
As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:
one do you prefer?
+ Do you agree or disagree: it’s better to relax through watching a film and reading a book than doing physical exercises?
+1. Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school.
+ Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.

+ Do you agree or disagree wi It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor.
Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?
Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.
+ 1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)
+ Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.
+ Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?

2017年托福写作真题2017.1.7You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?for a student organization or a group限定作用2017.1.14As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:1.Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study (For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)2.Students must volunteer to work in the university’ s city or their hometowns to improv e some aspects of life of the city or their own town. (For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.that has a long break between university semesters 限定作用2017.2.8Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.二选一2017.2.25Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses are a good indication of his or her personality or character?Agree: 1.最直观的品质(1)风格是个社会银还是潮男他的喜好(2)对一些的东西的喜欢颜色冷热2.生活的态度(1)能好好打理自己积极面对生活(2)对穿衣服很考究对其他事也很严格Disagree:1.衣服并不能看出来(1)太忙了并不想浪费时间在穿衣上(2)父母朋友随便送的(3)职业限定(4)不能通过一件事分析不同的人不同见解2.喜欢的事情更能看出来(1)书是一个深奥坚持(2)学科teacher—喜欢小孩外向程序员—内向…通过接触可以发现(1)紧急想法二选一2017.2.26Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.1.应该1对学习好(1)会自己找到错误(2)自己找的错误印象深刻更能理解2培养能力(1)自己去完成独立思考的能力未来。

4.15 / 2.252017 年01月07日托福写作考题回忆综合防止海龟减少的办法是否有用阅读:有3种办法防止海龟减少1建立金属围栏,防止海龟蛋被素食者吃掉2禁用塑料袋,海龟吃了塑料袋,消化道会被堵塞3把传统渔网改成只能捕鱼而不会限制海龟的,海龟被渔网捉住,会溺水听力:上述办法都不行1. 金属围栏会阻碍小海龟的磁场发育,海龟靠磁场导航,找食物,找配偶,找地方产卵。
2. 限制塑料袋或许有用。
3. 改进的渔网,渔民会拒绝使用,因为网到的鱼会减少,收入会减少。
Sample Answer:When it comes to the decrease of sea t urtle’s population, the reading puts forward threesolutions to prevent this tendency. However, all these three solutions are regarded asinvalid in the listening. First, the idea that building a metal fence will work. Not as it puts in the reading, thelistening argues that the mental fence will hinder the development of magnetic fieldwhich exerts influence on the growth of the little sea turtles. The listening furtherillustrates that sea turtles rely on magnetic field to navigate, find food and mates as wellas find a suitable place to lay eggs. Without a fully developed magnetic field, they cannotlive and reproduce. As to the second measure of a ban of the plastic bags, the listening still refutes it. As amatter of fact, there are already thousands of plastic bags in the sea, which, althoughdecomposing into small pieces, still pose great threat to sea turtles. Therefore, the banof plastic bags is not the point.Lastly, the reading calls on to transform the traditional fishing nets into those catchingonly fish but not sea turtles. Unfortunately, the third solution is not able to work well.The listening explains that the fishermen will refuse to use the transformed fishing netsfor they will catch fewer fish and thus get a decreased income. Even though relevantlaws are enacted, the fishermen will apply the traditional fishing nets before replacingthem with the transformed fishing nets on shore. (247 words)独立You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think aperson's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?Sample Answer:Regardless of the increasingly complicated relationships among modern people, honestyis still regarded as the most cherished characteristic when it comes to evaluating othersaround us. Therefore, it is not beyond our expectation that someone gives priority tohonesty when selecting a leader for a student organization. According to my preferenceand experience, there are other two factors that are more worth noticing.To begin with, the ability to plan and organize is the most essential characteristic for astudent leader for the sake of a smooth progress of the student affairs. In other words,competent leaders are those with detailed plans and clear goals in their mind. Otherwise,the whole group will easily get lost on the way and lose the impetus to strive for theircommon goals. By making a detailed plan and carrying it out step by step, a groupleader is not only capable of pushing forward and complete the preset projects but alsoable to keep the team members away from distrust and anxiety. For example, if a leaderof English Association is going to conduct an English speaking contest, he is required tofigure out the concrete process of a speaking contest, the cost related to the appliedfacilities as well as the assignment for each individual in the group.Besides, whether the candidate for the student leader masters the art of communicationis also worth noticing. It is no denying that the leader of a student organization isexposed to various chances to interact with group members encompassing students ofdistinct personality traits. Therefore,it is of paramount importance for the leader to bepossessed with the ability to relate well with others. More importantly, only by wellcoordinating the relations among the team members can the student leader be capableof ensuring the smooth progress of the organization. To illustrate, if conflicts ariseamong team members during the process of crucial projects, the leader has theobligation to properly settle the disagreement by skillfully calming them down withmaybe witty words and then take measures to cope with the problems.Admittedly, it is indisputable that honesty should not be neglected in terms of choosing aleader. After all, honesty has a lot to do with obtaining trust and creating a harmoniousatmosphere among the whole group. It is natural that people usually rely on an honestperson without reservation. Nevertheless, it is still not wise enough to regard it as themost crucial factor in terms of choosing a leader for student organizations for honestydoes not testify to one’s ability and competence in dealing with group projects.To sum up, taking the ability of planning and organizing as well as communication skills into consideration, it is too rash to put honesty first when choosing a leader for student organizations. (469words)2017 年01月14日托福写作考题回忆综合Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads from spreading is feasible. Reading:The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the ecosystem.1. Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish. Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead fish.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead. If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to sell.3. Researching some poison to kill the snakehead. Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native fishes.Listening:The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential problems.1. Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still continue. The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are moist.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of snakehead. Conversely, it may lead to the increase of snakehead. Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is illegal.3. It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however, poison will also kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. So, native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original size. This is irreversible. Sample Answer:The reading passage and lecture both talk about how to stop the spread of snakeheads and the professor contradicts all those method mentioned in the passage respectively.The first solution is to make laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish, according to the passage. However the professor gives opposite viewpoint that even if people do not transport the snakeheads, the spread will still continue, because there are already many snakeheads and they will move to other rivers by moving on land as long as they are moist. In other words, whether people transport them or not, they will still establish their population.Secondly, the professor fights against to teach fishers to catch snakeheads. Actually, when fishers realized that they can make profit by this way, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise them in order to catch more, which may conversely lead to the increase of snakehead.As to the virus, professor also shows his strong disapproval. Even though the native fishes can be restocked, the poison will kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. Then there comes to an irreversible consequence that the native fishes, which feed on these insects and micro organisms, cannot grow to their original size.(207 words)独立As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.Sample Answer:There is large quantity of students who spend their spare time to do volunteer work mainly as a consequence of the requirement of credit or some working experience. Still, that totally makes no sense. Even though I am not a university students now, given the choice, I would choose to learn some knowledge that different from my own major.Wide range of social circle is the first benefit when they learn various subjects. All what we do in the society like starting a business and fulfill the ambition in career depend on abundant social resources. The social circle, which provides the greatest help in promoting our work and life, needs to be set up when we are in the university. Various classes are exactly the way that create chances for us to meet friends in various fields. On the contrary, if restricted in own world, we get along with small range of friends whoshare the same skills and knowledge. When we meet some trouble in future car eer, it’s merely impossible to cooperate with them. For the sake of future development, making friends through this way is a great opportunity to expand our pool of companions.Aside from making friends who are separate from our core social circle, another advantage is that what we learn in other fields may have great contributions to our original major. There is no such subject that can establish without any other field. I am a sociological students, who were asked to learn some statistics that seems irrelevant but actually, help me a lot when I do some social researches. I might not finish my thesis before graduation if the professor had not ask us to take statistics courses. I really don’t see anything wrong with the students taking the courses that have no connection with their major whether they are truly interested in it or just for the sake of annual paper or examinations.Two years ago, I interviewed some of those students why they took volunteer work in holidays, I found the leading reason was that they wanted to accumulate working experiences. It sounds reasonable but actually, most students apply for the job that is far away from what they did voluntarily before. According to a recent survey conducted by my professor, who is a specialist in research of employment, no more than 7% involved students choose their final job as what their social practice did and most of them have totally different ideas from their original thoughts when they were in campus. Since the working experience from volunteer has no business to their final career, what is the rationale behind this choice?There is nothing wrong with doing volunteer work in holiday. For the best future development, though, learning different knowledge and skills is the better way to enrich our life. (469 words)2017 年01月14日托福写作考题回忆综合Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads from spreading is feasible.Reading:The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the ecosystem.1. Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish. Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead fish.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead. If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to sell.3. Researching some poison to kill the snakehead. Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native fishes.Listening:The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential problems.1. Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still continue. The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are moist.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of snakehead. Conversely, it may lead to the increase of snakehead. Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is illegal.3. It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however, poison will also kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. So, native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original size. This is irreversible. Sample Answer:The reading passage and lecture both talk about how to stop the spread of snakeheads and the professor contradicts all those method mentioned in the passage respectively.The first solution is to make laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish, according to the passage. However the professor gives opposite viewpoint that even if people do not transport the snakeheads, the spread will still continue, because there are already many snakeheads and they will move to other rivers by moving on land as long as they are moist. In other words, whether people transport them or not, they will still establish their population.Secondly, the professor fights against to teach fishers to catch snakeheads. Actually, when fishers realized that they can make profit by this way, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise them in order to catch more, which may conversely lead to the increase of snakehead.As to the virus, professor also shows his strong disapproval. Even though the native fishes can be restocked, the poison will kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. Then there comes to an irreversible consequence that the native fishes, which feed on these insects and micro organisms, cannot grow to their original size.(207 words)独立As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.Sample Answer:There is large quantity of students who spend their spare time to do volunteer work mainly as a consequence of the requirement of credit or some working experience. Still, that totally makes no sense. Even though I am not a university students now, given the choice, I would choose to learn some knowledge that different from my own major.Wide range of social circle is the first benefit when they learn various subjects. All what we do in the society like starting a business and fulfill the ambition in career depend on abundant social resources. The social circle, which provides the greatest help in promoting our work and life, needs to be set up when we are in the university. Various classes are exactly the way that create chances for us to meet friends in various fields. On the contrary, if restricted in own world, we get along with small range of friends who share the same skills and knowledge. When we meet some trouble in future career, it’s merely impossible to cooperate with them. For the sake of future development, making friends through this way is a great opportunity to expand our pool of companions.Aside from making friends who are separate from our core social circle, another advantage is that what we learn in other fields may have great contributions to our original major. There is no such subject that can establish without any other field. I am a sociological students, who were asked to learn some statistics that seems irrelevant but actually, help me a lot when I do some social researches. I might not finish my thesisb efore graduation if the professor had not ask us to take statistics courses. I really don’t see anything wrong with the students taking the courses that have no connection with their major whether they are truly interested in it or just for the sake of annual paper or examinations.Two years ago, I interviewed some of those students why they took volunteer work in holidays, I found the leading reason was that they wanted to accumulate working experiences. It sounds reasonable but actually, most students apply for the job that is faraway from what they did voluntarily before. According to a recent survey conducted by my professor, who is a specialist in research of employment, no more than 7% involved students choose their final job as what their social practice did and most of them have totally different ideas from their original thoughts when they were in campus. Since the working experience from volunteer has no business to their final career, what is the rationale behind this choice?There is nothing wrong with doing volunteer work in holiday. For the best future development, though, learning different knowledge and skills is the better way to enrich our life. (469 words)2017 年02月18日托福写作考题回忆综合土星的卫星Titan有3个unusual features 难以解释。

4.15 / 2.252017 年01月07日托福写作考题回忆综合防止海龟减少的办法是否有用阅读:有3种办法防止海龟减少1建立金属围栏,防止海龟蛋被素食者吃掉2禁用塑料袋,海龟吃了塑料袋,消化道会被堵塞3把传统渔网改成只能捕鱼而不会限制海龟的,海龟被渔网捉住,会溺水听力:上述办法都不行1. 金属围栏会阻碍小海龟的磁场发育,海龟靠磁场导航,找食物,找配偶,找地方产卵。
2. 限制塑料袋或许有用。
3. 改进的渔网,渔民会拒绝使用,因为网到的鱼会减少,收入会减少。
Sample Answer:When it comes to the decrease of sea t urtle’s population, the reading putsforward three solutions to prevent this tendency. However, all these threesolutions are regarded as invalid in the listening.First, the idea that building a metal fence will work. Not as it puts in thereading, the listening argues that the mental fence will hinder the developmentof magnetic field which exerts influence on the growth of the little seaturtles. The listening further illustrates that sea turtles rely on magneticfield to navigate, find food and mates as well as find a suitable place to layeggs. Without a fully developed magnetic field, they cannot live and reproduce.As to the second measure of a ban of the plastic bags, the listening stillrefutes it. As a matter of fact, there are already thousands of plastic bags inthe sea, which, although decomposing into small pieces, still pose great threatto sea turtles. Therefore, the ban of plastic bags is not the point.Lastly, the reading calls on to transform the traditional fishing nets intothose catching only fish but not sea turtles. Unfortunately, the third solutionis not able to work well. The listening explains that the fishermen will refuseto use the transformed fishing nets for they will catch fewer fish and thus geta decreased income. Even though relevant laws are enacted, the fishermen willapply the traditional fishing nets before replacing them with the transformedfishing nets on shore. (247 words)独立You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Doyou think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being aleader?Sample Answer:Regardless of the increasingly complicated relationships among modern people,honesty is still regarded as the most cherished characteristic when it comes toevaluating others around us. Therefore, it is not beyond our expectation thatsomeone gives priority to honesty when selecting a leader for a studentorganization. According to my preference and experience, there are other twofactors that are more worth noticing.To begin with, the ability to plan and organize is the most essentialcharacteristic for a student leader for the sake of a smooth progress of thestudent affairs. In other words, competent leaders are those with detailedplans and clear goals in their mind. Otherwise, the whole group will easily getlost on the way and lose the impetus to strive for their common goals. Bymaking a detailed plan and carrying it out step by step, a group leader is notonly capable of pushing forward and complete the preset projects but also ableto keep the team members away from distrust and anxiety. For example, if aleader of English Association is going to conduct an English speaking contest,he is required to figure out the concrete process of a speaking contest, thecost related to the applied facilities as well as the assignment for eachindividual in the group.Besides, whether the candidate for the student leader masters the art ofcommunication is also worth noticing. It is no denying that the leader of astudent organization is exposed to various chances to interact with groupmembers encompassing students of distinct personality traits. Therefore,it isof paramount importance for the leader to be possessed with the ability torelate well with others. More importantly, only by well coordinating therelations among the team members can the student leader be capable of ensuringthe smooth progress of the organization. To illustrate, if conflicts ariseamong team members during the process of crucial projects, the leader has theobligation to properly settle the disagreement by skillfully calming them downwith maybe witty words and then take measures to cope with the problems.Admittedly, it is indisputable that honesty should not be neglected in terms ofchoosing a leader. After all, honesty has a lot to do with obtaining trust andcreating a harmonious atmosphere among the whole group. It is natural thatpeople usually rely on an honest person without reservation. Nevertheless, itis still not wise enough to regard it as the most crucial factor in terms ofchoosing a leader for student organizations for honesty does not testify toone’s ability and competence in dealing with group projects.To sum up, taking the ability of planning and organizing as well as communication skills into consideration, it is too rash to put honesty first when choosing a leader for student organizations. (469words)2017 年01月14日托福写作考题回忆综合Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads from spreading is feasible.Reading:The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the ecosystem.1. Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish. Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead fish.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead. If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to sell.3. Researching some poison to kill the snakehead. Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native fishes.Listening:The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential problems.1. Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still continue. The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are moist.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of snakehead. Conversely, it may lead to the increase of snakehead. Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is illegal.3. It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however, poison will alsokill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. So, native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original size. This is irreversible.Sample Answer:The reading passage and lecture both talk about how to stop the spread of snakeheads and the professor contradicts all those method mentioned in the passage respectively.The first solution is to make laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish, according to the passage. However the professor gives opposite viewpoint that even if people do not transport the snakeheads, the spread will still continue, because there are already many snakeheads and they will move to other rivers by moving on land as long as they are moist. In other words, whether people transport them or not, they will still establish their population.Secondly, the professor fights against to teach fishers to catch snakeheads. Actually, when fishers realized that they can make profit by this way, theywill introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise them in order to catch more, which may conversely lead to the increase of snakehead.As to the virus, professor also shows his strong disapproval. Even though the native fishes can be restocked, the poison will kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. Then there comes to an irreversible consequence that the native fishes, which feed on these insects and micro organisms, cannot grow to their original size.(207 words)独立As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.Sample Answer:There is large quantity of students who spend their spare time to do volunteer work mainly as a consequence of the requirement of credit or some working experience. Still, that totally makes no sense. Even though I am not auniversity students now, given the choice, I would choose to learn some knowledge that different from my own major.Wide range of social circle is the first benefit when they learn various subjects. All what we do in the society like starting a business and fulfill the ambition in career depend on abundant social resources. The social circle, which provides the greatest help in promoting our work and life, needs to be set up when we are in the university. Various classes are exactly the way that create chances for us to meet friends in various fields. On the contrary, if restricted in own world, we get along with small range of friends who share the same skills and knowledge. When we meet some trouble in future career, it’s merely impossible to cooperate with them. For the sake of future development, making friends through this way is a great opportunity to expand our pool of companions.Aside from making friends who are separate from our core social circle, another advantage is that what we learn in other fields may have great contributions to our original major. There is no such subject that can establish without any other field. I am a sociological students, who were asked to learn some statistics that seems irrelevant but actually, help me a lot when I do some social researches. I might not finish my thesis before graduation if the professor had not ask us to take statistics courses. I really don’t see anything wrong with the students taking the courses that have no connection with their major whether they are truly interested in it or just for the sake of annual paper or examinations.Two years ago, I interviewed some of those students why they took volunteer work in holidays, I found the leading reason was that they wanted to accumulate working experiences. It sounds reasonable but actually, most students apply for the job that is far away from what they did voluntarily before. According to a recent survey conducted by my professor, who is a specialist in research of employment, no more than 7% involved students choose their final job as what their social practice did and most of them have totally different ideas from their original thoughts when they were in campus. Since the working experience from volunteer has no business to their final career, what is the rationale behind this choice?There is nothing wrong with doing volunteer work in holiday. For the bestfuture development, though, learning different knowledge and skills is the better way to enrich our life. (469 words)2017 年01月14日托福写作考题回忆综合Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads from spreading is feasible.Reading:The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the ecosystem.1. Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish. Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead fish.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead. If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to sell.3. Researching some poison to kill the snakehead. Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native fishes.Listening:The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential problems.1. Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still continue. The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are moist.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of snakehead. Conversely, it may lead to the increase of snakehead. Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is illegal.3. It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however, poison will alsokill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. So, native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original size. This is irreversible.Sample Answer:The reading passage and lecture both talk about how to stop the spread of snakeheads and the professor contradicts all those method mentioned in the passage respectively.The first solution is to make laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish, according to the passage. However the professor gives opposite viewpoint that even if people do not transport the snakeheads, the spread will still continue, because there are already many snakeheads and they will move to other rivers by moving on land as long as they are moist. In other words, whether people transport them or not, they will still establish their population.Secondly, the professor fights against to teach fishers to catch snakeheads. Actually, when fishers realized that they can make profit by this way, theywill introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise them in order to catch more, which may conversely lead to the increase of snakehead.As to the virus, professor also shows his strong disapproval. Even though the native fishes can be restocked, the poison will kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. Then there comes to an irreversible consequence that the native fishes, which feed on these insects and micro organisms, cannot grow to their original size.(207 words)独立As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.Sample Answer:There is large quantity of students who spend their spare time to do volunteer work mainly as a consequence of the requirement of credit or some working experience. Still, that totally makes no sense. Even though I am not auniversity students now, given the choice, I would choose to learn some knowledge that different from my own major.Wide range of social circle is the first benefit when they learn various subjects. All what we do in the society like starting a business and fulfillthe ambition in career depend on abundant social resources. The social circle,which provides the greatest help in promoting our work and life, needs to be set up when we are in the university. Various classes are exactly the way that create chances for us to meet friends in various fields. On the contrary, if restricted in own world, we get along with small range of friends who share the same skills and knowledge. When we meet some trouble in future career, it’s merely impossible to cooperate with them. For the sake of future development, making friends through this way is a great opportunity to expand our pool of companions.Aside from making friends who are separate from our core social circle, another advantage is that what we learn in other fields may have great contributions to our original major. There is no such subject that can establish without any other field. I am a sociological students, who were asked to learn some statistics that seems irrelevant but actually, help me a lot when I do some social researches. I might not finish my thesis before graduation if the professor had not ask us to take statistics courses. I really don’t see anything wrong with the students taking the courses that have no connection with their major whether they are truly interested in it or just for the sake of annual paper or examinations.Two years ago, I interviewed some of those students why they took volunteer work in holidays, I found the leading reason was that they wanted to accumulate working experiences. It sounds reasonable but actually, most students apply for the job that is far away from what they did voluntarily before. According to a recent survey conducted by my professor, who is a specialist in research of employment, no more than 7% involved students choose their final job as what their social practice did and most of them have totally different ideas from their original thoughts when they were in campus. Since the working experience from volunteer has no business to their final career, what is the rationale behind this choice?There is nothing wrong with doing volunteer work in holiday. For the bestfuture development, though, learning different knowledge and skills is the better way to enrich our life. (469 words)2017 年02月18日托福写作考题回忆综合土星的卫星Titan有3个unusual features 难以解释。

托福考试:20170826(下午)托福独立写作解析和范文20170826(下午)托福独立写作题目:范文:Over the last few decades, the world has witness unprecedented population explosion, as the result of peace, economic growth and scientific advancement. As the increase gradually becomes uncontrollable in some regions, problems associated with population appear on our overburden earth, like starvation, poverty, diseases, and even conflicts. To address these issues, some governments refer to some modern agriculture methods to increase crop yields, though at the expense of environment. In my mind, this is irresponsible.To begin with, the wide application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, a common practice encouraged by some governments to boost yields, generates pollution and makes the soil infertile gradually. It is true that at the very beginning, crops grow faster and bigger in size with ample nutrients from the fertilizer and with most pests killed. However, this cannot last for long. The deposited chemical components of fertilizers and pesticides contaminate the soil and water system. As a result, the soil will lose its ability to store nutrients for plants and become barren. Even worse, farmers who want to maintain the level of yields may put more fertilizers in the land, which form a vicious cycle. It is the same with the pesticides as pets gradually develop the ability to resist the poison and farmers spray more pesticides. In the long run, the over use of fertilizers and pesticides can just exacerbate poverty and hurt the arable land.Secondly, the irresponsible reclamation of land from nature also can hardly help people provide enough food in the longterm. With the improvement of tools, people become more powerful to acquire more land by cutting down trees, draining wetland, and planting around lakes or rivers. The expansion of farmland surely enables people to harvest more crops. However, we can hardly overlook the fact that the reclamation poses threat to local ecosystem. With the equilibrium of ecological chain destructed, people cannot realize sustainable development, which means environment deterioration or even disasters. For example, Chinese government has banned farmers from planting near Po Yang River in south China, as the planting of crops has led to the decline of fish and frog.Thirdly, another even more dangerous practice is the spread of genetically modified food. There are already numerous farmlands and experimental fields planting genetically modified food, like soybeans and corns. Until now, there is no scientific research result that can prove the absolute safety of GM food, and many people worry about the potential threats. At this stage, what we are sure about is the plantation of GM crops do contaminate local environment in an uncontrollable and irreversible way: the spread of pollen by wind or animals. It means with one piece of land growing GM crops, the land surrounding can hardly be immune. Therefore, it is irresponsible to apply such dangerous practice without clearly knowing the downsides and corresponding solutions.In a nutshell, though at present the shortage of food for growing population is a serious threat to our world, it is unwise to adopt agriculture methods that endanger environment. We need to find environment friendly solutions to this problem, so as to realize sustainable development.现代农业破坏环境:1)过度使用化肥农药2)过度开垦3)过度灌溉4)过度捕鱼5)转基因食物提高粮食产量的必要性:饥饿与贫穷导致很多问题,例如疾病和战乱现代农业不破话环境:1)滴灌,节约用水,提升灌溉效率2)高效利用土地,例如稻田养蟹modern agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)。

2. Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends
• 2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)
• Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.
• Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?

托福考试作文:20171209托福独立写作范文:To ensure education quality, high schools often have various requirements on teachers. Among all criteria that a teacher has to meet, most schools would stress the importance of teachers’ capability of guiding students to make plan for their future, offering specific supports to students who need help, and motivating students to learn on their own. In my opinion, the last one must be the most essential one that a teacher should be good at.To start with, in consideration of the limited time in class, teachers should be aware of the necessity for students to do more practice after class. For most subjects, students take the course once or twice a week. Teachers need to make good use of the time to finish their teaching plans, like introducing a new terminology, explaining a complex concept, and demonstrating an interesting experiment. There is actually little time left for students to practice on their own which is significant for them to absorb knowledge. Therefore, teachers usually choose to assign homework. There is no exaggeration to say that a student’s academic performance to a large extend depends on his efforts made in doing homework. In a word, whether the homework a teacher assigns can encourage students to study on their own after class is of great importance.Secondly, it is even better if a teacher is able to inspire students to do more researches and explore the field according to their interests. Normally, most schools merely require teachers to cover the content in textbooks and help students prepare standard tests, which only makes students to become mediocre.However, an outstanding teacher who aims at helping students explore potential and strive for excellence ought to encourage students to further expand their outlook and conduct in depth study. Students who are internally charged to work hard on a subject are able to acquire knowledge beyond what a teacher conveys in class. For example, a literature teacher may just have time to introduce one novel of a famous writer in detail, but his teaching will be more successful if he can inspire students to read more books of this writer or of others in the same era.Admittedly, it is also important for teachers to help students plan their future and give a hand to students who need help. With a clear goal, students will become more motivated and more willing to make efforts. Also, it is a teacher’s duty to guarantee that all students have a successful high s chool life. A teacher’s failure to find those in difficulties may have little impact on his evaluation but may completely ruin those students’ study in high school. However, when a teacher is able to motivate students to even make more efforts after class, students will have satisfied or excellent academic performance which enables them to make future plans and overcome difficulties in study on their own.To sum up, a successful teacher should possess a variety of qualities, including the ability to give students advices on future development, to find students’ special needs, to motivate students work hard after class. For all those requirements, the last one is especially important, as it helps students to become self-driven and hence capable of solving most problems in study on their own.20171209托福独立写作题目:Which one is the most important for high school teachers?(students aged 15 to 18)1 the ability to give advice about planning for future2 the ability to recognize students that need help3 the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside the classroom本文作者:Cindy(公众号:英文写作素材)。

2. Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends
Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?
Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.
• Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.
• Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?
3. Having excellent teachers in high school who can help students before the university

2017年2月25 托福独立作文Do you agree or disagre e with followi ng stateme nt that the way of a person’s dress is an indicat ion of his or her persona lity or charact er?题目翻译:你是否同意下面的说法--一个人的衣着可以看出或显示出其性格分析:旧题重复(V2011.05.28;2013.06.15;2014.12.14)立论:穿衣方式是一个人个性、人品的体现。
本资料由牛学教育原创提供【理由】:1. 整洁展现效率。
2. 颜色显示专业度。
【必备词汇】:倾向于:be incline d to遮羞布:fig leaves假定:granted that糟糕的:awful可靠的:trustworthy表明:dictate不一致:unconfo rmity墨守成规:Followthe routine乐观的:optimis tic合格的:qualifi ed经常是:more often than not工装、正装:formalsuit问诊、治疗:treat, treatme nt, cure,伴随着精神紧张:be accompa nied with mentaltension衣衫褴褛:be dressed in rags本资料由牛学教育原创提供Traditi onally, dresses were manufac turedto keep privacy. Therefo re, many are incline d to believe that clothes serve as nothing but fig leaves. Be that as it may, I cannotagree with this stateme nt. The way a persondressed strongl y indicat es his or her persona lity. I intendto have further illustr ations in the followi ng aspects.Granted that we obtain a littlefrom others’ outfit. It is, more often than not, the limited spare time that results in the awful dress style. A personwho stays up all night to finishthe project beforethe deadlin e wears pajamas outside because of his responsibilit y. In this situati on, we are too quick to definehim just because of his appeara nce. However, this situati on is rare. Differe nt dress stylesbasically demonst rate ones’personality.First, dressin g neatly usually suggest s high efficie ncy. It is not difficu lt to imagine that doctors with the neat suit will certain ly make their patient s relax. Usually, a patient in the first treatme nt will be natural ly accompa nied with great mentaltension. Seeingthe doctors wearing neat dress, they tend to have the first impress i on that the doctors are profess ionaland trustworthy. Hence, they tend to coopera te with doctors, which will definit ely ensurethe efficie ncy of treatme nt. By contras t, few patient s would have guts to receive treatme nt if the doctors, dressed in rags, seem not to be very profess ional.Further more, the color of varieddressin g styles can dictate differe nt personalities. It is widely acknowl edgedthat dark colors give an aura of authori ty, while lighter pastel shades suggest approac hability. If a candidate, wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of red trouser s, takes an intervi ew for bank clerks, I deem that the chanceof survivi ng the interview is slim, because unappro priate d wearing means informality at the first sight. What he wears indicat es that the job candidate does not like to followthe routine, which will conveythe message of unconfo rmityto clients. In contrast, if he wears dark dress for the interview, he will deliver a sense of conform i ty and decency to employe rs and custome rs. That is the reason why in order to deliver the message that their employers are kind and easy-going, we witness that so many clerks working in the bank wears dark or lighter colors clothes.In general, by observi ng the ways a persondressed, we have the basis to get to know his charact er since distinct people's stylescan give us the clues of people’s persona lities. Thus, I agree with the stateme nt. 415本资料由牛学教育原创分享,请勿用于商业用途,转载请注明出处。

17年9月17日托福考试真题写作解析推荐文章2018年一级建造师考试真题解析:建筑热度: 17河南专升本英语真题及答案解析热度:2017年3月25托福答案解析考试真题热度:2017年9月17日托福考试答案解析热度:历年大学生村官面试真题热度:托福考试作为一种基本英语语言能力的标准化测试,一直是国内外众多著名高等院校招生部门和各类机构人力资源部门选拔人才的衡量标准之一。
下面就是店铺给大家整理的17年9月17日托福写作解析,希望对你有用!17年9月17日托福写作解析Writing 1综合Nacza Lines为什么形成的三种理论:1.用来记录星象变化,因为有些图案像天上的星星。
2. 一种表达文化的艺术形式,因为很壮观。
教授反驳说在高处看确实很壮观,但在平地看就not visible,根本不能识别,所以不可能是人为创作的艺术作品。
3. 是人们赛跑的轨道,因为有很多人的足迹。
如下是阅读听力原文2016.6.25综合写作The straight lines and the central shape with straight line are “Nazca Lines”The term “Nazca Lines” refer to a series of images created in the desert of Peru about 2,000 years ago. These images, manydepicting geometric shapes, are extremely large with some covering several kilometers. Although researchers know how the Nazca Lines were created--the top layer of dark rocks were removed from the desert floor, exposing the lighter soil underneath--they remain uncertain why they were created. Several theories have been suggested to account for the presence of these lines.One theory is that the Nazca Lines were used as an astronomical calendar for tracking events such as the winter solstice (the day with shortest number of daylight hours) that were important to agricultural peoples. This theory was supported by the discovery of an astronomical link between some of the images and various planets and stars. It was pointed out, for example, that on the day of the winter solstice, the Sun sets almost directly over a single long line drawn in the desert.Another theory is that the Nazca images were created as a monumental ar t form expressing the Nazca people’s cultural and social importance in the region. Many ancient peoples built large monuments and artworks to demonstrate their power and celebrate their achievements. The Egyptians built massive pyramids, for example, and Easter Islanders curved massive human heads out of stone. It seems reasonable, therefore, to think that the Nazca images were built for similar reasons--to impress others.A third theory focuses on the fact that there is evidence that people traveled by foot along the line. This has led to the speculation that the Nazca Lines represented sites of footraces in which individuals or groups of individuals competed for athletic victory. In this view, the Nazca images are ancient racetracks.ListeningThe three theories that you read give some very creative explanations for the Nazca Lines. But none holds up well unto the examination.First, about the Nazca Lines as indicators of astronomic events. What the reading didn’t mention is that the vast majority of Nazca images don’t match up with anything observable in the sky. And for the few images they do, well, you know, there are hundreds of Nazca images and countless objects in the sky. Given these numbers, of course, a few line up. That would happen just by chance.Second, the Nazca images as art. Well, it is certainly true that Nazca images are large, but they are impressive really only when seen from overhead, like in an airplane. When you’re simply standing on the ground next to one of these images, it is not impressive at all. The landscape is too flat and the images are too large to allow people on the ground to recognize them. This is very different from the pyramids and the Easter Island stones. They are not just large, they are tall. It is their great height them makes them visible and impressive.Third, the idea that people were using the lines as racing tracks. Some of the images are in the shape of animals. There is a monkey, a hummingbird, a spider and so on. And these images are too complex to make good locations for foot race. Ok, so what could count for the evidence that foot traveled along the line? We can’t be sure of course, but we know that other prehistoric peoples in the region had religious rituals that involved walking along especially created pathways. It could be that Nazca line played a role in religious rituals or ceremonies that involved walking along the line.Writing 22017年9月17日独立作文:A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?-asking parents to help stop the students from cheating-penalty or punishment to the students-asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated今天的独立写作是久违了的三选一题目,ETS出的题目越来越接地气,考察防止高中生作弊哪种方法最有效。

• Do you agree or disagree: It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?
• Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)?
• Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.
• Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.
• You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?
• Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.

2017年12月10日托福独立写作题目:Agree or disagree?Students do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.2017年12月10日托福独立写作思路:Step 1:审题,题目里的关键词是respect和as much as in the past;Step 2:同意还是不同意选一边站,选同意(当然托福独立作文只要言之有理论证充分,站哪边都是可以的,没有对错之分~)Step 3:列大纲,三点分论点(实在想不出三点,写两点写好也是ok的~)分论点1:互联网兴起,知识可得性变高,老师的重要性下降;分论点2:教育商业化,机构变多,学生选择变多,教育资源不再稀缺,导致老师地位下降;分论点3:让步一下,但是老师的一些作用是不能取代的,比如说有些学生不能自学,需要老师监督与引导。
范文:(开头段:他人观点+我的观点+过渡句)With the development of modern society, some people think that students do not behave as respectful to their teachers as in the past. They point out that it is much easier to obtain knowledge in the Internet, so teachers obviouslybecome less important. When it comes to me, I quite agree with the argument above and firmly believe that teachers nowadays receive much less respect than teacher in the past. Here are my reasons and examples.(主体段1:分论点1+展开句+例证)To begin with, with the rapid development of the Internet, knowledge becomes more and more accessible. Various kinds of courses videos or e-textbooks can be found free in the Internet, thus actually leads to the decline of the importance of teachers’ existence. For example, almost all the Shanghai college students need to learn a compulsory course named Chinese Modern History. We took this course every Friday night from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. However, most of us would choose to skip this class because the contents our teacher showed on the class was very boring. Plus, we could learn Chinese History from online videos, documentaries or history novels. Each of them contained vivid depictions or interesting stories, which made it much easier for us to remember the knowledge we should acquire. As we can see, in this case, the importance of teachers has declined due to the emergence of the Internet, which certainly would lead to students’ losing respect to their teachers.(主体段2:分论点2+展开句+例证)In addition, a large number of educational institutions has been appearing during the last decade. Education is constantly commercializing. Drastic competition among these educational institutions, especially among those private ones, leads to a situation that students and their parents have widerrange of options while they are considering which of the institutions they are willing to choose. Thus leads to a severe drop of the scarcity of teachers and finally results in the decrease of their status. Take my hometown as an example. During my primary school years, all of my classmates behaved respectfully to our teachers in class, for there were no private educational institutions outside public school. However, when I grew up a bit and went to high school, students in my class dared do much more impolite things in our school courses, such as playing their mobile phone or whispering with their friends. The appearance of numerous private educational institutions attributed to this phenomenon. With their existence, students knew they could catch up with their peers even if they did not concentrate in class, for they could get tutoring classes after school. Therefore, the increasing accessibility of private educational resources also play an important role in the decline of teachers’ status.(让步段:承认不足+削弱不足+例证)Admittedly, some people would argue that teachers can perform like a moral model for young kids, especially primary school teachers. Different from those private teachers or the information on the computer, public teachers usually spend much more time with their students, which makes it easier for them to teach the kids something besides knowledge—honesty, kindness, cooperation, and so on. However, these good qualities can also be learned from children’s parents or some other elder people. Take Chinese writer ZhengYuanjie as anexample. He decided not to send his son to public school but to educate him at home. Ten years passed and his son grew up to be a happy, successful man. Without the influence of teachers, the son of Mr. Zheng could also learn these good qualities from his families.(结尾段:重述总论点+重述分论点)In conclusion, students now indeed show less respect to their teachers compared with their past attitude. One the one hand, Internet has the ability to provide students free knowledge; on the other hand, a large number of educational institutions make the accessibility of knowledge decrease, thus can also lead to teachers’ inferior status. Although teachers can perform as a model for their students which is a merit difficult to be replaced by those two factors above, generally speaking, the status of teachers in the society is dropping gradually. All these elements finally cause students’ more negative attitude towards their teachers.。
TPO 67 独立写作范文

TPO 67 独立写作范文(2017年10月14日托福独立写作真题)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is commonly believed that in life success is not important. Remaining happy and optimistic is more important.Use specific reasons and explanations to support your answer.It is difficult to exaggerate that almost everyone seems to have a certain goal to pursue, like possessing high social status, earning great personal reputation, or amassing massive wealth. When this goal is ultimately accomplished, one is usually deemed successful by others. On the way towards success, however, a multitude of difficulties and obstacles are inevitable. When these difficulties or obstacles are not overcome, one experiences failure. From my point of view, remaining happy and opt imistic when one fails is indispensable to one’s success, just as success itself is indispensable.To begin with, having a happy and optimistic attitude when one encounters failure is indeed a prerequisite for gaining success. As we all know, few people can become successful with just one attempt. It seems that only by learning from each failure and perfecting the next plan can most people obtain success. It is hence safe to say that success originates from failures. Nevertheless, if one maintains a pessimistic attitude toward failure, never will he or she be successful simply because this pessimism drags him or her into the same trap. And he or she have little motivation to move forward.Much as I applaud an optimistic attitude when one fails, achieving success is of great importance to one’s life. Without any experiences of success, one is unlikely to have any confidence to believe that he or she is capable of putting his or her own skills into use and thus realizing all the goals. Take my brother John as an example. Because of his talent in computer science, he was once invited by a top-notch professor to join a programming team. However, the project of the team did not go well, because there were many other talents in this team, which makes my brother unconfident. And two months later my brother wanted to quit. But something happened and my brother became the first person in this team to create a program that can produce and understand speech. This something is, as my brother disclosed to me, was he received an award in a well-known competition in the computer science field. The prize brought him confidence and he believed that he was able to achieve success.Y ou see, success sometimes serves as catalyst, boosting people’s confidence and infusing a new source of motivation to move on in their lives.As we mentioned upfront, both remaining optimistic and obtaining success are necessary in our life. (404Words)。

Teenagers are self-sufficient partially because many of them can make money at a young age.
Many 16 to 18-year-old teenagers can work in MacDonald’s. They can deliver newspapers. Some can even work in supermarkets. This is because these places have flexible hours for part-time workers. Students can work on weekends and over summer holidays.
Teenagers 30 years ago did not have the instant access to computers and Internet connection.
They will be more reliant on their parents for answers should they encounter problems.
beneficial. The option seems to be easy, beneficial
and convenient.
Yes, I agree. Young people are less dependent. It is because young people can make money. It’s because young people are mature. It’s because young people are emotionally independent.

2017年12月17日托福写作独立题目:If your friend want to reduce living expenses, what would you suggest1. 找 roommate 分担房租2. less frequency to buy smart phone3。
buy less expensive food and cooking and home。
2017年12月16日托福写作独立题目:Agree or disagree?The most important ways to improve the people's health is to clean the environment. 2017年12月10日托福写作独立题目:Agree or disagree?Students do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.2017年12月9日托福考试写作独立题目:Which one do you think is the most important for high school teacher (age from 15 to 18)1. the ability to give students advice to plan for their future;2。
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• Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.
• Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?
1. Being helpful to others 2. Being honest 3. Being well-organised
• At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.
• Do you agree or disagree: It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?
• Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)?
• Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one‘s own family.
• What is the most useful action for people to help protect the envirotional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually.
1. Travel by bike or walk to destination 2. Reuse and recycle waste materials 3. Purchase local organic food.
2017.7.2 A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18)improve their teaching. It is considering two plans: • 1. Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these
• Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.
• Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.
• 2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)
• Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor.
Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?
Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.
teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school.
1. Having access to the university tutors who can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulties in study
2. Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends
Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit? 1、to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community 2、learning to play a sport 3、learning to play a musical instrument
Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ages 5 to 10)? Why?
• A Being helpful to others • B Being honest • C Being well-organized • Use specific examples and evidences to
• Do you agree or disagree: it’s better to relax through watching a film and reading a book than doing physical exercises?
• Which one of the reason is most important in helping students to study in colleges and universities?
• Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.
• You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?
• 1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)