
• 地壳中的主要化学元素:氧、硅、铝、铁、钙、钠、
• 建于1958年,为了赶在 汛期前完成筑坝任务, 仅仅用了160天建成,是
研究地球(地壳)的物质成分、内部构造、 表面特征及地球演化历史的科学。
地史中保留不全(丢失),故存在 测年误差。
• 1973年在格陵兰发现的,年龄为38亿年
• 1983年又在澳大利亚找到几粒年龄为
相对年代的确定就是要判断一些地质事件发生 的先后关系。这些地质事件保留在地质历史留下 的物质纪录中。
组成、结构、构造和地表形态变化和发展 的作用。
自然动力根据其能量来源分为: 内动力(内生动力、内营力) 外动力(外生动力、外营力)
☞ 内动力地质作用——
由于地球内部能源(自转能,重力能,放射性 元素蜕变产生的热能等),在地壳深处产生的动力,作 用于整个地壳(包括地表和深处)的作用。
形成以来其表面形态,内部结构和物质成分无时无刻不 在变化和发展,这些变化和发展有的速度快而强烈,易

一、结构化系统开发方法 1、结构化系统开发方法的基本思想
结构化系统开发方法是用系统工程的思想 和工程化的方法,按用户至上的原则,结 构化、模块化、自顶向下地对系统进行分 析与设计。
具体来说,就是先将整个信息系统开发过程划 分成若干个相对独立的阶段,如系统规划、系 统分析、系统设计、系统实施等。在前三个阶 段坚持自顶向下地对系统进行结构化划分,应 从宏观整体入手,先考虑系统整体的优化,然 后再考虑局部的优化问题。在系统实施阶段, 则应坚持自底向上地逐步实施。
(1)功能测试 (2)性能测试 (3)可靠性与安全性测试
(1)模块测试 (2)子系统测试 (3)系统测试 (4)验收测试
4.5.3 系统转换
1. 直接转换 就是用新系统直接取代旧系统,中间没有
(1)确定用户的基本需求 (2)开发初始原型系统 (3)对原型进行评价 (4)修正和改进原型系统
图4-2 原型法示意图
表4-4 原型法的优缺点及适用范围
认识论上的突破 开发工具要求高
表4-5 三种开发方法的比较
结构化法 原型法 面向对象法
基于系统的生命周期理论,非常系 统、严谨,但开发周期较长,代价 大型系统开发 较大
7.23化学与资源综合利用 环境保护

第13页 共 128 页
2.(2009·山东理综)下列叙述错误的是( A.合金材料中可能含有非金属元素
B.人造纤维、合成纤维和光导纤维都是有机高分子化合物 C.加热能杀死流感病毒是因为病毒的蛋白质受热变性 D.在汽车排气管上加装“催化转化器”是为了减少有害气体 的排放 答案:B 解析:B选项中光导纤维的主要成分是SiO2,故B项错误。
学案23 化学与资源综合利用 环境保护
第1页 共 128 页
高考大纲 1.了解煤、石油和天然气等综合利用的意义。 2.了解能源是人类生存和社会发展的重要基础。 3.了解化学在解决能源危机中的重要作用。
第2页 共 128 页
考向预测 1.煤、石油和天然气的综合开发与应用,比较裂化与裂解、蒸馏 和干馏等工艺的区别。 2.环境污染与绿色化学。
第25页 共 128 页
(2)污染物的种类:重金属、酸、碱、盐等无机化合物;耗氧物质、 石油和难降解的有机物以及含磷洗涤剂等。 (3)防止和治理:控制污水的任意排放,用物理、化学、生物等方 法综合治理。
第11页 共 128 页
③加速建设地铁、轻轨等轨道交通,促进珠三角城市一体化发 展,减少汽车尾气排放 ④发展低碳经济、循环经济,推广可利用太阳能、风能的城市 照明系统 ⑤使用生物酶降解生活废水中的有机物,使用填埋法处理未 经分类的生活垃圾
第12页 共 128 页
A.①②③④ B.①②⑤ C.①②④⑤ D.③④⑤ 答案:A 解析:⑤中所述的内容与题干中所要求的“节能 减排”无关,故选A。
第30页 共 128 页
医院环境与常用物品 47页PPT文档

• 凡病人用过的医疗器材和物品,应先去污染,彻底清洗干 净,再消毒或灭菌; 洗---消
• 被朊毒体、气性坏疽及突发不明原因病原体感染病人用过 的医疗器械和物品,应先消毒后清洗,再消毒或灭菌。 消---洗----消
根据消毒因子的剂量(浓度)或强度和作用时间对微 生物的杀灭能力,将其分为四类。 • 灭菌 • 高水平消毒 • 中水平消毒 • 低水平消毒
这类物品是穿过皮肤或粘膜而进入无菌的组织或器官内部 的器材,或与破损的组织、皮肤、粘膜密切接触的器材和 用品。
例如;手术器械和用品、穿刺针、输血器材、输液器材、 注射的药物和液体、透析器、血液和血液制品、导尿管、 膀胱镜、腹腔镜、脏器移植物和活体组织检查钳等。
• 消毒的剂量 • 微生物污染的程度 • 温度 • 湿度 • pH • 化学拮抗物 • 穿透力 • 表面张力
消毒的剂量:消毒剂量是杀灭微生物的基本条件,它包括消 毒强度和时间两方面。消毒强度在热力消毒时是指温度高 低;在化学消毒时是指药物浓度;在紫外线消毒时是指紫 外线照射强度。一般来说,增加消毒处理强度能相应提高 消毒(杀菌)的速度;而减少消毒作用时间也会使消毒效 果降低。当然,如果消毒强度降低至一定程度,即使再延 长时间也达不到消毒目的。
• 清洁是消毒与灭菌的基础 • 清洗彻底是保证消毒或灭菌成功的关键 • 在有机物存在下对杀灭微生物的作用有明显影响,所以被
消毒物品必须清洗干净 • 热力或化学消毒方法,可造成污物中的蛋白质凝固,使得
污物与器械粘固得更牢,增加了器械的清洗难度,影响了 器械的清洗质量 • 保证每次清洗彻底,否则有机物附着在表面形成生物膜

破坏环境的英语作文Environmental destruction is a major issue that has become a global concern in recent times. It refers to the degradation of the natural environment, which includes air, water, and land. This problem has been caused by human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, pollution, and overpopulation. The consequences of environmental destruction are severe and far-reaching, affecting not only the environment but also human health and the economy.One of the main causes of environmental destruction is industrialization. The rapid growth of industries has led to the release of harmful gases and chemicals into the atmosphere, which have contributed to global warming and climate change. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, has also led to the emission of greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere and cause the Earth's temperature to rise. This has resulted in the melting of polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and extremeweather conditions.Deforestation is another major cause of environmental destruction. The cutting down of trees for timber, agriculture, and urbanization has led to the loss of biodiversity and the destruction of habitats for animals. Deforestation also contributes to climate change, as trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen. The loss of trees has led to an increase in carbon dioxide levels, which has further exacerbated the problem of global warming.Pollution is another significant cause of environmental destruction. The release of chemicals, waste, and sewage into the air, water, and soil has led to the contamination of natural resources. This has resulted in the death of aquatic life, the spread of diseases, and the degradation of soil quality. Pollution also affects human health, causing respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other diseases.Overpopulation is also a significant cause ofenvironmental destruction. The increase in the world's population has led to the depletion of natural resources, such as water and food. Overpopulation has also led to the destruction of habitats and the loss of biodiversity. This has resulted in the extinction of many species of plants and animals.The consequences of environmental destruction are severe and far-reaching. The degradation of the environment has led to the loss of biodiversity, the destruction of habitats, and the extinction of many species of plants and animals. It has also resulted in the spread of diseases, the contamination of natural resources, and the degradation of soil quality. Environmental destruction has also had a significant impact on the economy, as it has led to the loss of jobs and the decline of industries.In conclusion, environmental destruction is a major issue that requires urgent attention. It is caused by human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, pollution, and overpopulation. The consequences of environmental destruction are severe and far-reaching,affecting not only the environment but also human health and the economy. It is essential that we take immediate action to protect the environment and prevent further degradation. This can be achieved through the implementation of policies and initiatives that promote sustainable development and the protection of natural resources.。

环境遭到破坏的英文作文Environmental Destruction。
The environment is a precious resource that we all rely on for our survival. Unfortunately, it is also something that we take for granted and often abuse. Environmental destruction is a serious problem that affects us all, andit is something that we need to address if we want to ensure a healthy and sustainable future.One of the main causes of environmental destruction is pollution. This can take many forms, including airpollution from factories and vehicles, water pollution from industrial waste and agricultural runoff, and soilpollution from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Pollution not only harms the environment, but also has serious health consequences for humans and animals.Another major cause of environmental destruction is deforestation. This is the process of clearing forests foragricultural or commercial purposes, and it has a devastating impact on the environment. Forests are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, and they also play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate. When forests are destroyed, the soil is left exposed and vulnerable to erosion, and the loss of trees means that there is less carbon dioxide being absorbed from the atmosphere.Climate change is another major consequence of environmental destruction. This is caused by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels. Climate change has already caused significant damage to the environment, including rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, and the loss of biodiversity.So what can we do to address environmental destruction? One of the most important things we can do is to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. This means investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, and using public transportation or walking or biking instead of driving. Wecan also reduce our consumption of meat and dairy products, as the production of these foods is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.Another important step is to protect our forests and other natural habitats. This means supporting conservation efforts and reducing our use of products that are made from unsustainable sources, such as palm oil and paper.Finally, we need to reduce our consumption and waste overall. This means buying only what we need, reusing and recycling as much as possible, and avoiding single-use plastics and other disposable products.In conclusion, environmental destruction is a serious problem that affects us all. We need to take action to address this issue, both as individuals and as a society. By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, protecting our forests and other natural habitats, and reducing our consumption and waste, we can help to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.。

环境被我们破坏英语作文Title: The Destruction of Our Environment。
In the course of human progress and development, wehave often overlooked the consequences of our actions onthe environment. The relentless pursuit ofindustrialization, urbanization, and economic growth hasled to widespread environmental degradation. In this essay, we will delve into the various ways in which we have contributed to the destruction of our environment and explore potential solutions to mitigate this pressing issue.Firstly, the rapid expansion of industries has resulted in increased pollution levels. Factories release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to air pollution and global warming. This not only poses health risks to humans but also disturbs the delicate balance of ecosystems, causing irreversible damage to biodiversity.Furthermore, the excessive use of natural resources such as fossil fuels and deforestation has further exacerbated environmental degradation. Fossil fuel combustion not only contributes to air pollution but also intensifies climate change by releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Deforestation, on the other hand, disrupts ecosystems, destroys habitats, and reduces the planet's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.In addition to pollution and resource depletion, the rapid growth of urban areas has resulted in habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity. As cities expand, natural habitats are replaced by concrete jungles, leading to the displacement and extinction of numerous plant and animal species. This loss of biodiversity not only diminishes the aesthetic value of our planet but also weakens ecosystems, making them more susceptible to collapse.Moreover, our unsustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles have put immense pressure on the environment. The culture of consumerism has led to the production ofvast amounts of waste, much of which ends up in landfillsor polluting our oceans. Single-use plastics, in particular, have become a ubiquitous environmental hazard,contaminating marine life and ecosystems.However, despite the grim outlook, there is still hope for the future. Recognizing the urgent need for action, governments, organizations, and individuals around theworld are increasingly taking steps to addressenvironmental issues. Initiatives such as the Paris Agreement aim to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources.Furthermore, technological advancements offer promising solutions to environmental challenges. Renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are becoming increasingly cost-effective and accessible, providing viable alternatives to fossil fuels. Similarly, innovations in waste management and recycling hold the potential to reduce our ecological footprint and mitigate pollution.Education and awareness also play a crucial role in fostering environmental stewardship. By educating thepublic about the importance of conservation and sustainable living, we can empower individuals to make informed choices and take action to protect the environment. Encouraging sustainable practices such as recycling, composting, and reducing energy consumption can collectively make a significant difference in preserving our planet for future generations.In conclusion, the destruction of our environment is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention and concerted action. From pollution and resource depletion to habitat destruction and biodiversity loss, the consequences of our actions are far-reaching and profound. However, by embracing sustainable practices, harnessing technological innovations, and promoting environmental education, we can work towards a more harmonious relationship with nature and ensure a sustainable future for all.。

➢ 急性应激障碍
➢ 创伤后应激障碍 ➢ 居丧反应
➢ 重度抑郁
➢ 广泛性焦虑 ➢ 物质滥用
➢ 反应性抑郁症
➢ 其忧伤的情感与应激事件密切相关,在谈到伤心事时,则常哭泣、叹息、悔恨 ,有时自责,但经安慰劝说、心理疏导后情绪好转。
➢ 对于你所经历的痛苦和危险,我感到很难过。
➢ 你现在安全了(如果这个人确实是安全的)。 ➢ 这不是你的错。
➢ 你的反应是遇到不寻常的事件时的正常反应。
➢ 你有这样的感觉是很正常的,每个有类似经历的人都可能会 有很好的反应。
➢ 看到/听到/感受到/闻到这些一定很令人难过/痛苦。 ➢ 你现在的反应是正常的,你不会发疯的。 ➢ 事情可能不会一直是这样的,它会好起来的,而你也会好起来
➢ 滞纳与木僵
➢ 不协调性精神运动性兴奋:失控、歇斯底里发作
➢ 拒食、自伤、要求赔偿、反复告状 ➢ 酗酒与成瘾
➢ 侵入性思维 ➢ 认知歪曲与错误、自动负性思维
➢ 危险判断、决策能力下降、时间感失真 ➢ 分离症状:梦境、漫游
➢ 又称心理防御机制,是心理动力学派的基 本概念之一
➢ 痛苦期
➢ 否认期
➢ 侵入期
➢ 修复期
➢ 结束期
➢ 生理反应
➢ 心理反应