
决议草案标题包括委员会、议题、决议草案编号(由主席团给出)、起草国和附议国的国家名单。 决议草案正文可以说是一个完整的长句,主要分成两个部分: 第一部分为序言性条款,这部分中主要陈述该议题的历史,讨论该议题的必要性并回顾在该议题上 过去的决议和条约。序言性条款的每一款以一个动词开头,并以逗号结尾。序言性条款可以涉及到合国 宪章联合国在该问题上曾经通过的决议或条约、联合国秘书长或其他联合国机构就此问题发表过的言
修正案一旦下发,会议指导将在屏幕上展示修正案,全体代表将自动获得两分钟的阅读时间。随后, 总辩论将立刻中止,自动开启一个 15 分钟的有主持的核心磋商以供讨论该修正案。主席将随机点出希 望在此发言名单中发言的代表。代表可以动议延长此发言名单,而一旦发言名单中无人发言,则针对此 修正案的辩论程序结束,会议将转入对修正案的投票程序。
通过一份决议草案需要三分之二多数,即在场国家的三分之二多数投“赞成”票(不计入弃权票)。 当任何一个草案通过时,投票表决程序将结束。
在整个会议过程中,代表有任何问题,或需要进行游说,沟通等,都可通过传意向条的方式向其它 代表或主席表达(意向条上需注明传给谁,来自谁)。会场会有工作人员负责传条。
当一国或多国对议题产生初步解决办法时,可以总结成一份工作文件提交给大会,向各国介绍己方 的解决办法(即决议草案的雏形)。工作文件格式并不严格,可是文段,也可只列关键点。委员会对工 作文件的起草过数目不做特别规定,大于或等于一国均可。工作文件不需要表决,也不会自动开启任何 介绍程序。代表如想介绍或讨论工作文件,需以动议形式提出。
会议指导手册Conference Training Handbook模拟联合国的会议组织在模拟联合国会议里,参加者(Delegates)以及代表团(Delegation)为单位,共同代表一个国家(to Represent A Certain Country),在模拟联合国会议中的不同委员会(Committee)里,以国家代表的身份进行演讲(Republic Speaking)、辩论(Debate)和游说(Lobby)等,争取国家利益的最大化。
同学们在进行了较为充分的准备后都能在其中参与正式辩论(Formal Debate)、非正式辩论(Informal Debate),并且广泛参与协商和合作(Negotiation and Collaboration),以争取其所代表国家的国家利益能在特定一体(Topic Area)的决议(Resolution)中得到充分体现。
委员会结构一个委员会由一个主席团(Members of the Dais)负责。
主席(Chair)主持会议,其任务是按照联合国正式的程序规则监督并推动会议进程(Oversees Debate and Guides Delegates Through the Rules of Procedure)。
规则与技巧模拟联合国会议通过严格按照联合国会议(Formal Rules of Procedure)的规则进行,以保证每位代表都有平等的发言权(Equal Opportunity to Be Heard)。

观摩的中学教师和领导请到德育讲堂,裁军与国际安全委员会(DISEC);高三年级阶梯教 室社会人道主义和文化(SOCHUM)。
观摩的各位家长在各个分会场观摩时间为,11 月 19 日上午和 20 日上午 9 点半以后,为 了保证会议质量,其他时间谢绝观摩。
14 程百如 Poland
15 杨择荟 HRC
Republic of Korea 厦门大学
16 孙宇飞 Slovakia
17 黄秋实 Slovakia
18 师若文 FAO
19 李笑迎 FAO
20 孟元哲 FAO
一、会议日程 ....................................................... 12 二、会场安排 ....................................................... 13 三、郑州市第七中学位置和会场分布 ................................... 14
主办: 河南省电化教育馆 河南省未来青少年教育研究中心 河南省模拟联合国青少年活动组委会
承办: 郑州市教育局 郑州市电化教育馆 郑州市第七中学
筹委会委员: 赵彤帆 田保华 王保军 筹委会成员:吉建周,张玉珂,孟新平,陈冰文、于海洋、刘洁宇、陈 珂、周丹、郑宏伟、丁磊、齐一彤、马栓栓、张凤芹、张瑞、温文华、 尚燕芳、侯法栋、乔媛媛、宋梦瑶、张静、韩京莉、周拂,秦禾、张 夏云、田万珊、王萍、张慧冲、王忠华、朱玲玲、张超、张冰、张莹、 王丽蕴、杜杰、赵希文、张慧、陈波含、许保萍、皇普雅晖、刘珂岑、 柴林溪、刘昕甜、霍就鼎、马栓栓、张娜、雷书灿、刘紫薇、杜莉莉、 张孟超,江浩



DIRECTORYWelcome Letter Page 2 Part 1 The Schedule of SDUWMUN Page 3 Part 2 The Committee Introduction Page 51.The Committee History2.The Structure of the Committee3.Country MatrixPart 3 The Topics & Background Page 6 Part 4 The Advice of theDais & Relevant WebsitesPage 7 Part 5 Conference Procedure & Rules Page 81. General Conference Information2. Rules on Formal Debate3. Rules Governing Resolutions4. Rules Governing Voting5. Precedence of MotionsPart 6 Award Page22 Part 7 Meeting Etiquette Page23 Appendix I Page24Welcome LetterDear Delegates and Faculty Advisors,It’s my distinct pleasure to welcome you to the fourth session of Model United Nations of Shandong University at Weihai. This conference will be held from 30th October to 31st October, 2010, hosted by the International Cooperation and Communication Department, organized by Students’ International Communication Association. We also have invited some universities in Shandong Province to participate in the conference.This is really an amazing conference, which not just develops your expertise in research, writing, public speaking but also the art of negotiation as you fight for the interests of the countries you will represent on every conceivable topic relevant in today’s global community. I sincerely hope that your experience at SDUWMUN will empower you to further your passion for international diplomacy.This April, the third session of SDUWMUN was held successfully. This October, SDUWMUN will continue the mission to present an exciting conference. Recently, the most heated discussed topics are financial crisis and human rights, so this time, our topic is that ‘the Background of the Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Universal Realization and Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights’, we will provide a comprehensive study guide to help you become well-versed with the topic of debate. Furthermore, we hope that you can be able to benefit through taking part in the preparation.All of us are very excited to welcome you to Model United Nations in Shandong University at Weihai. SDUWMUN can be considered as a competition, a forum, and also a big brilliant party. We thank you for all of your hard work in preparing for this conference and are looking forward to an incredible party. Let’s enjoy it! And never hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.Yours sincerely,石玉丹(Secretary-General)Shandong University at Weihai Model United NationsPART 1:The Schedule of SDUWMUN 2010 •PROCESS:Date&Time Event Place Note10.10 (19.00-21.00)ConferenceTraining(one)Training of theprocedure10.17 (19.00-21.00)ConferenceTraining(two)Training of the topics10.22 (19.00-21.00) ConferenceTraining(three)WenhuaHotelRehearsal10.24Hand in thePositionPaper Send the electronic version of Position Paper tosicawh_mun2009@hotmail.c om before 12 o’clock10.29The Invited Members Arrive, Welcome Dinner Accommodation:Wenhua Hotel at SDUW10.30(Sat)8.00-9.00Opening Ceremony10.30 (Sat) 9.00-9.30Group Photograph10.30 (Sat) 9.30-12.00Formal Conference (One)10.30 (Sat) 14.00-17.30FormalConference(Two)Submit the electronicversion of DraftResolutions tosicawh_mun2009@hotmail.com before 18.3010.30 (Sat) 19.00-20.30Young diplomat dance10.31(Sun)8.00-12.00FormalConference(Third)After discussing thedraft resolution adjourn40 minutes,before theend of the time, submitthe electronic version ofthe amendments to thesecretariat10.31(Sun)14.00-15.00News Conference10.31 (Sun) 14.00-15.00AwardCeremonyClosingCeremonyTheReportingHall atInternetBuildingPART 2:Committee IntroductionCommittee HistoryThe Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the UN system made up of 47 States responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe. The Council was created by the UN General Assembly on 15 March 2006 with the main purpose of addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. One year after holding its first meeting, on 18 June 2007, the Council adopted its “Institution-building package” [Word file] providing elements to guide it in its future work. Among the elements is the new Universal Periodic Review mechanism which will assess the human rights situations in all 192 UN Member States. Other features include a new Advisory Committee which serves as the Council’s “think tank” providing it with expertise and advice on thematic human rights issues and the revised Complaints Procedure mechanism which allows individuals and organizations to bring complaints about human rights violations to the attention of the Council. The Human Rights Council also continues to work closely with the UN Special Procedures established by the former Commission on Human Rights and assumed by the Council.The Structure of the CommitteeThe Dais:A ChairTwo RapporteursThe secretariat:One SecretaryOne Deputy Secretary GeneralThree Secretary AssistantsCountry MatrixAngola IranArgentina IsraelBahrain JapanBrazil KoreaChina NigeriaCuba PhilippinesEcuador RussiaFrance United KingdomGermany United States of AmericaIndia ZambiaPart 3:The Topics & BackgroundThe Topics:The Background of The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Universal Realization and Effective Enjoyment of Human RightsThe Background:In August 2007, the international financial crisis erupted, causing the decrease of trade, increase of unemployment and the deduction of investment. In the situation of the poor economy, our first concern is the recovery of the economy, but as the crisis spread, the other impacts of the crisis have been shown, and its influence to the human rights has been noticed.On Feb. 20th 2009, UN Human Rights Council held a special conference on the influence on the global economic and financial crisis. This meeting was supported by most countries of the UN Human Rights Council, and was the brainchild of Egypt with the support of the African Union and Brazil. The president of the Human Rights Council said during meeting that the crisis posed a grave threat for human rights. He further emphasized that ensuring the basic human rights was the fundamental way to respond to the global crisis.In June 2009, United Nations held the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development in New York City. The United Nations convened a three-day summit of world leaders from June 24th to June 26th at its headquarters inNew York City to assess the damage from the global economic crisis. The conference concluded that people in developing countries were suffering disproportionately due to the crisis and it is the responsibility of the developed countries that caused the crisis to help. They recommended that developed countries follow the Monterrey Consensus' recommendation by giving 0.7% of their GDP as aid to poor countries.NGOs also closely followed this issue. After the global financial crisis began, six major NGOs made a joint statement that the crisis not only hurt business but also infringed upon human rights. Presently, basic social rights such as the right to shelter, healthcare and education are bearing the brunt of pressure. As the economic crisis worsened, governments also increased censorship to stifle potential unrest. NGOs are putting more pressure on governments to respect human rights by various ways.PART 4:The Advice of the DaisI.Which kind of country is influenced most by the financial crisisand the reasons;II.What challenges of human rights protection are we faced with under the pressure of the financial crisis;III. How do we do with these challenges.Relevant WebsitesUnited Nations UNA-China / Muners /web/The Database of UN Human Rights Treaty The UN Division for the Advancement of Women/womenwatch/dawPART 5:Conference Procedure & Rules1. General Conference InformationI. THE PROCESS: COMMITTEE SESSIONSFormal DebateThe formal debate will begin with an open Speakers’ List, during which time representatives have the opportunity to share their views with the entire committee. The time limit for each delegate is 2 minutes. In formal debate, representatives may make speeches, answer questions, and introduce and debate draft resolutions and amendments. Points and motions are in order during formal debate.Unmoderated ConsultationWhile in formal debate, representatives may move for an unmoderated consultation for a fixed period of time, 5 minutes in average. The consultation serves as a temporary suspension of formal debate. During this time, representatives can meet informally with each other and the committee staff to discuss working papers, draft resolutions, amendments, and other relevant issues. A great deal of draft resolution writing and compromise is usually accomplished during this period of time, and representatives are encouraged to use consultation time to the best of their advantage.Moderated ConsultationRepresentatives can also make motions for moderated consultations on specific topics to focus the debate of the committee on issues that are of particular relevance. When a motion for moderated consultation is passed, the Chairperson shall call upon representatives to address committee members for a predetermined amount of time which should be decided by the delegate who make this motion. No motions are in order during a moderated discussion.Submission and Debate of ProposalsBefore we can discuss the specifics of the debate structure, it is important to note that the purpose of the debate is to produce a comprehensive and pragmatic solution to the issue, embodied in a document called a resolution. The process for producing a resolution in a CNMUN committee consists of two written stages: the workingpaper and the draft resolution. By writing, submitting, introducing and debating on proposals, the committee will be propelled towards a pragmatic and holistic solution to the issue. The path towards a resolution will be depicted in details below.VotingThe final act in the discussion of a topic area is voting on the draft resolution(s) on the floor (as amended throughout the course of debate). A draft resolution is passed when two-thirds majority of the committee votes in its favor and only one resolution may be passed for a topic area. Consideration of the topic area is normally over when one comprehensive resolution has been passed. And then the meeting will be adjourned if a simple majority members present and voting.II. THE PATH TOWARDS A RESOLUTIONIf we are to understand the nuances of the debate, we must first grasp the path towards the resolution.1). Working PaperWorking papers mainly serve as a point of reference for discussion in committee by putting abstract ideas into a concrete, written form (please see the sample provided later in this guide). Working papers are usually short proposals on one or more aspects of the problem under discussion and serve as a way of breaking down an issue into manageable units. With the approval of the Chairperson, working papers are copied and distributed so that the committee’s representatives can learn about the positions and interests of other representatives. As the committee’s work progresses, new points and ideas should be compiled into new working papers. Amendments cannot be made to working papers. Subsequent working papers must contain ideas that do not appear on any previous or concurrent working papers. Working papers should help advance the committee’s work, not duplicate it. This means that once a variety of proposals and viewpoints are introduced, the committee should begin to formulate the working papers into comprehensive draft resolutions. Representatives should be aware that working papers are not “mini-resolutions” in that they do not need to be in any specific format and do not need to cover all the issues raised in the Questions a Resolution Must Answer portion of the study guide. Additionally, ideas do not have to appear in working papers before they can become draft resolutions. In another word, working papers do provide a very useful tool for getting the entire committee’s feedback on specific ideas before presenting them as formal draft resolutions.2).Position PaperPosition papers are single-spaced, one-page documents that explain your country’s position on a particular topic. They should be instructive, clear, and concise, so as to leave no doubt on your country’s stance. Include your name, the name of your university, and the country delegation you are representing at the top of the document. Each delegation of a committee must turn in one position paper before the conference. Please adhere to the following three-paragraph format, setting the topic of Children’s Education Rights as an example:The first paragraph must state your country’s position on this topic. What is your country’s education status of children? What are the obstacles of your nation to achieve the goal of “Universal primary education” and “Gender equality in education”?The second paragraph will present what kinds of efforts your country has paid on attempt to settle down this issue. In addition, what is the relationship between your country and the international community in cooperation? What specific policy steps at the international, regional, national and community levels does your country desire to undertake in order to promote the domestic educations situation for children?The final paragraph must present a plan to ensure and expand the availability of primary education enrollment in impoverished nations and regions, especially in SAS and SSA. Considering the proposed solutions presented in the topic booklet, these plans must be viable and involve specific roles for United Nations agencies, national governments, regional organizations, international bodies, and NGOs in their implementation. A strong plan will address most of the QARMAs. Ingenuity (i.e. not simply copying the suggestions already presented) and novel syntheses of existing proposals are strongly encouraged. Requirement on Position PaperCountry:Committee:Topic:Delegates:3). Draft ResolutionsAs in the real United Nations, the main vehicle of action at CNMUN is the resolution, a formal document in which a committee spells out the action to be taken in order to solve a particular problem. Each draft resolution should deal specifically with the topic area currently under discussion by the committee. The following criteria mustbe met before a draft resolution can be introduced to the committee:* It must completely address the points set out in the “Questions a Resolution Must Answer” section of the study guide as well as any other points that have been raised in the course of debate.* It must be well-written, concise, comprehensive, and free of grammatical and typographical errors.* It must have the minimum number of signatories as stipulated in the Rules of Procedure.* It must receive the approval and signature of the Chairperson.* It must be completely original work done at the conference; no prewritten draft resolutions will be allowed, and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Because the committee can pass only one resolution on each topic, representatives should expect to be asked to revise draft resolutions several times before they meet the Chairperson’s standards. While the Chairperson will not advocate a particular solution, it is his or her responsibility to ensure that the committee has fulfilled its responsibilities and adequately addressed the entire topic before it can be introduced as a draft resolution. The Chairpersons are trained to be very discriminating in accepting draft resolutions, and representatives should not be surprised or offended if the dais staff sends a proposal for a draft resolution back to the committee for revision before approving it. It is the committee’s responsibility to construct an effective resolution to handle the situation at hand. When a draft resolution is introduced, it is usually not ready for an immediate vote. Much debate, compromise, and revision are involved in the formulation of a resolution that can be agreed upon by the committee. Listed below are some (not comprehensive) guidelines for good resolutions:* A good resolution should represent a technical solution to the issue. It is not enough to merely create an additional committee to discuss the problem or to condemn or approve of this or that country. The resolution should present specific, concrete proposals to deal with the issue at hand.* The resolution should be the product of a workable compromise among the nations party to a dispute (in an antagonistic political situation) or among the competing viewpoints on how an issue should be resolved (in a cooperative problem-solving situation). This means all involved parties should agree. Any resolution dealing the situation in Israel/Palestine, for example, is meaningless if it does not meet with the approval of both Israel and the Arab community. * The compromise reached must take into account the relative power of the parties to the dispute. In the United Nations, each nation has one equal vote. But in the international community, it is a fact that some nations have more power than others. When drafting a resolution, keep in mind that a realistic world view is essential to a solution that can be effectively implemented in the global arena.Requirement on Draft ResolutionCommittee:Topic:Sponsors:Signatories:THE CONTENT SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN VERDANA NO.54). AmendmentsThe amendment process is used to perfect and improve draft resolutions as the course of debate evolves to reflect concerns that may not have been addressed in the original document. A clear understanding of the rules of procedure is very important to the process of proposing, debating, and voting on an amendment. Chairperson will clarify this process at conference, time permitting, but a review of the amendment process as described in the Rules of Procedure is highly recommended to optimize a committee’s efficiency and productivity. At CNMUN, all amendments must be put to procedural vote of the entire committee. Only at the Chairperson’s discretion can amendments be made without vote (on non-substantive matters such as typos). There are no friendly amendments, and all amendments are treated in the same way regardless of the effect they have on the draft resolution in question. If an amendment is passed by the body, it is immediately incorporated into the text of the draft resolution for the purposes of debate and voting.Requirement on The AmendmentAmendmentCommittee::Topic::Sponsors:Signatories:THE CONTINENT SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN VERDANA NO.4 with DOUBLE SPACING2. Rules on Formal DebateDuring the formal debate, all delegates are required to follow the rule of procedures and maintain decorum. Formal debate can be divided into the following segments:Roll CallIn this phase, the Rapporteur would announce the name of each member state and observer in alphabetical order. Upon announcement, the aforementioned country’s delegate would raise his/her placard and announce “present”.Setting of AgendaEstablishment of Speakers ListThe Committee will have an open Speakers List for the topic area being discussed. The Director would initially call for countries willing to speak to be added to the list and will set the speaking time beforehand.Making of SpeechesTime LimitAll speakers on any speaker list would be given 120 seconds to speak unless a delegate moves otherwise, and such a motion requires a second and a simple majority to pass.YieldsAfter a delegate has finished his/her speech within the allocated time, any remaining time can be yielded. There are four different types of yields:Yield Time to Another DelegateThis situation usually appears when country A which yields his/her time and country B to whom the time is yielded to have reached a consensus after discussion. The delegate from country B would utilize the time remaining from A’s speech to speak. If there is still time remaining after B’s speech, there would be no further yielding of time.Yield Time to QuestionsOnce a delegate that has spoken chooses to yield his/her time to questions, the Director would ask for delegates willing to ask questions to raise their placards and would randomly pick any of such delegates to pose their inquiries. The time for asking questions would not be included in the remaining time of the previous speech. The delegate speaking can use the remaining time to answer all questions posed.Yield Time to CommentsOnce a delegate chooses to yield his/her remaining speaking time to comments, the Director would ask for delegates willing to comment to raise their placards andrandomly pick any of such delegates to speak. Delegates appointed to comment can use the remaining time to make relevant comments; however, the delegate who has yielded his/her time would not be allowed to express his/her opinions again or rebut the comments in this same time frame. The Director will rule out any comments that do not pertain to the previous speech. Yield Time to the ChairUpon yielding time to the chair, a delegate chooses to forego his/her remaining time and the Director would proceed on with the rest of the proceedings.Points and MotionsAfter a delegate has spoken/fully utilized the allocated speaking time, the Director would ask for points or motions from the Committee. At this point in time, a delegate can raise points or motions according to his/her needs. MotionsMotion to set speaking time Simple Majority (50%+1)Motion for a Moderated Consultation Simple Majority (50%+1)Motion for a Unmoderated Consultation Simple Majority (50%+1)Motion to Suspend the Meeting Simple Majority (50%+1)Motion to Close Debate Two-thirds MajorityPointsPoint of Order When a delegate feels that the Director or another delegate has made an error in the rules of procedures,he/she can raise a Point of Order to correct the mistake.This can be done even in the middle of a speech, but theright should be exercised with caution.NovotePoint of Inquiry When a delegate has questions about the rules of procedures, he/she can raise a Point of Parliamentary Inquiry to the Director.NovotePoint of Personal Privilege When a delegate feels any personal discomfort that will hinder his/her participation of the meeting,he/she can raise a Point of Personal Privilegeto obtain the assistance of the Dais. This can be doneeven in the middle of a speech, but the right should be exercised whit caution.Novote3. Rules Governing ResolutionsDraft ResolutionsOne member could sponsor only one draft resolution and the co-sponsors of the draft resolutions need to sign on to it which indicates their support. One member may sign more than one draft resolution. Signing a draft resolution does not explicitly indicate the support for the draft resolution but only indicate a desire for the draft resolution to be discussed in committee. As such, the signatory has no obligations towards the draft resolution.Consideration of Draft ResolutionsA draft resolution may be proposed only when it has been signed by a quarter of the members present at the session. A representative may motion to introduce a draft resolution as long as it has been approved by the Chairperson and then distributed to all members. At the Chairperson’s discretion, he/she shall recognize the main sponsors to introduce the draft resolution and permit a clarification session with a time limit. Any substantive points will be ruled out of order during this period. More than one draft resolution may be on the floor at any one time, but at most one draft resolution may be passed. Debate on draft resolutions proceeds according to the general Speakers’ List and representatives may then refer to the draft resolutions by its designated number.A draft resolution requires two thirds majority of members to adopt it. The draft resolution adopted by each committee will be debated and put to vote at the Plenary. The draft resolution supported by more than two-thirds member states will be adopted as the final decision. If the draft resolutions are not adopted, a Chairperson’s statement will be issued.Consideration of AmendmentsRepresentatives may amend any draft resolution on the floor. The amendment must be substantively different from the resolution it seeks to amend. Only one amendment may be introduced at any given time.4. Rules Governing VotingProcedural VotingAll voting is considered procedural with the exception of voting on draft resolutions and their amendments. Representatives must vote on all procedural motions, and no abstentions are allowed. All procedural matters shall be voted upon using name plates. A motion that requires a simple majority needs more than half of the Committee members present and voting.A motion that requires two-thirds to pass requires exactly two-thirds of the Committee memberspresent and voting. After closure of debate, the Committee shall move into voting procedure. At that point, only the following points and motions shall be allowed: Motion for a Roll Call Vote, Motion for Reordering the Draft Resolution, and Point of Order. If there are no such motions, the Committee shall vote on all draft resolutions.Substantive VotingThe only substantive voting shall be voted on draft resolutions and amendments. All other votes shall be procedural voting. For substantive voting, each member shall have one vote and, it requires two-thirds majority for the Committee to adopt a resolution or an amendment. The Council shall normally vote by show of name plates, except that any member state requests a roll-call, which shall be taken in the English alphabetical order of the names of the member states of the Council. The name of each member state shall be called in all roll-calls, and its representative shall replay “yes”, “no” or “abstention”. Decisions on substantive matters of the Council or Committees shall be made by two-thirds of the members present and voting. Members who abstain from voting are considered as not voting. The Chairperson shall then announce the outcome of the vote. Brief statements by member states consisting solely of explanations of their votes may be permitted by the Chairperson before the voting has commenced or after the voting has been completed.Order of Voting On Draft ResolutionIf there is more than one draft resolution, they shall, unless the Committee decides otherwise, be voted on in the order in which they were submitted. The Committee may, after each vote on a draft resolution, decide whether to vote on the next draft resolution.Reordering Draft ResolutionsA Motion to Reorder Draft Resolutions shall only be in order immediately after entering voting procedure, and before voting has started on any draft resolutions. If the motion receives the simple majority required to pass, the Chairperson shall take all motions to reorder draft resolutions and then vote on them in the order in which they came. Voting shall continue until either a motion passes, receiving a simple majority, or all of the motions fail, in which case the Committee shall move into voting procedure, voting on the draft resolutions in their original order. Only one motion to reorder draft resolutions is in order in each round of voting procedures.Order of Voting On AmendmentsBefore an amendment is included into a draft resolution, the amendment shall be voted on first. When two or more amendments are proposed to a draft resolution, the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original draft resolution shall be voted on first and then the amendment next furthest removed there, and so on。

模拟联合国大会培训手册 (基础版一、 MUN 大会的构成• 一个 MUN 大会往往由若干个委员会构成,每个委员会拥有自己的议题。
• MUN 的参与者以代表团为单位,共同代表一个国家。
一个国家往往有多名代表,这些代表将被分派到 MUN 大会下的各个委员会中。
• 一个委员会由一个主席团负责。
• 一个主席团包括:主席:负责主持会议,按照联合国正式的程序规则监督并推动会议进程主席助理:负责点名、录入发言人名单会议指导:负责审阅代表提交的会议文件Pager (意向条传递员——志愿者二、会议流程和规则•1. 点名在这一阶段,主席助理会按国家字母顺序依次点出国家名,被点到的国家举起国家牌,并回答:到。
在我们的模联中,确定议题阶段,主席分别在赞成首先讨论议题 A 和赞成首先讨论议题 B 的国家中,随机点出 3名代表进行发言,发言时间为 90秒。
主席会请需要发言的代表举国家牌, 并随机读出国家名,代表们发言的顺序即主席点名的顺序,当代表们听到自己国家被点到之后,便放下国家牌。
如果代表已在发言名单上,并且还没有发言, 则不能在其发言之前追加发言机会。
2. 发言(1无论是正式辩论还是非正式辩论,代表们发言应严格控制在规定时间内,如果超时,主席会终止代表的发言。
在会议中,主席会用提醒代表的发言时间剩余 30秒。

会议介绍模联(MUN),即模拟联合国(Mode United Nations)的缩写,是组织学生模拟联合国某些工作的活动。
东北地区模拟联合国 通用指导手册1.8版

目录1.0 模拟联合国通用会议规则流程Model United Nations--Rules of Order (3)1.1. 点名与开始会议Roll call and the start of the conference (3)1.2. 设定一般性正式辩论发言名Set the General Speakers‟ list (3)正式辩论Formal Debate (4)让渡给他国代表 Yield the time to another delegate (4)让渡给问题Yield the time to questions (4)让渡给评论Yield time to comments (5)让渡给主席Yield the time to the Chair (5)非正式辩论Informal Debate (5)问题Point (5)动议Motion (6)1.5. 文件编号规则Rule of document number 91.6. 工作文件Working Paper (10)决议草案Draft Resolution (10)起草国Sponsor (10)附议国Signature (10)阅读时间the reading time fora document (11)1.7.4 讨论与通过决议草案TheDiscussion And the Pass of a DraftResolution (11)修正案Amendments (12)友好修正案Friendly Amendment (12)非友好修正案Unfriendly Amendment (12)修正案提交 The Submission of the Amendment (12)修正案讨论 The Discussion of the Amendment (12)修正案表决 The Voting of the Amendment (13)修正案表决之后 After Voting foran Amendment (13)其他Other (14)1.9. 结束辩论和投票程序Closure of Debate and the V oting Procedure .. 14提出表决propose the vote (14)点名Roll Call (14)1.9.3 表决Vote (15)通过与否决The Pass and Fail of the Document (15)起草国的反对The Veto from a Sponsor (15)1.10. 意向条Pages (15)委员会主席Dais of the Committee (16)答辩权Right of ‘Reply’ (16)2.0 礼仪 (17)2.1. 行为 (17)2.1.1 仪表 (17)2.1.2 穿着 (17)2.1.3 举止 (17)2.2. 语言 (18)2.2.1 会场语言 (18)2.2.2 交际中的语言 (18)2.3. 其他 (19)3.0 中文文件写作 (20)3.1. 立场文件写作指导及范例 (20)3.2. 工作文件写作指导及范例 (23)3.3. 决议草案写作指导及范例 (24)3.4. 修正案写作指导及范例 (27)4.0 Document Writings in English Committees (28)Position Paper (28)Working paper (30)Draft Resolutions (31)Amendments (33)5.0 主席标准 (34)5.1. 主席团人选确定的流程 (34)5.1.1 邀请制: (34)5.1.2 选拔制: (34)5.2. 主席需提供的信息: ............................ 34 5.3. 主席团成员类别和职能: .. (34)5.3.1 主席(Chair): ............................. 34 5.3.2 会议指导(Director): ............... 34 5.3.3 主席助理(Rapporteur): ........... 35 5.4. 法槌的使用规则 ..................................... 35 6.0 媒体记者规则 (36)6.1. 媒体代表权限 (36)6.1.1 职能 .................................................. 36 6.1.2 权限 ............................................ 36 6.2. 媒体会场规则 .. (36)6.2.1 媒体代表驻场规则 ....................... 36 6.2.2 一般新闻发布会规则 . (36)6.2.3 临时新闻发布会的规则 ............... 36 6.2.4 稿件提交规则................................ 37 6.3. 写作指导 . (37)6.3.1 消息 ................................................... 37 6.3.2 通讯 ................................................... 37 6.3.3 采访 ................................................... 38 6.3.4 评论 (38)7.0 序言性行动性条款词库 (39)7.1. 序言性条款常用词汇 ............................. 39 7.2. 行动性条款常用词汇 ............................. 40 8.0 鸣谢 ................................................................. 41 附录 (41)备用标签页1.0 模拟联合国通用会议规则流程Model United Nations--Rules of Order本文以传统美式规则为基础,适用于联合国大会及各下属委员会、理事会,不完全适用于安全理事会等适用特殊规则的委员会。

模拟模拟联合国大会文档2篇Model document of UN Congress编订:JinTai College模拟模拟联合国大会文档2篇小泰温馨提示:发言稿是参加会议者为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己意见、看法或汇报思想工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。

SDUW国际青年文化节SDUWMUN 2009模拟联合国会议会议手册目录认识模拟联合国Page 2会议日程安排Page 5会议准备Page 6会议流程与规则Page 8MUN名词解释Page 11文件写作指导Page 13奖项设置及要求Page 15 主办方:学生国际交流协会议题背景手册会议时间:4月18日—19日Page 16 会议地点:网络楼报告厅附录舞会地点:大学生活动中心Page 19认识模拟联合国一、模拟联合国的起源模拟联合国(Model United Nations)是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。

哈尔滨工业大学英语夏令营模拟联合国会议手册第一章会议介绍模拟联合国(Model United Nations)是世界各国官方和民间团体特意为青年人组织的活动。
第二章议题设置Committee:United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)Topic A: Global Carbon MarketFacing the grievous situation of global warming, the world has attempted numerous approaches to solve the problem, among which establishing a global carbon market that applies market theory to solve environmental problems stands out. First mentions of the concept of carbon markets can be traced back to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) and Kyoto Protocol (2003). Since 1997, three major global carbon markets – International Emission Trading (IET), Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have been established. They triggered the growth of global compliance carbon market, including the famous European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading System (EU ETS). However, despite its growth, carbon transaction worldwide still lacks a uniform certification and registration, nor does it have a central body to ensure its smooth operation. Here comes the main focus of our discussion: How to set up a widely accepted global carbon market in light of political obstacles and economic concerns? To come up with a satisfactory solution, three aspects deserve careful consideration: 1. The type of market (should it be a compliance market or voluntary market or both). 2. The control of the process (how to take control of the entire process while at the same time not violate the sovereignty of countries). 3. The balance between benefits for developing and developed nations (how to distribute carbon credits and fund among developed and developing countries).Topic B: Oil spillOil spill is a serious problem concerning both the environment and human health. In recent decades, international organisations have raised concerns regarding the negative impacts of oil spills. A typical example is the setting of The International Maritime Organization (IMO), a body of the United Nations, to set international maritime vessel safety and marine pollution standards, among which the “Marpol” is a benchmark.In spite of efforts like this, we recently experienced the tremendous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, both a huge waste and a hazard to the environment. Looking back at this disastrous incident and looking at the argument of compensation issues between British Petroleum and the US, we can see hundreds of omission of safety precautions that led to the catastrophe. Additionally, we also saw what the laws and many conventions lacked.As an environmental organisation, UNEP does not centre its work on special technologies like using chemicals to clear the oil. What UNEP is concerned about is the prevention of such tragedy through improvement on management and the legislation progress. We would like delegates to focus on: 1. The establishment of an effective system for safety norms in oil transportation internationally. 2. The legislation of laws defining the responsibilities of each party in case of an accident? (Should the country be responsible for oil transportation or only the corporation should bear the blame?) By answering such questions, we hope to bolster the security in oil transportation.第三章机构设置1.主席团委员会由四名工作人员组成的主席团主持会议和管理。
会议指导手册Conference Training Handbook模拟联合国的会议组织在模拟联合国会议里,参加者(Delegates)以及代表团(Delegation)为单位,共同代表一个国家(to Represent A Certain Country),在模拟联合国会议中的不同委员会(Committee)里,以国家代表的身份进行演讲(Republic Speaking)、辩论(Debate)和游说(Lobby)等,争取国家利益的最大化。
同学们在进行了较为充分的准备后都能在其中参与正式辩论(Formal Debate)、非正式辩论(Informal Debate),并且广泛参与协商和合作(Negotiation and Collaboration),以争取其所代表国家的国家利益能在特定一体(Topic Area)的决议(Resolution)中得到充分体现。
委员会结构一个委员会由一个主席团(Members of the Dais)负责。
主席(Chair)主持会议,其任务是按照联合国正式的程序规则监督并推动会议进程(Oversees Debate and Guides Delegates Through the Rules of Procedure)。
规则与技巧模拟联合国会议通过严格按照联合国会议(Formal Rules of Procedure)的规则进行,以保证每位代表都有平等的发言权(Equal Opportunity to Be Heard)。

福州一中首届校际模拟联合国大会代表会议手册主办单位:福州第一中学承办:福州一中模拟联合国社TABLE OF CONTENT目录1.WELCOME LETTER秘书长欢迎信 (3)2.INTRODUCTION OF MODEL UNITED NATIONS模拟联合国活动介绍 (5)3.CONFERENCE SCHEDULE大会议程 (7)4.INTRODUCTION TO FIMUN2010 STAFF主席团及组委会介绍 (8)5.CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES会议要求和注意事项 (12)6.INTRODUCTION TO COMMITTEES AND TOPICS委员会议题介绍 (17)7.CONFERENCE SCHEDULE会议简要流程 (20)8.CONFERENCE PAPER WRITING 会议文件写作 (23)9.LOCATION会场位置 (28)秘书长欢迎信尊敬的老师,亲爱的模联代表们:你们好!我是福州一中高二(14)班学生,本次大会秘书长李可睿。
模拟联合国大会 草案模板

若和平谈判难以实现,则在不干涉内政的前提下,坚持以联合国为中心,维和部队帮助各冲突发生国的政府解决动乱;b.成立政策性开发银行,专门负责筹集资金对难民地区进行人道主义援助,各国应以政府的形式参与其中:i呼吁各国对于非洲的难民问题予以资金支持,同时对于难民国如何更好的建立基础设施和医疗保障体系提供技术上的支持;ii要求各国给予中东国家大力支持(包括资金,基础建设,难民点安置方案,及医疗卫生,安全),着重点是难民安置国与难民国;2、呼吁各国尊重难民的人权,已获得其合法权利的保护,a. 强调各国应以立法的形式保障难民正当权利;b.重申《世界人权宣言》和《公民权利和政治权利国际盟约》有效性;3、支持联合国难民署的工作,并应充分发挥联合国难民署在解决难民问题上的建设性作用。

立场文件写作指导Written by Secretariat-General立场文件是会议召开前需要撰写的唯一一份文件。


委员会:大会第一委员会 议题:无核国家的核威胁 标题:宋体 三号 加粗 居中 起草国:美国、英国 附议国:法国、德国、西班牙、意大利、南非、加拿大、中国、泰国、尼日利亚、巴西、 瑞典、芬兰、荷兰、澳大利亚、厄瓜多尔、阿根廷、希腊、波兰
引言:宋体 四号 加粗 一份修正案只有在通过主席的赞成及达到全部与会国的2பைடு நூலகம்%国家 (起草国+附议国) 的签 字后才能被通过。
以下是修正案的主体部分。只有行动性条款可以被修正,序言性条款不可修正。每一条 修正以一个动词开头。 (宋体 四号)
需要改动的词语及 1、去掉行动性条款第三项中语句:“特别是核武器国家” 具体条款需要指出 2、加入行动性条款,作为第四项: “倡议所有核武器国家,以全球利益为先,积极寻求可行性途径力求与无核国家达成共识
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
例:From:________________________________To:_________________________________________________________________4.非正式辩论/磋商A.有组织核心磋商:即发言和发言的主体暂时游离到正式辩论之外,具体步骤如下:Step 1: 代表动议中止正式辩论并开展有主持核心磋商,动议中必须包含所磋商的主题,磋商时间以及每位代表发言时间。
Step 2: 在主席的认可后对该动议进行投票表决,如果得到简单多数同意则通过,开始有组织核心磋商。
Step 3: 动议通过后,提出动议的代表自动首先发言。