



1. 请介绍一下自己的销售经验和能力。

2. 你如何拓展新客户并与他们建立良好的合作关系?
3. 请分享一次你成功销售产品的经历,并解释你的销售策略。

4. 在日化销售中,你认为顾客最看重的是什么?
5. 如何应对激烈的市场竞争,提高销售额?
6. 你在日化销售中遇到的最大挑战是什么,你是如何克服它的?
7. 你对销售指标有什么理解?如何实现销售目标?
8. 在处理客户投诉时,你会采取什么措施来解决问题并维护客户关系?
9. 你认为销售员应具备哪些品质?
10. 在日化销售中,你是如何与团队协作并达成共同目标的?。



2024年招聘化妆品研发岗位笔试题与参考答案(某大型集团公司)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品研发岗位中,以下哪一项不是化妆品配方设计的关键步骤?A、原料选择B、配方计算C、产品稳定性测试D、市场调研2、在化妆品研发中,以下哪一种方法不是用于评价化妆品安全性的常规手段?A、皮肤刺激性试验B、过敏原检测C、微生物污染测试D、热稳定性测试3、化妆品研发中,以下哪种成分通常用于提高产品的防晒效果?A. 硅酮B. 钛白粉C. 硅油D. 紫外线吸收剂4、在进行化妆品配方设计时,以下哪项不是影响产品稳定性的关键因素?A. 温度B. pH值C. 乳化剂的选择D. 原料的新鲜度5、化妆品研发中,以下哪种物质通常作为保湿剂使用?A. 硅油B. 酒精C. 硫磺D. 甘油6、在化妆品配方设计中,以下哪种成分主要用于调节产品的酸碱度?A. 氢氧化钠B. 氨水C. 醋酸D. 食盐7、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪一项不是影响化妆品稳定性的因素?A、pH值B、成分配比C、储存条件D、研发团队8、以下哪一种化妆品不属于特殊用途化妆品?A、防晒霜B、抗皱霜C、去角质霜D、染发剂9、以下哪种成分通常用于化妆品中,以增加产品的粘度?A. 甘油B. 氢氧化钠C. 聚乙二醇D. 硅油 10、在化妆品研发中,以下哪种测试方法用于评估产品的皮肤刺激性?A. 皮肤渗透性测试B. 皮肤过敏性测试C. 皮肤颜色变化测试D. 皮肤pH值测试二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、化妆品研发岗位笔试题与参考答案(某大型集团公司)试卷二、多项选择题(每题10分,共20分)1、以下哪些成分通常被用于化妆品中作为防腐剂?()A、苯氧乙醇B、羟苯乙酯C、山梨酸钾D、氯化苯甲烃铵E、二氧化钛2、以下哪些技术或方法在化妆品研发中用于提高产品的稳定性?()A、纳米技术B、微囊化技术C、均质化技术D、表面活性剂的应用E、抗氧化剂的添加3、下列哪些因素会影响化妆品配方中的乳化体系稳定性?A. 乳化剂的选择与配比B. 生产过程中的温度控制C. 储存条件下的光照强度D. 成品包装材料的透气性E. 活性成分的pH值4、在开发一款适合敏感肌肤使用的防晒霜时,以下哪些考虑是必要的?A. 使用无刺激性的防腐剂B. 避免添加香料和色素C. 选用物理防晒剂而不是化学防晒剂D. 确保产品具有防水性能E. 进行皮肤刺激性测试5、在化妆品配方设计中,下列哪些成分可以作为保湿剂使用?A. 甘油B. 玻尿酸C. 硬脂酸D. 透明质酸钠E. 酒精6、关于防晒化妆品中使用的防晒剂,以下说法正确的是?A. 物理防晒剂主要通过反射和散射紫外线来达到防晒效果B. 化学防晒剂需要皮肤吸收后才能发挥作用C. 所有的物理防晒剂都不易引起皮肤过敏D. SPF值越高,防晒产品对UVA的防护能力就越强E. 使用防晒化妆品时,涂抹量越多防晒效果越好7、以下哪些是化妆品研发过程中需要关注的法规和标准?A. 《化妆品卫生规范》B. 《化妆品安全技术规范》C. 《食品安全法》D. 《医疗器械监督管理条例》E. 《药品管理法》8、在化妆品配方设计中,以下哪些成分通常被用作防腐剂?A. 醋酸B. 苯甲酸C. 乙醇D. 甲基氯异噻唑啉酮E. 氢氧化钠9、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪些成分属于天然成分?()A. 乙醇B. 硅油C. 茶树油D. 甘油E. 对羟基苯甲酸酯 10、在化妆品配方设计中,以下哪些因素会影响产品的稳定性?()A. 温度B. pH值C. 乳化剂的选择D. 成分间的相互作用E. 产品的包装材料三、判断题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品中的防腐剂对人体都是有害的,应当完全避免使用。



区域化妆品行业网络知识竞赛化妆品题库一、品牌知识1. 雅诗兰黛是哪个国家的化妆品品牌?- 美国2. 兰蔻是哪个国家的化妆品品牌?- 法国3. 雅漾是哪个国家的化妆品品牌?- 法国4. 欧莱雅是哪个国家的化妆品品牌?- 法国5. 资生堂是哪个国家的化妆品品牌?- 日本二、产品知识1. BB霜是指什么?- BB霜是一种多功能面部化妆品,具有保湿、遮瑕、防晒等功效。

2. 精华素是化妆品的哪一类别?- 精华素属于护肤品的一种,用于提供肌肤所需的营养和滋润。

3. 睫毛膏的作用是什么?- 睫毛膏用于增长、浓密和加黑睫毛,使眼睛更加明亮有神。

4. 双色腮红是什么?- 双色腮红是一种腮红产品,由两种颜色相间的粉状腮红组成,可以调配出适合不同妆容的颜色。

5. 口红的成分中常含有什么?- 口红的成分常含有色素、油、蜡和乳化剂等。

三、化妆技巧1. 如何画出自然妆容?- 使用适合肤色的粉底液,轻薄均匀地涂抹全脸,然后使用淡色眼影和自然色系唇彩,让妆容看起来自然而不过分。

2. 如何画出猫眼妆?- 使用眼线笔或眼线液从眼尾向外拉长眼线,并加粗眼线尾部,再使用睫毛膏增长睫毛,使眼睛的外眼角上扬。

3. 如何选择适合自己的口红颜色?- 根据肤色选择适合的口红色系,冷色调肤色适合选择偏蓝、偏粉的口红,暖色调肤色适合选择偏橙、偏红的口红。

4. 如何选择适合自己的腮红颜色?- 根据肤色选择适合的腮红颜色,冷色调肤色适合选择粉色系的腮红,暖色调肤色适合选择桃红、珊瑚红等暖色系的腮红。

5. 如何做好眉毛的修饰?- 使用眉笔或眉粉填补眉毛间的空隙,然后使用眉刷将眉毛梳理成自然的形状,最后使用定型眉膏让眉毛保持整洁并持久。




第1篇一、开场白与自我介绍1. 题目:请您简单介绍一下自己。



2. 题目:您为什么选择从事化妆品销售行业?解析:此题考察应聘者对化妆品行业的了解和热爱程度。


二、专业知识与技能1. 题目:请您谈谈对化妆品行业的了解。



2. 题目:化妆品销售中,如何处理顾客的异议?解析:此题考察应聘者应对顾客异议的能力。


3. 题目:在化妆品销售过程中,如何挖掘顾客需求?解析:此题考察应聘者挖掘顾客需求的能力。


4. 题目:化妆品销售过程中,如何进行产品推荐?解析:此题考察应聘者产品推荐的能力。


5. 题目:化妆品销售中,如何进行顾客关系维护?解析:此题考察应聘者顾客关系维护的能力。


三、沟通与人际关系1. 题目:请您举例说明在团队协作中,您是如何发挥自己的作用的?解析:此题考察应聘者在团队中的协作能力。


2. 题目:在化妆品销售过程中,如何处理与同事、上级、顾客之间的关系?解析:此题考察应聘者的沟通能力和人际关系处理能力。


3. 题目:在遇到冲突时,您通常如何处理?解析:此题考察应聘者的冲突处理能力。


四、心理素质与抗压能力1. 题目:在销售过程中,您遇到过哪些挫折?是如何克服的?解析:此题考察应聘者的心理素质和抗压能力。



2025年招聘化妆品研发岗位笔试题与参考答案(某大型集团公司)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品研发中,下列哪种成分通常被用作保湿剂?A、硬脂酸B、甘油C、尼泊金酯D、二氧化钛2、在化妆品研发过程中,以下哪个阶段最需要关注产品的稳定性?A、原料选择B、配方设计C、生产过程D、市场推广3、化妆品研发中,下列哪种物质通常用于调节产品的粘度?A. 甘油B. 尼泊金酯类防腐剂C. 硅油D. 乙醇4、在化妆品配方设计中,以下哪一项不是考虑防晒指数(SPF)的主要因素?A. 化妆品中的防晒剂种类B. 防晒剂的浓度C. 产品中的油脂成分D. 防晒剂的粒径5、以下哪种成分在化妆品中通常用于增加产品的润滑性和保湿性?A. 甘油B. 丙二醇C. 硅油D. 水解蛋白质6、在化妆品研发过程中,以下哪项测试是为了确保产品的稳定性和安全性?A. 皮肤刺激性测试B. 光稳定性测试C. 稳定性测试D. 皮肤过敏测试7、在化妆品研发中,以下哪一项不属于物理性质的研究内容?A. 水分含量B. 油脂含量C. pH值D. 稳定性8、以下哪一种方法不属于化妆品原料的质量检测方法?A. 重量分析B. 紫外-可见光谱分析C. 高效液相色谱分析D. 微生物检测9、以下哪项不是化妆品研发过程中常用的表面活性剂?A. 硅油B. 水杨酸C. 硅酸D. 月桂基硫酸钠 10、在化妆品配方设计中,以下哪项不是影响产品稳定性的因素?A. 温度B. 湿度C. 光照D. 原料质量二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些是化妆品研发过程中常用的原料?()A、天然植物提取物B、合成香料C、表面活性剂D、防腐剂E、纳米材料2、以下哪些技术是化妆品研发中常用的分析技术?()A、高效液相色谱法(HPLC)B、气相色谱法(GC)C、紫外-可见光谱法(UV-Vis)D、红外光谱法(IR)E、质谱法(MS)3、化妆品研发中,以下哪些成分属于生物活性成分?()A. 肉豆蔻酸B. 玫瑰提取物C. 聚乙烯醇D. 肉桂酸E. 透明质酸4、在化妆品配方设计中,以下哪些方法可以提高产品的稳定性?()A. 适当的pH值控制B. 使用紫外线吸收剂C. 优化配方中水分子的排列D. 降低产品温度E. 使用高效防腐剂5、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪些因素对产品的最终效果有显著影响?()A. 原材料的纯度B. 配方的稳定性C. 生产工艺的精确度D. 市场调研结果E. 消费者反馈6、以下哪些方法可以用于化妆品配方的研究与开发?()A. 文献调研B. 实验室小试C. 中试放大D. 市场调研E. 消费者测试7、化妆品研发中,以下哪些成分属于天然成分?()A. 甘油B. 丙二醇C. 玫瑰精油D. 透明质酸8、以下哪些测试方法可以用于评估化妆品产品的稳定性?()A. 高温加速稳定性测试B. 恒温加速稳定性测试C. 循环光照稳定性测试D. 低温储存稳定性测试9、以下哪些因素对化妆品的研发具有关键影响?()A. 原材料的质量与性能B. 消费者的皮肤类型与需求C. 市场趋势与竞争分析D. 法规与安全标准E. 生产工艺与成本控制 10、在化妆品研发中,以下哪些方法可以用于产品测试?()A. 用户测试B. 皮肤刺激性测试C. 安全性评估D. 稳定性测试E. 化妆品配方模拟三、判断题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品研发岗位中,人体工学在产品包装设计中的重要性低于产品成分的安全性。



招聘化妆品研发岗位笔试题及解答(某大型国企)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪个成分不属于常见的防腐剂?A、苯甲酸B、对羟基苯甲酸酯C、维生素ED、二氧化钛2、在进行化妆品配方设计时,以下哪种方法最常用于评估产品的稳定性和货架寿命?A、感官评价B、微生物挑战测试C、pH值测试D、高温加速老化测试3、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪种成分不属于天然植物提取物?A. 玫瑰提取物B. 硅油C. 红花提取物D. 茶树提取物4、在化妆品的配方设计中,以下哪种说法是正确的?A. 配方中成分的添加量越多,产品效果越好B. 配方中成分的浓度越高,产品效果越好C. 配方中成分之间相互兼容,不会发生不良反应D. 配方中成分的排列顺序对最终效果没有影响5、以下哪种成分在化妆品中常作为保湿剂使用?()A. 尼龙-6B. 硅油C. 醋酸乙酯D. 阿斯巴甜6、化妆品的pH值通常应与人体皮肤的pH值相近,以下哪种pH值范围最接近人体皮肤pH值?()A. 5.0-6.0B. 6.0-7.0C. 7.0-8.0D. 8.0-9.07、下列哪种成分在化妆品中主要起到保湿作用?A、硅油B、透明质酸C、硫酸锌D、二氧化钛8、在化妆品研发过程中,稳定性测试不包括以下哪一项?A、光照稳定性测试B、高温稳定性测试C、低温稳定性测试D、市场销售预测9、化妆品研发岗位笔试题及解答(某大型国企)试卷一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)9、在化妆品的稳定性测试中,以下哪一项不是导致产品变质的主要原因?A. 光照B. 温度C. 氧气D. 磁场 10、下列哪种成分在化妆品中通常用作防腐剂?A. 硅酮B. 乙醇C. 甘油D. 维生素E二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、下列哪些成分常用于保湿化妆品中?A. 水杨酸B. 甘油C. 尿素D. 硅油E. 氢氧化钠2、化妆品配方设计中,乳化体系的选择至关重要。



2024年招聘化妆师笔试题及解答(某世界500强集团)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、在为顾客挑选适合的粉底色号时,最恰当的做法是:A. 根据顾客皮肤表面的颜色直接选择B. 在顾客脸部和颈部交界处试色,寻找与肤色融合最好的颜色C. 总是推荐比顾客自然肤色亮一度的产品D. 仅依据季节变化来决定粉底色号2、关于眼线笔的选择,以下哪项描述是正确的?A. 油性皮肤的人应选择油基质地的眼线笔B. 干燥敏感的眼部肌肤更适合使用液体眼线笔C. 初学者建议从硬质铅笔型眼线笔开始学习D. 对于追求自然妆效的人来说,凝胶状眼线是最好的选择3、在化妆过程中,以下哪种化妆品不属于底妆产品?A、粉底液B、遮瑕膏C、眼影D、腮红4、以下哪项不是化妆师在化妆前应该做的工作?A、了解客户需求B、整理化妆工具C、为客户进行皮肤测试D、直接开始化妆5、在化妆过程中,如果模特的皮肤属于油性肤质,应该选择哪种类型的底妆产品来控制油光?A. 滋润型粉底B. 控油型粉底C. 高保湿粉底D. 珍珠光泽粉底6、当需要表现复古风格的妆容时,以下哪一项不是常用的色彩搭配?A. 棕色眼影配以红唇B. 粉色腮红与裸色唇膏C. 烟熏眼妆搭配鲜艳唇色D. 金色高光与深棕色修容7、化妆师在进行新娘化妆时,以下哪种化妆品最适合作为新娘的定妆粉?A. 矿物质定妆粉B. 防水粉底C. 高光粉D. 蜡质定妆粉8、在拍摄婚纱照时,为了增强照片的视觉效果,以下哪种化妆技巧最为合适?A. 使用强烈的对比色B. 降低眼线颜色,使眼部更加深邃C. 增加面部的阴影,突出轮廓D. 使用大量的亮色,增加照片的活力9、在化妆中,以下哪种化妆品主要用于增强面部立体感?A. 粉底液B. 高光粉C. 散粉D. 眼影 10、在进行新娘化妆时,以下哪种化妆技巧可以帮助新娘在拍摄婚纱照时显得更加美丽?A. 使用柔和的色彩进行整体妆容B. 加重眼线和睫毛的浓密度C. 在唇部使用鲜艳的红色口红D. 在颧骨上使用大片的腮红二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些化妆品属于护肤品?A. 粉底液B. 眉笔C. 防晒霜D. 胭脂2、在化妆师的工作中,以下哪些行为是正确的?A. 在化妆前对顾客进行皮肤类型分析B. 使用不干净的化妆刷具进行化妆C. 在化妆过程中保持良好的个人卫生D. 在顾客化妆后立即进行产品推销3、以下哪些化妆品属于彩妆范畴?()A. 防晒霜B. 粉底液C. 眉笔D. 口红4、在化妆过程中,以下哪些步骤是面部化妆的基础步骤?()A. 清洁皮肤B. 保湿C. 打粉底D. 定妆5、以下哪些化妆品属于基础护肤步骤中使用的护肤品?()A. 爽肤水B. 面膜C. 防晒霜D. 精华液6、在化妆过程中,以下哪些工具或产品可以帮助提升化妆效果?()A. 化妆刷B. 定妆喷雾C. 眼影盘D. 隐形眼镜7、以下哪些化妆工具是用于眼部化妆的?A. 粉底刷B. 眼影刷C. 腮红刷D. 眉刷E. 定妆粉刷8、以下哪些化妆品成分可能对敏感肌肤造成刺激?A. 酒精B. 水杨酸C. 薄荷醇D. 硅酮E. 茶树油9、以下哪些化妆品属于底妆类产品?()A. 粉底液B. 散粉C. 眼影D. 唇膏 10、在化妆师的工作中,以下哪些行为是正确的职业操守?()A. 诚实守信,为客户提供真实的产品信息B. 严格遵守卫生规范,确保化妆工具的清洁C. 尊重客户的个人喜好,提供个性化服务D. 隐私保护,未经客户同意不泄露个人信息三、判断题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆师在进行新娘化妆时,应该避免使用过于鲜艳的腮红颜色,以免与新娘的婚纱颜色冲突。



招聘化妆品研发岗位笔试题与参考答案(某世界500强集团)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪项不是常用的化妆品原料?A、防腐剂B、保湿剂C、紫外线吸收剂D、金属离子2、在化妆品配方设计中,下列哪项因素不是影响化妆品稳定性的主要因素?A、pH值B、温度C、储存条件D、原料配比3、在化妆品配方设计过程中,为了确保产品的稳定性,通常会考虑下列哪种因素?A. 香精的挥发性B. 色素的颜色稳定性C. 活性成分的化学稳定性D. 包装材料的美观性4、在进行皮肤刺激性测试时,常用的试验方法是什么?A. 人体斑贴测试B. 动物眼刺激试验C. 体外3D皮肤模型测试D. 血液相容性测试5、化妆品研发中,以下哪种成分通常用于增加产品的延展性和涂抹感?A. 甘油B. 硅酮C. 面脂D. 食用色素6、在化妆品研发过程中,以下哪种测试方法主要用于评估产品的稳定性?A. pH值测试B. 稳定性加速测试C. 微生物测试D. 粘度测试7、在化妆品配方中,常用的乳化剂类型不包括:A. 阴离子型B. 阳离子型C. 非离子型D. 离子型8、下列哪一项不是评估化妆品安全性的标准?A. pH值测试B. 皮肤刺激性试验C. 销售量分析D. 过敏反应测试9、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪种成分在增加皮肤水分的同时,对皮肤有温和的保湿效果?A. 甘油B. 硅油C. 尿素D. 酒精二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些成分常用于化妆品的保湿功能?()A、透明质酸B、甘油C、矿物油D、硅油E、酒精2、以下哪些方法可以用来提高化妆品的稳定性?()A、添加防腐剂B、使用避光包装C、调整产品的pH值D、优化产品配方E、在低温下储存3、以下哪些成分通常用于化妆品中的防腐剂?()A、苯甲酸B、苯氧乙醇C、羟苯酯类D、尼泊金类E、甲醛4、以下哪些测试方法可以用于评估化妆品产品的稳定性?()A、高温高压测试B、加速老化测试C、微生物稳定性测试D、色度变化测试E、香味持久性测试5、以下哪些成分通常用于化妆品的保湿功能?()A. 硅油B. 羊毛脂C. 蜂蜜D. 硅酸盐E. 氢化卵磷脂6、以下哪些化妆品研发流程是正确的?()A. 市场调研→ 产品规划→ 成分筛选→ 配方设计→ 初步测试→ 优化调整→ 小批量生产→ 市场测试B. 成分筛选→ 初步测试→ 产品规划→ 市场调研→ 配方设计→ 优化调整→ 小批量生产→ 市场测试C. 市场调研→ 产品规划→ 成分筛选→ 配方设计→ 市场测试→ 初步测试→ 优化调整→ 小批量生产D. 成分筛选→ 配方设计→ 市场调研→ 初步测试→ 产品规划→ 优化调整→ 小批量生产→ 市场测试7、化妆品研发中,以下哪些成分属于天然植物提取物?A、甘油B、维生素EC、抗氧化剂D、香料8、在化妆品配方设计中,以下哪些因素会影响产品的稳定性?A、pH值B、温度C、光照射D、微生物污染9、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪些是常见的原料筛选标准?()A. 安全性B. 稳定性C. 生物兼容性D. 成本效益E. 市场需求三、判断题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品研发岗位的笔试题中,必须包含对化学知识的考察。

































联合利华1.Please share with us if you have a plan for your life journey, andwhat impact you want to have on others?(150-200 words)a.做自己喜欢的事情:喜欢的品牌。




成为一个好典范a.I’d like to be after what I like, ranging from little stuffs such asa toy, to a bigger objective like a job. That’s why I quitted my joband went abroad for studies and experience different culture. Iwon’t impose my notions on everyone but demonstrate my decisionsinstead.b.Love of nature cultivates my sense of responsibility forenvironmental protection. I insist on saving water and paper andpersuade my friends and family to do so.c.Filial piety is given the priority over my life journey. Apart fromthe traditional Chinese culture, I’d appreciate for their effort to make me be a man. I’ve learned a lot from them. Therefore, I’d like to make friends with them and take care of them. It’s the love forhuman being. I will set a good example for the next generation. Ifthey couldn’t feel the love from their parent, how can theycontribute to the society?Therefore, you can see my narcissism, love of nature and human being and understand why I do so. I will commit myself to transmitting love through my life journey.2.Why do you apply for Unilever Management Trainee Program and why doyou think you are suitable for the function applied? (150-200 words)喜欢快消类,和切身生活有关;可持续开展企业社会责任感很认同;英国这一年让我了解中西方的差异〔防晒:中国喜欢美白;欧美喜欢健康肤色〕善于观察,学习,创新,在移动类营销以及社会化媒体营销方面比拟有心得I’ve got two reasons for why I choose Unilever: the first is I do love FMCG industry because the range of products is related with our daily life; and second one is I totally identify with the long-standing commitment to sustainability and responsible business practice in Unilever.After one year’s study in the U.K., I truly see the cultural difference between the Western world and China. For example, the girls in the U.K. are enjoying sunbathe so as to have healthy skin whilst most of Chinese girls prefer to use whitening products. I accumulate a lot of consumer insights through my observation, which may bridge the gap between MNCs and Chinese consumers.I’m interested in mobile marketing and social media marketing, which has been paid more attention for the marketers. I think the mobile platformwill be next battleground and I believe I’m ready to fight.卡夫Q1. Why do you want to join Kraft?I do love working in FMCG industry because the range of products is related with our daily life. My mother always bought Pacific Soda biscuits when I was a child and there’s no doubt that I love it. Yes, it’s a kid’s good memory and there’re more and more brands joining the Kraft food family.I’m hungry to join this company, which aims to provide consumers with the quality brands the children have grown up with.Q2. Why should Kraft choose you among all the applicants?I’m a quick learner and think broader. In terms of one year’s study in the U.K., I not only learn from the class, but transform the principles on the textbook into practical applications as well. I’m the person who always spent half of a day on supermarket shopping, by discovering new flavour of groceries, comparing similar taste of biscuits and comparing prices with different stores. I’d like to explore the issues behind the numbers (marketing research) and demonstrate my solution. I’ll be curious about everything I like. I think I will be equal to your offer and contribute to reach the shared objective.玛氏1.What was the biggest achievement you have accomplished in university?Please describe how you did to get it done.?I’ve done a successful social media marketing campaign for a family hotel (Bed&Breakfasts inn). Due to a trip to Edinburgh, I stayed in a warm and friendly inn and then make friends with two owners of the inn. I’d like to help to promote their inn to Chinese students who study in the U.K. via social network application (e.g. Weibo). I analyse the pros and cons of the inn operation and implement competitive analysis. Based on these, I provide solutions as follows:a.Segmentation: family/personal traveling; vacation; economical hotelb.Target: Chinese students/backpackersc.Positioning: friendly, warm, passionThen I write an advertisement alongside the awards they received and elegant pictures with details. I forward my tweets/weibo to the opinion leader (@日不落帝国下的红领巾) since she has strong influence over the Chinese students. Also, I will provide exclusive vouchers to Chinese student on Weibo when I make agreement with the owners. The campaign brings 30% more online bookings.2.What was the biggest setback 〔挫折〕in your college life? How did itimpact you? And how did you face this setback?When I had my pre-sessional course last summer, I was doing a teamwork that needs team members delivering surveys on the street. I cannot sort of understand the Welsh accent since I just arrived in Cardiff for one month. I’m scared of talking to the interviewees. In fact, I was right. A lot of interviewees rejected to take the survey at first since they couldn’t understand the survey objective, which I didn’t describe clearly to the interviewee.Therefore, I reprinted the questionnaires and wrote a clear statement for education purpose and school seal issued on the paper. And I practised with my team member in advance to reduce my tension. Finally we collected all of the copies of surveys and succeed to finish this task.3.Please describe one of the most difficult and demanding tasks youhave had in university. What did you do to overcome it?I had a presentation in the project which lasts for 30 minutes. Even though it’s teamwork that we share the 30 minute’s presentation, I was feelingso self-conscious in front of three judges. I’ve practised several times but the result was not good since I was so nervous that can’t present fluently.But I didn’t give up. I decided to prepare notes with me and keep practice until I can present without notes and speak in a smooth speed. And it works. We are happy to get 90 marks out of 100 on the presentation.4.Please describe the most successful case that you have inspired ormotivated others to take actions and reach goal. Howsatisfied/dissatisfied were you with that, and why?We can’t make agreement in terms of the survey design on the project. Two of the team members persisted with their own opinion and wouldn’t like to compromise.Therefore I advise to have dinner in one of the two troublemakers and everyone needs to bring a dish in her flat. I didn’t mention the argument during the dinner. On the contrary, the troublemakers realized the previous debate was unnecessary and finally a settlement was reached. I’m happy I can sort it out even if I wasn’t involved in the argument. Sometimes they just need a platform to know each other.欧莱雅1.When choosing your first job/employer, what will you consider and why?a.Business scale:I believe a Fortune 500 company will provide a broad platform for personnel career planning and development and the employees in these kinds of companies can learn and improve their capabilities throughout the work process.b.Position and training:I’ll consider what I am good at and think about if I’m equal to the job position. Series of advanced training system will help to position that who you are and what you can do, which will set clear career planning for the employees. If I am given a suitable position and make the most of the advantage, it will be a win-win situation.c.Best respected company:Best company will show respect for talent which stimulates the potentialfor personnel development and in return, the company will benefit fromtheir talents investment.2.Share with us your understanding of the function you are applying andwhy you should be a good candidate for this function.As I work in the marketing department, I will interface with all our various operations – from research to production, from sales to logistics management. We will learn to understand the consumer behaviour which is based on our business research. Furthermore, I will oversee the marketing strategy and implement operational marketing plan. At last, monitoring and feedback is very important for the marketers to learn where we might go wrong and improve our work in the future.I’m acutely observant and have broad perspective. Good communicationskills enable me to integrate with colleagues and clients more quickly. In terms of one year’s study in the U.K., I do not only learn from the class, but transform the principles on the textbook into practical applications as well. I accumulate a lot of consumer insights through my observation, which may bridge the gap between MNCs and Chinese consumers.3.In your opinion, how will the beauty business develop in China in thenext 5 years?I think expanding the sales network through second/third class city in China is a priority goal in the next 5 years for the beauty business since there is a huge market with big potential. A lot of love-beauty women are lack of beauty knowledge and don’t know how to take care of their skin or hair. The beauty retailer can teach and guide them how to be more confident and attractive in front of the public.Since the cosmetics product market has been further subdivided into three classes: consumer products, professional products and luxury products, the beauty company should adopt more flexible brand strategies based on different consumer knowledge.Innovation always indicates a company’s foresight in the market. Not only do they have new insight regarding the products, the marketer should also understand the digital platform as well. Advertising investment on relevant website, cooperation with e-retailers and interaction with the consumers on social network services will widen the business sales network and deepen the consumer’s understanding towards the beauty products.欧莱雅Reveal最后开放题:If you had the opportunity to launch a new brand to complement L’Oréal’s existing brand portfolio, what would you launch and why?A: I would like to launch a new brand named "Bling-Bling" whichparticularly meet these party animal's demand, ranging from a hair coloring to make-up and styling products.Target:18-28 year's old female in the U.K., who prefer to night out.Objective:Sometimes girls rush for a particular party and want to be the girl who stands out. Style salon is sort of expensive to them and costs lots of time but there're little professional beauty products particularly for party girls.Position:the effect of Bling-Bling series products applied on these girls' appearance will not last over night. For example, if the office lady did a dramatic colourful hair-dyeing last night for the party, she would recover her normal hair this morning and go to office without concern.I really think dramatic styling products over short-term time have the niche market.A: Creativity drives business forward. In turn, business will measure the creativity output.A company will not last longer when the creativity are lacking. How to put the creativity on the right track will make a successful business.本文档局部内容来源于网络,如有内容侵权请告知删除,感谢您的配合!。














答案:10平方厘米 15克或者15毫升10、化妆品标识管理规定自起实施。









宝洁网上申请的65个测试题目!1. What is the location of the university where you have been workingtoward (or have already received) your first university degree?Australia/NZChinaHong KongIndiaIndonesiaJapanKoreaMalaysiaPhilippinesSingaporeTaiwanThailandVietnamU.S.A.Other Asian CountryOther European CountryCountry not included in above listHave not worked toward a degree2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was (will be, if currently studying) attained?Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of study Strong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class formy area of studyLocal or regional reputation for providing a quality educationPlease indicate the institution where your highest degree was (will be) attained:3. Which of these did you do in school before reaching university level? (Mark all that apply)a. Receive recognition as one of the best students academically(Please describe below)b. President or leader of student government or other student group, club, ororganizationc. Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)d. Head a committee to organize an evente. Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)If you selected a. above, please describe:Asia Management Assessment FormPage 2 of 12Please indicate your academic standing during each period of education that applies to you.Top 10% of Students Top 25% of Students Top 50% of Students Lower Half of Students I Do Not Know Does Not Apply1 2 3 4 5 6--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. School Before University Level5. First University Degree6. Post Graduate Degree7. Where have you typically ranked on standardized tests such as those used for admittance into university or graduate programs, to measure achievement in school, or for employment selection?Top 1%Top 10% (but not top 1%)Top 20% (but not top 10%)Top 30% (but not top 20%)Top 40% (but not top 30%)Bottom 60%Not applicable; have never taken this type of test before8. Which of these did you do while working on your first degree as a university student? (Mark all that apply)Attended a university that accepts only the best studentsStudied at more than one universityStudied outside your native countryReceived recognition for academic achievementOther special experience (Please describe below)9. Which of these did you do while you were working on any degree? (Mark allthat apply)Head an important student committeeAchieve an outstanding result in athleticsOrganize a student organizationParticipate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)Win an election for a class positionSome other accomplishment (Please describe below)Asia Management Assessment FormPage 4 of 12Please describe your participation and positions held in various organizations, either within or separate from the university. (Mark all that apply)Member (But Held No Position) President or Head Position Other Position 1 2 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Sports Team11. Student Organization12. Professional Organization13. Other Organization (Please describe below)14. How many times in total were you president or leader of an organization, club, team, or committee while you were working on any university degree? Please write the name and year for each group below.NoneOnceTwo TimesThree or More TimesPlease write the name and year for each group below.Chairman of graduated students union 2001-2002vice chairman of students union1999-2000minister of propaganda department of students union1998-1999WORK PREFERENCES15. Please indicate how accurately this statement describes you. "Y ou often start other people working together toward a goal."V ery accuratelySomewhat accuratelyNot accurately16. Which of these would bother you the most on a job?Having to finish someone else workGetting work assigned at the last minuteHaving to find and fix someone else mistakesBeing taken off a job before it is finishedReceiving incomplete or inaccurate instructionsNone of these would bother you17. When do you do your best work?When instructions are clearWhen working aloneWhen there are no interruptionsWhen under pressureWhen you really feel like workingSome other time (Please describe below)18. Which do you like best on the job?To work on one thing at a timeTo work on two or three things at a timeTo work on many things at a time19. How would you rate your ability to get things done in an organization mainly through your own effort, and without the support and involvement from other people?Outstanding ability to do this ?among the very bestV ery good ability to do thisModerate ability to do thisWeak ability to do this20. How do you feel about making difficult decisions?Y ou look forward to themY ou don mind themY ou try to avoid themY ou rarely make difficult decisions21. Which one of the following attributes is your strongest?High personal standardsPatienceWillingness to work hardConcern for other peopleKnowledge and experienceSomething else (Please describe below)22. Do you like to get things done quickly?Y esNoUncertain23. Do you enjoy selling things ?ideas, products, or project proposals?Y es, very muchY es, to some extentNo, not reallyNo, not at all24. Compared to other people, and no matter what you have to sell ?an idea, product, or project proposal, how would you rate your selling ability? Please mark one and briefly explain in the space provided below why you chose that answer.Top 10%Top 25%Top 50%Bottom 50%Do not knowPlease explain your answer briefly:25. How effective are you in changing the thinking of a group you are working with?Extremely effectiveV ery effectiveSomewhat effectiveNot very effective26. Are you usually satisfied to let someone else take the lead in group activities?Y esNoUncertain27. Compared to other people in general, how would you rate your leadership ability? Please briefly explain in the space provided why you chose that answer.Top 10%Top 25%Top 50%Bottom 50%Do not knowPlease explain your answer briefly:Here are factors people sometimes think about in making career choices. Pleaseread through the list and indicate how important each one is to you personally.Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important1 2 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------28. Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great responsibility.29. Working for an established company that offers long term employment.30. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.31. Receiving a very high starting salary.32. Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.33. Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward customers and employees.34. Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.35. Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business success.36. Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops people.37. Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization.38. Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization long term success.39. Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension, etc.40. Being able to travel abroad for training or business.41. Listed below are the factors you rated on the previous screen. Please review the list and tell us which two of them are most important to you personally. Mark the responses of the two most important.Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great responsibility. Working for an established company that offers long term employment.Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.Receiving a very high starting salary.Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward customers and employees.Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business success. Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops people. Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization.Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization's long term success.Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension,etc.Being able to travel abroad for training or business.Please indicate which of the factors below could importantly affect how you might feel about your work location.Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important1 2 342. Being close to other family members.43. Being close to where you live now.44. Being in a particular city where you want to live.45. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please read and then mark the one you believe would have the largest effect on how happy you would be.The amount of time you must give to your work.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.The type of assignments you have to work on.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.46. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please read and then mark the one you believe would have the smallest effect on how happy you would be.The amount of time you must give to your work.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.The type of assignments you have to work on.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.Indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.Agree Disagree1 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------47. I enjoy solving puzzles.48. I enjoy long, involved conversations.49. I am detail-oriented.50. When others present ideas, I am most interested in immediately useful ideas.51. I find it relatively easy to learn games of strategy.Which word or phrase in each pair best describes you?52.Constructive Harmonious53.Orderly Random54.Unpredictable Stable55.Persevere Acknowledge limits56.Disciplined Restless57.Conceptual Factual58.Changes circumstances Adapts to circumstances 59.Creative Habitual60.Quiet Energetic61.Challenges rules Respects traditionOpen-minded Skeptical 63.Conventional Impractical 64.Risk-averse Thrill-seeking 65.Typical Atypical。



日化行业网申试题集合日化行业网申试题集合1. 请简要介绍你对日化行业的了解及兴趣。

2. 请列举一些你认为在日化行业发展过程中面临的挑战,并谈谈你认为应该如何应对这些挑战。

3. 请谈谈你对日化行业产品质量和安全的重视程度,并举例说明你如何确保产品质量和安全。

4. 在日化行业中,品牌形象和品牌推广至关重要,请谈谈你对品牌形象和品牌推广的理解,并说说你认为有效的品牌推广策略是什么。

5. 请解释你对市场营销的理解,并举例说明你如何运用市场营销策略来推广产品。

6. 在日化行业中,产品创新是非常重要的,请列举一些你认为具有创新意义的产品,并解释你为什么认为它们具有创新意义。

7. 请谈谈你对消费者需求和消费行为的理解,并分析你认为消费者在日化产品购买过程中最重要的因素是什么。

8. 请描述一个你曾经遇到过的挑战,并解释你是如何应对和解决这个挑战的。

9. 请谈谈你对团队合作的理解,并说说你参与的某个团队项目中你的角色和贡献。

10. 请分享一些你认为可以提高职场效率和工作效果的方法和技巧。




加油!11. 请谈谈你对日化行业可持续发展的看法,并提出你认为日化企业应该采取的措施。










宝洁网申84题1.2.3.4. 5.6.8. 10. 12.14. 16. 18.20. 22. 24.26. 28. 30.32. 34.36.38. 40. 42.44. 46. 48.50. 52. 54.56. 58. 60.71. 73. 75.77. 79. 81.83.85. 87.89. 91. 93.95. 97. 99.参考答案1. A 内部都是三条线2. B 第一个图边数是12,后1个是3和4而3*4=12;第三个是9,后一个是3*3;下一个应该是6(12 – 9 = 9 - 6)3. A 圆内的直线数:A+B=C B+C=D C+D=E....4. D 是按第一个图形里面的方格是5x5,接下来两个图形方框里都有5个格子,同理可得第四个图形里的方格是4x4,所以,图形里面有四个方格。

5. D 数下框里的直线数量,都是一致的,4条直线,然后就得到D是符合。

6. E 旗帜在转动。


7. E 转动8. E 外面顺时针转90°,里面顺时针转45°9. C 每一列,中图与下图叠合,去掉重复部分10.D11.D,第一行和第三行的大框内的加黑小方格是10个,所以,第二行的应该也是10个小黑方格,那么只有D和E符合,此外第一行的有2个大框涂灰,第三行没有一个涂灰,那么第二行就应该只有一个大框涂灰,所以是D!我的答案,E,奇数为灰色背景。

12.A 粗线,以中间正方形为中心两边的图形边数相同13.C 针旋转90度14.A 梯形的阴影每次加一层且顺时针转135度,外面的白色多边形顺时针转90度15.D 有阴影,每一列有一个方向是垂直,其余两个分别向左右转45度还是E??是E!一列顺时针135度16. C 每一列的第1,3条数相等17. B 黑色的圆沿着某个路线顺时针走5步不明白18. A 几个图形拼成19. A,两个图形边数相加为13。

20. C,顺时针45度旋转21. 同第10题D 第一个为7个边,第二个9个边,第三个为11个边,第五个为15个边每张图有三种颜色22. A,1,2图的边数和为3图的边数,2,3图的边数和为4图,递推23.A 8 7 6 ?424.A 旋转25.D 每一横行的三个边数递减,故第二行为5、4、3,个人感觉每一行箭头都是左右朝向,故倾向于选D都是上下对称的26.左边是递形逆时针转45度,感觉右边的图曲面是左右朝向在变,感觉是E ??不懂,求解应该是D27. B 第一第二行加1,第二第三行加228. B29.A每一列边数加230.C31.D32.B 旋转33.E 旋转34.D 第一列的每个递加1,第二列的每个递加2,第三列每个递加335.A 注意A和D的区别。



招聘化妆品研发岗位笔试题与参考答案(某世界500强集团)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、以下哪项不是化妆品研发过程中常用的原料?A、天然油脂B、化学合成香料C、纳米材料D、抗菌剂2、在化妆品的配方设计中,以下哪项因素对产品的稳定性影响最小?A、pH值B、防腐剂种类C、温度D、原料的活性3、下列哪种成分在化妆品中主要起到保湿作用?A. 水杨酸B. 透明质酸C. 过氧化氢D. 氧化锌4、在化妆品研发过程中,稳定性测试的主要目的是什么?A. 测试产品的颜色是否持久B. 测试产品在极端条件下的性能变化C. 确定产品的香味是否受温度影响D. 检查包装材料对产品质量的影响5、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪一项不是化妆品的基本成分?A. 水分B. 表面活性剂C. 矿物质D. 纳米材料6、在化妆品的稳定性测试中,以下哪项测试是用来评估化妆品在储存过程中是否发生酸碱度变化?A. 耐光性测试B. 耐温性测试C. 酸碱度测试D. 保质期测试7、下列哪种成分常用于防晒化妆品中以抵御紫外线伤害?A. 水杨酸B. 柠檬酸C. 对氨基苯甲酸衍生物D. 甘油8、在化妆品配方设计中,乳化剂的作用是什么?A. 提高产品的粘度B. 将油和水两种不相溶的液体混合成稳定的乳液C. 增加产品的香味D. 减少产品的刺激性9、化妆品研发中,以下哪种成分通常用于增强产品的抗水性?A. 透明质酸B. 硅油C. 甘油D. 维生素E 10、在化妆品配方设计中,下列哪种方法可以用来评估产品的稳定性?A. 旋光法B. 紫外-可见光谱法C. 高温高压测试D. pH值测试二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些成分通常被用于化妆品中作为防腐剂?A. 醋酸乙酯B. 苯氧乙醇C. 山梨酸钾D. 对羟基苯甲酸酯E. 硼酸2、以下哪些性质是评价化妆品配方稳定性的关键指标?A. 色泽稳定性B. 粘度稳定性C. pH值稳定性D. 乳化稳定性E. 氧气透过率3、以下哪些原料属于化妆品中的天然成分?()A. 硅酮B. 植物油C. 矿物油D. 水解胶原蛋白E. 乙醇4、以下哪些成分在化妆品中可能引起皮肤刺激或过敏反应?()A. 硅酮B. 植物提取物C. 硅酸镁D. 硬脂酸E. 氨基酸5、以下哪些是化妆品研发过程中必须遵循的法规和标准?()A. 中国化妆品安全技术规范(2015年版)B. 国际化妆品成分标准(INCI)C. 化妆品注册备案管理要求D. 欧盟化妆品法规(Cosmetics Regulation)E. 食品安全国家标准6、以下哪些因素会影响化妆品的稳定性?()A. 温度B. 光照C. 湿度D. 成分浓度E. 包装材料7、化妆品研发中,以下哪些成分属于天然提取物?()A. 肉豆蔻酸酯B. 植物甾醇C. 硅油D. 阿魏酸8、以下关于化妆品配方设计的描述,正确的是?()A. 配方设计应首先考虑产品的最终用途和目标市场B. 配方中的活性成分浓度越高,产品效果越好C. 配方设计时应考虑原料的稳定性和配伍性D. 配方设计过程中,成本控制是一个重要因素9、化妆品研发过程中,以下哪些因素对产品的稳定性有重要影响?()A. 温度B. 湿度C. 光照D. 成分配比E. 包装材料 10、以下哪些是化妆品研发中常用的表面活性剂类型?()A. 阴离子表面活性剂B. 阳离子表面活性剂C. 非离子表面活性剂D. 两性离子表面活性剂E. 水解性表面活性剂三、判断题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、化妆品研发岗位要求应聘者必须具备化学、生物学或相关专业本科及以上学历。


















玛氏网申试题网申试题1.Please give an example of a time when you developed a new or different solution to a problem. Why did you think the problem needed a new solution?网申试题2.How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is working? Please give your answer in English.网申试题3. Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. How did you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal? Please give your answer in English.网申试题4.Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitments we make to others. Tell me about a situation where this happened to you. Why wasit difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision? Please give your answer in English.日化行业一向是网申的先头部队,为大家集合了日化行业网申试题集。

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蓝月亮网申试题网申试题 1.请用你喜欢的文字风格简要地描述一下你自己:网申试题 2.请描述自己平时生活中的爱好以及特长:网申试题 3.请描述自己最感兴趣的工作,并说明原因:网申试题 4.请描述你未来最希望成为一个什么样的人?你将如何实现?网申试题 5.请说明你认为应聘此项工作具备的优势是:网申试题 6.请简要阐述你应聘蓝月亮公司的原因;如加入蓝月亮,你计划在蓝月亮任职的时间是多久威莱日化网申试题网申试题1、请您按照重要性依次列举出5个您在求职中实际考虑的因素(如薪酬待遇、培训机会、公司知名度等)。




玛氏网申试题网申试题 1.PI ease give an exa mple of a time whe n youdeveloped a new or different solution to a problem. Whydid you thinkthe p roblem n eeded a new soluti on?网申试题 2.How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is work ing? PI ease give your an swer in En glish.网申试题 3. Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. Howdid you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.网申试题 4.Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitme nts we maketo others. Tell me about a situati on where this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.日化行业一向是网申的先头部队,为大家集合了日化行业网申试题集。

蓝月亮网申试题网申试题 1.请用你喜欢的文字风格简要地描述一下你自己:网申试题 2.请描述自己平时生活中的爱好以及特长:网申试题 3.请描述自己最感兴趣的工作,并说明原因:网申试题 4.请描述你未来最希望成为一个什么样的人?你将如何实现?网申试题 5.请说明你认为应聘此项工作具备的优势是:网申试题 6.请简要阐述你应聘蓝月亮公司的原因;如加入蓝月亮,你计划在蓝月亮任职的时间是多久威莱日化网申试题网申试题1、请您按照重要性依次列举出5个您在求职中实际考虑的因素(如薪酬待遇、培训机会、公司知名度等)。




玛氏网申试题网申试题 1.PI ease give an exa mple of a time whe n youdeveloped a new or different solution to a problem. Whydidyou think the p roblem n eeded a new soluti on?网申试题 2.How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is work ing? PI ease give your an swer in En glish. 网申试题 3. Please give an example of a career goal that you setyourself. Howdid you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.网申试题 4.Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitme nts we make to others. Tell me about a situati on where this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.日化行业一向是网申的先头部队, 为大家集合了日化行业网申 试题集。

蓝月亮网申试题4.请描述你未来最希望成为一个什么样的人?你将如 何实现?网申试题 1.请用你喜欢的文字风格简要地描述一下你自己:网申试题 2.请描述自己平时生活中的爱好以及特长:网申试题 3.请描述自己最感兴趣的工作,并说明原因:网申试题网申试题5.请说明你认为应聘此项工作具备的优势是:网申试题6.请简要阐述你应聘蓝月亮公司的原因;如加入蓝月亮,你计划在蓝月亮任职的时间是多久威莱日化网申试题网申试题1、请您按照重要性依次列举出5个您在求职中实际考虑的因素(如薪酬待遇、培训机会、公司知名度等)。




玛氏网申试题网申试题 1.PI ease give an exa mple of a time whe n youdeveloped a new or different solution to a problem. Whydid you think the p roblem n eeded a new soluti on?网申试题 2.How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is work ing? PI ease give your an swer in En glish.网申试题 3. Please give an example of a career goal thatyou set yourself. Howdid you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.网申试题 4.Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitme nts we make to others. Tell me about a situati on where this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.日化行业一向是网申的先头部队,为大家集合了日化行业网申试题集。

蓝月亮网申试题网申试题 1.请用你喜欢的文字风格简要地描述一下你自己:网申试题 2.请描述自己平时生活中的爱好以及特长:网申试题 3.请描述自己最感兴趣的工作,并说明原因:网申试题 4.请描述你未来最希望成为一个什么样的人?你将如何实现?网申试题 5.请说明你认为应聘此项工作具备的优势是:网申试题 6.请简要阐述你应聘蓝月亮公司的原因;如加入蓝月亮,你计划在蓝月亮任职的时间是多久威莱日化网申试题网申试题1、请您按照重要性依次列举出5个您在求职中实际考虑的因素(如薪酬待遇、培训机会、公司知名度等)。




玛氏网申试题网申试题 1.PI ease give an exa mple of a time whe n youdeveloped a new or different solution to a problem. Whydid you think the p roblem n eeded a new soluti on?网申试题 2.How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is work ing? PI ease give your an swer in En glish.网申试题 3. Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. Howdid you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to help you achieve the goal?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.网申试题 4.Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitme nts we maketo others. Tell me about a situati onwhere this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision?PI ease give your an swer in En glish.日化行业一向是网申的先头部队,为大家集合了日化行业网申试题集。
