ITA30-40K 产品培训胶-艾默生

UHA1R-0030L一、前言:艾默生Adapt系列1-20K UPS是基于艾默生的全球技术平台,新开发的面向机房环境的升级产品。
此款产品无论从性能、方案能力以及性价比都较以往型号有重大提升,体现了小型UPS的业界最新技术成果以及最新的应用趋势,将作为面向中小机房IT 应用的全新一代产品,满足国内客户对小型UPS的新要求。
二、产品特点:(一)、Adapt系列UPS的产品定位?(1)、适用于服务器机房等区域,保护服务器、网络通信等关键设备;(2)、完全匹配艾默生易睿TM机房整体方案;(3)、黑色机身设计突显了与服务器、机柜和谐搭配;(4)、提供丰富机架选件,方便机架内的配电/监控等功能的一体化实施;(二)、Adapt系列UPS如何确保供电的高可靠?(1)、双变换在线式设计,市电掉电无中断;(2)、支持N+X冗余方式,实现系统可靠性的大幅提升;(3)、DSP全数字控制,输出稳压精度高;(4)、采用最新IGBT器件,实现输入超宽抗电网波动范围;(5)、输入标配防浪涌电路,实现卓越的抗电网浪涌能力;(三)、Adapt系列UPS如何带来绿色环保?(1)、整机效率高达92%以上,节能效益明显;(2)、输入功率因数高达0.99,电能利用率高;(3)、满足欧盟RoHS指令,物料/工艺无有毒物质;(4)、可调速智能风扇,风扇转速自适应调节,有效节能;(5)、提供ECO运行模式,效率高达98%,显著节能;(四)、Adapt系列UPS如何为您省钱?(1)、高达0.9的输出功率因数,带载量提升20-30%,匹配最新服务器的用电特性;(2)、系统效率高,省电、运行成本低;(3)、功率密度高,整机2-3U,占用机架空间小,节省机架数量;(五)、Adapt系列UPS如何方便的维护?(1)、全系列兼容机架/塔式安装方式;(2)、超大尺寸LCD和LED显示,各类运行数据/系统状态/历史情况一目了然;(3)、操作显示面板旋转设计,可随安装方式不同自由调整角度,方便直观;(六)、Adapt系列UPS如何提高方案的可用性?(1)、兼容三单/单单(5/10K),三单/三三(16/20K)多种应用场合;(2)、支持软线并联运行(最大4台,3+1/2+2/4+0可选),且无需并机插框,系统容量随意扩充;(3)、可通过级联电池模块方便地延长后备时间;(七)、Adapt系列UPS如何满足各种监控需求?(1)、提供USB单机监控端口;(2)、提供可采集环境量的SIC网络适配卡,支持服务器自动安全关机功能;(3)、后台软件兼容多种操作系统(Windows/Linux/HP-UX/Sun Solaris/IBM AIX等),兼容艾默生机房监控平台SiteMonitor,支持Web监控;(4)、提供Mib库,方便接入各类NMS网管系统;(八)、Adapt系列UPS如何保护和延长电池组寿命?(1)、超宽输入电压/频率范围,有效减少电池放电几率,延长寿命;(2)、温度补偿功能,减少环境温度对电池寿命的影响;(3)、超强充电能力,有效缩短电池回充时间;(4)、电池组节数设置灵活,便于电池系统的利旧(16/20K) ;(5)、支持共用电池组(16/20K),节省电池投资;三、产品技术参数:(一)、输入参数1、整流器类型:IGBT整流;2、额定电压:220Vac单相三线;3、输入电压范围:120Vac~280Vac;4、输入频率范围:40Hz~70Hz;5、输入功率因数:满载≥0.99;(二)、电池1、电池类型:铅酸免维护蓄电池;2、标机电池后备时间≥4min;3、充电能力:标机回充至90%;4、外置电池模块型号:U08-09C1-03;5、电池模块规格:430W×470D×85H 26KG;(三)、输出参数:1、输出额定功率:3KVA/2400W;2、输出电压:220Vac/230Vac/240Vac(用户可设置);3、电压稳定度:1%;4、输出频率稳定度:50HZ或60HZ,±0.1HZ;5、输出电压波形畸变率<3%线性负载;<5%非线性负载;6、负载最大峰值因数3:1(满足IEC62040-3);7、阶跃型负载能力:100%;8、输出方式:端子;9、过载能力(% 额定负载):150%~125% 60S;(四)、系统参数及标准:1、变换类型:双变换在线式;2、能否实现并机:支持最大4台并机,可设置4+0、3+1、2+2模式;3、安装方式:机架式/塔式兼容;4、整机效率:高达90%;5、切换时间:0ms;6、噪声<50dB;7、语言:中英文;8、是否有LCD显示:是(标配);9、安规:IEC/EN62040-1-1;10、电磁兼容:IEC/EN/AS62040-2;2nd,Ed=CISPR22;11、浪涌保护:IEC/EN62040-2,满足IEC/EN61000-4-5;12、防护类型:IP20;13、体积:430W×575D×85H;14、重量:12 Kg;15、保修:1年;(五)、通信及管理:1、接口类型:USB/智能卡槽(干接点卡/干接点扩展卡/SIC卡/Modbus 卡/RS485卡);2、管理软件:SiteMonitor;(六)、环境参数:1、运行温度:0~40℃;2、相对湿度:0~95%,无凝露;3、最大海拔高度<2000m,超过2000m时参照GB/T 3859.2降额使用;四、适用对象1、服务器;2、存储器;3、网络设备;4、ATM;5、VoIP;6、通讯设备;7、自动化设备;8、精密仪器;9、医疗诊断设备等输入电压精度要求较高的设备。
31012709_Liebert NX 30kVA和40kVA UPS_V1.0_3.4用户手册

1.若长时间存储或放置不使用,必须将本产品置于干燥、洁净和规定温度范围的环境中。 2.本产品应在适当的工作环境中使用(详见本产品手册环境要求章节)。 3.禁止在以下工作环境中使用本产品:
超出本产品技术指标规定的高温、低温或潮湿场所 有导电粉尘、腐蚀性气体、盐雾或可燃性气体的场所 有振动、易受撞的场所 靠近热源或有强电磁场干扰的场所
1.1 特点.........................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 设计思想.................................................................................................................................................................................1
与其它类型的大功率设备一样,UPS 及电池开关盒/电池柜内部带有高压。但由于带高压的元器件只有打开前门(有锁)才可 能接触到,所以接触高压的可能性已降到最小。本设备符合 IP20 标准,内部还有其它的安全屏蔽。 如果遵照一般规范并按照本书所建议的步骤进行设备的操作,将不会存在任何危险。
第一章 概述 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Sensotec TensiMaster 3000 产品说明书

Provides the ultimate solution for measuring and monitoring precise tension on web process or wire machinery in demanding industrial environments•For use with pillow block bearingsand rotating shaft installations.•Washdown-duty, withstanding impinging liquids and wet environments.•Designed to comply withNEMA 4x, IP65/67 standards.•Completely sealed. Corrosion-resisting and chemical-resisting (Stainless Steel 410 or Anodized Aluminum Alloy 6061).•Competitively priced againstcommon non-sealed,non-corrosive and chemical resistive designs.•Compact low-profile design fits easily into tight places.•With an end connector design(instead of on the side), no need for a left hand and right hand configuration.•Available in a variety of loadcapacities (25 to 30,000 lb.)and sizes (6.5 to 17 inches long),suiting a wide range of applications.•Provides 500% overload protection.•Easily mounted at any angle.•Convenient mounting plate for easy installation of pillow block bearing.Performance BenefitsThe UPB (Under-Pillow-Block)Washdown-Duty LC (load cell) is part of the Cleveland-Kidder ®Tension Transducer product family. It sets the standard for under-pillow-block tension transducers for the web process industry.The UPB Washdown-Duty LC has a completely sealed corrosion-resisting design, making it ideal for use in demanding industrial environments,including the production of paper, steel,textiles, roofing shingles, linoleum,rubber, foil, and food products.The UPB Washdown-Duty LC can be mounted at any angle. Its web force direction is not restricted to being either parallel or perpendicular to the UPB top surface (common with other load cell designs). Its compact low profile design makes it perfect for use in both retrofit and OEM applications.The UPB Washdown-Duty LC is a solid one-piece design, providing a high natural frequency response with a high level, linear output signal.Design FeaturesThe Cleveland-Kidder UPB Washdown-Duty LC is an under-pillow-block load cell that has been designed formeasuring and monitoring tension on web process and wire machinery in demanding environments.The UPB Washdown-Duty LC is made from a solid block that results in a completely sealed design with a very low profile. It is typically applied in pairs,one under each of the supporting guide roll’s pillow block bearings. Mounting the pillow block bearing to the UPB Washdown-Duty LC is simple and convenient:Rather than having to drill into the top of the load cell, the UPB Washdown-Duty LC uses a convenient mounting plate, making installation andreplacement easier. Held in place by four corner bolts, the mounting plate is easily removed, drilled and tapped to match the pillow block mounting dimensions. The plate is then remounted and the pillow block bearing is bolted into place.To assure maximum corrosion and chemical resistance, the UPBWashdown-Duty LC is made from either Stainless Steel or Aluminum Alloy depending on the size rating.Displacement from loads is negligible (typically 0.002 in.) and the output is temperature compensated.UNDER PILLOW BLOCK WASHDOWN-DUTY LOAD CELLUPB Washdown-DutyLCSIZE RATING (LB) * ULTIMATE OVERLOAD (%)UPB125 to 1000500UPB21000 to 1000050020000250UPB310000 to 30000500INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSDIMENSION TABLESRATINGSSize Dimensions in Inches*Maximum No.Working Force (lb.)A B C D E F(Max.)G H J(Max.)KL M N WUPB1 1.50.55 5.8 1.55/16(4) 5.8 1.6 1.951/2 1.40 6.5 1.3 2.2 2.2 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000UPB230.8010.0 3.01/2 (4)10.0 3.0 2.473/4 1.6811.0 3.3 3.95 4.01000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 20000UPB3 4.51.6315.04.51 (4)15.6 5.04.21-1/8 2.8017., 20000, 30000Size Dimensions in Millimeters*MaximumNo.Working Force (N)**A B C DE F(Max.)G H J(Max.)KLM N WUPB13814147.538M814740.549.5M1235.5165335656 110, 225, 450, 1100, 2250, 4500UPB2762025476M122547663M2042.5279.584100101.54500, 11000, 22000, 45000, 90000UPB311441.5381114M24396127106.5M307143212213216545000, 90000, 135000Weight lb. (kg.) Each UPB1UPB2UPB33.7 (1.7)22 (10)102 (47)*Ultimate overload: Maximum force applied on the transducer without risking permanentdeformation. For the Washdown duty UPB the output is linear up to the point of the ultimate overload.*Allow 2.5 inches clearance (64mm) for connector.**Approximate rating in Newtons.INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS SPECIFICATIONSMaterial: Body: Size 1- Anodized Aluminum Alloy 6061Size 2 & 3 Stainless Steel 410Mounting Plates: Stainless Steel 304Bolts for Mounting Plates: Stainless Steel Gage Resistance:Each transducer contains a half-bridge,having a nominal end-to-end resistance of440-480 Ohms.Gage Factor:100 nominalExcitation Voltage:10 VDC or VAC (rms) maximumOutput Signal@ Rated M.W.F.: 100 mV nominal / transducer200 mV nominal / pair(With 10 VDC or VAC rms excitationvoltage)OperatingTemperature Range:0˚F to 200˚FSensitivity Changewith Temp.Less than 0.02% of rated outputtypicalHumidity:95% R.H.CombinedNon-linearityAnd hysteresis:±0.5% maximum of rated output Repeatability:±0.2% maximum of rated output“MS” Connectors:MS-3102E-10SL-3P(Sealed 3 Pin Connector)Input Impedancerequired:5K Ohms per transducer(TransducerSignal Amplifierif not CMCsupplied)Output impedance:880 Ohms for UPB2 and UPB3120 Ohms for UPB1UNDERPILLOWBLOCKWASHDOWN-DUTYLOAD CELLUPBWashdown-DutyLCProcedure for Mounting the UPB Load Cellto the Machine Frame (see picture above)Remove the pillow block mounting plate (it is held in place by four stainless steel corner bolts) in order to gain access to the four load cell mounting holes. Drill and tap the machine frame to match the load cell mounting holes. Note: The UPB must be oriented so that the resultant tension force direction (bisector of the wrap angle) isin the same quadrant as the load direction arrow on the side of the UPB.Bolt the load cell in place. The UPB load cell is designed so that either imperial or metric mounting bolts can be used when mounting the load cell to the machine frame. Refer to E in the Dimensions Table for the proper bolt size. Before remounting the pillow block mounting plate refer to the procedure below.Procedure for Mounting the Pillow Block Bearing to the UPB Load Cell (see picture above)Mounting the pillow block bearing to the UPB is simple and convenient. The UPB is offered with a pillow block mounting plate. The mounting plate is held in place by four stainless steel corner bolts. Remove the mounting plate, then drill and tap it to match the pillow block mounting dimensions. A centerline mark is provided on the mounting plate. The plate is to be drilled and tapped by utilizing this centerline mark to insure that the pillow block bearing is centered on the plate. Remount the plate and bolt the pillow block bearing to it. The mounting plate is 304 Stainless Steel, which is amenable to drilling but offers corrosive and chemical resistance. Refer to Jin the Dimensions Table for the maximum bolt diameterrecommended for bolting the pillow blockbearing to the mounting plate.INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSUNDER PILLOW BLOCK WASHDOWN-DUTY LOAD CELLUPB LCSIZING CALCULATIONSIZING CALCULATION:ORDERING PROCEDURE:SELECTION CHARTT =Max Tension A =Wrap Angle (Degrees)W =Roll Weight B =Angle of Tension Force (Degrees)K =Overload for Transients(Nominally 1.4 for most applications)MWF = Maximum Working Force(This is used to select the proper force rating of the transducer)C =Mounting Angle H =Bearing Height + DSIZE L (in.) D (in.)UPB1 2.50.98UPB2 4.5 1.25UPB36.52.10A[2KT sin —][HsinB + LcosB] ±W[L cosC – HsinC]**2*The MWF calculation defines the force on each individual load cell.**If Angle B is below horizontal use + in calculation. If Angle B is above horizontal use - in calculation Note: Consult CMC for assistance in sizing the load cell to your specific application.1. Calculate the Maximum Working Force (MWF)rating based upon your calculations from the sizing calculation equation.2. From the Selection Chart,determine the part number for the UPB Washdown-Duty LC. Select a MWF rating that equals or exceeds the MWF from your sizing calculation. Then, make sure that your pillow block bearing fits the UPB type that you selected (UPB 1, 2,or 3).Example: If you calculate a MWF of 2,204 lbs., select a UPB 2 rated at 2,500 lbs.MWF from the Selection Chart. Your part number is M846-12172-100. Then,from the Dimensions Table,make sure that your pillow bearing fits on the Size 2transducer. If it does not,please consult factory.3. Obtain pricing and delivery information by contacting a CMC sales representative,distributor, or the factory.ACCESSORIESACCESSORIES CHART*Load Cell Cable The load cell cable end is provided with a straight or right angle connector as specified. The controller end is provided with tinned leads. The controller end of the cable can be cut to length if the standard length provided is not the exact length required.MWF* =2LTransducer MWF (lbs.)UPB1Rating25501002505001000Part No. M846-12171-000100200300400500UPB2Rating1000250050001000020000Part No. M846-12172-000100200300400UPB3Rating100002000030000Part No. M846-12173-000100200Cable Length Part Number - Straight Connector Part Number - Right Angle Connector 20 Feet MO-01948-020MO-01957-02025 Feet MO-01948-025MO-01957-02550 Feet MO-01948-050MO-01957-05075 Feet MO-01948-075MO-01957-075100 Feet MO-01948-100MO-09157-100150 FeetMO-01948-150MO-01957-150*Cables are not washdown-duty. For washdown-duty cables consult CMC.。

GE Fanuc AutomationPMC669, PMC676, & RM676Dual Port GigE Controllers HARDWARE REFERENCE MANUALD oc um ent Num ber: R x-U R MH139Hardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM676This page intentionally left blank.Hardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM676NoticeThe information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. While all reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy have been taken in the preparation of this manual, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility resulting from omissions or errors in this manual, or from the use of information contained herein.GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. reserves the right to make any changes, without notice, to this or any of GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. products to improve reliability, performance, function, or design.GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; nor does GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others.For warranty and repair policies, refer to GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. Standard Conditions of Sale. Customer Care SupportTelephone: 1-800-GE FANUC or 434-978-5100E-mail:*******************Copyright 2005 GE Fanuc Automation. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Reproduction without written consent constitutes infringement under the Copyright Law of the United States.VxWorks is a registered trademark of Wind River Systems, Inc. LynxOS is a registered trademark of LynuxWorks Operating Systems and Tools. Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft . Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All terms known to be trademarks or service marks will be properly capitalized in this manual, at a minimum on first use. GE Fanuc Automation does not attest to the accuracy of this information. GE Fanuc Automation use of a term should not be construed as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.Hardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM6761 IntroductionThe PMC669 and PMC676 products provide dual independent gigabit Ethernet ports in a PMC form factor. The RM676 is a PCI edge solution for Dual Port GigE. Each has both a fiber and copper (PMC669TX, PMC676TX) media variant Fiber versions can be ordered with either -SX (standard) or -LX options. The PMC676/ copper media versions will operate at 10, 100 or 1000Mbit/second. Aside from the media type (which in copper allows for multiple transport speeds), each card type has identical features. Except as specifically indicated, information in the following sections applies to all versions.The Ethernet/Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) interface includes a powerful direct memory access (DMA) engine for each port with very deep first-in/first-out (FIFO) buffers (64Kbytes). This assures continuous, full bandwidth operation with minimum PCI overhead.The PMC676/RM676 has four versions of connector: SC, LC, VF-45 or MT-RJ with both the -SX and -LX options in each connector type. Transceiver (i.e., form factor and distance option) must be specified at order time.In addition, card edge PCI systems can be accommodated using GE Fanuc Embedded Systems PMC239 adapter for rapid prototype and development.1.1 Features• 64bit/66 MHz PCI capable (133 PCI-X for the 676)• DMA engine• Dual 1000Mbit Ethernet controllers• Jumbo Frame capable• Connector options SC, LC, VF-45 or MT-RJ1.1.1 Differences between the 676 and 669 familiesThe PMC676 is a follow on product to the PMC669, utilizing more recent component. The PMC669 is based upon the Intel 82544 controller, and the PMC676 uses the Intel 82546. The significant advantage that the PMC676 gains is that both controllers are in a single component. This allows for direct connection to the host, removing the PCI to PCI bridge required on the PMC669. Under some loading conditions this delivers improved PCI bus utilization and higher total bandwidth.The 676 can also be used in a 133 PCI-X bus1.1.2 PMC676/RM676PMC676 (Fiber) Specific options:• 1000BaseSX or optional 1000BaseLX• Connector options SC, LC, VF-45 or MT-RJHardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM6761.1.3 PMC676TX (Copper) Specific options:• 10/100/1000 BaseTx Ethernet• Auto-negotiation of operating speed/duplex• 64Kbytes FIFO• MDI/MDIX switch over capability• RJ45 connectors1.2 Host Off-loading Features• Packet filtering based on checksum errors• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and Remote Monitoring (RMON) statistic counters• Hardware Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) checksum off-loading• Support for various address filtering modes• 16 exact matches (unicast or multicast)• 4096-bit hash filter for multicast frames• Promiscuous unicast and promiscuous multicast transfer modes1.3 InterconnectAll utilize industry standard connection methods. Controllers can be hooked “point-to-point” or into a switch. The copper versions support “MDIX” which auto detects how to configure the transmit and receive lines, removing the need for “cross over” cables.1.4 Software SupportGE Fanuc Embedded Systems has software drivers for all the popular operating systems (e.g., VxWorks , HP-UX, LynxOS , Digital UNIX, Windows NT , Solaris , etc.). These drivers have been carefully designed and implemented to fit within the Local Area Network (LAN) protocol stack of the host operating system.Hardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM6762 Handling And Installation2.1 Handling PrecautionsElectronic assemblies use devices that are sensitive to static discharge. Observe anti-static procedures when handling these boards. All products should be in an anti-static plastic bag or conductive foam for storage or shipment. Work at an approved anti-static workstation when unpacking boards.2.2 Unpacking And VerificationGE Fanuc Embedded Systems products are shipped in individual, reusable shipping boxes. When receiving the shipping container, inspect it for any evidence of physical damage. If the container is damaged, request that the carrier’s agent be present during the unpacking of individual boxes and the inspection of each unit.Remove the PMC module from the shipping box and anti-static packaging. Verify that it is not damaged and that all items are present by referring to the packing list.2.3 InstallationThe PMC module is now ready for installation. Installation is done generically as with the commercial versions of the card. Follow any specific procedures recommended by the manufacturer of the chassis used.Turn all system power OFF. Remove the host board from the chassis (if currently installed). Locate the PMC connectors on the host board. Carefully plug the PMC module into the mating connectors on the host's printed circuit board. Be sure the PMC module is seated properly into the common mezzanine card (CMC) connectors on the host.Hardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM676• Use screws to fasten PMC card to the host CMC.• Remove the four screws from the bottom of the stand-offs of the PMC.• Line-up the J1 and J2 connectors on the host CMC to the J1 and J2 connectors on the PMC card. • Ensure all connectors are properly aligned before pushing the connectors together.• Use the four screws to connect the PMC stand-offs to the host CMC.Hardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM6763 Front Panel Connectors And Indicators3.1 PMC676Hardware Reference ManualDual Port GigE Controllers: PMC669, PMC676 & RM6763.2 RM6764 Architecture4.1 PMC676/RM676 SubsystemsThe 676 uses a single component dual port gigE controller. Port 0 is PCI function 0, Port 1 is PCI function 1.4.2 PMC669 SubsystemsSS e e c c o o n n d d a a r r y y P P C C I I B B u u s s5 Functional Specifications5.1 PMC676Functional Specifications: PMC676 Single or Dual Fiber Gigabit Ethernet with deep FIFOPower 6 Total Watts@ 3.3 V 0.9 Amp@ 5 V 0.6 AmpForm FactorPMC Single SlotMTBFMIL 217-F Nav Shel 25 Deg. C 245000 HoursTemperatureOperating 0 to +60 ° CStorage -40 to +85 ° CHumidityOperating 5% to 95% Non-Condensing Storage 5% to 95% Non-CondensingConformal Coating Yes, additional chargePCI Bus CharacteristicsSignaling 3 & 5VSpecification 2.2Speed 33/66MHzWidth 32/64Ethernet CharacteristicsPorts10/100/1000 Base-TX 2Port RoutingFront (2) RJ45 10/100/1000BaseTX5.2 PMC676TXFunctional Specifications: PMC676TX Single or Dual Copper Gigabit Ethernet with deep FIFOPower 6 Total Watts@ 3.3 V 0.9 Amp@ 5 V 0.6 AmpForm FactorPMC Single SlotMTBFMIL 217-F Nav Shel 25 Deg. C 245000 HoursTemperatureOperating 0 to +60 ° CStorage -40 to +85 ° CHumidityOperating 5% to 95% Non-Condensing Storage 5% to 95% Non-CondensingConformal Coating Yes, additional chargePCI Bus CharacteristicsSignaling 3 & 5VSpecification 2.2Speed 33/66MHzWidth 32/64Ethernet CharacteristicsPorts10/100/1000 Base-TX 2Port RoutingFront (2) RJ45 10/100/1000BaseTX 5.3 RM676Functional Specifications: RM676 Single or Dual Fiber Gigabit Ethernet with deep FIFOPower 6 Total Watts@ 3.3 V 0.9 Amp@ 5 V 0.6 AmpForm FactorPMC Single SlotMTBFMIL 217-F Nav Shel 25 Deg. C 245000 HoursTemperatureOperating 0 to +60 ° CStorage -40 to +85 ° CHumidityOperating 5% to 95% Non-Condensing Storage 5% to 95% Non-CondensingConformal Coating Yes, additional chargePCI Bus CharacteristicsSignaling 3 & 5VSpecification 2.2Speed 33/66MHzWidth 32/64Ethernet CharacteristicsPorts10/100/1000 Base-TX 2Port RoutingFront (2) RJ45 10/100/1000BaseTXFunctional Specifications: RM676TX Dual or Single 10/100/1000Base-T EthernetForm FactorPCITemperatureOperating 0 to +60 ° CStorage -40 to +85 ° CHumidityOperating 5% to 95% Non-Condensing Storage 5% to 95% Non-CondensingConformal Coating Yes, additional chargePCI Bus CharacteristicsEthernet CharacteristicsPorts10/100/1000 Base-TX 4Port RoutingFront (4) RJ45 10/100/1000BaseTXGE Fanuc Embedded Systems Information Centers Additional ResourcesAmericas:1-800-GE FANUC or (256) 880-0444 Asia Pacific:+86 (10) 6561 1561Europe, Middle East and Africa:+33 (0)1 4324 6007 For more information, please visit theGE Fanuc Embedded Systems web site at: /embedded。

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Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
上海阿美泰克公司引进了AMETECH的先进设计、制造生产工艺,以用户使用的 可靠性与最佳运行性能为核心,最大限度提高换热效率,降低能耗损失。
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
等截面板式换热器型号及意义 A M 20–MPM /6000 - 100
换热量(kw)- 换热面积(m2)
PL:1.0 MPa PM:1.6MPa PG:1.6~2.5MPa
M:深波纹 B:浅波纹

Pilot Devices1ContentsObjectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Terms to Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Product Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Selling Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Pilot devices are a family of related products including pushbuttons, selector switches, indicator lamps, toggle switches and stacklights. In its simplest form, a pilot device is simply a device that provides indication and control of aprocess to an operator. Value is added when the operator is able to make better decisions regarding the control of the process.22 mm Pilot Devices30 mm Pilot DevicesTraining Material TR04700001E Effective June 20122Pilot DevicesObjectives●Recognize opportunities●Develop solution with related components●Compete in the marketTerms to KnowThe following terms are used to describe application requirements common to industrial control systems. You should familiarize yourself with the meaning of these terms and the applications they describe.Pilot Device GlossaryProduct ApplicationPilot devices are available in many shapes and sizes based on their functionality and application. In general, devices are designed for application into two general markets: the IEC (global) market, and the NEMA (North American) market.The NEMA standard does not dictate function and appearance of pilot devices, but the standard does allow the use of industrial market segments to define such requirements.Note: The automotive market segment has adopted a RED “run” indicator standard in which red indicator lights illuminate when machinery is operating and represents a potentially unsafe condition.The IEC standard has adopted strict requirements concerning application of pilot devices. For example IEC 60204-1 requires pushbutton actuators be color-coded for universal application according to the format in the following table.IEC Color Coding Product developed for the IEC market is application-rated, requiring lighter duty-ratings than what the NEMA market requires. For this reason, product is typically 1/3 to 1/2 as expensive and is often positioned as a disposable commodity in the market. OEM customers appreciate the lower price, which reduces their burden cost that they typically pass on to the end-users.IEC standards 417-IEC-5007 and 417-IEC-5008 require START/STOP and ON/OFF controls be marked with universal symbols. Can you determine which symbol represents ON/START and which represents OFF/STOP?Term Definitioncontact The conducting part of a switch that operates with another conducting part to make or break a circuit contact block The part of a pushbutton that is activated when the operator is presseddebouncing The act of removing intermediate noise spikes from a mechanical switchdouble-break Contacts that break the electrical circuit in two placesdrum switch A manual switch consisting of moving contacts mounted on an insulated rotating shaftlatch An instruction or component that retains its state after a temporary condition occursOFF-delay A timing function that gains value when an input condition transitions from ON to OFFON-delay A timing function that gains value when an input condition transitions from OFF to ONone-shot (interval timer)A timing function that gains value when an input condition transitions from ON to OFF. Output state is maintained while timer is active.pole Number of isolated circuits in a switch devicerelay Device that controls one electrical circuit by manipulating contacts in another circuit throw Number of closed contact positions per poletransducer Device that converts physical parameters to electrical signalsColor Meaning Explanation ExamplesRed Emergency Actuate in the event of ahazardous condition oremergencyE-Stop, STOP/OFFYellow Abnormal Actuate in the event of anabnormal condition Intervention to suppress abnormal condition. Intervention to restart an interrupted automatic cycle.Green Normal Actuate to initiate normalconditionSTART/ONBlue Mandatory Actuate for a condition requiringmandatory actionReset FunctionWhite No specificmeaning assigned For general initiation of functionsexcept for emergency stopSTART/ON, STOP/OFFBlack No specificmeaning assigned For general initiation of functionsexcept for emergency stopSTART/ON, STOP/OFFPurpose:Purpose:Training Material TR04700001EEffective June 2012Pilot Devices 3Product SelectionVolume 7—Logic Control Operator Interface and Connectivity Solutions , CA08100008E, Tab 1 provides product selection tables for pushbuttons, selector switches, indicator lights, potentiometers, enclosures and related accessories. Stacklights and relatedaccessories are supported in Tab 2. The following sections provide an overview of the product groups.M22/C22 SeriesEaton M22/C22 industrial heavy-duty pushbutton lines offer a wide array of functional, attractive and ergonomically designed illuminated and non-illuminated pushbuttons, selector switches, push-pulls, alternate action and twist-to-release operators. M22 operators are available with either a silver or a black colored bezel.●22.5 mm mounting hole●M22 modular design allows customers to mix/match contact blocks and operators●C22 compact, all-in-one design gives customers a simple installation●NEMA 3R, 4X, 13 and IP67/69k on most operators ●100% LED technology throughout lines ●Fully custom laser etching available●Toolless secure assembly of mounting adapter and contact blocks ●Notched hole mounting with anti-rotation nib standard10250T SeriesThis family of pushbutton, selector switch, indicator light and potentiometer devices represents the flagship product for NEMA applications. It is easily recognized by its brilliant chrome finish.Features include:●30.5 mm mounting hole●Contact blocks feature “reliability nibs” that ensure long life and dependable switching despite oxidation and corrosion on the contact surfaces●Operators feature “grounding nibs” that ensure electrical grounding of the operator with the panel●UL 600 Vac rating, 10 million operations (mechanical), 1million (electrical)●NEMA 1/2/3/3R/4/4X/12/13 and IEC IP65 ratingsBenefits include:●New contact block design provides greater visibility with laser-engraved terminal markings and light gray material. Ultrasonic welding of contact blocks have been eliminated, making the components acceptable for low emissivity ratings required by IEC and other global market standardsE34 SeriesThe E34 family of pilot device products represents the ultimate in corrosion-resistant packaging of pilot devices. It uses the same design elements of the 10250T, but replaces the brilliant chrome finish with a triple-layer epoxy finish that is extremely durable.Features include:●Uses the same contact block, operator mounting, and accessories as the 10250T●Meets NSF requirements for corrosion resistance fromcontinuous salt spray for 200 hours. Tested to 600 hours before visible corrosion appearsBenefits include:●OEMs and panelshops may appreciate the distinctive appearance of their panels provided by the black epoxy coatings of the E34 devicesHT800 SeriesThis family of pushbuttons, selector switches, indicator lights and related accessories was developed in response to the need for a family of products that provide basic functionality at a low price without sacrificing the appearance of a panel that may contain competitive products.Features include:●30.5 mm mounting hole●Transparent contact blocks that mount two-across and interlock to prevent separation due to wiring harness stress●Contact blocks may be mounted in Left/Right or Top/Bottom positions to accommodate a variety of wiring layouts●Reduced product variation expedites delivery/setup/inventoryBenefits include:●Lower cost product with basic functionality for customers who don’t need advanced featuresE30 SeriesDo you have customers that have outgrown their control panels? This situation is obvious to anyone that walks through a facility and observes pilot devices mounted to the tops, sides and back ofexisting control panels. If so, the E30family of products provides an elegant solution by integrating the function of pushbutton and indicating light into a single operator.Features include:●30.5 mm mounting hole●Up to six operations in one package●Selector switch and potentiometer designs also available●Unique contact block locking mechanism provides easy removal of contacts without disturbing the panel-mounted operators ●Customized legends/lensesBenefits include:●This product is well-positioned for applications requiring minimal panel spaceC22M22Training Material TR04700001EEffective June 2012Pilot DevicesEaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton Corporation Electrical Sector 1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States © 2012 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. June 2012 / Z12416TR04700001EE10 Toggle SwitchesOEMs that supply equipment to commercial, retail and light industrial operations may find the E10 family of selector switches and plunger toggle switches to be an ideal solution for light-duty switching of resistive and inductive loads.Features include:●0.468 in mounting hole●Packaged in quantities of 10●1–4 poles, single and double throwBenefits include:●These operators make idealcompanions to much larger industrial switches when secondary control is required for remote operationE26 StacklightsConcerned with visibility of indicator lights, or perhaps you’d like to add audible alarms to a control panel? If so, the E26 series of stacklight products provides the solution in the most demanding environments.Features include:●Modular design allows customized appearance of colors and blink rates (clear, red, yellow, green, blue, amber)●Supports monotone, bitone, and intermittent audible alarming●Incandescent, LED or xenon strobe lampsBenefits include:●The lamps are designed to interact with a wide range of control signals, from 12 to 240V . Mounting isaccommodated through a variety of bases, including 3/4 in NPT , 3- or 4-hole designsSelection SummaryThe following table provides general guidelines for application of the various pushbutton, selector switch and indicator light products.Product ApplicationsSelling StrategiesEaton has a comprehensive selection of IEC and NEMA pilot devices as open components or assembled in packages for enclosed and MCC. Selection —Eaton provides complementary product lines in addition to the basic pilot devices. These products include metallic and nonmetallic enclosures, signal conditioning and isolation transformers, sensors and programmable controls.Customization —Warehouses in Spartanburg, SC, and Memphis, TN, support customized labeling of legend plates and lenses for all pilot devices. Order forms are included in the catalog.Ease of Installation —No tools are required for the IEC rated devices and modular assemblies support the installation of operators separate from the contact blocks for the NEMA rated devices. Products may be ordered fully assembled or as separate components.How do Eaton’s products compete ? Reinforce the capability of the 48 hour mod center, our warehouse stocking, ProShop training, regional service centers and faster delivery.ServiceNote1The E34 family of devices is sensitive to UV light when applied in outdoor applications. The devices will appear slightly discolored after long periods of exposure to direct sunlight. The functionality ofthe device is not affected.IndoorOutdoor Washdown Corrosive Explosive 10250T Yes Yes Yes No Yes HT800Yes No Yes No No E34Yes Yes 1Yes Yes Yes E30Yes No No No No M22Yes Yes Yes Yes No C22YesYesYesYesNoResourcesValue AddManufacturing Facilities(Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Hartford, Houston)Regional support for entire product line. Open to customer visits. Able to ship quickly. Warehouses Provide balance for distributor stocking ProShops Distributor support provides ownership of solutionMod CenterFlexibility of solutions。
Artisan Technology Group设备维修与售卖手册说明书

Serie PSS SB 3006-3Units with two SafetyBUS p InterfacesAll rights to this documentation are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG. Copies may be made for internal purposes.Suggestions and comments for improving this documentation will be gratefully received.The names of products, goods and technologies used in this documentation are registered trademarks of the respective companies. Automation Workbench®, Pilz®, PIT®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSS®, SafetyBUS p® are registered trademarks of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG.ContentsContentsIntroductionThis operating manual explains the function and operation of theprogrammable safety system, describes the installation and providesguidelines on how to connect the inputs and test pulse outputs onprogrammable safety systems from the PSS SB 3006-3 series. A PSSfrom the PSS SB 3006-3 series is a 3rd generation programmable safetysystem.For connection to SafetyBUS p, units are available with one SafetyBUS pinterface as well as two SafetyBUS p interfaces.This operating manual describes the programmable safety systems fromthe PSS SB 3006-3 series with two SafetyBUS p interfaces.Different interfaces are available for connection to various non-safety-related standard bus systems, depending on the unit type. Theseinterfaces are described in separate operating manuals. The necessaryoperating manuals are supplied with the relevant unit types.Please refer to the PSS-range manuals, in particular the information andrequirements stated in the “PSS-Range Safety Manual”, “FS SystemDescription”, “ST System Description” and also the “SafetyBUS pInstallation Manual” from the SafetyBUS p manual package.Y ou will need to be conversant with the information in these manuals inorder to fully understand this manual.This documentation is intended for instruction and should be retained forfuture reference.IntroductionValidity of documentationThis documentation is valid for the following programmable safety systemsfrom the PSS SB2 3006-3 series:•PSS SB2 3006-3 DP-S from Version 1.0•PSS SB2 3006-3 IBS-S from Version 1.0•PSS SB2 3006-3 CN-A from Version 1.0•PSS SB2 3006-3 DN-S from Version 1.0•PSS SB2 3006-3 ETH-2 from Version 1.0•PSS SB2 3006-3 ETH-2 DP-S from Version 1.0•PSS SB2 3006-3 ETH-2 IBS-S from Version 1.0It is valid until new documentation is published. The latest documentationis always enclosed with the unit.Overview of documentation1IntroductionThe introduction is designed to familiarise you with the contents,structure and specific order of this manual.2OverviewThis chapter provides information on the most important features ofthe programmable safety systems.3SafetyThis chapter must be read as it contains important information onsafety regulations and intended use.4Function DescriptionThis chapter describes the individual components of theprogrammable safety systems: CPU, inputs and test pulse outputs.5InstallationThis chapter explains how to install the programmable safetysystems.6Supply VoltageThis chapter explains what you need to consider when connecting thesupply voltage.7Wiring the Inputs and Test Pulse OutputsThis chapter describes the safety-related wiring of the inputs and testpulse outputs.8InterfacesThis chapter describes the configuration of the available interfaces.9Operation and MaintenanceThis chapter explains how to commission the safety systems andadvises on what to do if a fault occurs.10Technical Details11AppendixIntroductionOverviewOverviewAUTO PGSTFSPSS SB2 3006-3 DP-S4F-StackOverviewAUTO PGSTFSPSS SB2 3006-3 IBS-S4F-StackOverviewAUTO PGSTFSPSS SB2 3006-3 CN-A 4F-StackOverviewAUTO PGSTFSPSS SB2 3006-3 DN-S 4F-StackOverviewAUTO PGSTFSPSS SB2 3006-3 ETH-24F-StackOverviewAUTO PGSTFSPSS SB2 3006-3 ETH-2 DP-S 4F-StackOverviewAUTO PGSTFSPSS SB2 3006-3 ETH-2 IBS-S 4F-StackPG 6OverviewSafetySafetyDigital inputs (DI2)Depending on the application area and its respective regulations, the PSSmay be used without test pulses for applications up to category 3in accordance with EN 954-1 (03/97). The possibility of a short circuitoccurring in the external wiring between different inputs or to L+ must beeliminated through appropriate wiring.T est pulses must be used for category 4 applications (for connectionexamples please see Chapter 7, “Wiring the Inputs and T est PulseOutputs”).Safety guidelinesFailure to keep to these guidelines will render all warranty and liabilityclaims invalid:•All health and safety / accident prevention regulations for the particulararea of application must be observed.•Before using the unit it is necessary to perform a safety assessment inaccordance with the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC.Use of qualified personnelThe safety system may only be assembled, installed, programmed,commissioned, operated, maintained and decomissioned by qualifiedpersonnel. Qualified personnel are people who, because they are:•Qualified electrical engineers and• Have received training from qualified electrical engineers,are suitably experienced to operate devices, systems, plant and machineryin accordance with the general standards and guidelines for safetytechnology.SafetyEMCDThe safety system is designed for use in an industrial environment.Interference may occur if used within a domestic environment. Warranty and liabilityAll claims to warranty and liability will be rendered invalid if:•The safety system was used contrary to the purpose for which it wasintended•Damage can be attributed to not having followed the guidelines in themanual•Operating personnel are not suitably qualified.•Any type of modification has been made (e.g. exchanging componentson the PCB boards, soldering work etc.).DisposalThe programmable safety system must be disposed of properly when itreaches the end of its service life.Function DescriptionCPUThe CPU controls the test pulse outputs, reads the inputs and processes /stores the user program and variable data. The failsafe section is designedto be multi-channel, i.e. different CPUs process the user programindependently.A four-digit display and several LEDs provide information on the status ofthe safety system and indicate any errors.Function DescriptionInterfacesCPU interfacesThe CPU of each programmable safety system in the PSS SB2 3006-3series provides the following interfaces:•Programming device interfaceCombined RS 232 interface (minimum configuration: TxD, RxD, GND)/RS 485•User interfaceCombined RS 232/RS 485 interfaceFor further information please refer to the “System Manual for thePSS-Range”.SafetyBUS p interfaceEach programmable safety system in the PSS SB2 3006-3 series has twoSafetyBUS p interfaces.The second SafetyBUS p interface can be used to divide up large plants.This can help to optimise the reaction time.For further information on SafetyBUS p, please refer to the “SystemManual for SafetyBUS p”.Interfaces for standard bus systemsDifferent interfaces are available for connection to various standard bussystems, depending on the unit type. The standard bus interfaces aredescribed in separate operating manuals. The necessary operatingmanuals are supplied with the relevant unit types.Digital inputs (DI2)All programmable safety systems in the PSS SB2 3006-3 series have sixintegral on-board inputs, which are suitable for connecting single and dual-channel input devices, with or without test pulses. Input signals must showa “High” (“1” signal) of 24 VDC (+15 ... +30 VDC) and a “Low” (“0” signal)of 0 VDC (-3 ... +5 VDC).LEDs are used as status indicators. An LED lights up as soon as a “1”signal is present at the input. All inputs have input filters.Internal diagnostic circuitry checks the function of the inputs, including theinput filter. If an error occurs, the PSS will switch to a STOP condition andoutput a message to the CPU display. In addition, all the decentralisedoutputs in the I/O-Groups assigned to the PSS Logic Device will beswitched off (see also “SafetyBUS p System Description”).Where test pulses are not used, inputs with single-channel input devicescan be used in applications up to and including Category 2 in accordancewith EN 954-1; in the case of dual-channel input devices, this extends toCategory 3 applications. The device should be suitably wired to eliminatethe risk of a short circuit in the external wiring between the different inputsand also between the PSS supply and any bus interface.Test pulses must be used for applications with single-channel inputdevices above Category 2 and for applications with dual-channel inputdevices above Category 3. Connection examples can be found in Chapter 7of this manual, “Wiring the Inputs and Test Pulse Outputs”.Function DescriptionInstallationInstallationAUTO PG STFS PSS SB 3006-3 DP-S F-StackST FSST FSInstallationSupply VoltageSupply VoltageSupply VoltageSupply VoltageNotes on wiring•Minimum range for cable cross sections on field connection terminals inmm2, in accordance with EN 61131-2, 07/00:-Power supply: 1.5 (AWG16) ... 2.5 (AWG12)-Functional earth: 1.5 (AWG16) ... 2.5 (AWG12)•Use copper wiring.•The torque setting on the terminals should be 0.5 … 0.6 Nm.Wiring the Inputs and Test Pulse Outputs AUTO PG ST FS PSS SB2 3006-3 IBS-S F-StackWiring the Inputs and Test Pulse Outputs•Connecting and laying the cables-Screened cables are not required for digital I/Os. However, if theconnection cables have screening, it should be connected at one end. -Minimum range for cable cross sections on field connection terminals in mm2, in accordance with EN 61131-2, 07/00:¤Digital inputs:0.5 (AWG20) ... 1.5 (AWG16)¤Test pulse outputs:0.5 (AWG20) ... 1.5 (AWG16)¤Power supply: 1.5 (AWG16) ... 2.5 (AWG12)¤Functional earth: 1.5 (AWG16) ... 2.5 (AWG12)-If you use a multi-strand cable with a cross section of 1.5 mm2 toconnect the inputs and test pulse outputs, you will need to use ferrules conforming to DIN 46228, Part 1 and Part 2 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2, Form A orC. To crimp the ferrules you can use crimp pliers (crimp form A or C)conforming to EN 60947-1, such as the PZ 1.5 or PZ 6.5 fromWeidmüller, for example.-Use copper wiring.-The torque setting on the terminals should be 0.5 … 0.6 Nm.The terms “signal inputs with frequent operation” and “single-channel safe input devices” are used in the wiring examples. These terms are defined as follows:•Signal inputs with frequent operationThese are signals which change status on several occasions within a period of time.•Single-channel safe input devicesThese are positively-driven, normally-closed contacts which open on actuation (failsafe principle).Wiring the Inputs and Test Pulse Outputs。
Artisan Technology Group产品说明书

Reference mark set-upTo ensure unidirectional repeatability, the reference mark requires phasing with the scale in the direction of normal datuming operation.A reference pulse is output in both directions, but repeatability is guaranteed only in the phased direction.The readhead should be set up correctly ensuring a green LED indication over the full length of travel. The reference mark actuator should be installed as shown on the installation drawing.NOTE: It is recommended that a datum procedure is performed as part of any power-up sequence to ensure the correct datum position is recorded.NOTE: Reference mark output is synchronised with the incremental channels, giving unit of resolution pulse width. For further details see RGH22 Data sheet (Part number L-9517-0182).Phasing procedureThe readhead must be moved over the reference mark in the direction to be used for the datuming operation. The reference mark is phased correctly when the set-up LED flashes red for 0.25 seconds. If it flashes orange or goes blank, the reference mark adjuster screw* NOTE: Dual limit versions (P , Q, R, S and H) utilise the black wire (pin 11) as the P limit output.The ‘E’ alarm signal on these versions is only available at the orange wire as a single-ended E- output. Dual limit readheads are only available with F , D, E or X terminations.AlarmFor RGH22D, X, Z, P , Q, R, - alarm asserted when signal amplitude <15%.For RGH22Y , S, H - alarm asserted when: - Signal amplitude >150% - Readhead exceeds specified maximum speed Also, outputs are 3-stated at signal amplitude <15%ConnectionsRGH22 D, X, Z, Y, H, P , Q, R, S, RS422A digital12 pin circular plug (termination code R, V)15 pin D type plug (termination code D, E, L)FunctionPowerIncremental signalsReference mark *Limit switchAlarmExternal set-up ShieldIn-line connector(X)A MB N G D R F K O H I P E L CaseColour Brown Brown (link)White White (link)Green Y ellow Blue Red Violet Grey PinkBlack Orange Clear Green/Y ellow–5 V0 V +-+-+-+-ABZ Q 15 pin reversed count D type (E)782913514612410113115Case15 pin D type(D)782914613512410113115CaseSignal12 pin circular (R)2121011568134–97–11 (link)CaseE X InnerOuter** N OTE: Dual limit versions (A) utilise the clear wire (pin 7) as the V P limit output. The V X external set-up signal on these versions is not available. Dual limit readheads are only available with F , L or X terminations.Only connected with option 17 Only connected with option 18ConnectionsRGH22 A, B 1 Vpp analogue12 pin circular coupling plug (termination code W)9 pin circular plug (termination code C)In-line connector plug (termination code X)FunctionPowerIncremental signalsReference mark**Limit switch External set-up Reference markuni-directional operation ShieldIn-line connector(X)A MB N F R D G K O H E I P L CaseColour Brown Brown (link)White White (link)Red Blue Y ellow Green Violet Grey Pink Clear Black Orange Green/Y ellow–5 V0 V +-+-+-V 1V 2V 0V q V x12 pin circular coupling (W)2121011568134N/C N/C 9 7 11 (link)Case15 pin D type(L)451213911023118761415CaseSignal12 pin circular (V)2121011568134N/C N/C 9 7 11 (link)CaseBID DIR Inner OuterRGH22C 12 µA analogueFunctionPowerIncremental signalsReference markAlarmExternal set-up ShieldIn-line connector(X)A EB H G D R F K O P I L CaseColour Brown Orange White PinkGreen Y ellow Blue Red Violet Grey Black Clear Green/Y ellow–9 pin circular (C)6–5–874321––9Case5 V0 V+-+-+-I 1I 2I 0V e V x Inner OuterSignalRGH22 A, B 1 Vpp analogue (continued)The RGH22 reference mark output is not repeatable in both directions. Certain controllers will flag an error when they see different reference mark positions in the forward and reverse directions. BID DIR pins allow the readhead to be configured to ignore the reference pulse output in the unphased direction (see section Reference mark set-up).For bi-directional operation (normal)Reverse only0 VForward only BID/DIR connectionBID To:-Reference mark output directionForward and reverse+5 V or not connectedDo not connectDIRFor uni-directional operationBID DIR DIR+5 V or not connected0 VBID/DIR connectionsE l e c t r i c a l c o n n e c t i o n sG r o u n d i n g a n d s h i e l d i n g*M a x i m u m e x t e n s i o n c a b l e l e n g t hR G H 22B -100 m , R G H 22D , X , Z , P , Q , R -50 m , R G H 22C -30 m , R G H 22Y , S , H -20 mAnalogue output - RGH22 A, BRecommended signal terminationDigital outputs - RGH22 D, X, Z, Y, H, P , Q, R, S, RS422A#Only required on alarm channel E for fail safe operationLimit output5 V - 25 VP Q V p V qSelect R so that maximum current does not exceed 20 mA.Alternatively, use a relay or opto-isolator.V 0 V 1 V 2+V 0 V 1 V 2-R G H 22C u s t o m e r e l e c t r o n i c sE x t e n s i o n c a b l e *I n n e r s h i e l d O u t e r s h i e l dO u t p u t s i g n a l s0 V5 VI M P O R T A N T : T h e o u t e r s h i e l d s h o u l d b e c o n n e c t e d t o t h e m a c h i n e e a r t h (F i e l d G r o u n d ). T h e i n n e r s h i e l d s h o u l d b e c o n n e c t e d t o 0V . C a r e s h o u l d b e t a k e n t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e i n n e r a n d o u t e r s h i e l d s a r e i n s u l a t e d f r o m e a c h o t h e r . I f t h e i n n e r a n d o u t e r s h i e l d s a r e c o n n e c t e d t o g e t h e r , t h i s w i l l c a u s e a s h o r t b e t w e e n 0V a n d e a r t h , w h i c h c o u l d c a u s e e l e c t r i c a l n o i s e i s s u e s .NOTE: Not all combinations are valid. Check valid options online at /epcReadhead part numbersOptions00A - standard (RGH22A, B, C, D, P , Q, R, X, and Z only) 17A - analogue output 1 Vpp, V termination with BID/DIR (RGH22B only)18A - analogue output 1 Vpp, W termination with BID/DIR (RGH22B only)20A - 3-state error annunciation (RGH22D, P , Q, R, X and Z only) 61A - 20 MHz customer clock, (RGH22Y , S, and H only) 62A - 10 MHz customer clock, (RGH22Y , S, and H only)63A - 5 MHz customer clock, (RGH22Y , S, and H only)RGH22D15D 00AReadhead seriesCable length05 - 0.5 m 10 - 1 m 15 - 1.5 m 20 - 2 m 30 - 3 m 50 - 5 mTerminationC - 9 pin circular plug (RGH22C only)D - 15 pin D type plug (RGH22D, H, P , Q, R, S, X, Y , and Z only)F - unterminated cableL - 15 pin D type plug (RGH22A and B only)R - 12 pin circular plug (RGH22D, X, Y and Z only - limits not available)S - to be used in conjuction with options 17A and 18A (RGH22B only - limits not available)V - 12 pin circular plug for analogue (RGH22B only - limits not available)W - 12 pin circular coupling (RGH22B only - limits not available)X - 16 pin in-line connectorDigitalD - 5 µm (single limit) P - 5 µm (dual limits) X - 1 µm (single limit) Q - 1 µm (dual limits) Z - 0.5 µm (single limit) R - 0.5 µm (dual limits) Y - 0.1 µm (single limit) S - 0.1 µm (dual limits) H - 50 nm (dual limits)OutputAnalogueA - 1 Vpp (dual limits)B - 1 Vpp (single limit)C - 12 µA (limits not available)General specificationsPower supply 5 V ± 5% 120 mA typical 200 mA RGH22Y , S, HNOTE: For digital outputs, current consumption figures refer to unterminated readheads/interfaces.A further 25 mA per channel pair (eg A+, A-) will be drawn when terminated with 120 Ω.Renishaw encoder systems must be powered from a 5 V dc supply complying with the requirements for SELV of standard EN (IEC) 60950.Ripple 200 mVpp maximum@ frequency up to 500 kHz maximum SealingIP50Acceleration operating 500 m/s 2 BS EN 60068-2-7:1993(IEC 68-2-7:1983)Shock non-operating 1000 m/s 2, 6 ms, 1/2 sine BS EN 60068-2-27:1993 (IEC 68-2-27:1987)Vibration operating 100 m/s 2, 55 Hz to 2000 Hz BS EN 60068-2-6:1996(IEC 68-2-6:1995)Mass Readhead 45 g Cable 38 g/mCable 12 core, double shielded, maximum diameter 4.7 mm Flex life >20 x 106 cycles at 50 mm bend radiusThe RGH22 series readheads have been designed to the relevant EMC standards, but must be correctly integrated to achieve EMC compliance. In particular, attention to shielding and earthing arrangements is essential.NOTE: Class 1M LED product. LED radiation. Do not view directly with optical instruments.Renishaw plcNew Mills, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8JR United KingdomT +44 (0)1453 524524F +44 (0)1453 524901E ***************For worldwide contact details, please visit our main website at /contactRENISHAW ® and the probe emblem used in the RENISHAW logo are registered trademarks of Renishaw plc in the UK and other countries. apply innovation is a trademark of Renishaw plc.2001-2007 Renishaw plc Issued 1207 Part No. M-9531-2050-04-E*M-9531-2050-04*。

Adept SmartModules Quick Setup GuidePart Number 00405-20010Rev. AMarch, 2001The information contained herein is the property of Adept Technology, Inc., and shall not be repro-duced in whole or in part without prior written approval of Adept Technology, Inc. The informa-tion herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Adept Technology, Inc. This manual is periodically reviewed and revised.Adept Technology, Inc., assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. Critical evaluation of this manual by the user is welcomed. Your comments assist us in preparation of future documentation.Copyright ©2001 by Adept Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.The Adept logo is a registered trademark of Adept Technology, Inc.The SILMA logo is a registered trademark of the SILMA Divisionof Adept Technology, Inc.AdeptOne-XL, AdeptThree-XL, HyperDrive, Adept 550, Adept 550CleanRoom, Adept1850, Adept1850XP, Adept Cobra 600, Adept Cobra 800, Adept Flexfeeder250, Adept MV, Adept MV4, AdeptAtlas, AdeptVicron, SMIF-Z/ZX, AdeptVision, AdeptVision VXL, AdeptVision AVI, ObjectFinder, ObjectFinder2000, AIM, VisionWare, AdeptMotion, MotionWare, PalletWare, PathWare, AIM Command Server, FlexFeedWare, AdeptGEM, AdeptNet, AdeptFTP, AdeptNFS, AdeptTCP/IP, AdeptForce, AdeptModules, Adept SmartModules, Adept SmartAmp, AdeptWindows, AdeptWindows PC, AdeptWindows DDE, AdeptWindows Offline Editor, Adept Digital Workcell, and V+ are trademarks of Adept Technology,Inc.Any trademarks from other companies used in this publicationare the property of those respective companies.Printed in the United States of AmericaR-D(MS) ConfigurationParts ListR-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. A3R-D(MS) Configuration Assembly4R-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. AR-D(MS) ConfigurationAssemblyR-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. A5R-D(MS) ConfigurationSystem Cable InstallationNOTE:Connect AC In to PDU before turning on power switch on MV Controller.WARNING:Do not use an Adept SmartModule system with an Adept Compact Controller containing anMV-4 Insert. This will cause overheating and damage to the equipment.NOTE:Adept SmartModule systems must be used with the CIP-2. The system will not work with earlierCIP units.6R-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. AR-D(MS) ConfigurationAC Power RequirementsAC to MV Controller: 100 to 240VAC, single phaseAC to PDU: 100 to 240VAC, single phaseAdept recommends that the AC power to the MV Controller and the PDU come from the same source and share a common frame ground.WARNING:Disconnect the AC In cable on the PDU before removing any cover from a SmartAmp orattempting any servicing on a SmartModule system. Switching off the circuit breaker on the PDU doesNOT turn off all electrical power to the SmartAmps.R-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. A7R-D(MS) Configuration8R-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. APower Distribution Unit (PDU)This is a description of the connectors and indicators on the PDU.1.CIP INTF - connector for the cable between the PDU and the CIP-2. At CIP-2, the cable plugs into the JSLV connector.2.Safety Term - connector for safety loopback terminator. The terminator plug must be installed for system to operate.3.DC/Safety Output - connector for 24V DC cable to SmartAmps. This cable provides:24V DC to SmartAmps 24V DC to RIOAuto/Manual signals for Manual Mode operation 4.SmartAmp DC Reset button - for resetting internal circuit breaker on 24V DC supply to SmartAmpsRIO DC Reset button - for resetting internal circuit breaker on 24V DC supply to RIOCAUTION:Do not push reset buttons while system is operating because it will cause 24V power to cycle and require restarting the system.5.Status indicator LEDs:SmartAmp - On indicates 24V DC to SmartAmps is operating RIO - On indicates 24V DC to RIO is operating Relay 1 - On indicates Relay 1 is onRelay 2 - On indicates Relay 2 is on - both relays must be on to enable Switched AC power to SmartAmps24V Power - On indicates 24V DC power supply in PDU is working.6.AC Power Out - connector for Switched AC Power Cable to supply AC power to SmartAmps7.AC Power In - connector for incoming AC power to PDU8.AC Power Circuit Breaker - 6 Amp circuit breaker for switched AC power going to SmartAmps. The green button must be pressed in to allow switched AC power to the SmartAmps.!R-D(MS) ConfigurationSoftware ConfigurationThis section describes the process to configure the software for an Adept SmartModules system. The two main steps are:•load and run CONFIG_C.V2•load and run DC_SETUP.V2Load and Run CONFIG_C.V2This step adds the correct device module to the system.1.Type the following at the prompt.load d:\util\config_cexecute 1 a.config_c2.From the main menu select Robots and Device Modules.3.Select Append device modules.4.Type LM to add LM - [32] Linear Module Robot Module.5.Type yes to confirm.6.Type yes to select robot #1.7.Type 32 to select Linear Module Robot Module.8.Type no to robot #2.9.Press Enter to continue.10.Exit CONFIG_C and reboot the controller.Load and Run DC_SETUP.V2This step goes through the SmartAmp initiation. You identify and configure each axis in your system, then the system calibration is performed.1.Type the following at the prompt.load d:\util\dc_setup.v2execute 1 a.dc_setup2.The first screen in the Setup program looks similar to the following screen. Select SmartModules Quick Setup.R-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. A9R-D(MS) Configuration10R-D(MS) Configuration Quick Setup Guide, Rev. A3.Follow the instructions on the screen as you proceed through the program.4.Remember to save the new data to the system boot disk when prompted.5.Exit DC_SETUP by selecting “0=> Exit to system monitor.”6.You are now ready to start the system.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 。

GETTING STARTED GUIDENI 94378-Channel, 250 V Sinking Digital Input Module2||NI 9437 Getting Started Guide This document explains how to connect the NationalInstruments 9437.Before You Begin Complete the hardware and software installation procedures in your chassis documentation.Note The guidelines in this document are specific to the NI 9437. The other components in the system might not meet the same safety ratings. Refer to the documentation for each component in the system to determine the safety and EMC ratings for the entire system.Safety GuidelinesOperate the NI 9437 only as described in these operating instructions.Hot SurfaceThis icon denotes that the component maybe hot. Touching this component may result in bodily injury.Caution Do not operate the NI 9437 in a manner not specified in this manual. Product misuse can result in ahazard. You can compromise the safety protection builtNI 9437 Getting Started Guide |© National Instruments |3into the product if the product is damaged in any way. If the product is damaged, return it to National Instruments for repair.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous Voltages If hazardous voltages are connected to the module, take the following precautions. A hazardous voltage is a voltage greater than 42.4 V pk or 60 VDC to earth ground.Caution Ensure that hazardous voltage wiring isperformed only by qualified personnel adhering to local electrical standards.Caution Do not mix hazardous voltage circuits andhuman-accessible circuits on the same module.CautionMake sure that devices and circuits connectedto the module are properly insulated from human contact.Caution When module terminals are hazardous voltage Array LIVE (>42.4 V pk/60 VDC), you must ensure that devicesand circuits connected to the module are properlyinsulated from human contact. You must use the NI9932connector backshell kit to ensure that the terminals arenot accessible.Figure 1.NI 9932 Connector Backshell4||NI 9437 Getting Started GuideNI 9437 Getting Started Guide |© National Instruments |5Safety VoltagesConnect only voltages that are within the following limits.Channel-to-COM, V SUP -to-COM.....300VDC maxIsolationChannel-to-channel....................NoneChannel-to-V SUP .........................NoneChannel-to-earth ground, V SUP -to-earth ground,COM-to-earth groundContinuous...........................300V rms , MeasurementCategory IIWithstand.............................3,000V , verified by a 5 sdielectric withstand testMeasurement Category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly connected to the electrical distribution system. This category refers to local-level electrical distribution, such as that provided by a standard wall outlet, for example, 115 V for U.S. or 230 V for Europe.Caution Do not connect the NI 9437 to signals or use for measurements within Measurement Categories III or IV.6||NI 9437 Getting Started Guide Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines This product was tested and complies with the regulatory requirements and limits for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) as stated in the product specifications. These requirements and limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in its intended operational electromagnetic environment.This product is intended for use in industrial locations. There is no guarantee that harmful interference will not occur in a particular installation, when the product is connected to a test object, or if the product is used in residential areas. To minimize the potential for the product to cause interference to radio and television reception or to experience unacceptable performance degradation, install and use this product in strict accordance with the instructions in the product documentation.Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product not expressly approved by National Instruments could void your authority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance, operate this product only with shielded cables and accessories. Do not use unshielded cables or accessoriesunless they are installed in a shielded enclosure withNI 9437 Getting Started Guide |© National Instruments |7properly designed and shielded input/output ports and connected to the product using a shielded cable. If unshielded cables or accessories are not properly installed and shielded, the EMC specifications for the product are no longer guaranteed.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance, cable shields must be connected to the ground lug of the carrier using a wire of minimum practical length.Special Guidelines for Marine Applications Some products are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved for marine (shipboard) applications. To verify Lloyd’s Register certification for a product, visit /certification and search for the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s Register mark on the product label.Caution In order to meet the EMC requirements for marine applications, install the product in a shielded enclosure with shielded and/or filtered power and input/output ports. In addition, take precautions when designing, selecting, and installing measurement probes and cables to ensure that the desired EMC performance isattained.8| |NI 9437 Getting Started GuidePreparing the EnvironmentEnsure that you are using the NI 9437 in an environment that meets the following specifications:Operating temperature(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2).....-40 °C to 70 °COperating humidity (IEC 60068-2-56)..............................10% to 90% RH,noncondensingPollution Degree (2)Maximum altitude.............................5,000 mIndoor use only.Note Refer to the NI 9437 Datasheet on /manual sfor complete specifications.Connecting the NI 9437The NI 9437 provides connections for 8 digital input channels.Figure 2. NI 9437 PinoutNI 9437 Getting Started Guide|© National Instruments|9Connecting Sourcing-Output DevicesYou can connect sourcing-output devices to the NI9437. You mustconnect a supply voltage to the V SUP pin on the NI9437. Inputchannels on the NI 9437 read ON or OFF depending on the threshold set by the V SUP pin. The V SUP threshold is approximately2/3 of the supply voltage on the V SUP pin.Figure 3. Connecting a Sourcing-Output Device10||NI 9437 Getting Started GuideConnecting a Split-Rail Power SupplyYou can connect a split-rail power supply to the NI 9437. A split-rail power supply consists of a floating power supply that is weakly centered around earth ground using bias resistors.Figure 4. Connecting a Split-Rail Power SupplyGround-Fault ProtectionWhen using a floating or split-rail power supply, the NI 9437 can tolerate a single ground fault from V SUP-to-earth ground,COM-to-earth ground, or DI-to-earth ground. The NI 9437 can tolerate a single ground fault from V SUP-to-earth ground orCOM-to-earth ground because of the isolation of the module. The NI9437 can tolerate a single ground fault from DI-to-earth groundNI 9437 Getting Started Guide|© National Instruments|1112| |NI 9437 Getting Started Guidebecause the threshold reference is 2/3 the supply voltage on the V SUPpin. With any one pin—V SUP , COM, or a single DI—shorted to earth ground, the NI 9437 operates normally and returns valid data.You can also use a power supply with the NI 9437 that requires aconnection to earth ground for normal operation. When using this type of power supply, there is always a connection between COMand earth ground and you will not have protection against groundfaults from V SUP -to-earth ground or from DI-to-earth ground.LED IndicatorsThe NI 9437 has eight LEDs to display the ON/OFF state of the eight channels. When an LED is lit, the corresponding channel isON and data is being read from the NI 9437. When an LED is dark,the corresponding channel is OFF.NoteIf V SUP is not connected, the LED does notindicate the state of the channel.Connection ConsiderationsKeep in mind the following requirements when connecting to the NI9437.•The supply voltage to V SUP must be within the range of 24VDC to 250VDC.•Output devices that you connect to the NI 9437 must be able to source enough current to overcome the NI 9437 input load(burden). The NI 9437 burden is dynamic and variesdepending on the input voltage. Refer to the NI 9437Datasheet on /manual s for more information about dynamic burden current on the NI 9437.•Output devices that you connect to the NI 9437 do not need to sink current. The NI 9437 input load current pulls the input voltage to a low value when the output device is open, high impedance, or not connected.•The NI 9437 is immune to capacitively coupled transients when using the correct debounce time based on the supplyvoltage and the amount of capacitance in your system. Refer to the NI 9437 Datasheet on /manual s for moreinformation about debounce times.•Connecting more than one wire to a single terminal on the NI9437 requires 2-wire ferrules to create a secure connection.NI 9437 Getting Started Guide|© National Instruments|13Where to Go Next14||NI 9437 Getting Started GuideWorldwide Support and ServicesThe National Instruments website is your complete resource fortechnical support. At /s upport you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application developmentself-help resources to email and phone assistance fromNI Application Engineers.Visit /s ervice s for NI Factory Installation Services,repairs, extended warranty, and other services.Visit /regi s ter to register your National Instruments product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI. National Instruments corporate headquarters is located at 11500North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. National Instruments also has offices located around the world. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /s upport or dial 1866ASK MYNI(2756964). For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of /niglobal to access the branch office websites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.NI 9437 Getting Started Guide|© National Instruments|15Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademark s for more information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patent s.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at /patent s. You can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) andthird-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at/legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS. U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at private expense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR 52.227-14,DFAR252.227-7014, and DFAR252.227-7015.© 2014 National Instruments. All rights reserved.376437A-01Aug14。
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Agilent Technologies355C, D, E, FVHF AttenuatorsOperating and ServiceManualAgilent Part Number: 00355-90051Printed in USAApril 2002Supersedes: November 2001NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.Agilent Technologies makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.Agilent Technologies assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by Agilent Technologies. This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without prior written consent of Agilent Technologies.Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 for DOD agencies, and subparagraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 for other agencies. Serial Number PrefixThe specifications in this manual apply to the instruments with the following serial numbers or greater:Model Serial Numbers (min.)355C2524A44630355D2522A46649355E1205A38159355F1203A03244© Copyright 1997, 2001, 2002Agilent Technologies, Incii VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualWhat You’ll Find in This Manual…This operating and service manual contains the following:•Instrument Description and Specifications•Replaceable Parts and Accessories•Installation Instructions•Operating Instructions•Schematics and DiagramsWarrantyCustom systems are warranted by contractual agreement between AgilentTechnologies and the Customer.Certification Agilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time ofshipment from the factory.Documentation Warranty THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND IS SUBJECT TO BEING CHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, IN FUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AGILENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AGILENT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING, USE, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULD AGILENT AND THE USER HAVE A SEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH WARRANTY TERMS COVERING THE MATERIAL IN THIS DOCUMENT THAT CONFLICT WITH THESE TERMS, THE WARRANTY TERMS IN THE SEPARATE AGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual iiiAssistance Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreementsare available for Agilent Technologies products.For assistance,call your local Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office(refer to“Support and Service”).Support and ServiceAny adjustment, maintenance, or repair of this product must be performedby qualified personnel. contact your local Agilent Technologies sales andservice office.Online assistance:/find/assistUnited States (tel)180****4844Latin America(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Canada(tel)187****4414(fax) (905) 282-6495New Zealand (tel) 0 800 738 378 (fax) (+64) 4 495 8950Japan(tel) (+81) 426 56 7832(fax) (+81) 426 56 7840Australia(tel) 1 800 629 485(fax) (+61) 3 9210 5947Malaysia(tel) 1 800 828 848 (fax) 1 800 801 664Philippines(tel) (632) 8426802(tel) (PLDT subscriber only):1 800 16510170(fax) (632) 8426809(fax) (PLDT subscriber only):1 800 16510288Thailand(tel) outside Bangkok:(088) 226 008(tel) within Bangkok:(662) 661 3999(fax) (66) 1 661 3714Taiwan(tel) 0800-047-866 (fax) (886) 2 25456723People’s Republic of China(tel) (preferred): 800-810-0189(tel) (alternate):10800-650-0021(fax) 10800-650-0121India(tel) 1-600-11-2929(fax) 000-800-650-1101iv VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualVHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual vSafety and Regulatory InformationReview this product and related documentation to familiarize yourself withsafety markings and instructions before you operate the instrument Thisproduct has been designed and tested in accordance with international standards.WARNING The WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure,practice,or the like,that,if not correctly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.CAUTION The CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operatingprocedure,practice,or the like,which,if not correctly performed or adheredto, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.Instrument MarkingsWhen you see this symbol on your instrument, you should refer to the instrument’s instruction manual for important information.This symbol indicates hazardous voltages.The laser radiation symbol is marked on products that have a laser output.This symbol indicates that the instrument requires alternating current (ac) input.The CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community. If it isaccompanied by a year, it indicates the year the design was proven.The CSA mark is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Association.1SM1-A This text indicates that the instruments an Industrial Scientific and Medical Group 1Class A product (CISPER 11, Clause 4).This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.Cet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB du Canada.This symbol indicates that the power line switch is ON.This symbol indicates that the power line switch is OFF or in STANDBY position.!Safety Earth Ground This is a Safety Class I product (provided with a protective earthing terminal).An uninterruptible safety earth ground must be provided from the main power source to the product input wiring terminals, power cord, or supplied power cord set. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired, the product must be made inoperative and secured against any unintended operation.Before Applying Power Verify that the product is configured to match the available main powersource as described in the input power configuration instructions in thismanual. If this product is to be powered by autotransformer, make sure thecommon terminal is connected to the neutral(grounded)side of the ac VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualTypeface ConventionsItalics•Used to emphasize important information:Use this software only with the xxxxxX system.•Used for the title of a publication:Refer to the xxxxxX System-Level User’s Guide.•Used to indicate a variable:Type LOAD BIN filename.Instrument Display•Used to show on-screen prompts and messages that you will see on thedisplay of an instrument:The xxxxxX will display the message CAL1 SAVED.[Keycap]•Used for labeled keys on the front panel of an instrument or on acomputer keyboard:Press[Return].{Softkey}•Used for simulated keys that appear on an instrument display:Press{Prior Menu}.User Entry•Used to indicate text that you will enter using the computer keyboard;text shown in this typeface must be typed exactly as printed:Type LOAD PARMFILE•Used for examples of programming code:#endif // ifndef NO_CLASSPath Name•Used for a subdirectory name or file path:Edit the file usr/local/bin/sample.txtComputer Display•Used to show messages, prompts, and window labels that appear on acomputer monitor:The Edit Parameters window will appear on the screen.•Used for menus, lists, dialog boxes, and button boxes on a computermonitor from which you make selections using the mouse or keyboard:Double-click EXIT to quit the program.VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual viiTypeface Conventionsviii VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualGeneral InformationGeneral InformationThis manual contains operating instructions for 355C, 355D, 355E, and355F VHF Attenuators. Included in the manual is the information requiredto install and test these attenuators.Description The Agilent Technologies Model 355C, 355D, 355E, and 355F attenuatorsare50-ohm,coaxial step attenuators usable from dc to1GHz.Models355Cand 355E provide 0 to 12 dB of attenuation in 1 dB steps.Models 355D and 355F provide 0 to 120 dB of attenuation in 10 dB steps.The 355C and 355D are manual attenuators. The 355E and 355F areprogrammable. The schematic for the Model 355C/D is shown in Figure1,and that of the Model 355E/F in Figure2.The attenuator sections consist of resistor pi networks which are switched inor bypassed by microswitches. In the 355C and 355D, the microswitchesare actuated by cams (see Figure1). In the 355E and 355F, themicroswitches are actuated by solenoids (see Figure2). The standard RFconnectors are BNC type.In the355E and355F,power must be continuously applied to the solenoid toactuate the microswitch(i.e.,to insert an attenuator section).Each solenoiddraws approximately at 15 Vdc.Dimensions for the individual instruments are provided in Table1,“Dimensions,” on page2.VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual1General InformationNOTE Dimensions are for general information only. If accurate dimensions arerequired for building special enclosures, contact your nearest AgilentTechnologies office.Table 1Dimensions355C, D355E, FLength152 mm (5.98 in)137 mm (5.39 in)Height69 mm (2.72 in)72 mm (2.83 in)Width (without RF connectors)45 mm (1.77 in)45 mm (1.77 in)Width (with connectors):Standard (BNC) Option 001 (Type-N) Option 005 (TNC)73 mm (2.88 in)94 mm (3.70 in)69 mm (2.72 in)73 mm (2.88 in)121 mm (4.76 in)24 mm (0.94 in)Protrusion of connectors:BNC Type-N TNC 14.06 mm (0.55 in)24.5 mm (1.00 in)12 mm (0.47 in)14.06 mm (0.55 in)24.5 mm (1.00 in)12 mm (0.47 in)General InformationFigure 1355C and 355D Schematic DiagramGeneral InformationFigure 2355E and 355F Schematic DiagramGeneral Information Specifications Instrument specifications are listed in Table2. These specifications are theperformance standards or limits against which the instruments may betested.Table 2SpecificationsMODELS 355C and 355EAttenuation Range0 to 12 dBAttenuation Steps 1 dBOverall Accuracy:at 1000 Hzdc to 500 MHz dc to 1000 MHz 0.1 dB 0.25 dB 0.35 dBMODELS 355D and 355FAttenuation Range0 to 120 dB Attenuation Steps10 dB Overall Accuracy:at 1000 Hz below 1000 MHz 0 to 120 dB 0.3 dB 0 to 90 dB 1.5 dB 90 to 120 dB 3 dBMODELS 355E and 355FSwitching Speed65 msRequired Solenoid Power+15 to +18 Vdc, 1/8 A MODELS 355C/E and 355D/FFrequency Range dc to 1000 MHz Impedance50 ohms (nominal) Maximum SWR (input and output):below 250 MHz below 500 MHz below 1000 MHz 1.2 1.3 1.5Maximum residual attenuation(insertion loss at 0 dB)0.20 dB + 2.30 dB/GHz Maximum power dissipation0.5W (average) Maximum pulse voltage350 Vpk 200sec ConnectorsStandard Option 001 Option 005BNC (female) Type-N (female) TNC (female)11. Available on the 355C only.General InformationPower RatingCAUTION Do not exceed the RF power rating of0.5W average,or2450W peak with amaximum pulse width of 200 s. Do not connect an attenuator RF input oroutput connector to greater than 5 Vdc. If the attenuator must be connectedto a device with a potential greater than 5 Vdc, use a blocking capacitor. Accessories Supplied The 355E and 355F programmable attenuators are supplied with a 7-pin,male connector (1251-1037) for the solenoid drive input.Attenuator Options Figure3on page7shows solenoid and connector wiring diagrams availableunder Option 007 for 355E and 355F.General Information Attenuator OptionsFigure 3355E and 355F Solenoid and Connector Wiring DiagramsInstallationInstallationInitial Inspection Inspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container orcushioning material is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of theshipment have been checked mechanically and electrically.A procedure forchecking electrical performance is given under“Operator’s Check” onpage9 (also see“Performance Tests” on page12). If the contents of theshipment are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, or if theinstrument does not pass the electrical performance test, notify the nearestAgilent Technologies office. Keep the shipping materials for the carrier'sinspection.Mating Connectors Mating RF input and output connectors used with the attenuators should be:•Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type BNC•Option 001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type-N•Option 005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type TNCFor the 355E and 355F, the solenoid drive connector plug is 7-pin maleconnector (1251-1037).Operating Environment The operating environment of the instrument should be within the following limitations:•Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0˚ to +55 ˚C •Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<95% relative •Altitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<4,570 m (15,000 ft)Storage and Shipment EnvironmentThe instrument should be stored in a clean,dry environment.The followingenvironmental limitations apply to both storage and shipment:•Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .−40˚ C to +75 ˚C•Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .< 95% relative•Altitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .< 7,620 m (25,000 ft)Original PackagingContainers and materials identical to original packaging are available fromAgilent Technologies. If the instrument is being returned to AgilentTechnologies, attach a tag indicating the type of service required, returnaddress, model number, and serial number. Also, mark the containerFRAGILE to assure careful handling. In any correspondence, refer to theinstrument by model number and full serial number.Operating InstructionsOperating InstructionsCAUTION Do not apply RF power greater than 0.5W average, or 2450W peak with amaximum pulse width of 200 s. If these limits are e xceeded, the attenuatormay be damaged.Either RF connector may be used as the input or output connector,except inthe case of the355D/F driven from a low impedance source.This is becausethe leaf switch (Figures 1 and 2) may be closed before the microswitchopens when the dial is switched from 50 dB to 60 dB. Should this occur, amomentary short is placed across the connector, inviting damage to eitherthe microswitch or the signal source. Therefore, if the signal source issubject to damage by a short,use the rear most connector for the input.(Thedial or solenoid connector is at the front of the attenuator.) This pads themomentary short with 50 dB of isolation. For the 355E and 355F, wire thesolenoid drive plug supplied using Figure 3 as a wiring guide. Anun-energized attenuator solenoid section is 0 dB. Apply +1 5 to +18 Vdc(with respect to pin H) to energize an attenuator solenoid. A programmingtable is also given in Figure 3.Operator’s Check This section describes the procedures for the operator to make a quick checkof the attenuator prior to use or if a failure is suspected.NOTE Troubleshooting consists of performing the following Operator's Check. Ifthe instrument does not perform within limits, return the instrument to thenearest Agilent Technologies office.DescriptionThe attenuator is driven from a 50-ohm signal source at 1 kHz. The outputlevel from the attenuator is detected by a narrow-bandwidth voltmeter (thatis,the SWR meter).The attenuator and detector range switches are steppedtogether and the variations in level noted. This verifies that each attenuatorsection is being properly switched and checks the low frequency accuracy ofthe attenuator.NOTE The SWR Meter used in this check is calibrated for a square-law detectorand therefore the range changes and errors (read in dB) are twice thatindicated by the meter.Operating InstructionsQuick-Check Procedures1.Connect equipment as shown in Figure4,with the Attenuator set to0dBattenuation.2.Set Test Oscillator to 0.3 Vrms at 1 kHz.3.Set the SWR Meter input to XTAL IMPED LOW and the range to 2 dB(expanded) for 355D or 355F or to 10 dB (with 0 dB expand) for 355C or 355E. Adjust its bandwidth to the center of the adjustment range.Fine tune oscillator frequency to obtain the maximum meter indication.4.Set attenuator and SWR meter range switch as listed in Figure 3, andverify that the SWR meter indicates within the limits shown.Figure 4 Operator’s Check SchematicOperating Instructions Table 3Operator’s ChecksOperating InstructionsPerformance Tests The attenuator can be tested to the accuracy of the specifications in Table1with an Automatic Network Analyzer or equivalent equipment of suitableaccuracy.If an Automatic Network Analyzer is available,test the attenuatorusing the procedures in the analyzer's operating manual. The 355E and355F attenuators must be programmed by a suitable circuit to provide thevarious values of attenuation (see Figure 3).AdjustmentsThe attenuators have no internal adjustments and should not be opened. Ifdefective, the attenuator should be returned to the nearest AgilentTechnologies office for repair.CAUTION The solenoids in the 355E and 355F have been precisely adjusted at thefactory. No attempt should be made to replace them except by factoryapproved service representatives. The operation of the attenuators will beunreliable if plungers are not kept with their proper solenoids. Do notinterchange or "swap" them.12VHF Attenuators Operating and Service ManualReplaceable PartsReplaceable PartsTable4 lists the replaceable parts which are the only parts that can bereplaced without access to the interior of the attenuator. For any partsneeding replacement that are not listed in Table4, return the instrument toAgilent Technologies.CAUTION Due to special fixtures necessary for assembly, do NOT attempt to replaceany parts not listed in Table4. If the instrument is opened, the warranty isvoid.Table 4Replaceable PartsDescription Part Number Quantity355CGlide (feet)0403-00264Dial Assembly0370-30701Dial Assembly (Option 003)00355-000011355DGlide (feet)0403-00264Dial Assembly0370-30711Dial Assembly (Option 003)00355-000021355E and FGlide (feet)0403-00264Connector (7-pin, male)1251-10371VHF Attenuators Operating and Service Manual13。

GETTING STARTED GUIDENI 92694 AO, ±10 V, ±40 V Stacked, 16 Bit, 100 kS/s/ch SimultaneousThis document explains how to connect to the NI 9269.Note Before you begin, complete the software andhardware installation procedures in your chassisdocumentation.Note The guidelines in this document are specific tothe NI 9269. The other components in the system mightnot meet the same safety ratings. Refer to thedocumentation for each component in the system todetermine the safety and EMC ratings for the entiresystem.Safety GuidelinesOperate the NI 9269 only as described in this document.Caution Do not operate the NI 9269 in a manner notspecified in this document. Product misuse can result ina hazard. You can compromise the safety protectionbuilt into the product if the product is damaged in anyway. If the product is damaged, return it to NI forrepair.2| | NI 9269 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwHazardous Voltage This icon denotes a warningadvising you to take precautions to avoid electricalshock.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous VoltagesIf hazardous voltages are connected to the device, take thefollowing precautions. A hazardous voltage is a voltage greaterthan 42.4 Vpk voltage or 60 VDC to earth ground.Caution Ensure that hazardous voltage wiring isperformed only by qualified personnel adhering to localelectrical standards.Caution Do not mix hazardous voltage circuits andhuman-accessible circuits on the same module.Caution Ensure that devices and circuits connected tothe module are properly insulated from human contact.Caution When module terminals are hazardousvoltage LIVE (>42.4 Vpk/60 VDC), you must ensurethat devices and circuits connected to the module areproperly insulated from human contact. You must usethe NI 9971 connector backshell kit to ensure that theterminals are not accessible.NI 9269 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 3 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwSafety VoltagesChannel-to-channelContinuous250 Vrms,Measurement Category II Withstand1,390 Vrms, verified by a 5 sdielectric withstand test Channel-to-earth groundContinuous250 Vrms,Measurement Category II Withstand2,300 Vrms, verified by a 5 sdielectric withstand testDivision 2/Zone 2 hazardous locations applications (Channel-to-channel and channel-to-earth ground)60 VDC, Measurement Category IMeasurement Category I is for measurements performed oncircuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution systemreferred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live4| | NI 9269 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwelectrical supply system that powers equipment. This category isfor measurements of voltages from specially protected secondarycircuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, specialequipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits poweredby regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.Caution Do not connect the NI 9269 to signals or usefor measurements within Measurement Categories II,III, or IV.Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O areequivalent. These test and measurement circuits are notintended for direct connection to the MAINS buildinginstallations of Measurement Categories CAT II,CAT III, or CAT IV.Measurement Category II is for measurements performed oncircuits directly connected to the electrical distribution system.This category refers to local-level electrical distribution, such asthat provided by a standard wall outlet, for example, 115 V forU.S. or 230 V for Europe.Caution Do not connect the NI 9269 to signals or usefor measurements within Measurement Categories IIIor IV.NI 9269 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 5 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwSafety Guidelines for Hazardous LocationsThe NI 9269 is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A,B, C, D, T4 hazardous locations; Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4and Ex nA IIC T4 hazardous locations; and nonhazardouslocations only. Follow these guidelines if you are installing theNI 9269 in a potentially explosive environment. Not followingthese guidelines may result in serious injury or death.Caution Do not disconnect I/O-side wires orconnectors unless power has been switched off or thearea is known to be nonhazardous.Caution Do not remove modules unless power hasbeen switched off or the area is known to benonhazardous.Caution Substitution of components may impairsuitability for Class I, Division 2.Caution For Division 2 and Zone 2 applications,install the system in an enclosure rated to at least IP54as defined by IEC/EN 60079-15.6| | NI 9269 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwSpecial Conditions for Hazardous Locations Use inEurope and InternationallyThe NI 9269 has been evaluated as Ex nA IIC T4 Gc equipmentunder DEMKO Certificate No. 07 ATEX 0626664X and isIECEx UL 14.0089X certified. Each NI 9269 is marked II 3Gand is suitable for use in Zone 2 hazardous locations, in ambienttemperatures of -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 70 °C. If you are using the NI 9269in Gas Group IIC hazardous locations, you must use the device inan NI chassis that has been evaluated as Ex nC IIC T4, Ex IICT4, Ex nA IIC T4, or Ex nL IIC T4 equipment.Caution You must make sure that transientdisturbances do not exceed 140% of the rated voltage.Caution The system shall only be used in an area ofnot more than Pollution Degree 2, as defined inIEC 60664-1.Caution The system shall be mounted in anATEX/IECEx-certified enclosure with a minimumingress protection rating of at least IP54 as defined inIEC/EN 60079-15.NI 9269 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 7 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwCaution The enclosure must have a door or coveraccessible only by the use of a tool.Electromagnetic Compatibility GuidelinesThis product was tested and complies with the regulatoryrequirements and limits for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)stated in the product specifications. These requirements andlimits provide reasonable protection against harmful interferencewhen the product is operated in the intended operationalelectromagnetic environment.This product is intended for use in industrial locations. However,harmful interference may occur in some installations, when theproduct is connected to a peripheral device or test object, or if theproduct is used in residential or commercial areas. To minimizeinterference with radio and television reception and preventunacceptable performance degradation, install and use thisproduct in strict accordance with the instructions in the productdocumentation.Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product notexpressly approved by National Instruments could void yourauthority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.8| | NI 9269 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwCaution To ensure the specified EMC performance,operate this product only with shielded cables andaccessories.Special Conditions for Marine ApplicationsSome products are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved formarine (shipboard) applications. To verify Lloyd’s Registercertification for a product, visit /certification and searchfor the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s Register mark onthe product.Caution In order to meet the EMC requirements formarine applications, install the product in a shieldedenclosure with shielded and/or filtered power andinput/output ports. In addition, take precautions whendesigning, selecting, and installing measurement probesand cables to ensure that the desired EMC performanceis attained.NI 9269 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 9 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwPreparing the EnvironmentEnsure that the environment in which you are using the NI 9269 meets the following specifications.Operating temperature(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2)-40 °C to 70 °COperating humidity (IEC 60068-2-78)10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensingPollution Degree2Maximum altitude2,000 mIndoor use only.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor complete specifications.NI 9269 PinoutAnalog Output ConnectionsNI 9269 Connection Guidelines•Make sure that devices you connect to the NI 9269 are compatible with the module specifications.•You must use 2-wire ferrules to create a secure connection when connecting more than one wire to a single terminal on the NI 9269.High-Vibration Application ConnectionsIf your application is subject to high vibration, NI recommends that you follow these guidelines to protect connections to theNI 9269:•Use ferrules to terminate wires to the detachable connector.•Use the NI 9971 backshell kit.Overvoltage ProtectionThe NI 9269 provides overvoltage protection for each channel.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor more information about overvoltage protection.Increasing Output Voltage RangeEach channel of the NI 9269 has a nominal output range of±10 V and can drive up to ±10 mA of current. The total output current of all channels is limited to ±20 mA. For example, if the output current of AO0 is ±10 mA, the output current ofAO<1, 2, 3> is limited to ±10 mA total or ±3.33 mA each.If you want to increase the nominal output voltage range, you can stack up to four output channels for a maximum of ±40 V nominal. For example, if you want two channels with a nominal output voltage range of ±20 V each, connect AO<0, 1> andAO<2, 3>. The output current of the stacked channels flows across two channels, limiting the total output current to ±10 mA.Figure 1. Increasing the Output Voltage Range of the NI 9269Stacking more than four output channels of multiple NI 9269 modules violates the electrical safety and overvoltage protection ratings.Because the NI 9269 outputs can source and sink current, it is not possible to increase the current drive by connecting output channels in parallel.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor more information about the overvoltage protectionrating.Related InformationSafety Guidelines for Hazardous Voltages on page 3Where to Go NextWorldwide Support and ServicesThe NI website is your complete resource for technical support. At /support, you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers. Visit /services for NI Factory Installation Services, repairs, extended warranty, and other services.Visit /register to register your NI product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI.A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliance with the Council of the European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. You can obtain the DoC for your product by visiting /certification. If your product supports calibration, you can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at /calibration.NI corporate headquarters is located at11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. NI also has offices located around the world. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /support or dial 1 866 ASK MYNI (275 6964). For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of /niglobal to access the branch office websites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for information on NItrademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade namesof their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to theappropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or theNational Instruments Patent Notice at /patents. Y ou can find information about end-userlicense agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product.Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the NIglobal trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OFTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS.U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at privateexpense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2009—2016 National Instruments. All rights reserved.375099D-01Apr16hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www。

Agilent 34980AMultifunction Switch/Measure Unit Data Sheet• 8-slot mainframe with 21 mix-and-match plug-in modules so you can create your own custom configuration • High-performance switching:Up to 560 2-wire multiplexer channels or 4096 matrix cross-points inone mainframe• Optional built-in 6 12-digit DMMlets you make 11 measurements with over 3000 readings/sec • Easy to integrate: Built-in Ethernet, USB 2.0, and GPIB connectivity, standard connectors and software drivers for most common programming environments• Includes FREE BenchLink Data Logger SoftwareC O N F I G U R E,C O N N E C T,G OIf you use automated test equipmentfor design validation or manufacturing, you now have a cost-effectivealternative to PXI and VXI test-system platforms. The 34980A multifunction switch/measure unit provides compa-rable functionality that is much easier to use than PXI and VXI and costsless. The 34980A helps you lower your cost of test and accelerate your test-system integration and development.The 34980A handles system switch-ing up to 26.5 GHz and provides basic measurements and system control. It also offers DMM measurements, coun-ter/ totalizer functionality, digital I/O with pattern capabilities, and analog outputs with basic waveforms— all in one low-cost, compact box. And with its standard connectors and software drivers, computer-standard I/O, and Web browser interface, the 34980A easily integrates into electronic functional test and data acquisition systems.Flexible switching, measure-ments, and system controlThe 34980A accommodates up to 8 plug-in modules to give you the flexibility you need. Choose from 21 different modules to define your own configuration. You can buy what you need now and add to it or recon-figure it as your requirements change.Whether you are measuring tempera-ture, AC or DC voltage, resistance, frequency, current, or custom mea-surements, the 34980A offers thefunctionality you need in a single box. Switch in different measurements with high-performance signal switching up to 300V with no external signal conditioning required. Choose between different switch types and topologies with frequency ranges from DC to 26.5 GHz. The 34980A offers high-density multiplexers for scanning multiple channels, matrices for connecting multiple points at one time, and general purpose switches for simple control and high power needs.Use the 34980A to route individual signals or monitor multiple signals over a specified period of time—monitor a single channel or multiple channels, set alarms, and identify irregularities.The 34980A offers flexible choices for system control. You can control external devices such as microwave switches, attenuators, solenoids, and power relays. Or use the digital inputs to sense limit-switch and digital-bus status.Optimized for test systemsThe 34980A has the performance you need for medium- to high-density switching/measurement applications such as design verification, functional test and data acquisition. Your signals are switched to the right measurement device without compromising signal integrity. Switch your signals to the optional internal DMM and achieve optimal throughput on switch closure time. Or, if you prefer, you can easily connect to external instruments such as DMMs, scopes, power supplies, and more. What’s more, with the built-in Ethernet interface, you can control the 34980A and collect data from anywhere on the network.The rugged instrument comes with a variety of system-ready features:• Web browser interface shows settings at a glance and provides remote access and control• Self-guiding front panel to configure, troubleshoot or view data • Low EMI and efficient system cooling• Heavy-duty cabling and connection options• Flexible rack mounting options • Relay counters help predict end-of-life• In-rack calibration for reduced maintenance time• DMM measurement accuracies include the switch for simple calculationsMake system connections easily and quickly with simple, reliable connection options:• Built-in Ethernet, USB 2.0, and GPIB connectivity• Low-cost, standard 50- or 78-pin Dsub connectors and cables • Detachable terminal blocks with strain relief• Mass interconnect solutions In addition, the 34980A comes with Agilent IO Libraries Suite. Quickly establish an error-free connection between your PC and instruments—regardless of vendor. The IO Libraries provide robust instrument control and work with the software development environment you choose.2High-performance unit provides low-cost alternative to PXI and VXI switch and measurement platformsEasier signal routingwith four2-wire internal analog buses. You can route your measurements directly to the internal DMM, or you can connect to external instruments through the analog bus connector on the rear of the mainframe. And since you have four 2-wire buses, you can dedicate one bus for use with the internal DMM and use the other three buses for module extensions or additional signal routing between modules, reducing your wiring needs. You can define up to 500 switch sequences to control complex signal routing and the order ofswitch closures. Assign a sequence, give it a name and then execute it with the name you created. Switch sequences are downloaded and stored in the instrument for ease of programming and increased throughput.External trigger capabilities make it easy for you to time and synchronize measurements and other events. This can help you determine when to begin or end an acquisition.Measurements you can trustGet proven performance from Agilent instruments, with the resolution, repeatability, speed, and accuracy you’ve come to expect.The 34980A offers built-in signal conditioning and modular flexibility. When you use it with the internalDMM, you can configure each channel independently for the measurements you choose. It includes a variety of features that give you confidence in your measurements:• 61⁄2 digits of resolution with .004% of accuracy with DC voltage measurements• Alarms per channel—high limit, low limit, or both• Math functions—use Mx+B for custom linear conversions and converting raw inputs• Built-in thermocouple reference for temperature measurements (34921T)• Time-stamped readings• Add more formulas with BenchLink Data Logger SoftwareThe integrated DMM is mounted inside the mainframe and does not consume any of the eight user-available slots. You can access the DMM through any switch module that connects to the analog bus, or directly from the analog bus connector on the rear of the mainframe. The internal DMM gives you the flexibility to measure 11 types of inputs:• Temperature with thermocouples, RTDs, or thermistors (with 34921A)• DC and AC voltage • 2- and 4-wire resistance • Frequency and period • DC and AC currentYou can control the DMM directly, or configure it to work in conjunction with the switches. Each switch chan-nel can be configured independently for measurement functions, scale factors and alarm limits. Advanced measurement features such as offset compensation, variable integration time, and delay are also selectable on a per-channel basis.The DMM inputs are shielded and optically isolated from the 34980A’s earth-referenced circuitry andcomputer interface, and as a result, you get up to 300 V of input isola-tion. This is important for reducing ground-loops and common-mode voltage errors associated with long wiring runs and floating sources.Simple DMM calibration isaccomplished with just the analog bus connection on the rear panel of the mainframe. You don’t need to remove the mainframe from the rack or dedicate a channel for calibration.Modules provide flexible system stimulus and controlSystem control —with analog outputs, open-collector digital outputs, clock generation, and isolated Form-Crelays for controlling external devices. Additionally, with the microwave switch/attenuator driver, high-frequency switches and attenuators can be efficiently controlled external to the 34980A mainframe.Analog sources —output eithervoltage or current. You can configure the 4-channel isolated D/A converter as a point-to-point arbitrary wave-form generator that lets you define up to 500,000 points per waveform.Digital patterns —send or receive digital data from your device under test. With on-board memory you can output communication protocols and bit streams or monitor digital input patterns and interrupt when a user-defined pattern is detected.35Free BenchLink Data Logger Software to Simplify data loggingThe BenchLink Data Logger software for the 34980A provides a convenient way to collect and analyze your data. This is a Windows® based application that uses a familiar spreadsheet envi-ronment to define measurement data to be collected. The tab-based format makes it easy to set up and initiate scans. Simply identify the measure-ments you want to acquire, initiate the process and see the data displayed real-time. The rich set of colorful graphics provides many options for analyzing and displaying your data. You can specify multiple channels per graph, or send collected data to multiple graphs. Use strip charts with markers and alarm indication, or his-tograms with statistics. And of course you can use BenchLink Data Logger to easily move data to other applications for further analysis, or for inclusion in your presentations and reports.34832A BenchLink Data Logger Pro adds limit checking and decision making Figure 2 34826A BenchLink Data Logger Software for high speed data logging with no programming.Figure 334832A BenchLink Data Logger Pro adds limit checking and decision makingEvent • Control Instruments • Send Notification(s)• Stop Scan• Control Instruments • Send Notification(s)• Stop Scan• Control Instruments • Send Notification(s)• Stop ScanEventE v en t s E v e n t sE v e n t sScan List A (Base)Scan List BScan List CEventStartAlso AvailableThe BenchLink Data LoggerPro Software adds limit checking and decision making for more complex applications. Simply identify the measurements you want to acquire, define limits and actions to be preformed, and then initiate the process. Your data is then collocated, evaluated and acted on real-time.6Intuitive front panel with self-guiding menusSet up scan listsSee results on bright, multiline displayScan multiple channels,close specified channel list,or monitor results on a single channel Use keypad to enter channel number or knob to scrollStore up to 500,000 readings with timestamp61⁄2digit DMM measurementswith 11 functionsSet I/O O ,date an n d other s s ystem feature e sStore a a nd recall instrum m ent setups s Access to four 2-wi wire analog busesExternal trigger to synchronize events 8-slots connect to optional internal DMM Built-in Ethernet,USB 2.0,and GPIB interfacesOptional terminal blocksIndustry standard DSub cables21 plug-in modules les to choose fromStandard DSub connector kitsConfigure measurements, manage sequences, view errors and alarmsPower and flexibility to get your job done8910111214151634945A moduleY1150A-Y1155Adistribution boardsrequired to controlswitches (ordered separate)34945EXT extender holds4 distribution boar34980A system control modules20212728Rack kitScrew Terminal Block2934934A High Density Configuration BlockStandard Dsub CableConnector kit30GPIB, providing faster, more efficient connectivity. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI For more information on Agilent Technologies’products, applications or services, pleasecontact your local Agilent office. The completelist is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada (877) 894-4414Latin America 305 269 7500United States (800) 829-4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 81 426 56 7832Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848 Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Thailand 1 800 226 008EuropeAustria 0820 87 44 11Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 70 13 15 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100 France 0825 010 700Germany 01805 24 6333**0.14/minuteIreland 1890 924 204Italy 39 02 92 60 8484 Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55 Switzerland (French) 41 (21) 8113811(Opt 2) Switzerland (German) 0800 80 53 53 (Opt 1) United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201Other European Countries:/find/contactusRevised: May 7, 2007Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2008Printed in USA, June 13, 20085989-1437EN。

缺陷—3 级 元件焊端与焊盘之间重叠J少于75%R
七、SMD 组件
7.2.4 城堡形可焊端,无引脚芯片载体
序号 特征描叙
1 最大侧面偏移
A 50%(W)较小者 50%(W)较小者
2 最大末端偏移
3 最小末端焊点宽度 C 50%(W)较小者 50%(W)较小者
4 最小侧面焊点长度 D
正常润湿 50%(F/S)较小者
75%(W)较小者 50%(F/S)较小者
5 最大焊点高度
6 最小焊点高度
焊锡高度G加城堡高度H的25% 明显润湿 侧面偏移A
可接受—1,2 级 最小焊点宽度(C)是城堡形焊端宽度(W)
的50%。 可接受--3 级
最小焊点宽度(C)是城堡形焊端宽度(W) 的75%。
缺陷—1,2 级 焊点宽度(C)小于城堡形焊端宽度(W)
的50%。 缺陷—3 级
焊点宽度(C)小于城堡形焊端宽度(W) 的75%。 最小侧面焊点长度D 末端偏移
七、SMD 组件
目标--1,2 ,3 级 无末端偏移
缺陷—1,2,3 级 可焊端偏移超出焊盘。 末端焊点宽度
七、SMD 组件
目标--1,2,3 级 末端焊点宽度等于元件可焊端宽度或焊盘宽度,
其中较小者 可接受—1,2 级
末端焊点宽度C最小为元件焊端宽度(W)的50% 或焊盘宽度(P)的50%。其中较小者 可接受--3 级
towa LCM 1010 Molding机培训资料

各个门锁的状态监控画面,也可在 此改变门的锁紧/未锁紧状态
模压装置的计数器:可按照不同项 目进行设定值的设定,当现在值超 过设定值时将发出报警。 当设定值为“0”时该功能无。
1.点击用户登入 ,输入密码1234 登入系统。
2.点击进入 状态页面
提示:用户未登入时“ 状态”为浅暗色,只有
当通过“模式选择按钮1”选择了恢复原点“ORG”时将用于 模压装置的原点找出。当通过“模式选择按钮1”选择了夹紧 器“CL”时将用于模压装置手动操作时的上升。 7.“START/COVER”按钮 当长按1sec以上时将切换模压装置单元前面门的锁紧/锁紧 解除。与“STAT/RESET”按钮同时按下时半自动运转开始。 8. 紧急停止按钮 按下本按钮时动力源OFF,不论处于何种状态机器均立刻停 止。
点击配方数据,进参数方主页面,点击吐出进入胶量设定页面, <体积[cc]>按钮: 将显示单位变更为cc。 <重量[g]>按钮: 将显示单位变更为g。 树脂比重:及胶体的相对密度 吐胶量:及吐出的胶体量 依照CIE落点的位置适量调整。 吐出量补值:较量的补充值 回吸量:吐胶完成后防止拉胶的回吸量 参数更改完成后点击“设定”弹出对话框点击OK保存更改后的数据。
设定温度:通过程序设定画面所 设定的设定温度 Alarm +/-: 允许误差值,超出 范围值会报警。 橙色:超出范围值 蓝色:低于范围值 绿色:正常范围值
成型品、框架、树脂、膜的内 存监控画面。内存的解除也可 通过本画面进行。 每次更换新胶体进行预吐胶后 都需在此页面解除树脂和膜的 内存 。

给予SAT活动Βιβλιοθήκη 帮助 优质的售后服务31
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先灵葆雅 杜邦 先灵制药 勃林格殷格翰 B.D公司 罗纳普朗克 利达制药 布莱柯 贝朗
上海罗氏 天津诺和诺德 苏州法玛西亚-普强 江苏扬子江药业 江苏连云港恒瑞制药 上海恒瑞制药 化工部株洲橡胶所 杭州康莱特药业 LST 80 LST 240 LST 240 LST 80 LST 80 LST 80 LST 120 LST 80
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圆 环
香港尚亿科技有限公司 上海办事处(ICOS中国 独家代理) 地址:上海市天钥桥路380弄38号1401室 电话:+86 21 5424 5951 传真:+86 21 5489 3573 联系人:王军 邮件:Gary.Wang@ 网址:
4) 提高干燥效率,缩短干燥时 间 5) 分篮卸料,无交叉污染
16 不能分篮卸料,易交叉污染

Eaton KD3400KW02Eaton Series C complete molded case circuit breaker, K-frame, KD, Fixed thermal, fixed magnetic trip, Three-pole, 400A, 600 Vac, 250 Vdc, 65 kAIC at 240 Vac, 35 kAIC at 480 Vac, Walking beam provisions, 50/60 HzGeneral specificationsEaton Series C complete molded case circuit breakerKD3400KW027866790726774.1 in5.5 in5.5 in 11.5 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first.UL Listed Product NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCertificationsWalking beam provisions35 kAIC at 480 Vac65 kAIC at 240 VacK400 AThree-poleSeries CMolded case switchKD48-127 Vac or 48-60 Vdc right pigtail same side 50 to 60 HzMolded case switch600 Vac, 250 VdcFixed thermal, fixed magnetic Application of Tap Rules to Molded Case Breaker TerminalsUL listed 100%-rated molded case circuit breakersApplication of Multi-Wire Terminals for Molded Case Circuit BreakersCurrent limiting Series C molded case circuit breakers product aid StrandAble terminals product aidCircuit breaker motor operators product aidPower metering and monitoring with Modbus RTU product aid Motor protection circuit breakers product aidMulti-wire lugs product aidPlug-in adapters for molded case circuit breakers product aid Breaker service centersMolded case circuit breakers catalogEaton's Volume 4—Circuit ProtectionInstruction Leaflet for the KES 310+ Electronic Trip Unit Installation Instructions for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC, CKD, CHKD Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesCircuit breakers explainedCircuit Breakers ExplainedEaton Specification Sheet - KD3400KW02Series C J-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Series C F-Frame molded case circuit breakersMOEM MCCB product selection guideSeries C G-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curvesSpecial features Interrupt ratingFrameAmperage Rating Number of polesSeriesTypeCircuit breaker type Shunt tripFrequency ratingCircuit breaker frame type Voltage ratingTrip Type Application notesBrochuresCatalogsInstallation instructions MultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。

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第一章 产品介绍 ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 特点...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 机型配置............................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 外观及部件 ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.1 外观........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.2 部件........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 工作原理............................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 UPS 状态及运行模式............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.5.1 市电逆变供电模式 ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5.2 旁路供电模式 ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.5.3 电池供电模式 ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.5.4 ECO 模式................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5.5 故障状态 ................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.6 产品规格............................................................................................................................................................... 4

PNOZ mi1p}Configurable safety systems PNOZmultiThis document is a translation of the original document.All rights to this documentation are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG. Copies may be made for internal purposes. Suggestions and comments for improving this documentation will be gratefully received.Source code from third-party manufacturers or open source software has been used for some components. The relevant licence information is available on the Internet on the Pilz homepage.Pilz®, PIT®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSEN®, PSS®, PVIS®, SafetyBUS p®,SafetyEYE®, SafetyNET p®, the spirit of safety® are registered and protected trademarks of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG in some countries.SD means Secure Digital1.2Using the documentation4 1.3Definition of symbols42.2Unit features6 2.3Front view73.2System requirements8 3.3Safety regulations8 3.3.1Safety assessment8 3.3.2Use of qualified personnel9 3.3.3Warranty and liability9 3.3.4Disposal9 3.3.5For your safety94.2Functions10 4.3System reaction time10 4.4Block diagram105.2Dimensions in mm11 5.3Connecting the base unit and expansion modules126.2Preparing for operation13 6.3Connection13 6.4Connection example14 6.5Download modified project to the PNOZmulti system149.2Accessories201Introduction1.1Validity of documentationThis documentation is valid for the product PNOZ mi1p from Version 4.0 .This operating manual explains the function and operation, describes the installation andprovides guidelines on how to connect the product.1.2Using the documentationThis document is intended for instruction. Only install and commission the product if youhave read and understood this document. The document should be retained for future ref-erence.1.3Definition of symbolsInformation that is particularly important is identified as follows:NOTICEThis describes a situation in which the product or devices could be dam-aged and also provides information on preventive measures that can betaken. It also highlights areas within the text that are of particular import-ance.INFORMATIONThis gives advice on applications and provides information on special fea-tures.2Overview2.1Scope}Expansion module PNOZ mi1p}Jumper2.2Unit featuresThe product has the following features:}8 inputs for connecting:–E-STOP pushbuttons–Two-hand button–Safety gate limit switches–Start buttons–Light beam devices–Scanners–Enabling switches–PSEN–Operating mode selector switches}Can be configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator}LED indicator for:–Status of PNOZmulti}Max. 8 PNOZ mi1p units can be connected to the base unit}Test pulse outputs used to monitor shorts across the inputs}Plug-in connection terminals (either cage clamp terminal or screw terminal)}Coated version:Increased environmental requirements (see Technical details [ 16])2.3Front viewLegend:}Inputs I0 – I73Safety3.1Intended useThe expansion module may only be connected to a base unit from the PNOZmulti system(please refer to the document "PNOZmulti System Expansion" for details of the base unitsthat can be connected).The configurable small control systems PNOZmulti are used for the safety-related interrup-tion of safety circuits and are designed for use in:}E-STOP equipment}Safety circuits in accordance with VDE 0113 Part 1 and EN 60204-1The coated version of the product PNOZ mi1p is suitable for use where there are increasedenvironmental requirements (see Technical details [ 16]).The following is deemed improper use in particular:}Any component, technical or electrical modification to the product}Use of the product outside the areas described in this manual}Use of the product outside the technical details (see Technical details [ 16]).NOTICEEMC-compliant electrical installationThe product is designed for use in an industrial environment. The productmay cause interference if installed in other environments. If installed in otherenvironments, measures should be taken to comply with the applicablestandards and directives for the respective installation site with regard to in-terference.3.2System requirementsPlease refer to the "Product Modifications PNOZmulti" document in the "Version overview"section for details of which versions of the base unit and PNOZmulti Configurator can beused for this product.3.3Safety regulations3.3.1Safety assessmentBefore using a unit it is necessary to perform a safety assessment in accordance with theMachinery Directive.Functional safety is guaranteed for the product as a single component. However, this doesnot guarantee the functional safety of the overall plant/machine. In order to achieve the re-quired safety level for the overall plant/machine, define the safety requirements for theplant/machine and then define how these must be implemented from a technical and organ-isational standpoint.3.3.2Use of qualified personnelThe products may only be assembled, installed, programmed, commissioned, operated,maintained and decommissioned by competent persons.A competent person is someone who, because of their training, experience and current pro-fessional activity, has the specialist knowledge required to test, assess and operate thework equipment, devices, systems, plant and machinery in accordance with the generalstandards and guidelines for safety technology.It is the company’s responsibility only to employ personnel who:}Are familiar with the basic regulations concerning health and safety / accident preven-tion}Have read and understood the information provided in this description under "Safety"}And have a good knowledge of the generic and specialist standards applicable to the specific application.3.3.3Warranty and liabilityAll claims to warranty and liability will be rendered invalid if}The product was used contrary to the purpose for which it is intended}Damage can be attributed to not having followed the guidelines in the manual}Operating personnel are not suitably qualified}Any type of modification has been made (e.g. exchanging components on the PCB boards, soldering work etc.).3.3.4Disposalin the safety-re-}In safety-related applications, please comply with the mission time TMlated characteristic data.}When decommissioning, please comply with local regulations regarding the disposal of electronic devices (e.g. Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act).3.3.5For your safetyThe unit meets all the necessary conditions for safe operation. However, you should alwaysensure that the following safety requirements are met:}This operating manual only describes the basic functions of the unit. The expanded functions are described in the PNOZmulti Configurator's online help. Only use thesefunctions once you have read and understood the documentations.}Do not open the housing or make any unauthorised modifications.}Please make sure you shut down the supply voltage when performing maintenance work (e.g. exchanging contactors).4Function description4.1Integrated protection mechanismsThe relay conforms to the following safety criteria:}The circuit is redundant with built-in self-monitoring.}The safety function remains effective in the case of a component failure.4.2FunctionsThe expansion module provides additional inputs.The function of the inputs on the safety system depends on the safety circuit created usingthe PNOZmulti Configurator. A chip card is used to download the safety circuit to the baseunit. The base unit has 2 microcontrollers that monitor each other. They evaluate the inputcircuits on the base unit and expansion modules and switch the outputs on the base unitand expansion modules accordingly.The online help on the PNOZmulti Configurator contains descriptions of the operatingmodes and all the functions of the PNOZmulti safety system, plus connection examples.4.3System reaction timeCalculation of the maximum reaction time between an input switching off and a linked out-put in the system switching off is described in the document "PNOZmulti System Expan-sion".4.4Block diagram5Installation5.1General installation guidelines}The control system should be installed in a control cabinet with a protection type of at least IP54. Fit the control system to a horizontal mounting rail. The venting slots mustface upward and downward. Other mounting positions could destroy the control system.}Use the notches on the rear of the unit to attach it to a mounting rail. Connect the con-trol system to the mounting rail in an upright position, so that the earthing springs on thecontrol system are pressed on to the mounting rail.}The ambient temperature of the PNOZmulti units in the control cabinet must not exceed the figure stated in the technical details, otherwise air conditioning will be required.}To comply with EMC requirements, the mounting rail must have a low impedance con-nection to the control cabinet housing.5.2Dimensions in mm5.3Connecting the base unit and expansion modulesConnect the base unit and the expansion modules as described in the operating manualsfor the base modules.}The terminator must be fitted to the last expansion module}Install the expansion module in the position configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator.The position of the expansion modules is defined in the PNOZmulti Configurator. The ex-pansion modules are connected to the left or right of the base unit, depending on the type.Please refer to the document "PNOZmulti System Expansion" for details of the number ofmodules that can be connected to the base unit and the module types.6Commissioning6.1General wiring guidelinesThe wiring is defined in the circuit diagram of the PNOZmulti Configurator.Please note:}Information given in the Technical details [ 16] must be followed.}Use copper wire that can withstand 75° C.}The safety system and input circuits must always be supplied by a single power supply.The power supply must meet the regulations for extra low voltages with protective sep-aration.6.2Preparing for operationThe N/C contact on the trigger element (e.g. E-STOP) must be connected to the input cir-cuit. A short circuit in the input circuit may or may not be detected, depending on the config-uration and wiring. The test pulse outputs on the base unit must be used to detect shortsacross contacts. The input assignment is defined in the PNOZmulti Configurator.The input circuit should be connected as described in the table. The wiring at I0 and I1 is il-lustrated as an example; inputs I2 ... 17 are wired in a similar way.6.3ConnectionInput circuit6.4Connection example6.5Download modified project to the PNOZmulti systemAs soon as an additional expansion module has been connected to the system, the project must be amended using the PNOZmulti Configurator. Proceed as described in the operat-ing instructions for the base unit.NOTICEFor the commissioning and after every program change, you must check whether the safety devices are functioning correctly.7OperationWhen the supply voltage is switched on, the PNOZmulti safety system copies the configur-ation from the chip card.The LEDs “POWER”, “DIAG”, “FAULT”, “IFAULT” and “OFAULT” will light up on the baseunit.The PNOZmulti safety system is ready for operation when the "POWER" and "RUN" LEDson the base unit are lit continuously.Status indicators:}I0 ... I7 lights: Safety input I0 ... I7 carries a high signal.}I0 ... I7 does not light: Safety input I0 ... I7 carries a low signal.7.1MessagesLegendLED onLED flashesLED off8Technical detailsBG, CCC, CE, EAC (Eurasian),BG, CCC, CE, EAC (Eurasian),for Module supply Module supplyinternal Via base unit Via base unitVoltage5,0 V5,0 VKind DC DCVoltage tolerance-2 %/+2 %-2 %/+2 %Power consumption2,5 W2,5 WSignal level at "0"-3 - +5 V DC-3 - +5 V DCSignal level at "1"15 - 30 V DC15 - 30 V DCInput voltage in accordance withEN 61131-2 Type 124 V DC24 V DCMin. pulse duration18 ms18 msPulse suppression0,6 ms0,6 msMaximum input delay 4 ms 4 msSupply interruption before de-ener-gisation20 ms20 msSimultaneity, channel 1 and 2 max.3 s 3 sAmbient temperatureIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-14EN 60068-2-14Temperature range0 - 60 °C-25 - 60 °CForced convection in controlcabinet off55 °C–Storage temperatureIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-1/-2EN 60068-2-1/-2Temperature range-25 - 70 °C-25 - 70 °CClimatic suitabilityIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-30, EN 60068-2-78EN 60068-2-30, EN 60068-2-78 Humidity93 % r. h. at 40 °C93 % r. h. at 40 °C Condensation during operation Not permitted Short-termEMC EN 61131-2EN 61131-2In accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-6EN 60068-2-6 Frequency10,0 - 150,0 Hz5,0 - 500,0 Hz Acceleration1g1gBroadband noiseIn accordance with the standard–EN 60068-2-64 Frequency– 5 - 500 HzAcceleration–1,9grms Corrosive gas checkSO2: Concentration 10 ppm,duration 10 days, passive–DIN V 40046-36 H2S: Concentration 1 ppm, dur-ation 10 days, passive–DIN V 40046-37 Shock stressIn accordance with the standard EN 60068-2-27EN 60068-2-27 Acceleration15g15gDuration11 ms11 msMax. operating height above sealevel2000 m2000 mAirgap creepageIn accordance with the standard EN 61131-2EN 61131-2Overvoltage category III IIIPollution degree22Rated insulation voltage30 V30 VProtection typeIn accordance with the standard EN 60529EN 60529Mounting area (e.g. control cab-inet)IP54IP54Housing IP20IP20DIN railTop hat rail35 x 7,5 EN 5002235 x 7,5 EN 50022 Recess width27 mm27 mmMax. cable lengthMax. cable length per input1,0 km1,0 kmMaterialBottom PPO UL 94 V0PPO UL 94 V0 Front ABS UL 94 V0ABS UL 94 V0Connection type Spring-loaded terminal, screwterminal Spring-loaded terminal, screw terminalterminals1 core flexible0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG2 core with the same cross sec-tion, flexible without crimp con-nectors or with TWIN crimp con-nectors0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG Torque setting with screw terminals0,25 Nm0,25 NmStripping length with screw termin-als7 mm7 mmConductor cross section withspring-loaded terminals1 core flexible without crimpconnector0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG0,25 - 1,50 mm², 24 - 16 AWG1 core flexible with crimp con-nector0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG0,25 - 0,75 mm², 24 - 20 AWG Spring-loaded terminals: Terminalpoints per connection11Stripping length with spring-loadedterminals9 mm9 mmDimensionsHeight94,0 mm94,0 mmWidth22,5 mm22,5 mmDepth121,0 mm121,0 mmWeight120 g123 gWhere standards are undated, the 2008-03 latest editions shall apply.8.1Safety characteristic dataNOTICEYou must comply with the safety-related characteristic data in order toachieve the required safety level for your plant/machine.2-channel PL e Cat. 4SIL CL 32,90E-10SIL 34,50E-0620 Short circuit-formingsafety mats PL d Cat. 3SIL CL 21,81E-09SIL 29,34E-05201-ch., pulsedlight barrier PL e Cat. 4SIL CL 32,50E-10SIL 32,21E-0520All the units used within a safety function must be considered when calculating the safety characteristic data.INFORMATIONA safety function's SIL/PL values are not identical to the SIL/PL values ofthe units that are used and may be different. We recommend that you usethe PAScal software tool to calculate the safety function's SIL/PL values.Operating Manual PNOZ mi1p 20880-EN-06209Order reference 9.1Product9.2AccessoriesConnection terminalsTerminator, jumperSupportTechnical support is available from Pilz round the clock. Americas Brazil+55 11 97569-2804Canada+1 888-315-PILZ (315-7459)Mexico+52 55 5572 1300USA (toll-free)+1 877-PILZUSA (745-9872)Asia China+86 21 60880878-216 Japan+81 45 471-2281South Korea +82 31 450 0680Australia +61 3 95446300Europe Austria+43 1 7986263-0Belgium, Luxembourg +32 9 3217575France+33 3 88104000Germany+49 711 3409-444Ireland+353 21 4804983Italy+39 0362 1826711Scandinavia +45 74436332Spain+34 938497433Switzerland +41 62 88979-30The Netherlands +31 347 320477Turkey+90 216 5775552United Kingdom +44 1536 462203You can reach our international hotline on: +49 711 3409-444 ****************C M S E ®, I n d u r a N E T p ®, P A S 4000®, P A S c a l ®, P A S c o n fi g ®, P i l z ®, P I T ®, P L ID ®, P M C p r i m o ®, P M C p r o t e g o ®, P M C t e n d o ®, P M D ®, P M I ®, P N O Z ®, P r i m o ®, P SE N ®, P S S ®, P V I S ®, S a f e t y B U S p ®, S a f e t y E Y E ®, S a f e t y N E T p ®, T h E S P I r I T O f S A f E T Y ® a r e r e g i s t e r e d a n d p r o t e c t e d t r a d e m a r k s o f P i l z G m b h & C o . K G i n s o m e c o u n t r i e s . W e w o u l d p o i n t o u t t h a t p r o d u c t f e a t u r e s m a y v a r y f r o m t h e d e t a i l s s t a t e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t , d e p e n d i n g o n t h e s t a t u s a t t h e t i m e o f p u b l i c a t i o n a n d t h e s c o p e o f t h e e q u i p m e n t . W e a c c e p t n o r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r t h e v a l i d i t y , a c c u r a c y a n d e n t i r e t y o f t h e t e x t a n d g r a p h i c s p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t i f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s .Pilz develops environmentally-friendly products using ecological materials and energy-saving technologies. Offices and production facilities are ecologically designed, environmentally-aware and energy-saving. So Pilz offers sustainability, plus the security of using energy-efficient products and environmentally-friendly solutions.Pilz Gmbh & Co. KG felix-Wankel-Straße 2 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Tel.: +49 711 3409-0 fax: +49 711 3409-133 *************100X X X X -D E -0X 0-0-1-3-000, 2015-00 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y © P i l z G m b h & C o . K G , 201520880-E N -06, 2016-04 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y © P i l z G m b H & C o . K G , 2015。
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ITA 30/40kVA UPS 的推广要点 -突出自身的机架式特性
•配合艾默生服务器机架,突出整体IT风格 •主机与配电安装与机架中,更加安全、美观 •双机系统安装于机架中,更能减小占地面积
1个输入配电柜+2台 UPS+1个输出配电柜 4个柜体——并机或双总线系统
2个输入配电模块+2台 UPS+1个或2个 输出配电柜模块=4U×5或6=20~24U 1个柜体——并机或双总线系统
ITA 30/40K安装示意图
主机塔式安装带底座 主机+配电在机架内安装
ITA30/40kVA 系统组成
ITA30/ 40kVA
输入输出配电模块 UPS主机模块 输出分路配电模块
ITA 30/40kVA系统组成
标配附件1 —输入输出配电与维修旁路 整流器、旁路的市电接入 联接UPS的整流器、旁路的输入 联接UPS的输出
UPS系统的输出,配置2路 端子,一路用于双机并联, 一路用于系统输出 输出POD选件—负载输出配电单元 21路分支配电
Galaxy3000/5000 SmartVT/Galaxy3500 Schneider
PW9355/E-DX Eaton
山特Байду номын сангаасX
Kstar Hi3000 20-120kVA
科华GRK 10-60kVA
Socomec MC10-40kVA
Riello Multi10-40kVA
国内外品牌全是大家伙,体积大(双机并联或双总线是尤为 明显),效率低(主流品牌、主力机型大部分低于93%), 输出功率小(大部分输出PF0.8)
品牌 系列
500×860×1300 670×685×1600 710×850×1900 523×854×823
ITA 30/40kVA UPS 的推广要点 -突出自身的节能特性
•整机AC-AC效率>95%,ECO模式效率≥98.5% •熟练掌握耗电计算公式,突出ITA的节能效果
ITA 30/40kVA UPS 的推广要点 -集成和整合其他配电装置
—高效节能:双变换效率≥95%,业内领先 —节省空间:超小体积,19英寸主机仅4U高 -安装灵活:兼容塔式/机架式
目标市场: 全行业的IT应用
110 110 121-125 136
93% 93% 94% 96%
0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9
新品 MC
600×845×1600 178×445×750
•整合智能配电系统,MiniSPM极具优势 •充分利用机架的多余空间,集成ATS、配电、电池、监控
单机监控-提供USB端口 SIC卡-用于基于TCP/IP的Web远程监控,支持远程服务器
Modbus卡-用于接入BMS楼宇监控系统 干接点卡-提供继电器信号输出
典型的双总线供电系统 在机架中安装 2个输入配电模块
还可以考虑增加其他配 电装置,如
输入ATS装置 总输入开关
主机与标配的输入输出配电 模块采用塔式带底座安装
2台UPS主机 2个输出配电模块
帮助 开/关逆变 清除故障 告警消音 F1-F4操作键 紧急停机
艾默生 ITA 30-40K UPS 新产品培训
艾默生产品部 2012 .12 .12
目 录
产品定位及适用领域 产品的技术与规格/应用特点 与业内同功率产品的对比 性价比分析 产品发布计划
-艾默生 “易睿”解决方案的供电核心
监控软件 及 增值选件
• 网络监控软件- SiteMonitor
□ Web方式浏览
UPS损耗电费计算方法: UPS损耗的年用电量=UPS有功功率×(1÷效率-1)×8760小时
Emerson ITA30/40kVA
Emerson ITA30/40kVA
-服务器,存储器,网络设备,VoIP, 通讯设备,自动化设备,精密仪器, 医疗诊断设备等
实验室,仪器室,计费中心,精密控制室, 过程控制中心等(不可应用于多导电粉尘的环境)
□可接入易睿RDU-A 或SIC卡
200 50
96% 95%
0.9 0.9
Emerson ITA30/40kVA
APC G300 宽度 功率 输入 输入PF 效率 过载
400/500mm 178mm 32kW 340-477V 7% 93% 125%2min 36kW 304-476V 3% 95% 125%5min
198 427 400 657(含电池)/275
93% 92% 93% 96.00%
0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8
新品 Galaxy3000
Schneider Galaxy5500 SmartVT
E-DX Eaton
470×710×1150 470×710×1150 470×703×1150 444×795×1000