
全球变暖(英语) global warming

全球变暖(英语)  global warming
Class one Maria
We can do
what is gቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱobal warming?
Global warming is the observed and projected increases in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere
Global Warming Effects: A Top 5 List
Methane emissions from animals , agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic seabeds
Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, ranking right behind CO2.When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved conditions as in rice paddies, methane is produced .
Increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on croplands
In the last half of the 20th century, the use of chemical fertilzers has risen dramatically. The high rate of application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers has effects on the heat storage of cropland and the run-off of excess fertilizers creates 'dead-zones' in our oceans.

英语作文 全球变暖_The Global Warming

英语作文 全球变暖_The Global Warming

Good morning,every one. My name is Yang Jinxia, It’s my great honor to be here to talk about the global warming problem and some ways of dealing with it.Nowadays, Global warming is becoming a serious problem.When I was a child, I can remember big snow came every year, and the weather was so cold that I couldn’t go outdoors without my scarf and hat. But these years, big snows are hard to see, and even in December, you needn’t wear too much because it’s not cold at all. The climate is changing.In my opinion, several factors contribute to it. First of all, a lot of greenhouse gas is produced by cars and factories. Furthermore, the loss of forests is another cause of global warming. Global warming will cause some harmful effects. Firstly, some islands will disappear because of the rise of sea level. Secondly, extreme weather results from global warming. When temperature rises, the production of crops will decrease. Besides, some animals and plants will disappear, thus destroying the ecosystem.So we should protect the earth from greenhouse gases. We should plant trees and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Besides, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their responsibilities. Hope our earth can become better and better.Author, Yang Jinxia。



One of the effects of global warming is the destruction of many important ecosystems.Changing and erratic climate conditions will put our ecosystems to the test, the increase in carbon dioxide will increase the problem.The evidence is clear that global warming and climate change affects physical and biological systems. There will be effects to land, water, and life. Already today, scientists are seeing the effects of global warming on coral reefs, many have been bleached and have died. This is due to warmer ocean waters, and to the fact that some species of plants and animals are simply migrating to better suited geographical regions where water temperatures are more suitable.Melting ice sheets are also making some animals migrate to better regions. This effects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live.Several climate models have been made and they predict more floods (big floods), drought, wildfires, ocean acidification, and the eventual collapse of many ecosystems throughout the world both on land and at sea.There have been forecasts of things like famine, war, and social unrest, in our days ahead. These are the types of effects global warming could have on our planet.Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss and endangerment of many species. Did you know that 30 percent of all plant and animal species alive in the world today are at risk of extinction by the year 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit.These mass extinctions will be due to a loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation, and ocean warming. Many plants and animals will also be affected by the inability to adapt to our climate warming.Some species will survive though because they will migrate to other parts of the world where they can survive. A good example of that happening is the red fox that has already done it. The red fox used to live mainly in North America, but has migrated now to the Arctic.People like you and me are also in danger, people living in coastal areas will be badly hit if sea levels rise. Desertification will also be a problem for humans, food may become scarce.One very disappointing effect of global warming is war and conflicts.With a decline in the amounts of quality food, water, and land, it could bring an increase in global security threats, and war.Take the country Sudan for example, in that region global warming has played an important role. There is conflict in Sudan, global warming is not the only cause, but it has played its part. The roots of the problem in Sudan can be traced back to climate change, and the scarcity of natural resources.The conflict in Sudan started during a time of intense drought.Scientists and military analysts are predicting that climate change and the devastation it causes could bring war and conflict. When sufficient amounts of water and food are running short that is when war can come about. What this brings to light is the fact that ecological crisis and violence are both linked.Economic calamities are another effect that global warming could bring.Take hurricane Katrina for example, one thing that climate change does is that it brings us more extreme storms like Katrina. Hurricane Katrina resulted in millions and millions of dollars in damage. When severe storms and floods occur, crops, homes, businesses, and more all fail, and that costs a lot of money, and it hurts the economy. When severe floods occur you also need to make sure that the threat of disease is controlled.Hurrican Katrina resulted in 135$ billion in property damage. That really hurt the economy that year.When severe weather does damage it can also raise the price of insurance, and this hurts the everyday person.Cleaning up a disaster area also costs a lot of money. If too many extreme storms hit in a certain time frame the impact on the economy can be disastrous.Drought is an effect of global warming that we are already seeing right now.Many countries are finding that they are currently receiving more storms and rising waters, while other countries are suffering from drought. As the climate of the Earth warms, experts from Scientific American predict that drought conditions could increase by as much as 66 percent. Drought will mean a shrinking water supply and a decrease in crops.Drought can mean a danger for global food production and supply. This also mean that several countries experiencing drought could have a major famine on their hands.Currently, India, Pakistan, and some parts of Africa are already experiencing droughts. It is sad to say but experts are predicting that it will get much worse.One important effect global warming is having on our planet, is that it is producing more intense storms and floods. When you look at the scientific data concerning storms and floods in the last 30 years, you will see that category 4 and 5 hurricanes have nearly doubled in occurence.What many people don't know or realize is that warm waters give hurricanes their strenght and power. Many scientists today are associating the increase in ocean and atmospheric temperatures to the rate of violent storms.Between the years 1905 and 2005 the frequency of hurricanes has been on the rise. From 1905 to 1930 there were an average of 3.5 hurricanes per year, 5.1 between 1931 and 1994, and 8.4 between1995 and 2005. In 2005 there was a record number of tropical storms that came about, and in 2007 the worst flooding in 60 years hit Britain. More recently, Australia has seen the worst flooding they have had in a long time.Heat waves are also an effect of global warming.It is no secret that temperatures are breaking records in the US and Canada and abroad. More extremely hot summer days are in store for North America and elsewhere if global warming continues unabated.Here are some heat waves facts for you: air pollution in urban areas could get worse with the increased heat. This could result in more people having heart attacts, strokes, and asthma attacks. Children, the elderly, poor, and people of color are more vulnerable to the effects of a heat wave.Scientists have confirmed that the frequency and duration of heat waves has definitely increased by a lot over the last 50 years.One obvious effect of global warming is the shrinking of glaciers, this is happening wherever there are glaciers worldwide.Mountain glaciers have been in retreat for a long time now as global warming continues to effect us. What many people don't realize though is that it is happening more rapidly now then previously believed.Glaciers don't only recede they also shrink vertically. The lakes this melting produces can also lead to more melting. These lakes are like a cancer that is consuming our world's glaciers.Here is a fact that may surprise you: Even if all the world's mountain glaciers were to melt, the effect on sea levels would be small. However, the disappearance of mountain glaciers would have other impacts on nature aside from raising sea levels.Global warming will also bring a rising of sea levels around the world.As glaciers and polar ice sheets melt, the sea levels will rise more and more, and the sea temperatures will also warm. This means more hurricanes, and more flooding due to the rise of the sea level.。





全球变暖英语作文带翻译篇1Recently,global warming has become a hot topic among people. It results from serious airpollution. As the environmental pollution is more and more strict, thetemperature of all the world has dramatic increased. Gradually, some disastersuch as drought, floodandGlaciers Melting follow. How terrible it is! Therefore,we need to protect our earth and fight against the disaster together.We shouldstart from the trivial side.Making contribution to protecting our home.近年来,全球气候变暖已成为人们关注的热门话题。







全球变暖英语作文带翻译篇2Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding.很多人都认为是人类活动导致了全球气温上升。


8月7日夜间,德国也打破了百年最高气温记录。 在2003年夏天,台北、上海、杭州、武汉、福州都破了当
地高温记录,而中国浙江省更快速地屡破高温记录,67个 气象站中40个都刷新记录。 2004年7月,广州的罕见高温打破了五十三年来的记录。 2005年7月,美国有两百个城市都创下历史性高温记录。 2006年8月16日,重庆最高气温高达43℃。
刘静宇 3109019009
什么是全球变暖(global warming) 全球气候变暖的背景 全球变暖的历史与预测 球变暖的原因 全球升温的后果 全球气候“变冷”还是“变暖”
全球变暖(global warming)
全球变暖指的是在一段时间中,地球大气和海洋温度 上升的现象,主要是指人为因素造成的温度上升。主 要原因很可能是因为由于温室气体(代表气体二氧化
主流科学界一致对全球变暖是越来越清楚了, 每天在改变我们的气候都是真实的,他们也 正在进行中。在20世纪末年初以来,表面平 均温度的地球增加了约0.6℃。在过去的40年 中,气温上升约0.2-0.3℃。
此外,地球正在变暖; 高山冰川也在逐渐消退; 在过去四十年里,北极冰厚度已经下跌了大 约40 % ; 全球海平面上升了约快三倍超过了 过去的100年相比在以前的3000年里。
1980年至2003年 全球主要溫室气体的趋势图
“冰球棍”温度曲线:蓝色为年平均,黑 色为50年平均,阴影为95%置信度区间
平滑后的北半球温度曲线(相对于平均 值)
全球变暖的原因很多,概括以后有以下几点: 人为因素:
1.人口剧增因素 2.大气环境污染因素 3.海洋生态环境恶化 因素 4.土地遭侵蚀、沙化等破坏因素 5.森林资源锐减因素 6.酸雨危害因素 7.物种加速灭绝因素 8.水污染因素 9.有毒 废料污染因素

全球变暖(英语) global warming

全球变暖(英语)  global warming

Disappearance of coral reefs
A report on coral reefs from WWF says that in a worst case scenario, coral populations will collapse by 2100 due to increased temperatures and ocean acidification . The 'bleaching' of corals from small but prolonged rises in sea temperature is a severe danger for ocean ecosystems, and many other species in the oceans rely on coral reefs for their survival.
Methane emissions from animals , agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic seabeds
Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, ranking right behind CO2.When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved conditions as in rice paddies, methane is produced .
Global Warming Effects: A Top 5 List
Rise in sea levels worldwide More killer storms Massive crop failures Widespread extinction of species Disappearance of coral reefs

Global Warming 全球变暖 英语作文

Global Warming 全球变暖 英语作文

Global WarmingGlobal warming is an environmental threat to the entire world that we should know about. The world is being hot day by day because of greenhouse effects and its gas. We, humans, are responsible for this. We should be aware of this. Otherwise, the world will be a place where people won’t be able to live.The level of carbon dioxide is increasing day by day. The biggest reason behind it is deforestation. We need to focus on tree plantation. If you plant more and more trees, it will add oxygen in nature and make the world a better place. Global warming is a really threatening issue right now for the entire world. The uprising level of carbon dioxide is the biggest reason for global warming. Experts are saying that the world after 100 years will be really hot, which is pretty much hard tolive for our future generation.Most of the reason behind global warming is human-made. We can solve them if we concern about the matter and take some action. We know tree takes carbon dioxide that we leave, and it’s a really dangerous element of the air for human.When there is not enough tree or plants to take our carbon dioxide, the environment get hot. So we have to handle this uprising level of carbon dioxide. We can do this only with tree plantation. We need to do some campaign and make people aware of the future. So that everyone can save themselves from the problem. Greenhouse effect and deforestation has been the biggest reason behind global warming. The earth is a beautiful place for a human, but its temperature is being high day by day. This calls ‘Global Warming’. That’s mean the entire world is being warmer. It’s not a good thing for the future.According toexpert opinion, the world after a couple of hundred years will be unable to live in the level of carbon dioxide keeps increasing. Could you imagine, how threatening is this? Our future generation is in deep danger. We have to gift them a better and safer world.There are still some solutions that could bring some changes. Climate change is one of the biggest reasons behind it. As you are following the seasons are really changing every year, they are changing their effects. Its climate change. The entire world will face this. Few counties will sink under the sea because of that effect.But still, we can prevent this if we become aware. Most of the situations are made by a human. Several types of pollution and deforestation are the main reason for global warming and climate change. We need to stop it. Everyone should startplanting more and more trees. That’s the biggest solution.。


our home, how to protect us from the bad disaster?
China had promised at Copenhagen that would cut down greenhouse gas emissions ,as Chinese, we do have so much could do. let alone as a human.
Of course many years later there is no Venice or London, the beauties? So sorry to say goodby forever.
The experiment proves that later 300 years, the sea level will soar a half rice more, yet this is still the most optimistic data. 7 years later, the world becomes warmer and have no way could converse. The worst is, melt because of ice in North Pole, the rainfall strengthens, a great deal of fresh water remits North Atlantic and break Mexican warm current, once the Mexican warm current is cut off, the northwest temperature in Europe will descend many 5-8 degrees, the influence result in thus, may cause a new glacier period very much

2022年全球变暖的英语作文_global warming 4篇

2022年全球变暖的英语作文_global warming 4篇

全球变暖的英语作文_global warming 4篇导读:关于”全球变暖“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:global warming。


关于”全球变暖“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:global warming。


高分英语作文1:global warmingIn recent years, global warming has become a hot issue of people's concern. It is caused by serious air pollution. With the increasingly serious environmental pollution, global temperature rises sharply, and disasters such as drought, flood and glacier melting also follow.Therefore, we need to protect our earth and fight against it. We should start from small things and make contributions to protect our home offer.中文翻译:近年来,全球变暖已成为人们关注的热点问题,它是由于严重的空气污染造成的,随着环境污染的日益严重,全球气温急剧上升,干旱、洪水和冰川融化等灾害也随之而来,因此,我们需要保护我们的地球并与之抗争我们应该从小事做起,为保护我们的家园做出贡献。

万能作文模板2:全球变暖Many people think that human activities cause the earth's temperature to rise. They say that global warming will have terrible consequences for our environment, such as drought and flood. What should the government do to help prevent global warming? Give your advice and reasons.The earth's temperature is changing rapidly, so thereare many climate changes, such as heat waves, droughts and floods. Scientists believe that this is human activity As a result, if governments don't take action to help prevent global warming, it could be a disaster. They can act in three ways: supporting research, laws and the public aware of the situation first.s can support research. For example, they should encourage companies to develop less polluting cars. They should also support alternative energy sources for wind and water Instead of oil and coal, they should organize meetings to discuss the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions.Second, they should enact laws to limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies emit. Private companies should be rewarded for complying with these laws, and they should be punished for creating pollution. Finally, everyone is affected by global warming.Therefore, the government should involve individuals in the problem-solving process, which is very important to encourage families to use more efficient light bulbs or less hot water to save energy as much as possible. They should also encourage the public to recycle, which is mandatory for everyone. Another way to save energy is through the public transport .The government should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to summarize energy conservation. Obviously, the government can do a lot to prevent global warming. They should involve companies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the earth.中文翻译:许多人认为人类活动导致地球温度升高,他们说全球变暖将对我们的环境造成可怕的后果,例如旱灾和水灾应该做些什么来帮助防止全球变暖给你的建议给出理由地球温度正在迅速变化,因此出现了很多气候变化,如热浪、干旱和洪水科学家认为这是人类活动的结果,如果不采取行动来帮助防止全球变暖,这可能会成为一场灾难他们可以通过三种方式采取行动:支持研究、制定法律和让公众首先了解情况,可以支持研究,例如,他们应该鼓励公司开发污染更少的汽车,他们还应该支持风能和水的替代能源,而不是石油和煤炭,他们应该组织会议讨论温室气体排放的影响和可能的解决方案第二,他们应该制定法律公司排放温室气体的数量公司应该因为遵守这些法律而受到奖励,他们也应该因为制造污染而受到惩罚。

Global Warming(英汉双译)

Global Warming(英汉双译)

六盘水师范学院 10级化工班主讲:陆儒锦Global Warming1.What Causes Global WarmingWhat is really causing the global warming and effects of global warming we're beginning to see worldwide是什么原因导致全球变暖什么是真正导致全球变暖和全球变暖所带来的影响我们开始看到世界.Effects of Global WarmingSerious Effects of Global Warming Already Have Begun, says effects of global warming in the 21st century and beyond are expected to be disastrous, according to of a scientific report issued on April 6, 2007 by the world’s leading panel of climate chang e scientists. And many of those changes are already under way. no person on Earth will escape its consequences. The effects of global warming will be felt in every region and at all levels of society. therefore, in some sense, this does become a global responsibility.全球变暖的严重影响。

气委会表示,全球变暖这样严重的影响已开始. 在21世纪及以后的全球变暖的影响,预计将是灾难性的,根据2007年4月6日气候变化的科学家小组发出的全球领先的科学总结报告,许多这些变化已在进行之中。

Global Warming演示文稿

Global Warming演示文稿
Global warming意思是全球变暖。

the raise of population人口剧增

大力发展植树造林,加强生态建设保护 实施计划生育,有效控制人口增长



美国欲建“空中森林” 缓解全球变暖
美国一家公司日前设计出一种革命性摩天大楼, 通过在距地面数百英尺处种植常青树,吸收危险 污染物,将造成气候变暖的二氧化碳转变为可以 呼吸的氧气。唯一的外部能量需要是一部运送维 护人员上下的电梯。这个摩天大楼可以吸收二氧 化碳,进而增加大气层中给予生命的氧气量。 此外,整栋建筑还将让附近居民和动物受益, 堪称一把为他们遮挡炽热阳光的保护伞。
2. 地球升温使地球上的绿色植物生长旺盛,其光合 作用比地球升温前吸收了更多的二氧化碳(温室气体 的主要部分),固定了一部分温室气体,使这部分温 室气体不再阻止地球上的热量向外辐射,也在一定 程度上抵消了温室效应。

全球变暖 Global Warming 英语作文

全球变暖 Global Warming 英语作文

Global WarmingGlobal warming is a rising temperature problem in the world. Due to some natural and human influences pollution, this problem is being bigger day by day. The main reason for global warming is deforestation.A large number of countries are being deforested day by day. It is being the biggest reason for too much hot weather. There are some natural reasons too, the biggest reason is the climate is changing continually. The greenhouse effect is another reason behind it. We all need to be aware of his problem. If people become aware enough and start planting more and more trees, we might overcome this problem.全球变暖就是全球温度上升。









Global WarmingIn the past, scientists have been skeptical of blaming increasingtemperatures on global warming. As we head into future ventures of technology and ingenuity, the science community has steadily stepped on board with the Environmental Protection Agency and other believers in global warming to do something about it. Like never before, scientists are seeing growth rates of increased climate change.Melting polar ice-caps, the collapse of vegetation and wildlife, and violent surges of hurricanes more rampant in the past are all concerning reasons to understand how climate change can affect so many facets on planet earth. Global warming doesn’t just mean the earth’s getting warmer. Global warming’s massive impact on social, economic, and physical health are areas for great distress.过去,科学家一直怀疑将温度升高归咎于全球变暖。


全球变暖(The Global Warming)
People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(ome dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg
To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now
The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.

全球变暖(英语) global warming

全球变暖(英语)  global warming

Global Warming Effects: A Top 5 List
Rise in sea levels worldwide More killer storms Massive crop failures Widespread extinction of species Disappearance of coral reefs
Disappearance of coral reefs
A report on coral reefs from WWF says that in a worst case scenario, coral populations will collapse by 2100 due to increased temperatures and ocean acidification . The 'bleaching' of corals from small but prolonged rises in sea temperature is a severe danger for ocean ecosystems, and many other species in the oceans rely on coral reefs for their survival.
More killer storms
The maximum wind speeds of the strongest tropical cyclones have increased significantly since 1981, according to research published in Nature this week. And the upward trend, thought to be driven by rising ocean temperatures, is unlikely to stop at any time soon.

防止全球变暖 Prevention of Global Warming 英语作文

防止全球变暖 Prevention of Global Warming 英语作文

Prevention of Global Warming The increase in the average temperature of the earth due to the accumulation of gases like carbon dioxide is usually referred to as global warming. Both man-made and natural disasters can be the causes of global warming. Events like deforestation, agriculture, wars, floods and industrialization are a few reasons for global warming. The global warming at the end of the century will lead to an increase of 2.8-degree Celsius temperature.In this article on the prevention of global warming essay, we will be talking about thevarious measure to prevent global warming and what will happen if prevention measures are not taken seriously.Long and Short Essays on Prevention of Global Warming for Students and Kids in EnglishLong Essay on Prevention of Global warming Essay 600 Words in EnglishGlobal Warming is one of the biggest man-made disasters in the world that is giving rise to other disasters like floods and famine. There are various reasons for global warming, some of which are agriculture expansion, industrialization,globalization, deforestation, increase in carbon footprint to name a few. If the international community does not come together and take necessary action, the world as we know it will come to an end one fine day. In this prevention of global warming essay in English, we are going to discuss both the effects of global warming as well as the remedies that countries should take to prevent further deterioration of the situation concerning global warming.What are the effects of global warming?The following are the main effects of global warming: The increase in earth’s temperaturehas given rise to the melting of polar ice caps. This melting of polar ice caps will flood our water bodies with water beyond its capacity resulting in massive floods that can destroy life and properties in various countries. The biggest reason for floods that are already happening in many countries is global warming. The economic cost of this is estimated to be in billions of dollars.Settlements, agricultural lands and important natural resources, not to forget the wildlife, will be under huge threat if floods are not controlled. And another big destruction that the floodscause is destroying forests. As it is man has been conducting deforestation drives at a massive rate, if floods also destroy forests, that will add to the increasing trouble of global warming, because forests, called as the lungs of the earth, are the main source of oxygen. This will result in an increase in carbon dioxide and at the same time decrease in oxygen levels in the atmosphere.Changes in agricultural cycles and food chain is another major effect of global warming. The locust swarms, in millions that we are seeing today travelling across South Asia, destroyingagricultural crops on its way, is a result of global warming. Also, variation in temperatures can cause scanty rainfalls and unpredictable weather conditions which makes life difficult for a farmer. In certain cases, even the advancement of technology cannot predict the weather conditions and climate change accurately. Now that we have seen the effects of global warming in the above prevention of global warming essay in English, let us discuss the Causes of Global Warming.What are the causes of global warming?The following are considered to be important causes of global warmingHarmful agricultural practicesCarbon emissions from factories and manufacturing industriesThe burning of fossil fuels in our vehicles, trains and aeroplanesBurning of crops and plantationsDeforestation drivesForest firesVolcanic eruptions How to prevent global warming?The following are some of the ways to prevent global warmingEducate farmers with judicious and environmental-friendly agricultural practices.Put a restriction on factories emitting harmful gases into the atmosphere. For example, it should be made mandatory to install air filters in the chimney.Reduce carbon footprint due to fossil fuel burning. Educate people and push them to use an alternative mode of transport like public transport, cyles or electric vehicles.The government should give incentives and support to develop alternative forms of energy which are not harmful to the atmosphere.Nuclear energy, wind energy, oceanic energy are some alternative forms, known as green energy, that needs to be rapidly adopted by countries. In this prevention of global warming essay, we have tried to cover the causes, effects and preventive measure for global warming. Notevery measure mentioned can be implemented easily. Global warming is an international issue and countries should not be selfish in the usage of its natural resources. The international community should come forward and find a lasting solution to the problem of global warming so that we leave back a healthy planet to the next generation.Short Essay on Prevention of Global warming 200 Words in EnglishPrevention of Global Warming Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Global warming is an international phenomenon where the average temperature of the earth is increasing rapidly. This is due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane. These are harmful gases in the atmosphere that is harming human and animal lives. Global warming has catastrophic effects across all the chains in our food cycle. From affecting the agricultural cycle to the water cycle, global warming, if not prevented now, will lead to unimaginable disasters in the future where the future generation has to suffer because of our irresponsibility.There are many preventive measures that can be taken to prevent global warming. Some of which can be educating farmers to follow healthy agricultural practices, put a curb of destroying our forest covers, business houses must be made responsible for the carbon emission they cause, alternative forms of energy should be used such as wind energy, hydro energy or nuclear energy. Developed countries emit more greenhouse gases than poorer countries. Hence high amounts of responsibilities lie with countries like the USA or the UK or China. All countries should come forward to reduce thecarbon footprint in their land to prevent global warming in their own capacities.10 Lines on Prevention of Global Warming Essay in EnglishGlobal warming is an international phenomenon and a man-made disaster.Increased accumulation of greenhouse gases like nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global warming.Accumulation of greenhouse gases leads to an increase in the average temperature of the Earth.The ozone layer is a layer in the atmosphere that prevents us from the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.Global warming is causing the depletion of the ozone layer over Antarctica.Irresponsible use of fossil fuels is the biggest reason for global warming.Harmful agricultural practices like crop burning increase the carbon emissions in the area.Nuclear energy, wind energy and hydro energy are the alternatives for use of harmful fossil fuels.Developed countries like USA or UK emit the highest amount of carbon into the atmosphere.Global warming, if not prevented, will alter our lives causing irreparable damage to the planet.FAQ’s on Prevention of Global Warming EssayQuestion 1.What is global warming?Answer:Increase in the average temperature of the earth due to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is called global warmingQuestion 2.How to prevent global warming?Answer:Reducing the carbon footprint and usage of fossil fuels can help reduce global warmingQuestion 3.What are the alternative forms of green energy in the world?Answer:Nuclear energy, hydro-energy and wind energy are the good alternatives for fossil fuelsQuestion 4.Which was the first climate change summit?Answer:First climate change summit took place in 1979 in Geneva。



Global warming is a pressing issue that we need to address urgently. The rising temperatures are causing glaciers to melt, sea levels to rise, and extreme weather events to become more frequent. For example, last summer,
my city experienced a heatwave that broke all previous records, and it was unbearable. It's like the earth is sending us a warning sign, and we need to take action
before it's too late.






关于全球变暖英语作文Global Warming。

Global warming is a major environmental issue that has become a cause for concern worldwide. It refers to the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface and oceans, primarily due to the release of greenhouse gases from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. This phenomenon has far-reaching consequences for the planet, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity.One of the main causes of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy. When these fuels are burned, they release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the Earth's temperature to rise. Deforestation is another significant contributor to global warming, as trees absorb carbon dioxide and help regulatethe Earth's climate. When forests are cleared, this natural process is disrupted, leading to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.The effects of global warming are already being felt around the world. Rising temperatures have led to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, resulting in higher sea levels and posing a threat to coastal communities. Extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves have become more frequent and intense, causing widespread damage and loss of life. In addition, the warming of the oceans has disrupted marine ecosystems, leading to the loss of coral reefs and other vital habitats for marine life.In order to address the issue of global warming, it is essential for individuals, governments, and businesses to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. This can be achieved through a combination of measures such as investing in renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and implementing policies to limit carbon emissions.Additionally, efforts to conserve forests and promote sustainable land use practices are crucial for reducing deforestation and preserving the Earth's natural carbon sinks.On an individual level, there are also steps that canbe taken to combat global warming. These include reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, and supporting environmentally friendly products and practices. By making small changes in our daily lives, we cancontribute to the collective effort to reduce greenhousegas emissions and protect the planet for future generations.In conclusion, global warming is a pressing issue that requires immediate and concerted action from all sectors of society. By addressing the root causes of climate changeand implementing sustainable solutions, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for the Earth. Itis essential for everyone to recognize the urgency of this issue and take responsibility for their actions in order to mitigate the impacts of global warming and safeguard the environment for generations to come.。

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On the night of February 1, 2007, the sign building of Paris, Eiffel Tower put out all about 20,000 lights, put out the lights at the same time with the Eiffel Tower still have the European sign, building, Italian circular theater ruins in Rome and Greece of world famous Athens parliament mansion and so on. Those famous constructions put out the lights, is carrying on declaring war to the mankind's energy waste behavior, is the caution to the people of this world :The world becomes warm, the Earth will encounter bad luck.
So, how to save our home, how to protect us from the bad disaster?
China had promised at Copenhagen that would cut down greenhouse gas emissions ,as Chinese, we do have so much could do. let alone as a human.
First as well as the most important is plant trees as much as we can. Trees can hold water build topsoil. especial mangrove forests, as one kind of swamp trees, it can be called miracle whereon prevent and control flood, on the other hand, protecting extant plants is also important, such as Amazon Rainforest, as the lung of earth, it’s too important too cherish.
What had we done
Global warming make many bad results: the weather heats, the sea level soars, the southern North Pole glacier melts, coastal city, the insularity will be flooded. All these all seriously influenced the mankind's existence.
Of course many years later there is no Venice or London, the beauties? So sorry to say goodby forever.
The experiment proves that later 300 years, the sea level will soar a half rice more, yet this is still the most optimistic data. 7 years later, the world becomes warmer and have no way could converse. The worst is, melt because of ice in North Pole, the rainfall strengthens, a great deal of fresh water remits North Atlantic and break Mexican warm current, once the Mexican warm current is cut off, the northwest temperature in Europe will descend many 5-8 degrees, the influence result in thus, may cause a new glacier period very much
Don’t use insulating heat coating onto the house roof, can not use disposable chopsticks plastic bags and other nondegradable things,
Finally , I have something tell you.
The mankind burning coal, oil, natural gas and tree and produce a great deal of carbon dioxide and methane so many years, those gases get into the atmosphere make carbon circulate a disequilibrium and have changed the energy of the Earth biosphere conversion form. And finally become global warming.
The glБайду номын сангаасbal warming
Hot drought
In December 7-18,2009, With the conference held in Copenhagen, global climate change has once again become the focus of world attention ,the fact is our earth is warmer little by little, this is global warming.