2020年高考英语作文押题系列专题四 ---申请信优秀课件(共19张)



Should you treat my application favorably, I would spare no effort to offer my best service. Looking forward to your earliest reply.
Yours, Li Hua
of it. First,I have a good command of English and I am crazy about public
speaking in English. More importantly,I have taken part in many English speech contests,which enables me to share my experience with other members in our club. By the way,I can get along with others easily,ready to give help whenever it is
信息来源+ 目的
Having known (from…) that you are looking for a …, I am writing to apply for the position that I’m suitable for.
Learning (from…) that … are needed,I can’t wait to apply for the position.
Please take my application into consideration and your early reply will be

高考英语作文押题系列专题四 -申请信教研课件(共19张)

高考英语作文押题系列专题四 -申请信教研课件(共19张)
As scheduled, the party will be held in the school canteen at 5 p.m. this Sunday. There will be interesting activities. The party will begin with a big dinner, after which we will play games and appreciate performances together.ThenWe will express our sincere thanks to our teachers, closely followed by sending gifts. At the end of the party, there will come the most important part of the party: sharing the unforgettable moments in the past three years.
The speech is scheduled to be given on April 28 at the School hall, the theme of which is how to realize our dream through personal efforts. We are eager to hear you talk about your own experience and unique views.

6.这部带 有自传 色彩的 长篇小 说以“ 我”的 经历和 视角来 安排结 构和故 事情节 。通过 “我” 的人生 经历和 感情遭 遇来展 示人物 性格的 发展。 它既有 利于直 接展示 人物的 内心世 界,也 在无形 中拉近 了作品 和读者 之间的 心理距 离,易 于取得 感人的 艺术效 果。

高三英语写作专题 申请信课件(共18张)

高三英语写作专题 申请信课件(共18张)
Here are three main reasons why I am the best choice for you.
To begin with, I have a good knowledge of English; as a consequence, it is a piece of cake for me to introduce everything to international friends. Besides, I would like to introduce Chinese paintings , spread Chinese culture and strengthen world cultural exchanges. My aim is to let China go to the world and let the world understand China. Last but not least, as vice monitor of our class, I am kind, patient and always ready to help others.
(3)In addition,I think I can do the job well thanks to my language skills and a good command of English.
此外,由于我的语言技能和精通英语,我认为我能把这项 工作做好。
3.常用结尾句式 (1)I would really appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. 如果你能考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。
I would appreciate it if you could take my application into account/consideration. Looking forward to your early reply.


I am good/skilled at/do well in performance. 我擅长表演。
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载
I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. 在您方便的时候能给与一次面试我会很感激。
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载
作文课件作文指导作文复习作文专题 复习PP T课件 高中英 语作文 英文申请信(共34张PPT)优秀课件精 品课件 免费课 件公开 课课件 ppt课 件课件 下载



51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。——


for me to introduce paintings.
2. As an outgoing person, I am good at communicating with
people. 3. I can show visitors around the gallery。
Step 3 Expanding (扩词成句)
speak fluent English
be familiar with Chinese painting
要点2 能做的事情
show the visitors around
introduce the Chinese paintings
Step 3 Expanding (扩词成句) Para1(Beginning)
二是上好试卷讲评课。试卷讲评课是高三的主打课型,必须切实收到实效。首 先,要精确掌握考情。考试不过夜,打铁要趁热,每次考试以后,要对班级考 试情况了如指掌,充分了解易错点、易考点,这样讲评时,才能有所侧重,才 能有针对性地攻克重难点。其次,要规范讲评流程。针对错误率高或重点考察 的试题,教师引导出方法思路;再由学生个人进行自评自纠,小组讨论展示, 找出得分原因和失分原因,真正弄清楚解题思路。师生合作再对解题思路进行 再归纳总结,写到纸上记录下来,强化验证结果。三是克服“漏斗思维”。所谓 “漏斗思维”,就是:今天正在学,突然有事不继续了,明天已经忘记一大部分 ,后天想起来,继续学,但是忘记的一大部分似乎又需要重新开始,周而复始 ,积累数月,结果是仅仅只有一点点的内容,而且是在同一个地方循环往复。 对于常错、常考的知识点,要经常复习,要不就如同漏斗一样慢慢溜掉。尤其 是对于已经进行过的专题训练、变式训练,不能认为进行过一次、两次就万事 大吉,要每隔2周进行“回头看”,把学生的易错题重新编辑,归类整理后附上 分析讲解印发给学生,克服漏斗思维,反复夯实专题训练的知识点。

高考英语卷书信写作复习 求助信教学课件 (共19张PPT)

高考英语卷书信写作复习 求助信教学课件 (共19张PPT)
Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua
假如你是李华,最近在写一篇关于北美原住民 (native American)文化习俗的论文,但国内有关的英语 参考书较少。请给你的美国笔友Mike写封信,请他帮 你买几本这方面的书。内容包括:
As to the ________(expensive) of books and postage, I will transfer them to your account via online banks. Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours, Li Hua
On the one hand, … /On the other hand,...
write the model in groups
Please write the model of a letter of advice in groups .
Dear Joan, I am Li Hua, one of your students. Plan to participate in
the English Speech Contest to be held in our school in next week which topic is about “I Have an Ideal University”, I am writing to ask you to do me a favor.
3. 寻求帮助
4. 遇到一些问题 _e_n_co_u__n_te_r__so_m__e_p__ro_b__le_m__s

2020届高考英语总复习写作专题课件:专题4 应用文写作之求助信 (共14张PPT)

2020届高考英语总复习写作专题课件:专题4 应用文写作之求助信 (共14张PPT)

(困难2). What's more,
Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask you for some help. Would
you like to
(委婉提出请求)?In the meanwhile, I beg you to
(请求内容) so that
Dear Bob, I'm writing in the hope that you will be kind enough to do me a
favour.____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
interest lies and which majors have a bright prospect that can ensure me a good job. Do you have any suggestions on the choice of
a major?
I would appreciate it if you could share your opinions with me.
Yours, Li Hua
One possible version:
Dear Bob,
I'm writing in the hope that you will be kind enough to do me a favour. When it comes to papercutting, there is no denying that it



高 三 英 语 作 文邀请 信(课件 共19页 )
◇ 词句模板 ◇ 1.常用开头: (1)I am writing to invite you to… (2)I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in… (3)I wonder if you can come… (4)How would you like to join us in…? (5)It’s my pleasure/a great honor for me to invite you to… e.g.: 我代表英语系(the English Department)写信邀请您到我们学院 做演讲。
高考书面表达—— 邀请信
假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华.你校将举办一次英语演讲 比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士做 评委,请参照以下比赛通知给她给写一封信.
英语演讲比赛 主题:人与自然 时间:6月15日下午2.00-5.00 地点:501教室 参赛选手:10名学生 联系人:李华(电话484876655) 注意:词数100左右
The contest, the theme of which is “Man and Nature”, will be held in
the Room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15.
What’s more, there will be ten students taking part in it. I am sure that
高 三 英 语 作 文邀请 信(课件 共19页 )


1.写信目的: 2. 个人优势: 3. 能做的事情。 注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
Ⅴ. the Analysis of the Writing Task (写作任务分析 )
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
Li Hua
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
Ⅳ. Writing task: (2019年全国Ⅰ卷书面表达)
假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要 举办中国画展。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括:
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Li Hua, an 18-year-old boy from Xinhua High
School. I’ve learned from the Internet that some
the letter of application
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
高中英语作文---申请信之写作高分技 巧课件 (共25 张)
A Letter of Application
P1 _O_p_e_n_i_n_g____
_S_el_f-_in_t_ro_d_u_c_tio_n___ _b_ac_k_g_ro_u_n_d______ _p_u_rp_o_se__of_w_r_it_in_g__



87 Taiyuan Road Riverside City, China September 15,2005
Mr. Jiang baohua Student post, PO Box 1798, Riverside City
Dear Mr. Jiang
Name and address of the company
A letter of application 申请信
How will you apply for the job you like?
Writing a letter of application well is very important.
curriculum vitae
= CV
Your address the date
Paragraph 2 Sentence Patterns
Explain why you are interested in the
Ijowbo.uld like to work for you because I am very interested in …
I would also like to learn about / find out Iafbeoeul tt…hat to learn something about … is extremely important.
Para 2 Explain why you are interested in the job.
Para 3 Give examples to show your personal
qualities and experiences.
Para 4 Write about your qualifications and







参考词汇:专栏column_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________2.假定你是李华,从校园网站上得知学校打算举办外语艺术节,现正在招聘志愿者,请你写信应聘。



_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________3.假定你是高中生李华,正在伦敦做交换生。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

5.融情于 事,指 通过叙 述事件 来抒发 感情, 让感情 从具体 事件的 叙述中 自然地 流露出 来,感 染读者 。这种 渗透着 感情的 叙述, 读者品 味起来 就更觉 得真诚 可亲。

6.通过对 客观事 物的描 写或刻 画,间 接表现 出作者 的志向 、意愿 。采用 托物言 志,关 键是志 与物要 有某种 相同点 或相似 点,使 物能达 意而志 为物核 。托物 言志常 借用比 拟、象 征等手 法。
(三)结尾: 1. I believe you will be interested in … as it will help you … 2. The party won’t be complete without you. Do come along and enjoy yourself. 3. Don’t miss this opportunity to have fun! Look forward to your earliest reply.
Dear Ma Yun, CEO of Alibaba, I’m Li Hua, a Senior 3 student from Xinhua
Middle School. May I have the honor to invite you to give us an adult ceremony speech on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school?
Dear Mr. Robinson, Excitement seized me when I heard a farewell party will be held in our school. I’m very / greatly honored to invite you to attend our farewell party.
As scheduled, the party will be held in the school canteen at 5 p.m. this Sunday. There will be interesting activities. The party will begin with a big dinner, after which we will play games and appreciate performances together.ThenWe will express our sincere thanks to our teachers, closely followed by sending gifts. At the end of the party, there will come the most important part of the party: sharing the unforgettable moments in the past three years.
(二)关于活动:(也适用于通知类应用文) ☆ 总起句
1. As scheduled/planned/arranged, there will be interesting activities. 2. A variety of well- organized activities are waiting for you.
The speech is scheduled to be given on April 28 at the School hall, the theme of which is how to realize our dream through personal efforts. We are eager to hear you talk about your own experience and unique views.
通常以firstly, secondly, thirdly 或to begin with, then, last but not least 依次陈述建议
☆ 总起句之后
1. The party will begin / start with a big dinner, after which we will play games and appreciate performances together. 2. We will first express our sincere thanks to him, closely followed by sending gifts. 3. At the end of the party, there will come the most exciting part: …
注意: ★ 时态应以一般现在时为主。 ★ 由于是给别人提出建议,所以人称应 该以第二人称为主。 语言要委婉、精炼,同时要简洁,表达 清楚。
【常用表达】 (一)开头 1. I’m writing (this letter) to invite you to do sth. (give us students a lecture on English literature.) 2. We would like to invite you to + sth. (the presentation of our new product.) 3. I’m very / greatly honored to invite you to do sth.
周六下午:on Saturday afternoon 周日下午5点:at 5 p.m. this Sunday / at 5 this Sunday afternoon 2016年9月26日上午8点开始:start at 8 a.m. on September 26th/ 26, 2016
Yours Sincerely,
邀请信是书信的一种形式,属于应用文。 特别注意:
1.邀请的语气和口吻 2.时间和地点的表达(通常从小写到大) 3.慎用强调句型和first, second 等关联词
【写作指导】 首段:一般指提建议的初衷。 中段:围绕问题,婉转地提出有针对性 且具有说服性的建议。 尾段:简单予以希望。希望自己的建议 能对对方有所帮助.
p.m. this Sunday. 3.Sth. is scheduled to be done … + 时间和地点(被 动语态) 例:The speech is scheduled to be given on April, 28
at the School hall.
☆ 表达活动的目的: 1. In order to …, we will … 2. Sth. is intended / designed / meant to do … 3. The purpose of sth. is to do …
样例2:假设你是新华中学的学生李华,想邀请来 你们家乡参加淘宝网当地馆开馆一周年庆祝活动的 阿里巴巴首席执行官马云来你校做一次成人礼的演 讲,请你给马云首席写一封邀请信。内容包括:
1.说明写信的目的 2.说明演讲的具体安排
—时间:4月28日, 地点:学校礼堂; 主题:怎样通过个人奋斗实现人生理想

2.所以如果你有愿望,如果你真的还 有力量 去实行 它,我 觉得我 一定要 即刻就 出发, 去完成 自己的 愿望, 让自己 更少的 遗憾。 人生是 一个漫 长的过 程,年 轻是多 么的好 ,但是 请你们 记得, 记得有 很多的 东西, 当你不 懂的时 候,你 年轻, 当你懂 得了以 后,你 已年老 。
2020年高考英语作 文押题系列专题四
样例1:假定你是李明。你所在的班级将举行毕 业告别派对(graduation farewell party),请你给 外教 Mr. Robinson 写一封邀请信,内容包括:
1. 时间:周日下午5点
2. 地点:学校餐厅
3. 活动安排:享用晚餐,观看演出,分享美好回 忆等等。
I am looking forward to receiving your reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours Sincerely, Li Hua

1.当我们常常以为自己顶不住的时候 ,并不 是最后 的时刻 ,而是 我们的 精神崩 溃了。 那你只 要坚持 精神的 重整, 坚持精 神的出 发,其 实当我 们觉得 ,那是 万劫不 复的情 景,也 依然可 以去找 到它的 出口, 也依然 可以坚 持过来
4. We’d love to have you here if you can make it. Please inform us at your earliest convenience. 5. We would be greatly honored by your presence. 6. We / I would appreciate it very much if you could …
☆ 地点和时间的表达:从小到大表述
在学校餐厅: at / in the school canteen / dining hall 在操场:on the playground 在校园里:on campus 在晚会期间:at / during the party 在报告厅:in the lecture hall 英国伦敦橡树街100号:at No. 100 Oak Street, London,
I sincerely hope you can take your time from your busy schedule, and we would appreciate it very much if you could come. Thank you in advance and wish you all the best.