
英语警示语大全60条1. Caution: Wet floor!2. Danger: High voltage.3. Warning: No trespassing.4. Please wear protective gear.5. Caution: Steep stairs ahead.6. Danger: Do not climb.7. Warning: Slippery surface.8. Keep out: Authorized personnel only.9. Caution: Sharp objects.10. Danger: Beware of falling debris.11. Warning: Flammable materials.12. Caution: Hot surface.13. Danger: E某plosive contents.14. Warning: To某ic chemicals.15. Please handle with care.16. Caution: Falling rocks.17. Danger: Do not enter.18. Warning: Fire hazard.19. Caution: Automatic door.20. Danger: Watch your step.21. Warning: Wet paint.22. Please do not touch.23. Caution: Low clearance.24. Danger: Do not touch high voltage wires.25. Warning: Harmful radiation.26. Caution: Slippery when wet.27. Danger: Keep out of reach of children.28. Warning: Biohazard.29. Please do not smoke.30. Caution: Fragile items.31. Danger: Do not disturb.32. Warning: Do not open.33. Caution: Flammable liquids.34. Danger: Do not operate without proper training.35. Warning: Use caution when working with machinery.36. Please dispose of trash properly.37. Caution: Falling objects.38. Danger: Stay away from edges.39. Warning: Do not overload.40. Caution: High noise levels.41. Danger: Do not enter without permission.42. Warning: E某iting vehicles only.43. Please fasten seatbelts.44. Caution: Slippery when icy.45. Danger: Do not swim in unauthorized areas.46. Warning: Keep away from open flames.47. Caution: Electrical shock.48. Danger: Keep hands clear.49. Warning: Do not operate machinery with loose clothing.50. Please keep off the grass.51. Caution: Hazardous materials.52. Danger: Do not operate while into某icated.53. Warning: Do not use cell phones while driving.54. Please do not feed the animals.55. Caution: Uneven pavement.56. Danger: Do not lean over railing.57. Warning: Do not run on stairs.58. Caution: Do not touch moving parts.59. Danger: Do not enter confined spaces without proper ventilation.60. Warning: Do not leave valuables unattended.。

英文警示语7篇英文警示语 (1)81、谋事在人,成事在天。
Man proposes,God deposes.82、Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?83、时不我待。
Time and tide wait no man。
84、He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最美。
85、Ask not what your country can do for you;ask what you can do foryour country.不要问你的国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为你的国家做什么。
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.87、Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。
All shall be well,Jack shall have jill.89、宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。
It is better to be a head of dog than a tailof a lion.90、Heaven never seals off all the exits.天无绝人之路。
91、. More English, more fun 多些英语,多些快乐。
A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of aswan.93、Treat other people as you hope they will treat you./Do not do toothers what you do not wish them to do to you.己所不欲,勿施于人。

10国语言警示语1. 英语警示语:提醒旅行者注意个人财物安全旅行是一种愉快的体验,但我们也必须时刻保持警惕,特别是在人多拥挤的地方,个人财物的安全问题变得更加重要。
1. "Beware of pickpockets" –小心扒手在拥挤的地方,特别是旅游景点、公共交通工具上,小心贼人盯上你的财物。
2. "Keep an eye on your belongings" –留意你的财物无论你在哪里,都要时刻注意你的物品,确保它们在你的视线范围内。
3. "Do not leave your belongings unattended" –不要将财物无人看管无论是在餐厅、咖啡馆还是旅馆,不要将你的财物无人看管,否则它们可能会被盗。
4. "Secure your valuables" –保护好你的贵重物品将贵重物品,如护照、钱包、手机等,放在安全的地方,例如酒店的保险箱中。
5. "Be cautious of strangers offering help" –谨防陌生人的帮助一些陌生人可能会假装帮助你,但他们的真正目的可能是偷窃你的财物。
6. "Avoid displaying expensive belongings" –避免炫耀昂贵物品不要过分炫耀你的贵重物品,例如珠宝、名牌包等,这可能引起不必要的注意。
7. "Report any suspicious activity" –报告任何可疑行为如果你注意到任何可疑的行为或人员,立即向当地的警方或旅游机构报告。
8. "Stay in well-lit and populated areas" –呆在亮堂和人多的地方在夜晚,尽量选择明亮的地方,人多的地方更安全,这样可以减少被盗的风险。


a4纸警示标语英语版1. safety knowledge let you change danger into safety2. safe and hard-working3. safety production and economic development4. dissemination of safety culture to promote safety knowledge5. security to guard against accidents due to paralysis6. check erroneous ideas at the outset alarm bells ringing7. everyone says safe family peace8. strict is the love, the pine is the evil, good securitybenefits three generations9. the spring bloom plant safety production efficiency high10. ignore the safety catch production is out of security and efficiency as the gain profit in risk11. happiness is tree safety is the fertile soil12. safety and health is not gold13. factory safety must be safe for production14. system is not inevitable accident15. factory safety measures are fine1. zunzhangshouji glory shameful violation2. crops can not be separated from the sun safety rules3. compliance is the guarantee of happiness4. tree brand awareness create quality projects5. anti accident mid heian fukuma door tell the security of health for all le6. a healthy body can not be separated from the exercise of a happy family can not do without security7. security is to ensure that the accident of a happy family is the bane of the tragedy of life8. labor creates wealth and safety brings happiness9. quality is the life safety of the enterprise is the life of the staff and workers10. establish the concept of quality legal system and improve the quality consciousness of the whole staff11. safety is the biggest saving accident is the biggest waste12. paralysis is the biggest hidden dangers of dereliction of duty is the greatest curse13. safety in production, flourishing production; construction of civilization14. do not tighten the safety of the string can not play the tune of production15. a person of illegal people suffer16. violation of no harm to others and pay close attention to the country17. the pile is not high in violation of the matter is not small18. take an umbrella to prevent rain out accident prevention compliance posts19. you speak of illegal human accident showed little mercy on you20. and after suffering runny nose than prior zunzhangshouji1. compliance is the forerunner of safety is the harbinger of accidents2. factory safety first quality3. safety regulations strictly depend on not to forget4. keep to the concept of all-time preparedness in5. small moth daliang hidden trouble brewing6. safety comes from a long warning that the accident comes from an instant paralysis7. it is not only not impossible to guard against anti8. perfecting quality system and strengthening engineering quality9. no matter often wary of failing to steady as a mountain10. strict quality products11. would rather not loose a thousand days without incident can not be a day not anti brewing12. careful construction of scientific management13. factory safety first prevention14. everybody talks about safety and security for everyone15. everyone talks about security, everything is safe; always want to be safe, safe everywhere。

有关英语的提示标语60句1.B usiness Hours 营业时间2、Office Hours 办公时间3、Entrance 入口4、Exit 出口5、Push 推6、Pull 拉7、Shut 此路不通8、On 打开( 放) 9、Off 关10、Open 营业11、Pause 暂停12、Stop 关闭13、Closed 下班14、Menu 菜单15、Fragile 易碎16、This Side Up 此面向上17、Introductions 说明18、One Street 单行道19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过21、Wet Paint 油漆未干22、Danger 危险23、Lost and Found 失物招领处24、Give Way 快车先行25、Safety First 安全第一26、Filling Station 加油站27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟28、No Photos 请勿拍照29、No Visitors 游人止步30、No Entry 禁止入内31、No Admittance 闲人免进32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭33、Parting 停车处34、Toll Free 免费通行35、F.F. 快进36、Rew. 倒带37、EMS (邮政)特快专递38、Insert Here 此处插入39、Open Here 此处开启40、Split Here 此处撕开41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车44、No U Turn 禁止掉头45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车47、SOS 紧急求救信号48、Hands Wanted 招聘49、Staff Only 本处职工专用50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸52、Keep Silence 保持安静53、On Sale 削价出售54、No Bills 不准张贴55、Not for Sale 恕不出售56、Pub 酒店57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆58、Bar 酒巴59、Laundry 洗衣店60、Travel Agency 旅行社61、InShade 置于阴凉处62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存63、Poison 有毒/毒品64、Guard against Damp 防潮65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手66、Complaint Box 意见箱67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用68、Bakery 面包店69、Keep Dry 保持干燥70、Information 问讯处71、No Passing 禁止通行72、No Angling 不准垂钓73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎74、Seat by Number 对号入座75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物76、Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土79、Men"s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所80、Women"s/Ladies/Ladies" Room女厕所81、Occupied (厕所)有人82、Vacant (厕所)无人83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便84、Net(Weight) 净重85、MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日86、EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日87、Admission Free免费入场88、Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先90、Save Food 节约粮食91、Save Energy 节约能源92、Handle with Care 小心轻放93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处--------------------------------------------------------------------------------下面是哈佛图书馆的训言,非常出名的哈,把他们掌握了也很好哦1.此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。

常见的公共场合警示语.No admission 禁止入内Children under five years no admittance 五岁以下儿童,禁止入内Admission by invitation only 非请莫入No admittance except on business 非公莫入Inspection declined 谢绝参观Hands off 请勿触摸Queue here for tickets在此排队购票Tickets cannot be changed or money refunded 票经售出,概不退换Admission free 免费入场Ticket holders only 凭票入场Seat by number 对号入座Way in 由此入内Way out 由此外出Visitors not admitted 游客止步Cameras are forbidden 禁止拍照No passing 禁止通行Full house 客满The way to ……..此路通往…..No thoroughfare 此路不通Keep to the path 请走人行道No pass , no passage 无通行证者,不得通过Toll free 免费通行Road ahead closed 前方施工,禁止通行Road up detour 前方施工,请绕行Caution :road up 注意:翻修马路One way traffic 单行道No turn 严禁转弯Consecutive curves 连续转弯Keep right 靠右行驶Reduced speed now 减速行驶Keep space 保持车距No overtaking 严禁超车No honking 禁止鸣喇叭Dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内Keep off the grass 勿踏草地No nuisance 禁止倒垃圾No scribbling 禁止涂写Post no bills 禁止招贴Bathing and fishing prohibited 禁止游泳钓鱼Wet paint 油漆未干Keep it dry 切勿受潮Guard against damp 防潮Keep cool 保持冷藏No hooking 禁止用手钩Keep upright 切勿倒置Do not turn upside down 切勿倾倒Stand on end 竖立放置This side up 此端向上Light cargo on top 轻货放在上面Handle with care 小心轻放Compensation for damage 损害赔偿Danger ,high voltage 高压危险Danger ,keep out 切勿入内Beware of dangers 提防危险Beware of pickpockets 小心扒手Replace the newspaper after reading 报纸阅后,放回原处Shut the door behind you 随手关门Lost and found 失物招领Luggage depository 行李存放处Business hours 营业时间Office hours 办公时间I.Road and Traffic 公路和交通 Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。

英文安全警示语英文安全警示语(热门)1 security alarm when Chang Ming Gong, prevent often knocked.2 feeling, a stuffy, drunk to hair faint; do not drink before going to work, to remind each other enough friends.3 the most hope is your peace, most afraid of is your accident4 safety and compliance with the accident and violations5 rich day work, the accident that day empty6 fire must not let go of a little fire, the accident should not be kept at least a fluke7 peace is in my heart, and peace is always by my side8 safety is a day, security is a place, there is no security, there is no heaven and earth9 production safety protection, safety escort.10 you attach importance to, I participate in the production safety together; QI efforts, a total of planning, production safety depends on everyone11 weeds do not except seedlings is not strong, not difficult. In addition to hidden benefits12 quality is the basis of safety, safety for production13 security for everyone, happy millions14 everyone speaks safe, every family peace15 be careful no mistake, careless casting large.英文安全标语(集锦)1 safety first, prevention first2 eyes hold a grain of sand, the safety of careless.3 alarm bells ringing. Check erroneous ideas at the outset.4 healthy body can not do without exercise, a happy family can not do without security5 our city has your blood, your peace is our wish6 safety production not lucky, reckless violation to human life.The 7 is the biggest hidden danger of paralysis, dereliction of duty is the greatest curse.8 everyone speaks safe and secure9 security interests, paralysis of wealth.10 safety knowledge to know, good to wear PPE; work much attention, the most happy in peace.11 thousand days of hard work, not brewing disaster12 strict is the love song Li is harmful. In Securitybenefits three generations.13 safe campus I love you. Always have peace in my heart, always at my side14 safety you a happy family15 peace is more important than anything16 safety is in my heart, life is in my hands17 big with pride is the fuse of the accident, modest and prudent is safe paving stones.18 safety is the cornerstone of life, security is the ladder of joy19 safety in mind, peace go all over the world20 people-oriented, peace first, accelerate the construction of safe campus英文安全温馨警示语(最新)1 thousand million busy busy accident white busy, thousands of suffering hardships hurt the most bitter.The 2 security wing with you. Bear in mind.3 safe to say, to prevent accidents, free from danger, the music is not happy.4 working outside is not easy, safety first put first5 life is precious, precious, the slightest paralysis is harmful6 cross the road, do not worry. Red light stop, green line7 safety first is the truth, the whole family can not do without you8 safety for production, production must be safe. Always pay attention to safety, prevent accidents everywhereThe 9 accident is fiercer than tigers, Ann Quangui as gold.10 safety is saving, safety is life11 risk tolerance is equal to Frankenstein, caution can be safe and sound.12 security everyone arrested, the well-being of 10 million. Security of two natural enemies, violation and paralysis13 there is only one risk in life14 labor creates wealth and safety brings happiness15 quality is the life of enterprise, safety is the life of workers-----。

常用英文警示语I.Road and Traffic 公路和交通 Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。
Avoid the jams. 避免交通堵塞。
Dangerous bend 弯道危险 Diverted traffic 交叉路口 Entry to motorway 高速入口 Left junction 左交叉口 Look left (right) 向左(右)看。
Low bridge ahead 前方桥低。
New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段 No entry 禁止驶人 No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车 No thoroughfare 禁止通行 No trade or business vehicle unless authorized 未经允许货车禁止通行。
Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行横道。
Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Please drive carefully 请小心驾驶。
Road closed 此路封闭 Slow,school 前方学校请慢行。
Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里 The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。
This vehicle stops frequently 随时停车 II.Car and Parking 汽车和停车 Car park front and rear.前后停车 Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走 Guest's car park 来客停车场 Limited parking 停车位有限 No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。

安全警示:当心坠落——be careful falling严禁烟火——no fire安全出口——exit非工作人员禁止入内——personnel only必须戴护耳器——be careful noise必须戴防护口罩——respirator must be worn谢绝参观——no visit严禁拍照——no photos防止碰撞——be careful hiting非专业人员禁止操作——operating by professional only当心有毒——be careful venomousness必须戴防毒面具——gas mask must be worn仓库重地闲人免进——storehouse , no admittance吊装区域禁止停留——sling , no stop机房重地闲人免进——computer room , no admittance高压危险——be careful high voltage禁止入内——no entry禁止合闸——don’t operate a brake小心有电——be careful electricity运转设备——operating equipment备用设备——standby equipment当心电离辐射——be careful ionization上方有蒸汽排气管此处禁止停留——vent-pipe , no stop================================================= 公司企业部门:总公司 Head Office分公司 Branch Office营业部 Business Office人事部 Personnel Department(人力资源部)Human Resources Department总务部 General Affairs Department财务部 General Accounting Department销售部 Sales Department促销部 Sales Promotion Department国际部 International Department出口部 Export Department进口部 Import Department公共关系 Public Relations Department广告部 Advertising Department企划部 Planning Department产品开发部 Product Development Department研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool=============================================== 公共标志:1、Business Hours 营业时间2、Office Hours 办公时间3、Entrance 入口4、Exit 出口5、Push 推6、Pull 拉7、Shut 此路不通8、On 打开 ( 放)9、Off 关10、Open 营业(注:多用于商店等营业场所)11、Pause 暂停12、Stop 关闭13、Closed 下班、打烊(注:同10)14、Menu 菜单15、Fragile 易碎16、This Side Up 此面向上17、Introductions 说明18、One Street 单行道19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过21、Wet Paint 油漆未干22、Danger 危险23、Lost and Found 失物招领处24、Give Way 快车先行25、Safety First 安全第一26、Filling Station 加油站27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟28、No Photos 请勿拍照29、No Visitors 游人止步30、No Entry 禁止入内31、No Admittance 闲人免进32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭33、Parking 停车处34、Toll Free 免费通行35、F.F. 快进(注:Fast Forward)36、Rew. 倒带(注:Re-Wind)37、EMS (邮政)特快专递38、Insert Here 此处插入39、Open Here 此处开启40、Split Here 此处撕开41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车44、No U-Turn 禁止掉头45、U-Turn Ok 可以U形转弯46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车47、SOS 紧急求救信号48、Hands Wanted 招聘49、Staff Only 本处职工专用50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸52、Keep Silence 保持安静53、On Sale 削价出售、打折54、No Bills 不准张贴55、Not for Sale 恕不出售56、Pub 酒馆57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆58、Bar 酒巴59、Laundry 洗衣店60、Travel Agency 旅行社61、In Shade 置于阴凉处62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存63、Poison 有毒/毒品64、Guard against Damp 防潮65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手66、Complaint Box 意见箱67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用68、Bakery 面包店69、Keep Dry 保持干燥70、Information 问讯处71、No Passing 禁止通行72、No Angling 不准垂钓73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎74、Seat by Number 对号入座75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物76、Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土79、Men's/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所80、Women's/Ladies/Ladies' Room女厕所81、Occupied (厕所)有人82、V acant (厕所)无人83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便84、Net(Weight) 净重85、MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日86、EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日87、Admission Free免费入场88、Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先90、Save Food 节约粮食91、Save Energy 节约能源92、Handle with Care 小心轻放93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处43 欣赏交响乐曲时,乐曲的乐章之间,请不要鼓掌。

英语警示语大全篇一:常见警示语英文.N oad mi ss io n禁止入内C hi ld re nun de rfi ve y ea rsn oad mi tt an ce五岁以下儿童,禁止入内A dm is si onb yin vi ta ti ono nl y非请莫入N oad mi tt an cee xc ep tonb us in es s非公莫入I ns pe ct io nde cl in ed谢绝参观Ha nd sof f请勿触摸Q ue ue h er efo rti ck et s在此排队购票Ti ck et sca nn otb ech an ge dorm on eyr ef un de d票经售出,概不退换Ad mi ss io nfr ee免费入场Ti ck eth ol de rso nl y凭票入场S ea tbyn um be r对号入座W ayi n由此入内W ayo ut由此外出Vi si to rsn ota dm it te d游客止步C am er asa ref or bi dd en禁止拍照Nop as si ng禁止通行Fu llh ou se 客满Th ewa yto……..此路通往…..N oth or ou gh fa re此路不通Ke ept oth epa th请走人行道N opa ss,n opa ss ag e无通行证者,不得通过T ol lfr ee免费通行Ro ada he adc lo se d前方施工,禁止通行Ro adu pde to ur前方施工,请绕行Ca ut io n:r oa dup注意:翻修马路On ewa ytr af fi c单行道Not ur n严禁转弯C on se cu ti vec ur ve s连续转弯K ee pri gh t靠右行驶R ed uc eds pe ed n ow减速行驶Ke eps pa ce保持车距Noo ve rt ak in g严禁超车N oho nk in g禁止鸣喇叭Do gsn ota ll ow ed禁止携犬入内Ke epo fft he g ra ss勿踏草地Non ui sa nc e禁止倒垃圾Nos cr ib bl in g禁止涂写P os tnob il ls禁止招贴Ba th in gan dfi sh in gpr oh ib it ed禁止游泳钓鱼W etp ai nt油漆未干Ke epi tdr y切勿受潮G ua rda ga in st d am p防潮Ke epc oo l保持冷藏N oho ok in g禁止用手钩Ke epu pr ig ht切勿倒置Don ott ur nup si ded ow n切勿倾倒S ta ndo nen d竖立放置T hi ssi deu p此端向上L ig htc ar goo nto p轻货放在上面H an dl ewi thc ar e小心轻放C om pe ns at io nfo rda ma ge损害赔偿Da ng er,hi ghv ol ta ge高压危险Da ng er,ke epo ut切勿入内Be wa reo fda ng er s提防危险B ew ar eofp ic kp oc ke ts小心扒手Re pl ac eth ene ws pa pe raf te rre ad in g报纸阅后,放回原处Sh utt hed oo rbe hi ndy ou随手关门Lo sta ndf ou nd失物招领Lu gg ag ede po si to ry行李存放处B us in es sho ur s营业时间O ff ic eho ur s办公时间I.Ro ada ndT ra ff ic公路和交通???Ap pr oa ch in gen dof m ot or wa y即将驶出高速。

30条英语警示语Warning signs are an essential tool for communicating important information and promoting safety in various settings. From workplaces to public spaces, these signs serve as visual reminders to help prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of individuals. In this article, we will explore 30 common English warning signs and their meanings to increase awareness and promote a culture of safety.1. Caution: Wet Floor This sign warns of slippery surfaces and the risk of falls. It is commonly seen in areas where floors are being cleaned or have recently been mopped.2. Danger: High Voltage This sign indicates the presence of high electrical voltage, warning individuals to stay away to avoid the risk of electric shock.3. Warning: Biohazard This sign alerts individuals to the presence of biological hazards, such as infectious materials or chemicals, and the need for proper precautions.4. Caution: Hot Surface This sign warns of surfaces that can cause burns or injuries due to high temperatures. It is often found near equipment or machinery that generates heat.5. Danger: Flammable Material This sign warns of the presence of materials that are highly flammable and can easily ignite, posing a fire hazard.6. Warning: Hazardous Chemicals This sign indicates the presence of dangerous chemicals that can cause harm if not handled properly. It serves as a reminder to use caution and follow safety protocols.7. Caution: Falling Objects This sign warns of the risk of objects falling from above, such as in construction sites or warehouses, where items may be stored at heights.8. Danger: Confined Space This sign indicates areas that are confined or enclosed, posing risks such as lack of ventilation or escape routes. It warns individuals to proceed with caution.9. Warning: High Noise Area This sign alerts individuals to areas with high levels of noise that can cause hearing damage. It reminds individuals to wear ear protection.10. Caution: Heavy Machinery This sign warns of the presence of heavy machinery or equipment that can cause serious injuries if not operated safely. It reminds individuals to stay clear of the area.11. Danger: Toxic Gas This sign warns of the presence of toxic gases that can be harmful or fatal if inhaled. It indicates the need for proper ventilation and safety precautions.12. Warning: Slippery Surface This sign alerts individuals to surfaces that are slippery or slick, increasing the risk of slips and falls. It reminds individuals to proceed with caution.13. Caution: Sharp Objects This sign warns of the presence of sharp objects or edges that can cause cuts or injuries. It reminds individuals to handle objects carefully.14. Danger: Explosive Materials This sign indicates the presence of explosive materials that can detonate if mishandled. It serves as a reminder to keep the area clear and follow safety procedures.15. Warning: Radiation Hazard This sign warns of the presence of radiation hazards, such as in medical facilities or nuclear plants. It reminds individuals to limit exposure and wear protective gear.16. Caution: Low Clearance This sign warns of low clearance areas where individuals may hit their heads or bodies. It reminds individuals to watch their surroundings and proceed with caution.17. Danger: Falling Rocks This sign warns of the risk of falling rocks or debris in areas prone to landslides or rockslides. It advises individuals to stay clear of the area.18. Warning: High Temperatures This sign alerts individuals to areas with high temperatures that can cause burns or heat-related illnesses. It reminds individuals to stay hydrated and seek shade.19. Caution: Uneven Surface This sign warns of surfaces that are uneven or bumpy, increasing the risk of trips and falls. It reminds individuals to watch their step.20. Danger: Open Pit This sign indicates the presence of open pits or excavations that pose a falling hazard. It advises individuals to stay clear and use caution.21. Warning: Suffocation Hazard This sign warns of areas where suffocation can occur due to lack of oxygen or presence of gases. It reminds individuals to ensure proper ventilation.22. Caution: Moving Parts This sign warns of machinery or equipment with moving parts that can cause injuries if not operated safely. It reminds individuals to keep hands and clothing clear.23. Danger: High Pressure This sign indicates the presence of high-pressure systems or equipment that can cause explosions or injuries. It advises individuals to stay clear of the area.24. Warning: Electrical Hazard This sign warns of electrical hazards, such as exposed wires or faulty equipment, that can cause electric shock or fires. It reminds individuals to use caution.25. Caution: Slippery Stairs This sign warns of stairs that are slippery or wet, increasing the risk of falls. It reminds individuals to use handrails and watch their step.26. Danger: Asbestos Hazard This sign indicates the presence of asbestos, a hazardous material that can cause serious health risks if disturbed. It advises individuals to avoid contact and seek professional help.27. Warning: Sharp Turns This sign warns of sharp turns or curves in roads or pathways that require caution when navigating. It reminds individuals to slow down and be alert.28. Caution: Overhead Crane This sign warns of overhead cranes or hoists that can move heavy loads above. It reminds individuals to stay clear of the area to avoid injuries.29. Danger: Laser Radiation This sign warns of laser radiation hazards that can cause eye damage or skin burns. It reminds individuals to avoid direct exposure and wear protective eyewear.30. Warning: No Smoking This sign indicates areas where smoking is prohibited due to fire hazards or health concerns. It reminds individuals to comply with regulations and maintain a safe environment.In conclusion, warning signs play a crucial role in promoting safety and preventing accidents in various environments. By understanding the meanings of these signs and following their instructions, individuals can help create a culture of safety and reduce risks to themselves and others. Remember, safety is everyone's responsibility, so stay alert, follow the signs, and prioritize safety in all activities.。

英语平安警示语英语平安警示语英语平安警示语篇11.with the blessing of the cus today, with peace to build the future of the cus2.do not talk about the safety of life, what is the use of Jinshan seat3.security for ten thousand days, an accident4.safety construction, embrace peace5.classes often self check, the accident can be avoided6.the road leads you and me, and security is a family7.enhance the awareness of teachers and students to create a safe cus enviro____ent8.the most hope is your peace, most afraid of is your accident9.safety and pliance with the accident and violations10.rich day work, the accident that day empty11.fire must not let go of a little fire, the accident should not be kept at least a fluke12.our city has your blood, your peace is our wish13.safety production not lucky, reckless violation to human life.14.The is the biggest hidden danger of paralysis, dereliction of duty is the greatest curse.15.family security is a guarantee of happiness, the accident was the bane of tragedy.16.improve safety awareness, the construction of civilized sites18.construction safety first, long life is a blessing19.strict is the love song Li is the evil, the accident pits three generation.20.go out to earn money is not easy, safety must pay attention to英语平安警示语篇21.thousand days of hard work, not brewing disaster2.strict is the love song Li is harmful. In Securitybenefits three generations.3.safe cus I love you. Always have peace in my heart, always at my side4.safety you a happy family5.peace is more important than anything6.safety is in my heart, life is in my hands7.big with pride is the fuse of the accident, modest and prudent is safe paving stones.8.safety is the cornerstone of life, security is the ladder of joy9.safety in mind, peace go all over the world10.people-oriented, peace first, accelerate the construction of safe cus11.thousand million busy busy accident white busy, thousands of suffering hardships hurt the most bitter.12.The security wing with you. Bear in mind.13.safe to say, to prevent accidents, free from danger, the music is not happy.14.working outside is not easy, safety first put first15.life is precious, precious, the slightest paralysis is harmful英语平安警示语篇31.strict is the call of life, pine is the beginning of suicide2.safety and efficiency go hand in hand, accidents and losses occur at the same time3.love the family to love life, love should be more serious security4.to ply with the rules, laughter relatives.Illegal traffic, death grimly.5.work for the first, everything safe first6.Ning 100 meters away, do not take a step7.is strict is the love song Li Yan, in its own truth.8.wheels turn to want to be responsible for the throttle even the pedestrian9.wife Aiko love family, ignoring safety is equal to zero.10.safety is the lifeline of workers, workers are responsible for safety11.crossing the road to observant and alert, very alert.12.sense of responsibility is the soul of security, standardization is the foundation of security13.safety helmet is amulet, good to wear before going to work.14.safe from the mouth, the rules from the hand15.hidden dangers everywhere, always remember英语平安警示语篇41. Safety knowledge let you change danger into safety2. Safe and hard-working3. Safety production and economic development4. Dissemination of safety culture to promotesafety knowledge5. Security to guard against accidents due to paralysis6. Check erroneous ideas at the outset alarm bells ringing7. Everyone says safe family peace8. Strict is the love, the pine is the evil, good Securitybenefits three generations9. The spring bloom plant safety production efficiency high10. Ignore the safety catch production is out of security and efficiency as the gain profit in risk11. Happiness is tree safety is the fertile soil12. Safety and health is not gold13. Factory safety must be safe for production14. System is not inevitable accident15. Factory safety measures are fine英语平安警示语篇51. pliance is the forerunner of safety is the harbinger of accidents2. Factory safety first quality4. Keep to the concept of all-time preparedness in5. Small moth Daliang hidden trouble brewing6. Safety es from a long warning that the accident es from an instant paralysis7. It is not only not impossible to guard against anti8. Perfecting quality system and strengthening engineering quality9. No matter often wary of failing to steady as a mountain10. Strict quality products11. Would rather not loose a thousand days without incident can not be a day not anti brewing12. Careful construction of scientific management13. Factory safety first prevention14. Everybody talks about safety and security for everyone15. Everyone talks about security, everything is safe; always want to be safe, safe everywhere 英语平安警示语篇61. Zunzhangshouji glory shameful violation2. Crops can not be separated from the sun safety rules3. pliance is the guarantee of happiness4. Tree brand awareness create quality projects5. Anti accident mid Heian fukuma door tell the security of health for all le6. A healthy body can not be separated from the exercise of a happy family can not do without security7. Security is to ensure that the accident of a happy family is the bane of the tragedy of life8. Labor creates wealth and safety brings happiness9. Quality is the life safety of the enterprise is the life of the staff and workers10. Establish the concept of quality legal system and improve the quality consciousness of the whole staff11. Safety is the biggest saving accident is the biggest waste12. Paralysis is the biggest hidden dangers of dereliction of duty is the greatest curse13. Safety in production, flourishing production; construction of civilization14. Do not tighten the safety of the string can not play the tune of production15. A person of illegal people suffer16. Violation of no harm to others and pay close attention to the country17. The pile is not high in violation of the matter is not small18. Take an umbrella to prevent rain out accident prevention pliance posts19. You speak of illegal human accident showed little mercy on you20. And after suffering runny nose than prior zunzhangshouji。

常用英文警示语I.Road and Traffic 公路和交通 II. A p proaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。
A void the jams. 避免交通堵塞。
III. D a ngerous bend 弯道危险 IV.Diverted traffic 交叉路口 V. E n try to motorway 高速入口 VI.Left junction 左交叉口 VII. L ook left (right) 向左(右)看。
VIII. L ow bridge ahead 前方桥低。
IX.New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段 N o entry 禁止驶人 X.No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车 N o thoroughfare 禁止通行 XI. N o trade or business vehicle unless authorized 未经允许货车禁止通行。
XII.Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行横道。
P edestrian crossing 人行横道 XIII. P lease drive carefully 请小心驾驶。
XIV. R o ad closed 此路封闭 XV. S low,school 前方学校请慢行。
XVI.Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里 XVII.The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。
XVIII.This vehicle stops frequently 随时停车 I I.XIX.Car and Parking 汽车和停车 XX.Car park front and rear.前后停车 XXI. C a rs parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走 XXII. G u est's car park 来客停车场 XXIII.Limited parking 停车位有限 XXIV. N o parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。

A little pressure jack, small safety helmets save lives.2、安全帽是护身宝,上班之前要戴好。
The safety helmet is a treasure, good to wear before work.3、好钢靠锻打,安全要严抓。
Good steel depends on forging, safety should be strictly grasp.4、力求一次做好,争取最大效益。
Strive to do a good job, strive for maximum benefit.5、宁绕百丈远,不冒一步险。
It's better to walk around a hundred feet without risking one step.6、聪明人把安全放首位,糊涂者把安全置脑后。
The wise man put safety first, muddled the security left behind.7、安全无小事,遵章有保障;养成好习惯,幸福你我他。
Security is no small matter, compliance and security; a good habit, happy you and me.8、心系安全一点,拥有蓝天一片。
The heart is safe, with a blue sky.9、你在工地不流血,亲人在家不流泪。
You don't bleed at the site, relatives do not cry at home.10、安全用电、节约用水、消防设施、定期维护。
Safe use of electricity, saving water, fire control facilities and regular maintenance.11、安全生产,人人有责。

常见的公共场合警示语.No admission 禁止入内Children under five years no admittance 五岁以下儿童,禁止入内Admission by invitation only 非请莫入No admittance except on business 非公莫入Inspection declined 谢绝参观Hands off 请勿触摸Queue here for tickets在此排队购票Tickets cannot be changed or money refunded 票经售出,概不退换Admission free 免费入场Ticket holders only 凭票入场Seat by number 对号入座Way in 由此入内Way out 由此外出Visitors not admitted 游客止步Cameras are forbidden 禁止拍照No passing 禁止通行Full house 客满The way to ……..此路通往…..No thoroughfare 此路不通Keep to the path 请走人行道No pass , no passage 无通行证者,不得通过Toll free 免费通行Road ahead closed 前方施工,禁止通行Road up detour 前方施工,请绕行Caution :road up 注意:翻修马路One way traffic 单行道No turn 严禁转弯Consecutive curves 连续转弯Keep right 靠右行驶Reduced speed now 减速行驶Keep space 保持车距No overtaking 严禁超车No honking 禁止鸣喇叭Dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内Keep off the grass 勿踏草地No nuisance 禁止倒垃圾No scribbling 禁止涂写Post no bills 禁止招贴Bathing and fishing prohibited 禁止游泳钓鱼Wet paint 油漆未干Keep it dry 切勿受潮Guard against damp 防潮Keep cool 保持冷藏No hooking 禁止用手钩Keep upright 切勿倒置Do not turn upside down 切勿倾倒Stand on end 竖立放置This side up 此端向上Light cargo on top 轻货放在上面Handle with care 小心轻放Compensation for damage 损害赔偿Danger ,high voltage 高压危险Danger ,keep out 切勿入内Beware of dangers 提防危险Beware of pickpockets 小心扒手Replace the newspaper after reading 报纸阅后,放回原处Shut the door behind you 随手关门Lost and found 失物招领Luggage depository 行李存放处Business hours 营业时间Office hours 办公时间I.Road and Traffic 公路和交通 Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。

The hidden dangers of accidents can not be eliminated, which is tantamount to releasing tigers back to the mountains and forests.2、只有麻痹吃亏,没有警惕上当。
Only paralysis suffers losses and no vigilance is fooled.3、提高安全意识,建设文明工地。
Improve safety awareness and build civilized construction sites.4、安全用电、节约用水、消防设施、定期维护。
Safe use of electricity, water saving, fire fighting facilities, regular maintenance.5、闭着眼睛捉不住麻雀,不学技术保不了安全。
You can't catch sparrows with your eyes closed. You can't keep them safe without learning technology.6、聪明人把安全放首位,糊涂者把安全置脑后。
Smart people put safety first, fools put safety behind.7、安全生产,人人有责。
Everyone is responsible for safe production. Follow the rules and discipline to ensure safety.8、力求一次做好,争取最大效益。
Make every effort to do a good job at one time and strive for maximum benefit.9、聚聚散散都是欢声笑语,来来往往总有平安吉祥。

英文安全标语(合集五篇)第一篇:英文安全标语【英文安全标语】Safety Slogans 112A Collection of Safety Slogans:1.Success is no accident2.Never forget about safety3.Best Be Safe Today4.Stand up for safety5.Work safely to-day and every day6.Speak up for safety7.Be aware Take care8.Zero compromise towards safety9.Safety is no accident10.Always think safety no matter what the task11.Always look after No.1 and if you need help just ask12.Think safety avoid unsafe acts13.Play it safe14.Know safety No Accidents15.The first 3 letters in workplace safety YOU16.More waste prevention + more recycling =Less waste = Less landfill17.Even in a hi-tech world you eyes are still your greatest asset18.Check for safety then recheck19.Put your brakes on speed20.Think safetyeverysoak it up25.Safety is a way of life26.Riskit's in your hands33.Be awareYour No.1 intention37.Hear to-day gone tomorrowNot Accident40.Safety records don't happen by accident41.If you are aware of it take care of it42.Safety is the most productive business43.Safety begins with teamwork44.Watch your stepa good friend to take home48.Better to lock out than luck out49.Make safety a reality and don't be a fatality50.When walkways freezework safely60.Working without safety is a dead end job61.Don't get caught with your guard offAccidents are an abscence of mind74.A wound neglected is a wound infected75.Normal speed meets every need76.Stop accidents before they stop you77.Look sharp don't get cut78.Before you start be safety smart79.Safety is a full time jobAlways Be Careful88.You safety gears are between your ears.89.Make your plant the bestNo injury, No safetyI remember, Involve meKnow Pain, Know Safetyscore an accident zero101.Safetyif its unsafe I will find a solution 106.Safetyeveryone's full time job108.When in doubt get out109.Safety inAll in favor say EYE第二篇:英文标语教师标语Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成No pains,no gains.没有付出,没有收获The greatest talkers are always least doers.语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。
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公示语集锦之一——2005年夏英国伦敦实地采集北京第二外国语学院公示语翻译研究中心(北京第二外国语学院,北京,100024)(为了便于研究者了解这些公示语在实际使用中的状况,我们保留了部分公示语的原大小写形式和格式布局)请Please为了公众利益和环境保护机动车停驶时请关闭引擎IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLICAND THE ENVIRONMENTPLEASESWITCH OFF YOUR ENGINEWHILST STATIONARY出租车站请在此排队等候TAXI RANKPLEASEQUEUETHISSIDE请沿站台过往Pass along the platform please此门停用请走旁门Out of usePlease use other doors.楼梯附近,请勿停留,以防堵塞。
To avoid congestionplease do not stand near the stairs门票在检票处免费索取如需帮助,请找工作人员。
Tickets are FREE from the admissions deskPlease ask a member of staff if you require assistance.Last Admission 5:30地方当局要求所有长途车只能在玛丽勒浜路沿线公共汽车站载客、停车,不得驶入格蓝特沃斯路。
Please be advised that all coach drivers are to pick up or drop off passengers at the bus stop along MARYLEBONE ROAD and not to enter Glentworth Street as required by the local authority.请注意此门开关费力Please be aware that the door is difficult to open and close.请当心Please be careful!请在乘车前购买好车票Please buy your ticket before you board the train乘车前请购票违规者必罚款(至少20镑)Please buy your ticket before you travel, otherwise you may have to pay a Penalty Fare (at least £20).狗便后请清理PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG请随手关门谢PLEASE CLOSEBEHIND YOU.THANK YOU.出入请将门关严Please close this gate securely on entry and exit找寻自行车支架请查阅站区图或请教车站工作人员Please consult the station map or a member of staff for location of cycle racks.请勿将设备或垃圾置留区内PLEASE DO NOT LEA VE EQUIPMENT OR RUBBISH WITHIN THIS AREA 请勿在此停车PLEASE DO NOT PARK HERE.请勿将自行车停靠此处Please do not park your bicycle here.请勿将其它类别的塑料投入此筒/箱Please DO NOT put other types of plastics in the bin.请勿移动任何可疑物品PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ANY SUSPICIOUS DEVICES.请从另端进入Please enter at other end.请按门票所示线路参观PLEASE FOLLOWTHE VISITOR ROUTEINDICATED ON YOURGUIDE TICKET请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检Please have your ticket or boarding card ready for inspection.请协助确保列车准点运行Please help to run trains on time请协助我们保持站区清洁。
Please help us keep it clean and attractive. Transgressors will be severely punished.本区域大部为居民区,请您离开时不要大声喧哗。
Please make sure that you collect a ticket for each piece of luggage.Please stick the second copy of your ticket(s) on each piece of luggage.请小心台阶PLEASE MIND THE STEP请当心脚下Please mind your step请勿将电话簿/纸板投入(分捡式垃圾箱)PLEASE NO YELLOW PAGES/CARDBOARD宾客请注意所有存放行李无论丢失,还是失窃均由物主负责,店方概不承担任何责任。
Please note that all luggages are stored at the owner’s risk. The hotel will not accept liability for any luggage lost or stolen.请将此座位留给老年人、残疾人和抱孩子的人。
Please offer this seat to elderly or disabled people or those carrying children.请仅在紧急情况下使用Please only use in an emergency请保持线缆自然垂向地面Please leave cord free hanging and to floor level.请您在返回车前先付费Please pay before returning to your car请在此交款Please pay here需要帮助请按按钮PLEASE PRESS FOR ASSISTANCE飞往欧洲其它地区的乘客请在另一侧等候Please queue from other side for flights to European destinations请勿在本区域堆弃垃圾PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DUMPING RUBBISH IN THIS AREA.请牢记:将您需要清洗的毛巾放在地板上;将您准备继续使用的毛巾挂在毛巾架上。
谢谢!Please remember to:put towels you want washed on the floor.leave towels you will use again on the towel racks.This simple gesture helps protect the environment.Thank you.请在此处归还送受话器。
P lease return your handsets here请慢速骑行,接近行人提前示意。
Please ride slowly and warn pedestrians as you approach需要帮助请按铃PLEASE RING FOR ASSISTANCE请固定车闸Please secure your brake请为使用道路的其他人着想Please show consideration for other path users请靠右侧站立Please stand on the right如果电梯出现故障,请拨打***********请求帮助。
If this lift is out of order, please call 020 7363 9777 for assistance.We apologise for any inconvenience caused.在不到一周的时间里共发现100多件行李无人照管。
谢谢!More than 100 bags left unattended in the last 6 days.Help us keep the Tube safe by keeping your bags with you at all times.Please take this request seriously.Thank you.请取票PLEASE TAKE TICKET回收筒在您右侧!请使用。
Recycling bin to your right!Please use it请走旁门Please use other doors.停车场关闭请使用宽便道The car park is ClosedPlease use theBroadwalk请在此等候Please wait here请系好安全带PLEASE WEAR THE SEA TBELT PROVIDED这里是居民区。
This is a RESIDENTIAL AREA.Please leave QUIETLY so as not to disturb our neighbours.Thank you for you co-operation & your kind attention停车每天或一天内收费10英镑。