全新版大学英语3 Unit 1 changes in the way we liveppt课件

• 1) Who is the writer?
• 2) Does he like living in the city? frustration
• 3) What are the two things that the writer has always wanted to do? write and live on a farm
2. Writing technique analysis
Analyze the structure of paragraphs 2 and 3
Topic S.
Detail S. Detail S. Detail S. …
? Paralleled
IV. Text analysis
Part 1 (Paras 1-3) The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one.
1. Reading comprehension
Key words rural landscape; return to nature; relaxation
2).Why do so many migrant workers move from the country to the city? working opportunities;
Key words chances to change life; better income; working skills;
Part 4 (paras 12-15) _A_t_o_l_er_a_n_c_e_f_o_r_s_o_l_it_u_d_e and _a_l_o_t_o_f_e_n_e_rg_y______

• 5.In between such chores, I manage to spend 50 to 60 hours a week at the typewriter or doing reporting for the freelance articles I sell to magazines and newspapers. Sandy, meanwhile, pursues her own demanding schedule. Besides the usual household routine, she oversees the garden and beehives, bakes bread, cans and freezes, drives the kids to their music lessons, practices with them, takes organ lessons on her own, does research and typing for me, writes an article herself now and then, tends the flower beds, stacks a little wood and delivers the eggs. There is, as the old saying goes, no rest for the wicked on a place like this -- and not much for the virtuous either.
全新版大学英语第三册课件 script for the virtues of the hero

Script for the Virtues of the Quiet HeroUnidentified Man #1:1 believe in the power of love.Unidentified Man #2:1 believe that a generation of young people...Unidentified Woman #1:1 believe it deeply and sincerely.Unidentified Man #3:1 believe in the importance of passing this knowledge... Unidentified Woman #2:1 believe that everyone wants to love and be loved. Unidentified Man #4: All of these add up to my belief in the dignity of the individual.Unidentified Man #5:1 believe in people.Unidentified Man #6: This I believe.ROBERT SIEGEL, host:Our series This I Believe brings you statements of personal conviction from all kinds of people, the everyday and the well-known. Today our essay comes from a leading figure in public life: John McCain, a Vietnam War veteran, presidential candidate and Republican senator from Arizona. Here's our series curator, independent producer Jay Allison.JAY ALLISON reporting:It is one thing to hold beliefs. It is another to have them tested. Senator John McCain's beliefs have undergone the scrutiny of public life and the harrowing personal trials of being a POW, and they've held up. The principles he lives by are the ones he's willing to die for. Recorded in his office in Phoenix, Arizona, here is Senator John McCain with his essay for This I Believe.JOHN McCAIN:I believe in honor, faith and service to one's country and to mankind. It's a lesson I learned from my family, from the men with whom I served in Vietnam and from my fellow Americans. Take William B. Rabnell(ph). He was in Patton's tank corps that went across Europe. I knew him, though, as an English teacher and football coach in my high school. He could make Shakespeare come alive, and he had incredible leadership talents that made me idolize him. What he taught me more than anything else was to strictly adhere to our school's honor code. If we stuck to those standards of integrity and honor, then we could be proud of ourselves; we could serve causes greater than our own self-interest.Years later I saw an example of honor in the most surprising of places. As a scared American prisoner of war in Vietnam, I was tied in torture ropes by my tormentors and left alone in an empty room to suffer through the night. Later in the evening a guard I had never spoken to entered the room and silently loosened the ropes to relieve my suffering. Just before morning that sameguard came back and retightened the ropes before his less-humanitarian comrades returned. He never said a word to me.Some months later on a Christmas morning, as I stood alone in the prison courtyard, that same guard walked up to me and stood next to me for a few moments. Then with his sandal, the guard drew a cross in the dirt. We stood wordlessly there for a minute or two venerating the cross, until the guard rubbed it out and walked away. To me, that was faith, a faith that unites and never divides, a faith that bridges unbridgeable gaps in humanity. It's the faith that we are all equal and endowed by our creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It's a faith I would die to defend.My determination to act with honor and integrity impels me to work in service to my country. I believe that the means to real happiness and the true worth of a person is measured by how faithfully we serve a cause greater than ourself-interest.In America, we celebrate the virtues of the quiet hero, the modest man who does his duty without complaint or expectation of praise, the man who listens closely for the call of his country, and when she calls, he answers without reservation, not for fame or reward but for love.I have been an imperfect servant of my country, and my mistakes rightly humble me. I've tried to live by these principles of honor, faith and service because I want my children to live by them as well. I hope to be a good example to them, so that when their generation takes our place, they will make better decisions and continue to pave the path toward righteousness and freedom.。

全新版大学英语第三册n川U4EE4EE-Changes in the Way We LivePreparations令1.what do you think of the title? Wh y people want to change their ways they live?咱网各2.what are your life style?Text A令Questions Array 1)why do so many migrant workers movefrom the country to the city?2)why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs,even in thecou ntryside?.3l ln your opinion,which is better,living inthe country or city?Words.:.1.frustrate: Array①discourage使灰JL、eg: 丁he lack of money frustrated him②to prevent sb.'s plans. effortsor attempts from succeeding f坐败。
·区〉 .content①adj( not before noun): happy and satisfied eg: He is quite content with his life. ※ be content to d②v:to make sb. fell happy and satisfied ※c onte n t yoursel f with sth(to do or have sth that is not what you really wante d ,bu t i t's still satisfactory )n:1) a feeling of quite happiness and satisfaction※do sth to your hear t's content(to do sth as much as you want) Array eg: 在暑假,孩子们可以允许尽情的玩耍.2) contents: the things that are inside a box,bag,room or are written in a letter,book etc.容器所装的东西,目录3) the amount of a substance that is contained in sth or the ideas ,fact s,opinions that arecontained in a speech or a piece of writingv t:1)transp o时,a s with a t r uck,car t,etc.21t o pu ll sth. heavy with a continuous,steady movementeg: to haul the logs alongto haul up the fishing netsn: a large amount of goods that has been stolen,or found by the policeeg: The robbers' haul included a very va l uable diamond ring.ue:'t o be expected to happen or arrive at a particularte ieg: When is your baby due?食be due to do sth.eg: The meeting isn't due to start until three.eg: I'm due for a pay rise soon.2)due to:because ofeg: The company's problems are due to a mixture of bad luck and poor managemen t.3)in due course:at some time in the future when it is the right tim e,bu t not beforeeg: 委员会会在适当的时候考虑、你的申请的.令.Improveme n t: an act of improving or å state of eing improvedeg: We need to carry out some improvements to the computer system.食cf: improve(ment) on / improve(ment) inimprove(ment) on :如把两件事作比较,而后发生的比 早发生的好eg: Today's weather is an improment on yesterda y ' improve(ment) in :指某方面好转或改善eg: There has been an i mprovement in the weathe r . 食Your luck improves with the improvement of yourse .令p . supplemen t:v: to add sth.,especially to what you earn or eat ,in order to increase it to anacceptable level食supp l emen t by l withn : ①sth. that you add to sth. else toimprove it or make i t complete②an additional part at the .end of a book ,or a separate part of a newspaper , magazine 增刊eg : the supplement to (of x ) the book令 {/ .spray v: to make a stream of small drops of liquid come out of a small tube or several small holes食spray sb . with st h .spray sth . on / over st h .eg :她把香水喷在身上.n : liquid which is forced out of a special container i Çl very small dropseg: hair spray( spray which you put on you hair to keep it tidy)insect spray(spray used for killing insects )n:a neat pile of things one on top of the otherI+of J eg: a stack of dishesv:to form a neat pile or make things i nto a neat pile eg: Stack the firewood in the back yard.食be stacked witheg: 地上堆满了合子.令 fJ .swamp:v :① to suddenly cover sth . with a lot of wate r , espec i ally in a way that causes damage②( usually passive )to suddenly give sb . a lot of work ,problems etc to deal with食swamp sb with stheg :We 're swamped with telephone calls.n : land that is always very wet or slightly covered with watereg :要走出这片沼泽地是非常困难的.令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed令'O.crawl:v:①t o move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground食crawl along /across②to be too pleasant or helpful to sb in authority especially because you want them to help you食crawl to sb③make your skin crawl: if sth or sb makes your skin crawl,you think they are extremely unpleasant eg:The way he looks at her really makes my skin crawl.n:a very slow speed。
全新版大学英语第三册课件 continuous consonants

Continuous Consonants in American English Pronunciation Fricative, nasal, glide, and liquid sounds are all similar types of sounds in that they are all continuous consonant sounds; they are the same from beginning to end.(This is unlike discontinuous consonants, which are sounds with two parts. The first part of the sound is the stopping of air, and the second part is how the air is released, see Linking Discontinuous consonants for examples.) Fricatives are sounds that are created when air is restricted in the vocal tract and pushed smoothly out through a small opening. English has nine fricative sounds:■voiced th (this)・unvoiced th (thing)・sh sound (she)・zh sound (usual)■s sound (see)-z sound (zoo)・ f sound (four)-v sound (very)・h sound (hello)Nasal sounds are sound that are created when air leaves our nose instead of our mouth during the sound.・m sound (me)■n sound (no)■n— sound (sing)Glide sounds are also called semi-vowels. These sounds flow smoothly out through the mouth.・y sound (yes)・w sound (we)Liquid sounds are the r sound and I sound. These sounds flow smoothly out through the mouth.sound (right)・「-I sound (/eft)Because fricative, nasal, glide and liquid sounds are continuous, they can blend smoothly easily from one sound to the next.。

13. With electronic x-ray equipment, we seem finally to have figured out a way to hold the terrorists, real and imagined, at bay; it was such a relief to solve this problem that we did not think much about what such a state of affairs says about the quality of our lives. We now pass through these electronic friskers without so much as a sideways glance; the machines, and what they stand for, have won.
• 9. For some reason we are satisfied when we think we are well-protected; it does not occur to us to ask ourselves: Why has this happened? Why are we having to barricade ourselves against our neighbors and fellow citizens, and when, exactly, did this start to take over our lives?
• 8. For that is what has happened. We have become so used to defending ourselves against the new atmosphere of American life, so used to putting up barriers, that we have not had time to think about what it may mean.
全新版大学英语3课件 第一单元Unit1

Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
English Song — Out in the Country The Countryside
Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Before the breathin’ air is gone Before the sun is just a bright spot in the nighttime Out where the rivers Detailed like to run Reading I stand alone and __________________________________ take back somethin’ worth rememberin’
Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Blank Filling Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Whenever I need to leave it all behind Detailed Reading get away Or feel the need to ________ I find a quiet place, far from the __________ human race Out in the country
全新版大学英语3 Unit 1 changes in the way we livePPT课件

Remote & backward Underdeveloped Inconvenience in life Not well-informed …
II Cultural background
Ivy League: Eight long-established colleges and
universities in the US with prestigious academic and social reputations.
Master the key language poinห้องสมุดไป่ตู้s and
4 grammatical structures
I Introduction Discussion: 农家乐
1) Why is “agritainment” increasingly popular nowadays? regional folklore culture;
• 4)Why does the writer think that his life in the country self-reliant and satisfying?
Fruits and
canoe picnic bicycle ride Ski & skate Sight/smell/sound
have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country.
IV. Text analysis
Part 1 (Paras 1-3) The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one.
全新版大学英语综合教程第三册 Unit 3PPT课件

II. Various kinds of security devices: 1) Dead-bolt locks, security chains, electro-nic
Greene's frequent ink-stained trips to the past tell us that though we've gained much as time has marched forward, we have lost much as well. We have lost, as Greene emphasizes, our inability to escape the technology that aids us. This test “The Land of The Lock” is just a good example of his works.
I. Text Organization Part 1: Paras. 1-3:
In America the era of leaving the front door on the latch at night is over. Part 2: Paras. 4-15:
A new atmosphere of fear and distrust creeps into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied forms, are put to use. Part 3: Paras. 16-end:

A new atmosphere of fear and distrust creeps into every aspect of daily life.
2 12~60 As a result, security devices, iion
Oral Practice
1. How to protect yourself when you live alone?
Lock the door Getting the security office’s tel number Alarm equipment Weapons at home
Could you find any more supporting facts?
Reference on Text Organization practice on page78.
Doors are not left unlocked either in cities or in rural areas. (para2)
Unit 3
Oral Practice
1. What is important when you go for a holiday trip?
Booking the tickets
cash & credit card
Finding the favorite companions
全新版大学英语综合教程第三册 Unit 4PPT课件

Space Exploration
ce Exploration
In 1981 the USA launched a space shuttle, the first reusable space craft.
The first reusable space shuttle
Space Exploration
On Oct. 15, 2003, Shenzhou V sent China's first astronaut Yang Liwei into space, making China the third nation following the former Soviet Union and the United States to place a human in orbit. China hopes to launch the Shenzhou VI next year in a flight that will place two astronauts in orbit for between five and seven days.
Cultural Notes
Other factors of relevance in the search for extraterrestrial life include an assessment of the probability that intelligence leading to scientific and technological civilizations similar to our own may arise.
The Planets

Practical expression explanation
Practical expressions
"I'd like to", "I'm going to", "I've got to"
These expressions are used in different contexts to express one's intentions, plans, or obligations. Understanding their usage can help learners express themselves more naturally and accurately in English.
John Smith has won numerous awards for his outstanding contributions to the field of English language education, including the "Outstanding Educator Award" and the "Lifetime Achievement Award".
Introduction of the text author
John Smith
John Smith is a well-known English writer and educator, who has published numerous books and articles on English language teaching and learning.

Individual Retirement Account
Individual Retirement Account refers to a US government plan that allows people to put part of their income into special bank accounts. No tax has to be paid on this money until they retire. In fact, “ IRA” is used more often.
Josiah Henson's autobiography, The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada (1849) is believed to have inspired the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852).
Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts
University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey
Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut
全新版 大学英语综合教程第三册课件
Unit 1
Jim Doherty
Background Information
Ivy League
Individual Retirement Account

it is thought to be ?
1. Who is the author of this text?
A father of four children…
2. Does he like living in a city? No, he feels frustrated to live in the city.
Scan the text and answer the questions
• 1. Who is the author of this text? • 2. Does he like living in a city? • 3. What does he expect to have when
living on a farm? • 4. How does the author enjoy the life in
American Attitudes Towards Changes
It’s neither the strongest nor the most intelligent of a species that will survive, it is
Atmhoeseriwchao airse amnosattaidoanptaobnlettho echawnhgees.el. MpToohsbiistiiplvueer—sautit—titouMfdepoetbrofiwelaictrtdiyosnclheaandgsetaonAdmreersiuclatsn’s
pursuit of stability.
• 裸婚:naked marriage

Part I: Pre-reading Task
1. Have you ever been the victim of crime or do you know someone who has? 2. Do you think crime is increasing or decreasing?
back index
Unit 3: Security
So why don‘t we dump‘em people
To the bottom of the sea
Before some ol‘fool come around here,
Wanna shoot either you and me.
4. What is the message of the song?
back index
Unit 3: Security
Q3. First of all, proper punishment should be imposed on criminals. Second, the government should cultivate in the public the awareness of self-protection. Third, measures should be taken to alleviate poverty, which is often the root of crimes. Q4. Pistols without any control will too easily lead to cruel crimes, such as burglaries and murders; thus social security is under severe threat.
全新版大学英语第三册课件 Global Warming hoax

Source:httD:〃www・/Dolitics/2009/01/29/weather-channel・founder・blasts-gore-Qlobal-warminQ・camDaign/Weather Channel Founder Blasts Gore OverGlobal Warming CampaignPublished January 29, 2009| The founder of the Weather Channel is ridiculing Al Gore over his calls for action on global climate change, saying in a column that global warming is a "hoax" and "bad science."John Coleman, now a weatherman at San Diego's KUSI, wrote on his station's Web site Wednesday that Gore refuses to acknowledge the faulty research on which the idea of global warming is based.Coleman's lengthy scolding came as the former vice president and Nobel Peace Prize winner addressed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and urged lawmakers to pass a bill that would put caps on heat-trapping gases and take the lead on a global climate treaty.Coleman wrote that the Environmental Protection Agency is "on the verge" of naming C02 (carbon dioxide) as a pollutant, and that seemingly all of Washington is on board with such C02 silliness.""I am totally convinced there is no scientific basis for any of it," Coleman wrote, describing the decades-old theory that increasing the amount of carbondioxide in Earth's atmosphere leads to global warming."Global Warming. It is the hoax. It is bad science. It is a high jacking of public policy. It is no joke. It is the greatest scam in history;* Coleman wrote.The film The Great Global Warming Swindle claims that Global Warming is a hoax manipulated by some politicians. Here are some quotations from the film.A debunking of the current global warming fraternity:BBC: The Great Global Warming SwindleDOCUMENTARIES"Campaigners say the time for debate is over. Any criticism, no matter how scientifically rigorous, is illegitimate. Even worse, dangerous.But in this film, it will be shown that the earth's climate is always changing. That there is nothing unusual about the current temperature, and the scientific evidence does not support the notion that climate is driven by carbon dioxide (CO2), man-made or otherwise.Everywhere you are being told that man-made climate change is proved beyond doubt. But you are being told, lies."Quotes:“There is no direct evidence which links 20th century global warming to anthroprogenic [man-made] greenhouse gasses.”“We can't say that CO2 willdrive climate, it certainly never did in the past."“The global warming alarm is dressed up as science. But its not science, its propaganda."“[we are being told that] If the CO2 increases in the a tmosphere as a greenhouse gas, then the temperature will go up. But the ice-core records shows exactly the opposite. So the fundamentalassumption, the most fundamental assumption, the assumption of the whole theory of climate change due to humans is shown to be wrong.”。
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Freedom and Rights
Freedom of the individual is considered one of the essential features of western civilization, which itself is sometimes called the Free World. This freedom is often expressed in terms of rights to do certain things or to be treated in a particular way. In Britain and the US the most basic rights include freedom of expression, of choice and of worship.
Unit two
Civil-Rights Heroes
Text A
Ferqus M.Bordewich
Background InFfreoerdomm aantdiRoignhts
The Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King , Jr.
Uncle Tom's Cabin The Underground Railroad in Canada
Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut
Individual Retirement Account
Individual Retirement Account refers to a US government plan that allows people to put part of their income into special bank accounts. No tax has to be paid on this money until they retire. In fact, “ IRA” is used more often.
The Civil Rights Movement
It refers to the national campaign by African-Americans in the U.S. for equal rights especially in the 1950s and 1960s. The campaign included boycotts, the actions of freedom riders, and in 1963 a march to Washington led by Martin Luther King.
Ivy League
5. Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts;
6. University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia;
7. Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey;
8. Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island
Columbia University in New York City
Cornell University in Ithaca, New York
Ivy League
1. Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island;
2. Columbia University in New York City;
3. Cornell University in Ithaca, New York;
4. Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire;
全新版 大学英语综合教程第三册课件
Unit 1
Jim Doherty
Background Information
Ivy League
Individual Retirement Account
Compared to the noisy city life, many Americans yearn for a free and unfettered life, every day is not very busy, very leisurely tranquil, and more fun displaying their nature. This is their dream life, but also their
Ivy League
Ivy League refers to eight long-established colleges and universities in the United States with prestigious academic and social reputations. Members of the Ivy League are:
Martin Luther King , Jr.
Have a good time!
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African-American civil rights movement. His main legacy was to secure progress on civil ights in the United States and he is frequently referenced as a human rights icon today. King is recognized as a Saint by two Christian churches.
Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire
Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts
University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey