project, called the "Anatomy of Construction Competition in the Year 2000", was sponsored by the Construction Industry Institute's Construc-tion 2000 Task Force- The project examined the factors that affect competitiveness, including the following, The shaping of corporate capabilities; vertical integration and horizontal expansion to increase corporate capabilities and market share, including acquisition and mergers by offshore conglomerates and the acquisition of foreign firms by U. S. companies.Financing options; the role of privatization, build-own-transfer projects, and the nature of project financing in future markets, Management, organization, and structure; future management and organizational approaches, structures, and techniques to attract personnel to perform in a global competitive environment.Work force characteristics; future availability of engineering and construction workers at the professional and craft levels.Technological issues:how technology will affect competition and be used to offset work force shortages.Research Objectives and ScopeThis research project's goal is to collect information, to adaptto the 2000 and the engineering construction after adjustment, formulate strategies needed to provide insight and formulate 2000 engineering construction of possible development plan. This study reviewed the project construction process of history, current development trend, to determine the impact of the industry, and the impetus to the future industrial enterprises are related to reshape the ability, privatisation and financing methods of potential function and management, organization structure, methods for future development direction.Research scope includes selected some of the company, the company has interviewed expertise personnel. The staff professional wide range, including commercial buildings, public buildings, industrial infrastructure, infrastructure construction, power, light industry. The production process and space science. Engineering construction competitive characteristics Engineering construction of competition because the following reasons in change features:In the 1980s, and plan in the 1990s, the implementation of theproject construction are guided from contradictory situation, to cooperate.Should be in a positive view of the new company to enter the international market, because of its construction increased global cooperation opportunities. Cooperation will make all the partners, because the American company benefit can be found in the country partner, likewise, foreign companies opportunities will break into the U.S. Market.Competitive strategyFuture strategyIn 2000, the company will strive to do:Provide the highest quality serviceCan assume any part of the worldIn order to reduce the split ground and risk controlOut in international market the most competitive priceIn order to achieve the ideal, engineering construction should be: Increase staff capital investmentThe knowledge and improve labor technology levelHave solid complete communications and transport infrastructure Concentrate on key research, product quality is guaranteed, fine, and arouse the enthusiasm of the workers, improve workers technology level.The 21st century is the main factor fractal ring will compete in the international market, including the integration of productivity, union salary to abate, reduce the power industry management and privatization.American company competition ability, largely depends on developing and effective use of technical innovation. American companies need not only use the technical innovation, domestic by other countries optimization improved technology. In the future will be popular technology innovation will not some big breakthrough, but the existing technology continuous improvements.British buildings company profileIn the early 1990s, the head of the flexible builders who don't make a building, but what else can do, making many buildings company suffered a serious blow the economic depression, experienced and excessive expansion of real estate industry also. But, when he saw them in the real estate industry (in the big money, most of them in order to disencumber the bet down again in the real estate market. By Alan cosmas indicopleustesunder the leadership of Mr. Shaw ai enjoy in the old field company Merck's reputation can earn cash on the balance sheet, and can keep the balance. However, in some areas of the world, the company also man a dilemma, especially in the United States, the change from a Louisiana oil and natural gas market of recession, it is especially outstanding in Britain, the commercial and industrial real estate market, the company is faced with a difficult situation, with profits. And it also became worse. The company's development, walid UK early 1990s third big house builders, probably because London suburb will have a copy from the era of George sell buildings of former prime minister Margaret thatcher and world-famous. The company's character, chairman of the unique Laurie walid from Mr Often "give" iron lady public support. The approximate mythological blessing that he seemed destined to enjoy. In fact, the company also is different, the influence of the housing slump is strong in Laurie, under the leadership of the company now recover its stronger towards the financial status. Laurie retired charge again situation (1991 fall after his retirement he restored to the company recalled). As most of its business competitors, the industry in different market also suffered a serious blow, although the slump in 1993, the company is beginning to improve long-term credit rating IBCA institution of the first buildings company business development for a while. John, the company is different, have very good to withstand the latest world construction difficulties. They have abundant capital, clearly recognized that they have greatly reduced the book value of the asset. For example, in early 1990, they in real estate in the bank delimit lost 1 £2m value. After that, they cut and labor. Despite their housing sales still quite good, but its profit isreduced. The company is in most lai attention is famous for its environmental problems.The status and the tower mike company walid special form bright contrast, in 1993, their credit rating agency reduced by IBCA. This company in the 1980s most time trying to prove to the world that they are the UK's biggest builders, the information being understanding, and either, but hopefully it never happened. They suffer from cope with high growth rate cuts, to build houses. But the company is still tower mike Britain's biggest construction and building materials group company. October 1992, they closed the real estate business, and this is the will of the seven business to three (building, quarrying and residential building) part of the plan. Michael essien, Somerville, resistant to fly, the group's President, in the company after 22 years in the spring of 1992, sit on the seat of the hot ass. People think that the housing problem of exposure, this position has arrived at the point, which including several on a company's balance sheet of the large-scale joint enterprise, joint enterprise business, actually makes corporation debts machine more. T aylor wood of real estate industry recession Royce unpleasant experiences embodied in 1992, when the estate of autumn is DanielPeter HeJi sudden resignation, it also happens in its predecessor, Peter trillion resigned after all shocked by only a few months. Home, then reverse, Taylor wood Rolls-Royce announced due to bad management, caused severe losses. Although construction contracting business increasingly important status in a recession, but company two-thirds of income from this business is. However, the company has a huge investment assets securities, rental income more than 5 year 2000 million pounds. The company has no longer conduct riskybusiness projects, at least until the situation in better later.Eastern European architectural market competition situation analysisAt present, the economic reforms of the eastern Europe, thus caused confusion of these areas of business activities with the new economic system. Experts say, analyzed from a long-term perspective, using the market economic policy will bring a more stable, and more favorable economic environment. The reform of political economy in eastern Europe will be for those who are willing to invest in this area of the company to create a lot of money but market. If you keep the momentum, before long, eastern Europe 5640 billion dollars each year for the construction of international construction market will be more than one-third of the market. This area is open to the worldsituation inaugurated a new construction.The object of studyThe goal is to establish a framework, and international engineering and construction company may formulate feasible strategy, and to evaluate the. The framework has been introduced for the project construction company outside the eastern area in the construction business is very helpful. In order to measure the market opportunities and challenges, we sent the questionnaires and interviews, the individual to identify important success factors or aspects. Thus illustrates construction company in determining their strategy must possess the characteristics. Through the research of strategic framework has been set up in this area by an actual construction, an international engineering and construction company is considering to undertake the engineering, to test this strategic framework in specific market environment effect.The research methodsBy reference to the literature, questionnaire issued a personal interview, and the research target has been achieved. This research using data from the world's major construction company. Including 13 U.S. companies, two south Korean companies.Questionnaires to collect data compiled for investigation and ensure the consistency of the content. The problem, not the way people won't produce a certain criteria. Free to answer this question, ask questions in order to guarantee the unfavorable and overmuch. Participate in the company's answer to the question, questionnaire involving the problems in three aspects:(1) the eastern architecture market opportunities and challenges,(2) the construction of key factors YangChengGong city, (3) to determine the strategic framework, construction industry should make adjustments. Each main parts attached to a set of problems under which the object of study, make clear further.Interview based on construction engineering company voluntary under the condition of the study of the company, in answerThe telephone interviews survey or separate. For these companies how to build and use their own in this area is a strategic framework, if the researchers believe that the method is feasible, and they put main skills assembly written. By visiting personnel to answer questions, what is eastern architecture market success factor ? The important factor in his company is a positive or negative impact? What effect? Researchers also collected from international architectural engineering, as well as a lesson in later in the project of measures have been taken.The future trend of real estate investmentHousing has been the most important in the modern life of demand.Families with more spacious and comfortable housing demand has increased, and hope to have more disposable income in the house. As a result, households residential become very expensive. In addition, the new population statistics show that currently existing housing needs to sell the house of points, recreational property and retiree community. Commercial and industrial real estate investment is also very good. In order to judge what real estate market within the scope of comparative spruce, analyzed the market is very important. However, many investment prospects are very optimistic.The feasibility of the economy, the future of the investment real estate showing strong. But in general economic conditions, also do not exclude it "low" period. If investors can develop a safety strategy, so they will get considerable income. These strategies including effective operation and management, analyzes the problem, real estate and correct treatment, the contradiction between the owner and the occupiers and understand the role of investment and investment project, the influence of the government in property. The real estate investor can dominate the market this problem with real estate income has more than ordinary shares, the problem is an old problem. Actually no reason to believe that an investor can use the same market information and analytical skills in long-term operation can obtain excess profit. However, using internal message, data analysis and complex analysis method, so investors will probably make a better choice than its competitors. According to the real estate market, real estate investment process for investment and reduce costs "and" obtain goodresults provide the opportunity of investors.We know "lucky" or luck may produce short-term abnormal returns. We even have a few people because of good news to avoid "seek more expensive and succeed. Although a few of these people, they have intuition according to the real estate investment process. If you have the talent, don't study also to investment.The types of real estate investment in real estate investment is residence though relatively common form, and some properties of future investors have quite attractive. In each of the different fields during, and residential areas including real estate, commercial real estate, industrial real estate, agriculture, such as golf, and real estate and other special purposes. Although effective analysis skills necessary to investment projects with enlarged and complex and increasing, but the basic skills and real estate investment process remains unchanged.But the real income in accordance with the income level can rent levels and geographical location and according to the classification. The position of urban real estate value economic influence the effect of economic environment, so the analysis is very important. However, some places of the land clearly more suitable for specific purposes. For example, in the development of new urban residential area, the land may be too expensive, is not suitable for the development of low density garden project. Because it is so hard to use accurate way to predict future events, forecast and actual differences between the results may cause some serious problems. Overestimates rent rate or future price, low operation cost estimates, or to determine equipment renewal fee will cause serious cash flow problems. Fail to fulfill debt obligations or real estate tax lien may be compelledto cancel. All these things are closely related with investors.中文译文:建筑业的竞争及竞争策略美国的工程建筑公司几十年来一直控制着国际建筑市场,但近来世界上发生的事件改变了它的主导地位。



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摘 要 基于建筑学定义及其学科范围,根据目前有关检索工具利用现状,简要介绍四种国外著名的建筑学文献及其相关索引。
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建筑学作为国家89个一级学科之一,其下设有建筑历史与理论、建筑设计及其理论、城市规划与理论(含:风景园林规划与设计)、建筑技术科学等4个二级学科。基于建筑学学科在欧美一般归类于艺术类,因而仅凭《科学引文索引》(SCI)、《科学技术会议录索引》(ISTP)及《工程索引》(Ei)三大检索工具很难检全国外建筑学文献,尽管《艺术与人文科学引文索引》(A&HCI)可以部分地替代,但与英国的《建筑文献索引》(API)、美国的《埃维利建筑期刊索引》(Avery Index)及《艺术索引》(Art Index)等相比,则有诸多差异。
Avery图书馆是世界上最广泛收藏建筑及其相关文献的图书馆之一。目前其馆藏达40余万册,其中期刊为1000余种,我国的《建筑学报》、《世界建筑》及《城市规划》等建筑学期刊均被其于近年收藏。Avery Index所收录的文献内容包括环境研究、城市规划、城市设计,建筑历史、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计、家具、装饰以及考古、古迹保护、房地产业等诸多方面;所收录的文献涉及世界各国400余种期刊,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院编辑出版的《时代建筑》是仅有被收录的中国期刊。
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《埃维利建筑期刊索引》(Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals,以下简称Avery Index),是由美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)埃维利建筑与艺术图书馆(The Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library)于1934年开始编辑出版的不定期连续出版物,1965年以后则由美国G.K. Hall正式出版。Avery Index一度由芝加哥艺术学会掌控达26年之久,2009年7月1日又重归哥伦比亚大学。目前,Avery Index电子网络版收录自1974年以来的2800余种文献资源,每周更新一次,但其使用在我国尚限于香港和台湾等地的高校。
Art Index主要收录有关城市规划、建筑历史、建筑设计、环境艺术、考古、工艺、美术及雕塑等方面的期刊、手册、图书及博物馆公报等文献。截至2010年2月22日止,Art Index共收录期刊595种,其中建筑学期刊近60种,清华大学建筑学院主办的《世界建筑》是唯一被收录的中国期刊。
Art Index主要由“主题索引”及“作者索引”构成,其款目包括题名、作者、提要等。
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1 《建筑文献索引》
《建筑文献索引》(The Architectural Publications Index,简称API),原名《建筑期刊索引》(The Architectural Periodicals Index),1995年易为现名。API创刊于1972年8月,由英国建筑图书馆(BAL)编辑,英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)以季刊形式出版。其第一卷收录时间为1972年8月至1973年12月,以后每年出一卷,其中第四期为其年度累积本,我国在加入世界贸易组织之后便停止了其影印本的出版。
1 国务院学位委员会.学科专业目录[EB/OL].教育部网专业简介,2005-6-25
2 http:∥/LibraryDrawingsAndPhotographs/RIBALibrary/RIBALibrary.aspx
4 《艺术与人文科学引文索引》
《艺术与人文科学引文索引》(Arts & Humanities Citation Index,简称A&HCI),是由原美国科学情报研究所(ISI)于1976年创刊,现隶属汤姆森公司(The Thomson Corporation)旗下的汤姆森科技信息集团。A&HCI主要收录建筑学、考古、艺术、文学、历史、哲学及宗教等领域的期刊文献,其中建筑学包括建筑历史、建筑设计、景观设计、城市规划等范围。截至2010年2月11日止,A&HCI共收录期刊1523种,包括建筑学期刊36种,其电子网络版在我国各高等院校中的引入及应用较为普遍。