高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes writing Ss' handout_1



伴有Homer征的疾病是A.Tolosa-Hunt综合征B.有先兆的偏头痛C.无先兆的偏头痛D.紧张性头痛E.丛集性头痛 疲劳对船员的不良影响不包括.A、降低作业的效率和质量B、反应迟钝,记忆消失C、无意识产生不安全行为D、妨碍判断感知危险 [单选,共用题干题]男性,27岁,农民。11月23日以"发热、头痛、腰痛2天"入院,自行口服"感冒药"无好转。查体:醉酒貌,腋下见条痕状出血点,上腹部压痛。该病主要的病理改变是。A.小血管内皮细胞肿胀、变性、坏死B.主动脉及其分支的慢性非特异性炎症C.中小动脉的局灶性坏死性全层血 黄连长于A.清泻肝火B.泻肾虚火退虚热C.清泻心胃火D.清泄膀胱热E.清泻肺火及少阳热 关于有限合伙的说法,错误的是()。A.有限合伙人不执行合伙事务,不得对外代表有限合伙企业B.有限合伙人不可以用劳务支出,普通合伙人则可以用劳务支出C.有限合伙人以其出资为限对合伙债务承担有限清偿责任D.普通合伙企业不能获得法人资格,但有限合伙企业可以获得法人资格 有价证券有广义与狭义两种概念,狭义的有价证券是指。A.政府债券B.商品证券C.资本证券D.货币证券 灰口铸铁是第一阶段和阶段石墨化过程都能充分进行时形成的铸铁。A、第二B、中间C、第三D、最后 [问答题,案例分析题]李军是一位军事家,他带兵打仗的经历极富传奇色彩。甲出版社认为,若出版以李军的战斗经历为主题的传记,能获得较好的社会效益和经济效益,于是向李军约稿。李军所在的部队认为此事对部队建设很有意义,予以大力支持。考虑到李军年事已高且没有子女,还指派文 在有爆炸危险场所敷设电缆时应符合哪些要求? 某5岁先天Ⅲ°腭裂患儿,于全麻下接受腭裂修复术,为便发音和讲话接近正常,术后应()A.进行语音训练B.长期佩戴腭护板C.调整饮食习惯D.正畸矫治错牙E.局部理疗 引起急性溶血反应的最小输入量是。A.5mLB.1


电视剧 /
Байду номын сангаас
[单选]细胞内液最主要的阳离子是:()A.Na+B.K+、Mg2+Ca2+D.K+E.Mg2+ [填空题]1958年,拍摄了第一部剪纸动画片()。 [问答题,简答题]轨道起重机副钩升降的手示及音响信号显示? [单选]急性白血病出血的主要原因是A.血小板减少B.血管损伤C.血小板功能异常D.凝血因子减少E.弥散性血管内凝血 [单选]建设项目的全过程管理是指()所进行的项目管理。A.建设监理单位从设计阶段到施工阶段B.业主从项目建设书到竣工投产C.设计单位从初步设计到施工图设计D.施工单位从投标报价到竣工验收 [单选]产褥感染的病原体主要来源于()A.生殖道正常寄生的病原体B.空气中细菌C.手术区细菌污染D.无菌操作不严E.手术器械带来的致病菌 [单选]井控设备主要包括井口设备、()、处理设备和其它连接部件。A、气动设备B、液压设备C、控制设备 [单选]选择离子导入药物的原则,以下何着错误()A.必须选择用量较小即能生效的药物B.药物离子或胶体微粒的直径必须明显小于汗腺排泄孔的口径。C.药物成分可含少量寄生离子D.药物在局部应用时也有疗效E.贵重药物一般不宜大 流电导入 [单选,A1型题]发展中医药事业应当依法遵循的原则是()。A.继承与创新相结合B.中西医结合C.以人为本D.中医与中药相结合共同发展E.中医药理论与中医药实践相结合 [单选]基尔霍夫第二定律又叫()A.节点电流定律B.安培环路定律C.全电路欧姆定律D.回路电压定律E.以上都是



写作模板Biblioteka 针对训练9.Many people thought well/highly of ....很多人对……评价很高。 10.Although we felt ...,we thought it worthwhile to do ....尽管我们 感到……,我们认为做……是值得的。
假设你是李华,是校报英语专栏的小记者。今天你校组织全体师 生进行了一次地震应急疏散演练。请根据下列要点提示,为校报写 一篇新闻报道。词数100左右。 要点提示:1.演练的目的、时间和地点;2.演练的参加者、经过和 结果;3.你和同学们的感受。 参考词汇:地震应急疏散演练earthquake emergency evacuation drill
Section Ⅳ— Writing
如何写新闻报道 新闻报道通常有比较固定的写作格式: 1.标题。标题通常居中,概括该篇报道的主要内容。好的标题能使 读者在短时间内了解新闻的主要内容,引起阅读兴趣。 2.导语。导语一般置于报道开头,作用是吸引读者的注意力,因此导 语要求能高度概括报道的内容,让读者一看就能了解整篇报道最吸 引人的地方。 3.主体。新闻报道主体一般被认为是导语的注释和补充。主体部 分在报道中占相当大的篇幅,主体结构的展开可以按事实的重要程 度为顺序,也可以按时间、空间或逻辑顺序。行文要尽量抓住一些 显著的细节进行深入描写。注意语法要正确,动词及时态的使用要 恰当等。
In order to know how to ,many students took part in . First, gave us some instructions/advice on .Then we were asked to .Finally,with the help/guidance of ,we succeeded in . The gave us a chance to ,which is of great help to us.

高一英语上册Unit 4 Earthquakes 课文讲解+知识点

高一英语上册Unit 4 Earthquakes 课文讲解+知识点

@dig out 掘出;发现 eg: 他把狐狸从洞中掘出来了, He dug out the fox from/dug the fox out of the hole. to dig information out of books 从书本挖掘知识 to dig out truth 寻求真理
4. Later that afternoon, a terrible earthquake
shook Tangshan again. (
5. After the second earthquake, everyone
including the rescue workers and doctors were died. (
True or false:
1. Two-third of the nation felt the earthquake.
2. All the people in Tangshan died or were
Байду номын сангаас
injured during the earthquake. (
3. All of the city’s hospitals, factories, buildings and homes were damaged in the earthquake. (
1. 地震 earthquake 2. 灾区 quake-stricken areas 3. well 井 4. crack 裂缝 5. smelly 发臭的 6. pipe 管 7. burst 爆发 8. 突然大哭 burst into tears 9. event 事件 10.nation n. adj. 国家 11.canal 运河 12.steam 蒸汽 13.dirt 污垢 14.ruin 废墟 15.suffering 苦难



在……城市,一次烟火爆炸使五人丧生,八人受伤。 5.The accident took place at about 2:00 pm. 这起事故发生在下午两点左右。
6.What’s worse,...更糟糕的是,……
7.Details of what happened are still unclear. 事件的详情仍不清楚。 8.Witness said that...目击者说……
[常用句式] 1.There are two pieces of breathtaking news that happened this week. 以下是本周两条激动人心的消息。
2.A group of students from a British school came to our school for an exchange visit on July 1.
7月1号一个英国学生访问团对我校进行了交流访问。 3.In the morning they had a nice talk with some student representatives from our school. 上午他们和我们学校的学生代表进行了友好的座谈。
4.A fireworks explosion killed five people and injured eight others in the city of...
Section Ⅳ Wr为依据,对人的经历或事件发生的过程给予明 确的、实事求是的报道,通常包括四部分:标题、导语、主体和结 语。属于记叙文的一种。写新闻报道时要注意以下几点: 1.标题要醒目:新闻的题目,是对新闻内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和 再创造。新闻标题注重结构精练,通常没有标点符号。 2.导语要言简意赅:位于报道的开头,简明扼要地揭示出消息的核 心内容,写导语时,要能够引起读者的兴趣。 3.主体应简洁生动:新闻报道的主要部分,是对导语内容进一步展 开和阐释。 4.结语要令人反思:位于报道最后,通常是一句话或一段话,对全 文进行总结或对新闻事件的发展作出预测或提出令人深思的问题。

人教版必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes writing 教案

人教版必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes writing 教案

Unit 4 EarthquakesTeaching goals:1.Target languageGrasp some useful expressions and special sentences about numbers.2. Ability goalsEnable students to be able to use numbers in English freely.Enable students to write some sentences about numbers. 3. Learning ability goalsBy proper language input, students learn to use numbers in English freely and can write some sentences about numbers, especially some expressions about time.4. Emotional goalsLanguage materials come from our daily life. The students should learn to observe more and use more.Teaching important and difficult points:Different expressions about numbers.Learn to write a composition about numbers, especially time.Teaching methodsSpeaking, discussion, listening, watching and writing. Teaching aidsMulti-media computer.Teaching procedures & waysStep Ⅰ Lead-in and speakingTalk about numbers with the students. Raise some questions about them.What percentage of the class are girls? Which day of the week is Thursday?What year is this year? Which bus do you usually take to go to school?How far is it from your home to your school? And introduce different times.The purpose of designing: The students can correctly express numbers in English in many different ways and understand how to pronounce.in the early 1600s/ in the early 17th century in the late 1700’s/in the 18th centuryone and a half hours/ an hour and a half at six eleven/at eleven past sixfive to twelve/eleven fifty-five BC 253 Page 57 in the 1930sat (the age of) eight No. 84 High School No. 27 Bus in his thirtiesRoom 403 two thirds Oct. 1, 1949 three times a/every day Around/about five miles per hour 400-meter raceAn eight-year-old girl seven degrees below freezing/zero StepⅡ DiscussionAsk the students to discuss two posters with each other. One is Help-wanted, the other is Notice. They were randomly taken by me on the street.The purpose of designing: Whether the students can correctly express numbers around us in English. Let them know the importance and practicability of numbers.StepШ Watching the videoGet the class to watch the video, especially different numbers. Several students introduce different objects with numbers, which are very important and necessary in our life.We can’t live numbers.The purpose of designing:Students themselves use different numbers, different expressions and different sounds about numbers. By using numbers, they should be aware of the importance of numbers in their daily life, especially how to use numbers correctly.Step Ⅳ ListeningListen to the passage and finish the two tasks. It comes from the airport.Task 1: Passengers of Flight _17___ bound for Caracas, with stops in Atlanta and Miami. The departure gate has been changed to ___30___B. We should be boarding about a ___quarter____ to the hour.Task 2: What time will the plane depart?A. 9:50 amB. 12:15 pmC. 4:05 pmD. 8:45 pmThe purpose of designing: By means of listening, ask the students to pay more attention to the numbers which are widely used in our daily life. Numbers are everywhere and numbers are around us.Step Ⅴ WritingStudents are asked to write one or two sentences to express time in the composition, especially how to write some standard sentences about time.The purpose of designing: Help the students improve writing ability and writing skills.The length of the article should be limited to 400 words or so. It’s very important that you should send it to me before June 28.The display will be open on July 8 and last for two days from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.I am wondering if we can go to the book store on the last Sunday of June.The exhibition will be held from… to… in….Step Ⅵ HomeworkWrite a composition of numbers. Use the standard sentences to express time.。


父亲因脑梗,留下了后遗症,腿脚不灵便,步履蹒跚。有时,看到他头发花白,胡须花白,老态龙钟的样子,我心里很难过,不是滋味。想想他的辛苦,他的执着,他的爱好,我觉得我以前的想法 很自私。他写字是兴趣,是精神寄托,晚年,他就是靠写字来打发无聊的时光的。他的字在民间留下了很多,至今还能看到有的人家挂着他写的中堂,可他已经离世近六个年头了。那时,春节拜年时, 我在舅家的村子里会看到人家门上贴着父亲写的春联,就觉得很自豪。
他也是个谈书人,算有学问的。在他五十多岁的年纪里,他又重新拿起毛笔写字,写字画卖。卖字画很辛苦,到处赶集,天不亮就起床。而且,他是骑自行车,风里雨里也不耽搁,特别是秋冬之季, 天气十分寒冷,可他很执着,从不休息,不放弃机会。 博猫开户网址
父亲写字也是兴趣。他是读书人,喜欢舞文弄墨,平时喜欢看报、写字。他自己制作中堂,有时还用镂刻喷墨的办法,制作空心字,需要制字模,很麻烦;写字,装裱,也耗时间。他起早贪晚,常 常忙到深夜。由于他的坚持,我就不再说什么,但还是在心里不能接受。就这样,他坚持了十几年。

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes Writing_1

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes Writing_1

Event: An earthquake happened
at an end; ___________
rescue workers, soldiers, dig out, built shelters survivors, raise money
3 Fill in the mind map
helped; ___________ ___________ ____________
Place: Tangshan city
died;______ ___________ ____________
An earthquake Influence
Time: July, 28th, 1976
Read and learn
• At 3:42 am, July, 28th, 1976, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century hit Tangshan. It seemed as if everything was at an end. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. As a result, two-thirds of the city people died or were injured and many children were left without parents during the earthquake. Nearly everything was destroyed. What’s worse, later that afternoon another big earthquake shook the city again. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins. Luckily, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help. They helped to dig out those who were trapped and built shelters for survivors. So the city began to breathe again slowly.


12月19日,与我在北郊见初霜已经相隔一个月,在此期间,霜已经深入到市区里来了。有几次早上出门,路过大院三角地的时候,我看见月季花有变化,地上的白三叶和红花草,特别是白三叶冻僵 了,一簇一窝翻卷着,白霜结晶明显。记得那天是农历冬月廿四,早上日月同辉,我迎着东南方向将要高出的朝阳往东走,抬头看蓝天白云,还有半个白色月亮已然偏西。我看了下时间,七时三刻。不 一会儿,我走到了森林公园和北龙湖,这里更是白霜满地。可市区初雪未至,也没见上冻结冰呢——北龙湖漾漾水波,近处多戏水的野鸭,一对黑天鹅模样的野鸭打情骂俏,突然扑打着翅膀踏水奔逐, 激起了一道浪。湖水北岸是穿过市区的连霍高速公路,连绵的高楼似一道城墙,已然横空出世了。水汽氤氲,远远的湖水北岸幻化出水墨画与山野的意象——向北过了黄河,就是我的老家南太行,这一 刻,仿佛南太行也近在眼前。而周遭的落叶树中,只有木瓜树叶稀疏而红,六道木依然开花,鼠尾草从6月断断续续开到现在,紫兰花还很鲜艳……这哪里是冬至要“数九”的天气啊。
下霜还有“苦霜”一说,用来形容霜打之严酷。有一年的霜降时节,南太行下霜了,不浓,星星点点的霜花将山上的野菊花和黄栌的红叶反衬得很精神、很洁净。但隔日到晋南就换了天地,遇到 “苦霜”了——太岳洪洞县的古寺广胜寺,上午八九点钟太阳才出来,对比着夜来下霜,苦霜将红墙下的牵牛花和菜畦里的辣的,全 耷拉了。bbin
11月8日立冬,又过十天天气阴冷,伏牛山和太行山隔着黄河飞雪,嵩山落雪近在咫尺,微信朋友圈里俨然一派“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”,可是蹁跹的雪花却止步于郑州郊外。翌日早上,北郊黄河 南岸初次见霜。早起我在户外散步,觉得有些寒凉,楼前楼后并没有见霜,可上工的工人告诉我外边下霜了。果然,不过一箭之遥,东风渠两边的青青菜畦,铺地的黄心菜、上海青、豌豆苗、油菜,叶 片叶窝里聚着霜渍——只是一场浅霜。若不是工人的提醒,任凭我起得再早,也会错过今年的初霜。



本单元要求同学们围绕当地发生的一 件事写一篇新闻报道。新闻报道常把 报道的中心问题或结局放在开头,以 吸引读者,然后再详细叙述事情的起 因和经过。
【新闻报道的特点】 新闻报道通常有比较固定的写作格式,如 报道的开头通常是地点或时间,第一句话 常常是导语,是对整个报道的高度概括。 同时新闻报道要遵循真实性原则。 新闻报道通常采用经典的“倒金字塔 (theInvertedPyramid)”结构,由四个 部分组成,即标题
【思路引导】 想要成功地完成这一写作任务,需要经 过以下步骤: 1.构思:与同学讨论题目,交流信息, 确定写作内容。 2.拟定提纲:按照标题、导语、主体列 出提纲,理顺要报道的事 件的逻辑顺序。本篇报道 的outline为:
Headline:ARedCarCrashedintoa WhiteMinibus Mainidea:Aserioustrafficaccidenttook place. Detail1:Theaccidenthappened5 kilometerssouthfromthecentre ofthecityatabout5o’clockthis morning. Detail2:Allfourpassengersintheredcar werekilled,includinga6-yearoldboy.
4.情况:红色轿车内4位乘客全部死亡, 包括一名6岁的男孩。白色面包车的司 机受了重伤,现已脱离危险。事故的原 因还不清楚,警方正在调查。
【审题要素】 1.确定文体:这是一篇新闻报道,写作 中应注意其格式。 2.主体时态:以一般过去时为主。 3.主体人称:第三人称。 4.内容要点:①事件;②时间; ③地点;④情况。 5.注意句子结构准确,信息内容完整, 逻辑连贯。

高中英语必修-Unit4 Earthquakes要点解析

高中英语必修-Unit4 Earthquakes要点解析
2  ̄o k :he
【 纲 释 义 】V 考 t m 使 陷入 困境 ; .& 陷
阱, 困境 1 a a p di af m. 被 困在 s rp e at fci 我 w t n r i a 交 通 阻塞 中 。
He ta e n ma s n o d t e r f r r pp d a i l a d s l h i u s
他设 陷阱捕 捉 动物卖 毛 皮 。
He fl n o a ta eli t r p.= He wa a h n a s c ug ti
【 考纲 释 义 】 t& v. 使) 惊 ; 动 ; v. i ( 震 振 使 愤慨 / 骇 n 休 克 ; 惊 . 打击 ; 惊 震
【 识拓 展 】 知
b uid i eb r n= b r n sl i 埋 头 于 e uyo ee n f
结 果
, ma e (oh n sm e k b t1 d e t使 收 e 支 平 衡 o n 竖 着 ,连 续 地 ned t r n o i ed徒 劳 e du o n p最终 到 达
e dwt n i h以 ……告 终
I、 I
T e a t i n w n un . h c s e S o i r is l
城堡 现在 已成废 墟 。
fg tn dU . 如 其 来 的 噪 音 吓 了 我 们 一 i r he e S 突
5 b巧 -u
【 纲释 义 】 t埋 葬 ; 埋 ; 考 v. 掩 隐藏
T e d g b re h o e i h r u d h o u id t e b n n t e go n .
b i ig ul n .爆 炸 的冲击震 动 了那 栋建 筑 物 。 d



Unit 4 EarthquakesPeriod 4: writingStep 1. Pre-writing1. Ss read the letter on page 30.2. Ss make a list about the points that they want to write for the speech.Step 2. writing1.Ss write some sentences about their speech.2.Ss write a speech by using the sentences.3.Ss read their writings by themselves and correct the mistakes.4.Peer revising.5.Show some good writing in class.Step 3. PracticeSs finish part 2 on page 30.Step 4. writing task1.Four Ss in one group have a discuss. They are going to prepare a outline of anarticle, which is about a special event that happened in their hometown.2.Ss design how many parts they will divide the article.3.Ss begin to write their outline.4.Ss in groups show their outlines in class.Step 5. AssignmentSs in groups finish the project on page 68.Teachers can use this period freely.Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish checking yourself on page 61. It is very important to improve their learning.。



Unit 4 Earthquakes Section Ⅳ Grammar & WritingⅠ.完成句子【导学号:94180044】1.我不认识刚刚和你说话的那个女孩。

I don't know the girl(whom/that)you spoke to.2.发生在1976年的唐山地震使全世界人民感到震惊。

The earthquake that/which happened in 1976 in Tangshan shocked the people all over the world.3.站在门口的那个男子是谁?Who is the man that is standing by the gate?4.我抬头看我的朋友,他脸上的表情是兴奋的。

I looked up at my friend whose look on the face was excited.5.尊重别人的人才能得到别人的尊重。

Those who show respects always gain respects from others.Ⅱ.阅读理解AHaving lived in California until 1970,my family has felt a number of earthquakes.We have been fortunate,however,to have suffered no bodily harm or property damage.There is a website that lists all California earthquakes recorded from 1769 to the present.The site lists the dates and times as well as the magnitude (震级) and the exact location of any quake that measured more than 6.0.There are only a few quakes that stand out in my memory and, luckily, none is shown in the website.So, my personal experience with earthquakes might be considered insignificant.There are three earthquakes that are difficult to forget.The first one was in 1955 and our oldest daughter was walking with me in our backyard in Redwood City in California.As the shaking became stronger I held her to me with one arm as I held on to one of our fruit trees with the other.All three of us(my daughter, I and the tree) shook for two or three minutes that to us felt like hours.The second one was in 1963.Our entire family was visiting Disneyland in Southern California.The earth started to shake just as we were beginning to walk from our hotel toward the famous landmark.My third experience with an earthquake was a lonely one in California.It was in my sixties and I was alone in an old church.As the building started to shake,I quickly headed for the door to go outside.I remember I said a little prayer-something like,“Help me get out of here in time,Dear Heavenly Father”.Minutes later,I was safe outside.【语篇解读】作者回忆了自己经历的三次地震。

高中英语人教版必修一教案Unit 4 Earthquakes

高中英语人教版必修一教案Unit 4 Earthquakes

Unit 4 教学设计(1) 课题:Earthquakes (2) 教材分析与学生分析:本单元的主题是“地震”。

Warming Up部分Pre-Reading部分要求学生描述、讨论与地震有关的话题。


Learning about Language 部分涉及了本单元的词汇和语法。

该部分主要通过阅读和句型练习帮助学生学习单词、数字的表达法以及有that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句,培养学生的自主学习能力。

Using Language部分的“读写说(Reading, writing and speaking)”训练提供了一封信,要求学生阅读后写一篇大地震纪念公园落成仪式上的演讲稿,接着说一说唐山大地震纪念邮票。



(3) 课时安排:The first period: Reading The second period: ReadingThe third period: Listening The fourth Period:Grammar The fifth period: Extensive reading The sixth period: Summary (4)教学目标:①知识与技能:了解地震的成因、预兆,地震造成的损失,地震时的应急措施以及震后的救援; 掌握和运用本单元出现的新词汇和短语以及数字的表达法;熟练运用that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句;学会写英文新闻报道,拟订写作提纲。




4.总结全文 In a word/To draw a conclusion, I believe we will build a new city. 总之/我相信,我们将重建一个新城。
5 月 1 日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者 Li Yue 和 Zhang Hua 去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送 水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下 列要点用英语写一则 100 词左右的新闻报道。内容包括:
连词成句 1.他们到达时受到了热烈的欢迎。 They were warmly welcomed when they arrived. →Upon their arrival, they were warmly welcomed.(升级 句) 2.他们给老人送去了鲜花和水果。 They gave the elderly flowers and fruits. →They presented the elderly with flowers and fruits.(升级 句)
1.考查连词。普遍认为你能在一个地方找到的最好的 食物不是在豪华餐厅里而是在街头巷尾。not ... but ... 意为 “不是……而是……”,故本空应填连词 but。
2.考查表语从句的连接词。这就是我探访北京的时候 如何和肉夹馍不期而遇的。分析句子结构可知,“__2__ I came across roujiamo when I was exploring Beijing”为表语从 句,从句缺状语,根据句意可知本空应填 how 来引导表语 从句。
That's __2__ I came across roujiamo when I was exploring Beijing. I found __3__ restaurant that sold dishes from Xi'an when I explored the area around __4__ (I) office one day. I decided to try it out.



1、检验汽车空调压缩机的好坏需要用一种仪器的好坏也就是压缩机工作时的效率的高低,正常情况下,在连接好三歧上海自动化仪表四厂组后,启动发动机,如果仪表的低压指针下降迅速,高压迅速身高,当加大油门时,指针这种 汽轮机射水抽气器运行注意事宜分享给大家
正压空气呼吸器的检查步骤 正压空气呼吸器是消防救灾,或者从事危险工作的保障,是抢险救灾人员必备的防护装备。如果没有他那么危险发生时我们就没有办法呼吸,浓烟,毒气,蒸汽或缺氧等各种有害气体都会危害到我们的生命,正压式空气呼吸对使用者来说是至关重要的。他的性能的
1、运行中需要监视射水箱水温,保证水温不髙于35°C,当水温高于35°C时,应向射水箱补冷水,补水管应伸到射水泵进口处,溢流口应放在补水管的对侧,以发挥其更好的冷却效果。 2、射水抽气器出口水压测点处压力为0.35〜0.40MPa。 3、为了能及时而准确地判断真空系统存在的问题,对系统监视仪表应给予足够重视,应复验上海自动化仪表四厂、真空表;若当地海拔较高,应搞淸楚相应的真空压力的表和绝压换箅,以免造成误判。 使用干粉灭火器时人应该站在什么位置灭火器是在发生火灾时的必要救火工具,灭火器的种类又分许多种。 这次我们来说一下干粉灭火器的使用方法及使用站位,还有干粉灭火器的检查事项。 干粉灭火器 1、在发生火灾时,手提握把处迅速赶往着火现场。2、到达着火地点,先注意风向,应站在上风方向使用灭火器,并与火苗保持安全距离,以免被烧伤烫伤。3、站好位置后,需先要上下颠倒几次灭火器,使干粉在灭火器内松动。4、接下来将灭火器的安全栓拉出,一手将喷嘴对准火源,一手按压 怎样保养消防车消防车需要经常保养,才能使车况保持正常。一般司机往往对保养这件事很头大,因为明明知道车子不保养就开不久,但又很心痛为保养而付出的钞票。一般情况下机油每1万公里或一年换一次就差不多了,刹车油每两年一换,而齿轮油需要更换的时间则更长。除了这3种油有比较 6、停泵后,将所有阀门按阀门开、关状态示意图要求,恢复到正常状态。7、停泵后,将所有阀门按阀门开、关状态示意图要求,恢复到正常状态。8、如果泵启动后若压力达到0.8Mpa后立即回到0.4Mpa左右,不能够正常出水,此时要立即停泵,打开放气阀让浮球总成复位后,重新启动。


患者,因服毒昏迷不醒,入急诊室抢救,其家属不能准确地说出毒物的名称及性质,观察患者双侧瞳孔缩小。根据患者瞳孔变化初步判断患者可能是()A.碱性物中毒B.酸性物中毒C.有机磷、吗啡类中毒D.颠茄类中毒E.酒精中毒 下列哪个不是患侧肾动脉狭窄在肾动态显像的表现()A.肾影缩小B.肾影增大C.显影延迟D.消退延迟E.肾显影差 影响神经系统发育最重要的激素A.生长素B.甲状腺激素C.糖皮质激素D.胰岛素E.性激素 土地使用者的单位全称应为该单位的全称。A.营业执照所记载B.在工商局注册时C.公章D.对外使用 全民科学素质建设的重点人群是指未成年人、农民和城镇劳动人口、城乡居民、。A、领导干部和公务员B、党政领导干部C、机关干部D、公务员 水的比热度比其他液体的比热度要大.A.正确B.错误 阅读以下关于电子政务系统安全体系结构的叙述,回答问题1至问题3。博学公司通过投标,承担了某省级城市的电子政务系统,由于经费、政务应用成熟度、使用人员观念等多方面的原因,该系统计划采用分阶段实施的策略来建设,最先建设急需和重要的部分。在安全建设方面,先投入一部分资 若欲单视角观察心动周期,宜采用()A.2D-TOF B.3D-TOF C.2D-PC D.3D-PC E.黑血法 恶心与呕吐概述? 隔离法灭火时迅速将燃烧的地方转移到安全地点或投入海中。A.正确B.错误 下列哪种血液病可能会首次到骨科就诊()A.粒细胞缺乏症B.再生障碍性贫血C.巨幼细胞贫血D.轻型血友病E.皮肤性淋巴瘤 异步通信与同步通信的主要区别是什么,说明通信双方如何联络。 碱化土壤 结合自己的经验,并用概念的形式反映事物的特征为A.知觉的多维性B.知觉的整体性C.知觉的恒常性D.知觉的理解性E.知觉的选择性 斗轮堆取料机的斗轮采用结构,这样斗轮机运行更平稳、效率更高。A.半格式B.全封闭C.全开式D.全开式或半开式 运动性失语的病灶部位在()A.优势侧颞上回后1/3区域及其周围部分B.优势侧颞枕顶叶结合区C.优势侧额下回后部皮质或皮质下D.颈内动脉或大脑中动脉分布区E.优势侧颞上回前1/3区域 4级导流建筑物洪水标准,对混凝土材质导流建筑物洪水重现期为年。A.5~3B.10~5C.20~10D.50~20 社会主义初级阶段是个长期的历史进程,至少需要A.100年B.150年C.200年D.300年 生育期无排卵性功血的治疗原则是。A.减少月经量,纠正贫血B.调整周期,减少月经量C.调整垂体与性腺功能D.止血,调整周期,促排卵E.促进子宫发育,调整垂体功能 营改增试点地区,应税服务的年应征增值税销售额超过万元的纳税人为一般纳税人。A.50B.80C.100D.500 对甲类火,二氧化碳和水同时使用,灭火效果最好。A.正确B.错误 船舶甲板或舱内装载危险货物时,通常推荐的货物堆码高度为多高? 磨矿循环中的外混汞,由于汞板设在球磨排矿端。因此对单体金起到的作用,它减轻了金在返砂中的富集。 姜片虫重要保虫宿主是A.猫B.犬C.猪D.羊E.牛 “关注个体差异”就是根据学生实际存在的爱好、兴趣和差异()。A.完全由学生自己决定如何学习B.将学生分按优、中、差分班教学C.使每个学生的特长都得到发挥D.大力培养单科独进的尖子生 以下不属于按材料分类的建筑类型是A、砖木结构B、框架结构C、混合结构D、钢结构 支气管扩张引起大咯血的原因为A.支气管动脉先天性解剖畸形B.支气管动脉与肺动脉终末支扩张血管瘤破裂C.合并重度支气管炎D.支气管发生囊性扩张E.支气管黏膜溃疡 下列矿业工程项目中,不属于单位工程的是。A.立井井筒工程B.斜井井筒工程C.井架安装工程D.井筒防治水工程 保存金属钠的方法,正确的是。A.在水中B.在液体石蜡或煤油中C.在四氯化碳中D.在酒精中 弦细脉主症为A.血瘀B.阴虚阳亢C.肝血虚D.脾肾阳虚E.阴虚内热 腹膜炎的主要体征是A.腹式呼吸受限B.腹胀C.压痛及反跳痛D.肌紧张E.肠鸣音减弱 暗室激发试验前后眼压升高差值超过多少为阳性()A.2mmHgB.5mmHgC.8mmHgD.10mmHgE.12mmHg 无明确潜伏期的感染,规定入院小时后发生的感染为医院感染。 图中所示红细胞异常结构为A.H-J小体B.杜勒小体C.嗜碱性点彩红细胞D.疟原虫E.网织红细胞 下列各项中与Graves病的发病关系最密切的是A.精神创伤B.TRH(促甲状腺激素释放激素)升高C.TSH(促甲状腺激素)升高D.碘摄入过多E.自身免疫 下列哪一项不是急性肾盂肾炎的感染途径A.血行性感染B.直接蔓延C.淋巴性感染D.上行性感染E.密切接触性感染 某医院有开放病床1000张,按照卫生部《综合医院组织编制原则试行草案》的最高要求标准。全体工作人员的最多编设数约为A.1400人B.1500人C.1600人D.1700人E.1800人 加工承揽合同 流行性出血热属于A.有肾病综合征的动物源性出血热B.无肾病综合征的动物源性出血热C.蚊传性出血热D.蜱传性出血热E.传播途径不明的出血热 男性,52岁,中度肥胖,空腹血糖8mmol/L,餐后1小时血糖12mmol/L,胰岛素基础值50mU/L(正常5~25mU/L),应首选何药A.格列齐特(达美康)B.格列吡嗪(美吡达)C.双胍类D.格列本脲(优降糖)E.格列喹酮(糖适平)
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Unit 4 Earthquakes模仿写作学案学习目标:观察,提炼范文中的文体特征,有用表达(短语,句型)并经过笔头口头训练后能准确运用在写作任务中。

课前背一背:.熟读课文A night the earth didn’t sleep 并背诵课文第二段挑一挑:请判断以下句子是否准确并指出哪句会更好。

1.Judge which sentence is correctA: On April 14th, 2010, a big earthquake happened in Yushu, Qinghai!B. Yushu happened an earthquake on April 14th, 2010.C. There was an earthquake struck Yushu On April 14th, 2010.2.Choose the better oneA.The people who died or were injured reached more than 14,000.B. More than 14,000 people were died or injured.3.Choose the better oneA. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors were sent to help those who were injured.B. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors came to help those injured people.4. Choose the better oneA. After the quake, people raised much money to help the survivors.B. After the quake, people all gave money to help the survivors.课中第一关Listen and fill in the blanksAt 3:42 am, July, 28th, 1976, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century 1_____ Tangshan. It seemed as if the world was 2________. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city 3________. As a result, two-thirds of the city people died or 4__________ and many children 5_______ without parents during the earthquake. Nearly everything was 6_______. What’s worse, later that afternoon another big earthquake 7_______ the city again. Some of the 8___________ and doctors were trapped under the ruins. Luckily, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help.They helped to dig out those who 9___________ and built 10__________ for survivors. So the city began to breathe again slowly.第二关Fill in the blanks新闻文体特征第三关Fill in the mind map, using nouns, verbs or phrases第四关Judge and choose(check)1.Judge which sentence is correctPicture 1A: On April 14th, 2010, a big earthquake happened in Yushu, Qinghai!B. Yushu happened an earthquake on April 14th, 2010.C. There was an earthquake struck Yushu On April 14th, 2010.Picture 2A.The people who died or were injured reached more than 14,000.B. More than 14,000 people were died or injured.2.Choose the better onePicture 3A. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors were sent to help those who were injured.B. After the quake, many rescue workers and doctors came to help those injured people.Picture 4A. After the quake, people raised much money to help the survivors.B. After the quake, people all gave money to help the survivors.V Make an interviewSuppose you’re a reporter of our school and your partner was a survivor of Wenchuan earthquake, make an interview about the earthquake and you can use the following words expressions to help you.Useful words and phrases1. 变成一片废墟lie in ruins2. 成千上万thousands of3. 无家可归be homeless4. 官兵officers and soldiers5. 参与take part in/join in6. 约,左右about…/… or so7. 捐款raise/donate money 8. 十亿billionAn interviewR(reporter): Hello! I heard that you’re a survivor. May I ask you some questions?S(survivor): Sure.R: __________________________________ (地震是什么时候发生的?)S: __________________________________R: __________________________________(在地震中,有多少人受伤和死亡?)S: __________________________________R: __________________________________(震后有多少官兵参与救援工作?)S: __________________________________R: __________________________________(全国人民共捐了多少钱?)S: __________________________________R: Thank you very much!第五关写作任务【写作情景】2008年5月12日,我国发生了中国历史上最严重的地震。


【写作内容】:【写作要求】1.包括以上表格内容2. 字数不限2)写作_______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________第六关Peer-assessmentSwap your writing with your partner and assess and mark the sentences using different shapes.1. 结构不完整 _______2. 时态语态错误3. 4. 好词好句课后2.背一背(请背诵写作范文)It was on May 12th, 2008 that a terrible earthquake hit/struck Wenchuan city in Sichuan province. In a few terrible minutes, nearly the whole city lay in ruins. Sadly, about 374,000 people were badly injured. What’s worse, the number of people who were killed reached 88,000 or so and thousands of people became homeless. Soon after the quake, more than 100,000 officers and soldiers were sent to do the rescue work, saving many lives. To our delight, as much as 39.9 billion Yuan was donated to help.3. 改一改(请根据写作范文进一步润色自己的作品)。
