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Remarks at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Womenand the Economy Summit
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
Westin Saint Francis
San Francisco, California
September 16, 2011
SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning. Good morning. (Applause.)
Good morning everyone. Thank you. Thank you so much. Oh, it is absolutely a plea sure tosee all of you here today and I’ve been getting reports about the conference, and I am so excitedto join you today to talk about what we are focused on here at this Summ it on Women and theEconomy.
Before I begin, I want to apologize for the delay but there were so many people wh o showedup, and because this is the largest gathering of distinguished foreign diplomats in San Francisco,since the founding of the United Nations – (applause)
– there was a little more of a delay in gettingeveryone in, and there are still people outsi de we hope will be able to get in. Before I begin myremarks, let me recognize a few of o ur special guests here. We have two members of Congress,Zoe Lofgren and Jackie Speie r. Thank you very much for being with us. (Applause.)
我在开始发表讲话前,首先要为会议的延误表示歉意,但有这么多的人出席这次会议,因为这次会议是自联合国成立以来,尊贵的外国外交官在旧金山的最大聚会——(掌声)——所以要让大家都能进入会场耽误了一些时间,而现在有一些人还在会场外,希望他们都能进来。在我发表讲话前,我要提一提在座的几位特别贵宾。这里有两位国会议员,佐伊∙洛夫格伦(Zoe Lofgren)和杰基∙斯佩耶(Jackie Speier)。非常感谢你们同我们一起出席会议。(掌声)
And we have two distinguished mayors. I want to welcome Mayor Edwin Lee and hi s wife Anitafrom right here in San Francisco. Mayor Lee?
(Applause.) And Mayor Jean Quan from Oakland.Thank you for being here. (Applause.) And on a personal note I want to acknowledge a wonderfuland former chief of protocol, Charlotte Shultz. Thank you, Charlotte. (Applause.)
这里还有两位尊敬的市长。我要欢迎会场所在地旧金山的李孟贤(Edwin Lee)市长和他的夫人阿妮塔(Anita)。李市长?(掌声)还有奥克兰(Oakland)市长关丽珍(Jean Quan),谢谢你们出席会议。。(掌声)我个人还想要提一下工作出色的前首席礼宾官夏洛特∙舒尔茨(Charlotte Shultz)。谢谢你,夏洛特。(掌声)
Now as this summit comes to a close, we will adopt a declaration for the first time i n APEC’shistory that will affirm this organization’s and each member economy’s commitm ent to improvingwomen’s access to capital and markets, to building women’s capacities a nd skills, and to supportingthe rise of women leaders in both the public and private secto rs. And it is fitting that this declarationwould be adopted here in San Francisco because it was just one mile from here, in the HerbstTheater, where the United Nations Charter wa s signed 66 years ago. In fact, the APEC Summit,which brings you all here is a celebratio n of that important occasion and a recognition that historyis made right here in San Fran cisco. Because San Francisco is an appropriate venue for thiseconomic discussion. Becau se this is a community that is renowned for its spirit of inclusion andopportunity for all. S o on behalf of the United States and our people I give each of you, and younations, my h eartiest welcome and my heartfelt thanks for being here and undertaking this greatmissi on with us.
在本次峰会结束前,我们将在APEC历史上首次通过一项宣言,确认本组织和每个成员经济体对改善妇女获得资本和市场的条件、建设妇女的能力和技能以及支持妇女领袖在公私部门涌现的承诺。这项宣言在旧金山通过是非常合适的,因为66年前《联合国宪章》(United Nations Charter)就是在离这里还不到两公里的赫伯斯特剧院(Herbst Theater)签署的。事实上,让大家相聚在一起的APEC峰会就是一项庆祝那个重大事件的活动,确认历史就是在这里——在旧金山被创造的。因为旧金山是举行这次经济讨论会的恰当地点。因为这是一个以其包容精神和为所有人提供机会而著称的社区。因此,我代表美国和美国人民向你们每一个人和你们的国家表示最衷心的欢迎和感谢,感谢你们前来出席会议并同我们一道承担这一伟大使命。
Now there will be a temptation on the part of those observing or covering this sum mit,perhaps on the part of those of us attending it as well, to say that our purpose is chi efly toadvance the rights of women, to achieve justice and equality on women’s behalf. A nd that is, ofcourse, a noble cause to be sure and one that is very close to my heart. But at the risk of beingsomewhat provocative at the outset, I believe our goal is even bolder, one that extends beyondwomen to all humankind. The big challenge we face in these ea rly years of 21st century is how togrow our economies and ensure shared prosperity for all nations and all people. We want to giveevery one of our citizens, men and women alik e, young and old alike, greater opportunity to findwork, to save and spend money, to pur sue happiness ultimately to live up to their own God-givenpotentials.