Final Examination一.Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D .二.Find the best answer to the following abbreviations. 三.Find the bestanswer to the following translations.四. Reading 1 五. Reading 2I. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1. Which of the following suffixes does not mean“pertainingto ”? A. -ic B. -al C.-ar D. -our2. Which of the following combining forms means cell?A. -cyteB. cyt/oC. cel/oD. both a and b3. Which of the following forms means tissue?A. erythr/oB. immun/oC.hist/oD. vascul/o4. A- means ______.A. upB. downC. apartD. without 5. Thesuffix -itis means _______ .A. infammationB.inflammationC.inflammazedD. instrument6. The combining form of radi/o means _______.A. radarB. X-rayC. radioD. both B and C7. The instrument for viewing is scope whereas the instrument for cutting is____. A. –scopy B.–tomeC.–meterD.–graph8. Which of the following forms refers to “surgicailncision of ?”A. –tomyB. -stomyC. –tomeD.–ectomy9. A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _______.A. electroencephogramB. electromyogramC. electrocardiogramD. electroencephalogram10. Stethalgia means the pain of chest, which can also be expressed in ____.A. stethodyniaB. thoracalgiaC. thoracodyniaD. all of the above11. Which of the following forms means fungus?A. my/oB. myel/oC. myc/oD. none of the above12. The combining form meaning“theskin ”is ____.A. dem/oB. derm/oC. dermat/oD. both B and C13. Which of the following combining forms means blood vessels ?A. vascul/oB. angi/oC. chromat/oD. Both A and B14. The term meaning“pertainingto secretion is”____ .A. crinogenicB. endocrineC.crinologic D. endocardial15. The disease of having too many white blood cells is referred to as _______.1A. leukocyteB. leukemiaC. leukogenesisD. erythrocyte16. Inflammation of liver is known in English as ________.A. bronchitisB. pneumonitisC. gastritisD. hepatitis17. -plasm means _______.A. treatmentB. knowledgeC. diagnosisD. growth18. Mammo/o refers to _______.A. motherB. thymus glandC. thyroid glandD. breast19. Which of the following does not mean“withinor in ”?A. en-B. endo-C. intra-D. none of the above20. _______ means surgical repair of an organ. A. phag/oB.–plasmC. –plastyD.–pathy21. Spir/o is a combining form meaning ______.A. seeB. sightC. breathD. sport22. Inflammation of lungs is known as _______.A. pneumonitisB. pneumoniaC. pulmonitisD. All of theabove23. Which of the following forms means “protectionor safe ”? A. immun/oB. lymph/oC. erythr/oD. None of the above 24.Cardiopathy means _________.A. heart failureB. heart diseaseC. braindisease D. skeletal disease25.Which of the following combining forms does not refer to an organ?A. hepat/oB. gastr/oC. psych/oD. nephr/o26. The color of something best expressed inmedical terminology is _______.A. chrom/oB. chromomat/oC. chramat/oD. Both A and B27. Which of the following means “instrument for measuring ”?A. -graphB. -tomeC.–meterD. -scope28. Bi- means ______.A. lifeB. twoC. acrossD. Both A and B29. The form meaning arteries is ________.A. arter/oB. arteri/oC. arthr/oD.artheri/o30. The prefix with the meaning of bad is _____.A. mal-B. dys-C. polio-D. Both A and B31. The flesh is expressed in the combining form of _______.A. top/oB. ten/oC.thym/oD. sarc/o32. The combining vowel for angitis is ____________.A. aB. oC. eD.i33. Hypo- means having _______ of something.A. too much or too highB. too little or too lowC. overD. below234. Morph/o means ______.A. manyB. maxillaeC. shapeD. head35. “Pertainingto nourishment or d evelopment ”is expressed in _________.A. –tropyB. –trophyC.- tropicD.-trophic36. The process of recording sth is expressed in _________.A. -graphB. -gramC. -graphyD.-scope37. The formation of blood is also known as ______.A. hematopoiesisB. hemopoiesisC.homopoiesisD. both A and B38. Because the strands are readily stained with dyes, they are called_______.A. chromosomesB. protoplasmsC. cytoplasmsD.chromatins39.The science that deals with cells on the smallest structural a nd functional level is call ed _____.A. biologyB. microbiologyC. homostasisD. molecular biology40. An instrument for measuring the cell counts of red blood cells is an _______.A. erythrocyteB. erythrogenesisC. erythrocytometerD. erythrocytographII. Find the best answer to the following abbreviations. (10 points)41. SARSA. Serious Acute Respiratary SyndromeB. Severe Acute Respiration SystemC. Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeD. Severe Acute Respiratary Syndrome42. T.BA. tuberclosisB. tubercluosisC. tubaclosisD. tuberculosis43. IgA.immunoglobinB. immunogloblinC. immunoglobulinD. immunoglubin44. RNAA. ribonuclear acidB. ribanucleic acidC. ribanucleic acidD. ribonucleic acidGA. ultrosonograhyB. ultrasonograhyC. ultrosonographyD. ultrasonography46.ECGA. electrocardiogramB. electrocardiographyC. electroencephogramD. electroencephalogram47. CTA. computed tomograhyB. computed tomographyC. computerized tomograhyD. computerized tomography48. MRIA. Magnetic resononce imageB. Magnetic resonance image3C. Magnetic resononce imagingD. Magnetic resonance imaging49.VDA. varied diseaseB. venareal diseaseC. venereal diseaseD. vocal disease 50. GIA. gastrointral tractB. gastrointervention tractC. gastrointestinal tractD. gastrointersectional tractIII. Find the best answer to the following translations. (10 points)51. 心血管疾病A. cardiavasclar diseaseB. cardiavascular diseaseC. cardiovasclar diseaseD. cardiovascular disease52.随意肌A. voluntary muscleB. involuntary muscleC. smooth muscleD. cardiac muscle53 脉冲信号A. pulseB. impulseC. impulsiveD. pulsive54. 转换A. transformationB. transactionC. transmuteD. transmission55.功能失调A. malfunctionB. dysfunctionC. maloperationD. disoperation56. 局部化的感染A. local infectionB. localized infectionC. local inflammationD. localized inflammation57.乐观的预后A. optimistic pregnosisB. optimistic prognosisC. pessimistic pregnosisD. pessimistic prognosis58. 光纤技术A. optic fiber technologyB. fiber optic techonologyC. fiber optic technologyD. optic fiber techonology59. 肌肉收缩A. muscle contractionB. muscular contractionC.musclar contractionD. Both A and B60. 血供A.supply blood B.blood supply C. proteinmolecule4D. extensorI. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C andD (40points)3. Which of the following forms does not mean pertaining to? A.-ar B. –ousC.-icD.–eal6. The combining form of radi/o means _____.A. radiusB. x-rayC. radioD. both A and B7. The instrument for viewing is –scope whereas the instrument for c utting is____.A. –scopyB.–tomeC.–meterD.–graph11. Which of the following forms means fungus?A. my/oB. myel/oC. myc/oD. none of the above12. The combining form meaning the skin is ___.A. dem/oB. derm/oC. dermat/oD. both B and C13. Which of the following combining vowel means blood vessels ?A. vascul/oB. angi/oC. chromat/oD. Both A and B14. The term meaning“pertainnig to secretion is”____ .A. crinogenicB. endocrineC.crinologic D. endocardial15. The disease of having too many white blood cells is referred to as _______.A. leukocyteB. leukemiaC. leukogenesisD. erythrocyte 17. Gnos/omeans _______. A. treatment B.knowledgeC. diagnosisD. growth18. Mammo/o refers to _______. A. motherB. thymus glandC. thyroid glandD. breast20. _______ means surgical repair of an organ. A. phag/oB.–plasmC. –plastyD.–pathy21. Spir/o is a combining form meaning ______.A. seeB. sightC. breathD. sport22. Inflammation of lungs is known as _______.A. pulmonaryB. pneumoniaC. pulmonitisD. Both B andC24. Cardiopathy means _________.A. heart failureB. heart diseaseC. brain diseaseD. skeletal disease525.Which of the following combining form does not refer to an organ?A. hepat/oB. gastr/oC. psych/oD. nephr/o26. The color of sth best expressed in medical terminology is _______.A. chrom/oB. chromomat/oC. chramat/oD. Both A and B27. Which of the following means cell?A. cyt/oB. cyst/oC. –cyteD. Both A and C 28. Bi-means ______. A. life B. twoC. acrossD. Both A and B29. The form meaning arteries is ________.A. arter/oB. arteri/oC. arthr/oD.arther/o30. The prefix with the meaning of bad is _____.A. mal-B. dys-C. polio-D. Both A and B31. The flesh is expressed in the combining form of _______.A. top/oB. ten/oC.thym/oD. sarc/o32. The combining vowel for dentist is ____________.A. aB. oC. eD.i33. Hyper- means having _______ of something.A. too much or too highB. too little or too lowC. overD.below34. Morph/o means ______. A. many B. producingC. formD. head35. Nourishment or development is expressed in _________. A. –tropy B.–trophy C.- tropic D.-trophic36. __________ means tissue. A. hist/oB. bi/oC. crin/oD. embry/o38. Most of the cell ’co s nstant work of keeping alive is performed in the _______. A. cell membrane B. protoplasmC. cytoplasmD. nucleolus 39. –logy means _____.A. the study ofB. the wound ofC. the subject ofD. the substance of40. An instrument for measuring the cell counts of red blood cells is an _______.A. erythrocyteB. erythrogenesisC. erythrocytometerD. erythrocytographI. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.( 40 points )61. hist/oa. historyb. histologyc.tissue d. substance2 Which of the following combining forms means “bone”? a. ren/o b.myel/oc. oste/od. gastr/o3. Which of the following combining forms means “blood ”? a. hem/o b.angi/oc. hemet/od. All of the above 4. Dem/omeans ___________a. skinb. democracyc. peopled. none of the above5.Surgical incision is expressed in ______a.–tomyb. –stomyc.–ectomyd. –tome7. Which of the following means “heardtisease ”?a. cardiab. cardiosisc. cardiopathyd. All of the above9. Which of the following is a suffix meaning “cells ”?a.–cyteb. -plasmc. cyt/od. both a and C10. Which of the following refers to “breathing ”?a.–peniab.––pneac.–respird. both b and c11. Which of the following means“the instrument for viewing or examining ”?a.–meterb. -graphc. -scoped. -tome 13. Instrument for recording is expressed in ______.a. -meterb. -graphc. -tomed. -scope 15. Which ofthe following words is misspelt?a. electroencepalogramb. electromyogramc.electrocardiogram d. mammogram17. Instrument for listening to the chest and heart is found in _________.a. microscopeb. cystoscopec. endoscoped. stethoscope18. Low blood pressure is expressed in _______.a. hypertensionb. hypotensionc. hypoxemiad. hyperoxemia19. Which of the following spelling is correct?a. mulicellularb. multicellarc. multicelluard. multicellular20. Peridentitis means inflamed surrounded tissue of ________.a. chestb. breastc. breathd. tooth21. The process of building up complex materials from simple materials is called _____.a. catabolismb. metabolismc. anabolismd. None of the above23. Pertaining to blood vessels is known as ___.a. vascluarb. vascualrc. vasculard. angilar24. X-ray photo of the blood vessel is called ___.a. vasculopathyb.vasculographc. angiogramd. angiopathy725. Abnormal condition of being hard is referred to as ____.a. sclerosisb. sclirosisc. barometerd. thermometer26.Surgical repair is known as _____________.a. -plastyb. -scopec. -graphd. -gram27. Which of the following refers to artery?a. ven/ob. bi/oc. arteri/od. artheri/o28. Bi/o means ________a. twob. lifec. breakd. both a and b29. eyea. cortic/ob. dermat/oc. –manuald. ocul/o 30. nervea. erythr/ob. neu/oc. neur/od. leuk/o31. phag/oa. surgical repairb. treatmentc. eat, swallowd.before32. bone marrowa. myel/ob. my/oc. myos/od. muscl/o33. trans-a. crossb. abovec. from ⋯to ⋯d. both a and c 34.Shape or forma. morph/ob. ocul/oc. thym/od. both a and c35. below, undera. hypo-b. hyper-c. intra-d. both a and c36. tumora.–omab. –inec. neoplasmd. both a and c 37. poisona. top/ob. ten/oc. -trophyd. tox/o38. Sarcoida. like a sesameb. like a bonec. like a fleshd. like a muscle39. Manya. poli-b. muli-c. multi-d. both a and c 40. Which ofthe following spellings is incorrect?a. pathogensisb. inheritencec. peripherald. facioscapulohumeralII. Choose the best answer to each of the following 10 points 41.消化困难a. dispneab. dyspneac. dispepsiad. dyspepsia42. embryologya. 血液学b.组织学c. 胚胎学d. 免疫学43. 局部解剖学a. histologyb. topologyc. anatomyd. aneurysm 44.蓝图a. bluemapb. bluescriptc. blueprintd. blueprinter45. 小孔a. caveoleb. caveolaec. pored. lysosome846.致病因子a. pathogenicb. causative factorsc. microorganismd. all of the above 47.光纤技术a. optic fiber techonology b.fiber optic techonologyc. optic fiber technologyd. fiber optic technology48. 碳水化合物a. carbonhydrateb. carbohydratec.carbohydrogen d. carbonhydrog 49. 横切面a.transverse insertionb. transverse sectionc. transverse insectiond. transverse sectioning50.先天性疾病a. nephropathyb. neopathyc. congenital diseased. cogenital disease医学术语单词缩写aa -of each各[]Ab -antibody[抗体]abd -abdomen腹[部]ABG -arterial blood gas[动脉血气]abn -abnormal[异常]ABp-arterial blood pressure[动脉压]Abs -absent[无] abstr -abstract摘[要]ac-before meals饭[前]Ach -actylcholine[乙酰胆碱]ACH -adrenal cortical hormone[肾上腺皮质激素]ACT -active coagulative time[活化凝血时间]ACTH -adrenocorticotripic[ 促肾上腺皮质激素]ad(add) -adde加[]ad effect -ad effectum [直到有效]ADH -antidiuretic hormone[抗利尿激素]adm(admin) -adminstration[给药]ad us est -for external use外[ 用]aF -atrial flutter[房扑]A/G ratio -albumin-globulin ratio[ 白-球蛋白比]AIDS -acquired immune deficiency syndrome[爱滋病]al -left ear[左耳]alb -albumin[白蛋白]AM -before noon[上午]amb -ambulance救[护车]9amp(ampul) -ampoule[安瓿]ASA -aspirin[阿斯匹林]atm(atmos) -atomsphere大[ 气压]ap -before dinner[饭前]av -average[平均]Ba -Barium[钡]BBT -basal body temperature基[础体温]biblio -biliography[ 参考文献]bid -twice a day[每日二次]bm -basal metabolism[基础代谢]Bp -blood pressure[血压] bpm -baetsper minute次[/分]BS -blood sugar[血糖]BW -body weight[体重]C - centigrade[摄氏温度计]CA -carcinoma[癌]CBC -complete blood count[血常规]CC -chief complaint[主诉]CClist -critical condition list[ 病危通知单]CCU - Coronary care unit[冠心病监护室]CG -control group[对照组]Cl -centilitre[ 毫开]cm -centimetre[毫米]CNS -central nervous system中[ 枢神经系统]Co -compound[复方]contra -contraindicated[禁忌]CT - computed tomography[计算机断层扫描] DBp -diastolic blood pressure[舒张压]dept -department[科]diag -diagonsis[诊断]dl -deciliter[ 分升]DM -diabetic mellitus[ 糖尿病]DOA-dead on arrival[到达时已死亡]DOB -date of birth[出生日期]Dr -doctor[医生]ECG(EKG) - electrocardiogram[心电图]ECHO -echogram[超声]ENT –ears, nose and throa五t[ 官科]EMG –electromyogram[肌电图]ER –emergency room[急诊室]etc–and so forth[等等]10F(Fahr) -Fahrenheit [华氏]F - Female[女性]FBS - fasting blood sugar[空腹血糖]FX –fracture [骨折]GH –growth hormone[生长素]GI - gastrointestinal[消化]GITS –gastrointestinal therapy system胃[ 肠治疗系统] GU - gastric ulcer[胃溃疡]Hb –hemoglobin[血红蛋白]HBp -high blood pressure[高血压]HR -heart rate[心率]ht -height[身高]HTN -hypertension[高血压]Hx -history [病历]Hypo -hypodermic injection[ 皮下注射]I/O -intake and output [进出量]ICU –intensive care unit[重症监护病房]ie –that is [即]Ig –immunoglobulin[ 免疫球蛋白]Im –iutramuscular[肌内的]Inj - injection[ 注射]Int - intern[实习生]IP - in-patient[住院病入]Iu - international unit[国防单位]J - joule[焦耳]K/U/B - Kidney,ureter and bladder[肾、输尿管和膀胱] LBp -low blood pressure [低血压]LDL -Low density lipoprotein[ 低密度脂蛋白]Liq –liquid[ 液体]LMP - last menstrual period[未次月经]LP –lumbar puncture[腰穿]M –male[男性] min -minute[分]mmHg - millimeters of mercury[ 毫米汞柱]MRI - magnetic resonance image核[ 磁共振] NB –notebene 注[意 ]neg - negative[阴性的]NIDDM - non-insulin-dependent diabetis mellitus[II 型糖尿病] norm - normal[正常的]NPO - non-peros[禁食]NS –normal saline[生理盐水]OGTT - oral glucose tolerance test口[服糖耐量试验]OP - out-patient[门诊病人]OPC - out-patient clinic[门诊]OR - operating room[手术室]OT –old tuberculin[旧结核菌素]P -pulse[脉搏]PC - post cibum [饭后]PE(Px) - physical examination[体检]PG –prostaglandin[前列腺素]PH –past history [既往史]PHI –present history illness[现病史]PM - post meridiem[下午] Post_op -postoperation术[后]pre_op - preoperation[术前]priv –private[私人的] prn -prore nata[必要时]prog - prognosis[预后]PS–postscript[附言]Psy - psychiatry[精神病学]psychol –psychology[心理学]PT –physical therapy[物理疗法]PT - prothrombin time[凝血酶原时间]qd - quaque die 每[日一次] qid -quater in die [每日四次]qn -quaque nocte每[晚]RBC -red blood count[红细胞计数]ref -reference[参考文献]RHD -Rheumatic heart disease风[ 心病]RI -regular insulin[正规胰岛素]rout -routin[常规]RT -radiotherapy[放射治疗]SBE –subacute bacterial endocarditis亚[ 急性细菌性心内膜炎] Seq -sequela后[ 遗症]sex -sexual[性别的]sig -signa[标明用法]SLE -sgstemic lupus erythematosus系[ 统性红斑狼疮]SSS -sick sinus syndrome病[ 窦综合征]ST - skin test[皮试] stat - at once立[即]Sx - symptom or sign[症状或体征]Syr - syrup[糖浆]Tab - stablet[片剂]TAT - toxin-antitoxin[ 毒素抗毒素]TB -tuberculosis[结核]tid - three times daily[每日三次]TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone[促甲状腺激素]us - ultrasound[超声]VIP - very important person[贵宾]Vit - vitamine[ 维生素]WBC - white blood cell[ 白细胞]Wt - weight[ 体重]Y/O - years old [岁]T.B=tuberculosisIg.=immunoglobulinRNA=ribonucleic acidUSG=ultrasonographyECG=electrocardiogramCT=computed tomographyMRI=magnetic resonance imagingVD=venereal diseaseGI=gastrointestinal tractSLE=systemic lupus erythematosusPTH=parathyroid HormoneERT=external radiation therapyDNA=deoxyribonucleic acidAIDS= acquired immune deficiency syndromeSARS=severe acute respiratory syndromeEEG=electroencephalogram EMG=electromyogramALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis。
HHale Waihona Puke story --- Key Dates
• His two sons began their medical training early, first by observing, and later by assisting their father on patient visit and with autopsies
History of Mayo clinic
• Mayo Clinic evolved gradually from the frontier practice of Dr. William W. Mayo and his two sons--- Dr. William J. Mayo and Charles H. Mayo.
History--- Key Dates
• 1920 --- Mayo develops a system for grading cancer numerically, which is adopted worldwide and still used today
• 1925 --- Dr. William H. Goeckerman reports on the use of tar and ultraviolet light to successfully treat psoriasis. This is a therapeutic breakthrough that remains a highly effective treatment for psoriasis
• 1889 --- Saint Marys Hospital opens with 27 beds
• 1892 --- First partner added to Mayo family practice. More physicians are involved to join, thus beginning the concept of medical teamwork.
cardiovascular diseases;脑垂体的功能the function of pituitary;泌尿道urinary tract;分子molecule;动脉artery;内分泌学endocrinology;呼吸困难dyspnea;唾液saliva;组织学histology;血液循环blood circulation;血液学hematology;生理学physiology;解剖学anatomy;女性生殖系统femal reproductive system;神经细胞nerve cell;免疫学immunology;消化不良dyspepsia;随意肌voluntary muscle;胚胎学embryology;心理学psychology;细胞学cytology;原生质protoplasm;细胞膜cell membrane;细胞核nucleus;细胞质(浆)cytoplasm;脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid;能半渗透的semipermeable;分子生物学molecular biology;碳水化合物carbohydrate;有区别性的differentially;使…完整intact;根据according to;遗传特性hereditary trait;渗滤diffusion;转换transaction;蓝图blueprint;染色体chromosome;色素pigment;排出废液excrete waste fluid;散开disperse;脉冲信号impulse;核糖核酸ribonucleic acid;损害正常功能impair the normal function;污染环境pollute environment;功能失调malfunction;致病因子causative agents;易受侵害的人群vulnerable groups;局部化的感染localized infection;花柳病venereal disease;抗原与抗体antigen&antibody;肌电图electromyogram;多发性硬化multiple sclerosis;心电图electrocardiograph;疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease;光纤技术fiber optic technology;造血系统hematopoietic system;致命的疾病fatal disease;体液body fluid;无副作用的治疗hazard-free treatment;无侵犯的实验检查non-invasive laboratory test; 核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance;葡萄糖耐糖实验the glucose-tolerance test;乐观的预后optimistic prognosis;超声波检测法ultrasonography;病史medical history;随访活动follow-up visit;营养不良nutritional deficiency;使细节显著highlight detail;脑电图electroencephalogram;缺血的组织blood-starved tissue;肌纤维muscle fiber;随意肌voluntary muscle;消化道alimentary canal;肌腹fleshy belly of muscle;横纹肌striated muscle;肌肉痉挛cramps of muscle;肌肉收缩muscle contraction;肌肉附着点attachment of the muscle;肌肉放松relaxation of muscle;动脉出血arterial hemorrhage;止端insertion;起端origion;供血blood supply; 屈肌flexor;蛋白分子protein molecule;纤维结缔组织fibrous connective tissue;伸肌extensor;意志力willpower;横切面transverse section;起搏器pacemaker;肌萎缩muscle atrophy;重症肌无力myasthenia gravis;弥散性局部缺血diffuse ischemia;常染色体隐性autosomal recessive;全身性感染systemic infection;受累的肌肉muscle involved;显著相关性significant correlation;神经末梢nerve terminal;自体免疫反应autoimmune reaction;神经支配innervation;肌营养不良muscular dystrophy;慢性营养不良chronic mulnutrition;先天性肌病congenital myopathy;预期寿命life expectancy;免疫紊乱immunologic derangemant;发病高峰年龄the peak age of onset;胸腺肿瘤thymoma;呼吸肌受累the involvement of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎inflammatory myositic;去神经支配denervation;矿物质吸收mineral absorption;机械应力mechanical stress;骨基质有机部分the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟premature puberty;蛋白溶解酶protein-digesting enzyme;破骨细胞osteoclast;松质骨spongy bone;骨折fracture;不规则骨irregular bone;骨骼系统skeletal system;维生素吸收vitamin absorption;骨钙丧失the loss of calcium from bone;生长激素growth hormone;骺软骨epiphyseal cartilage;镁缺乏magnesium deficiency;成骨细胞osteoblast;密质骨compact bone;骨髓腔marrow cavity;红骨髓red marrow;软骨内骨化endochondral ossification;矫形学orthopedics;闭合性骨折closed fracture;骨代谢疾病metabolic bone disease;雌激素替代疗法estrogen replacement therapy; 肾上腺皮质adrenal cortex;佝偻病rickets;骨肉瘤osteosarcoma;软骨肉瘤chondrosarcoma;止痛relieve pain;类风湿关节炎rheumatoid arthritis;骨髓炎osteomyelitis;开放性骨折open fracture;骨质疏松症osteoporosis;营养缺乏nutritional deficiency;骨软化症osteomalocia;听力丧失hearing lose;恶性肿瘤malignant tumor;关节炎arthritis;抗炎剂anti-inflammatory drugs;痛风gout;牙周组织periodontium;唾液腺salivary glands;口腔oral cavity;升结肠ascending colon;贲门括约肌cardiac sphincter;乳化作用emulsification;消化道alimentary tract;脾弯曲splenic flexure;锥形的突起cone-shaped papillae;似袋状的器官pouch-like organ;会厌epiglottis;十二指肠duodenum;乙状结肠sigmoid colon;幽门括约肌pyloric sphincter;舌下腺sublingual gland;蠕动peristalsis;下颌下腺submandibular gland;解毒作用detoxification;回盲瓣ileocecal valve;胰岛素insulin;穿孔perforation;溃疡性结肠炎ulcerative colitis;纤维变性fibrosis;阑尾炎appendicitis;胃十二指肠吻合术gastroduodenostomy;直肠镜proctoscope;裂孔疝hiatal hernia;造影剂contrast medium;代偿失调decompensation;胆石病choletithiasis;内窥镜检查endoscopy;胆囊切除术cholecystectomy;憩室炎diverticulitis;麻痹性肠梗阻paralytic ileus; 胆绞痛biliary colic;一个系列的 a spectrum of;副鼻窦paranasal sinus;口咽oropharynx;脊椎动物verterbrate animal;肺泡alveolus;二氧化碳carbon dioxide;肺换气不足hypoventilation;横膈膜神经phrenic nerve;双重折叠的double folded;威慑物deterrent;润滑液lubricating fluid;滞痰stagnant sputum;食管esophagus;纵隔mediastinum;哺乳动物mammal;碱中毒alkalosis;迷宫labyrinth;污染物质pollutant;脑干brainstem;上皮,上皮细胞epithelium;刺激物irritant;利尿剂duretics;大叶性肺炎lobar pneumonia;疾病的鉴别differentiation of disease;破坏性的损坏destructive damage;痰性咳嗽productive cough;共存coexist;医学文献medical literatures;咯血nemoptysis;渗出物,渗出液exudate;痰液phlegm;气促,气短breathless;无症状的asymptomatic;吸烟者晨咳morning cigarette cough;肺弹性回缩elastic recoil;反复发作recurrent episodes;有毒刺激物质nonxious agents;连续三年successive 3 years;交叉重复crossover;互相排除的mutually exclusive;小气道闭塞obliteration of small airway;主动脉弓aortic arch;胸主动脉thoracic aorta;舒张压diastolic pressure;腹主动脉abdominal aorta;收缩压systolic pressure;脊柱vertebral colum;毫米汞柱mmHg;半月形的semilunar;最里层的innermost;升主动脉ascending aorta;二尖瓣bicuspid valve;体循环systemic circuit;上腔静脉superior vena cava下腔静脉inferior vena cava;心肌myocardium;心内膜endocadium;细分;分支subdivision;心外膜epicardium;小动脉arteriole;心包pericardium;全血细胞减少pancytopenia;网织红细胞reticulocyte;自身免疫的autoimmune;危及生命的life-threatening;凝结cougulation;血小板减少thrombocytopenia;免疫缺陷immunodeficiency;功能紊乱dysfunction;活疫苗live vaccine;移植物对宿主的反应graft-versus-host reaction;血友病hemophilia;素质diathesis;巨成红细胞megaloblast;自发病,特发病idiopathic;弥散性血管内凝血disseminated intravascular coagulation;instrinsic;appendic/o>appendix阑尾炎2bil/i/rubin bil/i>bile胆红素3chondr/o/sarc/oma chrondr/o >cartilage ; sarc/o >flesh 软骨肉瘤4chol/sterol chol/e > bile, gall胆固醇5bucc/al bucc/o > bucca口腔的;颊的6crani/al crani/o > skull颅的,颅侧的7colon/o/scope colon/o > colon结肠镜8sigmoid/o/scope sigmoid/o > sigmoid colon乙状结肠镜9inter/cost/al cost/o > rib肋间的10dent/in dent/o > teeth牙质11epi/gastr/ic gastr/o > stomach胃上部的,腹上部的12enter/itis enter/o > small intestine肠炎13arthr/itis arthr/i > joint关节炎14bronch/o/genic bronch/o > bronchus支气管原的15cec/um cec/o > cecum盲肠16sub/lingu/al lingu/o > tongue舌下的17gingiv/itis gingiv/o > gum牙龈炎18nas/o/gastr/ic gas/o > nose gastr/o > stomach鼻饲的19hypo/pharyng/eal pharyng/o > pharynx下咽的20diverticul/osis diverticul/o > diverticulum憩室病21ile/o/stomy ile/o > ileum回肠造口术22chol/e/cyst/ectomy chol/e > bile; cyst/o > sac胆囊切除术23abdomin/al abdomin/o > abdomen腹部的24pneumon/ia pneumon/o > lung肺炎25thorac/ic thorac/o > pleural cavity ,chestcavity 胸腔的26duoden/um deoden/o > duodenum十二指肠27laryng/o/pharynx larygn/o > larynx pharyng/o >pharynx 咽喉28vertebr/ate vertebr/o > back bone脊椎动物29oste/o/myel/itis oste/o > bone;myel/o > bonemarrow 骨髓炎30pancreat/ic pancreat/o>pancreas胰腺炎31angi/o/plasty angio>vessels血管成形术32extra/o/cular extra>outside细胞外的33tendon/ous ten>tendon肌腱的34mamm/o/graphy mamm>breast乳房X线检查术35electr/o/my/o/gram electr>electricity,my>muscle肌电图36erythr/o/cyte eryth>red红细胞37hem/o/globin globin>protein血红蛋白38prot/o/plasm prot>first原生质39urin/ary ary>pertaining to泌尿道的40neur/o/pathy neur>nerve神经疾病41lymph/atic lymph>lymph淋巴的42my/o/fiber my>muscle肌纤维43pelv/ic pelv>pelvic bone盆骨44hepat/itis itis>inflammation肝炎45fibr/ous fibr>fiber纤维的46embry/o/logy embry>embryo胚胎学47leuk/emia emia>blood condition白血病48electr/o/cardi/o/graph graph>instrument ofrecording 心电图仪49dermat/o/my/o/sitis dermat>skin皮肤炎50thym/ectomy ectomy>surgical exasion orremoval of 胸腺切除术51cyt/o/plasm cyt>cell细胞浆52isch/emia isch> to hold back局部缺血53steth/o/scope stech> the chest 听诊器54pulmon/ary pulmon>lung 肺的55sarc/o/plasm plasm>formation growth or substance of formation 肌浆56chrom/o/some some>body 染色体57vascul/ar vascul>blood vessel5岁小男孩。
•associated with 与…有关系;与…相联系
•obstacles n. 障碍;障碍物(obstacle的复数形式);阻碍
•injury to 损伤,伤害(某个部位)
•Patient has had chills after dinner since last evening.
(Biographical[baɪə'græfɪk(ə)l] data)
• Name姓名 • Age年龄 • Sex性别 • Marital['mærɪt(ə)l] status婚否 • Nativity[nə'tɪvɪtɪ]籍贯 • Race民族 • Occupation职业 • Date of admission入院日期 • Informant [ɪn'fɔːmənt]病史叙述者 • History病史
•·症状+时间+in duration
•如: [Headache 1 month in duration] 头痛1月
•如: [Two-day history of fever] 发热2天
•4-hour traffic accident injury to the left leg pain associated with activities obstacles.
(history of presenting complaint[kəm'plent])
•现病史书写的重点包括: •一、主诉中症状的详细描述; •二、疾病的发展过程; •三、诊疗经过; •四、目前的一般情况
许多医学英语术语来自人名、地名或组织名称,如,Parkinson’s disease(帕金森病)。
例如:在医学学术论文中,研究人员通常使用英文缩写“DNA”代表“deoxyribonucleic acid”,中文全称是脱氧核糖核酸。
2 .理解词义,记忆单词
-pexy ColpohysteroHepato-
阴道子宫固定术 肝固定术
一、学习医学英语构词法的重要性 二、英语发展简史 三、医学英语术语的基本特征 四、医学英语术语构词规则 五、医学英语术语的读音规则 六、医学英语构词法的常用词缀
✓ 几乎在所有希腊语词根后加-o-; ✓ 拉丁语词素后面可以加o或i; ✓ 当结合型与另一个以元音字母开头的词根或后缀 结合时,
✓ 并列关系的词素之间; o或i为词素所不可缺少的部分时, 可以保留。
① saved
Gastro -pexy gastropexy Meno -pause menopause
cocci ganglia
apex cervix
Apices Cervices
• ae→e,oe→e,ou→u,ph→f,y→i • haemorrhage→hemorrhage oedema→edema • oulitis [u’laitis]→ulitis [ju’laitis] • sulphonamide→sulfonamide
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
corneosclera limbus 角巩膜缘 refractive power 折光力 bowman’s Iayer 前弹力层 stromaI layer 基质层 descemet’s Iayer 后弹力层 refractive index 折射率 hyaluronic acid 透明质酸 cornea-aqueous barrier 角膜-房水屏障 aqueous humor 房水 tears film 泪膜 dura mate 硬脑膜 chamber angle 房角 tenon capsule 眼球筋膜鞘 schlemm canal 巩膜静脉窦(施勒姆管) collect tube 集合管 intrasclera venous network 深层巩膜静脉从 episclera venous network 浅层巩膜静脉从
• • • • • •
nourishment [‘nʌriʃmənt] sheath [ʃi:θ] sponge-like sieve [siv] drainage [’dreinidʒ] pinocytosis [,painəusai‘təusis]
n.营养 n.鞘,套 adj.海绵状的 n.筛 n.排水,放水 n.胞饮(作用),吞lmology is a speciaI medical science,a branch of clinical medicine, which deals with research for development, treatment and prevention of the disorders of visuaI organas (including eyeball and its accessory apparatus, visual pathway as weIl as visual centre)
Medical English Listening Training Methods
01 02 03
Active listening
Encouraging active listening skills during Medical English training can improve comprehension. Focusing on key information, asking for clarification, and paraphrasing what has been said can enhance understanding.
Medical English requires clear and precise pronunciation to ensure accurate communication. Practicing proper pronunciation of medical terms and phrases is essential.
医学缩写可以根据其用途分为多种类型,如拉丁缩写、英文缩写、 组织机构缩写等。了解这些分类有助于更好地理解和使用医学缩写。
医学缩写在使用时需要遵循一定的规范,如首字母大写、使用斜体等。 了解这些规范有助于正确使用医学缩写。
Medical English Grammar
1 2
Internal Medicine English
掌握常见的内科疾病诊断术语,如高血压、 糖尿病、心脏病等。
能够运用医学英语进行病例分析,包括病史 采集、体格检查、实验室检查等。
熟悉内科疾病的治疗方案和药物使用,如药 物治疗、手术治疗、介入治疗等。
increase Clark’s life span, no guarantee he would regain
his independence
• Jarvik became very interested in medicine at that point and began to think about possible designs for artificial hearts that could help people like his father
• 1982-1985, Dr. William DeVries carries out a series of five implants of the Jarvik total artificial heart
• William Schroeder, lived 620 days, dying in August 1986 at age 54
Dr. Barney Clark
•He survived with Jarvik-7 for 112 days • A serious of complication led to Clark’s death from circulatory and multi-organ collapse on March 23 at 10:02 p.m.
• 2001, doctors at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Ky., implant the first self-contained, mechanical heart replacement into a patient • Two recipient: Robert Tools & Tom Christerson
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DNA microarray: An experimental tool for obtaining highthroughput gene expression data
Transcription: The process by which RNA is formed from DNA Nucleotide: The structural unit of nucleic acid
A Glossary of Genetics Terms
RT-PCR: Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
Template: Macromolecular model for another macromolecule, as in the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template
Transgenic: Organism, such as a mouse, containing experimentally transferred genetic material from another organism, such as mammal Mutation: Abrupt change in the genotype of an organism that is not the result of recombination
Phenotype: The observable characters of an organism; the result of the way the genes are expressed
Genetic defect: Pathological changes that occur by duplication, deletion or rearrangement of DNA
A Glossary of Genetics Terms
Recombination: Formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents Genotype: The genetic constitution of an individual
Stem cell: have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.
Making babies: Genn The department of Gastroenterology
Ren Ji Hospital
A Glossary of Genetics Terms
Gene: basic unit of inheritance for all living organisms
A Glossary of Genetics Terms
Nucleic acid: Large, chainlike molecule of phosphric acid, sugar and purine and pyrimidine bases Marker: Gene with a known location on a chromosome
Mapping the human genome---The Human Genome Project, completed in 2001
Discover the DNA structure
1953---James Watson/Francis Crick
Genome: Genetic endowment of a species Gene mapping: Determining location of genes on chromosome
Gene sequencing: Determining identity of genes from the distinctive order (sequence) of base pairs, such as A-T and G-C Chromosome: Threadlike structure in the nuclei of plant and animal cells; it carries the linearly arranged genetic units (genes)
Milestones of Genetics
Discover the double-helix structure of DNA---by James Watson and Francis Crick
Create the first recombinant DNA molecule---by Paul Berg