
承德位于河北省东北部,燕山山脉的腹地。 周边地区: 北京和天津直辖市,山东、河南、山西、辽宁,内蒙古自治区
Chengde locatedin the northeast of the Hebei province, the hinterland of Yanshan Mountain Chain; Neighboring Areas:
Beijing and Tianjin Municipalities; Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, andLiaoning provinces; Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
承德的地理状况 Chengde Physical Feature
承德包括两种类型的地貌:高原和丘陵 地区,被山脉包围。
首先,说一说避暑山庄的历史 First of all, saythe Imperial Mountain Sum mer Resortof history
承德避暑山庄是中 国古代帝王宫苑 ,清代皇帝避暑和处理 政务的场所。 始建于1703年,历 时89年建成。承德避暑 山庄(the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort)是世界文化遗 产和中国现存最大的古 典皇家园林。
• 承德气候四季分明。 • Chengde, four seasons climate. • 冬天虽然寒冷,但由于四周环山,阻滞了来自蒙古高原寒 流的袭击,故温度要高于同纬度其他地区; • Although the winter cold, but because encircled by blocking the cold current from the Mongolian plateau, so the temperature is higher than elsewhere in the same latitude; • 夏季凉爽,雨量集中,基本上无炎热期,是旅游避暑胜地。 • Summer is cool, rainfall concentrated, basically no hot period, is a tourist summer resort.

Chengde Imperial Summer Resort
• What is characteristic of the Chinese garden is that delicate and exquisite pavilions, terraces, Buildings, waterside pavilions, hills, Bridges, waters and trees are all arranged in this royal palace. 中国园林的特点,娇小玲珑的亭、台、楼、 榭、山、桥、水、林,集中于这个皇家园林 之中。
• Behind Danbojingcheng Hall(澹泊敬诚), there stand five halls :
• Yanbozhishuang Hall(烟波致爽) Sizhishuwu(四知书屋) Wanhesongfeng(万壑松风) Yunshanshengde(云山胜地) Songhezhai(松鹤斋)
72 Scenic Spots
承 Summer Resort
Danbojingcheng 澹泊敬诚
• The emperors handled state affairs in it.
• Emperor Kangxi named it , and the name is briefed from the sentence of “非淡泊无 以明志,非宁静无以致远 ” which was said by Zhuge Liang.
Chengde Imperial Summer Resort
Chengde Imperial Summer Resort
•Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde City, Hebei Province.

避暑山庄导游词英文Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Summer Palace, also known as the Beidaihe Summer Resort. This famous summer resort is located in Beidaihe District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. It is about 300 kilometers away from Beijing and only 80 kilometers away from Tianjin.In 1898, the Qing Emperor Guangxu ordered the construction of this summer palace to escape the summer heat in Beijing. Since then, it became a retreat for the royal family. In 1954, the Summer Palace was officially opened to the public and has since become a popular tourist attraction.The Summer Palace covers an area of 35 hectares, and it boasts of an exquisite landscape with hills, lakes, gardens, and various ancient building structures. The palace is divided into two areas: the East and the West. The East section is the living quarters of the royal family, while the West section houses many temples, pagodas, bridges, and pavilions.Now, let us begin our tour of the Summer Palace. We will start with the main entrance, called the "Dragon Gate." It is named as such because of its ornate dragon sculptures on the gate. As you venture further into the palace, you'll notice that the architecture integrates both Chinese and Western elements. Thisis because the palace was designed and built in the late 19th century when Chinese architecture was adopting Western styles.Our next stop is the Yudai Bridge, which is located near the Dragon King Temple. This 18-meter long bridge has ornate railings with intricate designs of lions, dragons, and other mythical creatures. It crosses over a small pond and offers a picturesque view of the surrounding area. Make sure to take some photos at this spot.Next up is the Chenghai Pavilion. This two-story pavilion was built in the Song Dynasty and has a commanding view of the palace grounds. It is also a great spot for a photo opportunity.After Chenghai Pavilion, we'll explore the East Palace Area. This section was the living quarters of the royal family, and it contains many buildings and gardens that you can explore. One of the most notable buildings is the Longevity Hill, which boasts of a magnificent imperial garden called the "Yuyi Garden."Another structure in this section is the "Jiuzhouchun Hall," which is also known as the "Hall of Nine Provinces." This hall features nine doors, representing the nine provinces of China during the Qing Dynasty.Our last stop is the West Palace Area, which is known for its stunning temples and pagodas. The most significant structure here is the "Putuo Zongcheng Temple," which is modeled afterthe Potala Palace in Tibet. This temple is a testament to the fusion of Tibetan and Han cultures.As we conclude our tour, let us leave the Summer Palace by admire the "Zunhua Gate," which is the gate located near the exit. This gate has the words "Beidaihe Summer Resort" written above it, making it a great spot for a photo opportunity.Thank you for joining our tour today. I hope you had an enjoyable experience while visiting the Summer Palace. Remember to continue exploring the many other famous tourist spots in Beidaihe District. Have a great day!。

避暑山庄导游词英文Tour Guide Speech for Summer ResortDear visitors,Welcome to the Summer Resort! My name is Sarah, and I will be your tour guide for today's excursion. The Summer Resort is located in a picturesque mountain valley, surrounded by lush greenery, and has been a popular destination for those looking to escape the heat and enjoy the tranquility of nature.As we begin our journey, let me take you back in time to learn more about the history of this beautiful resort. The Summer Resort was originally built during the Qing Dynasty, and served as a getaway for the royal family during the hot summer months. Later on, the resort was opened to the public, and over the years, many structures were added, including a theater, a museum, and a library.Our first stop today is the Grand Theater. The theater is known for its magnificent architecture, and is a great place to catch a traditional Chinese opera or a modern play. As you enter the theater, you will be greeted by the majestic sounds of traditional Chinese instruments such as the guzheng and erhu.Next, we will make our way to the Summer Resort Museum, which houses an impressive collection of artifacts and exhibits related to the history of the resort. You will learn about the architectural style of the various buildings and the significance of the different structures in the resort. Through the exhibits, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the resort's cultural significance.Now, we'll take a stroll through the beautiful park area of the resort. The park area is filled with well-manicured gardens, fountains, and scenic views. Be sure to take a picture with the iconic statue of the white crane, which represents longevity in Chinese culture.Finally, we will end our tour at the resort's cooling tower. The tower is an engineering marvel, using the natural air flow and water evaporation to cool down the surrounding area. As we stand near the tower, you can feel the cool breeze and witness the mist that it emits to aid in cooling the resort.So, gentlemen and ladies, that concludes our journey through the Summer Resort. I hope you have enjoyed learning about the history and culture of this magnificent place. Please take a moment to explore the gift shop before you leave, where you'll find wonderful souvenirs to commemorate your visit to the Summer Resort.Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you have a wonderful day exploring the beauty and history of the Summer Resort!As we explore the Summer Resort, it's essential to mention the many activities that visitors can engage in during their stay. Summer Resort is known for its numerous outdoor activities, including hiking, horseback riding, fishing, and rock climbing. If you are an adventure seeker or love outdoor activities, this place will surely satisfy your cravings.Additionally, the Summer Resort is known for its world-class spa facilities. The resort has several spas where visitors can treatthemselves to a variety of traditional Chinese treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and reflexology. These treatments are designed to restore balance and promote inner peace in the body and mind.Finally, no trip to the Summer Resort would be complete without indulging in the delicious local delicacies. The resort has numerous restaurants serving traditional Chinese cuisine, with a focus on fresh and locally sourced ingredients. From delectable dumplings and other steamed buns to succulent grilled meats and fried noodles, visitors can indulge their taste buds in a unique culinary experience.In conclusion, the Summer Resort is a place that offers an unparalleled combination of natural beauty, cultural significance, and modern amenities. This picturesque resort is a perfect getaway for anyone seeking peace, relaxation, and adventure. Whether you are a history buff, nature lover, or food enthusiast, this place has something to offer everyone.So, if you are looking for a unique and unforgettable experience, pack your bags, come to Summer Resort, and allow yourself to be transported into a world of tranquility, splendor, and beauty. It promises to be an experience of a lifetime!。

3、 无暑清凉
7、 松鹤清樾 11、 西岭晨霞 15、曲水荷香 19、暖流暄波 23、香远益清 27、芳渚临流 31、石矶观鱼 35、甫田丛越
4、 延薰山馆
8、 云山胜地 12、锤峰落照 16、风泉清听 20、泉源石壁 24、金莲映日 28、云容水态 32、镜水云岑 36、水流云在
Qianlong‘s 36 scenic spots:
Pu Ning Temple
Puning Temple The Puning Temple (with its popular name Big Buddha Temple) is located in the north-west of Chengde city. The main attractions inside the temple are Bell and Drum Towers, Pavilions, Heaven King Palace (Tian Wang Dian) and the Daxiong Baodian. Built in 1755 A.D (QING Dynasty), the temple shows the Qing Dynasty‘s respect to the Minorities. It is a most grandiose(雄伟的、壮观的) palace group. It is an architectural masterpiece of BAROQUE style .
• The Summer Resort can be divided into two parts : the palace area and the garden area .The latter can be further divided into three parts : the lake , plains and mountain areas . • The palace area is located in the southern part of the Summer Resort , and it includes Zhenggong ( Front Palace ) , Songhezhai ( PineCrane Hall ) , Wanhesongfeng ( Whispering Pine Valley ) and Donggong ( Eastern Palace )

承德避暑山庄及周边景点中英双语介绍Chengde Mountain Resort and Outlying Temples避暑山庄与外八庙Natural features自然概况The Mountain Resort in Chengde is one of the fourmost famous Chinese rdens and one of the largestand best-preserved imperial palaces outsideBeijing. It used to be a summer resort a nd huntingground for emperors of the Qing Dynasty(1644---1911).They also used the palace to organizemartial art competitions and re ceive the elite of ethnic minority groups from around China.承德避暑山庄是中国四大名园之一,也是北京以外保存得最大报好的帝王宫殿之一。
The Mountain Resort is located in Chengde City,Hebei Province,covering an area of 564 square meters,almost half of Chengde's urban area. It is enclosed by a wall 10400 meterslong. Construction began in 1703 under the rule of Emperor Kang Xi and was completed in 1790 under the rule of Emperor Qian Long. It was a second political center apart from Beijing,forthe emperor would stay here for about half a year to attend to political,military, ethnic,andforeign affairs. There are more than 100 buildings within the resort,which is divided into twosections: palace zone and garden zone. The Rehe(Je hol),the shortest river in the world, only14. 7 kilometers long。

旺季(4月1日-10月31日)130元 平季(11月1日-3月31日) 90元 学生半价
避暑山庄分宫殿区、湖泊区、平原区、山峦区 四大部分。宫殿区位于湖泊南岸,地形平坦, 是皇帝处理朝政、举行庆典和生活起居的地方, 占地10万平方米,由正宫、松鹤斋、万壑松风 和东宫四组建筑组成。
七十二景 正宫
松鹤斋 万壑松风殿
避暑山庄是中国三大古建筑群之一,它的最大特色是山 中有园,园中有山,大小建筑有120多组,其中康熙以四 字组成36景,乾隆以三字组成36景,这就是山庄著名的 72景。
康熙时,皇太后来避暑山庄,居住在西峪的松鹤清樾。 乾隆十四年(1749年),乾隆帝在正宫东面另建一组 八进院落的建筑,题名松鹤斋,以供皇太后居住。
从康熙四十二年(1703年)至康熙五十二年(1713年), 开拓湖区、筑洲岛、修堤岸,随之营建宫殿、亭树和宫 墙,使避暑山庄初具规模。康熙皇帝选园中佳景以四字 为名题写了“三十六景”。
从乾隆六年(1741年)至乾隆十九年(1754年), 乾隆皇帝对避暑山庄进行了大规模扩建,增建宫殿 和多处精巧的大型园林建筑。乾隆仿其祖父康熙, 以三字为名又题了“三十六景”,合称为避暑山庄七十 二景。
又名“承德离宫”或“热河行宫”,是世界文化遗产、国家AAAAA级旅游景区、全国重点文物保护单位、中国四 大名园之一。山庄位于河北省承德市中心北部,武烈河西岸一带狭长的谷地上,是清代皇帝夏天避暑和处 理政务的场所。

The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor Kangxi in 1703 and lasting through the greater part of Emperor Qianlong’s reign. The Imperial Summer Villa often saw use as a de facto second capital as Kangxi set a precedent followed by Qianlong and a succession of other Qing emperors of spending much of the year at the garden. In 1994, the Imperial Summer Villa became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.LayoutThe Imperial Summer Villa covers some 564 hectares featuringwell-manicured gardens and over 110 architectural structures surrounded by a 10-km-long outer wall that rises and falls with the surrounding hills. The Imperial Summer Villa can be divided into two sections: a palace section and a garden section.Palace SectionThe palace section is where Qing emperors would dispose of state affairs and live during their stays at the Imperial Summer Villa.A plaque inscribed with four characters by Emperor Kangxi hangs above the vermilion front gate. Bi Shu Shan Zhuang it reads, or “Mountain Villa to Flee the Summer Heat”. Walking through the gateway, Danbomingcheng comes into view, or the “Hall of Simplicity and Reverence”. The name comes from an ancient Chinese saying roughly translated as, “Only a simple lifestyle can helpone realize his true life-goal.” Also known as Nanmu Hall, because it was built with nanny, a fragrant, fine-grained hardwood unique to China, the hall was used by the emperor to carry out official state business.Behind Danbomingcheng, stands Yanbozhishuang Hall, or “Cool on a Misty Lake” Hall, which was used as the emperor’s living quarters. Today, most of the hall has become a museum with Qing relics and artwork on exhibit. Visitors are rewarded with a glimpse into the lifestyle of Qing royalty. Other famous halls in the palace section include Wanhesongfeng, which stands by the lakeside, encircled by pine trees, and was used as an imperial study, and Songhezhai, which housed the emperor’s mother as well as his concubines.Garden SectionThe garden section can be further divided into a lake section, plains section, and mountain section.Lake SectionThe lake section is north of the palace section and covers about 80 hectares. Unlike the Summer Palace’s Kunming Lake, which is an open expanse of water, the lakes here are smaller, more-complicated, interconnected affairs, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes and feature islets, causeways, bridges, pavilions, etc. One of the most beautiful sites in the lake section is the “Moon Color and River Sound” Islet. When night falls, the surrounding waters shimmer with moonlight. It is so peaceful and picturesque. The lakeside buildings were designed in the style of southern Chinese architecture, and look transplanted from Jiangsu or Zhejiang.Flatland SectionThe flatlands north of the lake section are covered with both grassland and forest. There are no buildings here with the exception of a few Mongolian yurts. The southwest corner of this section was devoted to horse riding. Emperor Qianlong often entertained Mongolian princes here, with barbeque dinners, wrestling, horse racing, and archery. He also hosted grand banquets here for such distinguished guests as the sixth Panchen Lama and envoys from foreign countries.Mountain SectionFour-fifths of the Imperial Summer Villa is mountainous, sloping down from the northwest to the southeast. The mountain section is merely the most mountainous area. Sites to visit here include the Qingchui Sunset Glow Pavilion, which offers gorgeous views of Qingchui Peak at sunset, which glows under the golden rays of the setting sun. The most breathtaking pavilion of the entire garden is perhaps the Snow Covered South Mountain Pavilion. Located high on a mountain in the garden, it offers panoramic views that include the entire Imperial Summer Villa, much of the surrounding countryside, and downtown Chengde. ( Text by Han Yueling and Allen Chai)。

The Buddhist statue which has thousands of hands and eyes.
It is the largest and weightiest wooden Buddhist statue in the world.
While traveling in chengde,you willhave the opportunity to taste the unique local dishes and snacks, both of loyal and folk flavors due to its historical links.
the world cultural heritage site
chengde imperial summer resort
Brief introduction
• Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde City, Hebei Province.
• In addition,the old version of the television series" Huanzhugege" first, two or three, were shot in Chengde Mountain Resort.
Hill’s amidst the floor is“ wash Fang Zhai”.
中国园林的特点,娇小玲珑的亭、 台、楼、榭、山、桥、水、林, ui Peak (磬锤峰)

Why it's named Summer Place?
Empress Dowager CiXi and Emperor escape heat every year the forth month to tenth month. So it called Summer Palace.
Bronze Ox
Entrance to the Heating System
South Lake Island(Nan Hu
Bronze Ox
Cast in Emperor Qianlong reign (1736-1795),this statue was also called the “Golden Ox”.It has a lifelike bearing and was placed here,it is said,to control floods
South Lake Island (Nan Hu Dao)
South Lake Island (Nan Hu Dao)
In the center front of Kunming Lake,the island is connected to the spacious pavilion on the east bank by the Seventeen-Arch Bridge.The island,bridge and pavilion from an integrated architectural whole that echoes the Longevity Hill from a distance.The sites on the island include:Hall of Emoracing the Universe, Dragon King Temple,Hall of Foresight and so on.

Honors of Chengde City
❖ 1991年, 中国旅游胜地四十佳 ❖ In 1991, The forty best tourist attractions in China
❖ 1994年, 联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产名录” ❖ In 1994,Listed by UNESCO as "world cultural heritage list"
❖ 承德地处内蒙古高原与华北平原的过渡带,属温带大陆性季风型山地气候,四季分明。冬天虽然寒冷, 但由于四周环山,阻滞了来自蒙古高原寒流的袭击,故温度要高于同纬度其他地区;夏季凉爽,雨量集 中,基本上无炎热期。
The landform of Chengde City
❖ Chengde city has a complex terrain, mountains surounded, rivers staggered. Terrain from the northwest to the southeast steps down, to the north is the southeastern edge of the Inner Mongolia plateau, the central is the lower mountain area, the south is the Yanshan mountains.
❖ 承德市位于河北省东北部、北靠辽蒙,南邻京津,东和东南与省内的秦皇岛、唐山两个沿海城市接壤,西与张家口市相 邻,距省会石家庄435公里,距北京200公里。