



LAI320-PCI任意波形发生卡使用说明书第一章概述1.1 简介LAI320任意波形发生卡,有2路波形输出。



1.2 技术性能指标波形输出通道:T1波形输出通道波形频率0.1Hz(DC) ~5MHz频率分辨率0.02HzDAC时钟0~80MHz连续可调,步进为0.2Hz通道数并行2CH、可同步波形长度标配256Ksa/CH,可扩到512Ksa垂直分辨率14位频率稳定度<10ppm波形幅度0~±10V、0~±1V波形个数1~4095个、循环输出输出阻抗100Ω,输出电流50mA Vpeak=100mA低通滤波5MHz、1MHz、100KHz、10KHz、1KHz程控直流精度±0.1%(FS)交流精度±0.2%谐波失真LAI320 :-65dBc(<1KHz)、-58dBc(100KHz)软件平台Windows2000/XP二次开发提供常用开发平台下的DEMO源代码(VC、CVI、VB、LABVIEW、C++ Builder)。

1.3 软件支持LAI320任意波形发生卡提供丰富的软件支持, 提供集成软件和驱动程序以及编程接口、动态连接库、使用例程等。

1.4 工作原理图一、LAI320原理框图工作原理:PC机将波形数据通过PCI总线送到存储器中,存储器循环地将波形数据发送到DAC电路,由DDS(数字频率合成器)电路产生相应的DAC刷新时钟(0~50MHz,步进0.04Hz)。




麒麟可视化智控平台1 | 54总部:深圳市南山区万科云城深圳国际创新谷8栋A座37F-39F美国:2050Main st.Suite210,Irvine,CA,92614.欧洲:R105-R106High Tech Campus9,5656AE Eindhoven,Netherland 官网:软件支持如果您的产品有任何问题,请联系我们的技术团队。

其中,国内支持信息如下:深圳总部电话:4008 770 775传真:*************地址:深圳市南山区万科云城深圳国际创新谷8栋A座37F-39F海外支持信息如下:Shenzhen HeadquartersTel:+86-755-86009353Fax:+86-755-86009659ADD:37F-39F,Building 8,Zone A,Shenzhen International Innovation Valley,Vanke Cloud City,Dashi Yilu,Nanshan District,Shenzhen,ChinaColorlight US,Inc.Tel:+1(949)536-5586Skype:Support_Colorlight USE-mail:**********************ADD:2050 Main Street,Suite 210,Irvine,CA 92614.Europe OfficeTel:+31(0)40 851 75 23Skype:Support_Colorlight EuropeE-mail:**************************ADD:Kanaaldijk-Noord 109D,5642 JA Eindhoven,Netherlands版权声明版权所有©2022卡莱特云科技股份有限公司(以下简称“卡莱特云”),保留所有权利。




颜色1 (加纳 法)
粘度2 25°C (cPs)
固体份3 (%)
胺值4 (mg KOH/g)
活泼 氢 当量
薄涂* 硬干时 间 (小时)/25°C
船舶 & 防 护 (浸泡)
工业涂 料
6,000 @ 75°C 1,800
类似于标准的高分 子量聚酰胺 NT-1500加入二甲 苯 NT-1500加入异丙 醇 NT-1500的浅色版 本 NT-1541加入二甲 苯
粘度低,韧性优异,再涂性能 优异, 干膜颜色稳定性 佳, 耐 化学性能好。适合高固体份的 涂料 无溶剂,粘度较低,颜色稳定 性好, 阴极剥离性能优 异, 金 属与混凝土表面附着力优异 改性的LITE 3000,固化速度更 快,固体含量更高, 用量较
船舶 & 防 护 (浸泡) XX
交通 工具 底漆
工业 涂料
FDA 175.300
未改 性 未改 性 未改 性 未改 性 溶剂 型 溶剂 型 未改 性

Mettler-Toledo Classic Plus产品说明书

Mettler-Toledo Classic Plus产品说明书

Classic Plus
0.00001 g
Weighing Range
Weighing Pan (mm)
100 g 200 g 300 g 400 g 500 g 600 g 1500 g 3 kg 4 kg 5 kg 8 kg 12 kg 16 kg 24 kg 32 kg
0.1 g 13001-S/FACT PB3001-L
PB5001-S/FACT PB5001-L
PB8001-S/FACT PB8001-L
PB8000-S/FACT PB8000-L
For more information
Weights Weight for tests and adjustments.
Guaranteed traceability. For more Information: /weights
100 g 200 g 300 g 400 g 500 g 600 g 1500 g 3 kg 4 kg 5 kg 8 kg 12 kg 16 kg 24 kg 32 kg
610 g 1510 g 3100 g
600 g
3100 g 4100 g
1510 g 3100 g
5100 g 8100 g 8100 g
Accessories for Classic balances
31g 120 g
220 g
0.0001 g



内容01.环氧固化剂— 酚醛胺 06— 非腰果壳油产品 11— 酚醛酰胺12— 水性1402.稀释剂与改性剂— 环氧稀释剂与树脂 16— 环氧与聚氨酯 18 腰果壳油稀释剂与改性剂03.聚氨酯— 多元醇与二元醇 20— NCO封端剂2104.介绍— 公司简介 03— 产品与市场 04— 腰果壳油技术 05腰果壳油表面活性剂2205.公司简介35余年专注于腰果壳油的高品质特殊化学品(腰果壳油是一种可再生、非食物链的生物材料)。






产品与市场环氧— 环氧固化剂酚醛胺酚醛酰胺聚酰胺改性脂环胺— 腰果壳油环氧树脂与改性剂— 腰果壳油活性与非活性稀释剂聚氨酯— 多元醇(大部分源自腰果壳油)单官、双官与多官聚酯聚醚曼尼希酚醛树脂/芳香族— 腰果壳油NCO封端剂— 活性稀释剂腰果壳油特殊品— 乙氧基化表面活性剂— 聚合物基料— 氢化单体— 烃类树脂— 摩擦粉与树脂— 丙烯酸酯— FormuLITE™涂料市场— 船舶与防护— 工业应用OEM与一般工业交通工具底漆饮用水与食品接触储罐与管道内壁— 混凝土地坪底漆与自流平面漆腰果壳油技术卡德莱的产品始终源自腰果壳油,一种天然、非食物链型、每年可再生的生物材料。



LAJAC自动滑动闸 AUDA AUDS 产品说明说明书

LAJAC自动滑动闸 AUDA AUDS 产品说明说明书

AUDA/AUDSThe automatic sliding damper AUDA is a com-pressed air powered damper for tight and rapidclosure.Because the damper is opened and closed auto-matically, the extraction is always focused on theconnections, extraction points or machines thatfor the time being are in use. This maximizes theextraction power and reduces the energy con-sumption. It also creates cleaner end productsand machinery, cleaner floors and a healthierworking environment.DesignAs standard, the damper is made of zinc plated steel, but is also available in stainless steel AISI 304/316.The pipe connections on the damper are equipped with pull ring edge or straight edge, depending on the diameter (see table on the next page). The damper can also be delivered with connections for rolled edge or with flanges.Air tightness is achieved by using flexible rubber gaskets and sealing rings. Dimensions bigger than Ø 200 mm, come only with sealing rings.The standard damper can take a heat with a maximum of +80° C. Sealing rings made of Teflon are available, in cases when higher temperature is being used. Working preassure is 6-10 bar.The damper is opened and closed by one or two compressed cylinders, depending on the diameter. The cylinder i maneuvered by a magnetic port connected to the machinery or to a maneuver switch. With a micro switch mounted on the damper, the fan can for example be turned on or off when the damper is opened or closed.1. Pneumatic cylinder2. Connection 1/8” - 6 mm hose3. Hose 6 mm4. Connection 1/8” - 6 mm hose5. Solenoid valve6. Silencer/adjustment7. Cable terminal8. Coil 230V AC or 24 V AC/DC9. Screw for manual operation of solenoid valve10. Sealings11. Damper housing12. Damper blade13. SealingBeteckning Beskrivning SPDA-01Solenoid valve SPDA-02CoilSPDA-06Micro switchSPDA-07Micro switch bracket SPDA-08Reed sensorSPDA-09Bracket for reed sensorAUDA/AUDSMeasures on the next pageAccessoriesØ mm AmmBmmCmmDmmBlade th.mmHouse th.mmWeightkg50*293192,5145139,521,52,363*293192,5145139,521,52,376*338222,5145156,521,53 80338222,5125156,521,53 100398263125176,521,53,3102*398263125176,521,53,3108*475313,5145201,521,54 120475313,5125201,521,54 125475313,5125201,521,54127*475313,5145201,521,54 140548363125226,521,55 150548363125226,521,55152*548363125226,521,55 160574382,5125236,521,55,2 180699463125276,521,56,2 200699463125276,521,56,2202*699463125276,521,56,2 22584756216534732,011,3 25084956216537132,013,5 300105069216542232,020,1 315105069216542232,021,1 350116076316547232,025 400131086316552232,027,4 450119298025062343,060 5001644108225067343,066,7 5501829120725071343,076,1 6001964129225078343,085,7 6302044134225081343,091,1 6502044134225081343,091,1 7002324154225089343,0119,3 8002564169226097343,0134,9*with straight edge. The rest is with pull ring edge.AUDA/AUDSInstallation and maintenanceInstallationWhen positioning the damper , the risk of personal injury must be taken into account. The damper must therefoe be installed outside the working zone, e.g. at least 2,1 meter above the floor level.As standard, the pipe connections are equipped with clamp rims. Installation can be carried out in an optional position, but we recommend horizontal.Connecting pipe work is to be suspended in such a way that the damper is not subjected to rupturing forces. These can cause the damper to jam och to get stuck.Electrical installationBefore starting the electrical installation the damper must be connected to the duct work, otherwise the connections on the damper should be covered securely. Electrical connection must be carried out by a qualified electrician.Before starting up1. Check that the damper blade runs smoothly. This should be done after the mechanical installation.2. Check that the damper is opened and closed when intended.Regular maintenanceThe damper is maintenance free. When required, it can be cleaned using a cloth dipped in ethylated spirits.Troubleshooting when the damper blade jams or gets stuck 1. The damper needs to be cleaned2. There are rupturing forces in the pipe system3. The damper blade is damaged4. Loose sealingsService switches or lockable master switches for fans must be turned off when working with the damper.Declaration of conformity according to EU Directive 2006/42/EC.Be aware that the unit may not go into service until the machine or the system it is to be included in, complies with the requirements of the EU machinery directive.AUDA/AUDS。












除了这些与生俱来的性能特点,卡德莱的固化剂还可以经过特别调配,为储罐内壁提供优异的耐化学性,在严峻环境下对处理差的表面也有极好的附着力,符合FDA 175.300要求,在饮用水领域达到无溶剂和施工期短的要求。




API Candida 酵母菌鉴定系统

API Candida 酵母菌鉴定系统

API Candida 酵母菌鉴定系统文章出处:长源科技 发布时间:2005-08-09API Candida 是一个在 18-24 小时内鉴定临床最常迂到酵母菌的标准化鉴定系统。


API Candida 试验条是由能进行 12 个测定 (糖产酸或酶反应) 的 10 个含干粉底物小管所组成的。

培养时,所产生的反应是由自 然颜色变化所得。

于 35-37℃培养 18 或 24 小时之后,根据读表用肉眼观察反应锆果,可用所得数值谱或鉴定软件得到鉴定结果。

试剂 A(可作 个鉴定物)包括有: 一套 API 20 A(可作 25 个鉴定物)包括有: 25 个 API 20 A 试验条- 25 个培养盒 - 25 个 API 20 A 培养基物的安瓿管 - 25 份报告单 - 1 份说明书 附加产品 -McFarland 标准(ref.70 000)点 3 范围 -矿物油 (ref. 70 100) -吸管或 PSI 管 (ref. 70 250) -安瓿架 (ref. 70 200) -棉签 (ref. 70 610) -鉴定软件 (bioMerieux 有) 试验室必备设备 -35-37℃培养箝 -冰箱-本生煤气灯 -记录笔 培养基成份 NaCl 0.85% 培养基 2 ml NaCl 无菌离子水 8.5g 1000mL培养基和试验条的贮存 在有效日期(在包装上标出)内, 培养基和试验条应贮存于 2-8℃。

警告与注意事项 ·仅供体外诊断用。





·小心启开启安瓿瓶:- 用手垂直握住安瓿瓶(白色瓶盖朝上) -尽量将瓶盖压下 -用大姆指顶住瓶盖上斜面部分 -向外加压,使瓶盖内瓶断裂 ·无滴头的安瓿 -小心取开瓶盖 ·有滴头的安瓿瓶-垂直倒置安瓿 -挤压瓶盖,将所有试剂倒入滴瓶 ·所有接过接种的试验条应视为带传染性,作适当处置。










6032: 粘度:957



Caldera RIPQuick Reference GuideCaldera OverviewCaldera is a software company with more than 25 years of experience in developing, marketing and supporting high-quality technological software for wide-format imaging, with a commitment to increasing productivity, cost-efficiency and color output. Caldera’s production-orientated print and Print-and-Cut workflow programs provide color management, imaging and processing solutions for large and grand-format peripherals.Minimum System RequirementsMac ConfigurationHardware: Intel Core i3 ,i5 or i7 based Mac mini, iMac or Mac Pro.Recent MacBooks can be used for demonstration but are not supported by Caldera in Production!PPC based hardware (G5, G4, etc) not supported !System: OS 10.9+RAM: 4GB or more. Minimum 1GB per core, recommended at least 2 GB per core.HDD: 250GBMonitor / Video card: 1280×1024 minimum resolutionPc ConfigurationLinux OS: Official Debian 8.6 Jessie (Mate desktop)CALDERA Debian 2 (however APPE3 – no APPE4)Processor: Intel Core i3, i5 or i7.RAM: 4GB or 8GB (recommended)Minimum 1GB per core, recommended at least 2 GB per coreHDD: 250GBMonitor / Video card: 1280×1024 minimum resolutionNvme SSD not yet supportedLaptop not recommended for productionWindowsAvailable as a Virtual installation within the Windows OS.Personal Account with CalderaIn order to access tools, support, and downloads, create your own personal user account with Caldera. Go HERE to create your account.Useful linksInstallation & Setup•Install Caldera with HP Latex 360•License Installation & WorkSpace Registration•RIP OverviewRunning Jobs•Print workflow to Latex360•Configuration for Latex360 (sizing, rotation, finishing marks, exc.)•Step & Repeat Nesting•Mount and use a shared folder, create Hotfolder•Spot Color Module•Print & Cut workflows•Fabricating bleeds when rippingTools from Workspace (your personal Caldera login)•Caldera Test Print File•Mount File Share Tool for Linux installations•Mount ISO Tool for LinuxSyncing Medias from Printer to RIPMedia Sync – New InstallationMedia Sync – Update for New Media AdditionRestarting Printer “Driver”Simply closing and restarting Caldera’s interface does not shut down the printer driver. To do so, you do not need to close any aspects of the rip. You can even be printing to other printers simultaneously as you restart the offending driver.Color Management InputsThese are conservative color inputs that should work well for the vast majority of users.Nesting via AutonestLeft click on “Autonest” to select, then right click to control the number of nested groups and behavior within the nest.On the Main tab, for normalworkflow choose “Ripped filethen Printer” and the number ofnested groups you need.The Nest-O-Matic tab allowcontrol of the gap betweenobjects in the nest.For hand cutting, check ON“Independent rows”.For cutting by an automatedcutter, Uncheck “independentrows” to allow for more compactnesting.。

KUKDO 产品指南说明书

KUKDO 产品指南说明书

BEYOND EXPECTATION & BEYOND LIMITATIONPRODUCT GUIDE61, Gasandigital 2-ro, Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul 153-802, KoreaInternational business : Tel +82-2-3282-1540 Fax +82-2-869-4409Domestic Sales : Tel +82-2-3282-1500 Fax +82-2-869-4944R&D Center : Tel +82-2-3282-1560 Fax +82-2-3282-1586 E-mail:***************Rev. No. 19.4si Chang Lee, PresidentApr. 2002 Establishment of KUKDO CHEMICAL (KunShan) CO., LTD. in China Nov. 2003Completion of KunShan factory for Epoxy resin and Polyol in China J ul. 2004 Completion of Busan factory for Epoxy resin and System Polyol in Busan Mar. 2008 Acquisition of HAJIN CHEM TECHNov. 2008 Completion of 40KT of Liquid Epoxy resin in IksanDec. 2008 Awarded 200 Million Dollar Export Tower Prize (45th Trade Anniversary)Nov. 2010 Awarded 2010 Global Excellent Management by JMACApr. 2011 Obtained Customs approved registered exporter Certificate by Customs Sep. 2011 Obtained AEO(Authorized Economic Operator) Certificate by Customs Dec. 2011 Awarded 300 Million Dollar Export Tower Prize (48th Trade Anniversary)Dec. 2011A warded Korean World-class Product Award 2011 by Knowledge Economy Feb. 2013Establishment of NICHIDO CHEMICAL CO., LTD.gLoBaLsaLesnetWorks*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 70% Solution *2 Reference data *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution3) High Viscosity Type*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Reference data *4 Approved by F .D.A2. standard solid typeHead Office Iksan FactoryBisPHenoL-a tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Reference data1) Low Viscosity Type1. standard Liquid type*1 Reference data2) Medium Viscosity Type2) Low Viscosity, High Flow Grade*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2Ball & Ring Method*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *4 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution3) High Molecular Weight Grade4) Special Grade*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Melt Viscosity at 175ºC *4 Mettler Method *5Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution*1 Ball & Ring Method5) Half-capped Epoxy Resin3. solution of solvent epoxy resin*1Gardner Holdt Method1) General Grade4. Powder Coating epoxy resin*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Melt Viscosity at 175ºC*Curing condition : Preheating at 130ºC × 20 mincoating).KD-4014SYSTEM0.2%residual Bisphenol-aKD-214M&KD-407SYSTEM4.7%BisPHenoL-f tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution*1 I. C. I Viscometer *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *3 Ball & Ring Method *4 Ph-OH E.W. *5 Approved by F .D.A6. n=0 free, BPa free type*1 Total-CI : Potentiometric titration *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 52ºC (Reference data) *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution*4 GPC Data7. High Purity-Low Chlorine epoxy resin*1 I.C . I Viscometer *2 Melt Viscosity : I. C . I Viscometer at 175°C *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *4 Ball & Ring Method 5. Low BPa type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 43phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC *3 73phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC *4 130phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC*5 Melt Viscosity : I.C.I Viscometer at 125ºC *6 Melt Viscosity : I.C.I Viscometer at 150ºC *7 51phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC (Reference data) *8 Reference data9) Phenol Excess Type Curing Agentnon-HaLogen fLaMe retardant ePoxy resinBroMinated ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 40ºC *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC *4Mw (Reference data)*1 Ball & Ring Method1. o-Cresol novolac type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Non-Volatile Content(wt.%)novoLaC ePoxy resinGradeEEW (g/eq)Viscosity (cps@25ºC)Color (G,max.)Characteristics/UseYDF-1020160-1802,000-3,0001Low viscosity2. Low viscosity type*1 Ball & Ring Method3. solid typefLexiBLe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 50ºC1. dimer acid Modified epoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 50ºC2. rubber Modified epoxy resinMuLti-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method4. BPa-novolac type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC5. dCPd type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Non-Volatile Content(wt%)6. xylok typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Softening Point*1(ºC)Characteristics/UseKDXN-1055225-25550-60Flame retardance, Low moisture absorption, Electronic application*1 Ball & Ring Method3. Low viscosity Phenol novolac typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Solution Viscosity*1(25ºC)Color (G,max.)Characteristics/UseKDPN-1020165-185D-G3High heat resistance, Low viscosity*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution7. Multi-functional novolac typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Softening Point*1(ºC)Characteristics/UseKDMN-1065162-17665-75High heat resistance, EMC, PCB, etc*1 Ball & Ring Method2. Phenol novolac type*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution *2 I.C.I Viscometer at 150ºC *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 60ºC *4 Non-Volatile Content(wt.%) *5 Brookfield Viscometer at 52ºCePoxy resin for P.C.M.*1 Gardner Holdt Method *2 EEW(g/eq) *3 Reference dataePoxy Modified PoLyoL (isoCyanate Curing tyPe)GradeOH Value (mgKOH/g)Solution Viscosity (25ºC)Non-Volatile Content (wt.%)Characteristics/UseYU-300100-130Z-Z 460±1Tar-urethane coating, MIBK/Toluene=1/1fiLaMent Winding, LaMinating ePoxy resinMoLding ePoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 120ºC3. urethane Modified epoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 40ºCuv Curing tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt MethodLoW teMPerature Curing tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% solutionPHenoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method, MEK NV 40% solution *2 Mw(Reference data) *3 Tg(ºC), DSC(Reference data)* S ubstrate condition : No sanding treatment on Aluminum * Mixing ratio : KSR-177/G-640=100/53 YD-128 / G-640=100/59* Curing condition : 80°C for 2hrUnit: kg/cm²ItemKSR-177YD-128Shear adhesion strength80.834.1* Test Method : ASTM D 3359B* Mixing ratio : KSR-276M70/G-640=16phr, YD-011X70 / G-640=16phr * Curing condition : 3days at RT × 80°C for 1hr * Curing agent : Kukdo Domide G-640* Film thickness: 20㎛* S ubstrate condition : No sanding treatment* Mixing ratio : KSR-177/G-640=100/53,YD-128 / G-640=100/59* Curing condition : 80°C for 2hr* Curing Condition : Room T emperature×14 days * Plate : Cold Rolled Steel (0.7T)* EEW : Epoxy Equivalent Weight (solution base) * AHEW : Active Hydroxyl Equivalent Weight (solution base)*1 : Polyamide Hardener*2 : Polyamide Adduct T ype Hardener *3 : Phenalkamine Hardener*1 A : Adhesion test (cross-hatch) *2 B : Dupont test(Impact Test, D/R), condition : ½ inch × high(cm) × 1,000 g *3 C : Erichsen Test(mm) *4 F : FailedWaterBorne ePoxy resin*1 Basis of solid contentreaCtive diLuent*1 APHA ColorGradeEEW(g/eq)Viscosity (cps@25ºC)Characteristics/UseKDSF-180300-3503,000-6,000High adhesive, Low viscosity3. BPa-Po epoxy resin4. Modified Weatherable epoxy resintri-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Reference datatetra-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Softening Point (ºC) : Ball & Ring MethodPoLyaMide & aMidoaMine tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 Viscosity : cps at 40ºC *3 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method) *4 Viscosity : Gardner Holdt Method *5 A.H.E.W. : Solution basesuMMary of Hardener ProduCt grouPaLiPHatiC aMine Modified tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method)PoLyaMide adduCt tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 N.V : Non-Volatile Content(wt.%) *3 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method)*4 Viscosity : Gardner Holdt Method *5 A.H.E.W. : Solution base*1 TAV : Total Amine Value (0.1N-HClO 4 Method) *2 A.H.E.W : Solution basearoMatiC aMine Modified tyPePHenaLkaMine tyPeCyCLoaLiPHatiC aMine Modified tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method)SIHWA Factory BUSAN Factory CHINA Factory。

IND560BC操作技术手册 R02-11.24

IND560BC操作技术手册 R02-11.24

软键配置 7.2
.................................................................................................................... 39
6 附录 B 通讯 34
7 附录 C 软键映射 ................................................................ 39
介绍 7.1 ...........................................................................................................................39
主板电压检查 4.3.2
...................................................................................... 27
(主复位) 4.3.3 Master Reset
........................................................................ 27
设备端口配置 3.4.1
...................................................................................... 22
秤体标定界面 3.4.2
...................................................................................... 25

Series 2 Forno da incasso 60 x 60 cm 产品说明书

Series 2 Forno da incasso 60 x 60 cm 产品说明书

Serie 2, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60 cm,Acciaio inoxHBA174BR0Accessori integrati 1 x Griglia combinata1 x Leccarda universale smaltataAccessori opzionaliHEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA),HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x375x30mm (LxPxA),HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA),HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA),HEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ538200Guide telescopiche a 2 livelli, HEZ538S00 Guide telescop. a 2 livelli+1 guida clip, HEZ625071 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi, HEZ633001 Coperchio per tegame professionale,HEZ633070 Tegame professionale, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ636000 Leccarda in vetro455x364x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638200 Set griglie telesc.2 liv.ad pl, HEZ638300 Set griglie telesc.3 liv.ad pl,HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l.Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.Cottura HotAir 3D: risultati perfetti di cottura grazie alla distribuzione omogenea del aria al interno della cavità, che consente di cucinare fino a 3 livelli allo stesso tempo.Programmi automatici di cottura: cucinare sarà semplicissimo grazie ai programmi con impostazioni già preselezionate.Display digitale LED rosso: facile e comodo da utilizzare.Auto pulizia pirolisi: pulizia del forno senza sforzoDati tecniciColore/materiale del frontale : Acciaio inox Tipologia costruttiva del prodotto : Da incasso Sistema di pulizia : Pirolisi+IdrolisiDimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP) : 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP) : 595 x 594 x 548 mmDimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP) : 675 x 690 x 660mmMateriale del cruscotto : acciaio inox Materiale porta : vetro Peso netto : 38,0 kg Volume utile : 71 lMetodo di cottura : aria calda, Aria calda delicata, funzione pizza, Grill a superficie grande, grill ventilato, riscaldamento inferiore, riscaldamento superiore e inferiore Materiale della cavità : OtherRegolazione della temperatura : elettronica Numero di luci interne : 1Certificati di omologazione : CE, VDELunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica : 120 cm Codice EAN : 4242005197118Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE) : 1Classe di efficienza energetica (2010/30/EC) : AEnergy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC) : 0,99kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC) : 0,81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE) : 95,3 % Dati nominali collegamento elettrico : 3600 W Corrente : 16 ATensione : 220-240 V Frequenza : 50; 60 Hz Tipo di spina : Schuko'!2E 20A F -b j h b i !1/3Serie 2, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60 cm,Acciaio inoxHBA174BR0Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegantedesign con programmi automatici di cottura:per preparare piatti perfetti.Caratteristiche principali-Display digitale LED rosso-Autopulizia pirolitica-Volume cavità: 71 l-Regolazione della temperatura da 50 °C a 275 °C-7 programmi di cottura: MultiCottura HotAir 3D,Riscaldamento superiore e inferiore, Grill ventilato, Grill asuperficie grande, Funzione pizza, Riscaldamento inferiore-Programmi automatici: 10Altre caratteristiche-Riscaldamento rapido-Illuminazione interna alogena-Temperatura porta max. 30 °C-Accessori: 1 griglia combinata, 1 leccarda universale profondasmaltata-Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cotturaEtichetta energetica-Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ aD) Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamentoconvenzionale: 0.99 kWh Consumo energetico per ciclodurante funzionamento ventilato: 0.81 kWh Numero di cavità:1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità: 71 l-Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.6 kW-La porta mantiene una temperatura bassa durante il ciclo dipirolisiInformazioni tecniche-Lungh. cavo alimentazione: 120 cm-Tensione: 220 - 240 V-Dimensioni nicchia (AxLxP): 560 mm - 568 mm x 585 mm -595 mm x 550 mm2/3Serie 2, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60 cm,Acciaio inoxHBA174BR03/3。



• 摩擦粉 • 环氧类
1. 固化剂 ——腰果壳油酚醛胺(phenalkamine) ——腰果壳油酚醛酰胺(phenalkamide)
2. 稀释剂/增韧剂 ——活性稀释剂 ——单官能团 ——双官能团 ——非活性稀释剂 ——腰果酚 ——羟基型
3. 多元醇
常用双组份环氧固化剂的品种: 1. 聚酰胺
无溶剂型: NC-541LV/LITE 2001LV 耐水性、耐海水性、耐盐雾性好,适合低表面处理涂装,食品饮用水安全。 NX-2003/NX-2003D/NC-558 耐水性、耐海水性、耐盐雾性好,适合低表面处理涂装,对潮湿混凝土附着力好。 NX-2007/NX-2009 色浅、流平性好、光泽高、干燥快,适用于自流平地坪面漆。 NX-5198/NX-6032 低粘度、干燥快,适合于无溶剂地坪中涂、环氧砂浆等。 LITE 2002/LITE 2002LP 色浅、低粘度、操作期长。
腰果壳油酚醛胺合成机ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ:
从腰果壳油中提炼并精制腰果酚,通过曼尼奇 反应制得: 腰果酚+甲醛+脂肪族多元胺=卡德莱环氧固化剂
根据不同的合成反应聚合度及采用的多元胺, 形成不同的牌号。
卡德莱就是从这里来的… Molecular formula
Molecular Weight Composition
为高固含量、高PVC的涂料体系。 • 通过FDA认证,可用于食品及饮用水项目。



Literature Circle QuestionsUse the questions and activities that follow to get more out of the experience of reading Pocahontas by Joseph Bruchac.1.List five of the challenges the colonists faced on their voyage and settlement ofJamestown.2.Historians have long wondered what happened to the “lost colony” of Roanoke,Virginia. What is Pocahontas’s explanation of what became of the Roanokesurvivors (page 5)?3.Pocahontas’s father is the Mamanatowic, the Great Chief of the Powhatanvillages. Describe his position and the role he plays in the lives of the Powhatanpeople.4.How does John Smith explain the false accusations made against him by MasterWingfield?5.Frequently Pocahontas makes reference to Okeus. Who is Okeus, and what do thePowhatans believe about him?6.Why is John Smith critical of the “gentlemen planters” who are a part of theVirginia colony?7.How does John Smith feel that his background as a soldier helps him in his newlife as a colonist?8.In describing his thoughts about dealing with the colonists, Pocahontas’s fathertells her, “When you grasp a snake, you have to make sure you hold it firmly and in the right place. Otherwise it will twist around and bite you” (page 74). Explain in your own words what the Great Chief means with this snake metaphor.9.Rawhunt and Amocis describe to Pocahontas the many mistakes made by the“Coatmen,” as they call the English settlers. What are these mistakes?10.In the final chapters of the book, John Smith is brought before Pocahontas’sfather, and he feels sure that he is about to be killed (page 143). Instead, theMamanatowic makes a solemn promise to John Smith (page 145). What is theGreat Chief’s promise to John Smith, and why does he make this promise?11.As the colonists interact with the Powhatan people, many misunderstandingsresult due to differences in language and culture. Can you find an example of aserious misunderstanding between the colonists and the Powhatan people? What is the result of the misunderstanding?12.This story is told in the alternating voices of John Smith and Pocahontas. Explainhow this storytelling technique affects your reading of Pocahontas.13.How does this version of the story of Pocahontas and John Smith differ fromother versions you have seen or read? Were there parts of this story that surprised you?14.In Chapter 17, Pocahontas describes the ways that her people punish thewrongdoers in their community. For example, she explains that if someone iscaught stealing three times, that person is punished by death. What can we learn here about the Powhatan ideas about justice?15.If you could give some words of advice to John Smith about how to livepeacefully alongside the Powhatan people, what would you tell him?Note: These literature circle questions are keyed to Bloom’s Taxonomy as follows: Knowledge: 1-3; Comprehension: 4-6; Application: 7-8; Analysis: 9-11; Synthesis: 12-13; Evaluation: 14-15.Activities:1.Each of the chapters written from the perspective of Pocahontas begins with ashort legend, often explaining the origin of an aspect of nature or a Powhatanbelief. Experiment with writing your own legend in this style.2.To learn more about the settlement at Jamestown and to see photos ofarchaeological excavations, use the Internet to visit the historic Jamestown Website (/jr.html). After exploring this Web site, be ready toreport what you learned to your class.3.Create a reader’s theater for two people, using passages from the book thatrepresent both Pocahontas and John Smith. Choose passages that highlight thedifferences in perspective of these two characters, and practice your reader’stheater with another student to present to your class.Other Books by Joseph BruchacCode TalkerGeronimoSacajaweaThe Warriors。















一,二聚酸型聚酰胺固化剂配方设计技术:1,1计算公式X=(YxA+56100)xCxW/(ZxA-YxW)式中:W------配方总酸的总重量gA-----酸的克当量gY------液体聚酰胺的设计胺值mgKOH/gZ-----原料有机胺的胺值mgKOH/g56100-----KOH的毫克当量数X-----有机胺的总重量C-----校正糸数1,1,1校正糸数C=(N+2)/(N+1)N为-CH2CH2-的数减1(乙二胺)C=2,(二乙烯三胺)C=1.5,(三乙烯四胺)C=4/3=1.33(四乙烯五胺)C=5/4=1.25,(五乙烯六胺)C=6/5=1.21,2计算实例:设定配料加入的酸为二聚酸,油酸,总重量为100g,其中油酸当量为282,加入的胺三乙烯四胺,其胺值为1443mgKOH/g,生产不同型号液体聚酰胺树脂固化剂所需的三乙烯四胺的量为:100号X=28(g/100g)200号X=38(g/100g)250号X=43(g/100g) 300号X=49(g/100g)350号X=54(g/100g)400号X=59(g/100g) 1,3标准胺值:乙二胺EDA1855,二乙烯三胺DETA1626三乙烯四胺TETA1443,四乙烯五胺TEPA1343五乙烯六胺PEHA1284,多乙烯多胺AEEA1070哌嗪AEP1293,E-1001257mgKOH/g1,4活泼氢当量设计:1.4.1活泼氢当量=胺当量x胺加成物的氮原子数/胺加成物的氢原子数。

卡诺德健康 Orthopedic Solutions 产品说明书

卡诺德健康 Orthopedic Solutions 产品说明书

316.286.EM DB076-0010.76mm drill bit, mini QC with 6mm stop, 44.5mm 316.288.EM DB076-0020.76mm drill bit, mini QC with 8mm stop, 44.5mm 316.290.EM DB076-0030.76mm drill bit, mini QC with 10mm stop, 44.5mm 316.292.EM DB076-0040.76mm drill bit, mini QC with 12mm stop, 44.5mm 316.294.EM DB076-0050.76mm drill bit, mini QC with 14mm stop, 44.5mm 316.306.EM DB076-0060.76mm drill bit, J-latch, with 6mm stop, 44.5mm 316.308.EM DB076-0070.76mm drill bit, J-latch, with 8mm stop, 44.5mm 316.310.EM DB076-0080.76mm drill bit, J-latch, with 10mm stop, 44.5mm 316.312.EM DB076-0090.76mm drill bit, J-latch, with 12mm stop, 44.5mm 316.314.EM DB076-0100.76mm drill bit, J-latch, with 14mm stop, 44.5mm 316.396.EM DB10-001 1.0mm drill bit, mini QC, 50mm 316.236.EM DB10-002 1.0 mm drill bit, J-latch, 60mm 310.10.EM DB11-001 1.1mm drill bit, JC, 45mm 310.11.EM DB11-002 1.1mm drill bit, QC, 60mm 310.111.EM DB11-004 1.1mm drill bit, mini QC, 55mm 310.113.EM DB11-005 1.1 mm drill bit, J-latch, 65mm 316.402.EM DB13-001 1.3mm drill bit, mini QC, 55mm 316.403.EM DB13-002 1.3 mm drill bit, J-latch, 65mm 310.141.EM DB15-002 1.5mm drill bit, mini QC, 65mm 310.143.EM DB15-003 1.5 mm drill bit, J-latch, 75mm 310.15.EM DB15-004 1.5mm drill bit, QC, 85mm 310.16.EM DB15-005 1.5mm drill bit, QC, 110mm 310.161.EM DB15-006 1.5mm drill bit, J-latch, 110mm310.507.EM DB15-008 1.5mm drill bit with depth mark, mini QC, 96mm 310.215.EM DB17-001 1.7mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 100mm 310.509.EM DB18-001 1.8mm drill bit with depth mark, QC, 110mm 310.510.EM DB18-002 1.8mm drill bit, QC, 100mm 310.520.EM DB18-003 1.8mm drill bit, QC, 125mm 310.162.EM DB18-004 1.8mm drill bit, J-latch, 110mm 317.861.EM DB18-005S 1.8mm drill bit, mini QC, 80mm 317.867.EM DB18-007 1.8mm drill bit, J-latch, 90mm360.05.EM DB100-00110.0mm cannulated drill bit, large QC, 190mm 357.404.EM DB110-00111.0mm tapered drill bit, cannulated, large QC, 280mm 03.010.036.EM DB120-00212.0mm cannulated drill bit, large QC, 190mm 351.27.EM DB130-00213.0mm cannulated drill bit, 300mm03.010.028.EM DB150-00115.0mm cannulated drill bit, large QC, 280mm 357.394.EM DB170-00417.0mm cannulated drill bit, large QC, 300mm 310.19.EM DB20-001 2.0mm drill bit, QC, 100mm 310.20.EM DB20-002 2.0mm drill bit, JC, 85mm 310.201.EM DB20-003 2.0mm drill bit, mini QC, 65mm 310.203.EM DB20-004 2.0 mm drill bit, J-latch, 75mm 310.21.EM DB20-005 2.0mm drill bit, QC, 125mm310.221.EM DB20-007 2.0mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 150mm 323.062.EM DB20-011 2.0mm drill bit with depth mark, 140mm DB20.EM DB20-012 2.0mm drill bit, QC, 105mm 310.530.EM DB24-001 2.0mm drill bit, QC, 105mm 317.871.EM DB24-002 2.4mm drill bit, mini QC, 80mm 317.872.EM DB24-003 2.4 mm drill bit, J-latch, 90mm 310.23.EM DB25-001 2.5mm drill bit, QC, gold, 180mm 310.24.EM DB25-002 2.5mm drill bit, JC, gold, 95mm 310.25.EM DB25-003 2.5mm drill bit, QC, gold, 110mm DB25.EM DB25-004 2.5mm drill bit, QC, calibrated, 125mm315.92.EM DB25-007 2.5mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 230mm, 200mm calibration 324.210.EM DB25-009 2.5mm percutaneous drill bit, QC, 300mm, 200mm calibration 310.26.EM DB27-001 2.7mm drill bit, QC, 100mm 310.27.EMDB27-0022.7mm drill bit, JC, 85mmOrdering information EM = Emerge Medical Cat. no. CH = Cardinal Health Cat. no./orthopedics© 2015 Cardinal Health. All rights reserved. CARDINAL HEALTH, the Cardinal Health LOGO and ESSENTIAL TO CARE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cardinal Health. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Lit. No. 2ORTHO14-19355 (01/2015)310.28.EM DB27-003 2.7mm drill bit, QC, 125mm310.67.EM DB27-005 2.7mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 160mm 315.26.EM DB27-006 2.7mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 110mmL1813.EM DB27-007 2.7 mm, 2.5 mm stepped drill bit, QC, calibrated 114mm 315.28.EM DB27-008 2.7mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 125mm324.214.EM DB28-001 2.8 mm percutaneous drill bit, QC, 200mm, 100mm calibration 310.288.EM DB28-002 2.8mm drill bit, QC, 165mm324.211.EM DB28-006 2.8mm percutaneous drill bit, QC, 300mm, 200mm calibrated 310.229.EM DB29-001 2.9mm drill bit, QC, 150mm5010.EM DB30-001 3.0mm, 4.4mm tapered cannulated drill bit, QC, calibrated, 152mm2515.EM DB31-001 3.1mm, 4.1mm tapered drill bit, QC, 114mm 310.02.EM DB32-001 3.2mm drill bit, QC, 225mm 310.31.EM DB32-004 3.2mm drill bit, QC, 145mm 310.32.EM DB32-005 3.2mm drill bit, JC, 130mm310.65.EM DB32-006 3.2mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 170mm 315.29.EM DB32-007 3.2mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 195mm324.212.EM DB32-011 3.2mm percutaneous drill bit, QC, 300mm calibrated 315.31.EM DB32-008 3.2mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, needle point, 145mm 315.330.EM DB32-009 3.2mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 210mm, 68mm calibration 315.93.EM DB32-010 3.2mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 230mm, 200mm calibration 03.010.060.EM DB32-013 3.2mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 330mm, 100mm calibration 03.010.103.EM DB32-015 3.2mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, needle point, 145mm 310.35.EM DB35-001 3.5mm drill bit, QC, 110mm 310.37.EM DB35-003 3.5mm drill bit, QC, 195mm310.68.EM DB35-005 3.5mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 160mm 310.40.EM DB40-001 4.0mm drill bit, QC, 197mm 310.401.EM DB40-002 4.0mm drill bit, QC, 160mm315.40.EM DB40-005 4.0mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, needle point, 195mm 356.98.EM DB40-007 4.0mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 270mm, 95mm calibration 356.982.EM DB40-008 4.0mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 215mm, 80mm calibration 357.407.EM DB40-009 4.0mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 260mm, 65mm calibration 03.226.042.EM DB40-010 4.0mm cannulated drill bit, 215mm03.010.061.EM DB42-001 4.2mm three fluted drill bit, QC, 330mm, 100mm calibration 03.010.104.EM DB42-003 4.2mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, needle point 145mm 310.423.EM DB43-001 4.3mm drill bit, QC, 280mm 310.430.EM DB43-002 4.3mm drill bit, QC, 221mm 310.431.EM DB43-003 4.3mm drill bit, QC, 180mm310.634.EM DB43-004 4.3mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 200mm324.213.EM DB43-005 4.3mm percutaneous drill bit, QC, 300mm calibration 310.44.EM DB45-001 4.5mm drill bit, QC, 145mm 310.48.EM DB45-003 4.5mm drill bit, QC, 195mm310.66.EM DB45-005 4.5mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 170mm 310.69.EM DB45-006 4.5mm cannulated drill bit, JC, 233mm 315.44.EM DB45-007 4.5mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 145mm 315.48.EM DB45-008 4.5mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 195mm03.010.089.EM DB45-009 4.5mm cannulated drill bit, JC, with 135mm stop, 165mm 03.010.078.EM DB45-010 4.5mm 6.5mm stepped drill bit, large QC, 485mm 310.63.EM DB50-001 5.0mm cannulated drill bit, large QC, 300mm 310.632.EM DB50-002 5.0mm cannulated drill bit, QC, 200mm03.010.062.EM DB50-004 5.0mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 330mm, 100mm calibration 03.010.105.EM DB50-006 5.0mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, needle point 145mm 357.099.EM DB50-007 5.0mm three‐fluted drill bit, QC, 330mm, 100mm calibration 357.403.EM DB60-006 6.0mm 10.0mm stepped drill bit, cannulated, large QC, 435mm310.495.EMDB73-0017.3mm cannulated drill bit, large QC, 300mm。

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