《电子商务英语》教学课件—Unit 2


《跨境电子商务英语》教学课件(共8单元)Unit 2

《跨境电子商务英语》教学课件(共8单元)Unit 2

Warming-up Activities
B: Quite reasonable. What products are you going to sell? A: The bags and shoes. To be specific, men’s, women’s and teenager’s dress, shoes, sneakers and sandals. B: It’s great. As far as I am concerned, what you have to do next is setting up your online store on a platform. A: I’ve heard some e-commerce platforms, but I am not familiar with them. B: Then you need to do a survey about these platforms to compare their advantages and disadvantages. A: That’s right. That’s what I should do.
New Words and Phrases
8. distributor /dɪ'strɪbjətə(r)/ n. 经销商;分销商 9. branch /bra:ntʃ/ n. 分公司;分支;分部 10. brainchild /'breɪntʃaɪld/ n. 发明;新构想 11. franchise /'fræntʃaɪz/ n. 特许;(公司授予的)特许经 销权 12. straightforward /ˌstreɪt'fɔ:wəd/ adj. 简单的;易懂的 13. submit /səb'mɪt/ v. 提交 14. approval /ə'pru:vl/ n. 批准;同意

《跨境电子商务实用英语》全套教学课件1-3 Cross - border E-commerce Development in China

《跨境电子商务实用英语》全套教学课件1-3 Cross - border E-commerce Development in China
There are more than 5,000 enterprises on Cross-border E-commerce platform, and over 200,000 enterprises engage in cross-border e-business through various platforms. According to the estimates of Ministry of Commerce, the overall transaction volume of Cross-border Ecommerce is expected to reach 9.0 trillion in 2018, accounting for 23% of import and export trade. The insiders expect that the average annual growth rate of China's Cross-border Ecommerce will stabilize at 20% or more in the next four years.
PART 2 Passage Reading
In terms of business model, Cross-border E-commerce is B2B-dominanted, and B2C gradually develops
Taking the operating model as the criterion, Cross-border E-commerce can be divided into general trade (cross-border B2B) and cross-border online retail (cross-border B2C and C2C). The transaction subject of cross-border trading orders tend to be small and the channels of products from factory to consumers are becoming increasingly diverse, thus the B2C transaction share is predicted to further increase in the future. However, due to the large volume of B2B transactions and stable orders, cross-border B2B transactions accounted for 92.4%, occupying the dominant position among China's Cross-border E-commerce models in 2014; In 2015, Cross-border E-commerceB2B

《跨境电子商务英语》PPT U2

《跨境电子商务英语》PPT U2

New Words
channel consideration competition localise lucrative time-consuming marketplace surefire reputable agency giant audience transparency inform
[ˈstrætədʒɪ] [ˌdʒi:ə'ɡræfɪk] [blɜ:] [ˈʃəʊkeɪs]
occur visibility challenge
[əˈkɜ:] [ˌvɪzəˈbɪlɪtɪ] [ˈtʃæləndʒ]
expansion return exchange leverage
[ɪkˈspænʃn] [rɪˈtɜ:n] [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] [ˈli:vərɪdʒ]
区域渠道 知道,意识到 标题字符 量身定做 产品内容 存在疑问;大成问题
Listening to Text A
就像在线和离线购物之间的界限一样,电子商务中地理边界之间的界限往往 模糊不清。既然客户可以在全球范围内挑选卖家,那么品牌和在线零售商就 必须向全球市场展示他们的产品。 根据研究公司Forrester的报告,到2022年,跨境电子商务的销售额将达到 6270亿美元,占整个电子商务总量的20%。但究竟什么是跨境电子商务? 只要客户向本国以外的商家购买产品,就会发生跨境电子商务。例如,如果 英国的客户从位于美国的在线销售商处购买电视,则将进行跨境电子商务。 但是,为什么消费者会在本国以外购买产品呢?嗯,原因很多。这可能出于 运输选则、付款方式、产品质量、价格、甚至产品信息的质量等考虑。 当然,跨境电子商务要求商家的产品在他们自己的国家之外可见。要想成功 地获得这种知名度,企业必须建立并执行一个强大的全球电子商务战略。

跨境电子商务英语Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms

跨境电子商务英语Unit 2 Main Cross-Border  E-Commerce Platforms

Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
A and B are classmates. They are discussing about their shopping on “Black Friday”. Please try to role play the following dialogue, especially pay attention to the underlined parts.
Listen to the following sentences and fill in the blanks.
Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
Listening Listen to the following sentences and fill in the blanks.
Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
(1)be located in 位于……
(2)a wide range of 范围广泛的……
(3)such as 比如;诸如
(4)set up 建立;创建
(5)market share 市场份额
(6)be commited to 致力于
跨境电子 商务英语
Unit 2
Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
Unit Objectives:
➢ Learn how to introduce cross-border e-commerce platforms. ➢ Learn how to express the pros and cons of cross-border ecommerce platforms. ➢ Learn how to choose a suitable cross-border e-commerce platform based on personal needs.



● Telecommunications / Media ● Vehicle manufacturing ● IT / Electronics ● Engineering ● Construction ● Pharmaceutical ● Energy ● Airline ● Other
Can you match the types of business in the box to the pictures?
2.1.2. Listen to the first part of a talk about ACT Systems
Corporation and complete the following fact sheet.
ACT Systems Corporation
Headquarters in __S_a_n_F_r_an_c_is_c_o_ Specializes in __m_e_c_h_a_ni_ca_l_t_es_t_in_g_&__si_m_u_la_ti_o_n_e_q_ui_p_m_e_n_t __ Factories located in ___U_S, Britain , ___F_r_a_nc,e___G_e_r_many
1) When it was started or founded and who its founder was. 2)What is the company’s line of business? 3)What products it makes or what services it provides. 4)Its sales figures. 5) Its structure. 6)How many people work for it: how many employees it has. 7)Where its headquarters are: where it is based. 8)Whether it does business overseas. 9)Where its factories or plants are located (if it’s a manufacturing company). 10)How many branches or retail outlets( shops) it has (if it’s a retail organization). 11)Whether it sells business-to-business, or whether it’s a retail organization selling to

《跨境电子商务实用英语》全套教学课件1-2 The Significance of Cross-border E-commerce

《跨境电子商务实用英语》全套教学课件1-2 The Significance of Cross-border E-commerce

Learn words and expressions concerning talking about above issues in the significance of Cross-border E-commerce
PART 1 Warming-up
PART 1 Warming-up
B. Li Yansheng, Senior Vice President of Shenzhen 4PX
Information Technology said, “Chinese people are earning more and the standard of living is rising, the need and want of overseas high quality, high priced and safe products is increasing. So there are huge demands which prosper the development of international e-commerce.”
In the context of global sluggish foreign trade and China’s economic downturn, Cross-border E-commerce undertakes the mission of promoting the transformation and upgrading of China's open economy and building new economic growth points.
A. The State Council of China officially announced its plan to establish a “Cross border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area” in Hangzhou in March 2015, featuring a lot of preferential tax policies and streamlined customs clearance procedures.

外研社新时代职业英语 《电子商务英语》教学课件Unit2

外研社新时代职业英语 《电子商务英语》教学课件Unit2

• Extensive Reading You don’t need a wallet in China, just your
• Further Practice
Mobile payment platforms
• My Learning Log
choose to top up their student cards as we
have come together with more than 500
universities and colleges. All you need to
do is to add these mini-programs to the
Step 5 Use various mini-programs
There are more than 60 mini-programs on
BDE, which will satisfy almost all your daily
needs. First, you can simply pay for utilities
• Practical Reading
Getting started with mobile payment
• Intensive Reading
The era of mobile payment
• Comparative Reading NFC payment vs. Internet payment
But don’t worry, your privacy will be well protected.

跨境电子商务英语 Unit 2 课件

跨境电子商务英语 Unit 2 课件

Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
(1)be located in 位于……
(2)a wide range of 范围广泛的……
(3)such as 比如;诸如
(4)set up 建立;创建
(5)market share 市场份额
(6)be commited to 致力于
目录CONTENTSAmazon and eBay
Alibaba and
Shopee and
• Amazon and eBay
Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
Circle the phrases that are new to you and look them up in the dictionary. Read them aloud and write the Chinese meaning.
(7)be founded by 由……创建
(8)be headquartered in 在……设立总部
(9)a broad variety of 各种各样的
(10)in addition to 除……之外(还有,也)
Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms

Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
Words and Expressions:
• facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ v. 促进 • headquarter /'hedkwɔːtə/ v. 设立总部 • notable /ˈnəʊtəbl/ adj. 著名的 • manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ v. 管理;经营 • auction /ˈɔːkʃn/ n. 拍卖 • expand /ɪkˈspænd/ v. 发展 • previously /ˈpriːviəsli/ adv. 先前地



24, 2014
Text Analysis
A Brief Introduction to Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business [1] Many people think the term “electronic commerce” (EC) means shopping on the Internet. However, electronic commerce also includes many other activities, such as businesses trading with other businesses and internal processes that companies use to support their buying, selling, hiring, planning and other activities.(译文)
What are the differences between EC models and traditional business models? Which one do you prefer, traditional models or EC models? Why?
April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
Text Analysis
Classification of EC A common classification of EC is by the types of entities participating in the business processes. (译文) The following types of EC [2] are commonly distinguished.



Internal communication is the heartbeat of any organization
to help a plan, an idea, a feeling, etc. to develop e.g. The company's leadership is committed to nurturing a supportive work environment that encourages employee growth and innovation.
Internal communication is the heartbeat of any organization
not real, but intended to be very similar to a real situation, substance, etc. e.g. Before the official product launch, the team conducted a series of mock presentations to refine their pitch to potential investors.
Internal communication is the heartbeat of any organization
strategic leadership
a manager’s potential to express a strategic vision for the organization, and to motivate and persuade others to acquire that vision e.g. The board appointed a leader known for strategic leadership to steer the company through its next phase of growth.



UNIT 2 Introductions to Electronic Commerce
History of ecommerce is unthinkable without Amazon and Ebay which were among the first Internet companies to allow electronic transactions. Thanks to their founders we now have a handsome ecommerce sector and enjoy the buying and selling advantages of the Internet. Currently there are 5 largest and most famous worldwide Internet retailers: Amazon, Dell, Staples, Office Depot and Hewlett Packard. According to statistics, the most popular categories of products sold in the World Wide Web are music, books, computers, office supplies and other consumer electronics.
UNIT 2 Introductions to Electronic Commerce
The Following Is 2010 Executive Summary of Ecommerce ——Which Comes From E-commerce Annual Report by William Blair & Company, L.L.C.

电子商务行业英语课件Unit 2

电子商务行业英语课件Unit 2
• In your opinion, what is a dream job?
Think about it
• Facing a frightening unemployment rate, what should we do?
Read Passage 1 and find out the answer to the question.
1. Listen carefully and answer the following question:
What are the tips to convince someone effectively ?
(1) Have a clear understanding of your own opinion. (2) Talk with the person politely. (3) Establish mutual respect. (4) Practice active listening.
with 120G hard disk and 2 GB RAM. It's 6,500 Yuan. Would you like to purchase it now? • Customer: Is there _a_n_y__d_i_s_c_o_u_n_t_o_n__th_i_s_l_a_p_t_o_p_____? • Alex: Sorry, it's already very cheap. Hmm, __le_t_'s__m_a_k_e__it__6_0_0_0_Y_u_a_n____ if you buy it now. We'll also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you. • Customer: Thanks. _H_o_w__l_o_n_g_i_s_t_h_i_s_u_n_d_e_r__w_a_r_ra_n__ty__? • Alex: One year. The maintenance store location and _t_e_le_p_h_o_n_e__n_u_m__b_e_rs are on the warranty card. • Customer: Alright, I'll take this one.

跨境电子商务英语 Unit 2 课件

跨境电子商务英语 Unit 2 课件

Amazon and eBay
Alibaba and
Shopee and
• Amazon and eBay
Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
Circle the phrases that are new to you and look them up in the dictionary. Read them aloud and write the Chinese meaning.
Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms
(1)be located in 位于……
(2)a wide range of 范围广泛的……
(3)such as 比如;诸如
(4)set up 建立;创建
(5)market share 市场份额
(6)be commited to 致力于
• What are you going to... • It is so tiring to... • Why don’t you... • Be used to doig sth. • A broad variety of... • That sounds good. • buy something for sb. • I can’t help doing sth.
(7)be founded by 由……创建
(8)be headquartered in 在……设立总部
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

代表, 表示, 象征 宣传的,推销的 一致的, 兼容的 假定, 设想
软件 双重的, 成双的 市场营销
竞争者, 对手 动机, 动力 事实上, 有效地
Sample Dialogue 1 Purchasing a Computer
• Alex: Can I help you? • Customer: Yes, I would like to buy a computer. • Alex: Would you like to purchase _a__d_e_s_k_t_o_p_o_r__a_n_o_t_e_b_o_o_k____? • Customer: A notebook. _W__h_i_c_h_b_r_a_n_d__d_o__y_o_u_s_e_l_l ____? • Alex: We have a lot of brands here, so you can pick what you like.
Learning Objectives
In this unit, you’ll ➢ learn to understand and talk about product promotion. ➢ learn to convince people in workplace communication. ➢ learn how to build an online store. ➢ learn how to write a product description.
with 120G hard disk and 2 GB RAM. It's 6,500 Yuan. Would you like to purchase it now? • Customer: Is there _a_n_y__d_i_s_c_o_u_n_t_o_n__th_i_s_l_a_p_t_o_p_____? • Alex: Sorry, it's already very cheap. Hmm, __le_t_'s__m_a_k_e__it__6_0_0_0_Y_u_a_n____ if you buy it now. We'll also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you. • Customer: Thanks. _H_o_w__l_o_n_g_i_s_t_h_i_s_u_n_d_e_r__w_a_r_ra_n__ty__? • Alex: One year. The maintenance store location and _t_e_le_p_h_o_n_e__n_u_m__b_e_rs are on the warranty card. • Customer: Alright, I'll take this one.

Warm-up Vocabulary Listening Practice Role-play Communicative Task
Warm-up Questions:
1. What do you think is the fun and profitable way of making extra money?
Anyway, _w_h_a_t_p_r_ic_e__a_r_e_y_o_u__lo_o__k_in_g__fo_r_? • Customer: Six to seven thousand Yuan. Actually I don't care much
about the brand. • Alex: OK, ___ta_k_e__a_l_o_o_k_a_t_______ this one, It’s a HP, dual core CPU,
Start a business/ an online business
Warm-up Questions: 2. What is your way of making money online?
Building an online store.
Get ready!
Take a part-time job
Work as a waiter/ waitress Work as a tutor Work as a cashier
Start a business
Some possible ways of making extra money:
Take part-time jobs
digital ['didʒitəl]
scanner ['skænə] discount ['diskaunt] speaker ['spi:kə] printer ['printə] keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] mouse [maus] brand [brænd] laptop ['læptɔp] maintenance ['meintinəns] warranty ['wɔrənti] agent ['eidʒənt]
hard drive
digital camera
Workplace Listening and Speaking
Match the word with its meaning.
代理人, 代理商 数字的, 数码的 维修, 维护 折扣, 贴现 扫描机, 扫描仪 打印机
扬声器 鼠标
便携式电脑, 笔记本电脑 保修期,保单
Read the words below.
importer [im'pɔ:tə]
represent [.repri'zent] promotional [prə'məuʃənəl] compatible [kəm'pætəbl] assumption [ə'sʌmpʃən] software ['sɔftwɛə] dual ['dju:əl] marketing ['mɑ:kitiŋ] competitor [kəm'petitə] motivation [.məuti'veiʃən] effectively [i'fektivli]