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1. 多式联运多式联运是指将不同交通方式有机结合起来,通过运输组织者的协调,实现货物的连续运输,提高运输效率和降低运输成本的一种物流方式。


2. 集装箱运输集装箱运输是指将货物装入集装箱中,利用集装箱的标准尺寸和结构,通过不同的交通方式进行运输的一种方式。


3. 整合运输整合运输是指将不同的运输方式有机结合起来,通过运输组织者的协调管理,实现货物的连续运输的一种方式。


4. 中转站中转站是指在货物运输过程中,货物需要由一种交通方式转运到另一种交通方式时,在转运过程中暂时存放货物的地方。


5. 联运单据联运单据是指在多式联运中使用的各种单据,用于记录货物的运输情况和相关的信息。


6. 舱单舱单是指在海运中使用的一种单据,记录了货物的装船情况和相关的信息。


7. 清关清关是指货物从一个国家进入另一个国家时,需要经过海关的检查和审批的一种程序。


8. 货运保险货运保险是指在多式联运中为货物提供保险保障的一种保险方式。
































《集装箱运输与多式联运》课程设计目录1运输基本情况 (2)1.1运输作业 (2)1.2发货公司简介 (2)1.2.1发货人名称 (2)1.2.2公司简介 (2)2运输工具及路线选择 (2)2.1供选择的方案 (2)2.2方案分析与选择 (3)3运输合作伙伴选择 (3)3.1承运人名称 (3)3.2对运输方案的修改 (3)4运输单证及办理部门 (4)4.1主要运输单证 (4)4.2涉及部门 (4)5运输作业流程 (5)6运输费用计算 (5)参考文献 (6)附件1:国际货协铁路运单 (7)附件2:公路货物托运单 (8)附件3:货物清单 (8)附件4:货物装车单 (9)附件5:货物接收单 (9)附件6:报关单 (10)1运输基本情况1.1运输作业江西九江优元商贸有限公司运输20吨庐山云雾茶给德国PAPER&TEA茶叶公司。










































(1)整箱(Full Container Load,FCL)。





一、单选题1. 集装箱运输的发展经历了漫长的过程,其最早起源于19世纪初期的( B )A.美国B.英国C.法国D.德国2. 自20世纪60年代中期至80年代中期,以海上运输为主导的国际集装箱运输发展迅速,是货物运输进入集装箱化时代的关键时期,这是集装箱运输发展过程中的( C )A.萌芽B.开创C.扩展期D.成熟1.下列集装箱箱型中不属于国际标准的是( D )D.1DD4. 下列集装箱箱型中属于国际标准的是( D )5. 下列集装箱箱型中不属于国际标准的是( D )D.1CCC7. 集装箱的计算单位又称换算单位,有利于统一计算集装箱的运输量,换算成20ft的单位表示为( B )A.FEUB.TEUC.CTUD.TCU8. 在集装箱箱体上,用于支撑、堆码、装卸和拴固集装箱的部件是( A )A.角件B.角结构C.角柱D.顶梁12. 以下集装箱标记中属于自选标记的是( C )A.箱主代号、顺序号B.额定重量和自重C.国家和地区代号D. 核对数字15. 以下集装箱标记中属于必备识别标记的是( A )A.箱主代号、顺序号、核对数字B.额定重量和自重C.国家和地区代号D.尺寸和类型代号16. 一种密闭式集装箱,在箱顶有装货口,在箱门下方有卸货口,一般用来装载散装的谷物、麦芽、化学品等货物,这种集装箱是( C )A.敞顶集装箱B.杂货集装箱C.散货集装箱D.通风集装箱19. 一种箱顶可以拆下来,适合于装载大型货物和重型货物的集装箱是( A )A.敞顶集装箱B.台架式集装箱C.平台集装箱D.通风集装箱20. 一种专为运输要求保持一定温度的冷冻货或低温货,如鱼、肉、新鲜水果、蔬菜等食品进行特殊设计的集装箱是( D )A.敞顶集装箱B.通风集装箱C.动物集装箱D.冷藏集装箱1. 以下关于整箱货的描述中正确的是( C )A.由承运人负责装箱、计数、填写装箱单 B.由承运人负责拆箱交付 C.由发货人负责装箱、计数、填写装箱单 D.由发货人负责拆箱1. 以下关于整箱货的描述中正确的是( C )A.由承运人负责装箱、计数、填写装箱单 B.由承运人负责拆箱交付 C.由发货人负责装箱、计数、填写装箱单 D.由发货人负责拆箱1. 集装箱在使用前要对其进行必要的检查,以下属于内部检查的是( B )A.检查集装箱外表有无损伤B.查看箱内壁或箱底板上有无铆钉突出C.检查门锁装置是否处于正常D.检查集装箱内有无垃圾、恶臭、生锈2. 某货主准备用40ft集装箱(载重26.6t,内容积76.35 m3)装运一批货物,货物总重为70t,总体积为215m3,箱容利用率为80%,需要40ft集装箱的个数为()A. 5个B.4个C. 3个D. 2个3. 某货主准备用40ft集装箱(载重26.6t,内容积76.35 m3)装运一批货物,货物总重为70t,总体积为156m3,箱容利用率为80%,需要40ft集装箱的个数为()A. 5个B.4个C. 3个D. 2个4. 在货物与集装箱侧壁之间用方木加以固定,或在货物之间插入填塞物、缓冲垫、木楔子等防止货物移动的固定方法叫做( C )A.支撑B.衬垫C.塞紧D.系紧8. 以下关于木箱货的装箱方法描述中,错误的是( D )A.较重的小型木箱,可采用骑缝装载法B.装载完毕后,如果箱门处尚有较大空隙,需用木板和木条将木箱总体撑牢C.重量较大、体积较小的木箱货,如果装载后其四周均有空隙,须从四周进行支撑固定D.重心高的木箱,仅对其底部加以固定即可9. 以下关于鼓桶类货物的装箱方法描述中,错误的是( C )A.装箱前要严格检查货物是否泄漏B.装载时要将盖向上进行堆装C.堆装时无需加入衬垫即可使负荷均匀和鼓桶稳定D.对于最上层的鼓桶,可用绳索等将其捆绑在一起,防止滚动4. 以下地面形式中,不属于码头内集装箱货运站的地面形式的是( D )A.平地式B.高台式C.兼用式D.交换式7. 在集装箱码头平面布局中,由码头岸线和码头岸壁组成,用来停靠和系泊船舶的地方被称为( A )A.靠泊设施B.集装箱编排场C.码头前沿D.锚地10. 在以下集装箱码头装卸工艺方案中,堆场场地面积利用率最低的方案是( B )A.装卸桥-跨运车方案B.装卸桥-底盘车方案C.装卸桥-轨道式门式起重机方案D.装卸桥-轮胎式门式起重机方案12. 在堆场堆码集装箱时,必须在每一行留出足够的空位作为装卸作业时翻箱使用,如堆码5层高,需要留出翻箱位的个数为( C )A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个14. 在堆场堆码集装箱时,必须在每一行留出足够的空位作为装卸作业时翻箱使用,如堆码6层高,需要留出翻箱位的个数为( D )A.6个B.5个C.4个D.3个1. 集装箱班轮运输具有四固定的特点,以下哪个不属于其特点( C )A.挂靠港口固B.开航日期固定C.到港时刻固定D.运价相对固3. 利用船侧、船首或船尾的开口,通过跳板将集装箱与拖车一起,沿水平方向拖进拖出进行装卸的船舶是( B )A.吊装式集装箱船B.滚装式集装箱船C.浮装式集装箱船D.载驳式集装箱船4. 在以下集装箱船舶配积载图中,属于实配图的是( A )A.行箱位图 B.字母图 C.装船统计表D.重量图5. 在公路集装箱运输车辆方式中,以一辆拖车后拖一车架以装运集装箱,拖车可脱离车架而灵活调度使用的方式是( D )A.汽车货运方式 B.全拖车方式C.双拖车方式D.半拖车方式7. 以下铁路集装箱办理站的职能中,属于商务职能的是( D )A.编制用车计划B.办理装卸箱业务C.装箱、拆箱以及加封D.核收有关费用8. 以下铁路集装箱办理站的职能中,不属于技术职能的是( D )A.编制用车计划B.办理装卸箱业务C.装箱、拆箱以及加封D.核收有关费用10. 装载在飞机内与固定装置直接接触,不用辅助器就能固定的装置,国际航空协会将这种航空运输的集装箱称为( B )A.成组器B.航空用成组器C.非航空用D.航空集装板(网)2. 在提单的收货人一栏内具体填写某一特定人或公司名称,原则上不能转让的提单叫做( C )A.指示提单B. 清洁提单C.记名提单D. 不记名提单3. 提单上收货人一栏未写明具体收货人,只填写“持有人”字样,或在收货人一栏空白,这样的提单属于( C )A.清洁提单B.记名提单C. 不记名提单D. 指示提单1. 在一定航速条件下,随着船舶大型化、载箱量的增加,船舶单位运输成本明显下降,从而呈现出( B )A.递减的规模经济效益B.递增的规模经济效益C.不变的规模经济效益D.无规律的规模经济效益2. 在船舶载箱量一定的条件下,随着船舶航速的提高,燃油成本上升,则单位运输成本提高,从而呈现出( B )A.递增的规模经济效益B.递减的规模经济效益C.不变的规模经济效益D.无规律的规模经济效益3. 目前,集装箱海上运输有多种运价形式,其中对所有相同航程的货物均收取统一的运价的形式叫做( A )A.均一费率B. 包箱费率C.运量折扣费率D.单一费率二、多项选择题2. 集装箱运输与多式联运的发展趋势主要体现为( ABDE )A.干线船向大型化、高速化发展B.多式联运日益完善C.箱型向大型化、专用化发展D.港口中转作用日益重要E.港口向大型、高效、综合服务方向发展4. 铁路集装箱办理站的技术职能包括( ADE )A.编制用车计划B.受理集装箱货物的托运申请 C. 编制有关单证 D.办理装卸箱业务 E.装箱、拆箱以及加封1. 整个集装箱码头机械化系统包括( ABCD )A.码头前沿设备B.水平搬运设备 C.堆场作业设备 D.拆装箱设备 E.维修清洗设备4. 以下码头机械设备中,不属于水平搬运设备的是( ACE )A.岸壁集装箱起重机B.跨运车C.轮胎式龙门起重机D.集装箱牵引车-底盘车E.轨道式龙门起重机5.以下码头机械设备中,不属于堆场作业设备的是( DE )A.叉车B.跨运车C.轮胎式龙门D.集装箱牵引车-底盘车E.岸壁集装箱起重机1. 集装箱标准根据其使用范围,分为( ABDE )A.国际标准B.国家标准C.行业标准D.公司标准E.地区标准2. 1个40ft集装箱可以换算表示为(BD ) A. 1TEUB.2TEUC. 4TEUD. 1FEUE.2 FEU1.从集装箱运输过程看,集装箱货物的全程运费包括( ABCD )A.海运运费B.集装箱码头堆场服务费 C.集装箱集疏运费D.集装箱货运站服务费E.货物附加费2. 多式联运运费的计收方式主要有( BE )A.均一费率B.单一运费制C.包箱费率D.运量折扣费率E.分段运费制1. 以下关于多式联运经营人的描述,正确的是( ACDE )A.是指其本人或通过其代表订立多式联运合同的任何人B.是发货人的代理人或代表或参加多式联运的承运人的代理人或代表C.是一个独立的法律实体D.是一个对货主负有履行合同责任的承运人E.是契约承运人2. 以下业务中,属于船公司在集装箱进口货运中的业务是( ABCE )A.做好卸船准备工作B.卸船与交货计划C.签发提货单D.签发提单E.货损货差理赔3. 以下业务中,属于集装箱货运站在集装箱进口货运中的业务是( ABCDE )A.发出交货通知B.从码头堆场领取载货的集装箱 C.拆箱交货D.空箱管理E.制作交货报告或未交货报告1. 以下业务中,属于发货人在集装箱出口货运中的业务是( ABCD )A.订立贸易合同、备货B.租船订舱 C. 报关 D.货物装箱与托运 E.换取提货单三、填空题2. 国际集装箱多式联运是指按照国际集装箱多式联运合同,以至少两种不同的运输方式,由(多式联运经营人)将国际集装箱从一国境内接管的地点运至另一国境内指定交付的地点。













































第一章 绪论集装箱运输:是指以集装箱这种大型容器为载体,将货物集合组装成集装单元,以便在现代流通领域内运用大型装卸机械和大型载运车辆进行装卸、搬运作业和完成运输任务,从而更好地实现货物"门到门”运输的一种新型、高效率和高效益的运输方式。

集装箱运输发展:1、 萌芽期(19世纪初~20世纪50年代中期) 起源于英国2、 开创期(20世纪50年代中期~20世纪60年代中期) 发扬与美国3、 扩展期(20世纪60年代中期~20世纪80年代中期) 扩展至东南亚、中东、南非4、 成熟期多式联运:多式联运,按联合运输的地域范围划分,可划分为国内多式联运和国际多式联运两种集装箱多式联运,可划分为国内集装箱多式联运和国际集装箱多式联运。


多式联运优点:1、 统一化、简单化2、 减少中间环节,提高运输质量3、 降低运输成本,节约运杂费用4、 扩大运输经营人业务范围,提高运输组织水平,实现合理运输 集装箱运输与多式联运系统:1、适箱货源及揽货管理子系统23、集装箱货运站作业管理子系统4、集装箱码头及装卸作业管理子系统5、船舶运输组织子系统6、公路运输组织子系统7、铁路运输组织子系统8、航空运输组织子系统9、租赁管理子系统:箱出租公司、船出租公司10、政府和国家监管子系统11、其他子系统:班轮公会、全程联运保赔协会集装箱运输与多式联运的发展变化:1、箱型有大型化、专用化的发展趋势2、干线船向大型化、高速化发展;3、集装箱港口向大型、高效、综合服务方向发展;4、港口的中转作用日益重要;5、多式联运日益完善;6、经营规模化;7、信息管理实现现代化。




集装箱运输与国际多式联运的分析经管系专业论⽂集装箱运输与国际多式联运的分析系:经济与管理系专业:⼯商管理班级:07- 1 班学号:姓名:⽬录⼀、集装箱运输与国际多式联运的发展 (1)⼆、集装箱运输的重要作⽤ (2)1、实现了运输操作机械化 (2)2、⽅便了⽤户,提⾼了服务质量,缩短了商品在途时间 (2)3、保证了商品运输安全 (3)4、降低了运输和包装费⽤ (3)5、推动了包装标准化的进程 (3)6、有利于综合利⽤各种运输⼯具和扩⼤联合运输 (4)三、国际多式联运的优越性 (4)四、集装箱运输和国际多式联运发展中的阻碍 (5)1、海关制度的阻碍 (5)2、集装箱规格不统⼀带来的阻碍 (6)3、集装箱港⼝建设问题 (7)五、当前集装箱运输中存在的问题 (8)(⼀)我国集装箱运输发展的内部因素 (8)1.经济发展的先决因素 (8)2.产业结构的促进因素 (9)3.外贸发展的主导因素 (9)4.港⼝集约化的保障因素 (9)(⼆)我国集装箱运输发展的外部因素 (10)1.政府倡导的推动因素 (10)2.物流发展的催化因素 (10)3.国际竞争的激励因素 (11)六、结束语 (11)[参考⽂献]..................................... 错误!未定义书签。







(交通运输)国际多式联运与集装箱运输4.国际多式联运与集装箱运输4.1 The Nature of IntermodalismCompetition between the modes has tended to produce a transport system that is segmented and un-integrated. Each mode has sought to exploit its own advantages in terms of cost, service, reliability and safety. Carriers try to retain business by maximizing the line-haul under their control. All the modes saw the other modes as competitors, and were viewed with suspicion and mistrust. The lack of integration between the modes was also accentuated by public policy that has frequently barred companies from owning firms in other modes (as in the United States before deregulation), or has placed a mode under direct state monopoly control (as in Europe). Modalism was also favored because of the difficulties of transferring goods from one mode to another, thereby incurring additional terminal costs and delays.Intermodalism originated in maritime transportation, with the development of the container in the late 1960's and has since spread to integrate other modes. It is not surprising that the maritime sector should have been the first mode to pursue containerization. It was the mode most constrained by the time taken to load and unload the vessels. A conventional breakbulk cargo ship could spend as much time in a port as it did at sea. Containerization permits the mechanized handling of cargoes of diverse types and dimensions that are placed into boxes of standard sizes. In this way goods that might have taken days to be loaded or unloaded from a ship can now be handled in a matter of minutes.First Containership, Ideal-X, 1956On April 26th 1956, the Ideal-X leftthe Port of Newark, New Jersey to the PortHouston, Texas, which it called 5 days later.It carried 58 35-feet (8 feet wide by 8 feethigh) containers, along with a regular loadof 15,000 tons of bulk petroleum. The 35feet unit represented at that time the standard truck size in the United States. This first containership was converted under the initiative of Malcom McLean (1914-2001), a trucking magnate who saw the tremendous potential of containerization, particularly in terms of loading and unloading costs. McLean calculated that in 1956 loading a medium-sized ship the conventional way was costing $5.83 a- 1 -ton. Comparatively, loading the Ideal-X was costing less than $0.16 a ton. The economic advantages of such a mode of transportation thus became clear to the shipping industry. In 1960, McLean founded SeaLand, a major container shipping line, which was purchased in 1999 by Maersk, the world's largest container shipping company. The Ideal X carried containers until 1965, when it was scrapped.Since the 1960s major efforts have been made to integrate separate transport systems through intermodalism, which took place is several stages. What initially began as improving the productivity of shipping evolved into an integrated supply chain management system across modes. This involves the use of at least two different modes in a trip from origin to destination through an intermodal transport chain. Intermodality enhances the economic performance of a transport chain by using modes in the most productive manner. Thus, the line-haul economies of rail may be exploited for long distances, with the efficiencies of trucks providing flexible local pick up and delivery. The key is that the entire trip is seen as a whole, rather than as a series of legs, each marked by an individual operation with separate sets of documentation and rates.4.1.1 Integrated Transport Systems: From Fragmentation to CoordinationThe notion of integrated transport systems received a lot of attention, particularly with improvements in the capacity, efficiency and reliability of freight transport- 2 -systems. The conventional fragmented and sub-optimal freight transport systems have substantially been improved. A process of coordination of freight transport is taking place. Several factors can be pondered:(1) TechnologyTechnology has been a prime driving force. Containerization is without any doubt the most significant technological factor behind a more efficient coordination of transport modes. Innovations include modes, such as post-panamax containerships or double-stacking trains, but also intermodal equipment to handle significant transshipment demands. Hard (technical) assets require soft (management) assets. Information technologies have gone a long way to help improving the level of control over supply chains, which includes important aspects such as tracking shipments and managing fleets. The issue of e-commerce has particularly received attention.(2) Capital intensive sectorFreight transportation is a capital intensive sector with high entry costs for the maritime and rail segments. The amortization of modes and infrastructures, particularly terminals, has to be spread over a significant time period, sometimes over more than a decade. This environment is prone to risks and many potential investors are unwilling to commit capital for infrastructure projects. This a reason why the government has often been called to step in. Still, freight transport companies are dominantly private entities and must rely on capital markets to finance their ventures. If through a higher level of coordination with other elements of the supply chain a greater quantity and stability in utilization can be secured, capital costs can be reduced and financial returns improved. Thus, intermodal projects have potentially a lower capital risk.(3) New forms of relationshipsCoordination also implies new forms of relationships between freight forwarders. This was favored by the deregulation of many transport modes in the early 1980s. The Aviation Deregulation Act (1979), the Staggers Act (1980), the Motor Carrier Act (1980) and the Ocean Shipping Act (1984) are significant landmarks in this direction. It became easier for different transport operators to establish contractual agreements. Mergers / acquisitions within the same mode started to take place, mainly in maritime and rail transportation, but also modal and- 3 -intermodal alliances.(4) Global commodity chainsGlobalization has permitted the emergence of a structure of production, often known as global commodity chains or global production networks. This structure requires a high level of coordination. It is thus expected that this production structure imposes a similar structure of distribution where coordination between modes and different transport systems is required. Under such circumstances, transport demand should increasingly be considered as integrated.(5) NetworksFinally, integrated transport systems rely on the respective strengths of each transport networks. Since networks areexpensive to build and operate, linking them promotes efficiency and a higher level of control. This can be considered as a multiplying effect where the efficiency of the whole intermodal network is higher than the sum of its parts.4.1.2 Evolution of Intermodal IntegrationIt can be argued that three major paradigm shifts have taken place within containerized freight distribution systems:(1) Containerization of maritime transport systems.At first, the introduction of the container and its penetration within maritime systems took place. This is particularly the case from the mid 1965s when- 4 -standardization resulted in common container size and latching systems. The efficiency of port transshipments improved and inland services, dominantly relying on trucking, began to be established. Still, maritime services tended to be on a point-to-point basis and between major ports.(2) Containerization of inland transport systems.Containerization moved inland, mainly in an attempt to improve the continuity already established within maritime transportation, particularly with the setting of pendulum services. The introduction of doublestacking rail services in the mid 1980s required the setting and redesign of inland container rail terminals in North America. The adoption of the container in Europe gained momentum when an intermodal system started to emerge in the late 1970s. For example, the shift from conventional and highly irregular barge services to scheduled and reliable container services in the second half of the 1970s gave impetus to a fast containerization process along the Rhine basin up to the main ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp.(3) Intermodal and transmodal operations.Since containerization has expanded to cover maritime and inland transport systems, the next phase dominantly aims at improving its overall efficiency. This efficiency is mainly based in the reduction of the number of times a container is handled as well as the velocity at which intermodal and transmodal operations are performed. Also, the growth in containerized shipments placed additional pressures on intermodal transport systems, which for the maritime segment resulted in the setting of offshore hubs. They mainly act as intermediary locations between major systems of maritime circulation/ Establishment of commodity chains. Inland transport systems accommodated a growing amount of traffic, which in many cases resulted in the setting of large inland freight distribution centers (inland ports).- 5 -4.1.3 Intermodal Transport ChainFour major functions define an intermodal transport chain:(1) Composition.The process of assembling and consolidating freight at a terminal that offers an intermodal interface between a local / regional distribution system and a national / international distribution system. Commonly referred as the "first mile". Ideally, loads of freight coming from different suppliers are assembled at distribution centers so they can be forwarded to high capacity modes such as rail and maritime shipping. The dominant mode for such a process tends to be trucking as it offers flexibility and door-to-door services. Activities such as packaging and warehousing are also included in the composition process, which is closely linked with the function of production.(2) Connection.Involves a consolidated modal flow, such as a freight train or a containership (or even fleets of trucks), between at least two terminals, which takes place over national or international freight distribution systems. The efficiency of a connection mainly is mainly derived from economies of scale, such as doublestacking or post-panamax containerships, coupled with an adequate frequency of service.(3) Interchange.The major intermodal function takes place at terminals whose purpose is to provide an efficient continuity within a transport chain. Those terminals are dominantly within the realm of national or international freight distribution systems,- 6 -with ports (transshipment hubs) being the most notable example.(4) Decomposition.Once a load of freight has reached a terminal close to its destination, it has to be fragmented and transferred to the local / regional freight distribution system. Commonly referred as the "last mile" and often represents one of the most difficult segments of distribution. This function, which is linked with the function of consumption, dominantly occurs within metropolitan areas and involves unique distribution problems also known as urban logistics.4.1.4 Integrated Freight Transport Systems: Intermodal and Transmodal OperationsFrom a functional and operational perspective, two components are involved inintermodalism:Intermodaltransportation. Themovements ofpassengers or freightfrom one mode oftransport to another,commonly takingplace at a terminalspecifically designedfor such a purpose.Transmodal transportation. The movements of passengers or freight within the same mode of transport. Although "pure" transmodal transportation rarely exists and an intermodal operation is often required (e.g. ship to dockside to ship), the purpose is to insure continuity within the network.The function of transshipment is of core importance in contemporary freight distribution as it is concomitantly an intermodal and a trans-modal activity. In integrated transport systems the time component has become increasingly significant. Since modal speed improvements tend to be marginal, it is at the terminal and with- 7 -the function of transshipment that most of the time and cost benefits are achieved. Transshipment is more than an intermodal activity; that is movements between modes. It also concerns movements within segments of the same mode; modal transshipment. As commodity chains became more complex and longer the pressure on intermodal and trans-modal transportation has increased. In this geography of transshipments connecting different parts of the transport systems, freight markets and freight forwarders are interacting with increasing efficiency. Intermodal transshipments have received the bulk of the attention, particularly their port and rail terminals segments, as massive investments in those facilities were required to set global commodity chains. However, intramodal transshipments are comparatively uncovered, the main reason being that until recently they mainly took place within fragmented and regulated national transport systems. The three main transmodal dimensions include:(1) Transmodal roadMainly takes place at distribution centers, which have become strategic elements in freight distribution systems. It is probably one of the few cases where intramodal transshipments can be combined with added value activities, such as labeling and packaging. Although distribution centers were conventionally warehousing facilities in which commodities could be stored while waiting to be sold to customers down the supply chain, this function has substantially receded. Time constraints in freight distribution impacted on road based distribution centers, whose function is increasingly related to transmodal operations and much less to warehousing. The true time-dependent intramodal facility remains the cross-docking distribution center.(2) Transmodal maritimeShip-to-ship transshipments mainly concerns intermediary hubs such as in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean or ship-to-barge activities. Although in many cases the containers are actually unloaded onto a temporary storage facility (commonly next to the piers), an off-shore hub is functionally a transmodal facility. They have emerged at intermediary locations by offering transshipment advantages in view of costs related to pendulum multiport services coupled with lower container handling cost related to transshipment-only terminals, in addition to economies of scale for feeder ships.(3) Transmodal rail- 8 -Probably represents one of the least investigated segments of transmodal transportation. Most rail systems were built to service specific markets and were heavily regulated. It is only recently that containerization created the need for transmodal functions in rail transport systems, since rail transportation was forced to address a new variety of movements, many of them with international origins or destinations. Initially, rail developed greater intermodal efficiencies with maritime and road transport systems, particularly because this represented new market opportunities.4.1.5 Intermodal Transportation as an Integrative ForceThus, transportation systems having several modes can be considered from two different conceptual perspectives:(1) Intermodal Transportation Network.A logistically linked system using two or more transport modes with a single rate. Modes are having common handling characteristics, permitting freight (or people) to be transferred between modes during a movement between an origin and a destination. For freight, it also implies that the cargo does not need to be handled, just the load unit such as a pallet or a container.(2) Multimodal Transportation Network.A sequence of transport modes offering connections between a set of origins and destinations. However, these connections imply that the load unit needs to be changed, which is common for bulk transportation.- 9 -Intermodality can be conceived as the transition from one mode of transportation to another, and is organized around the followings concepts:●The nature and quantity of the transported commodities;●The modes of transportation being used;●The origins and destinations;●Transportation time and costs;●The value of the commodities and the frequency of shipment.The above figures illustrate two alternatives to freight distribution. The first is a conventional point-to-point multimodal network where origins (A, B and C) are independently linked to destinations (D, E and F). In this case, two modes (road and rail) are used. The second alternative involves the development of an integrated intermodal transport network with common load units (containers). Traffic converges at two transshipment points, rail terminals, where loads are consolidated. This can result in higher load factors and/or higher transport frequency, especially between terminals. Under such circumstances, the efficiency of such a network mainly resides in the transshipment capabilities of transport terminals.4.1.6 Intermodalism technologyThe emergence of intermodalism has been brought about in part by technology and requires management units for freight such as containers, swap bodies, pallets or semi-trailers. In the past, pallets were a common management unit, but their relatively small size and lack of protective frame made their intermodal handling labor intensive and prone to damage or theft. By the early 1930s about three days were required to unload a rail boxcar containing 13,000 cases of unpalletized canned goods. With pallets and forklifts, a similar task could be done in about four hours. Better techniques and management units for transferring freight from one mode to another have facilitated intermodal transfers. Early examples include piggyback (TOFC: Trailers On Flat Cars), where truck trailers are placed on rail cars, and LASH (lighter aboard ship), where river barges are placed directly on board sea-going ships.Piggyback and Doublestack Train Cars- 10 -One of the first attempts at piggybacking dates back to 1872 when the Barnum & Bailey Circus used its own special train of flat railroad cars to tour cities in the United States. It took 3 to 5 hours and considerable effort to unload and load trailers, butthe concept remained and piggybacking started to be adopted by railroad operators. By the 1950s piggybacking became increasingly used and a good source of income for rail companies.Containerization however changed piggybacking to stacking and then to doublestacking where possible. Doublestacking of containers (Container on Flat Car; COFC) saves much more convoy space than the piggyback method (Trailer on Flat Car; TOFC) with the added advantage of not to have to carry a trailer. However, several rail lines are not compatible with doublestacking because of the required height clearance for bridges and tunnels (5.5 meters). Converting a rail line to doublestacking can be a costly undertaking, especially on the much older European rail system where bridge clearances tend to be lower. In North America, such investments are done over high priority corridors.While handling technology has influenced the development of intermodalism, another important factor has been changes in public policy. Deregulation in the United States in the early 1980s liberated firms from government control. Companies were no longer prohibited from owning across modes, and there developed a strong impetus towards intermodal cooperation. Shipping lines in particular, began to offer integrated rail and road service to customers. The advantages of each mode could be exploited in a seamless system, which created multiplying effects. Customers could purchase the service to ship their products from door to door, without having to concern themselves of modal barriers. With one bill of lading clients can obtain one- 11 -through rate, despite the transfer of goods from one mode to another.The most important feature of intermodalism is the provision of a service with one ticket (for passengers) or one bill of lading (for freight). This has necessitated a revolution in organization and information control. At the heart of modern intermodalism are data handling, processing and distribution systems that are essential to ensure the safe, reliable and cost effective control of freight and passenger movements being transported by several modes. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is an evolving technology that is helping companies and government agencies (customs documentation) cope with an increasingly complex global transport system.4.1.7 Multimodal Transport SystemToday, intermodal transport is transforming a growing share of the medium and long-haul freight flows across the globe. Large integrated transport carriers provide door to door services. The limits of intermodality are imposed by factors of space, time, form, pattern of the network, the number of nodes and linkages, and the type and characteristic of the vehicles and terminals.A multimodal transport system integrates different geographical scales from the global to the local. With the development of new modal and intermodal infrastructure, urban regions have a growing accessibility to the international market; several parameters of regional transportation are transformed, or at least significantly- 12 -modified. The above figure represents the regulation of movements of a corridor within a multimodal transportation system composed of a set of competing hub centers where converge regional and local transportation networks. Depending on the geographical scale being considered, the regulation of flows is coordinated at the local level by distribution centers, commonly composed of a single transport terminal, or at the global level by articulation points, composed of major transport terminals and related activities.An articulation point can simultaneously have a modal and intermodal convergence of functions; particularly if it is the interface between several modes. Its modal function relates to its while its intermodal function indicates its level of service. The regional multimodal network converges at major articulation points allowing linkages with the international transportation system through a maritime / land interface. Port cities are the main agent of that function. Containerization has particularly developed the maritime / land interface. It insures flexibility of shipments and several ports have opted for this multimodal transportation technology to keep and consolidate their status of hub center.4.2 Containerization4.2.1 IntroductionThe driver of intermodal transportation has undoubtedly been the container, which permits easy handling between modal systems:Container. A large standard size metal box into which cargo is packed for shipment aboard specially configured transport modes. It is designed to be moved with common handling equipment enabling high-speed intermodal transfers in economically large units between ships, railcars, truck chassis, and barges using a minimum of labor. The container, therefore, serves as the load unit rather than the cargo contained therein, making it the foremost expression of intermodal transportation. The usage of containers shows the complementarity between freight transportation modes by offering a higher fluidity to movements and a standardization of loads. Thus, the relevance of containers is not what they are - simple boxes -but what they enables; intermodalism. The reference size is the 20 foot box, 20 feet long, 8'6" feet high and 8 feet wide, or 1 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU). Since the- 13 -great majority of containers are now forty foot long, the term Forty-foot Equivalent Unit (FEU) is also used, but less commonly. Post Panamax Containership at the Port of Le HavreTerminal de l'Ocean is one container terminal inthe Port of Le Havre, France, that is partially ownedby the maritime shipping company MSC(Mediterranean Shipping Company). When this photowas taken, the MSC Diego, built in 1999 and a typicalPost Panamax containership with a capacity of justover 4,000 TEU, was being serviced. The vessel is 260meters long, 32 meters wide and has a beam of 19meters. Very large cranes are required to transship its containerized cargo, which is 13 containers wide.40-Foot Containers Doublestacked on a Rail CarDouble stacking rail services were firstintroduced in North America in 1984, multiplying theproductivity of inland container shipping. Untilrecently, North America remained the only region ofthe world where double stacking services werepossible. In April 2004 double-stack container trainservices using 40 foot boxes between Shanghai andBeijing were launched. Both cities can be serviced in about 38 hours.20-Foot Container on TruckThe 20 foot container was the first intermodalcontainer unit to receive wide acceptance as it wasset as an ISO standard. Although for many supplychains, particularly those concerning retail, the 40foot container tends to be privileged, there is still asubstantial market for the 20 foot container. Weightycommodities as best moved in 20 footer loads.- 14 -4.2.2 container(1) Main Physical Characteristics of ContainersSource: adapted from APL, Equipment SpecificationsThe above table underlines several options in container size. Many shippers prefer to use the largest load unit possible (e.g.40 footer high cube) because it conveys economies of scale. However, weight restrictions can make the 20 footer a desirable option, particularly for the transport of commodities. For instance, the weight restrictions on both the regular and the high cube forty footers are at around 30 short tons (or 28 metric tons), essentially the same than a 20 footer, so there are no- 15 -gains in using a high cube container for ponderous goods. Payload weight even gets smaller with 45 and 48 foot containers, underlining their specific role for the transport of goods that are bulky but comparatively light. The majority of container are made with weathering steel (Corten steel) which prevents rusting.(2) Carrying Capacity of Containers (in cubic feet)Source: adapted from Robert C. Leachman (2005) Port and Modal Elasticity Study, Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of California at Berkeley.The initial container sizes were the "20 footer" and the "40 footer" agreed upon in the 1960s and became an ISO standard. Initially, the "20 footer" was the most widely used container. However, as containerization became widely adopted in the 1990s, shippers switched to larger container sizes, notably the "40 footer". Larger sizes confer economies of scale in loading, handling and unloading, which are preferred for long distance shipping as well as by customers shipping large batches of containerized commodities. The same ship capacity would take in theory twice as much time to load or unload if 20 footers where used instead of 40 footers. There is thus an evident rationale to use the largest container size possible. Consequently, the 20 footer is gradually been phased out. "Hi cube" containers have also been put in use, notably since they do not require different handling equipment or road clearance. They are one feet higher (9'6") than the standard 8'6" height and a 40 footer hi-cube container provides about 12% more carrying capacity than its standard counterpart. Most North American double stack rail corridors can handle two stacked hi-cube containers, creating an additional multiplying effect in terms of total capacity per rail- 16 -car. The 53 feet hi-cube container is solely a domestic container used in the United States between rail and trucking.The European Union is trying to implement a new container labeled the European Intermodal Load Unit (EILU), which would have a length of 45 feet and a width of 8.5 feet. The rationale behind this standard is that it would allow two of the standard European pallets to be placed in containers side by side as existing containers are based on North American pallet dimensions. While the new dimensions would still meet clearances for road and rail transport in Europe as well as abroad, the EILU is being strongly opposed by maritime shipping lines, because they have huge investments in current equipment and new ships under construction are optimized for existing ISO container sizes. Because containers have a useful life of about 12 to 15 years, intermodal carriers are reluctant to adopt any new standard because of prior commitments in capital investment in modal and intermodal infrastructures.(3) Number of Units and Weight of Standard Consumption Goods that Can be Carried by a 20 Foot ContainerSource: adapted from T. Toikka (2006) "The Real Price for Container Transportation between Asia and Europe", Lappeenranta University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.Depending of the characteristics of the goods being carried, namely the weight-to-volume ratio, a 20 footer may not be the optimal containerized unit. For instance twice as much cell phones, DVD players or shoes could be carried on a 40 footer。

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⏹到1998年底,全国拥有集装箱专用泊位65个,年设计通过能力超过1000万TEU 。




四、集装箱运输的特点⏹ 1.高效益的运输方式⏹1)简化包装,大量节约包装费用。



⏹2·高效率运输方式⏹普通货船装卸约35吨/小时,而集装箱装卸可达400吨/小时⏹3·高投资的运输方式⏹船舶、集装箱、港口、内陆设施及内陆货运站⏹4·高协作的运输方式⏹5·适于组织多式联运五. 集装箱运输的发展趋势⏹ 1.集装箱化及空间发展:由于科学技术的进步,经贸和外贸商品结构的变化,国际间贸易和技术交流的扩大,将加速全球集装箱化的进程;⏹ 2.集装箱船舶及运输规模:在货源稳定充足的条件下,为了降低单位运输成本,实现规模经济效益,海上运输干线的集装箱船将继续向大型化发展。




⏹5.集装箱港口: 由于集装箱船舶向大型化发展,为接纳第四代、第五代全集装箱船,建设国际大型深水中转枢纽港将更为重要和迫切。

⏹ 6.集装箱尺寸和规格: 一些发达国家根据本国运输需求情况,不断拓展集装箱尺寸范围,要求增大集装箱的尺寸和载重,并尽力把超宽、超长、超重、超高集装箱纳入ISO标准,对于这种发展趋势,应引起注意。



