


city's history, leading to the decline of Athenian democracy and the rise of Macedon. • Socrates' death also marked the beginning of a new era in philosophy, as his students Plato and Xenophon
The Trial of Socrates
The trial of Socrates began in 399 BC, presided over by a panel of 500 Athenian citizens.
Socrates then had the opportunity to present his defense, which he did through a series of speeches.
The Role of Dialectical in Social Thought
Dialectical refers to the process of logical argumentation and the examination of ideas through dialogue and debate.
carried on his teachings and developed their own philosophical schools.
Legacy of Socrates
The Development of Western Philosophy
Socrates' teachings on the importance of reason and critical thinking have been highly influential in the development of Western philosophy. His contributions to the field include the Socratic Method, which involves asking probing questions to encourage individuals to think more deeply about their beliefs and assumptions.



贝克汉姆英语演讲ppt各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢soccer and even made an appearance on the Chinese version of The V oice to spread the word.英国球星贝克汉姆在中国成立了一个新的慈善基金,帮助推广青少年足球。


The former Manchester United winger hit the stage in Beijing to wow the crowd with a few kick-ups despite wearing shoes and a suit.这位前曼联俱乐部球员在北京登上舞台发表演讲,虽然西装革履但还是灵活地秀了几下球技,引来观众一片称赞。

Beckham has teamed up with the China Sooong Ching Ling Foundation to boost the profile of football amongstyoungsters in China.贝克汉姆携手中国宋庆龄基金会,致力于提升足球在中国青少年中的形象。

He also delighted the audience by performing some of his famous soccer moves on air.演讲过程中,贝克汉姆还秀了一下自己的“贝式” 招牌动作,观众们也是看得非常开心。

精彩推荐:企业英语偶像励志英语演讲第12期:贝克汉姆英国申办2018年世界杯演讲I could never had imagined what I would achievethrough football. 我永远都无法想象我在足球方面能取得多大的成就。

I owe my life everything I have to football. My life infootball began with my granddad, Joe, who took meto my first game. He was a huge Tottenham Hotspurfan. I remember how proud he waswhen I got totrain at the center excellence.I also remember howexcited we both were when I got to train at Bobby Charlton Soccer School. I also rememberhow excited we both were because we got to meet the Great Man.足球是我生命的所有。


Apollo was the god of the sun,music and poetry,he could stir up all feelings. Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty.
在众多的奥林波斯山神中,主神宙斯和雷托之 子阿波罗最受推崇。
阿波罗是太阳神,音乐神和诗神。他可唤起 人们倾注于圣歌中的各种情感。阿波罗象征着青 春和男子汉的美。
Apollo’stwinsister Artemis was the goddess of the moon and the chase. 他的孪生姐妹阿耳特弥斯是月亮和狩猎女 神。
Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts. 雅典娜是智慧女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。
《女神的圣斗士》中的雅典娜 《奥林匹斯星传》中的雅典娜 《旋风管家》里的天王洲雅典娜 《游戏王》ATHENA THE BATTLE GODDESS 《福娃》中的雅典娜
Clash of the Titans
•the frightening Ares was the god of war.
• the god of fire, Hephaestus,was the forger of the thunderbolts of zeus. 火神赫菲斯托斯是宙斯 雷电的创造者。
• the wing footed messenger Hermes was the god of invention and commerce; 以翅代步的信使海尔墨斯掌管商业与发明 事务。



过去,人生通常被划分为四个阶段:童年、青春期、成年和 老年。现在,人生至少分成六个阶段:童年、青春期、“奥 德赛”时期、成年、活跃退休期和老年。在新出现的阶段中, 最令人费解的就是“奥德赛”时期——这个阶段介于青春期 与成年期之间。 在这个阶段(通常是20多岁),人们上学、放假;他们和朋 友亲密相处,又和家人居住在一起;他们谈恋爱、失恋;他 们尝试某种工作,然后又换工作。 他们的父母变得越来越忧心忡忡。这些父母知道,在学生生 活和成人生活之间,肯定会有一个过渡阶段。但是,这些父 母发现,在自己的孩子长大成人时,这个过渡时期拉长到了5 年、7年乃至更久。在自己孩子的生活中,他们甚至察觉不到 明确的方向感。这些父母看着自己的孩子,发现一些事情被 推迟了。
The odyssey years are not about slacking off. There are intense competitive pressures as a result of the vast numbers of people chasing relatively few opportunities. Moreover, surveys show that people living through these years have highly traditional aspirations (they rate parenthood more highly than their own parents did) even as they lead improvising lives.Rather, what we’re seeing is the creation of a new life phase, just as adolescence came into being a century ago.



演讲稿Ppt2: Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings.The Greek mythology is an important part of the ancient culture which has vast and deep influence on the whole western culture.Its great influence upon the English language and literature is beyond description. A great number of words and idioms in the English language come from the Greek mythology.Ppt3: The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Greek gods can be divided into several groups. The earliest group was Titans, led by Cronus. The most powerful group was the Olympians. The Olympians are a group of 12gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way. They are named after their dwelling(住宅,住所)place MountOlympus.Today we mainly want to talk about the Olympians.Ppt4: Zeus is the “F ather of Gods and men” who rule the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father rule the family. He is the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology.Ppt5:However, he is known for his erotic escapades. These resulted in many godly and heroic offspring, including Athena, Apollo and so on.His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak.In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical "cloud-gatherer" also derives certain iconographic traits from the cultures of the Ancient Near East, such as the scepter. Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of two poses: standing, striding forward, with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty.Ppt6: Ares was the Greek god of war.Ppt7:He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. In Greek literature, he often represents the physical or violent aspect of war, in contrast to the armored Athena, whose functions as a goddess of intelligence include military strategy and generalship.Ppt8:He was the god who ever had to submit to the power of his inferiors. At one time lack of tact and good judgment led to his shame. He was fighting with two giants , and finding himself no match for the two monstrous creatures , laid down his arms and was imprisoned in chains.He was set free in the end by the artful Hermes, but not before he had suffered all the humiliations.Ppt9/10: Hermes was the son of Zeus and the Pleiade, Maia, a daughter of the Titan, Atlas. The second youngest of the Olympian gods, he was born before Dionysus.Hermes was the herald, or messenger, of the gods to humans, sharing this role with Iris. A patron of boundaries and the travelers who cross them, he was the protector of shepherds and cowherds, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, weights and measures, invention, and of commerce in general.Ppt12/13: Apollo also was the god of music and poetry. He could stir up all feelings. These feelings are expressed in lofty songs. With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice held the choir of the Musesat Olympus. Ppt14: One of Apollo's most important daily tasks is to harness his chariot with four horses and drive the sun across the sky. During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light , life and love to the great world below . Late in the afternoon he came to theend of his journey in the far western sea and got onhis golden boat to return to his eastern home.Ppt15/16: Athena is fierce and brave in battle but, only wars to defined the state and home from outside enemies. She is the goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture. She invented the bridle, the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot. She is the embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity.Ppt17/18: He was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals. Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. His myth has been treated by a number of ancient sources, in which Prometheus is credited with –or blamed for – playing a pivotal role in the early history of mankind.During the Greek War of Independence, Prometheus became a figure of hope and inspiration for Greek revolutionaries and their philhellene supporters. Karl Marx was greatly influenced by the story of Prometheus, and called him "the greatest saint and martyr of the philosopher's calendar"; since then, Prometheus has become a general symbol for socialism and communism. Ppt19:Thank You!PPT2: 希腊神话中是一组告诉古希腊人关于神,英雄的事迹及其与人类关系的传统故事。



贝克汉姆英语演讲ppt来到航院的第一次登台竟然是用我不太擅长的英语,还是英语演讲,当着四个班的同学,一百来号人,场面虽不是我见过最大的,但说起英语来还有有些不自信,怕发音不准,怕说着说着忘词,怕…想这么多也没有用,豁出去了.Helloeveryone,mynameisqujianqiang,I’mverygladtostandhereandgiveyoumyspeech. Periodinmymiddleschool,Iwrotemanysongs,thesesongsexpressedmyfeel ingatthattime.whenmyclassmatessingtheiridol’ssongs,Isingmysongs,mostofmysongsarechinese,butoneofthemisspecial,becauseit’sanenglishsong. Iwrotethisenglishsongin2002,beforetheopenningofJapanKoreaatch,thecaptainofEngland--DavidBeckhamwasbadlyhurted,whenhisfansseeorhearthatbadlynews,their’sheartswerebroken,includeme.Ilovefootballverymuch,inmyeyes,Beckhamisthemostbrightfootballstar,ifhewon’tjoininthecureasquiklyaspossible,finallystandupandappearinthefieldoftheanyaboutthissong,atlast,Iwanttofinishtoday’sspeechwi ththisEnglishsong,Ihopeyouwilllikeit,thenameofthissongis《Prayforyou》……-从古力特到托蒂再到罗纳尔多,卡佩罗每执教一个球队,都会得罪大牌,但他的独断专行总能成功,现在意大利人会给三狮军团带来些什么?这成为整个英格兰都关心的问题。

外国文学史课堂演讲ppt《荷马史诗》——《奥德赛》之 结构艺术 人物塑造 故事情节 思想主题

外国文学史课堂演讲ppt《荷马史诗》——《奥德赛》之 结构艺术 人物塑造 故事情节 思想主题

• “眼见妻子悲恸,俄底修斯心生怜悯, • 但他目光坚定,睑皮中的眼珠纹丝不动, • 似乎取料于硬角或铁块,强忍住眼泪,为了欺惘 的需要。”
• “忍受这些,我的心灵;你已忍受过比这更险恶 的景状: • 那天,不可抵御的库克洛普斯吞食我 • 强健的伙伴,但你决意忍耐,直到智算 • 把你带出洞穴,虽然你以为必将死亡。”
• • • • • • • • • • • •
13、费埃克斯人将奥德修斯送回久别的故乡 14、雅典娜授意英雄寻找忠诚的牧猪奴 15、受天神护佑,特勒马科斯避开埋伏 16、父子相认,共同策划复仇大计 17、装扮成乞丐,奥德修斯回返宫殿 18、击倒恶乞丐,奥德修斯初显神威 19、夫妻夜会,相逢不相识 20、佩涅洛佩惊梦,奥德修斯强忍羞辱 21、射箭比赛,奥德修斯技压群雄 22、大快人心,奥德修斯屠杀恶徒 23、夫妻相认,互诉苦难经历 24、天神保佑,化干戈为玉帛
这些人却一天天聚集在我家里,宰杀许多壮牛、绵 羊和肥美的山羊,无所顾忌地饮宴,大喝闪光的美 酒,家产将会被耗尽,只因为没人能像奥德修斯那 样,把这些祸害从家门赶走。我们也无法像豪强的 人们那样自卫,即使勉强行事,也会是势单力薄。 要是我能力所及,我定会回敬他们……他这样激动 地说完,把权杖扔到地上,忍不住泪水纵流。 在雅典娜帮助下,出海前往斯巴达,寻找父亲下落
对丈夫忠贞不 渝的典范形象
珀涅罗珀的忠诚是 对于女性理想人格 的赞赏,也是对于 男性英雄荣誉的赞 赏与馈赠。
在奥德修斯离开的20年中, 珀涅罗珀独自对付着种种流 言蜚语,一边操持伊塔卡王 国的政务,一边抚养倔强不 驯的儿子,同时还得抵挡一 百多个求婚人的纠缠。 为丈夫织寿衣,拖延求婚者



资料都在一场 焚毁倒下。

美国FBI带走,并且一直以国家机密为由未曾向公 现在在中国,连物理老师也不知道尼古拉特斯拉是何许人也~
尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla,1856年~1943年),被西方科学界的精英人物誉为是唯一堪比达·芬奇并超越爱因斯坦的伟大科学家,
据报导,当天早上当地人观察到一个巨大的火球 划过天空,其亮度和太阳相当,稍后爆炸产生的 冲击波将附近650公里内的窗户玻璃震碎.
根据其树木的炭化程度及土地的磁化,可发现这并不是一般的线形闪电所造成,而更像球形闪电所释放的巨大能量。 因此,爱迪生不遗余力的打压特斯拉。 从此交流电再没有专利, 后来,特斯拉先后在科罗拉多斯普林斯和沃登克里弗建设高塔,并在长岛点亮了25英里(约40千米)外的氖气探照明灯。 关于通古斯大爆炸,推测说只是这位“旷世奇才”的一次交流电试运转。 是他发明和创造了交流电系统,对现代世界工业产生了深远影响。 不久之后,美国政府动用国力,拨了天文数字的款项给予南斯拉夫及其他国家在经济方面的支持,如此尼古拉·特斯拉才在美国住了下 来。 使特斯拉的事迹蒙尘多年,被人们渐渐遗忘。



King of the sky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympiangods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer, gatherer,who holds terrible thunderbolt. the terrible thunderbolt. eagle, His bird the eagle, his tree is the oak .
the old theogony : the Tians (旧 谱:奥 ) the old theogony : the Gods ( 谱奥 ) Perseus ( ) Jason ( ) Heracles ( 拉克 ) ) Theseus ( Medusa( 杜 ) Minotaurus ( 诺陶洛 ) (刻 Cerberus (刻 洛 )
Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her infidelities( , jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities( ).
Poseidon 冬
Brother of Zeus . God of the sea , protectorof all waters.
He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods.
He was widely worshiped by seamen.
Brother of Zeus. God of the dead. Ruler of the underworld. God of wealth , due to the precious metals mined from the earth.



• Tesla was obsessed with frequency,the notion of resonance.The story where he takes the device and puts it on the girder in his office,and,gets the frequency of the building. • It gets right an the core -------
Nikola Tesla (Serbian: Никола Тесла), a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist
Early Life
• His father,Mllutin,was an Orthdox prlest who expected his son to follow him in the clergy. • His mother descended from one of the oldest Serblan families in the country.She invended and constructed all kinds of tools and devices. • Early on,Tesla began to demonstrate an extraordinary imagination. • “In my boyhood I suffered from a pecullar affllction due to the appearance of images often accompanied by strong flashes of light.I was quiet unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tanglble or not.To give an example,I was fascinated by a description of Niagara and I pictured in my imagination a big wheel run by the falls.”

外国文学史课堂演讲ppt《荷马史诗》——《奥德赛》之 结构艺术 人物塑造 故事情节 思想主题

外国文学史课堂演讲ppt《荷马史诗》——《奥德赛》之 结构艺术 人物塑造 故事情节 思想主题
• 结构艺术 • 人物塑造 • 语言特色 • 思想主题
一、《奥德赛》的双线结构 二、《奥德赛》的倒叙和插叙结构
• • • • • • • • • • • • 1、众神商议允许奥德修斯返回家园 2、特勒马科斯召开全民大会,然后离家远航 3、特勒马科斯拜访涅斯托尔,收到隆重招待 4、特勒马科斯拜访金发的墨涅拉奥斯 5、卡吕普索放奥德修斯回家 6、年轻的公主拯救落难的奥德修斯 7、拜见国王,奥德修斯收到隆重招待 8、歌手的吟诵唤起了英雄痛苦的回忆 9、奥德修斯回忆:巨人国历险 10、奥德修斯回忆:仙遇女神基尔克 11、奥德修斯回忆:入冥府求问归程 12、奥德修斯回忆:冒犯天神,同伴尽数丧生
忒勒马科斯首先披挂,穿 上铜甲, 两位奴仆也随之披上精美 的甲衣,和他一样。 站在聪颖的、足智多谋的 奥德修斯身旁。 其时,奥德修斯,手头仍 有箭枝,得以自卫, 不停地瞄射,在自己家里, 箭无虚发, 击杀求婚的人们,一个接 着一个,成片地倒下。
忒勒迈克斯对父亲的寻找是对于英雄品格的学习 和模仿。他通过战胜自我的的胆怯、疑虑与惶惑, 实现向父亲的皈依。
• 全书故事线索:食无忧果人的海岛——>独眼巨人 的海岛——>第三四个海岛——>风神岛——>第六 七个海岛——>太阳神岛——>女神卡吕普索的海 岛——>斯赫里岛——>返回家乡 • 全书从第9个故事的后面开始叙述(卡吕普索放奥 德修斯回家),接着顺着叙述了第10个故事,奥 德修斯向国王讲述自己过去的海上经历,返回去 从第1个故事讲到第8个故事,这是典型的倒叙手 法的运用。

Agatha Christie 阿加莎克里斯蒂 英文演讲ppt

Agatha Christie 阿加莎克里斯蒂 英文演讲ppt
You can never point out who is the murderer until you finished the last chapter . The ending was so unexpected but also reasonable.
Ten little Indians
And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None is a very successful story she wrote. Agatha created a new novel model that we call it Snowstorm Villa Model (暴风雪山庄模式).
A prolific writer
66 full-length novels 21 short stories 15 plays 3 play series 1 biography 2 poems anthology
Her Novels
《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》The Mysterious Affair at Styles (First Novel) 《东方快车谋杀案》 Murder on the Orient Express 《高尔夫球场命案》Murder on the Links 《罗杰疑案》The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 《ABC谋杀案》 The ABC Murders 《底牌》(《牌中牌》) Cards on the Table 《无人生还》 And Then There Were None / Ten Little Indians/Niggers 《尼罗河上的惨案》 Death on the Nile 《啤酒谋杀案》 Five Little Pigs / Murder in Retrospect 《藏书室女尸之谜》 The Body in the Library 《谋杀启事》 A Murder Is Announced 《鸽群中的猫》(《校园疑云》) Cat Among the Pigeons 《阳光下的罪恶》 Evil Under the Sun 《悬崖山庄奇案》 Peril at End House



Citizenship Austrian Empire Austria-Hungary United States
Nikola Tesla (Serbian: Никола Тесла), a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist
War of the Currents
• During the late 1880s Edison began a negative media campaign to discredit the alternating current system of electricity being developed by Westinghouse and Tesla.
• Early on,Tesla began to demonstrate an extraordinary imagination.
• “In my boyhood I suffered from a pecullar affllction due to the appearance of images often accompanied by strong flashes of light.I was quiet unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tanglble or not.To give an example,I was fascinated by a description of Niagara and I pictured in my imagination a big wheel run by the falls.”



雅典娜 特勒马科思 佩涅洛佩
波塞冬 求婚者 卡吕普索
小田 @
《奥德赛》全书共24卷,12110行。 根据故事情节的发展,可以分为5个部分: 1、第1~4卷:奥德修斯的家庭状况; 2、第5~8卷:奥德修斯离开神女岛,从海上漂流
到一个海岛上,为劳西嘉雅公主所救; 3、第9~12卷:奥德修斯在阿吉诺的宫中回忆自己
• “告诉我,缪斯,那位聪颖敏睿的凡人的经历, • 在攻破神圣的特洛亚城堡后,浪迹四方。 • 他见过许多种族的城国,领略了他们的见识, • 心忍着许多痛苦,挣扎在浩淼的大洋, • 为了保全自己的性命,使伙伴们得以还乡。但 • 即使如此,他却救不下那些朋伴,虽然尽了力量: • 他们死于自己的愚莽,他们的肆狂,这帮 • 笨蛋,居然吞食赫利俄斯的牧牛(指太阳神的神牛), • 被日神夺走了还家的时光。开始吧, • 女神,宙斯的女儿,请你随便从哪里开讲。……”(第一
小田 @
如果说俄底修斯式的“回家”是每个人一生中不 可回避的课题;那么忒勒马科斯式的“寻父”则 是每个青年人或自感尚未“成熟自立”的人必须 经历的过程。
与俄底修斯一开始在伊萨卡岛上身份被遮蔽不同, 忒勒马科斯的问题是:他的身份一开始就是明确 的,他是希腊英雄俄底修斯的儿子,但是这个身 份在现实面前是一种嘲讽:因为他实际正与他的 母亲一起势单力薄、孤立无援,面临生死危机。
在特洛伊战后的海上漂流经过; 4 、第13~23卷:奥德修斯回家复仇,父子夫妻团
聚; 5、第24卷:奥德修斯同求婚者家属的斗争与和解。
小田 @
• 神一样的希腊英雄俄底修斯已经熬过了十年苦难,失去了 所有的朋伴,还未能实现他回家的梦想。



奥德赛时期作文英语Life is a journey filled with endless possibilities and experiences that shape our character and perspective on the world. As we navigate through the ups and downs, the triumphs and challenges, we are presented with opportunities to grow, learn, and evolve as individuals. One of the most profound aspects of this journey is the concept of self-discovery, the process of uncovering our true selves, our values, and our purpose in life.At the heart of self-discovery lies the exploration of our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is a journey of introspection where we delve deep within ourselves to understand the underlying motivations and beliefs that drive our actions. Through this process, we can uncover our strengths and weaknesses, our passions and fears, and ultimately gain a deeper understanding of who we are.One of the key elements of self-discovery is the ability to step back and observe ourselves objectively. This can be a challenging task as our own biases and preconceptions can often cloud our judgment. However, by cultivating a mindset of curiosity and open-mindedness, we can begin to see ourselves with greater clarity. This may involve engaging in practices such as meditation, journaling, or seeking theguidance of a trusted mentor or therapist.As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, we may encounter a range of emotions and experiences. At times, we may feel a sense of excitement and wonder as we uncover new facets of ourselves. Other times, we may face feelings of uncertainty, vulnerability, or even discomfort as we confront aspects of ourselves that we may have been previously unaware of or unwilling to acknowledge.It is important to remember that self-discovery is not a linear process but rather a lifelong journey of growth and evolution. We may revisit certain aspects of ourselves multiple times, gaining new insights and perspectives as we mature and evolve. The key is to approach this journey with patience, compassion, and a willingness to embrace the challenges and opportunities that arise along the way.One of the most powerful outcomes of self-discovery is the development of self-acceptance and self-love. As we come to understand and appreciate the complexity and uniqueness of our own being, we can begin to let go of the need for external validation and embrace our authentic selves. This self-acceptance can be a powerful foundation for personal growth as it frees us from the constraints of societal expectations and allows us to pursue our passions and purpose with greater confidence and clarity.Moreover, the journey of self-discovery can have a profound impact on our relationships with others. As we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, we can cultivate more meaningful and authentic connections with the people in our lives. We can communicate more effectively, set healthier boundaries, and approach conflict with greater empathy and understanding.In the broader context of our society, the cultivation of self-discovery can have far-reaching implications. When individuals engage in this process, they can contribute to the collective growth and evolution of our communities. By sharing their experiences, insights, and perspectives, they can inspire and empower others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery, creating a ripple effect of personal and social transformation.In conclusion, the journey of self-discovery is a profoundly meaningful and transformative experience that can shape our lives in profound ways. By embracing this process with curiosity, courage, and compassion, we can unlock our true potential, deepen our relationships, and contribute to the betterment of our world. It is a journey that invites us to explore the depths of our own being, to confront our fears and limitations, and to ultimately uncover the essence of who we truly are.。



奥德赛时期英语作文The Odyssey, an epic poem by the ancient Greek poet Homer, is a timeless tale that has captivated the hearts and minds of readers for centuries. It narrates the decade-long journey of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, as he endeavors to return home after the fall of Troy. This essay will explore the themes of transformation, perseverance, and the divine interventionthat characterize the Odyssey, and how these elements contribute to its enduring appeal.Transformation is a central theme in the Odyssey, not only in the physical journey of Odysseus but also in the psychological evolution of the characters. Odysseus, the cunning and resourceful hero, is transformed from a warrior to a wanderer, facing numerous trials that test his wit, courage, and loyalty. His transformation is mirrored in the character of his wife, Penelope, who must navigate the treacherous waters of suitors vying for her hand in his absence. Her transformation from a dutiful wife to a shrewd and patient woman waiting for her husband's return is a testament to her loyalty and intelligence.Perseverance is another key theme that resonates throughout the epic. Odysseus encounters a series of obstacles, from the Cyclops Polyphemus to the seductive Sirens, each requiring a different strategy to overcome. His unwavering determination to return to his homeland and reclaim his throne is a testament to his character and the strength of his will. Thistheme of perseverance is also evident in Penelope's steadfast refusal to remarry, despite the pressure from her suitors and the length of Odysseus's absence.Divine intervention plays a significant role in the Odyssey, with the gods and goddesses often taking a hand in the fateof mortals. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, is a constant ally to Odysseus, guiding him through his trials and providing him with the means to overcome his adversaries. Conversely, Poseidon, the god of the sea, is a relentless foe, whose enmity towards Odysseus is a consequence of the hero's hubris. The intervention of the gods serves to highlight the complex relationship between humans and the divine, as wellas the precarious nature of mortal existence.In conclusion, the Odyssey is a rich tapestry of human experience, woven with the threads of transformation, perseverance, and divine intervention. The journey of Odysseus is not merely a physical voyage but a spiritual and emotional odyssey that reflects the universal human quest for home, identity, and meaning. The enduring relevance of the Odyssey lies in its ability to speak to the human condition across the vast expanse of time, making it a true classic of world literature.。



But what is the Odyssey years ?
Now follow my lead, find out in next page
Odyssey years is refer to the time of 20 s and early 30 s young people struggle for living period. After they graduated from the university,wander around and go between work and school, for work or for school. For them, school is no longer a 22’s patents, but as the boyfriend and girlfriend, can be change. Most of them still can’t independent in economy, they still need depending parents support.
The Odyssey years
from the Homer’s Epics 来自荷马史诗
Odyssey years所谓奥德赛时期,指的是后20几岁,30出头的年轻人为生计奋斗的 时期。他们大学之后,在工作与学校之间徘徊来徘徊去:时而工作,时而上学。对 于他们来说,上学已不再是22 岁之前的专利,而是如同男女朋友一般,可以换来换 去。他们当中的很多人在经济上还不能完全独立,还要依赖 父母的支持。



大学英语奥德赛演讲稿good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.it’s my great pleasure to stand here to present my speech —change the world, change ourselves.it’s noticable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected. not long before about 10 doctors in beijing university and qinghua unversity announced that we should reject the invasion of western holidays ,because they regard western holidays as an challenge against our traditional festivals and culture.frankly speaking, i don’t quite agree with them.indeed, we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as china boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. (examples).but why can’t we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture.there are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in china. on the one hand, some of the western holidays which we chinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, such as father’s day and april fool’s day etc. on the other hand,the prevalence of globalization enableswestern culture to prevail in china. overwhelmed by such a trend,chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture.with the further development of the whole world, the cultural communication between different countries and nations becomes faster and more and more important. we are indeed from different nations, but we are the citizens of the same world, so the outstanding culture of different nations is the commom wealth of everyone on the earth.the only way for us to protect our traditional culture is to reject the foreign culture? the answer is definitely no. what we ought to do is to spare no effort to educate chinese to get to know and treasure our splendid traditions instead of rejecting foreign culture. only by educating can we set our confidence and belief towards our culture. only by educating can we preserve and promote the wealth that our ancesters left for us.。

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The Odyssey years
from the Homer’s Epics 来自荷马史诗
பைடு நூலகம்
author: Vincent 作者:黄文鑫
By the introduction of last group we all know the Odyssey is the king of Edarc Island from Homer’s Epics.
Odyssey years所谓奥德赛时期,指的是后20几岁,30出头的年轻人为生计奋斗的 时期。他们大学之后,在工作与学校之间徘徊来徘徊去:时而工作,时而上学。对 于他们来说,上学已不再是22 岁之前的专利,而是如同男女朋友一般,可以换来换 去。他们当中的很多人在经济上还不能完全独立,还要依赖 父母的支持。
Thank you for watching
Have a good day
But what is the Odyssey years ?
Now follow my lead, find out in next page
Odyssey years is refer to the time of 20 s and early 30 s young people struggle for living period. After they graduated from the university,wander around and go between work and school, for work or for school. For them, school is no longer a 22’s patents, but as the boyfriend and girlfriend, can be change. Most of them still can’t independent in economy, they still need depending parents support.