高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes writing Ss' handout_1

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Unit 4 Earthquakes




背一背:.熟读课文A night the earth didn’t sleep 并背诵课文第二段


1.Judge which sentence is correct

A: On April 14th, 2010, a big earthquake happened in Yushu, Qinghai!

B. Yushu happened an earthquake on April 14th, 2010.

C. There was an earthquake struck Yushu On April 14th, 2010.

2.Choose the better one

A.The people who died or were injured reached more than 14,000.

B. More than 14,000 people were died or injured.

3.Choose the better one

A. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors were sent to help those who were injured.

B. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors came to help those injured people.

4. Choose the better one

A. After the quake, people raised much money to help the survivors.

B. After the quake, people all gave money to help the survivors.


第一关Listen and fill in the blanks

At 3:42 am, July, 28th, 1976, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century 1_____ Tangshan. It seemed as if the world was 2________. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city 3________. As a result, two-thirds of the city people died or 4__________ and many children 5_______ without parents during the earthquake. Nearly everything was 6_______. What’s worse, later that afternoon another big earthquake 7_______ the city again. Some of the 8___________ and doctors were trapped under the ruins. Luckily, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help.

They helped to dig out those who 9___________ and built 10__________ for survivors. So the city began to breathe again slowly.

第二关Fill in the blanks


第三关Fill in the mind map, using nouns, verbs or phrases

第四关Judge and choose(check)

1.Judge which sentence is correct

Picture 1

A: On April 14th, 2010, a big earthquake happened in Yushu, Qinghai!

B. Yushu happened an earthquake on April 14th, 2010.

C. There was an earthquake struck Yushu On April 14th, 2010.

Picture 2

A.The people who died or were injured reached more than 14,000.

B. More than 14,000 people were died or injured.

2.Choose the better one

Picture 3

A. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors were sent to help those who were injured.

B. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors came to help those injured people.

Picture 4

A. After the quake, people raised much money to help the survivors.

B. After the quake, people all gave money to help the survivors.

V Make an interview

Suppose you’re a reporter of our school and your partner was a survivor of Wenchuan earthquake, make an interview about the earthquake and you can use the following words expressions to help you.

Useful words and phrases

1. 变成一片废墟lie in ruins

2. 成千上万thousands of

3. 无家可归be homeless

4. 官兵officers and soldiers

5. 参与take part in/join in

6. 约,左右about…/… or so

7. 捐款raise/donate money 8. 十亿billion

An interview

R(reporter): Hello! I heard that you’re a survivor. May I ask you some questions?

S(survivor): Sure.

R: __________________________________ (地震是什么时候发生的?)

S: __________________________________

R: __________________________________(在地震中,有多少人受伤和死亡?)

S: __________________________________

R: __________________________________(震后有多少官兵参与救援工作?)

S: __________________________________

R: __________________________________(全国人民共捐了多少钱?)

S: __________________________________

R: Thank you very much!






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