
Unit 16 On the London EyeDaisy: Oh, Jack! Isn’t this fun? Can you believe it?We’re all together on the London Eye!Jack: Yes, honey. Isn’t it great? Look, Claire!That’s the River Thames.Claire: Yes, Dad. Isn’t it grey?Daisy: Well, grey and silver!It’s beautiful. Look at all the bridges! Claire: Hey, Mom, I can see T ower Bridge.It’s open! Jack: Is it really? Pass me the binoculars!Jack: Can you see any ships there?Claire: I can see one.There are some boats, too.Daisy: Look, Jack!That’s Westminster Bridge down there.There are some people on the bridgeJack: There are some cars and buses, too.Claire: Hey, Dad! That’s Big Ben!It’s twelve o’clock!Daisy: Ding-dong, ding-dong; Ding-dong, ding-dong!Oh, Jack! Isn’t London just great?London Eye proper n. 伦敦眼fun n. 乐趣believe v. 相信together adv. (manner)一起River Thames proper n. 泰晤士河bridge n.桥梁Tower Bridge proper n.塔桥really adv. (manner)真正地pass v. (ditransitive)递给binoculars pl. n.望远镜any quantifier任何一个ship n. 轮船some quantifier一些WestminsterBridge proper n. 威斯敏斯特桥down there adv. (place)下面那里Big Ben proper n. 大本钟its possessive adj. 它的Unit 17 Smile, please!Flora:Watch this, Lucy!I can balance on this ball! Can you do it? Lucy: I can try.Lucy: Oh, yes!I can balance on a ball as well. It’s easy! Look at us, Vikki!Flora: Look at me now, Lucy!I’m on my knees! Can you balance like this? Lucy:Yes, I can do that, too. It’s fun!Flora: Come on, Vikki!Can you balance on a big ball like us? Vikki: No, I can’t.You’re both good at gymnastics,but I’m useless. I can’t do it.Lucy: Never mind, Vikki!You can do Maths and Music an d I can’t!I’m useless at Maths.Flora: And you can take a photo of us! Come on! Take a photo on your mobile.Vikki: OK.Ready? One, two, three!Smile, please! smile v. 微笑watch v. 看balance v. 保持平衡do v.做try v. 尝试as well adv. ( focus)也easy adj.简单的,容易的on one’s knees adv. phrase跪着good at adj. + prep. 擅长gymnastics n. 体操useless adj.差劲的,无能的Maths proper n. (BrE., Math AmE.)数学Music proper n.音乐take v. 照(相)take a photo fixed phrase照相gym n.体育馆Unit 18 Men can cook, too!William: Let’s cook dinner, Robert. You can help me. Give me some rice, please. There’s some rice in t hat jar. Put some water inthe pan, and pass me a knife, please.Robert: Which one?William: That one on the table.。
青少版新概念英语1B Unit 26 A self-service restaurant课件

主 I
we you he she it they
宾格 me us you him her it them
形物 my our your his her its their 主
名物 mine ours yours his hers its theirs 主
• 主格 用于句首,做主语 I am…
• I (名物主)______ it (名物主) _____
• his father(所有格)_____
• touch(单三)____ carry(单三)_____
• have(单三)_____ go(单三)______
• 1.It is ___ watch. That is___ ,too. (I) • 2.Let ___ go shopping. (we) • 3.Those are _____ (deer, deers) • 4.Ted____ to stay at home. (want) • 5.These dogs are ___ (her, hers). • 6.This is ____ parrot. (you) • 7.___ to your seat. (not go) • 8.I can __ (see) some ____(boy).
• //
• [ʃ] shelf shy sugar shopping show
washing-machine English
• This is my book, that is _____.
• 1. I (宾格)____
• she(宾格)_____ it (复数)______

The weekend shopping
A: Do you like ……?
B: No, I don’t.
A: Do you like…...?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Do you want any……?
B: No, thank you.
A: What do you want?
vegetables and fruit
Listen and answer
What "nice things" do they want for the weekend?
Chocolate, ice cream and wine.
What "nice things" do you want for the weekend?
Eg. Let’s go to play. 让我们去玩吧.
Lucy: Mum, there isn't any sugar in the house.
Karen: I know. I must go to the supermarket. Let's make a shopping list
Watch and anser:
things for the weekend, too? 4. What do they want for Lucy
and the boys? And what for Karen and William?
Karen and Lucy must make a shopping list.
They need four packets of tea, a loaf of bread, some meat for Sunday lunch and some vegetables.

新概念青少版英语1b课文Unit 16: On the London Eye.一、课文原文。
Lucy: Look, Jack! That's the River Thames. Jack: It's very wide. And it's very long.Lucy: And that's the London Eye.Jack: It's so big.Lucy: It's a very big wheel.Jack: Can we go on the London Eye?Lucy: Yes. Let's go.(They go on the London Eye.)Jack: This is wonderful!Lucy: We are so high up.Jack: Yes. We can see a long way.Lucy: Can you see Big Ben?Jack: Yes. There it is. It's very famous.Lucy: It's very old. And it's very tall.Jack: And there are lots of boats on the river. Lucy: Look! There's a very big ship.Jack: It's like a building!二、重点词汇。
1. River Thames:泰晤士河。
2. London Eye:伦敦眼(一个大型摩天轮)3. wheel:轮子;车轮;摩天轮的轮。
4. wonderful:美妙的;极好的。
5. Big Ben:大本钟。
6. famous:著名的。
7. old:古老的;旧的。
8. tall:高的。
9. lots of:许多;大量。
10. boat:小船。

4. Is Mr. Hall their doctor ?
No, he isn't . He is their dentist .
5. Does Karen want an appointment for William ?
We are Mr. Hall’s _p_a_ti_e_n_ts. Please can I m__a_k_e_a_n__a_p_p_o_in_t_m_e_n_t_for my son, Robert? It’s an emergency.
1. make an appointment 预约 make an appointment for sb 为某人预约 make an appointment with sb 和某人预约
病人 见面
William: Robert’s not well, Karen! What’s the matter with him?
He’s got toothache.
Poor Robert ! He looks awful! Please call the dentist !
miserable 痛苦的
dentist 牙医
feel 感到
patient 病人
hope for the best 希望一切都好
make an appointment
emergency 急诊
earache 耳痛

Unit17Smile,please!Flora:Watch?this,Lucy!?Ican?balance?onthisball!Canyoudoit? Lucy:?Ican?try. Unit18Mencancook,too!William:Let’scookdinner,Robert.Youcanhelpme .Givemesomerice,please.There’ssomericeinthatjar.Putsomewaterinthepan,andpassmeaknife,please.Robert:Whichone?William:Thatoneonthetable.。
Robert:OK,Dad.Hereitis.William:Choptwoonions,please.Ro bert:OK,Dad.Choptwoonions…William:Isthereabigspoonoverthere? Robert:Yes,Dad.William:Passmethebigspoon,please. Robert:Ican’tgetaspoonandchopano nion,Dad! cookdinnerhelpricewaterpanchoponionspoongetforkdrawerhandwetopenrestaurantmustjug罐子dryfoodsugarmilkUnit19YouMustEatDAISY:Whattimeisit?NINA:?It’sfourO’clock.DAISY:FourO’clock!Gee,I’mhungry! NINA:?Iam.too!DAISY:OK.Thankyou,Nina.Wecanfinishnow.There’ssomefoodonth etableoverthere.Let'seat.NINA:?Daisy,Icanlook,butIcan'teat. DAISY:Whynot?You'retired.You'rehungry.Youc aneat.What'stheproblem?,sh,,KAREN:Comeon,Lucy!Yourmusiclessonisathalf pastsix,andit’saquartertosixnow!What’stheproblem?LUCY:Ican’tfindmymusicbook.????? KAREN:Ohdear!I’msorry,Linda.Imustgo!CanIc allyouathalfpastnine?LUCY:Mum!Imustfindmybook!KAREN:Thanks,Linda.Bye!Now,Lucy,lookinyou rschoolbag.LUCY:Itisn’tthere.KAREN:Areyousure?LUCY:Yes,Mum.Look!Oh!Hereitis!KAREN:What asurprise!Pleasehurryup,Lucy!It’ssixo’clock.LUCY:It’sOK,Mum.I’mready.Canwegonow,plea se?Unit21:BreakfastBlueslf.Paul:Thanks,Karen.That’snice.Theyhaven’tgot anyyoghurtinthecanteenattheacademy.Thefoodthereisterrible.Unit22:Watchingtheneighbours Polly:There’sClaireinKaren’sgarden.Look,she’s withPaulagain.Polly:Hasshegotalotoffriendsnow,Annie? Annie:Well,she’sverynewhere.Andshe’sshy.Perhapsshehasn’tgotmanyfriends.Polly:Well,therearelotsofnicegirlsattheartcolle ge.Annie:AndPaulhasgotalotoffriends.Hecanintro ducehertothem.Polly:Yes.Perhapsshe’shappywithPaul.Heisalov William:Shecangivemetheoldoneatanytime!Justbringithere.Unit24:AlightdinnerKaren:Claire,doyoulikefish?Claire:Yes,Ilovefish.Ireallylikesalmon! Karen:Good!I’vegotanicepieceofsalmonfordinn ertonight.Karen:Doyoulikevegetables?Claire:Yes,Ilikevegetables,too.Karen:I’vegotsomenewpotatoesandsomesalad …There’ssomelettuceandsomecucumber.IsthatOK?Claire:That’sfantastic,Karen!It’smyfavourit eki ndoffood!Lucy:Fourpacketsoftea...Whataboutfoodforthe weekend,Mum?Karen:Weneeda?loafofbread,somemeatforSun daylunch,andsomevegetables,too.Whatvegetablesdowewant,Lucy??Lucy:Oneloafofbread,apieceofmeat,somevege tables…Mum,thesethingsareallreallyboring.?Whataboutsomenicethingsfortheweekend?Karen:Whatkindofthings?Lucy:Well,chocolate,andicecream,perhaps…Karen:You’reright.Let’sgetaboxofchocolates.S omeicecreamforyouandtheboys,andabottleofw ineformeandyourfather!:::Waiter:I'msorry,ladies,butthisisaself-servicerestauran t!?Youmusthelpyourselves!Unit27:ToothacheWilliam:Robert'snotwell,Karen!What'sthematt erwithhim?Karen:He’sgottoothache.William:PoorRobert!Helooksawful.Pleasecallthedentist!Karen:Yes,yes,ofcourse!Karen:Hello?Myname’sKarenJenkins.?WeareMr .Hall’spatients.PleasecanImakeanappointmentformyson,Robert?It’sanemergency.Kare n:Yes,that’sright.RobertJenkins.He’sgotte rribletoothache.Yes,That’stoday,withMr.ntPaul:Claire:PaulClaire:It’swet!It’salwayswet!IsiteverfineandwarminE ngland?Paul:Well,ofcourseitis!It’salwayslovelyinsummer!Claire:Butwhenisthat?Isiteverdryandsunnyfortwodaystogether?Paul:Well,that’showitiswithanAtlanticclimate!It’softenhotanddryinsummer.Butitrainssometimesinsummer,too,especiallyinJuly. Claire:You’reright.It’sJulynow.It’scool,andit’sv erywet!Paul:Well,that’sthedifficulty!It’swetnow,andco ol,too.Theweatherchangesallthetime.Butwehaveaninterestingclimate!Everydayisdi Karen:Don’tworryaboutthetrafficnow!Happybir thday,Robert,andmany?happyreturnsoftheday!William:Yes,manyhappyreturnsoftheday.Rober t.?Unit30:Aninternationalevent CLAIRE:Howlongistheracethisweekend?PAUL:Tenmiles.It'snotverylong.CLAIRE:Andwho'sintherace?PAUL:Well,therearelotsoffantasticrunners.The ycomefromallovertheworld.CLAIRE:Likewho?PAUL:Well,therearesomefromAustralia.Theyco mpeteinalltheEuropeanevents,andthey'reimpr essive.tyear.。

terrible toothache 严重的牙疼 bad toothache
Karen: Yes, that’s right. Robert Jenkins. He’s got _te_r_ri_b_le_ toothache… Yes, … That’s today, with Mr. Hall. That’s at half ____ four this afternoon. Thank you verpyamstuch.
1. 点钟数 + 分钟数
eg: 6: 15 7: 29
six fifteen seven twenty-nine
2. 分钟数 + past +点钟数 (分钟数不超过30分)
eg: 6: 15 7: 29 8: 30
a quarter past six twenty-nine past seven
half past eight
希望一切都好 hope for the best
感到 耳痛 胃疼
背疼 心痛
feel earache stomachache
backache heartache
Pattern Practice
1 A: What day is it? B: It’s Sunday.
2 A: When’s your appointment?
新概念英语青少版1B Unit28

文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本 人删除。
Paul:Hello,Claire!How are you today?
Claire:Hi,Paul!I’m fine,but I hate this weather!
Weather天气,指的是某个地方短期的天 气情况;climate气候,指的是某个地区 长期的平均天气情况。
two days together?
Always (100%) 总是 文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本 人删除。 Usually (80%) 经常
Sometimes (40%)
经常 有时,偶尔 从不
Which season do you like?
I like summer.
文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本 人删除。
cool 凉爽的
1.It is cool in autumn.
2.You look so cool with that glasses!
3.A:Let’s go for a movie tonight. B: Cool!
climate 文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本
Atlantic人[删ət除‘l。æntɪk] 大西洋
文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本 人删除。

以下是新概念英语青少版1b课后听力原文的内容:1. Lesson 1Text:A: Excuse me, are you Mr. King?B: Yes, I am.A: Do you teach English?B: Yes, I do. I teach it at No. 15 Middle School.A: I’m a student at that school. I’m in Class 2, Grade 2.B: Oh, really?A: Yes, I’m very glad to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.2. Lesson 2Text:A: What’s your name?B: My name is Wang Fei.A: How old are you?B: I’m twelve. And you?A: I’m twelve, too.B: Are you in Class 4, Grade 1?A: No, I’m not. I’m in Class 2, Grade 2. What’s your phone number?B: It’s xxx.3. Lesson 3Text:A: Hello, my name’s M iss Green.B: How do you do? My name is Alice White.A: I like your name. Are you a new student here?B: No, I’m not. I’ve been here for two years. And you?A: I’ve been here for three years. Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.4. Lesson 4Text:A: Good evening, Miss King.B: Good evening, Class 2.A: Sit down, please.B: Thank you, Miss King.以上就是新概念英语青少版1b课后听力原文的内容。
新概念英语青少版1b课文Unit 19:You must eat 你必须吃

新概念英语青少版1b课文Unit 19:You must eat你必须吃新概念英语青少版Unit 19 Lesson 37: You must eat 你必须吃DAISY: What time is it?几点了?NINA:It’s four O’clock.4点了。
DAISY:Four O’clock! Gee,I’m hungry!4点了啊,天啦,我饿了。
NINA: I am.too!我也饿了。
DAISY: OK.Thank you,Nina.We can finish now.There’s some food on the table over there.Let's eat.好了,谢谢你,妮娜,那边桌子上有食物,我们吃吧。
NINA: Daisy, I can look, but I can't eat.黛茜,我能看,但我不能吃。
DAISY: Why not? You're tired. You're hungry. You can eat. What's the problem?为什么不能?你累了,你饿了,你能吃,还有什么问题?NINA: Food is the problem.食物就是问题。
DAISY: Come on,Nina! You must eat! There are lots of good things here.There’s some fish,and some salad. And there are some hot dishes,too.的了,妮娜,你必须得吃,那边有好多吃的东西,有鱼,有沙拉,还有热菜。
NINA: I can drink some water,but I mustn’t eat.Ican’t eat and be beautiful.我能够喝点水,但是我不能够吃东西,吃了就不漂亮了。
DAISY: Nonsense,Nina! You are beautiful.胡说,妮娜,你很漂亮。

train 训练
stomach 胃
New words and expressions
have got 有,得到 How much?多少…?(修饰不可数名词) pot 壶 start 开始 morning 早晨 yoghurt ['jɒɡət] 酸奶 canteen [kæ n'ti:n] 餐厅,食堂 terrible 极坏的,可怕的
breakfast blues do want
not really something
stomach have got How much?
morning terrible
start yoghurt
K: Do you want any breakfast, Paul? P: Not really, but I must eat something.
P: Tell me about it! I can’t eat at six o’clock in the morning.
start: 开始
Tell me about it! 相信我!
• It’s very early start! start n./v.开始 She started cleaning the kitchen.
Unit 21 Breakfast blues
Lesson 41
Blue-what is blue?
蓝色(blue)象征着平静,在汉语中引申义较少,而在英语中blue是 一个含义十分丰富的颜色词。英语的blue常用来喻指人的“情绪 低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷” holiday blue假期忧郁症
a blue Monday倒霉的星期一

13.morning n.早晨
14.yoghurt n. 酸奶
15.canteen [kæ n'ti:n] n. 餐厅,食堂
16.much (量词) 多少 修饰不可数名词 much money 17.paper n.纸 (不可数名词) a piece of paper 一张纸 18.string n. 细绳 19.spare adj. 空闲的 20.Good morning! 早上好! busy 忙的
Yes, they have.
Pattern Practice句型练习
A: Have you got any coffee? B: Yes, I have. A: Have you got any tea? B: No, I haven't.
Pattern Practice
A: Have we/they got any coffee? B: Yes,we/they have. We've/they've got some coffee, but we/they haven't got any tea.
K: Do you want any breakfast, Paul? P: Not really, but I must eat something. I mustn’t train on an empty stomach. Have we got any orange juice?
K: Yes, we have. There’s some in the fridge. How much juice do you want?
Breakfast blues