★ 轻触式开关的基本特性
RF:ReleFaocrece 回复力
DF:DrFooprce 从OF陷入荷重
PT:Pre-travel 到动作的距离
DF有操作按触感的代用特性、 DF大的话操作按触感也会变大。
★ 轻触式开关的弱点
(一般叫流动焊接槽。) 手工焊锡:用烙铁进行焊锡。
对象形式 : B3S
基板表面装上开关,进行焊锡。 一般叫回流炉表面实装。 (SMD:SurMfoaucneDtevice) 使用奶油焊锡、用热炉将焊锡溶解后,再进行焊锡。 (一般叫热炉焊锡。) 热炉焊锡的情况下、因开关加热量大,所以要使用耐热性好的 树脂。
★ 轻触式开关的基本构造
①外壳ー ②操作扣 ③垫片 ④密封胶圈 ⑤反转弹簧 ⑥本体 ⑦线框
①外壳 ②操作扣 ③垫片 ④密封胶圈 ⑤反转弹片 ⑥本体 ⑦引线框
部品名 ① 外壳
② 操作扣 ③ 垫片 ④ 密封胶圈 ⑤ 反转片
⑥ 本体
⑦ 引线框
将开关覆盖。 组合各部品 将操作力传到反转弹簧。 控制密封胶圈。
★ 轻触式开关的弱点
微型开关的情况下、操作荷重按原样传递到反转弹簧。 为了夹住操作扣和固定接点、荷重加的过大的话, 反转弹片就会变形、特性低下、耐久性也就下降。
★ OMZ生产品(轻触式开关)
★ 各开关的特征
1MC-510目录快速测量方法 (2)安全注意事项 (3)商品构成 (6)体温的基本常识 (8)测量方法 (9)电池更换方法 (17)有疑问时 (18)显示出错时 ................20保养与保管 ................22规格 ..........................23咨询 .. (24)产品保证书 (25)保修卡 .......................26非常感谢您购买欧姆龙速测体温宝,为了正确使 ⏹用本产品,请务必在使用之前阅读本产品说明书。
为了安全正确地使用本产品,请阅读并充分理解 ⏹本说明书中的“安全注意事项”。
⏹本说明书兼作产品质量保证书,故请妥善保管勿 ⏹丢失。
快速测量方法3说明书中所表示的警告记号和警告图例,其目的 ⏹是为了使您能够安全、正确地使用本产品,并防止对您及他人造成伤害。
警告记号、图例及其含义如下:⏹※ 所谓物品损坏是指有关房屋、家产及家畜、宠物的损害。
安全注意事项45建议• 当您把所测体温告诉医生时,请说明您是用耳式体温计进行测量的。
• 请不要用于人体耳部以外的体温测量。
• 请不要强行碰撞、摔落、踩踏和摇动本体。
• 请勿拆卸、修理和改造本体。
• 本产品不防水。
6☆ 探测器保护罩是消耗品,使用完结后请购买新的探测器保护罩。
☆ 探测器保护罩脏污破损时,请更换探测器保护罩,因为表面的脏污和破损会影响测量精度。
Omron B3FS 触摸开关数据手册说明书
![Omron B3FS 触摸开关数据手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/89f098b385254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad0f31630.png)
B3FSTactile Switch (SMT)Surface-mounting Switches Ideal for High-density Mounting•Tape packing style also available •Allows reflow soldering• 3 actuator heights for design flexibility; Projected plunger versions allow installation of B32-series keytops ■List of ModelsNote:Order in multiples of the minimum order unit. Switches are not sold individually.RoHS CompliantTypePlunger typeHeightOperating force (OF)Plunger colorBagEmbossed taping ModelQuantity per package ModelQuantity per package6 × 6 mm B3FS-1000 models3.1 mm 0.98 N {100 gf}Black B3FS-1000100B3FS-1000P 3,0001.47 N {150 gf}IvoryB3FS-1002B3FS-1002P 2.55 N {260 gf}BlueB3FS-1005B3FS-1005P 4.3 mm0.98 N {100 gf}Black B3FS-1010B3FS-1010P 1,0001.47 N {150 gf}IvoryB3FS-1012B3FS-1012P 2.55 N {260 gf}BlueB3FS-1015B3FS-1015P 7.3 mm0.98 N {100 gf}Black B3FS-1050B3FS-1050P 1.47 N {150 gf}YellowB3FS-1052B3FS-1052P(Flat type)(Flat type)(Projected type)■Ratings/Characteristics■Operating CharacteristicsRatings1 to 50 mA, 5 to 24 VDC (resistive load)Ambient operating temperature -25°C to +70°C at 60%RH max. (with no icing or condensation)Ambient operating humidity 35% to 85% (at +5 to +35°C)Contact form SPST-NOContact resistance 100 m Ω max. (initial value) (rated: 1 mA, 5 VDC)Insulation resistance 100 M Ω min. (at 100 VDC)Dielectric strength 250 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min Bounce time 5 ms max.Vibration resistance Malfunction: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude Shock resistance Destruction: 1,000 m/s 2 {approx. 100G} max. Malfunction: 100 m/s 2 {approx. 10G} max.DurabilityStandard models (0.98 N {100 gf}): 1,000,000 operations min. High-force models (1.47 N {150 gf}): 300,000 operations min. High-force models (2.55 N {260 gf}): 100,000 operations min.Weight B3FS-1000: Approx. 0.2 gB3FS-1000Item0.98 N 1.47 N 2.55 N Operating force (OF)0.98±0.29 N {100±30 gf} 1.47±0.49 N {150±50 gf}2.55±0.69 N {260±70 gf}Releasing force (RF)0.2 N {20 gf} min.0.49 N {50 gf} min.0.49 N {50 gf} min.Pretravel (PT)0.25 +0.2/−0.1 mm■Dimensions (Unit: mm)Note:The numbers used for terminals in the following graphics are indicated in the “Bottom View” diagram below. In this diagram, the Switch is rotated so that the terminals are on the right and left-hand sides, and the OMRON logo appears the right way up.Note:Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. No terminal numbers are indicated on the Switches.■Key Tops B32-series Special Key Tops are available for projected plunger models. Refer to the Datasheet of B32 for details.■PrecautionsBe sure to read the safety precautions common to all Tactile Switches for correct use.。
omron D2F基本开关 说明书
![omron D2F基本开关 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/36b1d718cc7931b765ce15d4.png)
D 2 F
5.8 1.5 3.5 3.15 6.5 5.08 12.8
1.5 3.4 0.4 5.8
3-φ1.2 1.6 1.5
0.05 0.15 0.15
5.08 0.1 12.8 0.15
6.5 5.08 12.8
0.9 0.4 1.25
D2F-FL2 D2F-01FL2 0.39N 0.02N 0.55mm 0.5mm
1 4 OP FPFra bibliotekOT MD FP OP
D 2 F
1. 2.
16.5mm 13±2mm
·将导线焊接到端子上时,请先将导体穿过端子孔后再进行操作。 钎焊烙铁的容量应为30W以下,烙铁头温度在300℃左右(最大请 控制在350℃以下),时间在3s之内。焊接不良的情况下使用开关, 可能导致异常发热和烧损。瓦数超过30W且加热超过3s,可能导致 开关特性劣化。 · 印刷基板用端子与基板的连接 使用自动焊接槽时,建议在260℃±5℃5秒以内完成作业。此外, 请注意勿使焊锡或助焊剂溢出基板。 手工焊接时,利用烙铁头温度在350℃以下的烙铁进行作业,作业 时间以3秒内为大致标准。钎焊后1分钟内请勿对其施加外力。此 外,请在离开开关盒一定距离处供应焊锡,避免焊锡和助焊剂流 入开关盒一侧。
D2F-L□ D2F-01L□ 0.78N 0.05N 0.55mm 0.5mm
D2F-FL□ D2F-01FL□ 0.25N 0.02N 0.55mm 0.5mm
10mm 6.8±1.5mm
D2F-L3□ D2F-01L3□ D2F-FL3□ D2F-01FL3□
OMRON 限位开关 说明书
![OMRON 限位开关 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/064b064e767f5acfa1c7cd58.png)
开关盒 密封橡胶
聚苯硫醚 铝(铸件) 锌(铸件)
硅胶 氟化胶 氯丁二烯橡胶
材料记号 Au AuAg PGS AgPd
AgNi AgInSn C5210 C1700 C1720 C1700-□M C1720-□M SUS301-CSP SUS304-CSP PF PBTP PETP
接触形式 根据各种用途构成接点的电气输入输出电 路的方式。 树脂固定 (塑封端子) 用导线对端子部分完好配线, 通过充填树 脂使该部分固定, 消除暴露在外的带电部 分, 提高密封性的一种方法。
⚍ ᣛৃࡼ⠛ড䕀ᯊ㾺 ࠄⱘ䞥ሲ䚼ߚˈ䗮䖛 䖭辵㾺ᴹᅲ⦄⬉⇨ 䗮ǃᮁⱘϔ辵䳊ӊDŽ
⚍䯈䱨 ᣛᅮ⚍ৃࡼ⚍ ⱘ䯈䱨ǃ⚍鼠ࡼⱘ䎱 行DŽ
ᓔ݇ ⎆ԡ䆒
⎆ԡ䆒 ᖂࡼᓔ݇ 䰤ԡᓔ݇ ᣝ䪂ᓔ݇ ᢼⷕᢼࡼᓔ݇ 䕏㾺ᓣᓔ݇ 㠍ൟᓔ݇ ᭄ᄫᰒ冫
EN60947-5-1 「电气机械控制电路设备」的EN规格。 和IEC60947-5-1的内容相同。 使用范围 开关按用途来分类。 请参考下面的例子。
(1)活塞型 根据密封方法不同,有表中的A型和B型2个种类。 A型是用O型环 或薄膜密封的,由于密封橡胶没有外露,在抵制工作机械的切割碎 屑方面功能较强大,但其反面影响是,有可能会将砂子、切割粉末 等压入活塞的滑动面。B型虽然不会把砂子、切割粉末等压入,且 密封性能优于A型,但由于炽热的切割碎屑飞溅过来,有可能会损 坏橡胶帽。因此,要根据使用场所的不同选用A型或B型。而柱塞 型仍然通过柱塞的往复运动压缩或吸进空气。 为此,如果长时间将柱塞压入,限位开关内的压缩空气逸失,内部 压力将与大气压相同,即使急于让柱塞复位,柱塞却有迟缓复位的 倾向。为了避免发生这种故障,设计时请参见199页。
䎱 行 10 X嗻 嗼 mm 8
ƶ50 t
X 6
䴲ഄ䞥ሲ ⦏⩗ 㣃䜮˄ᷥ㛖˅
䎱 行 25 X嗻 嗼 mm 20
ƶd t=3mm
⦏⩗ 㣃䜮˄ᷥ㛖˅ ϭ⛃䝌˄ᷥ㛖˅
⦏⩗ 㣃䜮˄ᷥ㛖˅
䎱 行 10
X嗻 嗼 mm
ƶd t=3mm
6 䴲ഄ䞥ሲ
⦏⩗ 2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
检测金属以外的物体。 通用螺纹安装型
䖥Ӵᛳ఼ ■金属以外,还可检测水、油、玻璃、塑料等非金属。 ■螺钉切割型。具有M12/M18/M30型等丰富的种类。 安装方便。 ■检测距离固定,非调整型。
详情请参阅926页的 「请正确使用」。
Ё㒻ൟ 种类
䴭⬉ᆍ䞣ൟ 本体
ˆ2. Eൟ˖Ẕ⌟ᰒ冫♃˄㑶˅ Yൟ˖ࡼᰒ冫♃˄㑶˅
Ӵᛳ఼ᣛफ ᷅ൟ 㾦ൟ ᬒ఼ߚ行 Ё㒻ൟ 䴭⬉ᆍ䞣ൟ ݊Ҫ ೈ䆒 ҟ㒡
欧米龙 ultra微型基本开关D2QW说明书
![欧米龙 ultra微型基本开关D2QW说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cdcd915853ea551810a6f524ccbff121dc36c57b.png)
Sealed long stroke sliding contact switch with reliable ON/OFF action in severe environmental conditions.•Extra-long stroke. (OT: 2.7 mm)•Clip contacts with highly reliable slide contact mechanism.•Sliding contact allows for quiet operating sound.•High temperature resistance and drip-proof structure for wide range of applications and environmental conditions.•Switch body conforms to IP67•RoHS CompliantOrdering InformationNote:Contact Omron for other terminal or lever configuration and for use in automotive applications. Model Number Legend:Specifications■ CharacteristicsNote:1.Data shown are of initial value.2.For pin plunger models, the above values apply for use at the free position, operating position, and total travel position. For models withlevers, the values apply at the total travel position.■RatingsNote:The resistive load ratings apply under the following test conditions: Ambient T emperature = 20±2°C,Ambient Humidity = 65±5%,Operating frequency = 30 operations/min.■Contact SpecificationsNote:Minimum applicable loads are indicated by N standard refer-ence values. This value represents the failure rate at a 60% (λ60) reliability level (JIS C5003).The equation λ60=0.5 x 10-6 / operations indicates that a failure rate of 1/2,000,000 operations can be expected at a reliability level of 60%Item SpecificationOperating speed 1 mm to 500 m/sOperating frequency30 operations/minInsulation resistance100 MΩ min. (at 500 V DC)Contact resistance100 mΩ max.Dielectric strength600 V AC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min between terminals of the same polarity1,500 V AC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min between current-carrying metal parts and ground, andbetween each terminal and non-current-carrying metal partsVibration resistance (See note 2)Malfunction: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitudeShock resistance (See note 2)Destruction: 1,000 m/s2 max.Malfunction: 300 m/s2 max.Ambient operating temperature–40 to 85 °C (with no icing)Ambient operating humidity95% max. (for 5 to 35°C)Degree of protection IEC IP67 (excluding the terminals on terminal models)Degree of protection against electric shock Class IProof tracking index (PTI)175Life expectancy Mechanical(30 operations/min)500,000 operations min.Electrical(20 operations/min)200,000 operations min. (at 30 V DC 0.1 A) 500,000operations min. (at 14 V DC 10 mA)Weight Approx. 0.7 g (for pin plunger models with terminals) Rated voltage (V)Resistive load30 V DC 14 V DC 0.1 A10 mAItem SpecificationSpecification SlideMaterial Gold platedMinimum applicable load(reference value)1 mA at 5 V DCEngineering Data■Mounting Structure and Reference Positions for Operating CharacteristicsNote:1.All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.■TerminalsTerminal (H)■Contact FormSPST-NODimensions and Operating CharacteristicsNote:1.All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.Mounting Hole Dimensions (Reference)Pin Plunger ModelsCharacteristic Models with posts OF max. 1.5 N {153 gf}OT ref.(2.7 mm)FP max.OPTTP max.9.2 mm 8.4±0.3 mm 5.9 mmSimulated Roller Leaf Lever ModelsD2QW-C073HCharacteristic Models with posts OF max. 1.5 N {153 gf}OT ref.(3.5 mm)FP max.OPTTP max.14.4 mm 12.0±0.5 mm 8.7 mmPrecautionsBe sure to read the precautions and information common to all Snap Action and Detection Switches, contained in the T echnical User’s Guide, “Snap Action Switches, T echnical Information” for correct use.■CautionsDegree of ProtectionIEC Publication 529, degree of protection IP67.Do not use this product in water. Although molded lead wire models satisfy the test conditions for the standard given above, this test is to check the ingress of water into the switch enclosure after submerging the Switch in water for a given time. Satisfying this test condition does not mean that the Switch can be used in water.Do not operate the Switch when it is exposed to water spray, or when water drops adhere to the Switch surface, or during sudden tempera-ture changes, otherwise water may intrude into the interior of the Switch due to a suction effect.Prevent the Switch from coming into contact with oil and chemicals. Otherwise, damage to or deterioration of Switch materials may result.Do not use the Switch in areas where it is exposed to silicon adhesives, oil, or grease, otherwise faulty contact may result due to the generation of silicon oxide.SolderingWhen soldering the lead wire to the terminal, first insert the lead wire conductor through the terminal hole and then conduct soldering. Complete soldering within 3 s using a soldering iron with a capacity of 50 W max. and a tip temperature of 300 °C max.Also, do not apply an external force to the Switch for 1 minute after the completion of soldering.Improper soldering involving an excessively high temperature or excessive soldering time may deteriorate the characteristics of the Switch.When using automatic soldering, solder at at 260 °C max and com-plete soldering with 5 seconds.Side-actuated (Cam/Dog) OperationWhen using a cam or dog to operate the Switch, factors such as the operating speed, operating frequency, push-button indentation, and material and shape of the cam or dog will affect the durability of the Switch. Confirm performance specifications under actual operation conditions before using the Switch in applications.■Correct UseMountingT urn OFF the power supply before mounting or removing the Switch, wiring, or performing maintenance or inspection. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or burning.For M3-screw mounting models, use M3 mounting screws with plane washers or spring washers to securely mount the Switch. Tighten the screws to a torque of 0.29 N·m {3 kgf·cm}. Exceeding the specified torque may result in deterioration of the sealing or damage.For models with posts, secure the posts by thermal caulking or by pressing into an attached device. When pressed into an attached device, provide guides on the opposite ends of the posts to ensure that they do not fall out or rattle.Mount the Switch onto a flat surface. Mounting on an uneven surface may cause deformation of the Switch, resulting in faulty operation or damage.Operating BodyUse an operating body with low frictional resistance and of a shape that will not interfere with the sealing rubber, otherwise the plunger may be damaged or the sealing may deteriorate.HandlingDo not handle the Switch in a way that may cause damage to the sealing rubber.When handling the Switch, ensure that pressure is not applied to the posts in the directions shown in the following diagram. Also, ensure that uneven pressure or pressure in a direction other than the operat-ing direction is not applied to the Actuator as shown in the following diagram. Otherwise, the post, Actuator, or Switch may be damaged, or the service life may be reduced.Wiring Molded Lead Wire ModelsWhen wiring molded lead wire models, ensure that there is no weight on the wire or that there are no sharp bends near the parts where the wire is drawn out. Otherwise, damage to the Switch or deterioration in the sealing may result.Using Micro LoadsEven when using micro load models within the operating range, inrush currents or surges may decrease the life expectancy of the Switch. Therefore, insert a contact protection circuit where neces-sary.MEMOOMRON ON-LINEGlobal - USA - Cat. No. B117-E-01Printed in USAOMRON ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LLC55 E. Commerce Drive, Suite B Schaumburg, IL 60173847-882-228811/10 Specifications subject to change without noticeAll sales are subject to Omron Electronic Components LLC standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at /components/web/webfiles.nsf/sales_terms.html ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.T o convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.。
1Subminiature Toggle Switch A9TA9TSubminiature Toggle SwitchDouble-sided clip contact mechanism combined with see-saw action.•Gold-plated clip contact and cleaning mechanisms ensure high reliability.•Specially designed to prevent grease entry into the contact portion.•Sealed against flux entry.•Washable, equivalent to IP64 (IEC-60529).■List of Models●DIP Terminal Models●Right Angle Terminal ModelsRoHS CompliantSecurity Control BoardsElectric Power Instrumentation Program ControllersTypical ApplicationsSubminiature Toggle Switch A9T2●Vertical Mount Terminal ModelsNote:1.(ON) shows Momentary.2.Switching Functions show the view from the side of Type and Brand name marking.3.Actuator does not stop at "-" position.■Ratings/CharacteristicsRatings50 mA at 60 VAC/DC, 1 μA (minimum current) at 20 mVAC/DC Ambient operating temperature -20 to +80 °C 60% RH max. (with no icing or condensation)Ambient operating humidity 45 to 85%RH (at +5 to +35 °C )Insulation resistance 1,000 M Ω min. (Initial value)Contact resistance 50 m Ω max. (Initial value)Dielectric strength 500 VAC for 1 min between terminals, between terminals and ground Vibration resistance Malfunction 10 to 55 Hz,1.5-mm double amplitude Shock resistance Malfunction 500 m/s 2 min.Durability Mechanical 50,000 operations min.Electrical50,000 operations min.Operating force0.49 to 3.43 N {50 to 350 gf}WeightDIP TerminalStandard: 0.8 g Right Angle Terminal Standard: 1 g Vertical Mount Terminal Standard: 1 g3Subminiature Toggle Switch A9T■Dimensions (Unit: mm)●DIP Terminal ModelsNote:No. (1) and (3) terminals in the SPDT models are dummys to support the Switch case.●Right Angle Terminal Models●Vertical Mount Terminal ModelsNote:Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions.PCB Dimensions (Top View)■Switching Function / Internal ConnectionsNote:(ON) shows Momentary.■Safety PrecautionsBe sure to read the Safety precautions common to all PCB-mount Manual Switches for correct use.Subminiature Toggle Switch A9T4。
ೈ䆒 M12
ҟ㒡 䴲ሣ㬑 M18
检测距离 4mm
附件 (另售)
安装工具 详情请参阅→952页
直流3线式 NPN 交流2线式 直流3线式 NPN 交流2线式 直流3线式 NPN 交流2线式
相关信息 技术指南 (技术篇) ...........· 1332
NO E2K-X4ME1 E2K-X4MY1 E2K-X8ME1 E2K-X8MY1 E2K-X15ME1 E2K-X15MY1
动作时、保存时:各35~95%RH (不结露)
E型:±20%额定电源电压的范围内、额定电源电压时检测距离的±2%以下 Y型: ±10%额定电源电压的范围内、额定电源电压时检测距离的±2%以下
50MΩ以上 (DC500V兆欧表)充电部与外壳间
䋳䕑 240Fra bibliotek⬉य़
V嗻L 200
䋳䕑⅟⬭⬉य़ 0 3 5 10
20 30 50 100 200 ᷅ൟ
检测金属以外的物体。 通用螺纹安装型
5 6 《 2 8 《 1.0 0.5 》 0 OFF《 《 》20 《 》230 《》6 ON 歐姆龍溫控器使用說明&機器出廠主要設定值一、溫控器原廠初始值與改變值對照表及操作方法项目 操作方法 原廠初始值 改變值 目的 面板顯示 面板顯示1.輸入類型a.按○鍵3秒出現 溫度精確由1℃到0.1℃ 右1畫面b.按 鍵調到6(右2畫面)c.按○鍵返回 2.報警2的類型 a.按○鍵3秒出現 執行超溫報警右1畫面 (若爲2時不執行超溫報警)b.按つ鍵8次出現右2畫面c.按 鍵調到8(右3畫面)d.按○鍵返回 3.滯後設定a.按○鍵少於1秒 避免恒溫值上下偏差過大出面右1畫面 b.按つ鍵出現右2畫面c.按 鍵調到0.5(右3畫面)d.按○鍵返回 4.設置修改保護 a.同時按○つ兩鍵3 建議改爲ON秒出現右1畫面 (溫度確定後不能修改)b.按つ鍵兩次出現右2畫面c.按 鍵調ON(右3畫面)d.同時按○つ兩鍵返回 5.第一段溫度設定 a.按 鍵調高溫度(不能高於200℃),按 鍵調低溫度(不能低於室溫) 6.第二段溫度設定 a.按つ鍵出現右1畫面b.再按つ鍵出現右2畫面(表示第二段比第一段高20℃)c.按 或 鍵來調整第二段溫度,按つ鍵2次返回。
7.超溫保護設定a.承上出現右1畫面b.按つ鍵出現右2畫面c.按 或 鍵來調整溫度(機器出廠設定爲230℃),按つ鍵返回。
0.0圖1 圖2 圖3 圖4 二、機器出廠主要設定值1.超溫保護a.數位溫控器230℃;b.液漲式溫度開關230℃。
3.時間設定a.第一段時間60分鐘;b.第二段時間90分鐘;(第1個時間繼電器) (第2個時間繼電器)4.冷卻時間a.15分鐘(第3個時間繼電器) 5.溫度關機a.60℃(右邊的液漲式溫度開關)三.限時繼電器調設要領1.第一段時間設定——左邊a.通電啓動後,逆時針( )旋轉指針歸零(紅燈停止閃爍轉爲常亮,第二個限時繼電器啓動紅燈閃爍)b.若歸零的位置爲0再兩個刻度的位置(圖1)c.順時針( )旋轉指針到2的位置(圖2)d.逆時針( )旋轉指針到1再兩個刻度的位置(圖3)即可調到1小時±5分鐘的時間。
Omron 单独非接触安全开关说明书
![Omron 单独非接触安全开关说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1e53bcb6b8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aef849e7.png)
Standalone non-contact switches support applications like guarding doors or position monitoring in machines.They are using the proven Omron non-contact technology allowing to cover mechanical tolerances and vibrations.•Models with single or dual actuator available (For one or two door systems in e.g.)•Based on hall technology•Connect up to 20 switches in series •LED for easy diagnosis•Operates behind stainless steel fittings •Non-contact – no abrasion – no particles •Compensation of mechanical tolerances•Suitable for high pressure cleaning, CIP and SIP processes due IP69K (pre-wired types)•Conforms to safety categories up to PLe acc. EN ISO 13849-1Model number structure1. Housing Material:P:PlasticM:Stainless steel 2. Actuating type:A:Single actuator sensing D:Dual actuator sensing3. Cable length/connection05:5m cable 10:10m cableM1J8:M12 male connector, 8pin, fitted with 250mm cable**Only for Auto Start applicationsOrdering informationSwitchesPolyester housingStainless steel housingF3S-TGR-S @S @-@123TypeCable connection Order code Single actuator sensing5 m pre-wired F3S-TGR-SPSA-0510 m pre-wiredF3S-TGR-SPSA-10M12, 8pin fitted with 250mm cable *1*1only for Auto Start applicationsF3S-TGR-SPSA-M1J8Dual actuator sensing5 m pre-wired F3S-TGR-SPSD-0510 m pre-wiredF3S-TGR-SPSD-10M12, 8pin fitted with 250mm cable *1F3S-TGR-SPSD-M1J8TypeCable connection Order code Single actuator sensing5 m pre-wired F3S-TGR-SMSA-0510 m pre-wiredF3S-TGR-SMSA-10M12, 8pin fitted with 250mm cable *1F3S-TGR-SMSA-M1J8Dual actuator sensing5 m pre-wired F3S-TGR-SMSD-0510 m pre-wiredF3S-TGR-SMSD-10M12, 8pin fitted with 250mm cable *1*1only for Auto Start applicationsF3S-TGR-SMSD-M1J8F3S-TGR-S_A / F3S-TGR-S_D AccessoriesSpecifications Mechanical dataElectrical data Reliability Data Approved standards Order codeCables 8-pin 2m Y92E-M12PURSH8S2M-L 5m Y92E-M12PURSH8S5M-L 10m Y92E-M12PURSH8S10M-L 25m Y92E-M12PURSH8S25M-LActuators (only for master coded types)for F3S-TGR-SPSA and -SPSD F39-TGR-SPS-A for F3S-TGR-SMSA and -SMSD F39-TGR-SMS-AMounting screws Set of Torx safety screws(M4, 4×30mm, 4×20mm,4×10mm; incl. washers andTorx bit)F39-TGR-N-SCREWSItem Model Polyester Sensor Stainless steel sensorIndicator Green LED: Indication of safety circuits closed (Guard closed, actuator present, feedback circuit checked)Yellow LED: Indication of safety circuits open (Actuator removed)Operating distance OFF → ON (Sao)10 mm Close ON → OFF (Sar)15 mm OpenRec. setting gap5mmTolerance to misalignment5mm in any direction from 5mm setting gapActuator approach speed Min. 4 mm/s Max.1,000 mm/sOperating temperature–25 to 45°CEnclosure protection Flying lead IP69K M12 connector IP67Cable PVC, Ø 6mm o.d.Mounting bolts 2 × M4Tightening torque for mounting bolts Max. 1 NmShock resistance (IEC 68-2-27)11 ms, 30 gVibration resistance (IEC 68-2-6)10 to 55Hz, 1mmMaterial UL approved Polyester Stainless steel 316Item Model Polyester sensor Stainless steel sensor Sensing technology HallSerial connection up to 20 switchesPower supply24 VDC±10%Power consumption Max.0.1 ASwitching current Min.10 mA, 5 VDCRated loads Safety outputs Max.3A@24VDC Auxiliary output Max.0.5 A @ 24VDCEN ISO13849-1up to PLe depending upon system architecture EN 62061up to SIL3 depending upon system architecture PFHd 3.95 × 10-10Proof Test Interval (Life)20 yearsMTTFd446 yearsEN standards certified by TÜV RheinlandEN ISO13849-1EN 62061EN ISO14119EN 60204-1EN/IEC 60947-5-3UL 508, CSA C22.2BS 5304EN 1088 conformanceF3S-TGR-S_A / F3S-TGR-S_DDimensionsConnection diagramCable versionM1J8-Connector version (M12 male) - Only for Auto Start solutions385.504.404.404.405.505.507727S WITCHACTUATOR8495848495101042127+24 VDC NC Channel 1 (force guided relay)Reset/Check Circuit – Auto start Reset/Check Circuit – Output Aux. OutputNC Channel 2GNDNC Channel 1 (force guided relay)Reset/Check Circuit – Manual start NC Channel 2Signalb rown green white b l u e yellow pink grey redS ign a lWire (Y92E-M12PUR S H 8S _M-L)+24 VDC NC Ch a nnel 1 (force g u ided rel a y)Re s et/Check Circ u it – O u tp u tNC Ch a nnel 2GNDNC Ch a nnel 1 (force g u ided rel a y)Re s et/Check Circ u it – A u to s t a rt NC Ch a nnel 2F3S-TGR-S_A / F3S-TGR-S_DWiring examplesSerial connection (up to 20 switches) – Auto start PLe Cat4Two switches connected in series to give dual circuit safety outputs to machine contactors.Safety Circuit 1 (Black/White) utilises internally checked force guided relay contacts and is connected in series with the corresponding Safety Circuit 2 (Yellow/Green) of the next switch.Allows minimal wiring and higher current switching to K1 and K2 contactors.An automatic start with contactor feedback check is achieved by connecting K1 (Aux) and K2 (Aux) feedback contacts through Pink and Brown feedback check circuit.Serial connection (up to 20 switches) – Manual start PLe Cat4Two switches connected in series to give dual circuit safety outputs to machine contactors.Safety Circuit 1 (Black/White) utilises internally checked force guided relay contacts and is connected in series with the corresponding Safety Circuit 2 (Yellow/Green) of the next switch.Allows minimal wiring and higher current switching to K1 and K2 contactors.A manual start and contactor feedback check is achieved byconnecting K1 (Aux) and K2 (Aux) feedback contacts momentary start button through the Orange and Brown feedback check.GREYGREYGREYGREY•Be sure to wire each conductor correctly.•Be sure to confirm correct operation after completing mounting and adjustment.•Do not drop or attempt to disassemble the product.•Be sure to use the correct combination of switch and actuator.•Use a power supply of the specified voltage. Do not use power supplies with large ripples or power supplies that intermittently generate incorrect voltages.•Capacitors are consumable and require regular maintenance and inspection.Installation LocationsDo not install the product in the following locations. Doing so may result in product failure or malfunction.•Locations subject to direct sunlight•Locations subject to humidity levels outside the range 35% to 85%or subject to condensation due to extreme temperature changes •Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases•Locations subject to shocks or vibration in excess of the product ratings•Locations subject to dust (including iron dust) or saltsTake appropiate and sufficient countermeasures when using the product in the following locations.•Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise •Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity •Locations subject to power supply lines•It is advisable to mount the switches on non ferrous materials. The presence of ferrous material can effect switching sensitivity.SolventsEnsure that solvents, such as alcohol, thinner, trichloroethane, or gasoline do not adhere to the product. Solvents may cause markings to fade and components to deteriorate.Mounting DirectionUsing for Hinged DoorsOn hinged doors, install the Sensor at an opening edge as shown below.Mutual InterferenceIf the switch and actuator are mounted in parallel, be sure to separate them by at least 25mm, as shown below.CORRECTINCORRECTCORRECTCORRECTF3S-TGR-S_A / F3S-TGR-S_DIn the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.Cat. No. F15E-EN-02A。
Joystick SwitchesQuality, reliability, precision Quality, reliability and precision are the hallmarks of our corporate philosophy.They represent concepts and values to which we feel totally committed. At EUCHNER, quality means that all our employees take personal respon-sibility for the company as a whole and, in particular, for their own field of work. This individual commitment to perfection results in products which are ideally tailored to the customers’needs and the requirements of the market. After all: our customers and their needs are the focus of all our efforts. Through efficient and effective use of resources, the promotion of personal initiative and courage in find-ing unusual solutions to the benefit of our customers, we ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. We familiar-ize ourselves with their needs, require-ments and products and we learn from the experiences of our cus-tomers’ own customers.EUCHNER – More than safety.Quality –made by EUCHNERMore than safety.Around the world –the Swabian specialists in motion sequence control for mechanical and sys-tems engineering.EUCHNER’s history began in 1940 with the establishment of an engineering office by Emil Euchner. Since that time, EUCHNER has been involved in the design and development of switch-gear for controlling a wide variety of motion sequences in mechanical and systems engineering. In 1953, Emil Euchner founded EUCHNER +Co., a milestone in the company’s history. In 1952, he developed the first multiple limit switch –to this day a symbol of the enterprising spirit of this family-owned company.Automation –Safety –ManMachine Today, our products range from electromechanical and electronic components to complex system solu-tions. With this wide range of products we can provide the necessary tech-nologies to offer the right solution for special requirements – regardless of whether these relate to reliable and precise positioning or to components and systems for safety engineering in the automation sector.EUCHNER products are sold through a world-wide sales network of compe-tent partners. With our closeness to the customer and the guarantee of reliable solutions throughout the globe, we enjoy the confidence of cus-tomers all over the world.Emil Euchner, the company’s founder and inventor of the multiple limit switch, circa 1928.ManMachineTable of contents Joystick switchesDesign and function4Advantages/features4Series5Series WK...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D306Series WE...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate8Series KB...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D3010Series KF...Control panel installation at rear12Series KE...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D2214Series KC...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate16Series KP...Analog JoystickControl panel installation at rear or with front plate19Universal Power Supply Unit P1/P2 for series KP joysticks22Housing HBL23Housing HBE24Front plates for housing HBL and HBE25 Technical status 09-03/06ApplicationJoystick switches or joysticks are manually actuated control devices for installation in control and front panels as well as in portable control equipment. They are used wherever motion sequences analogous to the actuation direction are controlled by hand. They are ideal for raising, lowering and triggering movements to the right and left, just to name same few possibilities.EUCHNER joysticks are used in the steel and construction industry, in machine tools, for transport and conveyor systems, in thecertification, the devices are approved for use in the ship-building industry.EUCHNER joysticks are also used for radio and cable controls, building machinery and cranes.Joysticks as control equipment in remote control devicesDesign and functionMicroswitches with a step function response are used as switching elements. Due to the intermittent control, a clear switching function is given for precise control systems. Depending on the respective application, switching elements with a power rating of between 4mA and 16A can be used. These are fixed on the mounting plate for each different series, either individually or in groups. The switching elements are actuated by the joystick being moved out of the intermediate position. The robust levers made of stainless steel are bedded with a hinged ball bearing that is fixed in a front plate.Advantages/featuresDirection of movement: Simplification of the command control station Easy mounting due to the slots in the panel Small space requirement Long service lifeRobust and lasting constructionHigh potection class: IP 65 and beyondRemote cable control for concrete pumpsModelsEUCHNER joystick switches are available in a number of different models:Series WK...(page 6)Series WE...(page 8)Series KB...(page 10)Series KF ...(page 12)Series KE...(page 14)Series KC...(page 16)Series KP...(page 19)Housing kits (from page 22)suitable for series WK, KB, KE and KFActuatingdirectionsPanel cutoutPushbutton D(with protective cap)Interlock VBellows WClamping screws forpanel thickness (1 - 8 mm)Centre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Connection D(the connection is located on the under-side for types with 8 directions)Series WK...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D301 to 8 actuating directions with spring return operation or combinedOne changeover contact with tab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 for each actuating direction Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options Pushbutton D Bellows W InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuationRW KOrdering examples:Joystick switch series WK, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,WK S13 T24 DZV actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, Pushbutton D, centre position switch Z,Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series WK, 8 switching elements as spring return switches, all-round actuation R WK T1-8 R DesignJoystick switch series WK, 4 switching elements, 2 actuating directions on request (2 switching elements per actuating direction)* Diagonal actuation of 4 adjacent switching elements is on request.Control panel installation and actuating directionsFront platePushbutton D(with protective cap)Interlock VBellows WConnection Series WE...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate1 to 8 actuating directions with stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with screw terminal for each actuating direction Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options Pushbutton D Bellows W InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuation R Front plate FW EFront plate FOrdering examples:Joystick switch series WE, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,WE S13 T24 DZV actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, Pushbutton D, centre position switch Z,Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series WE, 8 switching elements as spring return switches, all-round actuation R WE T1-8 R DesignJoystick switch series WE, 4 switching elements, 2 actuating directions on request (2 switching elements per actuating direction)Actuating directionsPanel cutoutInterlock V BellowsSeries KB...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D301 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with tab connector 6.3 x 0.8 IEC 760 for each actuating directionDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options InterlockV All-round actuationR 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KBOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KB, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KB S13 T24 actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch TJoystick switch series KB, actuating directions 1+3 spring return switch T,KB T13 V Interlock V in centre positionSeries KF ...Control panel installation at rear1 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with screw terminal for each actuating direction Centre position switchDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)OptionsCentre position switch Z All-round actuation R 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KFActuating directionsPanel cutoutOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KF, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KF S13 T24 Z actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, centre position switch ZJoystick switch series KF, actuating directions 1-4 spring return switch T,KF T1234 R all-round actuation RActuating directionsPanel cutoutInterlock VBellowsCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KE...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D221 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with tab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 for each actuating direction Centre position switchDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuation R 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KEOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KE S13 T24 Z actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, centre position switch ZJoystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1+3 spring return switch T,KE T13 V Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1-4 Spring return switch T,KE T1234 R all-round actuation RActuating directions Top view of actuating leverCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KC...control panel installation at rear or with front plate1 to 8 actuating directions with 1 or2 switching positions for each actuating direction Switching positions as stayput or spring return operation in various combinationsCentre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimensiondrawingMain actuating directions1, 2, 3 and 4Diagonal actuating directions5, 6, 7 and 8Switching position ISwitching position IID V1)Panel cutout for assembly with bellows WX Germanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering examples: (see type code on page 18)Joystick switch series KC with tab connector, main actuating direction KCA3A5C005C0000V1 1 with 3 switching elements. As spring return switch in switching position I.As stayput switch in switching position II.Main actuating directions 2 and 4 with 2 switching elements each. As stayput switch in switchingpositions I and II. Main actuating direction 3 not used. Option V1 (mech. inter-lock from switching position I to switching position II)Joystick switch series KC with screw terminal, main actuating directions 1-4KCB4E4E4E4E5678DW as stayput switch. S with one switching element each, diagonal actuating directions 5-8,Pushbutton D, bellows W for panel mounting.Ordering codeSeriesConnection typeTab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760A Screw terminalBMain actuating direction 1Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 2Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 3Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 4Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Diagonal actuating direction 5 3)Diagonal actuating direction 6 3)Diagonal actuating direction 7 3)Diagonal actuating direction 8 3)OptionsPushbutton in handleD Bellows for panel mounting W Bellows for surface mounting X Interlock switching position 0V0Interlock switching position I to II V1Centre position switch Z All-round actuationR1) See …Switching behavior “ table. Actuating directions which are not required must be marked with …0“.2) See …Switching functions “ table.3) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.K CSeries KC...Switching behavior 1)G Stayput switch (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch (switching lever returns to initial position)Switching functions 2)1-23G 4G -5G G 6G I II0I II11A2F23311B 2G2311C 2H2331D 2K2331E2331Contact state in switching positionControl versionsCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KP ...Analog Joystickcontrol panel installation at rear or with front plate Analog, proportional output signalsControl variants with 1 and 2 axes or 2 axes simultaneously Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawing3D V1)Panel cutout for assembly with bellows WX Versions 1 = 1 axis Versions 2 = 2 axesVersions 3 = 2 axes simultaneously (only spring return version)Ordering codeSeriesControl variants 1 axis 12 axes22 axes simultaneously 3End position Stayput switchS Spring return switch TOptions PushbuttonD Bellows for panel mounting W Bellows for surface mounting X InterlockV Centre position switchZK PSeries KP ...Analog JoystickPin assignment-X (-Y)+X (+Y)+10V-10VConnection Centre position switchConnection PushbuttonInputOutput Y ± 10 V, 10 mA 0 V 0 V (GND)X± 10 V, 10 mA- V -18 V 0 V 0 V (GND)+ V+18 VOrdering example:Analog Joystick series KP for 2-axis control, limit position spring return switch T ,KP 2 TVWZmechanical interlock, V in zero position, bellows W for panel mounting,centre position switch Z in switching position zeroUniversal Power Suply Unit P1/P2 Order No. 096 645∅DTechnical dataOrdering tablePG 11073 098for heavy gauge cable gland PG 11, 6 screws for front plate attachment, cover frame PG 13.5Housing HBL, with magnetic clamp, hanging clip, fixing nut072 630for heavy gauge cable gland PG 13.5, 6 screws for front plate attachment, cover frameNote2 versions for different cable glandsPG 1119PG 13.520.8Hanging clipView AAMagnetic clampScrew depth max. 6.0 mm (valid for all fixing holes)Dimension drawing∅DTechnical dataOrdering tablePG 11048 429 for heavy gauge cable gland PG 11, 4 screws for front plate attachmentPG 13.5Housing HBE, with magnetic clamp, hanging clip, fixing nut072 626 for heavy gauge cable gland PG 13.5, 4 screws for front plate attachmentDimension drawingNotes2 versions for different cable glands View A AHanging clipMagneticclampPG 1119PG 13.520.8Technical dataOrdering tableFront plate for HBL housing, with seal 055 967Front plate for HBE housing, with seal052 954Front plates for housing HBL and HBE Front plates HBLFront plateFlat sealDimension drawingFront plates HBEFront plateFlat seal。
A-158B 3F■种类6mm 方形、12mm 方形具有垂直型、高荷重、镀金型等全系列产品●实现轻快的按触感及高耐久性●备有可用于通用的径向带状部件插入机的带状规格●备有可以在长时间内保持稳定接触和绝缘的镀金型。
符合RoHSA-159B3F轻触式开关B 3F轻触式开关B3F-1022*B3F-10254.5±±0.2φ3.50.7.3 3.4φ3.φ3.5B3Fφ3.5A-160A-161B3F0.±0.14.1 1.8±0.16.15±φ3.52.25轻触式开关A-162B3F轻触式开关52-φ1.8±0.054-312.5±0.12-φ1.8±5±2-φ1.8±0.05(定位孔)5±2-φ1.8±0.05(定位孔)印刷基板孔加工尺寸条例TOP VIEW )(单面基板 t=1.6)印刷基板孔加工尺寸条例TOP VIEW )(单面基板 t=1.6)印刷基板孔加工尺寸条例TOP VIEW )(单面基板 t=1.6)印刷基板孔加工尺寸条例TOP VIEW )(单面基板 t=1.6)B 3FB3FA-163轻触式开关B 3FB3F-6002●平型(有接地端子)B3F-6100 B3F-6102●平型(无接地端子)B3F-6020 B3F-6022注.上述的各种机型外型尺寸,没有指定部分的公差为±0.4mm 。
注.带子的方向随机为 面或 面B A 注.带子的方向随机为 面或 面B AB3FA-164轻触式开关B 3F●凸型(无接地端子) B3F-6050 B3F-6052●凸型(有接地端子)B3F-6150 B3F-6152注.上述的各种机型外型尺寸,没有指定部分的公差为±0.4mm 。
OMRON B3F 轻触式开关 说明书
![OMRON B3F 轻触式开关 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/daf8c0ebaeaad1f346933f35.png)
4.5±0.1 7±0.1
7.4 4
端子配置/内部连接图 (TOP VIEW)
B3F-1100 B3F-1102 B3F-1105
B3F-1120 B3F-1122 B3F-1125
B3F-1110 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
B3F-1150 B3F-1152 B3F-1155
B3F-3100 B3F-3102 B3F-3105 B3F-3120 B3F-3122 B3F-3125 B3F-3150 B3F-3152 B3F-3155 B3F-1102-G B3F_-1_1_22-G
5±0.2 3.5
1.5 φ3.5
0.7 7.5±0.5
0.7 0.7 0.3
4-φ1.2±0.05 φ1±0.05 7.5±0.1
端子配置/内部连接图 (TOP VIEW)
●标准型、平型(无接地端子) B3F-1070 B3F-1072 B3F-1075 B3F-1072-G
6±0.2 4.5±0.2
印刷基板孔加工尺寸示例 (TOP VIEW) (单面基板 t=1.6)
7.3±0.2 4.3±0.2
1.8±0.1 3.4
0.3 6.5±0.5 7.7±0.5
0.7 0.7
OMRON D3SH 最小检测开关说明书
![OMRON D3SH 最小检测开关说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2edcb84e11a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c7dc.png)
㧰3S HThe smallest detectionswitch in the world. Ideal for miniature mobile devices(OMRON's data as of September 2007)●Ultra small size and ultra low profile contributing to down-sizing of sets devices. (3.0 × 3.4 × 0.9 mm (W × D × H))●A unique mechanism enables high contact reliability and high precision operation.●Horizontal 2-way detection and long stroke for easy installation are available.●Meet a variety of applications by contact and lever variationsRoHS CompliantContact FormList of Models●Standard Lever Models●Long Lever ModelsContact SpecificationsRatingsNote.The ratings values apply under the following test conditions:(1) Ambient temperature: 20±2°C (2) Ambient humidity: 65±5%(3) Operating frequency: 20 operations/min●SPST-NO●SPST-NCContact SpecificationsSlideMinimum applicable load15 μA at 3 VDCRated voltageResistive load5 VDC1 mAD3SHSurface Mount Switch㧰3S HCharacteristicsNote: The data given above are initial values.*1.The given values apply for Total Travel Position. Close or open circuit of the contact is 1ms max.*2.For testing conditions, consult your OMRON sales representative.Dimensions(Unit: mm) and Operating CharacteristicsThe @ is replaced with the code for the contact form that you need. See the "List of Models" for available combinations of models.Note 1.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of Note 2.The operating characteristics are for operation in the A direction ($) and B direction (", !) has the same operation characteristic values as of the A direction.Permissible operating speed 1 mm to 300 mm/sPermissible operating frequency Mechanical 60 operations/min Electrical 60 operations/minInsulation resistance100 M Ω min. (at 100 VDC with insulation tester)Contact resistance (initial value) 3Ω max.Dielectric strengthBetween terminals of the same polarity 100 VAC (50/60 Hz for 1 min) Vibration resistance *1 Malfunction 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm double amplitudeShock resistanceDurability 1000 m/s 2 {approx. 100G} max. Malfunction *1 300 m/s 2 {approx. 30G} max. Durability *2Mechanical 150,000 operations min. (20 operations/min) Electrical 100,000 operations min. (20 operations/min)Ambient operating temperature -25 to +85°C (at ambient humidity 60% max.) (with no icing or condensation)Ambient operating humidity 85% max. (for +5 to +35°C)WeightApprox. 0.02 gOperating Characteristics ModelD3SH-@@R D3SH-@@L Operating Force OF Max. 0.3 N {31 gf}Free PositionOperating Position Total Travel PositionFP OP TTP5.4±0.2 mm 5.0±0.2 mm 3.8±0.15 mmD3SHSurface Mount Switch㧰3S HNote 1.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of Note 2.The operating characteristics are for operation in the A direction ($) and B direction (", !) has the same operation characteristic values as of the A direction.Note 2.The operating characteristics are for operation in the A direction ($) and B direction (", !) has the same operation characteristic values as of the A direction.Operating Characteristics ModelD3SH-@@R1 D3SH-@@L1 Operating Force OF Max. 0.24 N {24 gf}Free PositionOperating Position Total Travel PositionFP OP TTP5.9±0.3 mm 5.4±0.3 mm 3.8±0.2 mm●Right operating - with Boss D3SH-@1R●Left operating - with Boss D3SH-@1L●Right operating - without BossD3SHSurface Mount Switch㧰3S HNote 1.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of Note 2.The operating characteristics are for operation in the A direction ($) and B direction (", !) has the same operation characteristic values as of the A direction.●Right operating - with Boss D3SH-@1R1●Left operating - with Boss D3SH-@1L1D3SHSurface Mount Switch㧰3S HPrecautions★Please refer to "Common Precautions" for correct use.●Electrical Ratings•Confirm the contact load in order to select an appropriate switch rating.•Do not apply an excessive electrical load to the contacts,otherwise the contacts may weld, resulting in a short circuit or burning.●Terminal Connection•Do not use flow soldering or hand soldering to solder terminals.•Conduct reflow soldering within the range shown in the terminal temperature profile below.Some reflow soldering devices have extremely high peak values. Do a test in advance to confirm proper soldering conditions.•Do not conduct reflow soldering more than twice. Also provide a time interval of at least five minutes between the first and second reflow soldering processes to allow the Switch to return to room temperature.Heating the Switch continuously (without an interval) may cause the edges of the Switch to melt and degrade the characteristics.•When printing for a cream solder process, a 0.13 mm screen thickness is recommended.•Be sure to provide local ventilation.●Printed Circuit BoardsSpecial attention must be paid to the handling of printed circuit boards after a Switch has been mounted onto them. Airborne PCB particles may penetrate the interior of the Switch when printed circuit boards are separated by cutting. Also, do not stack printed circuit boards that have Switches mounted on them.●Product Specification Details•This document provides only a partial list of specifications. It is recommended that you request complete drawings and specifications prior to purchasing or using the product.●Mounting•The cover has the same electric potential as the COM terminal. Do not short-circuit the cover with a NO or NCterminal when mounting the cover.•Be careful of the following points. Incorrect handling may lead to insufficient actuator return, Switch damage, or reduced durability.-Set the operating body in line with the direction of the actuator movement, and make sure that the operating body is completely separate from the actuator when the Switch is in the free position (FP). When the actuator is operated from the crosswise direction of the Switch, make sure that the corner of the operating body has a minimum radius of R1.-(the difference between the operating position and the total travel position).-Do not subject the Switch to operations that involve strong impact.-Do not use the Switch as a stopper.-Do not apply excessive loads to the cover or operate the actuator from a direction other than a specified operating direction.-Do not use an adhesive to secure the Switch.•A lubricant is used in the Switch. Some of the lubricant may seep out because the Switch does not have an airtight construction. Consider this possibility with respect to the usage conditions when designing or using the Switch.●Application EnvironmentDo not use the Switch in locations that are subject to toxic gas, silicon, excessive dust, excessive dirt, high temperatures, high humidity, sudden temperature changes, water splashes, or oil splashes.Otherwise, damage resulting by faulty contact of the Switch contacts, corrosion, or other causes, or other functional faults may occur.●Insulation and WiringBe sure that the installation conditions provide a sufficient insulation distance between Switch terminals and other metal parts, lands, etc.●CleaningThe Switch does not have an airtight construction, and it must not be cleaned with cleaning fluids. Malfunctions may occur if the cleaning fluid penetrates the interior of the Switch together with flux or foreign matter from the surface of the PCB.●Confirmation with Actual EquipmentBe sure to confirm the quality of the product under the load and environmental conditions that will be used during actual applications.CautionCorrect UseCoverD3SH Surface Mount Switch 㧰3SH。
欧姆龙轻触式开关使用注意事项 说明书
![欧姆龙轻触式开关使用注意事项 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/da622e6f3d1ec5da50e2524de518964bcf84d2f0.png)
使用注意事项关于保存1. 保存环境· 保存产品时,为了防止端子部变色,请不要在下列条件下保存。
①高温、高湿环境下②有腐蚀性气体的环境中③阳光直射的场所2. 保存状态· 请在保留包装的状态下进行保存。
关于使用1. 操作方法不可施加强力反复操作。
只按柱塞的一侧,或斜向的操作口可能导致耐久性降低2. 尘埃对策因为是没有密封构造的开关,因此请勿在有粉尘的场所进行使用。
3. 使用环境的调查· 实际使用状态下进行设置时,请先确认其周围的设备是否会有产生腐蚀性气体的情况发生。
· 使用环境中存在有硅时,可能导致接触不良的情况发生。
欧姆龙ZEN-PA03024 1开关模式电源说明书
![欧姆龙ZEN-PA03024 1开关模式电源说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e62ed4a90875f46527d3240c844769eae109a350.png)
Switching Mode Power Supply ZEN-PA030241Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the prod-ucts. Please consult your OMRON representative if your have any ques-tions or comments. Refer to Warranty and Application Considerations (page 8), and Safety Precautions (page 6)New Compact Power Supply (30 W) for ZEN Programmable Relays•Slim size with a depth of 56 mm (W ´ H ´ D: 70 ´ 90 ´ 56 mm).•EMI: Conforms to EN61000-6-3 (Class B).•Allows parallel operation.•Output voltage: 24 VDC; Output current: 1.3 A; Capacity: 30 W •Safety standards:UL508/60950/1604,CSA C22.2 No. 14/60950/213,EN60950(VDE0806), EN50178(VDE0160)•Uses lead-free soldering.•Six-language instruction manual provided.Model Number Structure■Model Number Legend1.UnitPA: Power supply unit 2.Power Ratings 030: 30 W3.Output voltage 24: 24 VOrdering Information■List of Models■Accessories (Order Separately)Power ratings Input voltageOutput voltage Output currentModel number 30 W100 to 240 VAC24 VDC1.3 AZEN-P A03024NameModelsMounting Track50 cm (l) ´ 7.3 mm (t)PFP-50N 1 m (l) ´ 7.3 mm (t)PFP-100N 1 m (l) ´ 16 mm (t)PFP-100N2End Plate PFP-M SpacerPFP-S2Switching Mode Power Supply ZEN-PA03024Specifications■Ratings/CharacteristicsNote:1.This product has been approved for safety standards only when an AC input is used. It has not been approved when a DC input is used.2.Refer to the Engineering Data section on page 4 for details.3.If the V. ADJ adjuster is turned, the voltage will increase by more than 15% of the voltage adjustment range.Check the output voltage of the power supply when converting the output voltage, and make sure that the load will not be damaged.Efficiency (typical)80% min.InputVoltage 100 to 240 VAC (85 to 264 VAC), 95 to 350 VDC (See note 1.)Frequency 50/60 Hz (47 to 450 Hz)Current 100 VAC input 0.8 A max.200 VAC input 0.45 A max.Leakage current100 VAC input 0.4 mA max.200 VAC input0.75 mA max.Inrush current (See note 2.)100 VAC input25 A max.200 VAC input50 A max.OutputVoltage adjustment range (See note 3.)-10 to 15% (with V .ADJ) of rated output voltage Ripple2% (p-p) max. (-25 to -10°C: 4% max.)Input variation influence 0.5% max.Load variation influence (rated input voltage)1.5% max.Temperature variation influence 0.05%/°C max.Start up time (See note 2.)1,000 ms max. (100 VAC or 200 VAC, at rated output voltage)Hold time (See note 2.)15 ms min., 20 ms (typical) (100 VAC or 200 VAC, at rated output voltage)Additional functionsOverload protection (See note 2.)105% to 135% of rated load current, inverted L drop, intermittent, automatic reset Parallel operation Y es (2 units max. For details, refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data . For DC input, parallel operation is possible only for 110 to 350 VDC.)Series operationNoOthersAmbient temperatureOperating: Refer to the derating curve in Engineering Data . (with no icing or conden-sation)Storage: -25 to 75°C (with no icing or condensation)Ambient humidity Operating: 10 to 90%Storage: 10 to 90%Mounting method DIN track mounting, surface mountingDielectric strength2.0 kVAC for 1 min. (between all inputs and exposed non-current-carrying metal parts; detection current: 10 mA max.)3.0 kVAC for 1 min. (between all inputs and all outputs; detection current: 20 mA max.)1.0 kVAC for 1 min. (between all outputs and non-current-carrying metal parts; detection current: 10 mA max.)Insulation resistance 100 M W min. (between all outputs and all inputs/exposed non-current-carrying metal parts) at 500 VDCVibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, 0.375-mm single amplitude for 2 h each in X, Y , and Z direction Shock resistance 300 m/s 2, 3 times each in ±X, ±Y , ±Z directions Output indicator Y es (color: green)EMIConducted emissions Conforms to EN61000-6-3 (Class B)Radiated emissionsConforms to EN61000-6-3 (Class B)Approved standardsUL: UL508 Listing Class 2, 60950, 1604 (Class I/Division 2)cUL: CSA C22.2 No. 14 Class 2, No. 60950, No. 213 (Class I/Division 2)EN/VDE: EN60950 (=VDE0805), EN50178 (=VDE0160)Conforms to VDE0106/P100 (Finger protection)Weight240 g max.Switching Mode Power Supply ZEN-PA030243Connections■Block DiagramNote:The Power Supply is provided with reinforced insulation between the input and output terminals.■InstallationZEN-PA03024Function1AC input terminal (L1)Connect the input line to this termi-nal. A fuse is included in the cir-cuit.2AC input terminal (L2/N)Connect the input line to this termi-nal. Negative pole for DC input.3DC output terminals (+V)Connect the load lines to these ter-minals.4DC output terminals (-V)Connect the load lines to these ter-minals.5Output indicator (DC ON: Green)Lights while a direct current (DC) output is ON.6Output voltage adjuster (V.ADJ)Use to adjust the voltage.Engineering Data■Derating Curve85 to 264 VAC or 110 to 350 VDC input95 to 110 VDC inputNote:1.The maximum ambient temperature for parallel operation is 45°C.2.Parallel operation is not possible for an input of 95 to110VDC.3.Although operation is possible in the (2) portion of the der-ating curve, performance may be adversely affected, i.e.,ripple noise may increase.4.Internal parts may occasionally deteriorate or be damaged.Do not use the Power Supply in areas outside the deratingcurve (i.e., the area shown by shading (1) in the abovegraph).InstallationNote:1.Improper mounting will interfere with heat dissipation and may occasionally result in deterioration or damage of inter-nal parts. Use the standard mounting.2.If there is a derating problem, use forced air-cooling. Theambient temperature is specified for a point 50 mm belowthe Power Supply.■Overload ProtectionThe Power Supply is provided with an overload protection function that protects the load and the power supply from possible damage by overcurrent. When the output current rises above 105% min. of the rated current, the protection function is triggered, decreasing the out-put voltage. When the output current falls within the rated range, the overload protection function is automatically cleared.The values shown in the above diagrams are for reference only. Note:1.Internal parts may occasionally deteriorate or be damaged if a short-circuited or overcurrent state continues during op-eration.2.Internal parts may possibly deteriorate or be damaged if thePower Supply is used for applications with frequent inrushcurrent or overloading at the load end. Do not use the PowerSupply for such applications.■Inrush Current, Start Up Time, Hold Time30−20 25−10(2)30−20 25−10(2)(1)4Switching Mode Power Supply ZEN-PA03024DimensionsNote:All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.■Accessories (Order Separately)4.51525252525*10107.3±0.1535±0.327±0.1514.515252525251510101,00027241629.21 1.55011.5106.21.8135.535.±0.3PFP-100N2End Plate PFP-MSpacerPFP-S 1,000 (500)(See note.)Note: The values shown in parentheses are for the PFP-50N.M4 x 8pan headscrewSwitching Mode Power Supply ZEN-PA030245Safety PrecautionsMinor electric shock may occasionally occur. Do not disassemble the product or touch internal parts.Minor fires may occasionally occur. Do not attempt to repair or modify the product.Minor burns may occasionally occur. Do not touch the product while power is being supplied or immediately after power is turned OFF.Minor fires may occasionally occur. Tighten terminal screws to a torque of 0.5 to 0.6 N·m so that they do not become loose.Minor electric shock may occasionally occur during operation. Do not touch the input and output terminals while power is being supplied.The product may occasionally be damaged. Do not allow any clippings or cuttings to enter the product during installation work. Working voltage can be 350 V max. inside. This voltage can be also available 10 s after the switch off.■Precautions for Safe UseThe following precautions must be observed to ensure safety. Mounting•Mounting Direction(Refer to Installation in Engineering Data on page4.)The internal parts may occasionally deteriorate or be broken due to adverse heat dissipation depending on the mounting status. Do not use the product in any way other than the standard mounting direction.•Mounting SpaceMake sure that sufficient heat dissipation is provided when installing the Power Supply to increase its long-term reliability. Install the product in a location that allows a natural airflow to occur around the Power Supply.We recommend using End Plates (PFP-M) to secure the Power Supply and to ensure that a space of at least 10 mm is maintained between Power Supplies.If the installation space above and below the Power Supply is less than 50 mm, reduce the ambient temperature by 5°C. A minimum space of 20 mm is required.Note:1.Convection of air2.50 mm min.3.10 mm min.Wiring•Minor fire may possibly occur. Ensure that input and output terminals are wired correctly.•Use the following material for the wires to be connected to the Power Supply to prevent smoking or ignition caused by abnormal loads.Use solid wires. Always attach pin crimp terminals when using stranded wire. The stripping distance should be 6.5 mm. Recommended Wire Type•Do not apply more than 100 N force to the terminal block when tightening the terminals.•Be sure to remove the sheet covering the product before turning ON the Power Supply and confirm that nothing is interfering with heat dissipation.Installation Environment•Do not use the Power Supply in locations subject to shocks or vibrations. In particular, install the Power Supply as far away as possible from contactors or other devices that are a vibration source.•Install the Power Supply well away from any sources of strong, high-frequency noise.Operating and Storage Conditions •When installing the Power Supply, check for any signs that the product or packaging has been struck. If internal parts have been damaged, overvoltages may be output depending on the location of the damage.•Internal parts may occasionally deteriorate or be damaged. Store the Power Supply at a temperature of -25 to 65°C and a humidity of 10% to 90%.•Internal parts may occasionally deteriorate or be damaged. Do not use the Power Supply in areas outside the derating curve (i.e., the area shown by shading (1) in the graph on page 4). For UL508 Listing, the surrounding air temperature should be 40°C.•Use the Power Supply at a humidity of 10% to 90%.•Do not use the Power Supply in locations where condensation may occur due to high humidity or where temperature changes are severe.•Do not use the Power Supply in locations subject to direct sunlight.•Do not use the Power Supply in locations where liquids, foreign matter, or corrosive gases may enter the interior of products. Overload Protection•Internal parts may possibly deteriorate or be damaged if a short-circuited or overcurrent state continues during operation.•Internal parts may possibly deteriorate or be damaged if the Power Supply is used for applications with frequent inrush current or overloading at the load end. Do not use the Power Supply for such applications.Charging the Battery•This product is not intended to function as a battery charger. If a battery is to be connected as the load, mount an overcurrent limiting circuit and an overvoltage protection circuit.Standard Mounting Valid Horizontal Mounting Invalid Other Mounting InvalidSolid wire Cross section 0.5 to 2.5 mm2(Equivalent to AWG20 to AWG14) Stranded wire Cross section 0.5 to 2.5 mm2(Equivalent to AWG20 to AWG14) Pin crimp terminals Dia.: 1.1 to 2.3 mm6Switching Mode Power Supply ZEN-PA03024Output Voltage Adjuster•The output voltage adjuster (V.ADJ) may possibly be damaged if it is turned with unnecessary force. Do not turn the adjuster with excessive force.•After changing the setting of the adjuster, make sure that the output capacity and output current do not exceed the rated output capacity and rated output current.•Output voltage is adjustable with the output voltage adjuster (V.ADJ) on the front surface of the product from -10% to +15% of the rated output voltage.Do not increase the output voltage by more than 10% when connected to a ZEN CPU Unit rated for 24 VDC.DIN Track MountingTo mount the Power Supply on a DIN track, hook portion (A) of the Power Supply onto the track and press the Power Supply in direction (B).To dismount the Power Supply, pull down portion (C) with a flat-blade screwdriver and pull out the Power Supply.Series OperationThe Power Supply is not designed for series operation.Output voltage (±)Two Power Supplies can be used to create a ± output.Note:When the load is an operational amplifier or other device allowing series operation, a startup failure may occur when the Power Supply is turned ON and internal circuits may bedamaged. Connect a diode as shown in the figure to prevente the following guidelines to select the diode.Parallel OperationTwo Power Supplies can be operated in parallel.Note:1.For parallel operation, a maximum of two Power Supplies of the same model can be connected.2.For a DC input, parallel operation is possible only for 110 to350 VDC.3.To ensure that the voltage drop between each Power Supplyand the load is the same, use the same wire length andthickness to connect the load.4.The load current will become imbalanced if the outputvoltages are different, possibly causing a serious reductionin the life of one of the Power Supplies. Adjust the outputvoltages of the Power Supplies to the same value.In Case there is No Output VoltageThe possible cause for no output voltage may be the presence of an overload or overvoltage condition, or may be due to the functioning of a latching protective device. The latching protection may operate if a large amount of surge voltage such as a lightening surge occurs while turning ON the Power Supply.In case there is no output voltage, please check the following points before contacting us:•Check the overload protected status:Check whether the load is in overload status or is short-circuited. Remove wires to load when checking.•Attempt to clear the latching protection function:T urn the power supply OFF once, and leave it OFF for at least 1 minute. Then turn it on again to see if this clears the condition. Insulation Resistance TestWhen performing the test, be sure to short-circuit all the output terminals to protect them from damage.Dielectric Strength Test•When a high voltage is applied between the input terminals and the output terminals, electric energy builds up across the inductor L and capacitor C of the internal noise filter. This energy may generate a voltage surge when a high voltage is applied to the Power Supply by a switch or timer, and as a result, the internal parts of the Power Supply may possibly be damaged. To prevent voltage impulses when testing, decrease the applied voltage using the variable resistor on the dielectric strength testing equipment, or apply the voltage so that it crosses the zero point when it rises or falls.•When performing the test, be sure to short-circuit all the output terminals to protect them from damage.Type Schottky Barrier diodeDielectric strength (VRRM)T wice the rated outputvoltage or aboveForward current (IF)T wice the rated outputvoltage or aboveSwitching Mode Power Supply ZEN-PA0302478In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.Cat. No. L103-E1-01OMRON CorporationIndustrial Automation CompanyIndustrial Devices and Components Division H.Q.Industrial Control Components Department Shiokoji Horikawa, Shimogyo-ku,Kyoto, 600-8530 JapanT el: (81)75-344-7119/Fax: (81)75-344-7149Printed in Japan 0903-3M (0903) (O)Warranty and Application ConsiderationsWARRANTYOMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON.OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENT ATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANT ABILITY , OR FITNESS FOR P ARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. ANY BUYER OR USERACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE BUYER OR USER ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUIT ABL Y MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. OMRON DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITYOMRON SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY , NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT LIABILITY .In no event shall the responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which liability is asserted.IN NO EVENT SHALL OMRON BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY , REP AIR, OR OTHER CLAIMS REGARDING THE PRODUCTS UNLESS OMRON'S ANAL YSIS CONFIRMS THA T THE PRODUCTS WERE PROPERL Y HANDLED, STORED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED AND NOT SUBJECT TO CONT AMINATION, ABUSE, MISUSE, OR INAPPROPRIATE MODIFICA TION OR REPAIR.SUITABILITY FOR USEOMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of products in the customer's application or use of the products.T ake all necessary steps to determine the suitability of the product for the systems, machines, and equipment with which it will be used.Know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to this product.NEVER USE THE PRODUCTS FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THA T THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCTS ARE PROPERL Y RATED AND INST ALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONSProduct specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. Consult with your OMRON representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased product.DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTSDimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when tolerances are shown.。
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用手指按按键传递信号。 手指松开的话信号断开。 因为是手指操作、按触感很重要。
★ 轻触式开关的基本构造
①外壳 ②操作扣 ③垫片 ② ④密封胶圈 ⑤反转弹片 转弹片 ⑥本体 ⑦引线框 ⑥ ⑦ ①外壳ー 外壳ー ②操作扣 ③垫片 ④密封胶圈 ⑤反转弹簧 转弹簧 ⑥本体 ⑦线框 主要部品 各部品有各部品的目的及机能。 各部品有各部品的目的及机能。 为满足这种任 管理是必要的。 为满足这种任务管理是必要的。 本体 引线框 ③ ④ ⑤ 操作扣 垫片 密封胶圈 反转片 ① 部品名 外壳 主要用途(机能) 将开关覆盖。 组合各部品 将操作力传到反转弹簧。 控制密封胶圈。 防止接点部异物侵入。 作为接点传递信号。 确保开关的特性。 确保开关的寿命。 形成接点部。 固定接点及端子部。 作为接点传递信号。 作为端子、在基板上粘付焊锡。
★ 轻触式开关的弱点
异物 异物
①开关内部异物侵入 ②振动、开关开闭,异物会在接点间移动 ③发生接触不良
B3W、B3WN、B3S 密封性开关根据密封胶圈,防止 异物向接点间侵入。 组立时被侵入就没有意义了。
对象形式 : B3S 基板表面装上开关,进行焊锡。 一般叫回流炉表面实装。 (SMD:Surface Mount Device) 使用奶油焊锡、用热炉将焊锡溶解后,再进行焊锡。 (一般叫热炉焊锡。) 热炉焊锡的情况下、因开关加热量大,所以要使用耐热性好的 树脂。
★ 形式基准
工程内的除异物、 产线的清扫 工程内的除异物、生产线的清扫、产品状态(披峰、伤)检查很重要。 的清 品状态 披峰、 检查很重要。 很重要 异物就是・・・成形粉、 异物就是・・・成形粉、紙屑、衣服等的衣纤维、皮屑、灰尘等。 ・・・成形粉 衣服等的衣纤维、皮屑、 纤维
★ 轻触式开关的弱点
微型开关的情况下、操作荷重按原样传递到反转弹簧。 为了夹住操作扣和固定接点、荷重加的过大的话, 反转弹片就会变形、特性低下、耐久性也就下降。
★ OMZ生产品(轻触式开关)
形B3F 形B3W 形B3M
★ 各开关的特征 开关的特征
形B3F ①构造最标准式轻触式开关 ②台子 ③荷重(OF)有3种 形B3W ①密封式轻触式开关 ②开关的尺寸有6mm和12mm2种 ③荷重(OF)有2种
Cap Cap Coil Spring 确保行程 Case Plunger Spring (Contact) Contact Base Base Lead Fraact
★ 各开关的特征
形B3S ①密封型轻触式开关 ②高密度表面实装的实装轻触式开关 ③接地端子 ④荷重(OF)有2种 形B3WN ①密封防水型轻触式开关 ②压纹胶带
★ 轻触式开关的基本构造
底盖 插入反转弹簧 插入反转弹簧 转弹
断面图 断面图
按开关反转弹簧反转的话、蓝色端子和红色端子就通电。 (开关就是ON的状态。)
★ 轻触式开关的基本特性
OF:Operating Force
RF:Releace Force 回复力 DF:Drop DF:Drop Force OF DF 从OF陷入荷重 PT:Pre-travel 到动作的距离
B 3F B 3W B3HR B 3S B3WN 操作扣状态
Cover Plunger Spacer
Cap Push Button Seal Rubber 确保密封性
Seal Rubber 确保密封性 Dome Contact
Dome Contact
Base Lead Frame
Base Lead Frame
★ 包装形态
①袋 W-1、B3W-4、B3 对象形式: B3W-1、B3W-4、B3S 象形式:
W-1、B3W-4、B3 对象形式 : B3W-1、B3W-4、B3HR
F-6、B3 对象形式 : B3F-6、B3WN 自动实装用。用实装机进行自动实装基板。 端子变形、胶带偏位的情况下、不能用实装机实装, 也就变成不符合了。
对象形式 : B3S 自动实装用。用实装机进行自动实装基板。
Cover Plunger Cover Spacer
Plunger Seal Rubber Dome Contact 确保密封性 Dome Contact Base Base Lead Frame Lead Frame
★ 各开关的特征
形B3M ①长行程密封的轻触式开关 ②旋转弹簧在内部可以确保行程。 形B3HR ①照光密封式轻触式开关 ②非照光、点发光、面发光的3种 ③开关的尺寸有15mm和19mm2种
轻触式开关商品说明 触式开关商品说 开关商品
★ 开关商品群
专用开关 检出开关
各种各样的开关商品群中,OMZ在生产的有轻触式开关、 专用开关、波动开关。 各种各样商品群的形状、使用方法等都不一样。
★ 说起轻触式开关 触式开关・・・ 开关
★ 焊锡
F-6、B3W-1、B3W-4、B3HR、B3 对象形式 : B3F-6、B3W-1、B3W-4、B3HR、B3WN 将端子插入孔化基板、在基板里面进行焊锡基板。 一般叫密封孔化。 (THD:Through Hole Device) 焊锡的方法有自动焊锡和手工焊锡。 自动焊锡:涂布松香、自动进行焊锡。 (一般叫流动焊接槽。) 手工焊锡:用烙铁进行焊锡。 焊锡