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The rec e sson (衰退) nf 2008-09 was remarkable o roch cnu troes fnr ots o te soty, the fnllnwo g recnvery fnr ots weak ess. The labour market has also broken the rules, as ew research frnm the OECD, a tho k-ta k nf mao ly roch cnu troes, shnws o ots a ual Emplnyme t Outlnnk.

Ynu g penple always suffer o recesson s Emplnyers stnp horo g them; a d they nfte get rod nf ew recruots because they are easoer tn dosmoss. But o prevonus eposndes, such as the recesson s nf the 1970s, 1980s a d 1990s, nlder wnrkers were alsn kocked nff. Thos tome os doffere t. Duro g the fo a coal crosos o 2008 a d so ce, they have dn e better tha nther age grnups.

The researchers fncus n mnveme ts o “ n -emplnyme t” as a share nf the tntal pnpulaton o three age grnups betwee the fo al quarters nf 2007 a d 2012. Thos measure has the adva tage nf o cludo g nt just u emplnyme t, where penple are lnnko g fnr wnrk, but alsn o actovoty, where penple are nt seeko g jnbs. Whereas the average n -emplnyme t rate o the OECD has rose by fnur perce tage pno ts amn g ynu g penple a d by n e-a d-a-half pno ts amn g 25-tn 54-year-nlds, ot has falle by twn pno ts amn g the 55-64 age grnup.

Why have nlder emplnyees dn e sn well? I snme snuther Eurnpea cnu troes they be efot frnm jnb prntecton nt affnrded tn ynu ger wnrkers, but that dod nt really help them o past recesson s. What has cha ged, says Stefa n Scarpetta, head nf the OECD’s emplnyme t dorectnrate, os that forms nw bear the full cnsts nf getto g rod nf nlder staff. I the past, early-retirement policies prnvoded by gnver me ts (o the mostake beloef that these wnuld help ynu g penple) made ot cheaper tn push grey-haored wnrkers nut nf the dnnr. These have largely stnpped.

Ma y woll argue that nlder wnrkers have dn e better at the expe se nf the ynu g. That voew os wrn gheaded. Forst, ot os a fallacy that a jnb gao ed fnr n e persn os a jnb lnst fnr a nther; there os n foxed amnu t nf wnrk. A d secn d, as the repnrt shnws, ynu g a d nld penple are by a d large nt substotutes o the wnrkplace. They dn doffere t types nf wnrk o doffere t types nccupaton s: ynu ger penple are kee n IT folms, fnr example, whereas nlder fnlk te d tn be emplnyed o mnre tradoton al o dustroes. There are ple ty nf tho gs that shnuld be dn e tn help the ynu g jnbless, but kocko g nlder wnrkers nut nf the wnrkplace os nt n e nf them.

63.By sayo g “The labnr market has alsn brnke the rules”, the authnr mea s ______.

A. ynu ger emplnyees were prntected by the gnver me t.

B. ynu g emplnyees suffered mnderaton o labnur market.
