保单(Insurance Policy)
赔款(Claim Payment)
赔偿限额(Limit of Indemnity)
拒保(Decline to Insure)
解除保险(Cancellation of Insurance)
续保(Renewal of Insurance)
核保(Risk Assessment)
理赔(Claim Settlement)
等待期(Waiting Period)
保险期间(Policy Period)
保险责任(Insurance Liability)
rate making费率厘定
renewal commission续保佣金
【 I 】
Increased Value Clause见“增值条款”
Industrial Life Assurance见“简易人身保险”
Inherent Vice见“内在缺陷”
【 J 】
Joint Life Insurance见“联合人寿保险”
近因(Proximate Cause)
Insurance Agent见“保险代理人”
Insurance Amount见“保险金额”
Insurance Broker见“保险经纪人”
Insurance Certificate见“保险凭证”
Insurance Clauses见“保险条款”
Insurance Company见“保险公司”
Insurance Contract见“保险合同”
Insurance Fund见“保险基金”
Insurance Period见“保险期限”
Insurance Premium见“保险费”
Insurance Subject见“保险标的”
claim inveatigation理赔调查
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้policy 保单
proposer 投保人
proposal form投保协议书
policy holder保单持有人
凡采用FOB及CFR条件成交时,在买卖合同中,应订明由进口方投保(To be effected/covered by the Buyers)。
二保险单的分类(一)、保险单(Insurance Policy)俗称“大保单”,是正式的保险单据。
(二)、保险凭证(Insurance Certificate)这是一种简化的保险单,背面没有条款,与保险单具有同等法律效力。
保险单中英文术语1.Risks&Coverage险别(1)free from particular average(F.P.A.)平安险(2)with particular average(W.A.)水渍险(基本险)(3)all risk一切险(综合险)(4)total loss only(T.L.O.)全损险(5)war risk战争险(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款(7)additional risk附加险(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款(9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery(T.P.N.D.)盗窃提货不着险(10)rain fresh water damage淡水雨淋险(11)risk of shortage短量险(12)risk of contamination沾污险(13)risk of leakage渗漏险(14)risk of clashing&breakage碰损破碎险(15)risk of odour串味险(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating受潮受热险(17)hook damage钩损险(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险(19)risk of rusting锈损险(20)risk of mould发霉险(21)strike,riots and civel commotion(S.R.C.C.)罢工、暴动、民变险(22)risk of spontaneous combustion自燃险(23)deterioration risk腐烂变质险(24)inherent vice risk内在缺陷险(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk特别附加险(27)failure to delivery交货不到险(28)import duty进口关税险(29)on deck仓面险(30)rejection拒收险(31)aflatoxin黄曲霉素险(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong,including Kowloon,or Macao出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(33)survey in customs risk海关检验险(34)survey at jetty risk码头检验险(35)institute war risk学会战争险(36)overland transportation risks陆运险(37)overland transportation all risks陆运综合险(38)air transportation risk航空运输险(39)air transportation all risk航空运输综合险(40)air transportation war risk航空运输战争险(41)parcel post risk邮包险(42)parcel post all risk邮包综合险(43)parcel post war risk邮包战争险(44)investment insurance(political risks)投资保险(政治风险)(45)property insurance财产保险(46)erection all risks安装工程一切险(47)contractors all risks建筑工程一切险2.the stipulations for insurance保险条款(1)marine insurance policy海运保险单(2)specific policy单独保险单(3)voyage policy航程保险单(4)time policy期限保险单(5)floating policy(or open policy)流动保险单(6)ocean marine cargo clauses海洋运输货物保险条款(7)ocean marine insurance clauses(frozen products)海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款(8)ocean marine cargo war clauses海洋运输货物战争险条款(9)ocean marine insurance clauses(woodoil in bulk)海洋运输散装桐油保险条款(10)overland transportation insurance clauses(train,trucks)陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)(11)overland transportation insurance clauses(frozen products)陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款(12)air transportation cargo insurance clauses航空运输货物保险条款(13)air transportation cargo war risk clauses航空运输货物战争险条款(14)parcel post insurance clauses邮包保险条款(15)parcel post war risk insurance clauses邮包战争保险条款(16)livestock&poultry insurance clauses(by sea,land or air)活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款(17)…risks clauses of the P.I.C.C.subject to C.I.C.根据中国人民保险公司的保险条款投保……险(18)marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for110%full CIF invoice covering the risks of War&W.A.as per the People's Insurance Co.of China dated1/1/1976. with extended cover up to Kuala Lumpur with claims payable in(at) Kuala Lumpur in the currency of draft(irrespective of percentage)作为可议付格式的海运保险单或凭证按照到岸价的发票金额110%投保中国人民保险公司1976年1月1日的战争险和基本险,负责到吉隆坡为止。
常用保险术语(中英对照版本)航空货物运输保险 air cargo insurance以通过航空运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。
工程保险 engineering insurance;project insurance以工程项目中的财产及其赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
建筑工程保险 construction all risks insurance以在建工程的主体在整个工程建设期内,发生的与工程相关的物质损失、费用损失和赔偿责任为保险标的的工程保险。
安装工程保险 erection all risks insurance以各种机器设备在安装、调试期间内,发生的与机器设备相关的物质损失、费用损失和赔偿责任为保险标的的工程保险。
责任保险 liability insurance以被保险人对第三者依法应承担的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
公众责任保险 public liability insurance以被保险人在约定的地点范围内进行生产、经营或其他活动时,对因发生意外事故造成第三者人身伤亡或财产损失的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
雇主责任保险 employer's liability insurance以被保险人对其所雇佣的员工在受雇期间从事相关工作时因意外事故或患职业病导致伤残、死亡或其他损失的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
产品责任保险 product liability insurance以被保险人所生产、出售、加工、经销和弃置产品或商品,或被保险人完成工作或操作,在承保区域内造成事故,导致使用、消费或操作该产品或商品的人或其他人的人身伤亡或财产损失的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
保险责任 coverage保险合同中约定的,保险事故发生后应由保险人承担的赔偿或给付保险金的责任。
主险/基本险 main coverage可单独投保的保险产品。
附加险 rider不可单独投保而必须附加于主险或基本险,用来补充主险的保险范围的保险产品。
保险词汇和条款中英文对照insurance policy (or certificate) 保险单(或凭证)1.risks & coverage 险别(1)free from particular average (f.p.a.) 平安险(2)with particular average (w.a.) 水渍险(基本险)(3)all risk 一切险(综合险)(4)total loss only (t.l.o.) 全损险(5)war risk 战争险(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses 货物(扩展)条款(7)additional risk 附加险(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses 仓至仓条款(9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery (t.p.n.d.) 盗窃提货不着险(10)rain fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险(11)risk of shortage 短量险(12)risk of contamination 沾污险(13)risk of leakage 渗漏险(14)risk of clashing & breakage 碰损破碎险(15)risk of odour 串味险(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险(17)hook damage 钩损险(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing 包装破裂险(19)risk of rusting 锈损险(20)risk of mould 发霉险(21)strike, riots and civel commotion (s.r.c.c.) 罢工、暴动、民变险(22)risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险(23)deterioration risk 腐烂变质险(24)inherent vice risk 内在缺陷险(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss 途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk 特别附加险(27)failure to delivery 交货不到险(28)import duty 进口关税险(29)on deck 仓面险(30)rejection 拒收险(31)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination hongkong, including kowloon, or macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(33)survey in customs risk 海关检验险(34)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险(35)institute war risk 学会战争险(36)overland transportation risks 陆运险(37)overland transportation all risks 陆运综合险(38)air transportation risk 航空运输险(39)air transportation all risk 航空运输综合险(40)air transportation war risk 航空运输战争险(41)parcel post risk 邮包险(42)parcel post all risk 邮包综合险(43)parcel post war risk 邮包战争险(44)investment insurance(political risks) 投资保险(政治风险)(45)property insurance 财产保险(46)erection all risks 安装工程一切险(47)contractors all risks 建筑工程一切险2.the stipulations for insurance 保险条款(1)marine insurance policy 海运保险单(2)specific policy 单独保险单(3)voyage policy 航程保险单(4)time policy 期限保险单(5)floating policy (or open policy) 流动保险单(6)ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款(7)ocean marine insurance clauses (frozen products) 海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款(8)ocean marine cargo war clauses 海洋运输货物战争险条款(9)ocean marine insurance clauses (woodoil in bulk) 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款(10)overland transportation insurance clauses (train, trucks) 陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)(11)overland transportation insurance clauses (frozen products) 陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款(12)air transportation cargo insurance clauses 航空运输货物保险条款(13)air transportation cargo war risk clauses 航空运输货物战争险条款(14)parcel post insurance clauses 邮包保险条款(15)parcel post war risk insurance clauses 邮包战争保险条款(16)livestock & poultry insurance clauses (by sea, land or air)活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款(17)…risks clau ses of the p.i.c.c. subject to c.i.c.根据中国人民保险公司的保险条款投保……险(18)marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full cif invoice covering the risks of war & w.a. as per the people's insurance co. of china dated 1/1/1976. with exte nded cover up to kuala lumpur with claims payable in (at) kuala lumpur in the currency of draft (irrespective of percentage) 作为可议付格式的海运保险单或凭证按照到岸价的发票金额110%投保中国人民保险公司1976年1月1日的战争险和基本险,负责到吉隆坡为止。
保险业常用词汇中英文对照第一部分:保险承保业务1、一般保险原理保险insurance保险业insurance industry保险业务结构business structures保险业主体bodies in Insurance Industry被保险人insured 理赔claim settlement承保利润微薄underwriting profit is slight承保能力insurance capacity承保业务underwriting operation未决赔款储备金reserve IBRN大数法则Law of Large Numbers 营业额turnover市场缺陷market imperfections 社会保险social insurance 个人代理人personal agent银行保险bank insurance直销straight pin佣金brokerage手续费commission charges再保险reinsurance2、财产保险财产保险property insurance 长尾long-tail 长期护理保险long—term care insurance短尾short-tail综合赔付率combined ratio自留retention车险auto insurance财产保险property insurance责任保险liability insurance农业保险agricultural insurance巨灾保险catastrophe insurance意外伤害保险casualty accident insurance3、寿险词汇变额寿险variable life insurance 长寿保险insurance on last survivor 定期寿险term insurance 合同储蓄机构contractual saving institutions 红利dividend疾病保险sickness insurance 简易险industrial insurance 健康保险health insurance 巨额医药费保险major medical" insurance policy 可变保费寿险flexible —premium life insurance 利差损interest spread risk 利率敏感型产品interest—sensitive whole life 赔期/期限indemnity period/limit 普通寿险ordinary life insurance 人寿保险life insurance 预定利率市场化Market-based Assumed Interest Rate团险group insurance 限期缴费终身寿险limited —payment whole life insurance 养老保险endowment insurance医疗保险insurance for medical care 医疗费用保险medical expense insurance 终身寿险whole life insurance 准备金reserve伤残收入保险disability income insurance失能incapacity可变万能寿险Variable-universal life insurance可变年金Variable annuity评估价值Appraisal Value内含价值Embeded Value新业务价值Value of New Business税收优惠tax break税收递延型养老保险Deferred tax endowment insurance大病医疗保险Large quantity medical insurance分红保险Participating Insurance传统保险traditional insurance理财型保险financial planning oriented insurance投资连结寿险unit —linked life insurance4、保险偿付能力风险资本要求risk —based capital固定最低成本要求fixed minimum capital requirement保险偿付能力监管insurance solvency regulation保险监管信息系统Insurance Regulatory Information System财务分析跟踪系统Financial Analysis Tracking System偿付能力Solvency 偿付能力不足insolvent 认可资产admissible assets第二部分保险资产管理1、行业主体和监管保险资产管理insurance asset management 保险法insurance law保险资产管理公司insurance asset management company 中国人保集团People's Insurance Company of China(简称PICC)中国人保资产管理公司PICC Asset Management Company Limited 慕尼黑再保险资产管理公司Munich ERGO Asset Management GmbH (简称MEAG )中国保监会China Insurance Regulatory Commission (简称CIRC )保险投资“新政”innovation policies in insurance investment 可投资资产investable asset 投资公司法案Investment Company Act2、委托受托关系委托人client 受托人trustee 委托管理mandate 绝对收益absolute return 相对收益relative return3、组合管理大类资产配置assets allocation 战略资产配置Strategic Assets Allocation (简称SAA )战术资产配置Tactic Assets Allocation (简称TAA )流动性管理liquidity management 资产负债管理Asset-Liability Management (简称ALM )久期匹配duration matching 现金流匹配cash flow matching 一般账户general account独立账户separate account4、类别投资固定收益投资fixed -income investment 持有到期类资产held-to-maturity asset 交易类资产trading asset 可供出售类资产asset available for sale 股票投资equity investment 基金投资fund investment 另类投资alternative investment 境外投资overseas investment 基础设施债权计划infrastructure debt investment plan 未上市企业股权投资private equity investment 不动产投资real estate investment利率互换Interest Rate Swap (简称IRS)均值一方差分析the mean-variance method5、第三方业务财富管理wealth management第三方投资管理the third-party asset management企业年金occupational annuity养老金pension集合投资产品collective investment fund。
保险业常用词汇中英文对照第一部分:保险承保业务1、一般保险原理保险 insurance保险业insuranceindustry保险业务结构businessstructures保险业主体bodies in InsuranceIndustry被保险人 insured 理赔 claim settlement承保利润微薄underwriting profit is承保能力 insurance capacity承保业务underwriting operation未决赔款储备金 reserve IBRN大数法则 Law of Large Numbers 营业额 turnover市场缺陷 market imperfections 社会保险 social insurance个人代理人personal agent银行保险bank insurance直销straight pin佣金brokerage手续费commission charges再保险reinsurance2、财产保险财产保险 property insurance 长尾 long- tail 长期护理保险 long— term care insurance短尾 short- tail 综合赔付率 combined ratio自留 retention车险auto insurance财产保险property insurance责任保险liability insurance农业保险agricultural insurance巨灾保险catastropheinsurance意外伤害保险 casualty accident insurance3、寿险词汇变额寿险 variable life insurance 长寿保险 insurance on last survivor 定期寿险 term insurance 合同储蓄机构 contractual saving institutions 红利 dividend 疾病保险sicknessinsurance 简易险 industrial insurance 健康保险 health insurance 巨额医药费保险 major medical" insurance policy 可变保费寿险 flexible — premium life insurance 利差损 interest spread risk利率敏感型产品 interest— sensitive whole life 赔期/期限 indemnity period/limit 普通寿险 ordinary life insurance 人寿保险 life insurance 预定利率市场化Market-basedAssumed Interest Rate 团险 group insurance 限期缴费终身寿险 limited—payment whole life insurance 养老保险 endowment insurance医疗保险 insurance for medical care 医疗费用保险 medical expenseinsurance 终身寿险 whole life insurance 准备金 reserve伤残收入保险 disability income insurance 失能 incapacity可变万能寿险Variable-universal life insurance可变年金Variable annuity评估价值Appraisal Value内含价值Embeded Value新业务价值Value of New Business税收优惠tax break税收递延型养老保险 Deferred tax endowment insurance大病医疗保险Large quantity medical insurance分红保险Participating Insurance传统保险traditional insurance理财型保险financial planning oriented insurance投资连结寿险unit— linked life insurance4、保险偿付能力风险资本要求 risk— basedcapital固定最低成本要求fixed minimum capital requirement保险偿付能力监管insurancesolvency regulation保险监管信息系统Insurance Regulatory InformationSystem财务分析跟踪系统Financial Analysis Tracking System偿付能力Solvency偿付能力不足 insolvent认可资产admissible assets第二部分保险资产管理1、行业主体和监管保险资产管理insurance asset management保险法insurance law保险资产管理公司insurance assetmanagement company中国人保集团People'slnsuranee Company of China(简称PICC)中国人保资产管理公司PICC Asset Management Company Limited 慕尼黑再保险资产管理公司Munieh ERGO AssetManagement GmbH (简称MEAG )中国保监会Chi na In sura nee Regulatory Commissio n (简称CIRC)保险投资“新政” innovation polieies in insuranee investment可投资资产investable asset投资公司法案Investment Company Aet2、委托受托关系委托人elient受托人trustee委托管理mandate绝对收益absolute return相对收益relative return3、组合管理大类资产配置assetsalloeation战略资产配置Strategie Assets Alloeation (简称SAA )战术资产配置Taetie AssetsAlloeation (简称TAA )流动性管理liquidity management资产负债管理Asset-Liability Management (简称ALM )久期匹配duration matehing现金流匹配eash flow matehing一般账户general aeeount独立账户separateaccount 4、类别投资固定收益投资fixed -income investment 持有到期类资产held- to-maturity asset 交易类资产trading asset 可供出售类资产assetavailable for sale 股票投资equity investment 基金投资fund investment 另类投资alternative investment 境外投资overseas investment 基础设施债权计划infrastructure debt investment plan 未上市企业股权投资private equity investment 不动产投资real estateinvestment利率互换Interest Rate Swap (简称IRS)均值一方差分析the mean-variance method5、第三方业务财富管理wealth management第三方投资管理the third-party assetmanagement 企业年金occupational annuity 养老金pension集合投资产品collective investment fund。
第一部分:保险承保业务1、一般保险原理保险 insurance保险业 insurance industry保险业务结构 business structures保险业主体 bodies in Insurance Industry 被保险人 insured理赔claim settlement承保利润微薄 underwriting profit is slight 承保能力insurance capacity承保业务 underwriting operation未决赔款储备金 reserve IBRN大数法则 Law of Large Numbers营业额turnover市场缺陷 market imperfections社会保险social insurance个人代理人 personal agent银行保险 bank insurance直销 straight pin佣金 brokerage手续费 commission charges再保险 reinsurance2、财产保险财产保险property insurance长尾long-tail长期护理保险long—term care insurance短尾short-tail综合赔付率combined ratio自留retention车险 auto insurance财产保险 property insurance责任保险 liability insurance农业保险 agricultural insurance巨灾保险 catastrophe insurance意外伤害保险 casualty accident insurance3、寿险词汇变额寿险 variable life insurance长寿保险insurance on last survivor定期寿险term insurance合同储蓄机构 contractual saving institutions 红利 dividend疾病保险sickness insurance简易险 industrial insurance健康保险health insurance巨额医药费保险major medical" insurance policy 可变保费寿险 flexible—premium life insurance 利差损 interest spread risk利率敏感型产品 interest—sensitive whole life 赔期/期限indemnity period/limit普通寿险 ordinary life insurance人寿保险life insurance预定利率市场化 Market-based Assumed Interest Rate 团险group insurance限期缴费终身寿险 limited—payment whole life insurance 养老保险endowment insurance医疗保险insurance for medical care医疗费用保险medical expense insurance终身寿险whole life insurance准备金reserve伤残收入保险 disability income insurance失能 incapacity可变万能寿险 Variable-universal life insurance可变年金 Variable annuity评估价值 Appraisal Value内含价值 Embeded Value新业务价值 Value of New Business税收优惠 tax break税收递延型养老保险Deferred tax endowment insurance大病医疗保险Large quantity medical insurance分红保险 Participating Insurance传统保险 traditional insurance理财型保险 financial planning oriented insurance投资连结寿险 unit—linked life insurance4、保险偿付能力风险资本要求risk—based capital固定最低成本要求 fixed minimum capital requirement 保险偿付能力监管insurance solvency regulation保险监管信息系统 Insurance Regulatory Information System财务分析跟踪系统 Financial Analysis Tracking System 偿付能力 Solvency偿付能力不足 insolvent认可资产 admissible assets第二部分保险资产管理1、行业主体和监管保险资产管理 insurance asset management保险法insurance law保险资产管理公司 insurance asset management company中国人保集团 People's Insurance Company of China(简称 PICC)中国人保资产管理公司 PICC Asset Management Company Limited慕尼黑再保险资产管理公司 Munich ERGO Asset Management GmbH(简称MEAG)中国保监会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission(简称CIRC)保险投资“新政” innovation policies in insurance investment可投资资产 investable asset投资公司法案 Investment Company Act2、委托受托关系委托人 client受托人 trustee委托管理 mandate绝对收益 absolute return相对收益 relative return3、组合管理大类资产配置 assets allocation战略资产配置 Strategic Assets Allocation(简称SAA)战术资产配置 Tactic Assets Allocation(简称TAA)流动性管理 liquidity management资产负债管理 Asset-Liability Management(简称ALM)久期匹配 duration matching现金流匹配 cash flow matching一般账户 general account独立账户 separate account4、类别投资固定收益投资 fixed-income investment持有到期类资产 held-to-maturity asset交易类资产 trading asset可供出售类资产 asset available for sale股票投资 equity investment基金投资 fund investment另类投资 alternative investment境外投资 overseas investment基础设施债权计划 infrastructure debt investment plan 未上市企业股权投资 private equity investment不动产投资 real estate investment利率互换 Interest Rate Swap(简称IRS)均值一方差分析 the mean-variance method5、第三方业务财富管理wealth management第三方投资管理 the third-party asset management企业年金 occupational annuity养老金 pension集合投资产品 collective investment fund。
保险基术语中英对照保险基术语中英对照【 A 】Abandonment 见"委付" / Actual Total Loss 见"实际全损" / All Risks 见"一切险"Annuities Insurance 见"年金保险" / Applicant 见"投保人" / Application 见"投保单" Automatic Premium Loan 见"自动垫交保险费贷款" / Approved 见"承保"安装工程一切险(Erection All Risks Insurance)【 B 】Beneficiary 见"受益人" / Binder, Binding Slip 见"暂保单" / 保险(Insurance)保险法(Law of Insurance)/ 保险基金(Insurance Fond)/ 保险公司(Insurance Company)保险保障基金(Insurance Protection Fond)/ 保险合同(Insurance Contract)/ 保险单(Policy)保险凭证(Insurance Certificate)/ 保险条款(Insurance Clauses)/ 保险标的(Insurance Subject)保险金额(Insured Amount)/ 保险价值(InsuredValue)/ 保险期限(Insurance Period)保险费(Insurance Premium)/ 保险费率(Premium Rate)/ 保险人(Insurer)保险代理人(Insurance Agent)/ 保险经纪人(Insurance Broker)/ 被保险人((Insured)保险公估人(Insurance Assessor)/ 补偿原则(Principle of Compensation)不定值保险(Unvalued Insurance)【 C 】Cash Loss 见"现金赔款" / Cash Value 见"现金价值" / Co-insurance 见"共同保险" Constructive Total Loss 见"推定全损" / 纯粹危险(Pure Risk)/ 偿付能力(Solvency)重复保险(Multiple Insurance)/ 重置价值保险(Reinstatement Value Insurance))承保(Approved,To Cover)/ 财产保险(Property Insurance)产品质量保证保险(Product Quality Bond Insurance)产品责任保险(Product Liability Insurance)【 D 】Dividend System 见"红利制度" / DualValuation Clause 见"双重价值条款"大数法则(Law of Large Numbers)/ 代位求偿权(Subrogation Right)定值保险(Valued Insurance)/ 第一损失保险(First Loss Insurance)盗窃保险(theft insurance)/ 定期寿险(Term Insurance)定期生存保险(Pure Endowments)【 E 】Endowment Assurance 见"生死两全保险" / Endorsement 见"批单"Extraneous Risks 见"附加险" / Erection All Risks Insurance 见"安装工程一切险"Excess of Loss Ratio Reinsurance 见"超率赔款再保险" / Extra Charges 见"额外费用" Excess of Loss Reinsurance 见"超额赔款再保险"【 F 】Facultative Reinsurance 见"临时再保险" / Fidelity Bond 见"忠诚保证保险"Fire Insurance 见"火灾保险" / First Loss Insurance 见"第一损失保险"Free from Particular Average 见"平安险" / Freight Insurance 见"运费保险"飞机保险(Aircraft insurance)/ 复效(Reinstate)【G 】Grace Period 见"宽限期" / Group Life Accident Insurance 见"团体人身意外伤害保险"Group Life Insurance 见"团体人身保险" / 过失责任(fault liability)公众责任保险(Public Liability Insurance)【H 】Hazard 见"危险因素" / Health Insurance 见"疾病保险" / Hull Insurance 见"船舶保险")【I 】Increased Value Clause见“增值条款”/ Increased Value Insurance见“增值保险”Inherent Vice见“内在缺陷” / Insurance Amount 见“保险金额” / Insured见“被保险人”Insurance Certificate见“保险凭证”/ Insurance Clauses见“保险条款”Insurance Fund见“保险基金”/ Insurance Period见“保险期限”【J 】Joint Life Insurance见“联合人寿保险”/ 近因(Proximate Cause)/ 救助费用(Salvage Charge)家庭财产保险(Property Insurance for Home)【L 】利润损失险(Profit Loss Insurance)/劳工保险和雇主责任保险(Workers Compensation and Employer Liability Insurance)【M 】Marine Insurance见“海上保险”/ Multiple Insurance见“重复保险”【N 】Natural Premium见“自然纯保费”【O 】Outstanding Loss Reserve见“未决赔款准备金”【P 】Peril见“危险事故” / Personal Pension Annuities 见“退休年金保险” / Pure Risk见“纯粹危险”Personal Insurance见“人身保险”/ 平均余命(Life Expectancy)Property Insurance for Enterprise见“企业财产保险”Property Insurance for Home见“家庭财产保险”Protection and Indemnity Insurance见“保障与赔偿责任保险”Pure Endowments见“定期生存保险”/ 平安险(Free from Particular Average)【R 】Reinstatement Value Insurance见“重置价值保险” / Reinsurance见“再保险”Risk Management见“危险管理”/ Risk Unit见“危险单位” / 人寿保险(Life Insurance)人身意外伤害保险(Life Accident Insurance)/ 人寿保险精算师(Life Insurance Actuary)人寿保险责任准备金(Life Insurance Reserve)【S 】双重价值条款(Dual Valuation Clause) / 损失率(Loss Ratio)/ 索赔(Claim)施救费用(Sue and Labor Expenses)/ 生死两全保险(Endowment Assurance)生命表(Life Table)【T 】Term Insurance见“定期寿险”/退保(To Cancel)/ 投保单(Application)投保人(Applicant)/ 退休年金保险(Personal Pension Annuities)团体人身保险(Group Life Insurance)/团体人身意外伤害保险(Group Life Accident Insurance)【U 】Unearned Premium Reserve见“未到期责任准备金” / Unvalued Insurance见“不定值保险”Utmost Good Faith见“最大诚信”【V 】Valued Insurance见“定值保险”【W 】Waiver and Estelle见“弃权与禁止反言” / Whole Life Insurance见“终身寿险”【X 】信用保险(Credit Insurance) / 现金价值(Cash Value)/ 现金赔款(Cash Loss)【Y 】一切险(all risks)【Z 】增值条款(increased value clause) / 增值保险(Increased Value Insurance) / 主险(main risks) 自然纯保费(Natural Premium)/ 自动垫交保险费贷款(Automatic Premium Loan)自杀条款(Suicide Clauses)保险专业词汇insure保险;投保;保证;/ insurance保险;保险费;保险金额;insurance company 保险公司;/ underwriters 保险商(指专保水险的保险商)保险承运人;insurer 保险人;/ insurance broker 保险经纪人;/ insurance underwriter 保险承保人;insurance applicant 投保人;/ insurant, the insured 被保险人,受保人;to cover (effect, arrange, take out) insurance 投保;/ insurance business 保险企业;insurance coverage; risks covered 保险范围/ insurance slip投保单;insured amount 保险金额;/ insurance against risk保险;/ insurance clause保险条款;insurance instruction 投保通知;/ insurance conditions 保险条件 / risk 险别;PICC (People’s Insurance Company of China) 中国人民保险公司;risk insured, risk covered 承保险项;/ to provide the insurance 为...提供保险;leaflet 说明书;/ fine print 细则;/ insurance expense保险费;/ premium rate保险费率;premium保险费;/ insurance rate 保险费率表;/ insurance proceeds 保险金(保险收入);insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA) 平安险(单独海损不赔);insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks, insurance against all risks 综合险,应保一切险;/ risk of breakage破碎险;/ risk of clashing 碰损险;/ risk of rust 生锈险;risk of hook damage钩损险;/ risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险;insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险;/ risk of deterioration变质险;risk of packing breakage包装破裂险;/ risk of inherent vice内在缺陷险;risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险;/ insurance against war risk战争险;risk of spontaneous combustion自然险;/ risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险;Air Transportation Cargo War Risk航空运输战争险;/ All Risks 一切险;Overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险;/ average 海损;insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险;insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险;risk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险;/ Marine Losses 海损;risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险;/ risk ofleakage渗漏险;risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险;/ risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险;risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险;/ risk of mould发霉险;on deck risk 舱面险;/ ocean marine cargo insurance clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款;transportation insurance运输保险;/ parcel post insurance 邮包运输保险;overland transportation insurance, land transit insurance 陆上运输保险;insurance against air risk, air transportation insurance 航空运输保险;ocean marine cargo insurance, marine insurance 水险(海运货物保险);Particular Average (P.A) 单独海损;/ General Average (G.A) 共同海损;;partial loss部分损失;/ total loss 全部损失;/ health insurance疾病保险,健康保险;sickness insurance 疾病保险;/ insurance for medical care医疗保险;"major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险;/ life insurance人寿保险;insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险;/ endowment insurance养老保险;insurance on last survivor 长寿保险;/ to purchase health insurance购买健康保险;to have a health insurance policy 购买健康保险;/ policy-holder保险客户;extra premium额外保险费;/ additional premium 附加保险费;/insurance law 保险法;insurance act 保险条例;/ insurance industry 保险业;/ insurance division 保险部;insurance treaty 保险合同;/ cover note保险证明书;/ guarantee of insurance 保险担保书;premium rebate 保险费回扣;/ insurance claim保险索赔;/ reinsurance 分保(再保险);ceding, retrocession (for reinsurance) 分保;/ ceding (insurance) company 分保公司co-insurance company 共同保险公司;/insurance document 保险单据;certificate of insurance 保险凭证;/ increasing coverage, extending coverage 加保;renewing coverage 续保;/ insurance commission保险佣金;/ social insurance社会保险;personal property insurance个人财产保险;/ insurance of contents家庭财产保险;保险基本概念词典保证保险: 保证保险是在被保证人的作为或不作为致使被保险人(权利人)遭受经济损失时,由保险人来承担经济赔偿责任的保险。
常用保险术语保险费率 premium rate单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。
损失 loss非故意的、非预期的和非计划的经济价值的减少或灭失。
损失程度 loss severity保险标的可能遭受的损失的严重程度。
直接损失 direct loss由风险事故导致的财产本身的损失。
间接损失 indirect loss由直接损失引起的额外费用损失、收入损失和责任损失等无形损失。
保险 insurance投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。
财产保险 property insurance以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。
企业财产保险 commercial property insurance以单位、团体所有或占有的在指定地点的财产及其有关利益为保险标的的财产保险。
营业中断保险 business interruption insurance以单位因停产、停业或经营受影响而面临的预期利润的减少及必要的费用支出为保险标的的财产保险。
机器损坏保险 machinery breakdown insurance以各类已安装完毕并投入运行的机器为保险标的财产保险。
货物运输保险 cargo insurance以运输途中的货物为保险标的保险。
海上货物运输保险 ocean marine cargo insurance以通过海上运输方式运输的货物作为保险标的的保险。
陆上货物运输保险 inland transit insurance以通过陆上运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。
航空货物运输保险 air cargo insurance以通过航空运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。
工程保险 engineering insurance;project insurance以工程项目中的财产及其赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
一切(危)险 一揽子保单 人寿保险 工程保险 已灭失或未灭失 已赚保费 无效果,无报酬 无赔款折扣 开口保险单 不计免赔额 不可抗力 不定值保单 水险 内在缺陷 内陆运输保单 从属损失 仓至仓条款 公众责任保险 公估人 风险 分出公司 毛保费 反担保 水渍险 平安险 未决赔款 分摊 未能送达 可预期的最大损失 出面公司 申报保险单 代位求偿 代理人 汉堡规则 加保 加保费 协议全损 (通融全损) 协会条款 再保险 再保险集团 共同保险 共同海损 共同海损理算 成本加运费价格 成本加保险费 扣船 优先再保险 仲裁 延带费 自负额 自留额 合同 合同再保险 自愿保险 产品责任 冰雹 安装工程一切险
日本語 オールリスク 総合保険証券、パッケージ保険証券 生命保険 工事保険 滅失と否とを問わず 既経過保険料 不成功無報酬 無事故戻し 包括予定保険証券 免責歩合に拘らず 不可抗力 評価未済保険証券 海上保険 固有の欠陥 運送保険 間接損害 倉庫間約款 施設賠償責任保険 評価人 危険 出再保険会社 総保険料 裏保証 分損担保 分損不担保 未払保険金 分担 不着 P.M.L. フロンティング会社 通知保険 代位求償 代理人、代理店 ハンブルグ ルール (保険金額の)増額 追加保険料 協定全損
额外费用 履约保证 默示保证 爆炸 潜在缺点
法律上的义务支付 法律上的赔偿责任
保险 保险委付
insurer certificate of insurance subject-matter of insurance recovery sue and labor charges to cancel excluded liability claim breakage lien total loss of part FOB Hague-Visby rules sea protest pirates floating policy open cover settlement of claims claim settling agent adjuster survey business interruption insurance aflatoxin constructive total loss third party liability insurance T.P.N.D deviation protection and indemnity association classification of ships marine hull insurance commodity inspection bill of lading stranding loss ratio indemnity loss,claim utmost good faith rust voyage charter shortage container ship employer's liability compulsory insurance negligence embargo collision accident insurance casualty insurance extra charges performance bond implied warranty explosion latent defect
1.Risks & Coverage险别(1)free from particular average (F.P.A.)平安险(2)with particular average (W.A.)水渍险(基本险)(3)all risk 一切险(综合险)(4)total loss only (T.L.O.) 全损险(5)war risk 战争险(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款(7)additional risk 附加险(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款(9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery (T.P.N.D.)盗窃提货不着险(10)rain fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险(11)risk of shortage 短量险(12)risk of contamination 沾污险(13)risk of leakage 渗漏险(14)risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险(15)risk of odour 串味险(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险(17)hook damage 钩损险(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险(19)risk of rusting 锈损险(20)risk of mould 发霉险(21)strike, riots and civel commotion (S.R.C.C.) 罢工、暴动、民变险(22)risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险(23)deterioration risk 腐烂变质险(24)inherent vice risk 内在缺陷险(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk 特别附加险(27)failure to delivery 交货不到险(28)import duty 进口关税险(29)on deck 仓面险(30)rejection 拒收险(31)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(33)survey in customs risk 海关检验险(34)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险(35)institute war risk 学会战争险(36)overland transportation risks陆运险(37)overland transportation all risks陆运综合险(38)air transportation risk 航空运输险(39)air transportation all risk 航空运输综合险(40)air transportation war risk 航空运输战争险(41)parcel post risk 邮包险(42)parcel post all risk 邮包综合险(43)parcel post war risk 邮包战争险(44)investment insurance(political risks) 投资保险(政治风险)(45)property insurance 财产保险(46)erection all risks 安装工程一切险(47)contractors all risks 建筑工程一切险2.the stipulations for insurance 保险条款(1)marine insurance policy 海运保险单(2)specific policy单独保险单(3)voyage policy 航程保险单(4)time policy期限保险单(5)floating policy (or open policy) 流动保险单(6)ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款(7)ocean marine insurance clauses (frozen products)海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款(8)ocean marine cargo war clauses 海洋运输货物战争险条款(9)ocean marine insurance clauses (woodoil in bulk) 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款(10)overland transportation insurance clauses (train, trucks) 陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)(11)overland transportation insurance clauses (frozen products)陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款(12)air transportation cargo insurance clauses 航空运输货物保险条款(13)air transportation cargo war risk clauses 航空运输货物战争险条款(14)parcel post insurance clauses 邮包保险条款(15)parcel post war risk insurance clauses 邮包战争保险条款(16)livestock & poultry insurance clauses (by sea, land or air)活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款(17)…r isks clauses of the P.I.C.C. subject to C.I.C.根据中国人民保险公司的保险条款投保……险(18)marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full CIF invoice covering the risks of War & W.A. as per the People's Insurance Co. of China dated 1/1/1976. with extended cover up to Kuala Lumpur with claims payable in (at) Kuala Lumpur in the currency of draft (irrespective of percentage)作为可议付格式的海运保险单或凭证按照到岸价的发票金额110%投保中国人民保险公司1976年1月1日的战争险和基本险,负责到吉隆坡为止。
保险业常用词汇中英文对照第一部分:保险承保业务1、一般保险原理保险 insurance保险业 insurance industry保险业务结构 business structures保险业主体 bodies in Insurance Industry被保险人 insured理赔claim settlement承保利润微薄 underwriting profit is slight~承保能力insurance capacity承保业务 underwriting operation未决赔款储备金 reserve IBRN大数法则 Law of Large Numbers营业额turnover市场缺陷 market imperfections社会保险social insurance个人代理人 personal agent银行保险 bank insurance直销 straight pin…佣金 brokerage手续费 commission charges再保险 reinsurance2、财产保险财产保险property insurance长尾long-tail长期护理保险long—term care insurance短尾short-tail综合赔付率combined ratio,自留retention车险 auto insurance财产保险 property insurance责任保险 liability insurance农业保险 agricultural insurance巨灾保险 catastrophe insurance意外伤害保险 casualty accident insurance3、寿险词汇变额寿险 variable life insurance…长寿保险insurance on last survivor定期寿险term insurance合同储蓄机构 contractual saving institutions红利 dividend疾病保险sickness insurance简易险 industrial insurance健康保险health insurance巨额医药费保险major medical" insurance policy可变保费寿险 flexible—premium life insurance利差损 interest spread risk《利率敏感型产品 interest—sensitive whole life赔期/期限indemnity period/limit普通寿险 ordinary life insurance人寿保险life insurance预定利率市场化 Market-based Assumed Interest Rate 团险group insurance限期缴费终身寿险 limited—payment whole life insurance 养老保险endowment insurance医疗保险insurance for medical care医疗费用保险medical expense insurance~终身寿险whole life insurance准备金reserve伤残收入保险 disability income insurance失能 incapacity可变万能寿险 Variable-universal life insurance可变年金 Variable annuity评估价值 Appraisal Value内含价值 Embeded Value新业务价值 Value of New Business税收优惠 tax break、税收递延型养老保险Deferred tax endowment insurance大病医疗保险Large quantity medical insurance分红保险 Participating Insurance传统保险 traditional insurance理财型保险 financial planning oriented insurance投资连结寿险 unit—linked life insurance4、保险偿付能力风险资本要求risk—based capital固定最低成本要求 fixed minimum capital requirement`保险偿付能力监管insurance solvency regulation保险监管信息系统 Insurance Regulatory Information System财务分析跟踪系统 Financial Analysis Tracking System偿付能力 Solvency偿付能力不足 insolvent认可资产 admissible assets第二部分保险资产管理1、行业主体和监管)保险资产管理 insurance asset management保险法insurance law保险资产管理公司 insurance asset management company中国人保集团 People's Insurance Company of China(简称 PICC)中国人保资产管理公司 PICC Asset Management Company Limited慕尼黑再保险资产管理公司 Munich ERGO Asset Management GmbH(简称MEAG)中国保监会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission(简称CIRC)保险投资“新政” innovation policies in insurance investment可投资资产 investable asset投资公司法案 Investment Company Act$2、委托受托关系委托人 client受托人 trustee委托管理 mandate绝对收益 absolute return相对收益 relative return3、组合管理大类资产配置 assets allocation[战略资产配置 Strategic Assets Allocation(简称SAA)战术资产配置 Tactic Assets Allocation(简称TAA)流动性管理 liquidity management资产负债管理 Asset-Liability Management(简称ALM)久期匹配 duration matching现金流匹配 cash flow matching一般账户 general account独立账户 separate account4、类别投资{固定收益投资 fixed-income investment持有到期类资产 held-to-maturity asset交易类资产 trading asset可供出售类资产 asset available for sale股票投资 equity investment基金投资 fund investment另类投资 alternative investment境外投资 overseas investment基础设施债权计划 infrastructure debt investment plan 未上市企业股权投资 private equity investment不动产投资 real estate investment利率互换 Interest Rate Swap(简称IRS)均值一方差分析 the mean-variance method5、第三方业务财富管理wealth management第三方投资管理 the third-party asset management企业年金 occupational annuity养老金 pension集合投资产品 collective investment fund。
常用保险术语保险费率premium rate单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。
损失程度loss severity保险标的可能遭受的损失的严重程度。
直接损失direct loss由风险事故导致的财产本身的损失。
间接损失indirect loss由直接损失引起的额外费用损失、收入损失和责任损失等无形损失。
财产保险property insurance以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。
企业财产保险commercial property insurance以单位、团体所有或占有的在指定地点的财产及其有关利益为保险标的的财产保险。
营业中断保险business interruption insurance以单位因停产、停业或经营受影响而面临的预期利润的减少及必要的费用支出为保险标的的财产保险。
机器损坏保险machinery breakdown insurance以各类已安装完毕并投入运行的机器为保险标的财产保险。
货物运输保险cargo insurance以运输途中的货物为保险标的保险。
海上货物运输保险ocean marine cargo insurance以通过海上运输方式运输的货物作为保险标的的保险。
陆上货物运输保险inland transit insurance以通过陆上运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。
航空货物运输保险air cargo insurance以通过航空运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。
工程保险engineering insurance;project insurance以工程项目中的财产及其赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
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保险基术语中英对照【A 】Abandonment 见"委付" / Actual Total Loss 见"实际全损" / All Risks 见"一切险"Annuities Insurance 见"年金保险" / Applicant 见"投保人" / Application 见"投保单" Automatic Premium Loan 见"自动垫交保险费贷款" / Approved 见"承保"安装工程一切险(Erection All Risks Insurance)【B 】Beneficiary 见"受益人" / Binder, Binding Slip 见"暂保单" / 保险(Insurance)保险法(Law of Insurance)/ 保险基金(Insurance Fond)/ 保险公司(Insurance Company)保险保障基金(Insurance Protection Fond)/ 保险合同(Insurance Contract)/ 保险单(Policy)保险凭证(Insurance Certificate)/ 保险条款(Insurance Clauses)/ 保险标的(Insurance Subject)保险金额(Insured Amount)/ 保险价值(Insured Value)/ 保险期限(Insurance Period)保险费(Insurance Premium)/ 保险费率(Premium Rate)/ 保险人(Insurer)保险代理人(Insurance Agent)/ 保险经纪人(Insurance Broker)/ 被保险人((Insured)保险公估人(Insurance Assessor)/ 补偿原则(Principle of Compensation)不定值保险(Unvalued Insurance)【C 】Cash Loss 见"现金赔款" / Cash Value 见"现金价值" / Co-insurance 见"共同保险" Constructive Total Loss 见"推定全损" / 纯粹危险(Pure Risk)/ 偿付能力(Solvency)重复保险(Multiple Insurance)/ 重置价值保险(Reinstatement Value Insurance))承保(Approved,To Cover)/ 财产保险(Property Insurance)产品质量保证保险(Product Quality Bond Insurance)产品责任保险(Product Liability Insurance)【D 】Dividend System 见"红利制度" / Dual Valuation Clause 见"双重价值条款"大数法则(Law of Large Numbers)/ 代位求偿权(Subrogation Right)定值保险(Valued Insurance)/ 第一损失保险(First Loss Insurance)盗窃保险(theft insurance)/ 定期寿险(Term Insurance)定期生存保险(Pure Endowments)【E 】Endowment Assurance 见"生死两全保险" / Endorsement 见"批单"Extraneous Risks 见"附加险" / Erection All Risks Insurance 见"安装工程一切险"Excess of Loss Ratio Reinsurance 见"超率赔款再保险" / Extra Charges 见"额外费用"Excess of Loss Reinsurance 见"超额赔款再保险"【F 】Facultative Reinsurance 见"临时再保险" / Fidelity Bond 见"忠诚保证保险"Fire Insurance 见"火灾保险" / First Loss Insurance 见"第一损失保险"Free from Particular Average 见"平安险" / Freight Insurance 见"运费保险"飞机保险(Aircraft insurance)/ 复效(Reinstate)【G 】Grace Period 见"宽限期" / Group Life Accident Insurance 见"团体人身意外伤害保险"Group Life Insurance 见"团体人身保险" / 过失责任(fault liability)公众责任保险(Public Liability Insurance)【H 】Hazard 见"危险因素" / Health Insurance 见"疾病保险" / Hull Insurance 见"船舶保险")【I 】Increased Value Clause见“增值条款” / Increased Value Insurance见“增值保险”Inherent Vice见“内在缺陷” / Insurance Amount见“保险金额” / Insured见“被保险人”Insurance Certificate见“保险凭证” / Insurance Clauses见“保险条款”Insurance Fund见“保险基金” / Insurance Period见“保险期限”【J 】Joint Life Insurance见“联合人寿保险” / 近因(Proximate Cause)/ 救助费用(Salvage Charge)家庭财产保险(Property Insurance for Home)【L 】利润损失险(Profit Loss Insurance)/劳工保险和雇主责任保险(Workers Compensation and Employer Liability Insurance)【M 】Marine Insurance见“海上保险” / Multiple Insurance见“重复保险”【N 】Natural Premium见“自然纯保费”【O 】Outstanding Loss Reserve见“未决赔款准备金”【P 】Peril见“危险事故” / Personal Pension Annuities见“退休年金保险” / Pure Risk见“纯粹危险”Personal Insurance见“人身保险” / 平均余命(Life Expectancy)Property Insurance for Enterprise见“企业财产保险”Property Insurance for Home见“家庭财产保险”Protection and Indemnity Insurance见“保障与赔偿责任保险”Pure Endowments见“定期生存保险” / 平安险(Free from Particular Average)【R 】Reinstatement Value Insurance见“重置价值保险” / Reinsurance见“再保险”Risk Management见“危险管理” / Risk Unit见“危险单位” / 人寿保险(Life Insurance)人身意外伤害保险(Life Accident Insurance)/ 人寿保险精算师(Life Insurance Actuary)人寿保险责任准备金(Life Insurance Reserve)【S 】双重价值条款(Dual Valuation Clause) / 损失率(Loss Ratio)/ 索赔(Claim)施救费用(Sue and Labor Expenses)/ 生死两全保险(Endowment Assurance)生命表(Life Table)【T 】Term Insurance见“定期寿险” /退保(To Cancel)/ 投保单(Application)投保人(Applicant)/ 退休年金保险(Personal Pension Annuities)团体人身保险(Group Life Insurance)/团体人身意外伤害保险(Group Life Accident Insurance)【U 】Unearned Premium Reserve见“未到期责任准备金” / Unvalued Insurance见“不定值保险”Utmost Good Faith见“最大诚信”【V 】Valued Insurance见“定值保险”【W 】Waiver and Estelle见“弃权与禁止反言” / Whole Life Insurance见“终身寿险”【X 】信用保险(Credit Insurance) / 现金价值(Cash Value)/ 现金赔款(Cash Loss)【Y 】一切险(all risks)【Z 】增值条款(increased value clause) / 增值保险(Increased Value Insurance) / 主险(main risks)自然纯保费(Natural Premium)/ 自动垫交保险费贷款(Automatic Premium Loan)自杀条款(Suicide Clauses)保险专业词汇insure保险;投保;保证;/ insurance保险;保险费;保险金额;insurance company 保险公司;/ underwriters 保险商(指专保水险的保险商)保险承运人;insurer 保险人;/ insurance broker 保险经纪人;/ insurance underwriter 保险承保人;insurance applicant 投保人;/ insurant, the insured 被保险人,受保人;to cover (effect, arrange, take out) insurance 投保;/ insurance business 保险企业;insurance coverage; risks covered 保险范围/ insurance slip投保单;insured amount 保险金额;/ insurance against risk保险;/ insurance clause保险条款;insurance instruction 投保通知;/ insurance conditions 保险条件 / risk 险别;PICC (People’s Insurance Company of China) 中国人民保险公司;risk insured, risk covered 承保险项;/ to provide the insurance 为...提供保险;leaflet 说明书;/ fine print 细则;/ insurance expense保险费;/ premium rate保险费率;premium保险费;/ insurance rate 保险费率表;/ insurance proceeds 保险金(保险收入);insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA) 平安险(单独海损不赔);insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks, insurance against all risks 综合险,应保一切险;/ risk of breakage破碎险;/ risk of clashing 碰损险;/ risk of rust 生锈险;risk of hook damage钩损险;/ risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险;insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险;/ risk of deterioration变质险;risk of packing breakage包装破裂险;/ risk of inherent vice内在缺陷险;risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险;/ insurance against war risk战争险;risk of spontaneous combustion自然险;/ risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险;Air Transportation Cargo War Risk航空运输战争险;/ All Risks 一切险;Overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险;/ average 海损;insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险;insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险;risk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险;/ Marine Losses 海损;risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险;/ risk of leakage渗漏险;risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险;/ risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险;risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险;/ risk of mould发霉险;on deck risk 舱面险;/ ocean marine cargo insurance clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款;transportation insurance运输保险;/ parcel post insurance 邮包运输保险;overland transportation insurance, land transit insurance 陆上运输保险;insurance against air risk, air transportation insurance 航空运输保险;ocean marine cargo insurance, marine insurance 水险(海运货物保险);Particular Average (P.A) 单独海损;/ General Average (G.A) 共同海损;;partial loss部分损失;/ total loss 全部损失;/ health insurance疾病保险,健康保险;sickness insurance 疾病保险;/ insurance for medical care医疗保险;"major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险;/ life insurance人寿保险;insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险;/ endowment insurance养老保险;insurance on last survivor 长寿保险;/ to purchase health insurance购买健康保险;to have a health insurance policy 购买健康保险;/ policy-holder保险客户;extra premium额外保险费;/ additional premium 附加保险费;/insurance law 保险法;insurance act 保险条例;/ insurance industry保险业;/ insurance division 保险部;insurance treaty 保险合同;/ cover note保险证明书;/ guarantee of insurance 保险担保书;premium rebate 保险费回扣;/ insurance claim保险索赔;/ reinsurance 分保(再保险);ceding, retrocession (for reinsurance) 分保;/ ceding (insurance) company 分保公司co-insurance company 共同保险公司;/ insurance document 保险单据;certificate of insurance 保险凭证;/ increasing coverage, extending coverage 加保;renewing coverage 续保;/ insurance commission保险佣金;/ social insurance社会保险;personal property insurance个人财产保险;/ insurance of contents家庭财产保险;保险基本概念词典保证保险:保证保险是在被保证人的作为或不作为致使被保险人(权利人)遭受经济损失时,由保险人来承担经济赔偿责任的保险。