可致空符号(nullable symbol)
对于 CFG G = (N, T, P , S ),称符号 A N 是可致 空的,当且仅当 A .
(3)消除 G 中的 无用符号.
注意 以上简化步骤的次序. 结论 设 CFG G 的语言至少包含一个非 的字符串,通 过上述步骤从 G 构造 G1 ,则有 L(G1)= L(G) - {}.
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT
§ 4.2 上下文无关文法的变换
CFG 的简化 消无用符号 消 产生式 消单产生式 对生成式形式进行标准化
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT
Chomsky范式 (CNF - Chomsky Normal Form) 生成式形式为A→BC, A→a, A, B, C∈N , a∈T (后 面将证明, 每个上下文无关文法都有一个CNF文法)
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT 6
算法1: 找出有用非终结符(图示)
N''= N0∪{B|B→α 且α ∈(T∪N ')* } N' = { A | A→ω 且 ω ∈T*}
N0 = 空
什么是形式语言 形式语言: 形式化描述字母表上字符串集合。 字母表:字符有限集合。
e.g. hello, afjhkfyu
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT
断开 连接
收到 应答
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT
依据结构不一样,自动机又可分为有限自动 机,下推自动机,图灵机等。
下推自动机能够看作是由一条输入带,一个 有限控制器和一个下推栈组成。
基本图灵机由一个含有读写头有限控制器和 一条无限带组成。
使用自动机,能够形式化描述现实世界中一 些问题。
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT
形式语言和自动机是亲密相关。 形式语言 ―― 字符串 自动机 ―― 字符串识别系统
书名 Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation (Second Edition)
John E. Hopcroft (Cornell) Rajeev Motwani (Stanford) Jefferey D. Ullman (Stanford)
形式语言与自动机 形式语言与自动机理论-蒋宗礼-第三章参考答案
![形式语言与自动机 形式语言与自动机理论-蒋宗礼-第三章参考答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aa4d3adf5ef7ba0d4b733b0a.png)
形式语言与自动机形式语言与自动机理论-蒋宗礼-第三章参考答案导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“形式语言与自动机理论-蒋宗礼-第三章参考答案”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!因此我们只需要证明对任何的2NFA M1?(Q1,?,?1,F1,q0),都存在FAM2?(Q2,?,?2,F2,q0)与之等价。
对于任何的2NFA M1?(Q1,?,?1,F1,q0),构造FA M2?(Q2,?,?2,F2,q0),按三个方式构造?2:1.如果q?Q1,a??,?1(q,a)?{p,R},则?2(q,a)?p;2.如果q?Q1,a??,?1(q,a)?{p,S},则如果??1(p,a)?{o,R},则?2(q,a)?o;如果??1(p,a)?{o,S},则重复第二步;如果??1(p,a)?{o,L},则对于集合A = {r|b?Q1,?1(r,b)?(o,R)},?2(q,a)?r,r?A。
3.如果q?Q1,a??,?1(q,a)?{p,L},则设集合 A = {r|b?Q1,?1(r,b)?(p,R)},?2(q,a)?r,r?A*************************************************** ****************************28.证明定理3-8:Moore机与Mealy机等价(郭会02282015)证明:不妨设Moore机M1=(Q1,?,?,?1,?1,q01),Mealy机M2=(Q2,?,?,?2,?2,q02),则根据Moore机和Mealy机等价的定义知,必须证明:T1(x)??1(q0)T2(x),其中T1(x)和T2(x)分别表示M1和M2关于x的输出。
??Moore机M1,?Mealy机M2,使M2与M1等价(1)构造M2,?2??1,q02?q01,Q2?Q1?q?Q1?{q01},?1(q)?a,?q'?Q1且?b??,?1(q',b)=q,就构造?2(q',b)=a(2)证明?x??*,?1(q0)T2(x)?T1(x)不妨设x?x1x2……xn,则?i?N,(i?1,2……n)则M1的输出为:T1(x)??1(q0)?1(?1(q0,x1))……?1(?1((…?1(q0,x1),x2)…),xn)由题意可知?1(q0,x1),?1(?1(q0,x1),x2),…,?1(……?1 (?1(q0,x1),x2) xn) 均为Moore机中的状态,由(1)中的构造假设知,M2的输出为:T2(x)??2(q0,x1)?2(?2(q0,x1),x2)…?2(……?2(?2(q0,x1),x2) ? ?1(q0,x1)?1(?1(q0,x1),x2)…?1(……?1(?1(q0,x1),x2) xn) xn) ?T1(x)??1(q0)T2(x)??Mealy机M2,?Moore机M1,使M1与M2等价(1)构造M1,q01?q02Q1?Q2?{qij|??2(qi,a)?qj,其中qi,qj?Q2,a??}?1?{?|?(qi,a)?qij,?(qij,?)?qj其中?2(qi,a)?qj}?1?{?|?1(qi,a)?qij,?1(qij,?)?qj,?(qij)??2(qi,a) }(2)证明?x??*,T1(x)=?1(q0)T2(x)不妨设x?x1x2……xn,则?i?N,(i?1,2……n)则M1的输出为:T2(x)??2(?2(q0,x1))……?2(?2((…?2(q0,x1),x2)…),xn) 由题意可知?2(q0,x1),?2(?2(q0,x1),x2),…,?2(……?2 (?2(q0,x1),x2) xn) 均为Mealy机中的状态,由(1)中的构造假设知,M1的输出为:T1(x)??1(q0)?1(?2(q0,x1))?1(?1(q0,x1),x2)…?1(……?1(?1(q 0,x1),x2) xn)??1(q0)?2(?2(q0,x1))……?2(?2((…?2(q0,x1),x2)…),xn) ?T1(x)??1(q0)T2(x)综上所述,Moore机与Mealy机等价第三章作业答案1.已知DFA M1与M2如图3-18所示。
v (v+d)
(5) (4) (1)
v (v+E)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
E EOE E (E) Ev Ed O + O
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT 18
定义: 2型文法是二义的,当且仅当对于句子ω∈L(G),存在两棵不 同的具有边缘为ω的推导树。 (即:如果文法是二义的, 那么它所产生的某个句子必然能从 不同的最左(右)推导推出)。 例: (书P124 例1) 句子(a*a+a)有二棵不同的推导树. (相当于一个先算乘法,一 个先算加法.) 注意: 可有二个文法,一个有二义,一个无二义,但产生相同的语言. 可否通过变换消除二义性? —— 无一般的算法!
v (v+d)
(5) (4)
v (v+E) vO(E)
vO(E+E) E
College of Computer Science & Technology, BUPT
对于CFG Gexp = ({E,O}, { (, ),+, , v, d }, P , E ) ,P 为
自动机理论 语言和计算导论课后习题答案
![自动机理论 语言和计算导论课后习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/77a7c267bcd126fff7050b68.png)
Basis: If y = ε, then the statement is δ-hat(q,x) = δ-hat(δ-hat(q,x),ε). This statement follows from the basis in the definition of δ-hat. Note that in applying this definition, we must treat δ-hat(q,x) as if it were just a state, say p. Then, the statement to be proved is p = δ-hat(p,ε), which is easy to recognize as the basis in the definition of δ-hat.
01 ->s d q1 *q0 q0 q1 q1 q2 q3 q2 q4 q0 q3 q1 q2 q4 q3 q4
dd d
Exercise 2.2.9
Part (a) is an easy induction on the length of w, starting at length 1.
Basis: |w| = 1. Then δ-hat(q0,w) = δ-hat(qf,w), because w is a single symbol, and δ-hat agrees with δ on single symbols.
Definition of δ-hat
δˆ 的定义
δˆ (q,xy)
Exercise 2.2.4(a)
Exercise 2.3.1Here are the sets of NFA states represented by each of the DFA states A through H: A = {p}; B = {p,q}; C = {p,r}; D = {p,q,r}; E = {p,q,s}; F = {p,q,r,s}; G = {p,r,s}; H = {p,s}.Exercise 2.3.4(a)The idea is to use a state qi, for i= 0,1,...,9 to represent the idea that we have seen an input i and guessed that this is the repeated digit at the end. We also have state qs, the initial state, and qf, the final state. We stay in state qs all the time; itSolutions for Section 2.4Exercise 2.4.1(a)We'll use q0 as the start state. q1, q2, and q3 will recognize abc; q4, q5, and q6 will recognize abd, and q7 through q10 will recognize aacd. The transition table is:Exercise 2.4.2(a)The subset construction gives us the following states, each representing the subset of the NFA states indicated: A = {q0}; B = {q0,q1,q4,q7}; C = {q0,q1,q4,q7,q8}; D = {q0,q2,q5}; E = {q0,q9}; F = {q0,q3}; G = {q0,q6}; H = {q0,q10}. Note that F, G and H can be combined into one accepting state, or we can use these three state to signal the recognition of abc, abd, and aacd, respectively.Solutions for Section 2.5Exercise 2.5.1For part (a): the closure of p is just {p}; for q it is {p,q}, and for r it is {p,q,r}.For (b), begin by noticing that a always leaves the state unchanged. Thus, we can think of the effect of strings of b's and c's only. To begin, notice that the only ways to get from p to r for the first time, using only b, c, and ε-transitions are bb, bc, and c. After getting to r, we can return to r reading either b or c. Thus, every string of length 3 or less, consisting of b's and c's only, is accepted, with the exception of the string b. However, we have to allow a's as well. When we try to insert a's in these strings, yet keeping the length to 3 or less, we find that every string of a's b's, and c's with at most one a is accepted. Also, the strings consisting of one c and up to 2 a's are accepted; other strings are rejected.There are three DFA states accessible from the initial state, which is the ε closure of p, or {p}. Let A = {p}, B = {p,q}, and C = {p,q,r}. Then the transition table is:Solutions for Section 3.1Exercise 3.1.1(a)The simplest approach is to consider those strings in which the first a precedes the first b separately from those where the opposite occurs. The expression:c*a(a+c)*b(a+b+c)* + c*b(b+c)*a(a+b+c)*Exercise 3.1.2(a)(Revised 9/5/05) The trick is to start by writing an expression for the set of strings that have no two adjacent 1's. Here is one such expression: (10+0)*(ε+1)To see why this expression works, the first part consists of all strings in which every 1 is followed by a 0. To that, we have only to add the possibility that there is a 1 at the end, which will not be followed by a 0. That is the job of (ε+1).Now, we can rethink the question as asking for strings that have a prefix with no adjacent 1's followed by a suffix with no adjacent 0's. The former is the expression we developed, and the latter is the same expression, with 0 and 1 interchanged. Thus, a solution to this problem is (10+0)*(ε+1)(01+1)*(ε+0). Note that the ε+1 term in the middle is actually unnecessary, as a 1 matching that factor can be obtained from the (01+1)* factor instead.Exercise 3.1.4(a)This expression is another way to write ``no adjacent 1's.'' You should compare it with the different-looking expression we developed in the solution to Exercise 3.1.2(a). The argument for why it works is similar. (00*1)* says every 1 is preceded by at least one 0. 0*at the end allows 0's after the final 1, and (ε+1) at the beginning allows an initial 1, which must be either the only symbol of the string or followed by a 0.Exercise 3.1.5The language of the regular expression ε. Note that ε* denotes the language of strings consisting of any number of empty strings, concatenated, but that is just the set containing the empty string.Solutions for Section 3.2Exercise 3.2.1Part (a): The following are all R0expressions; we list only the subscripts. R11 = ε+1; R12 = 0; R13 = phi; R21 = 1; R22 = ε; R23 = 0; R31 = phi; R32 = 1; R33 = ε+0.Part (b): Here all expression names are R(1); we again list only the subscripts. R11 = 1*; R12 = 1*0; R13 = phi; R21 = 11*; R22 = ε+11*0; R23 = 0; R31 = phi; R32 = 1; R33 = ε+0.Part (e): Here is the transition diagram:If we eliminate state q2 we get:Applying the formula in the text, the expression for the ways to get from q1 to q3 is: [1 + 01 +00(0+10)*11]*00(0+10)*Exercise 3.2.4(a)Exercise 3.2.6(a)(Revised 1/16/02) LL* or L+.Exercise 3.2.6(b)The set of suffixes of strings in L.Exercise 3.2.8Let R(k)ijm be the number of paths from state i to state j of length m that go through no state numbered higher than k. We can compute these numbers, for all states i and j, and for m no greater than n, by induction on k.Basis: R0ij1 is the number of arcs (or more precisely, arc labels) from state i to state j. R0ii0 = 1, and all other R0ijm's are 0.Induction: R(k)ijm is the sum of R(k-1)ijm and the sum over all lists (p1,p2,...,pr) of positive integers that sum to m, of R(k-1)ikp1 * R(k-1)kkp2 *R(k-1)kkp3 *...* R(k-1)kkp(r-1) * R(k-1)kjpr. Note r must be at least 2.The answer is the sum of R(k)1jn, where k is the number of states, 1 is the start state, and j is any accepting state.Solutions for Section 3.4Exercise 3.4.1(a)Replace R by {a} and S by {b}. Then the left and right sides become {a} union {b} = {b} union {a}. That is, {a,b} = {b,a}. Since order is irrelevant in sets, both languages are the same: the language consisting of the strings a and b.Exercise 3.4.1(f)Replace R by {a}. The right side becomes {a}*, that is, all strings of a's, including the empty string. The left side is ({a}*)*, that is, all strings consisting of the concatenation of strings of a's. But that is just the set of strings of a's, and is therefore equal to the right side.Exercise 3.4.2(a)Not the same. Replace R by {a} and S by {b}. The left side becomes all strings of a's and b's (mixed), while the right side consists only of strings of a's (alone) and strings of b's (alone). A string like ab is in the language of the left side but not the right.Exercise 3.4.2(c)Also not the same. Replace R by {a} and S by {b}. The right side consists of all strings composed of zero or more occurrences of strings of the form a...ab, that is, one or more a's ended by one b. However, every string in the language of the left side has to end in ab. Thus, for instance, ε is in the language on the right, but not on the left.Solutions for Section 4.1Exercise 4.1.1(c)Let n be the pumping-lemma constant (note this n is unrelated to the n that is a local variable in the definition of the language L). Pick w = 0n10n. Then when we write w = xyz, we know that |xy| <= n, and therefore y consists of only 0's. Thus, xz, which must be in L if L is regular, consists of fewer than n0's, followed by a 1 and exactly n0's. That string is not in L, so we contradict the assumption that L is regular.Exercise 4.1.2(a)Let n be the pumping-lemma constant and pick w = 0n2, that is, n2 0's. When we write w = xyz, we know that y consists of between 1 and n 0's. Thus, xyyz has length between n2 + 1 and n2 + n. Since the next perfect square after n2 is (n+1)2 = n2 + 2n + 1, we know that the length of xyyz lies strictly between the consecutive perfect squares n2 and (n+1)2. Thus, the length of xyyz cannot be a perfect square. But if the language were regular, then xyyz would be in the language, which contradicts the assumption that the language of strings of 0's whose length is a perfect square is a regular language.Exercise 4.1.4(a)We cannot pick w from the empty language.Exercise 4.1.4(b)If the adversary picks n = 3, then we cannot pick a w of length at least n.Exercise 4.1.4(c)The adversary can pick an n > 0, so we have to pick a nonempty w. Since w must consist of pairs 00 and 11, the adversary can pick y to be one of those pairs. Then whatever i we pick, xy i z will consist of pairs 00 and 11, and so belongs in the language.Solutions for Section 4.2Exercise 4.2.1(a)aabbaa.Exercise 4.2.1(c)The language of regular expression a(ab)*ba.Exercise 4.2.1(e)Each b must come from either 1 or 2. However, if the first b comes from 2 and the second comes from 1, then they will both need the a between them as part of h(2) and h(1), respectively. Thus, the inverse homomorphism consists of the strings {110, 102, 022}.Exercise 4.2.2Start with a DFA A for L. Construct a new DFA B, that is exactly the same as A, except that state q is an accepting state of B if and only if δ(q,a) is an accepting state of A. Then B accepts input string w if and only if A accepts wa; that is, L(B) = L/a.Exercise 4.2.5(b)We shall use D a for ``the derivative with respect to a.'' The key observation is that if epsilon is not in L(R), then the derivative of RS will always remove an a from the portion of a string that comes from R. However, if epsilon is in L(R), then the string might have nothing from R and will remove a from the beginning of a string in L(S) (which is also a string in L(RS). Thus, the rule we want is:If epsilon is not in L(R), then D a(RS) = (D a(R))S. Otherwise, D a(RS) = D a(R)S + D a(S).Exercise 4.2.5(e)L may have no string that begins with 0.Exercise 4.2.5(f)This condition says that whenever 0w is in L, then w is in L, and vice-versa. Thus, L must be of the form L(0*)M for some language M (not necessarily a regular language) that has no string beginning with 0.In proof, notice first that D0(L(0*)M = D0(L(0*))M union D0(M) = L(0*)M. There are two reasons for the last step. First, observe that D0 applied to the language of all strings of 0's gives all strings of 0's, that is, L(0*). Second, observe that because M has no string that begins with 0, D0(M) is the empty set [that's part (e)].We also need to show that every language N that is unchanged by D0is of this form. Let M be the set of strings in N that do not begin with 0. If N is unchanged by D0, it follows that for every string w in M, 00...0w is in N; thus, N includes all the strings of L(0*)M. However, N cannot include a string that is not in L(0*)M. If x were such a string, then we can remove all the 0's at the beginning of x and get some string y that is also in N. But y must also be in M.Exercise 4.2.8Let A be a DFA for L. We construct DFA B for half(L). The state of B is of the form [q,S], where:∙q is the state A would be in after reading whatever input B has read so far.∙S is the set of states of A such that A can get from exactly these states to an accepting state by reading any input string whose length is the same as the length of the string B has read so far.It is important to realize that it is not necessary for B to know how many inputs it has read so far; it keeps this information up-to-date each time it reads a new symbol. The rule that keeps things up to date is: δB([q,S],a) = [δA(q,a),T], where T is the set of states p of A such that there is a transition from p to any state of S on any input symbol. In this manner, the first component continues to simulate A, while the second component now represents states that can reach an accepting state following a path that is one longer than the paths represented by S.To complete the construction of B, we have only to specify:∙The initial state is [q0,F], that is, the initial state of A and the accepting states of A. This choice reflects the situation when A has read 0 inputs: it is still in its initial state, and the accepting states are exactly the ones that can reach anaccepting state on a path of length 0.∙The accepting states of B are those states [q,S] such that q is in S. The justification is that it is exactly these states that are reached by some string of length n, and there is some other string of length n that will take state q to an accepting state.Exercise 4.2.13(a)Start out by complementing this language. The result is the language consisting of all strings of 0's and 1's that are not in 0*1*, plus the strings in L0n1n. If we intersect with 0*1*, the result is exactly L0n1n. Since complementation and intersection with a regular set preserve regularity, if the given language were regular then so would be L0n1n. Since we know the latter is false, we conclude the given language is not regular.Exercise 4.2.14(c)Change the accepting states to be those for which the first component is an accepting state of A L and the second is a nonaccepting state of A M. Then the resulting DFA accepts if and only if the input is in L - M.Solutions for Section 4.3Exercise 4.3.1Let n be the pumping-lemma constant. Test all strings of length between n and 2n-1 for membership in L. If we find even one such string, then L is infinite. The reason is that the pumping lemma applies to such a string, and it can be ``pumped'' to show an infinite sequence of strings are in L.Suppose, however, that there are no strings in L whose length is in the range n to 2n-1. We claim there are no strings in L of length 2n or more, and thus there are only a finite number of strings in L. In proof, suppose w is a string in L of length at least 2n, and w is as short as any string in L that has length at least 2n. Then the pumping lemma applies to w, and we can write w = xyz, where xz is also in L. How long could xz be? It can't be as long as 2n, because it is shorter than w, and w is as short as any string in L of length 2n or more. n, because xz is at most n shorter than w. Thus, xz is of length between n and 2n-1, which is a contradiction, since we assumed there were no strings in L with a length in that range.Solutions for Section 4.4Exercise 4.4.1Revised 10/23/01.B|xC|x xD|x x xE|x x xF|x x x xG| x x x x xH|x x x x x x x---------------A B C D E F GNote, however, that state H is inaccessible, so it should be removed, leaving the first four states as the minimum-state DFASolutions for Section 5.1Exercise 5.1.1(a)S -> 0S1 | 01Exercise 5.1.1(b)S -> AB | CDA -> aA | εB -> bBc | E | cDC -> aCb | E | aAD -> cD | εE -> bE | bTo understand how this grammar works, observe the following:∙A generates zero or more a's.∙D generates zero or more c's.∙E generates one or more b's.∙B first generates an equal number of b's and c's, then produces either one or more b's (via E) or one or more c's (via cD).That is, B generates strings in b*c* with an unequal number of b's and c's.∙Similarly, C generates unequal numbers of a's then b's.∙Thus, AB generates strings in a*b*c* with an unequal numbers of b's and c's, while CD generates strings in a*b*c* with an unequal number of a's and b's.Exercise 5.1.2(a)Leftmost: S => A1B => 0A1B => 00A1B => 001B => 0010B => 00101B => 00101Rightmost: S => A1B => A10B => A101B => A101 => 0A101 => 00A101 => 00101Exercise 5.1.5S -> S+S | SS | S* | (S) | 0 | 1 | phi | eThe idea is that these productions for S allow any expression to be, respectively, the sum (union) of two expressions, the concatenation of two expressions, the star of an expression, a parenthesized expression, or one of the four basis cases of expressions: 0, 1, phi, and ε.Solutions for Section 5.2Exercise 5.2.1(a)S/ | \A 1 B/ | / |0 A 0 B/ | / |0 A 1 B| |e eIn the above tree, e stands for ε.Solutions for Section 5.3Exercise 5.3.2B -> BB | (B) | [B] | εExercise 5.3.4(a)Change production (5) to:ListItem -> <LI> Doc </LI>Solutions for Section 5.4Exercise 5.4.1Here are the parse trees:S S/ | / / | \a S a Sb S/ | \ \ | \ |a Sb S a S e| | |e e eThe two leftmost derivations are: S => aS => aaSbS => aabS => aab and S => aSbS => aaSbS => aabS => aab. The two rightmost derivations are: S => aS => aaSbS => aaSb => aab and S => aSbS => aSb => aaSb => aab. Exercise 5.4.3The idea is to introduce another nonterminal T that cannot generate an unbalanced a. That strategy corresponds to the usual rule in programming languages that an ``else'' is associated with the closest previous, unmatched ``then.'' Here, we force a b to match the previous unmatched a. The grammar:S -> aS | aTbS | εT -> aTbT | εExercise 5.4.6Alas, it is not. We need to have three nonterminals, corresponding to the three possible ``strengths'' of expressions:1. A factor cannot be broken by any operator. These are the basis expressions, parenthesized expressions, and theseexpressions followed by one or more *'s.2. A term can be broken only by a *. For example, consider 01, where the 0 and 1 are concatenated, but if we follow it bya *, it becomes 0(1*), and the concatenation has been ``broken'' by the *.3.An expression can be broken by concatenation or *, but not by +. An example is the expression 0+1. Note that if weconcatenate (say) 1 or follow by a *, we parse the expression 0+(11) or 0+(1*), and in either case the union has been broken.The grammar:E -> E+T | TT -> TF | FF -> F* | (E) | 0 | 1 | phi | eSolutions for Section 6.1Exercise 6.1.1(a)(q,01,Z0) |- (q,1,XZ0) |- (q,ε,XZ0) |- (p,ε,Z0)|- (p,1,Z0) |- (p,ε,ε)Solutions for Section 6.2Exercise 6.2.1(a)We shall accept by empty stack. Symbol X will be used to count the 0's on the input. In state q, the start state, where we have seen no 1's, we add an X to the stack for each 0 seen. The first X replaces Z0, the start symbol. When we see a 1, we go to state p, and then only pop the stack, one X for each input 1. Formally, the PDA is ({q,p},{0,1},{X,Z0},δ,q,Z0). The rules:1.δ(q,0,Z0) = {(q,X)}2.δ(q,0,X) = {(q,XX)}3.δ(q,1,X) = {(p,ε)}4.δ(p,1,X) = {(p,ε)}Exercise 6.2.2(a)Revised 6/20/02.Begin in start state q0, with start symbol Z0, and immediately guess whether to check for:1.i=j=0 (state q1).2.i=j>0 (state q2).3.j=k (state q3).We shall accept by final state; as seen below, the accepting states are q1 and q3. The rules, and their explanations:∙δ(q0,ε,Z0) = {(q1,Z0), (q2,Z0), (q3,Z0)}, the initial guess.∙δ(q1,c,Z0) = {(q1,Z0)}. In case (1), we assume there are no a's or b's, and we consume all c's. State q1 will be one of our accepting states.∙δ(q2,a,Z0) = {(q2,XZ0)}, and δ(q2,a,X) = {(q2,XX)}. These rules begin case (2). We use X to count the number of a's read from the input, staying in state q2.∙δ(q2,b,X) = δ(q4,b,X) = {(q4,ε)}. When b's are seen, we go to state q4 and pop X's against the b's.∙δ(q4,ε,Z0) = {(q1,Z0)}. If we reach the bottom-of-stack marker in state q4, we have seen an equal number of a's and b's.We go spontaneously to state q1, which will accept and consume all c's, while continuing to accept.∙δ(q3,a,Z0) = {(q3,Z0)}. This rule begins case (3). We consume all a's from the input. Since j=k=0 is possible, state q3 must be an accepting state.∙δ(q3,b,Z0) = {(q5,XZ0)}. When b's arrive, we start counting them and go to state q5, which is not an accepting state.∙δ(q5,b,X) = {(q5,XX)}. We continue counting b's.∙δ(q5,c,X) = δ(q6,c,X) = {(q6,ε)}. When c's arrive, we go to state q6 and match the c's against the b's.∙δ(q6,ε,Z0) = {(q3,ε)}. When the bottom-of-stack marker is exposed in state q6, we have seen an equal number of b's and c's. We spontaneously accept in state q3, but we pop the stack so we cannot accept after reading more a's.Exercise 6.2.4Introduce a new state q, which be comes the initial state. On input ε and the start symbol of P, the new PDA has a choice of popping the stack (thus accepting ε), or going to the start state of P.Exercise 6.2.5(a)Revised 6/6/06.(q0,bab,Z0) |- (q2,ab,BZ0) |- (q3,b,Z0) |- (q1,b,AZ0) |- (q1,ε,Z0) |- (q0,ε,Z0) |- (f,ε,ε)Exercise 6.2.8Suppose that there is a rule that (p,X1X2...X k) is a choice in δ(q,a,Z). We create k-2 new states r1,r2,...,r k-2 that simulate this rule but do so by adding one symbol at a time to the stack. That is, replace (p,X1X2...X k) in the rule by (r k-2,X k-1X k. Then create new rules δ(r k-2,ε,X k-1) = {(r k-3,X k-2X k-1)}, and so on, down to δ(r2,ε,X3) = {(r1,X2X3)} and δ(r1,X2) = {(p,X1X2)}.Solutions for Section 6.3Exercise 6.3.1({q},{0,1),{0,1,A,S},δ ,q ,S) where δ is defined by:1.δ(q,ε,S) = {(q,0S1), (q,A)}2.δ(q,ε,A) = {(q,1A0), (q,S), (q,ε)}3.δ(q,0,0) = {(q,ε)}4.δ(q,1,1) = {(q,ε)}Exercise 6.3.3In the following, S is the start symbol, e stands for the empty string, and Z is used in place of Z0.1.S -> [qZq] | [qZp]The following four productions come from rule (1).2.[qZq] -> 1[qXq][qZq]3.[qZq] -> 1[qXp][pZq]4.[qZp] -> 1[qXq][qZp]5.[qZp] -> 1[qXp][pZp]The following four productions come from rule (2).6.[qXq] -> 1[qXq][qXq]7.[qXq] -> 1[qXp][pXq]8.[qXp] -> 1[qXq][qXp]9.[qXp] -> 1[qXp][pXp]The following two productions come from rule (3).10.[qXq] -> 0[pXq]11.[qXp] -> 0[pXp]The following production comes from rule (4).12.[qXq] -> eThe following production comes from rule (5).13.[pXp] -> 1The following two productions come from rule (6).14.[pZq] -> 0[qZq]15.[pZp] -> 0[qZp]Exercise 6.3.6Convert P to a CFG, and then convert the CFG to a PDA, using the two constructions given in Section 6.3. The result is a one-state PDA equivalent to P.Solutions for Section 6.4Exercise 6.4.1(b)Not a DPDA. For example, rules (3) and (4) give a choice, when in state q, with 1 as the next input symbol, and with X on top of the stack, of either using the 1 (making no other change) or making a move on ε input that pops the stack and going to sta te p.Exercise 6.4.3(a)Suppose a DPDA P accepts both w and wx by empty stack, where x is not ε (i.e., N(P) does not have the prefix property). Then (q0,wxZ0) |-* (q,x,ε) for some state q, where q0 and Z0 are the start state and symbol of P. It is not possible that (q,x,ε) |-* (p,ε,ε) for some state p, because we know x is not ε, and a PDA cannot have a move with an empty sta ck. This observation contradicts the assumption that wx is in N(P).Exercise 6.4.3(c)Modify P' in the following ways to create DPDA P:1.Add a new start state and a new start symbol. P, with this state and symbol, pushes the start symbol of P' on top of thestack and goes to the start state of P'. The purpose of the new start symbol is to make sure P doesn't accidentally accept by empty stack.2.Add a new ``popping state'' to P. In this state, P pops every symbol it sees on the stack, using ε input.3.If P' enters an accepting state, P enters the popping state instead.As long as L(P') has the prefix property, then any string that P' accepts by final state, P will accept by empty stack.Solutions for Section 7.1Exercise 7.1.1A and C are clearly generating, since they have productions with terminal bodies. Then we can discover S is generating because of the production S->CA, whose body consists of only symbols that are generating. However,B is not generating. Eliminating B, leaves the grammarS -> CAA -> aC -> bSince S, A, and C are each reachable from S, all the remaining symbols are useful, and the above grammar is the answer to the question.Exercise 7.1.2Revised 6/27/02.a)Only S is nullable, so we must choose, at each point where S occurs in a body, to eliminate it or not. Since there is no body that consists only of S's, we do not have to invoke the rule about not eliminating an entire body. The resulting grammar:S -> ASB | ABA -> aAS | aA | aB -> SbS | bS | Sb | b | A | bbb)The only unit production is B -> A. Thus, it suffices to replace this body A by the bodies of all the A-productions. The result:S -> ASB | ABA -> aAS | aA | aB -> SbS | bS | Sb | b | aAS | aA | a | bbc)Observe that A and B each derive terminal strings, and therefore so does S. Thus, there are no useless symbols.d)Introduce variables and productions C -> a and D -> b, and use the new variables in all bodies that are not a single terminal:S -> ASB | ABA -> CAS | CA | aB -> SDS | DS | SD | b | CAS | CA | a | DDC -> aD -> bFinally, there are bodies of length 3; one, CAS, appears twice. Introduce new variables E, F, andG to split these bodies, yielding the CNF grammar:S -> AE | ABA -> CF | CA | aB -> SG | DS | SD | b | CF | CA | a | DDC -> aD -> bE -> SBF -> ASG -> DSExercise 7.1.10It's not possible. The reason is that an easy induction on the number of steps in a derivation shows that every sentential form has odd length. Thus, it is not possible to find such a grammar for a language as simple as {00}.To see why, suppose we begin with start symbol S and try to pick a first production. If we pick a production with a single terminal as body, we derive a string of length 1 and are done. If we pick a body with three variables, then, since there is no way for a variable to derive epsilon, we are forced to derive a string of length 3 or more.Exercise 7.1.11(b)The statement of the entire construction may be a bit tricky, since you need to use the construction of part (c) in (b), although we are not publishing the solution to (c). The construction for (b) is by induction on i, but it needs to be of the stronger statement that if an A i-production has a body beginning with A j, then j > i (i.e., we use part (c) to eliminate the possibility that i=j).Basis: For i = 1 we simply apply the construction of (c) for i = 1.Induction: If there is any production of the form A i -> A1..., use the construction of (a) to replace A1. That gives us a situation where all A i production bodies begin with at least A2 or a terminal. Similarly, replace initial A2's using (a), to make A3 the lowest possible variable beginning an A i-production. In this manner, we eventually guarantee that the body of each A i-production either begins with a terminal or with A j, for some j >= i. A use of the construction from (c) eliminates the possibility that i = j.Exercise 7.1.11(d)As per the hint, we do a backwards induction on i, that the bodies of A i productions can be made to begin with terminals.Basis: For i = k, there is nothing to do, since there are no variables with index higher than k to begin the body.Induction: Assume the statement for indexes greater than i. If an A i-production begins with a variable, it must be A j for some j > i. By the induction hypothesis, the A j-productions all have bodies beginning with terminals now. Thus, we may use the construction (a) to replace the initial A j, yielding only A i-productions whose bodies begin with terminals.After fixing all the A i-productions for all i, it is time to work on the B i-productions. Since these have bodies that begin with either terminals or A j for some j, and the latter variables have only bodies that begin with terminals, application of construction (a) fixes the B j's.Solutions for Section 7.2Exercise 7.2.1(a)Let n be the pumping-lemma constant and consider string z = a n b n+1c n+2. We may write z = uvwxy, where v and x, may be ``pumped,'' and |vwx| <= n. If vwx does not have c's, then uv3wx3y has at least n+2a's or b's, and thus could not be in the language.If vwx has a c, then it could not have an a, because its length is limited to n. Thus, uwy has n a's, but no more than 2n+2b's and c's in total. Thus, it is not possible that uwy has more b's than a's and also has more c's than b's. We conclude that uwy is not in the language, and now have a contradiction no matter how z is broken into uvwxy.Exercise 7.2.1(d)Let n be the pumping-lemma constant and consider z = 0n1n2. We break Z = uvwxy according to the pumping lemma. If vwx consists only of 0's, then uwy has n2 1's and fewer than n 0's; it is not in the language. If vwx has only 1's, then we derive a contradiction similarly. If either v or x has both 0's and 1's, then uv2wx2y is not in 0*1*, and thus could not be in the language.Finally, consider the case where v consists of 0's only, say k 0's, and x consists of m 1's only, where k and m are both positive. Then for all i, uv i+1wx i+1y consists of n + ik 0's and n2 + im 1's. If the number of 1's is always to be the square of the number of 0's, we must have, for some positive k and m: (n+ik)2 = n2+ im, or 2ink + i2k2= im. But the left side grows quadratically in i, while the right side grows linearly, and so this equality for all i is impossible. We conclude that for at least some i, uv i+1wx i+1y is not in the language and have thus derived a contradiction in all cases.Exercise 7.2.2(b)It could be that, when the adversary breaks z = uvwxy, v = 0k and x = 1k. Then, for all i, uv i wx i y is in the language.Exercise 7.2.2(c)The adversary could choose z = uvwxy so that v and x are single symbols, on either side of the center. That is, |u| = |y|, and w is either epsilon (if z is of even length) or the single, middle symbol (if z is of odd length). Since z is a palindrome, v and x will be the same symbol. Then uv i wx i y is always a palindrome.。
答:G={N,T,P,S}其中N={S,A,B,C,D} T={x,y} 其中x∈{所有字母} y∈{所有的字符} P如下: S→x S→xA A→y A→yBB→y B→yC C→y C→yD D→y6.构造上下文无关文法能够产生L={ω/ω∈{a,b}*且ω中a的个数是b的两倍}答:G={N,T,P,S}其中N={S} T={a,b} P如下:S→aab S→aba S→baaS→aabS S→aaSb S→aSab S→SaabS→abaS S→abSa S→aSba S→SabaS→baaS S→baSa S→bSaa S→Sbaa7.找出由下列各组生成式产生的语言(起始符为S)(1)S→SaS S→b(2)S→aSb S→c(3)S→a S→aE E→aS答:(1)b(ab)n /n≥0}或者L={(ba)n b/n≥0}(2) L={a n cb n /n≥0}(3)L={a2n+1 /n≥0}第三章1.下列集合是否为正则集,若是正则集写出其正则式。
(1)含有偶数个a和奇数个b的{a,b}*上的字符串集合(2)含有相同个数a和b的字符串集合(3)不含子串aba的{a,b}*上的字符串集合答:(1)是正则集,自动机如下(2) 不是正则集,用泵浦引理可以证明,具体见17题(2)。
(3) 是正则集先看L’为包含子串aba的{a,b}*上的字符串集合显然这是正则集,可以写出表达式和画出自动机。
4.对下列文法的生成式,找出其正则式(1)G=({S,A,B,C,D},{a,b,c,d},P,S),生成式P如下:S→aA S→BA→abS A→bBB→b B→cCC→D D→bBD→d(2)G=({S,A,B,C,D},{a,b,c,d},P,S),生成式P如下:S→aA S→BA→cC A→bBB→bB B→aC→D C→abBD→d答:(1) 由生成式得:S=aA+B ①A=abS+bB ②B=b+cC ③C=D ④D=d+bB ⑤③④⑤式化简消去CD,得到B=b+c(d+bB)即B=cbB+cd+b =>B=(cb)*(cd+b) ⑥将②⑥代入①S=aabS+ab(cb)*(cd+b)+(cb)*(cd+b) =>S=(aab)*(ab+ε)(cb)*(cd+b) (2) 由生成式得:S=aA+B ①A=bB+cC ②B=a+bB ③C=D+abB ④D=dB ⑤由③得 B=b*a ⑥将⑤⑥代入④ C=d+abb*a=d+ab+a ⑦将⑥⑦代入② A=b+a+c(d+b+a) ⑧将⑥⑧代入① S=a(b+a+c(d+ab+a))+b*a=ab+a+acd+acab+a+b*a5.为下列正则集,构造右线性文法:(1){a,b}*(2)以abb结尾的由a和b组成的所有字符串的集合(3)以b为首后跟若干个a的字符串的集合(4)含有两个相继a和两个相继b的由a和b组成的所有字符串集合答:(1)右线性文法G=({S},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS S→bS S→ε(2) 右线性文法G=({S},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS S→bS S→abb(3) 此正则集为{ba*}右线性文法G=({S,A},{a,b},P,S)P: S→bA A→aA A→ε(4) 此正则集为{{a,b}*aa{a,b}*bb{a,b}*, {a,b}*bb{a,b}*aa{a,b}*}右线性文法G=({S,A,B,C},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS/bS/aaA/bbBA→aA/bA/bbCB→aB/bB/aaCC→aC/bC/ε7.设正则集为a(ba)*(1)构造右线性文法(2)找出(1)中文法的有限自 b动机答:(1)右线性文法G=({S,A},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aA A→bS A→ε(2)自动机如下:(p2是终结状态)9.对应图(a)(b)的状态转换图写出正则式。
第三章作业答案1.已知DFA M1与M2如图3-18所示。
(xxxx 02282068) (1) 请分别给出它们在处理字符串1011001的过程中经过的状态序列。
(2) 请给出它们的形式描述。
Sq q1q q图3-18 两个不同的DFA解答:(1)M1在处理1011001的过程中经过的状态序列为q0q3q1q3q2q3q1q3;M2在处理1011001的过程中经过的状态序列为q0q2q3q1q3q2q3q1;(2)考虑到用形式语言表示,用自然语言似乎不是那么容易,所以用图上作业法把它们用正则表达式来描述:M1: [01+(00+1)(11+0)][11+(10+0)(11+0)]* M2: (01+1+000){(01)*+[(001+11)(01+1+000)]*} *******************************************************************************2.构造下列语言的DFA( xx02282085 ) (1){0,1}*,1(2){0,1}+,1(3){x|x{0,1}+且x 中不含00的串}(设置一个陷阱状态,一旦发现有00的子串,就进入陷阱状态)(4){ x|x{0,1}*且x中不含00的串}(可接受空字符串,所以初始状态也是接受状态)(5){x|x{0,1}+且x中含形如10110的子串}(6){x|x{0,1}+且x中不含形如10110的子串}(设置一个陷阱状态,一旦发现有00的子串,就进入陷阱状态)(7){x|x{0,1}+且当把x看成二进制时,x模5和3同余,要求当x为0时,|x|=1,且x0时,x的首字符为1 }1.以0开头的串不被接受,故设置陷阱状态,当DFA在启动状态读入的符号为0,则进入陷阱状态2.设置7个状态:开始状态qs,q0:除以5余0的等价类,q1:除以5余1的等价类,q2:除以5余2的等价类,q3:除以5余3的等价类,q4:除以5余4的等价类,接受状态qt3.状态转移表为(8){x|x{0,1}+且x的第十个字符为1}(设置一个陷阱状态,一旦发现x的第十个字符为0,进入陷阱状态)(9){x|x{0,1}+且x以0开头以1结尾}(设置陷阱状态,当第一个字符为1时,进入陷阱状态)(10){x|x{0,1}+且xxx至少含有两个1}(11){x|x{0,1}+且如果x以1结尾,则它的xx为偶数;如果x以0结尾,则它的xx为奇数}可将{0,1}+的字符串分为4个等价类。
q 线性带限自动机所接受的语言
q 定理
定理 3.5:如果 L 是一个前后文有关语言,则 L 由一个不 确定的线性带限自动机所接受。反之,如果 L 被一个线性带 限自动机所接受,则 L 是一个前后文有关语言。
主要区别:各类自动机的主要区别是它们能够使用的信 息存储空间的差异:有限状态自动机只能用状态来存储信息; 下推自动机除了可以用状态以外,还可以用下推存储器 (栈);线性带限自动机可以利用状态和输入/输出带本身。 因为输入/输出带没有“先进后出”的限制,因此其功能大于 栈;而图灵机的存储空间没有任何限制。 识别语言的能力:有限自动机等价于正则文法;下推自 动机等价于上下文无关文法;线性带限自动机等价于上下文 有关文法,图灵机等基于 0 型文法。
3.2 形式语言
q 关于语言的定义
- Chomsky
v 穷举法 — — 只适合句子数目有效的语言。 v 语法描述 — — 生成语言中合格的句子。
v 自动机 — — 对输入的句子进行检验,区别哪些是语 言中的句子,哪些不是语言中的句子。
• 3.4.1 单词拼写检查 • 3.4.2单词形态分析 • 3.4.3 词性消歧
q 有限自动机用于英语单词拼写检查
[Oflazer, 1996] 设 X 为拼写错误的字符串,其长度为 m,Y 为 X 对应的正 确的单词(答案),其长度为 n。则 X 和 Y 的编辑距离 ed(X[m], Y[n])为:从字符串 X 转换到 Y 需要的插入、删除、 替换和交换两个相邻的基本单位(字符)的最小个数。如: ed (recoginze, recognize) = 1 ed (sailn, failing) = 3
形式语言与自动机期末复习题及答案(一)1.有图灵机 M=(Q, ∑, Γ, δ,q 0 , B , F) 接受语言{w t w│w ∈{a, b}*},按照下图说明其接受过程。
(本题15分 )[q 1[q 6,B]答:abtab 的分析过程:[q 1,B]abtab├a [q 2,a]btab├ab [q 2,a]tab├abt [q 3,a]ab├ ab [q 4,B]tab├a [q 5,B]btab├[q 6,B]abtab├a [q 1,B]btab ├ab [q 2,b]tab├abt [q 3,b]ab ├abta [q 3,b]b ├abt [q 4,B]ab├a [q 5,B]btab ├ab [q 7,B]tab ├abt [q 8,B]ab├abta [q 8,B]b ├abtab [q 8,B]B├abta [q 9,B]b 接受abtab√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√2.简述《形式语言与自动机》课程的主要内容。
(本题10分)答:语言的文法描述;RL (RG 、FA 、RE 、RL 的性质 );CFL (CFG(CNF 、GNF)、PDA 、CFL 的性质);TM (基本TM 、构造技术、TM 的修改);CSL (CSG 、LBA )。
(本题10分) 答:本专业人员4种基本的专业能力:计算思维能力、算法的设计与分析能力、程序设计和实现能力、计算机软硬件系统的认知、分析、设计与应用能力。
答:G={N,T,P,S}其中N={S,A,B,C,D} T={x,y} 其中x∈{所有字母} y∈{所有得字符} P如下: S→x S→xA A→y A→yBB→y B→yC C→y C→yD D→y6.构造上下文无关文法能够产生L={ω/ω∈{a,b}*且ω中a得个数就是b得两倍}答:G={N,T,P,S}其中N={S} T={a,b} P如下:S→aab S→aba S→baaS→aabS S→aaSb S→aSab S→SaabS→abaS S→abSa S→aSba S→SabaS→baaS S→baSa S→bSaa S→Sbaa7.找出由下列各组生成式产生得语言(起始符为S)(1)S→SaS S→b(2)S→aSb S→c(3)S→a S→aE E→aS答:(1)b(ab)n /n≥0}或者L={(ba)n b/n≥0}(2) L={a n cb n /n≥0}(3)L={a2n+1 /n≥0}第三章1.下列集合就是否为正则集,若就是正则集写出其正则式。
(3) 就是正则集先瞧L’为包含子串aba得{a,b}*上得字符串集合显然这就是正则集,可以写出表达式与画出自动机。
4.对下列文法得生成式,找出其正则式(1)G=({S,A,B,C,D},{a,b,c,d},P,S),生成式P如下:S→aA S→BA→abS A→bBB→b B→cCC→D D→bBD→d(2)G=({S,A,B,C,D},{a,b,c,d},P,S),生成式P如下:S→aA S→BA→cC A→bBB→bB B→aC→D C→abBD→d答:(1) 由生成式得:S=aA+B ①A=abS+bB ②B=b+cC ③C=D ④D=d+bB ⑤③④⑤式化简消去CD,得到B=b+c(d+bB)即B=cbB+cd+b =>B=(cb)*(cd+b) ⑥将②⑥代入①S=aabS+ab(cb)*(cd+b)+(cb)*(cd+b) =>S=(aab)*(ab+ε)(cb)*(cd+b) (2) 由生成式得:S=aA+B ①A=bB+cC ②B=a+bB ③C=D+abB ④D=dB ⑤由③得 B=b*a ⑥将⑤⑥代入④ C=d+abb*a=d+ab+a ⑦将⑥⑦代入② A=b+a+c(d+b+a) ⑧将⑥⑧代入① S=a(b+a+c(d+ab+a))+b*a=ab+a+acd+acab+a+b*a5、为下列正则集,构造右线性文法:(1){a,b}*(2)以abb结尾得由a与b组成得所有字符串得集合(3)以b为首后跟若干个a得字符串得集合(4)含有两个相继a与两个相继b得由a与b组成得所有字符串集合答:(1)右线性文法G=({S},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS S→bS S→ε(2) 右线性文法G=({S},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS S→bS S→abb(3) 此正则集为{ba*}右线性文法G=({S,A},{a,b},P,S)P: S→bA A→aA A→ε(4) 此正则集为{{a,b}*aa{a,b}*bb{a,b}*, {a,b}*bb{a,b}*aa{a,b}*}右线性文法G=({S,A,B,C},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS/bS/aaA/bbBA→aA/bA/bbCB→aB/bB/aaCC→aC/bC/ε7、设正则集为a(b a)*(1)构造右线性文法(2)找出(1)中文法得有限自b动机答:(1)右线性文法G=({S,A},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aA A→bS A→ε(2)自动机如下:)9、对应图(a)(b)得状态转换图写出正则式。
3.1 几个基本概念
例如: 假设 Σ = {0, 1},那么,0 和 1都是正则表达式。如 果令x=0, y=1, 那么, y* = 1* 也是正则式,对应的正则集为:U={ε, 1, 11, … } xy* = 01* 也是正则式, 且它对应的正则集: V={ 0, 01, 011, 0111, … } x|y* = {x}∪U = {0, ε, 1, 11, 111, … }
用 + (按非平凡方式派生)表示 ⇒ 的传递闭包,也就是 ⇒ G (N ∪ Σ)*上的符号串 ξi 到 ξi+1 的 n ( n ≥ 1) 步推导或派生。 用
的自反和传递闭包,即由(N ∪ Σ)*上的符 号串 ξi 到 ξi+1 经过n ( n ≥ 0)步推导或派生。
⇒ (派生)表示 ⇒
3.1 几个基本概念
(2) 符号串集合的乘积 设A, B是符号串的集合,则A, B的乘积定义为:
AB = {xy | x ∈ A, y ∈ B}
相应地,A0= {ε}, An=An-1A=AAn-1 例如: 设A={aa, bb}, B={cc, dd, ee},则 AB={aacc, aadd, aaee, bbcc, bbdd, bbee} A2={aaaa, aabb, bbaa, bbbb}
3.2 形式语言
q 句型与句子
一些特殊类型的符号串为文法 G=(N, Σ, P, S) 的句子形式 (句型): (1) S 是一个句子形式; (2) 如果 αβγ 是一个句子形式,且 β → δ 是 P 的产生式, 则 αδγ 也是一个句子形式; 文法 G 的不含非终结符的句子形式称为 G 生成的句子。 由文法 G 生成的语言,记作 L(G),指 G 生成的所有句子的集 合。即: L(G) = {x | x ∈ Σ, S
Note: 一般字符串常用来表示,单个字符常用来表示。
Note: 字符串和语言的关系可以类比集合的元素和集合的关系。
d)BNF:讨论某种程序设计语言语法的元语言<数字><字母><标识符> <字母>|<标识符><字母>|<标识符><数字>“定义为”, “或者”, <>: “必须的部分”6.Chomsky文法体系:将BNF中的“”用“”代替,用字符代替汉字包含两个不同的有限符号的集合:非终结符和终结符,形式规则的有限集,起始符,文法,的集合,, 。
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答:G={N,T,P,S}其中N={S,A,B,C,D} T={x,y} 其中x∈{所有字母} y∈{所有的字符} P如下: S→x S→xA A→y A→yBB→y B→yC C→y C→yD D→y6.构造上下文无关文法能够产生L={ω/ω∈{a,b}*且ω中a的个数是b的两倍}答:G={N,T,P,S}其中N={S} T={a,b} P如下:S→aab S→aba S→baaS→aabS S→aaSb S→aSab S→SaabS→abaS S→abSa S→aSba S→SabaS→baaS S→baSa S→bSaa S→Sbaa7.找出由下列各组生成式产生的语言(起始符为S)(1)S→SaS S→b(2)S→aSb S→c(3)S→a S→aE E→aS答:(1)b(ab)n /n≥0}或者L={(ba)n b/n≥0}(2) L={a n cb n /n≥0}(3)L={a2n+1 /n≥0}第三章1.下列集合是否为正则集,若是正则集写出其正则式。
(1)含有偶数个a和奇数个b的{a,b}*上的字符串集合(2)含有相同个数a和b的字符串集合(3)不含子串aba的{a,b}*上的字符串集合答:(1)是正则集,自动机如下(2) 不是正则集,用泵浦引理可以证明,具体见17题(2)。
—(3) 是正则集先看L’为包含子串aba的{a,b}*上的字符串集合显然这是正则集,可以写出表达式和画出自动机。
4.对下列文法的生成式,找出其正则式(1)G=({S,A,B,C,D},{a,b,c,d},P,S),生成式P如下:S→aA S→BA→abS A→bBB→b B→cCC→D D→bBD→d(2)G=({S,A,B,C,D},{a,b,c,d},P,S),生成式P如下:S→aA S→BA→cC A→bBB→bB B→aC→D C→abBD→d答:(1) 由生成式得:S=aA+B ①A=abS+bB ②B=b+cC ③C=D ④D=d+bB ⑤③④⑤式化简消去CD,得到B=b+c(d+bB)即B=cbB+cd+b =>B=(cb)*(cd+b) ⑥将②⑥代入①S=aabS+ab(cb)*(cd+b)+(cb)*(cd+b) =>S=(aab)*(ab+ε)(cb)*(cd+b)(2) 由生成式得:S=aA+B ①A=bB+cC ②B=a+bB ③C=D+abB ④D=dB ⑤由③得 B=b*a ⑥将⑤⑥代入④ C=d+abb*a=d+ab+a ⑦将⑥⑦代入② A=b+a+c(d+b+a) ⑧将⑥⑧代入① S=a(b+a+c(d+ab+a))+b*a=ab+a+acd+acab+a+b*a5.为下列正则集,构造右线性文法:(1){a,b}*(2)以abb结尾的由a和b组成的所有字符串的集合—(3)以b为首后跟若干个a的字符串的集合(4)含有两个相继a和两个相继b的由a和b组成的所有字符串集合答:(1)右线性文法G=({S},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS S→bS S→ε(2) 右线性文法G=({S},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS S→bS S→abb(3) 此正则集为{ba*}右线性文法G=({S,A},{a,b},P,S)P: S→bA A→aA A→ε(4) 此正则集为{{a,b}*aa{a,b}*bb{a,b}*, {a,b}*bb{a,b}*aa{a,b}*}右线性文法G=({S,A,B,C},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aS/bS/aaA/bbBA→aA/bA/bbCB→aB/bB/aaCC→aC/bC/ε7.设正则集为a(b a)*(1)构造右线性文法(2)找出(1)中文法的有限自b动机答:(1)右线性文法G=({S,A},{a,b},P,S)P: S→aA A→bS A→ε(2)自动机如下:9.对应图(a)(b)的状态转换图写出正则式。
(图略)(1)由图可知q0=aq0+bq1+a+εq1=aq2+bq1q0=aq0+bq1+a=>q1=abq1+bq1+aaq0+aa=(b+ab) q1+aaq0+aa=(b+ab) *( aaq0+aa)=>q0=aq0+b(b+ab) *( aaq0+aa ) +a+ε= q0(a+b (b+ab) *aa)+ b(b+ab) *aa+a+ε=(a+b (b+ab) *aa) *((b+ab) *aa+a+ε)=(a+b (b+ab) *aa) *(3)q0=aq1+bq2+a+bq1=aq0+bq2+bq0=aq1+bq0+a=>q1=aq0+baq1+bbq0+ba+b=(ba)*(aq0 +bbq0+ba+b)=>q2=aaq0+abq2+bq0+ab+a=(ab)*(aaq0 +bq0+ ab+a)=>q0=a(ba)*(a+bb) q0 + a(ba)*(ba+b)+b(ab)*(aa+b)q0+ b(ab)*(ab+a)+a+b =[a(ba)*(a+bb) +b(ab)*(aa+b)]* (a(ba)*(ba+b)+ b(ab)*(ab+a)+a+b)10.设字母表T={a,b},找出接受下列语言的DFA:(1)含有3个连续b的所有字符串集合(2)以aa为首的所有字符串集合(3)以aa结尾的所有字符串集合14构造DFA M1等价于NFA M,NFA M如下:(1)M=({q0,q1 q2,q3},{a,b},σ,q0,{q3}),其中σ如下:σ(q0,a)={q0,q1} σ(q0,b)={q0}σ(q1,a)={q2} σ(q1,b)= {q2 }σ(q2,a)={q3} σ(q2,b)=Φσ(q3,a)={q3} σ(q3,b)= {q3 }(2)M=({q0,q1 q2,q3},{a,b},σ,q0,{ q1,q2}),其中σ如下:σ(q0,a)={q1,q2} σ(q0,b)={q1}σ(q1,a)={q2} σ(q1,b)= {q1,q2 }σ(q2,a)={q3} σ(q2,b)= {q0}σ(q3,a)=Φσ(q3,b)= {q0}答:(1)DFA M1={Q1, {a,b},σ1, [q0],{ [q0,q1,q3],[q0,q2,q3],[q0, q1,q2,q3]}其中Q1 ={[q0],[q0,q1], [q0,q1,q2],[ q0,q2],[ q0,q1, q2,q3],[ q0,q1, q3],[ q0,q2, q3],[ q0,q3]}(2)DFA M1={Q1, {a,b},σ1, [q0],{ [q1],[q3], [q1,q3],[q0,q1,q2],[q1,q2] ,[q1,q2,q3],[q2,q3]} 其中Q1 ={[q0],[q1,q3], [q1],[q2],[ q0,q1,q2],[q1,q2],[q3], [q1,q2,q3],[q2,q3]}(2)将此ε-NFA转换为没有ε的NFA答:(1)可被接受的的串共23个,分别为aac, abc, acc, bac, bbc, bcc, cac, cbc, ccc, caa, cab, cba, cbb, cca, ccb, bba, aca, acb, bca, bcb, bab, bbb, abb(2)ε-NFA:M=({p,q,r},{a,b,c},σ,p,r) 其中σ如表格所示。
因为ε-closure(p)= Φ则设不含ε的NFA M1=({p,q,r},{a,b,c},σ1,p,r)σ1(p,a)=σ’(p,a)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(p,ε),a))={p}σ1(p,b)=σ’(p,b)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(p,ε),b))={p,q}σ1(p,c)=σ’(p,c)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(p,ε),c))={p,q,r}σ1(q,a)=σ’(q,a)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(q,ε),a))={p,q}σ1(q,b)=σ’(q,b)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(q,ε),b))={p,q,r}σ1(q,c)=σ’(q,c)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(q,ε),c))={p,q,r}σ1(r,a)=σ’(r,a)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(r,ε),a))={p,q,r}σ1(r,b)=σ’(r,b)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(r,ε),b))={p,q,r}σ1(r,c)=σ’(r,c)=ε-closure(σ(σ’(r,ε),c))={p,q,r}图示如下:(r为终止状态)b,ca,b,ca,b,ca,b,c16.设NFA M=({q 0,q 1},{a,b},σ,q 0,{q 1}),其中σ如下: σ(q 0,a)={q 0,q 1} σ(q 0,b)={q 1} σ(q 1,a)= Φ σ(q 1,b)= {q 0, q 1} 构造相应的DFA M 1,并进行化简答:构造一个相应的DFA M 1={Q 1, {a,b},σ1, [q 0],{ [q 1],[q 0,q 1]} 其中Q 1 ={[q 0],[q 1],[q 0,q 1]}17.使用泵浦引理,证明下列集合不是正则集:(1) 由文法G 的生成式S →aSbS/c 产生的语言L(G) (2) {ω/ω∈{a,b}*且ω有相同个数的a 和b} (3) {a k ca k /k ≥1}(4) {ωω/ω∈{a,b}*}证明:(1)在L(G)中,a 的个数与b 的个数相等假设L(G)是正则集,对于足够大的k 取ω= a k (cb)k c 令ω=ω1ω0ω2因为|ω0|>0 |ω1ω0|≤k 存在ω0使ω1ω0i ω2∈L 所以对于任意ω0只能取ω0=a n n ∈(0,k)则ω1ω0i ω2= a k –n (a n )i (cb)k c 在i 不等于0时不属于L 与假设矛盾。
则L(G)不是正则集(2)假设该集合是正则集,对于足够大的k 取ω= a k b k令ω=ω1ω0ω2因为|ω0|>0 |ω1ω0|≤k 存在ω0使ω1ω0i ω2∈L所以对于任意ω0只能取ω0=a nn ∈(0,k)则ω1ω0i ω2= a k –n (a n )i b k 在i 不等于0时a 与b 的个数不同,不属于该集合 与假设矛盾。
则该集合不是正则集(3)假设该集合是正则集,对于足够大的k 取ω= a k ca k 令ω=ω1ω0ω2因为|ω0|>0 |ω1ω0|≤k 存在ω0使ω1ω0i ω2∈L所以对于任意ω0只能取ω0=a n n ∈(0,k)则ω1ω0i ω2= a k –n (a n )i ca k 在i 不等于0时c 前后a 的个数不同,不属于该集合 与假设矛盾。