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The different diet between Chinese and the Greek
• The Greek people eat with forks and knives. • The Chinese eat with chopsticks. • The Chinese staple food is given priority to with rice. • Greece's staple food is given priority to with pasta
The gods and goddess in Greek myth has complex relationship. For example , Gaea , the earth gods , her husband is her son——Uranos , and she overthrew the regime of Uranos , then , she and her another son——Pontos , breeds Nereus , Thaumas , Ceto and so on.
They invited their relatives and friends get together to share their happiness
In Greek mythology the relationship between god and goddess is pretty clear . It has explicit system . All the gods and goddess in Chinese were multiplied from generation to generation whereas Chinese myth mentioned very little information about the god couples and there are no clear connections between ordinary gods and major gods.
Difference To build a hero who can save and protect the world and the people without any benefit.
To incarnate the Humanism and rationalism.
Coffee Culture of Greece
Most Greek parents build a house for their daughter, but they don't build for their son. (they think son will get married a girl in the future, thus the son can get a house from the girl's parents). When the parents or grandparents died, their inheritance also often is the daughter of the house.
The same of diet
• Greek like to eat fish, beef, mutton, pork ; the same as Chinese.
In China,parents and relatives would be sad and cry when their daughter get married. In Greek, parents and relatives feel happy when their daughter get married.
Culture: compare and contrast China and Greece
similaritiesቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
China and Greece are ancient civilizations countries.
Greece and China have a tradition which is respecting the elder and loving children.
Tea culture of China
• As the beverage, tea was invented in China, which also popular for Chinese to make friend while drinking. • But tea is more bland than coffee. When you drink good tea, you need to be peaceful and acting slow down to taste the real savour of it.
For Greek people, coffee is integral part of daily life. Greek people are likes to enjoy their coffee outside the café ,because of the hot weather. They prefer to meet friend in café. With a cup of coffee, they likes to Chatting, exchanged banter with others,playing chess or even thinking alone. After drinking, some old Greek woman would like to make a divination according to the coffee powder that at the cup’s bottom.
Most Chinese parents build a house for their sons. In China, if a boy’s parents can’t build or buy a new house, it will be hard for the boy to find a girl marry him. They don't build house for their daughter. (they think their daughter will get married a boy in the future, then their daughter become other people’s daughter.) Of course, when the parents or grandparents died, their inheritance also often is the son of the house.

相同点:在中国神话传说 中,很多神祗的形象被塑 造成“半人半兽”或是 “人面兽身”,这些人兽 同体的神祗占据主流位置, 数量远在人神同形的神祗 之上。在最早时期的希腊 神话中,神在外形上也是 人兽同形同体的。在奥林 匹斯神系之前的提坦巨神 都是如此,大地女神该亚 和天神乌拉诺斯生下的巨 人面目狰狞,身后拖着一 条带鳞的龙尾巴。
Vega and her husband Cowherd
Princess Yao and her husband Yang Tianyou
Similarity Chinese 1. Both two mythology mythology are the world culture’s treasure. Greek 2.Significant mythology impact on later generations.
Scene2 In a restaurant
Waitress-----------------陈文娴 Greek-------------------仇煜歆 Chinese-----------------周芳子

不同点:中国古代神话中的诸神在 性格塑造上往往比较单一,而且地 位高的神总是正义的,他们庄严、 伟大、完美、充满创造力而又至高 无上,是“有理智的、谦虚的、和 善的、奖励的把良心、理性和责任 感看成法律”[11]。他们独来独往, 凌驾于万物之上。在希腊神话中, 神高度人格化,希腊的神和英雄是 “神人合一”的,是神人同形同性 的,希腊人以自身为蓝本创造神, 所以人所具有的也是神具有的。希 腊诸神和人类一样有爱,有恨,有 喜怒哀乐,有七情六欲,也有吃穿 住行、恋爱、生育等生活需要,他 们的品行有的正直、勇敢,有的残 忍、好嫉妒、爱慕虚荣。
Major gods;brothers
However , in Chinese myth , all of the gods and goddess is forbidden to fall in love . For example , The Jade Emperor’s sister , princess Yao , was married to a human , The Jade Emperor ordered the soldiers to arrest his sister and was pinned down the hill . Similarly , his daughter vega did the same thing after million years , like her aunt , she was separated with her husband , cowherd.
Chinese taboo 4, 14 and 24 .And we don't like black and white. Besides, we don’t like crows.
In a elevator
Greek Chinese --------------单福利 ----------- 符晓敏 Others --------仇煜歆;陈文娴;周芳 子;钟张娜
Greeks taboo 13 and Friday because they think they are unlucky. They also don't like black and cats, especially black cats. Besides, in Greece, you should avoid overly admiring something.