投稿信 Cover Letter 和Highlights 模板
模板1Dear Prof. XXXXX,Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)”. The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been pub lished or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows,Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,Tsinghua University,Beijing, 10084,P.R.ChinaE-mail:Tel: 86-10-62785001Fax: 86-10-62785001Thank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX模板2Dear XX (Editor):Here is our paper submitted to "(XX Journal)".The Title: XXXXThe Authors: XXX XXX and XXXIn this paper, we ...The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.The corresponding author is Dr. XXX and his address and other information is as following:Address: Department of XXX, XX University, ..., P.R.ChinaE-mail:Tel: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxFax: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. xxx模板3Dear Mr. **We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**投稿信模版四(实例)Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels andtransmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.HighlightsHighlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to five bullet pointsdescribe the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it.Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print.Author instructions:Highlights should be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting "Highlights" from thedrop-down list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below.Specifications:•Include 3 to 5 highlights.•There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.•Only the core results of the paper should be covered.ExamplesJournal of Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2010, 524-535Highlights•We model two hospitals which have regulated prices and compete on quality.•We examine changes in the level of information about hospital quality.•Increasing information will increase quality if hospital costs are similar.•Increasing information will decrease quality if hospital costs are very different.•Welfare effects depend on ex-ante or ex-post assumptions about quality information.Applied Catalysis A, General, Volumes 411-412, 16 January 2012, 7-14 Highlights•Highly c-axis oriented ZnO nanowires were grown on glass using aqueous solutions.•The growth temperature does not exceed 95 °C in any step of the synthesis.•The photocatalytic and wetting properties were studied upon UV irradiation.•ZnO nanowires show superior photocatalytic activity.•We report a reversible photo-induced transition from hydrophobic to super-hydrophilic.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), Bioenergetics, Volume 1807, Issue 10, October 2011, 1364-1369Highlights• A conformational two-state mechanism for proton pumping complex I is proposed.•The mechanism relies on stabilization changes of anionic ubiquinone intermediates.•Electron-transfer and protonation should be strictly controlled during turnover.•The mechanism explains the full reversibility of complex I.Learning and Instruction, Volume 21, Issue 6, December 2011, 746-756 Highlights•Fading of a script alone does not foster domain-general strategy knowledge.•Performance of the strategy declines during the fading of a script.•Monitoring by a peer keeps performance of the strategy up during script fading.•Performance of a strategy after fading fosters domain-general strategy knowledge.•Fading and monitoring by a peer combined foster domain-general strategy knowledge.。
一、投稿信1. Dear Dr. Defendi ML:I am sending a manuscript entitled “” by – which I should like to submit for possible publication in the journal of - .Yours sincerely2. Dear Dr. A:Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for publication in the journal of - . We have chosen this journal because it deals with - . We believe that sth would be of interest to the journal’s readers.3. Dear Dr. A:Please find enclosed for your review an original research article, “” by sb. All authors have read and approve this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. No part of this paper has published or submitted elsewhere. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and we have attached to this letter the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source.We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forwardto receiving comments from the reviewers.二、询问有无收到稿件Dear Editors,We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, receive acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be grateful if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Thank you in advance for your help.三、询问论文审查回音Dear Editors,It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publication in your journal. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possible.四、关于论文的总体审查意见1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few minor revision are list below.2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. For the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points need clarifying and certain statements require further justification. There are given below.3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance our knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in PNAS. We suggest that the authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as –4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added.5. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of –because the main observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - .6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As you will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is not satisfactory.7. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communicate the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the advice of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speaker.8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need careful editing. Attention should be paid to the wording ofthose parts of the Discussion of and Summary which have been underlined.9. Preliminary experiments only have been done and with exception of that summarized in Table 2, none has been repeated. This is clearly unsatisfactory, particularly when there is so much variation between assays.10. The condition of incubation are poorly defined. What is the temperature? Were antibody used?五、给编辑的回信1. In reply to the referee’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that –One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3, paragraph 1 (line 3-8) and 2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpretation of the result.2. I have read the referee’s comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lake toxicity data.I admit that I did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an error or omission.3. Thank you for your letter of –and for the referee’s commentsconcerning our manuscript entitled “”. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with their approval.4. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments done at the referee’s suggestion. You will see that our original findings are confirmed.5. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Revised portion are underlined in red.6. We found the referee’s comments most helpful and have revised the manuscript7. We are pleased to note the favorable comments of reviewers in their opening sentence.8. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is acceptable for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision.9. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the result of which are summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account.10. We deleted the relevant passage since they are not essential to the contents of the paper.11. I feel that the reviewer’s comments concerning Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data.12. We would have include a non-protein inhibitor in our system, as a control, if one had been available.13. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 for reasons that it should be clear from the new paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section.14. Although reviewer does not consider it is important to measure the temperature of the cells, we consider it essential.15. The running title has been changed to “”.16. The Materials and Methods section now includes details for measuring uptake of isotope and assaying hexokinase.17. The concentration of HAT media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the original manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grateful to the referees for pointing out their error.18. As suggested by both referees, a discussion of the possibility of laser action on chromosome has been included (page16, paragraph 2).19. We included a new set of photographs with better definition than those originally submitted and to which a scale has been added.20. Following the suggestion of the referees, we have redraw Figure 3 and 4.21. Two further papers, published since our original submission, have been added to the text and Reference section. These are:22. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have now produced a more balance and better account ofour work. We trust that the revised manuscript is acceptable for publication.23. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.24. I should like to express my appreciation to you and the referees for suggesting how to improve our paper.25. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additional experiment, as suggested by referees.Date: ***Dear Editors:We would like to submit the manuscript entitled “***”, which we wish to be considered for publication in ***.We certify that we have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the appropriateness of the study design and method, and the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data.We have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approve it for publication. To the best of our knowledge and belief, this manuscript has not been published in whole or in part nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere.Best Regards.Yours Sincerely,Authors : ***,***,***(Submitting author: ***, ***University. EMAIL: ***;Corresponding author: ***,*** University. EMAIL: ***)1、什幺是cover letter?指的是投稿信2、cover letter的内容主要包括那些?应该简述所投稿件的核心内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review” list)。
cover letter投稿写作模板
cover letter投稿写作模板
以下是一个Cover Letter的写作模板,你可以根据自己的情况进行修改:
[城市, 邮编]
一、投稿时的Cover latter1). Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on "(Journal name)". The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows:Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,College of Chemistry and Enviromental Science, Henan Normal UniversityXinxiang City, Henan Province, 453007,P.R.ChinaE-mail:Tel: +86-XXX-XXXXXXXFax: +86-XXX-XXXXXXXThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXX2). Dear Dr. A:I am sending a manuscript entitled “ ” by – which I should like to submit for possible publication in the journal of - .Yours sincerely3). Dear Dr. A:Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for publication in the journal of - . We have chosen this journal because it deals with - . We believe that sth would be of interest to the journal’s readers.4). Dear Dr. A:Please find enclosed for your review an origin al research article, “” by sb. All authors have read and approve this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. No part of this paper has published or submitted elsewhere. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and we have attached to this letter the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source.We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers.二、询问有无收到稿件Dear Editors,We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, receive acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be grateful if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Thank you in advance for your help.三、询问论文审查回音Dear Editors,It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publication in your journal. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possible.四、关于论文的总体审查意见1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few minor revision are list below.2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. For the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points need clarifying and certain statements require further justification. There are given below.3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance our knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in PNAS. We suggest that the authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as –4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added.5. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of – because the main observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - .6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As you will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is not satisfactory.7. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communicate the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the advice of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speaker.8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need careful editing. Attention should be paid to the wording of those parts of the Discussion of and Summary which have been underlined.9. Preliminary experiments only have been done and with exception of that summarized in Table 2, none has been repeated. This is clearly unsatisfactory, particularly when there is so much variation between assays.10. The condition of incubation are poorly defined. What is the temperature? Were antibody used?五、给编辑的回信1. In reply to t he referee’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that –One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3, paragraph 1 (line 3-8) and 2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpretation of the result.2. I have read the referee’s comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lake toxicity data. I admit that I did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an erroror omission.3. Thank you for your letter of –and for the referee’s comments concerning our manuscript entitled “”. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with their approval.4. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments done at the referee’s suggestion. You will see that our original fin dings are confirmed.5. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Revised portion are underlined in red.6. We found the referee’s comments most helpful and have revised the manuscript7. We are pleased to note the favorable comments of reviewers in their opening sentence.8. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is acceptable for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision.9. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the result of which are summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account.10. We deleted the relevant passage since they are not essential to the contents of the paper.11. I feel that the reviewer’s comments c oncerning Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data.12. We would have include a non-protein inhibitor in our system, as a control, if one had been available.13. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 for reasons that it should be clear from the new paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section.14. Although reviewer does not consider it is important to measure the temperature of the cells, we consider it essential.15. The running title has been changed to “”.16. The Materials and Methods section now includes details for measuring uptake of isotope and assaying hexokinase.17. The concentration of HA T media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the original manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grateful to the referees for pointing out their error.18. As suggested by both referees, a discussion of the possibility of laser action on chromosome has been included (page16, paragraph 2).19. We included a new set of photographs with better definition than those originally submitted and to which a scale has been added.20. Following the suggestion of the referees, we have redraw Figure 3 and 4.21. Two further papers, published since our original submission, have been added to the text and Reference section. These are:22. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have now produced a more balance and better account of our work. We trust that the revised manuscript is acceptable for publication.23. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.24. I should like to express my appreciation to you and the referees for suggesting how to improve our paper.25. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additional experiment, as suggested by referees转载--SCI期刊投稿状态投稿术语名词解释/s/blog_6763380d01013buh.html1. Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office 就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功3. With editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。
模板1Dear Prof. XXXXX,Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)”. The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been pub lished or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows,Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,Tsinghua University,Beijing, 10084,P.R.ChinaE-mail: XXXXX@Tel: 86-10-62785001Fax: 86-10-62785001Thank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX模板2Dear XX (Editor):Here is our paper submitted to "(XX Journal)".The Title: XXXXThe Authors: XXX XXX and XXXIn this paper, we ...The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.The corresponding author is Dr. XXX and his address and other information is as following:Address: Department of XXX, XX University, ..., P.R.ChinaE-mail: XXXXX@Tel: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxFax: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. xxx模板3Dear Mr. **We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**投稿信模版四(实例)Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels andtransmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.HighlightsHighlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to five bullet pointsdescribe the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it.Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print.Author instructions:Highlights should be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting "Highlights" from thedrop-down list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below.Specifications:•Include 3 to 5 highlights.•There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.•Only the core results of the paper should be covered.ExamplesJournal of Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2010, 524-535Highlights•We model two hospitals which have regulated prices and compete on quality.•We examine changes in the level of information about hospital quality.•Increasing information will increase quality if hospital costs are similar.•Increasing information will decrease quality if hospital costs are very different.•Welfare effects depend on ex-ante or ex-post assumptions about quality information.Applied Catalysis A, General, Volumes 411-412, 16 January 2012, 7-14 Highlights•Highly c-axis oriented ZnO nanowires were grown on glass using aqueous solutions.•The growth temperature does not exceed 95 °C in any step of the synthesis.•The photocatalytic and wetting properties were studied upon UV irradiation.•ZnO nanowires show superior photocatalytic activity.•We report a reversible photo-induced transition from hydrophobic to super-hydrophilic.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), Bioenergetics, Volume 1807, Issue 10, October 2011, 1364-1369Highlights• A conformational two-state mechanism for proton pumping complex I is proposed.•The mechanism relies on stabilization changes of anionic ubiquinone intermediates.•Electron-transfer and protonation should be strictly controlled during turnover.•The mechanism explains the full reversibility of complex I.Learning and Instruction, Volume 21, Issue 6, December 2011, 746-756 Highlights•Fading of a script alone does not foster domain-general strategy knowledge.•Performance of the strategy declines during the fading of a script.•Monitoring by a peer keeps performance of the strategy up during script fading.•Performance of a strategy after fading fosters domain-general strategy knowledge.•Fading and monitoring by a peer combined foster domain-general strategy knowledge.。
中文投稿cover letter写作模板
中文投稿cover letter写作模板
中文投稿Cover Letter写作模板
英文自荐信Coverletter五篇第一篇:英文自荐信Cover letterRoom 430 Huanhu Building No.5, Nanhu CampusZhongnan University of Economics and LawWuhan, China 430223 October 7, 2010Dear Hiring Manager,As the enclosed resume attests, the department of consumer and market knowledge is a perfect fit with my qualifications.First, my background in graduate is majoring in science and home at quantity analysis.Besides, my experience during the periods of postgraduate as a project leader and my vast experience in marketing research has prepared me for the market researcher, making me an ideal candidate for this position.As my resume highlights, I have offered high-responsibility, passion, logistic analysis, computer and software support for staff and team members.This experience, along with constant home use of computers, has given me a thorough background of many different forms of software like SPSS, Eviews and Clementine.I am also good at quality analysis combined with quantity analysis based solid foundation.In addition, I master new skills quickly and complete tasks efficiently.Therefore, I can adapt myself quickly to the culture of PG’s environment.Please take the time to look over my resume, and feel free to contact my references.I would love to further discuss this position in person.I will follow up with you to answer any preliminary questions you might have.In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1366-721-4493.Thank you for your time and consideration.Yours sincerely,Huang Ming第二篇:Coverletter writingThere are really only a few times to use a cover letter:1.When you know the name of the person hiring2.When you know something about the job requirement3.When you've been personally referred(which might include 1 and 2)Under those conditions, you can help your cause by doing some of the résumé analysis for your potential new boss.To illustrate, here's the best cover letter I ever received:Dear David:I am writing in response to the opening for xxxx, which I believe may report to you.I can offer you seven years of experience managing communications for top-tier xxxx firms, excellent project-management skills, and a great eye for detail, all of which should make me an ideal candidate for this opening.I have attached my résumé for your review and would welcome the chance to speak with you sometime.Best regards,Xxxx Xxxx Here's what I like about this cover letter:.It.It The writer of this letter took the time to think through what would be relevant to me.Instead ofscattering lots of facts in hopes that one was relevant, the candidate offered up an opinion as to which experiences I should focus on.And that means the writer isn't just showing me skills related to the job, he's showing me he'll be the kind of employee who offers up solutions — instead of just laying problems on my desk.第三篇:graduate coverletterCui WangApril, 2013Mr.WuHuman Resources ManagerMcKeith & Company, Inc.One Preston Park Plaza, Suite 2000 Boston, MA 02101Dear Mr.Wu:I am a senior graduate student in the agriculture university of jiangxi.And I’m writing in response to you for recruiting a network design engineer posted on your company website.And I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.Your position requires bachelor or above in communication engineering or equivalent field and proficient in UNIX and LINUX System.I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.My major is electronic and information engineering.My studies have included courses in network design and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft VC++ when I was a Sophomore student.I have passed through the National Computer Rank Examination—grade 2 and grade 3,and get the certificates.Searching on your company website ,I find that the applicants must have the real-world experience beyond the classroom.I once worked as intern in an electronic corporation during the summer vocation.From the company,I learned much knowledge about how to design the best real-time network.Your website also implies that you will explore the international market.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English.My ability to write and speak English is out of question.I believe my coursework and work experience in communication and network engineering will help your firm attain its goals, and I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the job position further.I will contact you before May 1th to discuss my application.If you wish to contact me, I may be reachedat***,*****************************.Thankyouforyour time and consideration.Yours sincerely,Wang cui第四篇:coverletter 求职信XXX Xuefu RoadChengdu SichuanChengdu Meteorological BureauCaoshi StreetChengdu SichuanDear Hiring Manager,Having several years of learning about the atmospheric science fields.I was aroused to express my interest for the job post of weather bureau as advertised on your web site.As you will notice from my enclosed resume , I have taken numerous courses , such as the atmosphere physics , physical dynamical meteorology and synoptic meteorology principle.Meanwhile , I also practiced at Shuangliu County Meteorological Bureau for half a year, which taught me basic procedures.Besides I will work together in amity and cooperation.With good professional knowledge, I believe I will qualified for this position.I look forward to that you can give my resume a favorable consideration and give me an opportunity to sit for a personal interview with you.You can reach me at xxxxxxxxxx or send me an email at xxxxxxxxxxxx.Yours sincerely,XXX第五篇:英文自荐信参考请欣赏xiexiebang为你带来的英文自荐信:p.O.Box 36Tsinghua UniversityBeijing,China 100084Dear Sir/Madam:Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I amseeking.According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System.I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S.degree.My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English.My ability to write and speak English is out of question.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.With many thanks, Wang LinEnter——。
投稿信 Cover Letter 和Highlights 模板
模板1Dear Prof. XXXXX,Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)”. The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been pub lished or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows,Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,Tsinghua University,Beijing, 10084,P.R.ChinaE-mail: *******************Tel: 86-10-62785001Fax: 86-10-62785001Thank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX模板2Dear XX (Editor):Here is our paper submitted to "(XX Journal)".The Title: XXXXThe Authors: XXX XXX and XXXIn this paper, we ...The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.The corresponding author is Dr. XXX and his address and other information is as following:Address: Department of XXX, XX University, ..., P.R.ChinaE-mail: *************.cnTel: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxFax: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. xxx模板3Dear Mr. **We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publi cation as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**投稿信模版四(实例)Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels andtransmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.HighlightsHighlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to five bullet pointsdescribe the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it.Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print.Author instructions:Highlights should be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting "Highlights" from thedrop-down list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below.Specifications:•Include 3 to 5 highlights.•There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.•Only the core results of the paper should be covered.ExamplesJournal of Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2010, 524-535Highlights•We model two hospitals which have regulated prices and compete on quality.•We examine changes in the level of information about hospital quality.•Increasing information will increase quality if hospital costs are similar.•Increasing information will decrease quality if hospital costs are very different.•Welfare effects depend on ex-ante or ex-post assumptions about quality information.Applied Catalysis A, General, Volumes 411-412, 16 January 2012, 7-14 Highlights•Highly c-axis oriented ZnO nanowires were grown on glass using aqueous solutions.•The growth temperature does not exceed 95 °C in any step of the synthesis.•The photocatalytic and wetting properties were studied upon UV irradiation.•ZnO nanowires show superior photocatalytic activity.•We report a reversible photo-induced transition from hydrophobic to super-hydrophilic.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), Bioenergetics, Volume 1807, Issue 10, October 2011, 1364-1369Highlights• A conformational two-state mechanism for proton pumping complex I is proposed.•The mechanism relies on stabilization changes of anionic ubiquinone intermediates.•Electron-transfer and protonation should be strictly controlled during turnover.•The mechanism explains the full reversibility of complex I.Learning and Instruction, Volume 21, Issue 6, December 2011, 746-756 Highlights•Fading of a script alone does not foster domain-general strategy knowledge.•Performance of the strategy declines during the fading of a script.•Monitoring by a peer keeps performance of the strategy up during script fading.•Performance of a strategy after fading fosters domain-general strategy knowledge.•Fading and monitoring by a peer combined foster domain-general strategy knowledge.。
SCI投稿全过程信件模板一览(Coverletter,催稿信等)导语:很实用的模板,果断收藏!来源:梅斯医学一、最初投稿Cover letterDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope thi s paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comment s.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors): On behalf of my co- authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
SCI 投稿全过程信件模板一、最初投稿Cover letter△The first editionDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××△The second edition二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very ple ased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××······································Dear Editor:Please excuse me for taking some of your time.I submitted a manuscript entitled “。
投稿的cover letter 英文模版
投稿的cover letter 英文模版Subject: Submission of Manuscript for ConsiderationDear [Editor's Name],I am writing to submit my manuscript titled "[Manuscript Title]" for consideration for publication in [Journal Name]. I believe that my research on [brief description of the topic and its significance] would be of interest to the readers of your journal.I would like to highlight the following key points about my manuscript:1. Originality: My research presents a novel approach to [topic], which differs from existing studies in the field.2. Contribution: The findings of this study make a significant contribution to the existing literature on [topic] by [explain how the study adds to the knowledge in the field].3. Methodology: The research methodology employed in this study is robust and rigorous, ensuring the reliability and validity of the results.4. Implications: The results of this study have important implications for [industry/practice/policy/etc.], which I believe will be of interest to the readers of [Journal Name].I have carefully read and followed the submission guidelines of [Journal Name], and I believe that my manuscript meets the standards and requirements for publication in your esteemed journal.I would like to request that you consider my manuscript for publication in an upcoming issue of [Journal Name]. I am confident that my research will make a valuable contribution to the field, and I look forward to hearing your feedback.Thank you for considering my submission. I am happy to provide any additional information or answer any questions you may have.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Affiliation][Your Contact Information]。
acb投稿信cover letter的标准写法
acb投稿信cover letter的标准写法尊敬的编辑,我是一位热爱写作和传播信息的作者,非常高兴有机会向您投递我的文章。
我希望通过这封cover letter能对您展示我的写作风格、创作能力以及与你们刊物的共同价值观。
感谢您花时间阅读我的cover letter。
投稿Cover Letter范文
英文投稿邮件写作模板一、最初投稿Cover letterDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name AE-mail: ××××@××××2) Name BE-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
SCI 投稿全过程信件模板一、最初投稿Cover letterPaula CartesUniversidad de La FronteraP.O. Box 54-DTemuco, Chile.Fax: +56 45 325053.Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Root-exuded malic acid versus chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in four plant species under different phosphorus levels”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated the model between root-exuded malic acid and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fo,Fv/Fm) under different P levels, established a new method that the amount of root-exuded malic acid is used for assessing plant adaptability to a low-phosphorus environment in the absence of a chlorophyll fluorescence instrument. I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Yanyou Wu E-mail: wuyanyou@2) Kuan Zhao E-mail: kzhao86@We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,Kuan ZhaoCorresponding author:Name: Yanyou WuE-mail: wuyanyou@二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor”has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”(ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
投稿信 Cover Letter 和Highlights 模板资料讲解
模板1Dear Prof. XXXXX,Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)”. The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been pub lished or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows,Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,Tsinghua University,Beijing, 10084,P.R.ChinaE-mail: XXXXX@Tel: 86-10-62785001Fax: 86-10-62785001Thank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX模板2Dear XX (Editor):Here is our paper submitted to "(XX Journal)".The Title: XXXXThe Authors: XXX XXX and XXXIn this paper, we ...The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.The corresponding author is Dr. XXX and his address and other information is as following:Address: Department of XXX, XX University, ..., P.R.ChinaE-mail: XXXXX@Tel: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxFax: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. xxx模板3Dear Mr. **We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**投稿信模版四(实例)Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an un expected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels and transmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.HighlightsHighlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to five bullet points describethe essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctiveabout it.Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print.Author instructions:Highlights should be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting "Highlights" from thedrop-down list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below.Specifications:•Include 3 to 5 highlights.•There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.•Only the core results of the paper should be covered.ExamplesJournal of Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2010, 524-535Highlights•We model two hospitals which have regulated prices and compete on quality.•We examine changes in the level of information about hospital quality.•Increasing information will increase quality if hospital costs are similar.•Increasing information will decrease quality if hospital costs are very different.•Welfare effects depend on ex-ante or ex-post assumptions about quality information.Applied Catalysis A, General, Volumes 411-412, 16 January 2012, 7-14 Highlights•Highly c-axis oriented ZnO nanowires were grown on glass using aqueous solutions.•The growth temperature does not exceed 95 °C in any step of the synthesis.•The photocatalytic and wetting properties were studied upon UV irradiation.•ZnO nanowires show superior photocatalytic activity.•We report a reversible photo-induced transition from hydrophobic to super-hydrophilic.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), Bioenergetics, Volume 1807, Issue 10, October 2011, 1364-1369Highlights• A conformational two-state mechanism for proton pumping complex I is proposed.•The mechanism relies on stabilization changes of anionic ubiquinone intermediates.•Electron-transfer and protonation should be strictly controlled during turnover.•The mechanism explains the full reversibility of complex I.Learning and Instruction, Volume 21, Issue 6, December 2011, 746-756 Highlights•Fading of a script alone does not foster domain-general strategy knowledge.•Performance of the strategy declines during the fading of a script.•Monitoring by a peer keeps performance of the strategy up during script fading.•Performance of a strategy after fading fosters domain-general strategy knowledge.•Fading and monitoring by a peer combined foster domain-general strategyknowledge.。
模板1Dear Prof. XXXXX,Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)”. The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows,?Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,Tsinghua University,Beijing, 10084,E-mail:Tel: 86-Fax: 86-Thank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX模板2Dear XX (Editor):Here is our paper submitted to "(XX Journal)".The Title: XXXXThe Authors: XXX XXX and XXXIn this paper, we ...The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.The corresponding author is Dr. XXX and his address and other information is as following:Address: Department of XXX, XX University, ...,Tel: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxFax: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. xxx模板3Dear Mr. **We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**投稿信模版四(实例)Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involvesactivation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for thefirst time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I am Sincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels and transmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNFeffect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.HighlightsHighlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings andprovide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to five bulletpoints describe the essence of the research . results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it.Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list and in theonline article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print.Author instructions:Highlights should be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting "Highlights" from thedrop-down list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below.S pecifications:Include3 to 5 highlights.There should be a maximum of85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.Only the core results of the paper should be covered.Examples??HighlightsWe model two hospitals which have regulated prices and compete on quality.We examine changes in the level of information about hospital quality.Increasing information will increase quality if hospital costs are similar.Increasing information will decrease quality if hospital costs are very different.Welfare effects depend on ex-ante or ex-post assumptions about quality information.?HighlightsHighly c-axis oriented ZnO nanowires were grown on glass using aqueous solutions.The growth temperature does not exceed 95 °C in any step of the synthesis.The photocatalytic and wetting properties were studied upon UV irradiation.ZnO nanowires show superior photocatalytic activity.We report a reversible photo-induced transition from hydrophobic to super-hydrophilic.?HighlightsA conformational two-state mechanism for proton pumping complex I is proposed.The mechanism relies on stabilization changes of anionic ubiquinone intermediates.Electron-transfer and protonation should be strictly controlled during turnover.The mechanism explains the full reversibility of complex I.?HighlightsFading of a script alone does not foster domain-general strategy knowledge.Performance of the strategy declines during the fading of a script.Monitoring by a peer keeps performance of the strategy up during script fading.Performance of a strategy after fading fosters domain-general strategy knowledge.Fading and monitoring by a peer combined foster domain-general strategy knowledge.。
SCI 投稿全过程信件模板一览一、最初投稿Cover letterDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments. Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunityto revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments care fully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
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模板1Dear Prof. XXXXX,Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)”. The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows,Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,Tsinghua University,Beijing, 10084,E-mail:Tel: 86-Fax: 86-Thank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX模板2Dear XX (Editor):Here is our paper submitted to "(XX Journal)".The Title: XXXXThe Authors: XXX XXX and XXXIn this paper, we ...The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.The corresponding author is Dr. XXX and his address and other information is as following:Address: Department of XXX, XX University, ...,Tel: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxFax: +86-xxx-xxxxxxxxThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. xxx模板3Dear Mr. **We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**投稿信模版四(实例)Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parki nson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled"Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels and transmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.HighlightsHighlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to five bullet points describethe essence of the research . results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive aboutit.Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print. Authorinstructions: Highlights should be submitted as a separate file in EES by selecting "Highlights"from the drop-down list when uploading files. Please adhere to the specifications below. Specifications:Include 3 to 5 highlights.There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.Only the core results of the paper should be covered.ExamplesJournal of Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2010, 524-535HighlightsWe model two hospitals which have regulated prices and compete on quality.We examine changes in the level of information about hospital quality.Increasing information will increase quality if hospital costs are similar.Increasing information will decrease quality if hospital costs are very different.Welfare effects depend on ex-ante or ex-post assumptions about quality information.Applied Catalysis A, General, Volumes 411-412, 16 January 2012, 7-14HighlightsHighly c-axis oriented ZnO nanowires were grown on glass using aqueous solutions.The growth temperature does not exceed 95 °C in any step of the synthesis.The photocatalytic and wetting properties were studied upon UV irradiation.ZnO nanowires show superior photocatalytic activity.We report a reversible photo-induced transition from hydrophobic to super-hydrophilic.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), Bioenergetics, Volume 1807, Issue 10, October 2011, 1364-1369HighlightsA conformational two-state mechanism for proton pumping complex I is proposed.The mechanism relies on stabilization changes of anionic ubiquinone intermediates.Electron-transfer and protonation should be strictly controlled during turnover.The mechanism explains the full reversibility of complex I.Learning and Instruction, Volume 21, Issue 6, December 2011, 746-756HighlightsFading of a script alone does not foster domain-general strategy knowledge.Performance of the strategy declines during the fading of a script.Monitoring by a peer keeps performance of the strategy up during script fading.Performance of a strategy after fading fosters domain-general strategy knowledge.Fading and monitoring by a peer combined foster domain-general strategy knowledge.。