
英语国际音标表(48个)一、元音(20个)二、辅音(28个)元音音标例词表/i:/例词:Chin e se t ea cher m e h e sh e s ee t ea k ey /ɪ/例词:l i sten g i ve i t b i g sh i p stud y/e/例词:t e ll th e n b e d g e t e nd l e t h ea d m a ny fri e nd l e sson/æ/ 例词:c a t a pple m a p c a p b a d a nd/ ʌ/ 例词:n u mber m o ther u nder b u t c u p t ou ch/ə/例词:b a nan a teach er a go pand a doct or a bout fam ou s/ ɜ:/例词:b ir d n ur se h er d ir ty ear ly w or ker/ɑ:/ 例词:ar m cl a ss c ar f a st d ar k st ar c ar dh ar d f ar m g ar den/ɒ/例词:d o g b o x wh a t h o t l o t c o ck b ough t/ɔ:/ 例词:m or ning w al k h or se w a ter sh or t d oor t al k s aw au tumn/ʊ/例词:b oo k f oo tball g oo d c oo k t oo k f u ll sh ou ld/u:/例词:s ou p f oo d z oo wh o r u ler fr u it c oo l/eɪ/例词:c a k e pl a n e a ge d ay th ey eigh t gr ea t d a te w ai t r a ce/aɪ/例词:b i k e r i c e r i c e h i m y b ye fl y h igh b uy l i ke l igh t/ɔɪ/ 例词:b oy p oi nt t oy oi l j oi n s oi l n oi se/əʊ/ 例词:n o s e b oa t n o ow n b ow l kn ow sh ou lder /aʊ/ 例词:h ou se fl ow er ou t n ow t ow n br ow n/ɪə/ 例词:ear d ear h ere id ea n ear/eə/ 例词:ch air p ear air h air b ear th ere th eirc are ful/ʊə/ 例词:s ure p oor t our辅音音标例词表/p/ 例词p encil a pp le p en p ig p ark ha pp y s p eak /b/ 例词b anana foot b all b ig b us jo b b ird b ike / t/ 例词t eam grea t t o t ea sea t boa t bo tt le/d/例词d og han d d o d own gla d ma d e win d ow / k/ 例词k ite musi c c ow c ar c ard c ome ba ck/g/ 例词g reen do g ba g e gg pi g g rass g irl g ive /f/ 例词f ish co ff ee f at f ace li f e ph one f ather /v/ 例词v isit lo v e o f v iew v ery v iolin lea v e/s/ 例词s un ri ce s ea s mell s ell s ame fa ce s nake mou s e/z/ 例词z oo no s e eye s knee s pri z e mu s ic/ð/ 例词th is mo th er th at th ese th ose/θ/例词bo th th ree th ing mou th th ank bir th day/ʃ/ 例词sh oe fi sh sh e s ure wa sh sh ip sh eep/ r/ 例词r ed r obot r un r ain r ace w r ite r ead/ h/ 例词h ouse h ead h e h en h ill h igh h air h orse /ts/例词ca ts coa ts pe ts shir ts ska tes studen ts /dz/ 例词be ds frien ds car ds han ds roa ds/tr/ 例词tr ain tr ousers tr ee tr ip/dr/例词dr iver dr ess dr op dr eam/tʃ/ 例词ch air mu ch wat ch ch ild Ch ina lun ch/dʒ/ 例词j ump bri dge j eep j oke oran ge/m/ 例词m um ju m p m y ho m e co m e so m e m outh ga m e m any/n/ 例词n ew fa n so n ru n thi n n eck n oo n k n ife n umber/ŋ/ 例词si ng swimm ing ki ng so ng thi ng stro ng bri ng/ ǀ/ 例词l ion ru l er l etter l esson l ion l amp ba llgir l ta ll bott l e/ w/ 例词w arm w indow wh at wh eel w ay w atch w ash/ j/ 例词y es y ard y ear y ellow/ʒ/ 例词plea s ure u s ually。

(新)英语国际音标48个及例词元音(20个)个)辅音(28个)个)1. / ɑ: / are car class banana 2. / ʌ / but bus number lunch supper 3. / ɔ: / horse tall ball floor draw 4. / ɒ / box dog mop hot clock 5. / ɜ: / her bird dirty shirt 6. / ə / ruler number supper doctor 7. / i:/ he she be these Chinese three team 8. / ɪ / in is sit Jim English 9. / u: /you too school move ruler who 10. / ʊ / book look cook put 11. / e / egg yes pen seven spell 12. / æ / and can cat bag dad 13. / e ɪ / cake Kate late great play eight 14. / a ɪ / fine nice bike sky 15. / ɔɪ / boy toy oil noise 长元音 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /ɜ:/ /i:/ /U:/ 短元音 /ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/ 双元音 /e ɪ//a ɪ//ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /e ə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /a ʊ/清辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ 浊辅音/b/ /d//g//v/ /ð/ð// /z/ 清辅音 /ʃ/ /ts/ /t ʃ/ /tr/ /h/ 浊辅音 /ʒ/ /dz/ /d ʒ/ /dr/ /r/ 边音 /ǀ/ 鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ 半元音/ j// w/16. / ɪə / here near dear cheer 17. / eə / pear chair where their 18. / ʊə /sure tour poor 19. / əʊ /no go zero those nose coat know 20. / aʊ / how now mouse down 21. / p /play park people sheep 22. / b /bike banana bag web 23. / t /tea too teacher cat 24. / d / dog doctor friend desk 25. / k /car cake Kate desk 26. / g /green glad good dog 27. / f / friend fax fifty floor 28. / v /very river seven have 29. / θ /three think birthday sixth 30. / ð /the this these those brother 31. / s / sit see nice class 32. / z /zero these hers trousers 33. / ʃ /she ship shirt shoe English 34. / ʒ / usually treasure pleasure 35. / ts / students cats hats parents 36./ dz / beds birds friends AIDS 37. / tʃ / chair check China watch 38. / dʒ /jeep orange age page 39. / tr / tree trousers treasure travel 40. / dr /draw drive children hundred 41. / h / he who hot help house 42. / r / red right read room 43. / ǀ /look like light bottle Google 44. / m / map mum name number 45. / n /nice nine knock fine 46. / ŋ / doing shopping think English 47. / j /yellow yes you young 48. / w / what white where war 。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)48个英语音标分类发音表辅音(28个)清辅音 /p/ /?t/ /?k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/? /g/ /v/ /e/? /z/? 清辅音 /?/ /?h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/? 浊辅音 /?/ /?r/? /dz/? /d?/ /dr/? 鼻音 /m/ /n/? /?/?半元音 /?j/ / w/边音/??/元音单元音前元音? 中元音 ? 后元音 双元音开合双元音集中双元音 ? ? 辅音爆破音清辅音? ? 浊辅音? ?长元音 /ɑ:/ /?:/ /??:/ /i:/ /U:/ 短元音 /??/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /e?/ /a?/ /??/ 双元音 /??//e?/ /??//??/ /a?/清辅音摩擦音浊辅音?清辅音? ?破擦音浊辅音? ?鼻音(浊辅音)? ?舌则音(浊辅音)? ? ?半元音(浊辅音)? ? ?注:不同词典有不同的音标符号系统,本表为最新DJ英语国际音标表符号新旧英语国际音标对照表辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1)[i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee t b ee f s eeea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea kcl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m ep ie ce rec ei ve c ei ling2)[ I ] [i]发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i xman y happ y d i ctionar yd e fect d e cide del i cious twent y3)[ ? ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p m a d b a dbl a ck b a ck gl a d m a n4)[e]字母组合: ea e a单词举例:h ea d br ea db e d r e d e lephant rem e mber s e lll e sson b e tter d e sk hot e l y e s5)[З:] ?: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir dt ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sdayl ear n ear tht er m h erw or k w or ld6) [?] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art o gether t o morrow t o day less o na round a ccount a go eleph a ntb a nan a7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d ar mf a st cl a ss gl a ss pl a nt8) [ ? ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n g u n n u t c u p b u sc o me m o ther dose l o ve ab o vetr ou ble bl oo d fl oo d9) [?: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:sm al l w al l t al k t al l b al l w al ksh or t m or e lord h or se f or f or ty sp or tau thor au tumn c au ghtf our w ar m10) [ ? ] 发音字母: o a([?]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t f o x b o x d o g r o ckw a nt w a sh w a tch11) [u:]字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m g oo se t oo thsh o e d o tw otr u e bl u e f u ll12) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t f u ll p u shl oo k g oo d f oo t b oo k w oo dsh ou ld c ou ld13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me c a ke l a te pl a ne A prilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea t br ea kr ai n p ai nt pl ai nth ey gr ey14) [ai]发音字母i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne f i nd n i ne l i ght n i ghtm y tr y fl y e y e15) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t gr ou nd s ou nd l ou da rou nd m ou sefl ow er d ow n n ow c ow h ow 16)[??] 发音字母: o ow oa[?u]单词举例: h o me c o ld g o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owb oa tc oa t g oa l17) [ ?? ]字母组合: oy oi[?i]单词举例: b oy t oyoi l s oi l v o ice ch oi ce18) [I?] 字母组合:eer ear[i?]单词举例:b eer d eerear near id ea19) [??]字母组合: ear air ere[e?]单词举例:p ear b earch air air f airth ere wh ere c are20)[??] 字母组合: ure[u?]单词举例:sure元音字母读音例词a 在开音节中[ei] name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中[?] bag dad hat map black backe 在开音节中[i:] he these me Chinese在闭音节中[e] bed let pen desk yes eggi 在开音节中[ai] bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中fish big drink sit milk swimo 在开音节中[ou] those close go hoe home no在闭音节中[C] clock not box shop socku 在开音节中[ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday在闭音节中[∧] bus cup jump much lunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar c akeTri ck lo ck24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph otoele ph ant25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26.[ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y29. [ ? ]字母组合: sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30. [ t? ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32.[ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33.[ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34. [ g ]字母组合: g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v en ele v en37. [ e ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose38.[ z ]字母组合: z s单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the se tho se39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41.[ ? ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:42.[ d? ] 字母组合: g单词举例:oran ge g entle pa ge其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46. [ ? ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng [l? ?] si ng47. [ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en元音发音方法/i:/嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。

48个国际音标发音规则及单词最新完整版以下是48个国际音标发音规则及一些常用单词示例:1. ae: [eɪ] 例词:face (脸)2. ai: [aɪ] 例词:sky (天空)3. au: [ɔː] 例词:caught (捕捉)4. aw: [ɔː] 例词:saw (锯)5. a: [æ] 例词:cat (猫)6. eau: [əʊ] 例词:beau (情郎)7. ee: [iː] 例词:see (看见)8. ei: [eɪ] 例词:vein (静脉)9. ew: [juː] 例词:few (几个)10. e: [ɛ] 例词:bed (床)11. ieu: [juː] 例词:lieu (事物)12. ie: [aɪ] 例词:tie (领带)13. ir: [ɜː(r)] 例词:bird (鸟)14. i: [ɪ] 例词:sit (坐)15. oa: [əʊ] 例词:coal (煤)16. oe: [iː] 例词:toe (脚趾)17. oi: [ɔɪ] 例词:coin (硬币)18. oo: [ʊ] 例词:book (书)19. ou: [aʊ] 例词:house (房子)20. ow: [aʊ] 例词:now (现在)21. o: [ɒ] 例词:hot (热)22. ue: [juː] 例词:hue (色调)23. ui: [juː] 例词:fruit (水果)24. u: [ʌ] 例词:but (但是)26. ər: [ə(r)] 例词:letter (信)27. əʊ: [əʊ] 例词:boat (船)28. əʊr: [ɔː(r)] 例词:bore (无聊)29. ɪər: [ɪə(r)] 例词:fear (恐惧)30. ɪə: [ɪə(r)] 例词:beer (啤酒)31. ɪ: [i] 例词:bit (一点)32. ɒ: [ɑː] 例词:hot (热)33. ɔ: [ɔː] 例词:dog (狗)34. ʊər: [ʊə(r)] 例词:cure (治愈)35. ʊə: [ʊə(r)] 例词:tour (旅行)36. ʊ: [u] 例词:book (书)37. aɪə: [aɪə(r)] 例词:fire (火)38. aʊə: [aʊə(r)] 例词:flower (花)39. aʊ: [aʊ] 例词:cow (牛)40. eər: [ɛə(r)] 例词:air (空气)41. eə: [ɛə(r)] 例词:hair (头发)42. ɪə: [ɪə(r)] 例词:near (附近)43. ɪə: [iː] 例词:here (这里)44. oɪə: [ɔɪə(r)] 例词:employer (雇主)45. ɔɪ: [ɔɪ] 例词:boy (男孩)46. ʊər: [ʊə(r)] 例词:moor (荒野)47. ʊə: [ʊə(r)] 例词:tour (旅行)。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/ɑ://ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /U:/短元音/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/双元音/əʊ/ /aʊ/ /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/清辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ//s/ 浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ 清辅音/ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/ʒ/ / r/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j/ / w/边音/ ǀ/新旧英语国际音标对照表辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee t b ee f s eeea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n pl ea seh e sh e m ep ie ce rec ei ve c ei ling twent y2) [ I ] [i] 发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i xman y happ y d i ctionar yd e fect d e cide del i cious3) [ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p m a d b a d bl a ck b a ck gl a d m a n4) [e]字母组合: ea e a单词举例:h ea d br ea db e d r e d e lephant rem e mber s e ll l e sson b e tter d e skhot e l y e s5) [З:] ə: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir dt ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sdayl ear n ear tht er m h erw or k w or ld6) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art o gether t o morrow t o day less o na round a ccount a go eleph a ntb a nan a7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d ar mf a st cl a ss gl a ss pl a nt8) [ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n g u n n u t c u p b u sc o me m o ther dose l o ve ab o vetr ou ble bl oo d fl oo d9) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:sm al l w al l t al k t al l b al l w al ksh or t m or e lord h or se f or f or ty sp or tau thor au tumn c au ghtf our w ar m10) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t f o x b o x d o g r o ckw a nt w a sh w a tch11) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m g oo se t oo thsh o e d o tw otr u e bl u e f u ll12) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例: p u t f u ll p u shl oo k g oo d f oo t b oo k w oo dsh ou ld c ou ld13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例: n a me c a ke l a te pl a ne A prilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea t br ea kr ai n p ai nt pl ai nth ey gr ey14) [ai]发音字母 i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne f i nd n i ne l i ght n i ghtm y tr y fl y e y e15) [au] 字母组合: ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t gr ou nd s ou nd l ou d a rou nd m ou sefl ow er d ow n n ow c ow h ow16) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld g o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owb oa tc oa t g oa l17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oyoi l s oi l v o ice ch oi ce18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eerear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b earch air air f airth ere wh ere c are20) [ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar c akeTri ck lo ck24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph oto ele ph ant25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26. [ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32. [ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33. [ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34. [ g ]字母组合: g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v en ele v en37. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the se tho se39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例: be ds han ds40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41. [ ʒ ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:42. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例: oran ge g entle pa ge其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46. [ ŋ ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng [lɔŋ] si ng47. [ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en。

20个元音单元音(12):[i]衣[ə]鹅[ɔ]哦[u]乌[ʌ]阿[e] bed [æ] bad[i:]b ee [ə:]b ir d [ɔ:]f our [u:]bl ue [a:]c ar双元音(8):[ei]A [əu]欧[ai]爱[au]奥[ɔi]哦衣[iə]一鹅[ɛə]air[uə]乌鹅辅音(28)清辅音:[p]坡[t]特[k]渴[f]夫[s]丝[ɵ]th ing [ʃ]狮[h]喝[ts]刺[tʃ]吃[tr]车浊辅音:[b]伯[d]德[g]哥[v]v ery [z]z oo [ð]th is [ʒ]日[r]惹[ʣ]自[ʤ]只[dr]这其他辅音:[m] m um [n]n oon [ŋ] ri ng[l]楼(乐+欧)半元音(属于辅音):[w]窝w et [j]耶y es备注1:双元音是一个音节,相当于一个元音备注2:清辅音有气流,声带不震动,浊辅音无气流,声带要震动备注3:如何区分短元音、长元音和半元音?从发音时长,短元音为1秒,长元音为2秒,半元音为1/2秒[i]衣1秒[i:]2秒[j]耶1/2秒[u]乌1秒[u:]2秒[w]窝1/2秒20个元音单元音(12):[i] [ə] [ɔ] [u] [ʌ] [e][æ][i:][ə:][ɔ:][u:][a:]双元音(8):[ei] [əu] [ai][au] [ɔi] [iə][ɛə][uə]辅音(28)清辅音:[p][t][k][f][s] [ɵ][ʃ] [h] [ts] [tʃ] [tr]浊辅音:[b][d][g][v][z][ð][ʒ][r] [ʣ] [ʤ] [dr]其他辅音:[m] [n][ŋ] [l]半元音:[w][j]。


2028清辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d//g//v/ /ð/ /z/ 清辅音 /ʃ/ / h/ /ts//t ʃ/ /tr/浊辅音 /ʒ/ / r/ /dz/ /d ʒ/ /dr/ 鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ 半元音 /j/ /w/ 边音/ǀ/长元音 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/ 短元音 / ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/æ// 双元音 /e ɪ/ /a ɪ/ /ɔɪ//ɪə/ /e ə/ /ʊə//əʊ/ /a ʊ/英语国际音标发音规则:一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词:a 在开音节中[ei] name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中[æ] bag dad hat map black backe 在开音节中[i:] he these me Chinese在闭音节中[e] bed let pen desk yes eggi 在开音节中[ai] bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中fish big drink sit milk swimo 在开音节中[əu] those close go hoe home no在闭音节中[ɒ] clock not box shop socku 在开音节中[ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday在闭音节中[ʌ] bus cup jump much lunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j/ l/ r/ s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler 二、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音元音字母读音例词:a在[w]音后面[ɒ] want what watch wash qualitya在f/n/sk/ph/sp/ss/st/th前[α:] after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father i在-nd/-ld和gh前[ai] find child light higho在-st/-ld前[əu] most postcard old coldo在m/n/v/th前[ʌ] come monkey love mother三、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词:a [ə] China another woman breakfast orange comrade village cabbagee [ə] hundred student open weekend chicken pocket begin childreni [ə] holiday beautiful family animal[ai] exercise satelliteo [ə] second tonight somebody welcome[əu] also zero photou [ə] autumn difficult[ju:] popular congratulation January动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:operateu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j/l/r/s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February 在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a/e/i即可以读作[ə]音。


48个音标大全(总4页) --本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--音标12单元音短元音7个[i]例词:it,big,ship,study,listen[ə]例词:ago,panda,teacher,doctor,around,famous [ɔ]例词:dog,what,ball,call,hall,bought[u]例词:foot,good,cook,book,took,full,should [ʌ]例词:under,but,cup,mother,touch[e]例词:bed,get,end,let,head,many,friend,lesson [æ]例词:map,cap,cat,bad,and,apple长元音5个[i:]例词:me,he,she,see,tea,key,east [ɜ:]例词:her,bird,dirt,early,worker,purse[ɔ:]例词:horse,water,short,door,talk,saw,autumn [u:]例词:zoo,,,cool,shoot[ɑ:]例词:car,fast,dark,star,card,hard,八个双元音[ei]例词:age,day,they,eight,great,date,wait,race [ai]例词:hi,my,bye,fly,high,buy,rice,like,light[ɔi]例词:boy,toy,oil,join,soil,noise[əu]例词:no,ownnote,bowl,boat,know,shoulder [au]例词:out,now,town,sound,house,brown[iə]例词:ear,deer,fear,here,idea,near[eə]例词:air,hair,bear,dare,there,their,carefully[uə]例词:sure,poor,tour,February辅音10对清辅音[t]例词:to,tea,tear,seat,boat,town,bottle[k]例词:,cow,car,card,come,kite,back,cold[f]:例词:fat,fast,face,fine,life,fire,phone,faher[θ]例词:both,cloth,three,thing,mouth,tjanks,birthday [s]例词:sun,ice,sea,sell,same,face,snake,mouse [ts]例词:pets,cats,skates,students[tr]例词:train,tree,trip[∫]例词:she,suer,wash,ship,sheep,share,shake[t∫]例词:watch,child,China,chair,cheap,lunch浊辅音[b]例词:big,hye,bad,bus,jod,bird,bike[d]例词:do,dog,date,down,duck,glad,made,window [g]例词:go,bag,egg,pig,grass,girl,gold,gave[v]例词:foot,good,cook,book,took,full,should [ð]例词:that,than,these,brother,mother[z]例词:zoo,eyes,nose,knees,prize,music[dz]例词:cards,hands,roads[dr]例词:drive,drop,dress,dream[З]例词:pleasure,uaually[dЗ]例词:Jane,joke,bridge,orange[ɒ]例词:dog,what,ball,call,hall,bought三个鼻音:[m]例词:me,home,came,some,mouth,game,many [n]例词:son,run,thin,neck,noon,knife,number [ŋ]例词:sing,king,song,thing,strong,bring三个似拼音[l]:例词letter,lesson,lion,lamp,ball,girl,tall,bottle [h]例词:he,hen,hat,,hair,horse[r]例词:run,red,rain,free,race,write,read两个半元音[j]例词:yes,year,yellow[w]例词:wheat,wheel,way,wood在s后1.p→b spell2.t →d study3.k →g sky4.tr→ dr street。

(新)英语国际音标48个及例词59604(新)英语国际音标48个及例词元音(20个)辅音(28个)1. / ɑ: / are car class banana2. / ʌ / but bus number lunch supper3. / ɔ: / horse tall ball floor draw4. / ɒ / box dog mop hot clock5. / ɜ: / her bird dirty shirt6. / ə / ruler number supper doctor7. / i:/ he she be these Chinese three team8. / ɪ / in is sit Jim English9. / u: / you too school move ruler who10. / ʊ / book look cook put11. / e / egg yes pen seven spell12. / æ / and can cat bag dad13. / eɪ / cake Kate late great play eight14. / aɪ / fine nice bike sky15. / ɔɪ / boy toy oil noise16. / ɪə / here near dear cheer17. / eə / pear chair where their18. / ʊə / sure tour poor19. / əʊ / no go zero those nose coat know20. / aʊ / how now mouse down21. / p / play park people sheep22. / b / bike banana bag web23. / t / tea too teacher cat24. / d / dog doctor friend desk25. / k / car cake Kate desk26. / g / green glad good dog27. / f / friend fax fifty floor28. / v / very river seven have29. / θ / three think birthday sixth30. / ð / the this these those brother31. / s / sit see nice class32. / z / zero these hers trousers33. / ʃ / she ship shirt shoe English34. / ʒ / usually treasure pleasure35. / ts / students cats hats parents36./ dz / beds birds friends AIDS37. / tʃ / chair check China watch38. / dʒ / jeep orange age page39. / tr / tree trousers treasure travel40. / dr / draw drive children hundred41. / h / he who hot help house42. / r / red right read room43. / ǀ / look like light bottle Google44. / m / map mum name number45. / n / nice nine knock fine46. / ŋ / doing shopping think English47. / j / yellow yes you young48. / w / what white where war。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)48个英语音标分类发音表辅音(28个)清辅音 /p/ /?t/ /?k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/? /g/ /v/ /e/?/z/?清辅音 /?/ /?h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/? 浊辅音 /?/ /?r/? /dz/?/d?/ /dr/? 鼻音 /m/ /n/? /?/?半元音 /?j//w/边音/??/元音单元音前元音i: ? e ?中元音 ??: ?后元音 u: ? ?: ? ɑ:双元音开合双元音e? a? ?? a? ?? 集中双元音?? e? ?? 辅音爆破音清辅音ptk长元音 /ɑ:/ /?:/ /??:/ /i:/ /U:/短元音 /??/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /e?/ /a?/ /??/ 双元音 /??//e?/ /??//??//a?/浊辅音b dɡ清辅音f s?θh摩擦音浊辅音v z?e清辅音t?tr ts破擦音浊辅音d?dr dz鼻音(浊辅音)m n?舌则音(浊辅音)l r半元音(浊辅音)j w 注:不同词典有不同的音标符号系统,本表为最新DJ英语国际音标表符号新旧英语国际音标对照表辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1)[i:]字母组合:eeeaeieei单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee nsh ee pm ee tb ee fs eeea tt ea m ea tl ea vel ea dt ea chersp ea kcl ea npl ea sehe sh e m ep ie cerec ei vec ei ling2)[I][i]发音字母:iyeuiua单词举例:s i tp i gb i g i t i sl i ttles i xman y happ y d i ctionar yd e fectd e cidedel i cious twent y3)[?]发音字母:a单词举例:b a gh a ndh a ppyh a tm a pm a db a dbl a ckb a ckgl a dm a n 4)[e]字母组合:eaea单词举例:h ea dbr ea db e dr e d e lephantrem e mbers e lll e ssonb e tterd e skhot e ly e s5)[З:]?:字母组合:irureareror单词举例:g ir lsh ir tsk ir tth ir tyth ir db ir dt ur nn ur set ur tleTh ur sdayl ear n ear tht er mh erw or kw or ld6)[?]字母组合eroraroa单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art o gethert o morrowt o dayless o na round a ccount a goeleph a ntb a nan a7)[a:]字母组合:ara单词举例:c ar f ar mc ar d ar mf a stcl a ssgl a sspl a nt8)[?]发音字母:uoouoo单词举例:u pl u nchf u ng u nn u tc u pb u sc o mem o therdosel o veab o vetr ou blebl oo dfl oo d9)[?:]字母组合:alorauourar单词举例:sm al lw al lt al kt al lb al lw al ksh or tm or elordh or sef or f or tysp or tau thor au tumnc au ghtf our w ar m10)[?]发音字母:oa([?])单词举例:o nh o tl o tf o xb o xd o gr o ckw a ntw a shw a tch11)[u:]字母组合:ooou单词举例:f oo dr oo mg oo set oo thsh o ed o tw otr u ebl u ef u ll12)[u]字母组合:uooou单词举例:p u tf u llp u shl oo kg oo df oo tb oo kw oo dsh ou ldc ou ld13)[ei]发音字母aayeaaiey单词举例:n a mec a kel a tepl a ne A prilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea tbr ea kr ai np ai ntpl ai nth ey gr ey14)[ai]发音字母iy单词举例:b i kef i nef i ndn i nel i ghtn i ghtm y tr y fl y e y e15)[au]字母组合:ouow单词举例:h ou se ou tgr ou nds ou ndl ou da rou ndm ou sefl ow erd ow nn ow c ow h ow16)[??]发音字母:oowoa[?u]单词举例:h o mec o ldg o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owb oa tc oa tg oa l17)[??]字母组合:oyoi[?i]单词举例:b oy t oyoi ls oi lv o icech oi ce18)[I?]字母组合:eerear[i?]单词举例:b eer d eerearnear id ea19)[??]字母组合:earairere[e?]单词举例:p ear b earch airair f airth ere wh ere c are 20)[??]字母组合:ure[u?]单词举例:sure元音字母读音例词a在开音节中[ei]nameplaneJanebabycake在闭音节中[?]bagdadhatmapblackbacke在开音节中[i:]hethesemeChinese在闭音节中[e]bedletpendeskyeseggi在开音节中[ai]bikeflydrivetimenicekite在闭音节中fishbigdrinksitmilkswimo在开音节中[ou]thoseclosegohoehomeno在闭音节中[C]clocknotboxshopsocku在开音节中[ju:]studentexcusedutyTuesday在闭音节中[∧]buscupjumpmuchlunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母jlrs后面时读[u:]音,例如:Juneblueruler2、辅音清辅音:21.[p]字母组合:p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22.[t]字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t ables t ay t oy23.[k]字母组合:kcck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar c akeTri ck lo ck24.[f]字母组合:fphgh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph otoele ph ant25.[θ]字母组合:th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26.[s]字母组合:sc单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27.[ts]字母组合:ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28.[tr]字母组合:tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y29.[?]字母组合:sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30.[t?]字母组合:ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31.[h]字母组合:h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32.[b]字母组合:b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33.[d]字母组合:d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34.[g]字母组合:g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35.[r]字母组合:r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36.[v]字母组合:v单词举例:v an v oicese v enele v en 37.[e]字母组合:th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose 38.[z]字母组合:zs单词举例:z oo z eropi zz athe se tho se 39.[dz]字母组合:ds单词举例:be ds han ds40.[dr]字母组合:dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver 41.[?]字母组合:si(on)单词举例:42.[d?]字母组合:g单词举例:oran geg entlepa ge其他辅音43.[m]字母组合:m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic 44.[n]字母组合:n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow45.[l]字母组合:l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46.[?]字母组合:ng单词举例:lo ng[l??]si ng47.[j]字母组合:y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48.[w]字母组合:wwh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en元音发音方法/i:/嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。

48个音标以及单词举例元音:[i:] eat [i:t] 吃 pea [pi:] 豌豆 bee [bi:] 蜜蜂 tea [ti:] 茶叶[ɜ:] bird [bɜːd] 鸟 girl [gɜːl] 女孩 nurse [nɜːs] 护士 skirt [skɜːt] 裙子[ɑ:] car [kɑ:]小汽车 star [stɑ:]星星 park [pɑ:k]公园[ɔ:] door [dɔ:] 门 ball [bɔːl] 球 fork [fɔ:k] 叉子[u:] zoo [zu:] 动物园 moon [mu:n] 月亮 spoon [spu:n] 匙[ɪ] it [ɪt] 它 lift [lɪft] 电梯 bit [bɪt] 一点儿[e] egg [eg] 鸡蛋 leg [leg] 腿 very ['verɪ] 非常[æ] bat[bæt]球拍 cap [kæp]帽子 apple ['æp(ə)l] 苹果》[ʌ] duck [dʌk] 鸭子 cup [kʌp] 杯子 bus [bʌs] 公共汽车[ɒ] pot [pɒt] 壶 dog [dɒg] 狗 box [bɒks] 箱子[ʊ] book [bʊk] 书 bull [bʊl] 公牛 cook [kʊk] 厨师[ə] rubber ['rʌbə] 橡皮 ruler ['ru:lə] 尺 doctor ['dɒktə] 医生 banana [bə'nɑːnə] 香蕉[eɪ] cake [k eɪk] 蛋糕 plane [pl eɪn] 飞机 table ['teɪb(ə)l] 桌子[aɪ] eye [aɪ] 眼睛 tie [taɪ] 领带 bike [baɪk] 自行车 tiger ['taɪgə] 老虎[ɔɪ] boy [bɔɪ] 男孩 oil [ɔɪl] 油 toy [tɔɪ] 玩具 boil [bɔɪl] 煮沸[ɪə] ear [ɪə] 耳朵 beer [bɪə] 啤酒 deer [dɪə] 鹿[eə] pear [peə] 梨 bear [beə] 熊 hair [heə] 头发 chair [ʧeə] 椅子[ʊə] tour [tʊə] 旅游 flower [`flaʊə] 花)[aʊ] cow [kaʊ] 奶牛 house [haʊs] 房子 mouth [maʊθ] 嘴[əʊ] coat [kəʊt] 外衣 goat [gəʊt] 山羊 bowl [bəʊl] 碗\辅音:[p] pen [pen] 钢笔 pig [pɪg] 猪 paper ['peɪpə] 纸[b] boy [bɒɪ] 男孩 bee [biː] 蜜蜂 bed [bed] 床[t] table ['teɪb(ə)l] 桌子 coat [kəʊt] 外衣 talk [tɔːk] 说话[d] doctor ['dɒktə] 医生 desk [desk] 桌子 dog [dɒg] 狗[k] key [ki:] 钥匙 kid [kid] 小孩[g] pig [pig] 猪 gray [greɪ] 灰色的 grape [greɪp] 葡萄[f] feet [fi:t] 脚 gift [gɪft] 礼物 fat [fæt]胖的[v] vet [vet] 兽医 vase [vɑːz] 花瓶[s] sea [si:] 大海 desk [desk] 桌子~[z] zip [zip] 拉链 zebra ['zebrə] 斑马[θ] thick[θɪk] 厚的 thin [θɪn] 瘦的 thirsty ['θɜːstɪ] 口渴的[ð] feather ['feðə] 羽毛 father ['fa:ðə] 爸爸 mother ['mʌðə] 妈妈[ʃ] sheep [ʃi:p] 绵羊 ship [ʃip] 轮船 shoe [ʃu:] 鞋 fish [fiʃ] 鱼[ʒ] measure ['meʒə] 量具 pleasure ['pleʒə] 开心的 television ['telɪvɪʒ(ə)n] 电视[ʧ] chick [tʃɪk] 小鸡 chess [ʧes] 象棋 picture ['pɪktʃə] 图画[ʤ] jam [ʤæm]果酱 bridge [brɪdʒ] 桥 cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] 卷心菜[tr] tree [tri:] 树 truck [trʌk] 卡车 train [treɪn] 火车[dr] dream [dri:m] 梦 drum [drʌm] 鼓 drop [drɒp] 扔 drink [drɪŋk] 喝[ts] boots [bu:ts] 靴子 cats [kæts]猫 gates [geɪt] 大门.[dz] beds [bedz] 床 birds [bɜ:dz] 鸟 hands [hændz]手[m] map [mæp]地图 man [mæn]男人 stamp [stæmp]邮票[n] gun [gʌn] 枪 fan [fæn]风扇 sun [sʌn] 太阳[ŋ] king [kɪŋ] 国王 sing [sɪŋ] 唱歌 monkey ['mʌŋkɪ] 猴子[h] hen [hen] 母鸡 head [hed] 脑袋 horse [hɔːs] 马hand[hænd]手[l] lamp [læmp]台灯 flag [flæg]红旗 clock [klɒk] 闹钟 ball [bɔ:l] 球 table ['teɪb(ə)l] 桌子[r] ring [rɪŋ] 戒指 red [red] 红色的 rat [ræt]老鼠 rabbit ['ræbɪt] 兔子[j] yard [jɑːd] 院子 young [jʌŋ] 年轻的 yellow ['jeləʊ] 黄色的[w] wall [wɔːl] 墙 watch [wɒtʃ] 手表 worker ['wɜːkə] 工人 window ['wɪndəʊ] 窗户。
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1. / ɑ: /are car class banana
2. / ʌ / but bus number lunch supper
3. / ɔ: /horse tall ball floor draw
4. / ɒ /box dog mop hot clock
5. / ɜ: /her bird dirty shirt
6. / ə /ruler number supper doctor
7. / i:/ he she be these Chinese three team
8. / ɪ /in is sit Jim English
9. / u: /you too school move ruler who
10. / ʊ /book look cook put
11. / e /egg yes pen seven spell
12. / æ /and can cat bag dad
13. / eɪ / cake Kate late great play eight
14. / aɪ / fine nice bike sky
15. / ɔɪ / boy toy oil noise
16. / ɪə / here near dear cheer
17. / eə / pear chair where their
18. / ʊə /sure tour poor
19. / əʊ /no go zero those nose coat know
20. / aʊ / how now mouse down
21. / p /play park people sheep
22. / b /bike banana bag web
23. / t /tea too teacher cat
24. / d / dog doctor friend desk
25. / k /car cake Kate desk
26. / g /green glad good dog
27. / f / friend fax fifty floor
28. / v /very river seven have
29. / θ /three think birthday sixth
30. / ð /the this these those brother
31. / s / sit see nice class
32. / z /zero these hers trousers
33. / ʃ /she ship shirt shoe English
34. / ʒ / usually treasure pleasure
35. / ts / students cats hats parents
36./ dz / beds birds friends AIDS
37. / tʃ / chair check China watch
38. / dʒ /jeep orange age page
39. / tr / tree trousers treasure travel
40. / dr /draw drive children hundred
41. / h / he who hot help house
42. / r / red right read room
43. / ǀ /look like light bottle Google
44. / m / map mum name number
45. / n /nice nine knock fine
46. / ŋ / doing shopping think English
47. / j /yellow yes you young
48. / w / what white where war。